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W' m 1 - Wi WI&vG$gFF5xm mm rv ASH 'AJ m Bl ! LI HEXOBFS WH.DWOOD. BY JKJ.NIK OfiEED. The day -with its eandala dipped m dew, Has passed t hro the evening'a golden gates And a single star in the cloudless blue hot the rising morn in silence waits. The lilies nod to the sound of the stream That winds along with a lulling flow, .nd, eithr awake or half a-dreatn, I pass thro' the realms of Long Ago There are ushcn Memory's bitter Twin, And bane a hopes and a broken tow, And an acruag heart by the reck lews pain. And the soa breeze fanning u pallid brow. Thera are joj-g and sorrows, sunshine and tears. That check the path of life's April hours, And a long wish for the coming vears, That H pe evor wreathes with the fairefet flowers. And thus, as the glow of the daylight dies, ind the Night's first look to the earth is cast, I ga 'neath these beautiful Bummer skies At the pictures that hang in the hall of the Past. DAye, Sorrow and Joy chant a mingled lay, When to Memory s Wildwood wa wander away. BELISARIUS. Now York Graphic. I mast confess that I always had a weakness for elephants. You have no idea how much of ex quisite sensitiveness, extreme delicacy nay, of genuine poetry is concealed un der this rough and wrinkled exterior. To me the elephant is a lyric poet spoiled in the making, but with all the instability that characterizes the genus. What do I say? In fact he needs only his little blue cloak to be thoroughly equipped for his rhythmio task! It is a oase of a philanthrophist turned pachyderm. I saw one once at Benares sprinkling fresh water with his trunk upon the head of an English Boldier," nearly dead of sun stroke, What human good Samaritan could have done more? Indeed I have often wondered why the academy has not before this awarded the Montyou priz e to an elephant But man is so un just. He treats this noble being like a beast this being at once so strong and gentle in order not to be compelled to pay a debt of gratitude. I believe there is much truth concealed in the Brahmin legend. You remem ber that according to that fable, when Nishnu had created man and discovered what a wretched mistake he had made he at once invented, the elephant, in order that by means of his charming attributes saddened nature might find in him a compensation for all the short comings of the wicked biped. Some years ago I visited a small town in the south of France, to assist one of the friends of my boyhood in an electo ral contest, Every day I contrived to pass a portion of the afternoon at the local Jardin des Flantes. Three eucalyptus trees, five palms, two specimens of the ailante and six Italian pine all very dusty together with a dozen orange trees, were the only exotic representatives of the vegetable kingdom. The fauna of the tropics was suggested by four phthisicky monkeys, 3everal hy enas, a porcupine, two very gouty brown bears, a rather melancholy young drome dary, a flabby old lion, and the gem of the collection an elephant from the coast of Corymandel. He was called Belisarius, from his being blind of one eye. I at once made friends with this noble animal. A strong sympathy drew me towards him, while he, in turn, was not long in getting acquainted with me, al though manifesting, but with, great tact, a sense of his own superiority. As soon as he saw me coming the cap tive would greet me with a low trumpet note of satisfaction, and after having swung round his long proboscis as a sign of welcome, he would raise it above the iron barrier which separated us and re ceive from my hand the delicate rye bread rolls with which I bad taken care to provide myself. And fixing on me his only eye, which gave to his intelli gent face an air of paternal gentleness, and which seemed to sadden his charm ing smile, he appeared to thank me for the thuughtfulness that thus ministered to his tastes. His keeper's dwelling, a pretty cottage completely covered with honeysuckle, opened en the inclosure where he was usually exhibited. I noticed at the window a young woman who was general ly singing as she rocked the cradle of a sturdy piok-and-white, chubby faced infant. The delicate beauty of the mother and the inviting appearance of the neat little rustic home served to throw around the Colossus of the Jungle an atmosphere of peace and happiness. From time to time Belisarius would ap proach the window, and, with his trunk thrown in the iir would seem to send a kiss to the baby asleep in its wicker nest. It occurred to me that the family must be very fond of this great, kind brute, whose manifestations of dumb affection were evidently so sincere. A voice disturbed my reflections. It was the keeper who, while performing his usual duties in his boarders' cage, had spoken to me. He understood how much interest I took in his pet, and even seemed to guess my thoughts. "Ah, yes, Monsieur. Every one adores him, but no one more than I, I assure you. Belisarius made my fortune, and made me