OCR Interpretation

The Pacific commercial advertiser. [volume] (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1856-1888, February 17, 1883, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82015418/1883-02-17/ed-1/seq-2/

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f : jl2th Febraarj, 18S3.
TIONS, &c. Ac.
Ox Monday, 12th February, the imposing
ceremony of the CorfJiiatitrn of their Majes
ties the King and Queen of the Hawaiian
Island? took place at Iolani Palace.
The -weather for the three previous days
had been anything but-favorable, it having
raised incessantly during that time more
especially oa Saturday night. The roof of
ths amphitheatre not proving Impervious
to the drenching rain, it was made so by
the addition! covering of corrugated iron,
all of which was put on betwixt 4 a.m. and
6 a.m. on Monday. At break of day a
chapge. ofweather occurred. The sun shone
forth with Its wonted brilliancy. The reeds
were spread over the Hie of march, and by
9 o'clock the school children were inarching
towards the' rendezvous. At the appointed
hour the procession started, and entering
the Palace gates, the schools and societies
took up the respective positions assigned
to them.
Thm ferffllAnt weather continued, and
strange to say, the morning star was seen !
In the heavens at 8 a.m., shining cotera
poraneoasly with the sun. The Hawaiians
regard this as a happy omen. At 11 a.m.
the aun was. obscured by clouds, and re
mained so' 4 until the very moment of
"Crowning" was being solemnized. Like
a mechanical transformation scene to take
place at an appointed- ml aute. so did the
. sun burst' forth as the clock struck twelve,
and Immediately after their Majesties had
been crowned.
The several ushers appointed to conduct
the schools, orders, and societies, also the
general pnblic to their seat3, executed the
duties alloted to them with politeness and
discretion. Within the Amphitheatre the
Members of the Legislature, Departmental
Clerks, and. District Jadges, with their
t.fl7'ieAted in Section 1. Next to
them, . iA Sections 2, 3, 4, and 5, were
the ladies and gentlemen resldeuta of
the Islands, . besides many visitors
from other lands. On the left of
the entrance were seated the Delegates, Free
Masoxw OJd Fellow., Knights of Pythiaa, Red
Men, Foresters, members American Legion of
Honor, Good Templars, Knights of Jerusalem,
Poala Association, Y. M. C. Association, Charcb
of Latter .Day Saints, and Honolulu Fire De
partment.! "'The "children attending the twenty
schools in and about Honolulu, numbering about
1100, were seated in chairs on the broad space
between the Pavilion - and the Amphitheatre.
Messrs. Wilcox, Bobertaon, Clarke, Smith, and
Fernando; on the right, and Messrs. Smithies,
Stillman. Simenson, Unger and Arnold, on the
left, acted as ushers in ebarge of the Amphitheatre
seats, and Messrs. Kawainai, Poepoe, NaUnela
and Mabalona as ushers in charge of the seats on
the platform for the school children. In addition
to the 4,000 people that were comfortably
tsated within the Amphitheatre and on the plat
Jform, there were crowds of spectators extending to
the Palace gates on either side, principally Hawaii
ans. r 'There were no less than seven thousand
spectators within the Palace grounds, who main
tained throughout the whole ceremony an ad
mirable quietude and order.
The Pavilion" in which the Coronation
ceremony was performed. Is of octagonal
shape with a domed roof. It Is situated di
rectly In front of the main entrance to Io
Rnl Palace and about fifty feet from the
stairway by:. which it is connected ; by
a 'platform. This' pavilion Is about
twentyflve feet In diameter4JG'c"iJ2fttjh?.
wnicn, tuey reigned, , from the time of
Kamehameha I to the present day.
Each name and duration of reign is encir
cled in laurel wreaths supported by two
cross palm ' leaves and surmounted by a
crown. Over the front entrance to the
''pavilion are the following words : Feb
bqabt 12th, 1833, the day on which His
Majesty King . Kalakaua was crowned.
The ceiling is. decorated with paintings in
oil, and fresco- work. The Hawaiian coat-of-arms
are painted In the center on a
white net work. , This is without exception
the finest specimen of this kind of work
that has ever been produced In Honolulu.
Oq the outside of the pavilion, each of the
eight uprights supporting the roof are orna
mented with shields emblazoned on them,
representing Russia, Netherlands, United
States, Hawaii, Germany, Austria, Italy
and Holland. On the bridge leading from
the Palace to the pavilion, are two vases of
modern papeilah, style ; on each vase are
two . monograms, gilded on blue ground.
Under the menograms are depicted six
dancing girls in different attitudes. The
handles of the vases have the form of a'K."
The pavilion Is surrounded by a spacious
amphiteatre for the accommodation of the
spectators of the ceremony.' It is capable of
TsealTng'about 3000 people, and it was entirely
filled.- It is impervious to the rain, and so
arranged that all were able to witness the
ceremony equally-well. The outer walls
are adorned with the armorial bearings of
Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Great Britain,
FranceyPefd,nawai!, Chile, Japn, China,
Norway and Sweden. The floors were cov
ered with red cloth, and the tout ensemble
presented ajvery fine appearance. ' ' '
The front of the Palace was also gaily and
tastefully decorated, the colonnades being
draped In scarlet and white. On each of
the pillars was Mis M T rwwsur
ternatelr 1D and ; green. On
aide, of the main stairway, the Ha
waiian coat of arms on a white ground were
' In addition to the work -of the foreigu
artists, Hawaiian skill had - been liber
ally i displayed la the artistic - arrange
ment 1 ofevergreens.. No ' efforts' were
spared to produce effect. The design of the
pavilion' and amphitheatre was entrusted
to Messrs. Buchmann and Rupprecht, two
artiste who recently arrived in these Is
lands ; these gentlemen executed the fresco
paifrtfng-aud-personally superintended the
embellishing workjfenefallyir. The wood
workwas, entrusted to Mr. peorge Lucas,
whose name is sufficient guarantee for Its
, adaptability to the purpose. or which.it
was intended.
Upon (he 'Palace veranda' on the right of the
entraoce, were seated His Excellency Sugi Mugo
shiebiro. His Imperial Majesty's Envoy Extraor
dinary arid Minister -Plenipotentiary ; Isbibashi
Masakau, Secretary to the Japanese Legation;
MiSfcjnori S. Nagasaki? Secretary of the Imperial
HjuseoY'd i 15 K. B Kakiwuebi, attache to U.
