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HAITCA2 TTCSLD SICK ivor.iAti HAD CRYING SPELLS Restored to Health by Lydia ILPinkham's Vegetable . Compound. Enhaut, Pa. "1 was an ran down and Weak inwardly. I had female troubles I ana nervous leemiKB and my head both ered me. x wouia often have crvine spells and feel as- if 1 1 was not safe. If 1 1 heard anyone com ing I would rim and lock the door so they would not see me. I tried several doc tors and they did not help me so I said to mv mother 1 cruess I will have to die as there is no help for me." She got me one of your little books and my husband said I should try one bottle. I stopped the doctor's medicine and took Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound. It soon made a change in me and now I am strong and do all my work. Mrs. AUGUSTUS Baughm an, Box 86, Enhaut, Pa. Why will women continue to suffer day in and day out and drag out a sickly, half-hearted existence, missing three fourths of the joy of living, when they can find health in Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound? If you would like free confidential ad vice address Lydia E. Pink ham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. Ratsand Mice Carry Disease KILL THEM by using Stearns' Electric Paste Full directions in 15 languages Sold everywhere 25c and $1.00 U. S. GOVERNMENT BUYS IT Cheaper Than Potatoes. Carl J. Carter, prosecuting attorney of Bartholomew county, passed a de livery truck from a grocery. In the rear of the truck were a half-dozen oil cans and on the end of each spout was a gutndrop. "What's the Idea?" Carter asked the man In charge. "Gumdrops are cheaper than pota toes," he replied. Indianapolis News. WATCH YOUR SKIN IMPROVE When You Use Cuticura The Soap to Purify and Ointment to Heal. On rising and retiring gently smear the face with Cuticura Ointment. Wash off Ointment in five minutes with Cuti cura Soap and hot water. Continue this treatment for ten days and note the change In your skin. No better toilet preparations exist. Free sample each by mall with Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. Heroic Measures. "Has the economy wave hit your household?" "Yes," replied young Mrs. Torkins. "I've made up my mind not to waste anything; so I've invited toy family to come and live with us in order that we won't have things left over from the table." SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES Allen's Foot Ease, the antiseptic powder to be enaken into the shoes and sprinkled in the foot bath. It relieves painful, swollen, smarting feet and takes the sting out of corns and bnniona. Used by the British and French troops at the front. Allen's FootBase is a certain relief for tired, aching feet. Sold everywhere Adv. Exactly. "I see the British won't wear any more boiled shirts, as they want to save starch." "I suppose they need it to stiffen their defenses." Smile, smile, beautiful clear white clothes. Red Cross Ball Blue, American made, therefore best. All grocers. Adv. Ventilation. "Why is this cheese, so full of holes?" "That's all right. It needs all the fresh air it can get." Nerves All On Edge ? Jnst as nerve wear is a case of kidney weakness, so is kidney trouble a cause of nervousness. Anyone who has back ache, nervousness, "blues, headaches, dizzy spells, urinary ills and a tired, worn feeling, would do well to try Doan's Kidney Pills. This safe, relia ble remedy is recommended by thou sands who have had relief from just such troubles. A Missouri Case Mrs. Joe Boerslg, 1063 Kings High way, St. Charles. Mo., says: "I was bothered all the time by a steady, grinding ache In the small of my back, together with lameness and sore ness through my hips. I felt nerv ous and out of sorts and though I doctored. - I found reuei. r inai- ly. however. I rook Doan's Kidney Pills. They fixed my back up all right and made my kidneys normal. I have had little trouble since." Cot Don's at Aar Star. SO a Boa DOAN'S "."JLV VOSTBUMILBURN CO, BUFFALO. N.Y. iiiiiiiDyiiiiiiii v J 11 Cl XskaSbry MM. A ROMANCE OF OLD MEXICO 0i HII.VAN LOAN NOVELIZED FROM THE PHO TOPLAY SERIAL OF THE SAME NAME, RELEASED BY THE UNIVERSAL FILM MAN UFACTURING COMPANY EIGHTH EPISODE The Desert of Lost Souls. Major Winston pictured the scene In Washington which resulted In the or der and then, without comment, hand ed the laconic message to his aide de camp, Captain Rutledge. Diplomatic negotiations be hanged," snapped