S jsWvi-jF?ilK F&m $m i . 1V - "3V ,3r ZJ X Cf ,e r&t i K, ft fc $Mem Kansas $toM, OFFICIAL PAPER OF T1EGQ COUITY. .- m tr W. S. TILTON, - 7 - - - - Editor. Satdkday, July 30, 1887. Captaih Houston is making a newsy paper of the Golden Belt atGrinnelL Ralph Criswell is back at Gove City and in the newspaper harness, driv ing, as usnal, at a break-neck journalistic run. His new enterprise is called the Gove County graphic. f. Aitybody who can muster the .courage to discuss local politics in earn est in this kind of -weather is in -his element when he insists that straight fanning out here is the only legitimate basis pi existence. The Oakley Times thus tries its hands at the teeth-story business: "Dr. Keeney reports a new boy at Nelson Ja& person's, northwest of Oakley, last Sun day evening. The child had two front .teeth fully cut at birth. This is a freak few practitioners ever meet." At a ,big meeting in Oakley ltst .Monday night, the citizens nf that place, with only one dissenting voice, determined to support Logansport for the county seat. It's to be Logansport or Russell Springs, then; at least as far as ihe temporary 4cpunfy seat is concerned. 40 of Each 160. Trego county has a citizen by the name ,of Douglass, who located some seven or eighfc miles south of Wa-Keeney in April last. Mr. Douglass presented to us on Thursday his scheme for making qt Kan sas in a hurry an agricultural region. It is to secure between now and the meeting of the next legislature the signatures of a majority of the voters of Kansas to a petition embodying the proposition that in the near future forty acres of each quarter section of prairie land in the state shall be brought under cultivation. At least five acres shall be broken in each year until the forty acres have been attended to. If the owner of the land fails to have the plowing done, any one may do it, and collect pay therefor from ihe owner of the land. Land planted to timber or grass is to count as a part of the requisite forty acres. There is a golden thread running through this theory of Mr. Douglass's, but he will find, after all, that Kansas people will prefer to retain the right to dictate the extent jof plowing to be done on their individual pieces of land. Na ture has a way of her own for developing the plains, and we never have seen a man who could not improve on that way. Nature's way is not to rush matters. She kicks with remarkable efficiency against making to-day'-e corn field in yesterday's bu$! alo-grass lawn. ' . . Pigeon 'Shpoting. Kovenge on the pigeon tribe eems to have been determined on by the city authorities. They were getting pretty thick, and their roosting in the M. E. .church belfry was not appreciated. Con siderable shooting in the direction of an nihilating them has been done this week. Wednesday evening an accident, fortun ate in result, grew out of this shooting. .Councilman Blair was following with his gun muzzle a pigeon as it flew from the Pennsylvania Investment building. The bird flew precisely -between the gun and Frank Hill, a colored man, who was standing in the north door of The Cleve land kitchen. Just then the load of bird shot was discharged, perforating the up per half of the door screen in half a hundred places, and striking Hill in he. face and breast. The bird shot was picked out and Hill is all right. The Lawn Social. ThiB event, -which came off Tuesday sveningj under the management of the ladies of the Presbyterian church, was a grand affair. Lawn tennis was played on the beautiful grounds just south of Mr. Barnes's residence. On the lawn close by tables were laden with cake, ice cream and lemonade. The attendance was large, the social entermingling pleasant, and the size of the net receipts about thirty-two dollars. .Of Course, It Is Eight. -Hays City Free Press. The Trecro ermntv ftniTimiRcirwicma Iottq pasfeedthe following sensible resolution. It is rigEtr'That" all section "lines be and are hereby declared legal highways, according to law, where said lines cross the IT. P. railroad, jn Trego county, and that township trustees be directed to re quest tne