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PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER. JUNE 10, 1882. -BY IE. I. JDaiS. GASOLINE HACllIflES, EMPIRE 8ALOON. ON SATUEDAY, JUNE 17th, At 13 o clock oooo, at Salesroom, immediately after "e sale of tbe Booth premise, will be tout. X Gasoline IVZacliixic, locladlnf an eooaectloa Piping uri Two Large Chandeliers, la the Empire Ealooo, S. P. ADAMS, Aactiooeer. AX Kulaokahua Plains SATURDAY, JUNE 17, At 12 o'clock noon, at Salesroom, I will offer I Public a action. 'Iir B , . 1 Si f k"ft S fa -s. 1. IHO .LUIS, 1UUAOUU UUt'U Xaakertd LOT 3d i Geeraacat 21 p af KilaikaUia Plain. TBB LOTS ARE OS Mauaa of lot of W. C. Wilder. Esq , Taey command cbarmiaf view In a health locality, and food neighborhood. joJ K. P. ADAMS, Auctioneer. alia a"ble .Real ISs'i&ie, AT AUCTION. I am Iatrirtr4 I alTer At Paklle littles MBM. JUNE 17. 1882, At 12 o'clock booo, at my Balea Room, OH Kulaolxalxua. Plains:, Situate at the corner of Kief, Eaeaumoka and Young Streets, adjoining the Premiaea of Qeo. Beckley. .., and Bantered respectively 10OV 191, 19S.S01. 20f, 1 03, each kit being 100 feet front, ISO fret aepth. Fenced and Water Laid On. ALSO FOUR LOTS ON THE SOUTHERN MAKA1 Comer Piikoi & Beretania sts, Banning throngs to Toong street- ALSO Four Lots Adjoining the Above, i i Fenced in a Substantial Manner. ALSO FOUR LOTS UN Tilt: WESTERN MAKA1 Comer Beretania & Piikoi sts., Ranaiog throng h Young aireet. These LOTS are Well Covered WITH Beautiful Ornamental Shads Tress, And face on the alreel In a moat desirable poaition of the Plain, and afford A Ilai'c Opportunity for those in aearch of a FINE HOiYlESTEAD! .... ALSO .... THOSE VERY DESIRABLE UN THE SOUTH Corner Bsrstania k Panchfcavl sts,4 ALSO SIX PIKE LOTS I EACH 100X800 FEET. rronUsgon Bingbam aireet, adjoining the property of Dr. J. M. Whitney. Also- OIME JLiOT, OX TBE Corner Bingham & Mstcalf streets, Maake of the Artesian Ioe Work. This Desirable LOT IS BOUT aOOacOOO, and Has Upon it a Good Cottage, O0?. NIARLY NKWj Wood Shed, Carriage House, AO la good condition. Also, mouse ItLiofs. 100x150 Feet Commencing: from the corner of Uetcalf street and running Weit on Beretania street. fy This Property is acknowledged to be espe cially desirable for House Lots, Artesian Water can be supplied in sufficient quantities for all do mestic and irrigation purposes. The soil is rich and derp. and the slope of the land is sufficient to insure PERFECT DRAINAGE. Plans can be seen at the Office of the Auctioneer XT 'nrther particular In Fata re Adrertlacmenta. jo3 3t E. P. ADAMS, Auctioneer. Special Credit Sale FRIDAY, JUNE 16, At 10 A.M.. at Barroom, I WILL OFFER AT AUCTION (On a CreJit to the Trade for amonnt over C200) A Iland.-jomo Selection or Jut Reccifv. 1. rrlreli, and of Style and quality rvt - S d at Auction, inch u Prints, CrocktL jSheeting, oaauierj, ujoid.', iweeus, Woolen & Cotton Shirts, Ticking, Card Matches, Soap, Liverpool Butter Salt, Hardware, Galvanized Buckets, Denims, fchirtmg, White and Brown Cottons, Rugs, Shawls, Blankets, &c. ALSO .A. Oomplete Invoice Rubber Goods, -viz: Goodear gyring-, CeotennUI Syringe, Hoodear Nar.vof Buttles, XO. IT LOXU C03IBS, EXTRA DBESSIVG (031 US, assorted Mzrs ; Common Combs. Rihttr Pen Holders, UABHIAOE MATS, Door Mat. Lr.STKE RrBBEB COATS, Cauda. 3-1 In. MBBF.K HOSE, best 3-pl); CASES RUBBER KXEE BOOTS, XT Xozxxaa eat SmIo. xx JolO E. P. ADAU3, Auctioneer. Valuable Property In Manoa Valley. I am Instructed by FRANK SILVA. Esq., to offer at Public Auction, ON SATURDAY, JUNE 17th, At It o'clock noon, at :eroom the following- IN MANOA VALLEY, VIZ : LOT INTO. 1- That certain piece of land in Manoa, granted to Charles Kauaina by Royal Patent No. 200, and fully described therein, containing an area of 112 3-4 acre. lot zero. That piece of land in Manoa, being a part of Apana 1 and all of Apaua 2 of Royal Patent No. 4520, and containing an area of about 35 H acres, with all the Building and improvements thereon. LOT ISTO. 3- That certain piece of Land in Manoa, granted by Royal Patent No. 203 to Moo, and more par ticularly describe u therein, containg 3 1-10 acre. LOT ZLSTO 4- That certain piece of Land in Manoa, granted by Royal Petent No. 201 to Kapoahnalah&ina, containing on area of 3 67-100 acres. For farther particulars apply to .T. M. DAVIDSON, Esq., Attorney, or E. P. ADAMS, Auctioneer. Honolulu, Jnne 9. 1882. Valuable Real Estate IN HONOLULU. Estate of J. BOOTH, Deceased. BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDKR OFSAL.K iuned bv Hon. Lawrence McCallT. First Associate Justice of Supreme Court, I am instructed to offer at Pnblio Auction, at my baiexroom, on SATURDAY, June 17, 1882, At 18 O'clock N'. That Valuable Piece or Parcel of Land, situated on tna corner of Nuuanu and Hotel street, and axown aa The International Hotel PROPERTY, With all the Buildings and Improvements thereupon. Tha whnl. Tit will, be order of tbe Court, be first ffered at the upset price of Forty Thousand Collars $49,000). Should there be no purchaser at this upet price, the Let will then be subdivided and sold in THREE PORTIONS, In accordance with the Report and Survey of Curti J. Lyons, now on file in tbe Conrt, which can be seen upon application. E. P. ADAMS, AUCTIONEER. uytet Honolftls, Xaj 3. if Zaaxid. in Manoa On Saturday, . . June 17, At 12 o'clock noon, at Salesroom , will be sold THAT tEHHU PIECE OF U.tD IN IVI sx tx o sx n O a h u , Belonging to Mrs. Nawaa Joseph, an J described in Royal Patent 2&9 a A pana 8. EluaLoi me Kula ma Halelena OR J?Viii- Ki-ilo Ir,tclies WITH KV1.V LAND, A T II A L K LENA, And containing aa area of 0-lC0ths of aa acre. K. P. 11) ins, Inttloneer. Je3 St LAND FOR LALE In Manoa Valley 178 1-2 Good Kula & Ealo Land. AUo, in Manoa Talley, House and T' Acre Iot, 4 Iron Tanks on the premise and 2 W ooden one. Also, fjr sale, 200 HKAOofCATTLE More or lr, running on the Oral ro-iilionrd Id1. 