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1 s r - 5" ; ' 06 per Scpei: Copy. ill !' THB QAKBrNQTOM FUBUBHUfQ CO. - fej THH OIiDBSST DAHiY HXTW8PA1KR IK TH3B 8TATEL OITirjB OfJ STATS BTBEESl : ' ' ' YA - . t .... ' j. Vol.LXH. : r' :-5': ; II NEW HAVEN, CONK., TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 6, 1894. " . No. 56 PROPER SPRING SHAPES! teaman's Celebrated, tta Usltoa and Othir Fashionable Makes. Oar Hat Stock la man's mirror of what be onght-to wear. Trunks, Satohels, Bags. Dresa Suit Oases, great and amall, In many lesth- ' ere. . . Faahlonable Fare at about the cost of the hides. FRIEND E.BROOKS, No. 795 Chapel Street, Battier and Furrier. CHASE & CO., Outfitters and Shirtmakers, Hew Haven House Building. HEW ITEGKWEAB, FOB EASTER. BOTH MEDIUM and HIGHBSTQUAUTy " CLUB HOTJ8E" CBAVAT3, " '. 3, " TWIOE-AEOUND TIK8. 2-ra. FOUB-1N-HANDS, ' ' NEW "DOUBT" BOWS, ..--"DON JUAN" TIES, and""""' - " "DON JUAN" FOUB-IN-BANea. .. ,- CHASE & CO., Agtnta for Noyes Bros.' (Boston) Laundry. Work called (or and delivered, and satisfaction guaranteed. Hotel Monopole, 14 and 16 Church Street. T JTB. Emll Gerloke, late of the Hoffman House jyjL Barber Shop, New York, bas taken charge of our tonsoDlal department. We can guaran tee first-class workmauahip to patrons. ISO HYGEIA HOTEL, OLD POINT COMFORT, YA. Absolutely free from malaria and un- surpassed for bealthtuiness generally, and so testified to by physicians ; wit1! air beavily charged with ozine, Nature's greatest boon to the health seeker; with scenic attraction, unrivalled, Ola Point Comfort ranks foremost a. a winter resort, while its world famous Hygeia Hotel, with its Improved and now perfect drainage and other sanitary arrange ments, the unquestioned purity of Its drinking water, unsurpassed cuisine, embracing every delicacy of land and aea fools, the charm of Its resident garrison life, Its abundant musical fea tures ana dancing, constitute a variety of at traction, seldom offered at any resort. P. N. PIKE, 035 eod 3m ' MANAGER. MOVEMENTS AND ALTERATIONS Made during the dull summer months have made IB KEV HAVEN HOCSB I More comfortable than ever for both permanent or transient guest.. Traveling men are shown especial attention. ion. all BETH H. HOBXUT. JAMES A. FOGARTY, nn.rriftTitfir and Builder. ESTIMATES GIVEN ON ALL CLASSES OF WOBK. Beal Estate Bought, Bold and Exchanged. Shop Rear S81 Grand Avenue. MTllv BwMww. BS4 Blatahley Aw. L. W. BOBINSON Architect, Bemoved to 760 CHAPEL STREET K. G. KUSSELL, Architect, f9 flhftpel Street. THEODORE KEILER, UNDERTAKES, 163 Orange Street. (Near Court Street.) TELKPHONK WO. SKl-9. IDE AX STONE. n THE best Artificial Scone la the market for sidewalks, drtvenav. ; mill, shop and barn flnrm AAliar hottoms. curbing. cODinff. etc AU order, promptly executed- and satisfaction guaranteed. A. D. FAN SLO VV & CO. , Exchange Bntldlna;, Boom 19. jaiatf P. O. Box 858i. NEW HAVEHV A FRIEND IN NEED. DR. SWEETS INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Prepared from the recipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet of Connecticut, the great natural Bon. Setter, Has been used for mora than 60 year, and is the best known remedy cor tumimKuau, fivuraiigia. Sprains, Brnlm, B tarns, Cuts, Wounds and aU ax tamal injuries. el, h. vun WAX. Proprietor. Sole Agent. MOMS' 10UR1BR!U6B FLORIDA, Personally conducted. Best hotel and train i vioe. Send for prospectus and itinerary to HOUSE It BRADLEY. 83 Church street. . SS tT Room 810. gainis, mis, 'gtc CROCKETT'S VARNISHES FLE A8E CUSTO JER8 . - BECAUSE TEK i RETAIN THEIR BEATrY AND BRILLIANCY. A TRIAL WILL PROVE THEIR EXCELLENCE. THOMPSON & BELDEN, 396-398 - State - Street THE FINEST LINE OF WALL PAPERS AT LOWEST PRICES, ON EXHIBITION AT Tits Broadway WaS Ptsr fieri. Com. and examine mar goods and yea wftl be surprised at our priea. tut beaut ill nona. - B. B. JBPFCOTT. PAntTIHa and DECOKATINd 1. an their an seal branches done wall and promptly. Cat nates girea. . ..... - , . Ja. tfa TWTf. 501 Elm Street, eone of Ycrk. fSiij H H toKHBEMEirrs on this traos nAVB ras TOBACCOS " VUELTA HAVANA" ALOXE Pleases the taste of the critical oonnois- i senr. No artificial prooess can enhance its value, hatubb alone can improve it. It has always been esteemed above every other variety. This Tobacco combined with a fine East Habttobd Connecticut Wbappkb, which improves its bnrnlng I and are holding qualities, Is carefully se lected, made up by first-class Hand Wobehbr Into the JUDGES' CAVE CIOAlt, And approaches the Absoluts Perfection for wnten I Solicit a Tbiai,. P. D. GRAVE, Direct Importer of Vnelta Havana Tobacco and manufacturer or lag are, Corner State and Wooster Streets, New Haven, Ct. ... Are upon us, and we most all be econom ical. No better place to practice economy than in yonr wearing apparel. Look up your old dresses, wraps, etc, and take them to one of oar offices, where yon can learn what can be done with them in the way of cleaning or dyeing. A great many of yonr old garments can betnade o give yon good service- vj proper handling in our hands. Gentlemen's Garments $ Also saved and made wearable. eHveus4 .- trial. ' . THE FORSYTH CO. 0FFICES-878 Chapel street, 645 " 23 Broadway, State, Lawrence and Mechanic streets. FURNITURE AND CARPET BUYERS Will find it to their ad vantage to examine OUR LAMB STOCK. SPECIAL IlfflOCEIMTi LARGE BARGAINS IN Every Department. STAHIi & HEGEL, H. IP 13 Chnrwti Street. UWsccUaueoiis. HEAVY BOBS For Freight and Stages. CARLOAD OF PLEASURE SLEIGHS. SMEDLEY BROS. & CO., . Brewery Street. WILLIAM H. CHAPMAN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Solicitor Of D..S. find Foroigl Patent! CoansBl ia Patent Causes. Omen: NEW HAVEN, CONN., TO Chnrca St.. Rooms S and 4. (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.) BFBINQFIELD.ilTASS., S17',mTaIn Street. CThnradayJTrtday and Saturday.) Elf ht year.' exnertaice as Examiner In D H. Patent Office. References to n v-Iandpat- marnniiiiM.. FERRY'S NEW DEPARTURE. Steaks, Chop, and Broiled Live Lobster, In connection with our QUICK LUNCH, we hive added the above to our menu, and are prepared to serve our patrons with the BEST the markets afford. Prices Reasonable. P. FERRY, 48 and 50 Church Street. Find Fault With your prices and methods of doiDg business, and at the same time try to copy your stock, advertisements and window displays, it is good evidence that your el- forts to please the publio are not without avail. Since opening our Business In this line has increased far be yond our expectations. it la not advieaue to quote prioea witn- out showing the goods (even did space al low), but we are convinced tnac Inlelli.ent and Prompt Service, Pure Drags, Honestly aid Keatly Dis pensed, at Reasonable Prices, Will insure the confidence of physicians and tne patronage or their patients. 