railroad company to open crossings on said section hnesr where such crossings shall be deemed neces sary." Old Settlers Ee-Uhion. The old settlers of Lane countv are to have their annual re-union at Farnsworth ,on August 12. They are as noble a band of people 's ever lived on earth. The writer has accepted vwith pleasure an in vitation irom uounty Treasurer Lee, the secSretary of the Old Settlers Association, to be, present, and deliver an address. A Party of "Juveniles. Yesterday afternoon, through the . ' invitation bf JMrs. -Walker, the children pt the Baptist Sunday school had a party at the residence "of Rev. F. L. Walker. , There were plenty of "good things to eat, ,i and the little ones had a happy 4 time. ' ', Open-Air j Concert. 5 4i - This is, what the Wa-Keeney Cornet .Sand will erie Fridav evening Ancr. K Lucky is the cattle holder. ' Watermelons are ripening. ' If you aint hot, hpw are you? Fishing parties are not entirely un known. Henry Eeddig has returned from Illinois. More "work in the court-house park this week. Geo. Galloway has had his workshop reroofed. Normal institute opens one week from nest Monday. The dysentery epidemic seems to be about ended. A small, short rain shower fell last Saturday night. A good many covered wagons wend their way westward. Mrs. J. W. Bell has gone to Council Bluffs, Iowa, on a visit. On Thursday G. 0. Stebbins started to Chicago on business. W. S. Johns started back to Perry, HI., on Friday of last week. Mrs. Burroughs has 'begun the erec tion of a handsome residence. Mr. Booton, of the Winona Messen ger, was a Wednesday caller. --He who sold his cattle for a song this season is strictly out of luck. Artesian water, can we get it? Republican. Ask something easy. Farmers in portions of this county are cutting their corn crop for fodder. T-Judge Osborn had official business at Hays City jfche fore part of the week. Misses Mina and Jesse York were visiting at O. A. Cortright's last Sabbath. Jno. Barrett's little daughter was taken seriously sick yesterday forenoon. We saw W. P. Montgomery and P. W. Smith, both of Hays, on the street last Monday. Mrs. Louis Ducros has been very sick this week. Her condition is improv ing somewhat. J. B. Close, of Close Bros. & Co., went east last Sunday, after having been here a few days. We are glad to hear it. Louis Ducros is about to open a photograph gallery in Wa-Keeney "Jack" Lewis, formerly a clerk in the Wa-Keeney post-office, was in the city last Sunday night. The Presbyterian occupied to-morrow pulpit will by Eev. W. be B. Brown, of Valica, Iowa. Mayor Gleason's brother, from Coun cil Bluffs, Iowa, is paying him a visit. He is accompanied by his wife. A rattling rain fell late yesterday at ternoon. It cooled the atmosphere and strengthened the pulse of the boomer. Deputy District Clerk B. P. Blair was visiting friends and relatives at Solomon City the first days of this week. Early in the -week O. T. Gustus, of Orion, III., was out here, looking at lands which he had purchased througlj Jno. A. Nelson. Judge Hutzel has purchased the Jnq. Ronnquist residence, in the. west part of town. It is good property, and post him about 900. D. J. Hille, familiarly known, as "Dave," of Alamota, Lane county, was in town the first half of the week, visiting his many friends. That bunch of alfalfa in frpnt'of Spicer's had to go. Along with it, by the city's orders, went all the grass and weeds along the sidewalk. F. W. Lemon, of Wa-Keeney, has been applying his celebrated roof paint to several of the metal roofs in jhis city. Millbrook Times. The Swedish Colonization Society have sold eleven more quarter-section tracts of their lands in the southeastern quarter of this county. Comrade Caddick has been very sick the past week with dysentery. We are pleased to be able to state ihat his condition is improving. There is talk on the part of some of the land agents of getting up some excursions to this place from the east this fall. The idea is goocL Jiayor uieason, it affords us pleasure to state, is able to be around again. He had a close call and a good physician. The physician