I. J. il.'i ijaioa ; His Excellency E. M. Daggett,
Minister Resident of the United States ; Major J.
H. Wodehouse, British Commissioner and Consul-
Gene raf; 'Mrs. and Miss Wodehouse; Mons." H.
Feer, Commissioner of France ; Madame Feer and
ibe'Misses Feer ; Coanl De Lourieres, Cbanceiier
ol the French Legation; Coontess Louvierea; j
Senhor Canavarro, Commissioner of Portugal ; j
F. A. Schaefer, E-q., Consul for Italy and Dean
of CnuUr Corps ; J. C. Glade, E-q , Consul of
tlt German Empire, Sweden and Norway ; A.
Unna, Eq., Consul for Denmark ; John II. Faty,
Eq., Consul for Netherlands and Belgium ; D.
A. McKinley, Eq., Consul for the United States ;
H. W. Laine, Eq., Goul for Mexico; Mrs.
Laine; T. H. Davies. E-q., lritish Vice-Consul ;
Mrs. Da? ies ; J. W. Pfluger, Esq., Consul for
Ruseia; Mrs. Pfluger; J. O. Carter, Esq.,
Japanese Commercial Agent ; Mrs. Carter ; Capt.
Tbos. Spencer, U. S. Consular Agent at Hilo ; H.
R. Macfarlane. Esq., Actiog Consul for Denmark.
On the left of the entrance were seated His
Excellency W. M. Gibson, Minister of Foreign
Affairs, and bis daughter. Mrs. F. H. Hajselden;
His Excellency Jno. E. Bush, Minister of the
Interior, and Mrs. Bash ; His Excellency Simon
K. Kaai, Minister of Finance,, and Mrs. Kaai;
His Excellency Edward Preston, Attorney
General, and Mrs. Preston ; Hon. Godfrey
Rhodes, President of the Legislative Assembly
and Privy Councillor, and Mrs. Rhodes ; Hon.
Paul P. Kanoa, Governor or Kauai and Privy
Councillor; the wife of Hon J. M. Kapena, Post-m.ii'ter-Gencral
and Privy Councillor, and daugh
ter; Hon. J. M'janauh, Prify Councillor, and Mrs.
Moanauli ; U m. J. P. Parker, Prify Councillor,
and Mm. Parker; Hn. H. Kuhihelini, Prify
Councillor, and Mrs Kuhihelani ; Hon. P.
Kanoa, Privy Councillor, ani Mrs. Kanoa; Hon.
II. A. Wideaimn, Priry Councillor, and Mrs.
Widemann ; Hon. D. L. Kinitnaka. Prif y Coun
cilor; Hon. Wm. Buckle. Prif y Councillor; Hon.
W.P. Wood, Prify Councillor; II n. W.J. Smith.
Prirouncillor; the wire of the Il.n. W.C.Parke,
Marsbab of the Hawaiian Ki il .hi, "and Prify
Councillor; Hon. B. H. Austin An-ociate Justice
Supreme Court; Hon. J. S. Walker. Auditor
General, and Mrs. Walker ; Hon. C. R. Bishop.
. -m I CT
Hon. U. A. P. Carter and Miss, carter: u. .
Severance. Esq., Hawaiian Consul at ban r ran- j
ciso, and Miss Seferance; the wire of the Hon.
J. U. Kawainui, Prify Councillor; Hon. W. L.
Green, Prify Councillor, anJ Mrs. Green ; Hon
Robert Stirling, Prify Councillor and Mrs. Stir
ling ; II in. E.O. Hill. Hon. S. N. Castle, Prify
Councillor, fie Bishop of Olba, Hon. Junius
Kaae and Mrs. Kaae ; Miss Cleghorn and Mies
Annie Cleghoro. Captain Hayley and Mrs. Uy
ley. Col. J. H. Bjyd. Major C. T. Gulick and
Mr. Gulick. Major Antone Rosa and Mrs. Rosa:
Major E. W. Purris ; Commander F. Edwards,
Lieutenant G. P. Henderson. Lieutenant G. II.
Dare and Paymaster A. de Denne, H. B. M. ship
Muline; Commander, Fredk. Pearson, Lieut.
Commander. A. H. Vail, Chief-Engineer. J.
Butterworth, Surgeon Wm. N. Jones, P. A.
Paymaster Reah Frazer, Master J. M. Bowyer,
Master W. A. Kooney, nrst iieuieuau
Benson. U. S. M. C. U. S. S. Wachusett;
.iM f.TLiin ITenrv Wilson. Lieut. Commander
D. C. Woodrow, Lieut. Jno. H.C. Coffin, Lieut.
H. F. Fichholm, Master Jesse M. Roper, Pay
mister W. W. Wsodhull, Chief-Engineer J. Q.
A. Ziegler.Passed Asst. Surgeon A. C. Ueffenger,
of the U.S.S. Lackawanna; Captain ctiateaumi
nois, Officers Daniel. Aubry and Buienel, Pay
master Ollifer.and Surgeons Joubia and Amiand,
of the French war-ship Limier.
formed in front of Iolani Palace by order
of His Excellency J. O. Dominis, Governor
of Oahu, at the hour of 10 a.m., at
points assigned, the Ba.id forming on the
right In front of the line facing the Pavilion.
At the hour of 10.15 a.m. the King Street
Gate of the Palace Grounds was tnrown
open to admit all tho3e persons who had
received Invitations.
All those who had been invited to occupy
seats on the lower verandah of the front en
trance of Iolani Palace, were sea tenoP rSaom
the direction or f'aje-..vrs U4
uvterninent, tiie uiergy or the several
Churches, Schools, Institutions, and the
public generally, invited to witness the
ceremonies, had seats assigned to them
in the Amphitheatre, by ushers acting
under the authority of the Executive
At 11.15 a.m., Their Majesties entered
the Hall: at 11.30 a.m., the Procession,
headed by the Marshal of the Kingdom and
the Honorable Marshal of the Household,
moved to the Pavilion. At the appear
ance of His Majesty's Chamberlain at the
front entrance of the Palace, the heralds
proclaimed the approach of Their Ma
jesties. 'I he following was the order of Procession
to the Pavilion, arranged by His Majesty's
Chamberlain :
Marshal or the Household, Hon. J. M.
