OCR Interpretation

Western Kansas world. [volume] (WaKeeney, Kan.) 1885-current, August 02, 1902, Image 7

Image and text provided by Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, KS

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82015485/1902-08-02/ed-1/seq-7/

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Once In a while the sun shines out.
And the arching skies are a perfect
Once in a -while, "mid clouds of doubt
Hope's brightest stars come peeping
Our paths lead down by the meadows
"Where the sweetest blossoms nod and
And we lay aside our cross of care
Once in a while.
Once in a while within our own
We clasp the hand of a steadfast
Tricks of Soldiers
"The boys played tricks on one an
other even -when under fire," says a
writer in the Chicago Inter Ocean. "On
one occasion after our line of battle
had been formed the color-bearer
stuck the flagstaff in a hole in a
stump, behind which he sought shelter
from the bullets of the enemy's sharp
shooters. For a time the rebel fire
centered on that stump, or rather on
the flag waving from it, while all the
time the color-bearer, curled up behind
the stump, smileu at the efforts of the
rebs to cut his flag down.
"Soon the firing became regular and
the boys relaxed from the high tension
of the opening session. The color-bearer,
as the boys settled down to regu
lar business, drowsed off to sleep, his
flag still flying from the stump. I. N.
Vook, now 01 tiuiirora, in., tnougni
the c.-b. was having a pretty easy time
and he crept up, lifted the flag-staff
out of the stump and let the colors
fall to the ground. The boys yell'jd,
Raise the flag," and the color-bearer,
waking up, crawled around to the
rebel side of the stump, caught up the
flag, examined it for bullet marks,
and finding none, was greatly mysti
fied. The Grand A
The rorcible letter of Mr. Victor
Hagemann, which you published yes
terday on the editorial page of the
Times, strongly and clearly points out
the great error which the Grand Ariy
of the Republic commits in admitting
to its membership every one who at
any time during the civil war (as we
now politely term it) was in the mili
tary service of the United States for a
periuu ui inn ljt uas.
Under these liberal terms of admis
sion thousands and tens of thousands
of men belong to the Grand Army
and attain the highest positions in it
without having in the least degree
participated in the war or aided in the
suppression of the rebellion. Every
member of a militia regiment that
was hurriedly called into service for
a brief period (and which was passed
ill 1W1 lltlV HI IDliO V' 1 (I-'1V 4 UUIJ Itll 1
moved from the field), has now blos
somed into a veteran and is associated
in the common .mind withall the bat
tles and great campaigns of the war.
Men without the faintest knowledge of
actual war, who never came within
The Famous Apple Tree
"I have carried from that day to this
a square inch of the apple tree of Ap
pomattox, which came to me in this
way: There was a general impression
that Grant and Lee met under an ap
ple tree for their first informal talk
over the terms of surrender, and the
particular tree was guarded by both
Unionists and Confederates," says an
old soldier. "But, as soldiers passed,
twig after twig was broken off, and
finally cavalrymen broke off lt-rge
limbs as they rode by. At this junc
ture a squad of cavalry rode down on
the crowd about the tree, dismounted,
and two men proceeded to cut it
down, the chips flying -out among the
Death, of Col. McCook
"That story of Sergeant David TJ.
McCollough," said the captain, "re
minded me that I wa.; almost at Mc
Cullough's side when he was shot. He
was carrying the colors of the Fifty
second Ohio when he met the assault
an Kenesaw, June 27, 18G4. . He was
at the abattis in front of the main
rebel works when he was shot through
the shoulder. As one of the color
guards caught him and lowered him to
ground McCollough handed Majrr
J- T. Holmes, then In command of the
Fifty-second, the colors and said:
Take them, major; they never
touched the ground."
"The major grasped the colors, gave
diem to one of the corporals of the
solor guard, and led the way through
the obstructions. At first the colors
were planted on top or the rebel works.
VThen they were shot down and the
Sagstaff splintered, the boys cut a can
;een in strips, repaired the staff, and
planted the colors in the loose earth
t the foot of the works. . I remem
er that a rebel captain was killed
trying to get the flag while it was
n top of the works, and when the
urial parties went out between the
Cues to look after the dead, the adju
mt of the Rock , City guards told me
Once in a while we hear a ton
Of love with the heart's own vole t
And the dearest of all our dreams coat
And on life's way is a golden mile.
