A NE17 RAKGE AVAR Western Kansas Homesteaders Are at Outs With the Cattlemen. HERDS GOME FROM COLORADO "Stock From Ranches Destroying Grow. . Ing Crops of Farmers Troops May Be Sent to Scene. War -Is threatened between home stead settlers and cattle rangers in two or three western Kansas counties along the Colorado line. Warnings bare been sent to the governor and attorney general and they in turn are ' Instructing the county peace officers to keep close tab on the situation and lo everything possible to avert blood shed. The range in Hamilton and other adjoining counties on the Colorado line is particularly good this season and two or three big Colorado cattle companies are running their stock over on-the Kansas range. In recent .years' many homesteaders have taken claims in those counties and they are trying to raise some crops. They are not in financial condition to fence their land. As a result the big cattle lierds are overrunning the homesteads nd destroying crops. The home steaders are furious. ' County Attorney Yaggy of Syracuse was in Topeka recently conferring with state officials in regard to the trouble. Aside from the law, the only remedy offered by law is a civil suit for damages. The homesteaders in sist that they must havte crops to live on ; that they cannot thrive on law uits. If it were a suit over just one crop it wouldn't be so bad, but to 4lant crops every year only to reap aa lawsuit is a thankless occupation. They are insisting that the state give -them protection and permit them to pursue the peaceful pursuit of farm ing. The sheriff has been cautioned by the governor to afford the homestead ers every protection tne law provides and to send word if the uprising be comes acute. If trouble should come after the national guards are called into military service and the sheriff is unable to handle the situation the fed eral government will put some of its -troops at the disposal of the state to quell any disturbance. But the cattle rangers, it is hoped, will show some patriotism at this time and take steps to check the destruction of crops. Big Drive on Roosters. There are more roosterless flocks of chickens in Smith county than ever before. In a (great three-day drive against the male birds thousands of them were brought to market by the farmers and sold to dealers, who made a special price of 11 cents a pound. A -full car load or 3.000 birds were shipped from Smith Center point alone. Dealers say the absence of the roosters will improve fully 50 per cent the keeping quality of eggs during the hot months. - - -fc Boy Drowned at Galena. Roy Lang ley. 7 years old, was drowned when rhe fell into Spring river at Galena re cently. The river was dragged and the boy's body recovered. -It Town's Large Business. Farmers -around Greensburg have marketed out of the crops of 1916 products valued ;at nearly 2 million dollars, including 695 cars of wheat worth 1 million 'dollars; 38 cars of corn worth $41. K)00; 18 cars of hogs worth $39,000; 93 cars of cattle worth $149,000; 9 -ars of horses and mules worth $36, 000, and 89 cars of other products worth nearly $100,000. - Has Five Sons in Navy. Mrs. M. E. Robinson of Yates Center has five sons in the navy. The fifth son, Lloyd, unlisted recently at Great Falls, Mont. -K -k $3 a Day for Harvesters. Farmers of Reno county near Pretty Prairie have adopted a $3 a day wage for harvest hands this summer. No I. W. W.'s will be allowed to stop. Four liundred men are needed. Urges Rethreshing Wheat. Declar ing that there is enough wheat wasted Annually during the threshing in Kan sas to feed the state, J. C. Mohler, secretary of agriculture, has issued a statement in which he urged farmers to rethresh their straw stacks to avoid loss. Escaped in Superintendent's Suit. "Louis Strahammer, a trusty acting s cook for J. N. Heir, superintendent vi. uia buiis reformatory at Uutcnin , son, put on some of Herr's clothing and escaped 'while the family was out riding. A motor car was stolen down town a half hour later and it Is thought he took the machine. Won Interstate Talk. Kenneth Cas sidy, representing Ottawa University, "won the interstate collegiate prohibi tion oratorical contest at Wichita. , -Charles H. Klippel of Morningside Col . lege. Sioux City. Ia took second place ;and Beeler Blevins of Park College, JParkville, Mo., -was third. -fc " College Man to War Front. D. L. Patterson, assistant dean of the col-.- lege of the University of Kansas, has left for Pittsburgh. Pa., from where die will go to France as correspondent of the Pittsburgh Gazette-Times. GERMS ON THE TELEPHONES Eight ' Different " Kinds' "of Bacteria Found on Public Instruments in -Lawrence and Leavenworth. Eight different kinds of germs, two of them very dangerous, were .found on telephone receivers in Leaven worth. Kan., and Lawrence -in an' in vestigation made by Miss Minnie E. Moody in class work she Is doing as a student in the University of Kansas. Miss. Moody Swabbed out the receiver of a telephone in a Leavenworth drug store and dropped the cotton swab 'nto a glass tube containing several teaspoons of beef broth. She did the same thing with a telephone in a' Law rence drug store and with a public telephone in one of the main build ings' of the University. The cotton swabs, broth and tuber used were sterile, so all the