happy." At the word "fortune" I had involun tarily summoned before my mind's eye a vision of the mines of. Golconda and Mogul fetes; but I reflected that the modest position held by the speaker was inconsistent with the extravgant concep iions.of my imagination. Construing my silence into a desire to hear more, the man continued: "A few Tears ago, Monsieur, I did not occupy the enviable position in which you see me to day. Instead of being the keeper of the elephant I was only a a common gardner, spading the beds, raking over the walks and watering flow ers in this same garden. But I was in Jove madly, rapturously in love ! ' "Very often I wns guilty of a serious nfraction of the rules that regulated my professional duties. The rarest and most beautiful of the flowers I was paid to guard and care for found their way to the little cottage you see there. She who lived there was the object of my affec tion, and sho loved me in return. But when I made so bold as to ask for her hand her father, who then occupied the position I now hold, brutally showed me the door. He said he wouldn't have his daughter marry below her fetation, and that he designed her to be the wife of the man who took charge of the bear pit, who was in time to be his (the father's) successor. And I was only, as I have told you, a common gardner ! But why, I ask myself, could I not make as good an elephant keeper as any other? Love made me ambitious. "From that time I summoned all "my courage, and surreptitiously entered the enclosure. I set my wits to worfc ana lavished upon the elephant all the atten tions of a real keeper. My father-in-law, it must be added, had been some what neglectful of Bell8alU8, conuort. "The worthy animal appreciated my trouble. Ah! what intelligence what a mind ! as clear as amber. After awhile he saw through my little scheme, for when I was there his one eye would turn roguishly towards the window where, if by accident, Lucie, the daugh ter of the real keeper, would appear, having chosen that very moment for shaking her crumb-cloth over poor Beli Barius' head. "Well, my love was to receive great assistance from this dumb beast, as you will see. "The elephant's disposition, hitherto so mild and peaceful, changed suddenly. Belisarius, in spite of his having come to years of discretion, began to play tricks worthy of the variest schoolboy. Thus one day, when the doors and windows of the cottage had been left open, this sly old pachyderm amused himself by mov ing all the furniture of my predecessor within reach out into his inclosure. Un another occasion, when his keeper was entertaining a few friends at dinner, there was discovered in the soup not the Bingle permissible hair of ordinary domesticity, but a whole mass of some thing resembling fur. It seems that a dromedary, who occupied the next in closure to his royal highness, had that day been deprived of his hirsute cover ing, and the elephant took advantage of the incident to introduce this novel flavoring into his keeper's soup without the knowledge of the cook. "But these are only specimens of the deviltries that Belisarius was constantly perpetrating in his new role. At last it became evident, even to the not very acute intelligence of the keeper, that he would have to retire from his post in favor of some one more agreeable to the powerful and cunning brute. He there fore resigned, and all the employes of the Jardin were tried in turn as his suc cessor. In vain! Belisarius had quite made mp his mind as to the keeper he wanted, and was not to be driven from his fixed determination. I thus found myself master of the situation. Lucie's father was compelled to admit that I discharged the duties of the position better than any one else. But what a long step in advance for me and at any age all the way from common garden er to elephant keeper! "Than poor man, who was really anxi ous that his daughter should make a good match, did not show me out when I asked for her hand a second time. "A month later Lucie and I were mar ried. The wedding dinner was spread under the arbor covered with clematis that adjoins the elephants' inclosure, which permitted Belisarius to attend as one of the guests. He also deigned to consume that portion of the feast which had been prepared for his special bene fit. Eighteen of the little rye rolls he always found so toothsome and eleven bunches of carrots probably made his majesty feel almost as contented as if he were about being married himself. At all events they had a quieting and humanizing effect upon his disposition. No boyish tricks disturbed our frugal banquet no dromedary hairs were found in the soup. With his single eye he gazed cheerfully upon the happy scene, and as you have seen, Monsieur, he still watches with the same thought ful care over my wife and little one." JDKATH OF A MONKEY. A Singularly Human and Touching; Scene The Last Sad Parting. Illustrated London News. In his recently published treatise on the anthropoid apes, Professor