Newspaper Page Text
Vol. L1X. January 10, 1891 mm NEW HAVEN, CONN. Xhrbs Monthi $1.60; Ora Mouth, .60 cents; Ohm fm, IS cents; SufQU Copies, 8 cents. ; Saturday, January lO, 1891. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS FOR TO-DAY. Amusement At Polo Rink. Cifcara Yale. Bryan & Co. Daily Chat Wm. Neely & Co. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup At Drunists'. Divorce Notice a W? and Ann R. Hyde. Flo-lda-798 Chapel 8treet. For Bale Houses L. F. Comstock & Co. Groceries D. M. Welch & Son. Mechanical Draughtsman Worker, This Office. Medical Dr. Damon. New Goods Piatt & Thompson. Provisions Pf aft & Son. Provisions C. E. Hart & Co. Physical Culture Miss Annie D. Bishop. Poultry E. Schonberger. Salvation Oil At Druggists'. Wanted Pattern Maker 71 Court Street. Wanted Position B., P. O. Box 842. Wanted Situations 775 Chapel Street. SUNDAY SERVICES. First Presbyterian Church Rev. F. A. M. Brown, unurcn or tne tteaeemer nev. . u. Calvary Baptist Church Rev. E. M. Poteat. nivM.Plunhnth Rat. T)l Twitchell. Grand Auenue Cone. Church Rev. J.L. Mitehell, Trinity M. E. Church Rev. 8. McChesney. Humphrey 8treet Church Rev. Frank R.Luckey. Bt. John Street M. E. Church W. C. Blakeman. Davenport Church Rev. I, C. Meserve. TNret. Rant.lnt nhnwh Rat. John H. MftflOn. College Street Church Rev. Dr.Wm.W. McLane. First M. E. Church Rev. Melville B. unapman. Grace M. E. Church Rev. James Coot. United Church Rev. T. T. Munger. Second Congregational Church D, M. James. Center Church Rev. Newman Smyth, D. D. Advent Chutch Mrs. ALL. Durand. Church of the Messiah Rev. L. H. Squires. United Teachers' Meeting Dwight PI. Church. Dixwell Ave. Cong. Church Rev. A. P. Mler. East Pearl Street Church Rev. H. D. Weston. WEATHER RECORD. INDICATIONS FOB TO-DAY. Win Department, j Ofvick or the Cbiet Signal Service, V Wahbinotoh, D.C., 8 p. m., Jan. 9, 1891. For Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont: Slightly warmer, fair, southwesterly winds. For Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecti cut: Fair, stationary temperature except in Mas sachusetts, slightly warmer, variable winds. For eastern New York: Fair and warmer in northern, local rains and stationary temperature In southern portions; variable winds. LOCAL NEWS. Brief mention. Attention is called to the advertisement of L. F. Comstock & Co. L. J. Munroe of Branford wore his Royal shoes two years. Only at 21 Church street. Mrs. A. Skinner of 480 Elm street will leave Monday for a three months' trip to m ,1 Sidewalk Inspector Brennan reports the sidewalks in excellent condition as regards snow and ice. Five deaths from diphtheria have oc curred in a block on Columbus avenne, near Cedar street. Clarence W.Bissell of 151 Rosette street, who has been very ill with erysipelas, was reported impioving yesterday. Roses, carnations, violets, narcissus and other seasonable flowers at F. S. Piatt's, 874 State street. Lowest prices in the city. A monkey at a show on State street last evening took quite a fancy to one of the spectator's hands and bit it, severely lacerating it. Skaters weie numerous last night on the old green and jolly times were to be seen. About three hundred,mostly young people, were there enjoying themselves. The annual banquet of the Yale Alumni association of Fairfield oonnty will be held at the Atlantio hotel in Bridgeport on Fri day, February 6, at 6:30 o'clock in.the. evening. Hon. William D. Bishop, chair man of the committee of arrangements; Dr. Dwight, president of Yale college, and Hon. Chauncey M. DepeW of New York have accepted invitations to speak at the banquet. T Wed In Cheshire. B. F. Leddy of this city and Miss Julia Tally of Cheshire will be married at the residence of the bride's parents in that town, February 4. ministers' meeting. "The United Ministers' Meeting" (of this city and vicinity) will hold its next session at Center church chapel on the 12th day of January. Rev. L. H. Squires will speak upon the subject of General Booth's ,fIn Darkest England and the Way Out." The discussion will be continued by others. A full attendance is desired. A Still Alarm. Last evening word was received at en gine house No. 2 to the effect that smoke was smelt issuing from a store in Alling's block on State street. Captain Hubbard immediately investigated the matter and discovered a lighted cigar stump which had been thrown into a box of sawdust and had burned a good size hole in it. Had the fire not been discovered so opportunely another mysterious fire would have un doubtedly occurred. FIRE IN BEKLIN. The Damage Bat Slight to Mr. Hooker's Residence. Frank H. Hooker, the carriage manufac turer, returned from Berlin last night where he had gone to ascertain the damage caused by a fire at the residence of his brother, Albert N. Hooker. The house is one of the finest residences in Berlin and is owned jointly by Frank H. and Albert N. Hooker. Mr. Hooker found that the damage was slight, not exceeding $400 or $500. The fire was caused by a defective flue, as far as could be learned. In Guilford To-morrow. A public temperance meeting under the auspices of the Grand division, Sons of Temperance, of the state, will be held in the First Congregational church in Guil for! mi Rnnrlnv .Tfn narv 11 af 7 t-i m Mr. H. N. Warner, a reformed lawyer of J t -.7 , - - JNew uaven, will address tne meeting. Mr. Warner has felt the curse of drink and will give sketches of his life from Yale to prison and his wonderful redemp tion through the power of the gospel of Christ. He is an eloquent speaker and all are invited to near mm. A Narrow Escape. The Ansonia. Sentinel says: There was a narrow escape from a serious if not fatal accident ont in Ansonia at the night of the Trowbridge-Farrel wedding. ' A party of the guests who had come out from this city to attend that event were down at the station waiting tor tne train nome. as they started to cross one track over to the JNew Haven train a ireignt engine witn several cars suddenly came along and it was by just the best of good fortune that some were not struck. As it was the dresses of two ladies were brushed by the engine as it passed by. HIBAIWS RECEPTION In Honor of Its Benovated Building To-night. Since Hiram lodge, No. 1, F. and A. M., purchased the building in which its hall has been for many years, at Chapel and union streets, tne Duucung nas Deen re furnished, renovated . and improved in many ways. In honor of the completion of these, a reception will be held from 6 - to 10 o'clock this evening in the hall. : An. elaborate musical program has .been pre- - pared. As a result of their labors, . general re pairs and repainting of the interior of . the - building have been made by the Masonic Temple company at an expense of