Newspaper Page Text
THE PAOiriO Ciimmcrcinl bbcrlistr PfBt-lMlH) AT Honolulu, Hawaiian I aland. mmm Commercial bbcrtisrr IS PUBLISH ED BY THE P. C. ADVERTISER CO. Hvery Haturciny Mominir- Ttd and Ulaud Sm bar-r lalioaa. w km paid a A ilvit are. .. at tr 2.oU far Six Maalh. SufcMrlnUa,. 4U.OO la 9 a Vrar, Iacla4ia( iii(r. Ilntoa r J. clvortlwluB. 1111 l-tr mmurf 1 iu ' ! ! 1 w 1 m. ni. I S m. 9 m. ISi -.- -i ' - g v is t l.itic. (Iiulf Inrt.). . 1 1 Lino, ( one (nt h ). i'4 I n.i . 1 1 o iik br; iirt l,'u-. (thrre do.). 41 Lim-, (four do ). Uurier C' luniD.... : Thirj t n.umn lUlf Column ....... Hhule Culuno.. ... . fl (Kl 2 00 $ 3 00 II 00 t 1 hO 3 0 400 tOO i Ih 4 u 0 00 T M 10 3 00 b 00. T to 10 ooj IS 4 00 0 10 10 00 II 00! so 0 00 10 00 14 00 It 00 so 00 li 00 IS 00 '2 00 St It 00 W 00 84 00 SO 001 4t 18 00 30 00 4t 00. Tt 00 100 0 lt( ooj It I 0 It I Out M i M tt I 00 1 40 I 00 M I oo! tt I 00 1M I V B H B The snWr.ptlon pri.- for papers forwarded to any part e. tb l'mte.1 htatea U M per annum, ir paid s advance. which Includes postage. A ) lr rraiainc In th Eaattro CnitM Slat, eaa P7 fur Ihrir ranis by fncKainc Orrrnbackt or Cslt4 tUaia lastarr tManip for .'ch amount at th with t fj aat Ulr ranli will b mirrlrj pr ahot tabl, fur ta Ubi bM fo UT Butinesa Cardt. mhm ratrAil. roa A VtaS, art alU.we.l a ditrount fron ihr ratra, which ar for tranalfal aJrertitrmem wlirn paid orctiargvd qoartrly. S.ntfle rviir of tli Aevnntii. Ten Cola ibH larf4 Fiflrrn C-iu; by (he drn, Od IMiar. Daily Pacific Commercial Adrertiser. Per aannm . 00 Sit month-. . 5 00 Per month l 00 Per wk o 25 Dally an 1 Weekly together lo one subscriber, per annnrn u 00 VOL. XXVI-NO. 51. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. JUNE 17, 1SS2. WHOLE NO. 1359. THE PACIFIC (ill) 11 T 7 . - 11:,: 4 Z SccBiFriox riitiLi always is idvkcc. W C .tnrnanications) from all parts cf the Pacific will always u very acceptable. XT Persona reoidinir in any part of the United States ran remit the mnounl of subscription daea for these paper In American stamp. IT Communication ihoaM be addreed. and accoanta paid, t y. U. HAYsKLDKN. Manager for the HACIUnc COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER COMPANT. The Palace Furniture. T'rom the Jioton Herald, we take the following account of the furniture, etc., which is hein? made in that city for His Majesty the King. King Kul ik:ui;i, after visiting many of the principal furniture warehouses of the country, was impressed with the fact that the most beautiful upholstering and carved work that came unKrhis inspection were from IJoston, and he decided to place his order for furniture with the firm of A. II. Davenport & Co. The carryiug out of the work wa, however, left entirely to the judgment of Coi. Judd. The above named linn was given instruction to construct 225 pieces of furniture, as designated by specifi cations. A visit to the warerooms of Da venport & Co., discovered the royal decora tions to be in an advanced stage of comple . tion and nearly ready for shipment. It Is propo-jed to have the articles ready to be sent out alout the 1st of June. DKSCItll'TION OF DKCO RATIONS. Ilieg'iatid reception or throne room will be decorated in red and gold. At its north ern extremity is a dais about 12 inches high, and here will oe located two throne chairs. - They are Gothic in style, beautifully carved, and the wood work heavily laid in gold, of two prettily-contrasting shades. The up holstering is in led silk brocade. There will be 12 other cliaira in this room, simi larly gi Ided and upholstered as the throne chair, but of much smaller dimensions. Over the dais, supported by a burnished rod, will be a canopy of red brocade, orna mented with massive fringe of the same shade. In tiie middle of this room will be placed a large circular sofa, covered with satin brocade. The centre pin of this will be surmounted by a beautiful china vase, with flowers. The windows will be draped in heavy red brocatelle, with bars and ring-. The cornices are elaborately carved, very deep, completely gilded and each sur mounted by a crown