Newspaper Page Text
a - - - - ' -- " - i , . 1 April 3. 1891 it I - I An n.yn .v I WTO nVCM If. It KTin OUT H- i niAPBRTIC 1DD APOSTOLIC- i NEW HAVEN, CONN. f Mouths f.1.60: One Month, 60 i cents: Omt Wnsac, 15 cents; Small Copies, 8 cents. Friday, April 3, 1891. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS FOB TO-DAY. Dally Chat Wm. Neely & vo. Tr. Bull's Cough 1 i Syrup At Druggists', rilla At Druggists1. Salvation Oil At Drujnrists'. Wauted Situations 776 Chapel Street. Baa Ball Howard Avenue Urauuds. Daily Chat William Neely & Co. Dividend New Haven County bank. For Rent House 762 Chapel Street. For Rent Houses John T. Sloan. For Rent House 801 Crown Street. For Rent Farm E. Malley. For Rent House Box 1S65, City. For Rent Store 79 William Street. Granulated Sugar R. W. Mills. Jewelry Silv'rvau's Sons. Look at This Otto Dietter. Light Overcoats "Hub" Clothing House. Probate Notice Estate of Sarah A. Cramer. Probate Notice Estate of John W. Bishop. Penmanship At Gaffney's. Paper Hangings Ransom Hills. Wanted Position K. A., This Office. Wanted Porter The Globe. Wanted Waitress The Globe. Wanted Situation 8775 Chapel Street. WEATHER RECORD. indications for to-day. War Dcfabtmint, Omn o the Chief Signal Sirvici, V Washington, D.C., 8 p. m., April 2, 1891. 1 Forecast till 8 p.m. Friday: For New England Rain, easterly winds, shifting to colder; north westerly Friday night. Local Weather Report. FOR APR. 9, 1891. 8 P. K. A. M. Barometer. Temperature Humidity Wind, direction. 80.08 88 72 E NK 13 Lt. Snow Wind, velocity. 8 Weather Cloudy Mean temperature. 38. Max. temp., 42: intn. temp., 33. Precipitation, .01 inches. Max. velocity of wind, 22-E. Total excess or deficiency of temperature since January 1, x'2.50 degrees. Total excess or deficiency of precipitation since Jan. 1, X2.85 in. . H. J. COX, Observer.- Note. A minus sign prefixed to thermom eter readings indicates temperature below zero. A "T" in connection with rainfall indicates a trace of precipitation too small to measure. Snow is melted and resulting depth of water not known. LOCAL SKITS. Brief Mention. George C. Dow says a pair of Royal .thoes lasted him two years. Concrete sidewalks laid by Conn. Con crete Co., room 2, 49 Church street. Barnabas Riley, livery stable proprietor in Hartford, is unaccountably missing. . The family of F. W. Jacobs, formerly of Yalesville, hare become heirs to the sum of $500,000. Rer William Boberts of this city preached ht the Methodist church, An sonia, Sunday. A party of twenty Meriden ladies has purchased tickets for "Antigone matinee to-morrow afternoon. Mn. Trrnnan Booth of Middlebury is very low, owing to injuries from being thrown ont of her carriage last Saturday. Augustus Peck of Naugatuck, aged 60, died suddenly yesterday of paralysis. Ho was the father of B. A. Feck of that place. Supreme Secretary Colwell, Knights of Columbus of this city, pays an official visit to Silver City Council, Meriden, to night. The Green & Co.'s farm in Mildale was sold yesterday to Mrs. Emma Checkeni of New Haven and Mrs. Clara Hotchkiss of Marion. The Churcn of the Ascension has ex tended a call to Rev. J. Clarence Lindsley of Woodbury. He is 30 years of age and unmarried. Thomas Schofield, a son of the first woollen manufacturer in America, was 100 years old Saturday, March 38. He lives in the town of North Lyme. Mrs. Piatt, wife of C. H. Piatt, general manager of the Grand Central station, New York, is spending the week with her father, Isaiah Barritt in Plantsville. Miss Neally Stevens of Chicago, assisted by Mrs. A. Heaton Robertson of New Haven, vocalist, gave a grand piano re cital at the Waterbury opera house last evening. Grand Chief C. P. Bulter, of New Haven, and staff, will visit Ivanhoe Castle, Nor walk, Tuesday night. A team from Cru sader Castle, New Haven, will exemplify the work. The 4:30 p. m. Derby train ont of New Haven has a daily average of thirty pas sengers to be transferred to the Honsa tonic main line at Botsford station, many of whom are bound for points west. George L. King, wood engraver, who has been located in this city for the last two years, has returned to Meriden, and is connected with the wood engraving de partment of the Meriden Britannia com pany. William C. Case, Yale '84, will be mar ried next Wednesday to Miss Elizabeth Nichols of Salem, Mass. Only the imme diate friends will be present. Mr. Case is the son of Attorney W. C. Case and is practicing law in Hartford. Manager G. B. Bunnell was expected to be out yesterday, having nearly recovered, but owing to the tempestons March winds and miserable weather generally he con cluded that discretion was the better part of valor. Miss Ida Platner, daughter of Hiram Platner, proprietor of the Shady Lawn house, a popular summer hotel in the Catskill mountains, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. W..F. Harper of 85 St. John street, and an afternoon tea is soon to be given in honor of her. Sad Fate of an Attempted Suicide. Mrs. Marie Lepore, who, it will be re membered, attempted suicide by throwing herself into Mill river in Fair Haven sev eral weeks ago,on account of the supposed desertion of her husband, has never fully recove red from the shock experienced at that time. one lost her mind shortly after the attempt in consequence of her subsequent illness, and was taken to New York where she is said to be, at the present time,an inmate of the insane asy lum on Blackwell's Island. Legislative Fishermen. Representative Averill and Brown of New Preston (Washington) and Mower of Roxbuiy went fishing Wednesday early enough to get to the oapitol for business, and efficiently enough, to capture some fine trout, which were served with other things at a dinner at Heublein's last even ing, at which were present Governor Bulkeley, Speaker Paige, Senator Lyman and Representatives Judson, Healy, Mil ner, Lyman and Jndd, with G. E. Cooley and L. W. Coggswell, besides the three fisherman. Hartford Courant. IX WAS A 1BABCHY PAY. A Few Werds Abont Weather and Dust. Winter still lingers, etc. Yesterday's Marchy weather, blustering wind's and clouds of dust recalled to many people the words of appeal of Dr. S. G. Hubbard at - the city hall the other night, for a proper watering of the streets as a sanitary meas ure. People generally who were out doors much yesterday were led to reflecting re garding the quantity of dost that they most have inhaled before night fall. After dark the heavy snow squall came to the rescue and laid the dust a little, but in New Haven dust will not down, -but rises on the slightest provocation, and, as citi zens often remark, it gets dusty in New Haven in twenty-four hours after the hea- viest rainfalls. S. Silverthau's Sons', jewelers, 790 Chap el, offer real bargains in fine diamonds. Penmanship Only $s For 20 lessons by an expert teacher at Oaf. fey's Shorthand school, If you oommenoe : on or before th 6th. . I XO GO XO THE COUKTS. I m-mmm. Mr vm.