Newspaper Page Text
if. r n AT AT l? d n r P A C. J I? t r? e -9T I. 'HE PAiriC Tun PAoino Commercial bbf'rtistr PCBL1M!K1 AT Honolulu, ImIhiicIs. rintoM of Aii'urtlnlur - IS VlHLi-Hth BV THE P. C. ADVERTISER CO. Kvry S:it:iiNl:iv I nin- parv measured in N t nparril tj i: Tii so 4 lla. Nfc I in in. 3 in. j ni. I IK sn . . - - ' - - lm Monihh V.kfr r;Prt';Mi. 1 l.i'ie. (,ti4lf lor' ). 1 1 f fi.e i:n ?i s 'Ji i lo lnr'u-. 2 I ti-, (I'.rie ,.i . 4" !..i.t. four io ), Uu.rier t otunm..., lliiisl tttmjn . ... , , Ha f Ot'Iumn lio.e toiunn. . .. . . H y. f .' in i . f 4 00 f (Hi f 10 00 1 jo .i im 4 i n ft w I li w u 4 " to lo ro a IM & (j ; w to .. 16 ct -jo c 4 v ti ID lu tic li tlu. 9V d HO e lo io ic it 10 is uo so ou so $ tu ij mi ; IK- :J ui St oo m w 12 (0 - J tKJ 1 4 li iiO CO ' 41 0U Ik WJ is (mi :'.i ou a tu ;& vu lco uu iw on 2 The a ' " i lvikjh r.ri-7 bif nt'ri r. ... . . i i .. .... .... . 7, l be clnr. I t',- p,Mr d-m.r,d.-t al V1 J-. which, varies fr -n t r 4 . : c on - ne.- I' 1 ' .1 If I" l! ii . 1 I 1 ! 1.J I t'. IP- if ' j'' a 7 J IT C -n-nirirtioo fr,i m.1 1 i,rr tf Pe,A- wl tlwsys h very ae-.rM. ir reruns rsi lmg n inr p.rt uf t'l- I t.; J-I mit ths- amijnl of i.vr it.o- f r thi nrl- poittre stamps lfs b pl-r IT i.ivin n.-i'mi Yu I le -llr--l. n.l imauli 10 r. II. HaTsKLDSS. ttcir r.. PACIFIC COVIMK.ICUL!l COMPANY. Restoring the Tower of Locdan. Lon-lon Tlrur, Fcbmarr 1.1 It n if fe Parelj lail lhat n i citj in tl;e worlJ p- a munumcDt enuI in Inntoric interest t lie lower of London. F.r fctK) jenr a palace, firtre-s and a f ri,n. it has been c.-ntinuuuj io!i.iNit.J. K,n:ent ditc.jveriM hTe justified the ancient tradition tlit on thu eume eite there stood an important Ii man fortification, and the factj tand pred that important Roman works occupied the pot for a thousand ytars or more bef re (iundulf, the weet in m.nk of Bee, in ormandij, whom the Conqueror Kummoned to net a hU huil ir. laid one tno if the great White Tower on another, (jundulf was said to nae tempered his cement widi the blood oi bcata. an 1 to hae watered mith hi tears the theatre of ninjr tr.izedies. Prohabl he pandJ up the oil red tiles aid bricks of the JkOtuan.-t. and gnte to hi mortar tho red color which the common fu'k regarded with so much awe. Su:ce.-ife kins, n tah!j William Rufu, who pilh-d and shared the people with tribute cs p!ciallj r p.;nd about the I'owrr of London and the lliti at Wetmin!r," and Ilenrj III., the lint -I .finer of a Th.tiuei K'ubankment, adJcd to the Towrrr of Lon 1 in not without many murmuring on the mrt of their BubWts. who aw in the Tower a standing menace to their Ilhtrtie. In the nixtecoth cent or j the Tower of London, .. with it outer and inner'iurn, he great keep or the White Tower, and the Krim portal of the Traitor" 1 ur, oiui hare been l iokcd upon from t!. ricr a a in t iiup--in monument of the feulil sjstem. L'nrnppily. under the b'tuarts and t!eir succesori, the glorie of the Tower were uflered to decay. On the south side tho inner wall with the Lin tern Towor became ruins, and daring the latter part of the lat century their place wa filled by s bure and hideous brick building, with all the unwieldy ugliness of a ti . t . r . .". UMU'lllli, "Ull HI! 1115 UUHICI II UUnenS OI a I tl . . . f . . " . . .I rhauiei street warehouse, by which the iew of I the lower from the riter was effectually blotted out. During the last twenty-fire years better judg ment and better taste hire been shown in the treatment of thU great standing record of the limtiiry of flnglini. The I'r inre Consort was one of the first to lake an act ire interest in the an tiquities and beauties of tt.e place. Mr. Salvia, who died l ist year, and who only a short time before hi death fiited the Tower in order to afc the wurk which had been done and the dis coveries that had been made at the Cradle Tower, was called in as a Consulting architect. Under 1. 