nearly $3,000, and Hiram lodge proper had re furnished the rooms on the fourth floor at an outlay of nearly $4,000. The Masonic : hall bine room has been carpeted with an -- English mohair plush of a handsome pat tern, and new furniture has been supplied. The commandery hall and the middle hall, availed, have also received attention in the way of new carpets and furniture. The walls and ceilings have been painted. All of the improvements have been made in highly tasteful manner. " Catarrh is not a local bnt constitutional i diseaee,and requires aeons titutional remedy Ukt Hood' BansparU to fret eurt. - - THE STATE OFFICES. The Contest at Hartford Tne Situ ationThe - Prohibition. Ballots Press Comments. Hartfohd, Jan. 9. As . the guberna torial matter now stands, a committee of the house, made up of lawyers and lay men bright, honorable and able, will make full investigation into the returns. The committee meets Wednesday, January 14 at 10 a. m. at Hartford. The result of their investigations will be made known when the house meets January 20. If it appears that Judge Morris has a majority of the lawful ballots cast for governor he will be declared elected and every republi can in the house will vote in favor of such declaration. If the contrary shall appear, not republican will vote to seat him. Unquestionably the excitement attending the situation will continue and inorease as the investigation proceeds. The commit tee will sit at Hartford, and possibly at BrideeDort. There will be no star cham ber proceedings and no attempt to oonceal anything. The republicans propose to let the full noontide shine upon the re turns. There has been considerable difference of opinion among republican leaders as to what course should be pursued in regards to tne candidates below governor. Judge Lynde Harrison is unqualifiedly in favor of declaims the democratic candi dates for lieutenant governor, comptroller and possibly treasurer elected, if the. committee do not discover something radi cally different from the present state of the vote. Other republican leaders are strenuous that none of the democrats should be seat ed unless a compromise is made on the question of governor. It is understood that the proposed plan of having the dem ocrats take the oath of office yesterday and make demand on the republican incum bents for possession was given up on the advice of Judge Morris. The proceedings thus far indicate that the democrats have not acted wisely in their choice of a house leader. Mr. Walker of Hartford is an able man, but he is not as wll equipped for the position of leader as is Mr. uotcnkiss of JNew Haven Speaker Paige has already demonstrated ability of a high order. No attempts at bulldozing will have any effect upon him. lie is tne presiding omcer of tne House ana he has ability and sand enough to fill the position. GOVERNOR BULKILEY DENIES IT. Governor Bulkeley says in denying a re port concerning bis position: You mav sav that it is without anv foundation. Whenever the eeneral assembly declares anv person governor and he duly qualifies, whether to-day or at any time In the future, 1 shall at once yieia to mm tne executive omce. INVESTIGATING PROHIBITION VOTES. That the special investigating commit tee appointed by the house contemplates inquiring mainly, if not wholly, into the rejection of the "for" ballots voted by the prohibitionists, is indicated by the three petitions presented By representative Tuttle (rep.) of JUast Haven, who was sub sequently appointed on the committee. The petitions were from waterbury, Stratford and JNew isritam mat from tne latter place being signed by H. N. Lockwood and W. V. Andrews. Accompanying the petitions were affidavits of various per sons mat they nad voted tne pronibrnon ticfcets. The Hartford Post last night says: Unless the senate recedes from its rash and hasty steo. obviously General Merwin fwho very likely is, or at least may be, entitled to hold the office of governor) is deprived of all chance of beine seated for the reDublicans will not adott any more than they will allow any revolutionary .course; and equally obviously Mr. Bulkley who was not a candidate for the omce is obliged to noia over ior tne tun term. The senate must yield somewhat, or the re sponsibility of a deadlock and all that it implies wui lie wnouy wim liseu. The Bridgeport Standard says: If the democrats desire to assume the role of obstructionists they' are welcome to do so, and to ail tne capital wnicn is to do maae out oi sucn a nosition. une reDuoncans win ao Dusiness aioni the established and constitutional lines till sue time as democratic obstruction prevents further action, then they will "hold the fort" till the ob struction is removed and the reign of law and or der is resumed. The Hon. Luzon B. Morris did not endorse the democratic m-oeram to the extent of actual ac tion, and so the endeavor to capture the gover norship by a coup d'etat failed. Morgan G. fiuiKeiey is governor ana wiu De untu tne legal and constitutional requirements for appointing ins successor nave Deen compuea witn. Last night's Hartford Time's (dem.) says: One thing is certain, the democrats know that tneir candidates are constitutionally elected. They will not give up that point nor abandon it. A Dance In Cutler Hall. A very pleasant dance was given in the Cutler building last evening under the auspices of Professor Meyers. There were abont seventy-five couples present. Burled In Ansonia. The remains of the late Andrew TTsinger of this city were taken to Ansonia yester day for interment, and were met at the station by a large number of friends of the deceased and eighty members of Hermann lodge No. 400, D. O. H., of which he was a member, and who escorted the remains to the Christ church, where the funeral services were held. DEATH FROM STRANGULATION A Bean Lodges in Little Emma Ketchale's Larynx and Causes Death. Little Emma Eetchale, aged two and a half years, died suddenly yesterday fore noon at the residence of her parents, 35 Myrtle street. About 9 o'clock yesterday morning Mrs. Ketchale went to a grocery store near by and hought some white beans, leaving Emma in the house playing with a child of one of the neighbors. Upon her return she was met by her little daughter who secured a handful of the beans and continued her playing. Shortly after sue was seized with a severe nt of coughing and strangling but soon recov ered. The child afterward eat some crack ers and milk and went on with her playing as before. Shortly before noon she was taken with a second attack from the ef fects of which she suddenly expired. Medi cal Examiner White was summoned and gleaned the above facts during his investi gation. He also discovered what seemed to him to be a bean