Newspaper Page Text
I- av 06 per Year. So-; per Copy. THE OAKKINQTOS PUBLI8HIKG CO. Tun OIiDEST DAILT HBW8PAPKB IN THE STATE. onrica oo statk btkeetj Vol. LXII. NEW HAVEN, CONN., MONDAY MORNING, MARCH 5, 1894. No. 55 PROPER SPRING SHAPES Youraan's Celebrated, the Helton and Other Fashionable Makes. Oar Hst Stock is man's mirror of what - he ought to wear. Trunk, Satohels, Bags, Drees Snlt Cases, great and small, In many leach en. Fashionable Fare at about the cost of the hides. FRIEND E.BROOKS, No. 795 Chapal Street, Hattier and Farrier. CHASE k CO., Outfitters and Shirtmakers, New Haven House Building. NEW UEGKWEAR FOR EASTER. BOTH MEDIUM and HIGHEST QUALITY " CLUB HOUSE" CBAVAT3, TWICE-ABOUND TIES, 2-JN. FOUH-IN-HANDS, NEW "COURT" BOWP, "DON JUAN" TIBS, and "DON JUAN" FOUR-IN-HANDS. CHASE & CO., Agents for Noyes Bros.' (Boston) Laundry. Work called for and delivered, and satisfaction guaranteed. hotels. Hotel Monopole, 14 and 16 Church Street. H TR- Enll Gericke. late of the Hoffman House 1V1 Barber Stoop, New York, bas taken charge of our tonsooial department. We can guaran tee first-class workmanship to patrons- 120 HYGEXA HOTEL, OLD POIMT COMFORT, YA. Absolutely free from malaria and un- surpassed for hearthfu'ness generally, and so testified to by physicians ; wifi air heavily charged with ozone, Nature's greatest boon to the health seeker ; with scenic attractions unrivalled, Ola Point Comfort ranks foremost as a winter resort, while its world famous Hygeia Hotel, with its improved and now perfect drainage and other sanitary arrange ments, the unquestioned parity of Its drinking water, unsurpassed cuisine, embracing every delicacy of land and sea fools, tbe charm of its resident garrison life, its abundant musical fea tures and dancing, constitute a variety of at tractions seldom offered at any resort. F. 1ST. PIKE, d25 eod Jm .MANAGER. IMPROVEMENTS AMD ALTERATION. Hade during the dull summer months have made - - lHOSBLBlT'S fTCT NEW U1VGN HOUSE swawanl More comfortable than ever for both permanent or transient guests. Traveling men are shown especial attention. all 8ETH H. MOBBLET gatuts, Wits, tc CROCKETT'S VARNISHES PLEASE CUSTO HER8 BECAUSE THIS RETAIN THEIR BEAUIY AND BRILLIANCY. A TRIAL WILL PROVE THEIR EXCELLENCE. THOMPSON & BELDEN, 396-398 - State - Street. THE FINEST LINE OP WALL PAPERS AT LOWEST PRICES, ON EXHIBITION AT The Broadway Wall Paper Store. Come and examine our goods and yon will be surprised at our prices for beautiful comblnt Uons. E. R. JEPFCOTT. PAINTING and DECORATING in all their sev eral branches done well and promptly. Esi nates given. E. R. JEFFCOTT 581 Kim Street, corner of York. pUsccHaticoxis. JAMES A. FOG ARTY, Carpenter and Builder. ESTIMATES GIVEN ON ALL CLASSES OF WORK. Heal Estate Bought, Sold and Exchanged, hop Bear 631 Grand. Avenue, nv Iv RMriaene. SM Blatnhlev An. Xa W. ROBINSON Architect, Removed to 760 CHAPEL STREET K. G. KUSSELL, Architect, KK3 CliavAl Htrot. THEODORE KEILER, UNDERTAKER, 162 Orange Street. (Dear Court Street.) TELEPHONE NO. 8W-. IDEAL STONE." THE best Artificial Stone In the market for alaewalks, driveways : mill, shop and barn Boon ; cellar bottoms, curbing, coping, etc. All orders promptly executed and satisfaction guaranteed. A. D.FANSLOW& CO., ftxebange Building, Room 12, lalg tf (P. O- Box 8M. NEW HAVEN. A FRIEND IN NEED. DR. SWEETS INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Prepared from t ie recipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet Of Conneotrcot, tbe great natural Bone Setter. Has Been need for more than 50 years and Is i the best snows remedy for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, wralns Brntses, Burns, Cats, Wounds and all ex ternal rejurlea. C. H. CON WAY, avowrlaaor. Mole Aaaet. 24 till' TOOK TIRttHM FLORIDA, (erMMtlf eoad'ncteif . Beat bote! and train r Vie. Send for prospectus and Itinerary to . n(tE RRjIBtBV, ' S3 tkarefc Street, Jstf - mlU. KFRINQEMCNTS ON THIS TRADE HtAHtfl AMONG TOBACCOS "VUELTA RAYANA" ALONE Pleases the taste of the critical connois seur. No artificial process can enhance Its value, .nature alone can Improve It. It had always been esteemed above every other variety. This Tobacco combined with a fine East Hartford Connecticut wrapper, which improves its burning ana fire-hoiainff qualities, is carefully se lected, made np by nrst-ciaes hand Workmen into the JUDGES' CAVE CIGAR, And approaches the Absolute Perfection for which I Solicit a Trial. P. D. GRAVE, Direct Importer of Vuelta Havana Tobacco and manufacturer 01 cigars, Corner State and Wooiler Streets, New Haven, Ct. Are upon us, and we must all be eeonom ical. No better place to practice economy than in yonr wearing apparel. Look up yonr old dresses, wraps, etc., and take them to one of onr offices, where yon can learn what can be done with them in the way of cleaning or dyeing. A great many of yonr old garments can be made to give yon good service by proper handling in onr hands. Gentlemen's Garments Also saved and made wearable. Give us a trial. THE FORSYTH CO. OFFICES 878 Chapel street, 34:5 ' " 23 Broadway, State, Lawrence and Mechanic streets. Kindergarten, T7Q HOWE 8TREBT. Miss Lena H. Nichols 1 1) will add a kindergarten to her school for young ladles and miss's. The new department will be in charge of a trained and experienced kindergartner, and will open for the spring term Monday, March 26, 1834. f28 24 gti 28 mh3t MECHANICAL BRA WING, TERSPECnVE, MATHEMATICS, V. R. HONEY, 179 Church street. Hartford office, 253 Main street. Address let ters to New Haven office. an!5 ly Conservatory, 201 Dixwell Avenue. TW. 8 HER sAN, Teacher of Piano and . Organ for New Haven and surrounding towns. Engagements forchnrch entertainments, parties, balls, lodges, shore resorts, etc., with or Wltnout orchestra, at reaaonaoie raxes. u. DESS AUER-TROOST WYK SGHOOli OP MUSIC. 