Newspaper Page Text
I THE CARBENGTOH PUBIiISHING CO. TUB OLDEST DAILY NKW8PAFEB IK THH 8TATR. omam oo btatk btkejetj '1 Vol. LXII. M HATO, CONN., FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 22, 1894. No. 149. THE GENUINE Popularly known throughout New England aa the highest Standard 10 cents Cigar for Quality, Quantity IF. Direct Importer of the finest Vuelts Abajo corner State and Wooater far VV o r k a Specialty. s ARE NOW READY. French MADRAS, English OXFORDS, Scotch CHEVIOTS, English FLANNEL and WASH BILES. For Ilea's NEGLIGEE and TENNIS SHIRTS, for Ladles1 and Children's WAISTS and BLOUSES, or sold by the yard. GLOVES The NEW PEARL OBEY. The Famous London Tan at $1.35. Fowne'a Gold Tan, Bed Tan and "WELBECK," the finest Glove made. . New "Butterfly" Ties and Bows, English Long Scarfs, and "Don Juan" Ties and Four-ln-Hands. CHASE & CO., Hew Haven Reuse Building. Sole Agent a for Noyea Bros. (Boston) Laun dry. Hand work, and satisfaction guaranteed. REFRIGERATORS. THE Standard Refrigerator of to-day is the EDDY. Made Btrictly first-class In Fine thoroughly kiln dried, heavily painted, beauti f ully grained, and varnished. They are superior to any hardwood box made. Examine them at S60 State Street. SILAS GALPIN. COOKING BY HEAT FROM GAS! nvaluable for comfort, convenience and econ omy in Summer. Food more perfectly cooked than by direct heat from coal. Ranges, with or without water heaters, hot plates, ovens, sad iron heaters, etc., etc., sold, set up and warranted by the NEW HAVEN GAS LIGHT CO., Mo. 80 GROWN STREET. PLUMBING G&SFITTIHG J. H.Buckley. 17t Church. Regal Hub. Elevated Closet, Cabinet Base. Over 1,500 need in New Haven. The heaviest, finest made, and most con venlent Range ever offered. Sole Agent, S. E. DIBBLE, 639 G-rand Avenue. FLOOR PAINT. No form of friction tries the durable properties of a paint more than constant tramping upon, U.S. N. DECK PAINT Has stood this test and is recognized as the only floor coating that has proven satisfactory for b 3th inside and outside wear. It is made in Var nish, dries hard over night with a High Gloss. For sale by THOMPSON & BELDEN, 3 9 6-3 9 8 - State - Street, Courier Building. THE FINEST LINE OP WALL PAPERS AT LOWEST PRICES, ON EXHIBITION AT The Broadway Wall Paper Store. Gome and examine our goods and you wUt be orprtsea at our prices xor owrauoi oomDin HOM' E. R. JEFFCOTT. PAINTING and DECORATING in all their sev era! branches aone wen ana promptly. nt nates given. E. R. JEFFCOTT, sei Kim Street, corner of Xcrlc. Architect, 853 Chapel Street. Steam 1 attention NEW UK T jJSjgL ARE STAMPED and Workmanship. Havana Xobaooo and Manufacturer of Cigars, Street, New Haven, Conn. Hotel Monopole, CEoropean Plan.) 14 and 16 Church Street. c AFE and Ladies' Restaurant connected with hotel. HOT LUNCH served In Cafe. IMPROVEMENTS AKD ALTERATIONS Hade during; the doll summer months have made . - - nro8Ki.Birs f MW HAVEN BOMB f" Here comfortable than ever for both permanent or transient gnests. Traveling men are shown especial attention. .11 RRTH H. uroHwr.icY Xtsccllaticoits. OZZONI'S MEDICATED COMPLEXION Trnnftrfji brilliant tmnsD&rencr to the fikin. Removes all pimples, freckles and dlscolorationa. IOWDER. For Sale EvGrjwiierfJ. ATTRACTIVE SELECTION OP SUMMER MILLINERY. Handsomely Trimmed Bonnets and Bound Hats AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Hiss A. V. Byrnes, 1132 Chapel Street, Second door above York street. The best for Driveways, Cellar and Shop Floors, Copings, and all kinds of Artificial Stone Work. Estimates furnished by The Manufacturers, 0. D. ROBIffSOlf & CO., my30 tf 443 State Street. HEW IIYEH POSTOFFICF. Opening and Closing of Mails. Itloney Order, lieetstered Letters, etc Office Hours April 1 to November 1, 7 a. m. to 6 p. m. November 1 to April 1, 7:30 a. m. to 8 p. to. Sundays from 12 1p.m. Vestibule open for the accommodation of the holders of lock boxes: From March 1 to Novem ber 1, from 6 a.m. to 13 midnight; from Novem ber 1 to March 1. from 5:30 a. m. to IS midnight; Buttua uigiiu. Lom 9 to 11 p.Aa. AHRITAT. AKD DEPARTURE OF KATUS. New York Open 7, 9, 12 a. m., a, 3:55, 6, 7, 8 p. m. Close 5:30, 9, 10, 11 a. m., 12:30, 2, 3, 3:55, 5, 8:30, 11 p. m. New York Railroad Way Open 8:39, 13 m., a, 10p.m. Close 5:30, 9 a.m., 2p.m. Baltimore, Washington, Philadelphia and Southern States Open 7:30, 8:30, 11a.m. Close 6:80, 9 a. m, 8:55, 7,11 p. m. Chicago and western 8tates Open 7:30, 11 a. m., 2, 10p.m. Close 6:30, 9 a.m., 3:55, 6, 7, 11 p. m. Albany and Northern New York Open 7:80, 11 a. m., 2, 10 p.m. Close 5:30. 