Rutledge giving the order a glance, r "Here we are four hundred miles into Mexico with Lopez almost in our grasp and now they tell us to lie down and twiddle our thumbs. I wish, by Gad, that Washington was down on the border where Deming Is. Then some of those chicken skinned politicians under the capitol dome would realize conditions. If some of their own women had been outraged as have been the wives of Americans in Mexico along the bor der, if their homes had been burned over their heads, if they had seen their relatives taken from their beds in the night and shot on American soil by a mob of pulque-crazy Mexicans, if " Rutledge crumpled the telegram into a ball and tossed It into a latrine. My boy," admonished Major Win ston, "I have been In the army, for thirty-odd years. I know how they do things in Washington. Politics al ways politics. . But I have learned I have learned. Curse in the privacy of your tent, if you wish, my boy, but obey orders." Do you mean to say. Major, that you will give up the attempt to res cue Liberty to deliver her over to that gang? Are you going to permit her to remain with greaser camp dogs? The girl will kill herself before she permits Lopez to lay a hand upon her." They have killed our men, Rut ledge," the Major at last responded. "They have destroyed our property. They have outraged our women. But Washington moves in devious paths.' The Major turned toward the waiting aviator. "Report that orders have been re ceived twenty-five miles southwest of the Horton hacienda, that Lopez is near Los Alamos, fifty miles from our present camp, that it is impossible for us to camp here and that we will with draw to or near the Horton hacienda and establish headquarters there, The aviator saluted and withdrew to his machine. Pedro, from a distance, watched the aviators preparing to return to their base with the Major's message. As he gazed he saw a figure between himself and the aviators stealthily creeping among the sand dunes and taking cov er behind tufts of grass and cactus beds. Pedro decided to investigate. ' Hur rying across the dunes he came upon a Mexican listening to the conversation of the aviators. "Lopez will be glad to hear that the troops are going to give up the chase,' remarked the aeroplane messenger. "Yes, and while they're huving some more 'diplomatic negotiations at Wash ington, Lopez will probably raid a few more border towns, kill a half hundred more Americans, outrage more American women and destroy all the property they can before we get orders to go ahead again. 'Diplomatic nego tiations!' scoffed the aviator adjusting his sand goggles. "I believe in civi lizing them with a Krag or a good old Lewis machine gun." Alvira, the Mexican, smiled to him self and was on the point of stealing away with the valuable information that Washington had given up the chase when Pedro pounced upon him. Leaping from the top of the sand mound, Pedro seized the Mexican spy from behind with a stranglehold. Al vira gasped and collapsed meekly in Pedro's arms. With his knotty mus cles standing out like whip cords, Pe dro then swung the Mexican, half as large again as himself, to his shoul ders and carried him down to where the astonished aviators stood. "This spy has been listening to your remarks," said Pedro. "I would advise you both to be a little more discreet in the future. I am taking him down to Major Winston.' Both aviators laughed as the dimin utive Pedro again shouldered his VOICES OF SINGING PIGEONS Properly Trained Birds Give Utterance to Sounds That Are Soft and Melodious, Singing pigeons originally were found in Palestine, and they were later bred In India, the native ra jahs being enthusiastic pigeon-breeders, expending fortunes on their dove cotes. ---- The singing pigeons weighs about the same as an African owL and Is weighty burden as If the spy were a sack of flour. Pedro struggled across the sands un til he reached n knoll looking down up on the American camp. ' At the foot of the elevation stood Major Winston's tent with Bob Rutledge and the Ma jor earnestly talking in front of the flap. Without more ado Pedro contorted himself in a knot and threw the Mexi can spy bodily over his head and shoul ders. Alvira rolled to the bottom of the hill and picked himself up at Bob's feet. The young captain drew his gun and covered the spy. What's this?" demanded Rutledge. 