OCR Interpretation

Western Kansas world. [volume] (WaKeeney, Kan.) 1885-current, March 21, 1885, Image 6

Image and text provided by Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, KS

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82015485/1885-03-21/ed-1/seq-6/

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Letter from the State Veterinarian.
The, following letter is self-explanatory:
State Veterinarian's Office, )
'Topeka Kan., Feb. 10, 1885. J
Chab. H Gibbs, Esq.,
"Wa-Keeney, Trego co., Ks.,
Dear Sir; Your favor of the
13th inst. at hand. 'In reply I have
the honor.' to say that your descrip
tion of the ' worm "of the liver is
satisfactory . evidence that" you have'
not the "flute1 disease. The reason
I had "inferred that possibly '"flukes"
might exist in thes'e lambs, was the
assurance from prominent sheep men
in Osborne and .Russell counties that
they had found "flukes" in their
sheep, together with the tape worm
of the intestines. True, they have
never furnished me any of the
"flukes," yet I am not in a position
to deny that they may be right. I
am trying to get further evidence.
I will lay the matter before the
governor, and endeavor to make a
personal investigation, for if the
"fluke" disease does exist in Kansas,
it is a matter of serious importance.
I know of no treatment more simple
than that prescribed that will do
much good. One or two doses
would relieve most of the cases
rarely are more than three doses
required. The fast is not absolutely
necessary, yet it insures better re
sults. Feeding copperas (Ferri
Sulph. exciccat,) with the salt is a
good plan one part of the iron to
about 10 of salt. I have never seen
any good results from the use of
pumpkin seeds.
Yes, green grass will do good, but
one trouble is that you are not in a
fair way to rid your range of the
worm a very important consider
ation for your future welfare.
Pools, of course, are muchrniore
dangerous than running streams and
I would continue the feeding of
salt, ashes and iron, together with
the best of feed. Old sheep are not,
as a rule, seriously injured by these
tape worms.
Hoping I may be permitted to
visit you soon, I am sir,
Your most obedient servant, '
A'. A. Holcoiibe.
3 pounds common salt, Y2 pound
ginger, y2 pound salt petre. Dissolve in
3 ? gallons hot water, to which add 24
ounces of oil of turpentine. Give from
two to three ounces of the mixture to
each sheep in a half pint of-gruel made
of Hour and water, after a fast of 18 hours.
Use Correct Terms.
National 'Live Stock Journal.
r Thoroughbred This term refers to the
famous breed of English race-horses;
uprung from the Arabian Godolphin, and
perfected into the model type now known
the world over as " Thoroughbred," and
which has served as the principal foun
dation for the best American horses. It is,
consequently, not correct to speak of ' any
other horses, cattle, or other stock as
thoroughbred, not because they may not
be thoroughbredtin the ordinary meaning
ing of the word, i. e., thoroughly well
bred, but because, the term has, by com
mon consent and usage, been adapted to
a particular breed of horses.
Pure Bred This is the proper term to
use in speaking of purely bred cattle.
Hypercritical persons may object that
there are no pure-bred animals in the
Htiictest sense of the term, as all animals
trace back to stock that is not pure bred.
For all practical purposes, it is sufficient
to say that "pure bied" may be applied
to designate animals eligible to record in
the herd or stud books of their respective
breeds, and the term, when used in this
iountry, should bo understood as mean
ing eligible to record, the rules of which
are more stringent in some particulars
than those of the English books.
Native This is a term frequently mis
applied in speaking of cattle and other
etock.t All animals are, "natives" that are
not imported, and every day a larger pro
portion of our native stock is puie bied,
whereas the term as generally used is
made almost synonymous with scrub. N
Grades This term is properly and
very generally understood to cover all an
imals resulting from a cross of scrub with
pure bred stock. It has, however, not
.infrequently been applied to cross-bred
. animals, and in this respect a bad ex
ample has been set by .the premium list
of the American fat stock show.
Cross-Bred This term speaks for it
eelf, and has not been, fortunately, cor
rupted into any meaning but that which
it boars upon its face, namely, the produce
of a cross between two pure breeds.
Scrub This term is very' well under
etood and seldom misapplied, the only
possible confusion being between it an
the term "native. The term is generally
understood, however, to include riot only
animals of inferior merit, but animals of
no breeding, even though they may be
animals of very fair merit, and wo see no
particular reason why the term should
not be used thus comprehensively, inas
much as animals of no breeding should
never be used for purposes of reproduc
. tion. A correct use of terms is important,
as in all cases where we speak, or write
on the same subjects it is more desirable
that the terms used by all should be un
derstood by all in the same sense.
