Newspaper Page Text
ftfte mm CJritf. Sol. amJUER, . Editor. TEOY. KANSAS: Thtireday, :::::: May 22, 1873. Baifroatl AtseMMteM. The Stale lioard uf Kailroad Assessors met mt Topeka, last week, and proceeded to the perform ance of their dntiea. Wliat seemed strange In a body of men electeil mid sworn to pufonn a pe cisl public duty, was the ftct that a nnniber of .t i..n. sniiaurMl to be actiur attornevs. lav av" . t- - - w - or, to peak more to the point, aa the pnperig of railroad corporation in mnr respective ntuu In one or two instauces, members got into a reg ular qnarrel. Mr. Johnion, of this County, fa vored thr'bisbest assessment passible, and almost had an unpleasantness wiui uauara,oi vvasuina; too, who wai paxticnlariy araioesnn behalf of the Central Branch road. Aa general thing, the members stuck for as favorable figures aa possi ble on rusds in their sections. In conaeqnenee, the assessment of each road waa the anbject of close contest, which will account for the odd fig ures in aome of the'valuations. The Beard meets again on the 38th inst., when it ia expected that the railroaila will have their foreea on band to secure a reconsideratiou, and a lowering of valu ation. The valnation of all the road has been increas ed over laat year, although the Companies claim ed that their earning went lea. But the entire law for railroad assessment i a fraud. Certain officials of the companies -are allowed tomake oath to earnings and valuations, and some of them seem to have been selected with special regard to their oath-making capacity. For example, one swore that a numl e' uf acres of land which his company owned, iu the heart of one of the most prosperous cities in' the State, was valued at $250 per acre! just double the Government price for wild land I The following is a list of railroads with their aaeased value per mile, as fixed by the Board. Missouri, Kaunas and Trias, $4,700 Leavenworth, Lawrence and Galveston,, . 5,300 Missouri River, Fort Scott and Gulf, 7,200 Central Branch U. 1 , 4,000 Atchison, Topcka and Santa Fe, S,000 Kansas Pacific, 7,900 Missouri River, 6,000 Leavenworth. Atchisou and North-Western. 7250 Atchison and Nebraska, 4,779 St. Jsaeph and Iteuver City, 4,700 rieasant Hill and Lawrence, 4,000 Lawrence and South-Western, 3,500 Kansas Central, 3,000 Wathena and Doniphan, - 3,000 Junction City and Fort Kearuey, 3,000 i i A Wholesome Oat. Last Friday was a good day for hanging; three murderers having been snuffed out ia different sections of (the country. Michael Nixon was hung in New York City; Joseph 0Neil, at Mt. Carmel, 111.; and Charles Mortimer, at Sacramento, Califor nia. This healthy, active condition of the gal lows, while it shows a bad state of society, yet augurs well for the future. It means that the murderer's niilleuinm has ceased, and that the old fashioned practice of pnnishing crimes is return ing. That false philanthropy tbat demanded the abolition of the gallows has been tested, and the result Is, mnrder and outrage irievery part of the land, and murderers iu every direction going free and unpunished. Call hanging legal mnrder, if yon choose; but it is the only check to illegal mnrder. The discovery of the Bender murder-den brings to mind a law ia Kansas, the work of philanthro pists of the thin-skinned kind. Under this law, s person convicted uf murder remains one year after conviction before scnteuce is passed; and after the expiration of that time, the execution takes place only npeu the order of the Governor, with the prospect that, rather than prononnre seatanee, he will permit the criminal to remain in prison. Jf the Benders are canght and convic ted, this is the process tbey must go thmngb. Wil) public feeling tolerate such dilly-dally ing with justice! Is it not a temptation, iu each ag .gravated cases, for the people to become execu tioners, and inflict summary punishment upon the offenders? Coming Home to Him. Speaking of 8eaatr York, when the remains of his brother were dis covered, a correspondent says: Utterly-overwhelmed, 1m sst by the ghastly remains as one upon wham the band sf death had been laid, lie could sot be comforted." In that terrible -moment, 'Ve wonder whether It occurred to bim how a mau'mnst have felt, and the family of that man, who was betrayed and his character assassinated himself disgraced and his reputation mined by the treacherous con spiracy of Senator York 1 An assassin of the rep utation of a man, is as depraved a creature aa the assassin of his body. The dsvilish work of entic ing Dr. York Into a den, and then beating in his aknll, was no more devilish and celd-bloeded than "the concocting and carrying out a plan to dis grace a man high in position, in the presence of his constituents. E7 One woald hardly imagine what a wonder ful effect the falling of a bridge would have on tht surrounding scenery. This remarkable effect can be seen by reference to Harper" e Weettf fur the present week. It contains engravings of the Dixon (111.) bridge, taken on the spot, before and after the recent disaster. Before the accident, the vicinity is thickly built np with fine, large houses, most of them surmounted with toll stee Jiles. But after the disaster, the fine houses have lieen replaced by a few small, scattering, shabby buildings, every steeple has disappeared, and a -windmill has suddenly sprang np in tbeback .gronnd! But this effect is no more wonderful than the theory that great battles bring on rain storms. C"? The latest horror comes from Wetmore, on the Central 'Branch road. On the morning of Saturday, the 10th, a Swede named Erricksen went to the house of one Marquardt, near Wet more, called him out, and shot him dead. He then took the two children of Marqnardt to a neighboring house, where he left them, saying that he had killed Marqnardt, aud was going back to kill his wife, A crowd was collected aa sieedily ss possible, and proceeded to the house, where they heard a number of shots. Entering, tbey found Erricksou lying across the bsdy of the woman, both dead. Upon an examination, it was fonud that Erricksou had ravished the wo man, then shot both her aud himself. CP The Atchison Ciampiox office waa recently presented with a keg of beer, aud the boys of the office proceeded to place themselves on the outside of it says an exchange. It must have been an interesting sight ta see all the Champion typos astnulle of a keg of beer! 1ST We have received a pamphlet copy of the Premium List for the Ninth Annual State Fair, to be held at Topeka,. September 22d, 23d, 24th, 25th, and 26tb. The list is very large and com plete, embracing the entire range of articles that figure at snch Fairs. OT Mrs. Rebecca Han way, wife of James Han way, died at Lane, Franklin County, on the 8th lust, in the 67th year of her Sjmway waa one of the earliest settlejaTaajsiii, aud formerly resided in Darke ConntyjSTo. iy The Topeka Coaiaosirrafl ssys the St. Joseph bridge celebration will take place June 31st. They,could just as well have ont it off un til the 39th. ry From the Pa-da Spirit, we learn that the Miami Ceaafy Xrpnllicau has suspended publica tion' Did it ruin its health iu the Purification