'A spy," replied Pedro. "Perhaps he can be induced to tell something regarding Lopez' movements. Mean while I'm off on a little excursion of my own. I may have something to re port soon." At liberty to go where he willed, no one questioned Pedro as he led his wiry little horse from the stockade, mounted and rode off. Two miles out of camp he picked up Lopez' trail. Cantering along beside the hoof prints. Pedro suddenly drew rein and dis mounted. Almost covered by the sands, he found a scarf which be in stantly recognized as Liberty's. Near by In the sand he discovered the arrow which Liberty had traced In the sand. So they're going to Los Alamos; are they?" mused Pedro. "It may be so, but that arrow points In the direc tion of the Tortugas water hole,- the desert hangout of the lnsurrectos." Without waiting for confirmation of his theory, Pedro jumped into his sad dle and turned back toward camp. He found Rutledge, giving Alvira the "Army third degree" with a squad of riflemen. Pedro excitedly handed Rutledge Liberty's scarf and told Major Win ston and the young captain of the Incident of the arrow In the sand. 'That's enough for me, Major," de clared Rutledge. "Washington may or der us to stop the invasion but they can't stop me from trying to rescue Liberty. Am I free for scout duty, Major?" "Go ahead, my boy," replied Win ston. "Good luck. If you don't come back by sunrise we will come after you." Ten minutes later Pedro and Rut ledge disappeared from sight over the sand dunes in the direction taken by Lopez and his band. Lopez was worried over Alvlra's long continued absence. I wonder If that slippery skunk has HOUSEWIVES CURE OWN MEAT German Invention That Is -Proving of Importance in the Fatherland Just Now. In the present time of economic dif ficulty In Germany many housewives are confronted with the problem of ac cumulating such stores of preserved meat as possible, for that article of food Is scarce. A new housewife de vice has been invented, however, which serves admirably to this end. The apparatus consists of a lac quered cylinder, which is provided with an interior dividing wall separat ing both halves of the cylinder. One portion is designed to hold the meat to be smoked, while the other is for the passage of smoke. Underneath Is a small clyinder which serves to admit the smoke. This Is so constructed 'that the smoke must first pass through the transmission compartment and enter the smoking compartment from above, in order to return finally to the fireplace. , That an even distribution of the smoke may be achieved there Is a perforated plate above the smoking compartment in the large cylinder. This also serves to prevent the entrance of particles of soot and dirt. Two rings are pro vided on which to support the meat. Exchange. Active Trouble. "What is the matter with those boys that they can't keep still?" "They've got an athletic pain com petition." "Athletic pain competition?" "Yes ; one has a running sore and the other a jumping toothache." The Extra Block. Mary, aged five, had built a bed with her blocks, but had one block left. She knew she must use this block, too, for her teacher had said to use all the blocks. She studied a while, then exclaimed : "Oh, that will be the bed bug." What Pa Said. Hector What did your father say when you told him I was a war corre spondent? Imogene He said he would give you something to w.rite about if you didn't leave early tonight. , The Hymeneal Knot. ' The trouble with the hymeneal knot is that It is often tied too tightly. Many a husband reminds one of a 16 orck in a 15 collar. Smart Set. similar In build, except that It may be a trifle fuller at the throat. In color these pigeons are usually red, mottled, or checkered, though they are sometimes found of a bluish color. Their voice baffles all description, being tremulous and broken, with gurgling notes, like the noise of wa ter poured from a bottle. The utter ance .is varied, and. though there Is a resemblance at times to the drum ming of av true trumpeter. It is not so sonorous. ' It Is frequently Interrupted by one or mora of the inspiratory fallen into the hands of the gringos?" he mused, aloud. "If he does not come back by night I will send out a scout ing party." . -- , A woman's scream Interrupted the thoughts of the rebel chief. Quickly he strode to the cabin where Liberty was confined. He found Manuel at tempting to embrace the young Amer ican girl, his wife In name, but in name only. ' "Well, my fair-skinned Spaniard," snarled Lopez