and two spears. Against the walls three massive pier mirrors will be placed their dimensions being 12x6 feet, the frames of which are rich in carving and told. THE AUDIENCE ROOH. This apartment will be tastefully, though not as elaborately furnished as the throne room. The sofas and chairs are of highly polished and artistically-carved walnut, up holstered in blue embossed mohair plush of a dt-lieate tint. Heavy fringe of the same shade is used as a trimming. The windows will be hung in the same material as the upholstery, and the curtains from brass rings. In this room will be located a cabi net, 12 feet long and 10 feet wide, in which will be placed such curiosities as the King may collect- There will also be two side tables for bric-a-brac. The library is to be furnished with one large table, K feet long and 5 feet wide, and 12 chairs of the Klizabethan style, covered with maroon colored morocco. The wood is of dark cherry, oiled, in the manner known to the trade bs dead finish. There are two windows in this room, and the cur tains are of Turkish maroon satin. The music room will contain acentre sofa six chairs and a mnsic rack of the Kliza bcthan style, iu black ebony, all richly carved, the upholstering bein in old gold mohair satin. The curtains are hung on eIatHratvly carv d ebony poles, and are of the same material as the furniture trim mini;41. FOR THE KINO'S ROOM a most e!alorate suit of Gothic furniture is beinj? made which comprises one very beiutifully carved bedstead, fitted with ebony and gold mouldings, the canopy and bed curtains being of blue satin delaine and heavily ornamented with costly fringes; also two wardrobes, two dressing tables of m ttnmoti dimensions, 12 chairs, lounges, ete., the coverings being of blue satin de laines. All the furniture in this room, with the exception of the bedstead, is of ebony, abounding in a wealth of the most beautiful and elaborate carvings. There are nine windows, the drapery of which is blue satin, hung on ebony poles. The Queen's apartments are similar to the Kins's, except that the draperies will be of rvd satin delaine, and the woodwork of mahogany, beautifully slashed with gold. The two guests' rooms will be furnished, one with a suit of cherry upholstered in blue cretonne, and the other with a suit of oiled walnut, covered with ground cretonne. The number of pieces in these apartments will be a duplicate of what the King's room will contain. For the dining-room a Gothic suit in oiled oak is shown, it consists of two large arm chairs for the Kinc and Queen, which are elegantly carved ; 50 dining chair, one half covered with brown and the other half with maroon moroco of the best Knglish make ; three sideboards of exquisite finish and de .1ii and a curiously constructed dinner wa 'on. The st-ven windows in this room are3drapel in Turkish maroon satin. The furniture for the lower hall is of oiled walnut, richly uphotstered in gray mohair plush. It is of Gothic style ami displays the finest of workmanship and a lively taste. It consists of two lounges, two sofas and 12 chairs. ... ,. The upper hall will be supplied with a suit of walnut, also in Gothic style, upholstered in Turkish maroon morocco. The pieces are two verx. large cabinets for curiosities, an extension table, sofas and chairs. This suit is completed, and reflects great credit upon the designer and artisan. The "rand chamberlain's room is having prepared for it a beautiful suit of oiled wal nut, to be cov red with green leather. The pieces consist of a lounge, two tables and 12 chairs, the carving of which is elaborate and beautiful. . The carpets, owing to the adviceof a well known dealer in this city, were purchased In Kngland, as was aU the china service, and tbe-e are all that our competitors on the other shore of the Atlantic have fur-nl-hed for the new palace. All the more common furniture, cooking utensil:?, etc., were purchased iu .San Francisco. Another Artesian Well. A fin streatu rf clrar cool wutor was struck at the wH Lviri lrel f.r Dr. McGrew ou the Hotel prmis". at 11 a.m.. Saturday. Thw sN-.iru whistle t;:ive ioti.i? of the tmccess cf the i irf'rs, .ii;d tpiite cr-wJ withered to g.ize anJ word.T at the bt'.ntifal jet d'raa. Tli tl w as it i.