CTwa4 . ExiBGETic Feoplcv The bungling manner in "which the investigation of the Southern Kansas mnrders was prosecuted, has been severely criti cised; Vut reading the accuuuts of the Wetmore tragedy, one is impressed with the cowardice and imbecility of all concerned. Keason was uot brought into requisition, and even instinct was not present. A man takes two children to" a house, saying he had killed ttitjr father, near by, aud was gigteek to kill their mother. Instead of taking prompt measures to preveut it, those people flew around panic-stricken and senseless, aud finally sent off aome distance for reinforce ments, which arrived within ear-shot Just in time to hear the last and fatal shots when prompt ness and back bone in the beginning might haw prevented this. Then, the conduct or the mur dered woman was unaccountable. Her hatband was called -out aud shot; the murderer then en tered tbeliouse, took her twochildren from her, aud conveyed them to a honse somedistanceon; yet, duriug all this time, the woman remained in the house, uot makiug any outer) pot' showing her self, not embracing the interval of the absence of the murderer 1o make her escape apparently quietly waiting' to be. ravished aud murdered. One energetic murderer with a revolver "might go tbrongh and exterminate a whole community like that. ry A Green Bsy bay has, dating the past year, run Us father la debt for fifty psawtsaf raaiae. an aaadrea potass of loaf sarar, snd rir-nrh rlnaanw sr-T clave to pickle hhaKx. m Z. x- ' Now, if that boy's father wereyi Congressman, be csuhl draw all mat .track, aa -siaiionery. Lowe's boys don't run hini in.debt for sugar, you bet! J- tjr (7' Diabetes is disease .& Rbicb i scere tiens are charged with saoebariuo, matter From his sugar secretions, Congressman Lowe most be old Diabetes himself. 17 Two young men of Leavenworth are going the rounds, attending tbedinVrent competitive ex aminations for West Point cadetship. They uniformly fail. The passenger tnln bririj-ilae. we Immediately pro- cesded to Wetmorr Artamito Co. You should have attended to that before train time. Q Henry A. Wisu has taken another flop in Klitics. He is now figuring to lie the Adminis tration candidate for Governor of Virginia. CP" Col. John 31. Haherlciii, editor of the Ger man paper at Leavenworth, died in that city, on the ICth, of a paralytic stroke State New. A Denison man feeds his family of eleveu daughters on buckwheat cakes, and to teach them industrious habits, tells them to follow the exam ple of the busy littls book-keeper aud chicken, and scratch for a liviug. A Wilson Connty furmer intends planting ten acres of castor oil beans this season. He ssys one ef the greatest incentives to immigration to a new State is cheap physic and whisky. Two weeks ago last Sunday, the stable of a German named Myer, aud four horses and a har ness and wagon in the stable, were destroyed by fire. Mr. Myer lives on the divide between Lyon and West Branch creeks, eighteen miles south of Abilene. Two of the horses belonged to him and the others to a family who were then visiting witb him. He and bis family had been to church, mid returned home with the visitors. The fire is supposed to have originated from sparks from the chimuey. The Walnut Valley Time says that Mr. Satch el). Hi iuc on Satchell creek, bad four horses stol en from his stable on last Tuesday week, and at the same time eiiiut young horses lielonging to Judge Harrison disappeared. The latter were running on me range. The house and all its contents, of Hendricks Clark, of Bichhtnd township, Miami County, was destroyed by fire oa Thursday of last week. The loss falls. very heavily on Mr. Clark, as be is needy aud has a. large family. His neighbors have rendered bim some assistance, is in tending to rebuild. Four rattle-snakes have been killed at Clay Centre already. It is believed that, notwith standing the sevei e winter, the rattle-snske har vest will be aa bounteous as ever. A fifteen-year-old canary bird died recently at Gamett. It became blind a few weeks before its death, but retained its cheerfulness to the last. nail stones lately fell at South Haven, Woodson County, uino luetics in circumference, and the season is very backward, too. Frank W. Gordon, aged eleven years, a son of Major Dsvid 8. Gordon, of the Second U. 8. cav alry, was killed Tuesday afternoon, at the tarn table of the Chicago t Hock Islaud road, at Leav enworth. The boy, in company with others, was playing with the turn-table, and getting under it, was crushed. Upon being tsken home he re vived, and was not regarded seriously hurt, but died about three hours after being injured. The Wyandotte Herald announces that the Kev. A. uiirr win lecture in city ou next Sunday night, on "The devil in Wyandotte." Mr. D. O. Crane, of Osage City, was the last man who pulled a gun ont of a wagon, muzzle first. His arm will get well in about three months. Near Wilson station, on the Kansas Pacific rail way, some desperadoes or Indians have made a dash along the Smoky Hill bottoms, aud ran off all the stock for several miles, leaving only two cousumptivs-lookiug little goats or kids. They have a man in Marshall County who is a washerwoman. Iu taking in a 1st of dirty clothes receutly he found a new fashioned shirt, opening at the back, which he immediately sewed np,ent open the bosom and fastened buttons ou it. One v, eek ago last Monday, Mr. Jacob Levwick, living eight miles west of Baxter Springs, and on the Chetopa mad, had his bsrn bnrned, including its entire contents, among which were two horses. Hrs.XXJ.-CbatfiekLofOskalnota, met with a serious accident on Tuesday. In stepping over a low portion of the fence, her fiait caught between the boards in some manner, and she fell, putting her ankle ont of joint, and breaking the liga ments in her foot, probably crippling her for some time. Young Maxwell, who figured in a row in Win chester a few weeks ago, has lieeu arrested for stealing a horse from Thomas Gibson, near Win chester. He was canght at Ieaveiiworth, and the horse found tied in the brush outside of the city. He was recently pardoned out of the peui tentisrv for a similar offense. So says the Oska- loosa iKiepadtnL Mr. D. W. Goff. of Oskalopsa, was robbed at SIIn T.ln hh ITsnau Pier 'iiti TnMu1s morn ing, of 11,600. He bad taken two car-ioads of i a-tie ta St. Louis, and was returning with the proceeds of the sale. He passed the night on the train in safety, reaching State Line at seveu o'clock Tuesday morning. As the train got in motion, a fellow with a uote book in his hand came to Mr. Goff, w ho sat reading a paper, and asked him if he was going to Leavenworth. An. sweringin the affirmative, ho was told to take the front ear, as they were going to switch that one off. He went forward, and as he stepped on the platform he was siexed by half a doziu men, who erowdod and hauled him abont,, tore open hia vest, pickad his pocket, aud then flung him off. Recovering himself, he canght up with the train, aud was getting on, wheu he waa again thrown off and left Iwhind. Mr. Goff offers $500 reward, and has detectives ou the track, who as sure him that