Bach thirsting flower Is kissed with deft
Once in a while.
Once in a while in the desert sand
We find a spot of the fairest green;
Once in a while from where we stand
The hills of Paradise are seen:
A joy that the world cannot defile:
"We trade earth's dross for the pures
Once in a while.
Indulged in Boyish Practices
Even In the Fa.ce of De&tl
"He placed the colors again on th
stump and in a short time was asleei
again. Cook slipped up again and
dropped the flag on the ground, and
again the boys shouted, 'Raise th
flag," and kept it up. They wanted th
color-bearer to expalin how the rebeli
could shoot the colors out of th
stump and leave no bullet marks 01
the staff. The color-bearer replaced
the flag at great personal risk, and ii
a few minutes seemed to be sound
asleep. But when Cook made a third
attempt to remove the flag from th
stump, the color-bearer, making
jump, landed squarely on Cook's back
"The two men clinched and were sooi
engaged in a rough-and-tumble fight
The color-bearer was swearing at th
top of his voice, our boys were yelling
in encouragement or derision, and th
rebels opened a furious fire on th
combatants. Finally some of our mei
crept up, separated the fighters, and
put the flag again in the stump. Thii
ended the incident, but not until yeart
after the close of the war did Coot
and the color-bearer become friends."
The man who talks but fails to acl
Is trying to get a reputation on credit
York Writer Points Out
What He Considers a Mistake
iiity unites oi a uaiiiuueiu or iieara s ;
bullet whistle in their lives, command
Grand Army posts and are consplcn
ous in the public view as representa
tive Grand Army men.
I have now before me the roster o!
a large and influential post havin?
about 500 members. By actual couni
305 of them gained their memberrhii
by the fact that they had belonged tc
militia regiments which were undei
the national government's orders foi
a few months, or even thirty days, but
never saw service. All who know
these men and what constitutes theii
ward record naturally judge the Grand
Army and its veteran members bj
them, and conclude, not unnaturally
that its claims and character are un
fovinded and fictitious.
Iet it rpftrffflnizfl ilsolf Maesifir t
members by their service and record I
in the field, and then it can demand j
and will surely receive the considera
tion and public confidence which 1
fear it does not now wholly possess.
Tenth New Jersey, in New Yorl
Old Soldier Has War Relic
Which Is e. Cherished Possession
men who stood near. One of thes
chips I put in my pocket, and I hav
it yet.
"When the tree had been cut down
the cavalrymen cut it in sections, and.
mounting their horses, carried all ofl
toward headquarters. In five minutes
every chip and scrap had disappeared,
and the next day there was a great
hole where the tree had stood, the
relic-hunters digging down to get even
the smallest root branch. And, after
all, Lee did not surrender under the
tree, but rested under it while waiting
to hear from Grant, and was met there
by Marshall and Babcock, who carried
Grant's message to him."
Shot Down sls He Ordered
Confederates to Surrender
tfct he saw Col. Dan McCook on top
of the works, and said further Vtat
officers and men were amazed to see
him there and to hear him coolly de
mand their surrender. For a minute
no one fired. Then came the fusillade
that fatally wounded the colonel." '
Gnicago Inter Ocean .
The Camphor Scorpion.
Take a glass, fill it with water and
place pieces of camphor of uneven
size on its surface, forming the figure
of an animal for instance, that of a
scorpion. After a short while the
scorpion will start to move in the
water, working its legs as if they
wanted to swim, while its tall
will move like that of a wild
scorpion. This experiment teaches
us that, camphor has a tendency to
move on the surface of the water,
caused by the evaporation of the cam
phor fumes; this will be accom
plished without dissolving the cam
phor; single pieces will not separate,
but follow the laws of cohesion. This
experiment is very surprising in Its
effect try it and see.
When performing feats of magic,
be careful that your hands are warm
and dry.
Sixty-seven Du Chaillu Woultf
Undertake Another Tour.
