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Creanru Eggs Poultry Coal WALTER f . SWIGGETT g Phone One-Two-Three COLLYER Chas Dill and family from Quinter visited in Collyer Wednesday. Elmer Price purchased a new Buick from Walter Krhut Wednesday. Frank Purinton and Rob Tague went to Plainville Tuesday on busi ness. Bob Briggs and Clade Martin of Utica transacted business in Collyer Wednesday. Chas. Harper and family of Ellis passed through Collyer Wednesday evening and visited with acquaintan ces a few minutes. John Harrison and family of Fresno, California, are visiting with Mr .and Mrs. Harrison's folks at Ogallah. They expect to visit at Coll yer this week. OGALLAH Amel Schumann enlisted in . . the navy last week. George Lindberg has enlisted and gone to Fort Logan, Colo. Dr. Joe Funderburk is back again and the girls are all smiles. A splendid rain fell here Wednes day afternoon which insures us a good forage crop. The young people held a picnic and fish fry at Chas. Marquand's last Saturday night. Who says Ogallah isn't on the map ? Our bank sold ten thousand dollars worth of liberty bonds. The Yetter and Tawney families attended the Shorthill funeral in Wa-Keeney last Monday. Herman Ericson and Francis Nixon went to Salina Monday morning to enlist in the U. S. Navy. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Harrison and children arrived from California Tues day night for a short visit. Elizabeth Harrison is attending the Fort Hays Normal at Hays and she intends to get a life certificate. Albert Cook, Joy Cahail, Brent Marquand and Claude Marquand went to Sharon, Oklahoma, to har vest. Rev. Parish, a Christian minister from Lincoln, Nebraska, preached here Sunday morning and evening to a large audience. He is a fine young man and may locate here this summer. SOUTH TREGO Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Benisch spent Sunday in Voda visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. Joe Gorksky and son have moved to her parents, Mr. and Mrs." J. J. Michalies the past week. ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stradal and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Benisch and family. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Schneider and family spent Sunday in Hays visiting the laters parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Sitz. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Margheim and family and Mr. and . Mrs. George Koleber sr and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Koleber jr .and family. Mr. and Mrs. John "Weideman and family motored to Russell Tuesday visit Mrs. Weideman's parents, Mr. and - Mrs. Jacob Blehm. Miss Fulie . Blehn accompanied them back and will visit here for some time. VODA J. M. Zenam was a business .caller at R. Kristof s Monday. ; The Owens Brothers are busy work ing the roads now days. .It is getting a little dry, drier, driest, the past few days. Mrs. J. Horak spent Tuesday after noon with relatives in Voda. We are sorry to note that the Par son children are not so well again. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Benisch took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. V. Benisch Sunday. a Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Schwanbeck returned home from Denver the fore part' of the week. Charley and Art Zeman are among those who left for Oklahoma to take in the harvest fields. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kristof and Miss Delta Keyser were Sunday vis itors at Hays calling on their friends. Mr. and Mrs. V. Malinowsky, Chas. Kristof, and V. Dolecek spent Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. John Bor dovsky. Mr. and Mrs. Lennie Zeman and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kristof spent Thursday evening with Mr .and Mrs. Fred Schmitt. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Austin enter tained at dinner Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. John E. Kristof, Mrs. Geo. Kris tof, Chas. Kristof and Alf Schimkow itsch. Me3sers and Mesdames Chas. Hille, Hugh Wonner, Tom Feeney, E. Men sing and Clyde Poffenberger were Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. R. Owens. Mrs. T. Schimkowitsch and family, Mr. and Mrs. S. Bailey and family and Misses Rose, Kamilla and Mattie Thiel spent Friday evening at Ralph Knstof's. Township Treasurer's Annual Statement of . Recetpis, Ex penditures and Indebtedness. ' '.. ... The undersigned, township treasurer of Collyer township, Trego county. Kansas, issues the following statement of Receipts. Expenditures and Indebtedness for the year ending Saturday. December 30 A. D. lals. - - - . . 