germs developed are known to have come from the tele phone receivers. . From each tube a drop of broth was taken. These were incubated twenty four hours. At the end of that time 240 germs were counted in the drop injected from the University tele phone, and 430 from the Leavenworth telephone. Among five practically harmless types of bacteria on . the University telephone receiver tuberculosis and catarrhal germs were definitely de fined, while on the Leavenworth drug store telephone receiver diphtheria was found. -Neither tuberculosis nor diphtheria germs were found on the Lawrence drug store telephone. The drug store telephones carried more germs because they were exposed. while the University telephone was in a booth. In her class report of her investigation Miss Moody suggested sterilizing of telephone receivers. URGES FIGHT ON THE WEEDS Governor Capper Issues Appeal to Kansans to Keep Land Busy During Growing Season.' Governor Capper has issued an ap peal to the people of Kansas that they kill all weeds and keep the land busy all summer growing food products for use next winter. The governor made the appeal at the instance of the Kan sas Council of Defense and it was di rected particularly to the people of the cities who have backyard gardens and to the farmers who have patches of weeds along their fences. "Many people start out in the spring with high hopes concerning the food they expect to harvest from their gar dens," said the governor. "They lose interest about thi3 time of the year, and as a result the garden grows up to weeds. It is very important this year that there be no loss of interest. Every garden should bo made to yield the highest possible supply of food, and this requires work. It will all be needed. Let's keep up the pep. "Farmers in most cases are doing about all that i3 possible with the help and equipment available, the slackers in the food drive are found mostly among the gardeners In the towns. Some very good work has been done by farmers in the corn and kafir field3 in the last week. Where soil condi tions would not permit work with cul tivators many men have gone into the fields with hoes to get the weeds out of the rows. I think that one of the results of the abnormal agricultural and war conditions we have this year will be to encourage a more general use of hoes on the farms of Kansas, and this will be a good thing. Men in the towns should appreciate these maximum efforts that are being put forth by the farmers, and do their part in destroying the weeds in their little back yard farms. "This is a good time to make addi tional plantings of vegetables. Sec ond and third plantings, to increase the time during which the garden crops are in the best condition, have never been so common as they should be, and now is a good time to start. - -fc Blew Check 115 Miles. Leo Hecht of Andale has received from a man in Manhattan a letter containing a check he had given to Louis Gorges about the time of the tornado. May 26, in payment for grain. The Manhat tan man found the check in his yard. The wind carried the check 115 miles. -k -k The negro who turned white has be come a great object of curiosity, espe cially to visitors in Olathe, and he has had offers to appear in sideshows. He has steadfastly refused all such of fers, however, and prefers to remain in .his little Olathe barber shop, -k -k -k Would Solve Gas Problem. Olathe wants to manage its own gas prob lem. At a meeting of the Commercial Club held last night it was voted to hire a special car to take the club to Topeka for a conference with the util ities commission. Many Enroll in Summer Session. The summer season of the University of Kansas opened at Lawrence with the largest first day enrollment ever recorded, a total of 425. --fc -k Arrested for Desecrating Flag. Ac cused of tearing an American flag from the wall of a bank at Mount Hope, and throwing it on the floor, after which he is alleged to have spit on it. Herbert Williams, a young farm er, was arrested by county authorities. - "Tim" Casey of Hutchinson Dead. T. R- (Tim) Casey, for years mana ger of the Midland hotel,' Hutchinson, is dead following an operation.' He was well known for a long,- but vain, fight he made against the Prohibitory law. . . ozsti;zs:;;2le ,1ei to volunteer President Wilson Issues Proc lamation Asking Enlistments s for the Regular Army. . JUNE 23 IS RECRUITING WEEK Officers in Charge of Work ' Feared Stagnation and Asked Executive to Interfere. : Washington, June 21. President Wilson issued a, proclamation today designating the week of June 23 to 30 as recruiting week for the regular army and called upon unmarried men without dependents to enroll for war service in order that the ranks of the regulars might be filled promptly. The proclamation follows: Proclamation by the President. "I hereby . designate the period of June 23 to June 30 next as recruiting week for the regular army, and call upon unmarried men between the ages of 18 and 40 years, who have no dependents and who are not en gaged in pursuits vitally necessary to the prosecution of the war, to psesent themselves for, enlistment during the week herein designated to the num ber of 70,000. (Signed) WOODROW WILSON." The President's action was taken at the request of army officials -who have been seriously concerned over the