How many men at the ripe age ol
67 would seek imperial protectio
for an exploring tour that is to lasl
five years? That is what Paul dr
Chaillu has done, according to a re
cent cable from St. Petersburg and
the czar has willingly granted the
privilege desired, uu unauiu a mu
ments are rather mysterious to all
except his intimates. He has a habit
of disappearing for years from the
public view, then suddenly reappear
ing with some startling proposition
of exploration of the dark places of
the world.
A Persian Philosopher.
A traveler in Persia tells the fol
lowing: "My hunthi walks Into the
veranda. He is an aged man, wrapped
in a long black cloak and wearing a
green turban, denoting him a seyd,
or a descendant of the prophet. He is
very polished to-day; his beard la
dyed the brightest orange with henna
and he tells a string of beads while
he waits. We plunge into stories of
the Caliphat and dictation written
from left to right with a reed pen and
presently the reason of his smartness
is told. He has a favor to ask. Would
It please me to advance him three
months' pay in order to buy a wife?
He is old and he is poor, yet he has
fallen a victim to toe moon face and
stag eyes of a damsel of 14, but her
dowry is large. 'Why do you not
support your old wife?' I inquire
sternly. 'She Is crippled and nearly
blind; you do not giv3 her sufficient
sustenance and I send many things
to her.' "She is too old,' he replies,
with a shrug. 'She is ugly as an
afreet; added thereto she has no
money, nor children, and of what
good is an old woman unless she is
Sir Michael Hicks-Beach Gives Up
Post of Chancellor of Exchequer.
Sir Michael Hicks-Beach, who has
just resigned the portfolio of chan
cellor of the exchequer, has held that
position in the British cabinet for
seven years. He is 65 years old and
has been Drominent in British poll-
tics since 1864, when he became an
M. P. Sir Michael has at various
times served as under home secre
tary, secretary of the poor law board.
chief secretary for Ireland, colonial
secretary and president of the board
of trade. He has always been a Con
Death of a Noted Man.
Raphael Romero, the long-time sol
dier and scout, died in his Indian
tent near El Reno, Oklahoma, recent
ly, and the remains were buried on
one corner of his allotment. He was
in the Indian wars as a scout under
Gens. Custer, Lawton, Miles and Phil
Sheridan, and was with Miles and
Lawton in their long and forced jour
neys after Chief Geronimo and his
Apache warriors. In the civil war he
served in the Second Colorado cav'
airy and was honorably ; discharged.
He was born a Mexican, but joined
the Indians and spoke fluently the
languages of all tribes in the south'
west. With the allotment held by his
Indian children, he was considered
the wealthiest of the Arapahoe In
Governor Opposed to Frills.
Ex-Gov. PattlLon, who is onco more
the choice of Pennsylvania Demo
crats for governor, is utterly opposed
to parade of every kind. At the Har
risburg convention of 1890, the y ear
when he was elected, it was determin
ed to give him a royal reception on
his arrival in the city. A splendid
carriage and horses were awaiting him
when his train pulled in during
rainstorm. Pattison looked the rig
over and said: "That's too rich for
me to ride In; take it away. - I'm go
ing to walk up under jthis dollai
Curious Happening That Enlivened
Visit of Prince Henry..
When Prince Henry visited Bang
kok about two years ago, says the
Straits Times, he was entertained on
board the royal yacht Maha Shakkrl
by the officers of the Manathai (Naval
Department). Seated next to the Ger
man prince was a Siamese of high
rank, a minister of state and half
brother of the king. This gentleman
had been indulging rather freely, and
he suddenly remarked: "I've got a
tiger In my compound which speaks
German. He says "Ya! ya!'" Prince
Henry smiled and said: "Oh, I've a
big boarhound on board the Deutsch
land who speaks Siamese." And just
at that moment some one proposed
the health of the kaiser and the band
struck up, of all airs, "The Marseil
Brig.-Gen. Bates Will Have Depart
ment of the Lakes.
