Newspaper Page Text
Vol. LXII. Monday, March 5, 1894. mm Worn Out Faces CoT'tioa Rejuvenated IPS? ' so years practical experience removing wrinkle, filling out hollow cneesxre-xorming noses, earl and mouths. All akin blem ishes and deformities and their treatment described and Illus trated In a iso-pase book sent sealed to any address for 10 eta. John H. Woodbury Dennatological Institute, Established 1870. 1 W. 424 St., N.Y. Woodbury's Facial Soap for the Skin, Scalp and Complexion. 3 cakes, 91.00, at Druggists everywhere. We are now prepared to show a complete line of Mantels in all woods and shades of finish Oak. Cherry, Birch, Sycamore. etc., etc., etc. We have an endless variety of (hades and sizes of the plain tiles. Also the latest Art Designs in Embossed Tile. Call and see them. THE CHAMBERLAIN Furniture and Mantel Co. VAULTS and CESSPOOLS NEATLY CLEANED BY FARN HAITI. Prices Low and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Orders left at BRADLEY A DANN'8, 400 state Street, ROB'T VETTCH BON'S, 97 Chapel Street, LIN8LEY, BOOT & CO. '8, 33 Broadway, Will receive prompt attention. F. O. Address Box 855. Telephone 425 12 v us i Nr.. At all times should a sick person have the best of care. At no time should more be exercised than during the period of recovery the time of convalescence. Strength is needed then. That is given by the food eaten, that is if it digests well. Notice how the doctor inquires about how the food agrees with the patient. Agrees means digests. The genuine Johann Hoff s Malt kxtract helps ion; is so palateable. That s the reason so frequently the only malt extract given is Johann Hoff's. It invigorates and tones without exciting the system. A verv refreshing beverage. Insist upon the genuine. See that signature "Johann Hoff "is on the neck label, none genuine witnout tnis. Eisner & Mendelson Co., Sole agents, 152 and 154 Franklin bt,, Mew xoric 854 dispel Street. Special Sale This Week Ladies' Dongola Button Shoes. $1.69 for $1.19. "Penny wise and Pound foolish" are those who think it economy to use cheap rosin and soda soaps, or washing powders of any kind, instead of the good old Dobbins' Elec tric Soap ; for sale by all gro cers since 1869, and used dur ing all that time by millions of intelligent economical wo men who know its merits and therefore use it All who use it praise it- as he best, cheap, est, and most economical soap made, but if you will try it, even just once, it will tell a much stronger tale of its mer its itself. Ask your grocer for Dobbins .Electric boap take nothing else. UNSCRUPU- men make cheap s VaVs imitations of the LOUS beat articles; other nnsorapn- ioaa men seek to palm them off on their customers as the genuine, for the sake of ww sncunonai profit made by tne deceit. Then are lota of imitations of Dobbins' Eectrio Soap. Every one of them will rain and rot clothe. See that our name la on every wrapper. DOBBINS SOAP MFG. CO., Successors to L I. Oragin & Co., Philadelphia. Pa HAVE REMOVED fTo 10 2 1 0 14 CHAPEL ST. a aV Mantels Mantels Mantels If! fill! Till Mm THE NOLLB PK ACTIO 8. Judges Studies- and Hotebklss Bui Down Tbelr Decision in the natter The Petitioner Advised to Carry tne Question to tbe Superior Court. In the oommon pleas court Saturday af ternoon Judges Studley and Hotchklts handed down their decision in the matter of the citizens petition for action on the nolle practice. The decision in full is as follows: Niw Havxn, March 2, 1894. John W. AUlng. Esq., and other Petition ers: Sirs An answer would have been made earlier had not your attorney, Judge Hun. ger, by tne nse ot language which appear ed to be discourteous, given us .to under- tana that we were not expected to consid er tne petition or to answer it. Since the hearing we have become as sursd not only that bis lanauaoe did not have the sanotion of the petitioners, but also that the petition wai presented and tne neanns asked tor, so far as yon, tne petitioners, were concerned. In Rood faith. we tnerexore reel it to oe onr auty to give you an answer. In statins onr conclusions we feel that we shall be better understood if we first arlve yon a statement of certain matters which appear to preclude ns from the right to act, and therefore render it use- it ss for us to proceed further in the Inves tigation. When the criminal side of the court of common pleas was established, it was pro vided by statute that the court should ap point a prosecuting attorney, find that the powers and duties of the attorney be the same as those of the state's attorneys in the superior court. We find that the powers and duties of the said state's at torneys are only in part defined by stat ute. With reference to his power to nolle cases upon the payment of money (which is the matter now in ques tion), we find that by a long oontinned and universal practice a custom has grown np which has become well established In the oourts, and that by virtne of that onstnm the said attorneys appear to have the right and the power to settle cases in that manner. We also find that the legislature has apparent ly recognized this practice, by providing that state's attorneys shall annually make a report to the comptroller, among other things, of the oases so settled. Appealed cases, which are the only ones brought to the criminal side of tbe court of oommon pleas, were, prior to tbe establishment of the eald court, and now are in all bnt three counties, taken to the superior court. In that conrt, at the time when the oonrt of common pleas first came into existence, state's attorneys exercised the right (and they ever since have exercised it). In their discretion, to nolle appealed and other csb es upon tbe payment of money. Under all or tne circumstances we coma not well presume otherwise than that the legislature had such custom in view when It passed the said statute in regard to the powers and amies ot tne prosecating at torney of the court of common pleas. If this presumption is well founded, then we think it must appear that tbe prosecuting attorney has the power to settle cases in the manner referred to, and that tbe legis lature intended both that he shonld hare the power and that he shonld exercise it. The question now presented by yon is not a new one to ns. for it came np for consideration