-u a.m.... , t The Gubernatorial Question to As sume a New Form Judge Ittorris Will Contest the Election u Warranto Proceedings The State's Finances No Cause for Alarm Over Appropriations Talk on the Sub ject. , The Connecticut muddle took on a new aspect yesterday. Great public interest centers npon the question what will Judge Morris do now, the republican house hav ing executed its master stroke of policy by adjourning, tiius leaving Governor Bulke- ley in the chair of state and the democrats in a quandary, and everybody wondering what's coming next in Connecticut's re markable series of state tableaux. Demo crats and republicans all over the state are looking to Judge Morris and, Micawber like, are waitina for something new to turn up. Mr. Morris solved the conun drum yesterday. To reporters who inter view him and who enquired of him if he proposed soon to begin quo warranto pro ceedings on xne guuernaiuritu uoiuuu, Mr. Morris replied in the affirmative. Fnrther than that he would not state, and in vain were all efforts to sound the learned iudee further on this in teresting subject. From eminent demo cratic authorities yesterday the information gleaned tbat Mr. Morns contemplates pre senting in abont two weeks hiB casein court. The quo warranto proceedings will be, of course, directed against Governor Bulkeley to compel mm to snow Dy wnai rieht he holds office as governor of onr little commonwealth. This it will be easy for Governor Bulkeley to show, under the constitution, that precious document giv ing him the office until some one else be comes leeallv his successor, but it is ex pected, of course, that the quo warranto proceedings will go further and probe deener into the case. Whether tne en quiry will go behind the returns remains to do seen. In all probability ex-Governor Inzer soil and Judge Henry Stoddard will be the counsel for Mr. Morris. Whether the other democratic state officials, Messrs. Alsop, Sanger and Phelan will join with Mr. Morris in the court proceedings is not known at present. They very likely will. Judee Morris' advisers, it is reported, say that there is no necessity for hurry in . . , i mi i a l. l l : J tliy matter. Auere its a Hiruiig pruuauiiibv tbat such proceedings will not be insti tuted anyway until after the decision of Executive Secretary Brainard's suit against Comptroller Staub. At the bot tom of that case is the complaint which must necessarily be the foundation of writ of quo warranto, that is that Bulke ley is not governor. Thus Judge Morris cau obtain in that collateral suit, a judi cial decision in which will give him some grounds for hope or shatter all ne has. General Merwin continues his attitude of silence, preferring that dignified policy to mat ot rushing into print under tne nreeent aspects ot tne situation The democratic papers saw evidences in Governor Bulkeley's demeanor over the adjournment matter to warrant their stat ing that hs was more than exultant over the situation, that he was in fact jolly and exuberant, and also assert that three fourths the republican members of the house were averse to the long adjourn ment. It was predicted at Hartford yesterday by leading representatives of both parties tbat tne House would come togetner tne last of May or the fore part of June to set tle tne Question of appropriations. On the subject, the Hartford Post of yes terday afternoon assures Its readers that there is no cause for alarm and goes on as follows: People are asking how the state institutions are i;oing to be supported now that the house has ad ournod until fall l.-.ivingthe deadlock unbroken, n some quarters au inclination is shown to hold the republicans n sponsible should the necessary funds not be fan homing and in certain others fears are xiik-sxmI lest serious troubles may ensuet - Neither point H well taken, since, in the first place, the lum-uhas passed the usual appropria tions and it will be the senate's own fault if it does not pas? them in concurrence. In the sec ond place, serious trouble is going to happen even if the R';utre refuses to concur, so long as Morgan G. butkcley is at the headof affairs in Connecticut. Said a gentleman this morning who knows the governor vei-y well and who has closely studied the situation: -The senate will surely not care to take the adkrchial step of refusing to pass any appropriation bills whatever when the statutes so clearly promise that It is their duty to do so. It would be a responsibility that they would hardly dare to shoulder. But if the senate should ad- in going ahead in co-operation with the treasurer ana comptroller and paying every liability of the state that is authorized by law. Even if the comptroller held aloof the governor and treasu rer could, under the circumstances, go ahead by themselves and arrange matters. But depend upon it," he added, with an air of conviction, "the senate will pass these bills in concur rence." Nobody can say that the house has not done its duty in regard to the appropriation bills. It has passed a resolution accepting the direct tax and another accepting the agriculture endow ment act beside the usual appropriation bills and the act authorizing the comptroller and treasurer to settle all legal liabilities the amount of which are fixed by statute. The appropriations are substantially the same as those passed two years ago, with some reductions. Wherever there was a deficiency enough was added to make the amount good and wherever a surplus in the estimates was found the amount was re duced by so much. It takes about a million dollars a year, outside of the schools and the interest on the public debt, to run the state, or an average of $85,000 a month. The school moneys, amounting to some $400,000, have just been paid, except the $10,000 deficiency. The interest on the debt of the state amounts to $115,000 annually, and this sum the treasurer is authorized to pay without any espe cial appropriation having to be made. Then it should also be remembered that the various boards concerned are empowered to borrow money for this running of the schools and the