Newspaper Page Text
Friday, June 22, 1894. HOT SHOT FOB Men's Neallgee 8hlrts that were $1.60, $1.75, $2 00 and $2 25, all put ont on the oountor at 98c each. Ladles' Vesta, In Merino gauze wool, low neck, short sleeves, that were $1.25 and $1.50, at 25c each. Ladles' Shirt Waists, carried over from last season, that sold at $2 75 and $3.25, at 75c each. Boys' Laundered Waists (new) usually sell at 93e, at that 69c each. Oar grand wind-up of all our Ladles' laundered collar and uaff.- Bom Waists, regular $1.50 goods, all new, at $ 1.00 each. Ladies' Fast Black Hose, guaranteed 25o value or money refunded ; two pairs to a customer, at 12 1-2g each. 6 4 Chenille Table Covers, good $1.50 valne, at $1.00 each. Soap Bargains box of 3 cakes, worth 2oo, at 15c a box. Bargain Hunters Should Be Out in Force. 762 to 768 Chapel Street. Friflay mm JAPANESE DAUTSu In original designs and colorings, also perfect copies of the most celebrated Rags at the Vienna Oriental Rag Exhibition, These goods can be bought at a verv small traction of the cost of the originals. Over 25 patterns in 9 by 12 feet; The New Haven Window Shade Co. Carpets, Rugs, Mattings, Drapery Goods, Shadings, etc. 68-70-7A OR-flLNTGH Open Monday and OitnvJIey unlg,i- KOAL. I am novr delivering Koal in bags and carried into the cellar direct from -wagon. Avoid all dirt and buy of W. F. GILBERT, OS Church Street, opp. Postofflce, 80 to 91 Railroad Avenue. MONARCH Your Choice of Rims and Tires Call and See Them. Buckingham. Clark & Jackson, State SPECIAL And Hangings for Cottage Draperies. SUKs, mus lins, Oriental Rugs, Mats, Window Shades, Table and Stand Covers, Floor Oilcloths. ' THE HOME DRAPERY CO., 694 CHAPEL STREET. ori and i At this time every year we avon eood for PIES ? Let me we oner mis eca - Gallon cans California Peaches, SOo per can. Gallon cans Baldwin Apples, 85o per oan. 3 lb cans, Fears, Apricots, Cherries, loo per oan. 3 lb cans Beet Pumpkin and Squash. DRIED FRUITS. Evaporated Apples, Evaporated Apricots, Evaporated Peaches, Native Stravf-fcerries we receive every morning, at the BOSTON GROCERY, , A. FULLERTON, Prop., 926 Chapel Street, corner of Temple. Telephone 450. Branch Store and Market, 1231 Chapel street. YOU WILL FIND The lowest of all low figures marked on goods in our riTianal street window. No. 780. Never such a rush for Carpets and Furniture before. We are doing the lrusiness by making prices talk. Our customers shall have the benefit of depressed writes. Carloads of Chamber Suites and other Pur ?fil .v.o4tio TOshed uuon us. boueht bv us in the or-r nft.ho season. xttq Jrm -no room to store Wenawy CiO SO II w P u-- So come JUid get anythingin the line of Furniture Carped Shades, Draperies, Paper Hangings Baby Carriages and Befrigerators, and you will find our prices right. H. B. ARMSTRONG & CO., 8007 Orange Street, . . "- ' .amass J sTslA. . ... " ' CALIFORNIA OLIVE oil: CALIFORNIA OLIVES. Twelve 8 gallon kegs of California Olives. Seven oaaea of California Olive Oil qta. We believe these to be the first Califor nia Olives and California Olive Oil ever offered for rale in this olty. The absolute pnrity, weight and flavor et the Oil, superior in ail respects to tnai produced in Spain, Is the olaim advanced by the maker of the OIL They have come to ns direct from the oroduoer. and we hope that they will make a market for themselves on their merit. 8,800 GALLONS OF Port, Sherry. Angelica, Muscat ana uatawoa wines, Just received direct from California, $1.00 FEB GALLON. Some in the lot very old. California Claret, $2.50 per dozen quarts ; 25o per dozen paid for the bottles. Imported Sherry Wine, BE0EIVED DIBKOT, $3 00 and $4 00 per gallon both remark- aoie value. Imported Oporto Port, RECEIVED DIRECT, $4.00 and $6.00 per gallon will surprise good judges. Hiiebotachaner Lager, $1.00 per dozen, Bohemian Lager, $1 00 per dozen. We are sole agents for their sale in New I Haven. The Sun's) Hot Bays WERE falling fast, as across the thirsty lawn there passed a youth bearing in his hand no strange device. 'Twas 60 feet "Saltonstall" 4 ply hose bought of BrrSen's East BocK Tea Store 973 State Street, near Edwards. YOU will save money by trading at this store. We are selling 3 lbs of the best 50c Tea for One Dollar, also 6 lbs of splendid Coffee for One vouar. au sinas urocxery, unina ana u lass ware sold cheap. jeo at. hhi iikw. DENTISTRY. G. H. Gidney, 797 Chapel Street, North side, 8 doors below Orange. Dentistry in all Its branches. Prices the lowest consistent with first-class work. other sizes in proportion. BUG d Aw BICYCLES. Highest Grade. Weighs 25 Pounds. Agents, 294, 296, 298 Stria street. DESIGNS TtriP.d "Fruits are oiten asKea : nnax navet; tell you a few of the things. Evaporated Raspberries, Large Pitted Cherries, California Prunes. These KOOdS mUSt be SOld.1 them or the disposition to tcal Estate. FOB BENT. o NIoelv.fnrniaried MoniL hast location In I city JQ18 7tt , 5 COLLEGE STREET. FOR RENT. f"a Eight rooms, modern Improvements; ; JhaX Je4tt WUT.UlOUk W center OI Cliy. IlJqUirW 8 EDGBWOOD UK. ' fob bent; Suitable for manufacturing purposes, a room about 80x90 feet, wll lighted on three rides, central It located. ELnauire of je9 88t 8. B. OVIATT. 