One more term, there is, "imported,"
which, of course, means just what it sayp,
aid is unobjectionable. The only thing
to bo said about it is that there niay be
eorae danger of attaching too much im-
pdrianoo .toil, and giving it a signification
which it possesses to-day, merely that of
including only pure-bred animals. This
is probably the case to-day, simply be
cause"it will not pay any one to import
any stock except it be pure bred, unless
in the case of a dishonest importer, who
proposes to represent his stock to be what
it is' not, and just what these gentry
would like is to have an overweening im
portance attach to the term "imported.", .
.Who Got the Certificates and
To the Editor 6f tfie World-:
The following-named teacher9 ami
others were examined for certificates on
Feb. 27. Certificates and statements
were issued as follows: -first
Mrs. Annie L. Fuson, Wa-Keeney.
Miss Mina E. York, Collyer.
Miss Millie A. Brown, Collyer.
Miss Annie B. Smith, Wa-Keeney.
Mies Lillie B. Smith, Wa-Keeney.
Miss Clara Bushman, Wa-Keeney.
Miss Maiy Dixon, Wa-Keeney.
Miss Sara Brooks, Wa-Keeney.
Statements for 3rd grade certificates
were issued to:
Miss Delia Escher, Wa-Keeney.
Miss Bcckie Walker. Wa-Keeney.
Miss Jessie Welch, Wa-Keeney.
Miss May Bartlett, Wa-Keeney.
Mr. Amos McColhim, Ogallah.
Yours truly, Ben C. Biqet,
Co. Sup t' Schools.
ScM Luft Si.
Wa-Keeney, Kansas.
I will offer, at public sale, at my office,
in Wa-Keeney, Kansas, on
Tuesday, A aril 7, 1SS5,
between the hours of 10 o'clock a. m. and
3 o'clock p. m., the following described
state school lands:
Des. Sec. 'Tp. E. Ap. Value.
Ne 1-4 of nw 1-4 16 14-39 8120.00
'JJ-ry (( it U it it
Improvements, . t 27.50
Sw " " " " . ' . 120.000
Improvements, . 27.50
Ne " sw i " " " 120.00
Improvements, 87.5f)
Se " " " " " 120.00
tly. U ( ( ((
Improvements, 107.50
Nw" sei " " . " " 120.00
Ne " ne X 36 12,. 21, 12400
Q ( a u ( i '
ot) i
JVr- ' " ""
g. tl if ii ( (( If
Ne " nw . "" " " ''
0 t( ( ti (. M
JJ-iy U ' " "
Q. ( (( .( il l(
Ne " sei4' " " " "
Se ' " " " ""
j ti u n '
0 K K (
Ne " swl-4 ''." " "
Op l ( ti c
Vy. M (( ( it 11 it
gw a u 1 a a u
Given under my hand at Wa-Keeney,
Kansas, this 23rd dav of 'February, 1885.
313 County Treasurer
L.nd Orgies at Wa-Keeney, Kan., )
No. 2864., February 28, 1885. J
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has file'd notice of his
intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that, said proof "nill be
made before legister and receiver U.
Sf land office at Wa-Keeney, Kan., on
April 11, 1885, viz, Isaac L.JMcGarvie,
homestead application no. 4557, for the
so 1-4 sec 4,tp 13 s, r 22 w.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon, and
cultivation of, said land, viz. :D. Pershing,
of Wa-Keeney P. O., Trego co, Kan., J.
W. Eeynolds. of Ogallah P. O., Trego co.,
Kan., Geo. Baker, and Peter Webber, of
Wa-Keeney P. O., Trego co., Kan.
314 B. J. F. HANNA, Eegister.
Land Office at Wa-Keeney, Kan., I
No. 2868. March 2, 1885. )
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his
intention to make finalproof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will be
made before register and receiver U. S
land Office at Wa-Keeney, Kan., on May
12, 1P85, viz.: Albert Spena, homestead
application No. 3800, for the ne 1-4 sec 12,
tp 13 s, range 25 w(.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuoiis residence upon, and
cultivation of, said land, viz.: ' Frank
W." Zeman, Frank Stradle and 'Joseph
Keraus, of Bosria P. (., Trego county,
Kan., Lewis Prokoska, of Wa-Keeney P.
