Newspaper Page Text
PACIFIC COMMMERClAt, ADVERTISER. JUNE 10, 1882. O O XVI M E II C I Alt . FRWAT,JC.E9th. 132. r Business in nearly alt braocbea of tr le baa exhibited tfc dallaesa usual at ttiU s-.on of the j-ar. ml from which bat little change may b expected djr.nj the r malnJsr of the prc-nt mouth. The arrival of str-aairrs from tha Comt and the iurrur) faciliti- whirh ar proajia-wl to ba afforded fi'f iuter-oiir with the 0it will undoubtedly hae aa enlivening rS-n-t ujon tumneM generally, and especially in the retail trade ICQ A ft Daring the week pat, the arrival from win J Ward bar not been very numerous, ao that tue qiautity of aagar received la not very large, amounting to but 1,333 UO lbs, tba exports for the umt time amount to 3.342,002 lba. The demand for our staple article abroad la good, and the Indication point to a atill farther ad vane la raw. BICX Taie artitU la coming forward In generous quantities at prsaent, the new crop now being marketa XUl Tbia free arrival will bare aomewbat of a tendency to lower local rates, although tne price abroad will till be maintained. The quantity forwarded to the Coast daring the week amounted to d'.TuQ lba. Tbe Import for the week consint of the cerg.e brought by the nia. Falkinburg, Con-mclo. and Forest Queen from the Coast; coal cargoes by the Vent a and Malay fr jm SewcaeUe. S3.W and Revere from Xanaimi. amail lot miscellaneous merchandise, by the P.M.S.S. City of New York from the Colon!, and. the valuable load of Immi grant per steamer Monarch from the Azor-a. The total valuation of all the Import (exclunive of the immigrant) amount to 1106.000. The ei ports constat of the cargoea of d inetic pro dace taken by the steamer City of New York and tbe bark California to the Coat and amount in total douientif valuation to t 37. The next aaillng veanel to arrive from the dut will probably be the Discovery, follow J by the Eureka. Th next Teasel leaving thin port for the will probably be the J. A. Falkinburg. sailing on or about the l-'tb Inst. The P.M.BS. Australia will bo due her- from Siu Francisco. aeorJlng to advertised time, this eTeniuii. bringing date to the 3rd lnt- The Suez, the pion--r teamer la the Oceanic htrainabip Company. Line 1.4 Uo expected daily after fexlay. ' Tbe San Franciaro Merchant of I'Jih Msv contain the foUowlog.f rom a correspondent In New York on the sub ject of the telegram from that city, lately published by the Ben Francisco IttromKlt aa to an Investigation ordered Into alleged frauds to Hawaiian a. igars: " 1 have tailed pora oar Collector and informed him of the shipments to be made to this port, and be tell me that no orler hat f one from bim In relation to the sugars. He (the fl eet on I well satisfied that no s.'uag.linc baa taken place at the Islands, and that no attempt at fraud In any way is made. 1 Informed bim that the gra-le on the way are the earn aa have been admitted free In n I rmcmo tu the treaty. Some of the refiners here claim the) high grade should not be admitted free (and will sot be) because they were c-t commonly known In n Francisco before the treaty a Sandwl-.h Inland silvan, bat era better and improved quality, etc.. ao riot the am. 1 have no doubt but that a rarefnl examination will be made, and the derision be In our favor. The re finer here are down on Hpreckels L- auxe he routrul some market which they want a portion of. and o are down on the treaty. I tell theui they make a threat miatake if they oppose the treaty, as the market of Hono lulu I open to them, and they would b; welcome there aa customer for the crop." PORT OJT H02JiIaUL.U. II. ARRIVALS foianrtni. Jan 3 Rrhr Rob Roy, from II iloksi. with bs-a sugar 3 Btmr C R Bishop, berry, from Kauai 3 Btmr Mokohl. from K olau. with "i-sl bg sugar. 300 bg Rice. 01 bhl moluse 3 Fchr Kaala, f rom Waianae. with loO bgs Himsr 3 Scbr Waiehu, from triomea. Haw, with WW b;;s agar i Btmr Ukellke. King, from Manl and Hawaii, with '2HJ0 bet; aut-ar, 60 M abinides 4 Btmr KlUnea liou, eara, from Maul, with lTix) bg sugar, 41 bale wool 7 gchr Mile Morris, from Molokai 7 tttmr James Mskee, McDonald, from Kauai, with 13-'J pkgs sugar a Scbr Kaksuluohl. from Uaualei. Kauai, with fiOO bags sugar g Scbr Midi, from Maliko. with 'J10 bgs su'ar nd IS corda wood, f Stmr Iwalani. Bates, from Maui and Hawaii, with 300 bga sugar Scbr Malolo, from llakalau. Hawaii, with 211 ha atiffar a Rche Wsioli. from Hanuu. Hawaii, with 900 fl Scbr Kalona. from Maliko, Maui, with 1'rJT bga agar -Scbr Kauikeaouli. from Houokaa. (iawati. with 1:mi b snsar t 8chr Jenny, from Nawillwili, Kauai, with li'xJ bg auger stmr Lebaa. Lorxenson. from Maul and Jiolo- with ISjO bg ui?ar. loiaheep 9 Stmr Mokulil. llrownell. from Koolan, with aSi bg angar 10 Stmr Kilaue Hon. H-ars, from Kahului. Maui, with KXW bgs iusr ror.r.ia. Jan -Tests. Iloghsrd, with cosl. 6-1 dsye from Sydney to The. lavl 4c to 5 Am bktne Ell. 17 day fr-nn 8 F f p M 8 City of New York, Cobb, Commander, from Sydney Am bk Revere, Mclntyre, from Nanaimo Rktne Mslsv. from Newcastle. NSW T n. bktne J A Falkinberg. from San Francisco 7 Brit Stmt Monarch. Thompson. 