87 Church St. FOB SALiE, In lake Place, two new brlok bouses, modern Improvements, 13 roomB : also bulldlne lota. J. D. PLDNKETT. ap!4tf 40 Church street, Boom 8. FOB BENT, Society balls In Masonis Temuw, fur- a nlabed, and janitor aerytoe. n am jjaABUhB wujowi, agent. FOB RENT. D Two eood stores on Grown street: oan I be made into one If desired. Call on or address F.O.I.UK,- nuWtf 97 Oeoter street. TO IiET, At Indian Neck, furnished cottage of ten n rooms : good bathing, extensive grounds, shade, barn: price $300. Address WM. BRYAN, htontowese House. ap3S tf Branford, Conn. FOB BENT, At "Sachem's Head." anflford. Conn.. furnished cottage of ten rooms. Inquire or jn. tx. uuuit z & aj, io ueorge street, je!9 7tt corner Congress avenue. TO RENT, QElm Arch," Woodbridge, Coon. ; a most desirable summer residence, situated on high ground in the best, most attract ive and healthful portion of the town, facing the main road to Seymour at its widest part. Tele phone or address either C. S. MER8ICK, New iiaven, (jonn., or CHARLES T. WALKER. Je20 7t Woodbridge, Conn. FOR SALE, The double four-familv frame house I Noa. 6 and 28 Sperry street. Lot 53x163. t Kent s (40 per month. Apply to CHABLES H. WEBB, 850 Chapel Btreet. Qttonday and Saturday evenings). FOR SALE, Brick house. No. 134 Howe street, in first-class condition, modern improve ments ; terms easy. JOHN C. PUNDERF0RD, 118 OHPBCH BTREET. FOR RENT, a House on DIxwell avenue, 9 rooms. modern improvements, $30 per month. MEBWUT8 REAL ESTATE OFFIOZ, 75fl Chapel street. FOB SALE OB BENT, Q House corner Dwlght street and Edgewood avenue, suitaoie tor one or two ramuies ; good lot ; price low. CH AS. D. NICOIIi & CO., 82 Church street (Benedict Building), Room 15. Evenings from 7 to 8. Wistvilli t. iavi rSipid Trusit. a Bunding lots oa Kara, ronntam, West I Prospect, WUlard. Aldan, Bamett and .other desirable residenee streets In West- vHm, for sale at prices ranging from two to tea cents per square foot. Now Is the time to how, For particulars, eall on or address H. O. Pardee, 19 tf H8 Fountain street. Weatvnia. BOY A BUILDING LOT Now While Prices Are Low. Valuable Lots oo Whitney Avibdo. bargain. Real estate In all parts of the city, EDWABD M. CIiAKK, 131 CHUBOH BTBKJET, Evenings 7-8. Boom 18. FARM WANTED. - City property will be exchanged for a farm with or without buildings. B. B. Baldwin, 818 Chapel street FOR SALE, HOU8E AND LOT, 78 niLiitmr street. Lot Is 50x113. Inquire of S. B. OVIATT, 87 Church street. my5tf FARM WANT ED, with stock and tools. In exchange for a I nearly new two-family house with modern L conveniences, well located and near horse cars, in this city. For run particulars, permit w see uuubo, cm.., please call or address George A.. lsDeii, 787 Chapel street. New Haven, Conn. AUCTION SALE OF REAL ESTATE, To Close an Estate. The undersigned will offer for sale at PUBLIC AUUxlOtt roe premises near tuo junction of Columbus Avenue and Thorn St. Running through from said Columbus avenue to Thorn street, 60 feet front each street, 120 feet deep on one side, and 80 feet deep on the other, more or less. Sale will take place on the premises At 5 o'clock Saturday Afternoon Jane 23d. Terms made known at time of sale. EDWARD C. BEECHER, el8 6t Licensed Auctioneer. No Mistake Will You Make -TTOU who are looking for a Building Lot on 1 which to build for a noma. INVESTIGATE The Building Lots bounded by Orange, Edwards, Livingston and Canner Streets. - THEY ABE The Cheapest for the Money, The Most Desirable, (AND, MORE IMPORTANT THAN ALL,) The Healthiest Location In the city of New Haven. CStatistics will bear oat. uiis suaiemeai. r or bow u; BEECHEB'S EXCHANGE, Boom No. 6, Lyon Bunding, je5 769 Chapel Street. Two-family House ON ORCHARD STREET. $6,500. Beal Estate for Sale. A brick house on Orange street, centrally located, Desirable house, with bam, on large corner lot on WhaUey avenue, . , ., $13,000 $8,000 Corner lot on Shelton avenue, $15 foot I Beautifni lot on winthrop aW I nue. 40x134, near eleotrio nue, $30 foot oars, riUmmn, lot W nn flnnd voar atreacT ' WW (. -- J ' - -ort, ) 40x125 feet, for $300 Money to loan at S per cent. GE0.F.PTC0DB, . Beal Estate and Financial Agent, Boom 17, Exchange Building, 1X1 (jnurcn b treed. MISIATT7MS A TiHf A TTAO. :' ' JUNE 2a. . - Bon Brass, Bin Sara, 4:191 7:88 Moon Riaaa, 10:41 - . I High Wazna DEATHS. AMTJNDRON Jane 19th, at Bedford Park, New . i otk, uima ai- amunason. Funeral Friday, 8?d Inst., at Evergreen oeme- terv. we remains arnvinv ac iz:&u naon. r BIBB ELL On June 80, Theresa Maria Bkeale, widow or tne late layman Bissau, major u. o, A., and 83 vears. Funeral services will' be held at ber late resi dence. No. 808 Crown street, on Saturday af. ternoon at 8 o'clock. Friends are Invited to attend. - 2t CHAT FIELD In thlsctty, June 19 th, Edward A. Cbatneld. asred 46 years. Funeral services at his late home, S55 Wballey avenue, cnaay, anne tzg, at is p. m. Tienus are respectfully Invited to attend. lit - MARINE XilST. egg OBT OF NEW HAVEN. ABKrvxn. Bob John L. Treat, Parsons, Darten, Qa., lum uw ws.n.a 0. jmu uo. - . GLEAnSD. Bch Mary Ann, Collins, N. T. Bch Pbotnlx, Carlton, N. T. - FOUND. SUM of money, on Wall street, which the owner cm nave nj proving nis property jeiWlt 88 WALL STREET. FOB KENT. First floor, housa 61 William street, to euiau xeuuujr. inquire je23 3tt .0 WILLIAM STREET. Free Till July 1. a 61 Garden street. 8 rooms, all modern improvements ; rent $18. eiB It E. UALLET. IiOST. T ANK book containing sum of money. Finder JL 9 wiu do rewaraea oy returning to jegj ltt 48 TRUMBULL STREET. Free Till July 1. 57 Garden street, 6 rooms, neatly decor- a tea; rent l4.ou. je821t E.MALLEY, Arrive Saturday. June 23. TV An extra fine carload of horses heavy CO., 41 george street. jeaa 7tt For Light Manufacturine ur srarage, secona noor us uregson je321t E. M ALLEY. Woman's Ezchange, 508 CHAPEL STREET. COMMENCEMENT sale at New Haven House, X oeginning oamruay, June am, Orders taken for "ureads1' and lunches ; biscuit, cake, sal ads. Free Till July 1, Second floor 14 York street. 