Marshal of the Kingdom, Hon. W. C. Parke.
Chaplain of the Household, Rev. A. Mack
intosh. The Honorable President of the Legislative
Assembly, Hon. Godfrey Rhodes.
The Chancellor. Hon. A. Francis Judd,
Chief Jus tice.
Princesses of the Blood and Consorts.
Bearer of the King's Jewels and Decorations.
Bearer of the Sceptre.
Bearer of the Sword of State, Col. Iaukea.
Bearer of the Crowns, Col. J. H. Boyd.
Bearer of the Robes.
Bearer of the Palaoa.
Bearer of the Puloulou.
Bearer of the Torch of Iwlkauikaua.
Bearer of the Kahili of Pili.
The King's Chamberlain.
Their Majesties the King and Queen.
Bearers of Her Majesty's Train.
Ladies in WaitiDg to the Household, MNs
Clara Coney, Miss Lizzie Coney, Mrs. C.
B. Wilson and Miss S. Sheldon.
The Choir then sung the following An
them :
Almighty Father, hear I TJ-n!3rawaTri0Ir
That Thy hand.-ir lead our Chosen Chief and
, D God ! the purpose of hU life and rule.
Let the Idles inorease with souls and joy.
Send healing nnto all the people of the Kins.
Let wealth and thrift come flowing from afar.
Let the nations rejoice in the freedom of the Isles.
And peace and good will forever bless the land.
And the g lory for all ages, evermore.
Then the Marshal of the Household stand
ing near the rail of the Pavilion, aud facing
the assembled people, declared in a lou 1
voice tne lviug's accession and risrht to thf
Hawaiian Throne, in the following words: i Grace, and
inures, ouies, representatives, and
People of JTaw.ii assembled I here pro
claim unto you that David Laamea. Ka
manakapuu, Mahinulani, Naloiaehuoka
lani, Lumialani, Kalakaua. the Kinc.
.Generalissimo, Ke Alii Kapu, Homo.
wela, Ka moe, Ka IkuhaiDuhi-
Knlghtof the Order of St. Lazarus and St.
Maurice of Italy,
Knight of the Order of the Red Eagle of
Knight of the Order of Daunebrog of Den
mark, Knight of the Imperial Order of the Chrys
anthemum of Japan,
Knight of the Order of the Crown of Slam,
Knight of the Order of St. Michael and St.
George of England
Knight of the Order of Leopold of Belgium
Knight of the Order of Vasa of Sweden ana
Knight of the Order of the Conception of
Knight of the Order of Charles XII of Spain
Knight of the Order of the Lion of the
Knight of the Order of Liberator of Ven
xuela and Bolivia; President of the
Privy Council of State ; the Son of the
Alii Kapaakea, and the AM Keohoka
lole, is the rightful occupant of the Ha
waiian Throne, and Sovereign Chief of
the Hawaiian Islands and their Depen
dencies, as heretofore claimed by his
predecessors, chosen by the Nobles and
Representatives of the Kingdom ; and
that you render unto His JNiajesiy an
fealty and loyal obedience under the
laws of the Realm.
Princess Poomaikelani then advanced and
presented to His Majesty a Puloulou and
a Palaoa borne upon a cushion. Ke Kukul
oiwikauikaua. and the Kahili of the King
Pill, as symbols of ancient supreme Chief
taincy, which being accepted by His Majesty
were placed beside the Throne aud regained
there throughout the remainder of the cere
The Chancellor then advanced and, stand
ing before the King, said :
Sibk Is your Majesty willing to reamrm
your previous oath?
The King answered
I am willing.
The King then left his Throne and, ad
vancing towards the Chancellor, raised his
right hand and said after the Chancellor:
I, David Kalakaua, King of the Ha
waiian Islands, having, on the twelfth day
of February, in the year of Our Lord one
thousand eight hundred and seventy-iour,
in conformity with the provisions of the
Constitution of the Kingdom, been duly
elected by the Legislative Assembly of the
Hawaiian Islands in the Legislature of the
Kingdom assembled, to the Throne of this
Kingdom ;
And having on the following day taken the
Oath prescribed by Article 24 of the Consti
tution, do hereby of my own grace and mo
tion solemnly reaffirm the same, and--
I do hereby solemnly swear In the pres
ence of Almighty God to maintain the Con
stitution of the Kingdom whole aud invio
late, and to govern in conformity therewith.
The King then signed theOath and, after
the signing, returned to his Throne.
The Chancellor then advance, and placed
the sword In the King's hands, saying:
Receive this Kingly Sword as the Ensign
of Justice and Mercy.
The King received the Sword and placed it
again in the hands of the Chancellor, who
passed it to the Noble In charge of it, and he
was ordered by the Chancellor to unsheath it,
and he, then unsheathing the Sword, carried
it naked during the rest of the solemnity.
Princess Kekaulike then advanced with
the robe and placed it in the hands of the
Chancellor, who then placed it on the
King's shoulders, saying
The Coronation Ceremony being com
pleted, the King aud Queen, attended as
before, retired to the Grand Hall, where
the disrobing took place.
Marshal of the Household.
Marshal of the Kingdom.
Chaplain of the Household.
The Honorable President of the Legislative
- The Chancellor of the Kingdom.
The Governess of Hawaii.
Princesses of the Blood and Consorts.
Bearer of the Palaoa.
Bearer of the Puloulou.
Bearer of the Torcb of Iwlkauikaua.
Bearer of the Kahili of Pili.
Bearer of the Je wels and Decorations.
Bearer of the Scepter.
Bearer cf the Crowns.
The King's Chamberlain.
Bearer of the Sword of State.
- Their Majesties; the King and Queen.
.Rearexisof Her Majesty's train..
r - : . ' ' Kahili Bearers.
. . Ladies in Waiting. -
The King then received the homage of
the Chancellor, the Ministers, the Nobles,
the Associate Justices. Privy Councillors,
and Circuit Judges.
After which His Majesty received the
Diplomatic CorpsJ the Navat Officers, and
Consular Corps; also,, the Police Justices,
the Members of the Legislative Assembly,
and Members of the Bar. s.