O., Trego countv, Kan. '
B. J. F. HANNA, Eegister.
A. H. Blair, Atfy. - . .,314
Land Office at Wa-Keeney, Kan., )
February 18, 1885. )
No. 2S45. Notice is hereby given that
the following-named settler has filed no
tice of his intention to make final proof in
.support of his claim,and that said proof will
be made before register, and receiver
TJ. S. land office at Wa-Keeney, Kan.,
on April 11, 1885, viz: William Dickey,
homestead application No 6052 for the
sw 4 sec 18, tp 13 s, r 22 w.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon, and
cultivation of, said land, viz: D. Pershing,
of Wa-Keeney P O, Trego county, Kans.,
Ben C. Eich, of Ellis P O, Ellis county,
Kas., Geo. Baker, E. Moore,Peter Webber,
C. W. F. Street, of Wa-Keeney P. O.,
Trego county, Kans.
312 .B. J. F. Hanna, Eegister.
John A. Nelson, Att'y.
"Land Office at Wa-Keenev,Kan.,
March 16, 1885.
No. 3012.) Notice is hereby given that
the following-named' ' settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final proof
in support of his claim, and that said
proof will he made before register and
receiver TJ. S. land office at Wa-Keeney,
Kan., on May 26, 1885, viz: Eufus Clark,
homestead -application -No. 6450, for the
nw 1-4 sec 30, tp 13 s, r 23 w. - J
He names the following witriesses to
prove his continuous residence npon,and
cultivation of, said land, viz : W JS Saum,
J A Pearl, S E Curtis, L S Halsey and
C J Ferris, all of Wa-Keeney P O, Trego
county, Kan.
B J F HANNA, Eegister.
John A Nelson, Att'y. 316
Land Office at Wa-Keeney, Kan. )
February 7, 1885. $
No. 2S02; Notice is hereby' given
that the following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final proof
in support of his claim, and that said
proof will be made before the'register and
receiver of the land office at Wa-Keeney,
Kan., on April 8, 1885, viz.: Frank S.
Sharp, homestead application No. 4719,
for the se. M of sec. 20, tp. 12, s. of range
27 w.
He name3 the following witnesses to
provo his continuous residence upon,
and cultivation of, said land, viz.: William
Hamilton, Alexander Haney, J. "H. Fas-
dick and Eichard Cahill, ail of Buffalo
Parlf, Gove countv, Kan.
B. J. F. HANNA, Eegister.
Osborn & Monroe, Att'ys. 311-p
Land Office at Wa-Keeney, Kan. )
February 7, 1885.
No. 2803. Notice is hereby given that
the following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and that
said proof will be made before the regis
ter and receiver of the land office at
Wa-Keeney, Kan., on April 8, 1885, viz.:
Eichard Cahill, homestead application
No. 5497, for the sw. 1-4 of sec. 12, tp. 12,
s of range 27 w.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon, and
cultivation of, said land, viz.: Frank S.
Sharp, Alexander Haney, William Hamil
ton and J. H. Fasdick, all of Buffalo
Park, Gove county, Kan.
311 B. J. F. HANNA , Eegister.
Land Office at Wa-Keeney, Kan.
Match 12, 1885.
JSTo. 3000. Notice is hereby given that
the following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final proof
in support of his- claim, and that said
proof will be made before register and
receiver U. S. land office at Wa-Keeney,
Kansas, on May 22, 1885, viz: Lewis Cum
mings, preemption declaratory statement
no. 5905, for the se 1-4 sec 32,tp 10 s, r 25 w.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon, and
cultivation of, said land, viz: W Norton,
of Elrich', Graham county, Kan., Wm
Hastings, James Walsh and. George Parr,
of Collyer, Trego countv, Kan.
B J F HANNA, Eegister.
John A Nelson, Att'y. 315
Land Office, Wa-Keeney, Kan., )
Fobruary 26, 1885. J
(No. 2860.) Notice is hereby given that
the following-named settler has filed
notice of hib intention to make final proof
in support of his claim, and that said
proof will be made before the register and
receiver of the land office at Wa-Keeney,
Kansas, on May 9, 1885, viz: Hiram M.
Shaw, homestead application No. 4861,
for the nw of sec 26, tp 11 s of
range 22 w.
He names tho following witnesses, to
prove his continuous lesidence upon, and
cultivation of, said land, viz: C. H.
Gibbs, George Baker, W. S. Harrison
and Joseph Marks, of Wa-Keeney Trego
county, Kan:, -and Joseph Lofthouse, of
Ogallah, Trego county, Kansas. . .
B. J. F. Banna, Eegister.
Osborn &, Monioe, Att'ys. 314
Land Office at Wa-Keeney, Kan.
March 12, 1885.
No. 3001. Notice is hereby given that
the following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final proof
in support of his claim, and that said proof
will be made before register and receiver
TJ. S. land office at Wa-Keeney, Kan., on
April 18, 1885, viz: John W. Burns, home
stead application no. 2203 for tho se 1-4
sec 28, tp 12 s, r 25 w.