57 day from St Xllrhuk 8 Am bng Consnelo. Howard. days from Sau Francisco a m bktne Forest Qiioen, W inding, II days from Dan Frenclsro Am scbr James Townaeud, Wukmann, 22 days from Humboldt IEIA KTt'RES. coasrwiHK. Jan 3 Mcbr Kalnna. for Maliko Scbr Mannokawal. for tlnnomauln. Kauai 5 Stmr C K BUhop, UeTTT, for Kau .l 6 eitmr l.hna. Lorzeneu. for Molokai autl Man! erbr Netti Merrill, for I-hin. Mauai 6 Stmr Llkelike, Kin, for Maui and Hawaii t-Mtmr Mokoul. Brownrl, for Koolan. Oahri stiur Kilaoca Hon. Hear, t-t Kabului. Manl Scbr K Mol. Swlnton. for Uuiabeho. Haw 7 Sbr Waiehu. f or luorue. Hawaii 7 Mhf Marion, for Ob.walu. Maul 7 chr Lloolibo. for Ka.ial Jan Mtnir Jme Mkee. M. l)..nald. for Kauai B Scbr Kckauloubl. for Uanalel roccio. Jana Stmr P M 8 City of New York. Cobb, for San Franic Jan Mm bk California. Djrd. for San Francisco " FOUKICX VEVEUS IX HOItT. Miaalonary bit Momin Star. Bray Tabitlan bark Stnlto. Sumner Am bktno klikltat. Cutter Bdltl brgtu Veata am ba Kr. Mclnljr Br t tu Malay Brll Mml Mnnarch. Ttuwnp O Am bk Fort gueen. Winding Am btn Ccnsuelo. Howard Cuamploo. H u " VaVlKslt fr-M "" - Bk Edward May. Uverp.l. lue. (I W Macfarlaue Co Bk b-t-lla. Vork. oer.lue. Ctle A I ke Ilk Adolpb, Bremen. June. H HackfeM A I Kk Parados. Brrnrn. Jane, H !! kfell Ho I?b7FrllU, "-.. N W. ly, llder Co Bk Kal. Bremen. July. II Hackfet l A i o Bcbr Joil.Sontb e-.May I V. A F t;U Bk Joxeptia. CarUlff. July. Hack fe 1.1 A Co Bk Otero. I.lrp.l. AUut. T H Iale Htmr D-ohlre Castle, from tmn Fran.-l-'. Jnne Scbr Her, from wctle. N f.W.. due in June Ufc Lady Lampaon, from San Frn.-i.-t.. June unr due, from ran Francisco, J one I Jib Btmr Australia, ao rrancl,-o. June l.tb Am bkln lneovry. Man 1 ran. i.-... J une Am bktne F-oreka, Ban Frauclco. June Hnmr buaitbly. Ban Franc wco. June IIIPPICi MITKS. The LampJH arrlvetl at8an FraucUco on May mil and the forest guen on May lltti. and the ateaiurr Aus tralia oo May 15ib. Tb bark Atlanta from tbi i.rt. arrived at Sau Fran cisco on I'Jtb May. She bad luht wind and flue weather on tn way; pas 27 day. MTh Lady Lampson wa loading for tbi port wlitn tb last ad ice left Man Francisco. Tb bark E. L Pettingill was to load with coal at l'e. partur Bay for Sabuliu. Joba D. Spreckel, who ba been ab.x-ut for tbe past yaarcr ao at tbe Hawaiian Ilaud. ba returned and "oa Chani( " yesturday. He ba Kiven an order to aj taln Matt-ew Turner to build bim a ya. lit 75 feet h-n ..n lba water line, and Captain Tnru r Kiiarautees that he will build on tbatwill beat any ya. tit hre. Memvv zpect lively time when she 1 BtiUbd. which will be about three montha. a Mr. Spreckel 1 an entliuiatic jachumaa and always handlea hia own boat All. aaar. W. fl. Irwin A Co.. Aenta ot the t. eanic 8. S. Co. have received advtcra that the S S. Sun wilibcilue at thi port on or about tlie loth intant. rdic will be laid on lor oan Francl-co, takim; freight ami pawner. Tb iteamer arrived at F..piimaiilt, B C. from Hong Kong i XI day, and 1 reiorted b be a fast boat. Tba bktne Discovery arrived at San Franciico May i5th, after a pasaag from tbi port of 2f, days. Tbe achr Id Scbnaner made the paat;- to Sau Fran-ds.-o la -2U day, arriving there on 2Mb nit. Tbe steamer Alaska wbi.-b u.l to dy between San rrandaco and this port ha r. a.-hcd the final state of a ablp'a iltence. being converted Into a huik at the port of Acapulcov Tbe bark Joaepha sailed from Caiditf for Ibis pert on April th. Captain Mobrtuanu i m command of her. MKMOit MA. Report of th bk Bver. Capt Mclntj-re. r-porU that k experienced troni outht rly wind the nrst n.rt hi tiaee from Departure f.ay to this port. t rvra Latitnd - however tbe weather ha been rather nn, with onlr llirht wind roin north and northeast . . ...v Th in... ... wa made in 23 dars. Report of the P. M. s. s. city . f New Yoik. captain ' CobbSallad from Sydney May l'j .at p m. l.e.eitred j . .U..I n.i. m, iha '.r.l at a.m. : sailed same iivkliiul oilot on day at 5 10 p.m. Arrived at Honolulu June am. ai ..vt p m. From May 2etb t- i-.rt id An. kland. enc,.uctered atroBif ! from E.toS.F... ac.ompauie.1 with heavy tea from tb S.E. From Ancklaml to the Xli.-at..r Islaixla. met with heavy Kale ami sea from tbe N.E. -. from thence to this port very strong X F- trade winds, at time amountinit almost to a gale, with heavy tt'- IMPORTS. Crnn, K Caatle. N. 8. VV., r Malay, June 7 1J0 ton Col to C Brewer it Co. From Sydney, per Veta, June -3W ton. Coal to T H sv1e A Co. From Sydney, per City ff Xrw Y..rk. June 52 c-e "...ll Wo-lebooae; 2 b ilrperj . 2 roll mattimr to A H CWhom Co; 3 c marble to U Love: 4 ,r ck e-t iaiU Tenni. Ill ak 1 J pumpkin to ""farlan Co; 7 pk. -W".; 1 . k potato, painpkio to H May tt C From Naneinio. B. C per Rvere, June lilO tona of j ion to Alien i.ootuK'ti. 1 From Sau Fran. -la . E!l. June 5 i!3 bales H ay. 1 ) 1 ai i.-v. 1V -lo ma-!i-'.. 7j cs brd. i"i bbls Lime. ; To b.iier t ioe. 1 l,i fjiw Exia!il-r. -i-o qr k flour. 8 ! pkH tirort riu-. i' s. h,,u lural. '2 t-ms moulding : j r-iw... ti. p ni abilities to C brewer s : 'o 'J horse to : K Biti..p; :h f kA i:ar.lware. 1 pig i Rev .vi r. 1 Lrd jU. 1 n ,m... j: k powder to Iili- iiilj j, A; o; ) i Hr lwa.-e. 1 c furniture. 1 c medi- j csi i pkj m l-e. '-t Iron. J Leather. j k I'-.w It I, i; Mali . oa; i p' iul-, 2; ux hard bri-. !. r Bran, f) k Flour, 'it pka Crackers. 106 j ki fr .r.rie .( ur'ir;-- i-k 1 lmir. 7 Ladder to I.eoer tc Co'.ke: 1 t Moulding to (i f Well; S pkas j Sai li-ry to H a Fennel 1; a rt m 1m to M Mflueruy i 04 1 ak l-ctilje, k list to Ooo Kim; 3ca ; nide to A Inael; Ul pkji Chinee Orocerica to Quoug I tarn Kee. lijn rk irn. jo ak Barley, 7 augar wag'na to : Irwin Co: 1; bale Cotton Duck to Bollea s. Co; iVi ak ' Flour to Wiujf Wo Tai ; 3 pkg confectionery to F Horn; 1 11 c th-e to F Ovrtr.; J4 ca Whiskey tr F T Lenehan a: Co; pka pl"-r to 'i W MarfrUoe t Co; 1 ca paper. 1 bx tvpea to u o.-itrr; 10 pki! mde to A W Peirce S. Co; ; i pm m le to I T -Vst-rhouae; a pkgs ind4e to K Hoff- achlaejer & Co. 1 aiikv. 