4 rooms: rent $11. jegg It E. M ALLEY. FOB KENT, Pleasant furnished rooms, all modern conveniences. je21 3tt 19 WALL STREET. FOB KENT, Five rooms, modern improvement, 47 Third street, j21 71 1 first house from Howard ave. Boulder-Croft, Short Beach. six rooms suitable tor housekeeping select adults only. Address jel9 7t FRED WILSON. FOB SALE, In excellent locality, a first-class drue store, with established trade for twenty .years : lease for years secured to our- cnaanr. Appiy 10 .iaoies f. uaw, je!6 7t 35 KJl Chapel street. New Haven, Conn. For Sale to Close an Estate, unesmre uencer, aengnuui residence; one acre of ground; beautiful location; barn. etc. : fine fruit of everv descriDtlon : location unsurpassed in the state: excellent chance for a physician; quick sale; $6,000. L. B. HINMAN, JeM 7t " 80 Benedict Building, City. The New Haven Savings Bank. THE semi-annual meeting of the Board of Trustees of the New Haven Savings Bank will be held at the bankinghonse, No. 145 Orange street, on Friday, June 29, 1894, at 3 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of declaring a semi-annual dividend, appointing auditors, and for doing any other business proper to be done at said meeting. . HENRY D. WHITE, Clerk. New Haven, June 21, 1894. 1e22 6t District of New Haven, ss. Probate Court, 1 June 21st. 1894. ( ESTATE of THB WORLD MERCANTILE AGENCY of New Haven, in said district, a88fg-nins: debtor. me voluntary assignment oi tne saia aeoior, having been lodged in this office for record and the probate thereof, and William A. Wright, of said New Haven, being in said assignment nomi nated as trustee for said estate, therefore ORDERED That the 26th day of June, 1894, at 10 o'clock forenoon, be, and the same is, hereby assigned for a hearing on the approval of said proposed trustee ; and that all persons in terested therein may have notice to appear, if thby see cause, and be heard thereon, this court directs that this order be published three times In a newspaper having a circulation in said pro bate district, before said time assigned for said bearing A. HKA.TON ROBERTSON, je22 st Judge. LQRSALE IH BROOKSVALE In the Town of Cheshire, Conn., 10 miles from tbe City of Hew Haven, Within five minutes' walk of the station on the New Haven and Northampton Bail rnd with more than 100 acres, divided in into into plow and weooiana, commanaing a aeugnt f ul view by reason of elevation above the lands adjacent thereto. A most desirable house, liberal and conven ient ; in excellent condition ; three capacious barns for hay and stock, with woodbouse, hen nery and ice house filled ; a never-failing spring furnishing an abundant supply of water, clear and cold, for both dwelling and bams ; not less than 260 trees of "grafted fruit," bearing choic est of apples, pears, etc. ; near several cottages built by Brooklyn citizens ; a splendid farm and beautiful summer resort united. Part of pur chase money can remain on mortgage. Will ex change for central city property. Inquire of w. P. MLES, Attorney, 23 Exchange Building, . je22 6t New Haven, Conn. BROWN & DURHAM, Complete House Furnishers. 74 and 76 Orange St., cor. Center. CASH OB CBEDIT. $1.15 FOB A LaSy'sTanorDoiplaOifoiu la cheap, but we have some 300 or 400 pairs that we carried over from last season and propose to close them ont at the above price, regardless of cost. On sale Friday, May 25th. Also one case Ladies' SI. 50 Patent Leather Oxfords Widths O and D, . 92 cents. A. B. GREENWOOD, 773 Chapel Street. Call and see SMTP'S PHOTOGRAPHS OF I THE WORLD and WORLD'S FAIR that we give away. R F RLOGG & BRO.. AAe A e .nw., uasn ur vreuit HOME FURNISHERS, 699 Chapel Street, Mew laten, Conn. FULL LINE OF Folding Beds, Parlor Furniture, Carpets, Oilcloths, ueas, rsaoy uaxnages, Mattresses, Parlor and Cook Stoves. . Character is Credit. Rton omm 7 a. m. to 6:80 P. low Baturdayand Monday evenings to .- "v Bpnna- Mouse, i Block Island, B. I. shipboard ; pioneer hot,) on Island ; ev ery facility for comfort or entertain- as periciwj r recuperative as life oa BBsasaamenE ; su more, nauuiw nwu , kuuu nahittc, boating and driving : excellent bathing; two ooneerta daily : owns the celebrated min eral springs (which first attracted visitors to the Island) ; circular free. Refer to Burdette Hart, D. P., aty,jeii aut jp. n. jsmjuaiun, rrop. LAKE DUNM0RE HOUSE - . AND COTTA9ES, - SALISBURY, "VERMONT, I - - Wi .Os Will open June 6. ' Apeommodatlons 'orsnn. Finest lake and stream fishinaf. Orchestra entire season. Complete Uy- y, boats, tennis ooura, etc. . myU la I BEDS BT TE1FER1PR From All Quarters. RAMAPO IS THE WINNER An Exciting Struggle for the Suburban Prize SENATOR HILL IS VERY EMPHATIC Populist Votes Are Preferred to Democratic STEAM RUSHED FROM HIS MOUTH Roasted to Death on a Live Electric Light Wire WON A GALLANT FIGHT. Ramape 'Wins tne Suburban in One of tne moat Exciting; Races Ever Witnessed mt Sneepshead Bay Sport made at Bold Flebt Near the End. Shbxpshkad Bat, Jane 21. The great est Suburban Handloap in the history of that classlo event was won to-day by Bamapo. The battle was a grand one and well fought, and Bamapo, the favorite, carried over the prize from the sterling aged gelding, Banqnet, only after a bitter and orael struggle. That erratic beast, Sport, took It Into his head to try to win when it was too late. He oame like a shot from a cannon from the rear tanks In the final sixteenth, and passing the other itrnggling contestants as if they were landing still, secured third plaoe by a comfortable margin. At 4:41 o'olock the bngle summoned the horses to the post for the great race. They formed in parade at the " post and came down by the stand. Then, as they lined np, 25,000 pairs of eyes centered on tbe atarter. Finally after five breaks the field got away in splendid order. In the front ranks were. Kinglet, Banqnet, Bamapo, Pickpocket, Sir Walter and Sport, while bring np the rear were Comanohe.King Lee, Don Alonzo and St. Michael. The feet of the