-isnrd trom tL mouth of the rip 5 an 1 i inch diameter rose to a height of. thirWn iiu hr . ami maintained this volnme; carrying out the theory of a general head, for all the wriU bored in the vi.initr of Honolulu. The elevation of this one is about tvreiity-two fett above the ssa level, and there has been fitted to the top of the well tube a pipe, three inches in diameter, from which the jet rises some five or six feet. At the base of this pii there are four crew cap to which, supply pipes can be fitted, these enabling the well to furnish fire streams of water. We cor.gTatulate Dr. McGrew upon his snccesj. JOHN RUSSELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. SO. 32 M KKCI1 NT STREET. CORNER Of FORT ST. IrlA 1 dmjl RICHARD F. BICKERTON, Attorney and Counselor at Law. MOSEY to LEX II oa MOSrtitCES of FREEHOLDS. TT OFFICE. SO. 40 M KRf," II A NT STdKKT. mm my li 60 CECIL BROWN. 4 TTORNKT ASIOI OIXNELOR AT L.AW. Nf ITARV PUBLIC anl f.tking Aekaowledg- mrou of Inatrumenti for the ll-od of Oaha. o. 8 KaAbuaiiina Street, ll'tnnlalu. II. I. fr2 80 WILLIAM 0. SMITH, Attorney sit IsivW, XO. 30 MERCII I.VT STREKT. HONOLULU. 3. M. DAVIDSON, Attoriaoy Xja.xtct'. o2d Ijrr drnyl 21 .Mrnhnnl Slrrrl. M. PHILLIPS & Co., 1.M I'ORTKKS AM WHOLESALE IIKAL. er la ClottiioK. Bota, Shoe. Hats, Men's FMrotshitic; and Fancy Goods. (jnlOl) No. 11 Kaahumaoo St.. Uooolala dinyl JAMES M. MONSARRAT, TTORNKV AND COUNSELLOR AT Um. LAW. Special altemioo pnid to the ocKotialiDjf of Loans, CoaTeyaocing and all mailers appertaining to Real Katate. .VOTARV PL' It LIC and Coraraisslonf r of htr ds for the States of .Xrw York and California. OFFICE : No. 27, Merchant St. hojtolclc, h. I. jaol 81 JORh W. KALUA, TIORXKV AMI COUNSELLOR AT L A V . Agrnt to take acknowledgments of inntranienls for the Island of Maui. AUo Agent to t ike acknowledgments for Labor Contracts fur the L'istrict of Wailuku. jnl 81 ly JOHN S. McGREW, M. D., LATE KUItGEON XJ. AltMY, Can be consulted at bis ReiJeace on Hotel street, day 1 1 between AUkea and Fort streets. janl 81 E. H. THACHER. I u r g o o n X o 21 1 s t . o E.VTAL OFFICE. 11)1 1-2 Fart Street, next 4 or above Dickson's 1'hotograph Gallery. jal81 S. M. CARTER, AltMit to tnko AoknowlcdKment to ContcacU t-r Labor. OUice, P. M. S . Uock. Tele phooe. N. 41. dmyl H. E. McINTYRE & BROTHER, QROCERV aol 81 dm j 8 A. NO FKKU JtTORK. Corner of King and Fort streets. Honolulu. II. I. ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO., IMPORTER ANI COMMISSION MER CHANTS. Corner ol Fort and Merchant Streets. janl 81 ly dmyl OBT. Ltrill c. M. COOKS LEWERS & COOKE, (Soceessors to Lkwiu It Dicssosj D EALERS IN LC.MUKR AM) Bt'lLUINO aaT Material. Fort Street. 81 CLaca Bpaacaau an. a. lawia. WM. G. IRWIN & Co., Sugar Factors and Commission Agents, Janl 81 IIOXOLL'LC. II. I. G. W. MACFARLANE & Co., IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION MER CHANTS, Kobinaon'a Fire-prof Building, yut-eo St., Honolulu, II. I. itiiti roa Tbe Toaloa Sheep Ranch Cnnipaoy, The tpencer Plantation. Ililo, The Waikapa I'Untation, lluelo Huifar Mill. Mirrlees, Tait At Watson's Sugar Machinery. John Hay ft Co's Lieruxj and London Packets al'Sl dmyl The Glasgow mad Honolulu Line of Packets A. S. CLEGHORN k Co., IMPORTERS ANO WHOLESALE AND RKTAIL DEALERS IN General Merchandise, Corner Queen and Kaahuinanu Sis. lanl 81 BROWN k CO., M PORTERS AND DEALERS IN ALES WIN Ed AND SPIRITS, AT WHOLKSALK. 9 Merchant Si reet, IjanlSl) Honolulu. II. I. JNO. A. HASSINGER, GENT TO TAKE 4CKNOWLEDG- meats to Contracts tor Lar. Interior Office. Honolulu. janl 81 WONG LEONG k CO. Cararr af Nuunau and Marine Streets. Honolulu. II. 1. Dealers in Dry Uoods, Clotbing, Boots and thon. Hats and Caps. Fancy Uoo.!, etc. line also rooslantly on hand, Hawaiiau Ki-e in quantities lo suit. Also China Choice le, China rwine Twine, Chita Silk Ilandker. chiefs and Sanheii. etc. Owners Mo-inui Swjar Plantation. Mulokai A j; -Kailua Kice Plantation, Kaopa Kice Plantation and I'aiama Rice Plantation. j10 81 M. McINERNY, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN CLOTH ING, Boots, Shoe. Hats, Cap. Jewelry, Perfumery, Pocket Cutlery, and rery description of Gent's Superior Furnishing Ooods. I T Benkert'a Fine Calf Dress Boots, alwav on hand. N.F. C.iaKr FT .o MacMT STatKT. janlSl S. ROTH, ERCIIANT TAILOR. 