they will catch the robbers. , s isau sw A Bio Cork Kaikkr. Judge D. P. Lowe M. C. is the biggest corn "raiser" iu the State. He contracted with the people to serve them at $5, 000 tier year. He nerved two years, aud then voted himself (5,000 back pay. investing this in corn at 20 cents per bushel, he wonld be the big gest rnrn raiser in the State. He would have 25,000 bnshels of corn, and all he had to do was to shut his eyes, vote "aye" and grab, aud this is what be did. How high is this for Lowef No one is so mean and so low as to palliate or excuse this thieving vote. But the oppressed tax pay er, and the settlers contending for their Gomes will remember it. It will take two years to reachH tills honorable Judge Lowe; but the people nave 'good memories. Parses' Ata. AStobvAboctthe Mcbsk or Mb. Goodrich. Among the strange stories which are in circu lation in private circles is oue concerning a mock marriage, which it is hintsd was very dis astrous to his peace ef mind. There are quite a number of persons at the present time who say they saw a ouian at the honse. and this story about a mock marriage having been performed mar have originated from this fact. The police have collected a great deal of information, but they do net deem it judicious at the present time to give it to the press. Therefore it is expected there will be many facta brought out which may, to some extent lift the. dark curtain which at prusent shuts out the manner ia which Mr. Gowd rieli came to bis death. THE BETEL'S KITCHEN ! TKtkPirticBljriwf the Butcher Beadei'i Sen. The Trick mt IB nre. 4 Mistress fasts atomic Majsasr VJrmaHafc Tawtsww lav vilwH a sjessistr r bsmMc bMsjcw) sVaw crs Taw rarsSjisstfta Wmmmm ajiisekwra wot Arsacsl Stew were 9nt mf Wosbbsi A snster Access at saw dravea. IFtoss the Kansas City Times 1 The font aud dreadful series uf murders lately brought to light in Labette county, Kansas, con tiuoesto'Ve the all-absorbing topic of specula tion and conversation throughout the State, and to excite wonder and amazed horror all over the nation. Every item or circumstance connected witb the aomd bnlcnery is diligently songnt af ter, and ears made credulons by the fearfully true story of the damnable deeds of the Bender family, are made to drink in rumors aud stories which have their foundation only in the imagin ation, wbiih vainly labors to invent something more strange and horrid than the reality. The Tisus has already published such fall and gen erally accurate account of the discovery of the affair, and tbeaubsequent movements of the pop ulace, officers and criminals, that little remains to be added, bat the following facts, gleamed by the Times's special reporter, who returned from " Hell's Half Aero" aa the Bender garden will hereafter be known yesterday, will be read with universal interest. TUT. ttKTIL'8 KITCHKX, otherwise the Bender house, is a small, rude frame shanty, without lath or plaster or inter vening substance between its floor and the raf ters of the iNiiuted roof. In size it is 16x24 feet. 8mall. upright 2x4 inches are set to mark the house into two coiiiiiartiueiits. but no uall bad ever been niaik'1-thcr tlun a while cotton cloth hung iu the rear apartment and against these uprights. The front apartment had iu a counter. over which the butchers once pretended to sell groceries. In the rear ruoni waa a rmls bed, a lame, a siovc onu lurwcssnira. sue nceoniisiij ing diagram will best illustrate the interior: j( I I f Trap. Window. " J I II "'T I.I I " Cllh fartiUou. f 4 r i i i The table, to which the guests of the fiends were seated, was placed directly over the trap door, so that tho guest's back was to uud against the white curtain. In this position it was an easy thing for the male villains iu the front apartment tn strike the form clearly lined aud resting against the white cloth, and when the blows of the sledge and hammer had knocked the victim, with a crashed and broken skull, senscles and helpless to the floor, for the female liends in the back room to cut their throat. The execution was as simple as it was dreadful, but, though it would sctni resistance to such well planned mnrder of the trusting aud unsuspecting was impossible, the walls gave silent evidence that some of the murdered lies had not been sent to their doom without an effort to defend their lives. No less than a dozen bullet holes in the sides and roof of the houe attest that armed men, when struck down so relentlessly, had at tempted to shoot their mnrderers, but, uufortn nately, the aims had been wild, and the murderers are reserved for the hempen halter. THK MTUATIOX. This building is located just on the rising edge of a beautiful narrow valley-, circled on tbesontb, east and w est by a range of mounds or hills, fronting to the north in the month of the valley. The hills are distant from the bouse from a half mile to a mile, the closest being on the south, to Ibtrear. The house fronted to the road just in the bead, sitting back about its own length from the roadway. From this iint of the road can be had a full view of everything'for a half mile in every direction, bnt not another bouse is within sight. It is abont seven miles from Cher ry vale, ten miles from Thayer, eight from Ladore, and two from Morehead, and just in the north west comer of Labette county. WHERE THE MURDKHIUJ JCOW M.KKP. With the exception of Dr. York and Henry F. McKenzie, G. W. Lougcor and daughter, whose families took charge of their remains and buried them at Independence, the bodies of those found in the garden graves were qnietly taken by silent men, who knew them uot, yet longed for venge ance ou tbeir assassins, to the base of a high mound, about a mile to the southeast of the devil's kitchen, and there a second time returned to the earth to sleep until the final resurrection. WHO THKY ARE. The first of the eight bodies discovered was Dr. York, of independence. GEORGE W. LOXGCOR AND DAt'GHTKR. Mr, Longeor waa a neighbor of Dr. York's, from whom be had purchased a team just before he started for Iowa, last December. He aud his in fant child were buried in oue grave. He, as all the other men, had the back of the skull crushed in and broken aud bis throat cat, and tho body stripped of nearly all its clothing. The child was placed at the father's feet, wiibont a bruise or mark of violence, and with all its cliothes on, even the hood and mittens, and many Judge that the infant had beeu burled alive. L. a. BROWN was from Cedarvale, Howard connty. He hod recently traded horses uear Ladore, aud was sup posed to have had about $00 witb him. He was recognized by a silver ring ou bis finger, which waa indentified by the friend Johnson, with whom he had traded horses. w. F. m'rotty lived near Cedarvale. He was en route to . Inde pendence to contest a land claim; One report says he had a large snm of money on his person, and another, judged to be mere reliable, that he bad bat small snm. HKxmr r. m'kcxzie was from Hamilton connty, Indiana, and wag on his road to locate at Independence, where his sister, Mrs. J. Thompson, resides. He bad but little money and was on foot, and bad been mis sing since