JiHtHWwSgiffitl fhe 1 ill ikfesr glflll&flip 1T i: SOL. MILLER, PUBLISHER AND PROPRIETOR. DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF DONIPHAN COUNTY. Our Motto: "Talk for Home, Fight for Home, Patronize Home." SUBSCRIPTION, $2.00 PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE. VOLUME XXVI -NUMBER 6. TROY, KANSAS, THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1882. WHOLE NUMBER, 1,30G. t- Wile'.'- I YTS' M VI " Iv i b- i (Stmt gtato. audbess xo agsasgfc BELZOKrS bt boeaci uirrn. And tboa ht walked soeat 0w txn-e a stry D Id Thebea atreet three tbooM jmn sea, TVhen the MtmtKAiam w in all it ry. And tune had not brgnn to ortfthrow Toe temple, pal. and P trpei.laaa, Of wWch tbe. Ttrj rolo nrt tnsstMdoos, SpsaTc t for tlum Iodc nooCh hat artl J" , bwi baat a tonpMJ. rame, let oa bear IU twei Tboart tndtac an thy lej-a. aboe Pm. nniy JUvLdtiac tba jliinp of tb un, Nt hi thin tW - ""r'fc.t.i.a. Hot wlla thy buoe. and fleaa, and UinW, and fratore. Tello-frfdobtleUwBcaMtnft-T Vb aUoaU we iea tb Sptini'a fame I TTaa CLeup CfjAm architect Of rItarpTraid that bean hi name! IPomwyalllUrreaUyaiiilMionirrl Had Tbebea a handred psten, a sone by Ilomar I Perhaps tboa wert a Mason, and furttUdra By Jath t UI1 the secreta of tby traile, Tb ay iU secret tat-b-ly wu bidden In UnnBott'a aUtoe, which at anrie plaretl I Perbapa tboa wert a prieat-tf aa, r J Are Tain, for jrieateraft nerer aw it Jnjsle. Fcrhsm that very hand, now ptekmcd Bat, IlM bob DoW-d with IbTMh. r.laa to fUM; Or dropped a half penD J Ma J Or doffed tbioo on to lrt vjoeen Dido iM , Or held, by Sulumun'a own fnriUUoa, A torch at tbe Krest temple' dedication. I nml not ak thee if that hand, wbrn w", IU any Imxan mUitr uuiM and knurLlrd : Fur tlMiwttt dasd. and buried, and esafaaltned. Ere Uomnltu and Ream bad Wd aacLIed : Aotiqattj appear to have brfpra Long after thy primeTal race a run. Tboa eootf t de-li-if that witbl tongue ji.t .n ikbIiii ttu aivhtleaM orb have w How th world 1oiLm1 wbn it wa freb and yuanc And tbe jrrrat dilute atill bad l-ft It pwi j Or waa it then aw old that hiirtory'a iar Contained no record of lU early agra ! .SUnaUeut! InrommunlrmtiTe elf Art aworn V awrrcy th-n Iwp thy vowa; Bot pntliMi t-E na aumetbins of th rarlf, IVrea tbe iwreta of th pnm boup j Sinre in tbo wrid of ipiriU tboa bat alumberM, What haat thou acen w hat at ran -e ad rent 0 rra nomberea I Siuro flrt thy form a in thla ln eitendd. We hare. a"Wve fntund, aen anie tranc milttKij The Hooun Empire baa began and rndrd. New worlJ bf riern, we have lut M natlona; And rountlejui kins bare Into doit Iter hmnbled, While not a fxaynirtit of thy flmb baa crnnibled. Didt thou not br the pother o'er tby bead. U'bm the rrwrt leralan eiqurror. Cambraea, IfarcbM armiea o'er tby tomb with thamterinr treaI O'erlbrewOidria,0rn, Apia. laU; And abk tba pyramkla itb fear and wonder. Wh the ci-antie5Ieiuwn ft-U asunder! If the ttmiVa aerreta may not lie roofi-Hai-d, Tba nature of thy pri ate htti unfold : A heart baa throbbed txwatb tbat leathern breast. And teara ndown that doaky cbek bare rolled ; Ilave children rlimbed th.e knee, and kbwed tbatfaeel What waa tby name and utitwu, ace and race! iiUtoe of fleab, Immortal of tbe dead t Imrhable type of eTaneacence ! rwtbamoaa man, bo qoit'at thy narrow bed. And tndet nMerayed within our prewnce! Thoa wilt hear nothtnc till the Indpnmt mornmir, IVhen tbe ffrtt trump will thrill tbve w itU iU varum. Whv aboubl thU worthle ternnient endure, ifltauDdjinccueot bo Umt forever t O, let na keep tbe mouI embalmed and pure In Urine virtu, that wben both mut never, Altboah corruption mar oar frame conuue, Tbe immortal spirit U tba akie may bkmta -- ! m ANSWEB OF THE MTJICMT AT BELZONI'S EXHIBITION. Child of th later daya ! thy worda bare broken A apell tbat lonr baa boond theae lunc f rbiy. For autre tbia amuke-dried tongue of uuie latb oln. Three tbouMuid tetlwia jeani bave rolled aaay. Uoaathed at b-nh. I "atand at ea-" before ye. List, then, O, Ut, bile I nnfuld my atory. Tbeliea waa my birthplace, an unri alletl rity. With many jprtea, but bere I niEebt detbire Sotue tOiaue. plain truth, except tbat it mire pity To Llw a iM-ta fabric Into air ; O, I could read voo. quite a Tbelian lecture. And fjiie a deadly fininb to conjecture. Hut tlw-n yon wouU not bare me throw discredit On rrave bbtoriaDa.tr on him b "iiS Tbe Ilukl, true it i I never read it. Hot beard It read, vlien 1 ma very yoan. An obi LUnd minotrri far a trifling profit Incited part, I think the antii.- of it. AU that I know about tbe town of Humer, la tbat they ararre would own bint la hbtday; Were glad. too. mben be prowl) r turned a roamcr Rrraum by thin they aaved tleir trib tar. IIu toUmen would lutfo been ahatued lo Oout hi Hi, Had they foreseen tbe fuaa einte made altt bint. One blunder I can fairly ct at ret - lie aa) a tbat men were ouce more big and buny Than now. wbicb it a bouncer at tbe let j lltjuatreteryou to our friend Ilelwwl. 'Stsar aeren feet high ; in truth a lofty figure. 5w look at nw and tell me, am I bigger f ot half tbe aixe. but then I'm aadly d aindled. Three thouaand year with tbat embalming glue Ilave made a amriMua differruce, aud bavo unllrd My face of all it beauty ; there were few Kgj ptiao yonth more gav, beln4d the aeoel. ay, amile nott oa and t may anon be equal. For thla lean band did one dar burl tbe lane With mortal aim; thia light fanUntie too Threaded tbe myatic m&te of tbe dance; Tbiabeart ba throbbed at talc of bivoand woe; Theae tbreada of raren hair ouce act tbe faahioni Thi withered form unpired tbe tender paaaion. In rain , the akilful bawl ami feeling warm. Tbe foot that figured In the brieht quadrille. The palm of geniuaand tbe manly furm, AU bowed at ouce to IVath'a mjateriouawlll. Who aealed me np where mommic anund are alt ping. In cere loth, and in tolerable Loeping j Wbere rowa and monVeya aqnat lu rb b brocade. And well-dreaaed crocutlilo in iinted raaea, Babt, bat, and owls, and rata in mamueradV, With acarlet flouuee. and with varnished face; Then bird, brutea, reptile, fUb. all eramnHit together. With ladiea that might paa for well tannel li-ather; AVbere IUmeae and Sabacon lie down. And aplendid 1'aammi tn hi bide of mint, l'riiM-ra and heroe, men of high renown. Who In their day ticked up a mighty duat. Their awartbr mumnile kicked np dunt in numWr, When bnge Jtelioul tame to ware their alumber. 1TM"d thtnlr. tbeae ruMr bam of mine were seated At Irtdu'a table, when tbe wondroa tab Of "Juno'a hatred" a no well repeated t And ever and anon tbe Queen turned jMtle. Meanw bile the brilliant ganbgbU bunc alwtve ber. Threw a wild glaie Um ber abipw inked lover. A v. gaslight ! Mn k me m, we mon .f 3 ore Were V creed in all the-knowh-dg ton can uteution; WImi hath not beard of Kgypt'a -etleui lure. Her iiattent toil, aruleu of inreutom t Survey tbe proof, tbe pyramid are tbtivtug. Old Mcmnou at ill look joung, and I'm in ivin. A land in art and M-ience proline, A blork gigantic, building up ber fame. Crowded with ign ami letter by rrogtjphlr. Temple and obeliak ber kUl prorlaim ! Vet though ber art and toQ unearthly aeem, Tbuee bUk k were brought on railroad and by ateam ! How, wben, and w by oar people came to rear Tbe pyramid of CfteopN tuightr pile! Thi. lit the other ecrt-t. tboa aoalt bear; I will nnfuld. If thud wilt etar awhile. Tba hUtory of the pbynx, and who began It. Our inj tic wwk. wimI taxAtlera made of granite. VtM. then. In grkroua tiuke. wlien King Opbrenc. Butabt What'athl tbeabadeaufliardiiaud king Treaaonmy lip their linger! What tbey mean ia, I am nut to reveal tbeae hidden thing. 31ortaI,fuewell! TU1 Science' aelfuuMnd tltein. Aim niunt e'rn take thcee arrrela a tbe find tbem. A Mom jf an J. cricrt J?tom. THE PIOHEEES OF HOEWAY FLAT. Tbe pionevra of Xorway Flat were a uiotley ;fttheriug. Thej irrwutnl a strange union of opnoRinR elrmenti atlrentnre. rrfklessnii, lrofligacy, and itiKsinatiou, in !he cloM-st asso ciation with indnstry, entrgy anil euttTirie. Tlirre wataMi'tt deiiation fnmi the general rulcf in the ca .if Itiiinuier lt.l Itob Sinitb. lie disclaiuieil all relations with the lioray hand d yeomen by vhom he wa. surrounded; lie made no profeftion of indufctritm, lialdts. lie had a poitire distaste for physieal exertion ; fur that his organism was too liue-grained.hit blood "too blue." There was no sweating of tbe brow in the manner in which he earned his daily bread, tior any care or iro isiun for the mor row. The preaching and practice of his life were, "Enough for the day is the eril thereof." lie lired by his wits, or, as he more quaintly put it, "travelled on his shape." In every try ing emergency he "trusted to luck," in which mythical existence he had implicit faith. Hummer Itob's career had been a checkered -one. lie had accompanied the vanguard of Fre mont In tbe Mexican War. and had subsequent ly linked his fnrtnues with Walker in his fili uu&tering expedition to Nicaragua, and, narrow ly escaping the fate of his leader at the disas trous ending of the campaign, drifted in some mysterious way to Norway Flat. Hrown'a The Occidental was Hummer Rob's headquarters. Oue of tbe rude benches at Jlrowu's was his seat iu the day and his couch .at night, llrown's bar was his cellar, Hrown'a "free lunch" his larder; llrown's customers his .paymasters. The pioneers of Norway Hat were not a read ing people. They were too much absorbed, Per sians, in the pursuit of wealth to take any sie cial interest in literatoie, and Journalism had mot in those days mustered sufficient temerity to attempt to obtain a foot-hold in tbat mountain hound community. The Norway Flat &atiar( was the offspring f subsequent and more en lightened civilization. Hut Jtnmmer Rob offici ated then as news-gatherer and reporter, and in "any resints excelled the mechanical institu tion which afterward succeeded him. Bob was '""""on centre toward which the social gos '? 1 ,'"f H" nd adjacent camps gravi laieii. On the nn1 ementa and operations of the T"lctiug-parties obtaining their outfit at the "!!;..'".. w? ".1K1," and he was as full of conrTin- i, . ' ,ne "it of tbe leads neS,U8riBl!T,,,liU the Trnnding hills and auisiijie " .ununaieiy tor the in wcr??T"?"