781 Chanel Street. Thorou&rh Musical Education after the method of foremost European Conservatories. Violin, Piano, Organ, Singing, Flute, Clarion ette, Cornet, French Horn, Viola. 'Cello, Double Bass, Mandolin, Bandurria, Harmony and En semble Playing. Instruction single or in classss. Applicants received dally from )2 to 1 and 4 to 6 NEW HAVEN CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC. 83 Church Street. E. A. PARSONS. J. JEROME HAYES. Private Instruction Only. OS 6m gcwclevs. Whv be indifferent about getting your Spec tacles properly fitted f when by going to r a rant's, the Jeweler, Tou can have your eyes carefully tested and any errors of refraction corrected at cost of Qlasses only. All kinds of frames kept in stock. Watch and Jewelry Repairing Carefully execute! at Durant's, 55 Church Street, OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE. WEX.X.3 fs GUNDE, Watchmakers and Jewelers. nil Lice Sterling Silver asd Silver Plated Ware. MIL'S ANTI-RHI!MATIG RIHSS. No. 788 Chapel Street. 'gnxuitnxz, Xt, URNITURF AND CARPET BUYERS Will find it to their ad vantage to examine OUR LAEG-E STOCK. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS. LARGE BARGAINS IN Every Department. STAHXi & HEGEL, S 111 larilinrnh Htraei. HEAVY BOBS Por Freight and Stages. CARLOAD OF PLEASURE SLEIGHS. SMEDLEY BROS. & CO., Brewery Street. .-, WILLIAM H. CHAPMAN, ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW. Solicitor of 0. S. tnd Fortigi Pgteiit ; . gobdsbi ib Taum uaeses W3EW HAVEN, CONN. , , .3 , 70 Church St., KmsuI and 4. ' (Monday, Tuesday and Wedsesday .) aFBINGIFIELD.s M A88., " lTfBialn Street. . . Thrsday,frlitay and Bator .lay.) - -Mirht veatw exneiienee a Examiner In rr 8, r stent offlos. Beterwoes to v-oaaepat- entargxiie i , HARD TIMES Sleips. State s4 3 TETSON The People's Dry Goods Store. Select Your : New arriv : alsevery day s The choicest of foreign : and domestic 5 productions to choose : from Dress Wow Remember Easter Is Near. . I 1UR lines of Worsted Fabrics are direct from the manufacturers bands, thus msuriug you the lowest prices. We are showing many beautiful styles not to be found elsewhere. We can conscientiously say that never before has our display been as good. 85' -At this price are shown a magnificent line of Jac quards.Irridescent Novel ties, etc. select styles. PER YD. These goods are sold in many cities at fl.oo. $1 fifyAt this price we offer a . WW granci line ot 46-inch neciS and Broken Square effects. This fabric would be gooa value at $1.75. it is witnout exception the greatest alue for the money to be found in this city. f JTT Shows a very handsome Y' dJ llne f. Novelties in 40 and 50 in. iroods. Onlv the choicest patterns. Also a remarkablv -well-selected Kn m laurics at 91.35, Jii.50, Ji.75 and up. In domestic weaves we are showing ex ceptional values at isc. 2";c.. aoc. -joc. 58c. Challies. A grand line of exclusive designs. From 59c nP- SFECIftL. Realizing that there are many who i would like to choose their dress now : when assortments are at their best, I but are unable to do so, owing to the 5 times, etc., we make the following : offer: Any dress selected will be laid : aside any reasonable length of time upon the payment of a reasonable : proportion of the value of the dress. No reason now why you shouldn't I select your dress now. : .....iM.r HWE & Stetson. Royal Melity Baip. rriHEE Ranges can be furnished with s Horl X zontal Boiler Hot Air Attachment. Bight and Left Hand Fire. Low In Price, and every ange Guaranteed. EHJiU vy SLAS GALPIN, 30 State Street. Gas Heaters. .surpassed for Occasional and Sap plsmeatary Heat. Efficient, Quickly Applied, Economical xso Ashes, jno uust. All Styles and Sizes Sold and Set Up AT COST. NEW HAVEN GAS LIGHT CO., No. 80 CROWN 8TBEET. LUMBIHG - G4SFITTIHG .T. If. Buckley. 179 nhnrch. 20 Per Gent. Gash Discotim ON Oil and Gas Heaters. One to two cents per hour will keep you warm. NO ASHES, NO DUST. GASOLINE AND OIL. The Fuel of tbe Future Supplied by C P. MERRIMAN, Open evenings. 