OCR Interpretation

The Pacific commercial advertiser. [volume] (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1856-1888, September 09, 1876, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82015418/1876-09-09/ed-1/seq-3/

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at 10 OVlo.;, A.M.:
An Asst. of DRY GOODS !
ani other.
C. . DABTOW. Aoct'f.
By win of the CommiHioiw of Crown land, I Will kII at
A action, on
At 12 o'clock, at Aliiolanl Hale, the
SUaatedin WAIANAE, EWA. I3LAND Or OAHr. known
a the LOKO WEtAKA," mmainint- an area cf
91 ACRktA, for a term of Ten Year, at an 1'psct Pric-of
Tim Havird and fifty Dollars, 11240.
. also
bj "Ht rf tlif (.'nmnnnwinri of Crown Lands, at the same
tiroe antt plac, I will eii the
lease of certain Tract of Land
Bitol.l in WAlA-SAK. EtTA. IdLAND OF OA nr. de.
scribed a Mlnw. to wit s Beginning t th cast point on the
hjc near M. Imi' Hon snj proceeding along the tv-ach
NU W 10 chain to lluakaele, thenr KUW1 10-liO
chain along Htiakate, fhenr 11 W 1 CS-100 chain
along bord-r of, thence Pouth 30 9 Fast 1 85-100 chains,
thence South S2 west 60-100 chain, tbenrm aouth 27 rant
1 chain atlll along Orrokoola, thenr aoath 83 tut 1 chain,
t bene snath 41 east 80-100 chains, tbrac south 67 wen
3 6O-10O chain, theore north 4 j wcat 20-100 rhatna. thoc
aonth 12 w 2 30-100 chain along border of Opakaala, thence
anuih 3d 9 case 1 44-100 chain along border of KiUa Opnka
al, thenc oath ent S chain along border of Kola
- Opakaala, trwrnee north 70 9 east 2 chain, thence north 37
eaa( 170-100 chain, thnc north 27 west 30-100 chain.'
thence north S'Jl ean 1 97-100 chain along Opnkaula,
thenrc 72 eat 0V10O chain to the place of beginning, and
and containing A acre, for a term of ten year at an upset
price of t&0. Thi tract ii well adaptad for the cnltiration of
rwre and kalo.
C. 8. BARTOW, Auct'r.
tU ly
Interior Office, Honolulu.
CEIVED per Mall from the celebrated
Kxact particular of (he cot of
Of iu-renteen different cnpaeitle ringing
1ASO Lbt. igar ! IO llwura ' mf
2 TO. ia a FiratTlaa) Ymruum Vmtt
PImbK ! initke IS Tea f Sa
na r in IO lUanalnraal
f JE1.47 0, JellTereJ
la Glnatigwvr.
Ih' luidersigned are prepared to reetive onlers lor such
tiivhinery, and to arrange for freiirht on ame to be shipped '
h, vew IRON CLIPPER SHIP now bulldine in the ,
Clyde of 1000 ton trarden, to leare GLASGOW on orahont
the lith of February nest.
N. B Order for all kind of Wnchinery and other F.uro
pean VerchandUe to be shipped by Uie above vessel, should
be sent to the undersigned during the month of September or
not later than October 10th- Kale of freight arrantred for.
F. T.
-e -
Frni Glasgow.
CoasiUng of the Following Machinery! i
FIVE BTRAM CI..RIFIF.Bj. 400 ASt 500 OAI.I.0Ni9.
Celebrated Cooking Stoves
Beat Srou-h Bar Iron, assorted Iies;
Bjst Scotch Sheet Iron, aborted aizes; 1 ni Iron,
Consisting oft
Tins White 11, Tins White Zinc Paint,
Tins Oennine Red Lead,
Tins Black and Blue Paints,
Pi-urn Boiled Linseed Oil. '
FIRE BRICKS, Square & Arch!
Fencing Wire, assorted sizes, annealed and galvanized ;
.Ralrnalzrd Iran Bwcliela. awted iize;
General Assortment of Supe
rior Stationery.
Consisting or:
: American Drilling,
Taney Prints White Cottons,
flandlterchiefs. Ginghams, Colume, assorted;
Tweeds, assorted; Broadcloth', Cotin;.j.
Cps Ueidiiacf Champagne, pint and quart ;
Baskeu Lawreace Champagne, pints and qnart";
Basket Lawrence Champagne, extra dry; .
Case Hennessy'a Brandy,
cEe Martell'i Brandy. Case. NanatM Brandy,
" Case Small QeneTa, Case Best Geneva,
Case Best Old Tom Gin,
Caae Best Kinahan'a L Irish Whisiey. ,
Case Kunville's Irish Whiskey. Best Scotch Wl.Usey.
Uaarter Cask Beat Hennessy's Pale Bmndy,
Quarter Cask Best 5Iartell'a Brandy,
Qaartcr Cask Jamaica T.um,
Hermitage aid O. F. C.
Taaea Bt Pal Pherry. Cae Best 01 1 Port
Quarter Caska Pa Sherry, Quarter Cka Irl-h V hsfkey
Pints and Quart.
India Pale Ale.fpint and quarts;
Baa A Co.' India Pale Ale, pint and quart-,
Oranre Bitters, In case;
- Beate!laa A Co ' 1, 2. 3, and 4 diamond Brandy.
Caae Superior Vermouth, Caae Bnker BTtt"r",
Caaea Superior Claret. Ac, Ac, ic.
Cases McEwan's XXX Stout, in stone jugs.
Pint mu Qaarta.
Jyi v
At. .
B yeT p. ad a 7m s .
; ON SATURDAY. - - - September 9th.
j Several kal i'atrbe, Untitling I 19-lOu Irrr-!
' P.tnntM in KiMciUavva, raliroa-kai,
I And Several KAf.O PATCHES
1 near the above, containing about two-thirl of an aer-,
being the properties forrar!y belonging to Lapaela and Nepua
Zorplein. TITLE, GOOD.
Well Adapted to Kalo, Craw and Eire f altare !
For plan atd funhT partier.lars, apply to
E. P. ADAM. Au'lV.
At haif-psst 9 A. M., at f alprcr,m, aa
Fine Print. Muslins. Linen Drills,
Frown Cottons, White Cottons, Merino,
Victoria Lawn, flilk Hand kerchiefs.
Heramed Linen Hanikerctui-',
Fancy Flannel Overshirts,
Ifirrard Phirls, Wool EhawU,
Tarki'h Towel for Bathinu. v
Blmket. White Shirts. Amota; Perilma,
Ammkeag ritriries.
Cotton Prill. Brilliani.
Fine TweM 8oit.
Iie.i i.i!s, Menno and Cotton rndershlrt.
I.adie' Tlose, Men's Bocks,
Bridle and Bits, Travelling Bag, F.lc, Etc.
i ( Best Brand Kerosene. Card Matches,
Veat Powder, Panline, Soda Cracker.
