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PACIFIC COMMEUCI A L A D V ERTISER, MAY 27, 18S2. 3 i BY IB. 3Dosira,"bio .-A. Real p-ja tCiL OX THE Kulaokahua Plains, Honolulu, I am Instructed To Offer at Public Auction ON Satiarday, May 07 At 12 r.'eUx-k nrioo. at ptrsroon. lnat UeSiraDlO rlGCG Ol Lanu'i0"1'' ,L Aup ini road to a ri.U'e of rocks 1 iit-arlr in vritli the l..df- of rock-i running into the Kolaokahaa Plain-, f-. v JtlwXlOITVXl aS JLaOt a i3'Tcrrmi.l "i.r-y wtaaiJ oo Vn4rot f rr-rt, biTu a lrw if -ii y-r. ui-tl a J'pi) of 300 r o:I l"f imrijr If Ac, With All the Buildings and Im provements Thereon, enli,gtOi J 1-2 ?tor. ent r;j with Raomt. well finiitx-.l acj all raa'trd; a .'rr:'! Hcm-e, Chicko lloac. etr. A guoit Kei.r - aroaml h whole Lac. Th View from ib.a l.ul U clirminu; I ho neighborhood U very dirbte, ami Ikrwbr.l Lot offer! a oppurtjoilj t it par cb'.r.( plaiacl b' rortlrtd. wbich CDtK,l vti-a he oblainetl. TKHls nr-hiir i"th; IMie-b.lf In Two lean, wuh tn leml at 10 p f cent , currj ty mri(-(r. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE ! ON- Nuuanu Avenue. Br order of DK. HUTCHINSON'. On Saturday, May 27 At 12 0!o n., it Salt Coem, I will affer at Pablic Aartion. (n'ra previously d. .osd e at Privsie ?al), THIT VERY DF-SIUIBLE Residence and ..OF... Property Dr. Ilatcbinaoo. toair,l at 144 2SCCANC AVENCE. can lal loc n area f oo acre wiifc the Buiidinga and improve. aaats thereon, loc!oltn( ail eoavealeceea t StaUr, Cvarb Itai.r, Sr-riaBts' Eoms, Etc. This property fa loe.brd (a tbe errfre of lha most desirable part hi of in cby. where ttt !u4 of pn.perty is rpUty en b.ncm;. Tbs M Itself witn Calms, f lowers aa1 bl Trees Is r gMIf ierk'l as one of lh ml pleasant resHlocrs In llooolola It h nlferel foe sale only on account t proposer! 4ep nar of ihawaer. A porciuo of the por ctut aaooay can rvssin at lntere.t at tea per cent , aeenrel J rtfs'. K. P. ADA U3. Aact'r. ESTATE OF MI LBMOi! DECEASED. DESIRABLE INVESTMENT. 1 Administrator's Sale OF Bj Tlrtae of aa Order of Sale Granted on tlus 8th day of May. l-iS2, by the Hon. L,. MeCnllv, 1st Asso-Utt Justice ..f ti e Supreme Court Sitting as Jndge in Probate The under signed. Administrator of the Estate of the lata JA.S. H. LEMON. Will Soil at Public Auction, AT HALES ROOM OF E. P. ADAMS ON Saturday, 27th day May, 1832, AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON. HI the FoIIwwln- Decrlkcd Prtmlst 'o. 1 HOUSE, LOT, AND PREMISES, situated oii Naaanii Avenue, formerly occupied by James S. Lrnon,jnst above the'Lig!it House," the said premise havintj just been pit in first-rate order and the) Honse raised. j,-0. o EKiHT C) LOTS on JVn UnU Street situate immediaU ly oppimitv the late re-idence of Ja. S. Lemon, caitt d L'ltilanu" and described in Government Survev as Lot No. 2H. 2:19, 210, 211. 212, and Lots No. 2W. 2 51. and 2K an area eaeh ot 100 x 130 these Lots are hi-.; h and dry and nearly clear of weed, and no gulch ; arc fenced in front and rear, and Government water running in front from H-inch pip-, rery desirable as a whole or in sint.j It. a street running in front and rear title Royal Patent. 3 TflE HOUSE. LOT. AND PREMISES. known as Ulnlani." the late homestead of Jam en S. Lemon, ami formerly occupied by H. B. M. Commissionrr Jmen H. Wodchon, and adjom- ing the premises oi iion. n. a. ..!. .. . j iiremisei are in nne orner, nu . i , Umtly rrid-nce. having lately lxf n pnt in thorough or.Ur. The premi- consist of Main BaiMing. Cellar. Oat-buildings. Cook llon-o. Coach Honse. Stable-.. Cottar, and fine Uailding wita Windmill and fine Well of Wat. r. in com plete order. Title Grant No. ThK). 121x300. No S ONE LOT. immediately adjoiuing the aine with' a frontage on P-retania-street tf 7C et. and rnnnimC back to Kinan-treet 3m) feet. sMinapletely fenced, and in tine order. Part of Grant No. of). j,'0 iiONE LOT joining the above, toward Honolulu, with a frontage ..f 21J feet, and mu ni ng bark 3iO fit. Also part rf Grant No. 500. Finely fencwl with ickr t. fa. 6 ONE LOT joining the above, toward Honolulu, having a frontal on Bcrctania-strcct f,t. anil f t on Makiki-street. and f-t on Kinao-tr:ft, and fully shown on Government map. U ing al-o part f the Land Grant No. 50 and Roval l'au-nt. IVnitd and arlear of weed. This Lot. as ill 1 srt ti. has a frontage on three street, and adjoin parade aironiwL ,- 7 ONE LOT. itanied:atelr in the rr t "UlnUni." with Stone Wall and Picket Fence, running N. io- E. II f'ft along Seal'n Land; thence S. 4H- E. 110 feel along J. S. Lemon's Land : thr-nce S. 3.3- W. 126 f.-et along J. S. Lemon' Land : thenev W. 5:1- W 119 feet along Manxa side of Kin'ait-treet. Title R. P. a ONE LOT. immediately alcove the alove Lota beimj No. 2 in R.yal Patent 3139. From E. angle cf old Stone Cattle I'en runs N. 39-30 W. 110 feet alongside lU val Patent No. 103. Seal Lot thence N. 57-30 E. 112 f.-et along the same : thence S. 1- W. feet along R. P. 153 to Initial Point' thence auain S. :i- :f W. 0 feet along R. P 13-J; thence N. M IS W. true 16 feet along Kinan-trecl ; thence N. 41- E. 5 feet along Stone Wall of R. P- W ! Initial Point, area 8J0 sinare feet. No 9 LOT No. I. includ-Nl in R. P. 31.3l. and decrild i e, and descriUd as follow ( : From S. angle ol l. l . aui . ansn- ot i.. P. 15.1 runs N. 21. 