1 1UI VAm Street. Regal Hub. levated ClosBt, Cabinet Bisb, Over 1,500 need in New Haven. Tbe heaviest, finest made, and moat con venient Range ever offered. Sole Agent, S. E DIBBLE, 639 G-rand Avenue. CALIF0II1 EXCDRSIONS Southern Pacific Go. LOW RATES. - For particulars address E. E CURRIER, N. E. Aeent. lie WASHINGTON STREET, 7wd8m m imm & co Last Annual Sale AT OLD STAND, COMPRISING T I GREATEST 0 in YET OFEERED Dress Goods. The Greatest Bargain! on R. ord. 36 Inch Satin Berber, 36 lnoh Wool Plaids, in choice effects, at 29c yard. 38 lnoh all wool Trie at and Canvas Dress Goods, in choice oolora, worth and sold at 50c, onr price 33o yard. 38 lnoh all wool Cheviots and Hea ther Mixtures, in lovely combinations, at 39c yard. 46 lnoh all wool French forges, leading spring colors 75o was the prloe for quality. Oar price 50o yard. Examine onr new line of Imported Novelties from 50a to $2.00 yard. Silks. Until they last, we offer as an nn nsnal bargain 800 yards Printed China Silks, aotnally worth 374c and never sold nnder 25o, at 17o a yard. Special. 27 lnoh finest China Silks In exqui site designs, lovely patterns for waists or dresses 75o yard, worth $1.25. Black Goods. 46 inch all wool Henriettas, an ex tra good quality, actaal worth 69o, at 50o yard. Scotch Ginghams. 32 inches wide fine Imported Scotch Gingham, old prloe 25 to 83c, at 12o yard. Fast Black gatiDes. Fine Fast Black Satines, regular price 20e, at 15o a yard. Table Damask. 66 In. all linen Bleached Table Dam ask, iu choice patterns, worth 48c, at 29o a yard. Dimity. Import d Dimi ies, in plain white stripes, 20 j quality, at 12Jo yard. Serpentine Crepes. In Fink, Bine. Crem, Lavender, Red and Nile. Yon know the price aeked. Oar price 15a yard. Scotch Outing Flannel?. 36 inch in White grounds, with Black and Brown Strips?, old price 50o ; at 25s yard. Dotted Muslins. Very latest spots for dresses, des tined to be the popular f abrlo for Out ing Dresses. Special sale at 19a and 25o yard. Notions. Knitting Ooton, all colors, always sold at 80 ball ; our prlc?, 3 balls 10c. Plaid Nainsooks. In a good assortment of Plaids, So yard. Shirting Cambrics. In Fiaks, Bines, Blacks and Browns, white grounds, in tiny figures, at 3o yard. Dress Ginghams. 25 patterns to choose from In a good Dress Gingham, always sold at 103, 5o yard. Special. 50 pieces 36 Inch Beetled Silesia, a quality sold In every store fo.- 25o, at 15c yard. Wonderful Value. 10 pieces Fast Blaok 36 inch Satines at 10c yard. Blue Prints. Indigo Bine Prints 00 yard. Llama Cloth. Spring styles in the very choicest patterns. These are soft, having the exaot apptaranoe of 50c French Chal lies. Undoubtedly the most desirable clotb now on the market for Tea Gowns, Dresses, eto ; 12fo yard. Cottons Special . Three bales Brown Cotton beat In America at 5o yard. Two oases Bleached Cotton best in America at 7o yard. Hamburgs. The greatest bargains of all are these. Last week we purchased a lot of Hambargs, in whole piece, and manufacturers' remnant., which will be cloaed out at leas than 50o on the dollar. 5,000 Yards Hamburg Edgings, in wide and me dium patterns, best mad. needlework, cheap at 63 yard onr price, 9 yards for 25a. 3,500 Yards Hamburg Embroideries, majority of patterns cheap at lOo our pries, 4, yards for 25c BIN McffiTIBE k CO., CHAPEL STREET, - - THE BEST BARGAINS IS THIS TOWJST. j 3,500 Yards Hamburg Embroideries, In wide and medium natterna. vrv i hoi rui rlMlona the quality superb. Every lady wllfl ony pen or inis lot. uar prloe, 4 yaras xor zuo. 2,500 Yards aamourg jsmDrolderies, In very wiae ana medium wiatns, a brantlful assortment, wonderfully cheap. Onr , price, 4j yards for 35c. 2,000 Yards Hamburg Embroideries,' in lovely fin. and wide designs, decidedly the bargain of the season. No house In the trad, can duplicate such values under double the price. Yours, while tney last, luo yaru. 1,200 Yards Extra wide Hsmbarg majority 10 inches wide comments on this lot un necessary at 12Jo yard. Special. 100 pairs Lsca Cartalus, 3 yards long. The best Bedroom Curtain ever offered cheap at $1.75 $1.00 pair. Men's Furnishings. Men's Outing Shirts in a variety of woven Cheviots, Satines, Crepe Clotb, Ontlng Flannels, eto. Shirts that will wear. Shirts that are a oredit to the seller. Shirts that are made perfect and not scrimped. Sliirts that are usually sold at 75c. Yourchoioe at 50c each. Look in onr windows. Compare the styles, examine the qnal JtjLoa.iharwaai.Ta, then w.-wUI get yonr trade. t lien's Laundered Cheviot and fine Percale Shlits, with attached Collars and Caffs. The choicest styles are what we offer at the price of the poor styles. Dollar each is the universal prloe. Oars 69o each Men's fine Oxford Shirts, laundered Collars and Cuffs, in modest patterns, sold everywhere at $1 50. Oar prices as modest as the patterns, 98c each. Men's Half Hose in Stripes, Fast Black, Tan, two-thread double toe and heel, fall regular made, 2 pairs 25s. Men's Half Hose In fast black, 40 gauge, double sole heel and toe, Maco yarn, positively worth 50c. Oar price 25u. Ladies' Hosiery. 