1 hore. a personal enecta to . C II Ju 11; ' o it sic f.ur. -'2 pk,M Grocene to ii May . pkk'-t Oan and Bra to vv H Klce; 200 Shook. i-kj iu i:. -' ak. Flour. 1 ak Bran to M Fhili:p; "i-i pk?a inJse to lljinaa Bros; li rikga Gro ceries to Hart Ero. From ri&a Framisco. per Jane A Talkinburg. June 7 12 1 .11 leather. K (j Hall it S n; 20 bxa spirtta, m hard j 1 1 cig.rj; 1x0 pc Culuaware. 11W pkg Chinese ; groca a.i 1 tri.le. iio ak flour; l'lO bbl lime. 2 bx tin : plate. 7 J., castliiir '21 pkga groc. CSWler-. no cs mdae. j E A lore; 2 ca inai hinery.7 pka stationery. T J Thrnm; f.k rl-oir. si ks rre meal . Mr A Singer; 15 cs whsky, ; T T Leuebaa o; j. grate bar. S i Wilder; 400t rl . posits, ;V .1 ui ahuKlx. lowers A Cooke; 25 ak flour. 75 bl ' hav. -.'VJ k trau.'"Jak oats. 25 ks cracked coru. 10 1 craVker. 2 .1 . Urd. C F Wolfe; 71 pkga crackers, H May Co; -SJi ska potato. . W O Irwin Co; 2C1 pkgs rude. M' Cbesney A- itlieu; 1 launch. T R Foster: i 71 pkg hdware. H U-tn l tr-..-. k. li c turj eiitine; 3 cs mil". cr wheel n.l sale. Wil ier JS f.o; ! pky grx s. JS pkg m is-. 4 c-s ciKr sn-1 tobacco. i S (irinbauin A o: 1 k carl, .nate ariu .:na; : i,bl vla. i bbl aulpbur. Holli terA'r;4 tiriirf. 1 c-e empty btle-. Rolrrt MiK:b b.n. :J i bre,i. ..75 pk' gr,.. il F. Mclnyre l'.r: 71 I.ttJ md- I. nil:- A :: CI Vk ' lll'.te. J T Wsterlioue; 2 . iiid-e. Mr Wiikm-:i :-i l.k.-. r.H . K T I.-.tiehsn V Co; 11 pk gr-e . I A M-'Klnlev ; :!:,' carriaga mate rial, rtnl fttei!,-. hbi lime .'. b.ilew hay. Castle A ."; 1 re .1. ..r.l ff K-IU'-'atloll; -t cs ludHO. A lnellj r, pk.- Rile-. 11 -wiug iiia.-liiue. Tho La-k; 15 rrate oni..ii. I: .lie A; I o: 11 c ind". A Jaeger; II cs 111 le. McLe.iu Tiro; II pki.' lu.lxe. A l slmer ic CO; 4'. k' f'iriiit.ire. S2 pk mde. E Willisms. From m.n Frau--i.-o. per Couauelo. June it bk rube uar. 5.1 pk grx eries, I c cigar. iKl ba potatoes. 15 bbl pork. 5 bx 0111..1.". 25 c lard oil. 15 ca coal oil. 7 bbl tar - bo., t. 17; k fst. 1 bale twine. I'M sks barley. ! k bran. 21 pk-' l'-O bbls lime. 1 ca bat, l'.t i era. k- i. 1 nimble. 2 bxs p'aware, 2 r Z lr mtiire. I pkii et .tiouery. 2 ca glass. 1 budie hips. 15 pkgs in. Inc. : bid oil. 21 JK.-S iron pipe. 2 water gates. 1 bale tent and p"d . r, boie 11 tier e hoops. 3H pkg hoops. 4 pigs b a-l. V li Irwm a: C: 1 bx cube sugsr. 2 pkg indie. M .- bjku.g ix.wder. 70 bal.-s paper. l:i pkg spikes. 11 pkgs liquor. 4 pk.- giu'er. 2 p permiut. 4 rake. 1 bx hardware, pci ck oai. 5o sks corn meal. '2l qr sacks Po:i.-. -1 ) l.t.P hay. 1 bale whii. bbl lime. i W l. - f&rlaneA : i pk:.'- te. II May A o; 25 cs w.naKey. II c uin. l:.on A C : H c mdsr. 2 c piano, u t wen. 1 cse plated ware. 2J2 pku grin-, II pkgs glaware. s u nierchsu'l'se. John S Mciirew; 25 cs sar.liues. 4u sks flour, t.o bx y.-at-t jKw.".cr. 5 pkgs mdse, 25 cs salmon. M Phillip A C: 1 bu ll" copper r.xl. -t cs ct.lorme oi nme. 1 roll leaf iter belt !, 1 cue hdware. Honolulu Iron Works; 4 toidl c. bx tvpe,2 bxs printer's materiaU, Artver t. r Orti. - 2 pkg ni'iber ho-e. Board of Health; 1 roll leather. II Ma-kfeld Co; PI pic; in le, H) niau Bros; pkg glaware. J A I'al.ner : Co; ptg grocs, ioiie A- l o- 2 c bm,t. A W Richards-ii : 1 e uuware, n ooi. salni'.n. Wj -k l.ue meal. i:atle A; 2 pkgs paper. T Thrnm: 1 pkg p.iper, J M Oat; 1 do, J 31 liiine ; 1 do Whitney K Robertson. From S-iii Fran- lin-o, per Forest Queen, June Full cargo of unc iu!t. KXt'OKTS. For Pan Fraud -o, wr i'ity of New York. J tine 5 8.VJ3 j ba... .ir H ;' :.J.f,,h'sr; ', .VI ) lbs. i T VaterUoue; 2So ban auuar, lt. M I'billii.a i Co- 731 ba-aaujar. 71107 lba. F A s. haefer t: j ... -o'. i,. '... e iv;.v lb. 877 baz rice. 77oO lba. M i ... -mm l. . ii 'r. 2.W1 lb. V.l na2 rice. o. iuu iu 8 ttrinlmniii K Co. 1 bx tool. 13 bxa betel leaves. UoJ bnchit banana. 1 ce effect. 1 lo picture and 5;79 pkjt in tranit for San Frnec.. Value iloineatic produce, VOS.H; ilo foreign, $J. , . I tVvathlfaiM0 ! For San Francico. per Calif' n.'.r xo 7jo lb. W i Iru-in lb C Brewer Co-. W17 b4 auyar, H'Jl.oi:! lb. T H Davie: l.'a b' u'ar, ItM.iJUii lb. J Walker; -JoT'J bR uar. HS.ftio lb. U W Macfarlane Co; 235 b BilKar. 32 "i'.3 lb. II Wiileiuann; 7 empty gasoline tanks. Doin val. l 7.r.'7 K'i Fn val. $U'I UU. For 3au Francis.-o, per City of New York. June 6 R C Uollou. I'b L-wi. NV N Armstroiii;. T AKUstua Koers. A Parmeuter. Mia A Stran. C H Willi. V Knuilsen. wife and 3 children. C E St.ckpole. Capt H V B lliliard. Geo Chapel A F White, Ch Johuson and wife. Julian CJou 71ch Jos -ant. Mokeaii. Wiu bite, (mo bauHiuanu. T Walsh, (im Watou. Tcter II Sas. Geo Carroll, Ah Hee D F Foe. I" Wilson. A Cryderman. Jno Kobbin. T A llorlne, W S William. A Mi not. Ill Wilbur, E C Mac farlane, Towuend and 5 Chinese. From Windward Tort, per l.ikclike, June 4 Hon J f Pa-ker. lion H Kuibelani, Col C Spreckel and wife. Johnson. ieo Ken way. Mrs CI' iona, J B Taylor, C M Wator C 11 Will. II V I. si lie, A L-jbeinstein and wife, W 11 hhtiKtian. Mra Barker. : MclJaJe. A Haalilio. Mr Mr M. Patau and cluld.jC 1- Stackpole. W Cottrell, (i P Ktinmioha. V H nooltano. Ceo Hall. J T Silva. Mrs P Jarrett and child. Mr I It, I Mcguire and wife. Mr J Makee. .V l IJorupell uiid daughter. Kev A SsturRcB, E Lvcan. Mr illiniii. Mr A Kiukau, J W Gay wife and J children. Mi- Makee. From San Francisco, per F.lla. June 5 Geo E Smithies, Mr F M P.'inroy tc wife. II Kruyer. C A W Arnomaun, P Millik'ii. J Gihnore, W E Wilson. John Ackroyd. Kd luoml Bell. For San FrancUco. -r W li Iiiinond. from Kabului, Mav :ilt 1 Oliver. J 1' Smith. W E Uermott. 