Newspaper Page Text
HUB OAKBDtGTOH PUBLISHING CO." ' ' . - " r - 1 ' Ck", ' ' ' ' , '" Tina or mm r. ft vmnw. a .. - ' t I V&y "J ' " ' ' - TUB OLDEST DATLY JTEWBPAPEB IK THE BTATB. V . . . .. r . Qmci O0 STATS HTBJQETt - Vol. LXII. THE GENUINE Popularly known throughout New England ; aa the highest Standard 10 cents Cigar i for Quality, Quantity Direct Importer of the finest Vuelta Abejo Corner State ui Woottn BXisccHittxcows. FunVorkja Specialty. si ARE NOW READY. French MADRAS. English OXFOBDS, Scotch CHEVIOTS, English FLANNEL and WASH BILKS. For Men's NEGLIGEE and TENNIS SHIRTS, for Ladles and Children's WAISTS and BLOUSES, or sold by the yard. GLOVES The NEW PEABL GREY. The Famous London Tan aft Si fin Fowne's Gold Tan, Hed Tan and' --vj!iLiij!.i;," tne llneet. uiove New "Butterfly" Ties and Bows, English Long Scarfs, and "Don Juan" Ties and Fourln-Hands. CHASE & GO., New Haven House Building. Bole Agents for Noyes Bros.' (Boston) Laun dry. Hand work, and satisfaction guaranteed. 'gvavlstxms, Set. BERRIES. Native Strawberries from Bamden fresh daily All ready In quart bottles, 16c. Brink Williams' Boot Beer, Try Bitter Hop Ale, Good for what ails yon. New Potatoes 50c peck. - Nothing like our Orange Pe&ko Tea. " Try It, At the Old Stand: 3 T 8 E tate Street. E. E. NICHOLS. KOPS' CHEER 1 1 Pure and Non-Intoxicating. AN Excellent Nerve Tonic AND Aid to Digestion. Bittered with the Finest Hops. 15c per bottle, or $1.60 per dozen. GILBERT & THOMPSON. THE Cornar Church and Elm Street, OFFER Spring Lamb Choice. Beef and Mutton. Spring Broilers, Duoklings. Chickens, Squabs. Sweetbreads and Calf's Liver. Also Fresh Native Vegetables In f nil variety, and a full line of Fancy and Staple Groceries. Branch store atWoodmont, containing a full line of the above goods. TELEPHONE CALL 260. D. Iff. WELCH & SOU OFFER 100 cases Baked Beans, lOc can, $1.15 doz. The above are largest sized cans and finest quality packed. Remember only 10o for a large can. New Potatoes, 10O bbls finest stock. Only 30c peck. First lot of Ripe Watermelons. Fine Ripe FLORIDA. PINEAPPLES, 3 for 25c Considering the quality they are cheap. Have you tried our ELGIN CREAMERY ! 23c lb, 4 lbs for $ l.OO. 7h quality of this 8utter finer than ever. Fanoy fall Cream Cheese 14o lb. Fluent Wax and String Beans So quart, 85o peck. 60 boxes extra fine Lemons, cheap. Headquarters for all kinds Fruit Jars. i. a. welch & son, 28 and SO Congress Avenue, Branch, 8 Grand Arenas. July 1, at 175 Campbell ave., West Haven. A FRIEND IN NEED. DR. SWEETS INFALLIBLE LINIMENT :' Prepared from the recipe of Dr. 8tepnen 8weet of Connecticut, the great natural Bone Better. '" Has been used tor more thaa 60 years and Is the Ibest known remedy for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sprains, Bruises, Burns, Cuts,Wounds and all ex varaalmjurie O. H. CONWAY, v .on asii ; . AL8 WIGS 1 1 ft Co. --r-A' 4.-, J r a BTIAMFITTXEa AND PLTJMBEEE, Telephone tan 4M-3 fcSajM"'-'.i. iH-f- :.- , .. . - .. i' ' ARE STAMPED and Workmanship. Havana Tobacco and Manufacturer of Cigars, Streets, New Hitod, Conn. DO YOU WANT Tonr Carpets Brit The Moths Killed, and the Dust Kemovear WE CAN DO IT. LACE CURTAINS Of the finest qualities cleaned without injury. We are especially fitted np for this work. DYEING and CLEANING Of Men's Suits' and Overcoats, Ladies' Dresses, etc LAUNDERING Of Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Underclothing, THE FORSYTH CO. OFFICES 878 Chapel street, 645 23 Broadway, State, Lawrence and Mechanic streets. Telephone 854-2 and 3. MECHANICAL DRAWING. PERSPECTIVE, MATHEMATICS, MECHANISM, ito. e . a. uui, 178 unurcn street. Hartford offloe, 853 Main street. Address let era to New Haven office. wuo ly DESSAUER-TROOSTWYK SCHOOL OF MUSIC. THl lilllHl Ktnuit. Thorough Musical Education after the method of foremost European Conservatories. Violin, Piano, Organ, Binging, Flute, Clarion ette. Cornet, French Horn, Viola. 'Cello, Double Bass, Mandolin, Bandurria, Harmony and En semble Playing. Instruction single or in classes. Applicants received daily from 12 tol and 4 to.6 n. m. sub tr tbi uhafbl STREET. Ratals, mils, fpc. FLOOR PAINT. No form of friction tries tbe durable properties vl a painc more man constant tramping upon. U.S. N. DECK PAINT Has stood this test and Is reconiized as the onlv floor coating that has proven satisfactory for ww luBiue sou ouisiae wear, il ie m aap in var nish, dries bard over night with a High Gloss. For sale by THOMPSON &.BELDEN, 396-398 - State - Street, Courier Building. THE FINEST LINE OP WALL PAPERS AT LOWEST PRICES, ON EXHIBITION AT The Broadway Wall Paper Store. Come and examine our goods and you will be surprised at our prices for beautiful combina tions. E. R. JEFFCOTT. PAINTING and DECORATING In aU their sev eral branches done well and promptly. Est mates given. E. ft. JEFFCOTT. 581 Elm Street, corner of York. ATTBACTI7E SELECTION OF SUMMER MILLINERY. Handsomely Trimmed Bonnets and Round Hats AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. XXiss A. V. Byrnes, 1132 Chapel Street, Second door above York street. The New Haven Savings Bank. THE semi-annual meeting of the Board of Trustees of the New Haven Havings Bank will be held at the banking house, No. 145 Orange street, on Friday, June 29, 1894, at S o'clock p. m., for the purpose of declaring a semi-annual dividend, appointing auditors, and for doing any other business proper to be done at said meeting. HEN BY D. WHITE, Clerk. New Haven, June 21, 1894. Je?