1 advice the Chapel of St. John in the White Tower was restored and is now perhaps the best specimen of Norman architecture in the king dom, and the ruinou tumble-down Warders quarters were ref laced by appropriate buildings in the stj'e of the Tud irs. For some time, owing to the pressure of work in other directions, little was done beyond mere maintenance and repair. Six years ago, however, the work of restoration wm actively begun again. The Chapel of St. Peter ad Vincuia, the burial place of Queen Anne Boleyn, with other illustrious victims of royal displeasure or political necessity down to the tirnj of the Jacobite Lord or the '45, had fallen into a mont discreditable state of decay. The interior wav choked by the ugliest of modern galleries, with tall unsightly pews; a sinking of the pavement of the altar was becoming more and more apparent, and it became necessary to take immediate steps to prevent the whole build ing from filling into ruins. When this chapel had been repaired acd purged of the monstrosi ties by which it was defiled, the next work of im portance to be undertaken was the restoration of the outer wall on the south or river side, to gether with the Well acd Cradle Towers. This has now been done, in the mean time certain mean hui'dugs on the east side of the White Tower, which were ued by the Royal Engineers us store, showed such unmistakable signs of an immediate intention of falling in bodily lhat they bad to be swept away. On that side, therefore, the White Tower is unmisked and clear as it was erected by Gundulf. It was in course of thi removal that the Roman remains, to which allu-ion has been made in the early part of this 5acr, were discovered. At the same time the irty fluois known as the Irish Birracks were cleared away, and the space between the inner and outer fortifications on the eastern side being thrown open the Salt and Broad Arrow towers stand fully revealed. The great work of all. however, remains. The tower nf London i still screened from the Thames by the greater warehouse of which mention has been made. Fortunately, there is a prospect that a remedy wid be found for the eclipse. An rtr rangctn.'nt ha at Iat come to between the Secretary of Sta e for War and the Erst Commis sioner of Work-t, by whic!i the former will give j up the wtrehousc which is no l inger required by tbe War liepartment, ana me upper stones oi which are so rotten and of such Qnusy construc tion lhat no bulky g'xxl can be stored there. The Erst Commissioner of Works on his part will remote thee building, and then propose to com- clete th restoration of the inner wall of the ! lower and tte lantern luner, u wiocu uu ; doubt, tHe foundations will he found beneath the warehouse. Ihe whole circle or t tie lower ol Ijondort will thus again leappear. and the Central Tower will stand out. unencumbered by other building, in all its pristine grandeur. Ample authorities eiisl for the restoration, and though it is impossible to give back the very stones, it is easy t reeontruct an exact and authentic pre sentment of the old foriretvs a it sl.cid in those daj- Careful drawing have been prepared at theofS.-'eof Wi-rk. together with iniHlel of the Tower a it i and a it will le when the work is CComplL-cd. and iiee htv.? received the ap proval of ".nor of tl.e c'.iel authorities on archae ology and architecture. X r need the public fear lenTtliey should be "pii.'ed and shaved' for tbe purpose, as tleir forbears were by William Rufus, for the total tost rt the work i only estimated at 6.500. of which some JI2.000 or more will be recoup! to the Exchequer by the sale of the old materials of tne storenouse. Increase of Wolves in France. 