lodged in the child's larynx, which is snpposed to be the cause of Emma's sudden death. The Sheriffs' Dinner at Delmonico's, Hon. N. D. Sperry much enjoyed the sheriffs' dinner held at Delmonico's Thurs day evening, Over 150 sat down to the very elegant banquet prepared for the occasion. The banqueting began prompt ly at 7 o'clock and continued until 9. The dinner cost $16 a head, and elegant souve nirs costing $4.50 each were provided for each guest. After the many courses had been disposed of came the post-prandial treat from distingushed orators. The flow of eloquence continued uninterruptedly, except for a song or two and music, until 1 6'olock, when the delightful occasion came to a close. Then the list of speak ers had not Deen exhausted, Hon. Daniel Dougherty, Judge Noah Davis, Hon. N. D. Sperry and others who were down for addresses, not havincr been reached. Judge Brady, who presided, was the first speaker and said the orign' of the custom of holding annual sheriffs' dinners dated so far back ipso colonial times and the his tory of the old Knickerbockers that its ex act early history is obscure. Others who spoke were Generals way ne, Judge Brown Bev. Mr. Faxton and General O. O. How ard. AT LAKE WHITNEY. The lee Harvesting and the Skaters. Merry The harvesting of ice at Lake Whitney by the New Haven Ice company is in full blast. The ice is very fine in quality and thirteen inches thick. Over one hundred men are employed in the work. Over four V thousand tons have already been put under cover. About two hundred skaters were enjoy ing the skating at Lake Whitney yester day. A large portion of these were stu dents, many of whom were playing hockey and having fine times. The ice is in good conaition and strong - enough bear a brick team with full laden carta. Quito a number of the fair sex were enjoy ing the skating yesterday afternoon. - The new 10,000-ton ice house that was to be built by the New Haven Ice company at Lalce Whitney will not be constructed until next season. - A STUDENT SEVERELY INJURED, ' : : A student was accidentally injured at the lake. ' While playing hockey he was run into by a fellow-student. ; Both were going at a high rate of speed. -. The injured yonng man bled profusely., A crowd of students gathered at the scene and the young man was carried to the boat house and wm taken borne in a eaniagv. WILL M ABE SOME CHANGES. The treat Haven Railroad Company Will Purchase Some New Oars For the Sylvan Avenue Bpad Efforts Ver . Ten Hlnnte Runs On That -Road The People or That' Section much Gratified. i: ; - Much interest is felt- in thet southwest section of the city over the present atti tude of the West Haven. Horse railroad company with its Sylvan avenue branch. That the company is on the eve of making some important changes is indicated strongly by a sort of much current opinion existing within the management. Another event of interest is the recent resignation of Superintendent W. W. Ward.' Mr. Ward has very ably managed the road for many years and toen strenuous in his efforts for its prosperity. He is in favOr of rapid transit and progressive in his views of road management. It is under stood the company will make every effort to influence him to withdraw his resigna tion. But it is considered doubtful if they succeed, as Mr. Ward has other im portant business interests which claim a share ot ms attention ana time, it was this reason that prompted him in his resignation. xsy early spring some or tne cnanges win undoubtedly have been made. Electricity will as soon as it is used as a motive power on the WestHaven road. This power is recognized as tne most service able on roads where there are long dis tances with few stops to be made, and this is just what is the characteristic of the West Haven road with its long stretch es through territory but sparsely settled. With a rapid transit the ride down to Savin Kock on a summer arternoon or evening would not be the discouraging ef fort it is at present. Those living on and m me vicinity oi the Sylvan avenne road will be much pleased to learn that their road is to have its share in the - way of inprovements, Much was due to the energetic efforts of Alderman Lowe and a few others that the comnanv last summer reduced the sched ule of running time from twenty to fifteen minute trips. This without doubt is one way to account for the very heavy vote that Mr. lxwe cowed at tne last election in a naturally democratic ward. This change -i ... i xir A! Jl Was received witn mucu Baiimauiiiun, aim the residents up m the locality ot the cem etery feel that they were not quite so far away from the world at large. Efforts are now being made' for a further reduction to ten minutes schedule, and this would, indeed, if successful, be most gratifying to those who patronize the road. Without doubt the venture would be a paying one for the company. When they made their reduction to the fifteen minute runs their receipts were incre ased fully a third,and by those who know about the ease it is estimated that the fiu-tho. re duction would meet with the same success. The convenience which would be gained goes without argument. The people living along tne lone are ones who liberally patronize a road, and they will be most hearty m their support of ef forts of this character. Alderman Lowe said yesterkay that the changes were not only talked of, Dut likely to occur. The company will buy two or three new cars and the one lonely conductor who now performs the entire duty in that department, taking his car up from the green as far as the turnout on Howard ave nue and returning on the car down, leav ing the driver alone with the"other one up to the cemetery and back, will have two other conductors to keep him company. With these additions the frequent trip; can easily be made, and the travel over the road warrants the attempt. bamuel A. Stevens, a director and now one of the largest stockholders in the com pany, formerly a leading hat merchant on Chapel street, has, it is reported, been in New York this week on some matters of business with reference to the contempla ted changes. Failure at Norwallc. NoRWAiiK, Jan. 9. James S. Ambler, the leading dry goods dealer of this place, made an assignment to-day. The liabili ties are said to be heavy and the assets small. A minister Resigns. Hartford, Jan. 9. The Eev. Lester L. Potter, who years ago left the First Bap tist church here and became pastor of the Park Congregational church, has resigned. He was formerly settled in Springfield Mass. Camp maeou Officers. At the annual meeting of the Camp Magou association, held in Bridgeport at the residence of Henry A. Bishop, officers were elected as follows: President, Henry A. insnop; vice president, f.tL. Skidmore