11 WASHBURN & CO, 14 Cfcsrch and fit Geater Striata. Near the Postcmce. GALlFOBNIai EXCURSIONS Southern Pacific Co. LOW KATES. For particulars address 1 - E 13 CURRIER, X. B. Agent. - . US WASHINGTON STREET, St I HARD TIE Slen ienCoiptite M.Bristol & Sons Stetson The People's Dry: Goods Store. i Newarriv- als every day ' : inecnoicest : of foreign : : and domestic: : productions 1 : to choose : from I i JHIIIHIINHMIIIM Remember Easter Is Near. . . . OCR lines oi Worsted Fabrics are direct from the manufacturers' hands, thus insuriug you the lowest prices. We are showing many beautiful styles not to be found elsewhere. We can conscientiously say that never before has our display been as good. $ At this price are shown, a s. J 4. M juiagauiuent June or jaCr quardsjrridescent Nb'vel- P.KR YD. . ties, etc. select styles. -ISieM gopdsareioldiii many cities at f i.oo. . . . .- -. ". - ; V.1. ' . Select Your Dress Now iJJ llne of J-irieCjfcrttepfflnjgiane fiaajmg over thfe mat 38 .flfc"fHTlwSlaj has already .been squabbling Square effects. This fabric would be good value at $i'2$. . - .. . - It ts without exception- the greatest valuVfor tfie money to be found intius. city. - i ,.. ; " ' $4 C EZ Shows a very handsome . aaJ 'me oi .Novelties in 40 and so in. croods. Onlv the choicest patterns. Also a remarkablv well-selected line of fabrics at I1.35, $1.50, $1.75 and up. In domestic weaves we are showing- ex. ceptional values at 15c, 25c, 29c., 39c, 58c. Challies. A grand line of exclusive designs. From 59c. up. lllllflIIHllllBIIIllStlHIMHIHUISltSSft, ISPECIftL. Realizing that there are nianv who I would like to choose their dress now when assortments are at their best, but are unable to do so, owing to the ,: times,..etc. we make the followincr : offer: Any dress selected will be laid ; aside any reasonable lensrth of time : upon the payment of a reasonable : proportion 01 tne value oi tne dress. : No reason now why you shouldn't 1 select your dress now. i l...tail..fltll.ll,III.Mait.aill..l,..Ba,,l.Mr HWE& Stetson. The very best way to know whether Dobbins Electric Soap is as good as it is said to be, iS tO TRY IT YOURSELF. It can t deceive you. Only be careful not to get an imitation. There are a great many Elec trics and Magnetics, all intend- ed to deceive the public into supposing that they are Dob bins Electric, or just as good. We have made this since 1869. It is the original Electric and is guaranteed to be worth four times as much as any other soap ever made. For washing anything, from the finest lace to the heaviest blanket, it is without a peer. Only follow directions. READ L CAREFULLY wr7pper." ' around the aoan. and then see for yourself whether or not you can afford to ever use any other soap than this, after having heard Us own story, told you by your own teat or vs. DOBBNS SOAP MFG. CO.. Successors to L I Cragln & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. .854 Gbapel Street. Special Sale This Week Ladies' Dongola Button Shoes, $L69 for $1.19. k ' --saeaie.xssmEBRMSaaBmxaeT I VD qnlckly cunt Diphtheria, Qnuny, Oooghs, ' I Colds, ana Bore Throat, All druggist, sau it. I Perry DavUAcBoa, Prvrldaaea, 1 I., I ttoie uananerarei ana noprietors. i The Oldest Daily Paper Pub- - lished In Connecticut. THE CARBINGTON PUBLISHING! CO DmuvzBso by Cabbjcbbs ih ram Cry, 15 Cbbts a Wm, 60 Cxhts a Mouth, $3 fob Six IIobths, M a Tbab. Th Saks Tkbms by Kail. SINULK COPIKI IHSKK CIKNTt. All letter, and mqulris. m regard to subscrip tions or matter, of business should be addressed THE JOURNAL AND COURIER. Hew Haven. Conn. We cannot accent anonvmoaa or return re' ed communications. In all ease, tbe name of the writer wfll be required, not for publication, bat as a goarantee of good faith. Situations, Wants, Benta and other small ad vertisements One Cent a Word each inser tion. Fivocentaa word for a full week (seven time.). Display Advertisements Per Inch, one mser- oon, ai.3w ; men auoaequent insertion w ceata ma . Q on. -- .1. ,n. ' mn OUtuary notioea, la prom or verm, 15 cents per line. Notioea of Births, Karri ages, Deaths and Funerals, DO cents men. Local notice. 16 cents per line. Yearly advertisers are limited to their own immediate business (all matter to be unobjec tionable), and their contracts d. not include Wuo, To Let, For Sale, etc. - Discounts On'twol nches or more, one month and over, 10 per cent.; on four Inches or more, one month and over, 16 per cent. THE WEEKLY. JOURNAL 18 rUaLWHSD Evert Thursday Moasnta. Single Copies 5 cent. UO?B FOR THE ASSESSORS. At last the movement to save the lives of the assessors appears to be headed. In the right direction. The board of alder men last evening voted in favor of the plan which provides for the bnlldlng of an addition to the City Hall on the south aide of the assessors' tomb. . This addition will give fine room with abundant light, and will avoid any further mutilation of the City Hall. It is the plan favored, by the assessors, who know - what their needs are' better -ihan anybody e?sa. It Is the only adequate planhat has.baeh ptopostd. ' It b .the only',. jjme thsiwlll make the Msessora qtiarterji at alt what they ought 4o beL 'IXi'-'-.A-'-; Ijk la to. be hoped -tiat there will- bn enongh to build a sew City . Hall. The town is aotlng reasonably .and the city ought to lroltaie It. ' Let the best plan be adopted as oon. aa possible ao4 then lei us have peace . until - somebody : raises another equally weighty question. HOW TO GO XO U.BEP, There are all kinds of cures for sleep lessness, inoluding the eating of peanuts just before trying to go to sleep.. And still there ara a great many people who oan't sleep. Thote who oan't sleep by the aid of peanuts, lying with the head toward the north, counting sheep Jumping over a wall, etc., etc., may be Interested and profited by a new "natural" cure for sleeplessness recommended by Dr. J. E. Huxley of Maidstone, England. Dr. Hux ley has been watching animals and he asks: What do the cat and dog do when they prepare to sleep? They turn around, gen erally three times, aud lastly bury their noses in some hollow in - their hair and off they go." And he ad vises imitation of the oat and dog by . those who find it hard to sleep. He would have such unfortunates curl under the bed clothes like a kitten, or pnt the head under the wing like a bsn. He says: Try nature! plan instead: lower the sup ply of oxygen to the blood, produce a little asphyxia, limit the quantity of air to the lungs, and the heart and the circulation becoming quicker, the brain loeea its stim ulant and sleep follows. When you find yourself in for a sleepless night, cover ycur head with the bid clothes and breaths and rt breathe only the respired air. Thus you may reduce the stimulating oxygen and fall asleep. There Is no danger. When asleep you are sure to disturb the cover ings and get as much fresh air as you re quire, or, when once drowsiness has been produced, It is easy to go on sleeping, though the air be fresh. This Is a rather plausible notion. It I. certainly safer, to imitate cats and dogs than to take chloral and other such stuff. A PKOISISING PLAN. How to lessen the evils oonneoted with the sale and use of Intoxicating liquors is a problem which is deeply engaging the at tention of many people in many countries. Threa oommle doners appointed by Gov ernor Russell of Massachusetts think they have found the best plan there Is in the Norwegian license system. This system provides for the formation of oompaniesio. cities and towns to have lioenata for the eale of liquors, and provides that the profits above 5 per cent, on the capital In vested shall be applied to the aid of ob jects of public benefit or utility, such as industrial education, coffee houses and reading rooms, parks, hospitals, publio baths and sanitary Improvements. The commissioners make a strong argu ment for the system. They say that it does away with all iooentive to encourage drinking, by taking the sale of intoxicants out of the hands of those to whom intem perance is a gain, and Intrusting it to per sons pledged to carry it on without any profit to themselves, and in the interest of temperance and morality. The direct re sponsibility for the abuses oonneoted with onsumptlon of intoxicants is largely placed on the shoulders of the beat people ia the oommunity, who will be held to strict aooonnt. Drink selling will be divorced from politic, oan no longer serve as an Instrument of corruption, and one of the greatest obstacles to all sooial reform may thus be overcome. The numg ber of licensed places can b reduced to the lowest limit, consistent with publio safety and complete control', and tempta tion to drink minimized.' The consump tion of liquor oan be effectually checked, as competition is destroyed; prioea may be raised and every restrictive measure per fectly enforced. All the Immoral accesso ries of the saloon are abolished. Better policing of places where drink is sold is msde easy, and the co-operation, not only of the general publio, but especially of the temperance reformers. Is Invited to secure adequate control as well as the detection of llliolt sales. The system does not Interfere in the least with the local option privilege, but rather helps to make no lioenae an ac tuality; it does not advocate state mo nopoly, but leaves the drink problem to be dealt with by each community. It is a powerful means of education, by holding up intemperance as a vioe society will not tolerate. - By securing for the oommunity at large the use of the profits , resulting from the trt&lo many of the Ills lnfliotsd upon society by the abuse of liquor may be eased, counteracting agencies estab lished and morality advanced generally. Questionable methods or transactions on the part of those who oouduct the sals of liquor for the oommunity oan be effectu ally guarded against by the selection of proper licensing authorl tie. and securing a yatem of central supervision. - . The ayatem is popular in Norway, and with reason: . People have bad what ram they wanted, and In one year $383,111 89 was di tributed by the Norwegian liquor companies for church buildings, schools, gymnasiums, libraries, orphan - homes, plsees of amuumant, pnbBd baths, medi cal assistance - and temperance societies The system will perhaps receive a trial In Maesaohueette. A bill providing for It ia now before the legislature, and It has already secured strong support. EDITORIAL NOXES. - Lord Bosebery' certainly baa tact. One day he met the Queen and she began the con venation by remarking on the gloom iness of the waath.r. "Your, majesty, It is always fine where you are," wag Boas bery's reply. ! t The timaa are hard. Two London phy sicians lately advertised in a daily paper, offering $5,000 to a man who would sub mit to an experimental surgical operation Involving some risk. One hundred and forty -two answers were received. One of the cherished possessions of Chicago man la a brief autograph letter written by President Abraham Lincoln in October, 1861, which reads: "The lady- bearer of this says she has twi sons who want to work. Set them at it if possible. Wanting to work is so rare a merit that it should be encouraged." Of course there was s woman la It. II was two years ago that a woman threw piece ef gingerbread at Mr. Gladstone, hitting him in the eye. The Injury thus inflicted was not suppose 1 to be aerlona at the time, but the results of it are now be ginning to be manifest. Dr. rani uarnter, ol rang, nag made a special study of those slum ohildren that aro the