??ic?". Piailr if then ctc uy-prmpect la the near future of an invi tation to "take suthin'" being extended. He who liked to listen to Bob's "gas," as poor Shakes was wont to call it, when he flourished iu Norway Flat, seldom failed to learn. As newsmonger, Rummer Beb was faithfully per forming Uis destiny, anu uotng Norway rial an Incalculable service. Bummer Bob's headquarters was the nightly rendezvous of the pioneers, it waa me lempie in which thev worsliined atrasze irods. and held communion with familiar spirits. And they were exceedingly ilevont. nil tne tnicLening shades of even-tide, they hnrried from all direc tions toward its gilded shrine, and not until the silverr dawn fringed the eastern horizon, ilid the last votary depart with an uncertain step to Lis lonely home, and the high priest curl up in his blanket behind the altar. It was the dead of winter. The merenrr in the thermometer hanging nion a nail in front of tne ucciiirntal nail descended lar below zero. The cold was intense. A recent snow-storm had casta white covering over the dark pine forest surrounding the clearing of Norway Flat- Tbe morning sun shone forth with a fierce glare, but there was no warmth in its rays, Tbe air was tranquil; even the delicate tendrils of the long yellowish hairy moss hnng pendent from tho drooping snow-laden branches, undisturbed by the breath of a zephyr. The flutter of the butcher-bird's wings, as it fluttered" from bough to bough, was startlingly distinct. Its nervous movements loosened the snowy crystals from the points of the bayouet-lcaves, and they de scended to the ground slowly, but with the per pendicularity of the plumb-bob. Trembling filmy columns shot upward into the clondleu aky from every ehimney-top. The forest gave forth no sound, except the occasional chatter of a restless jay, or sharp crack, like the report of a pistol-shct, from the frost-contracting timber. Out-door work iu Norway Flat was suspended, but in-doors the activity incident to a "cold suap" prevailed. The Occidental was throng 1. "Bar-keep" was in a state of perspiration, owing to the pressing demands made npou his services by his impatient customers. The great stove standing in the centre of the saloon, was all aglow. "sjtniek it. yon bet ! A dollar to the pan, every ip. I)org my skin ef it ain't the biggest thing on ice ! Bummer Rob's narrative became suddenly un interesting. Tbe attention of his auditors be came riveted nu the little man who hail thus un consciously intruded. He had a lank fratnt , a pinched and withered face, and deep-set gray eyes. His hair had been bleached by the snow of many winters, and the icicles of age hung front his lantern jaus. Not excepting Hummer Itob, the intruder was the best knowu man iu Forwsy Flat, since the untimely taking off of Shakes. It was "Doc." There ws some doubt iu Norway Flat's mind as tn whether he hint "a legal right to the handle to his name ;" whether he graduated from the medical halls of an ob scure Western college, or received his diploma as cook's-mate from the hands of the "old man" of the good ship Leonora, in which rsel he was- reported to have rounded the Horn. Rut Norway Hat seldom tiotber itself about the an tecedents of any man, nud Doc had found more thau ordinary favor in its sight, much to the mortification of Hnuiiner Itob. Doc had just ar rived in Norway Hat, and stepped into the Oc cidental, from one of his iritslical prospecting touri. The remark which had dhertcd the at tention of Rummer Bob's auditors uas directed to Brown. "It's the biggest tiling on ice," he legated, and observing that his assertion had attracted the notice of all in the room, he rnntiuticd: 'That's so. yon let! Say, boys, all hands lake a drink. Barkeep, lonklnelv; sling jourforty nsd ihain-lightuin' 'long this" way." Norway Flat was in a cqiiiinotiun that i, the Occidental, which represented the Flat on such days as the oue on which Hoc returned from his successful prosisvctiug tour, was crowded with an unusually animated throng. Bummer Hob wandered about the great saloon like n lost spir it. Ho was welcomed by none of the little groups congregated oil eery'hand, disiiissing the topic of tho hour Doc's find and us lie qui etly retired to a secluded corner to brood out his imaginary disgrace, he silently lownl to haie revenge ou the one who hail thus suiuina rilv supplanted him. Norway Flat wauted to know the wherc alMints of Doc's new- discovery, but Doe was very chary iu giving information. (The pio neers or Norway Flat willlm pardoned for de siring to reap some of tho harvest of another man's sowing. The disposition to gather of all other's fruits, his lieen characteristic of the hu man race, from time immemorial.) What in formation he did impart waa vague. Tim local ity was ery dimly dethied. Every man in the Occidental, except Bummer Rob, 'in turn inter viewed him, aud before noon there was not a plank iu the floor of the saloon, that did not bear a diagram of the route to the newly discov ered gold-bearing creek, drawn with charcoal from the description given it by Doe. Rut no two were alike in any particular, and Norway Flat arrived at the conclusion that Doc intend ed keeping his own secret. It waa pretty gen erally known throughout Not way Flat liefore night, that Doc was to Ik; trailed when he un dertook to leave camp, for his newly discover ed diggings. With the settling down of the shades of night. Doe started. Iu an hour after ward, Happy Jack and Dancing Rill, well equip lied with candles -and improvised lanterns, that had originally done duty as whiskey bottles, started off on his trail, which was easily billow ed 011 the soft snow. Tho track led over hill and dale, through an unbroken waste of timber; and the weary march waa kept mi through the loug hours of the entire night, nntil dawn found the trailers ou the banks of a broad stream, up which the trace made by Doc continued to lead. As the sun rose, the smoke of many fires was seen ascending in tho distance. Then it l.egau to dawn on their intelligences, that Doc had outwitted them, and after piloting them through the mountains, had led theiu back to Noruav Flat, knowing full well that the darkness would preclude the jiossibility of their recognizing any familiar landmark. They resignedly accepted the situation, and prepared to meet Doc at the door of the Occidental, waiting for their arrival. With a merry twinkle in his eye, he remarked: "Roys, that's a darned ugly tramp to them 'aie new diggins. What do you say, if we lieker up now r That was a peace oflering which dissipated whatever bitterness the mortification of being so badly victimized, may haie isissessed. The jingle of glasses, and the harty inartistic rendi tion of the refrain of the familiar ditty: "Far lie's a jUy giiul fallow," by Happy Jack and Dancing Rill, quickly fol lowed. The revelry which then set in, disturb ed Hummer Rob. It annoyed him, to Iw thus rndely woke up. It annojed him still more, that he was not invited to participate in the bacchanalian festivity which had just commenc ed. He was angry when he realized that Doc, his supplanter of the previous day, iu the gisst graces of Norway Flat, was at the Isttom of it all. He approached his innocent rival, and his sing something iu his ear, unintelligible to eith er of the others present, struck him a heavy blow in th face. That was the signal for oien hostilities. Quicker than the story is told, Doc aud Hummer Itob grappled and fell. The strug gle was short, sharp and decisive. Two nieu rolled over and over on the floor; two knives gleamed in the early sunlight, which penetrat ed the frosted panes of the windows of the Oc cidental. A few rapid passes, and the struggle ended. Rut only one man rose, and that was Ioe. He was uusrathud, while the life-bhsHl ehlrt-d rapidly from the writhing body of Ham mer Rob, ending his checkered eareer'us ht oft en said he would: he had "died in his lioots." At the time when the sanguinary conflict be tween Doc and Bummer Bob tooli place, Nor way Flat was beginning to creep out of its prim itive lawlessness, and some of the institutions of a more enlightened eivilizatiou thau the one which had hitherto obtaiaed were being intro duced. Tiie honored onicfc of Coroner had been established. It waa true that its adoption was due moro to a desire not tu lie ontdone by other mining ramps, than to any necessity felt for it. It was generally conceded that the old way of disposing of such cases as wonld henceforth come within the Coroner's jurisdiction, was the most expeditions, and often the most satisfacto ry. The informal burial in a hurriedly dng grav e, was sometimes quickly supplemented by a consummation of a tragedy under the auspi ces of Judge Lynch. Coroner Kurtz's first inqnest was held over the liody of Bummer Boh, at the Occidental. He felt all the imsirtalire of the occasion. He selected representative men of Norway Flat as his jury, with Brown, of the Occidental, as fore man. He was very precise in his questioning; very rarefnl in the manner in which he took down the answers. Happy Jack, Dancing Bill, and "Barkeep," the only witnesses examined, were put through what he termed "a coursh of shproutsh," but their story was straightforward aud corroborative. Notwithstanding the habitnal recklessness of the pioneers of Norway Flat, they were on the whole a law-abiding people. Not that they beetled, in any sense, the written law f the land they did not but there waa an unwrit ten law, which each one tacitly recognized. At tiuies, obedience tu this common law had to be enforced at the pistol's mouth, and any infringe ment of it was always followed by a terrible pnuishment. Fetty offenses were few, for each member of that community was at once guardi an of the peace, judge, jury and executioner. The statutory law was to. slow and uncertain in its ojieration, and a sense of insecurity of life aud property possessed those who placed their trust In it. Hence this