-J at COMPRESSED AIR Carpet Cleaning Works, Wm. V. Knapp Sc. Co., Proprietors, 106 Court St., New Haven, Conn. Work gone at short notice. mta28tr ASTHMA, RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, OBESITY, Positively Cured by Massage Treatments Given by FRED O. HAA.SE. Will be at tbe Westmoreland Hotel,' Room No. 3, MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS Hours 10-1 and 8-6. jel9 6tt Bryilen's East BocK Tea Store 973 State Street, near Edwards. YOIT will save money by trading at this store. We are selling 3 lbs of the best 50c Tea for One Dollar, also 5 lbs of splendid Coffee for One Dollar. All klndB Crockery, China and Glass ware sold cheap. je5 A. KBYDKN. WASHBURN CROSBY CO. "SOPERLATIVE." The Leading Bread Flour of the World. J. D. DEWELL & CO., Wholesale Agents, 83tt State St., New Haven. Ct. K. G. KTJSSELL, Architect, SS3 Chapel Street. HEAT YOUR HOUSE . - WITH THE CELEBRATED MAHONT BOILER, Steam or iot Water, Direct or Indirect ; isaaiauon. HOT AIH FIJBNACES. . Driven wells a specialty. Engineers 'Supplies. First. , ola workgnarantaed. Factory work solioited. Person al attention given to modernizing defective plumbings OCK QBT Grata Qf.AAt -.. , smsm5smam'ism'4m.i?. Tgargains 'That Will Crowd Our Stores with Hundreds of Eager, Sensible Purchasers. Parasols. 2 lots of Follmer, Clogg & Co's. finest quality fancy Parasols. Lot i. Very pretty fancy all-silk Satins, Surahs and fancy black Satin Shades, very choice handles, etc. Regular 1 prices from $2.50 to $4.00. Only Saturday at C- ea- ' Lot 2. ; Finest all-silk Parasols, very choice ! handsome goods with finest lance- ' wood sticks and the very handsomest 1 and best handles made, with tassels etc. Regular $5.00 and $6.00 goods. Only Saturday at QgC. ea. Ribbons. About 4000 yds. No. 16 or 1 inch 1 All-Silk Gros Gram and Moire" Rib- bons. Regularly 18c. 1 Only Saturday at QC. a yd. 1 Men's Hose. loo doz. Men's "Hertnsdorf" Fast rl::!LTlarmade' t Only Saturday at 1 2 1 C" a pr' This is unquestionably the best 0 ever offered at this price. 5 Children 's Caps. Children's White Embroidered? Caps. For Saturday only. hot 1. 65c, 7Sc-, 89c. goods. at 45c l,Ot 2. 98c, $1.25, $i-35. goods, at 7QC we St REFRIGERATORS. THE Ptandard Refrigerator of to-day is the EDDY. Made strictly first-class in Pine thorough lv kllll driMl handler nnlntarl ha.i.L fully grained, and varnished. They are superior 10 any nara wood box made. S60 State Street. SILAS GALPIN. COOKING BY HEAT FROM GAS ! nvaluable for comfort, convenience and econ omy in Bummer. Food more rjerfectlv cooked than hv dlnvt heat from coal. Ranges, with or without water heaters, hot plates, ovens, sad iron beaters, etc., etc., sold, Bet up and warranted by tbe NEW HAVEN GAS LIGHT CO., No. R0 CROWN STREET. LUMBIHGt G4SFITTIHG J. EL. Buchley. 179 CIrarch. Regal Hub. Elevated Closet, Cabinet Btse. Over 1,500 used tn New Haven. The heaviest, finest made, and most con venient Range ever offered. Sole Agent, S. E. DIBBLE, 639 Grand Avenue. CARPETS. OUR STOCK OF ftfoqaettep, . velvets, -t. Body Brussels and Ingrain Carpets, Is One ot THE BSST In the City. -Linoleum, Oilcloth, Slatting', Art Squares, Bngaand . Shades- BAB7 CARRIAGES. A LARGS VARIETY. REFRIGERATORS, . All sizes, in soft and hard wood. LOWEST PRICES. STAUX & HEGEL, 8, IO 13 Church Street. H J :IWW HAVEN. CONN., for aturday Dress Goods. Prices for Saturday that were never before even dreamed of. They're aiujpiy riaicuiOUS. L,ot 1. 38-in. All-Wool Jacquards very cnoice, pretty grounds, with neat ngures aasnes, dots, etc. Every piece of our Spring of '04 Importation. Former price 85c. Only Saturday, at 43 y JvOt 2. 46-in. All-Wool Checked Suitings- very neat, choice colorings. This Spring's Importation. $1.25 value Only Saturday, at 55c'ayard Cottons. The celebrated Fruit of the Lonm . 1 yard wide, bleached Cotton straight 111 si quality, nor. remnants. Only Saturday, at C. a yard. Cotton Dress Goods. Fine Dress Pongees, 30-in. wide. Very pretty line of dark, medium and light grounds, with flowered figures. Regular I2c. goods. Ouly Saturday, at 71 C. a yard. 2 Handkerchiefs. Ladies' Fine Embroidered Hand kerchiefs, more or less imperfect. Regular 25c. goods. Only Saturday, at QC. each. For Shore Use. These Prices for Saturday only. Set of 6 Tea Spoons for 19c. Set of 3 Table Spoons for 19c. Set of 3 Table Forks for 19c. Notions. 33-in. Genuine Whalebone regu larly 19c, for 8c. Richardson's 100 yards best Silk 5c. Puff and Powder Box 19c. tb Chloride Lime 5c. H Best Borax 3c. Safety Dress Pocket 9c. Nickel Plated Shears 19c. Stetson. When an article has been sold for 23 years and its sales have increased each year, in spite of competition and cheap imitations, it must have supe rior quality and absolute uni formity and purity. Dobbins' Electric Soap has been con stantly made and sold since 1869, more each year. Can the sale of an inferior article constantly increase for 23 years ? This soap is to-day, as ever, the best, the purest, fam ily soap made. It contains no adulteration of any kind, and is intrinsically the cheapest soap made, because it will go so far, and do such perfec. work. Ask vour erocer for it J c- QQI'X" read carefully the dlrec r . it tions around each bar, aleo rnlu wbat is said on the iksidh wrapper. Be