treasurer, H. M. Kockersperger of New Haven; secretary, A. S. May. mtilford Church Notes. Bev. J. O. Thrush af Johns Hopkins university, Baltimore, will preach in the First church Sunday. Special music has been prepared by the choir for the even ing service. Miss Lizzie M. Smith will preside at the organ in Plymouth church for another year. A NEW OPERA HOUSE. Manager Bunnell Secures Hawei1 1 Bridgeport. Manager G. B. Bunnell of the Grand and Hyperion completed negotiations yester day for the management of Hawes' opera house, Bridgeport, and will take control immediately. This is on Fairfield avenue. near the depot, and has suffered cansider- able of late years because of poor manage ment. Manager Bunnell will conduct it in unison with his two theaters in this city. He will begin at once, however, to improve the theatrical situation, and will take the managerial reins to-day. The present firm will remain with him, how ever, nn til April 1, after which time he will have full control. His ability to suc cessfully conduct an opera honse is well known and the theater-goers of Bridgeport can expect a list ot excellent entertain ments. Fire Alarm Telegraph. For a number of months Superintend ent Smith of the fire alarm telegraph has been greatly perplexed with the antics of the electrical apparatus which give out unexpected blows on the city hall bell at various intervals. James Grant, one of the linemen of the department, it was thought, had made the long undiscovered secret of the trouble and for sometime it did not occur. But "Jimmy" must dream again and see if the trouble cannot be ob viated. It is thought the trouble is caused by a broken wire which is covered by such strong insulating material as to not reveal itself. This trouble is generally round in a wire running into or near fire alarm box where the wire is insulated and it is a most difficult matter to locate it, as the insulation is so strong that tremendous pull on the wire would not disclose the location of the break. . This is one of the most trying difficulties which electricians have to enoonnter and many times it taxes months to locate me real trouble. THE POLO WOBLD. The Home Team Easily Defeats the Leaders In a One-Sided Contest Standing? ol the Clnbs. . - rne game of polo at the rink last even ing nearly resulted in a shut out for the leaders who. were overwhelmingly de feated, the score at the end standing New Haven 11, Boston 1. There cannot be much said about the game last evening only that the visitors were not in it from start to finish. The playing of Heed and Hill were the features of the game. The remainder of the team also played in magnificent form ana were warmly congratulated at th close of the game on their signal victory. Beed was well nigh invincible and only J!3 1 , . 1 J 1 . 1. . . . " ouce uia lie let tne oan go pyi mm. The score: HKW E1VI1I. POSITIONS. BOSTON, Newcombe Woodtke Hlpson Hifi Beed Bush Bush Center Half-Back Goal .McPeck Roberta Murray Canavan Latlons Goals. - Won by, 1.... New Haven . ...New Haven 8.... New Haven 4. . . .New Haven 8, ...New Haven S. . . .New Haven 7. . . .New Haven 8. ...New Haven 9.... New Hoven 10....NewHaven Bush by. Caged by. Time, Roberts Newcoml ii De 6: Mcreck Hill Newcombe Newcombe Roberts Newcombe Newcombe Newcombe McPeck Newcombe Roberts Newcombe Newcombe Woodtke -Newcombe Newcombe -Newcombe Woodtke . Newcombe McPeck 2: 2:: 7: 18.... New Haven McPeck Woodtke 1:64 IS noDerw Time expired. RnmttNftw Haven 11. Boston 1. Stona Ram! eu, ijauons si. iteieroo jsmea iveuey. time keeper w. It. Cooper. : Polo Standing to Date. Won. Lost Percent. Boston SS 19 Harlden SS4 19 New Haven.. 2S 21 Hartford., M '-. SS Brkitepart M .677 .698 .600 THE G017NOD " SOCIETY. Noted Artists who are to Assist at It Coming; Concert First Rehearsal Last Night. The Gounod society at its production of the "Bedemption," Friday, February 27 will have the assistance of the following noted artists: Mrs. Jennie Patrick-Walk- soprano of "Boston; Mr. Carl Dufft, baritone, and Mr. Charles Herbert Clarke, tenor.of New York; Mr. Myron, W. Whit ney, bass, of Boston. In addition'to this the society has secured the famous Qer- mania orchestra of Boston. This an nouncement should be enough ,to sell every seat in the Hyperion. Mrs. Jennie Patrick-Walker is without a peer in this country as an oratorio soprano. She has sung for the Handel and Haydn society many times, was the leading soprano at the great Worcester festival last fall, and recently in New York set ail the critics talking by her splendid work in the 'Messiah" at the Metropolitan opera house. She is a great artist and of the class of singers of whom Mr. Carl Buff t and Mr. Charles Herbert UJarke are well known in New York as artistio singers of great merit, Mr. Dnfft's superb baritone being in great demand. Mr. Clarke is the tenor of the Broadway Tabernacle church and is eminently fitted for oratorio work. His voice is a pure, sweety tenor of lovely Quality and finish. Of Mr. Myron W. Whitney it is unnecessary to speak; his name is a household word. He has lost none of his fire and his great voice was never heard to better advantage than at the recent annual performance of the "Messiah" by the Handel and Haydn soci ety in Boston. At the close of his great aria, "For the Trumpet Shall Sound," the audience rose en masse and gave him a tremendous ovation. The Gounod society is to be congratulated upon having secured this unusual array ot talent. The hrst rehearsal of the chorus occurred last evening. One hundred singers, com prising the Gounod society and forty of the leading church choir singers in the city and vicinity, were present. The ranks are nearly complete, but it is probable that a few more voices will be added. The Popular Concerts. The public are requested to purchase their admission tickets to the popular con cert previous to the night of the perform ance and avoid the rush at the ticket office A few reserved seats are to be obtained at Feck's and Steinert's. Death of Mrs. George T. White, Mrs. George T. White, the wife of the manager of Heublein's cafe, who has been suffering for a long time from cancer and has been for the past month in a most critical condition, died at the home of her husband, 718 State street, yesterday noon IN HABTFOBD. Woman's Board of missions. The annual meeting of the Woman's Board of Missions will be held in the First church, Main street, Hartford, on Wed nesday and Thursday, January 14 and 15. Devotional meeting at 9:15 a. m. Morn ing session beginB at 10 o'olock, afternoon session at a o'clock. CHURCH SERVICES. Devotional Exercises In the Various Churches To-Morrow Special Ser. mons in Several of the Churches, Services in several of the churches to morrow will