2 Open Wagons, 2 Carriage Horses. 2 Saddle Horses. 2 Mules. 3 pairs Working Oxen. Apply on the premises to FRANK STLVA, or to JOHN BEBKLLO, alO 3t Corner Xanana and floicl street. . S lag- A very large assortment of fine white em mbroideries at figures rAver offered before, at CBS. J. FlSHlLs' FOPCLAS 8TOSC. Neu? iVduertisraents. OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO. FOR SAN FRANCISCO. THE FAST STEAMER SUEZ Wai be due at this por t On the lXStli to IStli inst. Will Have Immediate Dispatch tor th Above Port For freight or paasage can be secured at tbe Office of julO WM. G. FRWIN St CO., Agent. A. FEANK COOKE, OFFICE, CORNER NUUANU & QUEEN STREZT3. IIOXOL.LLU, II. I.. Tlie Folio wins: Packets WAILEI.E, WAlEIIf, M A LOLO, M AX A, AVAIOL.I, S V AIM ALU, KALCM, JL'LU, K A MOI, OE.V. MtGKL. FLAG :-Bed, with White BaU ! marll ly TIME TABLE STEAMER MKMB KINO, master, Steamer Likelite will lt-ave Honolulu each Tuesday at 4 . M., touching at Lahaina, Maalaea Hay, Makena. Ma- bukona. hawaibae, Lanpaboehoe and liilo. Keturnin will touch at all tbe above port, arrlTing at Honolulu each Sunday a. m. No Credit for Passage Money. We positively refuse to open accounts for Passages, and we particularly rail the attention of the traveling public to the necessity of having Bagaye and freight PLAINLY MAEEKD: the Mearuer will not be reHpousible for any unmarked Hncgige, or for Freight or Parcels, unless RECEIPTED VOU. Freight Money Due on Demand. In all cases of Freight for parties not responsible or nnknown, the Freight Money will be required in advance. Packages of Liquors and Wines Must Be Plainly Marked For the party whom they are for, or plainly atated in tbe Kecetpt to wbom they are conHigned. All demands for damage or loss must be made within one month. In no way liable for loss or accident to Live Stock. tT Hack Drivers, Boys aud such like, will not be al lowed on board the steamer on arrival, until after the passengera have been landed. y Wilder cfe Oo. . LIKELIKE rfHIK LIKELIKE WILL LEAVE HER JL WHARF at v. m., and NO Freight will be received after 3 p. m. Due notice is given of this rule, and it wil nit be earned. (myl) WILDER A CO. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY FOR SYDNEY VIA AUCKLAND ! TUB SPLKNOID STKAMSHIP CA IlC ILL, COMMANDER, WILL LEAVE FOR THE C0L0.MES ON OR ABOUT JUNE 11th. Foi San Pi"ancisco. THE SPLENDID STEAMSHIP ZEA LANDI A, WEBBER, Commander. Will LEAVL HONOLULU FOR SAN FRANCISCO ON OR A30UT JULY 3. For Freight and Paasnge, apply lo II. IIACRFELD A Co. Agents. Goods for Shipment per Steamer caa now beSlsred, Frrr f Cbargr, la ifae Fire-proof Watrrbooae nmr ilie Sirnmcr Wharf, mar 4 For Europe via New York. 0 OR ABOUT JUXE 5tli. Cunard laine, ESTABLISHED 1840. Two Sailings Every Week FOR LIVERPOOL: FROM SEW YORK EVERY WEDNESDAY, FROM BOSTON EVERY SATURDAY. RATES OF PASSAGE: CABIN tSO and K0 GOLD According to Accommodation. RETURN TICKETS OX FAVORABLE TERMS. STKERAOE f2 8 Cl'RRENCV Good accommodations can always be secured on application to WILLI AM9. DIMON'D & CO., J AS. ALEXANDER, Ban Francisco, M State Street, Boston, VKRXON n. BROWN 4 CO.. 4 Bowling Green, New York. Notice to Ptener from Australia. New Zealand anil Tlono loin Tbe Canard Line affbnla nrnre thm nsnal facilities to through pa.terrr from Tran.-Paciflc Pirt. tbe frequency of Its sailing pr'Cluling all p (Ssiliilny of delay in New York. Jy Uuo.1 Arcuinni' da'ion. always reserved. VKRNON II. BROWN k CO.. saari 4 Bowling Green. New York. AN ACT To Create an Additional Port of Entry and Departure of Vessels from Foreign Countries, in the Collection District of Kawaihae, in the Island of Hawaii. Be it enacted by the King and the Legis lative Assembly of the Hawaiian Islands, in the Legislature of the Kingdom as sembled : Section 1. Mahukona, in the Island of Hawaii, and Collection District of Kawai hae, shall be and is hereby created an addi tional Port of Entry and Departure of Ves sels from Foreign Couniries. Section 2. This Act shall take effect and become law on the first day of July next ensuing. Approved this ninth day of May, a.d. 18S2. (Signed) my27 3t KALAKAUA REX. CP" Drink Palmer & Oo.'s Ginger Ale, only 75 cents per dozen, delivered to any part ol the city. adv. CTFICE BOARD OF HEALTH, Jona 3,1382. Dr. F. IL Et.r.RS has boen this day appointed Port Phjaiclau for the Tort of Kahalui. Maui. WALTER M. GIBSON, jaia Preaident Board of Health Holbebs of Bet! Licensee are hereby notified that from and after thia date tbe Bar Booms or Saloons for which aaid licensee are granted, must cot be opened be fore 5 o'clock A. M. and must b. closed on Saturday Ni i.'ku at 10 o'clock, and on ail other nights during the wrtk at li o'clock, tnd no person will be allowed to re main drinking on the said premises after the closing bjura above named. clilON K. EAAI, Minister of Interior. Interior Office, June 6th, 1882. julO 3t It has pleased Hia M ajeaty the King ia Friry Count I J to restore the following person to their Ciril Bight, TU. : J. Obxilaa, of Kealakomo, Puna, Hawaii. P. II. Kitihiaju, of Eapaahn, ,. J. K. Kaiu, of Lahaina, Maul. Eciaxtc, of Molokai. PaHurr, of Molokai. Napcalxi. cf Molokai. Iolanl Palace, May 27. 