at the time when thus court was first organized. The indies then came to the conclusion and advised the prosecuting attorney that it was bis lesal duty to follow the practice of the state attorneys and it appears to us that he has consolentionsly exorotsed the powers and dnties of his office in accord ance with snch advice and in a lawful man ner. As the law now stands, we are of the opinion that, if the powers and duties of the state attorneys shonld be enlarged or a' ridged, thereupon the powers and duties of tbe prosrcntine attorney would oe in creased accordingly. Therefore we renew the suggestion that you take your suggestion to the honorable judges of the superior court, and we be lieve that if they will consider your claims and render their decision thereon, whether it be that tbe practice in question is wholly or in part wise or unwise, or whatever it may be, it will have the effect of determin ing last what the powers of state and pros eating attorneys are in settling casep, and relieve them from embarrassment and un merited criticism, and also of satisfying public opinion. (signed) John P. Studley, Hob art L. Hotchkiss, Judges of Conrt of Common Fleas. Depew at tbe Kent Club. Cbauncey M. Depew will addreea tie members of t' e Yale Kent club in this city Thursday evening next. His Bubjeot will be "Kecent Views of Europe." Rubber Sbop to Sbut Down. The L. Candee oompany rubber factory will within a few days close down for an indefinite period in consequence of the ovcrstcckt d condition of the market. New Steamer at No. 7's House The new steamer at No. 7's house will be pnt into commission this week, and the following changes to fill the positions opened by the use of the new steamer have been made by Chief Kennedy: Samuel A Nash, who was stoker of No. 2 to ba tbe engineer; Philip H. Bellly, who has been driver of No. 8 hose company, has been appointed driver and is now in charge; George H. Allen, No. 2 hosemen, has been appointed stoker. The position in No. 8's oompany made vaoant by Reilly will be filled by G. J. Snllivan, now cf No 7. Beilly, on his departure from 8's, waa the recipient of a fine demonstration of af fection from the boys, and a horseshoe was thrown after him for good luok. Kenny's Policy Sbop Raided. Frank Kenny of 78 Wallace street was arrested Saturday by Deteotlve Sergeant Dennehy and looked up, charged with keeping a policy shop. He was snbse- qnentlv released under bands ot saw tar nished" by M. Kahn. He will be tried in the oity court this morning. COURT RECORD. City Court Criminal Side Jodie Callaban. William H. Driecoll, Connecticut school for boy 8 complaint, discharged; Miohael Pachter, theft, oontinned until March 10; Herman Soharmonitz, breach of the peace, same; Solomon Meyers, same, nolle; Sarah Meyers, same, same; Walter 8. Davis, $1 fine and $5 43 costs; Kestln W. Coats, same, same; William D. Kelly, drunk, judgment suspended; Edward McShara, same, thirty days In jail; same, breach of the peaoe, same; Thomas Hunt, diuck, $2 fine, $5 43 costs; Robert W. Jerolman, tneft, nolle; James J. Kane, breach of the peace, $5 fine; John Connell, same, same. Court Notes. In the oity court Saturday the oharge of theft against Bobeit W. Jerolman of the annex waa nolled, as theL Candee Rubber oompany did not care to prosecute. The March term of the common pleas oourt, criminal side, comes in to morrow morning and will immediately adjourn un til the following Monday, when it-is prob able the DeLadson case will be taken up ror trial. The defanlt by the oity of the case of Sargent & Co. against Tax Collector Theo dore Tuttle, because no one appeared to represent the defendant will not scand,Cor poratien Counsel Drlccoll having secured its restoration to the docket. Ralph M. Hooker of this oity, who was formerly editor of the Baal testate ttecord, baa been granted a divorce from his wife, Theodora A. Hooker. The qneation of the custody of the ohild is still undecided. THE LITE 8. H. WHITING. His Funeral in Bridgeport Yester dayYale medical School Bepren sented. The late Stiles H. Whiting of Bridgeport waa the senior member of his class of '95 in the Yale medical school, and the first student in that department In about twenty years to die before completing hla eonrae of atndy. His fellow students at the Yale medical school took aotion at a meeting of the olass of '95. Resolutions of sympathy were adopted, and the class voted to wear badge of mourning for thirty days. A del egation from the school attended the fu neral, which waa held yesterday in Bridge port. Messrs. House, ircynn, Lawbongb, Sheenan,Brookett and Gtlhuley officiated as honorary pall bearers. The Bridgeport board of charities attended the obse quies, also the attaches of the Emergency hospital. The services were held at the Vniversallst ohnrch. . at. Patrick's Day. Rt. Bev. Miohael Tlerney, bishop of the B. O. diocese of Hartford, has issued or- ders directing every parish In the diocese to ! observe the fiftieth anniversary of the dio- ; eese, March 17, St. Patrick's day. FAIK HAVEN NEWS. Public Exhibition In tbe X. SI. C. A. "3ym Service. In tbe Chnrenes Death of Mrs. Wlllard luTallorr Im portant Streets to be aprlnkjed Ro bert's Decease. Tbe second public exhibition of the phy sical .lass of the Fair Haven Y.H.O.A. was given in the gymnasium last Saturday to a large and appreciative audience, three of tne r air uaven pastors being present. The large olass and the audience complete. ry filled the gymnasium, so that many were unabled to gain admittance. Under the instruction of George L. Bnlst the class has made rapid improvement, as shown by the excellent work done by the class and by Individual members, which brought out frequent applause by the audience, Several young men handed in their names for membership at the close of the exhibi tion. It is planned to give a public exhibit onoe a month in the future. On Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock Judge L. P. Deming will give an illustrat ed talk, and "Scenes and Incidents of Traveler" will be the subjeot. New views will be used showing tbe various scenes visited by the judge in our own country and in Central America. Secretary Steele will operate the lime-light lantern, ana an enjoyable evening Is promised to all who