thoroughbreds raised the duet in clonds, but through their midst junglet, wno was Ramapo's pace-maker, could be seen strug gling a neck before Banqnet, be in tnrn a length before Bamapo, with Fiokpocket, Henry of JNavarre, a-ing xjie, oir. waiter, Sport and Comanche running so olose that fears were entertained that some one wonld be thrown on the tnrn. Not so, however. All swept aronnd the first bend in safety. Kinglet improving his advantage to half a length, while fiokpocket went np to Ban quet's throat latoh and ran head and head with the old gelding Bamapo, dropping back to fourth place and having as com panions Henry of Navarre, Don Alonzo and Sir Walter. At their heels thundered King Iee, Co manche, Sr. Michael and Sport. It was now a magnificent contest. It oonld be seen that Bamapo and Banqnet were going easier than any of the others. Taral was next the rail witn tne favorite, ana at every mighty stride the hooded head nod ded In perfect rhythm and open month told of the stont pall the Datohman had npon the reins. At tne ena oi tne naii-miie canqnei went np to Kinglet's neck onos more, and with Pickpocket at his shoulder and Bamapo at his saddle girth, Henry of Navarre and Sir Walter head and head at the ohestnnt horse's flanks, Don Alonzo laying on the outside a neck away,nothlng more stirring in the way of a horse race oan be Imagined. As they swept abont the long wide tnrn and the struggle began In real earnest Banqnet, after a short bnt decisive fight, shook off Kinglet and 'toTZtitr Qrf tlfff ew11 ffiS bin and under its rallying Kinglet olnng to the veteran for a hundred yards or so. Pickpocket and Bamapo were now neck and neck only a few feet away and Sir Walter and Henry ot JNavarre were ngnt. ing every inoh of the journey with them. When only three furlongs remained to be traveled Slmms, setting sail with Banquet, quickly left Kinglet. Taral was watonlng the old gelding, and the moment he moved he was with him. Pickpocket, too, an swered HcDermott's call and in company with Sir Walter and Henry of Navarre strove to hold his own. While the leaders were fighting for tbe mastery Sport, who had been next to last on the back stretch by a marvelous buret of speed and aided by good fortune in getting tnronga on tne ran passed in quick succession King Lee, Charade, Comanche, Kinglet, Don Alonzo, Henry of Navarre and Sir Walter and the instant the straight run for home was be gan be showed in third place, it was now seen that the race would be between Banquet.Bamapo and Sport. Ban quet had the rail while Bamapo was six or eight feet from him, and Sport was lmme deately behind the pair. Whips were fly ing, and Sport, witn nis peculiar pioaaing stiide. was gaining steadily npon the two leaders, who were fighting furiously, run ning stride for stride, answering every can maris noon them Dvtneir naers. Shortly after passing the furlong pole Ramano's head was in front and Banqnet, swerving a trifle toward the rail, ehut off Snort completely. Thompson was then compelled to finish in third position, for he was nonsiessiv poogetea. Taral and Hlmms rone like demons through that final distance, plying steel and catgut eveiy lncn. it was rip ana slash and the game thoroughbred s strug gled nntil their flaming eyeballs seemed ready to nnrst rrom ineir socKets. But it was the case of a four-year-old not overdone with raoing and that of an old gelding, and in tbe final strides Bamapo drew away and was the nrst past tne post by a scant half length. Two lengths away was Sport, who Deat Jung Lite a lengtn ana a half for third place. Henry of Navarre was fifth. Pickpocket sixth. Sir Walter seventh, St. Miohael eighth, Don Alonzo ninth, Comanohe tenth, Kinglet eleventh and Charade last. Ramano's time waa 2:06 1-5. which was 2 5 faster than the race bad yet been run in. FRISCILLA'S TRIAL TRIP. Twelve Hundred Invited Gnests Were Aboard the Finest Steamer Ever Constructed. New Yobx, Jane 21. The fine new steamer PrisoiUa of the Fall Blver line, plying between this city and Fall Blver, made its trial trip this morning under the most favorable auspices. The PrisoiUa cost $1,500,000 and is licensed to carry 1,600 passengers, The finish and decora tions are superb and the vessel probably has no equal afloat. At 11 o'clock she left the pier of the I Fall River line at the foot of Murray I carrying on maiden trip abont I gQ0 jnTlted guesta The PrisoiUa went from the foot of Murray atreet np the Hudson to Yonkera and re turning went down the bay, arriving back at hex pier at about 6 o'olock. Every nossible effort waa made for the enlovment of the guests. Excellent musio was furnished by tne snip's orcneatra. a.i 12 o'olock a gorgeons luncheon waa served Seven hundred covers were laid atone time. . The dining room waa handsomely decorated. Among the officials present were: presi dent J. B. Eendriok, Boston; Supervisor ?. B..n.r "i : - :r .. , ------- Tramo Manager aieiien, raseenger xramo Manager Connor, new jiavon; uenerai Passenger Agent O. H. Taylor, New York: I General Freight Agent U. P. Clark, Bos ton; Comptroller a. at. Kooherspergsr, New Haven: Treasurer A. w. Ad Boston: Auditor Charles V. Conn, New Haven. " C- Executed After BUdnlght, Columbus, June 22. William Whaley, colored, who murdered Allan Wilson, col ored, in 1893, waa executed in the state prison shortly alter mianignr. '. mrs. II .Hi day Convicted. . MoirBKiMxq, N. Y., June 21. This aft ernoon the jury In the ease of Mrs. Lizzie Halllday, the murderess, returned a ver dict ox m order is tne nxai aegree. ON TUB BALL FIEIO. Tne Results ot tbe Baseball Games Yesterday iflta. taa Scores anal Bits and Errors. - At Baltimore - a . Baltimore 860010110 8 Philadelphia. 