at Manuel. "Tour wife doesn't seem to want your attentions. Keep away from her. I think she likes me better; don't you, muchacha?" Lo pez attempted to kiss Liberty, but re ceived a painful kick on the shins. "Such cats, these American women !" cursed Lopez. "If she wasn't so much prettier than my own women I would have shot her long ago. Sooner or later, however, she will learn to love me like the rest." Manuel glared at the half-Indian peon who ordered him out of the cab in but, realizing that open rebellion would mean death, said nothing. Inside the hut, Liberty sank exhaust ed on a blanket. Since Lopez had seized her she had been insulted al most hourly, now by the man who was husband to her in name only and then by Lopez who hoped to break her spirit by his brute personality. As she sat contemplating her desper ate plight her hand came upon some thing hard beneath the blanket. .She threw back the latter and found a re volver. She strolled to the window. Now, with the revolver, she might easily shoot the guard outside. Through the bars she saw Lopez pointing to a huge pile of cases of ammunition. -Each pox was stenciled, "Pancho Lopez, Sonora, Mexico." "Kindly furnished by the United States to be used eventually against their own troops," thought Liberty. Beneath her window the sentry had fallen asleep, a bottle of whisky lying beside his rifle. Liberty slowly stretched her arm through the bars and gingerly lifted the rifle from between the crook of the guard's relaxed arms. A moment later she drew it up between the bars of her prison. Now she had the guard at her mercy. (TO BE CONTINUED.) Has Had Time Enough. The Highbrow It was 1066 when William the Conqueror started to cross from France to England. The I.owbrow Well, he ought to be there by now. It's ten minutes after five. Town Topics. Queer Wax of .Oregon. Nehalem wax Is the name given a somewhat mysterious product found on the beach near the mouth of the Nehalem river in Oregon. It was observed by the early explor ers of that coast. Later, considerable deposits were found in the sands of the beach. In 1846 several tons of this queer, waxlike substance were shipped to Hawaii, and since then many tons of it have been sent to northwestern markets. Opinion is divided concerning the nature and origin, of this substance. Some hold that it is beeswax, and oth ers contend that it is a mineral sub stance called ozocerite. It is usually found in large rectangular blocks. It has a honeylike aroma when freshlj cut. Examination made in the labo ratory of a western university shows that the substance closely resembles beeswax in composition, and does not accord with the properties of ozocerite. This conclusion, oddly enough, fa vors an Indian legend of the wreck of a ship at the mouth of the Nehalem before the coming of the white man. A Spanish ship with supplies for the Catholic missions in the North sailed from Lower California in 1769 and was never afterward heard from. In New Countries. All new coutrles have taken the most obvious and easy course. They have given away for nothing, or for a song, the whole of their natural re sources to anybody who will uu'ler tafce to exploit them. And those who have received then? have judged them to be theirs by a kind of natural right. "These farms, mines, forests of course they-are ours. Did not we dis cover them? Did not We squat upon them? Have we not "mixed our labor with them?" If pressed as to the claims of later comers they would probably reply that there remains "as much and as good" for others. Origin of Brazil's Name. Brazil, which in later years has come to the front In commercial im portance, received Its name because of a very hard, reddish colored wood, which grows in great abundance In many parts of the country. So bril liant is this wood when a log is split open, that the Portuguese gave It the name of "braza," which means "live coal." In speaking of this country the Portuguese often referred to it as the place of the live-coal wood and gradually the word "Brazil" was used, until finally the country was known by no other name. Selected. "aha." which, no.' doubt, gives them the name of laughers. Their cooing Is soft and melodious, and both sexes take part In the song. Why Veins Look Blue. It Is a peculiar fact that the veins on the hand or other surface portions of the body look blue to the eye. where-, as the blood Is red. This is because we see the light reflected back, to