Newspaper Page Text
V THE PACIFIC . . u THE PAOiriO Commercial bbcrtiscr IS FCBLUDID BT THE P. C. ADVERTISER CO. Kvory Saturday Morninir. Town mmm I I a ! a kMrlf h pmH la A4fir, t.t.llii lr t.SO fwr !l Monsbo. Foreign Snboeriollono. tO.OU to 9 a aoatr( Including yalaf. (Commercial hkttistt PUBLISHED AT Honolulu. Hawaiian Inland. rirtto or Aclxroi-tlajlriK. epsee tiira.urr.l Nonpareil type. 1 ! 1 m. ' at S n. m. Hi l ine, (half Inch). . K f 1 00 f t 00 f 00 Q f 10 11 Lin, (one inrh). : I tu 4 HO 4 CO -a 00. OoJ 1 M St I liX".(to lucbr;' 3 00 oo ihi: T o 10 00! It CO 34 Line, (thrr do.) 3 00 00 T eu 10 00; It 00 M M a M M tO 04) U 0 Line, (four do.) Uutnrr Column... 4 oo e oo to oo it oo: to oo 6 00 10 00 14 00 la 00 10 00 ! 00 IS 00 31 00 2 00 4a 00 It 00 20 00 S4 00 SO 00 1 00 Ths subscription price for pa par. forwarded ta may part Thin! t'cuccn...,. i mo i nitct state la i per usoni, rr aio it iSTixci, Half Co! a mo , Whole Coiuein...... wilich Includes poata(a. IS 00 30 00 4a 00 I 00 100 OO 110 M v v!) v 1 1 1 1 li Ml (ti OSU0M flmMX XXX X X Daily Pacific Connercial Aflrertissr. Far isiaia . . , , , r 00 8tX mnctb 8 00 frw month -. ,,. 1 00 Par week 0 23 Call? an t VVeeklv toa-etber to ou nbocrlbor. par . . . 12 00 C-T" SciKtimoM hiuu alwt. ix avacx. S" CmmanicaUnoa from all parte of Uta Pacific will ajwaye xm vary acc.pla&le. ET Person, real din; la any part of th United States) can remit the aasoant or aatacnpuoa aaee lor wes pa par la American atampa. JTT Commnnlcattone ehoull b addraaaad. and account paid, to r. U. HAVdELDEN, Mui(n for taa PACinriC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER COM PA NT SELECT K I) POETRY. ITlku Flahrman'H Honu. Irwn la tb wide, gray, riv.r. Tn rnrr.nt la sweeplo strong ; Over thr wide, gray river. Floats to fisherman' song. Tba oar-atroa. time, tba aintfiBg. Tba aoof fail with tba oar ; Aod aa echo ta both la tinging. I thaaght to bear ao more. Oat of a deeper correct Tb mtug bring back to lua A cry from mortal alleaca. Of mortal agony. Life tbat wa spent aod vanlahaU. Vuru that bad died of wrong. Heart tbat are dead in living. Com bark la tb fixherman. aong. I ae tb maple leafing. Jtut t they leafed befor ; Tbe graea graa cornea no greener Down to tb very above Wlta tb rad atrala awrlling. slaking. Ia tb cadeac of day gone by, A tbe oar from tb water drinking Ripple tbe mirrored aky. Vet tb a. ml baa life diviner ; Ita paat return ao more. Cat la echo, tbat anawrr tb minor Of tb boat eoafl from tb abor. How Terry Cbolt. LATE FOREIGN HEWS. Four survivors from the Jeannette bare been feted at Liverpool, and sailed in tbe Celtic for New- York. A Ministerial crisis has occurred in Russia on the Jewish question. Ignatief will probably resign, the other Ministers opposing his measures for encouraging the emigration of Jews, on the ground of loss of revenue. Tbe loss to Russia by tbe riots and the emigration of Jews is computed to be 8112,000,000. Feasants in Ireland, leaving the district in which they are known, bare begun to ask tbe poliee for passports in fear of being ar rested as the assassins of Lord Frederick Cavendish. The report is general that the real assassins hare escaped to America in the garb of priests. Fire destroyed four-fifths of the town of Olympia, W.T. on ISth May. Tbe leader of the Arabian Pan-Islamist party has been killed and his followers dis persed. A cyclone carried the roof of the Wes leyan Church a Warrenton.Mo., half a mile away. Some of the inmates had narrow escapes. About the same time McAllister, a mining settlement in the Indian Territory, was devested by a cyclone, fifty-nine houses wrecked, seven people killed, and fifty others hurt. Tbe wind did much damage in other places. Goorge Trevelliao