won. Miss Hamilton, who is teaching a class in music at Winona, was in the city on Wednesday, and cajled- to see Miss Jennie Tilton, an old Waverly, Kansas, friend. ' From the Opinion we get a glimpse of the movements of a former Wa-Keenian, who is now the receiver of the TJ. S. Land office at Oberlin: "Mrs. Tuliy Scott met the Hon. Tully Scott at Haigler, Neb., and they have gone -to the mountains to spend the heated term, and will visit Tom Moonlight at Cheyenne befpre re turning." Choler Morbus. - Every peison is liable to sickness, erery one is subject to sudden attacks of bowel complaint during the summer, months; in its mildest forms it in r?uHrrMnW painful, and when severe, 'unless properly Moabeu, it - -is ttuouiuteiy oaugeroiis. There is' but one remedy in the market prepared especially for bowel complaint, that can always he depended upon,' that is Chamberlain's Colic. 'Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It never faihi &W,m 1 1 - i - ' r-. . t -r -; -, DEATH'S DOINGS. Sunday morning, at 1 o'clock, a daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Cobine, of this city, died at the family residence. She was about three years old. A complication of diseases, one of which was dysentery, constituted the fatal agency. ' The funeral sermon was preached by Rev. Mr. Mahaffiie at the M E. church at 4 P. m. on Sunday, and the burial took place at the cemetery the same afternoon. Mrs. Bollman, wife of C. B. Bolhuan, died at her home, three miles north of Wa-Keeney, Thursday night. The fu.- neral sermon was preached at the family residence on Friday, at 10 o'clock, and the remains were buried on the same day in the Wa-Keeney cemetery. Mrs. Boll man, we understand, was about sixty years of age. She was the mother of Mr. A. M Stephenson, of this place. MAEEIAGE MATTERS. Maeeied July 29, at the residence of the officiating minister, Rov. F. L. Walk er, Charles Moss, of Bent county, Col., and Miss Maggie Hamilton, of Osborne county, Kansas. "Jack" Downing was in the city on .Tuesday. His face was turned to Logan county, where he was bent for the pur pose pf taking the census as the prelimi nary step to her organization. Mr. Down ing has before him a long spell of work. Under tne new law, ne is to act as assessor, as well as enumerator. His trip through the county also involves the location of the temporary county seat, as he is to take the vote of each elector on that question, and the governor is re quired to declare in accordance there with. Parson Mahaffie has purchased of the M. E. church trustees the first lot north of W. S. Harrison's residence. This lot lies only a few rods south of the church building. Mr. Mahaffie has be gun the construction of a residence on the lot. The residence, including porches, is to be 28 feet in width and 3 feet in length, and will contain four rooms. The residence, it is expected, will be ready for occupancy about the first of October. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Warren and daughter and a niece of Mrs. Warren's arrived in the city the latter part of last week from the east. Mr, Warren re mained here over Sunday, and went to Denver, where they live. The rest of the party followed him Wednesday night, Mr. and Mrs. Warren have many friends in Wa-Keeney, Mr. Warren having been one of the original and only Warren, Keeney & Co., of this place. This office is in receipt of a grapevine dispatch from Washington, which speaks in flattering terms of the prospect of the U. S. land olhce remaining m VVa-Jvee ney. Some developments of a startling nature, as our knoll observer remarked a week or two ago, can safely be expected before this farce ha3 been played clear through. Mr. O. T. Birkoland, of Collyer, was in this office yesterday. He ordered his copy of the World sent to Chicago while he remains there. He and Mrs, Birkeland will go there in a few days, with the in tention of remaining as long as their daughter, Mrs. Gunderson, .lives. She has consumption. A fellow up at Sharon Springs, Wal lace township, was arrested the other day for burglary. He was tried before Justice