be of unusual interest. Spe cial sermons will be preached in many of the churches, while in others special musi cal services have been arranged. ST. JOHN STHEET M. E. CHURCH, "Special Providence" will be the subject of the sermon of the Bev. W. C. Blakeman in St. John street M. E. church on Sunday morning. In the evening he will preach a short sermon designed especially for young people. - The subject will be "Turn ing Points in life." TRINITY M. E. CHURCH. Quite a deep spiritual interest is still manifested in all the meetings connected with this church. The mid-week services are well attended by the newly converted ones, who give much nromise of remain ing steadfast. The past week has been onite laborious for Dr. McChesnev. who has at last completed the assignment of the new members to their respective classes. One new class has been formed of about sixty members and probation- turners. To-morrow evening JKev. Dr. McChesney preaches on the subject "Christ Weeping Over Jerusalem." A re vival praise service will precede the ser mon. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. At the First Baptist church, to-morrow evening, "the people's service," which be came so popular last winter, will be re sumed, and will be continued on Sunday evenings for some weeks. There will be a service ,of song at the opening from Gos pel hymns, No. 5, with organ, cornet, chorus choir and congregation. GRACE M. E. CHURCH. Last Sunday eleven new members were added to this church and others are to join soon. The "week of prayer" has been observed with interesting service each evening. Special efforts will con tinue to be made at the Sunday evening services to persuade people to be "recon ciled to God." A. M. E. ZION CHURCH. Ever since the first Sunday in Decem ber the A. M. E. Zion church, E. George Biddle pastor, has been enjoying a special revival season; souls have been converted and reclaimed and the members are spirit ually alive to the special meetings now in progress. Sunday evening the pastor will preach on "The Seven Sealed Books or Christ the only Redeemer." An altar ser vice will follow the sermon. Meetings will be continued every evening during the week. The pastor will be assisted by Mr. J. a. Artopie and Mr. U. i. Dicker son of the Divinity school. On Wednes day evening Eev. George H. Jackson of the Emmanuel Baptist church will preach. f uduc invited. CHRIST CHURCH. A special service under the auspices of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew will be held at this church to-morrow evening. services commencing at 7:30 o'clock, sermon of special interest to young men will be preached by Bev. Floyd Tompkins ot (jurist church, Jtlarttord. THE CITY MISSIONS. - At the City Mission hall, corner of Court and State streets, the Sunday school with pastor's Bible class for adults meets at 9 a. m. The people's service is held on Sunday evenings at 7:30. To-morrow evening Mr. Henry M. Goddard of Yale seminary will make the address. Good music by the full orchestra with piano and organ. All seats are free and ail are welcome. Meet- ! . 1 1 11 . i 1 1 . lugs are aiso neiu an mis nail every even ing through me week. ' SWEDISH LUTHERAN CHURCH EFFORTS. B. F. Elmstedt reports progress in his work as official agent for soliciting sub scriptions for the Swedish church society on Humphrey street. This society hopes by the aid of generous friends to be able to pay off its indebtedness, caused by its purchase of the St. John street M. E. church, which was made because the so ciety needed greatly a larger church edifice to accommodate its growing congregation, The Swedish Lutherans themselves have come forward and subscribed most liber ally, according to their means, and the fund to be thus raised, together with sub scriptions from other sources will, it is expected, float the indebtedness to such an extent that a mortgage can be secured, with which to comnlete oavment to the St. John street church people. The latter so ciety will probably begin the erection of its chapel, corner of Orange and Edwards streets, as soon as the frost is out of the ground. .,. . AT DAVENPORT CHURCH. Special services at Davenport church will be continued every'tvening next week except Saturday: Mr. Gervais Green, re cently from Mr. Moody's school at North- field, will sing. He is a pleasing tenor soloist. CHURCH OF THE MESSIAH. At the Church of the Messiah (First Uni yersaliat) Sunday morning Bev. L. H. Squires will conduot a new order of ser vice, with blackboard illustrations special ly calculated to interest all the friends 'of liberal religion, and in the evening will give a lecture on "The Dangers of Wealth." "Missing" housekeepers in tills section should avail themselves of the offer made in our advertise ill columns during: this month bv the Electro BUlcun tjo, New York, under the head nf "Mian. Ing. "The oroof of the tmddinsr is in the eat. and housekeepers bow hare the opportuo "tacta" without soet . PAIB HAVEN NEWS. Royal Arcanum Officers Installed Mr. Humlston'a Funeral The Elec tric Light WorKs Vessels Trading With Long Island The Fair Ha ven Coasters The. Week of Prayer Death of Sir. Evarts Society Offi cers Elected. Thursday evening District Grand Dep uty John E. Warner installed . the follow ing as officers of Live Oak council, 1027, Royal Arcanum: Regent, Lewis L. Brad ley; vice regent, George S. Adams; orator, E. Franklin; past' regent, George J, Bishop; secretary, Edwin R. Slater; eol- lector, George Oldershaw, jr.; treasurer. Willis G. Montague; chaplain, Henry Manwaring; guide, H. S. Bent; warden, Thomas Broadbent; sentry, William Lowe; first trustee, Frank E. Hull; second trus tee, John O. Bradley, jr.; third trustee, Thomas I. Kinney. The lodge is growing in membership and is prosperous. Thurs day evening one candidate was initiated and another will be initiated at the next meeting. unite a number of friends of the late Franklin T. Humiston will attend the funeral at St. Peter's chnroh, Cheshire, to day at 1:30 p. m. Mr. Humiston's death was very sad. tie removed to a pleasant home in Cheshire late in the summer, and was enjoying his stay in his native town after many busy years at business in this place, where he resided many years. He was a pleasant and genial man, and his many friends here feel very sorry because of his untimely death. Straw is nsed in tne horse cars mis week and the feet of passengers are kept the warmer. For the past two winters its use was not required as the weather was so mild. The east end of the new electric light building at Barnesville bridge, was shut m with corrugated iron this week. A p.nnairWahle amount ef the machinery has been placed and it looks as if the building wonid yet De usea. it is a wen iigntea building, thanks