December last. PKTEB BOYLE resided in Howard connty. His body was so mutilated aa to bo hardly, recognizable, but his poor widow indentified him by bis peculiar shirt, which hr own hands had made for bim. He had started on foot for Osage Mlrrloo sometime lsst December. ,, THE CKSJfecOONIXEn. The only one of the bodies not indentified it supposed, and very reasonably, to be that of Jack Bogart, who started for Illinois, on horseback, abont a year ago. The horse he rode lias been found in tie hands of a responsible man, who purchased him from one of the suspected confed erates. This completes the list of those yet discovered on the grounds. PISTOLS AND KMVXS, EOR A One of the most marvelous stories ever heard, bnt which is vonched for by reliable men, is the following: One evening abont three months ago, a poor woman, footsore and weary, traveling to Independence, withont money, stopped at the Bender den aud asked for some sapper and for privilege of resting awhile. She was invited iu, and being nearly exhausted, she took her shoes and scanty wrappings off and kid down on the bed in the back room. 8he soon fell into a trou bled doze, from 'which she was awakened by the touch -of the old hag of the den, who -minting to an array of pistols and double edged knives, of various sizes, lying on the table, said in the spirit of hellish malignity: "There, your snpper is ready." The woman was motionless and breath less with terror, and as she sank back on the bed, the devil damo picked np the knit es one by one and drew her finger aloug the sharpened blades at the same time glancing fiendishly at her in tended victim. How long tuts terror issiwi tue woman eonld not tell, bnt at last she, in the very deeps-ration of fear, arose as though not alarmed, and saade a private, excuse for going out. mm was permitted to do" so, and moving around to tb shelter of the stable, barefooted and scarce half dad, she darted off on the wings of fear, and ran for two miles to the honse of one who pro tected her and gave ber shelter. As she waa run ning away, she turned frequently to see if she waa pnrsned, but no one followed her, though she saw the light from the open doorway several times, as tbongh the devils inside were awaiting berretnrn. Even this story seems not to have aroused more than the before existing suspicion that the Ben der were Dot exactly the right kind of people. a Buaouxo BUaDTESS. Itlhaaihf TtTrr"T three yean this section has bes infested with horse thieves aud mur derers, and. this known to every one about the country, it is probable the tame state of affaire might have continued for ad indefinite beriod, had not the murder of Dr. York, man of family, friends and reputation, led to the exposure. Men have been missed and bodies found of murdered men for three years past, and "vigilance com mittee have bunted and driven some men from the country; but It would now seem as though the leaden of these "regulators" were them selves the villains, and honest nKn bad been falsrlv and fonllr rasneeted and driven from tbeir homes. Known villains have for that time been sent to the penitentiary, only M ue rmruou el ont by governors. And even the band of seventy-five armed and honest men who scoured the country in search of Dr. York, wheu it was learned he was missing, seem to have had very little judgment or dis cretion. On the 28th uf March last, CoL York and Mr. Johnson visited the Bender hWfe to which place tbey bad tracked Dr. York, and endeavored to roax some information from them, bnt they would tell nothing. On the 3d of April this armed band visited the bouse with the sole object oftiudiugtbe murderers of Dr. York, yet they did not notice the bullet boles in the honse, and allowed themselves to be footed by an assumed stupidity which was the disguise of most hellish cunuiug. The old hag sat mam aud gloomy. pretending slier coma uot unuxrsrauu or open fiaetish ; old Bender said nothing ; Kate, she of the evil eye, denied ail knowledge of the lost, aud the younger male villain fooled thent with a well made np story. He said that at about the time they say Dr. York was missed, be, Bender, HAD BEEN SHOT AT in a lonesome place near Drum Creek, one even ing, aud it must have been by those who killed the Doctor. He described the place minutely, nud then took them to 'it. and it was fennd as he said, and tbey half believed his story, aud return with him. Col. York Repeated the story given above, of the supper of .pistols and knives offered to the lone woman, whew the old hag soon found her sense of the Englitk. language improved, ejbe understood all that hsafheeet saiil, and flew into a violent psssion. Sb, denied the story of the supper, and said that that was a bad and wicked woman, whom she woufd kill if ever she came uear them again ; that the woman was a witch, and had bewitched Kate's coffee; aud then she ordered the whole band away. While going and couiiug from the el eek, John told Col. York his sister Kate could do anything, that she could control the devil, and that the devil did her bid ding. When tbey returned to the house, Col. York tried to induce thts wonderful mistress of the devil to reeal where the body of bis brother was. She positively refused her satauic aid at this time, giving a: her reason therefor that she. could not do so iu the day time, and n bibs, there were so many men and so much noise about, AS INVITATION'. The pretended sorceress and real fiend then told Col. York privately that if he would come the next night, Frids) when best she worked her spells and bring only ono man with him, she would take luui to the grave uf his murdered brother. Had the Colonel beeu so foolish as to believe the mysterious power of-the creature, there is no doubt she .would have proved her Eromiso good. The whole baud then left the oiise. They visited the house of Koach and Sraitlfauil Harness, at Lndnro, and made luauy tbreats, but accomplished nothing. Tbeir intent was good, but tbey lacked au exiierienced detec tive for a leader. So strong was their conviction, however, of the guilt of the Rojches and of the Benders, th.kt tbey would have bum; tbem then had it not been for th persuasion of Col York and a few others, who weredetemiined t lint none but the known guilty shoulif- suffer. Of course this alartued the Beudrrs, and they fled. How, lias lieen published in the Time. MOW. CAatXESSXKS. It seems strange that no watch was put iion the- suspected Menders, aud still more strange that tbey should have ,beeu gone three weeks lefore any knew of it. When they went to Thaver they left their team ami wagou and dog on tho public street of the'towu. On the street the team and wagon remained for two days w ith ont a claimant, when they .were taken charge f by a livery firm there Bear Wheeler. No no ticr, other.tbaii an item iu the. Head Ligbl, the local journal, nun given of the finding of the team, and no description of the horses published, though tbey were peculiarly and similarly mark ed. Had snch description ben givsii, it must have led to the speedy pursuit of the fleeing criminals. It is uot suspected that there was any-gnilt in this neglect, but only