12- L.. tme ; oo" urt aiim .br.. K. CAi E-. true: H feet along i-: ....... tl.n. S.' 3"J-M W trnc: SOrt feet along It. P. to Initial Point. K. iikONE LOT ON WAIKIKI ROAD, just beyoml the Long Brandt Rath, and descriU d in front Kahnika and Akahi to the late Ja. S. Lemon a follows : Apana 2. Royal Patent 23"H. Award 14;. and l).eiiided thn : F'rom the R. eornT the boundary II 11-. W. 74 link along the sand road. H 4h- E. Yii chains along the Knihewa hons lot. S. 40- E. 74 link, and S. 4- E. 11 chain along the Knmc lilki land to the starting point. Area 0.0'J acre, granted to Kaiahopnwale. No. 11 -ONE LOT ON WAIKIKI ROAD, just beyond the Long Branch Ratli. and described in ed from Kahuika ami Akahi to the late J. S. Lemon a follows : From southerly corner thereof tlH! bonndarr mns II 3S-30 E. 10 links along Kaohnlenni 'lot and Government land. H 5."3i. W 140 link S. 3H-3U W. 10 link. S. 5730, E. 140 links along Government land aud the Kaohulenni lot to tke starting point, iiulnding an area of 23-100 of an acre, being Apana 1 of Kuleana Heln 5 and Royal Patent 2419. issned to Kapilimann. No. 12 ONE LOT situate near the road had ing to Telegraph Station. Iing Apana 2 of Royal .s: Apana 2. 1 ' i-vacua. i K'ito. mai ma - r t Jt ana mo ke kihi Ak. o Xuik'ikahi o p.hakn X i I- h Hev.a U Nnikii'.I o ha ilia'.. A". '- If;:.. M-!o Na!.ak'i'-li!i a hiki i ke Kauhao. ifia ka L. 177 paukn ma . 11 ) -iusu ma ko 1ij!.;imi Kaha .1 puu:u t;:.i ka ki I ke kllii i hoo- I a!a:U Hcli a .:.) :; Kvm. 1 I he lua.i o If S;atunai Ka!:a a In makaia ; rr.-tfaila 2 M": ; a. The a 1o ". j ieo- was -dd at au.-tio Barton .:i 1' il iv i f M.iv 1ST !, t- J. S. I.. r-i..n. on b.-- .f W.Ku.a V.' l.y P. H. t:.e late decearfd. No. 1J BALANCE oi' t.KASi: of a Lot iii Kapiolruu Park, m. f--;-ig ;;7 rear- fr-un th IStli July, IsTS, r i,t i.a:d i:n hi 'full: tiartlv fenced : J being a-jin-.'rnfnit of l-a- ',Tn:.-.l to '.Tame S. i Lemon. No. 11-ONi: LOT at UapalaUis. -Maui, i being 4S acre.-, and being the same conveyed to f Jamti S. Lemon 1 y the lj?e JJ. Hoi-Kin ami -.rife-. I by d--d Us red s:h Ani-t. 1-77 and d'-scubed f ! follows : Situate at I'alau. a. 1-l.rnJ cf Maui, and de-rril.ed a follow- : limning 'lfc south along the road to Wailnk 11 fr.-.m a white rook on the drv river bed. 1..... r. . . .1 . .1 1 . , - 1 , j -the -a, th'Jiic dtie t-at forty chain- t' a lava stone i rnarkfd II. aud ti.i-ijfi- followir.i? the winding- of J th-rivf-r bed to the place of btiuninij; coctairutii.' j f art" ol 'rt.r-eiht acre. more or le.-s. j Titlo DffJ at expeno of T,urcha-er. Maps and I pharix can be t-et n at Sales Iloom of E. P. Adam, i and anv infornjation de-ire 1 can be had -n f.pplica j ti'n t.i. H. B. il A C FA B LAN E , I Administrator F-t te .1 - I i-iiium rT7 Terms at Hale. Hotioluln. Mar 6, 1SS2. nvl2 dXw rf I.e!e of tlio Island of ITIokuumcumc AT AUCTION ! THIS DAY, WAY 27th, 1882, I wi.l r.ffcr at A oct ion. The lease cf lie s!and of Mokuumeume or Ford'g Island, Io lb Pearl River Logono. for KOI R VK.illS This tslard la ov.r 200 A errs in eitent, U fertile and Is turrou'd-o b d-.-ep wsiera-.d flrhenes. mjiO K V. AliAJIS, AuMioneer. Yalunblc Ileal Estate IN HONOLULU. Estate of J. BOOTH, Deceased. I5 Villi I E OK AN' (iRIIr'.R OF S II.K Issued br IIud. Lawrence McCullr. First Atsoci&f Justice of Supreme tonrt, I am Instructed to ofler at Pnblie Auctiou. at my ?sleroom, on ; SATURDAY, June 17, 1882, Al 12 O'clock Noon. That Valuable Piece or Pan el f Land, altuated ou the corner of Nunanu and Hotel streets, sod known as The International Hotel PROPERTY, Wild sll tbe building ami Improvements thereupon. The whole Lot will, by ordr of tbe Court, be first ffered at tbe price of Forty Thousand Dollars 1,0U). fchould there be no purchaser at this upert price, the Lot will thea be sulntivlded aud sold In three portions, In accordance with the Report and Survey of Curtis J. Lyons, now on nl? In the ourt, w hich can be seen upon I application. I E. P. ADAMS, I'CTIOXKER. my6 Ct Honulnin. May 3. l$'t A V C TION SALE OF E'US&KJI TURE AT THE Residence of A. Young, Esq., Corner Ring an I Victoria strc-t and Thomas E.-juar?, TUESDAY, Way 30, at 10 A. M, THE n.NTIRE ESoiisoIioli! 'Furniture ! Io part as follow: I1AM1S0ME I'liili Fl'!l.ITl!IE ! A L) a Paintings and Engravings, PIIVO a ad ST.'IOL (Dnkrr& RarBf.) MIMHOUE BLlf h. TlLrT BF.DU00M SETS spsim; vI) uiir MVT:RlsI:s, if., CLICK W.ILMT MM VG T1BLF. " DIMM; C1IUCS iU SIDEB01UB. CU1DF1.IF.R. L i r e u ssortment 6r'sj""'frf, 1'litc Phi ted Ware t Crockery Good Cook Stove, Jtitchen L'ltnsih. FINK SADDLE HORSE for Lsily cr Gci tlemsn One Good Family Carriage 1 S..!e S.J lie. I O-ut.' S1JV, j- A m! a Lt of Fiirn.iur' anl 5cnlr,- ik nam.rnus to m- tli- ii dmy2 St w27 It E. P. ADAM?, tnctiineer. furniture Company. 11 V 1H5IG M . ii. IRWIN V K II A VI-: re-iv. d s Lane lavo.c" r. NEW FURNITURE! BED-ROOM SETS New Styles and imusunlly cheap. Patent Rockers, Book Shelves, Dwarf Book-cases, Walnut Wardrobes, Marble-Top Tables, Secretaries, Office Desks and Office Tables. Walnut and Koa Cheffoniers, What Nots, Bed Lounges, Ere Etc. For Sale Cheap, TELEPHONE No. 110. ST. P ADAMS, ayI31m AG 10 XT. Patnt 2M3. and doK-nUd as f.,ll lot Auauka Aina Papu, ru V.a.i.ii 1'. I.ooicaka ana i ana i We fcil: ia lihi H.'V. o I.e kaha-ai Kalia Neu? iVurertisements. A. FEANK COOKE, OKKICE, CORNER NUTJANTJ & QUEEN STREETS. IIO.VOl.l L.C, II. I.. Or ewt 3?" o n. The Following I'sickcts V i II. K.I. K. WAlOLI, W 1 1 H 11 C, iT'fK vv 1 M A L,t'- .MU.IILO. -OiLX K.ILC.M, MAN A, 3 JCLIA, K. MOI, GEN.MEGKL FLAG :-Red, with White Ball ! marll Ij TIME TABLE STMMER &HKGIIKE ICIrvXG. Hrlnwtor. .