offspring, cf habitual drunkards. Ha aaya: "There ia a flaw in the very na ture of . these young wretches that the psychologist sees i clearly, and .notes with apprehension the absence, of a&aotlouats emotions, and where they do not become lunatlos . they ebow MnsenslbiUty and pitUesaneaa,1.". -i - --i"ia:.t j ; 4 In Madrid reoently Don Andres Gomes, dean-of theOhnrcb, was flogged with all the cerrmonlal exactions of the ancient form. ' After expressing repentance for having been a Freemason, he wss taken in solemn'7 procession, led by priests and friars, to the) offioiel residence of the bishop, where his upper garments were taken off. As h0 knelt the bishop . whipped him with cords over the shoulders, while the priests chanted "Miserere MeT."r Bishop Potter has just had a ourious ex perience. About twenty-seven years ago he preaohed in Trinity ehuroh, Boston, a sermon In which he used the words, "With such large discourse, looking before and after," and attributed them to Lord Bacon. Going home to luncheon with the Hon. Bobert C. Winthrop, Mr. Wlnthrop re minded him that the passage was Shakes peare's, and waa to be found in "Hamlet," aot IV, Scene 4. In hts recant address at the Drexel memorial seivioe the bishop em ployed the same quotation, and again at tributed it to Lord Bacon, although he Is not a dieoipie of the theory of the Baconian authorship of Shakespeare's plays. A few days afterward he received a letter from Mr. Winthrop, now in his eighty-fifth yesr, alluding to the address already men tioned, and adding: "But I write now to say that you have ascribed to Bacon the words of Shakespeare, 'with euch large dlaoourae, looking before and after.' They are in 'Hamlet,' Aot IT, Scene 4." Blahop Potter, in a letter to "The Critic," play fully refers to Bacon's esssy on "The Per Blstenoy of Error," and wonders who will act as his mentor when his venerated friend in Boston is no longer spared to him. Some interesting information concern ing the patroleum fields of India was con tained In a paper which Mr. . D. -Oldham read lu Londonthe other evening, before the Indian section of the Society of Arts. He said that the operations that had been carried on In the province! of Ehaltan, Bohrl, Baluohlstan, Mogalkol, and Northwest Punjab had, for the most part, been successful, but he had come to the conclusion that a very limited field of oil waa to be obtained on the western fron tier of India. In the eaat the failure of the operations in Upper Assa-n, where the oil springs.extended some 100 miles, was due, he thought, to want of skill on the part of the artlfioers employed, and an injudicious selection ef the sites for boring. The workings In the neighbor hood of the Dlgbol and Bspa pungs were most promising, and he was hopeful of an abundant yield from them. .The time was not come when the coal and petroleum fields of Upper Assam, which were un surpassed both for quality and quantity in the Indian Empire, could be opened and developed. Petroleum was known to exist on the southern margin of the Kbasl and Garo bills, but the promise was not sufficient to justify the heavy ex penditure that would be necessary. The only productive oil field of the empire waa in the newly acquired province of Upper Bnrmah, where the possibilities of the ex pansion of the petroleum industry de pended largely upon the policy adopted by the government. ANGULAR. Teacher What is a right angle! Boy Two straight linea around a corner, Hallo. American (abroad) Well, here I have been traveling through Italy for nearly a week and I haven't eeeu a macaroni field yet Hello. Lawyer But you don't regard money as in any way taking the place of a wife. Complainant oreacu ot promise; x don't know. Money talks. Life. Ten slsd I wasn't Shakespeare," said Wilkins. "If I had been I ebould have been dead now." So would Shakespeare," said Barlow. Harper's Baser. "Hit doan' nav." said Unole Ebsn. "to less yoh tempuh, an' good natur am a gre't blessin' to a community. But dah am caaions when a man bra ter git mad er be a hypoorit." Washington star. Small bov (as grocer pours molasses into jug on cold morning) Here, mister, you Haven't got all tne moiaaees out or tnat meaenrel Qrocar That's all riaht.sonny. there was some in the measure before." Newport Dally News. Marie Oh, I was eo very, very sorry to find you out when l eatiea yesterday, Myrtylla I, too, regretted it of oourse1 But do tell me why yen were so very, very sorry. Marie Because I'd just seen you enter the house five minutes before. Vogue. They came to a sidewalk where the ioe aa well covered with ashes. Said the young lady, in grateful accent.: "Thank ffoodneaal there', one Christian on this street." "Tea," said her escort abstract edly, "Mr. Solomon Isaeosteln lives here." Boston Transcript. r Mrs. Chancel Oh, Henry 1 I wish you had been to church this morning. Dr. Dives nraeched one of tha loveliest ser mons on "Love your neighbor," and the wav hla remarks made that spiteful, hate fnl Mrs. Gabbers saulrnt was something that would have done yonr heart good. Puck. It Worked Both 'Ways. She Does the fact that I have money make any differenoe to you, dearest? He Of eouree It does, mv own It la such a comfort to known that If I should daarf-ou would be provided for. She But auDDoee I should diet He Th.n I would i provided for. life's Calendar. : . .. .. Barker (who hae bronahtlout some of bis beet Burgundy aa a treat for hla Unole Waybacs) Wall, Unole Silas, how do you likathett Pretty good .tuff , eh! : Waybaok Fuat rate, my boy. I alius wondered what that red stuff in them drag store winders was. Ill have to git soma. turners weexiy. O' Toole I tell ye phat, Flaherty .but it's doin'tte heart good the way that ny Patay of mine Is either getting along I He tells me he is ooomln' to the front I very day. Flaherty Sure, that's eood.Denay. Phat is Patay In gaged in doln', then! O' Toole I fink he do be callln' It bell b'y at a big hotel, sure. Browning, King 4 Co. s Monthly. Tha Old Kaaraara. - 'ball we leave her on the shore, On th. lone Ronoador The cM Ksarsarge that we knew and loved so well! . Shall she pn-lsh oa the reef While a nation', ebbinc arlef Around her vainly welters, aad the billows souna ow xnaur No, a thousand times, aad so! Tell the asa and Worm-wind eo: Hot evea they can make our warrior ship slave. Shall they tear her rlbe apart? 