to many windows. In the front there are over duu -panes ot glass. Despite the rough weather on the sound this winter, the trade in starch feed be tween Glen Cove, Long Island, and Barnesville bridge stores, has been kept up by small two-masted schooners. These vessels sometimes come across the sound in perilous weather, but the crews are thorough going seafarers and seldom meet with disaster. The .Edward McLaughlin arrived yesterday with a load of feed. The schooner (Jharles JL. valentine is at Baltimore from Savannah with hard pine lumber. The James G. Beecher arrived at Philadelphia from New York yesterday to load coal. H. H. Hanscom has the keel laid for a 600-ton three-master, and men are in the woods cutting the remainder of the frame, Work in setting the frame will be resumed about March 1. Icing" at Hemingway's pond is inst now at its heiehth. Work is also well ad vanced on a new ice house to hold 'about 6.700 tons of ice. The Grand avenue and tne second con gregational churcheB have held united ser vices in the week of prayer series, which have been alternated between the two churches. At the Baptist church the meetings have been very interesting and fifteen persons have been forward for prayers. William i. uvarts ttiea Thursday at ms residence on Perkins street after an illness of nearly a year of paralysis. He was a plumber and had a shop on Grand avenue near East Pearl street for a number of years. A widow and a daughter survive him. Mr.and Mrs. Lucius Roweand Mr.Rowe's sister, Miss Harriet Rowe, have gone to Riverside, California. Officers of the new Hiram Camp division No. 14, S. of T., are: W.P., J.B. Jfillls; W. A., MaryE. Bassett; R. S., T. E. Nunan; A.R.S., Jennie H.Nunan; F.S.,J.S.Young; treasurer, J. (J. lurwell; chaplain, J. a Seeley; conductor, T. O. Perry; assistant conductor, Mvra taeeley; 1. b., Mary Grid- leigh; O.S., F. J. Smith; P. W. P., J. H. Perry. Fidelity division No. 27, Sons of Tern perance, of East Haven, has elected offi cers as follows: Samuel F. Russell, W. P.; Nellie Thompson, W.. A. P.; Eva Bradley, R. S.; Myra Russell, A. R. S.; C. C. Kirkham, treasurer; U. H. smith, V . S.: Andrew M. Crow, chaplnin; H. E. Frisbie. Con.; Ida Fonda, A. C; Clara Nickerson, I. S.; Wallie Coker, O. S. The society is in a flourishing condition, with a membership of over one hundred, East Haven Literary society has elected these officers C. J. Curtiss, president; C. H. Smith, vice president; Herbert Fick- erson, secretary; (Jbaries Jveyes, to carry the keys of the treasury; Leonard Thomj son, lanitor. This society meetB once a week Wednesday evenings in the base ment of the Stone chapel. Before Judge Thompson s leaving for Arizona he pre sented the society with a stove with which to heat the rooms. Their Fourth Annual Ball. Lady Montefiore lodge, O.B.L.; will give its fourth annual ball on Wednesday evening, January 14, at Arion hall. The music will be furnished by Adler's full or chestra and a very enjoyable time is anticipated. IflEiriORIAX. EXERCISES In Honor of the Iate B. E. Xo-ITIorrow Nlgcht. Pelxotto Memorial exercises in honor of the late Benjamin F. Peixotto will be held at the Court street synagogue Snnday evening at 8 o'clock, at which Rev. Dr. Kleeberg of this city and Henry Duschnels of New York city will deliver addresses, exercises to be under the auspices of Horeb lodge. FOB NEEDY FIREMEN. Annui-.l incetlns of the Firemen's Benevolont Association. About thirty members of the Firemen's Benevolent association attended the annual meeting which was held last night in the fire commissioners' chamber at oity hall. Chief Hendrick, president of the associa tion, opened the meeting with a short ad dress, in which he congratulated the mem bers tor the good work done during the year, and Secretary Henry Tuttle read his annual report, which gave several instances of aid that was afforded needy hremen by the association. Treasurer John A. Richardson in his re port stated that the association was upon a good financial footing, but that much more good could be done with increased funds for the needy and disabled members of the department. Most of the funds which have been received during the year came from generous donations from busi ness men whose stores, shops or buildings nad been saved from destruction through the faithful work of the department. The officers of last year were re-elected for the ensuing year. They are: Presi dent, A. C. Hendriok; vice president, Wil fred F. Spang; secretary, Henry Tuttle: treasurer, John A. Richardson; auditing committee. Henry Tuttle and Henry J. Wilson: visiting committee, William H. Hubbard, James J. Bradnack and Henry Tuttle. .... THE POULTRY SHOW. Entries Received hy the Secretary- Prospects for the Exhibition. The third exhibition of the New Haven Poultry association will open at Music hall on Church street next Thursday morning and will close on Monday evening, January 19. Nearly every mail brings entries to the secretary, Mr. E. A. Todd, who is al ready very bnsy with the duties pertaining to the office. -Nearly 1,000 premium lists with entry blanks have been mailed to poultry breeders, many of whom have made entries on the blanks, which they have forwarded to the secretary. As fast as the entries arrive Mr. Todd mails to the exhibitors an addressed shipping tag, a ticket of admission to the show and cards to be placed on the coop during the exhi bition. . - f The entries that have been received are mostly from out of the city, as very few of the local exhibitors make entries until the last few days that they are to be ac cepted. The entries close January 12. There has been an extensive call for the premium list, applications for them hav ing been received from all parts of New England and several of the western states.' The secretary has predicted that the ex hibition will be an unusually large one. A Timely Dleeovery. A fraud which would have affected the interests of housekeepers generally, had it not been immediately discovered, was re cently unearthed by the Electro-Silicon Co., of New Tork city, and resulted in the arrest and punishment of Benjamin Her zog, of that city, for -jelling a counterfeit of their famous silver polish, Electro Silicon. By the vigilance oustomarv with this company in snch cases, the disposi tion of the counterfeit goods has been, stopped, thus preventing the perpetration ' ofagrosB fraud upon - housekeepers by whom Eleotro-Silioon is extensively used, and effectively protecting the interests of the company, , , - WILL BOON BE ABBESTED. : The Parties Implicated In the Death of Sirs. IKeramble to he Pat to Plead to the Charge of manslaughter Tuesday. It is considered more than probable that W. A. Strong, H. E. Minor and C. E. Trowbridge, selectmen