500 dozen Ladles' Hose in Tan, Fast Black and Balbrlggen, the finest stocking ever sold at our price 2 pairs for 25o. 100 dozen Ladlts' Fast Black Hose, extra long, double sole, heel and toe, a stocking that will give the very best wear, and a bargain at 25c a pair. 50 dozen Ladlea' Fast Blaok Hose, very fine 50o quality, 370 pair, or 3 pairs for $1 00. Children's Wool Hose in Black, 5 to 7, at only lOo pair. Children's Fast Black Hose, double heel and toe, regular price 25o, at 19o pair. Ribbons. Special sale of best quality All Silk Grot, Grain Bibbon with fancy edges ; abetter bargain than yon ever bought at the following prices, because our prices are less than half. No. 4, 6c. No. 5, 80. No. 7, 10c No. 9, 12,0. No. 13, 15c. Glores Special. Lidies' 4 Button Kid Gloves all shades. Sold at $1 00, onr price 75o. Silk Waists. All shades in Ladies' China Silk Waists, large sleeves, advertised at $4.00, oar price $2.98. Black Skirts. Ladles' Fast Black Skirts in fin. Satines, 50o nnder prloe. At 79o, $1 00 and $1.25. Cotton Underwear. Ladies' Night Bobea, made of good cotton, Hamburg inserting, also deep Hamburg ruffle on neok and sleeves, worth 75c, at 49o each. Ladles' Night Robes, made of extra good cotton, fin. Hamburar Inserting, also fine Hamburg ruffles on neck and sleeves. Worth $1.00, at 75o, Ladles' Night Bobes, made of good cotton, colored embroidery on neok and aleeves, and Jabot front. Worth $1, at 75c each. Ladies' Night Bobea, fine cotton, extra fin. embroidery, worth $1.50, at $1.00 each. " Ladles' Const Covers a bargain at S5o. Ladlea' Fine Drawers, with deep Hamburg raffle, cheap at 60s ; at 39o Infanta' Slips, two bargains, at 25o ana so eaca. Children's Gingham D (Mo worth ther Hubbard), embroidered, 87fo, at 59o eaoh. NEW HAVEN, CONN. fkmttrel ggfl Courier, The Oldest Daily Paper Pub lished in Connecticut. THE OABRTNGTON PUBLISHING CO DnrtiBio bt Cabjukbs in rum Crrr, 15 Cxjtsa Wx, 60 OjcsTB A Month, $3 Six Mobtbs, $8 Ybab. ,To Baksi TasKa bt Mao. v MtNUl-ti tlOPltCM TNHRK CENTS). All lenars and mqulrlea la regard to sabeorlp- udbi or matters ot pnaiaiw hwuh um iuuimuh THE JOCRNsVI. AND COURIER, new sssivea. wsa. We cannot immK anon vinous or return refect ed communications. In all essss the name of the writer will be required, not lor pubttoauea, but as a guarantee of good faith. Situations, Wants, Bants and other small ad vertisements one Cent Wors each inser tion. Five cents a word for a full week (aevea times). Display Advertisements Per Inch, one Inser tion,; eaca enbeaqnent Insertion 40 cent.: one week, 13.80; one month, f 10; one rear, HO. Obituary notices, la prose or verse, 15 cent. Der line. Notices of Birthm. Marriann. Deaths and Funerals, 60 cent. each. Local a otiose 18 asms per use. Tearlv adverttasra are limited to their own immediate business (all matter to be nnobjeo- tionable), and their contracts do not Include wants. To Let, For Bale, etc Miscounts un two inches or more, one monta and over. 10 per cent.: on four inches or more. one monm ena over, is per cent. THK WKJOO.Y JOUBNAJ. u roBMsnsn Xvsbt Thuhsdav Moemin.. Blnirle Oopies 6 cents. NO CLOVEB FOR JOSEPHS. We suppose that one of the most power ful influences In the Democratic campaign which resulted In the election of Cleveland the stirring eong, "Grover, Grover, Fonr years mora of Grover, Then we'll be in clover." This song fired the zeal and satisfied the Imagination of those who sang it. They saw themselves happy and pros perous under Democratic rule, and as con tented as cows In a clover field. They sang about Grover and Clover all through the campaign, they sang about the two as they went to the polls, and they ssng to the same effect more heartily than ever when the returns came In and they were sore of Grover and Clover. They are not singing now. It wonld naturally be thought that tbe man who thus linked Grover and Clover In song and furnished one of the most powerful motors of the campaign, would be entitled to gratitude for his great ser vice. Bat Dr. Samuel Josephs of Pennsyl vania, who wrate the song, has been look ing for his clover in the shape of an ap pointment to be United States marshal. It has not come, and he is wondering what he ever wrote that song for. Hs feels as though hlspoetlo license aught to have been revoked before it was ever abased In that way, and he doesn't know how he allowed his Imagination to so get the npper hand of his judgment. Dr. Josephs has certainly cause for dis gust and regret. Cleveland Is certainly deeply indebted to him. Bat what can be expected of an administration that has from the beglning shown neither gratitude nor a sense of humor i ONE YEAR OF GROVER. President Cleveland is celebrating tbe anniversary of bis Inauguration by shoot ing docks. A great many of th. people are celebrating it by eating free soup and tbe bread of charity, and wondering if they will be able to hold out through the three years more of hla term. What a year it has been in contrast with wnat was promised tnose who wanted a change. Instead of prosperity there has been panlo and poverty. Instead of In creased wages there have been out-downs and cut offa. And instead of better gov ernment there has been no government that seemed to have intelligence or firm purpose In it. Never In the history of the country has th. inoapaoity of the Demo cratic party to govern been plainer or more disastrous. It is depressing and distress ing in the extieme to think that the coun try has only served a quarter of tbe sen tence passed upon it by the deluded voters. We hear that the President is not a man given to distrust of himself, but even his gotlsm must be a little impressed by the position he finds himself In. A yesr ago he mounted bis throne amid ths hearty ap plause of the Democrats and the