has been appointed Chief Secretary for Ireland. The appoint ment is popular. Air. Lorillard's horse Iroquois, is report ed to have brokeu down. Fifteen loaded wheat ships were lately lying tn the stream at San Francisco wait ing for crews. Among the latest bits of Washington gos sip is a story that Secretary Frelinguysen will succeed Minister Lowell at the Court of St. James, and that he will be himself succeeded as Secretary of State by ex-Senator Conkling. Alfred Tennyson in busily writing at one of his country places. He baa finished his new play, and Mr. Irving will soon bring it out at the Lyceum in London. Mr. Emerson is sa d to have left on es tate valued at about S200.000. Much of this was accumulated and preserved through the thrift of his admirable wife. More than one visitor to Concord remembers a Tision of the gentle lady busy among the clothes-lines of th3 philosopher's back yard on a Monday rrorning Berlin, May 11. The Prussian Diet has been closed by royal message. Von Pultkamer. Minister of the interior, said tha Chamber of Deputies had not given the bill m th jtnnlication of the Imperial surplus a c ireful consideration, and the Government did not anticipate any result from proceed ing with other measures. The Hagce. May 11. The steamer Wm. Barents has started from Yenuiden for the Arctic in search of the Leigh Smith Expe dition. Dublin. May 11. Trevelyan, the new Chief Secretary lor Ireland, and Lady Spen cer, have arrived here. The former was warmly cheered by the populace. He was escorted to the Palace by mounted police, and had an interview with Lord Spencer. Dublin, May 14. From the information that the assassins are still in the city, the conclusion is drawn that they are afraid if they should be separated, one would turn traitor. At least twelve were engaged in the tragedy. It is believed that in the cab which stood near the scene of the murder and loitering under the trees there were armed men ready to affect a rescue in case the actual assassins were surprised. The police have now issued a description of the four men on the car. A car driver from Kingston, named Bolger, was arrested at Moville, and sent to Dublin. There is reason to believe the assassins bad intended to murder eight persons. Rrrra ia Spa I a. Madrid May 19.In the Chamber of Dep uties to-day, the Minister of Justice announ ced the Government would introduce a meas ure next session establishing trial by jury and a new Penal Code, framed on very lib eral principles. The statement appeases the dissentient section of the Ministerial major- The cereals in four provinces threaten fail ure; the prospects in forty-one other provin ces are good. VOL. XXVI-NO. 50. VlssiiTfss (farSs. JOHN EDSESLL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. NO. 3i MERCHANT STREET. CORNER OP FORT ST Itjl ly ilmyl BICHA.ED F. BICKERTON, Attorney and Counselor at Law. HOIKY ft LEVI! a IIOSIUICKS of f ri:f.uold$. XT OFFICE. NO. 40 VltRCHl.M 8TRKET. ojr 16 SO CECIL BROWN, ATTOKNKV A M t'OlXsKI.OR AT L.AW. m. .nmm riDui; ana went ror lakinr Aekaoarledr avnta of Inatruincnu lor ibe I.UnJ of Oabo. 7o. KMbamana 0(rwt, II n...ila. II. I. fe2 90 WILLIAM 0. SMITH, Attorney :itt I SO. SO MKRCIIIM STREET. HONOLULU. ap294J U J. M. DAVIDSON, Attorney at Ijaw, no 28 lyr dmi 1 21 Mrrrhaat Street. M. PHILLIPS & Co., IMPORTERS AM) VIIOL.KS4IK DKIL era In Clothlof . Bontt, ibtf. Hat. Slen't Farniihing and Fancy Good. (i.inl SI) No. 11 Kaabnmana fit.. Ilonolal diBjl JAMES M. MONSARRAT, A TTII R V F. V 1VII fIJ VSRI.I.nn AT Xm. LAW. Special atteolioo paij to tbe nerotialinc of CooreTaoclna; aod all maitrra appertaining to Heal Eatate. .VOTARV Pl'BLIU aaa CoaaiUtUaer of Dffds for the Statu of tw York and California. OFFICE