broad principle was laid down : Where the laws of civilized life failed to give protection, they would protect themselves, after whatsoever fashion circumstances dictated and their resources warranted. This was the principle recognized by the jnry in the verdict of justifiable homicide, presented through it. forsman in the following crnee form: "Mr. Crowner We're 'greed on the vardick. We're 'greed that Bummer Bob passed in his checks, and we guess it sarved him right." Time has wrought wondrous changes since then in Norway Hat anil its surroundings. Those who knew the Flat only as it was twenty years ago, would no lunger be able to point out the spot on which it stood, for it is numbered among tbe mnshroom towns which sprung up in a day to disappear in an hour. It lies "full fathoms five" deep, beneath the ocean of failings, amd its foibles and short-comings have been bur ied with it. Every landmark by which it was formerly recognized, has been obliterated. Tbe well-wooded slope of the surrounding bills have been denuded by a class of men of recent income, whose view, ot enterprise are infinitely broader than those of Norway Flat's fossorial pioneers. A net-work of flumes, scaffolding, pipes and water-ways cover deep-furrowed banks, at whoee base silvery, fan-like batter bursts into a show er of splinters, and springs down an avalanche of debris. Streams of liquid mud course be tween walls of cobbles. Here and there the jagged edges of the naked rocks project the ghastly skeleton of tbe once comely valley. A moving army of human workers, picturesquely attired, give it the appearance of agigantie ant hill, and sound like the unbroken rumbling of distant thunder, or the suppressed hum of a bee hive, ascends from the busy scenes. Overlook ing tbe bnried Flat there stands a new city, whow buildings are substantial aud elegant, and whose inhabitants enjoy a liberal measure of ease and comfort. But it bears no Dame cal culated to awaken any reminiscence of the past. Only one cemetery on the hill remains unchang ed. N'o desecrating hand hasdisturbed the ash cs'of its iumates. Wind and weather only have affected its confines, aud most of the rude tab lets, which rough but kind hands placed at the beads of the moss-grown mounds, have long since mingled with tie mold; but in a secluded corner, a weather-worn shingle still stauds, from which this rndely carved inscription has not been effaced: : ')"." ; TUG LAST OF THK nOSKEIS OF ? 1 SOKWAT IUT. : pjcrilattcmt& THOMAS JIFFEKSON. OX TIIE KKTCXT IIX-APVli-ED ATTIXTT TO KXatuVK Ills 6CT tXCIIBK. ICetnote. a In antne quiet hermitage Ily pilgrim cboNea fur bl errning'a rent. Our chief of atatoKiuen tdeepa. wbuee thought eiprt-aaed. Uvea in tbe Inminou and wurld read luge Of Fi-eedow'a net a, and mark tbe luftiVat atage; A century' wing are folded, and th oppremed. Made free In all the continent, bare blciwed Tbe tramiuU leader and tbe deathlea aage. Let art prut hie for him no public place. Nor maudlin taate hi awful abade profane, Tbe o'rrluoking lonely knoll U Utter apace ; Ui niauiotleuni in on bt-ight and pLun In the people heart, where time cannot efface; Amid toe mountain let hi duxt remain. SOTJTHEBN "WAB HISTORY. IIaw den. VrreC Excited Gri. Mfcerntam'a Admiralties the Trnnraare River A paper rrad before the Southern Historical Scc'ety at Louisville, last week, written by dipt. J.W. Morton, chief of artillery to For rest cavalry, narrated the destruction of the national gunboats, tranHjH.rt, barge, otore bnnvs and "tore at JnhiiM.nville, Tenn., on the Temieivtee Hirer, by Forrest's ca airy on Xorem ber 3, lcC4. Thin was at the time wlu'u tlen. Sherman waa considering whether to follow iioou uacicw lenueaace, ami inua, as Iiosam, lose the whole effect of his campaign, or to march away on a picnic, leariug Thomas and tho troops guarding the Hue to protect the north from Hood. Johnwuville wav a principal depot of stores. From there a new railroad ran directlr east to Xabhrille, It had forts on Its own side of the river, bnt was unguarded on the. west bank. Thi bank was highest near the river, audits (doping backward made eay to plant guni, which con Id not bo reached by the gunboats nor hurt by the fire from tho fort. Cant. Morton narrates tliat the guns were brought forward and planted on thii bank, up and down the riv r, all unknown tn the gurri-tou and flotilla aenwn the ricr until they opened fire, which, it appears, neither the forts nor tho gunboats could effectively return. It eei'ins to hae been a singular condition for so great a depot of stores iu n district which had long lieen uuder the command of such great Generals as Grant and Sherman. Capt. Mortou gives the following at the results of this expedi tion: An results of thi raid, we recouut the des truction at Johusonville of three gunboat h, eleven transports, many of them new and ou their first trip, aud some eighteen barges; aud of buildings, quartermasters and corumissarit-r,' stores, according to federal estimate, to the val ue of over $,000,000. The gunboat Uudine had been previously captured and destroy ml, as well as the transports Checsinan and Mazeppa. aud three barges, from which a large amouut of sub sistence. blankets and shoes, as already stated, hail been secured. This had been accomplished with the loss of two twenty-poundrr 'Tarrots, which were captured with the Venus, upon her recapture. These guns, however, bad been cap tured by Forrest's cavalry from the enemy at Fort rillow. Two men from the artillery were slightly wounded, and two uion killed, and two from the cavalry. This was the way the money went in the war. It greatly beat Grant's loss of his depot at Hol ly Springs. This may be good meat for the Southern His torical Society, but the North has its historians, who also were in the greater part of the affairs they told, aud Geu. Sherman, in the Memoirs, has distiosed of this affair iu a much more jaunty manner. He relates that while he was reason ing to himself that Hood could not cross the Tennessee, tave at some place inaccessible to our gunboats, this little Incident happcued: On the 31st of October, Forrest made his ap pearance on the Tenuessee Hirer opposite John souville (wheuce a new railroad ran to Nash ville), aud with his cavalry aud field pieces ac tually crippled and captured two guuboats and five of our transports, a feat of arms which I confess excited my admiration. It was a thing to b admired by a command ing General whofuuud the tables of his in ratl ing campaign turned against him and the situa tion so "looking decidedly squally that he saw noway out of it but te get out. But between Gen. Sherman's admiration and this ex-Coufed-erate captain's historical paper are dropped out two of the gunboats, all of the eleven trauMports, some eighteen barges, the storehouses and stores, the aggreate estimated (perhaps in Confederate money) at $,000,PUO. Did Gen. Sherman's ad mirat'iun regard these as trifies of detail, or has the Confederate historians acquired facility with the most potent weapon of our greatest Gener al, the long-bow f Vim. Car. Erigham Young' First Wife, Mary Ann Augell Yonng, relict of the late President IJrlgham Young, died on Tuesday night. She was the daughter of James W. An gell and I'hebe Morton, aud was born in Ontario County, New York, Juue ?, I03. Subsequently the family moved to Providence, K. I. She heard and believed tun gofijtcl in 1831, and was haptixed at Avon, N. Y., in 1832, gathered with the saint at Kirtlaud, O., and was there mar rieU to the late President Itrigham Young by .Sidney Itigdou. in March, 1514. She was sub jected to the persecutions of the mob in Missou ri, one jeit uer nome, ana nit 11 tne people) 01 her choice wended her way to the Miitsitotippi Hirer, residing one winter in Montrose, Iowa, and supported her family during the missions of ber unsband, Itrigham Young. In 1841 she moved to Commerce, afterwards called Nan voo. Many of the saints who are now living, will re member the starvation days of Nanvoo. Here she cultivated a small garden, and succeeded in raising a few vegetables, which were of great worth in that sickly location. She shared in common the persecutions which drove the Lat ter Day Saints into the wilderness, and in all these trying circumstances, never was disheart ened nor lost her faith in God. Her labors in the early eettlemenl of this city are known to many, and through her uniform kindness and hospitality, she won the prayers of the poor and meek, and gladdened the hearts of the bowed down. For twenty-five years, she had scarcely known a day of gpod health. In March last, her feet began to swell. This affliction had been on her more or less for years, and in the course of a few weeks, reached her body, and ultimately caused her death. She lingered in great agouy until the afternoon of the J7th lost., when she gradually sunk into iuseusibility, and passed peacefully away at 9 o'clock in the even ing. She is tbe mother of six children, viz : Jo seph A., deceased; Brigbam and Mary A. (twin), the latter deceased; Alice Y. Clawson. deceased; Lnna Y. Thatcher, and John W. Salt LaLe Herald. "It Nevsr Crowed vx Oxtc TaUR.1 A farm er down in Osage County says that if the corn continues to grow as it baa for the past few weeks, it will be eighteen feet high by husking time. This reminds ns of a Kansas corn inci dent occurred at the Philadelphia Centennial Exposition of It?: 6: "An old lady from the bills of New England, where the corn is planted in the crevices of the granite rock with a shot gun, was passing through the Kansas building, in company with ber husband. Tbe display of corn on the stalk attracted her attention, and at ouce aroused her suspicion; turning to hex hus band in an excited manner, she said: 'John, that corn's spliced T George Crawford, in charge of the Kansas exhibit, who heard the re mark, took down the Ion -rest stalk, and laid it on the floor, in order that she might examine it. The old lady put on her spectacles, and ou iiauas ana Knees rnorcu irom one ena or me stalk to the other, examinioc closely ererr joint; satisfied that she had at first been mis taken, she raised np, and placing nernanason her haunches, looking her husband square in the face, she said: 'No, that corn ain't spliced, but I tell you what it it, John, it never all growed In one year.' " UKC0L2TS BEATS BED. !