-teamT Llktlike will leave Honolulu each Tuesday at p. touching at Laltaina. Maalaea liar, Makena, Ma hukooa. Eawaihae. Laapahoebo and IIU'j. H'firciriH will touch it ail the above port.s, arriving at Honolulu each SnuJsr a. m. No Credit for Passage Money. We positively refuse to open accounts for Passages, and we particularly call the attention of tbe traveling public to tbe necesAi'y of having Baggage and Freight PLAINLY MA UE ED: the Steamer will not be responsible for any unmarked Knggage. or for Freight or Parcels, unless IiECEIPlED FOii. Freight Money Due on Demand. I In all cases of Freight for parties not responsible or unknown, tbe Freight Money will be required in advance. Packages of Liquors and "Wines Must Be Plainly Marked For tbe party wbora they are for. or plainly stated in tbe I;t-ceipt to whom they are consigned. All demands for damage or loss must be made within one month. In no way liable for loss or accident to Live Stock. rr Hack Drivers, iloys and such like, will not be al lowed on board the steamer on arrival, nntil after the passengers bare been landed. X7Mlci.oxT ets Oo. PACIFIC IYUIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY For Kan Francisco. THE SPLENDID STEAMSHIP CITY OF NEW YORK, CO I! II. C.mmiiHilrr. LEAVL HONOLULU FOR SAN FRANCISCO ON OR ABOUT JUNE 5. Will FOR SYDNEY VIA AUCKLAND I Tim SPLENDID STEAMSHIP CAROIL.U COMMANDER, WILL LEAVE FOR THE I GLOMES ON OR ABOUT JUNE Uth. Por Freight and Pstnge, apply to II. HACKFELD Ik Co. A grots. Cwoita for Shipment per Strainer cats be Stored, Free of Can rice, in she Flre-proof ; nrrbou.e ttmr I be Strnnsr Wharf, mar 4 For Europe via New York. 0. OR AB01T JfXE 5th. ESTABLISHED 1840. Two Sailings Every Week FOR LIVERPOOL: FC03I EW YOilK F.TF.U. WEDSESD1Y, 1 U01I B0ST EVERY SATIB.D1Y. RATES OF PASSAGE : 'ABI.V HO nmd lOO GOLD According to Accommodation. KLTIC TICK HI'S OX FA VOCABLE TEEMS. STKf.KACK 28 CURRENCY O.xvl srcomm'xlat:o'i c-o alsys be secured on application to Wtl-LIAMS. DIM0ND 6 CO., l.FXNDhR, San FrancUco, JAs V !tie f trt-er, Boston, Vt.UNON n. BROWN CO.. 4 B wliiift Greeo, New Vork. N.HIce to rasseifrT (rom Auitralia. New Zealand and II ono lutu Th? Cunord Line affords mnre thn usual facilities to throrrh pamficfrt from Tr.ns-Paciflc Ports, the frequency of i-.s ui ne-t prrcm.nng an p .SMDt.ity or delay in Mew York. T.T 'I '0l AtconioiudH'lonti alWNys reserved. VKRMJN II. BKdWN CO.. DJr 4 Howling Green, New York. By Authority. It has pleased HiS Majesty the King to appoint the following gentlemen to be members of his Cabinet : Hon. Walter Murray Gibson, Premier and Minister of Foreign Affairs, vice His Excellency "W. L. Green resigned. v lion. Simon K. Kaai, Minister of the In terior, vice His Excellency W. N". Arm strong resigned. Hon. J. E. Bush, Minister of Finance, vice His Excellency J. S. "Walker resigned. Edward Preston, Esq., Attorney-General, vice His Excellency "W. N. Armstrong re- j .signed. Iolani Palace, Honolulu. niyilO 4t. AN ACT To Create as Additional Port of Entry AND DEPARTCRE OF VESSELS FROM j Foreign Cocnthies, in the Collection I District of Kawaihae, in the Island ; of Hawaii. j Be it enacted by the King and the Legis j lative Assembly of the Hawaiian Islands, ! in the Legislature of the Kine-dom as sembled : Section 1. Mahukona, in the Island or. Hawaii, and Collection District of Kawai-1 hae. shall be and is hereby created an addi tional Port of Entry and Departure of Ves sels from Foreign Couniries. Section 2. This Act shall take effect and become law on the first day of July next ensuing. Approved this ninth day of May, a.d. 15S2. (Signed) my27 3t KALAKAUA REX. Sealed Tenders ' Will bo rcel vtnl at thr- Interior Office until Tuesday, May 23. 182, at 13 o'clock noon, for an additional bnild Idr 12x130 feet, to be erected at the Immigration Station at Kakaaku. rians and Specifications msy be seen at the Interior Office. The Minister of Interior does not bind himself to accept the lowest, or sny bid. W. N. ARMSTRONG. Minister of Interior. Interior Office, Msy 17, 182. my20-lt Ma. S. W. Pa has, this day, been appointed an Agent to take acknowledgements to Contracts for Labor in the Dis trict of Hilo, Island or Hawaii, vice D. E. Pa, resigned. S. K. E4AI. Minister of the Interior. Interior Office, May 25, 182. my27 3t Election Notice. We kaviDij been duly notified ty th Clerk of th Letislatlre AsseimWy." that there 1 a vacancy in the Kerreer.tUnn of the Pintrict of Honolulu in the Legis lative Aaaembly iu conneqnenoe of tbf reainaHcn of tbe Hon. W. M. Ciil-aon, one of the representatives for fiat Diatrtct. Public notice la hereby given that a new electiou will be beldat AUloIani Hale on the 3rd diy of June A. I. for the purpose of electing one Eepreaeutative to 11 tliH aaid Tarmnry. ' Date-l Hcnolula. 24tb day of Mr. lSffJ. R. f. BICKER TON. Police Justice Honolnlu. JNO. E- BUSH, Tax Assessor Hjuolala. 3. H. LUCE. Tax Collector Honolulu. Inspectors of Election for the District of Honolulu. dwmr27-2t JTTXE 11th. the Commemoration Day of Eairehamtba I. falling on Sunday. Monday Jane 12th, -will be observed as a Public Holiday, and all Government Offices through. oat the Kingdom will be closed on thit day. W. N. ABMSTBOXG. Minister of Interior. Interior Offlce, Msy 19. ltsi myiO-it 8 lie of Lease of Government Land On WEDNESDAY, June 21. Is32, at the front entrauee of Alilolaui Hale, at 12 o'clock noon will be .old at Tublic Auction, the Lease of that tract or parcel of Government Land KNOWN AS KEPUHI, altuated in Palolo Valley, Oaha, containing 11H acres. TERMS Lease 10 years, upset price $75 per aunmnt payable semi-annually In advance. W. If. ABMSTBOXG, Minister of Interior. Iuterior Department. Honolulu. 30th May. 1982. my20-5t SALE OF LEASE OF GOVERNMENT LAND. Ok Wednesday, June 14th, 1U82. at tbe tba front en trance of A?iiolani Hale, at 2 o'clock, noon, will be sold at Public Anction, tbe lease of all that tract of Govern ment Land Bituata in the Distriat of Ewa, Island of Oahu, and KNOWN AS WAIMANU. TERMS Leaas 10 years. Upset price, 100 per annum, payable quarterly in advance. W. N. ARMSTRONG. Minister of Interior. Dept. of Interior, Honolulu, 11th May, 1882. myl3 5t. Notice la hereby given that pursuant to an Act of the Legislative Assembly approved May 2nd. 1882, there will be an election for Representative from the Di.trict of Eabakuloa and Kaanapali, Maui, on the 27th DAT of MAT, 1882. The Inspectors of Election will receive the rotes of all those entitled to vote at the School House in the aaid District. The following named persons are hereby appointed Inspectors for Election: D.KAMAIOPILI. 