slow rate of recruiting for the regular army, despite the fact that the war department's recruiting agencies cover every section of the country and that the men are asked to serve only for the period of the war. It had been hoped that the regular service could be brought to its whole war strength of approximately 300,000 men by June 30, -which would have permitted the War Department to carry out its plan in regard to the training of all the forces to be raised, and also as to the dispatch of armies to France. Regulars Still Short. For several days, however, the aver age enrollment for the army per day has been little more than 1,000 men, instead of the 5,000 or more the de partment hoped to secure. Today's recruiting bulletin shows that since April 1, 121,303 men have been enrolled as war volunteers of the 183,898 necessary to bring the service to war strength. The army, therefore, is now in the neighborhood of 70,000 men' short of war strength, and the President's call, the first he has made directly for war volunteers, is designed to fill in this gap as Quickly as possible. MOB WRECKS SUFF BANNERS People Angered When Denunciation of President Was Paraded Before the Russian Mission. Washington, June 21. Incensed at suffrage pickets who flaunted denun ciatory banners before the White House gates as the Russian commis sion entered to greet President Wil son, three hundred men and women, mostly government clerks out on lunch hour, charged the women and tore the banners to shreds. , "President Wilson and Envoy Root are deceiving Russia," was the accu sation printed in black type on a ban ner ten feet high displayed at the two official entrances to the White House. "They say we are a democracy. Help us win a world war so that de mocracies may survive.' We, the wo men of America, tell you that Ameri ca is not a democracy," continued the legend on the banner. "Twenty million women are denied the right to vote. President Wilson is the chief opponent of their national enchanchisement. Cries of "traitors," "treason" and "they are the enemies of their coun try," were shouted at the two women holding the banner and, after one man yelled: "Let's tear it down," the crowd jumped forward. The canvass was torn from its fastenings, leaving the suffragists holding the frames and poles. AMERICAN SHIPS GIVE AID With the American Destroyer Flotil la in British Waters, June 21. After a record breaking dash at night in response to wireless distress calls, two American destroyers arrived at their base in an English port today with eighty survivors of two torpedoed mer chant ships. The total "run" on this errand of mercy was several hundred miles. Thirty-one survivors from one ship were picked up In boats and forty-nine from another. Another American Ship Sunk. Boston, June 21. The Warren liner Bay State from Boston May 30, for Liv erpool, . has been sunk by a German submarine. Advices to the company today gave nothing regarding the fate of the crew of the steamer. . Neutrals Grab Our Wheat. Washington, June 21. Neutral coun tries are draining the United States of Its wheat supply, and unless some food control is Instituted by July 1 Ameri can wheat will be exhausted by spring, says President Wilson. nzcuniATicri nor a BAR TO EaiSTESiT Washington The army, the navy and the marine corps all ' need men to fill the ranks to full war strength. Recruiting offi cers report that there seems to be an Impression that men can not enlist after they are regis tered! for the selective draft army. The government is anx- . ious that this idea should be cor rected, and men between the ages of IS and 40 encouraged to enlist in the army, the navy, the marine corps, the national guard or the naval militia, and not wait for the draft. Men enlisting in . any of these several branches of the armed service will have an opportunity of later being detail ed for service with the new army as non-commissioned officers, or of obtaining commissions in this new army. , New regiments of the regular army are now being organized, and men enlisting in these or ganizations will have excellent opportunities of being appointed non-commissioned officers in these regiments within a very short time. . . MUNITION MAKERS EVADE 'TAX United States Revenue Agents Report a Widespread Attempt to Swin dle the Government. Washington, June 19. Widespread attempts on the part of munitions makers to avoid the payments of prof its taxes imposed by Congress last September have been reported by the internal revenue agents who have been working quietly for the last two months checking up the manufactur ers' returns. The extent of the attempted evasion thus far brought to the attention of the treasury totals more than $10,000, 000 or approximately 40 per cent of the returns voluntarily made. Indi cations are that the figure will go as high as $12,000,000 or $13,000,000. Scores of the manufacturers of mu nitions are said to have attempted to defeat the full operation of the law, by making only partial returns of their profits. , Some of the largest con cerns in the industry failed to make complete returns of profits,, it is charged. Under the law munitions makers are required to report to the commit sion of internal revenue their profits each year and to pay the government a tax of 12 per cent. Virtually all of the 600 to 