188i. .m3 3t. Weibih many complaints have been made to thia Department that various Public Roads in the aeveral Island have been closed or obstructed by owner and occupier of lands adjoining or contiguous to such road. Therefore, all persona who have eauaed any such roada to be cloaed are hereby notified to remove such obstruc- tiona and open such road within one month from thia date, otherwise prosecution will be instituted without further notice. SIMON K. EAAI, Minister of the Interior. Iuterior Office, June 2. ltett. jun3 3t. Joax KicuiiLDSOx, Emu., baa thia day been appointed Commissioner of Private Waja and Water Righto in the District of Wailuku, Island of Maui, vice Jaa. W. Girvin resigned. Minister of the Interior. Interior Omce, May 27. IHS2. jun3 3t. The following gentlemen have this day been appointed Agents to grant Marriage Licensee, vis. : Samcil Ekacla, for the District of Waimea, Kauai. J. Kiu, for the District of Lihue, Kauai. t SliluN K, KAAI, Minister of the Interior. Interior Ottce, May M.ltiSi. jun3 3t. Mr. P. KawaiaO haa thia day been appointed Boad Sur veyor for tbe District of Hana. Island of Maui. SIMON K. KAAI. Minister of the Interior. Iuterior Office, J une 1, 1882. juu3 St. Mb. S. W. Pa haa, thia day, been appointed an Agent to take acknowledgements to Contracto for Labor in the Dis trict of Ililo, Island of Hawaii, vice D. K. Pa, resigned. S. tL &.AAI, Minister ol tne interior. Interior Office, May ii, myJ7 3t Da. O. Tbocssiad has, thia day, been appointed Port Physician for the Port of Honolulu, vice Dr. F. B. Hutchinson, resigned. WALTER M. GIBSON, Preaident or the Board of Health. Office of the Board of Health, May 24, 1882. my27 3t It ha pleased Hi Majesty the Kmz to appoint the fol lowing gentlemen membera of tbe Board of Health namely : Hia Ex. Walim Mcbbat Gibson, President, vice HI Ex. W. N. Armstrong, resigned. Honorable A. 8. Cleohobs. The Board now cansisto of the following members" President, Hi Ex. Walter Murray Glbeon ; Hon. J. 8. Walker, Hon. J. Moanauli. Hon. H. A. Widemann and the Hon. A. S. Cleghorn, Iolani Palace, Honolulu, May 23, 1882. my27-t Colo-bctob-Gkhmbal's Office, Honolulu, May 25, 1382. The following GOODS have been seized under tbe Revenue Law and if not claimed within twenty days will be held condemned, and SOLD by Public Auction : BH iu diamond, 31. Honolulu T Pkga Earthen Stoves, etSsUo Chung, Aug 18, 1830. K.S.O. 65 pks Chinese Provision, ex 8 S Zealandia, April 21, 1(W2. Also, will be sold for duties and charge U not claimed within twenty days : Aug. Lorange, Honolulu 2 case Private Effects, ex S S Zealandia, Feb 27, 1880. MSG A Co and 11 in diamond 72 boxes Soap, ex City of Nankin, Aug 26, 1880. B. N. Wingate 1 package. B in diamond, Honolulu 1 package. n-m 1 Black Trunk S A Co 1 package Ira Bradshaw 1 package Chas. Kempster 1 package J. T. Cutting 2 packagea W. V. Butterfleld 1 package K. S. Bagg 2 package HH dc Co, (5701 package n-m 1 case Oil Mrs. Win. Paty, Eohala 1 package W. B. Winchall 1 package Peter McKenzie, Hilea 1 package. my27 3t W. F. ALLEN, Collector-General. JUNE 11th, the Commemoration Day of Eamehameha L falling on Sunday. Monday Jnne 12th, will be observed a a Public Holiday, and all Government Office through out the Kingdom will be cloaed on that day. V. N. ABM8TBONG. Minister of Interior. Interior Office, May 19, 1882. my20-4t Salt of Lease of Government Land " On WEDNESDAY. June 21, 1882, at the front entrance of Aliiolani Hair, at 12 o'clock noon will be sold at Public Auction, the Leaae of that tract or parcel of Government Land k:iown as kepuhi, situated in Palolo Valley, Oaho, containing 11 If acre. TERMS Lease 10 years, upset price $75 per annum, payable semi-annually in advance. W. N. ARMSTRONG, Miniater of Interior. Iuterior Department, Honolulu, 20th May, 1882. my20-5t Licenses Expiring in June, 1882. Rrtail-xOahai. 1 Thos Lack, Fort street, Honolulu 1 Ah Pau. Moanalua, " 3 Castle & Cooke, King street, " 0 Jos Manuel. Liliha street, " 11 J H Bruns, sr. Esplanade, 14 Black & Reynolds, Merchant street, " 16 Hart Broa. Queen street, " 21 Yon Hop, Uoiol street, ' 22 G W Mac far lane Co. Queen street, 25 Antone Marshal. Beretania street, " 25 Fook Lee. Beretania street, " 28 Iau Kee, Nuuanu street, " Retail Hawaii. , 7 Awal. Halawa. N Eohala 20 Ahong, Kapaau. N Kohala 27 Kong Aning. Ookala. Hilo 27 Mra Lonlsa K Davles, Hamakua 30 Allen A- Starkpole, Kawaihae Retail Maal. 3 Aboi & H Amee, Huelo, Hamakualoa 5 J Lima, Kiliula, Molokai 9 C Samlung & Co, Olowalu, Lahaina 14 Ah Tim & Abui, Wailuku 16 Mosaman & Anderson. Makawao 20 Abau, Olowalu. Lahaina V IclMitlins. 1 J Nnpapa. Pukoo, Molokai 4 Iau Sam A Abui. I'ilhonua, Hilo, Hawaii 7 Ahou, Waihee, Maui 7 Loo Achu, Punaluu, Kau 13 Gee Chong, Heeia, Koolaupoko, Oahu 13 Narm Hing, Hotel street, Honolulu 18 Awana. Hilo, Hawaii 16 Hart Bros. Queen street, Honolulu 20 Akima. Wailuku. Maui 23 A C Conchee, Kspaa. Kauai 23 Awana, Wailnku, 3Jauai, 23 Koki. Waimea, Kauai 24 Hop Chong, Haiko, Maui 25 C Samlung A Co. Olowalu, Lahaln, Maul Wholesale. 