38 FORT ST. iim Honolulu. II. I. 81 drojl A. W. BUSH, GROCER AND PRO ISlON DEALER. K.mily Grocery and Feed Store. XT Order entrusted to me Irotn the other island will be promptly attended to. 32 Fort Street. Honolulu. Unl 81 WILLIAM AULD, 4 H E N r TO TAKE A CK N O W LEIXJ M ENTS r to Cantrart lor Labor ia tbe District of Kona. Island of 000. at the O.Uce of the llooolu.u Water Works, foot ol jjtet. jal 81 ly dmyl TH03. J. HAYSELDEN, AUCTIONEER. Kahnhs. Hawaii. Sales of Real Ks:;e, .1 anJ fr-p rty of eeery description attended to. Co-nioiisioos m-drraie. m) ly dmyl CHAS. T. GDLICK, jsr o t v. n publiIO, AGENT TO TAKE ACKXOWI.EHGME.NT8 TO x LABOR CJSrilAC li and General Business Agent. OlEce in's Bloca. enrnrr Uuen and Kaahumano Street. Honolulu- janl-81 ly F. T. LENEHAN & CO., Importers and Oereral Commission Merchants! WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WINES, ALES AND SPIRITS, dayl HONOLULU, H. I. JaSl ly JOSEPH E. WISEMAN, REAL ESTATE BROKER. AND EM PLOr.ME.VT Kl IlEAl, HOXOLLLL'.H I Rent Rooms, CotUre. H-os-s.anl selli and leases Real Estate in all parts ol the Kingdom KM Pl.OVM KNT found for those asking work in all th: v&ri .us of business connected with these Islands. rir LEO A I. Documents dr.wn. Rills Collected. Books and Accounts kept and General otfice work transacted. Patronage elolicired. .Commissions Moderate. ap9 amy 1 F. A. SHAEFEIi & CO., Importers 1 Commission Merchants HONOLULU, H. I. apl ly ESTAI1LISI1ED IS50, J. W. ROBERTSON & CO., (Successors to II. M. Whitney.) IMPORTING AND MANUFACTURING rltaiioners. News Healers. Publ ahers. and Book binders. N. 19 and 21 Merchant Street. Hono'ulu. H. 1. j15 ly 18 0. AFONG, IMPORTER. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Dealer in General Merchandise Fire-proof Store. Nuua no Street. ja3 81 dmly g. C. ALLS. M. P. KoBlSdOS. ALLEN & ROBINSON, AT ROBINSON'S WHARF. DEALERS IN Ll'M BEK and all kinds of BUILDING MATERIALS Paints. Oils, Nails. Ac, Kc. AOKSITSI FOB SCBOIISKB3 KCLAMANC, KKKALLUOIII MARY ELLEN. PA UAH I. FAIRT QUEEN, CILAMA LKAIII. ju9J Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. dmyl PHOTOGRAPHS ! rmMiE UNDERSIGNED IS NOW PRE. 1 pared To go to any part of the troop, and make First Clats Photographs to Order, Either Viewa or Portraita. Prices reasonable and good work' only will he done. apl5tfdmyl - II L. CH SE. 1 WM. JOHNSON, .Merchant Tailor. Fort Street. Honolulu. - Hawaiian Islands, janl 81 dm; LOUIS ADLEH, BOOT & SHOE STORE! 13 Nunauu Slrrrt. Next door to tba Honolulu Restaurant. fel8 ly C. C. COLEMAN, BLACKSMITH AND MACHINIST. Horse Shoeing, -.Vr Jan 1 Phop on King street, next to Cantle & Cooke. 81 THOMAS S0RENS0N. Ship Carpenter, Spar Maker, and Caulker, No- 9 Queen treet below Honolulu Iron Woi ks; Spars, Oak Plank of all s zs. Ship Knees, Oakum, Felt, Copper Bolts, and Shea'hinjt Metal const in'ly on hand. FLAG POLES Made to order, and placed in position. my 20 tf THOMAS TAN N ATT, No. 83 Fort St., opposite E. O. Hall Son. Honolulu. WATCHES, CLOCKS. JEWELRY and FINE M C 1 1 1 E R V carefully re paired in a workmanlike manner. XT Orders from the Other Islands promptly at tended to. jal 81 0. 0. BERGERr No. KA AHUM ANU ST.. - HONOLULU. FIRE PK00F, FIltK AMI BIRGLIR PROOF AXD LURGL1C PROOF SAFES. Ol all sixes. Bought S lid and Exchanged. AGENT for the celebrated McNra'e fc Urban Safes, and FAIRBANK'S SCALES. Mayl-tf WILLIArrl TURNER, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, LATE OP SAN FRANCISCO, Has established himself at 8 8 KING ST.. opposite M Bote's Carriage Factory. FINK WATCH WORK A SPECIALTY, and satisfaction guaranteed. Ap. 2, '81 ly MAX ECKART, 3IAM FACTI BI; JEWFLFR and WATUIMAKFR, IMPORTER OF DIMOND. GOLD AND Platrd Jewelry and I'recious Stones. Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty. O.G K A AIIUM A NU STREET. ap22 ly CEO. S. HARRIS, SHIP & GENERAL BLACKSMITH SHIP WORK. H RIDGE. HOUSE. AND lleay Wagon Work, Moulding Bills, Planing Knives, Anchors and Anvils repaired. Goosenecks, Crank Axles and Wagon Axles made for the trade on reasonable terms. Wagons for Traction Engines, ARTESIAN WELL TOOLS With all their Fittings, a speciality. All Orders lromptly Attended to and Work Guaranteed. XT Shop on the Esplaninle, in the rear of Mr. Geo. Lues Planing Mill. ialSls SAM. HAIllilSOX, BRICK AND STONE M ASONS AND CON TRACTORS AND BUILDERS, King Street, Honolulu, with W. M. Gibbs, ARE PREPARED To Undertake all Kinds of Mason Work. Special attention given to setting Ranges, Bakers Ovens and all kinds of Cooking apparatus. Cnimnies, Foundations and Cisterns built, etc., etc. Plantation Owners and Superintendents would co well to entrust us with buiness in our line. We wish the public to understand that all work done by us is guaranteed to give satisfaction. jan 1 81 CONCHEE & AHUNG, IMPORTERS & GENERAL DEALERS China Goods and Merchandise OF LVKKY DESCRIPTION. Always on Hand Sc lPox' Sale, Orass Cloths, Chinese Crepes. Silk Handkerchiefs, Dress Stiks in Oreat Variety, Lacquered Wire Fancy W ork and Glove Boxes, Ivoryi Tortoise. Shetland Sandle Wood Fans, Tiger Claw Jewelry Set in Uold. Camphor Wood Trnnka, Fine Ch'na Teas, Rattan Chairs, China Ma'titig, INTO. I HAWAIIAN RICE ! CT STORES at No. 109 Vauana and No. 8 8 Fort Street. nolO ly Tfasintss Slintrtisfnunts. HOLLISTER & CO., DRUGGISTS & TOBACCONISTS! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 59 Nnuanu Street. Honol.ilu lmr4'S2 ly E. S. CTJNHA. RETAIL WINE DEALER. UNION SALOON, .V THE REAR OF HAWAIIAN GAZETTE BUILD IXQ, AO. 23 MERCHANT STREET. jan 1 81 HAWAIIAN INVESTMENT & AGENCY COMPANY. (Limilefl.) fOET LOANED ON FIRST-CLASS .1 M Securities, for long or short periods Apply to W. L. GRKK.N, Msniger, pro tern. Office: Queen Street, over G. W. MACFAULANE & CO. H. C. CRABBE, DRAYMAN, OFFICE. Xo. 33 QUEEN ST., HONOLULU J. H. HARE, Manager. Prompt and careful attention given to the transportation of Merchandise and Parcels to all parts of the city. XT Telephone Number tlfJ.". Jd mas2i tf dmyl ijlfrtaniral. N. F. BURGESS. CARPENTER AND BUILDER, SHOP, NO. 81, KINO STREET. OPPOSITE M.J. ROSE'S. ESTIMATES GIVEN ON 1 LL KINDS OP Buildings, when required; Offices and Stores fitted up in the latest Eastern Styles. REPAIRING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Hone in the best possible manner, and at reasonable rates. UARDEN ORNAMENTS of all kinds mule toord-r. Saws Hied and set. ( N. B. Persona attention will be given to the moving of ' kinds of buildings Having had experience in the Eastern StHtea. I feel confluent I can give satisfaction to the most fas- XT Orders left ttt my shop or resilience will receive prompt attienton. Beat of references given. Residence, 218 Kort Street, Honolulu. Orders from the other islands rolicited. ap 16, . Contractor ancl Builder s- Honolulu ESPLANADE, Honolulu, H. I. Manufactures all kirn's ol Mould! ugs, Cratkcts, Uindow Frames, Saslic g, Doors Blinds and all kinds of Woodwork finish. TURNING AND SCROLL SAWING. All kinds of Planing and Sawing, Morticing and Tenoning. Pln, Sprc ificatiaus, Ds'lnilril Urovisija nad rslimntrs furniahrd iipoM Application. Plnulnliuii Work of nil Hiuda, rilhrr in Urlrk. '.Vo.d. I run or Slsnr Coualr uctioti door i wnr!.ui tilike uiiinucr. lit lllible !'. ur.DElIS PROMPTLY ATTENDED and Work UuaranteeJ. Orders from Uie other Islands solicited. jal'81 ly dlmy T. B. MURRAY, Carriage & Wagon Builder, No. 50 King Street, opposite Station House. CI ARK I AGE REPAIRING done at SHORT NO J TICE, and at Bed Rock Prices for CASH O" Give me a Call. anl 81 A. B. ROWE, General Blacksmith & Wagon Maker, BAY HORSE PREMISES, ROSE LANE, (Rear of Houghtailing's Saloon.) SPECIAL ATTENTION TO HORSESHOE:NG and as I do all work myself and having low renul, I guarantee First-Class Work at low pricus. mar25 3m A JSW PAINT SHOP NO. 128, FORT STREET. OPPOSITE TIIE ENTERPRISE -M I LL. 