carelessness. THKUK MUST BE A GAM). No doubt Is Mttcrtnlued that the Benders have not been alone in theirilamuable villainy. They must have had confederates to -dnrnrom-rf Ihc stock mid clothes of tlis murdered men, and sits- filcinn has already pointed to a iiiiiuWr of men, iving throughout that Section, ill different di rections, mid to tioue with more evidence uf jus tice tbun one JUT. ClIf.RHT. This fellow lives Kbi nt three miles south of Panous, aud when C1. York was making si arch for his brother, he tried to induce the Colonel to employ him as a detective. Luckily the Colonel would have nothing to do with him. This man, it is said by two men who are generally credited, at different places and times, aud separately, told them that he was a member ef a baud of ".Regu lators" in theCouuty, and that when they found a criminal they never troubled bim with the law, or put the County to any expense about bim; that the baud always knew their own work when tbey saw it, for evefy man they put out of the way they laid with his throat cut, his left arm across bis breast, and his right by his side. In such condition and-position were found near ly all the Bender victims. As a further evidence agaiust this fellow, it is known that soon after McCrotty's disappearance was kuowu, and when there was about to be some action taken to look for him, he pretended .to have a letter from Me Crotty, telling of his safe arrival in Illinois, at his intended destination. The other suspected parties who have been ar rested are men of bad repute in general, and be lieved for sumo time to be horse thieves, if noth ing worse. On Snndsy, Sheriff Stone brought iuto Independence, nnder'arrest, Addison Roach, of Ladore, and Wm. Bnxtou,a son-in-law of the elder Roach, both found near Cedarvale. This makes the number under arrest now on suspi cion, so far aa known, twelve. The nsmes of the others have beeu published iu the Times. LAST 81'XDAY AT THE GRAVES. On lost Sunday there were about oneUhonsand men, women and children, at the Bender grounds, gazing witb rainjled emotion of horror and cu riosity. The graves eveuyet sent forth a sieken ing tteneb, aud women held their noses as they peered down into the narrow tenantless boles. Two special trains were run. one from Independ ence and one from Coffeyville, to a point on the railway line abont two miles from tbs honse, and teams were busy 'running to and from the cars to the grounds, while the greater portion of the crowd was compelled to walk; These trains brought abont GOO persons. There were abont six or seven hundred persons there from all parts of the surrounding country, iu wagous, car riages, bnggieft, and on horseback. The ennositvof luany seemed to master their repulsion, and hundreds brought away some me mento of the dreadful place. The blood-stained bedstead was smuheapto 'pieces and divided in the crowd, sjl the skmhbery and young trees were brokeu or torn np and carried away, and pieces of the bouse, borne, off by the enrions. Snch another raid would not leave much of the shanty. It was supposed that the grounds would be ploughed and scraped again this day to search for other' bodies, but the Intention was abandoned, aud it is Lot probable any further search will be made until it is dune regularly by the County authorities, REWARiar orreirm Rewards to the amount of (5,000 have been of fered for the capture of the mnrderers, and there is not the slightest doubt bnt tbey will be recov ered On last Saturday the detectives were on the trail of the Benders, witb tberxpreaa certain ty of effecting their speedy capture, and it is more than probable that tbey are already taken. With the number under arrest and the others watched, no doubt some one will reveal the whole truth, when Kansas will be rid of the worst scoundrels that ever infested and cursed this country. -a- SO Here's a Go! Here's a go! Mr. Sergeaut-at-Arms Ordway has taken all the letters iu which honorable members hare signified to bim tbeir "irtnous intention uot to draw the "back pay," over to First Comptroller Taylor: and this offi cial hasdecided that the letters justify bim iu eon Teying back the money into the treasury without any furt her ado. Fanty the feelings of such hon orable members if such there be as have writ ten their virtuous little letters with the airier eases that the money must any way remain anb ject to their order fie two years, and that it might be aa well perhaps to. wait for the storm to blow over! It's one of the best "sell'' ou rec ord, and the public, at any rate, will relish the fua hugely. Ext&aaje. It appears that both Chicago and Boston-have been rebuilt upon safer and letter principles than before. The partition walla between buildings have been made by law thicker, and parapets have been carried above the roofs, thus separating house from bouse. The Minneapolis Tritwae ay: "Congressman DunnsU undertook to sanctify his drawing of backpay by giving $75 of it to hia pastor, bnt the worthy minister sent the money back." THE at ACK-PAV BsCsHrBM. " ""--'Sf F".,LlS,Mi.Xi. nr-was mew wmiur othw - Asaraa the Km, From the Xew Tork Times. It is ufJhe last importance that too people should know the names of the Congressmen who voted themselves pay Surviccs never perfor med. We have already given the vote at .two stages of the measure. We propose now to atate briefly the history of the measure, to analyze all the votes taken upon it directly, to point ont those who are consistently and unmistakably guilty of snpparting It, and those who continually and unequivocally opposed it, and tp leave the remainder, whose record is not clearly pronoun ced on either side, to explain their course to their constituents as best they can. We shall confine onrselvcs to the bouse of representatives, omit ting the senate, because, in the first ptace, no vote was taken iu the senate which conclusively revealed the positron of senators on the merits of the case; aud second, becanse the hou of re presentatives is directly responsible to the peo nl and can be sooner and more effectually call ed to account. We also omit the final vote on the report of the conference committee, because that report embraced several other objects, and the vote on it could uot be regarded jas uecessa rilv and conclusively a test vote. The history of the salary steal is as follows: On the Wlh of Fsbrnsry a motion waa made to suspend the rules for the purpose of having in cluded in tho geueral appropriation bill a provi sion increasing numerou salaries, among them those of msmliers of Congress the increase in their case to apply to tho forty-second Congress. This provision included the naked question of iu ..... .,..1 The motion to suspend the rales was lost. It received 81 votes, and 120 votes were cast agaiust it. This was the first vote on the question. , ., . On the 23tli of February, me legislative appro priation bill bciug before the honse, a motion was msde to aineud one of its clauses by inser ting a provision for increase ef salaries. This also included inemtoreotCoogress, and embraced the back pav. It woslost, receiving only 65 votes to 120 against it. This was the secoud vote. Gen. Butler