The Choir comprised about seventy voices,
and they were under the musie direction
of Mr. Wray Taylor, organist dfSLAn
drew's Cathedral. They had all underg&ne
l, . V-. nn;. arisl thav narfViriTKMTs. 1
a A : i . .....!. . n r rm r--i acki raa u 1111 ;
meir parus wm .irvi. v kudu. "
thei preceptor. Tney labored uner a slight
disadvantage owiifg to the direction of the
On the conclusion of the ceremonies, the
band played Meyerbeer's celebrated " Coro
nation March," and as the people dispersed
there was a general feeling of approbation
expressed with the successful manner in
which the whole-pfoceedings hud been con
ducted. Flags were displayed in every
direction, and the harbor presented an uu
unusually gay appearance with four full
dressed men of war, and twenty-two mer
chantmen. The kiter-island steamers and
schooners also put forth all the bunting they.
Longi Lie the Kino !
The whole emblem was made bv Messrs. Wenner
Ac Co. of this city, and is a beautiful piece of work.
The " Puloulou " is the emblem of protection.
In ancient times spears, from each of which
were suspended a ball of kapa, were set np to
indicate that the space thus enclosed was a refuge
to which any one guilty of a crime might fly and
be safe from unlawful punishment. Placad now
at the right of the throne, and its ei&gy borne on
the national coat of arms, it symbolizes the pro
tection that the laws afford to all.
The Kahili of Pili is a very ancient embl em of
royalty. The oa now standing on the right of
the Throne, with the Puloulou, is the same one
that the Chief Pili brought back with, him upon
bis recall to the Throne of Hawaii. Pili, King
of Hawaii was of the 26th dynasty prior to the
present King. Computing 22 years as the aver
age length of the reign of each King, this would
fix-lha date of bis reign at about 572 years ago,
or ia the year 1311. His father, Laau, was de
posed from his Throne, and a republic estab
lished." At the expiration of two years however,
the republic collapsed, and Laau, who had
retired to some one of the islands to the south
of thia group was sent fir. HU son Pili
returned in his place and ascended the Throne
again.' ' The kahili now known as his; is made
of white feathers, and is in a good of preservation.
Hia Majesty wore the white uniform of the
Guards, with a white helmet, and plume of
white, red, and blue, lie wore the Grand Cor
don, Star and Collar of the Order of Kameha
meha L ; the Star of the Imperial Order of the
Chrysanthemum of Japan ; the Star of the Order
Michael and St. Georse of England : the
he Statue of Kamehameha L wss wi
led on Wednesday, the a 4th February.
y his jaajesiy rung nna-
time appointed for the ceremony was 12
o'clock, midday, but long before that
hour the grounds in front of Ahiolani Hale
were wel! filled with anxious spectators.
The military, under the command of Msjor
Leleo. were drawn up on either side of the
statue, the band being stationed near the
main' entrance to the Government House.
I A platform, was erected on lb eastern cute
of the statue for the accommodation-oi nis
Majesty, and' all who were' cojinectedwith
the ceremony. It was occupied by Mis
Majesty, His Excellency J. O. Doroinis.
Governor of Oahu and Maui; His Excel
lency W. M. Gibson, ' Premier and Chair
man of the Commemorative; Monument
Committee ; His Excellency, Simon K. Kaai,
Hon. A. S. Cleghorn, Hon. J. M. Kapena,
member ; of the Commemorative Monument
Committee. His Excellency E Preston, At
torney-General: His Kxcellency J. E. Bush
Minister of the Interior: Hon. Godfrey
RhrJ (Chairman of the Legislative As-
mhlv and Hon. P. : P. Kanoa ; His
man as
Sr$r of the Order of the Conception of Portugal Excellency Rnllin M. Daggett. QsUed States
wbTrSrar of ths-Order ot Hawaii. T i Mitaistef"fSesident:M16T J. H:VoGehoUsfr;
The aword of State placed in the King's bands
as the ensign of JusTice and Mercy, ie an 'exact
counterpart ol that of England . It baa a straight
blade, of fine Damascus steel inlaid in gold with
the Hawaiian coat "of arms surmounted by the
crown and bearing tba motto of tbe realm. The
bilt, guard and cord and tassels are of gold, the
hilt and guard beautifully engraved, as are the
gold mountings of tbt purple velvet sheath.
Tbe Royal mantle ia the one which was worn
by the Frst Kamehaneba, and is one of the most
superb emblems of loyalty ever worn by King
or Kaiser. It is a seni -circulsr cloak about four
feet in length, coverug an area of 25 square feet
when spread out, ant is made of the small gold-en-bued
feathers of the O-o. These feathers,
each about the size f one's little finger nail are
fastened to a fine net-work of fibre made from the
bark of tbe Olona.it such a manner that they
overlay each other. There are at least 5003 of
these feathers used in the cloak, and, as there are
but two taken from eich bird, which have to be
snared in tbe dense mods, where they are by no
means abundant, it will be seen that the first cost
of the cloak is very peat, and that the keeping
of it in order an endless task. This mantle is
only worn Dy the reigning Sovereign. There are
shorter cloaks anr3 worn by Aliis or chiefs,
their length being regulated by the rank of the
Te.ve this ancient Royal Mantle or your I The onlv material thatacPfoacbes this unique
i "r'-YrSg, 1 ' "'1' " " ' ,u i mantle iu laveioTocss and dignity of drapery or
folds IB royal velvet ;
The Chancellor then put the Ring on
the fourth finger of His Majesty's right
hand, saying :
Receive this Ring, the Ensign of Kingly
The Chaucellor then delivered the Scep
ter to the King, saying :
Receive the Royal Sceptre, the Ensign of
Kingly Power aud Justice.
Prince Kawananakoa then advanced with
the Crowns, the Choir singing the following
Hymn :
Almighty Fatherl we do bring
Gold and gems for the King ;
Pure gold for the true Chief,
The symbol of true Love.
Gems of the hidden mine,
Gleaming forth a glory ;
The glory of the unfoldine Isles.
That grow in wealth and peace
That come to crown their Kin.
The heir of the farthest ages
Chosen by The Almighty Father!
To whom the honor and the glory.
The Honorable President of tin Legislative
Assembly then took the King's Crown and
raised It up before the people aud placed It
In the hands of the Chancellor, saying :
I present this Crown to the rightful King
of these Islands, approved by Acts of the
Legislative Assembly in the Legislature of
the Kingdom assembled of the years 1880
and 1882.