8. E. KAICE. B. NEWTON. W. N. ABMSTRONG, Interior Office, May 3rd. 1882. Minister of Interior. myi-6 dfcw a w -a i H o 25 a. MM tA IO I t3 - r -2 a a ;Us m es LSI S . s li s s s O 5 es es cs S 3 s S e a a a cs a" U U u es cs es H cs ' Z f- A a a 5 S w y o y S o o e a t-3 9 ss a a a H 5 w C3 a J es es es 5 " E - 2 W S a a ? t - u 2 S 6 o 9 W C5 a o PS a H ol O PS b O 03 W a w 0 M H 0 H 0 mi o V, s s e5 H 6 : o . u : o o 5". c a es f ' 15 o; Irs 5-e t. a a - i Z. O i- s. "3 a, x a a sa a5 a a. 3 a List of Licenses Expiring May, 1882. Retnll Oafaa. Tee. Wo 4r Co, Nnuanu Street Honolulu A Jaeger. Kasbumanu Street Conchee i Achat. Hotel Street Ah Kst. Fish Market J. A. Hopper, Esplanade Nam Chong A Co., cor King and Maunakea Sta " Jos. F. Pickering, cor King and Fort Sta " 2 3 & 9 17 20 21 24 24 Yee On. Maunakea sc A. 8. Cleghorn k Co., cor Queen and Haabu manu Streets ' Pau, Sing, Tong k Co., Maunakea strest " J. II. Lynch. King Street Cbu Sam. King Street Ahuna, Waialua Ahuna. Waialua Ho, Tin. Cbong, cor Merchant and Aalkea Sta " Israel Fisher. Liliba St " Hang Lura, Tong. Hotel St " Mrs. W. H. Wilkinson. Fort 8t " Rrlnil Hawaii. H. B. Carr. I'unaboa, Hilo Ah Teng. Honokaa. Hatnakua Tuck Suug. Paukaa. Hilo L. Avana. Makspala. North Kobala Paliana, Makspala. North Kohala C. H. Wetmore. Hilo fan. Sam Kee. Hsmakoa Ton Man, Lanpahoehoe, Hilo I. K. Mills, Kukuibaele, Hamakua Retail Maal Cbas Sylva, Walluku J. C. Kirkwood. Lahalna. C. H. Dicksy, Haiku Wong Leong. Kainalu, Molokai Kalepa. Makaena. Keanae. Koolau Tim Yon. Mskswao Alama. Waibee A. Knos k Co.. Wailuku Kung Leong, Walluku Retail KaMni. Geo Irvin. Kekaha, Li hue Chong Tai. Waimea Achong, Waimea Victualing.' Yee. Wo k Co., Nunanu St. Flonolulu Apo. Haniskuapoko. Maui - Conchee it Achat, Hotel St. Honlulu Conchee A Achat, International. Honolulu P. Punohu. Lahalna. Maui Lam Toi, Maunakea St.. Honolulu Ho, Tin Cheok. cor Merchant and Alakea Sta. Nee Lee. Beretania St Win. Coffin. Kilsuea, Kauai Louis Kaltofen. Kekaha, Kauai Cing Cbeok, Nunanu St. Wholesale. E. P. Adams, Queen St A. 8. Cleghorn k Co., cor Queen and KasLumanu Sta. J. I. Dowsett, Queen St. Park Batcher. 23 26 20 26 26 27 28 28 SO 13 Teulung Aids, Lihne. Kauai 28 'A wans, Makawao, Maui BoAl. 11 J. W. Keeaomaksni, Hilo, Hawaii Fire A r ma. 23 H. Bertelmann, Kona, Oahu. ' Billorct. 1 Hart Bros.. Hotel St Honolulu 2 J. a. Lemon (Commercial) Honolulu BaMcber. Awana. Makawao. Man! Alol, North Kobsla. Hawaii Wm Goodness. Makawao, Usui John Cox, Waialua, Oaha Cake Peddliaf Ah On, Honolulu, Oahu Asee, Waianae, Oaha Abiua, Llnue, Kauai THE PACIFIC Commercial 2Ubcriiser. SATURDAY. . . MAY : 1SS2. NEWS OF THE WEEK. t A liege iimii!er of Auction Sales of land VWd Iea-hohls cime orf to-day. I. r? : . . kino KixraxMEUA 1, noius daily receptions at the palatial re-idence bailt for him on the grounds adjoining the Government House. Is the civil case, Eusrcne Bal vs. Hackfield and Co., a decision was rendered resterday in favor of Mr. Bal. - twAy Bko-., the boatbuilders are at work en a ten toa schooner for W. 'Williams, to be engaged in the island trade. The schooner being built for A. F. Cooke, of native woods, is fast approaching completion and will be launched in a week or two. The Cousins' Society will hold their annual meet- in this Satnrdar evening at the residence of Dr. C. M Hvde. Alfbed Khodcs a prisoner, formerly in charge of ono of the road gangs, has been disrated to the ranks on account of his alleged inability to tell gin from kerosene oil when he drank it. Two boys, rears, have loela and Kiinokeo, aged about 17 decamped from the Reformatorr School on the morning of the 25th, and a reward of ?5 isjtiow offered for their capture. Work connected with the boring for an - artesian f ell, at the foot of Richard-street, has been Btop- ted, for the present at least, by order of His Ex- cVllencv the Minister of the Interior, v - m Ok Sunday next at 10 a.m., in the Roman Cath olic Cathedral there will be celebrated a Pontifical High Mass; a sermon will also be preached in the English language. Merchants should have a care against being flooded with an influx of mutilated and defaced coins from the Coast, a large discount on such monies being at present prevalent there. S . Ho Noble Isenberg, takes the place of Hon. Noble Kaai as Chairman of the Special Committee to whom was referred the resolution censuring of the late Minister of the Interior. At about 6 a.m. on Monday morning, while the Makee was on her way up from Kauai, a man named Kanohokai fell overboard, but was picked up within a few minutes, none the worse for his ducking. Mb. E. C. Tuckeb, an employee of Messrs. Castle i Cooke, was npset out of a wagon in which he was driving along Nunanu street on Tuesday afternoon, and a sewing machine, which was also thrown out, falling on him, ho received some severe bruises. Capt. J. C. Mekbill, of the well-known San Francisco firm of J. C. Merrill A Co., with his wife and two children, Mrs. Barker, Mr. and Barber, and Mr. Eckstein, were landed at Hilo from the bark D. C. Murray. Mb. Hallexbeck was too unwell to be present, as he intended, at Fort-street Church Sunday evening. It was announced that there would be a Gospel service there to-morrow evening Sunday, at which it was hoped that Mr. Hallenbeck would lead the ex ercises. , Simiona, a little boy about 7 years old whose parents live at Koolau, fell into the water between the C. R. Bishop and the wharf, on the afternoon of the 23th. None of the men working ou the wharf saw the accident, but a bigger boy espying him in the water jumped in and rescued him. Two Chinamen from Pahala were charged at the Waiohinu District Court last week with selling liquor without a license. They were both con victed and fined $500 each. They had been selling liquor to natives aud others on the Pahala Planta tion. Another Chinaman had been arrested for the same offence about the time the mail left. Mb. Ashley, who is engaged in artesian well boring at Waialua, reports that on 19th instant, water was reached at a depth of 457 feet at the well bored on the premises of J. Mendoza, at Mokuleia. The quality of the water is reported as being excel lent, clear and cold, and rises twenty-one feet in the pipes above sea level. His Majesty, the Kin'o, has appointed His Ex cellency, 'Walter M. Gibson, as President of the Board of Health and Hon. A. S. Cleghorn, as an additional memler. The Board as now constituted consists of ths following membes : His Excellency, Waller M. Gibson, Hons. J. Moanauli, A. S. Cleg horn, J. S. Walker, and H. A. Widemann. ..F ' In consequence of their appointment to Min? isterial office, Hon. "W. M. Gibson and Hon. J. E. Bush, resign their places on the Finance Commit tee of the Legislature. Hon. A. S. Cleghorn and Hon. J. A. Widemann have been appointed to fill these vacancies, and Hon. Mr. Nawahi has boen appointed Chairman of the Committee. 