700 manufacturers made their returns apparently In conform ance with the law, showing profit's which netted the government approx imately $26,500,000 in taxes. A number of plants charged off the entire cost of such plants, deducting the amount from the net profits. Jus tification of this was attempted by the plea that the plants would be worth less when the war ended and that it was apparent that the war could not last much longer. Investigators re ported that while the " special estab lishments would be worthless at the end of the war so far as the manu facturer of munitions was concerned, they could be utilized in other ways and by no means would be a total loss. As a result of the investigation re turns to the government have been revised in many instances and will be in others, so that the total which the government will obtain in taxes will be at least $36,500,000. Activity of the government's agents became known at plants which were about to be investigated and a num ber of requests were received by the bureau asking that the returns be sent back for revision. One firm- which reported originally that it had made no profits altered its report upon re consideration, while the investigators were at work in other plants and be fore its own had been reached, send- g . the government . a check for ap proximately $150,000 in payment of taxes. " , . . ' CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS The war, in the opinion of Lord Northcliffe, is just beginning. In a communication from him read in Bos ton in the interest of the Red Cross war fund, the British commissioner to the United States said he based his opinion on the result of "much experi ence at the front." ' Elish Lampkin, arrested at Pine Bluff, Ark., as a slacker, has been identified, officers say, as Charles Miller, wanted at Hardinsburg, Ky., on a charge of murdering an aged and wealthy citizen of that place. The federal grand jury has. begun an Investigation Into the high prices of foodstuffs in St. Louis. The In vestigation will deal with the food situation generally, but it is under stood it will be directed particularly against alleged speculation in sugar, rice, flour and potatoes. After more than doubling its ap portionment of 24 million dollars for the Liberty Loan, Tulsa, Ok., has sub scribed in a 9-hour campaign $104,000 for the Red Cross. The drive had been for $100,000. Isssm (Br XL O. SELLERS, Acting- Director of the Sunday School Course in the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago.) (Copyright. 11T. Vatm Wwiptpw TTMon. LESSON FOR JULY 1 ISAIAH'S CALL TO 'SERVICE. HEROIC LESSON TEXT Isaiah. GOLDEN TEXT Also I heard the voice of the Lord saying-. Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Thorn said I. Here am I; send sua. In. 6:8. The lesson committee now turn for ft third quarter's lesson to a series of studies In the Old Testament as found In II Kings, Ezra and Nehemiah. As an introduction, they have chosen this chapter In the book of Isaiah. Isaiah prophesied In the latter half of Uzziah's reign, B. C. 760 and down to the .early years of the reign of Manasseh about B. C. 694 (ch. 1:1). This event took place probably B. C 755. , The place was Jerusalem ; the kingdom of Israel was still In exist ence (for 33 years longer) being ut terly destroyed in B. C. 721. The name Isaiah means "the salvation of Jehovah:' his wife Is called "the prophetess ;" two of his sons are named and his social position was high, as shown by his Intimacy with kings. Isaiah lived in troublous times. He was a reformer seeking to rescue his nation from the sins growing out of their disobedience to God. He was the leading statesman of his time, the greatest of the prophets, an author, a heroic, single-minded, patriotic, fear less, undaunted man of great personal power and Influence. He was a proph et of hope; he wrote out of his long life of faithfulness and fellowship with God. The book of Isaiah falls Into two great divisions; chapters 1-39 be ing chiefly historical. Interspersed with songs and poems; chapters 40-66 are a collection of prophecies that have to do chiefly with the return from the Babylonian exile and the days of future glory for the kingdom of God. I. Visions (w. 1-4). As we have said, Isaiah prophesied in a time of great need. The prophet was very much discouraged. In this passage he locates his vision, at a special time and place (ch. 1:1). Every man's great need today- is a real vision of God. We are not so much in need of theories about God, as a vision of God himself. Uzziah's long reign of 52 years, in which the kingdom pros pered and the king's name was spread abroad, stopped as suddenly as an earthquake, and his glory was eclipsed (see H Chron. 