Ho names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon, and
cultivation of said land, viz: Larry La
Bron, E H Kossler, Pat Gubbins and
Joseph Brown, all of Collyer P O, Trego
county, Kansas.
B J F HANNA, Eegister.
A H Blair, Att'y. 315
No. 2930. -Land Office at Wa-Keeney, Kan.
March 9, 1885.
" Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler 'has filed notice of his
intention to make final proof in. support
of his claim, and that said proof will be
made before register and receiver U.S. land
office at Wa-Keeney, Kan., on April 22,
1885, viz: Ellmor E. Bright, homestead
application no. 6029, for the se 1-4 sec 4,
tp 11 s, r'25w.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon, and
cultivation of, said land, viz: Emery
Cass, Wm. Walsh, Wm. Hastings and
H. Tidball, all of Collyer P. O. Trego
co. Kansas.
315 B. J. F. HANNA, Eegister.
Land office at Wa.-KeeneyJ Kan. )
February, 1 1885.
No. 2824. Yotice is hereby given that
the following-named settler has filed no
tice of his intention to make final proof
in support of his claim, and that said
proof will be made before the register and
receiver of the land office at Wa-Keeney,
Kan., on March 21, 1885, viz.: Peleg
Eichard, homestead application no. 5048,
for the se 1-4 sec 20, tp 11 s of r 25 w.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon, and
cultivation of, said land, viz: John Eblin,
Charles Bamberg, Charles Thiel and T.
K. Philips, all of Collyer, Trego county,
Xan. . i
-l B. J. F. B.ANNA, Eegister.
"Osborn & Monroe, Att'ys. 311
Land Office at Wa-Keeney, Kan., )
March 6, 1885. , S
No. 2910. Noticeis hereby given that
the following-named settler has filed no
tice of his intention to make final proof in
support of his claim, and that said proof
will be made before register and re
ceiver TJ. S. land office at Wa-Keeney,
Kan., on May 19, 1SS5, viz: Patrick
Walsh, homestead application No. 3879
for the nw 1-4 sec 34, twp 10 south,
range 25 west.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon, and
cultivation of, said land, viz: William
Hastings, Andrew King, D. Webster and
W. Norton, all of Collyer P. O., Trego
co., Kansas. -
B. J. F. HANNA, Eegister.
John A. Nelson, Atf y. 315
Land Office at Wa-Keeney, Kan.,
February 9, 1885.
So. 2820. Notice is hereby given
that the following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final proof
in support of his claim, and that said
proof will be made before the register and
receiver of the land office at Wa-Keeney,
Kan., on March 21st,. 1885, viz: Henry
Ehrichs, homestead application JXo. 4738,
for the nw. 1-4 sec 26, tp. 11 e. range 25 w,
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon, and
cultivation of, said land, viz: F. C.
SchwanbecK, of Wa-Keeriey P. 0 Trego
county, Kam, Ferdinand Helzfield, J. A.
Fisher and ' Charles Toole, tf Colljter P.
O., Trego oonnty,an8.
311 B. J. F. HANNA, Eegister.
Land Office at Wa-Keeney, Kans,
Marck6, 1885.
No. 2911. Notice is hereby given that
the following-named settler has filed
notice ot Ins "intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and that
said proof mil be made before register
and receiver TJ. S. land office at Wa
Keeney, Kansas, on April 21, 1885, viz:
Patrick Joseph Gubbins, homestead
application No. 2079, for the sw 1-4 sec
24, fp 12 s r 26 w. .,
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon, and
cultivation of, said land, viz: Edward
O'Tool, J. C. Martin, George V. York and
Wil$am Krofft, all of Collyer P. O., Trego
co., Kansas.
B. J. F. HANNA, Eegister.
John A. Nelson, Att'v. 315
Land Office at Wa-Keenev, Kan., )
. February 25," 1885.
No. 2,858. .Notice is hereby given that
the following-named settler has filed notice
of his intention to make final proof in
support of his claim, and that said proof
will be made before the Eegister.and Ee
ceiver of the TJ. S. land office at Wa
Keeney, Kan., on April 10, 1885, viz:
Charles A. Sperry, homestead applica
tion no. 3.348 for the sontheist quarter
section 22, tp 12 s of range 25w.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon, and
cultivation of said land, viz: James H.
Siebert, James Power, George Kessler
and B. G. Kessler, all of Collyer,
Trego county, Kansas
B. J. F. nANNA, Eegister.
Osborn & Monroe, Att'ys. 313
U. I M CQEtast Notices.
U.S. Land Office,
Wa-Keeney, Kansas, No. 3408.