9 a. m., 12:30, 3, 6, 7 sharp, 11 p. m. Boston Open 7 a. m., 1, 8, 4;S0, 7, 8, 10 p. m. Close 6, 7, 10:15, 11 . m., 12:15, 2, 85, 5, 11 p. m. Worcester Open 7:30 a. m., 3, 4:30. 10 p. m. Clone 7:00, 10:00 a, m.. 12:15, 2:30, 6:00. 11 p. m. sLn'ne, New Hampshire and Vermont Open 7, 10:0 a.m., 3, 4:30, 10p.m. Close 6, 10:15 a, hl, 6, 11 p. m. Springfield Open 7:30, 10:30, a. m., 3, 4:30, 1C p. m. Close 7, 10:15 a. ro., 12:15, 2:30, 5, H p. m. Springfield Bailroad Way Open 10:30 a. m.. 3:45,10 p.m. Close 7 a. m., 2:80, 11 p. m. Hartford Open 7, 10:30 a.m.,1, 3, 5, 10 p.m. Close 7, 10:15 a. m., 12:15, 2:30, 6, 7, 11 p. m. Ueriden Open 7, 10:30 a. m., 1, 3, 7:30, 10 p. m. Close 7, 10:15 a. m., 12:15, 2:30, 5, 11 p. m. New Britain Open 7, 10:30 a. m., 3, 10 p. m. Close 7, 10:15 a. m., 2:30, 5, 11 p. m. Wallingford Open 10:30a.m., 3, 7 p.m. Close 5:50, 7, 10:15 a. m., 2:30, 5 p. m. Kensington Open 10:30 a. m., S p. m. Close 7 a. m., 2:30 p. m. ' North Haven Open '10:30 a. m., 8, 10 p. m. Close 7 a. m., 2: SO, 5, 11 p. m. Bridgeport Open 7, 8:30, 12 m., 2, 4, 7, 10 p. m. Close 5:30, 9, 11 a. m., 12:30, 2, 5, 7, 11 p. m. New London Open 7:30, 10:30 a. m., 8:80,7, 9 p. m. Close 6, 10:15 a. m 2, 4:30 p. m. New London Railroad Way Open 10:30 a. m., 8:30, 7, 9 p. m. Close 6, 10:15 a. m., 4:30, 11 p. m. Norwich and East Connecticut Open 7:30, Ji a. m., 4, 7, 10 p. m. Close 6, 10 a. m., 2, 4:80, 11 p. m. Providence and all Rhode Island Open 7:30, 10:30 a.m., 4,7, 10 p. m. Close 6, 11 a, m., 2, 4:30, 11 p. m. Newport Open 7:30 a. m., 8:30, 10 p. m. Close 3 a. m., 2, 11 p. m. New Haven and Northampton Way Open 3, 10 p. m. Close 6 a. m , 3 p. m. Flantsville, Unionvilie, Sonthlngton and New Hartford Open 10:30, 3, 5:30, 10 p. m. Close 6, 10:15 a. m., 3, 5 p. m. Naugatuck Railroad Way Open 10:30 a. m., 8 p. m. Close 9 a. m., 5 p. m. Water bury Open 7, 10:30 a. m., 1, 8, 8 p. m. Close 6, 9, 10:16 a. m., 1:30, 6, 11 p. m. Birmingham Open 10:30 a. m., 1, 4, 6, 8 p.m. Close 6, 9, 11 a, m., 1:30, 6 p. m. Orange Open 10:30 a. m., 11 p. m. Close 9 a. m, 6 p. m. Housatonlc Railroad Way Open 12, 9 p. m. dose 9 a. m., 3:55 p. m. sharp. Shepaug Railroad Way Open 12 m. Close 9 a. Connecticut Valley BaHroad Way Open 3, 10 p. m. Close 6 a. m 8, 11 p. m. Air Line Railroad Way Open 3, 10 p.m. Close I a. m . 18:10, :au p. m. Durham, Cllntonviile and Northford Open 10:30 a. m., 10 p. m. Clow 7 a.m., 5 p.m. miaaiecown upon w.tsu sv. m., a, n:au, iu p. m. Close 7, 10:16 a. m., 12:15, 8:80, 8:55, 6, 11 p. m. Stamford Open 8:80 a. m., 12 m., 7, 10 p. m. uiose d:ju, v a. nu, , n, ii p. m. Danburv Ocen 7 a. m.. 12 m.. 4. 10 n. m Close 6:30. 9. 10:15 a. m.. 2. 3:55. 8:30. 11 d. m. Minora ocea :au a. m.. lz m.. 4. id. m. Close 6:30. 9. 11 a. m.. 8. 6 r m. uoicnesrer upen s, ju rs a. viose t a. m., !:S0. 6 d. m. West Haven Ooen a. 4.8 i. m. Rloaa 5:30 a. m., 12:30, 6 p. m. israncn omoe open :15 a. m., u m., 6, 9 p. f oreign open 7:au a. m., 4:30, 7:46 p. m. mose o:au, v, iu, 11 a. m.. m::ju. 4. o. 7. 11 r. m. Westvule Open 9:16 a. m., 1,9 p.m. Close 7, 11 n. hi., ;w v, in. North Branford Open 19 m. Close 12:41 n. m. North Guilford Open 12 m. Close 12:45 p. m. Carriers leave the office at 7:10 and 11:30 a, m., 2:30, 3:46 and 4 p. m making four deliveries in the business section and three and two further out, according to distance from the office. Col lections are made from red street boxes hourly from 7 a. m. until 10 p. m. From orange boxes seven times daily, last collection at 10 p. m. All green boxes are opened by the carrier on his regular trips, mafchigj two and three collec tions further out. Sunday colllections from led boxes at 4, 7, 9 p. m. Orange boxes 4, 9 p. m. Green boxes 4 p. m. money oraer ana rvgisterea letter windowi open from 8 a. m. till 7 p. m. Tlie fees on orders in the TJtdted RtatM are: Orders not exceeding 910, 8 cents; over $10 and not exoeeding f 16, 10 cents; over $16 and not exceeding $30, 16 cents; over $30 and not ex ceeding (40, 20 cents; over (40 and not exceed ing Sou, cents; over ou ana not exceed: ana 80 aents: over M0 and not gxnaerUng i 85 cents; over (70 and not exceeding (80, 40 cents: over fouuu uotexoeeomg vlw, wens, Postal notes are issued in amounts less than SA. Fm for same onlv thraa eantfi. and thaw must be presented for payment within ninety Letter postage in the United States 3 m. Annfia. "Bequest to return" will be printed across thn end of stamoed envelooea fnrnlshed bv the Fost-offlce department without additional cost where sack vc- irxMsrtA In lots not less thaa Caroonizea Stone HEAT YOUB HOUSE ' "WITH THE OZLEBBATKD MAHONY . BOrLKR, or Hot "Water, Direct or Indlreet xtaoiation. , . ALSO HOT AIR FURNACES. Driven wells a specialty. Englneers'Supplies. rtriL class work trnaranteed. Faotory work sollolted. Person given to modernizing defective plumbings SHEAHAN & GROARK. BTEAairiTTEBB AND PLCMBEKB, Telephone call 404-8 885 and 887 State Street. . DOYuUWANT Tonr Cairets Biiutene, Tne Moths Killed, and the Dmt - xtemovett c WE CAN DO IT. LACE CURTAINS Of the finest qualities cleaned without injury. We are especially fitted np for this work. DYEING and CLEANING Of Hen's Suits and Overcoats, Ladies' Dresses, etc . LAUNDERING Of Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Underolothlng, THE FORSYTH CO. OFFICES 878 Chapel street, - 6 40 . 