8hall thev tnuner through bar heart. FU'ed with honor of her triumph and the mf mo- jj u uer orave; WeB ahe won us victory: We must win ber fro the aea' Stanch, then, her wound, with a arm and, steady nuu; Bring her home, with sheer on cheer,' T1H the nation', latest rear Keep her safely, as a glory and a token to the Yet If billowy Roacador As with funeral run should roar For the old Eearsarge lying vanquished In the ngni. Sunset red and starry gleam From the midnight blua shall stream Like our flag aeove her, mingled with the white - of morning1, light 1 George Par tons Lathrop la New York Su. FASHION ROTES. Outside tiear. .. Moire la by fer the most prevalent of all materials. It has the advantage that only the best of It looks well, and the finest quality la in no way threatened with oom- monness, no matter how mnoh the cheaper grade may be need by people who want to be In the oorreot style without the neoeasa- ry expsndlture of money. Very - heavy molte Is made up In ospea for elderly wo men. These oloaks are lined with" velvet, and, that the wearer may not be suspected ot turning ner garment, there are several rows of velvet flouncing sewed on half way down on the outside. The theater wrap of thia. ploture ie made of peacock blue mirror velvet and lined with oanary colored aatln mervellleux figured - with small pals blue flounces. The wrap may nave circular or princess shape, and Is fit ted as far as the waist in the back with a long aash reaching from there to the hem, bordered on eaoh side with ostrioh feather galoon. The bottom of the garment Is or namented with jet pat semen terie. The double csps Is bordered with jet and trimmed around the shoulders with a deep jet fringe, and the upper cape is bordered witn rur or leatner galoon, and is also em broidered with jet. For the street and ordinary outdoor oc casions heavy kid gloves are worn. It ia not, however, the card board stiff kid so much In vogue lsat season. The new sort Is soft, of very firm and oloae texture, but thick. It sbonld be well worked down on the hand, but the kid dots not mold itself to the hand. Much eare must bs exercised 1b the fastening of these gloves, the first button coming about ths same - place as in a dress glove. All oolors are worn, the rule being that the glove should neither contrast with nor match the costume. A soft brown is muoh worn, and the brlok red hae a suitability that it has gained from its conventionality. Black is seldom worn except in a dress kid of somewhat lighter mske than the colored street gloves. These ara often finished with white kid binding or stitching. FLOBrrrg. ART WONDERS OF DRESDEN. Rare and Beaatifal Porcelain Ware maamserlpts and Letter Cenlnrteo Old That Can be Read by A ay Visi tor Pine Libraries Where Oae Can Sit and Study for Honrs Other Ia tereatlac Sights Told by an Observe Ids: Traveler. DaxsDiN, Feb. 20. To th. Edlterof th. Jooaxat, ad Codbisb: Ia my last letter I Lad vlaltrd the Dres den ploture galleries, so replete with the mastsr-pleoes of the world's great artists. I oonld merely touoh upon a few of those preoloue gems of art, before whose glories one could linger almoat a life time. I had no time to tell you of the lovely St. Cecilia of Carlo Doles; ths beautiful Magdalene of Blberia; the St. Bodrlqurz of Murillo; or of Salvator Boaa'a Ship wreck on a rocky coast; or of many other famoua paintings, whloh like magnets at tract the eyes of hundreds of admirers dally. Now let us descend the great stair case and enter the "Collection of Engra vings," founded by Augustus the Second, containing four hundred thousand plate, from the oldest matters of the fifteenth eeotury down to the present time. This chamber of engravings is one of the most interesting and Instructive places to vlalt in the who?, of Europe. Ancient and ourious wood cuts of the fifteenth century, end master-pleoes In wood and steal engraving, are to be seen here. Boom after room ia filled with them; many framed and arranged In order aa to the period of their production; while moat of them are bauud in very large tomes and nicely put away in strong cabinets. To trace the progress of the art of wood and ateel engraving from its earliest days is a most delightful Study. The master piece, of Spain, Franoe, England, Italy, the Netherlands and Germany oan all be found here and studlsd to the heart's eon tent. One very agreeable privilege to be en joyed here la permission to personally ex amine the precious contents of these pon derous tomes. ' One oan ait at the roomy tables fur nished with upright desks and call for the prints of any of the great masters he may ohooce to elect. " Ton ean examine tome after tome of Murille's pioture ; these are photographs of those splendid plotures which have made the name of the Spanish artist so celebrated." -.-'. ' . Thousands of large volumes era be had containing print, from original pistes of A. Durer, M. Angelo, Rembrandt and very many other masters. - . ;: It would require a life time to examine and study tha treasures la these rooms. Admittance is free and the privilege of the collection are to he enjoyed simply for tbs asking. - Artists, architects and students are to be seen studying and copying many of the gems available here. - The old English en gravings of the sixteenth and seventeenth oenturies are extremely quaint and Inter esting; many Italian engravings ox tne sixteenth esntury are almost aa finely exe cuted aa are those of toe present time. As for the hundred, of tomes of the French master, of the fifteenth to the nineteenth century, they ara filled with numberless works, priceless la- value and ot the deepest Interest to those who study their contents. Th. man of leisure who deal res to Im prove his mind and time can find here in Dresden, aa in many other European cit ies, vast treesur. houses stored with the accumulated treasures of eenturlee, deep ly Interesting and of