3 9 A Schaerer A Co, Merchant street, Honolulu 3 Castle & Cooke, King street, Honolulu 7 Thos Hobrou, Kahnlui. Maui 7 Claus Spreckels, Kat.ului, Maui 20 Jas W Girvin, Wai'.ukn. Maui 20 M S Grinbaum A Co, Queen street, Honolulu 20 Ed Hoffsrhlaeger A Co., Merchant and Fort sts, Hon 22 G W Macfarlaue A Co, Queen street, Honolulu 26 Lewers & Cooke, Fort street, Honolulu Wholesale Spirit. 22 G W Macfarlane & Co, queen atreet, Honolalu Retail Spirit. 4 E 9 Cunha, Tnlon Saloon, Honolulu BillitraV 1 Joaquin Garcia, Wailuku. Maui 10 Tau Sen A Ahui, Piihonua, Hilo. Hawaii 16 Hart Bros, Queen street. Honolulu Batcher. 1 Young Hee. Wailuku. Maui 10 J M Puaakuni. Makawao, Maui 23 J Heme, Lahaina, Maui Park Baichrr. 1 Ah tng Ac Kau On, Kapaa, Kauai 27 Ahiua, North Kohala, Hawaii Fire Arista. 7 John Kothwell, Kona, Oahu Beat. 18 W W Dimond, Honolulu Cake Peddllag. 3 Chun Hee, (Waikiki) Aaetlea. 54 W F Msssman, Makawao, Maui You can buy a most beautL. (. rw hat for only $1, at Chas. J. Fish, the Hovlab toxk. V , .m. theAvv n. BY AUTHORITY. It has pleased Hi3 Majesty tbe King to appoint tbe following gentlemen to be members of his Cabinet : Hon. Walter Murray Gibson, Premier and Minister of Foreign Affairs, vice His Exeelleucy AV. L- Green resigned. Hon. Simon K. Kaai, Minister of tbe Iu terior, vice His Excellency "NY. X. Arm strong resigned. Hon. J. E. Busb, Miuister ofFinauce, vice His Excellency J. S. Walker resigned. Edward Preston, Esq., Attorney-General, vice His Excellency W. N. Armstrong re signed. Iolani Palace, Honolulu. niy20 4t. SALE OF LEASE OF GOVERNMENT LAND. On Wednesday, June 14th, 1832, at the the front en trance of A'iiolani Hale, at 3 o'clock, noon, will be sold at Public Auction, tha lease of all that tract of Govern ment Land situate in the Distrist of Kwa, Island cf Oahn, and KNOWN AS WAIMANU. TERMS Lease 10 years. Upset price, $100 per inona, payable quarterly in advance. W. N. ARMSTRONG. Minister of Interior. Dept. of Interior, Honolalu. 11th May, 1882. myl3 St. THE PACIFIC Commercial titicrtiscr SATURDAY ..JUNE 10, 1S. NEWS OF THE WEEK. A large number of the members of the Assembly accompanied by some officials visited the Gaol, the Reformatory School and the Asvluni on Saturday. Mb. Eli Johnson will lecture again on Sunday morning at Fort street Church, should the R.5I.S. Australia not arrive and leave too earlv. ' A native woman gave birth to a daughter on board the steamer Iwalani during her return trip. This ia the second event of the kind that has hap pened on board since the Iwalani commenced run ning, the former one being a case of twins. A letter lately written from Honolulu to par ties at Eahului on business of much importance was found in the inailbag when it came back from that place. A subscription is being raised to pro vide the Postmaster there with a pair of spectacles. Three men were arraigned before the Police Jus tice, on Monday, for taking part in the row in Fow ler's vard on Saturday night. Two of them, An drew Brown and James Moran, were convicted and fined S10 each. The other man appears to have been arrested bv mistake. The following is the programme for the regular concert at Emma Square, this afternoon, com mencing at 4.30 p.m.: Polonaise" Court Ball " Onng'l Waltz " Remembrance " Waldteufel Selection " Norma " (by request) Bellum Dance " Czardas " Hasselman Gavotte ' Stephanie " Czibul Polka " Lcopoldine " 1'aqne The election on Saturday of a representative for Honolulu, to fill the seat vacated by His Ex. V. M. Gibson, passed off very quietly. Mr. Eeau was the fortunate man. He polled 402 votes, Mr. Kahanu, 110, and Mr. Kunuiakea, 107, and some others 110 amongst them. Total votes cast, 729. The Scholars in the Sabbath Schools are looking forward to a good time at their Union Picnic at Hon. L. McCully's grounds near the new Ice works, to-day. Ample amusement and an abundant lunch will be provided. The getters up of the picnic are to be thanked for remembering the parents and friends in their arangements and for the hearty Invitation extended. The election of Officers of the Fire Department took place on Monday, with the following result : Chief Engineer, J. Nott ; First Assistant Engineer, R. Lewers ; Second Assistant Engineer, C. B. Wil son. Tlie vote lor the two hrst was unanimous, Mr. James Dodd ran Mr. Wilson close for the third place, the vote being 71 to 69. Thursday was the festival of Corpus Christi usually observed in Roman Catholic countries with much religious ceremony. Masses were said at the Roman Catholic Cathedral here, but in order to avoid any interference with the business traffic in the streets, the Procession of the Host, which should have been the characteristic ceremony of the day has been postponed until to-morrow. This procession of ecclesiastics and worshippers will pass through the principal streets of the city. At the last meeting of the Cousins' Society the annual election of officers took place with the fol lowing result : President, Dr. J. M. Whitney ; vice-president, Mr. J. B. Atherton ; secretary, Mr. Oscar White ; foreign corresponding secretary, Miss M. A. Chamberlain : home corresponding secretary, Mrs. Benfield ; treasurer, Mr. W. W. Hall ; elective mem hers of the Board, Mrs. CM. Hvde and Mr. F. W. Damon. Mr. A. W. Bush has imported some (splendid pumpkins from New Zealand, a number of which were arranged in front of his store on Fort Street, yesterday afternoon and attracted a good deal of attention. It seems vorj' strange that we should have to send 4000 miles for supplies of a vegetable which ought to grow here like a weed. The fact is but another instance of the way in which almost all of what should be the minor, industries of the coun try are neglected. 