31. James's Gazette. February 11. la France the wolves seem to increase roach quicker than the population. In ancient Limou sin and thereabouts they are not contented with heep wnd dogs, but six times within the last two years have attacked human beings, and a score of people have died mad from their bites. In the small local newspapers it is quite common to see accounts of dog killed in defense of the sheep. These occurrences rarely gain attention from the Taris papers, and the country-folk cry out loudly against "the Chamber" for not making the lieutenants de louveterie " do their duty. These officers arc accused of showing more discretion than vigor in destroying the wolves; for, if woIve9 became extinct, their own occupation would be gone. Ihe position is much coveted and it is a pleasant one, both for the bolder and his friends, as regard hunting, shooting, and social inter course in tho lieutenant's district. The rewards for killing a wolf are now very small, ranging from five shillings to fifteen shillings. The de partments most infested demand an increase to X12 and 20, so as to make it worth the while of good shots and expert poachers to devote them selves to wolf-destructron. Eliree Reclus has computed that there are 3,000 or 4,000 wolves still in France, from which it appears that at a cost of 80,000 they miht be extirpated. fjy The only place to buy Gexts good cloth rso at the very lowest bates is at Chab. J. Fish els' por-rxAB btobe. VOL. XXVI-NO. 43. sasinrjs (Cms. JOHN RUSSELL, A TTORN'ET AT t.A V M). 3i MEI.CH ANT f STEttT. lJK.hK or i-oki p i nr.n Uodo'.u-O. . brorjr iMh. 1431. J. M. DAVIDSON, Attoi'iioy ixt Ijn w, aoiUlji tt Merchnnl Slrrel. M. PHILLIPS & Co., I SI HO IIT KH AM VHUI.Kill.t I"-''" m In Clothlnr. BkX(. ;hori. Ilatt. -VIen'i rorai.h.Df nd Focy Goods. (iDl Sl No. 11 Kaahamana St.. Ilooolala H. E. McINTYRE & BROTHER, riROCERV M FKKU STORK. Cornrrof Kin anl Port ftrtti. Ilooolala. U. I. Janl 91 JOHN S. McGREW, M. D., L.ATJR HUKGKON TJ. M. AItl Can bt eoaaUnl at hU RnMencc no Ilolrl street, twttren A1V anJ Fort tree'.. jaol 81 cLaca rcL D. O. IBWIS. WM, G. IRWIN & Co., Saar Factors and Commission Agents, laalSl HOXOLCLC.II. I. CHULAN & CO., IM I O R T K K. J " - r. A L r. a& 9 a .1 CHINA GOODS o alldeacriotioaa.aaj lo all kind, of Iry Oood. Alao.eoo- stanlly oo haod. a Uw-nor quuiy ui ii.w.m.u n.: jnl Nu t) o Stre-t, ina-naio. 81 A. W. BUSH, . - - - ... . ' V CD M ltll''. K A l flat "I".' ' r.m. jl Or.rry and Ped Hvore. . i . n.n.!l in mf from the otber tslaod win lr " - - . 1. . ,. ,, Kl nromnil attended to. 52 lrt Street. Ilonolalo. UnI 01 p omf1'' O.T. tST'ESA- C- " COOE LEWERS & COOKE, (Soeceoc to Lnwcu A Dicfo) Et,KHS IS U'.MBKK i.M BL IL.UIXG aa7 Maleriala. rori sireei. 81 C. AFONG, IMFORTKK. WIIOI.KJt.ll.K Ai Kbim ' Dealer lo Genera! Mrchandiw Pire-proof Store. Nnoa oa Street. J3 81 BROWN & CO., IMFORTKRS AM) HEALERS IX ALES WIN AND SP1KIT3, AT WU0LE3ALK. 9 Merchaot Street, Uaal 81 Honolula.u. t. THOS. J. HAYSELDEN, . i i-rinVl'l'H. K.hnlii. Ilnwnll. ialra A. of Keal K.ta e. UvmI and f roporty of eTery description a:t-ndl to. Co-nini.Mwns mnd-rrate. mj7 ly S. ROTH, KRCIIAXT TAILOR. 38 FORT ST. 81 Jani Ilooolala, II. I- WILLIAM AULD, 4 li ENT TO TAKB iCKSOWLEDOMBSTS A w Cantra for Labor in the District of Kona Island of Oabu-atthe OSSce of the llooolu.o Water Works, foot ol N noana S.reet. J1 B1 ly JNO. A. HASSINGER, a nET TO TAKE A CK XO W L.EOG- A ments to Contracts ior Labor. Interior Office. Uooolulu. jaol 81 JOHN W. KALUA, TTORXEV AT .Ta i. a V. . r i 1 1 tL r. i a . . - aceot lo take acknowledgments of Instruments for the Island of MaaL Also Agent to take acknowledgments for Labor Contracts for the District of Wailukn. jaol 81 ly CECIL BROWN, A TTORXK- AXI COUNSELOR AT 'LAW A mitkV PITBLIC and uent for taking Acknowledff menu of Instruments for the I.lnd of Oahu. U2 80 No. 8 Kaahamana strert, iinn.uuiu, ii. .. E. H. THACHER. 