1 At the Bethel Church, on Saturday evening, f the usual Gospel Temperance meeting was held. Inhere was a fair attendance, and an earnest spirit prevailed. These meetings have been instrumental in drawing a number who were losing themselves throngh drink, into straighter paths, t , To-mobbow leing Whitsunday will be observed at St. Andrew's Cathedral with services of a special choral character. There will be a celebration of Holy Communion in English at half-past seven in the morning. At the eleven o'clock service the preacher will be the Bev. A. Mackintosh. The preacher in the evening will be the Rev. T. Black burn B. A. The Steamer C. It. Bishop came in from Kauai Thursday morning, and had discharged her cargo of 3291 packages of sugar by 10 a.m. She took In about 11,000 feet of Lumbar besides a good deal of small freight, and by 3 p.m. was loaded and ready for sea, except that she had to wait till the usual time of sailing for her mails and passengers. Quick despatch of work is evidently the order of the day in this port. The Bishop will now resume her regu lar trips, starting Tuesday next. The following is the programme for the regular 4 o clock concert at Lnima Square : Overture "In tho Italian Style," Polka "The Humming Bird," Gavotte "Our Darling," Selection "Lohengrin," Dance "Czardas," . . . . , Medley "Ye Olden Times." (New) The band will give regular moonlight Schubert. . .Selling. . . . Weiss. . Wagner. . Brahms. . . . Beyer. Concerts on Monday, May 29th, at the Hawaiian Hotel, aud on Tuesday, May 30th, and Thursday, June 1st, at Emma Square. Mb Fcrxeaux is having a series of his pictures' illustrative of the late great eruption of Mauna Loa, framed, and will arrange them for exhibition next week. The series will include forty-three pieces, which together give a pictorial history of this wonderful and exceptional phenomenon. There is to lo seen in Mr. Fnrneaux's studio at the pre sent time, a wonderfully life-like portrait of Gov ernor Kanoa. This is the most successful portrait that has come from Mr. Furneaux's brush, and either it or a copy by the artist's hand should be secured as national property. From Mr. Teterson, the Assistant Fostmaster General, information is obtained regarding the number of letters forwarded during the last two davs bv tha various inter-island steamers are as follows : Monday the 2'2d inst., per Iwalani, Le hua and C. R. Bishop 782 foreign aad 490 native letters a total of 1272. 15 bags of mail were for warded per the Iwalani, 6 by the C. B. Bishop, and 4 by the Lehua. Yesterday there was forwarded per Likelike. Kilauea Hou, and James Makee 123G foreign and 797 native letters, a total of 2033. Another runaway Wednesday morning. The vic tim on this occasion was an express driver who had just got out of his vehicle to tie up the horse whilst he breakfasted, when the mare he drives took freight at something and bolted, choosing Fort Street in which to " run a murk." Bringing the wheels of the express into collision with those of a heavily loaded dray just opposite Mr. Waterhouse's new building, she freed herself from all encum brance but the shafts, had a good run along Mer chant street and round again into Messrs. Hack feld t Co.'s yard, where she was pinned and caught. Fortunately" she suffered no injury, except a slight hurt on one of her hind feet, and was at work again in another vehicle shortly afterwards. There was a good attendance at Mr. Wray Tay lor's fourth free organ recital in St. Aadrew's Cathedral Tuesday night. The programme for the evening was as follows : 1. March' Triomphale (Archer) : 2, Pastorale (Merkel) ; 3, solo, " Preg hiera " (Poniatswski) . Mile. Ponti : 4, Romanze and Trio from Symphonie in B-flat (Hayden), Mr. Scarborough :5, solo, " I will Rejoice " (Behr). Mr. McCartney : 6, Ave Maria, for the organ (Liszt) ; 7. Fantasia in C minor, op. 40 (Tietz) ; 8, solo, " O Salutaris (Verdi.) Mile. Ponti : 9, Pro cessional in E-flat (Batiste. " God Save the Queen." Hawaii Ponoi." Hon 1 t.'o- Anotueb candidate- has appeared in tho lirhl in the race tor Bopre-i-ntorisl honors. Goi-;rt Biika nana Kalaaukane. And the cry is 'till they come." The Morninff Star will not leave for Seas tiefore the middle of Jnue. A d will probably be set after the arrival expectl schooner Julia. th finite f th. iK1' di' Mb. CKrzi.N will preach at Fort Street Church Sunday morning; iu thu evening the first of the Union Gospel service will be conducted bv Mr. XI. L. HallcDbeck. The Morning Star will take as pas.