Bissell not Wilson and convicted. Sheriff Baker went after him, and took him down to the Ellis county jaij. The fellow is thought to be demented in a degree. Mr. Swift and 71fe, of Chicago, who had been visiting at Mr. Ferris's, started to the Pacific coast Monday evening. Mr. Wayman's attack of dysentery would not admit of his accompanying his friends, but he expects to be able to pro ceed westward soonf The cooler had a couple of occupants last Saturday evening. They furnished bail that evening for their appearance before the police judge on Monday. The judge assessed eaoh of them five dollars. Their offense consisted in having been on a hilarious razzoop. We owe comrade G. W. Hewitt thanks for a mess of "Squaw" corn roast ing ears which he presented to us on Thursday. Mr. Hewitt, by the way,.has purchased a horse and spring wagon, and comes to town as comfortably as any body, Miss Jennie Tilton, who is visiting at "our house," receives word that she has been promoted to the charge of the inter mediate department of- the Waverly schools. She has been in charge of the primary department for the past -two years. . ..'.- - An extra of twenty-seven cars, loaded with cedar ties, went west on Sunday, for the Oakley branch. November 1 is the time set for beginning the running of trains On this branch between Oakley and Colby. A party of prospectors were out at Win. Spicer's ranch, in the eastern part of Gove county, the other day. They found, in various "pockets" on his place, about a bushel of the best class of coal. Jno. A. Kershaw, son of Jno. T. Ker shaw, is clerking at Kyle's store. He is a young man of good address, and we are satisfied that Mr. Kyle has done well in securing his services. Cool this morning, with a stout wfnd from the direction of the Arctic ocean. If you have boils, If you are bilious, If you have fever, .- 4 If your head aches, ' , - If you are constipated, If you have no appetite, ,u Tv If your digestion is bad. , M. If your tongue is coated, If you are thin or nervous, i l"i If your son is fellow or drj;-'jk 1 If von .will, trtf onfthnttln .Vivi r - Beggs BijOod Pubeetes akd Bxoop Mir kxb; and are not relieved. it will ooit bi; tlvHJ.Vra X ZL. .-JJLZ- Zlkijtf -Postmaster Ufford and family have returned from Illinois. The condition of their sick child is improving. Why will you be troubled with 'Sprains and bruises, Old sores and ulcers, Neuralgia and toothache, Salt Rheum and Eczema, Scaldhead and ringworm, Pain in the back and spine, Swelling of the joints, and not try ' Beggs" Tbopiga:l Om. It it does not relieve, it will cost you nothing, as we warrant every bottle. A. B. Jones, Drug gist. Mrs. J. L. Miller and daughter are baolc home from Iowa. Mr. Miller has rented the Pinkham residence, over on "quality row." Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises,, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, -chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all eruptions, and positively cures piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give entire satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Dr. Jones. 405 E. L. Gay, of Lane county, was in town on Wednesday. He had recently returned from Washington city. He told us that, as he was coming through the northern part of Illinois, he saw cattle dying in fields from thirst. Excitement in Texas. Great excitement has been caused in the vicinity of Paris, Texas, by the re markable recovery of Mr, J. E. Corley, who was so helpless he could not turn in bed, or raise his head; everybody said he was dying of Consumption. A trial bot tle of Dr. King's New Discovery was sent him. Finding relief, he bought a large bot tle and a box of Dr. King's New Life Pills; ,by the time he had taken two boxes of Pills and two bottles of the Discovery, he was well and had gained in flesh thirty- six pounds. Trial bottles of this Great Discovery for Consumption free at Dr. Jones's drug store. 