- Kffsrta Jf a1e for the Parda f JIr. I9arra.it JMnae Very Affect I mg Sceaea. The execution of Charles J. Guitean, for the assassination of the late President Garfield, nat urally causes the memory to revert to the exe cution which took place on July 7, 1G5, when Lewis Tame, Darid E. Herold, George A. Atxe rotlt and Mary E. Surra tt suffered the extreme penalty of the law, for the assassination of Pres ident Liu coin, and the attempted murder of William H. Seward, then Secretary of State. This was nearly serenteen years ago, aud since that tinio a new generation has come np, who know comparatively little about tbe tragedy. That execntion took place in the arsenal grounds, aud the condemned criminals had but two days after the promulgation of the findings of the military commission by which they were tried, in which to make their preparations for eterni ty. The condition of the city and country was vastly different from what it is now. The infa mous act, it will be remembered, was committed just at the close of the war of tbo rebel liou, when the whole nation waa full of joy at tho near approach of the close of the four years of bloody strife that had cost so much treasure. Tbe shock of the assassination was great, and the joyful heart of the nation was turned to bitter sorrow. Mingled with the people's woe was a feeling of revenge at this last and most Inbruniu act in the tragedy of treason, and the conspirators were quickly arrested and hpeedily arraigned. The method of trial was by military commis sion, inasmuch as the District of Columbia was under martial law. Tbe compot.itiun of that commission was as follows: Maj.-Cens. David Hunter and Lewis Wallace, Ilrevet Maj.-Gen. August V. Kauntz, Brig.-Grtis- Albion P. Howe, Kobert'S. Foster, James A. Ekln, H. Tompkins, IT. S. A., Lieut.-CoI. Charles H. Cleudenin, Ilrtg.-Gen. Joseph Holt, Judge Advocate Gener al U. S. A., Judge Advocate and Recorder, Hon. John A. Hingham, of Ohio, and Maj. Henry L. Burnet were appointed asiBfantJndge-Advo-cates. Those who were arraigned liefore the commission were David E. Herold, George A. Atzerodt, Lewi Payne, Michael 0Laugbliu, Edward Spangler, Samuel Arnold, Dr. Samnel A. Mudd, aud Mary E. Surratt. The act of as supination was committed by Booth, ou tho 14th of April ; on the 26th of that month he was cap tured and killed, and on May lSth the com mission commenced tbe taking of testimony, which continued until June id, at which time the arguments were submitted, and the record was then reviewed by the Judge-Ad vocatevGeu eral, who transmitted it to the Secretary of War, and then to President Johnson, who approved the findings and sentences of the commission. Although it was not known what the sentences were until their promulgation in the order of July 5, it was generally supposed that Mrs. Sur ratt, because she was a w omau not because she was not deemed clearly guilty of full participa tion in the conspiracy would not lie compelled to suffer the extreme penalty. When the order was made public, every effort that could 1m de vised was used to obtain a mitigation of the hen tencc. Judge Holt and President Johnson were besieged by persons high in authority and influ ence, tbe former to recommend and the latter to bestow clemency. Judge Holt had united with the other members of the Court in recomuif tid ing Mrs. Surratt to Executive clemency, but tho President declined to grant jr, and approved the findings of the commission. So ersisteut were those, who interested themselves in behalf of 3 Irs. Surratt, that the President was obliged to shut himself up in his private apartments, and decllue to see anv one. Mrs. Stephen A. Doiiz- las was one who haunted the White House and pleaded for tho life of the unfortunate woman. There was quite a pressure for clemency in lie half of Herold, who had been known m Eaat Washington as a sort of reckless bnt harmless young fellow, with not more brains thau the law alllowed. The writer well retneniljers a painful scene in the office of the Judge-Adtocato Gener al, on the morning of the day of execution. Two sisters of Herold, both clad in deep mourn ing, called upon Judge Holt, to intercede, for their brother. As they were shown iuto the Judge's private room, an expression of mingled pain aud sorrow passed over his features, as he rose to receive them. Then, with tears stream ing down their checks, aud sobs chokiug their utterance, they begged for the life of their mis guided brother. The Judge told them that he had no jniwer in the matter; that the President abnto could graut their request; but they lin gered, loth to leave, and seemed to think tbat because Judge Holt had been the recorder of the comimsMon, and was a Jiidge-Advocate.Geucral, he rould aid them. Finally, they departed, to make ait effort to vee the President, and the Judge put on his hat, left the bureau, and did not return that day. The passes for admittance to tho arsenal grounds, to witness the execution, were issued by Gen. W. S. Hancock, and the pressure on that officer for them was fully as great as that tu which General Crocker was snhjected. Too number wus limited, however, as In the present iustauce, and those who procured passes were In a decided minority of the applicants. At the arsenal, Maj.-Gen. Hart ran ft was in charge of tne troops, lueuayottue execution was op pressively Itot, and the spectators who stood 111 front of the gallows had no protection from the rays of the July sun, save the umbrellas that many carried. Of these spectators it is safe to say that nearly every one expected a reprieve for Mrs, Surratt. The conversation, before the condemned per sons were brought to the scaffold, was all about a stav of execution in her case. Wben it was found that she ascended the scaffold with the rest, a murmur of surprise rau thrungh the throng, aud from then until the fatal drop fell heads were constantly turned to the entraurr, and thcaappearanceof an orderly with au order for a reprieve in her case was confidently ex- Iiected, to the very last moment. The writer las a vivid recollection of that scene, tbe first execution he ever witnessed. Herold and Atze rodt both appeared haggard and frightened. Payne walked boldly up, apparently without any care or thought of the occasion. He wore a blue shirt uud pantaloons, aud a light straw hut. His face had a brutal look, but his figure was a splendid specimen of manly physique. Mrs. Surratt wore n black alpaca dre.ss, and black lon net and veil. Her face was very pale, but she walked firmly as she led the procession of the condemned, she lieing the first to tep ii 011 the scaffold. Fathers Walter and Wiget at tended her, aud as she sank Into a chair which had lecn placed for her, her lips moved, proba bly in prayer, as she gave" her attention entirely to her spiritual advisers. When the final mo ment came, Atzerodt was the only one who spoke, and he exclaimed: "Take ware! proba bly meaning warning. "Gentlemen, I hope to see you in the other world. This quotation is from memory, and tbe latter sentence may not bo exact; the first expression is distinctly recol lected. When the drop fell, the order was given ho silently that none heard it, and the four bod ies dangling in the air flashed upon the vision of tbe spectators so suddenly that a shudder passed over them oil. Thns ended the tragedy of the assasMlnatinn of Abraham Lincoln, the first mar tyred President. The trial and the executiou which will take I dace to-day are all widely different. Guitean lad not the excuse f passions inflamed by war; lie was tried by a civil tribunal, and the action of the Court was confirmed bythebigherConrts, tn which appeals were made. In tbe case of the military commission, the act of approval of the scutences was that of the President ; iu the pres ent case, the assassin was adjudged guilty by twelte impartial jurors, and the review of the trial was by Judges learned iu tbe law, arrived at their conclusions by cool, legal reasoning. The conspirators were represented by eminent legal counsel, among whom were Hons. Ileverdy Johnson. James M. Carlisle, Messrs. Maon, Campliell, Fred. Stone, Joseph II. Bradley, Win. E. Foster, Wallace W. Kirby, Fred. A. Aiken, John W. Clampitt, and Judge Walter S. Cox, who presided at the trial of Guitean. Col. Ev erton J. Conger(now Associate Justice of Mon tana Territory) was tbo commanding officer of the First District of Columbia cavalry, that cap tured Booth and Herold, and wa at tbe execu tion officially. He is a brother of Senator Omar D. Conger. iVatitingtom Republican. A 'Woman Assaulted by Snakes. During the week, Mrs. Camden, who lives on the Lexington and Covington turnpike road, one mile from town, was attacked by two black snakes, while on her way to tbe spring. There was a path through a field of grass, leading to the spring, along which she was gotug when tbe suakes tnide fight. One of them wrapped itself around her foot and ankle, while the other stood on its tail, and endeavored to get about her waist and neck. She fought the reptile with a bucket which she had in her hands, and cried out lustily, when, ber son. a young man, came to her rescue with a hoe. One of the snakes left Mrs, Camden, and made a vigorous assault upon the young man, bat he speedily dispatched it with a hoe, and then went to the relief of his mother, and succeeded in killing the other snake. The snakes were of the species known as "racers, and noted for theirpropensi ty to chaso people when disturbed. They t were about five feet long, and very slim. Mrs. Cam den, though terribly frightened, has suffered no ill cousequences from the encounter. Cevingtem ( A'jf.) Camsterris!. A Yjcttcbax or Waterloo. The recent .anni versary of Waterloo June IS was duly cele brated in England and elsewhere throughout the Qneen's dominions, by