So. 27, Merchant St. oxolclc, a. i. janl el JOHN W. KALUA, a T rORXET AND 'OL?.HEl.L.UR AT Ik. LA V . rnt io lake arknovled-mrnts of fn.irameui for the Island of Maul. Al Acent to tke ackaowledsmeota for Labor Contract fur the Ltrict of Wallakn. janl 81 ly JOHN S. McGREW, M. D., L A.TK HUHGKON U. ARMY, Can be consulted a hi Resilience on Hotel street. dmylj betsreea AUkea and Fort streets. Jaol SI E. H. THACHER. & VS. X- & 3 O XX X3 outlst. l(t 1-8 Fart Street. nevnii office. next d-or abore Dickson's Photograph Q.llery. jal 81 S. M. CARTER, ASCsrt to tnko AeKnowletla ment to Contract it Labor. Office, P. M.S. Duck. Tele phone, N-t. 4 I. dmyl H. E. McINTYRE & BROTHER, riROCERY AND FEED STORE. Corner of King and Fort Streets. liooolala. U. I. anl SI doayS ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO., M HURT ICRS A M COMMISSION M CR. L CHANTS. Corner of Fort aod Merchant streets. Janl 81 ly dmyl '. tirtis C. M. COOKE LEWERS i COOKE, (Baccessora to Uwiu A Dicssoaj KAL.ERS IN I.VMBKK .! Bt'lLDINQ D auT MalerUls. Port Street. 81 CLir sraacsaui wu. o. lasriK. WM. Q. IRWIN & Co., Sugar Factors and Commission Agents. Janl 81 UU.NOLULC. II. I. G. W. MACFARLANE & Co., fMPORTKKM t.l) iOM. MISSION .M EK. CHANTS'. aoblnaon'e Fire-proof ttuildiiig. yurrn St.. Honolulu, 11. 1, asaara r o a Th Paulo Sheep Ranch Company, Toe flpeoeer Plantation. Hilu. Tbe Waikapu Plantation, llu-lo Huxar Mill. M irrleee, Talt A Walaon's So ar Machinery. Jobo Hay A Co'a Liverpool aod London Packeta 181 dmyl) Tbe Ulasgo aod Honolulu Line of Packets A. S. OLEGHORN k Co.. MPORTKRS A N O RETAIL DKALKR3 IN V IIOLEKA L.IC A U General Merchandise, Corner Queen and Kaahuraanu P:s. Uol 81 BROWN & CO., M PORTERS AVI DEtl.ERS l. ALES WINES AND SPIRITS, 4T WHOLKjiALK. 0 Merchant Street, (Janl HI Honolulu. H. I. JNO. A. HASSINGER, GKNT TO TAKE ACKNO VVLEUG. I saeott to Contracts tor Labor. Interior Office. Honolulu. Jaol 81 WONG LEONG & CO. Caraer f N'aaaau nad Marine Street. Honolulu. H. I. Dalrra in Dry Oood. Clotiiina;. Boot and Shoe.. Hats and Cap.. Fancy Goods, etc. Have also constantly on hand, Hawaiian Hire in quantities to suit. Also China Choice ret, China Seine Twine, China Silk Handker chief and Saahni. etc. Owners of Mnanni Swjar Plantation. Molokai A grata Kailua Rice Plantation, Eaopa Rice Plantation, and Palama Rice Plantation. jalO 81 - M. McINERNY, IMPORTER AND DEALER IX CLOTU. INO, Boots, dhors. Hats, Cape, Jewelry, Perfumery, pocket Cutlery, and every description of Oeot'a Superior Furnlshlnc Goods. XT Benkert' Fine Calf Dress Boots, always on band. N. K. Coaasa or Fort no Mkbcbast Stbcits. janl 81 S. ROTH, If ERCHANT il Jaot TAILOR. Honolulu, H. dmyl 38 1. FORT ST. 81 A. W. BUSH, G' ROCER AND PROV ISION DEALER, Family Urocery and Feed More, rr Orders entrusted to me from the other islands will be promptly attended to. 62 Fort Street. Honolulu. (Janl 81 WILLIAM AULD, ACJEN'T TO TAKE A C K N O V LE DG M E NTS to Ceotrarta for Labor la ibe District of Kona, of Oahu. at the Oare of the llonoluu Water Work, foot ol Nuuana Street. jal 81 ly dmyl THOS. J. HAYSELDEN, A CCTIONEER. Ksbaln, Hawaii. Sale . of Heal Estate, Good, and Property of every description attended to. Commissions nwdrrate. m j7 ly dmyl CHAS. T. GULICK, 3NT o r -rv- sr xtjsijIo, AGENT TO TAKE ACKNOWLEDGMENTS TO LABOR CONTRACTS aod Ceneral Business Agent. Office in Makee's Block, corner Queen and Kaahnman Streets. Honolulu. janl-81 ly F. T. LENEHAN & CO., Importers and General Commission Merchants. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WINE8, ALES AND SPIRITS. dayl HONOLULU. H. I. JaSllj HONOLULU. Sitsiiitss (LarUs. DOCTOR KRAFT. PHYSIGIAF1 & SURGEON FROy Kristiania University, Norway, Vc. 12 KaWni street, opposite the Ljteam. OFFICE HOURS : FROM 9 TO 1 A. M. AND FROM 6 TO 8 P. M.. EXCEPT SL'NDAVS. Cr M I G XX T 13 Xj Zj. J. seS4 3m JOSEPH E. WISEMAN, WEAL ESTATE BROKER. AND EM PLOV.MEVr Ul'HEll, HONOLCLU. H. I Rent Kooms, Cot t ices, llues, an.1 se!l and leases Real EaUte In all pans ol the Klndom. EMPLOYMENT found for those seeking work in all the various branches of business connected with these Island. fgr LEO A I. Documents drawn. Bills Collected. Books aod Account kept anj General office work transacted Patronage fJolii-iied. .Commissions Modi-rate, ap9 dmyl F. A. SIIAEFER & CO., Importers 1 Commission Merchants HONOLULU, H. I. apl 1, C. C. COLEMAN, BLACKSMITH AND MACHINIST. Horse Shoeing, Ojxi-irijipfo Work, &c. jan 1 Shop on King street, next to Caatle A Cooke. 81 ESTABLISHED 1830, J. W, ROBERTSON & 0. , (Successors to II. M. Whitney.) IMPORTING AND MANUFACTURING stationers. News Dealers, Publishers, and Book binders. No. 19 and SI Merchant Street, Honolulu, H. I. jal5 ly 18 C. AFONG, IMPORTER. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Dealer in General Merchandise Fire-proof Store, Nuua nu Street. ja3 81 dmly a. C. ILLS. at. r. aoaiMHoa. ALLEN & ROBINSON, AT ROBINSON'S WHARF. DEALERSIN LUMBER and all kinds of BCILDING MATERIALS Pair.ts, Oils, Nails. Ac, Ae. joists roa scsooaitaa KCXAMANC, KEKATLUOHI MART ELLEN, PAUAHI, FAIRT QUEEN. CI LA MA I.KAII I. JnOi Hunnlulu, Hawaiian Islands. dmyl PHOTOGRAPHS ! 1 HIE UNDERSIGN'ED IS NOW PRE-First- pared To go to any part of tbe Groan, nod make CUss Photographs to Order, Either Views or Portraits. Prices reasonable end good work only will be done. aplS tf dmyl II L. CHASE. 1 WM. JOHNSON, Merraaat Tnll.r. Fort Street, Uonolulu. - Hawaiian Islands. jnl 81 dm; ItTftlianical. LOUIS ADLER, BOOT & SHOE STORE! 13 NnaHun Strret. Next door to the Honolulu Restaurant. fel8 ly THOMAS TAN N ATT, No. 83 Fort St., opposite E. O. Hall A Son. Honolulu. WATCHES. CLOCKS. JEWELRY and FINE M C II I N E II V carefully re. paired In a workmanlike manner. Tr Order from tbe Other Islands promptly at tended to. jal 81 C. 0. BERGER, Na. KA A HUM ANU ST., . HONOLULU. FIUK PROOF, FIRE AD BlRtLAK TROOF iD ElRfcLAR PROOF SiFF.S. Ot all sizes. Bought 8-ld and Exchanged. AGENT for the celebrated McNeale 6c Urbaa Sap?, and FAIR II A XK'S SCALES. Mayl-tr WILLIAM TURNER, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, LATE OF SAN' FRANCISCO, Has established himself at 8 8 KING ST.. opposite M Rose's Carriage Factory. FINK WATCH WORK A SPECIALTY, and satisfaction guaranteed. Ap.S,'81 ly MAX ECKART, 3IAMT1CTI RIXG JLHFLKR and WATCHMAKER, IMPORTER OF DIMON'D. GOLD AND Plated Jewelry and f reciouK atones. Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty. NO. 6 KAAIIUMANU STREET. ap22 ly CEO. S. HARRIS, SHIP & GENERAL BLACKSMITH SHIP WORK. BRIDGE. HOUSE. AND Ueavy Wapon Work. Moulding Bitts, Planing Knives, Anchors and Anvils repaired. Goosenecks, Crank Axles and Wsgoo Axlea made for the trade on reasonable terms. Wagons for Traction Engines, ARTESIAN WELL TOOLS With all their Fitting?, a speciality. All Orders Iromptly Attended to and Work Guaranteed. XIT ?bop on the Esplanade, Planing Mill. in the rear of Mr. Geo. I.ucs jal 81a SAM. HARRIS OX, B' RICK AND STONE M A SONS AND CON'- TRACTOKS AND BUILDERS, King Street, Honolulu, with W. M. Gibbs, ARE PREPARED To Undertake all Kinds of Mason Wcrk. Special attention given to aetting Ranges. Bakers Ovens and all kinds of Cooking apparatus. Cbimnies, Foundations and Cisterns built, etc., etc. Plantation Owners and Superintendents would do well to entrust us with business in our line. We wish the public to understand that all work done by us is guaranteed to give satisfaction. jan 1 81 CONCHEE & AHTJNG, IMPORTERS & GENERAL DEALERS IN China Goods and Merchandise OF EVERT DESCRIPTION. Always on Hand. Sc For Sale, Grass Cloths, Chinese Crepes, Silk Handkerchiefs, Dress Stlks in Great Variety, Lacquered Ware Fancy Work and Glove Boxes, Ivoryi Tortoise. Shell and Sandle Wood Fans, Tiger Claw Jewelry Set in Gold. Camphor Wood Trunks. Fine China Teas, Rattan Chairs. China sla-Uup. NO. I HAWAIIAN RICK ! ET B l uit eb at Ho. low Kuuanu and No. 88 Fort Street. ool9 ly HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. ISffJirairal. BUILDER, Steam Boilers, Furnaces, AND Ranges Set, BRICK and STONE WORK Done on reasonable terms. Address i Emma Square, or through the Post OfB?e. janl 81 N. F. BURGESS 3 CARPENTER AND BUILDER, SHOP. NO. 84. KING STRiKT. OPPOSITE ESTIMATES GIVEN ON ILL M.J. ROBE'S. KINDS OP mid Buildings, when required; Offices and Stores Btl in the latest Eastern Styles. BEPURIXG OF EVERY DESCRIPTION' Done In the best possible manner, and at reasonable GARDEN ORNAMENTS of all kioda mad toorder. rates. Saws filed and set. N. B. Persona attention will be given to the moving of a kinds of buildings. Having had experience in the Eastern States, I feel confident 1 can give satisfaction to the most fas tidious. XT Orders left at my shop or residence will receive prompt attientoo. Beat of references Riven. Residence, 218 Fort Street, Honolulu. Orders from the other islands eolicited. ap.ia, 6m CHE. GlERTZ, SO FORT STREET. Importer and. Dealer in CENTS', BOYS', LADIES', MISSES and CHILDREN'S BOOTS, SHOES & SLIPPERS ALSO Gents Boots &, Shoes MADE TO ORDER. jan 1 81 G. LUCAS, Contractor and. Builder Honolulu Planing IVXIXLgTlA ESPLANADE, Honolulu, H. I. Manufactures all kinds ol tfouldlngs, Brackets, Window Frames, Sashes, Doors Blinds and all kinds of Woodwork finish. TURNING AND SCROLL SAWING. All kinds of Planing and Sawing, Morticing and Tenoning. Pinna, Sprcificntiaua, Detailed Drawings ii rid estiruatea furniahed upon Application. Plnulation Work ( nil Kinda, eilbrr in Brick, Wttad, Iran ar Stue Construction dsseia wsrkmeallke maaaer, anil nf reas. enable pricea. ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED, and Work Guaranteed. Orders from the other Islands solicited. jal'81 Is dlmy T. B. MURRAY, Carriage & Wagon Builder, No. Kmc "treet, opposite Station Moaee. 1AKKI AG1S REPAIRING done at SUORT NO J TICE, and at Bed Kock Pricea for CASH XT Give me a Call. anl 81 A. B. ROWE, General Blacksmith & Wagon Maker, BAY HORSK PREMISES, ROSE LANK, (Rear of Houghtailing's Saloon.) SPECIAL ATTENTION TO HORSE SHOE. NG 9 and as I do all work myself and having low renul, I guarantee First-Class Work at low pricos. mai2S 3m XEW PAINT SHOP NO. 128, FORT STREET. OPPOSITE THE ENTERPRISE MILL.. 1MIE UNDERSIGNED BEGS TO INFORM tbe public tbat he bas Opened for Himself a Paint Shop at the above address, where he will always be found and prepared to do work in his line at reasonable rate. House Painting, 5 Paperhanging, Varnishing, ATTENDED TO AT SHORT NOTICK. XT Work done by Ibe Day or by the Job. tnarllOin J. N A ON E. Mrs. Thomas Jsxclsi, JO. 19 FORT STREET. HONOLULU IMPORTER AND DEALER N Sewing Machines & Genuine Parts Attachments, Oil and Accessories. A.GKTT FOR THE ffhitt, Ntw Home, Davis, Crown, Howe and Florence Machines, Howard Machine Ifeedles, all kinds ir sizes Corticalli Silk, in all colors; Clark's Mile End Machine Cotton Agent for Madame Demorest's Reliable Cut Paper Patterns and Publications. Dealer in Rifles, Pistols. Guns and Sporting Goods, Shots. Powder, Caps and Metallic Cartridges. Also, Kerosene Stoves in all sizes. IT My Stock of Pipes, Cigar Holders, To'iacco. Ac .. wil be sold at COST PRICES. p22 ly XT" The services of a good mechanic havinr beoo secure 