-eugeis to the Island of Tonape. of the Marshall Group; Bt v. A. Sturgis, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Band. Mr aud Mrs. A. S. Houston and Miss Fletcher. There is some talk abont town of roiviu-i '. years ap" A number e cret order in e::"tcuv. some ana Known as the Clampus Vitus." of the original member are ye tresiding here. The steamer W. H. Reed arrived in Kn t j otter day from Hilo and has docked at the Xuuansn St.. wharf. She will bo registered at this port, and probably under a new name. J. T. Wateihou-e A Co, are the agents. j - - Mb. WratTatlor vriu give his fifth fans organ recital Tuesday evening. Mar 30th. iu St. Andrew's Cathedral, assisted bv H. R.'H. Princess Liliuoka lani. H. R. H. Trim-ess Likelike and Mr. A. T. At kinson. Miss Ada Ward, a brilliant reader and accom plished actress is announced to give an entertsiti ment in this city on the arrival of the steamer City of New York from the colonies, duo on or alom June 5th. She will bo assisted, if opportunity of fers, by some of the local amateur talent. A bold robbery was committd on laid the barque Emerald on Thursday niyht, the jh rjo'ira tor of which succeeded in obtaining a gold watch and chain, valued at $125. belonging to the mate of the vessel, and sis or seven dollars in coin from the pocket of a rest belonging to the captain. No arrest has been made, as the person" UKK'ctcd goes Soundward on tho Emerald, and Captain Lord hopes upon reaching the shores tf Piit Townsend to recover the missing projerty. The Tourists advertise their farewell appearance mis evening at tne music llall ami present a programme that should insure a full house. Among the list of novelties is the api arinue for the first time in this city of Mr. Lsidor Rosi ncraniz who has the reputation of being an excellent per former on the violin. Unsworth and Glover the affable and courteous business managers hope to see the house as crowded as on the occasion of the opening performance, and the rest of the Trotijv earnestly desire that those wishes mav bo fuliilh iK our usuai generous puoiie win undoubtedly give them a " bumper." The performance at the Music Hull Satur day Evening, by tho " Tourists " was well attended and these popular farorites pleased tho audience ns nsual witu their character delineations and secial ties. The programme for the evening consisted of the farce " A Prima Donna for a Night," Glow-r'a " Masks and Faces," ballad singing by Miss Bur ton, a very amusing sketch entitled tho Coming Man," and a comical tragical, nonsensical hkolch introducing Sarony as Sarah Heartburn. This evening there will bo no programme, but on Satur day evening next .May 27, a double grand hill will be presented, on the farewell appearance of tho troupe. There were three runaways on Monday. Mrs. Co ney and her daughter Mrs. Low were driving up Beretania street when the horse bolted. Tho buggy was over-turned at tho corner of Punchbowl street and both ladies thrown out. Mrs. Coney suffered a dislocation of the shoulder. Mrs. Levy fortunate ly escaped with a few bruises Mr. J. O. Havsel den left his horse aud buggy' standing at Messrs. E. O. Hall fc Son's corner, and the horse being frightened by a bullock team passing, turned round and in doing so upset the buggy, which he immedi ately proceeded to kick to pieces J The third acci dent was to an express. TheTTolNe ran away and capsized and smashed the carriage at tho corner of Richard and Beretania streets no one hurt. The diplomatic corps, His Ex. James M. Comly Minister Resident of the United States; Hon. J.H. Wodehonse, H.B.M. Commissioner ; and Monsieur Feer, Commissioner of the Republic of France, called at the Foreign Office on Monday to present their respects to His Ex. Mr. Gibson, the new Min ister of Foreign Affairs. Gentlemen of the Consu lar corps: F. A. Schaefer, Esq., Consul of Italy; D. A. McKinley, Esq., Consul of the United SUtc's; J. C, Glade, Esq., Imperial German Consul ; H. F. Glade, Esq., Acting Consul for Austra-Hungary; J. F. Hackfeld, Esq., Imperial Russian Vice-Consul; R. W. Laine, Esq., Consul for Mexico, tendered their congratulations to the now Ministers. Also Col. C. Spreckels, and many other gentlemen in official and business circles called upon His Excel lency at the Foreign Office, and on his colleagues to present their congratulations. m Ok the evening of 13th inst., two very interesting articles were added to the contents of tho Loan Ex hibition. These were two series of photographs from the studio of Messrs. J. Williams t Co. Ono of these contained nine different pictures of th ladies who had taken part in that pretty Exhibition "tho Fan Drill," which had been given in tho Ex hibition on the previous evening. Theno ladies were so polite as to let Mr. mniams take various pictures, illustrating at the same time their own graces and some of the prettiest features of the ' Drill." Aa already stated nine different picture were taken at the time by Mr. Williams, vet, with quite remarkabla expedition, the whole were printed, mounted, artistically ground in a hand some frame, and put in their places in the Exhibi tion by an early hour the same evening. Tho largest of these pictures includes eleven figures, the others are of smaller groups. Tho picturesque costume adopted, and the graceful positions as sumed, render the pictures peculiarly pleasing ; and as they include a number of tho most admired young ladies of our city, Mr. Williams will Ih: gind to sec all the young men who aro, or ought to 1:, their devoted slaves, at his studio, where they may worship these images of the adored at their leisure. The other group exhibited was entitled "Progres sive Hawaiians," and is a long scries of portraits of Hawaiian babies of white parentage. It was a very prettv idea to bring together this "Baby Show," which is a series of very succcsssul pictures. The group is still to be seen at tho Studio in Fort street, where all mothers may spend a pleanant half-hour in criticism ou their neighbours' trea sures, and comparison of them with their own. The Melbourne "Argus" thus refers to our old friend the horse Commodore, formerly the proM.rty of Mr. H. J. Agnew, of this city. The extract is taken from an account ofan exhibition of trotting horse on the new course at Elsternwick near Melbourne: " The four imported American trotting stallion. Boccaccio, Vermont Junior. Startle, and Young Giant, were brought out. Boccaccio