23 Broadway, ; -. : s State, liawrence and Meclianic streets. Telephone 854-2 and 3. MECHANICAL DRAWING. PERSPECTIVE, MATHEMATICS, MECHANISM, Jrro. r. b. sumi, i7 uaurcn street. Hartford office. 258 Main street. Address let era to New Haven office. auio ly DESSAUER-TROOSTWYK SCHOOIj OF MUSIC. 781 Chapel Street. Thorough Musical Education after the method Of foremost European Conservatories. Violin, Piano, Organ, Singing, Flute, Clarion ette, Cornet, French Horn, Viola. 'Cello, Double Bass, Mandolin, Bandurria, Harmony and En semble Playing. Instruction single or in classes. Applicants receivea aauy rrom Ji: to 1 and 4 to. 5 BUS tT 7H1 UUAfKL H 1. SierliEi Silver MonntsQ F0CKETB00ES, AND brtoise Shell Combs and Hair Pins, at DURANT'S, Jeweler and Optician, S Church Street, opposite FostofBce. WEXXS tfc GUNDE, Watchmakers and Jewelers. oil Line Sterling Silver and Silver Plated Ware. IMBAL'S ANTI-RHEUMATIC RIHBS. No. 788 Chapel Street. pxisccllancous. EARLE & SEYMOUR, Solicitors of American and foreign Patents. 868 Chapel Street, Hew Haven. Conn. ee IDEAIi stone: rpHE best Artificial Stone In the market for X sidewalks, driveways ; mill, shop and barn Boors ; cellar bottoms, curbing, coping, etc. All orders promptly executed and satisfaction guaranteed. A. D.FANSLOW&CO., Exchange Building, Boom 12, lag! tf (P. O. BoxlBSff). NEW HAVEN. Xi. W. ROBINSON Architect, Removed to 760 CHAPEL STREET VAULTS and CESSPOOLS NEATLY CLEANED BY FARNHAM. Prices Low and Patisf action Guaranteed, Orders left at BRADLEY ft DANN'8, 406 State 8treet, EOBT VE3TCH SON'S, 974 Chapel Street, LINSLEY. BOOT & CO.U 33 Broadway. Will receive prompt attention. P. O. Address Box 855. TMenhon 425-13 WILLIAM H. CHAP MAS ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Solicitor of U. S. snd Foriigi Patsats M I " . fft H ..A sit uoonssi ii raienx uaosu. Omen: NEW HAVEN, CONN., TO Church St., Rooms g and 4. (Monday, Tuesday; and Wednesday.) BTBTNQFIELDJMASSn S 1 Tiraaln Street. (Thureday,;Frlday and Saturday.) Elcht v ears' experienoe as Examiner in O . Patent Offloe. Beferenoaa to "-rlandnab. eats raraunei. WE HAVE A FEW Standard Iiightins Company's .New rrocess Gasolene Stoves. Which we shall sell at 10 psr mil. Discount. C. P. MERRIMAN, Ooen evenings. 1 54 Elm Street, WvLTcnitnvtf tc CARPETS. OUR STOCK OF Moquettes, Velvets, Body Brussels and Ingrain Carpets, Is One of THE BEST la the City. Iilnoleum. Oilcloth, Matting, . Art Squares, Rugs and -Shades. , BABY CARRIAGES, ,',-A LARGE VARIETY. - REFRIGERATORS, All sizes, In soft and hard wood. LOWEST PRICES. STATTTi & HEGEL, tig is unnren street. OTETSOKf oce THE PEOPLE'S DRY GOODS STORE. A Buying CENTER A Saving Friday Bargains. Silks. About 1,000 yards 24-in, Figured Silks- one of the finest qual ity made, very strong and durable. Excel lent designs. Worth fully 75c. Only Fri day, at rC. a yard. Scotch Ginghams The real Scotch Ginghams 32 inches wide very handsome a ine of patterns. Ac tual value, 25c. Only Friday, at QC. a yard. Dess Qoods. About 1,200 yards 46-in. Worsted Vigo reaux. All the very choicest shades, and remarkably fine fabric. Reduced for Friday only, from $i. down to gQC. a yard. Just what you watitv; for your shore cottage curtains Regularly 5c. Only Friday, at gC. a yard. H WE & TETSON. 23XisccUaricoits. A word about Pneumonia, Diphtheria, AH Fevers, by H. S. JEWETT, M. D. BROOKLYN, N. Y. " The ability to control and soothe the worst features of ex hausting diseases is one of the most valuable attributes of 30VIHI The Original Raw Food "For me it is doing great work pleasant to take, easily digested, and, unaided, it will sustain a patient s strengtn tor weeks." Dr. Jewett is only one of many thousand physicians who believe Bovinine is the greatest condensed food in the world well, it is. . Sold by all druggists. THE BOVININE CO.. NEW YORK. A. P. BUSH & CO., 149 Pearl street, Boston, flew angiana agents. Dobbins .lectnc aoap is cheaper for you to use, if you follow directions, than any other soap would be if