2 The musical concert given by Miss Innes at Opera Hall Thursday evening had a full house of listeners. The entertainment was participated in by a number of our citizens, and was an event of pleasure and profit all around. The Verdict Unanimous. W. D. Suit, Druggist, Bippus, Ind., tes testifies: "I can recomend Electric Bitters as the very best remedy. Every bottle sold has given relief in every case. One man took six bottles, and was cured of rheumatism of 10 years standing." Abra ham Hare, "Druggist, Belleville, Ohio, affirms: "The best selling medicine I have ever handled in my 20 years' expe rience is Electric Bitters." Thousands of others have added their testimony, so that the verdict is unanimous that Elec tric Bitters do cure all diseases of the Hyer, kidneys or blood. Only a half dol lar a bottle at Dr. Jones's Drug store. 2 of Call op W. E. Fagan, two miles south town, for cheap cattle. 433-4 See the Buckeye Mower before pur chasing. 434-tf Geo. T. Galloway, Agent. Fancy Worsteds just arrived at Spicers' the merchant tailor. BBEAKTNG PLOWS. Kelly Hardware and Implement Co. have just received one hundred Iron Beam Kod Breakers the cheapest and best plow ever brought to the west. Call and see them. Mowers cheaper than ever before At Galloway's. Lettuce 20c per pound at Moores, '29 All kinds of Farm Implements man ufactured by the David Bradley Co. sold by Ellsworth. All Wool Flannel Sheeting, 82 inches wide, for 1.00 per yard, at Kyle's. Call at Geo. Baker's for fresh smoked hams and breakfast bacon. GAEDEN SEEDS. A large lot just received at Kelly Hard ware and Implement Co. These seeds are in bulk, and fresh. I can furnish for $25 attachments which will make your mowing machines about as good as new. Geo. T. Galloway. A few cloaks left. Will be sold at cost, at Kyle's. Geo, Baker keeps every thing to be found in a first class market; pork sau sage a speciality. Melton Coatings just arrived at Spicer's the merchant tailor. A large stock of boots and winter goods to be sold at cost for 30 days, to make room for spring goods. 414-tt . .. , r- ,& TTOEBv o'F 5. 1 . J. J. u :j...tiiij-r. -i'i .. tsi z.iTEEEEEDS..iny5 8Li!sic A'largeinvoice just received at 'Kelly, Hardwar.and.Imjplement.Co.TKjC y , Ice cream at Moore's at all hours. , , ;' FOitSALE: ' '-'P335 ; j ..Twenty-five 'head of .young mill cows wim carves. . j. vi:n&urr, ; jc; ma Afr-Eiiiswortn s jiaraware orore. Windmills, pumps and Buckeye Ma chines. At GaiiEoway's Fine Woolens jusf arrived at Spicer's, the merchant tailor. ' 421 If you want pure home made lard call at Geo. Baker's market, onEussell ave. 401 London Suitings and Trouserings just arrived at Spicers, the merchant tailor. Now is the time to get bargains. We are going- to make a change in our busi ness, and will sell our entire stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes and Hats at Cost ayi s. IilSTEKS. Call arid see the. Listers at Kelly Hard ware and Implement Co., before making any purchases. ' i Leave orders for ice cream-with mo in the morning, ancll will-deliver it to y-, part-of the city between f5,,and, 6 -i.i:u&. .- .:. ' v .If vSS.Saeo,rci"u- WASSi :-;r-prThe most wonderful thing for clean- tnuver, glass, ana, m i.uvi,orvryuuugt -,- tS, - " 1 fi -ct: MAKHO WB. The best assortment, by; far, ever broaght to Wa-Keeney, at Kelly Hard ware and Implement Co. ' 41&t FOR SALE, WANTED, ETC. M ILK Cows and Ponies Tor Sale. GBO. PINKHAM. F Off SALE. Plenty of old papers, at this oOce. cheap. E OR BALE. Cattle cheap for cash. "W. E. Fagax, two mues sown oz wa-Keeney. 438-3 -yjLTASTED.W tona of hay to stack.. Highest V T maixef price paja. w. S. MEAD. Wa-Keeney, Kan., July 29. 499-tf FOB SALE. One of the best badness location In Wa-Keeney. Easily accessible and dirt cheap. JNO. A. NELSON, Agent, Wa-Koeney. E IOB SALE. Seventy-five head of half-breed mares. Arrl v at hard vara rfn nt 43S P. O. ELLSWORTH?! FOR SALE. One of the best ranch sections In Trego county. Will be sold cheap. Bates and terms made known at this office. 