100 Reward, $100 The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is catarrh. Catarrh beina- greatly influenced by constitutional conditions requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medicine is taken internally and arts thru the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System thereby destroying the foun dation of the ' disease, giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in the curative powers of Hall's Catarrh Medicine that thev offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all druggist. Adv. 15. Hogs Wanted ! Monday June 25, 1917 Highest Market Price Paid FARMERS' UNION WELL BORING Wells Bored and Cased on Short Notice. All Work Guaranteed. Your Patronage Solicited. Weather Report .' Maximum and minimum tempera ture according to the' government thermometer at wa-Keeney for the week ending Wednesday noon. Max. Mm Date Received RECEIPTS. From Whom Received January 89. 1918 Received from county treasurer, road fund . ; S Jan. 29. 1918 April 29. 1918 April 29. 1918 August 5. 1918 August 5. 1918 do do do do do September 28. 1918 Poll tax Cash on hand do do do do do do do do do do road fund general fund roak fund general fund Amount 1489 08 832 50 141 08 95 79 105 81 71 00 3 00 67 69 -S 2808 04 Date of payment January 29. 1918 EXPENDITURES Warrant number To whom paid Items Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday We had .54 inch of rain Wednesday evening. ... 80. 49 ... 81 49 91 . . .. 100.... . . . 69. ... . .. 86.... 84 54 58 64 51 56 April 29. 1918 August 5, 1916 October 30, 1918 I . 2 3 4 '. S . 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 19 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 48 47 48 49 . 50 51 52 53 -54 55 .56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 63 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 78 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 8 8a 86 87 88 89 90 91 ' 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 .99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123, 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 181 163 163 . 164 165 168 167 . 168 169 170 171 " 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 1S7 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 198 197 193 too 201 . 202 203 204 Jake Deines. one day team John Burbach. days team A R Mlinek. overseeing and road work I. Kepcha. day with team Bert Billings, bridge wot k A hauling: sand.-. . . .' F L Carswell, 4 scoop plows A iron Bd Morell 1 l-t days team . . . El mer Harvey do - . Wm Behrns. overseeing. ......... , ,A w Purinton. 1 1.2 days team Norman Redmond, 3 days with team . Lee Spitsnaugle, road work . Alva Dalton. day with team Parker Seier. bridge and road work... Lonzo Stumpff. 3 days team j. John Evers. 2 days team - Chas Conners, road work Clyde Willey. bri lge and road work J Mack Tidball. road work and fixing plow Hugh Elliott, road work Oscar Willans. road A bridge work - - , Ed Willans. overseeing A road work Prank Draa. half day. Prank Hedges. 3 days Elmer Oeyer, 3 days with team ' Bert Billings, day with 4 horses Clarence Grim, road work John Hill, 3 days road work I Aug Westman, day 4 horses . John Buhnekempt. road work H R Peek, 2 days with team E E Grim, overseeing - Donald Grim, road work " ' W M Cox, board A car hire Villi A G Schwanbeck. board meeting 1 IV A B VanScyoc. board A road work "" John Vandewater, rent 2 board meetings" -Homer Terpening, road work A hauling ce ment W M Cox. freight and dravage Ed Willans. overseeing: I ."III"! Harry Thomas, road work..,. , E L Knapp. road work - lllllllll John Thomas, road and bridge work IVJi.'