10080100 0 I Hits Baltimore IS, Philadelphia 10. Errors Baltimore 0, Philadelphia 1. Batteries slul- lane and Robinson; Weyhlngand Grady. At Pittsburg Pittsburg;..... 08080111 0- Chicago 060S0000 810 Hits Ptttsbun 12. Chlcan II. Errors Pitts- barg 1, Chicago 8. Batteries Ehret, Colceiough ana imok; Terry ana murcreuge. At Brooklyn . . Brooklyn 88680000 x-18 New York...., 00010000 0-1 Hits Brook Ivn 18. New Tork 5. Erroi Brooklyn 1, New York 4. Batteries Oastright, Kennedy, Dally and Lechanoe; Meekin and Qer- At Cincinnati Cincinnati 0008800004 Louisville 8 1 0 0 8 0 0 0 06 Hits Cincinnati 6, Louisville & Errors Cincinnati S, Louisville 8. Batteries Dwyer and vaugnn; A-aeii, rtemmingana urun. At Washington Washington , 11800010 17 Boston 80080S11 0-10 Hits Boston 18. Waahlnsrton 11. Errors Boa- LUU u, T. nilllMWB It, DKIWI HUM! ana uyan; Bum van, nam ana maguire. Yacht Deslamer Stewart Demd. Bobtok, Jane 21. George A. Stewart, designer of the 'yaoht Pilgrim and many other boats, died to-day of typhoid fever. Mr. Stewart had become debilitated as a result of last summer's work and was taken seriously ill Sunday at the Corinthian club house, Marblehead. and brought to the Massachusetts general hospital in this city. On tne Verge of Death: . Minneapolis, June 21. The passengers in an Interurban avenue eleotrio oar bound from St. Paul to Minneapolis had a narrow escape from death to-day. The car was orosslng the high bridge over the Missis sippi at a good rate of speed when a rod underneath became detached ana striking tne pavement tnrew the oar rrom tne track. The rear end of the car plunged against tne railing ana tore os a long eeotion ot it. and when the oar oame to a standstill the passengers saw that the rear, where the only exit was, hnng over the side of the bridge, with the water flowing seventy feet below. A few feet mora would have plunged the car Into the river. KILLED BI A LIVE WIRE. Revolting; Spectacle la Rochester Steam Issued From Stephen Klsb' mouth. Bochkstkb, June 21. Stephen D. Kisb, aged twenty-nine years, an employe of the Bell Telephone company, while working on a pole thirty feet high in State street this morning, got bold of a live eleotrio light wire and was shocked so that he died soon afterwards. When the man got hold of the wire sparks were seen to come from all portions of his body and his orles could bs heard for blocks. He did not fall, as his body was caught In the wires that surrounded the one npon which he was working. Three linemen immediately ascended the pole with a rope, which waa made fast about Kish's waist in order to save him from falling when the wires should be ont, and the work of severing the death-dealing wires wss begun. AU this time the body of the unfortunate man was being slowly consumed by the live wire, and the emoke from his burning foot and spine oonld be plainly seen by the crowds of men, women and children be low. Steam rushed from his open month, and the spasmodlo twitching of his limbs afforded a moat ghastly and revolting speo- tacie. The victim was lowered to the gronnd and placed in an ambulance, but died be fore the hospital waa reached. Gone Back to the Faith. St. John, N. B., June 21. Exoltement has been occasioned here and throughout the province by the conversion to the Cath olic faith of Proteesor Sbookley of the Uni versity of New Brunswick at Frederioton. He occupies the ohair of English literature and ie a frequent contributor to the press and an ardent home rnler. He waa for merly a Boman Cathollo, but renounced that iaitn some years ago. HILL B11S8SHI8 VOICE. He Denounces the Income Tax Feat nre of the Tariff BUI Populists Votes Preferred te Democratic. Washington. June 21. Senator Hill BpOKS UU sac MIIU mnmg . . two hours and a half In delivering it. "It was well understood," he said In conclu sion, "that senators intended to vote on the Inoome tax section, not according to their oonvictlons, but according to the de cree of a party canons." He trusted that snoh a humiliating spectacle wonld not be witnessed. "It was even boasted by seme," he said, "the inoome tax was the best feature of the tariff bill. It that were so then he oonld only say, in the em phatio language of the senator from New Jersey (Ur. Smith) 'God help the demo cratic party.' " The true statement of the case was that the popnllstlo votes were preferred to dem ocratic votes. He felt little personal inter est in the result. He was getting used to defeat in the senate, and another defeat was a matter of supreme indifference to him. But he wonld be false to his country, false to his party and false to himself if he did not raise his wsrnlng voice and announce to his fellow- democrats and to the country at largs his conscientious and matnre oonviotlon on this Important subject in snoh a great cr- sls of the country's and the party's his tory. The first committee amendment was agreed to, fixing the limit of the tax at January 1. 1900. Tbe next amendment was to strike ont the words "of every person residing in the United State, or any citizen of tne united States residing abroad, derived In each preceding year," and to in sert in lieu of them the words "received in the preceding calendar year by every oitlzen of the United States and every person residing therein." After some colloquy the committee amendment was amended Dy making it read oy every oitlzen of the United States whether re siding at home or abroad, and every per eon residing therein." Mr. Fetter, pop., of Kansas, offered an amendment for a graduated Inoome tax. He said there was only one objection made to the income tax proposition which ap peared to him to have any weight and that was the objection made by Senators Hill and Hoar that the oltlzens of Ntv York and Massachusetts would "lie them selves out of the payment of the tax." Mr. Hill sarcastically