care of paupers. Another fact that should be borne in mind is that on account of the adjournment of the house with the resulting absence of legislation, no ex traordinary appropriations, such as additions to normal schools, prisons, hospitals, etc., or public monuments or enterprises of various sorts, will have to be made. The money is coming right along into the treasurer's office so there will be no lack of funds if only a key may be found with which to unlock the vaults. The insane hospital has some money of its own; but the soldiers home, the normal schools, hospitals, agricultural schools will all need money shortly as well as the courts, pnsons,and, in short, all of the iudiciarv departments. It is hoped and expected that the senate will do its duty in the premises; but if it happens otherwise, then the citizens of the state will look to Governor Bulkeley and his associates in office to save tne credit oi uonnecucut. Left for Bulkeley to Appoint. - Hartford, April 2. Under the provision of section 1793, general statutes, Governor Bulkeley will appoint successors to the fol lowing commissioners, arranged by coun ties; Hartford Thaddeus H. Spencer of Suffield, S M. Norton of Bristol. New Haven A. B. Dunham of Seymour, C. A. Burleigh of Hamden. New London A. H. Hurlbut of Montville, W, H. Sax ton of New Londou. Resigned in 1890. Fairfield George Olmstead of New Canaan, Joseph W. Johnson of Bridgeport. Windom A. A. Stanton of Sterling, George Litchfield Lyman Dunning of North Canaan, S. N. Pettibone of New Hartford. . Middlesex A. M. Wright of Essex, J. M. Hub- oara oi Aiiaaietewn- Tolland H. G. Ransom of Vernon, J. A. urown ot wiuimrton. The term of Insurance Commissioner Fyler expires on the first day of July next. The nomination of Mr. Fyler to succeed himself has already been made by Bulke ley, but has not been acted upon. Under section 2,818 Bulkeley will now be obliged to mi xnevancancv oy airect appointment. The terms of Bank Commissioner Charles Gnswold of Guilford and Railroad Com missioner William O. Seymour of Ridge- field also expire on July 1, 1891. These vacancies alBO Bulkeley can fill dur ing the rocess of the general as sembly. Labor Commissioner Hotch kiss, whoso term expires at the same time, holds" office until his successor is duly qualified, and so there 'will be no vacancy there. Fish Commis sioner Hudson has resigned, but there is no way of filling the vacancy until the general assembly meets again.': -Shell Fish Commissioners Waldo and Treat finish their term on July 1,1891, and their offices mast remain vacant until there is a legis lature tnat is aoie to ao puDlic business. The term of Judge Lbomis of the su preme court expires in Jnne, and only by a vote of the general assembly can his successor be chosen. This is true also of the successor of Judge Sanford of the superior court, whose term expires also next June. A Hot Box. A hot box last evening on the engine of the accommodation train from New York. here at7:37 caused a delay of over a half nour. - The Narrowest of Escapes. The locomotive damaged by the accident on the Air Line railroad last Saturday night is at the repair shops in this city. The repairs will take some time, but the damage to the locomotive is not serious and is covered by a few hundred dollars. The damage to the freight was absurdly small, considering the manner in which the cars were shaken npand knocked around. The principal damage was to three barrels of empty lager beer bottles. The damaged locomotive has been gazed at by many-railroad- men at the shops with particular interest from the fast that aa a result of the accident it hung over " the yawning abyss below the Htman viaduct almost balanced, nearly one-hal of it pro jecting over the chasm. - It we Very near ly QMMMM an ins eag oi W piOlplos, Recommendations by the Ordinance Committee Relating to Contagious Diseases. The following by-laws were recommend ed .last evening by the ordinance commit tee relating to contagious diseases: Section 1. That smallpox, scarlet fever, diphtheria,, membraneous croup, typhoid fever typus fever, Asiatic cholera, yellow fever and measles be and thsy are hereby de clared to be dangerous to the public health and they are hereby declared to oe conta gions diseases within the meaning of these by-laws. Section a. jcvery puysician practising within the town of New Haven shall re port in writing to the board of health of the town of New Haven, within twelve hours after he has discovered the nature of the disease, or immediately, if practicable, specifying the name, age and address of each patient having either of said conta gious diseases, for whom said physician has perse ribed or attended, or had been called npon to attend; also the nature and duration of such disease and number of children; also the families in said house, the school attended, if known, the facto ry, shop or place at which said patient works or is employed. Section 3. Every attending physician shall also report in writing to said board, the name, age and address of every per son who shall have died ot any con tagions disease within twelve hours after he shall have been informed of Buch death and the specific name and type of such disease. Section 4. Every lodging honse keeper, hotel keeper, house holder, or per; son having . the charge of any public or private institution, or any master of any vessel within the town of New Ha ven, in whose house, hotel, institution or vessel any person is sick with any of the aforesaid diseases, unattended by a physi cian, shall report the same to said board within twelve hours after it has come to his or ier knowledge. ' Section 5. No person shall, without permit from said board of health, carry or remove from one building to another, or from any vessel, ship, boat or en closure, any person sick with any , of the " diseases specified and described in the first section of these bv-laws: or any clothing or other articles which have been, or which may have been exposed to infection, nor shall any person expose one sick with any of the diseases specified or described in the first section of these bv-laws, nor the body of such per son or any article in his possession, or cause or contribute to or promote the spread of disease from such Bick persons or the body thereof. Section 6. No superintendent, princi pal or teacher of any school, no parent or guardian of any child attending school, shall knowingly permit a child sick with smallpox, scarlet fever, diphtheria, mem branous croup or typhus