gave notice of a motion to recon sider the'vote just takeii. He had voted against it, that course being necessary, we believe, to give him the parliamentary right to move a re cousideratiou. Iu analyzing the second vote we shall, therefore, conut him in the affirmative, as lie was notoriously in favor of the proposition. On the first of March the motion to reconsider came up. and t Was moved to lay it on the table. This would have killed the measure. It failed receiving GG yeas and 105 nays, aud 63 not vo ting. This was the thirdvote. Tho question then recurred on reconsidering the vote by which the aiiimeiidineiit had been killed. The vote was reconsidered, there being 104 yeas.TilnajOjnudO" "ot voting. This was the fourth Mite. The proposition war then changed by a rising vote, tlio increase for members of Congress being reduced from $7,500 a year to $6,W(. The back pay feature was retained. This tfas the fifth vote. Now it is plain that any iiieuilier who vo ted for the increase and the lurk-pay on all these votes must b held guilty. It must also be plain to any oue coiitersaut with the proceedings of Congress, and capable of determining the signifi cance of the several votes, that any member who supiMtrtsd the measures on the last three votes, and did not vote ilgainst It bn the seeend vote, must also be held gililty. Such u member would lm iu the position of helping rev Me Ibu measnrv after it hail been defeated, anil of voting for it as revived, without at any time voting sqnarely ngainst it. On the other hand, it is plain that members who voted continually against the mea sure must be held innocent. Those who voted agaiust it on the last three votes, without hav ing voted for it oil the, must also be held innocent. With theo explanations, which are as coiiciss, ns it possible to make them, wuuppend a list which we belie e to be made up in a per fectly just manner. The Democrats and Liberal Republicans are iu italics: CllLTT. (1 C McKee. Miss, tr WJfcAMry.lIL. FMorey, La, JDtoTfkU, Miss, 1. Mrers, 1'enn, JSNegley, Finn, 5L XibUck. Flurula, D Peek. Ohio, t, V Pierce. Miss., J II rutt, Virginia, r P l-rier, Os, K II Frinnle, N Y. it U Rainrr. S C, SJ JbtsdoU. I'enn, J C JfeKnsoK. I1L, J Hmm. N T, hll kogm, XC Jl'C bhsnks. Ind I. A ShcMon. La, JlSltTmtTd. Fenn, J tl Slou, Alabama, II Suams Illinois, OFSoiAVr, Ark, n x .ittteiu, m. J C Worm, Fenn, V L SfHi-hton, Mich, Wil UStowell. Vs, O St John, Jf Y, J O SouUurland, Mich, J II STDiirr. La, CUThomaa,XC B S Turner. Ala, J O TulmiO. Jf Y., D W rosrlsft, Ind, A Jf WmJJrlt, S C, K II WhiUlv. tia, W Williams, Ind. IT WiUUimi. X.Y, B Wimdtntrr, Ky.. Fernando lTeod, t T. Oases Ames, Masv J T Ax-rill, lltiin., V J Baidj, Mawu, J A Ingham, Ohio. A lUparwan, La C W Buckley. AU., S S llutdett. Mil. II F Butler. Mass., K K llutler, Tens., U L Cnllb, S C . J M LVighUn. CaL, A Ovminjo. Mix, . 1) (Vmhu, TriiS, J CMUt. VirsiabL. C D DarrsII, L.-L, O H Dickey, l'enn, OJDudit.Ohln. MVOm Bom, i, RT W Itvke, Vn, OA EUridju. Wis., ltHElllntt.SC.. A E Uarrrtt, Tens., It L OrO, Pcnn. D V ViMintji, Telas, K I GUlidatt. Tenn. J llfnnxt. Talas, IJ.1I llanU, Ark, A C Harmcr, IVno-, J C llarprr, NO, (1 E Hsrris. Mies., C llsys, AU, WHUemdon, Texas, S O Houghton. CaL, CWKmUiU, Xer, A King. Mo C.V.La!ios,Ohln, W B Lansing. X TV. J 31 Ltaeh.XCL, H Mavnard. Tend, E UcJnnkln, 1'enn, Messrs. Garrett and Dickey voted for tho mea sure on all votes except that to lay its reconside ration on the table, and did not vote agaiust it at any time. t Messrs. Hanks and Mufaelry Voted for the amendment itself twice (on the secoud aud fifth vote), and not against it at auv time, Messrs. Eli Perry and C X. roller, of New York, J. Packard, of Indiana, aud J. it. Kiee, of Ken tucky, Voted for the measure ou all bnt tho see ud vote, (which was on the merits of the pro position to pay $7,500 and back pay), aud then voted against it. They therefore voted fur an increase to J,S00 and back pay. nutocKXT: S W KelWi. Conn, jrCA'err.Ind, H W KMinzsr. Peon, 1) P Lowe. Kan, J Lynch, Maine, S03temKaU.UU WileCUUand, Fenn, G W MeCrary. Iowa. JCMcGrew.V.Va, A Tllelntn, Ga, C L Mrrrlsm. X Y, W itilerrut. MiL, J SloB-rM, Ohio, wesauek.iDi, J M Pendleton, R I,, IS Huberts. X Y, i M Hiftk, Wis, R B SooerreU. X T, P Sawrrr. Wis, G VT KenneM. Fenn, 1. II Shoemaker, Fenn, JJISWrr.C, J A Smith, Ohio, RX.Srcr. Fenn, II II Surkwator. Conn, J E Stevenson. Ohio. TSiesmn, Maryland, wTcitv. Vs. W II Cpsm. Ohio. MMWs Men. Iowa. r.B Wnldron Mlh K WetU. Mo, TVA WTheeleT, '3 S"J CW'TVilUnL Yt., J T Wilson, Oiilo, BLAettr. Fenn, J A Ambler, Ohio. S A reJter, Mart land, WEArttr, Ky, I A Barber, Wis, IT It Jtamam. Conn, i Realty, Ohio, .vta,xii, JIBiri.'SJ A Blair, Mich- . EHBniton, Ya, J Buffiiogtoo, Mass, O D Conger. Mich, A. B Cotton. Iowa, SSCoi.S Y, JitCrebbnl. JJDarU, vf Va, II L Dawes, Mass, W G IVanan. Iowa, B T Eamea. U 1, CCEsty, Mass, .T.FJViniJworfA.111, G A Finkelnbnrg. Mo, C rosier. Ohio. W D Foster. Mich, W P Free, Maine. J A GardetA, Oblo. It Goodrich, X Y, E nale. Maine, J T UarrU. Va, JBIlawIey.Iit, J K Hawlev. Conn, J B Hay. Ill, G W nailrton. Wis., AT J MUxird.S II, GFIIoar, Maaa, WSM.wia.In.1, HCBureharu.UI . Mr, BlaiUe, the speaker, obtained, on his owu motion, an amendment to the effect that the back pay should not apply to his office. We ask our readers to keep the above list. They can rely upon it to this extent, that every man set down as nnrjiiallnVdly guilty or innocent of complicity in the salary swindle is so. There are many Congressmen uot named. They may have helped to steal by purposely absenting themselves; they may have been unavoidably absent; we only know that the record is not conclusive with reference to them, one way or the other. But concerning those we do nsme there is no room for doubt. We earnestly urge every reader of the Tisie never again to vote for any man set down in the number of gnilty for any office. All of them have courted aud deserve utter repudiation by the public. We have another list to add to the above. It is very short. It includes all who, up to the present time, have beeu announced aa refusing to pocket the back pay. Here tbey are, all of tbem: WPSpracne, Ohio, W A tvnorler. X. Y- C W Willard. Yt, E Perry. X. Y, OFBoar. Mass, IT U KoterU. X Y, II W Cornett, (Senator from Kn Roberta. XT, Oregon.) C .V Potter. V Y, C L Marriam. X Y, Jas Monroe, Ohio, J R Bawley. Conn, W H Upsas, Ohio. Wra M Merrick, Md, Vic ProsMeat Wilson, C C Est 7. Mass, P Tarn Trump, Ohio. Offices are now sought avowedly for pay, used for pay, abused for pay, and regarded as of little value except for pay. To tbU deterioration or dpravatinn of feeling we owe all the mean and sordid legislation of the past decade, aud all th scandals of purchased elections and equivocal stock speculations. Accompanying this is the waste of time in trival discussion or personal differences, in rivalries and selfish intrigues for future advantages. It is " all of a piece,' all the outgrowth of a weakened sense of public duty. The "back pay" is a condensed expression of the whole evil. It tell io a word the vast distance downwards through which we have pawed