Brig. Gen. John C. Bates, who Is to
succeed Maj. Gen. MacArthur in com
mand of the department of the lakes,
is most famous for his successful
negotiation of the treaty with the
sultan of Sulu. He has been in active
service continuously since May 1,
1861. He entered the army as first
lieutenant, and was a captain at the
close of the civil war, becoming
major in 1882, lieutenant colonel in
1886, colonel in 1892, -and brigadier
general at the outbreak of the Span
ish war. He served in Cuba before
going to the Philippines. Since his
return from the islands he has been
in command of the department of the
Missouri at Omaha.
' Tracing Floating Germs.
A curious and interesting experi
ment was conducted recently by Prof.
McWeeney on the premises of a Dub
lin manufacturer, who was anxious to
ascertain whether he ran any risk to
health from the presence on a neigh
bor's premises of a refuse-heap, the in
tervening distance being 800 feet.
Prof. McWeeney took-a number of
easily recognized microbes, which
were not common to the neighborhood
and sprayed them into the atmos
phere over the heap of refuse, taking
care that the wind was in the right
direction. On the premises of the
manufacturer culture-dishe? were ex
posed for three hours,'-and at the end
of that time examination showed that
colonies of the newly introduced mi
crobes were developed. It Is note
worthy that rain was falling heavily
during the progress of the experiment.
We thus learn that even under un
toward conditions germs can be con
veyed through the air from a distant
point, and that It Is quite as necessary
to see that the surroundings of a
house are clean as to attend to its In
terior sanitary condition. Chambers'
Lord Talbot Now the Successor to
Dukedom of Norfolk. .
By the death of the. duke of Nor
folk's son, who had been an Invalid
since his birth, the duke's brother.
Lord Talbot, becomes heir to his
title and estates. An heir to the pre
mier dukedom of England, Lord Tal
bot is also heir to th-y earl marshal
ship, a position which is at present in
great prominence in connection with
Klnff Edward's coronation. Lord
Talbot, like his brother. Is a Catho
lic If he sholuld- die the dukedom
would go to a Protestant cousin, and
the Catholic church would lose its
most Influential lay member In the
British Isles.
Duties of -the Chinese Emperor. .
In his capacity of High Priest, the
Chinese Emperor has to offer at least
forty-six sacrifices to different gods ic
the course of a year. As to each sac
rifice Is dedicated one or more holi
days, which must be passed by him in
complete solitude, his time is .pretty
well taken np. These sacrifices are
made by the Emperor either by night
or about dawn, and the houses along
the route taken by him, as he Is car
ried In his closed paanquin through
the deserted streets of the cityv are
hung with black.
Disease Worse Than Battle.
The fact that the British losses by
deaths from disease during the Boer
war were 13,250, compared with 7,792
killed or fatally wounded in battle,
shows how much more fatal disease
Is than shot and shell under the con
ditions of climate in South Africa. Not
even the terrible havoc wrought by
the Boers In their ambuscades was so
fatal as the enervating climate and
the perils incident tnereto.
Vast Sum in Duties.
Uncle Sam's coffers have been en
riched greatly during the last fiscal
year by duties collected here, accord
ing to the report of the collector of
port just issued. For the year ending
June 30 duties amounting to $165,500,
126 have been paid. This is the larg
est amount ever collected at New
York and beats the previous record
made in 1899-1900, by $12,000,000.
Ancient Meaning of "Meat."
Meat once meant any kind of food.
In one old English edition of the
Lord's prayer the well-known petition
Is rendered "Give us this day our
dally meat."
Arizona a Large State.
Arizona exceeds in area the follow
ing ten states combined: Rhode Is
land, Delaware, Connecticut. New Jer
sey, Massachusetts, New Hampshire,
Vermont, Maryland, West Virginia
tnd South Carolina.
Twenty Thousand to One
Is the proportion of the Capital Prize in the Omaha Auditorium Stock
Contest To the Price of a Ticket.
Has Been Contributed by The Defiance Starch Co. of Omaha,
This Magnificent Prize, Together With One Thousand Prizes of
Lesser Value, Will Be Given Away Free To Purchasers Of Shares
Of Common Stock In The Omaha Auditorium Company.
Price of Shares Twenty-five Cents.