3 xx & o o xx -I o xx tint. DEXTAL OFFICE. lOi 1-2 F.ri Miwt. next d- or aboe Dickson's fhotografh Gallery. Jal 81 A. S. CLEGHORN & Co., IMPORTERS AND WIIOLESALR AXO 1. UKTAIL. DKALKK5 IN General Merchandise, Corner Queen and Kaahumanu S:s. 'itDl 81 WONG LEONG & CO. Marine Slreeta, 3" Ilooolala. IK I. Dralrr. m Dry Goo.1.. Clothing. Boot ld l ? 1L t. and Ca,... Fane, Goods, etc. ilavs aUo ana rp " ... i:i..-in auantit rs lo suit. Also constantly on s n.dl Iker- Chiua Cboii-e re cnina reine iwiuc, - chiefs and ahe. etc. Oicnem of Moiwu ujnr'it'ion. Molokui . . K,;i..a Rice Plantation, K.ona Rice Plantation. ad i-iima Rk-e plantation. jalO 81 M. McINERNY, wMPORTKK AXO DEALER IN CLOTII I 1SG. Boots. Shoes, tuts. Caps. Jewelry. Perfumery, Poeket Catlery. a:.d ery description of Gent's Superior raraUhinr V "f. Calt Dress Boots. alW5T n hrsi- - at N. B. Coaor foaTAiu MCMUt SraasTS. Janl 81 G. W. MACFARLANE & Co., IMIM1RTERS INI) COMMISSION MER CHANTS. Rohin.u'. Queen ft..!u. II. I. lonri r o a The Pauloa Sheep Ranch Company. Tbe ip-nrer plantation. Milo. Tne Plantation, llu- l. m-it Mill. Mirrors. Tail Watson's Snar Machinery. Jolin li-sy K C.'s Lirriiol an 1 Lonllon I ackets jsnl The G(ag and lionolul t Line of Packets. 91 JOSEPH E. WISEMAN, - r s s VII fL f - II PLO V Vl E 1 HI' U Kll. IIONi.l l LC. HI Rents Colt .C-. li-ass. an i - ' i ut-ln all part, ot the Ki.. ..m KMPl.OYMK.NT found i for those seeking work in all the arious of business Connected with these lslml , , tEOl. D.cumeni dr.srn. Bills Collected. Books anlecoam. kept and General ..Qce work transacted Patronage tohciied. .Commi.-iioos .Moderate. ap.l.iy. F. T. LENEHAN k CO., Importers and General Commission Merchants. WHOLES LK DEALERS IN' VINES. ALES AND SPIRITS, Hi)NOt.tfLf. II. I JaSlly CHAS. T. GULICK, xvx o r jC. v iPtrrsxiic, Af; EXT TO TAKE ACKNOWI.KDO.MENT8 TO LABOR C'JSrttACTS and General Business Agent. Office in Makee's Clock, corner Queen and Kaahumanu Streets. Honolulu janl-81 ly PHOTOGRAPHS ! rMIE I'XDERSICXED pared IS xow PRE- Te go to any part of the Group, and make I lrst f Us Pliotozraphs to Order, Either Views or Portraits. Prices reasonable and good work on'y wmne aor.e. apl5 tf II. L. CHASE. f-- I-continue to sell cretoiis at 2o cents per yard, A very small assortment left at Ch.s. J. Fish els" popclab btobe. HONOLULU, Jnsintss Carts. DOCTOR KRAFT. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON FROM Kristiania University, Norway, o. 12 Knkni street, opposite the Lyreom. OFFICE HOURS : FROM TO li A. M.. AND FROM C TO 8 P. M.. EXCEPT SL'XDAVS. ET rvX X Gr XX T X3 EI Xj Ts. jC1 ae2 3m F. A- SCHAEFER & CO., Importers! Commission Merchants HONOLULU, H. I. apl ly W. C. AKANA, Chinese and Hawaiian Translator and Interpreter, VO 48 KINO STREET. HONOLULU. Translations of either of the above language made with accuracy and dispatch and on reasonable terms, my21 ly C. C. COLEMAN, BLACKSMITH AND MACHINIST. Horse Shoeing, Carriage Worlr, Sco. Jin 1 Hhop on King street, next to Caatle Cooke. 81 a. c. all3. aoto. ALLEN & ROBINSON, AT ROBINSON'S WHARF. DEALERSIN l.L.MBKll and all kinds of BUILDING MATKRlAIJ Pair is. Oils. Nails. c c. aaiXTS roR scaooacas Kt LAMANC, Kr'.K AL'LL'OIII, MARY ELLEN. PACAIII. FAIRY QCEKN. CILAMA I.KAIII jn9i Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. 3. .JJ.. Kort WM. JOHNSON, Merchant Tailor. Street. Ilonolala. - Hawaiian Islands, jin 1 81 giftljaniral. LOUIS ADLER, BOOT & SHOE STORE! fQi 13 Xaannu Slrrrl. Next door to the Honolulu Restaarant. felS ly O. BH0LISO. EMMELUTH. C. ENCLINC & CO., (Successors to G. Seprlken Sc Co.,) rPinsmitlis & Plumbers, NO. 6 NUUAND STREET, Dealers in Stoves and Ranges, Tin, Sheet Iron & Coppr rware Kif.r Constantly os Hand A FULL ASSORTMENT Ul' TIXWAKK CalTaolzed Iron and Lead Pipe, al 81 India Cobber Hose, &tM if. TIIOS. 