since offices were sought for honor, even the honorable effort, and used, at the worst, for the gratifica tion of am ambition, which, if selfish, waa not sordid. aoispo'i Journal. coiatESPoyDEbcE. iTar lis Ckief.) r TUT MBtr. y Mypet,mydarHnx! ,yes! If at an sho Is mine. tCas tiers over a cheek so fair. OrBsirssflast Was evor an sys so briihtl So soft sad treat She woold W th whole world's darling. If they know. at I for for her. i Ah! forsursryifor; For hopptnoos relrneth there, And sorrow ber. And. holding ber never so close, I half divine. That with all my yearnlnz love, Sks Janet mine As tb Bower faiath. you rami; As tb grass wltneretht Oh I Thst I lov her dearly, dearly, Ii all I know. ' And never was cbws. o fair, Orsoolaotrae; wonld b the whole world's darling. U they know. Ma, af. E. BOOTBXOTD. (rortleCkief.) Oisoov. Holt Cocstv, Mo, May Mb. 183. brroa Cbuut: Thanks to the splendid tarn oat and company of oar old friend Fox, of Highland, far flying visit to this town.. It will not be necessary to say thst thU tows U the Couty Seat or Holt. At first sight, th place preaenu a very needy and dilapidated spnearanca, whkh wonld or eonld bo very easily remedied by toe ap plication of neenSahNanluf whitewash or paint. The town U beauUtuJIyj Valed. and tho pVsula hava disofsrW groat energy.h. the planting of fruit trees in their yard which U not only a thing of beauty, bat of utility ss welt The Court House is situated in the centre of tho town, and aurrvunded by as fine a grove as can bo seen anywhere. The ground ia corrn-d a ith a thick coat of blne-graaa, ad ding greatly to the beauty of the grounds. On tho West side of tho Public Square U the Price House, run by J. L. Howell, who thoroughly understands Bfs tnsinesa; good rooma, good, clean beds, and s UVle spread with every thing that the most fastidious may desire. Tho City Ho tel, located at the Xortb-oast comer of the Square, U flttod up and run in I!rt-clas stylo by W. U. Sterret. We also paid a visit to the i ffice of tho Holt Connty SentineL The gentlemanly editor, Mr. Klippel, gave us all tho attentioo hU time would permit. He gets up a nrst-cLu Connty pa per, and If the Ilolt Countiana do not give him a liberal support, 1 will alwjys think tbey ought. The OregonUus are luipreared with the Idea that St no very distaut day they will lose the County Seat; but with a Itberalliy characteristic of her people, they have voted a tax sufficient to build a fourteen thousand dollar school house. Wo noticed that they had a very Urge sad commo dious school building, .which U to be torn down, and the material incorporated into th now one, which, to me, aeema to be very short-afe-nted piece of business. The city at this tims preacnU a pU-msIu; ap)earance. The fruit trees are"in full b!un) The apple crop promis es to be IBfc Uf;e.t that thsjr have had Tor -rears. The peach crop will not lie anxntire tailarej SoEie Irces prom ise a half crop. The wheat, that has been In dmibt so long, can now be set down to a lulf crop. The cold, moist weather has been eery favorable to its growth. The spring wheat is not far enntigh advanced to give sn opittloh. The amount sown is unusually Urge, and ahould the season prove favorable, the fanners of llolt County will be handsomely paid for their Ubor this year. The Farmers' movement is spreading In thU County rapidly. Farmers' Clubs are forming all oerr the Connty, with a Icw to remedy some of the uses and abuses of Railroad corporations, --who have le- bodies to be kicked, or souls to be dsioued t" hence, they exact on of the farm er such a high rate of freight, that it is Impisulble for him to get his produce to shy wl" the markets, and realize liv ing prices. KANSAS. -os-wsa) as (For Oe Chu.) East Xokwav, Kaxsas, May 19, 1 STL The farmers of Pcl.-.l District Xo. 8 met st the school house, pursuant to notice. May 3d, 1P7X Meeting called t order by Mr. Hinckley, President of the Oakland Grove Farmers Club. On motion, Charles Ladwl- waa chosen Chairman, and Abrani Bennett Secretary. On invitation, Mr. Hinckley atated the object of Fanners' AssoeUtinns, followed b) W. P. Meece: and altera general Interchange ef sentimeuta. the following committee waa chosen topreparet t'onstltation: A Dennett, JohnTJeLv ney, and John All-era. On motion, adjourned, to meet Saturday evening. May 101 h. Met, pursuant to adjournment and Wrl" eatled to order by the Chair. Kcporl of tho eommittf-s called for. Constitution con sidered by sections, and adopted. Committee discharged. The meeting tba proceeded to the election of permanent officers, which resulted iu the choice ef Josephs Bobbins for President! ti S. r.arns, Yice-Fresideut; A. Bennett, SeerrUry; and Charles Ladnig, Treasurer. TheUtterde ellning to serve, John IKUney waa elected in his place. On motion, the following persons were chosen delegstes to attend tho County Convention to lie held at Troy. May 31t, 1873: Charles Ladwig. Joeepbue Bobbins, snd Roger Morley, with power to fill vacancies by proxy, if necrssary. A. 1IEXSETT, Secretary. ll a. ( For the CHef.) Warncxs, May 18th, lfrn. Enrrott Ciller- The coming Comity Convention la now near at hand. Farmers should orgsnlze Into Clubs, wher ever they have not: elect ePdcers, and send delegstes there, with tho proper credentials. Business of importance will bo transacted there. Facts will be hnsight before It, of which you, perhaps, sro not now aware, X new era U now abont to dawn upon na farmers. A promising fatnrs U before us, fraught with plenty and easy times. If we but follow np the good work ta which we are now engaged. Let ns work while the sua shines, snd strike wh'le the iron Is hut. i A FACllEE. Wheat Crop Prospects. Tim follow ing is a summary of the condition of winter w neat, just issued from tlio agricultural department! Ju tb.t)rt week of April, a consid erable portion of the northern belt of the winter when! area waa covered witb snow, Tbe condi tion of that visible gave promise of eiemptian from winter injury, leaviug tbe crop object to meteorological .vississitndea of April. In the middle States, great improvement upon tbe show ing of lsst spring; is everywhere concerted, cape cially Iu New Jersey aud Peiinsy h Hnla. The prospects in the States south uf Maryland is less favorable thau last year, and there are indica tions of diminishing area in tbe cotton States, al though not intended to begheu iu this report. Michigan, the ouly State of tbe northern border iu which winter wheat ia mainly gmwu, presents a green and vigorous growth where tbe snow hsa disappeared to reveal it, and Ohio make far more favorable returns than last year. Iu Ken tucky a mora checkered showing is made, giving the present apuearauce a decidedly unfavorable cast, with iaslisationa-cof. fwsisro turpi sssement ao tbo weather settled. In Indiana and Illinois the unfavorable returns out numbered the rose-colored. Tbe dry autumn retarded seeding aud germ inating, aud left tbe plauts too weak and shal-low-nsted to endure well Ibe-effects of tbe. win ter's cbangee of temperature. Similar causes af fect the cuuditiou uf wheat iu Missouri, but a great improvement over hut week is reported, aud S still