26:16-19). The place In which Isaiah saw his vision was the house of God. Perhaps not In the tem ple, but seeing the vision from the temple the prophet looks to a house not built with hands, Jehovah's own heavenly palace. Therein he saw "the Lord sitting on a throne ... and his train filled the temple." Above it, or around it, were arranged hovering couriers and the seraphic choir. The majesty of this vision Is indicated in verse two, its glory In verse three, and its power Is Indicated in verse four. The whole earth was filled with God's wondrous wisdom, love and pow er. Literally "the whole earth is full of his glory." The Hebrew word for holiness comes from a word meaning "to set apart set a distance from." The holy Lord is not only sinless but he is sublime and absolute also. It may seem difficult to harmonize Isaiah's vision with John 1:18, yet these manifestations were one and the same, for all that' saw Jesus saw God (John 14-9). King Uzziah was dead but the real king was living SOIL high and lifted up. The attempt to reason about him, what he must be and what he must not be, as If he were one of ourselves (Eph. 120, 21) Is absurd. II. Divisions (w. 5-13). (I) The vision of the prophet. (w. 5-7). This vision brought conviction because it showed how far separated from God the prophet was. It also brought conversion In that he acknowledged himself to be unclean, himself and his surroundings to be vile. It also led to cleansing, for the king heard the voice of the prophet, removed his guilt and purged his sin. (2) The voice and proclamation from the king (w. 8-13). The king called for a messenger (v. 8) and at once the prophet is found. Someone has said that "a task without a vision is drudgery; a vision with out a task Is a dream; while a task linked to a vision will " move the world." Not only did the king ask for a messenger, but he gave the message which the messenger was to utter (vv. 9-12). The message was to be I to his own people; it was am. iu uv a pleasant one. Verse 13 shows as this message In prophecy. Isaiah ought to fully proclaim the truth, but the people would not understand It, and the whole effect of his proclamation would be to harden them. The Application. - What Is your application of this vision for Isaiah? We are a Chris tian nation, but there are many de grees and kinds of Christians; those who sincerely try to follow Jesus; those who live under a Christian gov ernment, and are unaffected by Chris tian Influences. There is only one way to save this nation from going the way of Nineveh and Tyre ; that Is, that Justice and righteousness shall govern, and that justice and righteousness shall be the fruit of regenerated lives. The cry Is for a better social environment and a more just social position. Deans Saved Ily Luc "I Ci Gives Up Hope" Says Hr. Deat, "But Doan's Eliaey Pills Cared He Permiaeetly." "My kidney trouble began with back ache, which ram on about a year," says W. H. Dent, 2213 Reynolds Street, Brunswick, Ga. "My back got so I was at tunes unable to sleep, even in a chair. Of ten the pain bent me double. I would be prostrated and some one would have to move me. Uric acid got into my blood and T hMw ... l 1. Mr- out. This got so bad I went to a hospital for treatment. I stayed there three months, but got but little better. Dropsy set in and I bloat ed until nearly hall again my size. My knees were so swollen the flesh bunt in strips. I lay there panting, and just about able to catch my breath. I had five doctors; each one said it was im possible for me to live. "I hadn't taken Doan's Kidney Fills long before I began to feel better. I kept on and was soon able to get up. The swelling gradually went away and when I had used eleven boxes I was completely cured. I have never had a bit of trouble since. I owe my life and my health to Doan's Kidney Pills.". Gat Doama at Amy Stan. BOe Bax DOAN'S TTiV FOSTERrMILBURN CO. BUFFALO. N. Y. Gazing at a Hero. "Why is the crowd gazing with such admiration, almost awe, on him? Is he the governor?" -uovernorj run nes no mere gov ernor ! He's the chap who owns the hnttrloflraaH Ttill nnn thaf f aaI, t at the bench show." Browning's. D0NT WORRY ABOUT PIMPLES Because Cuticura Quickly Removes Them Trial Free. On rising and retiring gently smear the face with Cuticura Ointment. Wash off the Ointment in five minutes with Cuticura Soap and hot water, using plenty of Soap. Keep your skin clear by making Cuticura your every-day toilet preparations. - Free sample each by mall with Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. L. Boston. Sold, everywhere. Adv. Still Suffering. "Don't you think her voice Is Im proved?" "Perhaps, but not cured." Oh, That's Different. May Has Mr. Baton declared his in tentions? Dora Yes. May What did he say? Dora He declared in a most decid ed manner that he would never marry. What Could He Do? - The Monon passenger car was filled and when a stop was made at a small way station a man and woman board ed It. Mr. S., who was occupying a seat by himself, arose and offered the wom an a seat. She accepted, but when Mr. S. resumed his seat she remarked : "I prefer my husband to sit by me. If you please." When asked what he did, Mr. S. re plied : "Well, what could I do . but comply?" Indianapolis News. . Tomb of Mohammed Looted. Intense indignation has been aroused throughout the Mussulman world by the sacrilege of the Turkish govern ment, which seized the Jewels and money which the faithful in the course of centuries have deposited on the tomb of Mohammed. Among these treas ures are a large number of precious stones, Including the famous diamond known as the "Shining Star," which the Turkish government has carried away. This stone is valued at more than one and one-half million dollars. PARENTS who love to gratify children's desire for the same articles of food and drink that grown-ups use, find Instant POSTULI just the dung. "There's a Reason"