sincere worship of tbe Mugwumps. Now the Democrats are not applauding him and the Mugwumps are not worshipping him. It has been discovered that he is not Infalli ble, and there Is even some donbt about his being a Democrat. He has disappoint ed everybody except those whom he has put in office, and many of them are disap pointed because he didn't do as well by them as they thought be ought to. He is as un popular aa he was popular. He seems to have lost his grip everywhere, even In the Sandwich Islands, where Sister Domlnls no longer oalls him her great and good white ftiecd. Grover, Grover. Three years more of Grover. We'll try to live till they're over. LOHD ROSEBEBY. Gladstone has long been a wonderful old man, and he la to be succeeded by a won derful yonng man, for Lord Botebery Is not yet fifty, and most of the prim, minis ters of England have been over sixty. He ia very rich, very democratic, very ambi tions and very successful. Although the fifth earl of his tribe he feels obliged to talk against the House of Lords. It is said that he preferred to take his ohanoea of becoming prime minister rather than marry one of the queen's daughters. Ha Is In the milk business, and while his name is not painted on his milk carta he is at pres ent one of the largest retail milk sellers In London, and h. finds the business so prof itable that he is extending his trade in all directions. He is a friend of the horse, and he has a horse that la a favorite for this year's Derby. He ia believer in the people, and It la said that when ha was In . New York ha drank beer at a saloon bar jast aa any free American might. His feeling toward this country is indicated by the following ex tract from one of his s peaches: I ha v. ths greatest warmth of affection for America and tha Amerioan people. There was a great ado about a shoemaker being this and a batcher being that, and tha disad vantages of a system by which these things oonld oooor. Bat what w. have to con- aider ia this: that the botcher and the shoe maker are elected by th. men whom they have to deal with, and who are, therefore, presumably th. best judges of what they want. I am one of those who think that a person whe elects very moderate lntelleot to carry oat his transactions, and chooses him of his free will, ia batter than th. man who has a leviathan set over him agalaat Us win. Ha waa educated at Eton and Oxford. He bas had great experience la publlo af faire for a man of his aga. In 1881 ha waa made Under Secretary of State for tha Home Department. Hs served than lass than two years, and then, after mora than a year of idleness, waa mad. First Com mlssloner of Wonts. In tha next govern ment, however, la 188$, he waa promoted to tha great offioe of Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs. Hla tenure of office was brief, for tba gevernmeit waa soon de feated on the Home Bala issna. Bnt hs .i.m 4 . . won the admiration not only of Great Britain, bat of all the world by his statesmanlike handling of such Important questions as the Servo-Balgariaa wax and Greece's demand for territorial Indemnity. When the Liberal party went eat of powsr he became interested la BLrMcIpel affairs. I He was the first nhalrmac the London I County Council. " Ha contributed largy to the saooesa of the Glads tonlan party at I th. last general election, and la the min is try than formed resumed his old place at I tha Foreign Offioe, which ha ha sine filled with marked distinction. , He will need all his ability and tact to I oops with the problems that are before him. Jast now be seems to be as accepta ble to all parties as any man would be. BDirottiAL. no res. London la dlsoosalcg the project of world's fair In that oity In 1896. Democratic economy Is beginning to tell. Th. net Increase of tha publlo debt daring 1 February was over $10,000,000. Th. school board of ths West End of Pittsburg has decided to allow fonr nuns now teaching In tbe public school, to wear I their religions garb daring school hoars until ths courts decide that it Is unlawful to do to. Real whalebone is becoming too scarce and costly, bnt tha Inventive skill of man te equal to tbe emergency. A process of I forming artifiolal whalebone from animal hair, consisting In subjecting the hair to a I softening bath, then to a bath of aoetlo I acid, and. finally, placing th. mass nnder I great pressure, has been Invented. A straggle Is going on in Washington which has an International Interest. Tha wife of the new Japanese minister, Mma. Fateno, has a hard time trying to accus tom herself to corsets. She finds special difficulty in sitting npon the floer la native style when she has them on; but she Is struggling to become accustomed to stays, aa she likes the American dress and wishes to adopt It. Not long ago a family In a certain town applied to a relief society for money to save them from starvation. They got It and had their pictures taken with It. In Atchison, Kansas, a good-hearted man who had supplied a needy family with a week's supply of provisions was surprised two days later by another application for aid from the recipients of his bounty. Inquiry as to how they had got rid of the previous supply