attend. Ladles will be welcomed if they will bring a gentleman with them. Ad mis sion free. I The communion service held in the Grand avenne Congregational ohuroh yes terday afternoon was more largely attend ed than ever before. Nine persons were received into the membership. Jr. U. KranBe of the Kale seminary, ad dressed the Y. If. 0. A. meeting yesterday afternoon. The talk was listened to with great Interest by the large number present, In three of tbe churches yesterday, the communion service was observed and there were large additions to the memberships. There was an unusually large attendance at the East Pearl street M. E. ohnroh in the morning. After an address by the pastor .Rev J. H. Hand, twelve persons were received on probation and eight by letter. There was also another large attendance at the Grand avenue Baptist church, where six teen persons were given the right hand of fellowship by tbe pastor, xiev. Dr. Sage. The first publio meeting of tbe Congre gational Brotherhood of the Second ohnrch held in that church last evening. There was a specially printed service, with short sermon by the pastor on "The Ninety and Nina" and special muslo by the choir, and all under the direction of the brother hood. The body of William Pryor, the man who was killed in the Shore Line cnt abont ten days ago by a q nantity of rock f ailing on him, was taken in charge by relatives Sat urday. James Degoan, a brother-in-law of the deceased, took the remains to Wor oeater for burial. The schooner James G. Beecber of the Hansoom fleet, now at Providence.received only sixty-two cents per ton ccal freight irom rniiaaeipma. U. 11. (Jon way naa refitted his drnz store at tne corner ot urand and Blatohley ave nues and put In a large and Improved mar- Die soaa fountain weighing over 3.UUU pounds. Hngo Bnbsrg of 371 Lombard street, who was iniured by a buzz saw at Leue- ban's casket factory in River street, Thurs day, died at the hospital Saturday. Elizabeth, widow ot the late Wlllard Mallory, died at Baltimore on Friday at the age of seventy -nine years. The remains will be brought here this afternoon on the Colonial express and the f nneral services will be conducted at the Second Congrega tional church to-morrow at 11 a. m. The deceased was a daughter of the late D wight Davidson of East Haven and she resided in that town and in Fair Haven until in the sixties, wbea she removed to Baltimore, whloh has since been her home, exoept that she came here to spend each summer, She leaves two sons D. li. Mallory of Baltimore being one of them, Superintendent Doyle fays that Grand avenne and Eiet Chapel street will be sprinkled the coming eeaeon by the road department. The illustrated lecture on "The White City," to be given in the rooms of the Sons ot Temperance, Central hall bnildicg, this evening under tbe au.picea of the W. C, T. U., should ba atteiidad oy a large audi ence. Many fine views will be exhibited and explained. The admission is 25 and 15 cents. The mud digger is again at woik at Stevens' dock Increasing the depth of wa ter so that vessels of larger draft can oome to tne dock. County Health Officers. At the meetiog of the connty health offi cers in this city Saturday th9 following were present: William A. King of Willi - mantle, Isaac A. L?et of Stafford Springs W. S. Judge of Litobfield, J. C. Chamber lain of Bridgeport, W. W. Beaman of Mid dletown, Daniel A. Matkbam of Hartford, Charles M. Thayer of Middletown, and C. E Hoadley of this city. The questions ciecussea were tne necessity tor a more nntform system of plumbing and the placarding of houses where there is con tagious disease. It was thought to be best to nave a physician placard such houses, report to the county health officer, the lat ter to remove It when deemed best. THE GOUNOD SOCIETY. Nlntb Rehearsal To-nleht Sale of Seats to Open Tuesday morning; Sometblne About miss mary Louise Clary, the new American Contralto Seven men In Line Last Nlebt. The ninth rehearsal of the Gounod so ciety will take plaoe this evening at Har monic hall at 7:45. The following card has been sent to all members: 1 he three remaining rehearrals for "The Hessian" will o-cur as follows: Monday. March 5, 7:45 p m.; Thursday, March 8, (extra) 7:45 p. m,; and Monday, March 18,7:45 p.m. Note the extra rehearsal for Thursday, March 8, made neoessary by tbe succession of stormy Mondays Every moment of these rehearsals will be needed to properly prepare u. for the concert on March 13. It Is of the utmost importance that every member shall make a special effort to be present at these rehearsals, putting aside other engage ments. Come, no matter whit tne weather may do. jreroraer, -inenoara or uovernmenc. The sale of seats will begin to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock for both afternoon and evening performances. Purchasers are entitled to buy ten seats for each per formance. With Miss Blauvelt as soprano, Mies Olary as contralto, Mr. Daviea tenor, Mr. Bushnell as basso, and a select orchestra from Boston's best musicians, better production of the "Messiah" could not be asked for. The chorus this year le evenly balanced and harmonizes perfectly, Its work will be only of the beet. One year ago Mies Marv Louise Clarv. ths new Amerioan oontralto who will take part in the "Messiah," made her debut in New York with Walter Damroech and the Oratorio society in Saint Saen'a "Samson and Delilah." At that time it was said by all the leading critics and bv Damroach himself that she was the possessor of the most remarkably beautiful and powerful oontralto voice that has been heard in this oountry since tbe days of Annie Loutee Cary, and that a remarkable future waa In store for ner. Scarcely a full season has relapsed since tnen and yet to day she Is regarded on every hand as the great and coming con tralto or tms oountry. Miss Clary's appearance is as superb and at unique as her voioe,and it has undoubt edly aided greatly in her rapidly increasing success. She is a Kentuoky girl, a native vl ixiuutuio ana a qneen even among her queenly southern slaters. Tall and as fine ly moulded in form as a Grecian atatne, she is at the same time a marked brunette, strikingly dark in hair and eyes, but with a skin that is aazzungiy fair. "All in all," as the Louisville