'Large advantage was taken on Saturday and Sunday of Captain Hope's politeness in throwing open H. B. M. S. Champion to visitors. The ship well repays inspection. Among the peculiarities of her construction the most important is the steel deck which occupies a position about 3 feet 6 in ches below the waterline. This is relied on as be ing shell-proof, and below it are the machinery and boilers and the magazines, so that all the vital parts of the ship are protected. The ship is divided into no less than 102 cellular compartments each watertight, and by eleven vertical watertight bulk heads. Mr. What Taylor gave the fifth of a scries of free Organ Recitals in St. Andrew's Pro-Cathedral Tuesday evening, Mr. Taylor was assisted on this occasion by Their Royal Highnesses the Princesses Liliuokalani and Likelike, who sang as a duet, tne Evening Song to the Virgin," (Hemans). Prin cess Liliuokalani also sang as a solo Holden's " Nearer My God to Thee." Mr. A. T. Atkinson was to have contributed some organ music, but was unable to be present. Mr. Taylor's selections for the occasion included some choice music, which was rendered with more than his usual skill and feeling. The following is a list of those pieces: Smart's Festival March in D, one of Mendelssohn's Songs without Words, an Andante in C, by Silas, a Pastorale by Best, Batiste's Offertoire in t, minor, Sicilian Mariners' tune with variations by Thayer, and a Fantasie in C. major by Tonrs. mh. Smithies and Mr. Hassiuger visited the Steamer Monarch yesterday and in their presence the roll of the immigrants was called. All an swered to their names and acknowledged their contracts as correct and understood by them. Capt. Marcos of the Police Force acted as interpreter. They will be taken ashore to Immigrants quarters at Kakoaka to-day, but they will not 1 allotted to their future employers until about Tuesday next so that they may have a little time to themselves after the voyage before entering service. Tl 1 Monarch being a British steamer, Mr. T. Rain Walker, as Acting Vice-Consul, also visited the vessel and several of the passengers being called at random from the crowd were asked as to whether they had any complaints to make with their treat ment during the voyage. All answered alike that they had been well treated on board and felt thank ful" to Capt. Thompson for his attention to their comfort. Captain Hope and the officers of H. B. M. S. Champion entertained a large party of guests on that vessel yesterday afternoon. Amongst those present were H. R. H. Princess Liliuokalani and His Excellency Governor Dominis, H. Ii. II. Princess Likelike and Hon. Mr. Cleghorn, Major Wodehouse, British Commissioner and Mrs. Wode house. The Royal Hawaiian Band was on board, and a great part of the afternoon was, by the younger guests and officers of the ship, devoted to dancing, which was carried on with great spirit. Some torpedoes, on a small scale, were exploded as close to the ship as prudence allowed, and proved great objects of attraction to those from shore, many of whom saw the effects of one of these modern implements of warfare for the first time. For some hours the ship presented a gay and ani mated scene, amidst which all present enjoyed themselves exceedingly; the kind and unaffected hospitality of Captain Hope and his officers causing all to feel at Lome on board, and quite reluctant to believe the fact when the hour for going ashore arrived. The children especially, of whom there were a large number on board, will long remember the day they spent on the Champion. Me. Wkat Tailor will give Lis iith free Oran Recital. Thursday evening. Jane 15t!t. This will le tlie lai one of the present stent' au.l an intt r-es-ung programme will If pit-M'uud. At Kapiolani Park t-d.iy tH ra.-t met'tuv.; w ill eoninieniv at 2 p.m.. whi'ii the Ki. iolani Plate in to be run for. There art- tlmv i n trio for thi raoo. four for the Qr.cen Knu I''U-; VeJiu and Stanford Colt l inu in Ixith thte r.vt. l''to-n t!i't- fvtnts a raoe f r 3-vtar o!,l will ! run. in which. HtiH'ook and tit-noral iar"i Id will compart' pact- with ouo another. T!:e f'lil programme t'l iiie-e nuvs. ana of tljf thirteen evei:' that are to eouie utle'ii Moudav. w:U I- found in this irMuo The following are the natm . cf the nieml r of the House who voted for striking out Clause 11 of the Tax Bill w hich would have iinpOM-d a ta for itoad purpose of one tenth of one per cent on real property: Hons. c. II. l;ihop, r. isenlKMg, II. KuiheUui, J. I. Dowsctt. J. Moanauli, . Rhode. J. Mott Smith, J. Kaae, J. Keau, H. W. Lahilahi, S. K. Mahoe, J. Kaluhi. J. Nakookoo. J. Katnakele, J. Gardner. J. Xawahi, P. Hanpu. J. M. Kauwila, G. W. rilipo, S. Aiwt.hi. W. H. liieo. J. Kauai, G. 11. ralohiu, S. K. Knpihea. A. Kaukau. Hons. J. O. Domini. J. F. Parker. C. H. Judd. II. A. Wide mann, P. P. Kanoa. 