fever, or any child residing in a house in which such disease exists, to attend any school in the town of New Haven without the permis sion of the board of health ot said town, Section 7. No person sick with any of the diseases specihed in section 1 or o of this by-laws shall come into, nor shall any person bring or cause to be brought into the town of New Haven, any person known to be, or reasonably suspected to be, sick with any of said diseases specified in sections 1 and 6 of these by-laws, or of having any article or clothing which has been exposed to infection from any dis ease described in sections 1 and 6 of these by-laws, without a permit from said board of health. Section 8. No person shall hinder or prevent the board of health of said town from securing tne isolation ot any person sick with the diseases described in section 1 and section 6, of the by-laws on the dis infection of any premises or articles of clothing which have been exposed to infec tion, the nsing proper methods and means which may be proper to control the spread of such disease or diseases. Section 9. There shall be no public funeral of any person dead from small pox, scarlet fever, diphtheria, membran ous croup or typhus fever without the permit of the said board or health Section 10. No one shall enter a pas senger' car, street car, steamboat, hack, cab, stage, or other public conveyance wearing or having m bis or her possession any clothing or otnerrarticies witn which said person shall have had in attendance upon any person sick with small-pox, scar let fever or typhus fever without having had the same disinfected to the satisfac tion of the said board of health. Section 4. Any hack, cab, stage, horse car, steam-ear, vessel or other public or private conveyance in , which any person is reasonably oeueved to have been car ried, or known to have been carried while suffering with small-pox, scarlet fever, tyhpus fever or yellow fever, shall not thereafter be used for the carrying of any passenger until sucn vehicle, car, steam boat or vessel, shall have been disinfected to the satisfaction of the said board of health. Section 12. Every person violating any of the provisions, section or sections of these by-laws on conviction shall pay a penalty or not more tnan $iuu. nramroRiAi. day preparations. The Joint Committee meets l,ast NIeht. A meeting of the joint committee from the three G. A. R. posts and Sons of Vet erans of the city, appointed to make the necessary Memorial day preparations, met last evening in city hall, uommander Gleason was chosen chairman, Charles J. Morris secretary and Post Commander Weidig treasurer. The following were chosen to serve on the committee to provide the entertain ment for the evening ot May 29: J. J. Bran nigan, Colonel G. M. White, Commander Weidig, A. Hi. .Lincoln. The committee adjourned until next Thursday night. Personal Notes. State Attorney Doolittle is expected back from .North Uarolina this week. Commodore Seymour has appointed My ron B. Durham fleet captain of the New Haven Yacht club for the coming season Mrs. E. S. Kimberly and Miss May C, Kimberly were recently guests at the Ho tel del Coronado, Coronado Beach, Califor nia. ' Charles E.Dyer, for many years business manager ot the .Norwich .Bulletin, has taken charge of the Norwich office of a firm of New York stock brokers. Miss Etta M. Bradley, formerly of New Haven, who for nearly two years past has been an officer at the Middletown Indus trial school of this state, has taken a posi tion at the Lyman School for Boys at West- oorougn, Mass. Frank Welch of Bishop street, a well known clock shop employe, who has been very low with inflammatory rheumatism and rheumatic fever, has passed, it is be lieved, the crisis and signs of improvement were yesterday manifest, giving hope ot nis recovery. Dr. Robert S. Gibson, U. S. A., of this city, late at Fort Trumbull, has received an extension of his leave of absence until April 30 owing to sickness in his family. three of his children having been ill with scarlet fever and being yet too weak for the journey to Texas, where Dr. Gibson next goes for duty. Hon. George Maxwell, one of the wealth iest and best known manufacturers in the state, died at his residence in Rockville yesterday morning of neuralgia of the heart. He had been ill abont a week. Mr. Maxwell was the most prominent man in Rockville and was connected with every manufacturing enterprise of note. His wealth is estimated at $2,000,000. Concert at the New Lutheran Church. A very sncessful concert was given last night at the German Lutheran church, of which Rev. C. H. Siebke is pastor, in its new building on Humphrey street. The attendance was very large. The following took part in it: Mrs. Nora Russell Haesche, soprano; Miss Maggie Roberts, contralto; Mr. William E. Haesohe, violin ist; Mr. Adolph Schwickardi, pianist; Mr. Seymonr Spier, tenor; Mr. Leveret Good year, basso. . The program was as follows: Duett Selected Mrs. Haesche and Mr. Spier. Three Fishers Hullah Mr. uooayear. Ave Maria ..Haesche jura, iiaescne. a. Cradle Song, I b. Migaon Gavotte, j Mr. Haesche. .Sarssate Spring Song .. Becker xaiBB nooens. La Cascade Fauer Mr. Bchwlcxarai. Kissing Gate .......Cowen Mr. Spier. Gondolier's Love Song Meyer Hehnund Miss Roberts. Das Kleiner Gazelle . .B. Hoffmann Mr. Schwickardi. Dein.' i .- .Bohm Mrs. uaescne. - ' The Berische Harmonie also rendered a very beautiful song. The society is largely composed of employes of the Wil liam Schollhorn company. xne outlook at the new. churcn. lor. a growing congregation is very promising. as was amply demonstrated by the success ofihvoowert. - .- - The Home Team UTina Despite Cold Weather and a Patched Up Nine Condones Good Work In the Box, Exactly thirty-five persons, including the players, scorers and men connected with the grounds, witnessed the game at the Howard avenue grounds yesterday afternoon between the New Haven and Dartmouth clubs. The small attendance i undoubtedly due to the weather, which was anything but conducive to ball playing. , The local team placed a patched up team in the field, as a glanoe at the score will show, but, notwithstanding this fact and the extremely cold weather, the game was a fairly interesting one. The Dartmouth team showed up in excellent form and ontbatted and outfielded the home team, but was less fortunate in bunching their hits. The features of the game were the playing of Homer, Wilson and Mahoney and the batting of Forster and Lally and the pitching of Condoff for the home team, and tne neiomg oi caenn and Thompson, and the stick work ot AD both. Baehn and Shurtliff for the visitors. The score: NEW HAVEN. BlBPO DARTMOUTH. R IB PO Mahon'y,c.l Henry, rf ..1 Lally, c.f..O Wilson, 2b.O Cudw'th.lbl Forster, ss.l Horner 8b. 1 Gilliland.lf.O Abbott,lb..l Heath, l.f..O Baehn, 8b.. 1 Joyce, l.f..O Ferg's'n.ssO B'u'w'll, rf .0 Th'm'on.lbO Barry, c. . .1 Shurtl'ff.p.O 2 0 1 0 2 3 1 2 0 0 1 0 1 13 0 8 2 0 Condon, p.i Totals... .8 '1 21 11 6 Total.. ...5 10 21 11 4 SCORE BY INNINGS. 