11 Wilson. T S. hwera, R ( Connor. J (bant. W Uavis. K Ksys, T Malouey, II Garzeoa, B Anderson. L Andrews. Fr.un Sydney, per City of New York. Jnne 4 D Man .n. K Lo-. wife and lufaut. A Irwine, E Hotter and J children. W Mutch, and in transit for San Francisco. V22 cabin and Ti) tteerace. For Maul and Hawaii per I.ikelike. June 6 Miss Lilia lvr..hi Indue Mct'ullv, Kev J A Crnzan. John Sheldon. C V.r-.wn. Mr Kellitt and 4 children. Mrs llopkiu and 3 . Inldreii. II Turtou. CT lnlliiiKbaiu. W A Whiting. Mr II -..rnwell. Hon Aholo. W L Cottrell. J T Si lva.J Gilniore. I'll 1 1 );f relt. Miss K Makee. Mr F P lltiui!S llri: u.-.-s')-.urk;h. J II Patj and wife. Miss C X Makee Mr Shipiuau. ti P Kaiuauoha. J W Kalua and about 93 deck Fro. u Sa:i rrau.-i -co. per J A Falkinburg. June 7 W W W K uers .il. Mrs Moore and child, 11 t) Hawkinson, and 2 Chi nam n. Fro::i Sin, per I'ousuelo. June h X riuiouds. L .Netter. I re l Whitney. Harry I liawkes. J A ut'.. From Mii and Hawaii, per Iwalani. June 9 L Spen cer W i..-Wle. T I'lllniithaiu. J It Robertson, W 'I Cavanauh. J F -M. K. uzle. A W Carter. W G Homey. J I' Merrill wife and 2 children, A B M-riingeoiir. W H Johu son and s .lev k. Froiii sn Francisco. p-r Forest Quet-u, Jnne l-OK S'mtter. W 11a; le From Maul and Molokai. per I-lnia, June SI K Jones A wife. K M. Lellaii. i: C Aculng. Aloiia and 4'i deck. For Kaui. per Janie Makee, June 9 James Bnsb. J H Maun and 1 d k. From ualiultil. Manl. per Kilaue Hon. Jnrie lfl W O South. 2 children and wnnt,.Mr Cuter. Mr IVirce. J Siel.l o. wile, child and - servant CBrown. F I. Clarke, MrC II Aluander. Mi Mary Beckwith. J M Hmue K I it. M K. Hon Z Aholo. Hon J Kalua and ulfe, A X I'eikai. ('has A Bailey. 3 Cblnauien. and f deck. M A K II I A U E K f .1' I'.KOi iK At Wailnka. on the ti int . bc Rev W. I. Kahale. Hon. JoHX William Kll.l l, In Mis I'o. lt I B.. No Car l. TH PACIFIC Commcrnal -AiJDcrtisrr. SATl'KDAY ..JUNE 10. ISs-j. The KeiKirt of Dr. Charles T. Hinlgt-rs u, u tlio jiii:i11-ij I'jti'letnic, anil on the inea urcs taken to cie with it, is by far the iu-t valuable rtiii of the iennial Ke oit f the Jhianl of Health. It has not receive I the attention it Reserves and tle nianls because, although written ami sunt in to the then President of the Hoard of Health fl I. A. P. Carter, Ii.) shortly after the termination of the epidemic in Septem ber Iat, it was not allowed to see the light until the Jx-gi. slat lire met. It is now, to a certain extent, buried in the oHieial docu ment of which it forms so imtiortant a part, and we regret very much that the pressing demands of othei matter on our space pre clude us from reproducing it in full in our own columns whil-t the legislature is sit ting. It has doubtless had the attention of our legislators themselves, but it would have been well if it had been before the public long ago. If it had been, the subject it deals with would have been more prominently before the minds of the jteople at the time of the late elections, and we cannot doubt that the majority of our representatives would have been sent to the legislature pledged to see that its conchi hug advice .-hall be strictly fo lowed in the future. The small-pox epi demic is now happily a thing of the past ; the miseries and the mortality which af flicted so large a part of the population, the grievous loss and i ncouveiiieiice sustained hy ,,t,er aUi the heavy ilraill oil the - ' J ex chequer, are now scarcely remembered. We stand in. danger of falling back into the lethargic condition of the years preceding the epidemic and relapsing into that state of things which Dr. Rodders in this report so forcibly depicts and so strongly de nouiice. 'An intelligent public opinion' he says "will not fail to hold these delin quent public ofllcials responsible for a large share of what this community has suffered in tierson and tocket during the past twelve months." But public opiuon to be ' intelli gent" must be first instructed." Cousider- Ins the un.apariu manner in which Dr. Itodgers has laid bare the uiisfiiaiiagoui'nt which he brings under review, and the forcible language in which he denounces it, it is perhaps not at all surprising that his Report was hid away in a pigeon-hole until the meeting of the Assembly obliged its production. None the le. it is unfortunate that such pusillanimous conduct was pos sible in a Minister of .Stite. The Report before us describes the condi tion of things which existed at the Quaran tine ground when Dr. Rodgers took charge of it; the measures he took to improve the same; the extent to which his recommenda tions were listened to or thwarted; the his tory of the epidemic itself (which is illus trated by some valuable statistical tables); and the methods and results of Hospital treatment. He concludes with some remarks ! on the behavior anil characteristics of : his native patiev.ts and some ''practical ! suggestions" which presented themselves to ' his mind during his study of the causes and course of the epidemic. His final words are an emphatic expression of : opinion that with "general public vaccina tion made compulsory, and faithfully car ried out, no future epidemic f smallpox will be possible in the Hawaiian Islands." NO I' l'rfeTor Tyndal. in an addiv to thp sti- dent. of the London ITni vtrity deliered lat moiitli made the following reference to t!u iit iiif;s f the late Italpli Waldo Emerson. " The works of two men. neither of them imbued with the xpirit of modem ecience, have placed me here to-day. These men are the English C'arlyle ami the American Emerson. They told rue what to do in a way that caued me to do it, and