Clothes Pins, Hams, Bacon, Candles,
Pickle, Tobacco. Cirars, Fine Tea, Oyster.,
Axe Handles, Pall, Wash Blue. Pain Killer,
Wmppiop Paper.
j Brown Sugar, Crushed Sugar.
i 1 Carriage Ilorno I
KIND AND GE5TLE,, Stsnds without Taotet lnar.
j To Close Consignment !
Positive Sale!
Al 12 OVlack
Cases McEwen's Ale. quarts, in good order.
Cases do do pints, in good order,
Cases Rhine Wine,
Cases Carte Hose Champagne.
Cases Fort Wine,
Cases Sherry Wine,
Cases Orange Bitter.
E. P. ADAMS. Auct'r.
At 12 O'clock, 51., at Salesroom, will he sold
at Puhlic Auction, that certain
Situated In KALARPA, KALITII, OAnC, with all the
Ill'ILDINOH and IMPROVKMCNTS thereon, being Apana 4
of Land a described in Koyal Patent, No. 2921, and contain
ing ten 68-100 acres. Nearly six acres of the above Is fit for
Rice or Kao, and a never failing spring of water run
through the Kind making the whole capable or irrigation.
There are Ten (10) Kalo Patches planted with Kalo, some
nearly ripe.
A CaMtfartable Haane wltk litre Raania
! upon this property, and the whole la a desirable investment
for parties with small means who wish to Improve the occasion
offered by the Reciprocity Treaty to make a handsome addition
to thvlr income. Title perfect. For plan and further particu
lars apply to
E. P. ADAMS. Auctioneer.
- - SEPT. 20th,
. At 10 O'clock. A. 51..
at the besiifa(E of
. H. LEVERS, Emi.
Will lie jnld on account ol depsrtnre, the
iioi si:uoi,i fi i:iti :
Two llsir Cloth Boras Two Faar Chairs,
12 Hair Cloth Parlor Chiirs, Koa Center Talde.
One Rlfgaii. tf III Frame Iar
lor -llirroi.
Aoul 7 reel by 5 f.M?, with marble -.nd gilt stand. Cost $ 2-'0
Black Walnut Whatnot, China Table, Flower Vases, -Beantirul
fteel rngravings, Parlor Rugs,
One French China Dinner and Tea Set !
One Grand Piano. Cost S700 !
One Tlano Stool, Hat tnd. Oil Cloih Carpet,
Verandah Settee and Chair, Tea Trays, nail Lamp,
llantUoinc Koa Hook C ase !
Fasy Chair. Lounges, Chandeliers, Dining Chairs,
V.xtension lining Table, Koa Sideboard,
Mahogany Secretary, Se wing 51achine, RocVing Chairs.
Crockery and Plated Ware, 2 Saliool Desks.
Two Ko Blsteads, Two Iron Bedsteads,
.Mosqnito Nets, Mattrasses, Pillows, etc..
Two Wardrobes, Chest Prawcrs, Child's Koa Crib,
One Refrigerator, Garden Tools,
Garden Hose. Meat Safe,
Lare Kitchen Stove, Kitchen Ware, Bath Tub, Eu
K. P. ADAMS, Aucfr.
Beretaraia Street !
Wednesday, September 20,
At 12 o'clock, nonn, on Ihe premises, will be offi-re-I at
PnNi? Aurtinn, (if not previnnly goM at
Trivste Palf )
That Valuable Property
cn the corner of Peretani.t an.t Alakca Sir., r cwtip
and ormpied by C IT Irer, K-q.
With all the Buildings and Improvements
The premises have a frontape of about 10 feet ra Eeretama
Street and a depth of abont I, feet on Alafeea fctreet. The
Dwelling House i well and Substantially Built; ia two and a !
half Stories in height, with veranda in front tnrt rear. On the ,
first floor is a large and handsome Parlor, Spacious Hall, Sit- j
tin Room, Dining Room, Tantry and Store Room. Four Large
Bed Rooms, wUh Closeta and Hath Room, on Second Tloor; !
and Two Sleeping Rooms on Upper Tioor. Government water !
is laid on First and gecend Floor.
In the rear is a Lrge and Comrl't Kitchen. Two Carriage
noae. Stable, Wash House, c. The 0 rounds are Covered
wltn a Variety of Tropical and Imported Tree aad Plant, j
The Whole Estate ia in every reipect first clan, and well I
worthy the attention and examination of any parties desiring j
a handsome and convenient dwelling in a pleasant and cen
tral! J located situation . IT" TITt-K, PERFECT. j
For farther Informa'ion, apply on the premises; or to A J '.
Cartwrlyht, ?.v.
K. P. ADAMS. Awtfr.
i Pacific Mail Steamship Co.'s San Franc
co, Australia and New Zealand Line.
CAVARLV, Master.
Will Lrarr llwaalwln far
Cnnectlr.s a! Kandaru with Comr-aty' tamer It Al'CK
LAND. N. Z PORT C HALMltR.. and int-nnelUte port.
On or about the 19th of Sept.
For Freight and Paaje. and further Infcrtoatioa,
apl& Apply to H. HACKFELD k CO., Agst.
Pacific Mail Steamship Co.'s San Francis
co. Australia and New Zealand Line.
FERRIE?, Mafr.
Will IaTe IlanalNlat far
San Francisco on or about Sept, 12th!
XT For Freigtt aid rag.-, cr any further inforjr.ation
ir Apply to II. HACKFFLO & Co. AxM.
iepiemrier 11, Monday : : Ililo
September 18, Monday i : Circuit f Kanut
(toaehinf first at Nawiliwili, returning to Honln!n.
Friday, a. m.)
ScpjfmW 23, Monday s : : ; HHo
(returning Friday p m.)
Xa Mare Clrenli Trlaa Matiil ranker ttaiiee.
On all Windward Trip the Steamer wilt leave her wharf at
S; all trip to Kanai. will leave at 4 p. m. On down trip
the steamer will not leave Kawainae neiore iu a. m
5Iakena as per nntlce on up trip, Maalaea Bay not before 7 a.
m. A ny change from the above will be advertised.
Rates of Passage will be
To or from Kaunakakai. Molokai $ a 00
" Lahalna, Maul.... &001
- Maalaea, Maul Ji 00
" Makena, Maul J 8 00
' 51abukona, Hawaii 100
" " Kawaihae, " ,.10 00
' " Kailna, " 1000
' Kaawalca, 10 00
" " Hilo, " 12 60
Kan Coast 15 00
Circuit of Hawaii. Round Trip 22 00
To or from anv Port on Kauai 8 00
Circuit of Kauai, Round Trip 12 00
Deck Passage for natives only 2 00
No Credit for Passage Money !
No berth will be considered as taken until paid for. Not
responsible for baggage unmarked or any Freight or Parcel
nnlesa receipted for.