February 28, 1885.
Complaint having been entered at this
office by Joseph Middleby against
Charles W. Osborn for failure to comply
with law as to timber-culture entrv no.
2786, dated May 3, 1879, upon the sw
sec 29, tp 15s, range 25w, in Trego county,
Kansas, with a view to the cancellation of
said entry; contestant alleging that said
Chas. W. Osborn has failed to plant
or cause to be planted to timber trees,
seeds or cuttings, any part of said tract
of land since date of entry; the said
parties are hereby summoned to
appear at this office on the 8th
day of April, 1S85, at 9 o'clock, a. m.
to respond and furnish testimony concern
ing said alleged failure.
B. J. F. HANNA, Eegister.
314 W- H. PILKENTON, Eeceiver.
TJ. S. Land Office, )
Wa-Keeney, Kansas, (-No. 3407.
February 28, 1885. )
Complaint having been entered at this
office byx Joseph Wedge against
Frank B.Clement for failure ' to comply
with law as to'. timber-culture' entry No.
2767 dated ApiiTSO, 1879, upon the ne
sec 8, twp' 15, 'range 25, in Tiego county,
Kansas, with a view to the cancellation
of said entry; contestant alleging that
the said, Frank B. Clement has failed to
plant or- cause to be planted to timber
trees, seeds or cuttings any part of said
tract of land since date of entry; the
said parties are hereby summoned to ap
pear at this office on the 8th day of
April, 1885, at 9 o'clock a. m., to respond
and furnish testimony concerning said
alleged failure.
B. J. F. HANNA, -Eegister.
314 W. H. PILKENTON, Eeceiver.
U. S. Lnd Office, 1
Wa-Keenev, Kansas, No. 3414.
March 2, 1885.
Complaint having been entered at this
office by Wesley Marquand against Frank
B. Wickizerfor abandoning his homestead
entry no. 6160, dated Oct. 6, 1882, upon
the sw sec 32, twp 12 s range 21 w, in
Trego county, Kansas, with a view to the
cancellation of said entryrthe said parties
are hereby summoned to appear at this
office on the 14th day of April, 1885, at
1 o'clock p. m., to respond and furnish testi
mpny concerning said alleged abandon
ment. B. J.-F. HANNA, Eegister.
W. K. Piekenton, Esciever.
A. H. Blair, Atty, 314
TJ. S. Land Oifice, )
Wa-Keen'sv, Kansas iVo. 3361.
Feb. 14, 1885. ) ..
Complaint having been entered at this
office ,by Timothy Mahoney against
John Novacek for abandoning his home
stead entries nos. 1813 and 3880, dated
Aug. 16, 1878, and June llr1879, upon the
w H 6e M an(l e M Ee sec- 26, tp.
13s, range 21 w, in Trego county, Kansas,
with a .yiew to the cancellation df said
entry; the said parties are hereby sum
moned to appear at this office on the 9th
day of .April, 1885, at 9 o'clock a. m.,
to respond and furnish testimony con
cerning said alleged abandonment
B. J. F. Hanna, Eegister.
W.H, PiiiKENTON, Eeceiver
Osborn & Monrce Atty's. . 313
No. 3466. Land Office at Wa-Keeney, Kan.
March 10, 1885.
Complaint having been entered at this
office by Jennie M Bell against
Wiifzle Sinkule for abandoning his
homestead entry 'no. 6948, dated Sent. 8,
1884, upon the no U sec 22, tp 12 s, r 54 V,
in Trego county, Kansas, with a vieT to
the cancellation of said entry; the said
parties are hereby summoned to appear
at this office on .the 5th day of May,
1885, at 1 o'clock p. in., to respond and
furnish testimony concerning said alleged
B J F HANNA, Eegister.
A H Blair, Att'y. 316
No. 3499. Land Office at Wa-Keenev, Kan.
March 12, 1885.
Complaint having been entered at this
office by EosieM Brown against Wilbelm
J Eademacher for abandoning his addi
tional homestead entry no. 3777,dated May
31, 1879, upon the e 1-2 sw 1-4 sec 6, tp 11 s,
r 25 win Trego county, Kansas, with a
view to the cancellation of said entry;
the said parties o are hereby sum
moned, to appear at "this office on the 21st
day of April, 1885, at 1 o'clock p. m. to
respond and furnish testimony concerning
said alleged abandonment
B J F HANNA, Eegister.
John A Nelson, Att'y. 316
No. 349a LandOffice at Wa-Keenev, Kan.
March 12, 1885.