. Leonard Zeman, road work... . D H Inloes do ..1 Carl Inloes do Frank Dyas do . Oscar Willans do . Jim Walsh do " L R Rarick do Walter Morell do James Yanda do Chas Seier. ailing A road work. ..I""- Ralph Wurst, road work Chas Hawkes. bridge work Chas Garvin, road work .. .I.I" Chas Surprise, road work O Guilbert, road and bride work! " Collyer State Bank, vouchers bought O Knutson. road work T C Peacock, road and bridge work" H Clarence Grim, road & bridge work Donald Grim do do E E Grim, bridge work "Ill . Albert Owens, road work . H Buhnerkemp, do , """" E Bond. do """ . J L Dennis, road A bridge work Ralph Wilds, road work . A Hobl do . Ray Wilds, road A bridge vrork.lllY.Yl" - E Biehler - do do Elven Wilds do " Herald Pitta way.jroad & bridge work"" " Willie Coen, road work L M Chaffln, bridge work I " A w Purinl on. bridge work A vouchers bought Elbert See. bridge work. Harry Todd, road work Carl Embree. bridge work E A Wilds, road work HI E R Harvey do " " P S Stringer, bridge work"."."."" "" """"" -- J W Harvey, road work Wm Behrns, overseeing A road work " "" fxeui y rowcra. roau work Adam Zeigler. do Ed Morell do - Frank Miller do Jess Hickman do Fred Walters i do -Will Ladow do J N Dickson do T Weisgerber . do Jake Lockert do A R Mlinek do Ed Oliver do Walter Spena do & overseeing. E W Hawkes, road A bridge work""" - joe ee, oriage work 0 H Olson, overseeing A road work" "" I G Brown, road work P J Krut do Philip Krhut do "" Wiir Donovan, road A bridge work B J Sharp. do do Jobn Williams, road work Will Milford. road A bridge work Fred Shrader do do Elmer Geyer do " do "" E J Tilton do do " F L Carswell. road machinery A iron " Collyer Lumber Co. material A cement Collyer Lumber Co. lumber A cement E E Grim, road work Joseph V ii son A Son. gasolene. .J"" J D Vandewater. material " " A G Schwanbeck, board viewing, etc WMCox. do do "" AB VanScyoc do do Walter Harvey, gasolene, meterial A labor G C Merilatt. culvert cor A cement mixer J W Haynes. road grading T C Peacock, bridge work & hauling TC Peacock do do YY. I Elmer Geyer. road work." . . Ed Willans, road overseeing rYllllll Jess Willans. road work " H H Ehrichs. hauling and material. " "" Ed Newcomer, cement work AG Schwanbeck. team A bridge work" Tom Tidball. team work " Bert Tilton do '...'.I'" Chas Ivan, team & single hand Harry Thomas, single hand lllllll David Brewer, cement work llllllllllllllll Chas Conner, team work "121! Gordon Lane, team work -YYYYY1 H Elliot, road overseeing- lllllYll""! R Owens, road work Y-YYY YYYYY John Scanlon, do IVlYlllllllY John Evers do " Brownhill Tidball do 2." Wm Hall do " A G Schwanbeck do Dick Owen?, hauling water T John Bordovsky. road work Will Donovan, road St bridge work J D Vandewater. supplies A material" W A Kenyan, overseeing Louis Kvasaicka. team work Chas Ivan, road work "" ' . Collyer State Bank, vouchers bought".! Otis Schwanbeck. team work... Wa-Keeney Phone Co. batteries A phone calls F L Carswell. road tools A iron Bert McKnigbt. hauling cement ... "" MMohr, road work ' H Harlan, surveying . V J Razak. fixing sidewalk lYYYYYlY" Louis Kepcha. hauling material -. Ed Morell, team work - 1 N Dickson, team work Yl Jess Hickman, road dragging Eart Inloes, term work . .Will Ladow. team A single hand Geo Burbach. team work . 1.. "" J no Burbach do - F A Mlinek '. do - ... " A W Mlinek - do ' A B Mlinek. overseeing E E Grim, bridge work A vouchers bought Henry Buhnerkemp, road A bridge work Ray Shaw, damage to car LeeO'.tie. bridge work . . W A Riggs. dragging roads H R Peek, fork oa bridge Will HaU. hauling sand A cement Donald Grim, bridge work Lee Singer, hauling cement Ellis Grim, bridge work.. Clarence Grim, bridge work E G Mensing. hauling A G Schwanbeck. team work & inspecting bridges.. - -. WM Cox. trip with Harlan & board meeting.. -Verbeck Lumber A Supply Co, cement A lum ber... . John Stradal. road work . S Bailey, freight Collyer State Bank, vouchers thought Carl Inloes. road work John Bollig do Tony Malsam do E Inloes do Will Ladow do . A R Mlinek. overseeing E E Grim, road bridge work B Tidball. road work A Embree. bridge work . . . W M Behrns, road overseeing , Geo Thomas, road work... ... ' Low Kepcha do . Verbeck Lumber Co. lumbar A cement S K-GHtes. sand-..'.,. L K Steigleman.. blacksmlthinc ' Amount - 3 00 8 00 oo 3 00 ' 47 25 48 05 - 4 50 4 50 - 14 00 4 SO 9 O0 40 50 .3 00 54 00 9 00 6 00 16 50 - 37 50 4 75 11 25 40 50 M?t 4 50 9 00 4 50 1 90 9 00 4 50 7 50 6 00 . 40 50 25 50 5 00 3 00 3 00 - 2 09 - 114 25 25 65 . 