'M1E UNDERSIGNED BEGS TO INFORM A the public that he has Opened for Himself a Paint Shop i at the above address, where he will always be found and prepared to do work in his line at reasonable rates. House Painting, Paperhanging. Varnishing, ATTENDED TO AT SHORT NOTICE. O" Work done by the Day or by the Job. marll 6m J. NAONE. 3Xis. TJioiiin.. Iack, JVO. 79 FORT STREET. HONOLULU 1 IMPORTER AND DEALER IN Sewing Machines & Genuine Parts Attachments, Oil and Accessories. A. G E T rV FOK T H K Whitt, Ftc Home, Davis, Crown, Howe and Florence Machine, Howard Machine Needle$, all kind tf sizes Corticalli Silk, in all color; Clark' Mile End Machine Cotton Agent for Madame Demorest's Reliable Ci.t Paper Patterns and Publications. Dealer in Rifles, Pistols. Ouns and Sporting Goods, Shots, Powder, Caps and Metallic Cartridges. Also, Kerosene Stoves in all sii-s. XT My Stock of Pipes, Cigar Holders, Tooacco, Jec ., wil be sold at COST PRICtS. ap22 ly XT The services of a good mechanic h-tving beon secure J. all jobs entrusted to me will be prom ply and satisfactorily attended to. KERR THE PAINTER, fi KING STREET. IMPORTER AND f v3 Dealer in Paints. Oils. Varnishes, Mixed Paints and Painter's Supplies. Sole A cent for the Celebrated Averill Chemical Mixed Painta, ready for use. These popular paints have teen sue cessfully introduced into these Kingdom for the past four years, and have established a reputation lor fast color aod durability, superior to any other paint ever used. Paints mixed reidy for use of any Tint, Shade or Color, and supplied in quantities to suit and shipped to any part of the Islands. Parties desiring to do their own Painting can be aupplied with the required quantity and colo, and the nse of tbe neces sary brushes, etc. Orders from tbe other Islands. Plantations, etc., resfectfully solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. julOSm i alJWWlt Planing I Iftrrtcininl. i J. D. LANE'S iMitMpmiL mm XtIARBIVC works, BF.T.iKI. S-TREE i', NEAR KING. MANUFACTURERS OF 31(niK.TS, HEADSTOM, T031BS, TiBLIiTS, M1UBLE MANTELS, WASUSTA.VD TOPS, and Tiling in White & Black Marble. MARBLE WOR&OF EVERY DESCRIPTION MADE TO ORDER AT THE Lowest Possible rfate.s Monnnifnts and Head-tones (lesned and Reset. Orders from the other IsUnds promptly attended to. jan 1 81 E. B. THOMAS. 1 T. BRICKLAYER & BUILDER. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO t Setting Steam Boilers. Furnaces. Maker's Ovens and Ranges, and all kinds of Ileatlni; Apparatua. Also, Variegated Concrete Sidewalks. All Work entrusted to me will be execu ted promptly, and on reasonable terms. Addressthrougu the Post Ofllce jan 1 81 ORNAMENTAL & STUCCO PLASTERER. Artifldtl Stone Sidewalks Laid, Ouieatin in all its Branches, Whitening, Calsomlnlng and Jobbing rromptly attended to. il?stos Steam Pipe and Boiler Covering, Done iu the best manner, and by experienced workmen. As to ability to perform work iu our line, we beg to refer the public Renerally to tbe residence of His Ex Sani'l Q. vildor, II. 11. Ruth Keelikolani and lion. C. II. Jiuld. te. Leave Orders at Lucas' Planing Mill, Fort-street 5 or Box 827, Post Office. my 13 tf THOS. li. Arvrivii:rj., Contractor and Builder, fi PARTICt'LAR ATTENTION PAID J to the setting of all kinds of Steam Boilers, Furnaces, Ovens and Ranges. Brick or Stone Chimneys, any height; Composition Monuments and Head stones, marble or gruni'e. Jj" Satisfactory References given when eiair;i. Addresi P O. d.My2i-lf wjan 811 CREAM QAIDIES- Importer & Home Manufacturer of Candies OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, o. 112 Fort Street, Jost Above Hotel St., Has just made liree additions to his establishment, and is n' w prepared to furnish to the trade, the Honolulu pub lic, and residents on the other Islands, the VKRV FINEST of ntUIE-JMDE & IMPORTED CiXDIES, Of all Descriptions, AT VKRY REDUCED PRICES. Receives Fresh Candies by every arrival. He Gu irantes the purity of his goods. THE CREAM CANDIES are a specialty with him. and are made by the best manu facturers in California, and received fresh by every steamer. Soda Water, and all kinds of Iced Drinks. THE BEST ICE CIIEAM IN THE CITY. The BEST BR ANDS of 'HOICF. CIUARS always on hand. T xx : Big Collar " Harness Shop C . HAMMER, S(i KING STREET PRACTICAL HARNESS MAKER ! Fine Single & Double Buggy Harness Concord and Mule Harness Plantation Harness of all sorts, Riding Bridlesi Saddles & Whips Currycombs, Brushes, Saddle Cloths, And every necessary for stable use at BEDROCK PRICES for CASH XT Repairing of every description d"ne in the best possible Manner, wilh the best material.