1. all jobs entrusted to me will be promptly and satisfactorily ttended lo. JUST RECEIVED EX MARTHA HIDEOUT, A FINE LOT OF1 7 FEET CEDAR POSTS ! Far Superior to Redwood in all particulars. FOR SALE BY d31 tf ALLEN & ROBINSON. JJ? A very large assortment of fine white em- mbroideries at figures never offered before, at in A. lv.:i II in. JUNE 10, ISS2. J. D. LANE'S BETHEL STREET, NEAR KING. MAN U FACTURSRS OF MOXOIEXTS, HEADSTONES, TOMBS, TABLETS, MARBLE MAXTELS, WASHSTAND TOPS, and Tiling in White & Black Marble. MARBLE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION MADK TO ORDER AT THE Lowest Possible Rates Monuments and Hrddstonrs Cleaned and Beset. f- Orders from the other Islands promptly attended to. jan 1 81 E. B. THOMAS. y I .-.- c . . Mi, -r- BRICKLAYER & BUILDER. E PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO Settinr Steam Boilers. Fnrnacea. Haker'a nna Uanres, and all kindsof Heatine; Apparatus. Also. Varies-ated Concrete Sidewalks. All Work entrusted to me will be execu ted promptly, and on reasonable terms. Addressthrough the Post Office jan 1 81 JOHN BOWLER, ORNAMENTAL & STUCCO PLASTERER. Artlflrinl Stone Sidewalks Laid, Cementing in all its Branches, Whitening, Calsomlnin? and Jobbing: Promptly attended to. Asbestos Steam ripe and Boiler Covering, Done In the best manner, and by experienced workmen. As to ability to perform work in our line, we bee to refer the pnblic generally to the residence of His Ex Sam'l G. Wilder. II. II. Ruth Keelikolanl and Hon. IT If Judd. Leave Orders at Lucas Planing Mill, Fort-street ; or Box 327, Post Office. myl3 tf THOS. 13. WALKER. Contractor and Builder, PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID to the setting of all kinda of Steam Boilers, Furnaces, r Ovena and Ranges, Brick or Stone Chimneys, any I height; Composition Monuments and Head stones. marble or granite. XT Satisfactory References jiren when iuirl. Address V O. dly2i-if wjan 811 CREAM CANDIES. XJ. McINERNY, mjorter & Home Mannfactnrer of Candies OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, No. 112 Fort Street, Just Above Hotel St., Has just made Urge additions to his establishment, and is n-iw prepared to furnish to the trade, the Honolulu pub lic, and residents ou tbe other Islands, the VEKV FIXEST of II03IE-3IADE & IMPORTED CAXDIES, Of all Descriptions, AT VKRY REDUCED PRICES. Receires Fresh Candies by erery arrival, fie Guiranteea the purity of hie goods. THE CREAM CMIKS are a specialty with him. and are made by the best manu facturers in California, and received fresh by every steamer. Soda "Water, and all kinds of Iced Drinks. THE BEST ICE CREAM IN THE CITY. The BEST BRAND? of CHOICE CIOARS always on hand. oe29- Big Collar " Harness Shop C . H A M M E R , 8G KING STREET PRACTICAL HARNESS MAKER ! Fine Single & Double Baggy Harness Concord and Mule Harness Plantation Harness of all sorts, Riding Bridles, Saddles & Whips Currycombs, Brushes, Saddle Cloths, And every necessary for stable use at BEDROCK PRICES for CASH XT Repairing of every description done in the best possible Manner, with the best materials, at lowest workmen's rates. All Work Guaranteed or Exchanged EST Look for the " Big Collar!" -a jal 81 t W ANTE D IT TO BE KNOWN THAT J. WILLIAMS & CO., 102 Fort st, (Successors to M. Dicksou.) JP hotographers, ARE PREPARED TO DO FIRST-GLASS WORK OF ALL KINDS. Special Attention given to Children ! WE ARE PREPARED TO DO ALL KINDS OF LARGE WORK ! FROM MINIATURE TO LIFE SIZE ! Either in Crayon, Water Colors. India Ink or Oil, Photos Colored, etc. We employ FIR3T-CLA83 ARTISTS, doing work equal to that of the best Galleries of San Francisco and at less cost. A jrest variety of Island Views, Curiosities. Shells and Coral