sure that onr name appears on each, as there are manv inferior imitations palmed off as the genu ine uoDmnB' Hiieotric. IN one genuine without the name on the wrapper of DOBBINS SOAP MFG. CO. Successors to I. L. Oragin & Co., Philadelphia. Pa. FOR SALE. Single and Double Trucks, Dump Carta. Milk, Grocery, and Business Wagons. Surreys, Traps, Buggies, Phaetons, etc. Harness Of all descriptions on hand and made to order. Truck and Wagon Building And Repairing a specialty. Tire Setting While you wait no delay, no burning, no wet SMEDLEY BROS. & CO., ' 171--175 Brewery Street. WILLIAM H. CHAPMAN ATTORN 2EY-AT-LAW. SsOc'rtor cf 0. S. and Fsreiga Patsats , tfGsnssi ta riieai uaoses. Omon: BSW HAVEN, CONN., 70 Chnrch St., Room 8 and . CMonday, Tuesday and Wedaesday.) BPRINSFIELDJMABS - SI TilSain Street. : . - CThursdayFriday and Saturday.) Eight years experience as Examiner In U 8, erenovs to -laadpat- I VvkiXlLeO 5& QU XvXfJE, ! - I Watchmakers and Jewelers. FeB Ubb Sterling Silver and Silver I Plated Ware. Umi'l AHTr-HEEDATi3 RISS.! So. 788 Chapel Street. SATURDAY MOBNING, JUNE 28, 1894. The Oldest. Dally Paper Pub- usned in Connecticut. THE CARRINQTON PUBLISHING- CO DauvBBin by Cabiuxbb is tbs Crtr, 15 - Ckktb a Wxbk, 50 Cairts A Moitth, $8 voa Six Mohthb, $0 a YaAB. Tn Sam Tbbms bt Mail. SINGLE COPIES IHBEK CENTS, All letters and Inquiries in regard to subscrip tions or matters ot business should be addressed THB JOURNAL AN1 COURIER. New Haven. Conn. We cannot accept anonymous or return reject ed communications. In all cases the name of the writer will be required, not for publication, but h gum Ml. KIWU UUUi. Bltuatlons. Wants. Rents and other nn vertiaements One Cent a Word each Inser tion. Five oenta a word for a full week (seven tunes). Display Advertisements Per Inch, one Inser. muu, i.xu; eacn BUDBequeni insertion 40 oents: --w ma, wuu uuuiu, .iu, wn jour, w Obituary notices, in prose or verse, IS cents per line. Notices of Births, Marriages. Deaths and Funerals, SO oenta each. Local notices IS cents per line. xeariy aavemsers are limited to their own ImmaHjaA . f ... . rl . . . . be jUnobJec- tionable), and their contracts do not W UO. 1 Hrt. HAIA. Mttf t DlftWJUUtS Ou tWIll IHTTiM nY tn nr. ' Cfi a mnnfh nuu urer, iu per cenc; on rour tnohes or more, TBE WEEKLY JOURNAL IS PUBUSHKD Evaav Thubso&t Morhihs. Single Copies S cents. XO OCR READERS. For several weeks we have been making preparations to change the form of the Journal and Coorike so that it will be more in aceordanoe with the modern idea of what Is best in newspaper shape. The preparations are abont completed, and nn leas there la aa unforeseen hitch In the programme this is&ne of the paper will be the last one of the present form. In order to mase me cnange we nave had a prees bnilt by the Oosa Printing Press company of Chicago. It is a fine machine and will enable na to not only give onr patrons a paper of co venlent shape, but will help no to serve them earlier and more promptly than we have been able to do with the old press, whiob, though always faithful and effi cient, has not been fast enongh to meet tbe requirements of onr steadijy growing cir culation. With the new press we can print all the papers that are wanted and have them ready on time. The marvellous Mergenthaler linotype machines and a stereotyping outfit have aleo been added to mechanical department, making an equipment which is not excelled in Con necticut. In arranging the new paper we have been careful to preserve as far as possible the old arrangement so that onr readers oan "find things" for whloh thsy have been oooustomed to .look. 0 oonrse it will take them a few days to get used . to the new form, but the novelty will soon wear off, and we believe they will like it very mnob. The paper will be more con venient to handle and more easy to read. There will be more room for reading mat ter, and there will also be mote room and more advantageous places for adver tisers. Both readers and advertisers will soon see and appreciate the benefits of the 1 ohange. It is, perhaps, needless to say that we intend to make a steady improve ment in the substanoe as well as in the form of the paper, but toere will be no change in the policy which has made the Journal, and Courier a weloome, trnsted and permanent attachment to thontands of homes. There is to be a change of body, bnt not of soul. We believe our old friends will like tbe new appearance, and if it attracts new friends we shall hope that they too will like that which is ander the appearance long and well enough to be come old friends. SENAXOR BILL. What oan be done, even In this world of : suspicion, stupidity and prejudice, is well 1 illustrated by Senator David B. Hill. Only j a little while ago he was pretty generally looked upon as a ward politician who had , managed by the exercise of polltioal arts to get into a place whloh was altogether too big for him, and which he in no way adorned. But there has been a great ohange. It is now seen that Senator Hill is well entitled to a place among the senatorial legislators of the na tion. It is seen that be is more than a ward politician, and the feeling that he is a real statesman Is rapid ly gaining strength. He haB made this re markable ohange by timely and noble ex ercise of his great ability and his fine cour age. It was his proudest boast that he was a Democrat, bnt