Courier- Journal said after her last appearance in that city, "Miss Clary, In the judgment of many, bids fair to become to muslo what Mary Anderson waa to the drama." And this from Louisville is the perfection of praise. Her artistic career, although so short, has been extraordinarily successful. She studied in New York for three years be fore making her debut as Delilah. After her successful Interpretation of that role. Damroech waa very enthusiastic in his oongratnlationa. "Keep on as yon hare begun," he amid to ner, "and yon will be come the best singer we have ever had one of the greatest in the world." The first man took his place in line yes terday afternoon, and by evening he waa joined by six more, for the long wait until to-morrow morning. Reorganised . The Dayville Woolen oompany has been reorganized. The stock la held by Con gressman Charles A. RuSFell, Frank Ben-1 nett and Charles Bond. The capital is 50,000. Burylnu- the Old Soldiers. The number of old soldiers buried by B tato ta 1893 exPene ' 35 each were 127. Headstones were erected for 144 veterans at an expense of $15 each. VILLINGFOBD. A Special Town and Borouarb meat inc Factory Interests Tbe Biggins Company Pension Say An Aged Veteran's First View of an Electric Car That Much-Abused Doc The Ramblers' Club. A special town and borough meeting Is sailed for Thursday evening to take action on the abatement of taxes asked for by tbe new oompany that proposes to organize and build a factory on the plains near the railroad track. The Housatonio Manufacturing compa ny's works will start np again this morn ing after week', shut-down. Will Home has got the Lake Grove rink ready for nse and has a supply of roller skates and will open np for skating and polo. Several of the stockholders of the Big gins Silver oompany were In consultation together Saturday and discussed several important matters. Another meeting will be held next Saturday. Judge Fowler has appointed Mrs. Mary O. Brosnan administratrix of ths estate of her late hatband, Patri.-k Brosnan. He left no will. Mrs. J. H. Holmes is 111 with rhenmatio fever and her daughter Alice is also ill, A notice has been filed of the claim for damages by Mrs. Clarlnda Tuttle, mother of ma. m. m. jonnson, ror injuries re ceived on the evening of January 7, by a fall on ths crosswalk corner of Ward and Main streets, owing to a defeotive side walk. To-day is quarterly pension day and Town Clerk Martin will bs in his office at 5 o'clook a. m. ready and willing to fill ont all pension papers. George n. fcellly stepped on a wire nail Saturday and the nail pierced his rubber boot into his foot making a' painful wonna. Selectman J. Walter Mix had for his guest one day last week Levi Munson of Cheshire who has lived for over eighty years, but had never aeen an eleotrlo car and exhibited great wonder and astonish ment at his first eight of the same. Mr. Mix took his guest on the eleotiics to Heriden and abont the Silver City where Mr. Munson was onoe familiar bnt had not for over fifty years visited np on Broad street and the changes made during that time were most too much for the old gen tleman to realize. He expressed his opinion that if a man stayed in Cheshire and never got out of it he would never know anything. William Li. Marks has been appointed administrator of the late sarah L. Marks' estate. The dog that was so maltreated Friday afternoon was owned by E. D. Stevens of Main street. And there is sufficient evi dence to ehow that Eddie Hall, son of Peter Hall, wa9 the boy who was guilty of tbe dastardly aot, as he confessed in the pres ence of two witnesses that he tied the rag on the dog's tail and saturated it with kero sene and set fire to it. Tbe dog came di rect from the house of Frank Hall on cor ner of Main and Church street, where the deed was done. The dog oame home Sat urday badly burned. At a meeting of the Ramblere Cyole club held Friday evening J. R Cottrill tendered his resignation as record log eeoretary. The clnb voted not to accept the resignation and John will continue for the present year in omoe. The bowling match between the ofiioe hands of R. Wallace & Co. and Simpson, Hall, Miller & Co. at the temperance alley Satnrday evening resulted In a victory for Simpson team. Robert Mantell in "The Face In the Moonlighr," at the opera heme Wednesday evening, Maroh 7. The company is a first class one in every particular. PROPERTY OF THE C. N. G. Large Totals Prom tbe Report the Quartermaster General. of In General Hsrbieon'a repDrt the prop erty of the C. N. O. even to how many tent pegs on hand, ie accounted for. For instance, table No. 8 shows the following totals of articles now in possession of the guard: Springfield rifles, 898; Peabody rifles, 1,716; cartridge baxes, 2,364; bay- otek scabbards, 2,366; waist belts, 2,572; belt plates, 2,671; knapsacks, 2,470: drums, 76; drum sticks (ptof). 81; drum covers, 21 ; uniform coats, 2,639: blouses. 2,641, helmets, 2 638; fatigue caps, 2,609; overcoats, 3,014; u cited states blanaete, 2,354; bngles, 45; musket ball cartridges, sealed, la.ouu. This Is only a few of the many items in this table, and where the totals ooly are given above tne table gives tbe Item for every company and organisation in the brigade. The report contains seventeen cf tbe voluminous tabular statements, each bound and folded into the report. HIS ELEVENTH ANNIVERSARY. A Red Letter Day at Pastor miller's Church Yesterday Interesting; Ex ercises. Rev. A. P. Miller, B. D., pastor of the Dixwell avenue Congregational ohnrch, completed eleven years of continuous ser vice yesterday, and great preparations were made for the anniversary. The first eer vice was held at 3 p. m., and included sing lDg by the choir and a short address by the pastor. At the close of the service the fol lowing persons were received into the cburob: Fred Hawley, J. W. Whlttlngton, Edward Modeste, Cecils Bode, Bessie E. and Bertha C. Scott, Sarah Martin, John A. Adley, Thomas Nelson Baker, Henry Eli Williams, Victoria Gray, William F, Johnson, Lula Williams, Mrs. Charles Chandler, Thomas J. Prioe, Panline Board ley, Nellie Bell, L. Brown, J. 0. Newton. The ser rice was dosed by an original hymn prepared oy the pastor for this ocoaslon. Another year its course has run, And we are spared