every regiment that had a part in the memorable fight. A feature of the observance waa the decorations of the colors with laurel. In Chelsea College, aa an in pensioner, but one survivor of Waterloo now re mains. His name is John Mackle, aod he waa present at a Marlborough nouse parade, on June 18, receiving great attention. His age is 97, and he is said to still retain all his faculties. In various other parts of England, there are living several other survivors of the battle. Tax Boston GUbe makes the awful remark that the anassin seem to bave converted his minister. TO A SKELETON. (Tbe IIS. of thla poem, vhkh appeared dorin- the first fruiter of tbe preent century, wai aaid to bare been found in tbe loamm of tbe lural College of Surgeon, tn Lmm1i, near a perfect human akeletuo. and to bare been sent br tbe Cnrattir to th ifersinj CkrvuieU for publication, ft exritsMoriniDcb attention that every effort waa made to diaeorrr tbe aulli., and a reapuniuble party went ao far aa to offer s rem ard of cftr guim-aa for informAtion that would dit-Ter it origin. Tbo author prrperred hi imemgntta. and, we brbere, baa neTrr been diM-orerrd. rbold thi rain TV.wa-.laIl, ' hiee of ethrn al apint f nil. Thi narrow cell waa Life a retreat. Thia Mpaee waa Tboo-ht'a nratetioa aent. What Leaateosa rUion filled thi pot, What dreama f pleaaoro lunge forgot ! Xor nope, nor Joy, nor hire, nor fear, llaTe left one trace of record here. Heneath thla tnoulderioe canopy One abone tne brieht and buv eye; Kut atart not at lb diaaial tom, If aortal lore that eye employed. If with no law lea fire it EVamed. Hat through tho dew of kindnea Waived, That eye ahall be forever brieht, When star and aun are unL In night. Within thla hollow cavern hnaf The ready, swift, anil tnnefal tongue; ir aWbood a honey It diadained. And when H could not prai waa chained j If bold la Virtue's eauae it spoke, Vet gentle coawoed never Wok, This silent tongue ahall plead for thee, 1Yhon Time unveil Eternity ! Say. did theae finger delre tho mine t t with the enrled rubiea shine t To hew the rock or wear a gem. Can little now avail to them. Bat if tbe page of truth they sought. Or comfort to tbe mourner brought, Theae band a richer meed ahalTcUiru Than all that wait on Wealth and Fame, A raila It whether bare or shod. Tbce feet the paths of duty trod ! If from tbe bower of Kate they fled. To tek Affliction's bumble bed , If Grandeur's guilty bribe tbey aparned. And home to Virtue cot returned, These feet with aogrl wings shall vie. And tread the palace of the sky 1 GTJITEAXTS GREETING. Aa Interview Will, Ibe Dead Aaaaaala by tbe AU tfa piril Jlrdlaui. About two hours after Guitean vat launched into eternity, yesterday, a Chronicle reporter, thinking the assassin's spirit had ha.l ample time to reach his future home, visited Madame Silva, the well-kuown spiritual medium on Pine Street, aud obtained an interview with the cele brated criminal's spirit. When he reached the house of the medium, he was shown into a wait ing room. After some delay which tho medi um explained was on account of having to clear the room of some evil spirit who had been sum moned to converse with a St. Louis detective he was ushered Into the consultation room. The room was small and dark, and did not present other than au ordinary tppearance, excepinga small wooden table, around the legs of which was tacked a heavy woollen blanket, aud a large uarK. curiam was suvpeuueu on iuo wail. The reporter stated his mission, and was shown a seat near the mysterious table. The medium said she feared that Mr. Guiteau could i.ot be called, ai he had only been gone a tdiort time, and had hardly time to arrive in the spirit land, but she was willing to try. She took a small slate, and closed her eyes; after calling for a sinter spirit several times, she was answered. They had a short conversation, in which tbe spirit told her that the spirit of Charles Jules Guiteau had just arrived, aud they were making a great fuss over him. She said his arrival had created au excitement among his old friends and cranks, who rushed np to welcome him as soon as be fell through the trap. While the medium was conversing with a good spirit about Guiteau. the assassin's name was called, and he came ui and introduced himself to tne lneuium ami reporter. Where are you f tbe reporter asked. "I am iu torment, said Oniteati, through the medium, "but I hoiie to le out mxu. "Them is a lieuntiful place, Jnt lctoud here, and by pro gresMiou I hope to get there. I am a spirit that did wrong, but I am rerouting fur it now. My hands are tied with penitence." "How did you feel wben you were hanged!' "When I pasted away, I d"id not feel any pain, I had a severe, pain in my head when I stepped ou tbe scaffold. 'Is there any one yon wish to be remembered to in St. Louis f 'Xo. but there is a lady who does not live there, I whdi to send my love to her; it is my sistvr Tell her I am trying to make my peace with my Savior. Siuco I haie been here, I have found Kimifi ouo who ingoing to help me. It is Garfield. He has progressed, and occupies a beautiful place. He is very happy. "Will yon now say what prornnted you to commit the terrible deed for which you were executed V I was disappointed at not getting an oftice, and I pondered over it nntil I thought I ought to do something deirate. I made up my mind to kill Garfield, and I ain sorry I did it. I was not crazy. Garfield la in heaven, now, and I exjtect to get there by progression. "What kind of a place is torment f "It's a place where yon think of all the sins yon have committed at once, and receive pun ishment for everj' one. They have given me a stationary place here, and I suppose 1 will have to stay here until I can get better. I am safer now thau I would bo on earth. If they had let me off, my neck wonld have been choked any way." "Do you think Arthur should have pardoned yon? "Xo; I think he did perfectly right., Here Guiteau told the medinm that be was very glad to find that he could communicate with his friends on earth. The reporter asked If he had seen anything of Jesse James since his arrival. "Yes; Jesse was one of the first to welcome me. He does not try to progress and get out of torment." "See anybody else f "Yes, lots of people I know, but they are beg ging me not to tell on them. Politicians aud newspaper men are largely in tbe majority. K very body expects that 1 have gone to bell, At this jdacc, the interview wo Interrupted by Jesse James, who hud heard his name called, lie commenced telling the reporter something about Goernor Critendnn's mipopnlarity with the spirits, on account of pardoning the gam blers; he was suggesting two good men for Police Commissioners, when Guitean pushed him aside, aud resumed the conersatieu. "Saw Booth since I have been heri. You would not know him; you would never think lie had killed any one. "Will jon give us a description of hell f "There Is no sneb place as hell. They do tint call it hell here ; It's a place of torment, and by being a good spirit, you can progress and become a happier spirit. I expected to meet tbe devil as soon as I arrived, hut I was disappointed there is no such person." "How do yon spend your timet "Since my arrival, I have been feeling very sluggish. I cau't help being a crank ; I was so mean, ou my arrival, tbat I tried to pick a tight with your Missouri representative, Jease James. At this point, a number of evil spirits came up, aud the interview was broken oil. Guitean told the reporter that he was sorry to leave him, but hoped to have tbe pleasure of seeing him soon. After conversing with a number ot MrangespiriU,'the'rejHrter asked the medium if he could not see the epirit of Guiteau. She doubted whether his spirit would appear or nut, as he was classed with the evil spirits, and they were not permitted to appear, but she would try. The room was darkened, and the reporter was told to look at the large black curtain. Af ter a few mysterious motions made by the medi nm, a vague outline appeared in which tbe re tmrter thought he recognized a resemblance to the assassin. His spirit was visible only a few seconds. This, the medinm explained, was he cause spirits of people who had just died could not appear distinctly for several weeks. She invited the reporter to call again in, two or three weeks, and promised him an interview with Gnitean's spirit in his pretence, St, Lonit Chronicle. Guitea.ua Last Dream. "How do you feel; this morning V said a re porter, yesterday, to the doomed assassin. "Very well," said he. "I have a good appe tite. My sleep was sound and refreshing, with the exception of an unpleasant dream I had. I thnnght I was on the gallows. A sea of curious faces were turned towanl me they were pale and cruel. I scanned everything very closely. I carefully noted the color and roughness of a brick wall near by, and of a fly which was crawling across tbe smooth surface of a pane of class. I heard a foot-fall behind me, and before I could speak, I felt a rope around my neck. A close fitting, almost sarTocatiog cap was slipped over my head. I attempted to pull it off. It was dark. Strong, unseen hands tied my arms. I called for help, but no attention was paid to me. Presently. I beard a Jow voice ssy, 'All right.' Instantly, tbe Hoot gave way. The rope jerked and tightened around my throat. I waa choking. I tried to cry out. I could not. I was strangling. MUlionVof sparks danced be fore my eyes, llreath was leaving me. I awoke with a start. I was almost suffocated. The cell was hot and stifling, and I was covered with cold perspiration. Hat when I threw aside those pants (Indicating an eitempore curtain to shsde his eves from the gas light) the unpleas ant feelings left me." CiaeimmaU jUqwtrtr. At a recent wedding in Xew York, the bridal cake was put In white boxes. In the shape of liorse-shoes. On tbe icing which ornamented the top of each box. were tbe words, "Merrie Wedding Dsy" in Old English, and each one waa finished by a bow of white satin ribbon, tied in a true lover's knot, with the. monogram of the bride aud groom on