The Chancellor then placed it in the King's
hands, saying :
Receive this Crown of pure gold to adorn
the high station wherein thou hast been
The King then raised up the Crown and
placed it upon bis head.
The Chancellor then took the second
Crown and placed it In the King's bauds,
who rose and placed it upon the Queen's
Ticr-kQ reverently bowed her head on
receiving it, theTOng saying.
I place this Crown upon your head, to
share the honors of my throne.
A prayer then followed, Their Majestic
kneeling : ;
but even the richest velvet
lacks the golden shimmer and gloss of the feather
cloak or the King of Hawaii.
The Ring, the ensign of kingly dignity, is of
Etruscan gold, massive weighing nearly an
ounce and bears on iu broad surface a shield
in which is set a carnelian, engraved intaglio
with the Hawaiian coat of arms. The seal ia sur
mounted with the crowo, and below ia a ribbon
bearing tbe legend Ua mau ka ea o ka ama i ka
pono, with the star of the crown of Hawaii
pendent. On each side of the puield are tin tw
supporters, two Hawaiian chiefs, carved in full
relief, bearing spears. Outside or each sup
porter is a solitaire diamond of one carat weight.
The Sceptre, the Ensign of Kingly Puwer and
Justice, is ofgold, about 2 feet 4 inches in length.
divided by the design into three parts. The base
and shaft are shaped as an Ionic column, bound
around with the Roman fillet. The shaft of the
column has the laurel leaf entwined ' about its
doliihed surface, and tbe capital is finished with
three rams' beads, symbols or strength. The
central part, by which the sceptre ia held,' is
covered with imperial velret, and the third, or
upper part, of the shaft, is surmounted by a
Globe on which is perched a dove with out
stretched wings, tbe emblem of Peace.
The Crown is composed of a fillet or band of
gold one inch in width, set, on each edge, with
192 small diamonds Midway in the fillet
Her Majesty the Qneen wore the Order ot
Kalakaua, and that of the Crown of Hawaii.
Also a diadem aud bracelets of diamonds,
emeralds, rubies, and amethysts.
The -robe. -of the Quen was of rich cardinal
velvet, heavily embroidered iu au elaborate de
sign of fern leaves in gold, with ermiue brder.
The pattern was designed by Mr. J. Furneaux,
and waa finished in London. The gloves and
slippers were embroidered in green. Her coronet
and jewelry -jrere of diamonds, aud she carried
a-superb, hand-painted fan trimmed with lace.
I Her Royal Highness the Princess Liliuokalaui
Wore a Parisian toilette of gold brocade, the
front part of white satin embroidered with
gold, aud a heavy crimson velvet train ; the
b,ead-dress was a wreath of gold leaves and
white feathers tipped with pearls ; gold necklace
with diamond cross, and diamond earrings.
Her Royal Highness the Princess Lake like
wore a roue oi urucuueu wmio miw u.uu..u
with pearls and feathers, long gloves, and scarlet
satin slippers. 'Her. daughter," the princess
Kaiulani (who preceded the procession), was
dressed in a light blue corded silk trimmed with
lace, pale blue ribbons in her hair.
The Princess Poomaikelani, the Queen a
m. mm .
elder slater, wore a robe ,ot ricn carainai
velvet with a full court train. The under
skirt was of a light heliotrope, embroidered
with silk. The train waa trimmed with gold
lace Her younger sister, the Princess Kakau
liki. wore a dress of cardinal velvet, with a full
court train embroidered with a vine pattern of
cold. Both Princesses wore white satin slippers
and long gloves.
Mrs. Jno. E. Bush, the wife of Hia Excellency
the Minister of the Interior wore a cardinal
velvet robe with a full Court train. The front
f litrht lavender silk trimmed with rich
Mrs. Preston, the wife of His Excellency the
Attorney-General, was attired in old gold satin,
with black chantille overdress ; high neck and
long sleeves. Court train trimmed with flowers
Mrs. F. H. Hayselden. the daughter of His Ex
cellency the Premier wore a rich silver brocade
Princess dress, with a Court train trimmed with
int lace
7 - ' ll.f oar it
..j. :,.. and caacauou. n -
iui itu". ....
Uutcd from tb.' civilued world .1 . P:
of life bad been cast in the tno-xi, wu .
ward and 'fulfil- the character of eudoent men
who started with many advantage. ( K.ne
haaieba was w.,ndor-.trlcken or abated DJ j
the new !;... -ud' their ve.! and imp'.euicnts
r .Wructio... The cocjunter of Kamehameha
with Cook wa,nw doubt.a dettrnHninf inaueny
in the future career of the conqueror. Puanaia
save that the hero appreciates ""a -
mander as a friend, ana was
tilities that i-ded in the death ol uoo.
i ,k- 5ath of the white comma
Though bold, skillful, and successful a war-
K.niehameha loved peace o"er m.u
and tbe good of bit country more than many vic
tories, lie fouijht to secure peace ana p
preM turbulence. Hie wars did not ordinate ia
a personal ambition and a love of conquest..! Jle
was drawn into them, one after another, by tbe
rorce of circumstances. When we read ol AniatM
and Polyne-iao and Indian heroes who have been
Kreat conquerors, we find that the spirit of con
quest held possession of them as a mania ; tt -they
never relaxed the slaughter of their fellow
men au long as tbr waa an oppoewg force to be
overthrown and destroyed., But in the Hews.Ven
oonqueror we behold a ready disposition to be
come a peacemaker. There is a traditional MJ
ing, oriinatinj in his times, that the pre-em in
ent remit ol . Lis victories was that old men a td
women, und children were safe reposing in ll '
highway." This traditional myiog. which li"
never been deputed. U illustrated in one oftle
tablets which adorn the pedeetnl ol tbe statw
S'ich a condition of affairs had never before ben
t V.mw fli linwi.i su.frr sew ; irom m-
rsTjT-uVWoiZzrouBer'tlie wile v11ttiA
Commissioner and Uonsul-Ueneral, wore a rich
II. B. M.'s Commissioner nd Consul uen
eral- Mons. H. Feer, French Commissioner
and Consul-General; Count de Louvieres
Chancelier of the French Legation ; Hon. C.