brought oat the Innccent reply that they had given a party. Gieat indignation is felt amoug tba sculptors and art dealera of Warsaw over a recent rescript of the police of that city. The guardians of th. peses, la obedienoe to orders from St Petersburg, visited all the stores and studios and destroyed all the busts of the Polish heroes, Thaddaens, Koeclaezko and Josef Pownlatowskl, which they could find. All sculptors In the city were obliged to send a written communi cation to the oity officials promising not to make busts or statues of tha two men In tbe future. This Is one way Hassle has adopted of trying to suppress the Polish national spirit. It Is not probable, how ever, that it will accomplish Its purpose. In one of the United States reports Con sul Loomls, commenting on the part taken by French women In business affairs, says there is perhaps no other nation where the women take so Intelligent and active a part in these matters aa they do In Franc. In the small shopkeeptng olass the women, as a rale, have much better judgment than their husbands and ara tha real brains and life of the trade. The wife of a Frenoh tradesman, artisan or farmer la generally his cashier and accountant. She take. care of the savings and invest, them; she is much brighter than her hatband, a good deal more Industrious In a very large num ber of instances and doea not hesitate to assert herself, particularly if she was the possessor of a dot when abe was married. Referring to a eulogy on woman suffrage recently pronouooed by 8enator Carey of Wyoming, the Omaha Bee says: Neither Senator Carey nor anybody who subscribes to the vsiraries of the woman suffragists has ever been able to point out wherln tke people of Wyoming have been benefited by woman suffrage, morally, aoclally, politic ally, or financially. What has Wyoming to show from the moral reform standpoint! Has politics been purified by giving wom en the right to vote, hold offioe, and serve on jurist t Moat assuredly not. The cess pool of politics is. If anything, dirtier than it ever was. Th. auoceeful candidate must not only strike bargains with the bad men, but also with the bad women. Have crime and vloe decreased perceptibly! Not at all. Th. towns of Wyoming are no lees Infected with vice and crime than ths towns of Dakota or Nebraska. FASHION NOTES. Baby's Wear. Bealdes hla warm cloak, the baby most have special wrapping nnder him to keep him warm these ohlll days, and knit and footed Wgtns come that fit way np around the little waist and keep the pick toes warm, no matter bow cold tbe breezes blow. Very swell babies are carried In arms till they ara six months old. warmth being thus assured and proper attention from the nurse. Only the lees elegant on. is dumped Into a baby carriage while so jouDg be oannot alt np. It Is ths fad jast now to let baby alasp In a rcom that Is a little cool. Indeed, to have a window open. As protection against draught the wee morsel has a bed wrap, which is made in generous propor tion and of lamb's wool or elder down flannel. The sleeves ara ao big that tha little hands and arms ara all lost to sight, and there ia quaint little pointed hood that oomee loosely over the head, tha adgea protecting th. faoa. A ribbon passes loosely about tha body. Tha whole thins ia ao bid that tb. baby can almost tarn ia it, and ha ean't get oold ia It ao matter bow cool the room la. tx can therefor., safely sleep la a room ths air o! which will be oold enough to aoc us torn tha laosa to sturdy action. Tha tot pictured wears a drees of white silk embroidered with pal a blue and old j rose, ins tiny jacket is knitted ox son 1 wUta wphyr Vented, while the narrow rose. Th. tiny jacket te knitted of soft Lf'A t if Vjf If jl !J j if jfejw? upauat borders It la crocheted and fin- janea with small plooU. It consists of the oa ana two aid. pleoas, and is tied at Tl'r r?,,a "ted or silk cord and taaatto. Silk handkerchief, turned ooroer wise, and fitted a lUtle to go ander the ... -o .luuuioa ouna with lacs and I K!,PP? 2rnT 0 point. This J w on.Vchin aavTth. vUoDlo:k.Uie FUrBXTTB. T l et. SuurjkiB lordly frfeod. Here to ait by roe. and tarn Oiorloua eyes that smile es4 burs. OoMea eyas, lore's lusuoos meed. On the t aides pace I read. AU your woodroui e-eaJlk oi hair, Dark and fair. BlUea-ahaciry, soft aad bright As the clouds and beams of stent, rays my reverent head's rerc Back with friendly genUenesf. Doffs aaay fawn oa all and as tney come; You, a friend of loft lev mlsd. HIW.I udh a BUM juatyeurioM. latma. mw Softly bids tt aedorstau ltlsrjsavl this afloat sweet Gardes seat Thl'S'i" f light. Thrills the gradual dooas with might, Cuangee voodlaaa. orchard, heath. Lawn and garden there beneath. Fair and dim they gleamed beJow; ow they glow Deep aa even your aun-brtjrot ayes, Can it not or caa In be Now that you give thanks to see May sot you rejoice aa L Seeing the sky Change to Heaven revealed, and bid Earth reveal the Heaven it hid AU algbt long from sura and moo., &OW the Bun aeu all la tuner What wlthio you wakes with day Who caa say r All too little may we tell, Frteeds who like each other well. hat mtaht haply, if we migbu Bid us read our Urea aright. A. 0. 