the ends. Tux Xew York Tistet says Moses Taylor could tell the eost, earnings and Talue or every ship he had by referring to his books, and takes the Na vy Department to task for not keeping accounts with separate ships as to cost and miles steamed. CAtch a Kobeson standing a racket ltko that. BENNER'S PBOPHECIES. In 1875, there was published in Cincinnati a book under tbe aboe title, the author of which was Samuel Itenner, calling himself an Ohio fanner. In this little brochure of some one hun dred and thirty pages, an attempt was made to forecast prices as far ahead as IriWl. Xnrisit mere gnessing, for tbe author gives what he calls his ''cast-iron law," the application of which will enable anv oue to tell tho rrneral course of prices, in what Tears to expect pros perity, and when panics will come, llenner lte- Iieves in cycles of prices. He appears to know nothing of ojierations In the stock market, and dees not venture to foreshadow the erratic course of that sensitive pulse of the business of the country. His rules apply to grain, provisions ana iron, out more particularly to tne latter, ne says: "As the iron industry rises or falls iu the scale of prosperity, so does the reneral busi ness of the country. Pig-iron is our Xorth Star to guide ns over the damreroos roads of com merce. It is the barometer of trade, and as the sudden falling of tbe mercury denotes violent changes In the atmospherical world, so does the periodical decline in the price of pig-iron indi cate panie, tiepresaion, ana general stagnation In business." It follows, from this, that if we find the key w iuu m t laitAui 111 iud iitm ui iiuu, it, in a cviu Earatiely easy matter to know when to be a ull, and when a bear: fur. if the consumntion Iron falls off, the times are bail, and values are low, while if iron advances, the business of the country is zoed. It mnst be confessed that in his specific predictions Benner came very near tun iraiu. iron, ne said, would ia lower iu Iflfi than in lc75; it wa, however, to reach its lowest point in 1877. Seveutr-eiiiht was to see an improved demaud for iron, and higher inters, wuiie. in js.y, uoiwuusiauuingresump-th-n, tho price would show a large advance over le78. He further predicted still higher prices in t&0, and the highest price of all in I8el, af ter which there was to be a decline for four or five years. As a mater of fact, iron did see its lowest fig aiesin 177, bnttbe price culroiuatcd in Feb ruary, IcH). Then there was a heavy break. aud a subsequent recovery in the summer of that year, and it Uuitetme th.it tbe falling otf of the demand has Itecome more decided in 18.J than it was iu lbrl. The remarkable part of a,i4i.-i jutuivuuu sva iu luiccuxuuK uiiicr puces of iron In l!?7D, in spite of resumption. The general opinion of that time was, th.it resump tion meant contraction, and lower prices; but I It 11 uer was right, and the Greeuhackers ami croakers were wrong. Indeed, resumption was inflation, as it added gold and silver to the pa per then existing as a part of thocurrcucyof the country. Hut what of the future f And here is a quota tion: "lit lr! and the six succeeding jears, running to !?, like tbe years after 1854 and lc&J, wo may look for squalls in the money mar ket blue-Mondays, bjack -Fridays, ana torna does in baukiiig. After the year lct. tne price 01 pig-iron win advauce, all business will bo prusperuns. corn aud hogs will be on the advance, agriculture aud manufactures will be active, all trades and industries will make money, np to the jear Id!) I, when we predict a panic, which will not be confined to the United States, or to this continent, but will sweep over tbe world like the panics of 111) and 1357, and will lie felt with equal be verity in other coun tries." It may be mentioned here, tbat no less a finan cier thau Jay Gouhl.at one time was (and may be yet) a lndiever in Ileuners theory that tho price of iron iudieated the future course of the market. Iu 17 J, when at Lake George, lie was a.sked by a certain Judge, who is now a large dealer in Wall Street securities, whether tbe Centennial wonld not see a change for the I-tterr in the business of the country. Gould told him tbat better times could not come un til the price of iron show ed that it was in de maud again, in tbo industries of the country. "Do not buy," said he, "until thn price of iron begins to advance rapidly." If there is any thiug iu thia theory, eten a great crop this sum mer will not help us, for the priuo of irou is 011 the down grade, and likely t remain mi for a year or more. ltnt what is the cast-iron rub of lleiinerf It is simply tho jieriiwlicity of prices. He ghrs tubles to show that the lowest and the highest trices come at certain definite intervals. te iave three good years, followed by rive bad ears, theu there is some improvement, but the prosperous yearn are always fewer than those in which business is dull or depressed. Thetgrcnt panics came ut intervuls of from sixteen to twenty jear. Our panic years were ldl!), 1H37, 1357, and IzTX If the future Is like tbe past, auotber uuo should tome at the cud of the eighteen years, which will elapse between 173 and lettl. Speculations of this kind w ill always be interesting to those who deal in securities or any of the commodities of the day. It is sur prising that there are not more attempts made to forecast the future. Every merchant who lays in a stock of goods, does so in accordance withsome theory as to their probable value at some time in the future. The whole credit sys tem of commercial Nations Is founded npon the belief that prices will not go above or below a certain figure. In Wall Street, it is the opera tor w ho forms a correct theory as to the course of prices who makes the most money In the long run; mere trailers are sure to be swamped. It is those who see farthest ahead, and bave the courage to net upon their convictions, that se cure tbe great prizes Iu tbe stock market. It may be remarked, iu passing, that panic are not universal over the commercial world. Their activity aud violence are confined to com munities which are largely siecnlative, like the United States and Great Britain. The panics of 1857 and 173, each so disastrous to the English sjieaking nations, Germany and Anatria, pnn duced no ill elfect iu Frauce, beyond a slight falling off and dullness in traffic The French manufacturers had few orders, because their foreign customers were in trouble, but there were few failures, because there were few debts, I tenner's Prophecies are substantially out of print, and tbe author, if alive, would do well to get out a new edition, bringing his tables down to date. The success of the first predictions would undoubtedly give the work a sale. A chapter devoted to the railway market would add greatly to the attractions f the work. The Uonr. A Grand Tribute, by a Great Old Kan. The only oration f yesterday that is likely to sum ive long In men's memories Is that read at Williams College, which was writteu by Its old President, the venerable and venerated Mark Hopkins, who Improved the occasion of nuveil iug the memorial window in honor of Garfield, presented by Mr. Cyrus W. Held, by preparing a discourse on his favorite pupil, the Martyr President, who was shot while on his way to at tend the Williams commencement. Even after all the demonstrations and discourse Ml memo. ry of Garfield, the Williams ceremony of yester day, aud Dr. Hopkins address, will command fresh and peculiar interest. Many will remember that on the afternoou of Garfield's inauguration, when thousands of im portant polittclaus were demanding interviews, he shut out all visitors, In onler to admit a dele gation of Williams alumni, headed byex-PresI-dent Hopkins. The full history of that private gathering has not been published, bnt we know that, after Dr. Hopkins ioke proudly of the fulfillment of his own predictions that Garfield would ls President, Garfield, full of emotion, said to Dr. Hopkins, "You are more President than I." Others who were at Williams yester day must have recalled the loId statement made by Garfield, ten or twelve years ago, to the ef fect that If he had to chooae between a small college in the woods with l)r. Hopkins for Pres ident, and a fully equipped University, a re jarda material outfit, aud ordinary instructors, le would seek the former witbont sn instaut'a doubt. The memory of Garfield will never becomes dim tradition at Williams, intimately associated as tbe forming part of his career was with that college, and as the memory of Dr. Hopkins will lie with that of hisbnpiL The lattera discourse yesterday was the deliberate and judicious trib ute of the greatest man in this country who has ever been a college President to the only pupil who was ever singled out, while in college, as a prnltable Irrsidetit of tbe United States, by bis college head. As Dr. Hopkins has always been considered -to lie a man of exceptional knowl edge of human natnre and capacity for judging the inherent faculties and forces of young men, and as ho never wavered in his confidence in Garfield, aud was never surprised by any of ht rirodigiesof achievement or of success, this del iberate tribute rendered yesterday is likely tn have the greatest weight u the minds of cool and impartial historians of the men and events of onr times a generation beuce. Xetr York Matt and Lrprett 5s. Will Bemit Soon. Vna the Sunday Moraine Call) Cheering words, these t The editor sits in his asnetum; he has fW.P3 to pay to-dsy, and be has gathered together &3, and needs but pOruore. LetUr after letter is opened, spd he finds a wonderful unanimity of sentiment npou the part of his debtors a kindly feeling, a disposition to remit soon. Any won der that the unbidden teara well up, thst his heart is softened, his soul lifted np, as he con siders this uniform kindness? Yes, tbey will remit soon, and the next time tbe editor dons them, they will remit soon, and if he tackles them again, they will remit soon. Those fellows who asy tbey will remit, appar ently bave a confused notion as to the real meaning ef the word a sort of undefined idea thst It settles it. We wsnt a man to say that he will pay, or settle, or whack up, or come to time, and then we feel tbat we hare some show of realizing; bnt experience has. taught ns thst to depend upon the average remit man is JJl a drepplBX Track ta lata empty wetla, And irowlflx U Ut drsvlsf soOisx ? Mr. Scmxer once characterized Secretary Robeson as "thst great sailor among lawyers, and great lawyer among sailors."" A BAT.T.APE OF SUMMER. r x e. it 1 nvrvK The air I druwalne in a wso. rnWieof s.iun.1, hile ptldra rav Of win divide tbe anertMsiu In sleenv hues aod ullen hfe; Aemss tbe fleVI. thnmsb wumly waj a, A faint bree atir with Utla f-t : ThelteetUdntttea. tne hsM-tiD.ti ? Mt thinks the Summer time is sweet I bear the lea Vw tunrmansr tane. A ftwea pa Wa to bright he straj : lie rutuea U Aft. Imt leave ti msm. No single hlasmutn's kre altars: Tbe bmuk with broken Uink'weed pLii. Fallen flowers and breezrMwn blUde ut heat : AVee- bird In- little of praise liethinfc the Summer-tune Is sweet. Antm the al-ht r leaf lit June linn down tt nunr a flowery maze The einUn Ttissas of the mmm, Ta a the itfiil stints ef dav s t Tbe field lie bathed in mellow blue Of silTer: Naw 1 haste U street Tbe tmat Wre tbat toy heart otor Mrthlnka the Sammer lime 1 sweet. XSVOT. Reader sod loTer. 