R. Bishop, Chancellor of the Royal Order of
Kamehameha I; F. A. bchaeter, Dean ot tne
Cnnsulur Corns: Hon H. A Widemann,
Stephen Spencer, Esquire, J. C- Glade,
Esquire, Marshal Parke. Captain Thomas
Spencer, Hon. K. : M. Stirling, members
of the Order; Kev. S. U. Damon,
Colonel Curtis P. Iaukea. Colonel J. H.
Boyd, Hon. H. Kuihelani. Capt. Pearson.
CH. of the U.S.S. Wachusett. Capt. Cha
teauminois of the Limier, Commander Ed
wards. H.IJ.M.S. Mutinei and officers from
the above-named vessels. His Majesty was
attired in the Hawaiian Military uniiorm
and wore the decoration of Knight Grand
Cross of the Royal Order of Kamehameha
I., as also did Hon. C. R Bishop. His Ex.;
Jno O. Dorainis and Hon. A. b Cleghora;
the Order of . Knight Commander was worn
by Hon. H. Widemann, F. A.,Schaefer,
Esq., Hon. P. Kanoa, Stephen Spencer, Esq.,'
Hon. Eobert Stirling, and Hon. W. C.
Parke. That of Knight Companion by Hon.
J. M. Kapena, Capt. T. Spencer and J. C.
Glade, Esq.
In front of .the Statue, seats were placed
for members of the Legislative Assembly,
and the majority of the members of that
body were in attendance During the room
ing heavy rains had fallen but about one
hour before the unveiling took place, the
clouds cleared away and the weather re
mained fine throughout the ceremony. The
Statne was veiled In a royal standard
and a Hawaiian flag. Immediately after
the 'clock struck tw(
V. M. Gibson arose
Majesty, the Hen. Representatives and the
assemblage as follows: .
records which has corn
duct as a ruler and an
doin muHt command ou
recpect he resembles
united it seven kinjtduj
will ol the chiefs and ci
stitious fanaticisms tin
That only whs a crime w
tbe great
culuted to restrain the p
the comuuii people It
prestige rnd absolute pre
not make his own word
these new lawn. He ha
. . ...
superior cien as Ins councillors, ana
sone to carrv himself in accordance
his time, the
only was a crime w
reat man or bis I
, the conqueror iml
i, laws suppressing!
. .1 .z
i to us. II is coo
ler of the King
t respect. In this
of England
' sfore
-eligi jus or super
the place ol law.
iiioyid or injured
llui Kamcba
pou liimxtlf and
I and wrong ml-
, and t benefit
,of hia eminent
ni us, tie did
dstiou ol
wisd 7tin' "u,0l
with Tir
i than
o hiaf
frinrat nnnr ol their udvice. And W M that
this; it is handed down toji by the tradi
,.r I.;. nnl that "0 gave loroe -o
i.-- Ki ..n;r.,r...l. jbcvinit them
He buid u Vanoouverthat bo abould b the last
person vho tragi' lUt tbe Ulue1
regulatitaa of he country be governed. Hia
power A aolf-restraiut waa indeed one of his
marked characteristic. He qualified himself
for beig the conqueror of others by a thorough
self-couuest. All that we know of blot be
tokens his. Hia calm and dignified behavior
on boaa Cook's ship hie prompt acquieaenc
in the rill of Kalaniopua, when ordered to retire
tohiawu estate and devote himself to the care
of tin war-god Kekukuilimokuthe terms In
whict ke related to Kottebue the injurious con
duct ol certain Ituasian aubjecU, and the alarm
which their threats (made in , tho name of the
ltufwiau Emperor) had cauaed amongat his
people. Thene, aud a score of other iustancea,
may hi cited to show the self-control which thia
ht had acunired. From hence' came that
deference to tho opinion of hia men of experl-
which waa no doubt one oi
black silk, trimmed with crape in elegant foIT I sllitltte of 18 h solution affirmed that
Tbe edge or tbo full court train trimmed 'with
crape pouffs. The waist low in the neck. Panier
of crape with bow at the back.
Madame Feer, the wife of the Commissioner
of France, was attired in a low-necked train
dress of cream-colored croche merveillenx
satin apron, pauiers and trimmings iu Spanish
lace; ornaments gold head dress, white feather.
Miss Feer aud Miss Ernestine Feer, ivory-
colored nuns' veiling skirt, garnet-colored velvet
bodices and pauiers trimmed with Spanish lace;
ornaments, sliver and pearls.
Mrs. E. W. Laine, wife of the Consul for Mex
ico, wore combination brocaded pink satin,
white lace trimmings, with flowers ; high neck
and long sleeves. '
Miss Wodehouse, cream colored moire abort
dress with trimmings of handsome antique lace."
Silk gauze panier, and low necked slashed'
Mrs. Charles H. Judd was dressed in . black
velvet trimmed with white lace; low neck and
short sleeves. Sarah Bernhardt gloves.
Mrs. J. M. Kapena, the wife of the Postmaster
Qeneral, wore an elegant pale-gold - satin full
trained skirt trimmed with chantilly lace ar
ranged in flat semi-rosettes. The edge of the
skirt box pleated, and the front shirred with a
scarf drapery of chantilly. The waist was cut
low and trimmed with aide tabes of the same lace.
Mrs. C. . B. "Wilson. Ladv
1 J "
a momnmeut, commemorative of the Discovery
oi these islands, KhouM be erected, aud appointed
a committee to take charge of jhe work, and
voted a sum of money a sum of ten thou
sand dollars -for its execution. "TLe-occa
sion wnen this vote was passed was the
centennial of the Discovery. The committee
quickly concluded that the rnost appropriate
memorial oi tms event would be a statue of
Kamehameha I., whose career dates from the
period of the Discovery. A statue was pro
cured, shipped, and shipwrecked on the way,
but with the sum recovered by way of insurance
a replica has been procured, whioh baa aftly ar
rived, and is now on its pedestal. The committee
are now ready to present this memorial Statue to
the Hawaiian people through ' Your' Majesty.