oar eyes Cram this blood through the walla of the veins, which give it a bluish tinge. - - CULTIVATE I CULMTE1 Produce More Food, But at the ;' Lowest Cost. A trip through most of the grain growing districts of Western Canada, and information received from authen tic sources, reveals that the spring seeding of wheat, barley and oats is finished and the grain is having a most rapid growth. Men of farming expe rience here say that the conditions are similar to those years when there was an abundant harvest reaped. During the past year a number of new settlers came into the country, and they will undoubtedly have a good crop this year. This added to the normal acre age, made considerably less by the lack of labor owing to the number who have gone to the front, will give a fair general yield. It is surprising the growth that this country is capable of producing. Wheat has this spring germinated and shown three or four inches growth in five or six days, and with anything like favorable weather, harvesting should commence about the 15th of August, or a little over one hundred days from first seeding.' Hundreds of farmers throughout this vast country paid for their entire holdings out of one year's crop and it would not be surprising If the same experience met a great many more this year. The best authorities on the wheat situation give it as their opinion that for many, years to come, wheat prices will be high. They base their opinion on a scientific calculation and their reasoning seeihs to be sound. Anyway, it is quite evident that for some years to come, the producer of wheat will be amply rewarded for any effort he may make to develop this branch of agricultural Industry. Money may be made on the high-priced lands of the wheat-growing districts of the United States, but it is a question if these high-priced lands would not be more profitably employed In other branches of farming than in growing the smaller grains, leaving It to lands just as pro ductive for wheat, less expensive to op- The Effects of Opiates. THAT INT ANTS are peculiarly susceptible to opium and its various' preparations, all of which are narcotic, is well known. Even in the . smallest doses, if continued, these opiates cause changes in the funo- ' tions and growth of the cells which are likely to become permanent, causing imbecility, mental perversion, a craving for alcohol or narcotics in later life. Nervous diseases, such as intractable nervous dyspepsia and lack of staying" powers are a result of dosing with opiates or narcotics to keep children quiet in their infancy. The rule among physicians is that children should never receive opiates in the smallest doses for more than a day at a time, and only then if unavoidable. . The administration of Anodynes, Drops, Cordials, Soothing Syrups and other narcotics to children by any but a physician cannot be too strongly decried, and the druggist should not be . party to it. Children who are ill need the attention of a physician, and it is nothing less than a crime to oose them willfully witn narcotics. Castoria contains no narcotics if signature of Chas. H. Fletcher. Genuine Castoria always bears the A Close Shave. Fred Creators, chief deputy United States marshal, answered the tele phone, and a woman's voice com plained : "There's a barber out -here who has a red, white and black pole." "Well, what about It?" "Isn't that enough? It's German colors." Indianapolis News. PAIN? NOT A BIT! LIFT YOUR CORNS OR CALLUSES OFF No humbug! Apply few drops then just lift them away with fingers. TTIis new drug is an ether compound discovered by a Cincinnati chemist. It Is called free zone, and can now be obtained in tiny bottles as here shown at very Tittle cost from any drug store. Just ask for freezone. Apply a drop or two directly upon a tender com or callus and instant 17 the soreness disappears. Shortly you will find the corn or callus so loose that you can lift It off, root and all, with the fingers. Not a twinge of pain, soreness or irritation; not even the slightest smart ing, efther when applying freezone or afterwards. This drug doesn't eat up the corn or callus, but shrivels them so they loos en and come right out. It is no humbug! It works like a charm. For a few cents you can get rid of ev ery hard corn, soft corn or corn between the toes, as well as pain ful calluses on bottom of your feet. It never, disappoints and never burns, bites or Inflames. If your druggist