1t purtriT AU a en ami In fair hues rvnipU-te Lore Urea whan cidd or fame decays. And luie, like Niuuner-tlaie, U sweet T MBS. SOTJTHWORTH. Peraaaal ReealleelUaa r the WamdrrfaUy I'rotiQe ! Writer. Mrs Southworth, the novelist, has been spen ding several weeks at her home. Prospect Cot tage, the scene of her earlietst aud hardest strug gles with fortune. The houses Is picturesquely sit uated oil tbe heights above theaiusduct bridge, and was built by a former French Minister. She began her work when very yonng, and lias been so long W ft re the public as a writer of fic tion, that she is thought to lie much older than she really is. Her dark brown hair with its wft wavy bauds, has but the slightest touch of sil ver. Her full, dark eyes have all the tire aud ex pression of twenty summers. In conversation, she is irresistible, and as a listener to others incites the talkers to their best byberiuterestiug attention. The womeu of her family, on her mo ther's side, have all been remarkable fur a high order of uientiility. When a young girl, she taught school to help her family, and went to Ohio when it was a wildi-roe", fjitcach. Whilti there she met at the hon.se of a gentleman, wbo-o guest she was, three young girls nf ber own ag.. They were &usau It. Authorry. Klizalieth Cady and Klizalieth Itlackwell. This quartette of girls, fated to liecouie famous, tvere congenial spirit, ami the intimacy then formed lias con tinued unbroken, throughout tbe changes of nearly half a century. After her marriage, Mrs. 8011 th worth accom panied her husband toWiscmi.-in, the ilieivery of lead mines having attracted utnuy sutlers. The winter of their arrival they stopped with a brother-in-law of Mrs. Southnurth's. As eve ry house and shanty in the village uf Platlsburg was occupie I, the young people were obliged to move iu tbe spring, to a rude log structure, a mile from the settlement, that had been occupied asachmch. There was but one room, a clumsy constructed fireplace was one side, and if there had ever been any sash aud glass to the two ap ertures that answered for wiudowsthey had been taken away wbeu the place wus abandoned as a house of worship. Over them Mr. Southwnrtlt nailed some unbleached cotton. When tbe fur niture bad Ieen arranged aud th fuel placed iu the fireplace, the yonng housekeeper discovered that tbey had neither matches to start the tire with, nor salt to rnreaI.iigeqn.irterofbeefth.it their brother-ill law had git en them -u leaving his house in tho morning. Tbe shadows of the trees about their sylvan-set cabin, told them the day was nearly done, and as those much needed articles were a mile away, there was im alterna tive but tn go for them at once. Mr. South worth seated himself by the driver of the team who had brought out their household goods, promising to return as isoouasposilih, which, at the "best time ho could make, miut le mrr au hour, as Im would have to walk back. Tbe nieu having driven away, Mrs. Sonthuorth brought out a clair, and sat down to enjoy the closing sights and Miundsof that Iteautilul spring day. All at mice a sense of the appalling stilluess abroad startled ber, when a bng, low murmur like the winds iu tbe tree top-, n filled ber with dread, that she rnshed into tbe hnue and bar red the door. Pulling the cotton curtain careful ly aside she looked out aud saw the scintillating hungry eyt of a pack of wolves. Realizing that it sn tbe4sutof tit newly stiithtetx! beef hanging against the logs Is-twen the door ana the tniut n in-low, sin) tugett at It in tiie darkness. Drugging it to the furthest corner of tbe house, away from the door and window, she awaited the issue. The nnnimals followed the scent, and began- to dig and struggle at tbe more secure portion of the cabin. Mure thau au hour of suspense bad elapsed to the wolf-belea-gured lady, when the welcome sound of men's voices, and the re;s-rt of gnus, to told of rescue and safety. "And, added Sirs, Southwortb, "I lived for some time nnd passed some of the happiest hours of my life in that log cabin iu the forest of Wisconsin. At the request of Ro bert Bonner, Mrs. Southwortb. went to Ku gland and wrote in order to test the international copy-right question, is ho resided in Loudon and edited a patter, with her other literary labors, lleconiiug convinced of the Impossibility of tie curing the desired protection by foreign copy right, and the civil war impending, Mrs. routli worth returned home. A most sincere and genu ine friendship has existed between Mr, gunth worth and her publisher of a quarter of a centu ry's duration, which is alike creditable tn both. Her namesake, Miss Emnia Honner, extended her wedding journey to Washington, to vlsither god-mother, as Mr. Southwortb was prevented from leing present at her favorite marriage in New York last mouth. She has two children a son nnd a daughter and for several years past she has made her home at Yonkers, so as to he near the latter, who has married au enterprising business man of that place. Mrs. Smthworth's married life was not a happy one. I ler story of TLe Deser ted Wife may bate grown into expression from her life's experience, but kind fortune has made amends for past heart -griefs, by the affectionate tenderness and devotion of her family. Her sis tersand children serve her with a devotion the outcome of sincere regard. A inorr generous, un selfish, kind hearted woman never fired the re KjMiusihilitie of daughter, wife and mother, sis ter, counselor and friend with more heroic cour age and steadfastness of purpose, than Mrs. Southwortb. They Wear Good Clothes. The 1'epublicans are the best dressed popb hi iMitU the i"ennte ami the House. Iliey have let ter keptheards, kleek face, and look as if tbey bad from to"ilii change In their vest pock ets, Tbey look as though they think more about public matters, than alsmt how to save -'..". J out of a $.(Nmj salary. They wear good coats and polished shoe, anil walk with the air of turn confident of position, and are abovj making tbe mailer 01 peiYinaiappearanceaanijeci-i stutiy. They leave external matters to good tailors anil bootmakers, pay the bitls. eatgoodfood and trim mings shave often, and have their heads sham jtooed so as to quicken clear thought, and smell sweet to their friends and stives. 8me of the Democrats are just as well kept, and glide through lhn Honse like gentlemen. Lrt ns add bere, that dress doe not make the gentleman, but it attracts gentlemen and sug gests a clean skin. The plain Democrats wbo come bere from the people glory in ling shod with nail shoes and capped with a drooping, aluucb, umbrella-like hat. Do these great fer menting minds atop to think that the biggest brains lately in the Senate, Kocoe Conk ling. left his measure with his tailor when a boy; and never knows what he puts on, except as h re ceives a package on the eve of tbe seasons as they come f Chester A. Arthnr Is tbe neatest man in Wash ington almost, and be has some brains ton. AIm Hewett, Allison, Kdiminds and Itaudall are wearers of good broadcloth, well cnt; so are do zen of other. Speaker Kclfer Is always ready for a day call. Vest, of Missouri, Is always well shaped, and Ixildly wears a gold chain around his neck, heavy enough to hold apleasnrejacht. Vice President David Davis is a picture of re sjectibility. Old Iiobesou looks like au Eng lish lord. Memlsrrs who get lodgings Iu the su burbs, for $1 a day. two meal included, spend the time they should be circulating among their brother members, In the frefinented hotels and other quarters, walking to aud fnmi their coun try tnr-milk homes. When thev get to their seats intbe Capitol, they feel dull with bail sto mach, and hardly get to thinking before Cal kins, Heed and other bright Hcpuldicans have them jn tbe nine-hole. (afrrsfos Ac. The Longest Fexcr ix the Wouxd. The louirest line offence in .the world, will be the wire feuce extending from the Indian Territory, west across ineiexasi'an Handle, ami tuirty five miles into New, Mexico. We are informed that eiithtv firs miles of this fence is already un der contract. Its course will run In the line of tbe Canadian river, and its purpose is to stop the drift of tbe northern cattle. It is a bold and splendid enterprise, and will pay a large per centage on the investment. . The fence will be over 5JU0 miles long. 