he now wants it dis tinctly understood that he is not the kind of Democrat that seems to b9 in the saddle in these days. He is a Democrat who does not hesitate to show t(8 . party where It is wroDg, and who has the pluck to attempt to stem the tide of folly and misgovernment that has Bet in. He may not succeed, but he has suc ceeded in showing that he has magnificent ability, sound judgment, dear sight and an honest regard for good government and th nrrmrtArltv nf ttiA Annntrv 77b rtraa t- speeches are not so much partisan as statesmanlike and patriotic. In his last I one he ehowed with startling clearness what the Democrats have done in their j struggles to face both ways and j all ways, and he truly told them that if a j Democratic congress is to be permitted to repudiate well-established Democratic j principles and to ennnciate new ones with- i ont the sanction of a national convention, and to compel their support as a test of ! party fealty, we may next expeot to hear of the adoption, in a tariff or appropria tion bill, of Mr. Henry George's single tax theory, or provision abolishing all cus tom houses and resorting to direct Federal taxation Instead of a tariff for revenue, or providing for the assumption of governmen tal control and management of all the tele graphs, railroads and banks of the coun try, or the adoption of any other wild and visionary scheme of socialism, paternal ism, or populism whloh the majority may see fit to sanction. Senator Hill is still a Democrat, we sup pose, bat he 1 evidently very thoroughly disgusted with tbe kind of Demooraoy whloh seems to be oonsldered the thing In and his love of his country forbid him to nit still and hold his peace while the f an- j tastio performance is going on. His oonrse will, we suppose, either kid him polltl- ln .hta own or n,,k9 blm i.n.t n rl ... nui laA Ib.Ja. wYia.1 tils wrtn dom and foresight are appreciated. - But whatever effect It may have upon him po litically it has greatly raised him In tbe estimation of those who were ia -the habit ! ot looking upon him as Democrat of the ; baser sort. He has had a great opportunl- ty and he has wisely, nobly and patrlotlo ally Improved it. It would be well for the Democratic party if it would accept bis re bnkes and heed bis oonnsel, bnt it is too much to expect that that foolish party will do good thing for Itself When it oan do bad thing. Perhaps It will drive the fear less senator entirely ont of the party into tbe Bepublioan party. He has uttered ao much good Bepublioan doctrine in his great speeches that It doesn't seem as if It would talce blm long to feei at home in the party of protection, sound money and good government. EBITOBUL MOTES. When the editor of the Populist paper at Kingman, Kansas, returned from the State convention, where he had voted against female suffrage, he was seized by a large party of woman's rights people, who put on him a flaming sun-bonnet and a yellow "Mother Hubbard" and marched him through the streets, headed by a brass band. A convention of German restaurant and hotel keepers, which represented two bnndred societies of this line throughout the Fatheiland, has decided that the even lng coat for waiters is out of date, and the jacket is the only suitable garment for them. These are to be black in hotels, dark bine in restaurants and dark green In beer gardens. Parisian women have a new method of augmenting their personal charms by the creation of false eyelashes, which cannot be told from the real. It is done by draw log hair of any desired color through the skin of the eyelid by means of a fine needle. Tbe operation is said to be pain less and tbe effect is desoribed as quite a success when tbe work is artistically done. Dr. Anderson Brown, one of the fore most women physicians of England, has established an industrial farm for Inebriate women. The test of tbe practicability of outdoor life as a enre for drunkenness will be made nnder the auspices of the Women's Temperance association. Fruitgrowing, ponltry -raising, gardening, bee keeping and butter making will be among the branches taught. This is how a Kentucky judge charged the iury the other day: "If yon believe wbat tbe counsel for the plaintiff bas told you, your verdiot will be for the plaintiff; but if, on tbe other hand, yon believe what the defendant's oounsel has told you, yon will give a verdict for the defendant. But if you are like me, and don't believe what either of them said, I don't know what you will do." The jury disagreed. Professor Maximilian Scheie de Vers is completing his fiftieth year in the chair of modern languages at the University of Virginia. He was born in 1820 near Wex- io, Sweden, entered the civil service of Prussia while a very young man, and be oame an attache of the embassy at St. Petersburg. The loss of his private for tune compelled him to abandon his career and emigrate to this country. Soon after his arrival he became connected with the University of Virginia as a teaoher of lan guages. Professor ds Vere has written several books on phllologtoal subjects. There is a Rabbit department of the government of New Zealand. It has the organization and equipment of forces and the planning of campaigns against the rabbits, wbioh, if not kept nnder control, wonld overrun and devastate the south ieland. The need of this department is shown by tbe faot that in the last five