congratulated the demoorata on their new. leader. Mr. Fef fer had correctly Informed them that an Inoome tax was populist doctrine. Te Compel an Accounting;. New York, June 21. A suit to compel the acoountlog by the Union Paolfio Bail- way company of certificates and share, of stock to the valne of 1100,000.000 has been instituted in the supreme court by John Evans, in be nan or nunaeir ana other shareholders of the Union Faclfio and Den ver and Gulf company. WILL GET FAIR PLAY. The London Telegraph Assure, the Tale Athletea a Hearty Welcome, Lohbobt, June 23. The Daily Tslegraph I speaks editorially this mornln I of the Yale athletes and ass morning of the trip inres them hearty welcome. The writer thinks that the Oxford men are likely to win the games, but warns them against overconfl- denoe, as "the Americans may make them take a back seat as In yaohtlng.,' The Telegraph adds that the American athletea may feel sure of getting fair play and hearty sympathy from the English public Candidate Fer Clad. tone'. Place. KntnuiM. June SI. Sir Thomas David Glbeon-Carmiohe.., a justice of the peace . fox the county of Edinburgh, has been selsoted by the Midlothian liberals to eon- test at the next eieoaon sue seat m parlia ment now occupied by Mr. Gladstone, tbe ex-premier having declined to stand. The candidate, who la the eldest son of Bev. Sir William CannichaeL is thirty-five years old. Though he has twice contested lor a teat be has never sat in parliament. A Grim Colneldeaee. Loitdok, June 21. The Chronlols com menting oa the judgment of the oonrt I upon Erastoa Wlman says it suggests a grim coincidence that on the eve of the meeting of tbe intercolonial conference at Ottawa the chief agitator for commercial union between the United States and Canada ahonld be adjudged a felon and sent to prison. TALK DEFEATS B1BT1HD. Highlands Pltebed a 3d Gasaa B Carter Waa at eeod Baal Better It Waa a Good Gasae. Boston, Jan 21. Yals won the game from Harvard to-day on Holmes' field, Cambridge, and did it handiiy. Tha whole secret la, it is said, that Carter waa too much for t'ns Harvard kitten. To be sure tha soora shows that Harvard mads four hits and Yale five, but that does not give an Idea of what happened. Yale's bit were olean and netted a total of ton bases. and of ten, when they did not bit safely, they hit hard as to Indue errors by the Harvard men. More than this, only three men atruok out. On the other hand ten of Harvard's battera a truck ont, one of the four bits waa a bant and two more were made in the ninth after the game waa fly Tale's. Highlands pitched a good gams, being uncommonly steady, out uarter pitched a good deal better. Yale bad no vary diffi cult neiaing to do, ana kept her error list pretty free. Harvard was emtio in this respect. WIggin In center and Whltte- more at second made some brilliant plays. but Wlnslow, Cook and Highlands made inexonsaDie errors. Three of isle's runs were due directly to these errors. The heavy batting by Case and Stenhenson brought In the other two. Case and Mur phy made some errors for Yale In tha first that allowed Cook to score. Then matters were pretty quiet for Har vard until after the nftn inning. In the sixth, seventh and ninth they had two men on oases each time, out the runs never oame. Oorbett's abeenoe, owing to the sudden death of his mother, weakened the nine considerably, .ralne. who took his plaoe, was very weak at the bat. There were 8.6UU present, the small number being due partly to the threaten ing weather and partly to the general ex pectation that Yale would win. YA1.C HABVABD. R.lD.P.O.l.B. . R-lS T O A.X. Rustin.r.f.l Murphy..3bl Case.s-s....l oil wT'nvaxB.o 1 s o Cook,8b...l 0 0 4 D-k'm'albO 1 10 0 Paine, Lf..0 0 10 BcaaneU.o.O 0 4 0 WlKgia,o.r.O 16 1 Winal'w.saO 0 8 1 H'ghind,p0 10 7 Baal,r.f...O 0 1 0 8 0 10 1 0 1 14 8 10 1 18 0 0 7 1 0 0 0 1 8 S Carter, p., .0 8tp'n'n.lbl Bpser, l.f . . 0 Oreenw'y.cO B'd'gt'n.c.f0 Arb'I 'hnXSbl S 82788 8 1 4 87 IS 7 Yale Harvard.. 1 0 0 0 0 6 0 1 Earned runs Tale 8. Three base hits Stenh enson. Home run Case. Stolen bases Whites mor., Dickinson, Wlnslow. First ba on balls Bv 5. Struck out Bv Carter 10. bv Hi.h- fanas a. rassea oaus ureenwsy s, Boannell 1 Hii Paine. Time 8 hours, 6 minutes. Umpire -nvuttf. POLICES! EN ON THE STAND. They Testified That Money Bad Been Paid There Are Plenty of Peel Booma Ksnslsi la New Tork. New Your, June 21. There was a big orowd aronnd the corridor leading to part II, superior court, when the senate police investigating committee met to-day. The sensational evidence given by Harry Hill yesterday was the chief topic It was ru mored that Lawyer Golf bad a few more witnesses of Harry Hill's type. 8everal polloemen summoned as witnesses occupied seats near the senators bench. Police Officer George T. Sheridan waa called. He la now under lndlotment by the grand jury for dabbing a man in a pool room In the Merchants' hotel. Wit ness said a note came down from head quarters recently directing him to resume his nnlform. C. A. Beck, another policeman, took the stand. He said he had been twenty-two years on the force. xo you know ot an agreement between policemen that if called here they ahoold keep quiet!" "I never heard of snoh an agreement." Witness said be waa a member of the steamboat squad, whose headquarters are at Pier A. Some of the officers did speolal dnty at the dock and were paid for it. win you tell about the 'envelope gang!'" "We call it such among ourselves, but 1 do not know it they give np money or not. I have beard a man spoken of as a member of the gang." Does not tne envelope gang mean the men who have got to give np money to their superior officers!-' "I know that I had to give $10 some time ago to Sergeant Taylor of the steamboat squad." 