of the town of Woodbury, Roderick Atwood, Harley Warner and Lucy Warner, in charge of the Woodbury town poor, and Dr. Henry S. Karmann. who bv Coroner Mix's report re. found responsible for the death oi Mrs. Caroline Meramble, will be brought before Judge Thayer in superior oourt, oriminal side, next Tuesday afternoon, to make answer to the charge of man slaughter which will be brought against them by State's Attorney Doolittle. The warrants for their arrest will soon be issued and a jury will be on hand next Tuesday and me case will proceed to im mediate trial. HE IS ILL BIGHT. Republicans Will Support Major Todd for the Public Works Board. When Commissioners Todd and Atwater of the board of publio works went into the recent deal with the democratic commis sioners, States and Reilly, to depose Super intendent Kent of therstreet ' department and to re-appoint ex-Superintendent Doyle to this position, with George L. Ives as assistant, there was considerable grumb ling in the republican camp. Commission er Todd had already been re-nominated by the republican caucus for a re-election, but several of the prominent party leaders had declared that he had forfeited all claim to the party's support by this transaction.- It seems, however, that the republican politi cians are beginning to look upon the course of Commissioner Todd with more favor and that he will receive the entire party support when the aldermen meet on Mon day night to elect commissioners for the various boards. Alderman Dailey was one most outspoken against Commissioner Todd for a few days after this memorable meeting of .the board of public works, but it is evident that this alderman has also decided to look more leniently upon the course of Commissioner Todd. Sars Al derman Dailey: "Considerable fault has been found with Mr. Atwater and Mr. Todd by their friends for going into the deal with two democrats, and to this ac tion objection, was made. Those gentle men answer, however, that they simply took advantage of an opportunity to go into a deal whereby they could get a share of the work for the colored men and others, and combined with Mr. Reilly and Mr. btates so as to get tor assistant super intendent Mr. Ives of the Fourth ward. In the agreement made was an understanding that a portion of the department work on the streets, parks, etc. , should be given to republicans. This is their claim. That being so, I think there will be no trouble when it comes' to the election on Monday night. 1 haven't any idea that any alder men will Colt on that night." sspltal Sunday. The annual collection in aid of the New Haven hospital will be taken up in the churches to-morrow. Contributions will also be.received by W. T. Bartlett, treas urer, at the Union Trust company, 807 Chapel street, corner of Orange street, and by J. i. Starkweather, at the hospital. Balls Spread on the Northampton. At 10:30 last night the freight train on the Northampton road known as the "Raw Hide" met with an accident at Mt. Carmel station. The accident was caused by the spreading of the rails at this point. One of the cars was pretty badly smashed, but beyond that no other damage was done. Travel over the road was not interrupted in consequence ot the accident. STATE CORRESPONDENCE. Southtngton. Jan. 9. Georire Wickworth of South End is suffering from a severe paralytic shock. He was prostrated while at work in the factory of the Atwater Manufacturing company. The Southincrton Cutlery company has issued a finely engraved catalogue of pocket cutlery razors, It is claimed to be the first complete catalogue of the kind ever sent out by an Ameri can firm. Mrs. Enos E. Stow of Plantsville is sufferine severely irom me enects or a ran on tne ice. Reuben, only son of Mr. E. W. Twichell, is crit ically ill. Mrs. Stephen Douglass of Scranton, Penn., is visiting menus cere. Another Ringing Testimonial for Dr. Damon. The above named specialist has indeed won for himself an enviable position and world-wide reputation for his remarkable success in the treatment of obscure and chronic diseases, he bavins no superior or even an approachable equal. Almost every day he is in receipt of letters telling mm ot tne men esteem witn which he held in the hearts of those who he has al most snatched from the grave. And now another is added to the long list of testi monials given him by reputable and well known citizens of this city. Mr. David Van Hise, whom everybody knows has been" a great sufferer, for seven years, with a senouB Jtiduey ana bladder trouble. while tor tne last two years he was obliged to urinate nearly every hour.of ten- times quantities ot blood would pass, thus making him weak and debilitated. Together with this he was troubled with rheumatism and dumb ague and symptoms of paralysis. He began treat ment with Dr. Damon November 6. And from the first he began to improve, until now he says ne is quite well and hearty. Mr. V an fctise is greatly pleased with his rapid relief, and surely it is gratifying when we think of the many years he has been doctored by others without any re lief. He now says he cannot say enough in praise of the system that has brought him good health. Mr. Van Hise is a plain, matter-of-fact person, who says just what he means, and one who could not be in duced to tell anything different from what it was. tie lives on urove street. Dair Haven, and has been employed many years by tne well Known nrm ot J . ts. Sargent & (Jo. Vr. Damon's omces at V2a Chapel street are constantly filled with patients seeking an interview with this remarkable specialist. eod&wtf Geneal opinion in Europe: Eat plenty of Mao Urquarht's Worcestershire Sauce. This ceie hraend KnffHghmnoa now foraala at your eroar DO YOU LIVE IN TOWN ? If so send tout children to our store and we will erive them a blank to get orders for 20 pounds of Tea or Baking Powder and then they can get a gilt hunting case watch, nicely engraved, a par lor lamp, a cnamoer set or tea set. 11 you aon x live in town send your order to us with postal of the above articles that you wish and wil monev oraer ana we wui sena ine irooas ana an charge nothing for package. We guarantee all our goods to suit or money refunded. Send all orders to GILSON AMERICAN TEA COMPANY, 405 State Street. IMPORTERS OF FINE TEA B. 16 1-2 GRANULATED SUGAR $1.00. Fanor New Orleans Molasses 48c gal. Pearune lie. Imported Maccarom 11c. Baker's Chocolate 35c pound. 4 pounds Pearl Tapioca for 36c. 2 pounds of Currants for 13c. Jones' Flour ft5.95 Barrel. The price on Tea has declined. Who is the first one to inform the people of that fact? Why, The New Haven Tea and Coffee Go. And the result is that from this date we shall sell you our finest flavored Tea At 3fic a nound. 