XT An effort will be made to have the Steamer reach Hono
lulu on the evening of the same day she leaves Maui.
Office with Wilder A Co., corner of Fort and Queen Streets.
mh2a .
KIBLINQ, Master,
Will have regular die paU-h for Kauai, as above, until farther
notice, rr Freight and Passengers taken at the LOWEST
F.OLLE3 & CO., Agents.
P. 8. This vessel has just been thoroughly repaired, newly
coppered, and put In perfect order. ap!5
K. D. CRANE, Maater.
WIIIRqh Kesnlarljr Uetrreea Thi Port and I.itli4aa,
Honolala Saturday; and Lahaina evrry Wednesday.
9.'i5 Sai II . HACKFELD & Co., Agents.
Vy Favorable arrangements can always be made for
Storaee and Shipment of Oil. Bone. Wool. Hides
ana other Merchandise to Mew Bedford, Boston, Hew l orx ana
other Eastern Port. XT Cash Advances made. y
02 ly C. BREWER U CO.
Merchandise received STORAGE FREE and
liberal cash advances made on shipment by this
(o2 ly) C. BREWER & CO.
Hawaiian Steamer KILAUEA!
I.. MARCH A NT. ------ MASTER.
SAILING DAYS as per Schedule,
Unlegi Otherwise Advertised.
Ar.. if.
A.goutM fov
Brand's Bomb Lances,
Perry Davis' Painkiller,
Puuloa Salt Works,
1 1
tkF.i.ooiVG TO WILLIAM BF.RRii.1.4
JL is funh-r i
jy20 Ot
19 Nuuncu !Sc
Off-rs For Sr.Ie
Beer. .M alien. Veal. Salman &
FiaBI. ;
6t the FISH MARKET ?TAI.L?, Sos
13, 19, 20, 21, at the
Lowest Market Rate. rica3e give aie a call.
m!3 ly '
1 will commence WEDN E8DAT, Sept. Ctii.
Mr. Palmer, of Massachnsetts, Miss Dam; and Mia Mars
ton, of California, all of whom come to as highly recommend
ed, will fill the places made vacant by the teacher who left
at the close of the last school year.
Peraone d'siring to enter the achool will be examined cn
Vondav or Tuesday, 8ept. 4th and 5th. at 9 A. M.
They will be examined ii Mental Arithmetic, Written
Arithmetic thronph Division, deoaraphy through the TnitM
State. Reading, Writing and Spelling.
Letter of inquiry may be addressed to AMA9A PRATT,
auOT 4t President nf Qahn College.
tub pAozric
. , v jf w
I (tflmmcrnalVubcrtiscr.
- j
Patatc or tub Moos ,oa the Mom: or rTtj..
1S7 Uoaoit tv ?ta iitt.
Z rullMuon I -
10 1 t Uu.it.r a 4-i ri
17 Nw Mro - 11 Zl
.t First U xanrr 1
TlttOI ta E. t ...!-
eVj,( 1 j-jn rte i 47 7 ; 'u-s seu 4 11 7
t unri i43 ; uj t... 3r
lfcuB rw i il H v; rtci a.u it I" a r
Zi rtco rise 5 .2 i m; r sets ii i M
00 ls- r;e 6i4"n; 3mis S 4V. w
CarT.OaJtrj lawifi'. Harbrr Mss"r.
" 5 i TVRDA Y? Sr.PT!B R 9.
tlj deferrl. j
nooE-J.-s.Vi ih' rcjn!ar montblf mft;ing jtf
'rroUrtir,n " Hook r-nd Ladder Compin ..!.
held at thoir rocm Sep:, i'". ft loliowfij -Jl- i
cor? wert elected for tnasunjt par :
rrfni. . .........
Aittant Ferevutn.
Srerrtary ......... .
.m.4 n c I
.t Hoczhuu;- !
F II Hilt
...W E nerr:C: j
Tnr. Vrnrirai. Flr.ourr:. If tr'i j anytnruir it
the edible linr that fri ptriiciiifv-ly ii;k,.. i- i
frietl m.at; anI rxr contra. '1 'at on a broiled
t9k or chop. rillingh'it A i 'a. tmv. hon n
on artMa IkiiT ilnniunlnli TIi Hiiver Wtlifftl
r " - . .t . . ,.,.,?,. -
Broiler. nw in prmcirl.-'. thff nd piactic.
which as owi a w h:v.- il, ive abaii report
tipon. t-
u" j
Election. The In5pctora nf rleciion give
tice that a snceeor to the !.-vie Jlon. S. M. Kama-;
kau will be choson on Monday th IS int. The S
new member ma perhnp got Jriti- ih, Hmi.se is?
time to qnalify before Mi close cf ilie .option. J
TTe hare ttoard of Cecil liiown. Ksq.. a a probable j
caarlidate. and if he run-' we propose io upporr ";
Two llixiia:i ar Tiftt Mii.i:s i a
Several foreigners, with a crew of pix nativee,
made the royage from Ililo to llonolnlu 1 wt week,
ia an open whaleboat. etattiiijj on Friday and
reaching Here about mi.lnixhi of the following
Tuesday. Thi include short toppagex at Kohala
and Lahauia. The icm.oh for undertaking this
somewhat perilona voyag- an anxiety i meet
the rtteamer due here on tbe 13th. The light trades
that hare prevailed wa a circiunsfnce in ihe
favor of the voyager.
- Get oir of that Tali. (JiiAs. The Owtf, in
a prolonged cackle over tho treaty, complacently
ann3 ne Aa o f-j.tsrt nf I w n inn (i nod V 1 1 1 f .
. . . , i
able instrumentality in hruunaz abont the desired
result. We do not care to wate time in chowing
that the Advertiser, immedialeiy after th; acces
sion of His present Majesty, was the first to resur
rect tho hope of a treaty; but will simply show
how abjectly the Gazette though nd ?poke of. it
at that time, by tho following quotation from nn
editorial in that paper of February 2. 1S7I : -; We
have wasted much valuable- time jr. irnitless en
deavors to secure a treaty : let ii" then in future
attend to the rtevelopement of onr productions
and onr commerce on a poll-ieliimi and indepen
dent basis, leaving the next overtures for a treaty
to bo mad- from the other aide of ihe wattr!"
Max Ovr.iin-Mkn. Capt .Ifoob ftiown
of thA
i i A
steamer Pfle, had an adventure outside the harbor 1
last Sunday morning, whii li nwy be called a nar
row escape. The chain mooring "of the bell-buoy
having parted. Capt. Brown ms engaged with his
crew of natives in heaving it oi board the Tele,
preparatory to towing the bnoyinto port, when the
ropo parted, and tho Caplnin (who was standing
in an exposed position, where he would'nt have
allowed any ono else to stand) was jerked over
board. Ho went down a short distance and com
ing to the tuirface got hold f a rope alongside
the tug. Two of the cww, wlm are prisoners from
the jail, bhowed their good feeing fcby promptly
jumping into tho pea to tl;e asisiance f the cap
tain. It is not a fact, as repcrlod h die Gar.ttte,
that Capt. Crown " went down to the bottom"
seeing that the water is some forty fathoms deep
at that spot.