1. K. I.ilikalani. F. Pahia. F Brown. G. E. Richardson, J. Kauhane, D. H. Na- lunu and J. K. haunamauo voted with the Govern ment for the propo-M-d tat. H. R. H. Princess Likelike and Honorable A. S ciegiiorn gave a verv pleasant entertainment, a lunch, yesterday 2 r. M., at their residence at Wi kiki in honor of Captain Hojh- ami tifiiccr of H. 15. -M manipiou. t. roquet on tlie law n, pronie- nades in the leantiful grounds, and dancing on the floor of the spacious lanai, atTorded a variety of tli version to a large assemblage of the society'of Ho nolulu. Hi Majesty the King was present, also II. R. 11. Princess I.iliuokaiaui. His Excellency Gov ernor Dominis. His Excellency I he Premier, II. B. M. Commissioner Major Wodehouse, Mr. Wode house. Mis Wodehouse.. Madame Fet-r, M'lle Peer, Capt. Mist. R. X.. Mr. Mist. Mis Mist and num erous other gliosis. The occasion a Horded a very pleasing illustration of Honolulu sociability to the gallant naval guests. His Excellency the Minister for Foreign Aflairs. speaking in support of the item for salary of a civil engineer in the House yesterday, said that this country had need of a man of eminent t-kill, not merely to devise the construction t durable roads, but especially to devise engineering works; se that the water supply of the Aehipelago should lie economised to the utmost advantage, by construc tion of interior lakes, etc.. so a to increase tlie means of irrigation. We think the country is to le congratulated on this vote which, if a fitting ineumlient of the office be secired, will lead to far mare saving on current expenditure than the amount of salary, quite irrejv eti ve of the new works the engineer way devise. At the Police Court no less than rive men were charged with ln-ing drunk on Thursday, of whom four did not put in an appearance. The fifth de nied the offence, but was convicted on evidence, and fined. The eight Chinamen, who were arrested for gambling, pleaded not guilty, and were defended by Mr. A. S. Hartwell. The Court was occupied a largo part of the day with this case, and judgment was reserved until Fridav, when all the defendants were found guilty, and sentenced a follows: ong Leh and t hing Sang, who were the keeiiors of the game, fined S2." each, with ten days' im prisonment : Ah Nee, owner ot tlie house, same sen tence; Ah Hang, an old offender, fined S13, and sentenced to five days' imprisonment ; Ah Chee, lan tin, Yong lan Sing, and (;hing Sung, fined $10 each, and to be imprisoned IS hours. The British steamship Monarch, 57 days from St. Michaels, with b5!) Portuguese immigrants on board, arrived in port yesterday afternoon. She was boarded in the channel by the port physician. Dr. Trousseau, who found, on inspection, and from the report of the doctor who accompanies the ship, that no contagious disease had broken out amongst the passengers during the voyage. Eleven deaths occurred during the voyage, mostly children tinder four years of age, from pulmonary causes; there are eight now sick of minor complaint ; one udult female is not expected to live long, her trouble being consumption. There were six births since leaving St. Michaels, and a lot more exacted very shortly. The immigrants are reported by the officers of the ship as being a very orderly lot. Ten of the immigrants are stow-away, and will lsi taken care of by their Consul here. Of the total number 203 are adult males, 19S adult females, 81 minors over 12 years of age, and the rest (371) children under 12 years of age. Application for the whole nnnibcr have been made to the secretarv J. S. Smithies, and they will be selected and plaeelj as soon as possible. Thev- will be landed to-dav atl the Immigration Depot, near the Marine Railway Station, Fisherman's Point. A CALLF.n meeting of American residents was held at the Hawaiian Hotel la Vj&vcning to make arrangements for the celebration of American In depondenee, July 4th. The meeting was called to order by General Comly, Messrs. J. M. Oat, Jr., and G. W. Stewart acted as Secretaries. A com mittee was appointed to draw up an informal pro gramme of exercises for the day, who withdrew and reported to the meeting, the following heads of a, general plan: Firing National Salutes, sunrise noon, and sunset;" Public Exercises, Hinging Speaking, Reading Declaration of Independence. etc., at 10 a.m. at Kawaiahao Church; a Picnic ii the afternoon; Ball in the evening. It wus proposed; to have a torchlight procession on the evening pre- ceding the day. The report wiw accepted and the following Committee of twcniy-one was a pointej to earn' out the arrangements: A. J. Cartwright, Chairman; Col. Clans Spreckels. A. E. Ellis, .1. 11. Brown. James Hopper, C. H. Eldridge, P. C. Jones, F. B. Hastings, A. S. Hartwell, R. W. Laine, B. F. Dillingham, D. A. McKinlev, W. F. Allen, Dr. C. T. Rodger, M. M. Scott. E.P. Adams, H. Hubbard, C. X. Arnold, Dr. McGrew, A. W.i Bush, and T. r. Kennedy. Subscription paper were then placed before tho meeting ami tlie sum of SI, 2119.50 was promised by those present in the room. Considerable enthusiasm was displayed and everything seems to point toward nn appropnah celebration. Ax inquest was held yesterday afternoon on the body of Gee Ah Choy who wa found dead in a corner of a horse shed on the Wyllie premises, corner of Chaplain lane and Nuuanu street, having very deliberately hanged himself. From the evi dence given at the inquest, it appear that the man had been sick for at least three month's past. He worked for Mr. Ahlo f'la couple of weeks, and as he had neither frieinls nor relations, Mr. Ahlo took compassion upon him and let him Jive on his premises, and told his cook to give him something to eat. Appo, a servant of Mr. Ahlo's, stated that he saw deceased abnut 5 r. m. on Thur-iday, when