all my con sequent intellectual action i. to be traced to this purely moral source." The Altonower with nearly sud Chinamen on board arrived at Sau Fianeieo on the loth ult.. and thirty-hix caes of small-pox were found on loard on the lirst examination. The next day six more were found and the patient were put on lard two barges to be eonveyed to the hospital. Shortly after having the ship the men in the smaller of the boats, sixteen in number. Ik came alarmed at the elfeet of a tide current, vhich caught the prow of the boat, and rushed to one side capsizing the boat. All but one were soon picked up, though eiht of the patient had been imprisoned under the boat for twelve minutes. The other unfortunate man was never seen aain. When the capsize was seen from the ship, the coolie. on board, who had just ln-en mustered for inspection, made a rush for the Health OHieer, under the belief that he was at the head of a con spiracy to drown all who had caught the disease. The doctor and all the whites on board retreated to the cabin, amongst them the captain's wife who swooned awav. "r orttinatelv the house, winch is on the afterpartol the deck, just over the hati leading into the cabin, is constructed of iron. ..." ... . . .. , ,. that reason it withstotnl the desjierate assault noon it by the enraged Chinese, who, armed hatehwav For assault made j nixm it by the enraged Chinese, who, armed with j sledge hammers, lielaying pins, marlinspikes, and j eve.-y other instrument of jiercussion tliey eould lay their murderous hands upon, made such a din in their attempt to break in that the noise of the as- Hault could lie plainly heard on board the -launch," wiiieu was lowing me uarires 10 me nosiuiai. l lie ofliccr of the ship ran up a Kinal of distress, but before assistance arrived managed to quell the dis turbance, altlioiiKli tlie coolie-i still remained mu tinous. Arnirt were sent off from tlie shore, and subsequently the Chinese became quiet. The affair created quite an excitement in the city, and ap prehensions were felt lest the coolies should seize the ship's boats and Co ashore and reach the I quarters of their countrymen in Ci.inatown, in Ii spite of officers and crew and quarantine guard which they miht easily have done if determined aWut it. "It is terrible savs the "Alta", to con template the fearful ravages that would follow such an event ; medical skill would prove unavail ing to prevent one of the worst epidemics that ever cursed a civilized community." Telegrams from London dated 19th give accounts of tlie doings of the Australian cricketers. In their match at F.righton with the Sussex Eleven which was proceeding at the date just named, they had concluded their first innings for a total of Ci:l. Speaking of the great native meeting summoned by Tawhiao, the Maori king, which was held last mouth, to which he invited all the white inhabi tants of AucKland who chose to go. the Xew Zeal and ' Herald " has the following painful story to tell : Notwithstanding the exertions of the Gov ernment, which prohibited all dealing in liquors in the ncighliorhood of Alexandra during the meeting, a good deal of drunkenness took place amongst the natives, and on the last day. Tawhiao came forward himself to sjn-ak while in a state of intoxication. It is very sad adds the writer, ' to see a fine race like the Maoris destroying themselves by the vices which we have introduced amongst them." ' The " Sugar Planter," (Marylorongh. Queens land) publishes statistics of the yield of sugar on various estates in the Mackay District. The total area from which cane was cut .in 1SH0 was 5.737 acres, which yielded 8.326 short tons, which is less than one and a-half to the acre. These Queensland people make sugar-growing pay them although the prices ruling in their local markets are less than those our planters command for tlie same grade of sugar in San Francisco, whilst the freights are higher. The yield alxive spoken of is that of a droughty season, and was alxnit ."ill per cent lelow estimates. The returns. nev rtheless, were suffi ciently satisfactory to induce a great extension of planting, so that the mill ower of the district had increased from a capacity 12.IHM) tons in 1SS0 to 23.2i)l in the early part of this year. Cwisiso the liquor saloons till 5 p. in. appears to lie a bad move as some of those who have resented the privation during the day take their revenge by putting the day's drinking into the few hours al lotted them in the evening. Five men were run in hopelessly drunk n Saturday night: a most shame ful row occurred in Fowler's yard ; and Palekaluhi was so drunk that he lx-at his wife. There has lieen no such charge sheet for many a day as that of Monday morning. The Iteport asked from His Ex. the Minister of Foreign Aliairs by a Kt solution of tlie House on Uritisli Claims on the Government supjs-d to have arisen "out of the Iteciprncity Treaty with the 1'nitcd States " was presented to the Assembly, and will lie found in this i sue. Tin only question between the Government and the claimant apjiears to La? whether the dispute b -tween the latter ami the Collector of Customs should ! adjudicated on by the ordinary Courts "f law. or be the subject of negotiation lietwcen tN- two G'.vei-umeuts con cerned. As the rcxrt imw prc-cited says, the claim does not arise "out of tin Keciprocitv Treaty." In amplification of what we puMished elsewhere on the subject we are now enabled to say that Wni. U. Irwin A Co., Lave advices by the Falkinburg and Consnelo, that Ihe British .steamer Suez, would leave