A Hawaiian's Enolish. The imported way in
which some Hawaiian; learn English, and fail to
get at the construction of the language is funnily
illustrated in the following letter which has been
handed its :
Dear Friend. Sir. I hate none ol the news of
here for yon, but I have a good health in here.
Now I have a strong feeling io find chance to
meet with yon next time will be shorted.
Therefore I hasted to move some news of here.
Of this place 'two weeks ago, is very dry weather ;
in afternoon of every dayes, the heat increase?.
In these dayes, in tho afternoon until evening
have covered with a generally rain without 2 or 3
dayes. Of the wind change iron north-east to the
north as Waialua called the moae-ku," pea-breeze
or gentle gale to carrying through the land a
heavy rain. Be excuse rue in my mistake of writ
ing. I remain, yours truly. -.'"
A.MATi'.t'R Theatricals. To say that the large
andience of ladies and gentlemen (hat witnessed
the "performance for a charitable purpose7' on
Saturday night lat at the Hawaiian Theatre, was
well pleased thereat, would but very inadequately
express the universal verdict. Evctybody was de
lighted, as well as surprised, at the performances
of our amateurs, which certainly wonld have re
flected credit on old stagers. It rertinded old rest
dents of the days of the " Theppiaiv' more than
twenty-five years ago, when a company of ama
teurs nsed to weekly aranse the town and did it
well, too, only that there being real ladies in
the company, the female characters were represen
ted by the smallest and best-looking young men
obtainable. In the present instance the ladies
were real ones, and they all took tbeir pnrls with
a cleverness uxi self-possession that tor novices
wa3 very surprising. And the same may be said
of the gentlemen, who looked and acted their
characters to " perfection." Where all did so well,
we prefer not to particlaria-', but beg to express
the hope that circumstances may combine ere long
to bring about another performance by the Hono
lulu amateurs.
The Hon. Mr. and Mrs. Bishop. wh- it i- ex
pected will return home by ihe steamer due on
the 19th inst. have been visiting the former home
of Mr. B. at Sandy Hill, New York. .3!ye the
local newspaper of that plice : Charles K.
h Bishop, banker of llonolnlu, on the island of Oahu,
capital of the .Sandwich Islands, formerly of .andv
j'llill, and wife a native princ?f are on a vWii i
Jo friends and relatives in thi? country, and were I
1 g'tcsta ol .Mr. ueo-tinutiey or tnis place jtst .
week. Mr. flisbop, in company with the JaJe j
Vi'tn. li. Lee, Lawyer of Sandy Hill, ?hipned on a
- :
ailing vessel at Newburyport In the year 1S4S,
bound for Oregan, and after being cut 237 day?, j
drifting abont by contrary wnd?t ladd on the j
bland ol Uabu, pne of the Sandwich Island group
ia the Pacific Ocean. The vessel proving un-soa-
Jr worthy, vra3 laid tip for repairs. Tbee two young
. , adventurers found themselves among sirangerp on
j; a small island many thousand mile from home
! and friend?; and Oregon, the hnd c.f tbeir fonde?t
hope not reached. But thi island had been
! vi.itcd and christianized bv American misrion-
ftripa manv VPira lfrr ami thf mrirtr rr.en
vl ' J J - - -
soon found favcr with the King ar.d court, ond
i VirTr f:l t il vrt m t a sm Ta t -v--k wa.-.-. 1 1 l-imtrn 1 A -ti r- - rC
j mv ii tuiui v u i-tyi j u a,vj nt it nvr.i i,ij ill a tij v
. the readers of the Htrnll to nfM ary lengthy
report -at- thia lime. Mr. Bi-hnp wa formerly
j clerk in the " Old Stone Store." next dot.r to the
j Herald office, previous to hi.-' going to the Sand-
wich Islands, ne is now a man of note in hi-
adopted country, and it ia not improbable that he -
may yet be the ruler ot tne Hawaiian island, ns
his wifo 1 daughter of a former King of the place.
nU example is one onr aspiring young men
should follow.'-
7 f. JFJ.'' o'".' .'" .. ii -"-'!! .1 JtrrfiVr ;
Jv Art ti ni;!;. tV- !: rev
ri- -
, j,.t4ueo I uut p-.rnii4n n t. itlcr
l'.. ii. tlr Ac!, alk'j jx?ar mo
.1 Csi'rf iJ ..'! a' - al'et.li' li. in
.1! i'
j U .1 ! e
V,- .
a -V.l
ii .' r li ii iLr K"i. -ti)
' 1 t'-il !.. w yr Cii'j! IjIsI.i
. -,i -il (lt'ii!i?i(ii;,( iir ft i'
: c . ! in . i
;' l'titi-
; Aid crrfrr .
: T"T St........ .
fd P-si. se.
O: fc aid pec, Ac. viM Traaar fcoli
oon: and a probAb'jj ;te act ecocos!-
-' cai plan alii io exoort lrx,i. I a?am that th
j rHl iU ix- ifbriejej for sro'.4. maVisf Io :at i
, i rur
( OoU
or ahnul tnsl propnrtic?:..
thf !irabi!tt cf h?v'r.$ a
Id tandnrd i nil
lii;runlvT:ail adaiittnd. but 5h prrb!cra i hw
to -jt to a gMd fandard with anch an exbiblt a
lUr omt. and ft a-i?hoitt deprHatin;? an of our
pr;.-nt currtfic.
t").T- gzcl sdeaniagrt e harr1, namly. that at
prewnl onr silver i not depreciated, simp! bi-
"i C(fi w do art nffl io ipnn It ; and practically
J 1
ir piirchain powor i- a jfroat a that of fold;
; and this la a piceof pnro good foitnne1 which hardly
an other country with a preent ilver standard
It appear- io me then that in order to remain :r
well off a we are, we innt prevent any further
addition- to our stock ol silver, and endeavor to
absorb what we hive (which i greatly our of pro.
portion to gold) without depreciation.
f therefore sugj;etd that from a tuen date, a
: !-w moniln hence, we bo!ild alopt a gold etand-
1 ard, but that silver should be legal tender for 2.
- ' .,,
pt?r cent. i an paynienis over say nny uoiiarfi.
By tlii roana the Sl'0,000 gold would carry with
it $57,000 in atlver. leaving till 123,0O0 to be
ued in -iniall payment ami for plantation use. A
good deal of money will doubtless be brought
here, and ueces-iarily in gold, and aa th require
ment for plantation, Ac. will be much increased,
ihe glut of silver will be gradually reduced.