Hart mann, of the Berlin university, tells a touching story of a Iar&e monkey, which belonged to the Zoological Gardens, of Dresden. Mat aca, as she was named by Herr Schopf, the director of the gardens, was a personage of polite manners. She would blow her nose with a handkerchief, put on her own boots, wring out the linen, steal keys and open locks. She had a cup of tea every morning, and one of cocoa every evening, and at any time would fill her own cup or tumbler with out spilling a drop suggesting at once a sense of propriety and of appreciation of the beverage. Her death was quite pathetic. After some years' experience of the Dresden climate, she showed symptoms of consumption; and, if un able to realize the progress of the dis ease, she was quite conscious when it was drawing to a close. She would scarcely allow her friend, Dr. Schopf, who nursed her throughout her illness, to leave her sight When the end ap proached, feeling her forces ebbing, she threw her arms around his neck, kissing him repeatedly, held out her hand to grasp his and fell back lifeless. News items in the London journals, like guests at the Loudon dinner table, take precedence according to talk and I titK Russia, being ar empire, comes 6 rat; then Austria, another empire; then Germany, another; then France, ex-empire and presumptive candidate for roy nlty ; and then Turkey, Egypt and Spaip. By the time the United States is reached there is n j room left, and so we are given a stool iu the comer and told to mind our manners. Henry WatUraon. ITEMS OF INTEREST. A farmer in Washington territory has successfully grown figs this year in the open air. Thirteen milk dealers were fined $25 each Monday at Buffalo for watered milk. selling Boston horse-car drivers are petition ing for seats so that they may sit down while driving. Chinamen are to establish a new town nearYreka, CaL, to be settled exclusivly by Mongolians. Judge Simrail has been nominated for congress by the republicans of the Third Mississippi district More state lands were sold in Nevada daring July than were sold in twelve months previous. A couple of corn-stalks on exhibition in a Btore at Fresno, Cal., measure over fourteen feet in height. A truck-driver was fined $40 in New York recently for ruining a lady's dress by his careless driving. Charts of the Pleiades show, as visible to the direct eye, 625 stars, but the pho tographer reveals 1.421. An 11-year-old colored girl gave birth to a two-and-a-half-pound baby boy at .East .Dallas, Tex., one day last week. The old-fashioned low phaaton is once more coming into popularity at Long .Branch. The dog-cart is out of fashion. Juson W. Ewing, well known in the southern part of Connecticut as the "temperanoe detective" died recently at New Haven. A resident of Trebein, O., owns a mastodon tooth which is fourteen inches long, ten inches broad, and twenty seven inohee in circumference and weighs thirteen pounds. Miss Hattie Hadsell was watohing a game of base-ball in Pittsfield, Mass., when a foul ba'U struck her in the side, crushed her ribs, and injured her so that she may die. A Woodstock, N. B., physician took some virus from the arm of a child which he had vacinated. The father of the child sued for the value of the vac cine matter and got a verdict for $3.50. Thomas Garrett, of Baldwin county, Alabama, is said to be the oldest voter in this country. He is 119 years, old and cast his first vote for president in 1796, for John Adams. He is a demo crat. A valuable setter dog died lately at Otis, Mass., aged 20 years. In accompa nying his owner on his travels the dog had crossed tho Atlantic sixteen times, and had journeyed over fifty thousand miles. Anew and insiduous drick has been introduced by some Englishman, and is becoming popular in New York bar rooms. It consists of three parts sherry and one part vermouth, ana is called "bamboo." Kingfish are reported very plentiful in the Greenwhich, Conn., waters. These fish appeared there first abouv seven years ago, but only for a short time, and since then until the present time have not been caught in that vicinity. A German cigar-maker of Buffalo has offered to go through the whirlpool rapids at .Niagara Bitting on a common beer keg if the railroads will make up a purse of $500 to be given to him it he comes out alive or to his widow if he be killed. "Keep out of this watter millin patche," is a signboard nailed to a farm fence a little east of Brighton, CaL Some wag turned the board over and wrote thereon: "Take one," and the poor farmer has been almost bankrupt in consequence. The old-fashioned game of draughts, or checkers, as most of us call il, has taken a new hold on New England, and summer resorts from Greenwich up to Bar Harbor have the fever. Chessis too difficult a game for the New England intellect Fall River, Mass., has become a hot bed of gambling resorts. They are open night and day, and yonng men are daily being victimized. Citizens are taking steps to form a