years about 64,000,000 rabbit skins have been exported, and it is estimated that nearly 300,000.000 animals were killed to obtain that number of salable skins. In spite of this wholesale slaughter, the num ber of bunnies is constantly Inoreasing.and the handling of the enormous multitude of animals ie an undertaking requiring both judgment and force. Tbe statement concerning the Congo railroad wbioh was submitted to the Bel gian Chamber the other day by U. De Smet de Najer, as an argument in favor of a ; subsidy of 400,000, has excited a vast I amount of criticism on the part of the j Radicals. Tbe official figures show that, instead of the million sterling at which tbe ' cost of construction was estimated at the outset, the railway will absorb 3,250,000, and that its maintenance will require an annual outlay of 73,080, without putting ! aside anything towards the liquidation of the debt The annnal expenditnre will 1 thus exoeed by 12,000 the receipts ex pected in the estimates of tbe company, even at the almost prohibitive rates of 40 per ton and 20 per passenger for a dls . tanoe of 218 miles (400 kilometres). The ' company maintains, however, that when the line for a dlstanoe of 173 kilometres Is , In working order the railroad can be i profitably opened. Thus far, bow I ever, it has oost 8,000 per kilo- metre to construct and 100,000 ; for preliminary surveys, which are still ; unfinished, so that it is natnral enongh ' the minister of finance ehonld hesitate to adopt in their entirety tbe optimist views i of the company. While affirming his be- lief that their calculations will prove cor- . ieoi, ne is caieiui 10 enumerate tne pro ' diglous and almost insurmountable dlffi ' culties that the enterprise has encoun ; tered. The main obstacles have been the j climate, tbe soli, the eonformation of the ; country, and the impossibility of finding j capable workmen. Begnn In 1890, it was only at tbe end of three years of almost Pe'h t the work of laying tbe line from Matadl to Eenge, represent ing the first seotlon of forty kilometres, was accomplished. THE FLEETING SHOW. Some of Its Pacts and Fancies. Written for the Jocknai. and Courier. THB WOMAN'S PETITION. The contemplated tonr of the leaders of tha Woman's Hhrlntian TAmmnnM nnl.n prob,bJy not to be began nnW 18fl5t u to the purpose of presenting the monster polyglot petition with suitable oeremonles to most of the various governments of the world, particularly in Southern Europe and the Orient. The petition bas now affixed to it the names of more than three million people. It is signed in fifty different languages and before it starts upon its second round of travel it will have been offered for signa tures in every quailer of the globs. It Is the protest of the world's womanhood against intemperance, opium and legalized vices. ' It represents not only that Intense opposition to these evils whloh ia caused by a knowledge of the sufferings they en tall, but it represent an astonishing ex penditure of labor, muoh saorifioe of time and strength and the moat indomitable spirit and eagsr enthusiasm on the part of those who have been active In promoting its circulation. Naturally, the size of the petition ltaelf ia something remarkable. The signatures are pasted npon linen, allawing two names to the inch. An easy calculation shows that already it must be abont twenty four miles long. It need not be supposed that any of the "crowned heads" before whom It is to be displayed will ever have the temerity to attempt to read It through. Nor will any of the uncrowned essays so great task, for even with 8,000,000 signatures, reacting fifty to tha jninnte, one might oupy nearly six weeks la 6 tack too 1 00- BtO- notonons to be lmprovincr. How it Is to be transported we have not yet been told, but that will be an easy matter In comparison with tha work of displaying it properly to the PQblle eye. The. proposed plan Is to use the petition as drapery, festooning' It around tbe Walla of tbe balls in which the public castings will be held, and the many ,mues 01 sucn lea toonlng, every inch of which records the story of purposeful effort, or of wrong and want end sufferioac will surely be a moat remarkable obiect lessen. Tbe offiolal delegation to present this petition to all the governments of the world are: Miss Frances Willard, Lady Henry Somerset, Hra. Woodbrldge of Ohio, Mrs. Williams of Canada and Miss Anna Gordon. Besides these a party of about ons hundred temperance and social reform workers will be organised, in which will be a representative from every state in tne union aoa rrom every prov ince in the Dominion of Canada. At the meeting of the National W. O. T. IT. In Washington In November 'he rjeti- tion will be presented to the President of the United States. Aa soon after this aa ia practicable the party will go to London, where they will be joined by the English delegates, and the petition will be brought before the British government. At Rome it will bs presented to the Pope and tbe King of Italy; then they will go on to Grescs to Tnrkey, Egypt, India, Slam, the colonies of Aus tralia, China and Japan, returning to America through British Columbia and tbe Canadian Northwest. Khedives and sul tans, emperors, governor generals. Greek and Armenian patriarchs, and the chief priests of the Buddhists, are all to have an opportunity to eee the wonderful petition. to