1 2 8 4 5 6 7 New Haven 0 0 1 4 0 0 2- Dartmouth 0 0 10 11 03 Three-base hit Lally. Two-base hits Fors ter, Heath, Baehn, Shurtleff. Base on balls By Shurtleff 1. Struck out by Condoff, 6; by Shurtleff, 4. Double plays Heath and Thomp son. Wild pitches Shurtleff 2. Passed balls Mahoney, Barry 2. Umpire, J. J. Kelley. Tim of game. 1:35. Game called end of seventh in ning on account of cold. The Polo Standing. The Interstate Polo league season hag closed and the following is the standing of the clubs: Played. Won. Lost. PerCent, Hartford New Haven. . Meriden Bridgeport... Boston New Britain . 94 54 40 .674 93 SO 53 .638 92 47 45 .511 92 47 45 .511 95 40 54 .43G 35 12 23 .348 Shanmplshuh Council's Sociable. The grand sociable of Shaumpishuh council No. 3, L. of P., Improved Order of Red Men, at Sassacus armory last even ing was a decided succss both socially and financially, notwithstanding the execrible weather. The music for dancing was fur nished by Rosinus' full orchestra, much to the delight of the ow or more present, The grand march was led by Mr. E. Hayes and Mrs. Horton, followed by seventy-five couples. The committee to whose exer tions much of the success of the affair was due was composed of: E. Hayes, C. Well man. Q. Audley, W. F. Parker, J. Griffin S. Boyle, I. Taylor. Bntertalnments. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. The new comic opera "Influence, True Love Never Rnns Smooth," composed by J. Franklin Warner, esq., was pre sented at this house last evening for the first time on any stage before an audienc which completely filled the spacious audi torium. Among the audience were many managers and theatrical critics from Bos ton, New York, Philadelphia and other cities, all of whom were unanimous in their praise of the merits of this, the latest of all spirants in the operatic line, for pub- lio favor. The scene of the opera, which is in three acts and thoroughly Ameri can, is laid in New York, Washington and the Arctic seas. The story of the opera is new and is exceedingly well worked up, and contains many situations that are humorous and ludicrous in the extreme. The music is more than usually sparkling and bright, while the songs are lively and last evening were unusually well rendered, particularly was this the case in the second act, when the solo of Miss Beatrice Goldie was rendered with an ability which fully merited the applause with which it was received. The opera contains many bon mots. Among the specially good things which may be noted were the work of the policemen in the first act and the introduction of snch familiar characters as the impersonations of President Harrison, secretary Blaine, Jerry Simpson and others in subsequent acts. Of the work of the company naught but praise can be said, when it is borne in mind thtt last night was their first ap pearance in this opera, rue principals ac quitted themselves admirably, and their efforts were duly recognized and appre ciated. Of the principals, Miss Goldie, Miss Carrie Tutein, the soubrette, Mr, Will Henshaw and Mr. Thomas C. Peasley won instant recognition in consequence of tneir good wore, ana tne auet rendered by Miss Goldie and Mr. Peasley was hon orea witn an encore. That there are several places in the opera which will require caref ui pruning was evidenced by the presentation last evening and these will be attended to at once. On the whole, however, the production can be set down as a wonderful success for an American opera by an American author, The scenic effects are unusually grand and have been specially prepared for this production by John A. Thompson of the Hollis street theater, Boston. The most effective of all the scenes is that used in the third act, which represents a ship frozen m among the icebergs and surrounded with Esquimaux, after which follows the breaking np of winter and the disappearance of tbe icebergs. This same scene will be on exhibition at the opera houBe free of charge this afternoon be tween the hours of 2 and 4. "Influence" will be presented this and to-morrow even ings and to-morrow afternoon, after which the company goes to Pittsburg for a week, and thence to the South Broad street thea ter, Philadelphia, for a long run, "Lights and Shadows," the best of Charles Gailer's dramas, will hold the boards the first half of next week. HTPERIOS THEATER. The long anticipated presentation of "Antigone" takes place this evening. It is earnestly desired by the management tnat tne audience wear lull evening dress, and in response to this many ladies have signified their intention to dispense with bonnets. The rehearsal last evening was in every way satisfactory, and was attend ed by a few friends of the performers and by representatives of leading New York newspapers. The stage pic ture is a very orilliant one and it is evident that the promoters of the entertainment have done everything in their power to make it a success. The costumes are not only elegant, but are most tasteful, and this is due in a great measure m we eiaoorate s tenoning by Mr. Charles Schenck of this city and to Miss Lewis, daughter of ex-Mayor Lewis, to whom is due the harmonious blending of colors. This assistance was generously of- rerea ana mgniy appreciated. it will be strange indeed if New Haven's first at tempt at Greek drama does not prove to oe tne tneatncai event ot tne season. Denman Thompson's great play of "The Old Homestead" will be the attraction Fri day and Saturday of next week. proctor's opera house. The Night Owls- Beauty show which opened last evening can truthfully be ranked as one of the best burlesque troupes on the road. The company is made np of first class variety artists and their acts and songs are new and novel. It is a great improvement upon any company of this sina mat nas previously presented here this attraction Manager Manchester han added many new artists and faces to his company, and he has succeeded in gathering together a troupe that is first class in every feature. The performance