enduring benefit. This eomes from the fact that all things here have the solidity and eonUaaanoe born of hoary antiquity; for centuries wise monareha have ooUsotcd for their sueeessors valuable aad rare works ot art. Dresden owes a dsbt of deep gratitude to Augustus ths strong, who did his part so nobly to foster solenoe and art, thus mak ing this city a great focus of splendid art In Europe. Dresden Is tbs oradJa of Boo- eo art, and Its lovely effect la to be seen here In aU parts of the city. It waa la the commencement of the eighteenth century the oradle ot art In respect to tha inven tion of porcelain. Dresden was also the headquarters of 8am per, one oiQarma- nys greateet arcntteote, xrom wnos wca derf ul achievements this city hae attained special distinction among the cities of con tinental Europe. In reference to porcelain, let the vial tor to Dresden enter the JobsnBsum museum, where are twenty thousand apeolmens of Chinese. Japanese. Indian. French. Dres den and Italian workmanship; this Is tha finest collection in the world, and the eye revel, as it feasts npon the representation. of all manner of thing, in heaven above. In the earth beneath, and In the waters nnder tbe earth. Some of the Colas specimens date back for ages; the aix great bine and violet china dogs are vary rare and ancient. Tbe famous Dragoon vase presented by Frederick ths First, of Prus sia, to Augustus the Strong, ot saxony, in 1717, in exchange for a regiment of dra goons, ia very beautiful. Boom after room ia filled with speolmsns from the ear ly oenturies down to the present day. Tbe collection of Dresden china ia re markably fine and interesting. Porcelain was first discovered in Dresden by tbe fa moug obemlat Bottiger about tbe yaer 1700; the manufacture wag shortly after wards removed to Meissen on aooonnt of the rich deposits of whits clsy found In that locality. The English term "Dres den" china is wrongly so called; It ia more properly styled here "Meissen" china. The collection of majolica, faience, and tarra-eotta ia very valuable and of very beautiful end unique designs. Very many visitors throng the rooms of this famous porcelain collection, and to thoroughly inspect and examine lta con tents a long life-time would be necessary. Augustus must have been a man of rare culture to have fostered art in lta various forms, thus conferring special honor npon thia beautiful city, rendering it one ot the art centers of Europe. In Dresden there are many muienma and art collections, also floe Libraries where one oan sit and atndy to his heart's con tent. ' The Boyal library, er tbe great li brary of Dresden, was founds! by Aague tua about tbe middle of the sixteenth can tury; it contain, four hundred thousand volume., aix thousand manuscripts, thirty thousand maps and two thousand speci mens of early topography. Many otthe manusorlpta are of tbe twelfth, thirteenth and fourteenth oenturies, and are specially interesting to the student who with hun gry soul drinks deep of their unique eon tents. The contents of this Boyal library la of priceless value and ooonplee a whole palace the Japanese palace situated right on the bank ot the Elbe, surrounded by beautiful gardene terraced down to the rlver'e aide. Should you have the dealre and the time, you can take an easy chair In the great ball and read from the largest book in the world, tbe hieroglyphic eodex of Ynoatau, whioh la more then twelve feat long. The Stadt museum ia a aort of city his torical aooietj ; here 'can be seen the oldest document in Dresden, dated March 27, 1260; an Indulgence letter dated at Avig non, September, 1319; another March 18, 1362. A aerlee of beiutlfully formed wax tablets 14371456 also many illumina ted books of great age. In thle mnaeum are ten quaint paintings of the Ten Command ments painted In 1630. The room, are filled with pictures of old Dresden, models of old buildings. anoleat wood carvings from church a. of the ante reformation period, autograph letters of hlstorio personsges, and In fact the whole museum Is a perfect historical aoclety, containing a great ohalo, aa it were, or valuable Unka uniting Dresden of the present day to Dresden ef seven hundred years since. I was particularly Interested in the pic ture, of Dresden aa it appeared some three hundred year, alnoe, when the city was contained within the walla of the Neu atadt on the s nth bank of tbe Elba river; a small city at tbat period. Comparative ly speaking, even then it waa a large elty in Saxony. Now np and down the banke of the lordly Elbe it epark'ea like a per fect gem, and with broad streets and su perb publio buildings, and possessing all ths requisites of a perfected modern city, it ia rightly, indeed, the metropolis of 8sxony, one of the beauti "ul cities of Eu rope. Near the Stadt museum standa the cele brated Franen klrohe, the largest ohnroh In Dresden, with a holding capacity of three thousand people. The dome ie very lofty, the Inatern belog three hundred and ten feet In height. Thia 1 a singular edi fice, having three tiers of galleries built quite around the euditotium. Tbs floors and stair oases are of atone, and to judge from the altar paintings, can delabra and immense oruolttx In the chan cel, one would scarcely believe the follow er, of Martin Luther worshipped here. Urosslng tbs Nsumsrkt in front of tne Fraueu Kirche, we eater Augustus strasse, on tbe elde of which ia built the Johan nenm museum. One elde of thle long building extends, a very long distance down the street snd on the outside wall ia painted a representation of tbe Saxon rnlera from the time of Konrad der Groaee (A.D. 1127) down to tbe preaent Saxon King Alhreoht the Good. Thle painting ia aome three hundred and fifty feet in length and ie very intoreetlng. At a glanoe one ean readily read the Saxon his tory tor tbe past eight hundred years. Entstlng tne maaaive gateway, and alter crossing two or three very large courts, we oome to tbe museum, erected some three hundred yetre since. This Ie tbe famous Historical museum; here are many large rooms filled with wea pons, armor and all aorta and kind a of an cient objeota of artlstie and historical vslus. This Is considered the moet valuable col lection of the kind In Germany. Here ts a splendid assortment of carved furniture of intricate design, and marvellous work manship, carved in tne iutenta century; here are beautiful ebony and ivory cabi nets, Including tne celebrated jewel cabinet of the Eleotteu Sophia, made in tbe year 1600; a splendid specimen ol tne superior workmauahip of that period; it la one of the finest works of srt in Europe. The cabinet, referred to above are nearly as large as pianos. The eye Is bewildered as it beholds the glittering array ot Intricate and anoerb docks, drinking horns and drinking cups of glass and ivory, fashioned witn the skill for whloh the early part of the sixteenth oentury was so remarkable. We must pause a moment to exsmtne the great drinking gooiet ana swora ot that great - man who dared oppote the might of the Roman CathoHo chur.