law and order as sociation for the purpose of waging an aggressive warfare against the swindlers. An original interpretation was made by an Albany coroner. A witness said: "He was very Ihirsty kept calling for water repeatedly." In order to abridge the sentence the coroner said to the clerk; "He was troubled with a severe drouth," and so it went down on the min utes. A few months ago signs were hung up in the Avenue B cars, in New York City, which read: "These oars will not stop while passing the bridge." They were changed to: "These cars will not Btop on tae bridge." After a while thf.y were changed again to: "These cars will not stop at the bridge." The signs were still criticised, and now they have been taken' down. The tube of the great Lick telescope now constructing will be ff ty-rix feet long, and with the enormous spectro scope attached, the extreme length of the instrument will approach sixty-five feet The only novel feature in the plans of the observatory is the use of hydraulic power to raise and lower the floor of the domp, thereby obviating the necessity of an observing chair. In the days of '49, says Harper Buzar a member of a party of miners strayed away from his companions and was de stroyed by wild beasts. The friend upon whom it devolved to "break the news gently" to the bereaved parents showed himself equal to the occasion by writing the folltwincr letter: "Mister Smith Deer onr me mores nas eie your suns neau off Yurs John Jones." I Preparations are being made in Phila delphia for a grand celebration of the one hundreth anniversary of the adop- !:.. f tlu TTnUn Ol.t .-. .. Him ui mo vmuni uwii-ett COUBtirUUOn M 1787. The governors of the thirteen original states will be present Taradw, banquets, and speech-makinc: will make wn interesting programme, ana the south and north, will become more friendly than ever on a renewel of memories. Munday, the Georgia revivalist, who is trying to convert Nashville, is a re formed gambler, circus juggler, and va riety actor. He is 30 years old, straight as an arrow, and good looking. At a recent meeting in Nashville it is reported that "two gray-haired sinners, with both of whom the pieacher had previously played poker, professed conversion and wept bitterly at the memory of their errors." The huge deposit of oyster shells at Damariscotta, Me., is being removed. The Portland Transcript speaking of the removal says but few relics have been found thus far, but stone tools and hu man bones have been discovered. Shells have been found fourteen inches long, and those twelve inches long are com mon. One pair twelve inches long and six inches wide has been found, and it is estimated that the oyster which they contained would nearly have filled a pmt measure. A recent case of poisoning by paris green demonstrates that one can not- be too careful in the use of that powder. Mr! Benjamin Bower a resident of Pleasantville, N. J., sprinkled paris green on bis grape vines. The wind blew some of it into the face of Miss Allie Bower, his 20-year-old daughter. She inhaled it unconsciously, and soon after became violently ill. A physician, who was summoned immediately, could do nothing for her, and she died in a few days. One of the most precocious youths in New York city is a red-Leaded lad who acts as secretary in a prominent banking firm. He is about four feet high and .is so thin that his knickerbockered legs are not as thick as an ordinary boy's arm. In appearence he would taken to be about 8 years old were it not for his large, bulging head, and the large cir cles under his eyes. He says he is 14. He is a good stenographer, and, perched upon a high chair, he picks away at a typewriter like a veteran. A remarkable result of parental in fluence at birth is reported at Beemer ville, Sussex county, N. Y., in the case of Mary J. Ayers, a young girl, who is said to possess the peculiarities of a tur tle, owing to hei mother having been bit by a turtle shortly before the birth of the child. The girl, it is said, has un der each ear aprotruderancelike a turtle shell Mid a similar mark on her back. She is unusually homely, and in walk ing the motion of her arms involuntari ly corresponds to those of her lower limbs. The phvsicians say that her peculiarities are incurable. A FRENCH DOCTBESS. Startling Career and Melancholy Ending of a Notable Woman. New York World. The death is announced in Cochin, China, of Madame Dr. Ribart, a female surgeon of remarkable skill and whose Cdreer was very extraordinary, an expe rience that no other woman has ever had. Beginning as a waitress in a little drinking-shop of the Quatier Latin of Paris, she passed while still very young through the usual experiences of a Par isian grisetto and became connected with a medical student who frequented the shop. , Her instinct was irresistable. No sooner did she come in contact with his books and instruments than she fell upon them and literally devoured the knowl edge they contained. She availed her self