hasn't any freezone yet, tell him to get a little bottle for yon from his wholesale house. adv. Sure They Will. Thomas Do you think the fighting nations will cede any territory? ' Pete Why, they're all planting .ores by the millions. United States prohibits flags on hosiery. IViien Yoor Eyes Meed Care Try Marine Eye Remedy Mb taxllic J-t By OnstnR. CS. earns a rjrvnistaf or mmO. Writ for Fzae Bro Book. MEaJMS nss MMtDI CO CHICAGO erate, . and with a much smaller initial " price, " to provide the world with this necessity of life. Here la where Western Canada, with its vast rich fertile plains. Its low railway rates. Its exceptionally good shipping privileges, its excellent climate, and its perfect , social conditions, has a com bination of advantages not possessed by any other portion of the continent. Furthermore, these lands, of unex celled quality, are extraordinarily cheap, while for the man who does not care to undertake farming on so exten sive a scale there is the free home stead which offers him all the opportu nity for which he Is looking. The prospective purchaser will have no difficulty at all in making a selec tion of a fine piece of land, well lo cated and convenient to transportation, which may be had for from $15 to $25 an acre, and the railway companies or other "holders of large tracts are al ways glad to sell on easy terms. Or If he desires a farm that is already under cultivation and improved, many such are to be had from farmers who already have made enifortable for tunes and are ready to retire. It is not 'to the grain grower only that Western Canada offers great op portunities. If one wishes to go in for cattle raising, there are great stretches of range land both free and for lease; and in many sections of the country there are the finest of grazing' lands that may be purchased at very low prices. The appeal which has been sent out both by the United States and Cana dian governments, for an unstinted, un limited production of food stuffs to pre vent what might otherwise be a fam ine throughout this .great continent and then consequently, throughout the world should in itself arouse all the ambition and desire in the heart and soul of the man who is not fighting at the front, to produce all he can. In addition, there Is the potent fact that do chances are being taken in answering the appeal. Take it from either stand point you answer the country's call, al though not fighting, and you are also insured against any loss by the high prices that are bound to exist for some time. Whether it be in the United States on its excellent grain lands or In Canada on Its splendid grain lands, all should do their bit. Advertisement. it bears the . signature of1 For Constipation Carter's Little Liver Pills will set you right over night. Purely Vegetable Small Pill, Small Dose, Small Price Carter's Iron Pills Will restore color to the faces of those who lack Iron in the blood, as most pale-faced people do. BLACK LOSSES SURELY PKETEXTE3 try CUTTER'S SUCKLES PILLS Low-e rlced, fresh. celUble; ( p refer cdbr snen. faecaus ttiay ret9t where atJMr VtMIM nib Wrtte lor book ret wMltestfmraahTt, fff 10-doM Bfc. Black! ac PHt. SI J 68 kc acUc Pills, $4.00 Cnnr tajector, bat Cotter. .Iiinilcn and tfinut Th. gupciluillr of Cotter product im dn to ovor IS yens oi spcciaHxIn tm VAraKU Alio Htnts OI.LT. IMSUX OX COTTU'S U limit llllllila, . order direct. KM CUM lataatarr. trbjtif . CtL, ar Mom, . Kill All Flies! "CtsiTsT MinlMH.Smi Ffy KIMor attract and kfla) all m am. Daisy Fly Killer bv m i. iml. l.a. .vn.k.'S. CW A A.T 1 nat recommended for C vv JT everything; but It you T f""lf""T" have kidney, liver or x-v-' bladder trouble It may be found Just the medicine you need. At druggists in fifty-cent and dollar sixes. You may receive a sample size Dottle of this reliable medicine by Parcel Post, al so pamphlet telling about It Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton. N. Y.. and enclose ten cents, also men eon this paper. - - ' PArlKER' ' . Hair balsam A totto mmtiiw sf merit, BripttotrtrtiMttdanaraa. For Raabiraas Color aaul Baaatj loOtir orFadod Hear. Cd and fl-O. .t Drnrytgf. PATENTS Vltlol K. fol.l I c AdviM and books free. Bates reasonable. Higsoat reference. Bctearriooa. W. N. U., KANSAS CITY, NO. 24-1917. IvrAKi LKjI E I S. w 11 ' JMSBW MSkj CSeesBart JBTaaSaSBBnaat, BJllTenSOl, U .,B---S-BOTT-aKBBBB-aS. LaWf S. II -X TJJmTTZ. Wtot SMtai. mumotm mn. us es uu Muaal