81 50 69 00 54 00 4 5U 9 00 9 00 8 00 3 00 3 00 19 GO 6 00 6 00 37 50 61 50 2 25 30 00 6 00 8 00 18 40 176 50 7 50 2 25 55 50 22 75 103 50 2 00 9 00 4 50 14 50 6 00 9 00 4 00 8 00 8 75 10 25 6 00 10 00 60 65 10 25 4 50 4 00 8 00 ; 6 00 2 09 12 00 24 50 56 23 18 00 16 50 8 75 9 00 4 15 18 00 8 00 30 00 4 50 102 00 21 00 3 00 59 60 , 4 00 58 00 14 25 5 50 4 50 48 80 28 25 3 00 8 25 20 75 12 00 3 14 43 45 300 00 433 15 9 00 1 50 19 52 18 80 24 70 3 00 25 37 470 00 977 00 96 00 8 00 13 00 53 00 26 50 6 50 6 00 Hi 00 3 00 3 0U 9 50 8 25 66 50 16 50 1 50 32 75 10 50 6 00 9 00 10 50 12 00 9 00 1 50 4 50 26 25 13 38 27 OO 6 00 14 00 235 00 6 00 2 19 143 70 uo 3 00 32 50 6 25 4 25 3 00 50 8 50 4 50 9 00 3 00 ' 1 50 30 75 31 50 53 50 349 45 83 50 . 5 00 1 00 35 00 4 50 36 00 68 00 4 50 68 00 95 00 7 50 54 00 13 90 665 60 4 00 35 67 623 00 3 00 27 00 2t 00 4 50 3 00 67 SS ioe 50 43 50 60 00 24 50 3 00 4 SS 211 40 2 10 33 10 7 - ' so ' 2n 311 212 " 213 314 215 218 217 218 219 220 221 225 228 227 228 229 230 K I Morell. hauling sand labor " L Carswell. tools and Iron " "" Rush Elliott, road work -Alle a Oldham, - do -. ' Quinter Lumber Supply Co. cie"ntl " Collyer Lumber Co, lumber cement W M Cox. vouchers bought John Hutching, vouchers bought " W M Cox. inspection A board meeting J J Keraus, hardware S J Stover, road work . Lee Ottie. bridge Ellis Grim, bridge & road work Clarence Grim do do " Donald Grim do do " E J Tilton. batteries -' " W A Riggs. dragging: roads 2T J J Bollig. road work " Frank Holt, road work.. ..." John Glenn, fixing1 bridges "21 . J D Vandewater. room rent A supplies AG Schwanbeck, board meeting Wa-Keeney Telephone Co, phone calls .. "" . O W Brady, grading- and filling L E Steigleman. blacksmithing and repairs" - 87 - S 31 747 130 4 6 IS . 5 8 49 38 57 X II 32 45 8 10 3 6 i 850 33 75 m o 50 70 00 OO -so 00 70 75 00 75 10 59 75 00 OS 60 00 so a 00 Total expenditures Outstanding from 1914 old boards "Interest on same.t:. Outstanding for 1915 ...2 12 222 Interest on same "."21 ' Total indebtedness. '. i , 10,673' ... . 4475 5 SS " 1042 89 - 13 95 I.;.."-. -.1.8 . 1106 85 The State of Kansas. Trego County. SS. I do solemnly swear. That the written and foregoing is In all- respects a fun and true account of all the moneys received by me and expended, together with the indebtedness ?L2 township during the full period of the year ending the last Saturday in December 1918. and for the full tune for which I should make such statement. So help me God. - ' " - - - Signed: W. M. COX. 0 . .w Township Treasurer, Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 15th day of June A. d. 1917. . '- -. A. B. VanScyoc! To wnshtp Trustee. - PUBLICATION NOTICE (First published in "' the Western Kansas Worlds June 21. 1917.) In the District Court of Trego County, Emma A. Colescott, Plaintiff, vs. Charles W. Snelling: Verna Shell ing: Sarah E. Berrie; Merton M. Berrie; Mrs. Merton M. Berrie; Elmer C. Berrie: Mrs. Elmer C. Berrie: Irene Berrie Eckhoff: Henry Eckhoff: Wilber B. Fos ter, a minor: Louis R. Foster, a . minor: Edward H. Foster, as . guardian of the persons and es- I tates of said Wither n. and lou is R. Foster; Edward H. Foster; R. G. Martin and Frank Brasier. partners formerly doing busi- y ' No. 1576 ness at Topeka. Kansas, under - the firm name and stvleof R. G. Martin & Co.. if liviug. but if dead, then their respective i heirs, executors, administrtors, devisees, trustees and assigns; the Alpha Development Compa ny, of Topeka. Kansas, if a part nership, and the members there of, if living, but if dead, then their respective heirs, execu tors, administrators, devisees, trustees and assigns, but if a corporation, then as such cor poration, and if dissolved, then its unknown successors, trust- I ees and assigns. Defendants. J ' The State of Kansas:' ' To defendants. Sarah E. Berrie. Merton M. Berrie. Mrs. Merton M. Berrie." Irene Ber rie Eckhoff. Henry Eckhoff, Wilber B. Fos ter, Louis R. Foster. Edward H. Foster; Ed ward H. Foster as guardian of the persons and estates of minor defendants. Wilber B. and Louis R. Foster; Frank Brasier, form erly a member of the firm of R. G Martin A Co.. the Alpha Development Company as a partnership, and the members thereof, and if said Frank Brasier. and the members ot said Alpha Development Company as a part nership, or any. of them be dead, then the respective unknown heirs, executors, ad ministrators, devisees, trustees and- assigns of such as may be dead; the Alpha Develop ment Company, as a corporation, and if dis solved, its unknown successors, trustees and assigns: r You. and each of you. are hereby notified, that you have been sued in said court in the above entitled action by plaintiff, who. on April 13. 