from all parts of the Pacific. Hawaiian Sea Moises and Ferns, Latest Styles ol Frames, Passepartouts and Mats con stantly on hand. XjT Charges reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed, fell ly J. WILLIAMS Sc. CO., Proprietors HZARBIE WORKS WHOLE NO. 135S. 3Qotrl.sf & Restaurant.. AST o:r house ' i Ik MM & LUNCH FARLOBS Soa. 73 and "i Hotel Streets, HART BROTHERS, Proprietors. Board by the Day, Week or Transient ! EILLIAEDS, Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobacco, Soda Water & other Iced Drinks. MEALS SERVED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE AT ALL HOURS. HENRY J. HART, (jal 81) ELLIS A. HART. I CONCHEE & ACHAT. PROPRIETORS, NO. 84, HOTEL STREET, HONOLULU. Coolest, and Iscst Kept DINING ROOM 1IV THE CITY. Meals served at all Hours and no Pains nor Expense Spared to Keep the Table Supplied with the Best the Market Affords. Table Board &4 t.n &5 nor Wnot j wwa. may 12 81 COSMOPOLITAN RESTAURANT. 3STo. '03, Hotfcl Street. t: THE BEST OEFOOD. EF" COMPETENT COOKS, r?" ATTENTIVE WAITERS. FIRST-CLASS BOARD, AT REASONABLE RATES. PETER COSTA PROPRIETOR. Late Clucf Steward ot Steamer ILikcIike. july23. '81,lyr F. II. OEDING, BEGS TO INTIMATE TO HIS CUSTOMERS. AND the PUBLIC GENERALLY, Tn at ma EXPRESS OFFICE 13 AT 84 KING STREET, Next to Mr. Bureress's Carpenter Shon. where orders may be left at any time of the Lay or Night. TELEPflOXE XTJIBEK, aug27,lyr COAL, COAL, COAL ! THE UNDERSIGNED HAVINQ BEEN APPOINTED Soie Agents for the Haw'n Islands OF THE CELEBRATED WELLINGTON COLLIERIES, DEPARTURE WAV. Offer this Coal For Sale in Quantities to Suit Pur chasers, at very moderate rates. For Plan tation use. this Coal is b-tier than any other that to this Market, piving 10 tier cent, more ftteam ly actual tet. deSlf ALLEN A ROBINSON. FOR PORTABLE OR PERMANENT RAILWAYS. 1 KL Fl LENGTHS, lb. Duke PER VARI. ol Aliercorn from a. l9 For sale to arrive i.r Liverpool. Apply to w. I.. (J k r. k , or O. VT. MACFARLANE A Co. no28 tf Agents for John Fooler A Co. NEW OPENING ! ! FASHION STABLES ! No. 3 I'nion St., next to No. 1 En; Co., n nil No. U3 Hotel Si. lue Express Nos. 7, 9, 32, 34, 53, 91, 193, First Class Horses and Carriages To Rent at any Dour of the Day cr Night. All Orders Promptly Attended to- Telephone No- 118- Terms Iiraa.nt.blr. Particular attenion paid to Hoarding Horses by the I'sy Waek or Month. oc29tf t3P Drink Palmer fc Co.'s Giugtr Ale, only 75 cents per dozen, delivered to any part of the city.-AY. ISTERITIOIL HOTEL XT Advert aers residing in the Kaatern Cnlted Blares, ca pay for their cards by eacloeiog Greenbacks or Celled Viatsa P.wtage Stamps for such amount as they wish to par and their cards will be inserted as per above table. Pur the Urn paid far XT Businesa Cards, when rstriiD roa a rasa, art allowed a discount from these rates, which ar for Iraaalsat advertisements wben paid or charged quarterly. Single conies of the A bvcstibkb. Ten Cent, i akea ekarad Fifteen Cents; by the diaen.Ooe Poller. Insuranrt Carts. THE CITY OF LONDON FIRE INSURANCE CO. OF LONDON. fpiti, ti.OOO.OC. LIMITED. Having established an Asencv hers, tha Bderat.M.I la authorised ti accept risas acainat lira, en llallrflHCa. Alrrfhssdlir, I'lirailare, etc . onths u.oat lavorabl terms. Lowes nioa rllr aJiusled and iwvsbla l.mi. C. O. RklRliKH. apl ly dmyl Agent, Hawaiian Islands. GERMAN LLOYD MARINE ISURANCE CO., OF BERLIN. FORT UNA GENERAL INSURANCE CO., OF BERLIN. 