'is not Taylor known as the 'captain's collector i'" "I never heard him called 'W iiere uiu in ,. - - "At the American dock. I saK to Mm: Here, sergeant, I will make yon a present' and I gave him the money." ltoee not Taylor go along tne river col lecting!" "He goes along the docks, bnt I do not know what for." J. B. Smith, wholesale prodnoe mer chant, 79 Beads street, testified that his firm had to use the sidewalk In the course of business. Your house has given presents to po licemen!" "We have never given any thing directly to polloemen." Tell the senators now yon gave tne money." "My recollection la that It was placed la an envelope and somebody con nected witn tne department eaiiea lor it. The price wss $25 a year for using the side walk." Witness said ha heard the other merchants paid the ssme. Another mer chant gave similar testimony. William Dayton, who peddles cutlery. testified that Captain Devery allowed alx peddlers to oconpy certain streets to the exoluaion of anybody else. He said the polloeman on the beat told him thla. "Some of tnem nave no iioense, wnue x, who had a license, wss driven away by an officer who told me I ahonld have a permit from Captain Devery. Did yon ever give anything to tne po lice!" "I gave away more scissors to the police than any man in town. An officer who wantea a pair ot scissors for nothing cams to me. This afternoon a peddler gave a etraw hat to an officer on Nassau street." The witness said be waa interfered with yesterday by an officer from the Ohnroh street station, who called him names. 'You play the race'" "Yes, sir." 'Are there any pool-rooms rooms run' nicg in New York to-day!'' "Lots of them." The witness told where several pool rooms were located and said there were also lots of "polloy shops la this city. Jfolloeman Uharlea Deimage waa called next. He denied that he had paid money in order to get on tbe force. Adjourned until to-morrow. Drowned From a Scow. New York. Jnne 21. The tug Howstd Carroll went to sea with scow No. 11 loaded with garbage from Brooklyn. When about half way between Bookaway bell buoy and the lightship tbe seow cap sized. There were five Italian trimmers aboard and two were caught nnder the scow and drowned. The othsr three were rescued by the tag Carroll, which towed the scow ashore and beached her. Sterlii Silver Moitel POCKETB00KS, AND Tortoise Shell Combs and Hair Pins, at DUKAJiT'S, Jeweler and Optician, SS Chareh Street, opposite Poatofflos. WHLXS 5s 6UNDE, FbQ Line Sterling SOrer ud SDm Plated Win. DEBITS iXn-BBEUEUTIG tOS, So. 788 Chapel Street. pU&cjellaucotts. M IDEAIi STONE." rriHE best Artificial atone fa the market for X. sidewalks, 'liveware mill, ahop and bara floors ; cellar bottoms, curbing;, coping, etc eopug, era. and aatisf aorsaa Ail orders oromoUv eocacutea goaxaaiaea. - A. D.FANSLOYV&CO., Bxehansre BalldlsMr, Boem 1 8, CP. O, Boxjoo, 8TXW HAVXH. FACE LIKEA BURN Bloody Water Oozed Ont Constantly. jse a-eace uay or Night. Doctor Failed. Cure by Cuticura. TTychnrs disease, which was the worst kind Of Kcmma.started ononecbeek like a ringworm. it spread ana itched so the Mjor iiiue leuow naa no pence nightorday. Then It started on toe ouier cneea ana chin, until au were raw as a piece. Of beefsteak, like a bnr. where you would rub off the skin, and bloody water oozed out constantlv. Mis suffer ings were terrible I know, aJ- uioturn newaabutsiz months old and could not tell bow ha .llffolwl I t hi. ha ...) -,... he would not scratch, then na- would rub his poor little cheeks on bis ahouldefs to relievo the intense itching. I bad aa rood a doctor aa waa in Philadelphia, but be failed to reliev. him. I read of the Cuticura Remedies, and at umpurciuwiinm. strange toaav that very night be rested without scratching his face, and from that on he improved and soonsras entirely cured. 1 would like anyone andering from Uus terrible disease to eee my bov, who is in his twelfth year now. His complexion is aa clear and smooth as can be. This la an unsolicited testimonial, and every word Is true. 1 thank God for my child's recovery, and I thank tho Mia, E. 8. GAMBLE. 8E3 N. Forty-Second Su, Philadelphia. CUTICURA WORKS WONDERS And have effected the most wonderful cures of .... uiu uomrnnnrRKin in, iMinriiuw. ciiuurea ever recorded. Tne anord instant relief, norm It rest anH .in point to a speedy cure when the best physicians Bow uronebont the world. . Pries, Ctmc-nti, AKD Cam. Corp. Sole Pronrictora. Boaton. As-"How to Core Skin Diseases," mailed free. RJRV'C Skin and Scalp pnrlned and braauned OnO I O by Cdticuka Soar. Absolotely pare. IF TIRED, ACHING, NERVOUS Mothers knew the comfort, strength and vitality inrntlniM a -it-D., Masters, they would never be wlth- Monev to Ijish. 2100 J' lo" e personal security, AVry Bndj aa furniture, Ufa lturaranoe poll! das, stocks ot merchandise, real estate. BOVea, etc.; repreasstatlve will call and ei plain, for Wl C.T. O.. this office. A ComnaratlvAlw Wtw 1 1" Dearoom suit (sixteenth century finish) '- wmvo hmhw state streou Hav Tiler ! OTOP in and look over the "Ad fiasco Buck k j eye mower and tha "WaM- awri - " WW-.-, rmiwm iwu unBH wkMma i18 ) g; 33 Broadway. COMPRESSED AIR Carpet CleanlDg Worts, 'Was. F. Knapp a. Co., rroprtetera, 106 Court St., Kew Uaven, Conn. Work none at abort BoHea. mhss t STEAM CARPET CLEANING FACTORY. 