-h, and at whose hlstorio name even now tbe heart of every true uerman thrills with praise Martin Lather. To judge from tbe capacity of this gob let Luther must Indeed have bean a lover of right good cheer. Here are all aorta of ancient firearms and every kind of armor used on the battlefield and in tournaments. Armors of polished steel and silver Inlaid with gold, together with -pistols, crost bows, balistas, spears and knives, are to be seen bete In countless numbers, as bright and clean aa when fashioned by the artinoers three or lour hundred years ago. - The collection or battle weapons of va ried and unique styles, used by the old Saxon prinoea, deeervee special mention. among which ia tbe armor of Henry the Pious, 1540, abm that of Elector liaurloa, and the bullet with which he was killed In 1&63. One of tbe gem. of this collection Is-, an ancient battle .word of the y 1250. One room Is composed of a very large and beautiful tent around tbe sides of which are at ranged a vast numbsr of Turkish .words snd spears of marvelous workmauahip. with handles Inlaid with ersokms atones. This immense tent was as property of the Grand Viator Kara mos tap ha, and was looted at the battle of Vienna ia 1683 by tbe Poles and Germans under King John SobiaskL Thaenltof armor worn by the latter ia preserved in a glees case, and la to be seen aids by side with the array of Turkish battle weapons. Tbe skill of the Turkish workers la eokl and silver had attained great perfection at that period, judging from the beantlfal jewelled handle, of the s words, spears and raptors. The horse bridles and saddle trepptnge are very beautiful, and aie still objects of admiration. .. As I lingers ovsr these Turkish relies. I asked myself tha question: "Whet would have been the record of tha historian had tha Turks been viotorkras at tbe stage of Vienna." What rich, golden fields would the Turks have Bound beyond the gates of Vienna! It waa Indeed a day filled with fate and history when tbe "Creooont" went down before the "Cross," aa the follower, of Mahomet received a most decisive cheek In their Inglorious defeat. There ie one charm which Drsedsn poa sses, and that Is the Opera. Tbe orches tra is the finest la Europe, aad altboogh this may be thought a bold assertion. It Is considered by aU connoisseur, of fine or chestral snasio to be the beet. The opera house la eloee by the Zarlger palaos and cover, a epaos of 6.003 rquars yards. It Is one of the noblest buildings la Dres den. Everybody attends the opera here, and even the German servant, are familiar with tbe great productions of Wagner. Mozart, Beethoven and other well known oompoeera, for yon moat known that fins musio is fostered here by the king, who furnishes a large anbaldy, and th. doors of tne upara are open every night; and again the admission fees are very moderate. ranging from 15). In ths fifth rang to 72a. In the third rang and $1 32 la the first rang. Prioea are eo low that th. poorest claatei ean attend, consequently everyone, no matter what bis station In life may be. In Dresden, ie eonvereant with everything in the opera line, and tbe names of the great artiste are familiar words in all households. Wagner's Nleblungen Seouenoe. Is often Stayed to immense audleoora, and a brill -int scene it ia to behold the houae filled and llatentng attentively to tbe delightful atralna of the orcheetra, and ths voices of the singers. Tts scenle effect le simply perfect end moat realistic 8legfrted cleaving the anvil in Mlnni'e smithy In ths wilderness and again beholding Brynhilde iudeep sleep within Valhalla, are eoenee long to be remembered. In fact tbe maglo scenery of Valhalla Itself, with verdant hills, oaecadea falling merrily from green mountain aide., fleecy clouda floating serosa summer skies, with the glow of the eettlng eun, united with the hum of Insects and a'.nglng of birds, is a mcst masterful work of ths scanto artist meriting the highest praise. Daring the long Intermission, when the palatial foyer ia filled with large numbers from the auditorium, to judge from the numerous English speaking people to be seen, one would almoat balleve he waa In England rather than Germany. The opera noose waa an Interesting aoena few eveninge elnc. when Bubenatein. who rarely appears In publio (ha Uvea in Dresden), person ally conducted his lovely opera, "Der Kinder die Heidi," before a magnificent andlence, who scarcely breathed aa they drank In ths sweet musle of orchestra and singers. It was an occasion Jong to bs remem bered in Dresden. Germany is Indeed a land of musio, and musio of the highest order. It is to be board in the chmobee, in the courts outside the Schloes, at tbe cafes, in the beer gardens, on ths skating grounds, in fact, the very air of Uermany la filled with music. When the fsmous Tenth legion Cssiar'a favorite went tramping along through southern Germany, ths Germanl, in that remote period, performed skilfully upon their rude.barbarlo instruments. There are no wandering German bands here rendering musio of dubious quality, they generally olnb together to visit and tramp it through the cities of that great land in tbe west, whioh offer. Its refuge to the over burden ed populatione of crowded