13. W V X .iT E Tit , Contractor and Builder, PARTICULAR ATTENTION' PAID to the senilis of all kinds of eteain Boilers, Furnaces, Ovens and Ranges. Brick or Stone Chimneys, any height; Composition Monuments amk Head stones. marble or granite. JV Satisfactory Kelrrences given wnen required. Address f O. jan i at THOMAS TAN N ATT, No. 83 Kort St., opposite E. O. Hall & Son. Honolulu. VT-HES. CLOCKS, JEWKLRV and FINE MA CHINE 111' carefully re naired in a workmanlike manner. MSiJ ry Orders from the Other Islands promptly at- tended to. al 81 HARRISON & PEDDLER, BRICK AND STOXE M A SONS AXO CON TRACTORS AND BUILDERS, Kinc Street, Honolulu, with W. M. Gibbs, ARE PREPARED To Undertake all Kinds of Mason Work. Special attention ftieen to setting Ranges. Bakers Ovens and all kinds of Conkirf apparatus. Ch ironies. Foundations nd Cisterns built, etc., etc. Plantation Owners acd Superintendents would do well to entrust as with business In our line. We wish the public to understand that all work done by us is guaranteed lo give satisfaction. jan 1 81 WILLIAM TURNER, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, LATE OF SAX FRAXCISCO, Has established hiin.elf at 8 8 KING ST.. opposite M Rove's Currisge Factory. FINK WATCH WORK A SPECIALTY, and satisfaction guaranteed. Ap.2, "81 ly CEO. S. HARRIS, SHIP & GENERAL BLACKSMITH SHIP WORK. 11RIIIGE. HOUSE. AND Heavy Wacon Work, Moulding Bitts, 1'Unlng Knives, Anchors and Anvils repaired. Ooosenecks, Crank Axles and Wagon Axles made for the trade on reasonable terms. Wagons for Traction Engine, A RTESIAIST WELL TOOLS With all thtir Fitting, a speciality. All Orders Promptly Attended to and Work Guaranteed. T Shop on the EspUna.le. lu the rear of Mr. Geo. Lues Planing Mill. al81a FIRE!! Harnrale I rbao Safes, . llrf-proof. Fire &. Barplar Proof, k Burglar Proof, smaller sizes constantly on hand. Ordrrs fur l.arje Sizes Tilled at Shortest otite. Old Safes Taken In Kxrlianjre. Babcock's Fire Extinguishers I BUFFALO SCALES, Platform, Dormant, and Combination. Ceatu Scales! XX For Prices and Circulars, write lo C. O. KERGER. General Agent for the Hawaiian Island. myl5'80 ly CHE. GrERTZ, NO. 80 FORT STREET, Announces to his Customers THAT HE HAS eTTJST RECEIVED A LARGE LOT OF Gent's, Ladies' & Children's Soots, Shoes and Slippers ! PER LA OV LAMFSOX. It HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, BUILDER, Steam Boilers, Furnaces, AND Ranges Set, BRICK and STONE WORK Done on reasonable terms.'s 5 Emma Square, or ihr- ugh the Post OiBce. janl 81 N. F. BURGESS CARPENTER AND BUILDER, SHOP. NO. 81. KING srREF.T, OPPOSITE M.J. ROSE'S. ESTIMATES GIVEN ON LL KIXDSOF Mid Buildings, when required; Ulllces and Stores fitted up in the latest fcaatern styles. REPAIRING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Done in the best possible manner, and at reasonable r-i'ei. HARDEN ORNAVKNT3 of all kinds male toorder. Saws filed and set. N. B. Persona atiention will be given to the mowing of a' kinds of buibilngs HaTiuj had experience in the Kantern States. I fee! confident I can gire satisfaction to the most fas tidious. XT' Orders left at my shop or residence will receive prompt attienton. Bent of references piven. Residence, SIS Fort Street, Honolulu. Orders from the other islands roliciled. up. 1(3, 6m CHR. GERTZ, SO FORT STREET. Importer and Dealer in CENTS', BOYS', LADIES', MISSES and CHILDREN'S BOOTS, SHOES & SLIPPERS A LSO Gents' Roots & Sliocs MADE TO ORDER. jan I 81 I,. W. HOPP fc Co-, Xo. lOo Fori Si. nail No. 7 8 King St. Cabinet Makers, Upholsterers AND French Polishers. jFVirr. or all Kinds CONSTANTLY ON II AND Window Cornices and Curtains FURNISHED TO ORDKR. Houses Entirely Furnished In Complete and Satisfactory Manner, At Moderate Rates. GIVE US A CALL. TT Orders from the other Il for Furniture, Bedding or Matting attended to with promptness. no27 '80 ly G.'LUCAS, Contractor and Builder Honolulu tOM 111 Planing EoPLANADil, Honolulu, H. I. Manufvctures all kinds ot Mouldings, Brackets, Window Fratafs, Sabhes, Doors Blinds and all kinds of Woodwork Cuish. TURNING AND SCROLL SAWING. All kin '.s of Planing and Sawing, Morticing and Tenoning. Pinna, Specification, IelIletl Druwina anil rilininlrt furuiihed uaon A ppliouliau. ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED, and Work Gunranteed. Orders from the othtr Islands solicited. Jl 81 lv T. B. StlURRAY, Carriage & Wagon Builder, No. 50 King Street, opposite Station flouse. sT 1 A R R I A G E R El A IR IXG done at SHORT M)- . TICK, and at lied Rock Prices for CASH me a Call. inr Give lanl SI CONCHEE & AHUNG, IMPORTERS & GENERAL DEALERS China Goods and Merchandise OF KVERY DESCRIPTION. Always on Hand fc ITgr Sale, Grass Cloths, Chines-? Crepes. Silk Handkerchiefs, Press Stlks in Great Variety, Lacquered W.iie Fancy Work and Glove B ixe, Ivoryi Tortoise. Shrlland S;tidle Wood Fans, Tiger Claw Jewelry Set In Gold. Camphor Wood Trunks, Fine Ch'na Tea", Rattan Chxirs. China Ma'ting. INTO. I -HAWAIIAN liICK ! XT STORES at No. 109 Xuaunu and No. 8S F.rt Street. no!9 ly ts ! 2? eT U ST RECEIVE 13 EX .MARTHA RIOEOCT, 1?1NE LOT OF 7 FEET GEDAR POSTS ! Fur Superior to Redwood in all particular. FOR SALE BY d3i tf ALLEN & ROBINSON. NOTICE. riMIE FXDERSIGX'ED HAS HIS OFFICK- temporarily, at Adam s Furniture Store on Fort Str,. and during his absence from fie office. Ma Charles rbim nolds is autboriztd to receive monies and re.eip: .W"3,',N- maris tf -'' , ofui straw hat l" You can buy a mo Fishels' popclah for only $1, at O STORE. eJ4Wr 1 ;ia:MLl APRIL 22, 1SS2. iflffbanirai. J. D. LAME'S 4 'I MARBLE WORKS. BET1IKI. STRKEi, NEAR KING. WiAH UFACTURERS OF 3I0XOIF.XTS, HEADSTONES, TOMBS, TAr.L!TS, MAUBLE MAXTELS, WASHSTAXI) TOPS, and Tiling in White & Black Marble. MARBLE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION MADK TO ORDER AT THE Lowest Possible Tiates Mounmrnts sud l!cadtones Cleaned and Ursrt. friT Orilers from the other IsUnds promptly attended to. jan 181 . E. C. THOMAS, v-r. i Mi m mm BRICKLAYER & BUILDER. iARTICITLAR ATTEXTIOX PAID TO Setting Steam U'.iiers. Furnaces. Baker's Ovens and Ksnj;es, nnd all kinds of Mealing Apparatus. Also. Varieeated Concrete Sidewalks. All Work entrusted lo me will be execu ted promptly, ai.d on reasonable terms. Addressthroush the Post Olllce jan 1 81 CREAEV. CANDIES. McINERNY, Importer & Home Manufacturer of Cantlies OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, o. 112 Fort Street, Just Above Hotel St., Has Just made Kirse additions to his establishment, and is n'.w prepared to turnisn to tne trade, the Honolulu pub lic, and residents on the other Islands, the YRY FINEST of H0.1IE-.1I.1DE k IMPORTED CANDIES, Of all Descriptions, AT VKRY REDUCED PRICES. Receives Fresh Candies by every arrival. He Guirantees the purity of his troods. THE CREAM CAXOIES are a specially with him. and are made by the best manu facturers in California, and received fresh by every steamer. Soda Water, and all kinds of Iced Drinks THE BEST ICE CREAM IN THE CITY. The BEST ISIiANPS of ''IIOICE CIUARS always on hand. no.29- 3E3I NBEB HOP 3 KIXU STREET. To Planters, Expressmen & Others ! IF YOU WANT A GOOD ARTICLE WHERE YU WILL GET IT SADDLERY AND HARNESS Of All Kinds on Ilai.d and Made to Order, SOLD AT THE LOWEST PRICE ! Double Plough Harness From $20 00 np do Carriate or Kxprefs Harness 40 00 ilr.i:le Carriage Ilaroes 30 00 lirenk llHrness 35 00 Dray Ilarnes 32 60 Mexican Sad. lies 12 00 Knglish Saddles 18 00 I adits' Saddles 15 00 ALL GOODS WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED AXD Guaranteed For Six Months ;! I Superintend all Work that leaves My Shop. I don't peddle Cane, Hogs. Hen Fruit or Cold Water, I Make Harness and sell them. Res pectfully Yours, fe4(3m V. FENNEL. T XX 33 "Big Collar " Harness Shop C. HAMMER, SG KIXG STREET PRACTICAL HARNESS MAKER ! Fine Single & Double Buggy Harness Concord and Mule Harness Plantation Harness of all sorts, Fading