opened with a lively skit, -'Our Social Club," which afforded ample opportunity for such artists as Fanny Lewis, Nettie Hoffman, Lizzie Raymond, Dave Foster and Frank Clayton to display their talent. The olio whioh followed was participated in by funny Sam Banard and the clever music maker, Frank Clayton, entertainment closed with the lesque, "Temptation," which much- better than the usual of burlesques. Pauline Markham. The ran who played the part of Faust, jr., although not so young as she used to be, has lost none of - her charm which made her so popular years ago. The company will ap pear at Proctor's to-night, to-morrow after noon and evening. Next Wednesday evening the great Kel- lar, assisted by Mrs. Ksllar, will be the at traction at Proctor's. The great magician comes here from a successful season in New York, where his tricks and illusions have delighted and myaUfied thousand, of J P6??"; , ' . : ' On Friday-and Saturday evening and Saturday matinee next week the Hanlona ' i - .f fui- (i,Mi j .T" - will appear at tma theater In tneir f amoas FaatajsBM.. t ! Dr. Stalker's First Lecture In Mar- uand Chapel Audience Crowded Words introductory to the Course. Rev. Dr. James Stalker delivered yester day the first of his lectures in the Lyman Beecher course to the divinity students in Marquand chapel. He is from Glasgow, Scotland. It is the first time he has been American soil, and, as he stated, he has a warm admiration for many things American. The chapel was packed to the doors, and many were unable to get in and had to turn away, Here are a few of the things which he said: "The idea of col lege life is that you are here gaining the theories which you will afterward put into practice. The faculties on which suc cess depends aTe very different in the world from what they are here in college. The creative intellect is for the college, but for life you need the prastising intellect. Of my classmates I might mention two who distinguished themselves one (Professor urummona; in the imagination, but the other possessed the power to sway the minds of men. Now studsnts are criticising men. They criti cise everybody. What a lot is said of the professors behind their backs! I fancy if man v oi tnem Knew ie luey wuuiu ue m i aiu to retain their positions. And it is the ... . ji. . i 11 1 r !J same with clergvmen -and other prominent men. But the moment you leave tms nan for the business of life you will pass from being the criticising to the criticised, and will have other eves turned on you. A man is not long in public life before all sorts of faults can be found4a him. But do not think I have come here to dissuade you from criticism. Men ' successors have an undoubted right to criticise them, and the succeeding generation its predeces sor. "The population has been increasing fast. There is now a Protestant church for every two thousand population in Glas gow. But has the amount of practical Christianity increased in tbe same propor tion? There Is but one man in the church for every thousand. That is not Christ ianity that can be satisfied till the whole lump is leavened. Vice flourishes side by side with Christianity. In what direction can we look for hope? Only in the direc tion of those entering the ministry. It requires men willing to sacrifice and to consecrate themselves. We cannot do better than follow the examples ot Uhrist and his apostles. Apostolic spirit is embodies mostly in St. Paul's, and that, too, not only in his life but in his writings. It is not the character or life of St. Paul that I wish to paint you may find that in multitudes of books but his spirit. The faculty hinted to me before I stepped on to this platform that I might do well to present the subject from a tresh point of view." Greater laughter. "The value of these lectures lies in what are called confession, that is, records of experience. I will finish this miscellaneous introductory lecture by this point. I believe in preaching and that it is very far behind what it might do and ought to do. I believe in it because it has the stamp of Christ. Paul said 'Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel.' Of course I recom mend visitation of the sick, taking part in oenencent schemes, and so on but preach ing is the central thing. People say. in deed, 'Would it not be better to teach peo ple to come to church to speak to God and not to hear a man?' Bnt it is not hear a man, but the voice of is good to speak to God, but you should also let God speak to you. Preaching often disparaged, because, they say the printing press has superseded the preacher. One time it did good, when books were only for the learned. But when two or three are met together God's name, they cannot but mutually express their thoughts. It is a thing whose place no books can ever take, What, too, does the press amount to for the multitude? The world has become far larger and more interesting one for the common man, and this makeB it far more necessary for him to know the prin ciples of sight." The subject will be continued this after noon at 6 o clock. Dr. Smith Recovered. Dr. M. Smith of Pearl street, who has been confined to his house during the last two weeks with the grip, is now able to be out again and attend to his patients. In the Tunnel. The New York board of railroad com missioners has withdrawn its restriction as to speed of trains in favorable weather in the Fourth avenue tunnel, New York city, upon the condition that the railroad com pany station a man at each home signal with a torpedo to put on the track when the signal is set at danger, and with in strnction to go back to warn following trains should a train become stalled near the home signal, and upon the further con dition that duplicate low signals be con struct-d between the tracks so that both the engineer and fireman can see them. A NEW CORPORATION. The Tonlca Sprlnss Company Ready for Business. The Tonica Springs company was or ganized last Monday under the charter granted by the legislature in 1889 with capital of $50,000. The officers ar: A, Willard Case, president; A. Wells Case, treasurer; W. W. Lyon, secretary and manager. The object of the company is to introduce the Highland mineral waters and ultimately to build a hotel and estab lish a Bummer resort at Highland Park. Mr. Lyon will personally superintend the bottling house and give his entire time to pushing the business. The Highland News, which has been published by Messrs. Case brothers for the purpose of advertising their waters, is to be