given to you ; for by its use clothes are saved. Clothes cost more than soap. This soap cost in i860 twenty cents a bar. Now it costs nine. It contains pre cisely the same ingredients and no others, now as then, and costs less than half. Buy it of your grocer, use it and pre serve your clothes. If he hasn't it, he knows that he can buy it of his wholesale grocer. The genuine always has our name on the wrapper, for imitations, many of. them. Look There out are of clothes by the use of Uobblns' Bleotrio Boap Is an established tact of a generation.1 It la not an experi ment or a wild assertion, bat absolutely tbue. Think carefully whether yon pre fer to tare b cent or two on soap, or dol lars on clothes. Yon can't do both. Boy Dobbins' Electric and look on ayery wrap per for the name of DOBBINS SOAP MFG. CO . I Bnooessors to 1. 1. uragia at jo. , . -Pnlladeipbla, Pa. L Tie tat Closii-Onl Sale At Has brought to light 50 CASES BLANKETS That will he sold lj the pair cheaper than you used to pay for half a pair. . a Dair. Will produce the most astoiushing values this country ever saw .. or ever will. EI7EN MclHTTRE & CO. 837 and 839 Ghtpel Street, IXTOTrET iaveu, 0t. UlisceXlaucoxts. THINKS IN CHOOSINQ DRINK3 AND HIRES' RLOotbeer WILL LINK YOUR THINKS. Deliciously Exhilarating, Spark lingj Effervescent. Wholesome as well. Pnrifies the blood , t icic les the palate. Ask your store keeper for it. Get the Genuine. THE CHAS. E. HIRES CO.. Philadelphia. "Penny wise and Pound foolish" are those who think it economy to use cheap rosin and soda soaps, or washing powders of any kind, instead of the good old Dobbins' Elec tric Soap ; for sale by all gro cers since 1869, and used dur ing all that time by millions of intelligent economical wo men who know its merits and therefore use it. All who use it praise it as the best, cheap, est, and most economical soap made, but if you will try it, even just once, it will tell a much stronger tale of its mer its itself. Ask your grocer for Dobbins' Electric Soap, take nothing else. UN?SR,4pu":ofth. LOUS best articles ; other unscrupu lous men seek to palm them off on their customers as the genuine, for the sake of the additional profit made by the deceit. There are lots of imitations of Dobbins' Eleotrio Soap. Every one of them will ruin and rot clothes. See that our name' is on every wrapper. DOBBINS SOAP MFG. CO., " Successors to L L. Oragin & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. DELICIOUS. Sparkling and healthful. Enjoyed by the whole family. No other root beer ex tract equals Williams' in strength and- purity. One bottle of extract makes 5 gallons. The great temperance drink. Thia Is not only" jut a. g-ood" a. others, but far btUtr. On. SOLD trial will support this claim. EVERYWHERE ffifflTTK S9c to $2.73 Bate The Oldest Dally Paper Pub lished In. Connecticut. THE CAEEINGTON PUBLISHING 00 DauvaBMO bt Cabbxkks in Tan Cm, 10 Cwrra a Wmnc, 50 Omna a Mouth, $3 fob Six Harass, $6 A Tbab. In Sams Tbjum bt HAib SlNOltB COPIES THBCS CKfTS AllletUT. and Inquiries in regard to snbsorip Bons or matt.ra of business snonldbs addressed THE JOURNAI. ArTD COURIER, New Ooaa, Rsom, We eannot aeeeot uarai or 1 etui a reject. ed communications. In ail westhenam. loc the writer will be tequlrad, not tor publication, but mm a gnar.n i i u. ipwa luul Situations, Wants, Bun and other small ad ertiaernent. Owe Cant m Word each Inner. noa. Five oeats a word lor a toll week (se tunes). Display Advertisements Per Ineh, one tnser Hon, (1.20; each subsequent Insertion 40 eenta; one week, 13.30; on month, (10; one year, (40, Obituary notloes, la prose or Torse, is cents per line. Notices of Births, Marriages, Deaths and Funerals, 60 oents each. Local no I notice. U oentsperuae. Veariv advaillMV. rm UmtfaMl to thelp o- fanmediata boslneea aU matter to be nnoblwy tionable, and their contract, do not Wants, To It, Tor 8ale etc. Disoonnts On two Inches or more, one month and over. 10 per cent.: on four Inches or mora. w. douo ana over, id per oanw THE WEEKLY JOUBNAXi fs puBLXsnnn Etkkt Thttrsdit MoBsma. Blnfrle Copies S oents. INTEKKSTINO REFOBIIBBS, The Lord sometimes causes the wrath of man to praise him, and it is Interesting to notice how the wrath of man has been and la working in New York. Thns the hlgh-sonled Peter DeLacy has f onnd it for his interest to savagely oppose the terrible evil of pool-selling, and several gentlemen who have been "thrown down" by the New York police are doing their beat to get even. So we have the intensely interest ing and dramatio stories of George Appo, Harry Hill and others who have testified in the Lexow investigation. And