431-tf FARM FOR SALE. As my business compels me to leave my farm, in the Saline valley, I will seU it at a bargain. a. C. ROBB, 427-tf Collyer, Kan. XTTANTED. Good level land that will grow f j grain, in exchange for mowers, corn shel-: lers, horsejpowere, toed grinders, etc Machinery first class. SANDWICH MFG. CO. 439-3 Kansas City, Mo. FOR SALE. The cheapest ranch eection in Trego county. Elegantly4 watered. Just the thing for a live stock man or for a person who wishes to hold for an advance. JNO. A. NELSON, Agent, Wa-Keeney, Kan. EOR SALE. About 30 head of cattle. About half of them are 3-year-old steers the balance cows and yearlings. A bargain. Enquire at this ofllce- 43i. FOR SALE. At the Wobld office, dirt cheap, a large number of news and job cases. These are practically as good as new. They are for sale because we do not need them any more. 436-tf FOR SALE. At the World office, great big Blotters, suitable for fastening onto your desk cover. Call and got one while the supply holds out FOR SALE. 1 team horse and mare 9 years old, colt beside the mare; 2 three-year-old do mestic mares; 1 five-year-old mare and 1 nine-year-old mare, half-breeds, both with colts by their sides. The above are all broken, and the mares are sup posed to be with f oaL C. E. ADAMS, 423-13 Collyer, Kan. WANTED. A buyer for a fine residence prop erty in Wa-Keeney. Good houpe and plenty of ground. Taken up one side and down the other, there is not a more doslrabjo location in this city. Only those meaning business need apply to JOHN A. NELSON, Agent, Wa-Keeney, Kansas. EOR SALE. Cheap for cash. Sickness calling my wife east, I will sell the following: Seven cows with calves, three two-year-old heifers, one yearling heifer, one two-year-old colt, two plows, one new two-horse cultivator, team of good horses, wagon and harness. O. T. BIRKELAND. 438-tf, Two miles southeast of Collyer. LEONAED SOHMITT. ! ' ! T ? "'Sr SOHMITT & FORRESTER, Handle a Pull Line of FARM IMPLEMENTS. WE DEAL IN WAGONS, and BUGGIES,, -Corn Shelling, Weir Drilling and Threshing Outfits, Manufacturers and 'Wholesale Dealers of SGHMITT'S CELEBRATED ROD BREAKING PLOWS. Our Stock is New, and of the Latest Improved Styles, WE DO A GENERAL LINE OF Blacksmithing, Carriage and Wagon Work. HORSE SHOEING AND PLOW WORK A SPECIALTY. Also agents for Cook Architectural Device and Building Anchors in Trego, Gove, Ness and Ellis Counties. Cor- respondence Solicited. Schmitt & Forrester, Wa-Keeney, Kan, Wakenp, you old kicljer, the bonds have car ried, and now is the time to sell your land ana city lots. JUUmk JPMSWEBE tmwmffi& mtimrfi MEr $- V BEST PRICES PAID ty!f' ozTwAXjX i$ l & "w - oaf IKS a CASH PAID FOI -j r-r-t-,.-. . - -r -; TAfajjMbwm''aiik-iSft afcsari.'a fi with Inn Mr fi Inmm .- I i . J ..- irill b BbwaMy rawatesd. CaUattkoAMT4S7 I Trunin mmw. m. Unm ftnmn 11 -i . u.. ... ball, ngstetedla TOL38.A.H. B. otth Boa ot. ' "yr .... j. . ww, rp wae ana aoeutv r litt 8. T. HKHKU. FOR SALE On reasonable tama pM la tfcis ' department. Yo are apt to iare far sale - what yoar neighbor .wonidlfta to boy. Why not lethimkaowltr Yon may want to bay what your v neighbor wishes to sell. Why net let hhm knew K? TR SALE. ThisieacaancelorapeornMn. I JE havetoonwnycaitleformy pastes, so hayo concluded to sell aboat 0 head of steers, eow asd heiferss 10 head of 3-year-old steers. 10 " yearling 10 " cows. 10 u heifers. I will gire 1 year's time on cows and heifers, est good bankable paper, at 10 per cent. Come early and get your choice. BEN.. O. BIOS, 33-tf . Eureka Ranch. Ogahah. For Ice Cream, Lemonade, Cider, Fine Confectionery, Fresh Vegetables And Fruits, go to " Trff. MtiORE'8. McCLAEEN'S LOAN AGENCY. LOANS MONEY ALL OVER WESTERN KANSAS. Money Eeady when Papers are Made Out. 0. M. McCLAREN, Office over Wa-Keeney Bank. R. B. FOERESTEE. G. F. McKnighfc charges five per cent, for selling. Putyourlandon my books. 6.F.Mc)Ciigkf, Wa-Keeney, Xan. c5r - FOR FAT STOCK - -. MARKET, J - l k . Cn lEinsros. V4nr Ttr?--1 "Jg& JBKKri lbSE tfit. - -er if 9 HIDES AKD n8. --3 & frt ' ' : Jfrwjto&J k invited to attend. PMftf&ns ana sale. bow. by a. J, JiiUe. faction.' WW!, as wo xuoraut.ee n u ywn Tn.Ms. &&', s ? f'i . ZACtSm?&4-&3'.5i.??Tt B " - f .. -?. (-P: iri '. vJ LlJZ Kj-S&'i ."C- .S.?wa3sa3.'ri,& la jyireL. r. rf w .- , rrvst'J.4!feirs- .i- $!.-" .. yv. -Lijji "v tw-.r . ,'!-rKs' c ."-