-, at lowest workmen's rates. All Work Guaranteed or Exchanged EST Look for the "Big Collar!" "uS jal 81 t W AI.TE D IT TO HE KNOWN THAT J. WILLIAMS & CO., 102 Fort st, (Successors to M. Dickson.) I? h o t o g i' a p h e r s , ARE PREPARED TO DO FIRST-GLASS WORK OF ALL KINDS. Special Attention given to Children ! WE ARE PREPARED TO DO ALL KINDS OF LARGE WORK ! FROM MINIATURE TO LIFE SIZE ! Either in Crayon, Water Colors. India Ink or Oil, Pboioa Colored, etc. We employ FIRST-CLASS ARTISTS, doing work equal tc that of the best Galleries of San Francisco and at less cost. A great varietv cf Island Vie as. Curiosities. Shells and Coral from all parts of the Pacific. Hawaiian Sea Mosses and Ferns, Latest Styles cf Frames, Passepartouts and Mats con stantly on hand. XT Charges reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed, fell ly J. WILLIAMS fc CO., Proprietors. L A , I . Jj.! 1 L:? Tr.7 -T f-f HI' I t I. a ASTOR HOUSE ST TTtSinTT VI I TIT fl fl fl V I Rl tl U 3 ill llUi T Itllll' I tt II I.I ill A 3L JkJUiwUil X 1111JJUMU Noa. 76 Mi,d "i Hi)tl S.tet-t, HART BROTHERS, Proprietors. Board by the Day, Week or Transient ! Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobacco, Soda Water & other Iced Drinks. MEALS SERVED !fi FIRST CLASS STYLE AT A LL HOI KS. HENRY J. HART, (jal 81) ELLIS A. HART. SSI ITEfllTIOlL HOTEL ! 2?. CONCHEE & ACHAT. PROPRIETORS, NO. 84. II0TFL 8TREKT, HONOLULU. !oolct, :3iiI i5el El opt Diisriisr& room: I IV rrinc CITY. Meals served at all Hours and no Pains nor Expense Spared to Keep the Table Supplied with the Best the Market Anords. Table Board $4 to $5 per Week. ma 12 81 COSMOPOLITAN RESTAURANT. No. 02, Hotel Street. ry' THE BEST OF TOOD. rr COMPETENT COOKS ATTENTIVE WAITERS. FIRST-CLASS AT BOARD, REASONABLE RATES. PETER COSTA PROPRIETOR. IaiUc Clasef Slow:ii l ol 8tci4'B ILikcIiEfcc. July 23. '81,1 yr F. II. OEDIXG9 BEOS TO INTIMATE TO HIS CUSTOMERS, AND THE PUBLIC GENERALLY, THAT HIS EXPRESS OFFICEL1, Is AT 84 KING STREET, Next to Mr. Burgess's Carpenter Shop, where orders may be left at any time of the Day or Night. TELEPHONE MMUEB, fG auj;2T,lyr COAL, COAL, COAL ! THE UXfcEh?ia.Nl:D HAVING UEC.V APPOINTED Soie Agents for the Haw'n Islands OF TIIE CM.niiHATEI WELLINGTON COLLIERIES, D E P A It T f It E it A T. Offer this Col For In Quantities to Suit Pur chasers, at vi-ry mo,l-rte rat".. or Plan tation Uff. this Cosl is b'-tit-r than mny other that comes to this Mark -t. civiuj; 10 per cent, more St-'ain ly artul t"t. dade3tf ALLEN fi K0UIN?0N. STEKI JIAIIS FOIt PORTABLE OR PERMANENT Fl. LENGTHS. II lb, PER VARD. J For i'e to arrive p'-r Duke ol Aljercorn from Liverpool. Apply n W. Xj. GREEN, or ii. T. MALE A It LAN E & .o. no28 If Ag -nts for John Fowler k Co. ISTEW OPENING ! ! 13IS5l,VfTTS4 FASHION STABLES ! No. 3 I'nioii Si., tint 10 No. 2 Eitsine Co.. mid No. 113 Hotel St. Express Nos. 7. 9, 32, 31, 53. 91, 193, First Class Horses and Carriages To Rent at any II f the Day or Night. All Orders Promptly Attended to- Telephone No. 14 8. Terms Rrnsonnblr. Particular attenion paid to Boardin? Hor3es by the Day Waek or Month. oc9tf EST Thirty-two pieces all -wool dress gooJri for only 25 cents per yard, at Chs. J. Fisbku' popu- 1VAB 6T0BE nsnranrt (Talis. THE CITY OF LONDON FIRE INSURANCE CO. OF LONDON. f JtplUl, 2,000, 000. LMfTj:). itavir.g en .u.lshrd an Agem-y l.ere, the andersii-o! U t ac.-rpt risks ansinst ire, on UalMlaga I U..rnlHrr. etc, on the n.ost tarorabl L-m-s pioi ptly s.lju.ted aod payable l.era. C. O. BaRUKR, k I ly dm; 1 Agent, Hawaiian Islands. GhKMAN LLOYD MARINE ISURANCE CO, OF BERLIN. f FORT UNA GENERAL INS0RCE CO., OF BERLIN. 