now oomes Mortis Teknlsky, president of the State Liquor Dealers' association, and pats himself on record with Dr. Parkharst and other reformers as being opposed to "playing the races." He looks npon money lost in snob, a way as money de viated from its proper and natural des tination, the pocket of the liquor dealer. He wants those who might be tempted to throw their money away on pool tickets protected ao that they can spend their money for something that la more filling than the blanks of the pool room. He also monrna because the liquor dealers themselves are not more thrifty and he would have them also pro tected by a law against "playing the races." This is a part of his forcible and feeling plea: I find that the chief patrons of the race tracks are the liquor dealers. They attend the races and let their business go to pot. They not only lore their money at the track, bnt they are losing business by not attending to it. There may be a question in some people's minds whether gambling at the .race tracks or liquor sell ing is the worst occupation; There isn't in mine, and I think it would be a good thing for the liquor dealers if pool selling were done away with. Then there's an other way the liquor dealers .offer. A fel low with a $2 bill hangs yon np for drink or cigar because he wants to pnt the bill npon a race. You're lucky if yon gat 60 per cent, of suoh haog-npa. If President Teknlsky carries his convic tion Into action those who are working against race track gambling in New York will have a powerful helper. If the Liquor Dealers' association prevents the race trsok gamblers from doing business and the raoe track gamblers prevent the liquor dealers from doing business il legally the community will not be harmed. TBI KOIINC BBPUBLICANS. The Young Bepublioans of Connecticut have set out to show that there may be miti gating olronmatanoes in "the atrocious orime of being a young man," and they are succeeding so well that it is not improbable that they will greatly increase the sale of hair dye, wigs and other devices to conceal the encroachments of age. The indica tions are that soon every Republican in Connecticut will be a young one if he is not so old as to be absolutely ineligible. The Young Republicans of Connecticut don't need any encouragement, but if they did they could find it in an address deliv ered the other evening by Rev. Dr. lioxon of Springfield, who pointed out that Alex- bander the Great died at the age of 32 mas ter of an empire conquered vj mmseit, an empire of two and a quarter millions of square miles. Napoleon fought his Italian campaign, in whloh he routed the veteran marshals of Austria, when he was but 27. Luther nailed his thesis against Indul gences on the churoh door in Wlttemberg when he was bnt 34 and Inaugurated the greatest movement In modern history. Calvin wrdte his Institutes, which have ruled and molded Christian thought for 300 years, when he was less than 2o and pub lished them when he was 27. Bacon be fore his beard was grown challenged prin ciples of philosophy that had dominated the thinking world for a thousand years, and began the modern age of scientific in duction. Skakeapeare did hla best work before he was 40, writing "Hamlet" when he was 86. Byron died when he was 26 and did his best work before he was 30. Shelley made himself Immortal and died at the age of 30. Watts Invented the steam engine before he was 30. Edi son, when he was 26, invented the quadru ple! telegraph, and before he was 40 had completely revolutionized electrical science in its relation to the practical arts. Stan ley discovered Livingstone when he was bnt 33 and before he was 87 hs had oroased the dark continent. It la quite probable that aome of these men would have been Young Republicans if they had bad the opportunity to be. And it is quite probable that some of the Young Republicans of Connecticut may attain a place in history. If they shouldn't they can have the aatlafactlon of knowing that they have done something to help break down an anolent prejudloe. The Young Bepublioans are now "ripe for ex ploits and mighty enterprises." In other words they mean business. ED1TOK1AK. NOTKa. Apples are fifty dollars a barrel In Chi cago. Here Is an advertisement from the Aus tralasian: "If Hubert Lynott, my hus band, does not return and support me within three months from this date, I In tend to re-marry. Florenoe Emilia Lynott," A Frenoh physician bat devised a vibrat ing helmet for the -cure of nervous head ache. It is constructed of strips of steel pnt in vibration by a small eleotrio motor, The sensation prodnoes drowsiness, the pa tient