'AUK ABOVE INSURANCE COMPANIES A have established s Oe tiers I a freer here, and the under- sif ued, Uenrral Agents, are autboriaed le take ClLs apaint thf lUnrri of tbe Scat at th nit Krasonablf Ratrs, and tbe Mest Favorable Trrmn. Pl r F. A. BCIIAKFIIR A Co..Uenerml AienU. XZnuil3urew23romoix FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY 'I'lIK INDKIISIGNKI) HAVING SEEN A ppointed Acents ol the above Comnaov. ara nreuarail to insure r.sks acainst (Ire, on hlataif and Uriels ilallala SHKa, an on jlrrrhsiMsllae atiired therein, on tha most favorable terms. For particulars spulv at (lis offlo. of l'l IT V. A. HCllAEf KR A CO. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE INSURANCE CO., OF LONDON AND ISDINUlIRfill. ESTABLISHED, 1800 CAPITA L. il.OOO.OOO Arcsirasilatrd and lavrsle-d Katssd, l,O07,84 flHK I" NDKHKIGMCl) HAVE IIEKN AP POINTED A0KMT8 lor tba Bandarlch I .lands, and ara authorised to Insure against fire upon favorable terms. ntsKs taken in any part or Ibe Islands on Otosiiss Woosv em Huildlnxs.and Merchandise stored therein, Dwelling Houses and Purniture, limber. Coals. tJutiis In hartmr with or without cargoes or under repair. 10 t ol KU. 11 JFFbCULAEQEU h OO. UKriOJM Fire and Marine Insurance Co.. OF NEW ZEALAND. CAPITAL, IAV.!0. eta iu.isiikd an agenct m a at Honolulu, lor tb Hawaiian Isla ods. tha undersigned are prepared to accept risks against Are la dwellings, stores, warehouses and merchandise, on favorable terms. Marina risk. on cargo, freighta, bottomry, profits aod commissions. L.oaea prwutpily afjaled and payable har. Janl 81 dmyl J. 8. WALKER. ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY. OF LIVERPOOL. CAPITAL. UNLIMITED LIAU1LITV FIRE INSURANCE of all descriptions will t eBected at Moderate Kates of Premium, by the undersigned. J. 8. WALKKK, ap2'811ydmyl Agent for the Hawaiian Islands. GREAT WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY. II HAD OPPIOU, SO WALL eTREET, NEW YORK. '1IIE ABOVE COMPANV II A VI NO EH. 1 tablished an Agency at Honolulu, for lha Hawaiian Isl ands, the underaigni-d Is authorised to accept and wr'Ls MARINE RIHKN ON Merchandise, Freights. Treasure, Com missions, and Hulls. At current Rates. J. S. WALKER. noSlydmyl Agent for the Hawaiian Island. IIAMIIURC-M AGDKUURG FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Or HAM DC KG. w IJt'l LDIXCS, MERCII A MIK, FCKNI. lure and Machinery insured ag.iost Kirs on tha most favorable terms. JA JO Jill Affent fJr tbe Hawaiian Islands, jan 1 81 SWISS LLOYD MARINE INS. CO., Of V I NTKKTII IR, 'IIIE V N UKKSIG N'KII IS AUTHORIZED TOINoL'KK ON CARGO FREIGHT and TREASURE Prons llauwlala. TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD AND UPON COASTERS. BT NPGClAIi I'ERM IS9ION On tbe most Favorable Terms. i. 8. WALKER, Agent for the Hawaiian Island. anl'81 dmyl omcstir groto. HONOLULU STEAM BAKERY! R. LOVE & BROTHER, Proprietor!, NUUANU BTRKCT. 11II.OT, MEDIUM ANI NAVT BREAD, always on hand and made to order. Also, Water, Soda and Butter Orackert, JKNNY LIN D CAKF.8. Ae. Nil IP IiREAI REISAKEI) on the shortest noil,. FAMILY BREAD, made of the Beat Floor, baked dally and always on hand. rt. B.BROWft BREAti OF THE BEST bUJLlTt Jan 1 SI BONOtUUl SOAP WORKS Leleo, Honolulu fMae Iluaineaa of ibe above concern bavlac 1 been transferred to T. W. I AW L 1 1ST S . He hereby gives notice that the manufacture ef All Kinds of Soaps Will be continued by him. BOFT B0AP always on band. Will buy beef, mutton and soap frresse, and solicits consignments of the same from the other JalO Islands. 'II WAILUKU POI FACTORY, BEST QUALITY Of PilAI M ANTJFACTCEID constantly. All orders filled with dispatch. K. li. BAII.KY, Wailuka jan 1 81 Manl. METROPOLITAN MARKET. . WALLER, Pare Bred Aylesbury Ducks. Borne Fed Tork.ys. ATf.VO STREET. HONOLULU. janl II 8TJGAM CANDY MANUFACTORY and BAKERY, F. HOE N, Prartlral Confertloner, I'aUrf Coek and Baker, No. 75 Betel street, between Nuusna and Fort. Jan 1 81 C.H3, J. Fishilb' populab store. h . 1 vjBWiWUt