1917. filed her petition -therein, and that each- of .you must answer said petition on or before Thursday. August 2, 1917, or the same will be taken as true, and judgment as therein praved for will be renderedan favor of plaintiff and against each and all of you defendants, foreclosing a- certain- mortgage, made, executed and delivered 10 plaintiff by defendants. Charles W. Snelling and Ver na Snelling. upon the following described lands and tenements, situate in said Trego county, Kansas, to-wit: - - - t The southwest Quarter of section six (6). in township eleven (11) south, in range twenty one (21), west of the sixth principal meridi an, which mortgage appears of record in the office of the register -of deeds of said Trego county. Kansas, in Mortgage Record "20,v at page 184, and was given to secure the pay ment of a certain promissory note or bond made by said defendants, Snelling, to plaintiff on said March 1. 1910, upon which there remained due and unpaid at the time of the filing of said petition the sum of $875.25, with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from Septembers 1916. and tor which amount plaintiff will take judgment against all said defendants if they fail to answer, and for the sale of said lands and tenements according to law and to ap ply the proceeds arising therefrom to the oavment ot said morttratre indebtedness.-in terest thereon as aforesaid, costs of suit, accruing coats and taxes, and barrim; and foreclosing all defendants, after the sale of said premises from an ngnt. title, interest, property and estate therein, except such equity of redemption as may be allowed by the court: and quieting title as against any right, title .or interest which you or any of you defendants may nave or claim in said landsand tenements by virtue of a certain lease thereon, made, executed and delivered by one Charles W. Lott and Annie M. Lott, his wife, ou or about May 8. 1901. to R. G. Martin and Frank Brasier. under the name of R. G. Martin & Co.. and which lease was thereafter assigned by said R. G. Martin A Co. to the Alpha Development Company, which lease and assignment thereof appears of - record in the office of said register of deeds in Miscellaneous Record "B'' at pages 277 and 278. and barring and excluding you and each of you from any and all right, title or interest whicn you or any or you may claim in said lands and tenements by reason of said lease or otherwise, and cancelling the same, and for such other reliet in the oremises to wnicn piaintin may De entitiea. Dated at Wa-Keeney, Kansas. June 20, 1917. BEAKDSLiEY A US1BUH, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Attest: W. J. Williams. ISealj Clerk of the District Court. and ownership of the plaintiff in and to . . The north - half of the . northwest quarter of setion ten (10) in township twelve (12) south, range twenty-three (23) west of the 6th Principal Mer idian, in Trego County, Kansas, in cluding all of blocks one, two, three, four, five and six, the north 100 feet of block seven, lots one, two, fifteen and sixteen in block eight, lots one, two, fifteen and sixteen in block nine; all in the East Addition to the City of Wa-Keeney, Kansas, as originally platted; against the adverse claims of each of you; forever barring and estopping you and each of you and all persons claiming by or through or under you or .any -of you from having or claiming any right or title or in terest in or lien upon said real estate or any part thereof; quieting plain tiff's title to said real estate and each part and parcel thereof against you, and granting to plaintiff such other and further relief as may be equit able; and judgment will be rendered in favor of the plaintiff and against you for the costs of said action. Witness my hand and the seal of said court at my office in the city of Wa-Keeney in said county