falls asleep under Its influence and awakes free from pain, i It is spreading. Dr. Dale,a London jour nalist who has written book reviews for the greater part of a long lifetime.aaya it la hla belief that by far the greatest number of books are written by men and women who are not "quite right" In their minds. Writing and publishing books, Dr. Dale oonsldsrs. Is one of ths most harmless ways in which suoh persona can spend their time. . At least one good thing baa been dona by the kUasacQusetts legislature. That body has passed and the governor signed a bill which provides that whoever causes or permits a horse's tali to be decked, or is present at suoh cutting ahall be pun ished by Imprisonment not exoeeding one year and a fine of not less than $190 nor more than $300. Tha Society foe tha Pre vention of Cruelty to Animals will be on the lookout for such cruel ilea and will re ceive half of tha dues collected. An interesting experiment Is now being tried at Sycamore, Alabama, where two brothers are operating a five-thousand acre tract of land. They employ ninety-four whites and not a single negro. They raise all the food crops necessary for the people and the stock In their little community, and all the meat they need, but cotton la their principal ciop. Bat they do not ahlp their ootton to northern markets to be worked np in eastern mills. A mill oa the plantation manufactures the ootton Into yams and another mill grinds the seed into oil. That must have been a wonderful hail storm which happened In Vienna on the 17th. The clouds were of a "aopper red," the sound like a great stoma at sea, the average sin of ths hall that of a haael nut; the depth of the toe on the streets was from alx to eight Inches; one hundred thonsand windows were smashed; the trees were stripped of leaves, so that when the sun came out there was no shads In the parks; thousanda of birds were killed; a thirty-two gun detachment of artillery outside the city was dispersed, the horses running sway in all directions. The last few miles of the Teh nan tepee railroad are now being completed, and in a few months ahlppara may be saved the distance of 2,400 miles in transporting merchandise from the United States and Europe to Mexico, which now has to be done by way of Panama. Important works at Coatzaoolcos, on the Gulf of Mexico, and Sallna Cruz, on the Paolfio, are In process of construction, and will make first-class termini and harbors for the route. It is expeoted that within five years large Tea sels will be able to get In to Sallna Cruz and that then the Tehuantepeo railroad will take the place of the Panama road for all commerce north of Panama. A peculiarity of the conces sion for the Tehuantepeo route la that, un like the other railroad concessions granted by Mexloo, it comes into the hands of the government immediately after its comple tion. Thus the affair la practically a gov ernment aoheme. The length of the road is 205 miles, against 70 miles in the ease of the Panama route, but the aavlng ot distance between Tehuantepeo and Panama is to great that the longer routs will cer tainly be successful as a business venture; at least until the United States bnllds the Nloaragna canal. An Illustration of the possibilities of the Tehuantepeo railroad la foand In the fact that the Panama railroad now has a transit trade averaging 50.009, 000 annually. FASHION MOfEs, Between Vace sat San. Leghorn hats are perky affaire with their oddly bent and twisted brims, bnt their only new feature is an added edge of cut out lace about the brim on the underside. For trimming there la somstimes, besides a great bow of ribbon, a oouple of upright feathers matching the ribbon whloh bend over the low crown. Tha ends of ths feathere droop In the long established Prince of Wales fashion. No woman need feel that ahe la ont of fashion un less she adopts some form cf east and west trimmings, whloh are not at all be coming to many. The round shade bat shown Is of black English straw and la trimmed with a big bow and upright loop of ribbon, together with two nodding os trich plumes. The crown le very low and is enolroled by a prettily arranged ribbon, while a finely pleated frill of black tnoussellne de sole entirely oovere the brim and partly hangs over it in front and at the sides. Not a bit less dainty than bats is that other means of shading the face the par asoL Coaching parasols are made np in all the pretty wash goods and they cannot be told from silk, and many of tbem cost more than did the last Tear's allk onea. It Is not necessary that tbe parasol should match the gown, the rnle being only that with a light