Complaint having been entered at this
office by Andrew Johnson against William
Walsh, for abandoning his homestead
entry no. 4112, dated Aug. 23, 1879, upon
the sw , sec 14, township 14 s, range 21 w,
in Trego county, Kansas, with a view to
the cancellation of said entry;
the said parties are hereby sum
moned to appear at this office on the 7th
Bay of May, lobo, at 1 o clock p. m.,
to respona ana rurnisn testimony con-
oerninj? said alleged abandonment.
B J F HANNA, Eegister.
JohVA Nelson, Atfy. ' w 316
TJ. S. Land Office, ) a
Wa-Keeney, Kau No. 3403.
Feb. 25, 1885. )
Complaint having been entered at this
office by Benjamin F. Houdyshell against
James A. Jordan, for abandoning his
homestead entry no. 4837, dated April 8,
1880, upon the northwest sec. 34, town
ship 12 s, range 28 w, in Gove
county, Kan, with a view to the
cancellation of said entry; the said parties
are hereby srunmoned to appear at this
office on the I5th day of April, 1885,
at 9 o'clock a. m. to respond and furnish
testimony concerning said alleged aban
donment. B. J. F. HANNA, Eegister
Thos. Hindman, Atfy. 313
No. 3419. Land Office at Wa-Keenev, Kan.
. March 3, 18S5.
Complaint having kbeen entered at this
office by Lewis Christiansen against Sher
man B. Kimberlin, for failure to comply
with law as to timber-culture entry no.
666, dated March 15, 1878, upon the s U
jiw 1-4 & sw 1-4 ne 1-4 & ne 1-4 sw 1-4
sec 26, tp 14 s, r 21 w, in Trego county,
Kansas, with a view to the 'cancellation
of said entry; contestant alleging that the
said Sherman B, Kimberlin wholly failed
during fifth year of entry to plow and
cultivate or replant five acres of said land
to trees, seeds or cuttings and wholly
failed since fifth year of entry to plow,
cultivate or replant any part of said land
to trees, seeds, or .cuttings or cause the
same to be done; that said tract is wholly
devoid of timber or trees; and all said
failures continue to the present time;
the said parties are hereby summoned to
appear at this office on the 17th day of
April, 18S5, at 9 o'clock a. m., to respond
and furnish testimony concerning said
alleged failure.
W H PILKENTON, Eeceiver.
A H Blair, Att'y. 315
No. 3459. Land Office at Wa-Keenev. Kan.
March 9, 1885.
Comblaint having been entered at this
office by Ferdinan Derr against Ferdinand
Einehart, for abandoning his home
stead entry no. 3780, dated June 1, 1879,
upon the ne sec 28, tp 11 s, r 26 w, in
Gove county, Kans., with a view to the
cancellation of said entry; the said parties
are hereby summoned to appear at this
office on the 20th day of April, 1885,
at 1 o'clock p. m., to respond and furnish
testimony concerning said alleged aban
donment. B. J. F. HANNA, Eegister.
Osborn & Monroe, Att'ys. 315
TJ. S. Land Office,
Wa-Keeney, Kansas, V No. 3426.
March 4, 1885.
Complaint having been entered at this
office by George W. Brown against John B!
Wilson for failure to comply with law as
to timber-culture entry no. 2118 dated Jan.
17, 1879, upon the se if sec 22, twp 11 s,
r 23 wjin Trego county, Kan,, .with a view
to the cancellation of said entry; contest
ant alleging that said John E. Wilson has
failed, since the expiration of his exten
tion affidavit no 198, filed March 20, 1882,
to plant or cause to b&'planted ten acres
of said tract to trees, seeds or cuttings;
that said' tract has been devoid of timber
or living trees, arid no part thereof "has
been cultivated nor trees, seeds or cuttings
planted thereon -during the two years last
past; the said parties are hereby summoned
to appear at this office on the 5th day of
May, 183o, at 9 o clock a. m., to respond
and furnish testimony concerning said al
leged failure.
314 W. H. Pilkenton, Eeceiver.
No. 3452. Land Office at Wa-Keeney, Kan
March 9, 18S5.
Complaint having been made at this
office by Samuel Eamsay against Ami
Bateman for failure to comply with law
as to. timber-culture entry No. 1183,
dated July 23, 1878, upon the sw
1-4 sec 28, tp 11 s, range 26 w, in Gove
county Kan., with a view to the cancella
tion of said entry; contestant alleging that
the said Ami Bateman has failed to plant
or cause to be planted a second five
acres of said tract to trees, seeds or cut
tings during the fourth year or at any
time since making said entry; that said
tract has been devoid of timber oc living
trees, and no trees, seeds or cuttings have
been planted thereon nor no part thereof
cultivated or plowed for more than 4 years
last past; the said parties are hereby
summoned to appear at this office on the
20th day of April, 1885, at 1 o'clock p. m.,
to respond and furnish testimony concern
ing said alleged failure.