hear of Its history, and give tt tbe seal of their approval. They can hardly fall to do, slnoe it is a pla for a higher standard of morality throughout the world, and ita purpose applies with equal force to all races, tongues and forms of religious be lief. This tour will occupy abont nine months. If its purpose is reallzsd, even in part, the nations of tbe earth will be linked to gether, as they have never been before, in a combined effort for social reform. There will bean awakening of the Indifferent : and the inspiriting of tbe Interested, the uplifting of the degraded, in all countries. must follow the most notable reformatory effort of the age, one in which women, the world over, have played a noble part, and of which this wondeful petition ia but the outward sign and token. - FBOTXCnOS. The Massachusetts legislature has passed and the governor has signed a bill provid ing that whoever ia guilty of the inhuman ity of docking a horse's tall shall bs pun ished by fine or imprisonment. Moreover, anyone who by bis presence abets such mutilation is eubjeot to the same penalty. Now if other State legislatures can be In duced to pass the same law, the "society with the long name" will have brought about one thing to cheer the hearts of all genuine horse-lovers. To deprive a noble animal of an ornamental appendage that ia also its natural means of protection from exasperating Insect enemies, is a needless cruelty of which one would not suppose a thinking human creature could be capa ble. But the trouble with many human crea tures is that they do not think, probably because they have nothing to think with. It Is not always tbe poor man who over- urges his weary nack because tbe load must be carried, a certain amount of labor done to earn the daily wage, who is to be blamed and punished for cruelty. There is often a hard necessity back of the sever ity which be himself may regret. And there is a pitiable amount of suffering cansed by the carelessness and neglect of the Ignorant, but none of these things are to be compared to the cold brutality of those who disfigure a creature because of a false acd irrational idea of "style." So it is pleasant to read In our morning paper of Jane 22 that the good old com monwealth bas taken this step in the right direction, and has Bet an example whlob, it is to be hoped, other legislatures will not be slow to follow.- It seems a hopeful sign of the growing benevolence of the times. And then we tnrn another leaf and read, if we are not too muoh disgust ed, of the exciting and hotly-contested race at Sheepshead Bay on June 21. This race is oalled "a clastic event," also, In the same paragraph, "a bitter and cruel strug gle." We read that "Tarsi and Sims rode like demons through the final distance, plying steel and catgut every Inch. .It was rip and slash and the game thoroughbreds struggled until their gleaming eyeballs seemed ready to burst from tbelr sockets. " Tbese two riders were not the only ones who plied the lash and the f pur; eight other "demons" were doing the same thing In a desperate effort to gain upon the leaders. If one will atop a moment to think just what this means, of the ferocity of the jockeys, the effort and anguish of the racers, they will see that this "event" is aa "olassio" in its savagery as most euoh events were in a less refined and enlight ened age. And these were willing creatures, f nil of spirit and pride and emulation! They were thus goaded and tortured, not because of necessity, but because there was money at stake for horse owners and bookmakers and gamblers. It is said that horse racing la for the improvement cf tbe breed in tbe general development cf flsetness. How does it improve the breed ef men and wo men who look on at tbe thrust of the spar, and listen to the hissing of the lash and shout and eoreain and applaud! Out in Nebraeka this month nine thor oughbreds were entered for a hundred mile race. Four were mercilessly driven to death, one dying npon the track, part ly, it is thought, from tbe effects of stimu lating poisons. The race was planned simply to test tbe staying qualities of the western horses. The malingers did not in tend that there ehonld be any crnelty and are much disturbed over the result. It is said that this will probtbly end long dis tance racing In that section cf tbe e'ate. But if they knew that euch barbarilha were classic and were equalled in cinelty by the agonies of the bbort distance races in the cultured etB-. would they not bs anxlons to continue them? "It looks Use," aa tbe Nebraekan might say, more laws were needed for the pro tection of horses. Not only the fly brash bat the entire animal needs protection; and this Is not merely because the horses suffer it is bcoause we human beings are being brutallzad, "demon"-!zsd - by aU cruelties In which we bear a part, or pass ively allow, or la the excitement and frantic straggle of the race can look npon without pity acd without ehame. Hilary. FASHION NOTES. Summer Girls In Prints. Pretty summer gowns are made of prints which ought to delight the heart of the moat exacting man. The bodice la drawn full on a trimming and Is slightly pointed front and back, just the little point that Is so becoming to almost any figure. Abont the edge of tbe bodice Is drawn a silk sash of a color to matoh the figure cf the print. The sash ties in a dainty bow just to tbe left