wore favorable condition exists in Kansas. In Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa aud Ne braska, aa ia known, very little winter wheat is produced. But full reports are given of such ex periments. Tbe indications from California point to another year of great abundance, scarcely a County reporting unfavorable conditions aa a whole, the wheat prospect at the close of the winter ia more favorable than at tbe same date iuie7i Gkxeral Crook's Roll-Call. Captain Tora linsou, recently arrived at 8au Diem. California. from Arizona, gives the following aa illustrating General Crook's policy in dealiag with the Apaches: General Howard's treaty with Cochise, allowiug them to raid iuto Mexican territory, would probably result in the Mexican Govern ment bringing special damages against the Uni ted States, tienera! Crook baa taken the bull bv the horns. lie issued an order requiring every Indian to be present at roll-eaU every morning on all the reservations. When this waa an nounced to tbe Indians, tbey, with one voice, re- tuaeu so curopiy, woereupon toe ueneral sum Boned them to hia quarters and saade thwu) speech, telling then if tbey were Ma srteaeV they would do aa be loM them, If not titer urowt pack up and get ont of camp. Ha would giro tbem one hour, and then be woald ba after them horse, foot and dragoons. ThU was simple logic fur tbe Indians, and they signified their acceptance. Now, on sounding tbe rnll-call on the different rancheries, tbe Indians vie with each other to be ntst at tbeir posts to answer ta the roll. Tberema vemrahUand nsroeetaM old ladv ia Detroit who waa one the betrothed of Jeffer son Davis. Tbey still correspond, but ao ootsid er knows the reason why tbo two (M Mt eater those Inly bonds which would bar resulted ia oue of tbe Detroit lady's BettieoaU jsjttiar into history as a covering fog a badly seared exJ dent. BUSINESS CARDS. BODER BROS., Southwest corner of the Public Square, Troy, w. X OAN MOXEV. BUY NOTES. SELL EXCHANGE MA em nrineinal citW. hav and sell Cowirre Wamnt cM SUver. Ax, and Receive Deposit. llJolyTJvL. CODER BROTHEES. HIGBY HOUSE, IVortb Side ofPubUo Square. TROT. KANSAS. CHAttLKS HIOBsT, Proprlessw. rtviIIS House UUrr. sad new. and U tbe peinel pal Hstsl JL in the City. Located in the business part of town, and near the Court House. The table always contains tho bast tbo market atrorda. Beds fond, and rooms well furnished. Attention riven tn the wanta of all gnrsta. A good Livery Stablo and wagon i aru a.iunuig. langTCy. DR. W. REEaMBK, Physician and Surgeon. Office fa C. IS. Bid ford J- Co: Drna Store, TBOr, KANSAS. 3pr13. J. B.WHEELER, M.D., PRACTICAL AND OPERATIVw srrnQBON. Troy, v.-... Special attention will be riven to the treat, meat of Chronic Diseases, Diseases of tho Eye. Ac Office at my residence, lljulyrryt. SIDNEY TENNENT, Atttoxmoy At TKOV, KANSAS, WKJtLt. practice la th Second Judicial District and th ww supreme Court of Kansas. Also, la th Coaatie of Platte. Buchanan, Holt sad Andrew, la Uiasoari. asnrrc. ALBERT PERRY, .ttomey ox Xia.'v, TKOY. KANSAS. OfTICE, SorTH-KAST COKXEK ri'tlUC SvifAllE. ganeT. " PRICE & WEBB, j&.toma.&Trm At TKOV, KANSAS. (rfflrr, SoMfJkeosf Corner Pttbllc Sqitnrr, lang2r!. . ill. JOIINSTOIY, j4h1"toMioy at. T-jH.w, TKOV. KAMKAN. Ornca Wot Side rnblic Square, In Jcfl Rnfldlnr, Up lairs. HUnlyriyL N. B. WOOD, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, H'HOV, KAVM8. iijulyRji. Office. Vest of Court Hone. O'DRISCOLL & QUAY, Attorneys and Counsellors at Lawj TROY, kA.WAR Oatrr, Kfarlhriui Cornier swbllr stnanro. WILL praellee in sll the ConrU or tV Second Judicial District, and tho Superior Courts of Kansas. lllulyTTjl. P. S. SOFER, Justice of tue Peace and General Conyeyancer TKOY, KANSAS. COLLECTIONS made, ami Tales paid for non-resident., (inite. West Side Public S-iusre, over Cass'a Stors: ItyilyWvl. j. f: hampson, Justice or tlie Peac AND CONVEYANCE, TKOY, DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. COLLECTIONS promptly ilkuM to. (Offl. at the Court Honse.) lUnly73yI H. IV. SEAVEIt, - Notary Me, M CoMi Apt iU(tlH,ANI. KANSAS. CON VETANCINC. and sll kinds or Legil writlne. don In the best style, on short notice (jane 13, C?-t y. It. M. WILLIAMS Kotry Public. Convoyttncoi', AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, WHITE CLOUD, IC.V1VSAS. T AXES paid fiwnoD-nahlenta. lands located, and sales st real nam man. ai reaaoaani rales. men. , .1. COLLIS m. ROl.DY, Notary IlPrttolio, fKARYCttT. lVnlphaB Cmmtj. Kimii. Jinicroaof j iE wnuDf ooim oo anon oo-ce. jss J. V. HOLLEBAUftH, FASHIONABLE TAILOR, (over c. w. notes' store,) White Cloud ... Kanatati. Oct. I. IWd. L. D. STOCKING, J EW ELLEIt. i?svM iii Boder'e Bank, on Main Street, TKOV, KAftftAft. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry repaired, HJulyTSjl. AUG ITIILUUR, DEALEBIX DRUGS AND MEDICINES PaiMts, Oik, kc., fcc., WATHENA, t t HLAJVSA.S. THE attention of physicians, ilealera,and th nubile ten erallv, ia invited to the lndneementa offered to cash borers, nrngs. Medicine. Oils, Palata. rntty. Brashes, WlnAiW Obun. Dye Wafts. Pan Wine and Unoors, at tha very lowest rates, School Books, Stationery. Wall Paper. Pletnr ilmiWIOca. Ae, at a very moderate advanea on (US mannfactarerV price. l(July73yL ELIJAH FLEMING, DEALKXnr Grain and Live Stock, TROY. KANtAi, ""TTeTILL eswthn. as heretnfeee, to pay Is lop of tho W Mill, hrOsww; fc am-Mawa wfOremt nW tree Stack soluble for shipment, ta lirrl iinsntlHm ar and is always ready for trade. lUnlyTzmt. A. BENNETT & SONS ASK BtmSG ALL THK Wheat, Barley, Oats and Cora THAT are offered, lor which they are paying tb highest market price. Ton thst haverrsla toseP, llv.oas call, at r EAST NORWAY, On Ika St. Jotepl and Dtnttr Cilf Railroad. asjslylt. MILLINERY AND DEESS MAKING. MBS. BELAWARE ft MRS. avATIg. WOtTLU rMaeetrally saamnc ta th Ladles of Whit Clond and vicinity, that they wffl, dorinr the present seassa, carry na the business .FASHIONABLE MILLIN- KRT and DRESS MAKING. n sfl fliefcr siwil tta Gooda la th MlWaery lino will be kept eonstanflyott baad, and all work don promptly, sad ia the latest and heat style. rne isvora er tne lame, are rrapeexraur souciieo. Store room, comer of ilsln and Second Streets. Whits Chssd.issss Eeb.,im. Sberi.r's Sale. 8TATK Or KANSAS; lH Scsnnui Cocjrrr. J lath MrtrktCssjrt farlwi! Connty. ansae CnnL IPlaistuT. Sf.BU. CL VTea 1 sad A. O. Err, I Defendants. N OTICB Is herebyrrvea, that I wflL on theMh day of Juan. A n lira at tbe boor f 1 o'clock. P. M of ssid day. st In north doer of the Conrt Honse,aa tb City of Troy, in Dontpbsn Connty, State of. Kansas, offer for sale, at public anction. for cash, tbe CullowlaB; described real estate, to wit: Tbe north-west fcuarter of section twenty four, (SI) In township three. (3) sf rsere twenty, an la DsBlphaa Cooaty. Stale of Ksnas. Takes as ue property faUUld& sad A. O. to sad sSfcrsd for sliitn thi hlihaat y - J-r- - f-"-aseat sad sasSasw f rs4te mtoVmmtAfant Urn Baa Ins Cowry, ta tho SSsS f aTisan. a which Is Card ll lllaair at If ,"--r ' " - aaS3fefiKK lawns ox uoawpaan vow. Hay , ll-Jw. ' .." - i , X '- I 4' . -A i ii '. te u y V ' V -A