B J F HANNA, Eegister.
Osborn & Monroe, Atty's. 315
, TJ. S. Land office, )
Wa-Keeney, Kansas, No. 3418.
March 2, 1885. )
. Complaint having been entered at this
office by Harry W. Colby against James
Sheridan for failure to comply with law
as to timber-culture entry no. 1799 dated
Oct. 26, 1878, upon the sw sec 22,
twp 12 s range 26 w, in Gove county, Kan
sas, with a view to the cancellation of said
entry; contestant alleging that said James
Sheridan wholly failed during and since
third year of said entry to plow, cultivate
or plant five acres of said land to trees,
seeds or cuttings, and wholly failed to
cultivate any part of Baid land since third
year of entry, or cause the same to be
done; that said tract is wholly devoid of
timber or trees; that said failures continue
to the present time; the said parties
are hereby1' summoned to appear at
this office on the 17th day of April,
1835, at 1 o'clock p. m., to respond and
furnish testimony concerning said alleged
B. J.'F. HANNA, Eegister.
W. H. Pilkenton, Eeceiver.
' A. H. Blair, Att'y. 314
TJ. S. Land Office,
e, )
sas, -No.
6. )
Wa-Keeney, Kansfi
February 25, 1885,
Complaint having been entered at this
office by Benjamin F. Houdyshell against
Eichard Jones for failure to comply
with law as to timber-cnlture entry no.
2440, dated March 22, 1879, upon the svr
sec 34, twp 12 s, range 28 w, in Gove
county, Kansas, with a view to the cancel
lation of caid entry; contestant alleging
that the said Eichard Jones failed to
break or cause to be broken a second five
acres of said tract of land during the
second year after-making said entry; and
also failed to plant or cause to be planted
with timber, seeds, or cuttings, any part
of iid tract during the third and fourth
years after making entry, and has con
tinuously failed and neglected to culti
vate or plant any portion of said tract
as required by law, until the present time;
the said parties are hereby summoned to
appear at this office on the 15th 'day of
April, 1885, at 9 o'clock a. m., to "respond
and furnish testimony concerning said
alleged failure.
B. J-. F. HANNA, Eegister. .
Thos. Hindman, Attorney. ' 313
TJ. a Land-Office, )
Wa-Keeney,- Kansas, r No. 3366
Feb. 161885. )
Complaint having been entered at this
office by Elwin A. Wilds against T. Frank.
Hall, for failure to comply with law
law as to timber-culture entry No. 1647,
dated Oct 81878, upon the nw sec 10,
twp 14 s, range 25 w, in Trego county,.
Kansas, with a view to the cancellation of
said entry; contestant alleging that said
T. Frank Hail wholly failed during and
since fourth year of entry to plant second
five acres of said land to trees, seeds or
cuttings; and wholly failed to plow or
cultivate any part of said land since third
year of entry, that said tract is wholly
devoid of timber or trees; the said
parties are hereby summoned to
appear at this office on the 6th
day of April, 1885, at 1 o'clock p. m., to
respond and furnish testimony concerning
said alleged failure.
W H Pilkenton, Eeceiver.
A. H. Blair. Attorney. 313
TJ. S. Land Office. )
Wa-Keeney. Kansas, to. 3431.
March 5, 18S5. )
Complaint having been entered at thi
office by Daniel Cass against John Web
ster for failure to comply with law as to-timber-culture
entry No. 4483, dated
Jan. 19, 1884, upon the w 1-2 nw 1-4 sec
10, tp 11 s, r 25 w, in Trego county, Kan.,
with rfview to the cancellation of said
entry p contestant alleging that the said
John Webster has failed to break or plow,
or cause to be broken or plowed, two and
one half acres or any portion, whatever, of
said tract during the first year, or at any
other time since making said entry; the
said. parties are hereby summoned to
appear at this office on the 10th
day of April, 1885, at 10 o'clock a. m.,
to respond and furnish testimony con
cerning said alleged failure.
B. J. F, HANNA, Eegister.
W. H. Pilkenton, Eeceiver.
Osborn & Monroe, Att'ys 314.
No. 3488. Land Office at Wa-Keeney ,Kan.
March 11, 1885.
Complaint having been entered at this
office by Emil Hartman agaiost James B.