Departure Bay to ls in San Francisco, May 2D or 30th. She would have immediate des patch for Honolulu, ami will prohahlylie due here from 12th to 15th. Tlie Suez is a fast boat, having made the parage from China to Esquimau. B.C., with S'.'O passengers, in 22 days. She is. hov.eer, only laid on temporarily in the Oceanic S.S. Co.'s Line, as they contemplate building at once a class of steamers purposely adapted for this route. They have now their models and sjiecirieations ready mid are receiving bids from lwith England and the United Stavs to construct steamers for Cieir line. The Government of Norway and Sweden have sent out a Mr. Grip, as a commissioner, to enquire into and report upon the condition of laborers of Norwegian nationality in these Islands. Mr. Grip is expected here by the mail steamer. We hail with great delight th? announcement that the pioneer boat of the Spreckels line of steamers, connecting this port with San Francisco, may le expected here at the end of tlie current week. The enterprise of the company is a very welcome one. and comes none too soon. Tlie Suez, the Ixiat expected, lias already a reputation which leads us to look for both speed and comfort :n her. We congratulate the company on the promptitude with which they have succeeded in opening the line. A start was made at C a.m. yesterday to remove the Portuguese immigrants from the steamship Monarch to the Barracks at Kakaako. We have certainly imported on this occasion a prolific lot of people. When tallied as they landed on the jetty at Kakaako. they numb red sixteen more than when they were counted n the previous day. and Messrs. and Ha.-simrer are of opinion that the additional numU.- represent t!. habit :; born during the interval. Another inf.ivt. a tine male child was born live minutes after the mother had reached her new quarters ashore. This ls.y is to be christened after the Secretary to the Immigration Board. The whole of the immigrants were saftlv lamh-d The --San Francisco Chronicle" has the following about Mr. Grip's mis.-ion to this country. Of course it is given under the heading ' The Scandinavian Serfs:" "Intelligence from Christiana. Xorwar, to April 1 1 th is that Mr Grip. Secretary of the Swedish- Norwegian Legation in Vienna, from which place he called to Stockholm, had arrived from that '. city at Christiana, where it was his intention to re main alxmt one week, in order to gather all the information he could In-fore his departure for the Sandwich Islands. Mr. Grip had asked the edit T of the - Iiagbladt" to request persons who have received had news from friends in the Sandwich Islands to address him through the Department of the Interior, with the names nf such jiersons, and i directing that social care be taken that those ! names shall le plain and full and plantations lie I named, which willrcatly facilitate his labor. Mr. Grip La receded lull authority from King Oscar and from the Norwegian Government, xui it is ex-j--ctxl that relief for the poor people U at hand. Mr. Grip may be expected in San Francisco about t5ie end of Mav." Kahulni Items. Work ha been commenced on the artesian well at Kahulni, and the drill was down 33 feet on Wednesday last, had gone tliroagb one layer of coral, and was then in sand. The auc tion sale of goods confiscated on ac count of containing opium, the owner of which (a Chinaman) cannot be fonnd, realized $289.75- The V. H. Dimond left for San Francisco on "VTednesday last, with a full cargo and a goodly number of passengers," names of whoa will be found in another column. Eobala Items We hear through the member of the Legislature that visited us last week that there will be a Police Court established in Kohala. It certainly ought to be, and our present magistrate should preside with a suitable compensation for hia services. We notice every Friday a large number of stran gers from other parts of' the island who take ad vantage of the railroad to look up the beauties of our district, thus bringing us into more notice than before. All these things tend toward increase T value. Were glad to meet onr old friend J. Mott Smith last week who. with Father Coan and S. O. Wilder, took a turn through our busy town. Humor say.; that two of our most popular citizens propose a trip to Euroe next month. They have our lest wishes and we only regret that we are not counted in. Glad to report refreshing showers in various iioints of the district ijiiee last writing, with signs f more. So far as Inard from. Thompson Bros, are the only ones pluming, but as they get more rain they can l-gin earlier. Zamloeh is in town, and we hope he will secure bumper houses as he deserves it Inith as a gentle 'Tiian and jierforinor. Mr. Caper PIi. lps has started a blacksmith in ilalawa everyone knows what a good fellow Phelps is. so there is no use advertising him. We hope and trust he will get pletity of work. Mr. Smith, of Hollister .v. Co., is almut town leaking up business. Smith is a jolly goid fellow , it nd we welcome him. We have heard that Wilder A Co. propose start ' nig a branch store in Kohala. We don't see how j he can compete with other parties unless he does. We have heard that Mr. Chas. Stackpole is to ; have charge of Wilder Co.'s big store in Mahu kona. Glad to hear of it as it will keep Charles ! and his estimable lady with us. Kohala needs an hotel for the accommodation of its ! numerous visitors. At present strangers are ob- liged to rely on hospitality of the citizens. We no tice that the Hall at Kaiopihi is vacant, and as it could be fitted up into a large number of rooms it would pay some one well to lure it ana start an notei. The situation is central, and we have no doubt a lease could Ik- secured. It certainly would prove a good investment. Jltto 3i)b(nistnunts. ANY ONE WISHITs.Gr PUMA AWA DELIVERED at !M!aalaea, Bay, Laliaina or Honolulu. A PI'I.V TO R. RYCROFT, jul0 3m Poboiki, Puna, Hawaii. $100 REWARD For any Money Owing by W. FENNELL, either on these Islands or in California. To Planters, Expressmen & Others ! IK YOU WANT A GOOD ARTICLE CALL WHERE YOU WILL GET IT. 92 KING STREET. SADDLERY HARNESS Or All Kind! oo Hand and Made to Ordr. SOLD AT THE LOWEST PRICE I C7 Toolc At This I o Double Plough Harness... From $20 00 up do Carriage or Express Harness 40 00 single Carriage Harness 30 00 Break lUrness 3d 00 Uray Harries- 32 60 Mexican Sud.ilrS 12 00 Knglish Saddles IS 00 I a dies' .