gown a light parasol shall be carried. Parasols arsno longer lined, but the material used is either double faced or la put on double. The rib, which the lining waa used to cover, are now part of the prettlnesa of the article, being enameled to harmonize with the cover. A oharmlng effect, for Instance, is ahown in a dainty parasol of bine striped swivel silk, ttra ribs and handle of the parasol being blue to match. Flokxttb. FOLLOWING. Wimbleby calls his dog "Non 8equi ture" because he doesn't follow. Boston Transcript. First Actor (In tragto whisper) Are we quite alone! Second Actor (glancing grimly at the small audience) Almost. Tit-Bits. "Hss that horse a pedigree!" asked the tourist. "Nope," replied tbe honest farm er, "nothin but tbe heaves." Washing ton Star. He I know I'm a fool, but " She Well, you know more than I thought you did, then. I'll accept you. Raymond's Monthly. He Her heart is aa hard as glass. I can't make any Impression on it. She ne trial ensures repeated use. of every one who has tried a!va-cea f the new Curative Lubricant, the most effective external f remedy ever offered. Irritation of the skin, caused by eczema, erysipelas, or other skin disease, or by burns, 1 1 stings, bruises or cuts, is allayed at once. Catarrh, neural-' ' gia and innumerable other pains and aches, aro not only 1 relieved but cured by this invaluable remedy. Price, ss snd 60 cents per box. At dnuorista, or by mail. ' Tsm Baunons On, Have yon tried a diamonds Kate Field's Washington. There is no doubt that girls have men accomplishments, but they eannot cllmt cherry trees. Bnttb.amnrthino..n.n,.v. ins; their usual annual attempt. Atchison Globe. aTn Idea seems to prevail in the minds m ans areniteots that a higher education la only to be sained hv rasnln. xhnnl boildlngs np five or six stories. Buffalo wonoer. She If every atom of the human body la renewed every seven years I eannot be tna earns woman that yon married. He its oeen suspecting that for some time. ew xora weekly. Dinks They tall me DaUea been done In oil- Was It by an arttat I Dinks An xwner. BUckest man on the pe troleum .exchange. Caught poor Dablea tor clean ten thousand. Buffalo Conner. i eaeu oelebrate my twenty-second birthday next week," aald lilta Giddey to her dearest friend. "I suppose you for- gut is wnen it came around elcht or nlna Tsars ago," was Miss Flypp's reply. Har- Jndire Have vnn formal .nfin!ni.M. thle easel Mr. Wood B. Joror Yea. yonr "; oni mat neaa not matter. I have served on juries before, and I know that I ahall have no opinions at all when ooia aides get through. Puck. in London. German Whn l.tM. taa noseoery they are talking about! English Sport Wby, man. he's the chap whore horse won the Derbv. German wh.t is hat English Sport Yon bloomln' idiot, what else need he bet Detroit Free Press. Wool I had Onr friend, tha nmlnl critic, with me at Hobokenhnrst, two or three days last week. Van Pelt Enjoyed himself, didn't he! Wool Not a bit; the robins insisted on singing every morning, when it was perfectly clear to him that they didn't know the first thing about music Life. Some treat Meat's Nssuttku, From the Glasgow CKy.) Times. j Benjamin Franklin was lately whipped' for atealing chickens, Thomas Jefferson sent up for vagrancy, James Hadlaon fined for getting drank, Aaron Burr had hla eye gouged out in a fight, Zcbary Taylor robbed a widow of her spoons, John Wes ley was caught breaking into a store, George Washington is on trial for at tempted outrage, Andrew Jackson was shot in a negro barrxim, Martin Lather hung himself on the garden palloga while stealing a basket of vegetables, and Napo leon Bonaparte is breaking rock for a three dollars fine in New Orleana. Wbat'e the matter with the old boy.! Dasiclnc Herore ike Lord. H. V. Brown in July Lipplncott a Several of the dancers dashed past close to me, and I noticed that all their eyes were cloee y shut, and their faces wore a tense, ecstatic expression. How they managed to make tbslr way about I eannot pretend to aay; for they were rush ing about so frantically that even had they kept their eyes open It Is difficult to under stand how they could have aVed them selves from coming to grief. Ths dull thud, thud of their feet in'the darkness: the wailing hymn-tune, "Too late, too late, ye cannot enter now;" the ''King" en throned in bis gorgeous robs on his chair of black and sold under the masses of Tjrimson and gold drapery; the long nar row wtnoowa like sheets of xlno In the jading -evening lia'-it; the cry every now and then from aotue part of tbe ball. "Je sus 1 Jesnsl my Jeans, I love Thee!" or tbe incoherent "Lord, Lord, Lord, keep