I am aware that thi scheme will b objectiona
ble, but I venture to ihink it the least objection,
able wny of dealing wish very objectionable cir
cumstancep, and it avoids a very important error
that of separating gold from filverin their circu
lation. I? i not with any desire to criticize but
siraidv from a desire that we may all do what is
I . 1 . '
best for us all, that I refer to what seems to me a
most undesirable element in the act now before
the House. It provide that gold shall be the
j standard, and that silver which forms more than
j half our currency, shall be constantly fluctuating.
In fact it forces it depreciation. Under my
scheme a man may hoard cheques as long as he
likes, feeling assured that they will always bring
bim legal tender for all payments, but under the
act the confusion will be endless he may have to
meet a note of $2,000, and perhaps has
4 plantation order of $30 each. .
4 plantation order of 9120 each.
2 cheques $-00 each.
.$ 123 gold. .,.t:uOilrrr
300 row . . . . l'JO ail ver
. 900 gold.... 900 silver
$l,CS0roM 630
Bat his note for $2004 can only be paid by $1C00
gold and 400 silver, therefore he mast hoard or
boy at a premium the extra gold. Now under the
25 per cent, scheme he could pay 1500 gold and
$500 silver, bat then all hit orders and cheques
woald have brought the tame ratio. Again a ship
per of sugar takes $5000 exchange to the lank, re
ceiving $4150 gold and S850 silver. He has to
2 note of $1000 each. aay.........$LvOO flolJ....$000 Urrr
4 account of $80 each, say lUOfold.... SOOailver
3 orders of $200 each, ny.... 450 gold.... 160 allver
$i070 S0O
He has paid out all his silver and has $2080 gold
left, which he will hoard for duties or sell to tome
unlucky man who must have gold or fail, whereas
by the 25 per cent, scheme the gold and silver would
come and go together.
The result will be that silver being at a discount,
all who lock op will lock up gold, and as emergen
cies may always arise, many who never do so now
will have to lock up; and those who control exchange
and sell it in large amounts, will have an immense
advantage over others. I believe that even if gold
and silver accounts could be legally kept at the bank
(which under this act I do not think possible), there
would be a constant drain cf gold from the Lank to
pay large cheques and exchange, in return for which
the bank would receive a larger proportion of silver
because their depesits and sales of exchange would
be in small amounts. But to add to our difficulties,
all duties are to be paid in gold. Where is the gold
to come from ? And where is it to go to ? The gov
ernment coins no money, and provides none, and
yet insists that whilst it pays out money in same
proportions as other people, all its more important
collections are to be In gold only. I am not learned
in the law, but if once legal tender is declared as ia
sections 2 and C, I cannot see how the Minister of
Finance can be authorized to require duties to be
paid In anything other than legal tender, or how be
can refuse to accept the coins which are declared by
this act to be lawful payment of all debts, nowever,
assuming that I am mistaken in this, I fear " corn
et i in gold " will be cf weekly occurrence and the
treasury will always be the " prominent operator."
There are many evils inseparable from the green
Lack system, bat the system wss a necessity. Under
this act we seem to be importing the evils without
the necessity.
But, sir, there is one elause that lies before me,
and yet I can scarcely believe in its reality.
Section 8 provides that from the date of the pas
sage of this act, all duties are to be payable in gold !
The rest of the act goes into effect next March, so
that we have it proposed that whilst no one can in
sist on the government or any one else for the next
four or five months paying one dollar cf any indebt
edness in gold (because silver is legal tender to any
amount) yet the government can make any one of
us bankrupt who does not provide gold.
Why sir, there is not $20,000, gold, in the coun
try outside the treasury. And I fear that any at
tempt to make special gold payments or to reduce
the legsl tender value of silver below 23 per cent,
will have most disastrous effects on the commercial
condition of the country. The mcit important fact
we have to note is the large amount of silver we
have here. We cannot change the value of gold,
and I feel that we dare not change the value of sil-
At present I maintain that we Lave not a
depreciated currency, but unless I am much rcistak-
en, the effect of the proposed act will be at once
long before March, to depreciate cur currency and
to nlace in a pesitioncf rcs?:ble tmbsrrssrnient every
av .
business in the place.
There Is oce feature jQ tLe tKTCtti teader
thftt x am rrfactant to notice, because it seems
to imply a doubt of the perfections of lay fellow
f to in. But with that melancholy consciousness of
) LuEianJnSrmity which some of ns no doubt pcss,
can we not imagine subdued wrangles arising as to
whether a combination of cheques and accounts and
orders should be paid in its individual cr collective
position on the scale ? If I go to the tank with a
series ef little cheques csn I claim that I must have
gold in proportion to the aggregate, or can the
urbane teller insist on paying me each little cheque
in a little heap ? Of course if he did, I should de
posit the lot, and cheque for the total amount,
but it might cause heart t urning. Then again, it
often happens that a dealer receives a number cf
orders on one plantation agent, can the agent pay
them one at a time, and so save his gold ?
t It aeems to me that the desire of getting a larger
proportion cf gold by some better division, a combi
nation cf cheques, orders, accounts, Ac, wi'l be a
constant wrong and contusion.
Aai I r..ut frcrf!j aioc.tc tie rwasiiy cf
tj'iti foil l 1 ailtcr ! gftLtr io wtne unij'arm re!
lit a- Tbcrc I then . ia Jooeoieal oU'rct
fAl mi CfUrl t!:trj tut tbj will clrr!al
lfjfetLr. acl in j twt'.ct I tc!ict-vc L'M !rr
icw tbeia bu tsxa cLslc cf ftiultrJ
! ili air. fim 1 f Irt rrTabl,
ITcp. . pf. Tth, IS;1- Ihi. II lti
Save the I!ti !
(u.l.t'iik.K: 1 Cut u raters! au I mu atidii.;
intfTf-t to tX arc fair! ago, Atxi Jfire !at keartU
to frcraota the welfar cf mj a kprt4 coaatrj. I
hate dlArcmJ ia ttroet pan her aott vital nattloa,
tbt iocTfije cf pr sod whi'.t rtcognIt!rjf iti
par5oact irporuac. I JcIrt ta Bate loowa a
few tiewfl reipect:Bg a qnmloa ot! evecett U tit
02 f pepa'atf-fi, a-J ft J tb ptTerl!oa cf cut
Tb! i &wt a tew aubWt with tar. I tae U
J written much npoa it in jcar gone ij; bat I
i a tatioj tew interrt in it, aol feci that it J a
i life qar1cB frr ritwaii, anj tilt ker tree cotr
I fiett la importance to her peop. Tbe people eouM
bare! coha'tt withent the trcea. Sure! there wouM
he no taro pat.'he?, if there wt co mountain foreat;
asJ if a'locr rnouBta;n tops ar.d a'.cpea and rain
iden were hare, there woald not be a permanent
stream for irrigation on thi arehipelsf i. We would
have rain fall of course cn desert cf stone nearly
cr perhaps as much as tver; Lot people eouM not
live on these islands, if obliged to provide for the es-
cessive flood and subsequent drouth, to which the
island would I subject in ease t f complete JennJ-
the Is!