As Chairman of the Committee, it is now ray
pleasing duty to declare the Statue ready for
presentation, and invite Your Majesty to unveil
set 20 opals, alternating with 8 emeralds and as ! dressed in light blue silk trimmed with canary
many rubies, save at tbe back, where there are
set in the place of toe emeralds and rubies G
kukui nut jewels of a deep reddish black, highly
polished. - - . . , . i -
At the front and bick, and on each side, the
fillet is surmounted by a golden Maltese cross, i a
tbe arms of which are set forty-eight diamonds,
each arm h:ividg ' three. In the center of the
colored flowers, head-dress of flowers.
Miss Sophie Sheldon, Lady in Waiting, wore
a canary colored faille gros-graiu silk, with full
Court train trimmed with cream-colored Spanish
lace en panier. The body was low-necked,
pointed waist, the front pleated.
Mrs. J. I. Dowsett Gold-colored surah, with
a full train, with a black Spanish over-dress
cross in front of tbe crown is a ma2Di6cent dia-. , , I"1 oox
pieawujj iormmg snens.
Mrs. Lilikalani Holoku or Frenoh yoke robe
muiuuu, worn iiuaKahili, Haku o ka
Poni ana 1 Moi, Haku o ka Ohiako a me
ka Palaoa Pae, Kukulaikeawakea, Kama
Alii Hanau Ka Aina,
Grand Master of the Royal Order of Kame
hameha 1st,
Grand Master of the Royal Order of Kala
kaua, Grand Master of the Royal Order of Kapio
lani, Grand Master of the Royal Order of The
Crown of Hawaii,
Knight of the Order of Francis Joseph of
Almighty Father, who crownestthy faith
ful servants with mercy and loving kindness,
look down upon these, thy Servants, Kala
kaua. and Kapiolani, who now in lowly
devotion bow their heads to Thy Divine
Majesty; and us Thou dost this day set
crowns of pure gold upon their heads, so
j enrich their royal hearts with Thy Heavenly
crown them with all Drincelv
j virtues which may aaorn the high stations
! wherein Thou hast placed them, and Thine
j the honor and lory for ever and ever. Amen,
i Their Majesties then arose and resumed
ineir places upon the throne. Afc r.h m.
elusion of the prayer, signals from the
Palace towers announced the event, and a
royal salvo of guns was fired from the
battery and men-of-war in port.
The Choir then sang the following An
them: Cry out O Ldes, with joy I
With loud sounding praise,
Unto the Almighty Father
Who gave union to the Isles :
Who gave them place on high
Among the mighty of the earth :
Who hath led our Chief and King
Along the paths of the world,
And led Him to a Throne
Set up by Thee, O God I
In the hearts of his People,
Cry out O Isles, with joy.
With loud sounding praise,
Unto Thee, Almighty Father J
For all ages, evermore. Amen.
monl of about six carats weight, and on the
Hides others a little smaller. ' A splendid car
buncle glows in tbe center of the or on at the
back. Between the crosses are short curved bars
fmiing twalve' points, 'irom wDicn sprnig taro
leaves in frosted gold, beautifully reined, and
each one holding a diamond in its center. Be
tween the points are act twelve other fine dia.
monds. Springing from the fillet, over the
crimson velvet cap of maintenance, are eight bars
of gold, whose surfaces are" studded with half
round knobs, as in the crown of France. These
eight bars diminish in wrfth, and finally unite at
. t a
toe oase of a globe of dark red enamel..' These
of scarlet and shaded satin with Spanish lace
trimmiugs; front shirred ; full court train of
aatin, fan-shaped. Waist trimmed with saab
bow at oaclc.
Mrs. T. W, Everett Antique embroidered silk
with watteau, Court train. The petticoat of old
gold satin shirred, trimmed with a cascade of
Spanish lace. Waist cut pompadour. 1 Train
edged with ruches of brown silk lined with satin
edged with lace.
Mrs. Curtis Iaukea wore a black silk velvet,
white satin front, trimmed with real lace.
Miss Barnes. Governess, to Princess Kaiulani,
eight bars are emblematical of the union of the ! was dre88ef in white pina, satin basque, Spanish
islands of the group under one rule. The globe
that they uphold is banded horizontally with a
circle of pearls, and another like band pusses over
the upper hall of the gbbe. Surmounting the
whole is a golden Maltese cross, in which is set
lour brilliant diamonds. The Queen's crown ia
precisely similar, except tka it is a trifle smaller.
Each crown contains 521 diamonds, 54 pearls, 20
opals, 8 emeralds, 1 large carbunele, and C kukui
lace trimming, scarlet flowers and head-dress to
correspond with trimmings.
The Misses Cleghorn wore pongee silk, with
appropriate trimmings.
Miss Michiels wore white silk, trimmed with
point lace and tea roses ; square neck and
short sleeves. Court train.
Misa Carter appeared iu pink satin, white
lace trimming, semi-low neck and short xleeves.
No train.
Mrs. C. T. Gulick wore an ashes of roses moire
antique, with black Spanish lace overdress
neck, elbow
sauare neck, elbow sIppva Prinnim' Cnnrt
. . - ..... . .1J www..
ine Puloulou, or' tabu stick,' placed at the ! tra,n ; jewels, diamonds.
right of the Throne of tke King, is made of a i
mahrwal tusk (the gift of Captain Tripp), j
seven feet two inches in length, tipped with gold
and bearing a golden globe. Hanging from the
globe is a plate of gold bearing the Hawaiian j
coat of arms, tlje colors in enamel, above which '
is the Hawaiian crown, and below a golden rib-
O" Till I.UC7 UUUUUI)! llfUllQ tip 14a?
waiian) Righteousness is the life of the land "
I Mrs. Tripp wore a blue satin train with ecrn
' front, trimmed with real lace.
Mrs. King wore a black brocaded velvet ecru
front, trimmed with real lace,
j Mrs. Colbnrn wore a black brocaded moire.
' white satin frqnt, trimmed with real lace.
Mrs. James Anld wore a navy blue satin with
an ecru frqnt, triinmed with real lace,
; Mrs. Iucy Fohaialii wore a black silk velvet
; white satin front, trimmed with real lace.
The Hon. J. M."'Kapen interpreted the in
troductory remnrks of His Excellency the
Premier, after which His 'Majesty proceeded to
unveil the Statue. ., Simultaneously as the
Statue was exposed to the public view, a Boyal
salute was fired from, the Battery, ' the Band
struck np Hawaii Ponoi, and the assemblage
cheered most enthusiastically.