succeeded by the Tonica Springs Record, a monthly paper of twenty-iour pages. The curative powers of Tonica Water have been demonstrated daily, and al though, on account of other enterprises wnicn demanded their attention, the Messrs. Case have not pushed the water business. Orders have been pouring in steadily all through the year. Manchester Saturday neraja, marcn zo. . special IJtotttaes. SEE WHAT WE GIVE AWAY With 1 lb Tea and 1 lb Baking Powder, or 8 lbs vi. nuy ui me loiiowing amcies: a luiives and S Forks, dozen Silver-PIated Tea Spoons, U dozen Engraved Goblets, Yx dozen Blown Ta ble Tumblers, engraved, rour-bottle Castor, 14 - '' uuo ui uur largeta nig uogs. w e also have manv fine nreaentn with 1 ih Tm Don't forget 11s when you want to buy a Dinner Set. Our 1,600 sets are Bridgewood's finest Eng lish Porcelain. Follow the crowd this week and if you don't want crockery wa will give you two filLSON AMERICAN TEA COMPANY, OR State Street. NEAR COURT. BOOTH & LAW. Varnish manufacturers AND Paint Dealers. Corner Water 1 Olive Sts. 0 3: , March 4,1801.- WE OKF8K Lot of HT. VERNON RYE WHISKEY, Fall 1887, straight goods, uncolored and unaweeteaed. Hand-made, sour mash, copper distilled. lxtra value. Per gallon, bottle, case, I dozen, BINET SEC CHAMP AGN Quarts. Pints. CaaeQts. 2a 1.25 125.50 $4.00 1.00 1000 CasePta. IZ7.B0 The aualirr of this chanroagne eauals anv brand per case less than any wine of equal grade can to-dav be sold at. 9 cases HOCHETMEB RHINE WINE, excellent value, at 5. 50. 8 dozen BASS' PALE ALE, quarts, at $3.!S. Imported In glass, guaranteed nrswsiaas in j$o dozen lMrXRTED PLAIN SODA. - Shipped by Qrattan & Co., Belfast Extra quality, ner dozen. SI JW. J aboTe Je? bfil."ES ca"!i from agents and Importers to close out lots, and n nuts. mirohu. iik prtoci named 1 UHely to again preewit ifol. m mm LIGHT OVERCOATS Extensive assortment, all grades and prices. We are show ing the finest line of these gar ments ever offered by us. When these fine Tailor-Made garments are selling for $12, $15, $18 and $20, custom tailors' prices of $30. $35. $40 and $45, look a trifle steep to the average man We can save you money. BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S Clothing. Business in this de partment was never better with us. Our tables are loaded with the leading products of the New York market. We are deter mined to do the Boys' and Chil dren's Clothing businesSriPf New Haven, and have more than dou bled our stock in this branch of the business. Stylish, well made goods at popular prices. "HUB" CLOTHING HOUSE, On Church Street. Granulated Sugar, 2 1 Pounds for One Dollar. Housekeepers, look around and see what you are out of, then come and give us an order, and at same time buy Sugar, as the price is Terj liable not w vari y wiui iui luug. Fine Canned Tomatoes 9c. 4pouods Pearl Tapioca 35c. very line Canned Salmon 11c Ground Spices 15c a pound. Low prices in every department. Fine Tea. 35c pound. No better Tea Is sold by anyone, it they do ask ouc a pouna. New Haven Tea and Coffee Co., R. W. Mills. 382 State st. Special Attractions ! What is more comfortable than a wide, luxurious and well up holstered COUGH ? suitable for Library, Chamber, Dinintr and Sitting room, in a great variety oi coverings. Have you thought about a moth proof CEDAR CHEST for pack ing away Furs and Clothing? Every family should have one. Alao Oliltt'ooiera, with cedar box ana drawers cedar lined. You had better look at them. English Brass Beds in different patterns. Iron Beds, white en amel and brass ornaments, are very pretty and durable, at very low price. THE - . BOVDITCH & PRUDDEN CO. 104 and 106 ORANGE ST. 7 and 9 Church st., 152 Portsea sL SPRING- LAMB. ' First of the Season. SPRIM LAMB. Rhode Island Turkeys, Philadelphia Roasting Chickens, Philadelphia Broiling Chickens, Philadelphia Squabs. Fancy Canons Price Lower. Bermuda Potatoes, Asparagus, Fresh Mint, Cucumbers, String Beans, Hot House Radish, Boston Head Lettuce, Tomatoes. L. C. PFAFF & SON. C. E. TTART & CO UPTOWN STOKE. 47 Elm Street, corner Church. GRAND EASTER DISPLAY. THE CHOICEST CUT FLOWERS, FROM THE Most Artistic Gardeners AND HOTHOUSES IN THE EAST. All are Invited to inspect our stock THE RAREST Market Delicacies for Easter Dinner. 49 Elm Street, cor. Church Large Stock, Low Prices. D. T. MALLETT & CO., Hardware Store, 776 Chapel Street . 77& PFAPF & SDN WM. NEELY & CO. New Havxs, Friday, April S, 1891. Weather To-Day Rain east winds. "A good horse can never be a bad color, racing shibboleth says. " 1 oo manv of one col or" is the only fault we find with these Ladies' Gloves 1 hev re all blacks. Do vou mind, if it brings you a dollar glove at 59c? When you tell us well believe it. Main Floor. Combinuion Trimmings. If they were manufacturer's sec onds one might understand the price. They are not. Genuine firsts in style, make and qual ity. Lot one comes in fine Lonsdale Cambric, three tucks and medium or wide ruffles. Do you guess eleven cents? You haye paid it.- This time they're at ac Number two is still choicer. Three tucks, ruffle and three rows of linen rickrack. Such quality and work sells usually at twenty-five cents. Present price-ticket is i24c. Left Aisle, Front, Chapel street. Forty-five inch Swiss Floun- cine:, some ot tne most eiaoo es r 1 .11 rate nouncings of the season. Hemstitched with deep em broidery patterns. The whole skirt pattern of &A yards only costs you $i. it. Almost like giving it away. Left Aisle, front Chapel street. The sales-books say the flouncing experts are in rap tures over the beautiful Black Mousseline d'Inde FlouncingS with their charmingly tinted flower-embroideries. Surpri sing how even such a sombre hue as black can be glorified at the mere touch of the color wizard's wand: Try to think of a rainbow against a black thunder-cloud and you have it. Dainty contrasts of white stars, amber stars, heliotrope, daisies, forget-me-nots and marguerites, pink rosebud sprays on surfaces as Mack as a raven's wing. From 98c the yard. Left Aisle, Chapel street. Some good angel always has a watchful eye to the care of woman's dress. Here's an in vention called "The Victoria Skirt Protector." Waterproof rubber, made ruffle-fashion to sew inside the skirt and save the wet and dirt. Fits the present fashion of short trains to a nicety. Several styles in black, brown and grey, at the ruchmg counter. Left Aisle, Chapel street. What was it you said ? The lace fashion for the stylish demi-nouncings ? Black Chan till y. Nothing; could