e are becomiof nskri at n fearful ine
I The Uruboery aol the ahade have left forever roan
thouaan-fa cf acres of oar territory, upon which in
times past thickly mingled plants and mosses formed
a permanent sod, through which the bounteous
showers of the mountain tops percolated down to the
island shorts with beneficent regularity. I But with
the loss of shaia and sod. leaving ari l alopes and
plains stripped to their rocky bones, the sarnmit wa.
let have come down with quickly accumulating vol
ume and fury, have torn their way through ruinous
gulches to the sea, snd then in a little while have
left ouly a parched and a weary land swept by
a blasting a int. ' ft
And here let me say, thatthe death of the tiers
lets loose the demons cf thv winds as well as of the
floods; and the unchecked gales of these latitudes
blow Into the air, more soil than the unrestrained
waters wash away There Is a sad proof of this to be
seen at this daTruere is an iiland of this group,
whose upper or table lands were once covered with a
dense forest of small trees and shrubbery. This
maintained shade and moisture over a rich virgin
soil, whose soft herbaceous turf abounded in varieties
of the achatinclla or land snails, whose presence was
a proof of the humidity of an umbrageous and pro
ductive domain. But now there are only soma debris
of ahells to be seen. Tens of thousands of destroying
hoofs have roamed here unrestrained, the leaf and
the shade have disappeared, the tuif has been trod
den and tiiturated into powder, and then the freab
trade wind blast has swept over the open plain; aud
the poor island has lost Its covering, has lost Its soil,
torn awny to the depth of many feet, and you can
see it now any day borne away Ly the demon of deso
lation in frightful red clouds, that meet you many
leagues from the island far away at aea
Mo passes awsy the hope of Hawaii from many
parts of her once richly dowered domain. There are
some who try to check the hand of destruction, who
do more, who plant two trees where one grew Lcfore;
and others who herd and regulate their stock, so
that instead of being a curse, are productive of a
blessing to the laud. But these ate in a minority,
and the work of denudation of soil goes steadily on
ward in Hawaii.
- Therefore a patriotic government snd a patrlotio
legislature should see to this' Borne of your lost for
est and soil you could not recover in a generation.
xui au ia nut it si, aou oegin now to stop the inritier
progress of the besom of destruction. Some sneer at
the wail about loss of trees as an exploded theory, so
is I dare ssy our question of population an exploded
theory to some. And so is every generous hop qJ
purpose fur the welfare of the country; and nothing
is "practical' except office and its emolument.
But there are officials I trust, who look beyond their
pockets, who look beyond the coffers from whence
their emolument comes who look unto the hills and
their circumambient clouds, and who seeing how
beneficently and bountifully the God of Nature Las
provided for the beauty of a land and the sustenance
of man, will endeavor to prevent thoughtless men
from taming loose destruction upon a soil that
should bloom here In these sess as a paradise.
A commissioner or guardian cf forests should be
appointed and provided for, with powers as large as
such a commissioner Las in France and in other
parts cf Earope,' where you cannot cut down a tree
on your own land without permission. If such an
office were created and in efficient hands, very likely
I might be one of the first to be reprehended or
mulcted for inattention to the preservation cf foreat
and soil under my control. Let it be so; though I
might feel myself apparently pinched in my interest
in being obliged to restrict my live stock within cer
tain limits, yet at the same time I would rejoice that
the hills which I love shoal 1 ever preserve their ver
dure, that the wooded dells should continue to be
enlivened with the songs of birds, that the music of
gentle purling streams should be beard under leafy
shades, that the bounty of heaven should be regular
ly and beneficently spread over the land, so that
abundance ahonld prevail, and my fellow man should
iocrese and rejoice in these isles.
WaiTri Mcbiay 0lB0X
The Stamp Act.
The following is the bill providing for alamp
daties, introduced in the Assembly by the Hon. Mr.
Kaal, and which is now cn its second, reading.
It will strike readers as very thorough, and calcu
lated ta make a considerable addition to the revenue
of the government, though it may not be safe to say
that " there's millions in It." Stamp duties have
existed in Knglanl from the time of William and
Mary, and in the United Pfite since the late
civil war.
as act aci.tiiso to rnr' i.i tic. lit it Cui'inl fry
tht Kiwj and the LtgitUtivt J'ttmbfy of tht Hawaiian
Inland!, in tht Ltgi'lattirt f tht Kiiaitom 0rmblt4.
Fectiox 1. rrom and aiier tLe coming into operation cf
thi Art there ahall be due and payable to Ills Majesty In
rt;ct of the everal .1 .. tlocuifnt aid inurement
mecUr-ned aril pec!d in 11, schedule, h.reunler written,
Ma several nrt rf m'T.'y f.r tum- dsri .-t f-.ph iu i,
said tchedu'e.
EC. 2. Tte Miiunter tl r!ru3.' .hall, and he i titrtby
Iro.-iirel to obuia a ruKcl-nt muuV r tf die tr stanipi ar.d
tf adteive tm.s lo carry out lh pro;im td thi Acl.
8ec. C. The said 4i knd adV-ive stmp l.an le j.UC'.d
in char;- tf the R":trar of Public Account, who shall
ttmp a'4irtruinect reqiriig t- be ttamped with the
prcpr !mp dentlnj the arooont of doty paid, and UI1
upplytoaiiy per on applying ther-for ucU adltive tairipa
aa Le my reinlre ar.d pay f r. Trovlded, that utlil Ihe
Minister vt Finance shall give public ntiiilcatvat lu all the
newspapers pu'Jil.! l:i Ilouclula, that he hut alh'.aire
r.mps ufEcicTit to npi'ly want of ih public, stage
tampi of the Kicg lorn, ai.y be ntHxtl by the pirtk to 1
lMlruir.er.1 liable to a namp duty cf !e than or, dollar.
Hnc. 4. All r--r"ri using adhesive tni or itage
etanij s, siiull IrninetLitely dfkce and raucel the tame by
writing across th-ra ILtir nane ati l ihi iUinf cancellation,
cr by orae othT raean d'fsce the same so ihnt th-y nay ncl
be cil a v.cr.rA lime.
Pbc. 6. F.very i',tiurii.iit rei'iirii.i be Uin(eJ shill I e
lamf'Cd fhirly, acd 3 that the stamp r.nnvt ! n-ed If
another Instrumenl oa the ua j ar t.
Fee. 0. Every Icstrumerit rontaioiiig Ji.inn l inattcis or
made for mere than ore crisidrraiion, ahall be stamped rn
each matter or consideration.