of his teaching, too, and drew from him everything he learned, so that by the time she had reached the age of 26 years she presented herself for examina tion as Burgeon and passed the ordeal brilliantly and triumphantly. She soon recognized the field that lay open before her in the Egyptian harems, to which male surgeons were not admitted and where women suffered unspeakable tor ments for the lack of proper attendance. At Cario she speedily established a large practice and had every prospect of doing well, bat her habits of dissipation had been formed early and were unconquer able. She plunged into inconceivable de bauches, such as would not be admitted to the pages of even a chronicue tcanda leuse. Her career of vice ended finally in an Egyptian' madhouse, and her suf ferings in that horrible place were as great as her excesses had been. After six months of this severe but salutary regimen she recovered her mind, but never forgave her heartless and disrepu table Levantine friends who had hastily thrust her out of Bight and mind into the horrors of an insane asylum. Her career in Egypt was over, but she could not rjtnrn to Europe, and nothing was left her but the French possessions in Asia. She made her way out to the French colony in Cochin China. Here her talents and her beauty, which, despite the life she had led in Egypt, and her sufferings in the madhouse had never failed her, won her instant recognition and she was in g-eat demand among women. The old queen mother of Anam had been blind for years and hailed with delight the prospect of relief held out to her by the French physician. Mme. Ri bart died suddenly the day before the op eration was to be performed, the supposed, of the strains upon her health which her Egyptian experiences had en tailed. She was still young and had prospects of redeeming the past, for her talents in her difficult profession were great and undoubted. Probably no European woman ever knew bo much of the inner life of the harom in the east and its dark side as this ex-grisette. A significant advertisement in side paper inquires anxiously for a plain gow ring, "ui utuoaiiiuio vi. Albany Journal G. M. PAULL, C5UCCESS01T F. . EL&SWtftTI.) -DEALER IN- COAL F THE- COLORADO, MSjriis, Eastern AND OTHER KINDS. -WILL PUT THE- PriceCoal Down As Low as possible. Will buy and sell Wheat, Rye, Oats OOR3ST, ISD ALL KlfTOS OF GEM. CHOP FEED FOR SUE TIMEHf! It is the Best Hade. Lightest Running, Quietest and Simplest IN THE WORLD. Self-Setting Needle, Self-Threading Shuttle, Automatic Bobbin Winder, And Only Perfect Embroiderer, NE PLUS ULTRA. DO NOT BUY ANY OTHER Before trying the White. Agents Wanted ! Heedles, Oils and Parts of all laekiies. For Catalogues, Prices and Terms, addreoo, WHITE SEWING. MACHINE GO. 921 Oliue Street, St Louis, Mo. 8arf Fata of the "Great Barters." London Letter. As we steamed down the Mersey three days ago on our way to the open sea, there arose before us, towering over the entire jungle of shipping like some giant "iocustwood" above the lesser trees or a South American forest, a vast black hull, crowned with sir masts and four smoke stacks, beside which Nelson's stateliest three-decker would have seemed no big ger than a yacht Twenty-seven years ago that huge inert mass was the talk and wonder of .Europe, and indeed the "floating city" which Jules Verne styled her in one of his most brilliant romances. Thousands of men looked forward exnltingly to the time when she should carry across the ocean whole armies at once, and should revolutionize all the established conditions of modem transport. But now, having fallen far short of the splendid promise of her youth, and achieved only the gloom renown of a magnificent failure, the "Great Eastern" has sunk into a gigantic advertisement of a well-known Liverpool store, whose gilt-lettered announcements glitter upon everv part of her towering aides and dome-like paddle-boxes. Mile. Bhea worthies the mnnory o Bacbel and makes frequent visits to her grave in Fere la Chaise cemetery. -Tl I 1 "ll11"' At Ogallah Store! OCALLAH, KANSAS. C. H. BENSON, PROPRIETOR, I aim to take the. FarmerVPro duce, and sell them at the LOWEST PREVAILS FISHIER Everything they need in tha wy of DRY GOODS, Groceries, Boots and Smes, GRAIN, FLOUR, FCtD, And the general zounds of a on business prindpia. Call u4 mm. CI. m& J. S. TURNER, SOUTH OF RAILROAD TRACK. I have opened a general store. where the people-can boy at the lowest rate GROCERIES, CLOTHING, Boots and Shoes, HATS Sc O-AS, FLOUR, FEED, ETC I am an old resident of this re gion, and present for your inspec tion a class of goods which will not fail to suit my neighbors. Prices leCIieajest! Come and See Me Anyway. J. S. TURNER. FOR BREAD, Pies and Cakes of all kinds, goto FRANK SNIDER'S, One Door West if tie CoameitiM HiW, OPPOSITE THE DEPOT. LUNCHAT ALL IIOULS, -AND A- nan GOOD SPiBE m if AT ANY TIME. 'mm U ' 2Pf Ai 003G3 ATTD SB321 TJ3 itf C kl '33 " M 2 r .bAJ I: 'A je -'TO.IjH! -. w mCTSrqrrg