European states. Before closing my letter I wonld mention that ' the aix grand symphony oonoerta whloh have been given daring the peat few weeks, together with tbe morning re hearsals of the same, were of them eel v s worth a trio from onr distant oountry. The past six weeks In particular seem to have been proline with delightful musio Tee celebrated hoppoldl quartet baa specially delighted very large numbers witn its anpsrb renderings. "Aioanl" caa drawn brilliant andlenoee, while Joachim has held the lovers of hie fine art elm ply bewildered with admiration. The annual performance of the Boyal Conaervatorlam of Music bas quite recent ly taken place. It was th three hundredth anniversary of P.leetrlna'a death. He was a composer chiefly cf church music, and bis pious eotbnslaam ia plainly discernible in all hla worka. Tte rendering of many of his selections was most praiseworthy. An interesting variety was made In tbe program by the Introduction between first and seoond part of Schumann's Sona ta in D minor, op 121, for piano and vio lin. Frau and Herr Bopolst were the In terpreters. It was faultlessly given, ths third movement especially winning ths ad miration of the audience. Lovers of fine music hsvs opportunities AN AMERICAN QUEEN ASD HER FOLK DAUGHTERS. A Scone on the S O'clock Express Between Boston and Vtorresicr, Mass. tsrm.i. to orm uvr tcinuil It was a pretty sight. The passengers turned around in their seats to belles note the something unusual. A noble looking wo man had en tered the ear. fol lowed by four daugh ters, ageing from fifteen to taeniy years. 4Tlieinoiher 1 had one of I Uiose pood l"j andwbole I J some faces pi that one so but that men and women al ways a d mire. Tbe daughters had the same heal thy, whole some look. They were well born, well eared for, and, without doubt, never suffered from any of the ills that curse many women. Mothers owe a duty to their daughters tbat in too many cases is neglected. Nature lias provided a time for purifica tion, and if tbecbannelsareobstructed,tbe cntiresvsteui is poisoned and misery comes. Mrs. Cbas. Ilinea of Duncannon, Pa., a woman of large experience, in speaking of a mother's duty, says: "Watch carefully your daughters physical development. "Mothers should see that nature Is as sisted, If necessary, to perform its office, and keep tbelr daughters well in formed as to mat t e rs concerning themselves." Irregularities, from whatever cause, are sure In. lifaHnnrf ftrtrnnlf trouble. With irregularities eouie disturb ance of the stomach and kidneys. Violent headaches often attack the victim, pains shoot everywhere. Extreme irritability follows qtUekryjand then utter nn-kmnnnrlieiim the already over burdened life. Unless the obstruction is roTnove-i nt once, your daughter a whole TL-m 1m. darkened. LvJia K. Pinkham'a Vegetable Coin- rwiinul will accomplish the work speedily. It ia the most effective remedy for irregu lar or suspended action known. . r j her. every evening to Indulge their desires to their hearts' content. VlATOB. JIhsoIaieJj vure X cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of aQ in leavening strength. Latest United 8Utes Govsrumeot reed Bepork. Bojal Baaing rowder Co.".' 106 Wall St.. N. T. SOMETHING NEW For Breakfast. GRANDMA'S PANCAKE FLOUR. For Slapjacks, Muffins, etc. Made from RICE. CORN and WHEAT. Guar anteed to please you. S. H. STREET & CO. Itching Humors Tortnrinr. dinftrtirinc t and every specie, of iiciuiiar. burn inc. scaly, crusted, ai.d pimply ekin ana ccaip duteu, witbdrr. thin, and fallinfr bair, relieved hw single VP1'1" and speed iW anil ecoooiniraU cared by ihe h iktia Ktii DIRS, mben the let pbrptciaats and all oibcr reioediei Laii. Itching-Skin for Years My disease (psoriasis) com menced on my bead. Spread rapidly all over body and atxier my rut ita. pVales wonld drop off. Suffering ernitess. (5 jrorth of Crnci-BA llFH en iis made mv skin clear and ftee frou scales as a bibr'a. lac rat bed iirentT-etglit years, and it frnt to Ite a second nature. J)KSN13 DOWMXC, Watert-ory , TU Face Burned Like Fire Twelve years I had scrofula. My head sore, face drv. scalv, and burned like An. Bxlv btvd big tmI spots. Four doctors help at flmt, but pot worse apain. .Tried Ctmv ct'BA Ri dam clad. Am a well man .and cannot praise tbemtoobiebly. LEWIS W. KATON. LarksriUe, Pa. Itched Scratched Bled Stiff ere rl three years with pimples which I had to scratch until I would bleed. Afterdoctorinpthreeyeara, tried Or nor r a Kehediks, After using two sets am entirely cured ITiotoprapler, Ht. lioreb, Ws." a. J" . uflAM Jrl. Itching Prevents Work 1 hxa chronic Earn on m? limb. The it chine made roe anfit for work. Tried remedies and phy sician lor nine nnntla. Ko relief. Grew worse, J heath wouM bav been a relief. I becau to use Cc- TtcrBA tast Autrn-t and am now well. Rev. M-4JUO-t.SI-IK.llox U,Mooaup, N-T. CUT1CURA WORKS WONDERS Pcld Umwcboat tbe wnrM. Price. CrrH-ra. Mr.; Soar, Sir.; Kxsotvavr.H. l orrsal'rc. SD Cbes. CoRr., bale Proprietor, Umiob. if - Bow to Cure SUb DteaarV Irre. t DI DY'C tin and Scalp pnrifird and t.US. DAD I 0 by CoUcnra aoas. it tmoluiell puts. PAIN I. a seaaatioa thai svarybodr baa son User. PAIN KILLER s remedy tbat averybodT abouM bar. aS ISx tim WU wait.awa tvtt vrst irtoucs, glum d in s, gtc. Boyal FUtliir Banp. HEKE Baage. caa ba faraisaed wtta a Fori sonral Hol-r Hot Air Anachowt. fUaht aadbeft Baad Fit. Low ta Prtoa, aad W7 aage Qoaraataed. Sold br SILAS GALPIN, SAOStAtet Strwet. Gas Heaters. OasurpaSied for Occislccal ted Sep- piemtBtarj lta. Efficient, Quickly Applied. Economical o Aaoea, 9 ssua-i All Style and Sires Sold and SetCp AT COST. NEW HAVEN GAS LIGHT CO., Ho. SO CBOWI SI RE. HI1 PLUMBIHGGISHTTIHG J. IT. Bnckletw. 17 dinrob. 20 Fer Geit Casl lull OS Oil and Gas Heaters. Oae to two cents per bow wm keep yon warm. KO ABHfcS, wo DUST. GASOLINE AND OIL The Fuel of tne Future Supplied br C. P. MERRIMAN, Open evenings 1 &4 Klra Htrew Regal Hub. BrntEa'Clostt, CiMtOisi. Over 1,600 used In Sew Haven. Tbe heaviest, finest made, aud Boat eon Tautest Bang, ever offered. Sola agent, . S. E. DIBBLE, 639 Grand Avenue.