Wheeler for failure to comply with law
as to timber-culture entry no. 3618, dated
Jan. 29, 1S81, upon the nw 1-4 sec 6, tp 12
s, r 2G w, in Gove' county, Kansas, with a
view to the cancellation of said entry;
contestant alleging that the said James
B. Wheeler wholly failed during and since
fourth year of entry to plant a second
fivo acres to trees, seeds or cuttings or to
cultivate any part of said land, and
wholly failed to plant any part of said
land to trees, seeds or cuttings since mak
ing said entry; that said tract is wholly
devoid of timber or trees; the said parties
are hereby summoned to appear at this
office on the 6th day of May, 1885, at 1
o'clock p m, to respond and furnish tes
timonv concerning said alleged failure.
B J F HANNA, Eegister.
A H Blair, Att'y. 815
TJ. S. Land Office, )
Wa-Keeney, Kansas, No. 3401.
Feb. 24, 1885. )
Complaint having been entered at this
office by Charles M. Zickefoose against
Malvina M. Curtis for failure to comply
with law as to Timber-cnlture entry No.
2,600, dated April 10, 1879, upon the nw
sec 8, twp 15 s, r 23 w, in Trego county,
Kansas, with a view to the cancellation of
said entry; contestant alleging that Mal
vina M. Curtis failed to cultivate or cause
to. be cultivated any part of said entry
during the fourth year, .also failed to
cultivate or-cause to be cultivated any
part of said land during the fifth year, or
up to the present time; the sajdipsutiesare
hereby summoned to appear' at this office
on the 24th day of April, 18S5-,,atl o'clock
p. m., to respond and furnisli testimony
concerning said alleged failure.
313 W. H. PrLKENTON, Eeceiver.
No. 3443. Land Office at Wa-Keeney, Kan.
March 6, 1885.
Complaint having been entered at thie
office by Julius Donelson against Norman
C. Moffett for failure to.comply with law as
to timber-culture entry No 2971, dated
May 31, 1879, upon the ne 1-4 section
14, tp 14 s, range 21 w, in Trego county,
Kan., with a view to the cancellation of
said entry; contestant alleging that the
said Norman C. Moffett wholly failed
during and since fourth year of said
entry to plow or cultivate any part of said
land, and wholly failed to plant any part
of said land to trees, seeds or cuttings
since making said entry; that said
tract is wholly devoid of timber
or trees; the said parties are
hereby summoned to appear at this office
on the 17th day of April, 1885, at 1
o'clock p. m., to Tespond and furnish testi
mony concerning said alleged failure.
B J F HANNA, Eegister.
W. H. Ptlkenton, Eeceiver,
A. H. Blair, Attorney. 315
No. 3461. Land Office at Wa-Keeney, Kan.
iYiarcn y, leso.
Complaint having been entered at this
office by Ferdinan Derr against Ferdinand
Einehart for, failure to comply with law as
to timber-oulture entry no 1954, dated
Nov 23, 1878, upon the sw 1-4 sec. 22,
tp 11 s, range 26 w, in Gove county,
Kansas, with a view to the cancellation of
said entry; contestant alleging that the
said Ferdinand Kmehart has wholly failed
to plant or cjise to be planted any trees,
seeds or cuttings on the second five acres
of said tractitluring the fourth- year or at
any time sjace said year; that said tract
has been wholly devoid of timber orx'
living trees- and no portion thereof has
been broken plowed or cultivated nor no
trees, seeds, or cuttings planted pr re
planted thereon since prior to November
23, 1881; the said parties are here
by summoned to appear at this office
on the 20th day of April, 1885.
at 1 o'clock p. w., to respond and
furnish testimony concerning said alleged
failure. l
B J F HANNA, Eegister.
Osborn &; Monroe, Att'ys. 315
No. 3427. LandOffice at Wa-Keeney,Kan-March
4, 1885.
Complaint having been entered at this
office by Andrew B. Burch against Leo
M. Winans for failure to comply with law
as to timber-culture entry No 2050. dated
Dec. 11, 1878, upon the ne 1-4. sec 10, tp
11 s, range 21 w, in Trego county, Kans.,
with a view to the cancellation of said
entry; contestant alleging that the
said Leo M. Winans failed totally t to
break or plow any part, of said land at
any time, also failed totally to cultivate to
crop or otherwise any part of said land aft
any time, also failed to plant any part
of said land in timber, seeds or cut
tings at any time since entry;
the said parties are hereby summoned to
appear at this office on the 5th day of
May, 1885, at 1 o'clock p.m., to respond
and furnish testimony concerning said
alleged failure. "
315 WHPILKENTON, Eeceiver.
.. . i-it 4Lt3""S,. .
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