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fcg3Ci Fair List: Prices 2r &2Z&i Pair Treatment Ifrjg&H ij." . . "Mrr" , . ; . . . ... ..:.7, , : - i Tii&ie Tested Koadl Tested ! BjjOSAFETY TREAD" T";' fTTA 5 ..M' I ' IffS I UNDREDS of thousands of tire users from the pioneer days of the automobile, acclaim Goodrich Tires the TESTED TIRES of America on the TEST of TIME. But the Road its Tires. Test is the Goodrich Test for Six fleets of Goodrich Test Cars in six widely different sections of our country, are daily putting the ROAD TEST to Goodrich Tires to bring out the BEST ia tires for you. The Dixie Fleet, The Pacific Fleet; The JSJoenfein Fleet r The Prairie Fleet; The Lake FleetsThe Atlantic Fleet. ALL belabor Goodrich Tires against every Kind c f road end every kind of dimatie Jiandicap. 'Millions cf miles the average of the combined fleets 5s 300,000 miles a week-: thus settle the durability and resilience of the Goodrich principle of the UNIT MOLD, unbroken cure, Goodrich has always main tained was BEST for fabric tires. Buy this TESTED certainty of a lasting tire, backed up by Goodrich Fair Treatment, in Goodrich Black Safety Treads. . N M M THE B. F. GOODRICH Akron, Ohio CO Goodrich nlno males the f emeus Silver-town CoroR, the tire which von the 1916 Racing Championship Also he Best Tubes Brcwn and Cray fej.t "Best in the L,o-- YOUR DOLLAR AND MY BOY I want to thank you, friend. You must know, the heartfelt grati- tude of a father with an only boy. He went with the troops and I was proud. But I've had many a heartache since.' They say hell pull through now all right because they found him just in time. Did your dollar bring my hoy back from No Man's Land ? Did your dollar take the stretcher so close to the thick of the firing? Did your dollar bring him the water he "pleaded for in his delirium ? ' Did your' dollar bring him back to the base hospital where they gave him almost a mother's care ? " I want to thank you ' if : it did for your dollar has- given me hick my boy it has brought him' back to me out of No Mall's Land, where many sons are going where' many will remain. Can' I say this to you my friend? Surely, I can if you are a member of the Red Cross Day. No field ser vice is required. Count- this the chance to do your bit for this coun try must have two million members of the Red Cross $100,000,000 i sub scriptions. President Wilson, himself, is president of the Red Cross and asks that one million men ' enroll their names as subscribers to the Red Grass at $1, $2 $5, $10, $100, $1,000 $10,000, or $100,000. He does not ask that you do any thing else but pay your subscriptions and then if you wish to secure 10, 25 or 100 new subscribers, do so if you can. No further service in the field or elsewhere will be required. ' In this hour of the nation's and all the world's need, every American who loves his country and his fellow men asks: "What can I do? Where can I help?" For stalwart youth the path r of duty is plain. Our country and hum anity need men-to fight and die for them. Yet of our 100,000,000 only a small fraction now and hut a tithe at most, or worst, can thus serve. For . all :: who cannot enlist to seek "the great prize of death in battle" or who are not needed in those ranks, as yet, there is another enlistment. It is un der the banner of the Red Cross. Enlisting there alL old or young, man or woman or tender child, can proudly say: 1 ' "I am serving humanity and my country." "I am deserving well of the Repub lic." "Fight or give" is our battle cry! This is Red Cross week and we ask that you do this by becoming a sup porter of the Red Cross. - Send , your cash or your check today $5, $10, $100, $1,000, $10,000 or $100,000 give to your very utmost. , SHOULD MEET FREQUENTLY There should be a 1 farmers' im provement club in each neighborhood a club that is broad in its scope and purpose. This club should hold regular meetings, with music and rec itations by the young folks," and there -should be talks by farmers on live topics and papers and ' general dis cussions and debates on farm ques tions. And it might be-well to 'in clude an old time spelling match now and then and' to play some of the' old time games folks used ' to play. And, the "men who run the stores should have an improvement club in town. They should 'meet' to gether to discuss" business questions, that we may have better 'merchants and better clerks, that useless ' waste may be eliminated, that we may have better stores and hetter prices, and better service to the buyer. ' And the farmer in working out the problems of the farm, should have the co-operation, the sympathy and the friend ship of the merchant; and the mer chant, in working out the problems of the store, should have