this 19th day. of June A. D. 1917. W. J. Williams, (Seal.) -. . Clerk of the District Court. Herman Long, Attorney for Plaintiff. (First published in the Western1 xlan sas World, June 21,1917.) Publication Notice State of Kansas, Trego county, ss: The State of Kansas to J. H. Baker, C. G. Bessey, A. Fry, W. A. Wel sher, L. G. VanScoyce, D. D. Horn . aday, W. T. McBride, J. S. Claypool, Isaac Hopper, J. W. Davis, J. A. Maggard, W. C. Voris, Gay A. Spencer, and the unknown heirs, ' executors,- administrators, devisees, trustees and assigns of each of said 'persons:. Elizabeth A. Murray, - Executrix and R. H. Murray, execu tor of the estate of W. P. Murray deceased: Wilson A. Murray, E. M. Murray, W. C. Watson, H. J. Gour ley, S. M. Murray and R. H. Mur ray: You and each of you are hereby notified that you have been sued in the District Court of the Twenty-third Judicial District, State of Kansas, sit ting in and for the County of Trego in said state, by John G. Hixson, and you must answer the petition filled by said plaintiff in the office of the Clerk of the District Court of said county at Wa-Keeney, Kansas, on or before the 3rd day of August A. D. 1917 or the allegations of said petition will be taken' as true an4 judgment will be rendered in said action in favor of said plaintiff and against each -of you establishing and confirming the title (First published in Tfa e Western Kansas " World. June 14. 1917) -Guardian's Notice of Hearing Petition to . - , Sell Real Estate , Notice to Minors , To all whom It may concern, but more espec ially Paul Arthur Nelson, heir-at-law of Florence J., Nelson, of Knox county. Illi nois: ., t', -. ... . ., ., You are hereby notified that I, Nels A. Nelson, guardian of the estate of Paul Ar thur Nelson, minor heir of Florence J. Nel son, did on the 9th day of June A. D. 1917, file a petition in the - probate court of Irego county. Kansas, praying that I mignt be au thorized and empowered to sell the follow ing described land, for the care, education and support of said minor. An undivided one-seventh interest in and to all that portion of section thirteen. In township twelve, in range twenty-three, ly ing south of the Union Pacific railroad, in Trego county, Kansas. And said petition will be heard at the office of the probate judge of said county on the 28th day of June A. D. 1917, at 10:00 o'clock a. m., of said day. at which time and place each of you. and all others interested are notified to be present and show cause, if apy you have, why an order of sale as prayed for should not be granted: Dated this 9th day of June A. D. 1917. NELS A- NELSON. Guardian. (First published in the Western Kan sas World, June 21.) ORDINANCE 172 An ordinance restricting the use of city water for irrigation purposes and providing penalities for the violation thereof. Be it ordained by the Mayor and the City Council of Wa-Keeney, Kans. Setion 1: That it shall be unlawful to use water for irrigation purposes between the hours of 9:00 p. m. to 6:00 a. m. and between the hours of 9:00 a. m. to 6:00 p. m. Section 2: It shall be the duty of the superintendent of the city light and water department, without notice to the water customer, to immediately cut off said water service, from which water is found running, contrary to the provisions of the- above section and said violator shall be assessed a penalty of Two Dollars for the first violation of this ordinance and Five - Dollars for each additional violation. Said penalty to be paid to the super intendent of the city water and light department, and said water shall re main cut off. until such penality shall have been paid. . Section 3 : Any person from whose premises water service has been cut off for reasons mentioned in section two shall turn on the same or cause- . the same to be turned on without authority from the superintendant of the city-water and light department,. shall be prosecuted as provided for in section 6 ot ordinance 129. Section 4: This ordinance shall be in full force after its publication in'. the official city paper. , : r (Attest:) . . W. J. Williams, J. H. Heckman. . - Mayor. " Ctiy Clerk. . NOTICE ' Plenty of Canton weeder repairs on hand. ' - - . Adv. 16. A. M- Finley's Cash Implement Store. t -- ' . . World $1.50 per year. i-'t