6 inburne, in the Athenaeum, mii. HOW are Tour aan'a nm.ra.hf little hazy at present." 'Indeed!" "Yon see, ne naa aat entered college." Wash- lugwu or-ar. one koa know papa ha failed: and he ssvs we mntt begin to economize. "well, we needn't be wearing ont . w u vjuaii a. i .1 1 f Willie Is the carrot a bird nt nri r r .. T " r . rpa vsccKionauy, my eon. At other tlmea ha la the reverse, a bird of swear. ruteourg Bulletin. 10 yon think those ahoea ara worth mending!" "Veil, yes; if I zjle tern and put new uppers on t'em. Tbe scriegs are uu guut.- nariem 1,114. loans lJUJv Mr. Parsons, what rlM Bosz say when ha first saw Rnthi Yonr, Man I don't know, unless h. asked her not to aiep on nis corn. Life's Calendar. I Tl TT. . ' Ausnne lot newsDsrer has an arucie wnicn says that in Rnesla a sntn- ater ia a curiosity. Mr. Dnkane Wll there's a Rood deal of cnrioalte abn spinsters in this country, too. Plttshnn, Chronicle. Out West. "Did tou pass the hat. dea con!" "Yes." "What's In It f "Well ui.iijr, person, toe unin is st'li thar. rirat urns It ever baDDened. ntnnn 1 reckon tne Days is eettln rel'rrlnna at lact " xezaa onucgs. unexpected inflect Pnnr woman oheap scrivener who has just read ont to uer im oeggiog petition she bad ordered, Lnratlng i-to tearr) h, man! I'd never ha' believed I was as badlv off a. all (hum Deutsche Warte. 'I was very much touched h tha warmth of my father in law 'a afrVrtl.-m said tha yonng man who talks abont b'ls private affairs "Indeed. How was ft expressed!" "By the present of a ton of coal." Washington Star. Caneht in the act Ur. ,v,iu,. What a rude woman Mr. HI flier b' Kha always look back at psople who pass her. Mr. Roothloby How do you know! lira Rootblebj Wby.I caught her at It aeveral Umes myself. Pick Me-Cp. Youos houiekeeDer (to brings her tan every weekl I derstaud why your eggs have beeaao small lately. Cottager Nor I. But what can I do! Young hoatekerper Why don't yon leave them a little longer in th. nest I DFooaiyc ijlie. ' I mast exDreee m v orafltn? in v-n doctor. I am a thousand times ob'.ijej to you. Yob esved my life," said a yours man, abaklns the band of a doctor. "Rm I never treated von." "No. of onnraa didn't treat me; but I waa about to com mit aoiclde owing to poverty when my rich ancle did and left me $10 000. Ue was one o yonr patients " Texaa Sift ing. Tbe little bov bad come in wiOi hi. clothes torn, his hair foil of dnst and end nis lace bearing unmistakable elites of a severe conflict. "Uh. Willie! Willie!" ex claimed his mother; "yon have disobeyed me again. How often have I told yea not to play with that wicked Stapleford bov!" "Mamma," aald Willie, wiping the blood from hie nose, "do I look at It I had been playing with anybody!" Vogue. TOO SACRED TO TOl CIS . trlrkeai Dowa. Me Lir Wker. rim Fell latll Death Came to RIs Re lief. IFrom the Japan Mail The ex-Lord Abbot of th. Otenl eect. who died at 1 p. m. oa January 17 at his residence la Kyoto, waa tbe bead of all tha Buddhist priests In Japaa. He had been suffering since the fall of last year, when ha contracted cold, which appears to bate been of tha ohataoter of Influent, bb'.Dg attended with much pain and obsti nate fever, and which finally wore out the strength of the old prelate. From the 14th inat. his oase developed grave symn- toma, and on the morning of tbe 15th be waa declared by hla physicians to be In a hopeless condition. He doea not, however, seem o have bean altogether prostrated, for on tha morning- of hla last seizure he was making bis wsy lung ia. ournaor attended by a maid ser vant. Tbe latter, seeing him faU insensi ble, gave the alarm, end instantly a oloa ter of women, charged with all aorta of duties and ceremonial offices In the hnnaa of the prelate, where a atate of ceremony reeemoiing wai or a court waa observed, ran to the spot. There were abont twentv of these women, bat ao Inflexible is the et iquette ot tbe ex-Lord Abbot's household that in the absence of hla wife not one of the attendanta might venture to toaoh tb. body of tbe inoaroa'e Buddha, even in the moment of his death agony. AU tbey oould do waa to send a report to tbe offi cial in charge of the affairs of the house- bold, ant by him th. tidings were con veyed to th. present Lord Abbot, whose residence was abont a furlong dlatant. Some thirty minutes elapsed before ths Lord Abbot arrived, simultaneously with a pbysloUn, and during the whole of that time toe veneraoie old man, too aaored to be touched, however muoh hla humanity needed tending, lay helpless on the ground. Ha died abont an hoar afterward. A court physician, specially dispatched by empciui 11 um aosio, naa oeen in at tendance on the old prelate daring the last daya of his illness, and hla son, the pres ent Lord Abbot, hsd been at his side al most continuously. Yet It waa hla fate to die aa has been described. His remains, bavins been tar Vat In . mlllon, were laid in state ia bis residence, where on tb. 18th Inst, tha publlo were al lowed to visit them. Tb. ceremony eom reeooed at two a. m. and continued until three in the afternoon, during which time more than twenty thousand persons paid their last tribute to tb. Buddha. On th. following day