he refused to have anything to eat, but asked for some water. Ho had eaten litt'e for some days, and about a fortnight ago, had said to Appo that he had an incurable disease, and would le better to be dead. Yesterday morning about 7 o'clock, he was found by Kahue hanging m the little apart ment screened off from the horse shed in which he had been living. William Sert who was informed of the suicide by children, immediately afte r the discovery by Appo. testified that the man was cold and stiff then, and hi eye and mouth full of ants, showing that lie had leen dead some time. This fact was the excuse given for leaving the remains of the unfortunate man hanging where found, a spectacle visited during the dav by crowd. It ap pears that the Chinamen would not touch him on any account. Some native police saw the man when William Sea saw him, ami the matter was re ported at the Police Station, but Mr. Marcos was acting as interpreter on board the Monarch, arid there was no white policeman at the (Slice. When the case was reported to the Deputy Marshal, a jury was summoned, and as toon a business at the Police Court was over, the inquest was commenced. The verdict wa "that he. came to hi death by hanging himself by the neck, he Iw ing destitute and in a morbid state of mind." Even when the inquest was over, no one of hi f-llov-eountrynin would cut linn down ami imry mm. -Mr. aiho however undertook to provide a coffin if the Deputy Marshal would have hint buried, an arrangement which wa consented to. Avery large number of persons went to see the deceased a he hung, and a crowd of idle Chinese and some native stood around watching each comer and striding up a hearty guffaw as eich started at tlie apparition which appeared within an im-li or two of hi face as he looked round the partition which screened the place where the man hung from the rest of the shed. The spectacle wa dec idedly uuedify in What the People S ty. We invite expressions of opinion from the public upon all subjects of general iiitTi-st for insertion under thin head of the Aiverti-ek. Such roiiiiiimiicationi should be authenticated by the name of the writer as a eua rantee of good faith, hut not necessarily for I urin a tion. Our object is to oft'er the fnlb-st opportunity for a varifty of popular discussion ami inquiry. To all inquirers we nball endtijivor to furnish ii.furiiia- tion of the most complete character on any subject m which they may bo intertsteri.J We. the undersigned, residing on Kami do not agree with Mr. Gerke in his statement published in tlie weekly Advertiser. Web ive known Mr. D. verill for a long tiui's and consider him an energetic and truthful officer, and would request Mr. Gerke in the future to speak for himself and not for us. Carl Isenberg. Wm. H. Rice, O. Scholz, C. H. Bishop, Ernest Kope, Chas. L'Orange, R. A. Maefie. Jr. G. Waring Tot 11, S. R. Hapuku, L. K.. Kauai, June 2d, 1832. S. Kaiu, L. 7i.. Lihue, Paul 1'. Kanoa, Louis Kahlbaum, G. C. Helwitt, Ja. M. Gibson. .1. C. Long, Frank liiedel, J. Cakina. Robt. R. Purvis. Cricket Matches. f ; A match was played last Saturday, at Makili, between an loven front H.P..M.H. Champion and the first eleven of the Honolulu Cricket ( iub. Th victory wa with the local player, aa I t Utherlo Nvn usual in their content with naval im. who are generally ek in the matter of U v ipg, and have of conrse. only the most occasional opportu nities of practice. T o r .f the K"9 P ponded. Xo official record of the bowling waa kept but that given Udow for tha Champion' bowlera nj taken by a tm-uihet i I the Cricket Club, and it Klieved to K uwr!t rect. Lieutenant Ilrrtwn ctptaint'tl the CLamiwd'a team, and C. E. Terry the Honolulu men. BCOP.K. CHixrtox'a Team. First Lwixoa. Warrender 73 ball. 1 M. O., 43 run. Carroll 31 Ulls, 2 M. O., 11 run. Danbony 10 lull. 3 M. O. 62 run, 5 wicket. Hardy 22 balls, 2 wide ball 14 run, i wicket. Cmxpiox'a Team Secoxd Ixvtxot. Stephens M c and b Perry 1, 3 Bennett F E, b Perrr Carroll W. c Adam Perrv I, 6. S. 2. 1. 3 Warrendej G J 8. b Perry 2, 1, 1. 1. 1, 1, 1, 3, 1. Browne W H L. b Perry 1, 3 DauUuy II F. b Perry 6, I, 1, 2 Pattervou J, b Freeth Hardy C. b Perry Phillips O, not out Gover II, c Swan b Perry Hutchinson A. c Swan b Perry 5 Rye, I K g lye. . 2 wide balls. .". . 4 . 0 .16 .11 . 4 .10 . 0 . 1 . 0 . o . 0 . e . 2 .64 3 3 3 14 4 3 0 0 0 6 1 2 1 41 Total Stephen M., c Swan, b Perrv, 2, I . . Bennett E. b 1, 2 2 Carroll W T. c Roh. bMossmati 1, 2. Warrender E J S, b Moss man 2. I, 2. 1 . 1,1. 1 Browne W I. H. e Ellm, b Perry 4... Daubney II A. b Mowsman 2. 1 Patterson J, c and b Mossuian Hardy C, run out Phillips G. b Mossman Cover H. b Fowler 1. 1. 1, I, 1.1 Hutchinson A, not out 1 Bve. 1 Leg Be 2 Wides, 1 Xo Ball 1. 1. 1. 2. Total. Honolulu Cricket Club First Imnixos, Perry C E. b Daubuey 1, 1. 1 Ross P H W, c Stephens, b Daubney 3, 1, 2, 2, 1, 6. 2. 1, 2. 3, 1, I, 5, 1, 3 Fowler R H, c Browne, b Daubcny 1, 1, 2, 3, 3 1. 1. 2. I Wodehouse J II Jr., run out 1, 1, 2, 1, 1. 1 . . . . Swan W A. run out 3 Frceth G S, b Hardy 3, 1, 3. 2, 1. 1, 1. 2. 2. 2,2. 1. 1, 4, 3. 2. 2. 2. 2 Scrimgeour R H, b DauUny 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 1 Mayley A B, run out Mossman R, not out 1. 1. 3. 1, 2. i, 3. 1, 2, 2, 2, Ellis A G, St. Browne b Dauhunv Hewitt A M, b Hardy 2, 1 . 