'XII E A HOVE INNIKANCE COMPANIES 1 have eslabllnhed a Uenrrtl AMenc her, aod the wodao sinned, Ui-neral Agents, are kuthorlaed to lak KUks cgaln-t the Pangm of tbe Krai at Ih Matt Uratioiiablf Uatfc, aod aa the Mast Favorable Tf nan. apl ly i . A. CCHAKKKtt A Co., General AgenU. Ilnmlaiirg-lBroixioiA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY 'MIE I'NDEKSUi.NsVD HA VINO BEK I A pointed Agents 1 1 the above C(Hrtam. are urvuarad to insure risks against fire, nn Mwar and llrlrlt slssllsta iutfa, and on Mrtrhaadi.r stored llierln,oa the most favorable lei ins. fur particulars apply al the cfllos of "Pi ly P. A. PCHAEFtK It 00. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE INSURANCE CO., OF LONDON AM) K DIN HITRfjll. ESTABLISHED, 1809 t A PITA L 1S.OOO.OOO Irruraulntril awd Istfralrsl fr'ajsisl. I.C9T.S4 'IIIE t-NDKHMONKO HAVE IICKN A P POINTKl) AUKNTSIor tb Mandwlcb Islands. as4 ar authorised to Insure aitainst Pirr upon favorable tersas. Risks taken in any uart of the Islaodson "TosiiSi Wooav Huildi-Ks, ami Merchandise stored therein. Dwelling Hosts and Furniture, l imber. Coals, Ships in harbor with or without cargoes or under repair. Jn 1 HI ED. IlFrSCIILAKOKR OO. UNION Fire and Marine Insurance Co., OF NKW ZEALAND. CAPITAL. I t I . 1 1 0.OOO.OOO. nAVIXJ ESTABLISHED A N AOENCV at Honolulu, for the Hawaiian Islands, the anderslrnad are prepared to accept risks against Ore In dwellings, sloraa, warehouses and merchandise, on lavorable lerioa. Marin risks on cargo, freiifhts, bottomry, profits and commissions. Loa.ra promptly adjusted nsssl payaikle Issjr. Janl 81 dmyl J. a. WALKER. R0YAL INSURANCE COMPANY, OF LIVERPOOL. CAPITAL SI O.OOO.OOO. UNLIMITED LIADILITV EIRE INM'ltANCE of all descrlntlons will ba cfiec.ted at Moderate Kates of Premium, by the undersigned. J. 8. WALKKH, ap2'81 ly duiyl Agent for tbe Hawaiian Islands. GREAT WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY. HEAD OI'PIOTJ, 50 WALL BTREET. NKW YORK. 'B1IIK AHOVE COMPANV HA VINO E! 1 Uhlislied an Apency at Honolulu, for the Hawaiian lal. ands, the undersltni;d Is authorised to accept and writ II ARIIVE RIHKH Merchandise, Freights. Treaiure, Com missions, ana nuns. At current Rates. J. S. WALKER. D' 6 ly dtnyl A (rent for the Hawaiian Islands. HAM II I KfJ..M A U D E IIU KG FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. or II A M UIKO. Bfl l.lI.Nf;s, MKUCII A NOISE. FUKM. litre and Marhinery insured aitinst Pir on lbs bbosI favorable terms. A.. J AliO Jilt Anntf rthe Hawaiian Islands. Jan 1 81 Tho SWISS LLOYD MARINE INS. CO., Ol' V I NT E U T II I It. 'MIE I'M) KKSli; N ED IS A IT HO R I7.UW TO INeLKK ON CARGO FREIGHT and TREASURE Ero.u llwnulasl... TO A LL PA UTS OF THE WORLD AND 1 1 PUN - COASTERS. II V SPECIAL PERMISSION On the most Favorable Terms, J. . WAI.KKR, Agent for (he Hawaiian Islands. snl'SI dmyl vlcnustir proina. HONOLULU STEAM DAKEY! R. LOVE & BROTHER, Proprietort, NL'UANU STREET. fILOT. MEDIUM AND N A W URKAD, always on hand and made to order. Also, H nler. Soda and Butter Crackers, JENNY LI N D CAKES. At. SHIP lilt HAD R Ell A K ED on th shortest ootlas FAMiLY BREAD, made of the Best Flour, baked dally and slways on hand. ,Y. H. BROW BREAD OF THS. BEST QUALITY jan 1 81 HONOLULU SOAP WORKS. I.cloo, Honolulu. ''hr Iluainraa ef Ihr above rosscwrai bavjasj been transferred lo T. W. RAWLIN8. He hereby gives notice that the manufacture of All Kinds of Soaps Will be continued by him. SOFT BOA P always on baoa. Will buy beef, mutton and soap c;reas, and solicits consifrnments of the same from the other jalO Islands. II WAILUKU POI FACTORY, BEST tl 1 A LIT V OF PA I Al MANUFACTURED constantly. All orders filled with dUpatch. K. II. BAILKY, jan 1 61 Wailuku UbI. METROPOLITAN MARKET, ;. WALLER, m Pure Bred Aylesbury Ducks. Home Fed Turkeys. ar.YG STREET. HONOLULU. janl II kti:a3i candy MANUFACTORY and OAKERY. F. II OKN, Practical Conrettloncr, Tastrr Cook and Baker, No. T5 Hotel street, between Nauana and Fort, Jnl8l v