to see The glorious triumphs of Thy Bon Who died to make us free. To-day, afra'n, we turn to Thee, Oh! Thou the "Livlue Bread," And may our hope forever be In Cnrist, our risen head. May those who join our ranks to-day Forever faithful prove, Thy word receive. Thy will obey, kxultant In Tby leva. To mourning: souls Thyself reveal In love and Joy and peace; Oh, may they ever, ever feel Thy loving sway Increase. With stubborn hearts, do thou still pleaJ, - Uotil they yield to Thee; Oh I do Thou raise them from tbe dead Thy love aad grace to see. . And ween our stormy voyage Is o'er. Oh 1 may we see Thy faos; And with Thee on ttT eternal shore Enjoy Thy love and peace. In ths evening Rev. Adam C. Powell, pastor of the Immannel Baptist chnroh, whose ohuroh made the Dixwell avenue church a fraternal visit, preached a very interesting sermon. The choirs of tbe two churohes oond noted the singing. YOUNG DOCTORS. First Examination Under tbe New State Law. Under the provisions of the new state law requiring candidates for the medioal profession in Connecticut to pass a seveze examination, the first semi-annual examin ation has just been held here. The com mittee appointed by the state board of health examined the eight applicants in the Yale medioal school, and finished correct Ing the papers received. Five of the can didates passed the examination. This is the first examination of its kind ever held in this state. A Norwich Photographer Dead. Noewich, Maroh 3. James O. Durgan, the leading photographer of the oity, died at 8 o'clock this morning from a complica tion of diseases. He wss sixty years of age, and bad been In business in this city ior fourteen years. W osnan's Relief Corps. A nsw Woman's Belief Corps was In stitnted in WiUlngton, Friday evening. auxiliary to Ellaha Johnson post of that plaoe. The Instituting oeremoniea were in oharge of Mrs. Anna R. Loomis of this oity. the Instituting and lnstalUner offioer. Mrs. Charlotte Wright of New Haven, the department president, and Mrs. A. Park Hammond, past president, were present. A supper waa served after tbe exercise. the members of Johnson post being among tne in vi tea guests. Bat-led Yosterday. Mrs. Ann Connell died In the Norwloh almshouse Friday night after a short ill ness. She waa f orty-seven years old. Her husband died some time ago and her three children are in an orphan asylum in Nsw Haven. The funeral took plaoe yesterday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock from the home of Mrs. Miohael Biley, a sister of the de ceased. There Is notbinc superior to Salvatioa Oil for the relief aad cure of wounds of all kinds. Ita effect is suuraious. 85 eta. 00D0000 NOTICE. During the pairs on interior of store, we have been obliged to pack away our stock and vacate store until finished, which will be from two to When repairs are complet ed inside, we shall put in all new fixtures stocked with the latest styles Mnn TT in S.T.KJLJLN Ur HATS and GOODS, for Men, Boys and Children. Watch the Opening Announcement. HARRIE R. BESSE & CO., 780 Chapel Street, Dr. Tait's ASTHMALERE contains the blood, gives a night's sweet so that you need not neglect your 11 : v . u V BU Ulf U, gooyuig, AVI HHUtt 1UT Vor sal. by all druggist. LIQUOR, OPIUM, MORPHINE, GOGfUNL CHLORAL and TOBRGGO HRBITS PERMANENTLY and PAINLESSLY cured by the Bollinger System. tut: gekmasi remedy company of Connecticut have 1 the only Painless Cure in the world for DRUG HABITS. Special attention to those who have relapsed after other treatment. B. S. LEWIS, M. D., Prest., R. M. GRISW0LD, M. D., Supt. New Haven Office, RIVERSIDE INSTITUTE, Room 39 Hoadley Building, 66 Fifth Street, 49 Church Street. J. PLATTS eeds EVERYTHING FOR THE Farm Garden CATALOGUE FREE. M'!S mm 1 FRANK 374 and 370 State Street, New Haven, Conn. Steam mm OOl For Over Fifty Years Mrs. Winslow's Soothino Strop haa been used for children teetnlng. It soothes the child, soften, the gums, allays all ptin, cures wind colic and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea; 25 rents a bottles Bold by ail druggists throughout the world. "When Baby was eick, we gave her Castor! a. When slio was a Child, site cried for Castoria. "When she became Miss, &he clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria Ifittaucml. Business Was More Active Prices, Especially for the Gransrera, Closed Higher. Ksw You, March 3. Business was more ac tive than has been the rule, and prices, especial Iy for the Grangers, dosed; higher. The stock market is often a harbinger of Industrial condi tions generally, and it would aot be rash to sur mise that tbe same conditions are now beginning in the outside business world; a conviction, namely, that we have at last touched bottom and that on the new bails of economy there Is a chance for renewed and profitable activity. This Is In part suggested by to-day's bank statement, which reflect, even more than last week's state ment, a decided check to the eastward move ment of interior deposits. Last week onr total bank reserve increased but $918,200; this week its net Increase, the gold export withdrawals not being included, waa only $761,100. No less striking, in the same connec tion. In tbe improving condition of the federal treasury's finances. Until this week, the net de crease in the treasury balances has averaged half a million dollars a day. But the total net decrease since last Saturday is 900,468, a dally decrease of only $150,000. Moreover, this im provement comes chiefly from ths goremmeot's inc i' easing; revenue. At this city aloaa, it may be noticed, ths week's total of imported foreign merchandise increased $3,833,080 over that of tbe week preceding, or folly 60 per cent. Following are the closing prices, reported ny Pxixcn A WarTKLT. bankers aad brokers, 4, Broadway. H. Y, aad IS Oeater street. New Ha- t, Cobb.: Bid. Asked Oettoa Oil ze 1S4j 60 116 Am. Cotton Oil pf d. .'. jnenona Bugar Kenning Am. S. B, Oo. nfd as ss Kit lis 17 10414 Atchison, Topeka A Santa Fe., Canada Mont her a Central of New Jersey Chesapeake A Ohio voting Certs. 