His Excellency tbe Premier then addressed tor
the assembled crowd a stirring speech in the
TTfluraliutl lanmni.ti '-...T.J ... . . .
wu.ku. wa received wit 11 re
peated burets of applauHi, Wfter which he spoke
as iouows in English : Kamehameha was tae
reputed son of Keoua, but it is well known
that his real father was Kahekili, who was in those
days the King of West Maui and of Oahu aud
Molokai, and . whose name means "Thunder.''
However appropriate the name may hare been to
the father, who can gainsay the fact that here in
his sou, whose effigy is here before us, we had a
veritable "Sou of thunder.' It was a saying
of Kotzbne, -the : Russian ' : commander, with
many other commanders of dintiuaion who came
in contact with him,, ws greatly struck with the
character and deporttueu't'of th Hawaiian hero
a sayhg which we find iu Kotzebue'i narrative
of his sit tojthese Islea, when expressing his
admiration of the King, that '.'Kamehameha
ought t have a statue erected to his memory."
The prphetic aayiug of.Kottebue U accom
plish'd ;this ? day. , Thihero nius ever be the
most striking figure in the history of "these
Islands. He was a hero of the type which ele
vtes nation. It was not by mere force and
conqu riug capacity that ha became the ere.
ator .f a nation out at : the rude' and
warrin; tribe. He elevated them from
that ondition into national life. How pre
emineit he stands above bis barbarous surround
ings It is not merely courage animal, courage
whih ditinguished him. In this be was em
inent; iut he waa eminent also in his moderation,
in bis lf-denial, in his pure regard for the wel
fare or bis people as a thing above all personal
desireiand claims. What a marvel was hia con
quest nd organisation of thee Islands! He
el.owe. in hit career all those characteristics
which ue developed by education, by tbe influ
ence o tradition and by history. But no! It
was fr m the darkness or his age and earroqud,
inga w:hout education, without the guije md
spur of tradition and the history nT giCat pre.
decree and their works that this hero came
forth anoplied with force, skill, and high capa-
j .uu Aiexanaeri have done great
I deeds. ,ut what had they not of backing in
41. m uiirfctti
ence, wnicn was uo uuuut
foundations of hi power. Of the atrong, soun4
sense which characterized bis rule we have imtuy
instances. When he visited bis dominions, and
went abroad with hia retainers, he aaw bow they
T" 'e(Je ration? btit Is believed they have no
r n m - aa.L kUU euw 1 . 1 . . j 1 . s' ri nn iitu ni ri r r 1 1 1 1
nO . '. 1C.A . J .. . . l " ' r .
ne set nimsen to correct this. He ordered the
cultivation of fields so as to provide beforehand
for his own subsistence aud that of the chiefs
and people who ccQpMlied him. He planned
the organization aud prestation of the country
for his posterity. When the sa-dalwood, which
formed at that time such a source of riches to
the country, was being gathered, he commanded
that the young aaplins be preserved. Hia offi
cers said, " You are old and must soon die, and
we know not whoe will be the sandalwood here
after." He indignantly replied, " Have I not
sons ? To them belongs the young sandal,
wood." Had his successors been as wise as he
this source of wealth might have been preserved
in our forests to this day. Again, another in
stance of his attention to the future. It was
always a great matter of interest to nawaiians
to possess the beautiful feather cloaks. When
the birds were caught for the sake of the coveted
feathers he would not allow them to be killed
He insisted that they should be set free in order
that their feathers might grow again, and lx
th-te for those who should com ff. i.i
His people recognized this wisdom and modera-'
tion, aud gave him their highest reverse.
again, we mnat notice Lowm:h.m.va,.
so-called barbiiroHir-SW-. s,.i,
Mate ayt'co eek to acquire for himself and hia
people fae awn of the white men in the mechan
ical arts, ind esneclallv in
t mf va n.ai iz. irum
the momcat that it CHtne umlp
SIS1 rng him. as with Peter of '
17 " T're 8U8. and to learn the art of
construcing them. 1 goen WlMdf and
his yonnr men to Vancouver to learn. He take,
the sbfrwright-s tools inW own J
assists aid encourage. hisVxu men in their
work. Avain, behold him wh
. -"-""u ue tiohired to iuv
wnen ne. too. wikI.
r -(O
1 it'll
, 1 - auuiwH ibianu.
r 10 vrar ve8il- He goes witilhis own
men intothe forests - ,-- wiminisown
- . . 0 orew . he accompanies amlVlirectH
th. Mir.. VA' , Uf ttgain- wLe atandakm
::r : represented inone of the
, Uere ne organize, and train, them
teaching Uein to form r,,!.ii 1..... .. . . m V
of battle from a previous IT v cUTe 11M
wreck. Ilia character a. . m
meha al lilT ' ou ot kTZZ
uiena an . Jtaahumauu f V.;- 1 . . .
bring it out U(1 L"""
reunion.; W inuaninv 7. T ' h
instance. Kahahatai 1 ! ?h"D
fought hi deterutiaedly ,7
he with a.me WtawJ "JS.TS '
presence of m. mw tn
t 4
' fit A
chief said:
conqueror. The
iiere we utvi ... n .
na to liftun onr ' . " " OB cnmand
' w t them n.
It yo
HA T Ki-ktsr C .
r ww ww 11 s vi v r a a .
And if you aav. di. ' . dow
his fallen foM 'Mtam e
In no particular, however i. .I- 7 . home'
racter of the hero of Polvn.. . S '"U cna'
displays than in hi, relation - "T.Ty
and in his advice to his auccesso tTtJ?'
-a to maintain forever friendly relation, "ut
e new comers. He who had ten, of
of tru ned warnors at hU oomuiand, and ,
toe white man ft9 a chauot) '
understood and appreciated the pa' i
foreign race. He wouid not opjol tjL
vam llke savage Indian and jKZL"
Hi. prudence and self-command were
cuously shown in the oase of a forei,
mander who had. in revenge for an S
him. ettc.d alongside of hi. vessel and wiutojv
Continued on Jag &fvtmj . . . 7
) ex
jed due
4of Lre
of bac
nd coll'
one dein
I per sauc
itoes 01
nons, fot
: jkey: al
j4,of whi
lass a 1
11 lan nt
' any t'u
' soluU
1st wee
-.,18 and
(V worn:
i- bachell
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