went round the track in grand style, finishing up with a fiiK spurt, in which he performed so grandly that the spectators cheered him heartily. Startle, a very handsome dark brown horse, was sent along for a short distance, and he in turn was well el ice red. After these celebrities had leen put throngh their paces, the Australian-bred trotters. Captain Dear born, Native Cat, Wanderer, and Brown Hawk, were sent round the course. Wanderer and Brown Hawk performing very well. The imported Ameri can trotters, unacr anu alter ftcott ni a steady trot, and to wind up, Mr. Robins brought out his famous pair of American trotters, Commo dore and Defiance. The former, who was driven by Lis owner, is a handsome bay, more like an English thoroughbred than the usual type of American trotters. The pair were taken steadily along the track, and then Commodore was h-tont at his lst pace. For the first time most of tho.-e on the ground saw what a really high-class Ameri can trotter was like. As the horse flew past the stand the spectators greeted him with a ringing cheer of approbation. Defiance is a grand old horse, but he was not so well handled as Commo dore, and consequently did not show to so much advantage." What the People Say. We invite expressions of opinion from the pnblie upon all subjects of general interest for Insertiou uivior tlii head of the Advebtiser. Such coiuiuiiiiicstioui should be authenticated by the name of the writer as s gua rantee of good faith, but not necessarily for publira tion. Our object is to offer the fullest opportunity for a variety of popular discussion and inquiry. To all inquirers we shall endeavor to furnish informa tion of the most complete character on any subject in which they may be interested.) Mr. Editor, I noticed a few days ugo that a petition was presented to the Legislature from Kohala, sipped by some of my over-zealous friends, praying for my appointment to the posi tion of Government physician in that locality. I wish, niinply to say that the petition was pre sented without my knowledge, that I would not, under any circumstances, accept the appoint ment ; aud further, that Dr. Thompson, wh has served that district faithfully for seven years', is a thoroughly competent physician, and enjoys the fullest confidence of the people. t . Respectfully, M. Haoak, M.D. Honolulu, May 22, 1882. The Chmeee Commis-ioners. Messrs. Lai Kwey and Aa Youn Min?. will t ' 01 afternoon, under the gnidance of Jlart-hl I: Q-em Victor V Ja.rudiy. Tin: SintKvAPE. TI.e vvv nf tin- Mrtli.iay of Her Ilrltanwlo M.tjeH v Vi.-.of ia I, was vv'. Imiti'J by Ue IJoyul Hawaiian Html, in. jtv a vutwert iti Hit? Hole! u'otitol,. This tuny fx? looked upon a n modern m Uiii r? uiu ii-nt Ha- waitiil custom. ii,-j.,ir,Ii ii. lit ihli-li I ln c:nd tho hu.'ti i, (. ki . tWM u'L tliroinrll 1 the lilirllt lircCfiliiii' t!o iJciln nr a nliii.f nw I iir rltii'i'.H. 'I'i, ,r i t u i . , i, i. , ,f oiii.Li iev-ted iin ludf1 I soiiio jd.-eoi Veiy npnro priiite t' Hit- itce.i-ioii, 'I I io HMilr'? lieC0 was Kappi y's Vietoi i.i Albert biuret. 0tc's lovely wails founded on the olr of the ballad My Queen " wusone of tho mi in her. for t!ic lirst part,, ami 1 fee kefa ' Cjoeeii Victoria " jalop was lh conclud injr rie cf' the second part. Coote'i "Lights o' London" qutdiUle, which Is lrili.h to th? core, va a!o given, and we may further reckon the brilliant and pirlt dly pluyed ,-eVction from the " Pirates of iVnruiicv. " r Ivi ihlv npjtropriato line la the programme. 'J liee Ct:em so'sug irestive to r.ritons lif ilt fur rof from whioh they hail formed ft ;rneeful compliment on the part of rrofetsor Herper und the lloyal itind to the British eel Ion of thin community. As lover of inucie we inu-.t, however, jrlve the palm to another innnher of the programme, the selection from Ver ii' Miihueeo," which contains somo charinino; airs, and a great deal of .opK-ndid harmony. 'lhe Uritiah National Anthem given at the cloe of the pei f-n niance, folJuued by Hawaii Tonol. Although men of Hrilixh birth have an active hare in lhe management nf this journal, the P.winc (mmkkcial ADVKK Tisi:u is Hawaiian by birth und Hawaiian in .sentiment, and n-piiv t bo tho expo nent of Hawaiian ldea, ami u leader and moulder of Hawaiian thought. Ill the n.nne of Hawaii, therefore, wt- thank Pro fesor llerger aud hi "boy!" for this grace ful compliment to t !io Qucn of a frieudly nation, whence have sprung some of our best citizens and public men, tboth of pre sent and of former limes) and on whose kiundly feelings to Hawaii we may ever rely. Tin: UrOKPTios. Her ISrittanic Mtijessly's Commissioner tothese Iflandi, .Major James Hay Wode honse, hc l J a bit thdav reception from noon to a p.m. Amongst those who paid com plimentary visits to th Commissioner were: His lOxet i'enev, , r. J'Mlllllia, UO" r i t.....i..i f .. ernor of Oahu; His KxooHeiirv, Waller M. (iibson, Premier and Minister for Foreign Relation; His Kxcolleiicy, Simon K. Kaai, Minister of the Interior; His Excellency, John 1'. Hush, Minister of Finance; His JOxcellenoy, Edward Pieston, Attorney (Jeneral; His Excellency, (Jeneral Comly,. Minister Resident P-r t ie Unitetl States of" America; Mons. II. Feer, C'oinmlt'Hioner and tonsnl-Cienerai for the French He public; Hon. A. S. ( leghorn; V. A. Hchaefer, Esq., (Jot'Mil for Italy, iind tiding Con sul for Portugal: 1. A. McKlnle.v, Esq., Consul for the United States of America; T. Haiti Walker, Esq., Acting lirltUIr Vice Consul ; J. C. (i lade, E-x,., Consul for tho (Jernian Empire; 11, F. (Jlinle, Esq., Act ing Consul for A.ustria-lli)iii.'