60 to 75 housekeepers daily wui say, "Good for youl" Tuxedo Jelly 13c package. R. W. Mills, 382 State st. Use Daisy Mild Biscuit. Spencer&lVlafflAi CKQMICAT.S, 34J State Street 43 HEW HXVEK CI. BOOTH & ItAW. Varnish Manufacturers AND Paint Dealers. Corner Water. 1 OliYe Sts. LATEST STILES To one properly clad, this crisp cold weather is a delight. Our business is to clothe Men and Boys, and we have every proper sort of attire for every conceivable use. Begin with Men's Suits, Men's Pan taloons, Men's Overcoats, Men's Ulsters, Men's Reefers and Vests and Men's Fur nishing Goods. In each and all of these departments we are offering our patrons fine stylish, dependable goods, at prices unquestioned. In the Yonng Men's Department we can show the most extensive assortment of Tailor-Made" Garments in the famous Box Overcoats, all grades and colors, to be found in the State, as well as an immense variety of the';popular long Ulsters, full custom-made, for one-half tailors' prices. Our Boys' and Children's Departments are crowded with novelties in Suits, Over coats, Ulsters and Reefers. Children's Clothing is our GREAT SPECIALTY, and we are showing more than double the as sortment this season than ever before. CLOTHING HOUSE, IO and 112 Church Street. am. cm. FIRST OF SEASON. CAPONS. CAPONS. Headquarters for Rhode Island TURKEYS, Philadelphia Chickens. FOR A CHOICE Roast of Beef I OR A RELIABLE Steak, CALL ON US. Oir Meals Are Tie Best 7 and 9 Church st, 152 Portsea st. "WEDDING- GIFTS. .DIAMONDS, .WATCHES i EWELRYJ SILVES-WAaEi CLOCKS, ara-G lasses. BIKOSJ V trJll!1,g FAFF km SPECIAL JANUARY SALE CARPETS and FURNITURE Anticiratina:. as we chandise values, we "bought largely. The beginning of the new year finds us -with, large lines in every de partment. CARPETS have advanced fully 20 per prices, as crooda mast be higher before the terns in Moauettes, Velvets, Body Brussels, We carry by far the largest and finest lowest price as the Suite in our show window, marked $32.j0, will attest. We are headquarters for Springs, Mattresses and Bedding of every kind Window and Door Draperies, Window and Mats. Agents for the ANDREWS FOLDING Ask for a catalogue. H. B. ARMSTRONG & CO POPULAR OUTFITTERS, 8997 Orange Street WALLACE Special Sale of Fine Shoes Before Inventory. We inventory Jan. JO, 1891, and pre vious to that date offer all broken lots and odds and ends of our. , shoe stock at pri ces that will ensure an immediate sale. Large invoices of Arctics, fine light Overshoes, Rubber Boots and warm Shoes. A noticeable sale of Gentlemen's fine Calf Lace Shoes at $3.00 and $3.50. WALLACE B. FENN & CO., 842 and 846 Chapel Street, NEW HAVEN, CONN. special Uottces. SKATES; Peck & Snyder's, Barney & Berry's, Winslow's Club, Special Racers, American Club. ALL GRADES, ALL PRICES. D. T. MAIXETT, HARDWARE, 776 Chapel Street 776 Those Clegant Crayon and India uk Jfort raits MADE ONLY AT Beers' Photo Parlors, j RE nearly life size and cost only 5 and 6 dot xi. lara, either from life or from any old pic ture you may have on hand. With every portrait we ewe one aozeu nne uaomet rnoios. l ms same work will cost you more than 13 dollars at anv other eallerv. . Tl he past S months our orders I were over i.vuu, ana suu iae ome, 'inose wno l wish special work for the Holidays had better order soon and it will be all ready on time. As I usual, we are making the finest Cabinets in this I citr. Only S2.50 and 3 per dozen. We use bev eled gold edge Cabinets, and with every dozen I irive an extra one on a fine imported mount. I Call and see our large number of line Portrait I n1 Whttw4M GIVEN TO MAKING AND DESIGNING Fine Door and Window Drapings. Our stock includes the VERY LATEST PATTERNS AND FINEST MATERIALS. HEMSTITCHED AND 8WISS MUSLINS. WINDOW SHADES AND TRIMMINGS. J. M. CRAMPT0N, 694 CHAPEL STREET. BINET SEC. Highest Grade Dry Champagne. QUARTS $.50 CASE. PUTTS $47.50 CASE. Eaual in Quality to Any Wine Imported. OP did. a general rise in mer cent. Bny now and get the benefit of old opening of the Spring trade. Choice pat Tapestry Brussels and Ingrain Carpet. line of OAK CHAMBER SUITES and at the Shades, Paper Hangings, Oilcloths, Kngs BED, the most popular bed in the market. Special AMi WM. NEELT A CO. ' 11 " ' Kw Hira, Saturday, Jaa. 10, 181 IVeathcr To-Day Fair, northerly winds. CONTINUED COMPULSORY SUE ! Increasingly interesting sale- news. Things thatA have been. are being, will be told. 1 he unmentioned mulitude the mentioned. a 11111a. uai j,ixju wuiui means ! May be you'll realize quicker the sum of opportunities. lhe inevitable hurry and bustle leave little time to the sale scribe. Such bargains fly too swiftly for the merest sketching. Kecords are not needed. Their marks are on your minds. At the button counter. Dress and Cloak Metal But tons four hundred gross or thereabouts. Large and small sizes on cards of halt, one and two dozen. Ten cents the card. Ordinary times 15c to $1.00 the dozen. Right Aislo, mapei Seal Plush by the yard $c, j $6 and $7. Every one a dollar reduction. Fifty inch Cloaking down to 29c. Lett Aisle; Rear, Chapel street. CUTS IN HORSE BLANKETS. Horsemen's interests take this turn: WAS IS I Stanley Kersey Blkt, $3.25 $3.00 Newport 5.00 4.50 4.00 7.50 7.00 2.63 2.50 Regent " Fleetwood Fawn " Newmarket txtra lest " 3.75 Cut Blanket, 1.10 84x90 Road Blanker, 2.50 3-5 .90 2.00 3-25 4.25 5.00 70x60 fcarle " 3.7c 84x90 Echo 4.75 84x90 A. W. 5.75 Carriage people can pick little priced plush robes ; WAS is Green Reversible Plush, $5.95 $5.00 Brocaded black lined Plush, 11.00 9.50 Brocaded black lined Plush, 3.00 2.50 Handsome Wrapper Blankets at $2.25, $3.00 and $3.50 -all from 50c to $1.50 less. Flannels fall this way : WAS IS 4-4 White Shaker Flan'l 33c 25c 7-8 Red 30c 25c 30c 25c 38c 30c bargains Extra fine Grey " 4-4 White Saxony " From the Blanket these : WAS is 1 1-4 White Blanket $2.50 $2.00 10-4 " 1.50 1.25 Lett Aisle, Rear, Cbapel strvet. SATURDAY CLOTHING I. BARGAIN. Scotch all-wool Plaid Over coats, double-breasted, sizes 4 to i. Always $4-";o; now $249. Annex MEN'S HANDKERCHIEF FASHIONS. Latest novelty in Men's Hand kerchiefs : Full sized all linen HemJ stitched, narrow hem of 1-8 inch width the correct thing in Handkerchiefs, at 25c each. Left Aisle, Front, Chapel street. No more of thisl Shoes vnlnsi smm vBeontatsiLlv tasks. TEE ' COLCHESTER" BCBBEK CO. ButfiniMrikMwIdl bsMacrf harl'bv srHk nibta r. Tbfts dlnm to Lb abas sna Mvcats gjs robber tram rnnt off. Call for tka ' "ADHESIVE COUNTER8.' tUQK CO.. Exchslssj Whntrla Arts- Bostoi AT H1PTA IT. HT lHlloa CM Bristol x steaaU Benhmaa, rcrve, Ooeteel, Howanb, - j , vsmsuji , Am all Onus Itourr-CLus Bans Brwta. aaM cr WILLIAM A. WRIGHT AttrM7 bvb4 Coiiaaler-at-Law, omasa. 185 Church 8ta Corn&r Oourt St. Rnfctwr