PtC. 7. All cocsideralion m-oney shall be -t out In word
at lexg'.h In all instruments, and all otv,r ceosideratior.
affectir.g the IHbilily if an ln-initr.rtit to du'y hstl tx; set
out fully.
Pec. S. All ii.-tmiituii, vrr.t iho.ic f r whU.h aduesive
Umr- may be used, may le '.amped by ll.e B'gUtrar of
Public Accounts within three months after the execution
thereof without any penally being discharged ; but U atamped
after the aaid space of three month the instrument ka be
liable to, and the person preaeotirg ihe same, ahall pay a
pralty of one hnndrd per rent, of th value nf Ihe doty.
rrtviJeJ. nrr. r.l Ua ' a arn
c.tii mf U tutur wltUa al.ru arief iWr
arm! la U. Klo.kt krf U. rtiul akj) t..
Sac. ! lunMi return to aar4 ska
r'furat4lr I Utrr U CorrtiR X H4wjr
la av 4-f lUs E aOM '. " U
P"1r tl!. rrwMa lUt taaireastaw laKT""'
MtnH aar V i4 la Omrv In CmtU U Ru4 U
iht vnU v au4 rlr U t4 to IU r Wk l U. ctM,
aJ a rail lav waul t-etefl sua M cWs la ttmit afcaM
I i4 U. IMrsiMil l it fcr totrM U !H.t Arroatrt
be roier!r aar4.
Sr- . IV SW ' il fwtl A.wi u", la alt
i l I. tmmmt Hi Jat )kk mi liuMrae.U HtaJ
I tin U vitpi a4 ,Beal t IK M ahalt
1i MAjnp tfeaettef U aM fH M aa a
tk liar J partaeet.
Sar. XL If U" V.tui d TakU iMwtu aXafl latab
aa iMtraaMai frwanl lata aujafwJ M M at nty.
taanaSiasury iter sVaatitif snr fact
. il Jf ifca tf!rt riVU Asaa ata
4tmX aa t a aa twrtfaawai H nMv '' tav,
a to w amanai ef laty rr, t
tt MlalMet of n nance.
Pte. XX. ary twm 4iv'i aUS ta aat saaa
ir tv K!iter t riaaaca ssav , rJif ta 4atf wluMa
tveaty- aava iM ArnnS wfca ! Ha
aa 4 fa atJ'ar ft tww, art al f O nr"S
Crt eat a ra watofc h ana? ra.nf tke Wir.Wtf t faria
ast ik em shall ih tamtoa at lK att eatait
lm ihrr. If IK clataetthe MiaMer 1 Mtata4.
h m ax:ie4 M e fi f tb 5ei I K rt
eonrt. mh-nrl- iSall e r-trnl I la Tkl.
ae. 14. V aa th eorU4Ln f a eaavevaae
nf fttiiifX cvaet P a ' rWi 4atjr W1 a
karaea aa It Utal aawmnt f nth majateMa.
cr. Ii. If wkb aaravwil ar S a rlo4 a4 letaatnaUe
Uk a l f tHea duty altall b all m t total ameaat af Ik
ftawM hr ttrWve tear after the raewla af t .
frr. 14. Whea the rM44eralki I a l annaliy mt)
haU hr fA Ike amaaal W th J Stent Sw rm j-ear
aR the eavcalMt et Iht e-S.
are. 17. Wkrn r-rert 44 ar nae mwt4eraUn akall
be conveyea hf eraral laalruaieB1 t a JHinkaer tka ran
l.lfrau- ahatt a apr4a a Ik rkv aat tUn( Si.
arc. If. When a itarcbaaef k ba ami 4uUie a
veranr ball ae4 la aaf t th renferty aU b
rfivere1 ilirect ta tht laltev, aoijr ahaO b rbari4 rw tk
folate! aita Una lb uburcbaaet ta lb Brat rtbar.
ier. IS. Wba ih cwwljeraitoa M aajr maeejaa
wher I run frr rf rrrtv renaUl tf faJ if thf tonda, lb
rfiiiv ahall b cak-uUte4 ara It market vala l aaeh re4t
nr Uad la b acrtalrd la nrtx matwi a tfc Win I Met ef
r inane aiay direct.
Ic, SO. W here rroerf j U ranveyed aull I a atrl
Ihe amniinl da upoa Muk atortos ball be stated la lb
bndy nf the conveyance, and duty ahatt be calculated and rld
uioa th atnoMtit due and th anmnl earreseed I be paid
ia a-ttiitoa.
S'-c. 21. la r ol ih l 4 a Sgar rianiaila,Mir
flntiiun, sheep or rattle, ihea duty aliaU b rbarf 4 and
paid upnfl ih w hole aaaount paid c th plaolathai ar raa Im-
jtrovemenl, tiork and f rowing crnpa.
c. Si. Th Reglatrar or lub)i Actvnai atay luipreM
lm U blank and furnUh Ibern la lb t'oaria, naeca
tle lerlienla, Colleclor of CuMotna, Member rd lb
Bar and ither aa ih public ronvenlenr may, from time In
lime rri'ilre, apoa recelvlnf Ih incwiti of sard stamp.
ProvMed, however, that lh Colleclor Genera of Custom
and other puMlc cdbeera required la a laip la lb eaeen.
lion of ihrlr dutie haU b oatUIrd la etl lba without
arh pa)ment, they giving jeceipl then and being bound In
account for ihe aae and proceed of th aa ta Ih propet de
partment Io UiHr Wum a required by ta.
K.C. 33. Th MluUier of ihe lnteil may aiamp ail Ir.atta.
ment which are now by law liable I ataanp duty II ernid
brfote Ihi Act ahall mmc lnl operation, and If presented to
him f'r that puriu befur the r pi ration of on month after
UI dale bat alt Inalrumeat not an preaented allhln aiich
tifiiealiall Im) liable 14 and haU b charged with ihe duile
lyatle nnder thi Art.
SVe. IM. Tb fllowlij ktw and aiUi of law baa be and
Ihe aame are hereby repealed i orlion 4S3, 43- 4t4 and 424
of Ih Civil Cndei An An approved oa th Mtk day of Mya
A. D. 108, rulUlad M Aa Art to amend Strctl-m 421, 4tt and
:i of th Oil CoJe."
Wee. Sb. Thla At aball eunt imo opritia and boom a
Ur on ih .... day of .... tivib
f hc at ur.pt if Hiaciaarroac aafoaata r.
Agrwement, 1 OOf wber dlvr letlr at offered la !
deiice lo prove agreetnent between ih writer, Ii ahaSb auBI.
rient ta stamp o of aucti Irtiera) auoaliy purrttaa nf,
release, re-convey arte or re-urchaa of, it ba Ih consider.