.iry, and J. F. Hackfeld, Esq., Viee-Consul lor the Jlusslan Empire, Comtc Ie liOtiviercH, Chancellor of f the French Ijcgatlou. A large number of the British re.sidenls in Honolulu also p.iid complimentary vialt (' the Commis si)iier w ho iu the most hospitable manner kept open houwe for all lilsguestn. Tho old. and, to Britons, always welcome toaet " The Queen, (.Jod bless her," was not for gotten, and few failed lo remark that, onco more, Iler M:iu-Mv bh thd;iv was marked ny wnat H Known In (iueen'ti weather." England ns 14 tho Tnr Bam.. Under the uusiicvs of tho British Bene volent Society the day was further cele brated by n ball, In tho new Munlo llall. The moveable floor over tbe parquet to wa laid with expedition' the previous day, under the Htipei intendenee of Mr. Eucag, and the hull was decorated with llagn, etc., under the direction of a commitU'o consist ing of Messrs. H. Maefarlaue, J M. Kwanzy, E. W. Purvis, ami E. W. Holdnworth. Tho ball was honored by the prenenco of Ills Majesty tho King, Her Boyal HlghncHa PrJncexs Eiluokaluni and His Excellency tiovernor Domini, ller lloyal IJIghnesi Princess Likelike und Hon. A. H. Cleghorn, (Jen. Comly, United States Resident Minis ter, Monsieur Henri Ft ( r, French Commis sioner, Madame Feer, aud Mdlle. Feer, who were invited g;nds on tho occasion. There was a large ami brilliant company. Some two hundred and fifty double tickets were sold, although only about two-thirds of that number were lined. In all there must have been fully thrco hundred ladies and gentlemen present of whom quite a latge proportion were dancer, ho that the evening's amusement wan kept up with (spirit throughout. An excellent light supper was .served at an interval In the programme, which tin? g-uests hud tho advantage of partaking of whilst remain ing in their st ats. Afu-r wippcr t he Brltlfdi National Anthem wms sung in chorus by a large Kouipany of ladles und gentlemen who grouped themselves iu the middle of tho lloor, und whose lead was followed by every one of British extraction who wita in tho room. Tho fast .ivitifs came to a close about 2 a.m., and we have heard but one Verdict on the alHiir, viz., that it was Biiwosaful in an unusual degree, uud that all had spent a most enjoyable evening. NOT II . The May number of t'le " Planter's Monthly" is issued, mid we have to acl.iiowl.-dgo the receipt of copies. We arc- g ! ad to rongrutiilata tho editors on the tone and rpjali iy of thcii magazine, to which wo heartily wi.-h a long and useful career. The editors have no ordinary task iri hand in a narrow field like this, and i-iio.iid havi; tho loyal and thoughtful nupp.irt of nil who arc hi tern tad iu our ' chief producing industry. Tho editorial article is a timely und judicious or, on tho Treatment of Laborer." Thu other article are e"i4li.-f a cliaiaeter ns their titles im port: ' Cutting and carting cutio," by E.P.A. "Otto's filter apparatus." "The vacuum pan" by A. L. A report of tho mass meeting in favor of Prohibi bitiou held in Honolulu em tho 4th Instant, and an article on Lahaina cane from tho pen of Mr. J. V. Baldwin. r prod-icc-d from i!io !, iiuiis of a con ti. niporary, are al vj among the contents of thi n nmbcr. The system so common among Hawaiian's of adopting tho children of other pooplo leads occa sionally to complications. Deputy Marshal Dayton was occupied ou Monday in the endeavor to settle amicably a dispute arising from a case of this sort. A mother claiiio-d her child. 'which had, with the consent of both parents, been brought up by others, for a lengthened period. Neith'-r th child nor the woman who adopted it were Milling that tho former should go back, li ith women had lost their husbands and married ii'-chiii since tho adoption of the child. A mother in hiicIi a c:isi 1ms certain le gal rights, which it would l well if the course of conduct sic- has pursued in letting another brinjf up her child should im'ke ab-i-dutely void, unless iruprojior conduct on the pal t of I he patrons should bo shown. An cr.tra ordinary amount of rumor prevailed in the town during the early part of the week as to alleged appointments that li.ivu been ruadti to posts under Government, at the expense, of course, of turning out their prci-cai iiicuniU-ritw, We have warrant for saying that thc;e rumors arc without truth. They are citle r inventions of those who di-like the present Ministers, or of thoso who want to get their friends in I i billets, or possibly of idle fonsrrsei merely. Ministers have neither discussed nor contemplated cither tho rhunes njxiken of or any others. Mohave f-rcat satisfaction in -being assured that the views of Ministers are not to mako any removals from o"!i.-e unless good reasons dic tate the necessity, l.cav. o forhi 1 that the "Jsjwiils" System, against which tho peoph; of the United States ui'o now- revolting ho:tld tal e any root here! We referred in our issue of May 2d, to what ap peared to be ft curio, si ty iii the way of ap)eala made by a Chinaman namad Jvan On, in tho hope of ob'aining a tuitiga'ion of the sentence, passed on him for selling liquor, by the District Justice atKapaa. Enquiry Inn elicited tho fact that ofll cial information on the subject received in town was defective in not specifying that the man had lieen sentenced to three months' imprisonment as . well as the tine of 3rt which he paid. Kan On objects to t lie double punishment ; like tho negro wiio'-e master when about to administer a Hogging; preceded it by a lung lecture drawing from las victim the pathetic uppi-al: "lassa, if floggoe, floggee ; if pi t achee, preachoe ; brit no floggoe and prcachee too." lie is of opinion too, that the law docs not allow both fine and imprisonment, but only leaves with the magistrate uu option as to. which ho shall indict. If tho ultimate decision in his case should show that this is the state of th& law, it should Ik- amended. Experience seems to. show that a line is not an adequate punishment for the offence because it is not a deterrent, yet tho magistrate can hardly avoid in-posing lines in. these cases, because tho only provision for reward ing the person who detects tho olfolioe IH tho rulfl which allows him half tho line,