the co-operation, the sympathy and the friend ship of the farmer. And then, back of the farmers improvement club, and back of the merchants, improve ment club, there should be a general community club, composed of all the business men of the-locality,- both town and country." And this commun ity club " shocid meet ' frequently for the consideration of community ques tions. It should give community enter tainments in the winter should sup port a community chorus should see that the " town band is given 'proper encouragement, and should ' get . be hind every - good movement - that might add to the social life of the people; In the summer there should be community picnics and , base ball games' and . fairs and frolics and fun for., everybody. Community - better ment does not mean just keeping the money - at " home it means - making country life so pleasant that all the young- folks will want to stay at home. - - - ' (Copyright 1916.) ONLY ONE "BEST" Wa-Keeney People Give Credit Where Credit is Due " j. .People of , Wa-Keeney who suffer with weak kidneys and bad backs want a kidney remedy that can be de pended upon. Doan's Kidney Pills' are for the kidneys only, and are backed .by willing testimony of Wa- Keeney people.' Here is a case: H. E.- Tripp, of Wa-Keeney, says: "My back often felt as it would break in two and the pain nearly, drive me wild. 'Gravel has also caused great annoyance. Whenever I have these attacks, I use Doan's Kidney Pills and they are the only medicine that does me any good. I advise all sufferers from kidney trouble' to give Doan's Kidney Pills a triaL" Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the" same that Mr. Tripp used. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, NL Y, Adv.15. "Don't Advertise and Go Broke" Startling figures relating to fail ures in business and non-advertisers were given to the Cincinati Ad Club last week by Jesse M.' Josephs, of the Josephs Advertising Agency. In his address -on "What Should a Store Spend for Advertising?" Mr. Josephs said among other things: "Figures I obtained from a financial agency shows that out of all the failures in a large American city during the year, 86 per cent of the firms had hot spent a dollar on advertising," 14 per cent of the firms spent about $50.00 a year apiece; not one had really advertised. Judicious advertising is founded ' on facts, figures and research." I want to warn you not to stand 'still in advertising.- If you dont advance every year your business is slated 'for the grave." " . , The Editor and Publisher'. Wheat Land Bargain We have two quarters and one-half quarter of nice, smooth Gove county wheat land for sale at $10.00 per acre. Call and let us show itl" V. L NIQLfTTE Office second door north of postoflfice, Wa-Keeney. Kan Adv. 40 tf For le Southeast quarter 2214 25. Good wheat land. Price $2,600 $1100 cash, balance & years time at 7 per cent. - Inquire at this office. Ad. For Sale Mogul 'tractor, in good order. Ray Shaw, Wa-Keeney. 15tf. NOTICE i Wanted To - buy? ' a -ear . load of mixed country iron. Must be ' free of sheet iron ' and wood parts, "35c per1' hundred. See me at Fmley Cash Implement Store. George Thomas. Adv. 16. Dr. M.' J. Brawn ! Salina ' Should you or jour child need med ical or surgical treatment of the eye, ear, ncse and throat, or require glass es, or orifisial work, make a date with Dr. M. Jay Brown, (Campbell build ing) Salina, Kansas, or see him at tne Penny Hotel," on Monday, July 9th. At Ellis, July 11th. Adv. tf. ' Perkins windmills, pumps ' and tanks. The mil Is are oHless : and axe guaranteed to ran five years without oiL Trego Co. Co-Op Aas'n, adv49t '..-.-.''NOTICE; V-'-'y-"- - There is a penalty for obstructing a public highway of $50.00 fine and costs. There are about fifty gates or fences across laid, out roads in the. county. Such may remain" at the owners risk until ' the ' July meeting of commissioners. I shall : hecrin action on each and every case there after against all who do not remove the -same, or atmlv to - tli ennntr commissioners and receive a legal permit for them. "If there" are any natural obstacles on the. road such as hills or impassible places, it is up. to the township boards' to get busy and make them passible or arrange for deviations. Hudson Harlan, " County ' Engineer. Sewing machines, side boards, dressers and extension tables., firing in your old iron and get 30 cents per hundred for it. Or bade it for new repairs for your weeders. cultivators, Superior drills and Mitchell wagons. It pays you big to repair any first class tools only, such as Canton,Sup erior or Mitchell, but iz is money fool ed away trying to Tepair any cheap machinery. If you don't need repairs or furniture, bring in your old iron