me to lay bleeding side!" (I shall never forget those words or tbe voir a woman's voice I heard crying them aloud iu that arrange plaoe); and thsn the suggestion of some thing supernatural, almost terrible, about tha whole thing. it waa an expexieno. whloh will remain, with me ao long aa memory shall last. Tbe dale on which the King and his light-hand men stood was led up to by four or five step; and I have seen these steps almost covered, and half of tbe panclng ring alio, with pros trato men, women and children who bad danoed until they had fallen down from sheer exhaustion. PIUPKBS ts. EHISUTUH. What Makes the Difference? It le a Question ! F.o4 and Its Dlcee- lfany people think we must eat fata and oils to become fleshy. This Is a serious mistake. We should eat starch foods, lr we cannot dlgwst well-cooked tiarch foods use Pre-Digested Starch Food a AW KOLA. Paakola will not only b. absorbed at on by tbe most delicate stomach, but it will create aa appetite for other fool. Aa incrsaas in flesh and trengtn will follow Its me. Mr. O. H. Butler, a drujnrt of Oswero. N. T ays: "A young ladv lul In rrpor.. . irata of nve pounds ai ir we u oc two imtu Dotuee or r-aasoia.- 8wid for pamphlet and for particulars to The Pre-lJiicested Fool Co , SO Beads street, Kew York, rtl SULKS M. E.ERTR Ac CO., JelSTu FrAw y.w H.t... conn. ASTHMA. RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, OBESITY, Positively Cured by Massage Treatments Given by FRED O. HAASE. Will be at the tVe.tasorelaad Hotel, Boom Ko. S, MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS. Hours 10-1 and A el9 St A FRIEND IN NEED. DR. SWEETS INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Prepared from the recipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet of Connecticut, the (Treat natural Bone Better. Baa been used for more thaa 50 years and a the best known remedy for Bheamatism,Neuralgia. Bpralns, Bruises,. uunu, uns,ttooiiu ana au eraai injuries. . H. CONWAY,, Sola istsl. That is the testimony 4 S7. Canal 8t, New Turk. f There is NO SUBSTITUTE FOR Being the popular fat-oriJe, it is the) etanJanl of rompariion, a pattern for imitators, 1ut i:$ excellence cannot la equaled. Nicotine, the Active Princi ple, Neutralized. Tlie Chew, And Smoke. Ajm-NEBvors; Axn-DvsrErric. "young man." the old man atarnlv atked, after tha youth bad aaked for the daughter's hsnd, "do yon play pokerf" "Y-ee er, that is I" blurted tbe suitor, blushing. "That's all right," blandly In terrupts the parent. "Can you tnt saa on to a quiet gamer' Atlanta Constitu tion. Mrs. Newgold I want yon to .how tna some of your best Dtoturea. Dealer These are expensive, but they are soms of tue rarest old palnungs wa have. They slra. Newgold Young man. yon can't de ceive me; I ean get bright, spick new ones much cheaper. Chicago Ttlbuoe. WHEAT1NE H YOU - WILL a ENJOY f E Wheatine T A FOR BREAKFAST! Delicious. ' Strengthening and W H E A T I Full of Spring Crowing Power. NS. H. STREETS CO. EAT WHEAT Apollinaris "THE QUEEN.OF TABLE WATERS. Supplied under Eoyal Warrants to Her Kajesty the Queen of England, and to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. Received the HIGHEST AWARD at the WORLD'S FAIR. HO ! FOR THE RACES ! Bat provide yourself with a Field Glass or Si Glass, A PAIR OF London Smoke Spectacles, OB LORGNETTE. Don't forget a rocket Flask, BotU. of Cologne or Toilet Water, and a package of Zedoary Powder For Tender, Tired Feet EVERYTHING IN THE USE OF Optical Goods and Toilet Sundries 13 TO BE FOUND AT E. L WASHBURN & CO., 14 Church ted SI Center Streets New Haven. immnmiiimmimmrni Don't be Deceived By those who oflcr sub fcE stitutes for Cottolcne. E Its success has been so p phenomenal that numcr- ous imitations arc now being offered which are claimed to be, "just as good." All these Imitations lack the intrinsic merit of Cottolene and will prove disappointing and disa greeable to thosewhouse them. These counterfeits diner widely from Cotto lene and are mere rE IE Experiments f when compared to the reliable shortening Cot tolene. Save money, an noyance and your health byrefusingall substitutes offered to take the place or Cottolene. 6oM lo three and ave pound iMtts. Madeonlrby H.IL FAIRBANKS' CO. CHICAGO. aao rrateM Eithaap, L t. C4 lUtt IL, I FOB SAXlE. 8tnir!e aad DooMe Tiuean, Drnnp Carta. Blilk. Grocery, and Boatnns Vmtcmm. Barneys, Traps. Boezias, Phaetons, esq HarneH Ot an aesuijUluin oa aaad and made to order. Track and Wagon Building And Bepeirtnx a specialty. Tire Setting While you wait ao delay, ao bezabw, ao vat Unx. SMEDLEY BROS. & CO., 171-175 Brewery Street. 'i Finns. a. 7i A