1 O. A i. L pf d Chicago A Northwesters 10 1.4 104id Chicago, Boruagtoa A Qulnoy, unioag-o una... ObJeaso. Milwaukee A Bt. Paul... to 11914 CI, M. A Bt. P prd. Chicago, Bock Island A PaciOc... Ohieago, 8LP M. A Omaha Otsvaiaad. a, O. A Bt, L.......... 10 SH 00X)0Q00 1 extensive re three weeks. and will be W rTtTTTUT JJL,U 1 JtlllN lx, FURNISHING papers for our New Haven, Conn. no opium or other I UreceIu7oiriameanol iPostromce address we mail I sleep and liKEKl FREEl trial bottle I and prove I to you that I ASTHMALENE bussiness or sit np . 4. will and does cure 1 lOOT Oi nUlSCBaOll, bi urr eios. ediciie co., bochete. , y DERBY. CONN. , ' 9 aakasV Grow S. PLATT, gts-j- 0000000 HEAT YOUR HOUSE WITH THE CELEBBATED MAHONY BOILER, or Hot "Water, Direct or Indirect uaaiation. ALSO HOT Alft FURNACES. Driven wells a specialty. Englneera'Sapplles. First class work guaranteed. Factory work solicited. Person al attention given to modernizing defective plumbings. SHEAHAN & GHOARK BTEAMFITTEBS AKD FLCUBEEB, Telepbcne call 404-3 STATID STI1.3313T. 0umnns. Hocking Valley A Toi. 197 Consolidated Gas. 1 Dataware A Hudson Canal 13S)d D ilaware. Lack. A Western 1G6 O A R. O. ofd ilt Distillery A CattleFeediag , as General Electric Co 41 U Illinois Centra. f 9m Like Shore A Michigan Southern. 16?4 Erie A Western 15'i LEA W. ofdx 64 Louisville A Nashville Louisville A New Albany 8 Louisville A New Albany prd... 31 K LMlede Qaa 15 LissourL Kansas A Texas 13 M., K. AT. prd 23K Minhattan Elevated. 124 Missouri Pacifln 2tW New York A New Haven 179 New York A New England 1016 Hew York Central A Hudson QVH N. Y.. Chicago & St. Louis 1SV4 New York. Lake Erie A Western. J6i New York.L. E. A We?t Dfd S8 New York. Ontario A Veirn ... :o N.AW. pfd S0K Nortii Amenean.., 4 Northern Pacific.,, tli N P. pre lsvi National Cordage Co 1 S National Cordage Co, pfd 31 U National Lead Go ,,, JTTU National Lead Co.pfd 72- Pacldo Mail Bteamship 17 Peoria, Decatnr A Evansville 4 Philadelphia A Beading VotlngCf . 21 Pullman Palace Car Co 109 Richmond West Point t'erCt.. 4H BUver Bullion Oertlncatea SH Tennessee Coal A Iron ie Tennessee Coal A Iron pfd 68 Texas Padae 8W Toh Ann Arbor A Mich 7 Union Paclflo 19 Union Pacldo, Denver A Gulf 5 Wabaan Wabash pfd 14 Western Union Telegraph 65V, wneeiing z taKe sne. W. A L. E. Dfd Wisconsin Central , Adams Express , American Express , Uslted States Express,, Wetls-Fargo Express,., Uslted Btates Bobber.., U. B. Rubber pfd 'i paid Oo remanent Bonds. Following are the quotations for United Btates ootids at the call to-day: U:43 p. 9 O , liaa , 114 a , 10. & , 104 a 107 110 a '8 rt Ext 2a, registered., is, VT, registered.,, is, V7. coupons..... i:3t 1144i 117H nrv 9a, registered 6s, coupons. Currency os, 1896.... Cnrrency 6a, IS9S,... Onirencyea, 1897..,. Oorreaoy 6s, IMS.,,, . lass VERMTLYE &. GOn Bankers and Broker.- DiaJvj is nrnstment Securities, 16 and 18 Nassau Street, BaTo-Tjcr Torls. Oity. STR1WBEHRIES, Pineapples, Pears, urape raw, navel oranges, Ptaoapote Oraana. Bweet Apples, Grae alius. uuawos urapes, lomaioea. J. B. JXJDSON, Fruiterers f8 Market Band lac. front. THE 1 1 Hit to. Corner Church ud In Streets. Saddles Venison, Black Bear. Gro use. Mallard, Bed Head and Canvaeback Decks. CHOICEST CUTS Beef, Lamb, Huttoa and YeaL Headquarters for Hothouse and Southern Vrc- laoieav Also a full line of Fancy and Staple Groceries. TELETHON CALL K0. TURKS ISLAUD SILT I AFLOAT. Schooner Fred Jackson Now discharging at Long Whaif a superior I cargo Coarse Salt Low prices and custom house measi from the vessel. J. D. DEWELL & CO., IMPORTERS, 230 State Street. D. TL WELCH & SOIT OFFER Faacy Country Turkeys, fall dressed. " " Chickens, For sale March 2d and 3d. Finest Table Batter only 30c lb. Warranted to suit. Good Table Butter 28o lb. Fair Table Butter 24o lb. Egfgs, Egg, Eggs. Fins fresh Country Eggs 23o drsen. Good cooking Eggs IScdrz. 10 barrels of fancy Snn-drifd Apple only 9c lb : big bargain. Nothing like old-fashioned dried apple pie. OCR DRIVE IX FINE California Canned Fruits. Farcy heavy syrup Pears, Apricots, aod 'ireen Gage Plums, only 15c can : extra large cans. aoeet Florida Urargas 12, 20, 20c dcx. roe nneet ixmoni iuc aoz. Bargain iu Salt Mackerel only 10c each. D. M. WELCH & SOS, a and 30 Congress Avenue, Branch, 8 Grand Avenue. Telephone Wo. tap. Good Times Corning. Another Bio- Barnin Week. Qreat elauznter 1 of blgn prices on poultry. Not In years paat has pouiu-y onen so eneap as at tne present tune. You oan all feel haDPV bv buvlno- o cheer. Just Imsfrtne, Turkeys ana Cnlckrns vnly 10c or 13c a I pound. We have an excellent stock for this I aeea s sales. K. SCHOENBEBQER A BON, 1, , s iirai aiarsec. Telephone 415 4. Congress avenue. XOUE OPPOBTOTITY Is at hand to secure Weisbaden Preserves, IN LARGE SIZE CYLINDER BOTTLES, Of an kinds. I At SOc cach(or$U.OUper dozen. These goods are generally sold at si.w . GILBERT & THOMPSON. FOR Ttf E LENTEN SEASON JC8T RECEIVED : Fancy Nora-ay Bloater Mackerel : these fish aeiah 1 lbs, ar extra fat and athltr meat; IBc lb. I ancy no. X Mackerel 10c earn. Fancy Smoked Bloater Herring 25c dos. " " Halibut. " " Flnnon Had d is Berrins;, small rl.hJic box. " " Herring, boneleaa. Salt Herrinc Diamond Wedge Cod. In S lb boxes :! the flneat grouice uoa on uie maraeu r IUHR.U wo iu ana ajcpacaan. Block Island Cod. A fancy large Queen Olive, 10c bottle. Our Homemade Bread n witnouL an moiL Try it. At the o:d stand. E. E. Nichols 378 State Street. Telephone 533 2. Ifiunucial. Stocks and Bonds for Sale. IS sh N. Y., N. H. A H. BB. Co. 15 sh Berkshire RR, guar. 6 per cent. S ah Kauiratack BR., guar. 10 per cent. 30 sh New Haven Gas Light Co. 14 sh Adams Express Co. 10 sh Meriden Britannia Co. 12 sh 8. N. E. Telephone. Z ah N. Y. at New Jersey Telephone. 259 sh Cony's Electric Light of ronland. as sh United States Rubber pref . 