of the point In front and tha ends hang, one to the knee and the other a little lower, A very high folded collar of the silk la finished by flaring bow, the loops of whiob spread so !ds that the pretty lace above la framed in tha butterfly ef feot. There ara no ends ta thla rwvar Stockings and aUcTera ehonld Batch tbe figure of tha rjrlnt if Tjoaalhia. Nolhlnir oould bs simpler than such gown, and half a doxen of them will not use np very muou 01 sue summer allowance that la al ways so mueh lees than it la wished to be. Cool and dreesv ia lha btonaa in tha aa. eompanying picture. It comes from white acoordeon pleated Cionarallne ehlffon, with fitted lining and hooka in the back. Tbe belt la composed of brown moire glace rib bon and tins In m kl ZM V.II- tha tcmare dsoollette ia finished by bands ui earns emorotaary lata over pink satin, with atraps of the same over tbe shoul ders. The sleeves do not reach beyond tbe elbow and ara finished by narrow plain cuffs ornamented bv ribbon bands to matoh the belt. The sleeves themselves are pleated to matoh tha rest- If desired the sleeves could be longer and the neck could be filled in. Silk homespun Is a domesttd weave and la worth investing la. It is all silk and is woven in a loose rough pattern almost like burlap. Thla openness makes the goods especially adapted to summer wear, and tt Is practically lndeatruotible. It ehonld be mads simply and without trimming after the tailor fashion. The shades In the dsiksr oolors ara very handsome, reds, blues and browns being especially attrao Hve. Flobxttb. be Did and she Didn't. From the Christian Intelligencer j Here is a clipping from an old newspaper:' It is entitled "Their Different Ways," and there is wisdom In it: L 8he sought her "rights," Bobbed by same cruel chance of llfe"s deUchts. With a dimMtned and restless soul. With a half logic wolcb she counted whole; Earnest, no doubt, and borst, not unsexed, Bnt hungering and queruk us and vexed. With starving ln.tint la a f ruiUea frame. And with an ilebing for the sort of lame Which comes from the mere printing of a name. She clamored for her "rights," showed solemn craft, And men. Brute men. They only laughsd. IL She did not aralr hiw rlohra " Sh9 dreamed not of some path to mannish heights. But followed nature's way, and deemed it good. And bloomed from flower to fruit of womia faoMl: She loved the "tyrant"; bore her noble part In life with him. and thought with ail her heart She had her rights. Ehe held that aomethiog men and women To to unlike, but each a supplement meant unwi we ouier; iwas nor gentle whrm an wh ihh wore u ner wan sne to mm. And little children gathered at her knee. and men. Brute men, Would die for such as she. SLO IV. Go slow, young man, and yon may be come a senator of the United Stales Puck. Teaoher When water becomes ice. what Is the great change that takes placet Pupil xne cnange in price. uariemLdle. Young Je fferson Ton look swe et enough to kiss in that dress. Elaine I have sev eral more like tt Brooklyn Life. Hubby So we are to have our old cook back agalnt Wifie Yes: but you hadn't better let ber bear you call her "old." Detroit Free Press. Mandene Do yen believe In a hereafter, Jack! Jack Certainly I do. If I didn't I wouldn't havd atked yon to marry me next month. Boston Courier. Nodd Tbe janitor's wife in our apart ment overslept herself theotbjr morning." Todd How did yon know that! Nodd Because we had cream. Troth. First boy I wish we lived In South America. Stcond boy Why do you! First boy The schools down there always close every time the town la bombarded. Good New. Cholly Why did yon discharge yonr man! Algy He was too ignorant. Wnen eveh I was wrlttiog a lettah and wanted to spell a word, he had to look in tbe dlction awy. New York Weekly. "And do yoa mean to say," said tbe man who likes ornamental phreeea, "that his senatorial prospects He wrecked among the breakers!'' "No, not among the break er; among the brokers." Washington Star. Father Why don't yon marry Mlsa Bondcllpper. She has lots of money! Son Her family are opposed to It. Father How about Ait as Bondcllpper bereeU! Son Well, she belongs to the family. Texas Sittings. Aunt Maria Are you aura that Mr. Spooner loves you! Carrie I guess you would think so to hear thote silly things he saya to me. Aunt Maria Eat how do yon know yoa love html Carrie Be cause they don't seem silly to me. Tit Bits. Mother Mies Smltbers, yonr schoolmis tress, tells me she's alwaya being obliged to soold you, Johnny. I'm ao ajrry to besr that. Johnny (considerately) Ob, never mind, mother. It doesn't matter. I'm not one of thess secs'.tlvs children, yon knowl Brooklyn Life. Miss Elders Tbese women who are afraid to tell their age disgust me. Now, I'm not afraid to ttll anyone that I am twenty eight. Rv. Peters (warnlngly) Yes, Miss Elders; yon msy not be afraid now. Bnt, remember, yon will be teld accountable for it in tbe day of jsdgmtnt. Pock. TALES OF TEN TRAVELERS. PILGRIMS. BT BDOAR L. W AXEMAN. Copyright, 1891. AU rights reaerved.l On a certain May murnlcg. not many yeara ago, onder great patiiatcbal trees bordering tbe liver Wharf, which winds through the Yorkshire vales like a gleam in,', sinuous rlobon of silver, not forlher than a etrong man'- v.iice could rvach from the q jalut old bawl-it of Itlt-y, was a band of Yoik.hiro fpUM who wera scon to break eump and e: rail fur