Bridles, Saddles & Whips Currycombs, Brnsbes, Saddle Cloths, And every necessary for stable use aV J J BEDROCK PRICES for . . .... workmen's rates. XT Repairing of every des-ri; ki . uanner, wiih the best m!red OT Exchanged All Work B,9 Collar! " -8 LoSf' Jal 81 t OJ I It O IV J ""haVK RECEIVED AXD XOW OFFER I f.r sale, bundies HOOP IRON of the following sizes: 2xi, 2x1-15, Hxl-lS Also, on br.d and fT sale, Eastern Shooks, Holasses Barrels, all sizes; Sugar Kegs, &c. Made to Order. J. II. BltlXS, .ja233in Esplanade. mm j fit noil- BOSS EAR WHOLE NO. 13.) I. UAlVAIIArj HOTEL Guests Entertained on Either the American or European Plan. THE RESTAURANT Is an Adjunct to the Hotel. Rooms with Roard Two Dollars and a tlalf per day Rooms with Board Ttirt-e l..l!m. ii H. . Rooms without Board One Dollar per day and upwards Cottages in Connection with the Hotel at Special Kates. JOIIX M. LAWI.OII In CO.. JaQ 1 '1 I'roprirlors. ASTOR. HOUSE Nos. 76 and 78 Hotel S.reeis, HART BROTHERS, Proprietors. Board by the Day, Week or Transient ! BILLIARDS, Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobacco, Soda Water & other Iced Drinks. MEALS SERVED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE AT ALL HOURS. HENRY J. HART. (jal 81) ELLIS A. HART. CONCHEE & ACHAT. PROPRIETORS, NO. 84, HOTEL STREET, HONOLULU. The Largest, Coolest, SUM. ISest Kept DUSTING ROOM 1IV THE CITY. Meals served at all Hours and no Pains nor Expense Spared to Keep the Table Supplied with the Best the Market Affords. Table Board $4 to $5 per Week. may!2 81 OSMOPOLITAN RESTAURANT, ISTo. 02, I-Iotol Street. KP THE BEST OF FOOD, IIT COMPETENT COOKS, IW ATTENTIVE WAITERS. FIRST-CLASS BOARD, AT REASONABLE RATES. PETER COSTA, PROPRIETOR. Late Chief Steward of Steamer Likeliftc. July 23. 81,lyr F. II. OEDING, BEGS TO INTIMATE TO HIS CUSTOMERS, AND THE PUBLIC .GENERALLY, THAT II Id EXPRESS OFFICE 13 AT 84 KING STREET, Next to Mr. Burgess's Carpenter Shop, where orders may be left at any time of the Day or Night. TELEPHONE M3IBEB, 86 aug27,lyr HAWAIIAN INVESTMENT & AGENCV COMPANY. (Limited.) ..cST-CI.ASS IOXEV LOAN ED v. ' Apply to XT. Securities, for lone or short X, Manif-r, pro tern. O.Cce. Queen 8treet.ong20,tf iJEri RAILS FOR PORTABLE OR PERMANENT RAILAVAYS. Il Ft. LENGTHS, 14 lb. PER V.tKI) 9j For sale to arrive pr Duke of Abercorn from Liverpool. ArP'y tn W. L. GRKEN, or O. W. MACFARLANE k Co. no28 tf Agents for John Fowler k Co. NEW LAW OFFICE. TTT C. JONES, (Arks) Attorney nnd II s sellor at Law and General Land Agnt and Collector, will practice in all Courts of the several Islands in the King dom. Office, over Allen Si Robinson's, Queen Street, Hono inlu, II. I. 3- Boys' all wool suits from $4 np, at Cus. J. FlSHEES POPULAR STORK. mm & mmm TJE3CI53 ITEB1TI01L HOTEL XT A.lsertisers rrridiri: in tti- laiirit I'citrd ttalrs. eaa pay fur their cards t-jr mcii.( ;i.-ri l.xli or United tt l.!ace Mumps for iurh aaiuunt as with ta pay stxl their cards will le inserted as per iix rc l.l lt. Inr the tint paid fur I T llusiness C'ardi. srlirn rsirtlD roa a fast, ar sUi.we.l a diaeoum frm lh.-r rat-s. aliirh are fur transient adtrrtmrniruta wtien paid or charged "Quarterly. ?.ni;!e copirs of t!ie Arriun-ks. T-n Cents t when rliargsd Fiftee n Cents; l y ttie dii n. Hue l:iar. 'nsnranrf (Tnris. THE CITY OF LONDON FIRE INSURANCE CO. OF LONDON. Capital, $3,000,000. L IMI TED. llavii c rl.t:ih .1 an Agoncy I. ere, tilt urdersirned la authoritt'd t ct i inks a-smsl t'tre, rn ltaiMlaga. lerrhunliae. f'urnilitrr, rtr , on the w.ort farorabla terms. Losses pi on pi 1 ai'JU'li d and purshle l.rre. C. It. HrRUfcR. apt l.r Agvnt, Hawaiian l.Unda. GKILMAN LLOYD MARINE INSURANCE CO, OF BERLIN. FORT UNA GENERAL INSURANCE CO, OF BERLIN. riMIK A1IOVK INM I1ANCK COMI'i XIES have eRiHlilishinl a tirnrral A(rnry here, and lbs nndsr s j; no.l, Uencral Ageat. are sulhoristd to take Risks against thf Danscrs of the Sras at the meit Urasoaablf Catfs, nail oa tbe MM I aorblf Tcroi. apl j P. A. 6CIIAKFKR k Co., General Afnita. ZZnixil3itx'gZ3roiuou. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY riMIE IXDKIISICMI) HAVING IIKICN Appointed Acents vt the ahove Company, arc prepared to insure risks against fire, on Sisae ami liric-k lit. list i.4a, and on Irrrlinnllp atorrd therein, on ths moat f.Vurahle leims. t or particulars apply at the nfflnc of pi ly !. A. 1-CHAfcratt k CO. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE INSURANCE CO., OF LONDON ANI KDIMIUIK.II. ESTALL1BUKD, 1809 CAPITA L. 2.000.000 Arrninulntnl nnd Invralr-cl 1'iiad, 1 (0BT.24 ris.iiK i;xi),:iisi(iSKii have eex aP JL POISTKU AUKNTUIor the riandwlch Islands. and ar authorised :o Insure against Firenpon farorable terms. Kisss taken In any part or the Islands on tomc and woobv BN liuildiinrs, and Merchandise stored therein. Dwelling Houses and Furniture, Timber, Coals, f hips In harhor With or without cargoes or under repair. jsn 1 Bl r.n. II IfF-SCHLAKUtB It CO. UWI03M Fire and Marine Insurance Co.. Or NEW ZEALAND. CAPITA I.. nAVIXU EST A KIIS II ED AX AGKNCT at Honolulu, for the Hawaiian Islands, the nnderslrned are prepared to accept risks against fire in dwellings, stores, warehouses and merchandise, on fYorable terms. Marin risk on cargo, freights, bottomry, profits and commissions. I' promptly aljuatel and pnystblo here. jan 1 81 j. B. WALKER. ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY, OF LIVERPOOL. CAPITA Ij IO.OOO.OOO. UNLIMITED LIAIlILITY. FIKE I.VSUKANCK of all descriptions will bs eflccted at Moderate Kates of 1'rrniitiui. by ths undersigned. J. S. WALKKIl, A p. 2, '81, lyr. Agent fur the Hawaiian Is'ands. II A M HI' KG-iM A G I) h'.liVKU FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Or II A.MUL IKJ. BCII.DIXf.S. M Kit t' II A X I) IN E. FI'RXI lure and Machinery insured sa.iinht Fir on ths moat farorahle terms. A. .JAltit I0IC Ar.hi f r the Hawaliso Islands. Jan 1 61 SWISS LLOYD MARINE IHS. CO., OF WIXTEKTIIl'Il. I1IIE V X I F. KSHJ XKI) IS AUTHORIZED TO INclTKK ON CARGO FREIGHT and TREASURE From Honolulu. TO ALL PARTS OF THE WOULD AND I'I'ON COASTERS. HI SPEC I A PERMISSION On the nmst Favorable Terms. J. P. WAI.KKH. Af "in lor the Hawaiian Islands. an 1 81 GREAT WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY. oO WALL fTRKF.T, P,LW YORK, riiiiE AiiovE co.MiA:tiv HAVixn e- H tablished an Agency at Honolulu, for the Hawaiian Isl ands, the undersigned is authorized to accept and write 31 j. lit, I TV lH RIHKH ON Merchandise, Freights. Treasure. Cora missions, ana Hulls.- At current Rates. J. S. WALKER, dc& Agent for the Hawaiian Islands. domestic ilroDua. WAILUKTJ POI FACTORY, HST QUAMTV Of PAI Al MANUFACTURED Bar conntamly All orders Glied with dispatch. K. II. WAII.KV, Wailuko, Maul' jn 1 81 HONOLULU STEAM BAKEJ'" R. LOVE '& BROTHER, Pro"-tor, NUUANL BTRK'r , .t XAV1 IJII.OT. MEDI CM -foorder. DREA1, L always on nana ana ldn and lliittr.r Crar.lcera. Also. If at f wEXNlT LIND CAKES. e. REA I RE II A K EI on tbe shortest botiee sMLy BREAD, made of the Best Flour, baked dally and always on band. .V. B.BROtTN BRKAl) OF THS. BEST QUALITY jun 1 al HONOLULU SOAP WORKS. Ia-Ico, I foiiolttlti. ''he lluninm. of the above concern faavltsar 1 been transferred to T. W. 'RAWLINS, He hereby gives notice that Ihe manufacture of All IHinds of Soaps Will be continued by Mm. HOKT SOAP alwaya on hand. Will buy beef, mutton and soup grease, and solicits roii.tlgnments of the same fmm tbe other jalO Islands. 81 METROPOLITAN MARKET, .. WALLER, 3f Pure Bred Aylesbury Ducks. iST.VG STREET. HOXOLVtM. Home Fed Turkeys. jan 1 tl WANTED ARESPKC.TAHI.K VOI7XCJ WOMAN AS Nurse Maid In a private family. One child only in the family. Wages will be 120 per month and board. Enqulrs t (marstf) HAWAIIAN HOTEL. .1 ,r