Hon do nut exceed one thousand dollar, t.00 ar erety
flOOO or pit of 100tt after Ut Brrt, 00 article of o.
partnership, $C article rf adoptloa, l assignment of prop.
erty, real or pervMst. not others l rbarged, II bill T
exchange or peulwry tool fur payment of aii, um f
money ut the first 1300, jj cti aud fur rvery 5O0 or pan of
WOafterllBrt, 3eti foreign bill, draft or order, drawn
to but payabl out of thla Klugdom, or drawa and payable out
cf bl todorsod and negotiated withla Ibla Kingdom, or drawn
out of a iid payable within ihla Klidom, lb aaata duly sa
on an Ulaud bill) bill of lading, Slc bill of aal of sblp and ve.
el or other roperiy, If abeoluie, lb same duty a on a con-
veysnce, if by way of ec arlty, the same duty as on a mortgage
bond, If given la secure lb payment of a aunt certain and
without mortgage, the earn duty si on a mortgtg if given
"lib mortgage, provided mtgag War even dale with and
Is rek.4 jo a ln4 eiempli all athr bonds effleut r
otherwUe, ix0 charier patty, or eg rwnieut. oonlract fc
charter of WM. or reUllng t freight, SlO.00 rbartsr. publie
or irlvate, 2t.00 pmUston la ovmeut aervlce, at on.
r.ntracls between maats ervanta for tJwir, 11 f,
fur more than one year, then fr y,t or art ei t
after the ftrt, 100. Tula duty ta be ta.eg4 en ear wop
and lo be paid by lb rmptoyn coovayanct vnm th aal
any property, teal or peraonat, or tight Iherel apon lb ptlo.
cipal or only deed or Inalrament. When Ih purehaa or eon.
sidertloa money therein expreaaad ahall not wm4 ft MX),
11.00, and when evcoadlng f&OO, then for every $M0, aitd also
for any fractional part of ft WO, 1 1 00, upon trust for aal a
security, aame duly a apoa a mortgage) deed not otherwise
charged, f 100, duplicate or counterpart ef any deed or lntrn-
ment of any description whatever chargeable with atairip duty
not otherwise etiarged, f 1.00, eaeliang deed, wlieret.y any
land or other hereditament ar convsyed la exchange Sr
other. If In sum or a sum not exceeding SOS I paid or to e
paid for equality of eichsnge, 1 if above UM ad valorem
duty as on sale or money lobe pld eptrle, maulfeva. permit,
and other document or exhll.lt required by law a I the Cna
torn House, f 1 1 lea In consideration of money paid by way
of premium ad valorem duty lb aam aa oa conveyance rtpon
Ihe amount paid, and where a yearly rent I reserved ta add).
lion to Ihe prenlnm or no premium U pU where urh rent
hall not exceed $1000 per annam, l If above $1000 per
annum, then for every f 1000 ot fractional part thereof, 1 let.
tr cf Urne from creditor to a debtor 10 kltera eiamen.
ary, or of admlnlatralloa, or of gaardiaaaldp, Iti.llcenae
Issued from the office of th Minister of Interior or other gov
ernment department, flf mortgage er charge oa or i Seeling
any land, estat or property, real or personal, whatsoever.
Alo, any convey ano ef land, eui or property wrulteoerer
In trust, to be sold or converted lot money which ahal be In.
tended OLly as a aecurity, and aliall be redeemable before iba
1 sale or disposal thereof, It her by erji stlpulatioa tt other.
! wise, (except wher fn beneSt of creditor generally.) Where
respectively aa a aecarlty for payment of any onit and
, certain eum of money advanced or lent at th lime or ptevl.
ously due and owing or forborne to be paid, being payable am
exceeding $1000j and where exceeding ft 1000,1 Wen tut every
11 000 and fractional part of a flOOO, l future advance or
urn lo be due on account current, together wiik aay mint
already advanoed or due or without, a the ce may b if
total amount of money encored or to be ultimately recoveralile
thereuioo sUll be limited, not te exceed a certain earn, dot)
a on mortgage for Ibrt am( if each total amount aneertala
and without any limit, aame ahall be available aa a aecarlty or
charge i such an amount only a the ad valorem duly d.
noted by He elamp or atamp thereon will extend to cover.
Partition, any deed whereby any land or other hereditameeu
shall be conveyed lo order te effect a partition. If no ara o
nder fMO I agreed lo be paid fur equality of perUtloo lit
If exceeding Wi ad valorem duty aa en aalei patents, royal
ft fool, 1 for invention, 10( policy of Ir ioeortnew or
auy Instrument In the nature thereof whereby any sum ot
money Is assured la event of any lose by or by mena of lire,
or any renewal receipts, for each year of the duration of lb
Kdlryt f'r every (1000 or part thereof assured f 1( poHey of
life Insoraoce or any Instrument Lb IK baiare tliereuf whereby
any m of money I asaared lo Ihe event rf the death of any
pera or on any unct rial a event any renewal receipt. Tor
rac'i year of th duration of the policy, l or every 10OS or
part thereof assured, 1 1 policy of aoarUie Inauraar or ether
ioetruincrit wtiereby any ship, vessel or amrvbandiae i loenred
kJbat iiatit.e yila. If Ihe voyage ioaured gaiol I lo or
from Europe, Cbiua, Ja or th eaaiern coast of the rotai
ticnt cf Auerira, cr any Caat or West Indian port. Fr every
11000 or part thereof aured, 1 II lbs voyag lrawred
agalustUto n Um Australia, New Zealand, i be 1'ljlan cr
"amca Islands, the western cnaal of lb coot incut of America
le the evuth ward of the "tat cf California. For every 1 1000
or part tWeof assured, 60 etsj if Ihe voyage Insured agaiat
is lo or from Caiif'nla, Oregon, British Columbia, Washing
ton Territory, Tahiti or any other of Ui I'otj nesian or Micro. 4J
ne.ian lelacd and other place where Insurance Is of lb like
rat' Por every tlOOQ or I art thereof assured, 21 rt ower
cf attorney, fl; process cf couru of record all petition,
eenmooaes, attaefjuent or ether prooesa, $2; proem againsl
granUrg of passport, 3 release, conveyance, or other dia
charr: of rcortgge, fit renunciation or disclaimer of any
land cr otl.tr roj-erty, real or peral, r of any right or la
tere! therein, ft; aetlkmenl of roai or personal property,
mouty or government bond u)n lb marriage of aay person
or otherwise, cr upon gxd or valuable conaidcraUon other than
a bona fide pecuniary consideration, i CNmptioaa frota ad
valorem and other dalle, witta, leitamema and eumentry
li'strjmefit cf what nature soever.
Ilvr W AfettR. The past wet-k has been one ol
smoking hot daya and steaming nights. On
Wednesday the wind 'was from Iho southward, and
the barometer of everybody, feelings was at a
low ebb while lh thermometer In many localllle
marked 90. To tha general relief, the trades re
turned on Thnraday.

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