well be handsomer in the lace-world, Beauty and fashion stroll arm in arm as usual. Here in ten to twenty-four inch widths, at 59c the yard. Left Aisle, Chapel street. Not too early for a thought to the baby s carriage paraso cover. Uaintier spring and summer patterns than ever. Pick your fancy in Notts Irish Point, Tambour work and Guipure cream and two- toned tints. The shades most suited to the child's complex ion and the sun-protecting service for it, at 50c and up. Left Aisle, Chapel street. Spencer SLMaftheira, OILS, PAINTJS, OHEMIOALS. State Street 243 A Special Offer jor Next 30 Days Beers' Photo Parlors, 7ba rnaDei street. We will make yon one of our finest Crayon or India Ink Portrait, near life size,, from $5 to to. mmj wiw eaca portrait wiu give you one dozen of our best Cabinet Photos on Kilt beveled ed ire mount. This work Is WARRANTED FIRST CLASS eretr war. and will ooat you at toast J18 elsewhere, we have made hundreds tbe oast few months. ELEGANT WATER COLOR and PASTEL PORTRAITS at one-Uiird regular prices All portraits made from life or anv nictum vou may have on hand. Tbe finest Cabinets at prices THE ONLY GALLERY In tlla rtt-w that makaa large Portrait work a specialty. Call and se. our InrvM mimhnr of VMrimw "BEL0I7 THE BRIDGE," JOV CAM FIND The Newest Things in the Line of Silk, Lace and Muslin CURTAINS, Velour and Chenille PORTIERES, Silks, Silkafines, Laces and Muslins FOB SAPH CURTAINS, Fringes and Drapery Goods. J.M. CRAMPT0N, 694 CHAPEL STREET. FITiBrbvYn; F . m .P "a Co. WILL PRESENT THIS WEEK GREAT ATTRACTIONS The Latest Modes and Styles IN SPRING MILLINERY, Straw Goods, Flowers, Ribbons, Millinery, Trimmings, Ornaments, etc. Fine Trim BONNETS, TOQUES AND LARGE HATS, In over 300 of the most artistic designs to select from. As befits the season there is no lack of bright coloring in the new Mil linery. Flowers ar. naed in profusion on everything, from the tiniest of Bonnets tnat are little more than outlines to tne largest and most elaborate chapeanx ; and Ribbons snstain the dainty blossoms in almost every instauce. The airiest ot nets and tissues are nsea for covering and trimming both frames and Straw Hate, and the new jeweled Passementeries always impart a certain elegance to a Hat or Bonnet and ia an es tablished favorite for tne present season. Untrimmed Goods Are shown in an immense assortment of the latest Spring styles and colors in Neapolitan, Lace, Straw, Milan and Fancy liraids, etc., etc.. For Ladies, Hisses and Children, at inter esting prices. OUT OP TOWN CUSTOMERS Will receive their Return Railroad Fare not over JO miles from tins city. F. S. BROWN. F. M. BROWN & CO., IMPORTERS AND RETAILERS, PURCHASING OFFICES : NEW YORK, 394 B'DWAY ; PARIS, RUE M ARTEL, S BIS BUSINESS CHANGE. Alteration and enlargement of the premises compel us to dispose of our stock of Porce laines, Bronzes, Clocks, Fine China, Bric-a-Brac and Foreign Novelties, or pack them away. To move them rapidly the prices will be cut twenty to fifty per cent., many articles at half the cost of importation. GEORGE II. FORD. CARPETS. CARPETS. We arc showing a most complete line of Spring Carpets, all new goods, now on aispsay for the first time. Smith's Moqnettes, popular as erer, 1.50 per yard. Body Brussels from 1 .00 to $1.25 per yard. This includes all the new patterns of the Lowell and Bigelow companies. Tapestry Brussels, Koxbury and Smith's, 85c per yard. Wil ton and Wilton Velvets from $1.00 to $1.50 per yard. Extra Super Ingrains, Cotton Ingrains, Rugs. Mats, Hassocks, etc. Chamber Suits, large lines to select from Antique Oak, XVI Century Oak, Old English Oak, White Maple, Black Walnut, Ma hogany, etc. Prices for Oak Suites from $15.00 np. Complete lines of Parlor Furniture, Bug Suites, Tapestry Suites, Brocatelle Suites, Silk and Crushed Plush Suites, Couches, Lounces, Divans, etc. Biningroom Furniture large assortment of Pillar Extension Tables, Chairs, Sideboards and other requisites. Paper Hangings, Lace Curtains, Shades and Draperies way down prices. Holland Window Shades with spring fixtures, 21c. Credit extended when desired. H. B. ARMSTRONG & CO., POPULAR OUTFITTERS, 8997 Orange Street. TO-r. Ill CHURCH ST.: 538 GRAND AVE. PLAIN FACTS OmsMoni Al Competition! - Matchless for Best Styles, Best Dualities and Lowest Prices. L. ROTHCHILD & BROTHER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CARPET 683-685-687-689 Notwithstanding the advance ia all grade ing styles and qualities at tne touowing prices : 40 pieces best quality all wool Ingre n Carpet 62fs a yard, worth 75c. -Best quality Body Brussels Carpets $1.15 a yard, worth $1-S5. Bert quality Tapestry Brussels Carpets 83c a yard, worth 1.00. Heary Tapestry Brussels Carpets 69c a yard, worth 85c. Handsome Tapestry Brussels Carpets 53c a yard, worth 75c Heary C C. Ingrain Carpets 42c a yard, worth 60c Moqaetto, Wilton, Axminster Carpets, etc WALL PAPERS and CEILING DECORATIONS. Do not make a mistake in the place when yon want Wall Paper. Be sure Ton nt the right Noa. 683 to 689 Grand a venae. We Handsome uoia rapers oc rou, worm iztc sue rapers so roll, wortn loo. Embossed Papers 12fe roll, worth 25c Solid Gold Papers 30c roll, worth 60c Solid Embossed Gold Papers for 35c a roll, worth 75c. Leather Papers, Lincrusta, Walton, Valooers, Ingrain Papers, with borders to Batch. ' Straw Mattings, Window Shades. Lace Curtains. Upholsterr Goods, etc Competent workmen in every department. Louis Rothchild & Brother, 683-685-687-689 GRAM AWUE. OPEN EVENINGS. D.S.Gambfe FLOATERS. We exhibit an almost endless variety of Wreaths, Montures, Sprays, Grasses, etc., . In their natural tintings and colors, whioh contribute largely to the decorations of head-gear for the present season. RIBBONS Arc Shown in a Profusion of Novelties In Gilt and Silver, and in combination with Silk in a variety of new weave and designs, also in an endless variety of two toned effects in figures, stripes, etc; also a great variety of Satin and Gros Grain and Satin Edge for Millinery and Dress Trimmings in the latest Spring shades. Millinery Trimmings, Or naments, etc., Are now shown in every new design and style brought ont this season. This week we make A GRAND SHOWING OF Parasols, Si IHas AND Carriage Mn, j In an extraordinary assortment of . Tbe Latest Styles In Silk, Lace, Gauze and Chiffon, in all ! the new colors and f imbinations. on purchases exceeding $10.00 to distances D. S. GAMBLE AND WALL PAPER WAKR80KS GRAND AVENUE. of Carpeting, we will sail yon all the feed will sell yon :