15 sh Consolidated Rolling Block, ao ah 6lft A Co. (4.000 Harlem A Port Chester RR. 4 a, 19: 1. IA000N. Y., N. H. A H. BB. con v. 4 s, 1S08. Kimberly, Root & Day. Six Per Cent MUNICIPAL BONDS .i2Starjs iin .rrz DEN0MINA TI0NS of $100. Issued in 1891 by Boorish ing city of 6,000 people, ti construct water works. City bat no other debt. Price, Par and Interest, Full particulars upon application. For sale by H. C. WARREN & CO I0S ORANGE STREET. DtFT EY HI ttURULAJiY, FIHE BY H IK ISO A BAFE IN THE VAULT OF MsmI Safe DHit Go, Annual rental cf safe from rfvr. uhiiti DOLLARS. Absoluts Security for Bonds, Stocks, nua,Duiiios,,.DVNrr, rreciODS Btcaas, sod all evldeaoes of values. A cooes to vanlt uirougn ui oanxmg room ox LD. XiKCHAKIta! oar! a, 72 Cnarca, cor. Center 8t. encpos rooms for convenience of natrons ai perspaa tntereeted are cordially Invited tf la. spect tbeoompany'apreoinws. Opea iron 1 4. a. Thosas K. TBOWBBinos, President. Ouvnn 8. WntTB. Vice Praaidaat- Otiaa. H. Tinrainsa Hn. aad Trass, National Trafaei's Ban!, NEW HAVEN, OONH, Draws Bills of Exchange ON Alliance Bank (Limited), London. Provincial Bank of Ireland. Dublin, ww. own ot ocouana. Credit Lvnansi And oa All the Principal CSttee of (a.uea C;lrcalar Letters efCrsdll AvaU- aala Throeahaat atarapa. GEO. A. BTTTLKR. PreaMtnt, - ' visum. STOCKS. 8 she New Haven Water Co. It aha N. Y N. H A H. BB. Co. 16 ana Swift A Co. 6 shs outhrn New Esgiaad Telephone Oo. 10 shs U. S. Rubber Oo. Pfd. stock. MsnsGrUleyCo. BONDS. 8000 Swift A Co. es. 1000 New York A New Eng. BB. Brat 7s. 3 no New Haven Debenture 4s. 6000 Dan bury A Norwalk 5s. For sals by T&b Mas. W. Scrantoa Go, aT.A. and a. ' o" vtuiMirotrMfw P. A. DUDLEY, Fire Insurance Agent, 818 Chapel Street. . Ttsccllancous. Yoa oft, hear of otbs. extract, arbtck CLAIM TO BE "Just as gooa" as LIEBIQ COMPANY'S Extract of Beef. But tbeaa r la law oalr rail umtia fi 1". 'act Uat UM COsraliVl 1LX TRACT is The Standard Vor quality. DMrlbaUar Areata for Co... : TalnMt. rXe- ka a UO-. ataruora. anal Wis las arm "Perfect Manhood Haw U Attala IL" A WcAderftd Nav Nd)ral Book.writara for Urn Only. Oi roar mar I be nadir trae oo application. ERIE MEDICAL CO. 7tnn ftcrtar. d ta taaatr am People Who Weigh and Compare Know and ret the best. Coitoknc, the new vegetable shortening:, hx won a wide ana wonaertui popu larity. At its introduction it v.m.- submitted to expert chemists, promi nent physicians anJ famous couks. All ot these pronouncea a natural, healthful in.l acvptaMa fooJ-proJuct, better tiiaii larJ for every cookinj purpov. The suc.ess of Cot'.olcnc i now a nutter of history. Will you share in the better food and leftor heakh for which it stands, by using it in your home f Avoid imitations -hts'Is worthless. Slick to COTTOIXKE. Sold In an I i pwjJ a.ia. Made only hy N.K.FAI R BANK A. CO.. CHICAGO. rrodacc Exchaare, Hew York 234 State SU Boston. HORSE BLANKET IS THE 8TRONCEST. 5sse Crnaiae witbeat Darse stamped Inside. Price of 7 Is. Ssaaes Blaakrt, tl. " - la. - aw, avk ta as tke tie ether 8VA stylrs at frier. Is salt everykedr. Said ay all dealen. WM. AV RES A SONS. PHILADELPHIA. ANNUAL MEETING-. The ISUi aaaual meottag ot The Nev Haven ra-oavarattva aavlags Vaad aad Lass association Will be bold In Boom 13, No. SIS Caapel street. !Woridayt'yiarTb S. 1891, at 7:30 p as. wan ruouoiuiviiea. !HEK1tY F. PECK. Praoldeet. BRobkbt E. Bauiaim BeCy. anbf at KErT IAYEN POSTOFflCL Opening and Closing: of Slails. money Orders, Itrxl.tered Lottcra, ate. Ofhoe Mours April 1 to Noremtwr I, a en. to 8p.m. Noierober I to April 1, 1:30 a m. to 8 p ax Sundays from 12 m. to 1 p. m. Vestibule open ror the sccomtaodatloa of tbe holders of lock boxes Frnm Merca 1 to Novaca bar I, from Sam. to 19 mid night; Cram Novem ber 1 to March 1. from 5:80 a. m. to M midnight; eunaay signts rrom io n p. m. aaarrAi. axo Du-ikrnut or nana. Kew Yor-rTi 7. 9. 13 a m , x. 1 . 6,T.8p. m. Close 5:S0,4, 10, 11 a. ta, 18:0, A, A Aa, i. e. vi, it n. m. New York Railroad Way Opea 8:3 1 m , 4, io p. m. uoee n:a v a. nx. z p. m. BaJUnsore, Waahlngtoe, Philadelphia Bouthera Btates Opea i :ao,, 11 a an. C;3ti, 1 a. ro . S i-W, u p. tn. OilrtaM and Weatm Htatea Onea 7:30. It xo., it. 10 p.m. Close 6:30, iaa, 6, 7, 11 Albany aad Northern New York Open t It a. m, ti, 10 p.m. does 6;). 8 a. so., IxstO, A, a, i anarp, n p. rn. Boston Onen ? a m. 1. A 4M. 7. 8. 10 p. 3oee,7. 10:15.11 a m, U:15. x, 5, II p. m. worcreter upeo:ia m, a, . 90. 10 p. Close 7:00, nrWta. l:lo, s:!i. em lip a -line. New Hampshire aad Vermont Opea 7. 10: 10 a. ta, 3, 4:30, A 11 n. m , 10 p. m Ctoses, 10:16 a. av, BprlnrWd Open 7:30, 10: Sa a m 8, 4:30. It p-m. Clone 7, 10:15 am , 115. :30, 6. 11p.m. Springfield Baaroad Way Open 10:89 a. m. :4S, 10 p.m. Close a. nx,z:su, 11 p. m. Hartford Open 7. 10:3 a m, 1, 4, 6. 10 p. an. Close 7. 10:15 am.. 18:15. 8:30. S. 7. II D. Meriden-Opea 7, 10:30a ra, 1, 8, 7: SO. 10 p. m. jKm i. lunaa nx, ix:i,x:su, a, 11 New Britain Opea 7, 10:30 a m., a, 10 p. m. Ooee7. 10:15 am-8:30. 5. 11 d m. Walhngford Open 10:) a m.,3.7 p.m. Ooar 6:50,7. 10: 16 am, :M, 6 p. ax Keoslnctoa Ope. 10:80 am., I p. m. Close I a m., x:au p. m. North Haven Opea 10:30 a. m , 3, 10 p. i Ctoee 7 am, 2:, 4, 11 p. m. tiriageport crpea ., s:30. j m, a, 4. 7, 10 p. m. Close 6:30, . 11 a. m.. 18:30, a. 8,7. 11 p. ra. New London-Opea 7:30, 10:30 a ro, 8:30, 7, 8 p. m. Closes, io: is a m.,8. 4:30 p. m. New London Railroad Way Open 10:30 a m. 7, p. m. uose a, io:i a nx, 4:au, u p. m Norwich and East Coo sect loot Op-o T:3u, n a ra, 4, 7, 10 p. m. Clase 0,19 1. nx, S, 4:30, 1 p. m. Providence and ail Rhode Inland Open 7:30. I0:S0 a. nx, 4, 7, 10 p. m. C'ioao e, 11 a m, 4:30, 11 P.m. Newport Opea 7M a nx, 8:30, 10 p.m. Cuss J a m 2, ii p.m. New Haven and Northampton Way Opea 3, U Piantsvuie, L'nionvilie, BootMngtoa and Kew Hartford Opea 10:30, 3. S:30, 10 p. nx Close A 10: '.5 am., 8, 6 p. m. Naugatuck Railroad Way Opea 10:30 a nx. 8 V W. IVJ7 . 111., o p. 111. Waterbury Open 7, 10:30 a m, I, LI a Ooaeo. A KhISanx. 1:3a A It n. m Birmingham Open 10:30a m, L 4.S, 8p.m. Onoe 6, 9, II a I SO, 5 p.m. Orange Opea 10:30 a nx. Ilta CI oss 8 a Honsatonic Railroad Wav TYtm is o m 3ose 9 a. nx, 3:56 p. nx sharp. Ktiepeug iiallroad Way Opea II m. Close tx rp,. 49. OO A. i Connecticut Valley Bauroad War Ooea A 10 1 Air Line Railroad Vfay Opea AM p. nx Ctose f a m , lli,4:30 p. m. Durham, and Northford Ooea 10:90 a nx, 10 p. Ctoae V a m fin nt liiddletown Orjao lfhao a in L (- in n i, iu:iaa n, is: in, a:a 9 oa. n, 11 p. niamiara-osni o:su a as-, is ax, 7, io P-1 Cloee t SO, 9 a m, X, 5. 11 p. an. Danburr Ocea t a. nx. It 4. 10 p. I Dose 5:80. A 10:16 a OX. A 3:66. 8:30. II n m auirora orea e:au a m., ix nx, 11p.m. Rwn. w.w, v, , w U ' Colchester Orjan A 10 n. nx Claaa 7 n. 18:30. 