th. coffin waa con veyed apoa a splendid chariot to th. two temples of Aralda Daieht, and, high mass having been performed in Hoknahoin, the remains were finally laid beside those of aia predecessors, a quantity of ujl tea ana ineeDse having bsen laid over tb. vermil ion Immediately surrounding the oorpae. Tha coffin Itself was of para white pine, without any apeolal ornamentation other than lot richly ohaeed gilt mountings. It waa enveloped, however, by gold brocade of the finest type, and npon it wars laid tbe atate robe, of the deoeaaed, tb. mag Blfloeno of whlob may be eooc.lved from tha fact that they are aald to have cost tea thoneaad yea. This, however, does not represent tha final rite of sepulture. A funeral cere mony on a grand scale will bs performed oa th. 29th of January, on. feature of which will be a feast at which there will be present the dead prelate', aaooassor. ohlaf priest, of the branch temptes throughout the empire, the wUa, asmrawt blood relation a, and Immediate female at tendants of the deceased, the da He. of wertinii usually Intrusted to the oonnell- I sioa delegated to the nrlaclDel tnal. i- lors ot tbe bo n sen old being oa this I $"?U' '1 Th. viands served will be erf tha plainest kind a tittle mfaa soap, with aqaara-ent pieces of beaa eard, and eome rice. similar atmpPdty wilt bs observed with aspect to food distributed to ths gaoeraj Ody of BDnrnai It aril I h. 1. . ball of rice and a few allow of pickled tar. "Jp. Tha red plant 9 of this eosaeerated fOOd do not eat it Thaw urr. I. k. and treasure It as a talisman airalnat Aim. distributing portions to friends, who keep it for th. earns porpoee. The War, aa carried In the prop nasi on. will be surmounted by a golden pbosals steading on a ball of the tame mstaL and from eaoh of the corn era will bang chains sopporttag swallows, ako of cold. Ia ad vaaoe wilt walk six tempi, officials, tvpre snUng tb. "81l Boada" of tbe Baddhlat doctrine, tb. frrnh bamboo staves carried by them being ernbleroaUoai of tba eel ration which a Buddhist saint extend ta all ha. Uevers. Th. chief mourner trill bs shod with hemp sandals oa bars feet, and twen ty six ladies of ths bonsehoM will nan zarl of straw, also oa bars feet. Other ancient eaetotnn neenllar la Ihta tbe most solemn rite of the faith, will be earefally observed, sad those privileged to be present oa the oceasioa may expect to witness a most Impress! vs ceremony. Tha deceased prelate was bora in March, 1817. and waa therefore in hla sixth year. At the age of eleven years bs Oecama Abbot of Daldoji, ia Oml, end in 184 succeeded to the headship of Hoog waaJL. Th. services render el by htm to the imperial eoart were nnmamna Ths. la 1812, when the sovereign waa expected to take ths field la pernoa against foreign ers, ha presented to the court tea thou sand riyo, and a similar um la 1867, to gether with foar thoaaand bales of rice oa tha occasion of th. restoration. Thence forth datlef connected With the finannaa of the court were intrusted to officer, of tha temple, and th. manner of their dis charge In connection with the northern ex pedition against tha last adherente of Sho guna, aa well as tbe opening of Hokkaido, wou ma emperor a approval. Ia 1872 the deceased prelate received a patent of nobility and a pension, and la issv he aurreadered his high effics to his sob. Shortly b-fore his death be wat re'sed to the first olass of tha necosd orarla of official rank. MsoIrteIjr A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all In leavening strength. Latest United States Government Food Report, Royal Baking Powder Co., 105 Wall St., N. T. 01 " Tliov is iv beauty like the beauty of health.'" Money will buy 110 moiv, health ful footl than STREET'S WHEATINE. Find Fault With vour tirioe. and methods of dole 4 bueincea. end at tbe earns time try to copy yonr stock, advertiennsenta and window dteplaya, It la good evidence that your ef forts to please tb. publlo are not without avail. Sinoe opening cor Pmciti! Eeiartipt Business In this line bas increased far be yond onr expectatlone. It ia not ad vi. able to qaote price with out showing tbe goods (even did space al low), bat we are convinced that fntellige&t ard Prompt Servict, Pure Dregs, Ecneitlj scd Ke&lly CIs- pEtsed, at Reasosabls Prices, Will insure th. confidence of pbyaiclana and tb. patronage of their patients. E. L WASHBORN & CO, !4 March and fit Csster Streets. Near the PosbL-fSce. PAIN 1 thai everybody hi Is a sense! km thai everybody hansoms time. PAIN KILLER a remedy that everybody shoe id have all U ttae KnM eiwi.lwm tvlt Smi ELY'S CATARRH Cream Balml CcrtfaS Naa Allays Fain and laflamniatloa. Heels tee Bores, Protect the Membsaee from Additional Oold. Bestores the inline I, of Teste sm emeu. FT WILL CURB. A particle la applied tats each aeexrtl aa is aaiiuaui. race a oanm ax urnggist- or by mafl. aXT BB0THXB8. oSBarWTA-w BS Warren eu. New York. . FERRY'S NEW DEPARTURE. Stasis, Chaps ud Bntflei liri Ubsttr. In 00 sect It with oar QTJICK LTJKCH. we have eeded the above to our Baaeu, aeo. ere prepared to am is ear pslioes with toe BKa r the market afford. Prices BkeSuvsaukMe. P. FERRY, 48 and 50 Church Street. WnenComnBtitors