4 Byes, I Log Bye Wide Ball 3 34 IS 7 8 37 8 0 22 0 2 139 Bowlino Analysis. Tue return match between tbe cricketers from H. B. M. S. Champion and the first eleven of the H. C. C. was played on Thursday afternoon. There were some changes in tho latter team ; Fowler, Bayley, Freeth and Hewitt being replaced by J. Lishnian, Starkey, Lycett and Levy. The Champ ion's men went in first and made a score of 124, to which Lieutenant Browne con tribu ted 84, a satis factory revenge for the summary manner in which ho was disposed of last Saturday. There were lomi changes in this team also, and they had a useful ally in It. H. Fowler, who Joined them for the occasion. Tho Honolulu men succeeded in topping their opponents ncoro Ixfore their eighth wicket fell, but their final total was only 129. They took the field again, but time was eallnd before the Champion' team had completed their aecond innings. e append the score : First Innings II.B.M.H. Champion. M. Stephens, b Perry 0 W. Carroll, b Perry 4 W Pearson, e Swan, b Lishnian 3 G. Warrender, h Lishnian 2 V. l.. 11. Browne, not out 84 It. H. Fowler, b Mossman 17 H. r. Daubenv. b Mossman " 1 F. Bennett, b Perry 1 C. Hardy, c Lycett, b Mossman 1 S. Patterson, c Perry, b Lishnian 4 A. Hutchison, b Perrv 0 Byes 2, leg-byes 3, wides 2 7 124 Ruus at fall of each wicket: 1 for 52, 8 3, 8 4, 42 5,(i0 0. 7, 808, 92 9, 118 10, 124. First Innings II. C. C. II. Mossman, b Pearson 27 R. M. Scringeour, li w, b Daubcny 0 P. K. W. Ross, b Hardy 19 J. H. Wodehouse, Jr., at Browne, b Warrondcr. . 4 W. A. Swan, b Pearson 14 M. Starkey, run out .... 2 C. E. Perry, b Carroll 2(1 J. Lishnian, b Fowler 80 A. Ellis, b Fowler 0 J. Lycett, st Browne, bDaubeny 0 J. Levy, not out , , 0 Byes 3, Leg-bye 1, no ball 3 7 129 Runs at fall of each wicket : 1 fo 12, S3 8, 64 4, 5C 5, 68 C, 767, 1098, 127 9,1 19 10, 129. Second Innings II. M.S. Champion. W. Carrol, c Ellis, b Perry 4 M. Stephens, b Perry 4 A. Pearson, b Lishuian q G. Warrender, b Perry .' 4 W. L. H. Browne, e Wodehouse, b Lishrnan. ,'. 4 R. II. Fowler, b Perry It. F. Daubeny, b Liahtuan 14 F. Rennet, run out 0 C. Hardy, not out 0 S. Patterson, b Perry ' 0 A. Hutchison, not out " 0 Ryes 48 Runs at tho fall of each wicket: 1 for 4 2 11 3. 214, 205, 300, 367, 408, 468, 46.' The Mendelssohn Quintette Club. The inhabitants of Honolulu had a very nnuaual treat provided for them on Monday night last. The steamer from Australia did not arrive till late in the afternoon, which gave the member of tha Mendelssohn Quintette Club the opportunity of giving a concert. Wo need hardlv aav that it. were- rewarded by a full house, which represented in money the sum of $593. Among the audience there were somewhere about sixty of the passen gers by the steamer. Neither have wc need to say that every one who went was delighted. Tha fame of tliQ club is so widespread as to render any praise Loin us superfluous.. We will but offer a few notes on the performance for tho benefit of those who were not there. The first number on tho richly compiled pro gramme was Mendelssohn Quintette in Ji flat, which was played with exquisite taste, and with an evenness that gave the Idea of one rather than five instruments being heard. ThiouTh out the evening the reputation of the el lb wa fully maintained. The shading of the various number was exceedingly cartful, the en semble admirable, and a degree of fervor infused into the different number which caused them to glow with warmth and color. But especially must we sjieak of the "Farranto Minnetto," by Boo cherini, played with muted instruments, and which was simply perfection, and most undoubtedly the gem of the evening. Miss Cora R. Miller, tho vocalist of the club, rang the aria finale "So Crudele"' from DonbatU'a "Butly," with great brillancy and finish, winning an enthusiastic recall, when she rendered moat charmingly tho song " Market Day." Later aba appeared, and proved herself to be an artiste of unusual intelligence by her excellent delivery of Deasancr's song To Sevilla." Of the flute play ing by Mr. Sthadewo must speak in the highest term. Such execution we have never heard be fore. The performance of a fantasia on L Sonnambula," by Tcrshack, exhibited a limitless execution, together with a clear pure tone and a wonderful retention of breath. Mr. Isidor Schnitzler played a violin aolo on " Gipiry Aire." by Sarasate, and displayed brilliant technique and grand quality of tone. Hia execution and dexterity are certainly wonderful, and his management of the harmonics most accurate, and clearly defined. Iu response to a recall he played " Ht. Patrick's Day." The second part opened with a clarionet solo by Mr. Thomas Ryan, the only original wem-Ix-r of tho elub. This gentleman is a genuine and thorough artist, and managed his fine instrument with great ekill and tact, producing the sweetest of tones. In response to an encore he played " Robin Adair." In Mr. Frederick GieHt we heard violoncellist of the first rank, whose execution waa simpl." marvellous. He touched scarcely a note that was not of octic feeling. His tone is rich and delicate, and his bowing very graceful. lie possesses wonderful control over the harmanio notes. He was encored with decided enthusiasm, and played "The Last Rose of Bummer" in re sponse. Shotovfr Wlas the Derby. Loxdo.v, May 24. The Derby wai won by "Shotover," 'Quicklime," second; Loril lard's ''Sachem," third. ''Bruce," the favor ite came in fourth. The time of "Shotover" was2.4o3-4. Betting- against "Sachem" was 8 to 1.