198, ISO and 133 Water Street. Coip. Steam Carpet Cleaning Co., P. O. Box 673. Orders by mall will receive prompt saenuoB. O. B. BWA1N. V. W. LOWTJEX. ap30 tf She Stood On the cool matting coyered floor and "won dered why she had never nsed matting he fore. We have it in such a lot of patterns, and each costs so little, we make people happy and ' a-VJ, .wa in summer. Cash or Easy Terms is our way. P. J. KELLY & CO., Enri Atiibi. Chorea Strut, Two Ways of Living. One.justhreathe. The other, use your fan for your neighbor's bene fit as well. Two Ways of Doing Business. One, size up your cus tomer and ask for your merchandise all you think you can get. The other (our way), goods marked in plain fig ures and one low price to alL Two Ways of Making Money. One, find employment in a mint. The other, prevent waste and loss by buying your Re frigerators of HEADING 01 ADS. tls profitable business tf youH heed' woai uiey my. I can do better for yon in Furniture, Carpets, Crockery, .Than any other place In tha city A full line of Seasonable Goods. 'such aa Lawn Seats, Hammocks.Hara-l )mock Chairs. Veranda Chairs, Oil' .Stoves, Window Screens, Befrlger-f fatora ana ice cnesta. Straw Hatting in great variety. FOB THE BABY A full line of theT 'lastly celebrated Wakefield Carriages. I MBtici L. ATerill, Complete Home Outfitter, 1 765 to 763 Chapel St. Closed evealnrs except Monday aad aauirday. ' SXanis. eae Coats a Werd sash lamtt-taeBta ve eeats a Word far at tmU Wee, (aevea times. i WANTED. O ITU A TIO!C by eompeeast rtrl te de ia, 1 hmhi, . - -17 . - - JetSltt Ivqulra Kl kaJT 6TRKKT. "WANTED. A TOCKO person as piaia cook and latrs- Xi. arasa. jut ltt SS TBCMBCU. BTRB.ET. WASTED. GENTLEMAN and wife, ba.ter snore room ' than tAev need as tbasr miiih a Kama Cova, will take a few select boardara. Address yrtm M. K.. Morris Cora. Cos a. WAHTFn. STORK room ; tf without power, flrat floor ; Jowar part of tbe city, addrwss J" " P. O. DRAWER 7. City. WANTKII. OUBEWORK nrla, cooks, et&iaJwstta II stlnm for snob. ist court mtrrr. WANTED, BITTJATION as coaWimsn bv oity"' ainal. saaa. or to ear. for horaaa food 15 7tt OOACHMAlt, Oourler Office. WANTED. BT an mteUlreet young; man, a atoaatioa to make himself useful, ltha la a wholesale house, or aa dark to a e-rooary or hardware store. He also onderstanda Uw haadUaw of toola. or caa take ohanr. of gardea, aad would b. a bandy man at tbe shore. Bartholomew, Ho. 51 Orange street, Oandefroyw Old Stand. W A VTIfll BEST u. Ladles reedtnc harp shoals can bera. There at no other way roe caa do aa weU. We have been established bar. yean, snow and sopplv all Uia heat 8AilMu.uJ of work can always be encored bera. w. bm todiraeat, carefully aetarUBir oalv thoae tfeat win bo won rwqtureo, ruwft ornee, ties aadWaeat bustneaa In New Earli RrXarasUMl- dUlfLOTllEKT AG KNOT, sir lisccUuucoits. Fresh Flah. TJV.RESM blueflsh 7 cents pound see trout S Jj cents, other kinds of flu Ash aeUiK vary cheap tel. week at the jeanstt UHiMI AVgNXTK FTSH BOAT. Found I vpBK beat place in tow. to boy avua, and wwa we I ulnar tbe cheapest ready made to the fli maae. our caaa prieea sun all. Jels90a USSLEY. BOOT & OO. Found Gniltv AND sentenced to br sold ar 15 per cent, dis-CMBt- Lawn saowsra ruHty of oocapvia k bom room, )elng LTK6LBT. ROOT A CO. Use lec-ett'a PARIS creea iron for po;lo bora, locust, etc ; baa evteaatoa flufaa maA mas k. - - - - a. buabea. vinos aad trees jelSMSS USBLKY. ROOT Ot. FOK SALE. sr. A Shetland p toy cart, e-r-i qja. etc. add jeai tf P. O. DRAWER T4. Olty. Lifgrhtnirjfcv OOD wvatber to uas Freerers. mm. Lost coat mock. 1 KT wiiw. i8ia LnrsLKT, BOOT & CO. Elm Leaves TTtOR Pom a a mst. lUantrared r1 Elms an. area. Cast Bock Park. lu. VThRaey. At tbe principal book and art stoma. IrliK IS is sort at The IlarreT 8oIid HteI CORRIUATEU srytne bsa aa equal. Onr spot cash prices oa snaths, rue,, forks, in. wwwau lel m u LTKSLET. ROOT A CO. CLAIRVOYANT. READINGS all Private ana Bl era. MEOlOAt-Womaaa Consults tton tn person or ny Vrltrr. kUKT 1. WI ui.iu , w r. apa ly OtBos. Toailae Hotel. l9Cbnrcn at D. M. WELCH & SOB" OFFER 100 cases Baked Beans, 10c can, 81.15 doz. The above are largest siatd cars and finest quality packed. Kemember only 10c for a large can. New Potato, 1UU bbla linest stock. Only 3Uc peck. Flrat lot of Ripe Watermelona. Fine EIpe FLORIDA PINEAPPLES, 3 for 25c Considering; the quality they are cheap. Have yon tried onr ELGIN CRKaintRY I 23c lb, 4 lbs for $1.00. Tbe quality of thla Butter finer than ever. Fancy full Cream Cheese 14fl lb. Fineat Wax and String Beans 5c quart. "ftrOMmwavsa Headquarters for all kinds Fruit Jars. D. M. WELCH & SOS, 28and80 Congress Avenne, Braaon, 8 Grand Avsnas. July 1. at 175 Campbell ave., West Haven. CIGARS. Banrcs & Iopez, Habarta. Fresh importations in the fol lowing sizes : CONCHAS SELECTOS, PURITANOS. DELICIOSAS, PERFECTOS, AFTER DINNER. 5?utcrtaturacnts. PQLTS rVOUDLRUKQ TIL1TEB. Vfetk Csaatsclst nsa4si,jBss IS. The Last Big Bill of the Season. For full particulars see Local KoUoa. AdatawMa 18 eaata. One ftaflv rmm mm V to, 11 aa gxcursious. yALE-HAllYABJ) BOAT RACE. The MacaiBceet Twia Screw Steamer RICHARD FECK Will leave Belle Dock, New Bare., Thursday, June 28, 1894, Per Vbaaaee Stiver Cearaw, at ItSO p. m. This steamer, tbe fastest of the Sous flasC, will afford bar asiissns a rraad vtsw of this race, aad will return to Xew Have. ImmarflatsJy after the race at ever. Fare tl.Yf fer the satire trip. Slate- eesaa 8 l.OO spwsrti. Music aad aWteshmenta oa boarA. Tickets aad Staterooms Cor sale by Peek At Bishop, TOt Chapel street, ud et Steamboat oalea, Bella Pock. JsSSOt SECOXD GALA SAIL TO Aad cmati ass ef avausa Kuan at aa Works. AMBROSE PARE. SOUTH BBOOEXTM, Saturday, June S3. The Steamer A I PsMrr will Is v. trl. 8ah at SiSO a. aa. Betnrnlas. arrlv bare at 10 p. aa. Fare tSH. $1.00 Ohildraa aadar 18 years. Bait Fare. a8 8 The Popular Steamer .MARGARET, Captain John Fitzgerald, Will auk PtWTjtf trfpatoladtsbto SB-Ms crurora rout futlt a VimUBartrun i-ttw w Buffalo wild Bill's aM: West Special Rates fer Societies, and Sunday Schools. Apply te JOHN W. CmraHaaigwT. Peck Bia)OftAA,racaew atraet. X v Ana 780 wnape www i m