6 D-m. ' West Haven Oram 8 JO talll n t.U A - " ,10, II a nx, t-.XX. A Up. i rS2,,?5P;m- Carriers leave tbe offloe at M0 aad 11 :30 ml: m, 30,8 5 aad 4 p. nx. snakls tour daUvaria. r& wrxMuneaanectioa aadLhres aad two further t: " f"? "'ae aad two fanher kectiooaare maoe from red street boxes bourtv from7a nxontaiop. nx Prom wain ton nnvCTi wow nauy, mat Of. nrtton at 10 p. nx All treen boxes are or, asm by tbe carrier en bis rea-nlar trroa " m. ana oiT 7 rr"rT".' ros rxnras at 4. T, 8 p. .J1?! fee oa orders in tba trattad Btates ara; . : "if? euo 'na; over sis r t vw n-w F rt mtaTT-VjS ana aot axxandrnTn SToeaoat awer $70 aad aot anMfct'i't, i t ee tor same aaly three oaata, and they oar. wwv low aw. arw Baanea. Laaar postage la tba Lalted Bfataa i -aotieat to i the end ot a gratjcUcrsr Culflc New York, Aew Haven and lI&rtTord IL E. SI, 1st!. TBAI51 LXAVI MEW BATE AS FOLLOWS : tX)n SEW TORX arSU, :, efeta. tTje, vS.-ie. 8:18, t-ja, t: a. an, teres. l:Scparlaraar BamlladX 1:BV, 1:4a, at, ijo. tn, "Ja, ta, C:ss. la. 1.1S BrtAawport annnaananllannsk, :!. t-.U axam. cxav :Sa. aaos. a.-SS a, sa ttm. 8 1i.T:ie. :!. 8:1. :! p. am. fob aatanoToi via niiin buvesv (daily), l:ll p. en. to bostob vu Bmxinnj-imiiM a. av. n.-Ol, t :tt p. as. 6cmr-l:a ratcfcO, S M p. ta. FOB BOSTOX n KZW LOKDOX asm PBOT. fDEKCE -1 11, '1:30. -11:11 (parlor oar ten. Ba, -It-OS, 1SS, at ia, MAS aad t:M av enruvs-t:lL .2:Kra :. an. FOB Boerron iu an lbi asm n . a n a. - acmava FOB a EJUDEJI. HaJfTTWRD. epnTManxxxt , 1 aisM. e-es. 88. nana, -li-aa : !-.:!'. in Vtt. CS:U aa bHMl e. a. at. tcmuMin sack, :. !3 taoe.) a. as. Raw London trivial. FOB SEW LOS DCS. Etc-J 11 alrfct. !. akrat, T:50, 11:05. 11M Cpartor car BaJud) a. SB, na, 18. :, t M. :U. 8 It (OaUford aoc), :. (IMS p. av Oottford a. ana). Scaaavs II alsM. t nlbt,t:U p. an. Air Lino IHrialan. FOB SftDDLETOWa. kit J JM . vtii. w a.a,l.-s.7,a B.ta. Omars 1.7 On.ascilna-at aUoatetoars wtta VaUe U- vnaoa aad at Waitmaade rtt . T. A 9. C mat r I. B H B B - St Till Ilia all, rtilia. i , RortbasBtton Division. rOB BuXLBCBXt ra.UA. TLXFCR'W fiUAWnjl i MBBTJBO. COITOKK aao FEW HAKTPORO aad latenaedsua staOeaa-f :V I aad 4. -so a. an. FOB XOBTBLAJfPTOlf. WILUAlf BB UUH as potats this aid, at S Sa p. an. aMaklr-e Dlvtaloa. rOB PEBSY JVKCTIOX. IS . an. I FOB DEBUT JTJHCCTOK. BIEHIKGHill. AMSOKtA. etc T.-oo, t u a. na ism. tJC. es. :?, 1:36, UM p. m. 8cxBars-: a. at, : tVR WATKRBUBT T.-ODL t:S a. an.: II S. fcat, t:0, t: p. an. f? era rs 8:11 a. as. FOB wntSTEO t IX s. an.; t.CS. 8:1 p. an. Bmuvs S:IS s. am. rOB BHELTOlf, BOTBFORD, RIWTOWS. DAKBUBY, PITTS FIELD, STATE UFf. ate . aad ALBAXY, BUTTaXJ, DETBOfT. OIKCtX- ati, erxovo, ceicaoo akd the wet 1:42 a Bn. rOB LTICHrTELD aad potats es B, U AM. BB.-6:10 (via Brvrgeport) a. an, 4:SS (vs Baa leyvfllej p. an. tLoral O. T. H 8M fffTlta P.Oea. fajarsser At StArin'a Mew liaren Tr&nrport- iion lane. Fvery Day Kirr.t ftatard.y. .stfT"a, irave New Haven from r tartan KvawannnnnnCDork. foot of Brows street, at 10 II o ui.a p. m. The JOHN H. 6TAH1N, Captala Mraji.irr, every Knnrt.v. Tueadav and Tburaoav. The WM. C. EJERTON. fkM. Saw. mwwrw Monday, Wedneaday aad Friday. BMnrahu. leave New Yor from Her Is, ST. H-. toot of Oourtlandt street, at p. an.: tba Btartn e.w w Monday, Wedaeaday aad Friday ; UM Oorasaa very Sunday, Tuesday aad Thursday. rara, ania nerta in cama. nc; axaicraoens ai. Tickets aad staterooms ran ba mt John at. Uaea, Jr, S.I cxsapel KreK. of rok at Blabop, rai caapel sueet, aad at ta. Ton Use hotel. Free stare leaves the denot on arrival of Hart. ford train, and from ooraer Cburca aad OhaM tmeu every naif aour. rrimmeaclng at 6.1 .'clock p. m. - rt t aavat. aew Havea. oan. New Haven Steamboat Co. BanatWoeati RICHARD PECK. Fastest staemer lerooxk Loag Iskacd Boaad, taavts Hew Ravea dally (exorfit (toadayt at IX: SS nahSala-M Hx.ruw. leans Se York ot t oo p. nu arrtvtnjt at New llavaa at 8:11 p. en. ta,teroaena for aala at Fera A IttsaosX tat Oape. smv. aar at Mix" arac atom. Tneae winf arm ligtrted ly aaeotraDrty aod arated by etraarn. Tory aavo electrt. call bads aad are rvrmajbed BiacntftnraUy Uaiaualinat. r-are ioe. ' B! earner E P PECK, for frelrht ralr. leaiae New Vork at, New Have. a k ao a as. EDW. C. LaBOCitCEOla, AavaA. tcdlcaL 4ia st xi xe Years' la Nervons Dieeaaea. Bosd aad Fkts AiTec Hoaa, Kidney aod Bladder Traobtaa, aad all Pri vate Otaeaaes of Mf. aad women. WE ARE BUCXESfFULBPEtlAUgTB, PermaaealJy iorated im iba csty. By apecaai atooy and stpeclsl srerk sen keep in advaaoe, aad lead In tbe aiiiiimasfml Ireatmeat of Sexual bebility. Weak Bean. Da spoadsecy. Lost Power, all efferta of aJ Abueea typbliav and aU cteeesne of tbe genttoannary orrana. CONSULTATION PBEE. Xf-omoe at boom 8. Boardmaa BnllSiag, cor. Caapei aad Btate atreeu. Offloe Hoora: 8 a ax to IX ax, 8 to 8 P-Baeve. tor J ta A Kasdaya. 10 to IS a nx 1 atieeta treated bv maiL OomssMaadeaca I enerVtewllal. ml ritMw rs.l, Shawl ReawA PILLS -. aVler-Bva 'ha.ttt af.t . aMtfr . rejutrtes; air rttfh Ktavt , K(-4l awjf ,.,i4l fwawtj w t-ttsr rttvrtrwa. TaxLaa I ts MhK. 0- djewrvMss sail stain - ttaajaWsMsraiBYA AVI ItTaxijs-vSrra sat aaaan ataa. m aiaaini rmrrlrulAre. swaruyaraMkaJs tun UUrt IW 1 14 em eMwr. wtMmtm Msnll- I .8awA 1 euinrwjiala Wauaw. a-. Ctrlni4-rtkia-lrstl tn4e aa, mm waSVsaartn. Ummmi O-an. -ilvV BANKERS and BROKERS, Ko. 46 Brcadiriy, Kew Tori, AND 15 Center Street Kew Ktrn. Members N.Y. Block Exchasire, Produce Es hange aad Chicago Board of Trade. C B. BOLHIEE, MarageNew Baa All Claasea of Hallway Stocks and Bonds ; also Grain, Provi sions and Cotton Bought and Bold on Commission. Connected by Prrvate Wire wttk New York. Boston aad Cktlcaga. INVESTMENT SECURITIES M. B. NEWTON & CO. Bankers and Brokers, 86 ORAME STREET, Dealers in Choice UUliJlUlljlU UiiUUmilliO MMaiilNcYEigM EaH Go. aaviag been reatad be lbs boider. ot a autre aaaoast mf tae aataii of ua Kew York aad New KagWad BsiliiisS Coespany ra art as a Omitia. la f amnesia i carry one a ptasi ror law rarira-anlaat.losi of t railroad, request taa botdars of rvmaad osd ttansare Boaaa aad of Pvafwiwd aad New Tar, Feb. 1 , 1 8S4. J OH I. WiriBBCBr, Prea. WaJSHaTTa TDVC0 NO. t NaSAAU SlBEEr, EW YOU. B. Y CAN NO", iveat. CHASE XATION JkL BtiCE. KEW YOAC T. JErPEaMK rooLiavcti, jat , Prea OLD Coins V UTTrrrr, aavaa sbtaayxnu. nvaiua. i nraH cmr phhti nsnxsur. rt apartaitata. rt rENNrHOiAL "afw aV M PrjDce&WMtelT, latMsT