-ad.llea IS 00 ALL GOODS WARRANTED AS UK PRESENTED AND Guaranteed For Six Months ! I Superintend all Work that leaves My Shop. I don't peddle Cane, Hos;s. Hen Fruit or Cold Water, I Make Harness and sell them. Res Dectfully Yours, fe4 6m y. FEN NELL. - NOTICE. 4 SK.M I- NXII A L. MKKTIM5 OF TIIK . B rd or Trustees of tbe QUE E.N '3 HOSPITAL will l." held on STl"KDAV, the lOtn of June, at 10 A. M., at the K. oan i.f tbe Cliaaitx-r of Commerce. Per order. F. A. 8CII AKFKR, Secretsry.' HodoIuIu. Jui.e 1, 1882. jf3 21 CALIFORNIA Fin n i I u re Company. rY I1K l V M. G. IRWIN UK HAVE receiTed a Large loToice of NEW FURNITURE! BED-ROOM SETS New Styles and unusually cheap. Patent Rockers, Book Shelves, Dwarf Book-cases, Walnut Wardrobes, Marble-Top Tables, Secretaries, Office Desks and Office Tables, Walnut and Koa Cheffoniers, What Nots, Bed Lounges, Etc., Etc. For Sale CIicsip. TELEPHONE No. 10. E. P. ADAMS, AGmtST mjl9 1m Kaiiiehaineha Day. '-Si:iiii i .. ? ' it Ecijiiolani Pari:, June The followin-j gentlemen comprise the . u. iewix, Cecil Brown, H. R Capt. A. N Tripi James Dom. Programme: First Day, Saturday, June 10th. Commencing at 2 o'clock, --.harp. Sapiclaai mile tld-h; For Hawaiian bi-ed hurst G. B. Kelly.... J. A. Cummins. C. Lucas Sing's Plate, $125. For three-year-olds; oieii to all; best 2 in 3; to oarrv 100 lbs. Entrance, 812 60 G. B. Kelly b.h. Hancock W. II. Cornwell g.h. General GarfieM Queen Emm Plate, $100. Running Race; 3-4 mile dash; free for all to carrv 100 ll.s. Entrance, $10. G. B. Kelly O. Stillman J. A. Cummins. M. K. Albaiiffh. . Second Day, Monday, June 12th. Commencing at 11 o'clock, sharp. Leahi Cud. $40. Mule Ruce; mile dash; free to all; catch II. N. Crabbe C. A. Bailey. L. J. Avlette. Dick . . .' Park Cup, $75. :J-4 of mile; free for all Iwo-vear-olds bred in the Kingdom: catch weight. Entrance, 7 SO. W. II. Cornwell. J. F. Col burn. . . Reciprocity Trotting Race; mile heats; brt ;J in 5 to harness; free to all horses that have not a better record than 2 :40 iu any public race in thin Kingdom. Entrance, 10, M. E. Albangh cm. Coquette Jas. Dodd s.g. Thomas II Express Cup, $75. Trotting Race, one mile, free to all horses that have been driven in a public hack six months previous to this 11th of June. Entrauce, 97 50. Manuel Reis Mollie J. Watson b.m. Pink Eamehameha Plate, 200. Trotting Race; mile heats; best 3 in 5 to harness; free for all. Entrance, 20. W. H. Cornwell b.g. Oliver M. E." Albaugh cm. Coquette Lunamakaainana Plate, $100. One and a half mile dash; free for all to carry 100 lbs. Entrance, ij 10. G. B. Kelly b.h. Hancock O. Stillman b.g. Mark Twain W. II. Cornwell g.h. General Garfield Regent's Plate, 8100. Free to all horses bred in the Kingdom; best 2 in 3; catch weights. Entrance. $10. G. B. Kelly r.m. Venus J. A. Cummins b.g. Standford Colt C. Lucas b.g. Stranger Pony Race Cup, $50. One wile dash; open to all ponies bred in the Kingdom, not over 13 1-2 hands nign; oaten weignts. ttntanoe, 35. J. H. King J. Lishman Joseph Kaanaana O. J. Holt Eaiulani Hurdle Race; one mile dash, 4 hurdles; free for all; catch weights. Entrance, 7 50. ' C. Lucas b.g. Stranger M. E. Albaugh c.m. Romping Girl IDcnkey Race Cup, $25. Free for all; each man to ride his neighbor's donkey, the last one under the wire wins. W. Aylett Pinafore D. Adams Uluhua Antone Jack Morins Bicyc!e. Tricycle and Foot Race, for 200 yards, for medals and a cup. Grease i Pole, - - Prize, $20. All horses entered fr these races will be under the control of the judges, and their decision will be final. All rnnning races will be under the rules of tlie Pacific Blood Horse Associ ation, excepting as to weights. All horses to carry a rider. All trotting races will lie under the rules of the National Trotting Associa tion. No pool selling on the Park grounds All horses that are sold in pools will be ruled out. In order to secure and maintain order, no one will be allowed on the track witiirnt th nvvru't-itlmi biidfre. which can be obtained on the grounds. KERR THE PAINTER, KfQ KING STREET, IMPORTER AM) 4 O Ueler in Faints. Oil. Varnilie, Mixed Paiota and Painter's Supplies. .... Bole Agent for the Celebrated Arerill Chujicl Mixed Paints, ready for uae. These popular paints have teen suc cessfully introduced into these Kingdom for the past four years, aod hare established a repuUtion lor fsst color and durability, superior to any otlier paint erer used. Paint mixeJ rea ly lor use f any Tint, ehade or Color, and supplied in quantities to suit aod shipped to any part of the Islands. Psrtlrs desiring to do their own Painting can be supplied with the rrquired quantity and colo, and the use of the neces sary brushes, etc. Orders from the other Islands. Plantations, etc., restecttully solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. julO Bin CARRIAGE MAKEE ! RESPECTFl'Ll.T ANNOUNCES THAT be bas i Opened a Shop on Fort street, A bore Hotel (in tbe Old DoTprnment Bui:d:ig, whero he is prt srrcl to Build Carriages. Buggies and Spring Wagons IN THE LATEST and BEST DESIGNS ! ISTONE BUT First-Class Mechanics Employed And IISTo tiling 33ut Carefully Selected Materials Used ST Particular and Prompt Attention given to A I! Kind of Repairing. ORDERS FROM THE OTHER ISLANDS WILL BE t AlTIIFCLLT ATTENIJED TO. maris 6b, 10 and 12, 18S2. Committee ot Armugementa Macfarlank. II. A. WlDKM.OOT. Plate, $100. catch weights. Kutrance. S10. Veim b.g. StamlforJ Colt Stranger r.m. Venus . . .b.g. Mark Twain .b.g. Standford Colt .cm. Romping Girl weights. Kuirauce, .4. Minnie Nigger Coco Head Kate .c. L'n named Equal Bights Plate. $100. Cup, $75. .Bushwhacker Why Not . . TjTant Permits to train horses on the Park track can obtai.-ed from Mr. H. R. Macfarlane. Tekies' colors must ac company entrance fees. Official Programmes of the Days' Races may be procured at Messrs. J. W. Robertson & Co.'s Bookstore, the pro ceeds of which are for the benefit of the Park. Admittance to the Park, 25 cts; Horses and Carriages, 50cts; Admittance to the Grandstand, $1. 00- II A. Wideman, Chairman. E A. Peirce, Secretary. NOTICE OF CO.PARTNERSHIP. riHlRI.ES A. If A 1 LEV AND ALBERT U.AKNfc.3 comprise the firm of C A. Bailey k Co , do tng business as Cane Planters at Wailuku, Island of Maui Wailoku, Maul, May 1, 1882. JulO at CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. raUK FOLLOWING MEMBERS HAVE m oeeo aaaea to the ruear fo. of Mokaeuul of fUna. Mul. : K. Kakani and M. Kalawa. Honolulu, June 0. 1832. MOK AKNL'I 8CCAR CO. JulO 3t GEORGE W. LINCOLN, 111! !'! Contructor & fluildcr ! 86 KINO 8T., HONOLULU, DESIRES TO INFORM Ills FRIENDS and the public generally, that he is now prepared to accept Contracts for Buildings, Cottages, Stores or Dwellings, A ter AMERICAN FHENCII, ITAI H.V. SHIrSorGKK MAN tsTYLand fr..m EW l Km I H win. h combine all the necn-.-ar requisito fir health a.d c..mfrt, in a warm climaie. Orders Respectfully Solicited for Designs, Plans and Specifications. For Dwellings. Stores, Public Buildings, Halls. Hotels, Mills and Works of Every Description, IN EITHER Wood, Brick, Iron or Stone Constructions. I -.le le- A t'CL'tl AC Y i d COM I'I.ETEN E8it In all res pects, mid will iit anyof the I .nd in )M-rvn t examine SlTKs. i.OCATI'J.NS. etc , upon pxynit-nt ul truvellinf ex penses. My arrant-emt-iils enable me to supply rmiterit men to suerinte id I he construction of Build. nn and Work- on any of th Inlands. lUring formed a buainess ro.mection with one of tbe Principal Mills on the Coast, I AM PREPARED TO DO First-Glass !rorIs ! AT MODERATE RATES. Satisfaction Guaranteed. ttT One of the Latest Inventions for retoothlnf 8AWd has been brought by u.e fr..m the Coast, snd old CuMi.niers and new ones, are invited to call on me w th their old and worn-out SAWS and I will make tbenj as good as new, and at moderate rates. cr OrX""7"JE3 MB A. octg ly OATiTj.1 FOR REiT. rjHE PREMISES CORNER OP PDNCH B0V7L AND QUEEN STREETS, entirely reoorated And ea'arjed. Paisession giren lmmedl,itely. Apply to V. A. 6CHAEFEK, AJminlstrator of the Estate of Chas. Long, Deceased j3 2t WIKES & LIQOOBS BT late: arrivals FROM Europe and United States. or WHS, ALES & SPIRITS, AS FOLLOW 8 Hennessy Brandy, all Qualities UUl'TEI.LKAU BRANDT, all qualliiei M A KTEI.L UUANDV, all qualities! ROl' Y EKi (;i)l l.KT X CO. URADV. JUlili.s; IXlKOVILI.i: Jt CO. BRA XDV. all qnalitira Jt'LES ROBI.V V CO. BRANDT, all qualltlw IIACTKUAR Ai. CO. BKAXDV, all qualitK-sj MARMIKSSE i CO. BRANDT, all qualitiesi Jl'LEl I.EFR4XC At CO. BRAXDV, all qualities! And various other kinds of Me dium and Common Brands. Cutter & Co. Whiskies, all Brands; KE.v ri CKV FAVORITE WHISKY. O. F. C. SOCK m ash. II I K XVII lK CABINET WHISK V. SOLF AGENTS FOR TIIK CrlLEHRATED CYRUS NOBLE WHISKY ALL QL ALITIKd AND AG El. Also, Sole Agents FOR . Reuben Earley's Whisky From Urn ssllle, Kent'irky. Both llrsnds being well, known for lliertl unsurpassed rxrellenre and flavor. KEY BKAHTD GIN! lo Smsll Bottles. Bione Ju-rs atnl Irge Squares, Uallon Packsfrsi Hwnlmnn sV CO. PRIZE MEDAL GIN, very smooth and fine llssrl . Saw, rrlr braird OLD IOM GIN. Waller's SCIIIKDAM and NCHN API'S. Dnalrl VU.rr V San'a rl-brnic4 "GRAY STALLION" brund ef tll.V SOLE JGrENTS For tbe Celebrated and World -It enow i.ed Salvaior Beer ! CASKS OF 8AMK IN PINTS AND QUARTS, OoiitJint:ly on Ilauul AND Keerired l eeryjl from tlie Atlantic Torts ENGLISH ALE AND GERMAN 13 J li R ALWAT8 ON HAND. PUG bkaai) ioatTi:at IN PINTS AND QUARTS. GUINNESS' DUBLIN STOUT f IN PINTS AND QUARTS. S.EC E-DEfc K Y ! PORT, MADEIRA, BURGUNDY, ANGELICA WHITE WINE, H0CKHEIMER, JOHANNISBERGER, CLARET WINE, in caski and hf-caks : CLARET WINE, in boxes, 1 dozen each ; from $3.50 to $25 00 per dozen. George Goulet's DUC de M0NTEBELL0 CHAMPAGNE pints and quarts ; SPARKLING M0SLLLE. BURKE V KINNAHAN'S IRISH! WHISK1T ! SCOTCH WHISKY ! Wm. Rankin & Son's KILMARNOCK WHISKY! CHERRY CORDIAL, CI1KKRV BltA.NDi BATAVIA ARRAC. ESS. PEPPERMINT, JAMAICA GINGr lt BITTERS OF ALL KINDS. CHARTREUSE. BE.VEDICTI . E. CURACAO. OTKAL MARASCHINO. ABSINTHE, KIRSCII WASSER. VERMOUTH, ANISETTE. LIMKVLiCE, And lOO Other Tiling TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION, ALL OF WniCIl "W ILL BE SOLD AT THE Lowest Market Rates! B R O W S3 & CO. 14 MERCHANT STREET. ' P. S.-0rder. from the other Island. 008 Promptly attended to. i