and get your cash, $6.00 per ton, as I want to ship ' out another car load July 1st. J. F. Gunckel, manager, Rummage Auction Company. Adv.154 The Wa-Keeney State Bank, cap ital and surplus -$65,000.00, does a general banking business, safety boxes for rent, writes insurance in all its branches, makes real estate loans on long - or short time at the lowest -current rates. Adv. 15 3t. When you have the backache the liver or kidneys are sure to be out of order. Try Sanol it does wonders for the liver; ; kidneys and bladder. A trial 35c bottle of Sanol will con vince you. Get it at the drug store. Adv. 13. The Wa-Keeney State Bank is the place to get that real estate loan, no red tape, no delay, rates the best. Come and see us before signing up. Adv. 13-3t. - A. Rush says the Famous Ohio Weeder is the limit, never had any thing like it before on his farm. It is a real pleasure to farm if you have good implements - like the kind you get at Finley's store. Adv. 15. ' J"ive to twenty year loans on farms and ranches in Trego County. Large loans ' on " ranches or large tracts pre ferred. It will pay you to figure with , me, Frank Grecian, Hill City, Kansas. Adv. 13. For Sale Bull tractor, as good as new,also 3 plows, 1 oil barrel and 200 gallon oil tank. ' Inquire at this office. Adv. 13-4t. :.' Do you get up at night? Sanol is surely the best for all kidney or bladder troubles. Sanol gives relief in 24 hours" from all backache and bladder . trouble. Sanol is a guaran teed "remedy. ' 35c and $1.00 a bottle at the drug store. Adv.13. C. ' D. Mayer has just finished breaking 160 acres of prairie sod east of Joe 'Siglers. His boy, George, 14 years old, with a "Heider Tractor" burning kerosene and pulling three plows, did it at a cost of less than 40 cents -per acre. Mr. Mayer says he would not take $3000.00 for his "Heider", if he could not get another one. Adv. 15. A. M. Finley delivered last Men- day one of those 9-18 Oil Pull Case Tractors to Effithorpe Brothers near Quinter, Kansas. These boys have a thousand .acres to plow and are among the progressive fanners of Quinter. Adv. 15 2t , Go to the Wa-Keeney State Bank and place your order for a Liberty Bond. If we ' want to keep our country prosperous we must all help in this matter. Besides it can be made a good paying investment. Adv. '15 3t. . Taken Up- A bay bronco mare anil one yearling bald face . horse colt! S. S. MarcyJ Adv. 15. ; Paper Hanging House Painting Interior Decorating Carriage and Auto Painting Orders taken for Signs .All work first class Beat of RafsraMss Alfred Peats famous line of Wall Papers by roll or carload, Window Shades and Linoleum. ' Estimates cheerfully furnished It Bosscrman &Scns OM Tntaint Tractors The Titan is one of the best farm tract ors-on the market. It will pull a three bottom 14-inch gani as deep as you want your ground plowed and as long as you will want it to run. - . - - - -"" Burns Kerosene Exclusively 1 10.20 Horse Fower Sample Now on Hand FARMER'S ELEVATOR Wa-Keeney, - - Kansas LUMBER-COAL-GRAIN Estimates Cheerfully Furnished GOOD WEIGHTS AND GOOD PRICES GIVEN FOR YOUR GRAIN TheHardman Lumber Co. 1 Hi' a. J. Hille. Pres. ' W. G. Baker'. Vlce-Pres. ': A. p. Blair. Cashier C. R. HUle.Aaa't. Cashier W. J. Skelton, Second Vice Pres. Capital $25,000.00 TREGO COUNTY STATE BANK Cemral Banking WA-KEENEY, KANSAS DmxcroBS H. j. Hille , W. J. Skelton -.. F. S. Diebold W G. Baker A. H. Blall IT'S SPRING! PAINT UP! - Use the Best - Hound City Paint It lasts the longest and goes the farthest and is the cheapest paint you can buy. Any color, any quantity and at any time. You Can Get It From The Verbeefc Lumber & Supply Co. Wa Keeney, Kansas I stills have several of these servants who would like places on farms in either Ellis, or Trego counties. All" that I have placed are giving the best of '" satisfaction': and never ' eomplairi"tbitfc ' the work is too hard. " They "will- work - cheaper than- any other servants you have ever-bad on the farmVreqtrire very erode quarters, will '6" ? the-washing' , ironing", churning, milk the- e6wfi,"sep ar&te the cream , fan the Jbaby - to sleepv - pump tbe waterv sweep the floors with ont injuring the carpets-and rugs,' keep the incubator at the right temperature, make the toast and coffee for the hurry: -breakfast,' keep the ice box cool 'and make sufficient ice for the family - use and many other little services so neces sary for your comfort. Never com plain, -require only a little to eat and are not very particular about what it is, so long ( as it is clean. A small outlay is re quired at the time they go to work,' but after that the wages are almost noth ing. Never get cranky and are on ' the job all the time, night and day. Make inquirj of RAY C. HALL 4tf.