'Clarendon, AVvt. Thkt tell a good story on Governor Dennison. of Ohio, recently deceased, to this effect: The Neil noose, at Columbus, took fire on tbe night of the November election, 18G0. Columbus was poorly supplied with fire engines, and the Gov ernor sent the folio wiug telegram to the Mayor of Cincinnati: CoiXMBffl, O., November . lcCO. The Neil House is en fire. Lincoln has carried Ohio by j0,OUO majority. Send to two fire engines to put It OO U VVILJJAM UEXXISON. A msTOKjc document. lone believed to have been lost, has jnst been discovered In the Cha teau de Chanterine. (Sort be) in an old clothes press. It consists of a manuscript history of some of the Kings of France, with fretjoent marginal notes -wr.tten by the Dauphin when a prisoner in me iempie. j TORNADO TAT.TT, 1 Haw the 4aarge af the Weal et- Ila Awful n Cyrlanlc Xiturbnnrrs Freak f the l-anuet-Shnped ("land. Great elevations are favorable to expansive ideas, which is probably one rea&ou why the top of the Equitable bntldiug m this city was select ed for a signal service station. In any case, that hih overlook seemed a fitting place to talk about tbe immense sweep and power of the winds, as well as to feel the breath of the gentle zephyrs which drifted in from tea such hot t!a as those of last week. Partly by the help of t! elevator, and partly by hi nnahled effort, a Star wprcieutati.e reached that lofty perch iu time to catch Mr. J. Ik Merrell, observer iu charge, just as the glare of the sultry day was waning. "I am come, said the reporter, "to ak yon to tell me about tornadoes. Iu fact, I wish one were blowing now mopping his face with hi- handkerchief. "I want to know something, or rather the people do, as to how those western tornadoes, such as are now playing their dam aging antics out west in short, how they get themselves up, and how they get in their work." '"Well, answered the young signal officer, politely, "Pm sorry iny big book on the subjeet isn't published yet, but 111 talk extempore 111 a general way. Tornadoos usually run off the southern bonier of areas of low haronie r These areas extend over the whole western conn try. Here you'll see it on the map hold up a map, and running his blue icncil across it. as though maps wcr as cheap as decorate window shades. "Certain conditions nlwa.t precede these storm. Tliere is nsnallly qui . long period of meteorological quiet. From tw. weeks to a month, soft, warm, moist wind w ' blow from the Gulf of Mexico, bringing an m calculable amount of moisture. This is the ma terial for the tremendous rainfall which accom panies the tornado. After these winds hae ceased, dry, cold winds will legin to blow from the north, Continuing anywhere from two five weeks. Hy this time, an overwhelm mass of air is accumulated in that section of ' ' country. "Can air le banked in that fashion, and b-': subject to draft or check, as it wn?" asked b greenhorn, gazing out on Trinity rhi:rh t-. ' and wondering how long it would take an .!' bodied tornado to stiek it upside down in tn river, with a Jersey City frri-but impair. 1 vu the end ef it. "Ye, it can; jnjt as water ran. Air :- th- something like great masse of gut.ptmd t storage, waiting for wjmnothrr power todi i its hidden rcsmmes. Dy and by tho pp . currents meet in the heavens, end then vu - m the straggle for the lusatcrv. Did von i.-i . a dog light!" Always suspicious of a verbal ti:i.," t". porter answered, ratttiotiah : "I've seen two dogs tight. '"That's what I mean. The cold, i!rv air a the warm, imdat air are the two d-:. T meet, grapple, and mil over, now one- on tu and now tho other. Iu unscientific Iaugua,. . that a tornado. "What are the signs to show when tho tight is coming on P "They are rarely quite the same, and an 1111 practiced rye might nt observe them stall. Commonly, the svmptmns are like this: Clouds are seen approaching each other from oppoile directions from each other; they come into con tact presently, nud form a whirl. This is the focus, or vortex, of tho disturbance. Other clouds from all points of the couipav are draw ti in, like floating bits of timlter into the Xorwe gian mjrlstrom. Then tbey take tho shape of . ftiuuel, point downward, and stoop until thev roniM in tout act with tho earth." "What is the next step in the mov erne tit " "Kirst, we must remember that a tornado, as indicated by this visible cloud fiiiue), has in distinct motions, as. follows: First, au upward motiuu interiorly, resembling the thread l a screw, by whieh it picks up a 1 tides from tin snrfaee, lifts them into the air, ami carries them as though ou au invisible platform; second, :i revolving action, as about an axis; third, ai oscillating motion, swaying from side tu side, ns around a moving tentre, like as when one holds the end of a string In his fingers and revolve the other end. to whieh a piece of lead is at tached; fourth, a motion by whieh currents of air from all sides are drawn to It; and fifth, 11 general progressive motion 011 its track. "That ialout as complicated as a Walt ham watch. How fast docs tlie tornado move, as ;. ImmIj. aritu the country, when it iIcnt a mis chief f I've read iu the papers that in late tor undoes hi tbe West, tbe wn.il blew at the rate of t sixtv miles an hnnr. "That is true of the revolving motion, but not of tbe general advancing oue. The lattervaius from ten tu thirty mile. an hour. This tnov incut does no harm; all the damage is done bv the twisting, whirling motion, and the power of that is incalculable. "Is the damage ordinarily ns great as reported iu tbe accounts published 111 tbe newspapers f "Not by a considerable margin. The newspa er stories are mostly lies "Sir! shouted tbe reporter, springing to his feet in a paroxysm oPludiguatiou, "iiewspaj rs never lie, except, perhaps, when they publish weather reports, for which the editors rati not 1st held rcsjwnsible. "There, then; cool down, and you'll do jour self a Signal Service. Only Western cw-pa- 1H-rs lie. The New York journals am some. tinier eil astray by them that Is all. Why, a('bi rago paper pri ti ted a story that in a late tor nado out West, a wagou aud four horses v. cm lifted front the road and lodged in the top of a big tree. "Well, weren't they innocently, as one who credited the tale of Washington and his little hatchet. "It less it, no. They were caught in the whirl, twitted around a little tree, and left thciv the horse. and driver dead, nnd the wagon smashed. into kindling wood." "Might as well have gone up tbe big tree philosophically. "Will you, as a truth-telling observer, inform me of any indubitable cases that have route within your knowledge illustrating the pow-r of the tornado P "I can do that honestly, lweanse re been out with a view to investigate that very thin., ly onler of the Signal Service Department. I :-- seen seen! hark you a piete f pine hi . n through a hickory sapling, making alm clean a wreck of it an though a cannon ball t i gone through it. 1 have seen shingles torn i.,m tho roofs of honses and driven into trj. , t, toIeH. There is one enrion fact about it,. tornadoes which I ought to mention. WlVn j, woman i caught up by one of them and wbrvi aruuud iu the air awhile, sbe is finally at t tlo t without a rag of clothing ou Irr ; and nii-n s lieu r a chicken is carried tip. the wind r : the feathers tf as Ibonuh the bird bal ' scalded and plucked for the pot. Now, 1 1 v treats men differently, ran-.y d-stroy iu,; ui .r dress." "That's odd enough, ntnsed tho reporter "Perhaps old ltoreas is disgnsted with tho styl-s in women and chickens, and takes that rnde way ofshowinglt. "Maybe. Hut, speaking of tho tower of tho tornado, I've seen objects of considerable weight carried from a few yeanls to twenty miles. I knew of a piece of sill from a barn to be picked np by the tornado, carried eight miles, and then driven half its length into tho ground; and it weighed about -100 pound. "Seems to me, that's about as tough a story as those told In the newspapers, suggested tho reporter, mildly. "Hut my stories happen to be facts,auwered M r. Merrill, with perfect command of tetniwr, as though his spirit dwelt perpetually in an area of high ammeter. "What's the difference between a tornado apd a cyclone !" "A tornado is a baby cyclone, A cyclono sweeps over an ocean circle of ltXJ miles in diam eter, while iu the case of a tornado the path of destruction rnuges from one-quarter to a half a mile in width. The disturbance is local ; it is like a locomotive, confined to a track. Three or four miles from this track there is comparatively little disturbance during its progress. What becomes of the tornado, after it is sat isfied with any single performance; how does it make its exit, so to speak, from before a critical Western audience V "After running amuck for from twenty to fifty miles,, the fennel-shaped cloud is draw up into the tky as rapidly as it descended, and the show er is over ftir that occasion. Heavy rainfalls follow tornadoes, fallowing in their track as a lady's train follows her as she sweeps through a drawing-room. This is the water which the moist winds which I spoke of have brought up from the Gulf. I found a great deal of hail, too, common of which shows that the tornado clouds move in a belt of hail clouds. Tornadoes re volve In the same direction as cyclones, opposi to to the bauds of a watch. The belt of tbeso storms extends through the Carolina and Geor gia, where they often clear a track through tho great forests, as a mowing machine does through a field of grass. "Are these storms moro destructive in the West than they were many years ago V "Great Scott! cried the observer, impatient ly "how many reporters are coming np hem ti ask me that question I Is lightning any moro frequent or destructive than it was five thousand years ago, because more men, women and barns are struck by it f No; there ate tnore people. out West to be stirred np by the tornadoes than there nsed to be that's alL "Doryoa know of any way of preventing the formation of tornadoes, or chaining Vm up after they've begun to break things V asked tbe weari some reporter, thinking of making money out of the discovery. To this the observer made no reply In word., bnt began quietly to open a drawer in his desk. Observing the signal man's sly action, XhaSiar man rnshed out like a tornado, and was down stairs before the mercury coald fall another inch. Acs? Fork Star. The favorite flowers of tbe late well-known florist. James Vick, of Kochister, were pansier and v folcts. rt !rl