Than $50 Nor More Than $500 Each. Will Be Distributed During the
Next Four Months. The Capital Prize and 1,000 Other Prizes Will
Be Distributed Immediately After the Election. November 4, 1902.
Prizes Will Be Awarded for the Best 1,001 Guesses on the Total
Vote Which Will Be Cast for ALL the Candidates for Governor in
New York State Next November. Here is the vote cast at the last
five elections: 1891, 1,165,085; 1894. 1,275,671; 1896, 1,434,046; 1898
1,359,190; 1900, 1,556,520. Guess what it will be In 1902.
Special prizes will be awarded to persons guessing nearest correct
amount in larger of two sacks into which the special prizes have each
been divided without being counted.
Address, for information and tickets,
Mention this paper when you write. Agents wanted- in every
$5,000 in Gold Free
Contributed by the
of Omaha Nebraska, to
The Omaha Auditorium Co.
to be given with 1.000 other PRIZES for the best estimate made on the
Tote to be cast for ALL candidates for Governor of Mew York at the
lection to be held Nov. 4th. 1902.
from tS0.no to S5CO.O0. Free guess as to the amount, also ONE SHARES
OF COMMON STOCK of the Omaha Auditorium Company.
A Chance to Win $5,000 for 25c by purchasing an Auditorium Stock
Write for prize list, or remit direct to P. E. Nettleton. Supt. The
Omaha Auditorium Company, Omaha, Neb., giving estimate on the
election and amount estimated for the Special Prize, and tickets will
be made out and sent you.
Here are the votes that have been cast: 1891. 1. 165.085; 1834, 1,275,671;
1M 1.424,046; 1S8. 1,359.190; 1900, 1,556,520. 19U2, WHAT?
A. Chance for- Everybody.
Mention this paper when you write. Agents wanted In every town.
Address THE AUDITORIUM CO.. Omaha.. Neb.
For- IS Trade Marks Cut from lOo
Packages of DEFIANCE Starch
To everyone who will
end to the Auditor
ium Co. or the De
fiance Starch Co.,
Omaha, Neb.. 15 trade
marks cut from 10 ct
er IS os packages of
or some one of the 1.000 other prizes. If you cannot get Defiance Starch
of your grocer we will send tt to you express prepaid Including one
ticket upon receipt of the prise of the starch.
The Defiance Starch Co.. Omaha, Nebraska
Willing to Pay the Cost.
"You are charged with killing two
men while speeding in your automo
bile," said the magistrate. "All right,"
replied the rich chauffeur, takins out
bis poeketbook, "how much are they
worth apiece 7 Oaio State Journal.
Present for King Edward.
The Gorakshanee Sabha of Nagpur
says the Madras Hindu, sent a marble
picture of an Indian cow as a present
to t'ae emperor of India. The cow
carries its own memorial written oa
blades of grass in its mouth.
The Garb of Ministers.
Not until ...artin Luther's time did
black b-ine the distinguishing hue
of cleri garb. When Luther laid
aside his monk's clothes the elector oC
Saxony sent him a piece of black cloth,
and Lather had a suit made of it ac
cording to the -prevailing cut of the
time. It was long after before the cut
of a clergyman's coat became different
from that of the laity.
Chinese Musical Instrument.
The Chinese have a singular instru
ment called cheng, or mouth organ.
It is a circular bundle of small reeds
of different lengths, pierced with fin
ger holes at proper distances, and
communicating with a common air
chamber beneath. The notes are pro
duced by stopping the holes with the
Value of. Kind Words.
During a long life I have proved
that not one kind word ever spoken,
not one kind deed ever done, but soon
er or later returns to bless the giver,
and becomes a chain binding men
with golden bonds to the throne of
God. Lord Shaftesbury.
Big Corn Acreage This Year.
If all the land planted in .corn in
the United States this year were
massed, the area would exceed the
British Isles, Holland and Belgium
combined, or four-fifths of the area of
France and Germany.
In Gold
On Sale from July 1st
to October S&th
will be sent an Adul
torium Steele and
Guessing ticket which
ells for 25 cts giving
you a guess In this
great contest to

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