America, the g psy hiven bejond the re Two hearts In tnli Whatfe-sldj camp were well ulgb broki-n Oue wsb Uatthon'd. Matthew was a gipy lad, orphaned and poor ; a poverty -stricken nawken or tinker; a poor tinker, too, and despied; for be waa a reader of G irglo bocks and dared to grope on blindly for learning and light; hadebown signa of rhymes-beside; and had therefore blooms aa oa'cift with thla people. MARY AJWPER IX A WOMAN'S PRISON". Restored to Her Husband at Wilton. Me., After Months of Suffering. Bi t. ni. to oca urn uuut Women's prisons are not always built of iron bars and solid masonry. It is easy to shut- women up from the beautiful, joyous world without these means. Mrs. Mary A. Tap per has been released at Wilton, Me., from the custody of ex treme female weak ness and nervousness which kept ber a prisoner in bed, unable to walk. L'jJia E. Pinkham't Vegetable Com pound went to the root of her trouble, and gave ber the liberty of health, so that after taking two bottles she was able to go out of doors and surprise her husband and friends by her rapid improvement. - She says: "Women should beware of dizziness, sudden faintness, backache, ex treme laasitade and depression. They are danger signals of female weakness, or some derangement of the uterus or womb. Take Lydia E. PinknamTVegetable Com pound, and be thankful for your life aa I am. It only costs dollar to try it, and the result is worth millions. Ask some druggist about it." No. 150. How great aa outcast, when an oa toast of ou toasts 1 It an rested upon him as a corse, save with single tool is Yorkshire. LoretU loved him; loved hint for these despleed things la blm. which, to Jost this one human being, deified him. Loietta waa tbe pet ot the Yorkshire tribes. She waa bat dainty ralta of a thing yet; but so foil of jest and wit and merriment, that ber presence) had oome into a thousand peasant lives and left there an Ideal dream. How many had already coma wooing none knew. The sprite had aent then, all away, no longer her lovers; simply net valiant knights of honor; -and each factory or hamlet for a score of miles around held a discarded lover, but alwaya houred m friend. Well was Lorelta guan!d. by keen eyes and strong arms; bnt aha was . gipsy lass that could out gipsy them all. "Loretta, oh, LoTetia!" In the no wonted ixsttoment of tha morning the pride of the camp bad disap peared. "Loiettal" aad "Oj, Loretta!" rang on shrilly from apse-wife to chauvie (child?, and waa taken op and repeated by youth and maiden everywhere. "W'y an' wVra an hever Is th' rackUel (dear little glr))" sang out old Ljah Boa well, grinder, balloon and merry father heart of every boy and gill In the band, aa he blustered and harried hers and there. and blustered and harried only. msttnew was also musing. Where was the daft nawken, Matthew! And where was Loretta, rackUel Tba throstles boildlne their neata in tha hedge which sweet down from tbe hlght wsy until ft touched tbe river Wharfe be low, oould have answered. There, despite the calls from the camp. the child-lovers were sobbing tbelr part ing. Nothing to sive. mv dearie: cothina: but this to give you!" "An' w'at is hit, Matthew r "Only some Hues I've made to to you!" "Wat! an' made 'm a!l bv vouraalfl An' for me!" Then she kltssd blot Impetuously. Inno cently. "li-ad 'em. Matthew. Oh. do. dot 111 alius keep 'em: allot I" LareUa7"her great eyes dancing with greedy pleasure, nestled ber bright, warm face close, close to Matthew's, while her long, glossy bair awept over ber shoulders aad breast, as tbe outcast rbymater cho kingly bfgsn: "Long we've wandered, darling, wandered; Heath and moor and hlshway o'er; Now we part- I here tn linger; Thou to awk a far off shoreY Out beyond tbe ocean's roar. Darling, by our troth plight given. Darling, by tby hope of heaven. Oh, be true aa I o thee Save tne sweetest kiss for m: '-Davs wiU pass with long hours weary. Nights all Meerk'a. scarreaa grow. And thy Kawken lover, deane. All the pau of waiting know: Waiting. 10 aging, with tbeir woe! Darling, by our troth plight given. Darling, by tby hope or heaven. Oh. be true ai I to thre Save the sweetest kiss for me:" "Loretta, racklle! Oh. Loretta'." Tha whole camp waa filled with alarm. She snatched the verses from the lad'a band. She showered them with kisses. She hid them as some priceless thing with in hsr boiom. Then she fairly danoed around ber bewildered lover, telling him bow, when on shipboard, she would look (COSTIirCKD os fourth fags.) -4 POWDER Absolutely Pure A ream of tartar baking powder. Highest ef all in leavening strength. Latest United States Government Food Report. Koyal Halting rovdrr fJo . 100 vt all n. t. WHEATIINt HYOU - WILL A ENJOY f E Wheatine T BREAKFAST! W r Delicious, I-I Strengthening and 11 IFullofSprine p Growing Power. L NS. H. STREET & CO. PL Make It. V ZAT WHEAT Don't monkey with Inferior Articles. Drink WILLIAMS' ROOT BEER. Send t-eeat stasia lor aidant. Wttuaws A CiBaW, Rartftrd-O. mi HO I FOR THE RICES I But provide yourself with a " : ' Fii Glass or Sjy Glass, A PAIR OF London Smoke Spectacles, OB LORGNETTE. Don't forget Pocket Flask, Bottle of Cologne or Toilet Water, and a package of Zedoary Powder For Tender, Tired Feet. EVERYTHING IN THE LINK OF Optical Goods and Toilet Sundries 13 TO BE FOUND AT E.L WASHBOBN 4 CO., 14 Ctercb ' SI . Ctaltr StreeU' , " KewHavaa. , n' .'-, ,- '