OCR Interpretation

Western Kansas world. [volume] (WaKeeney, Kan.) 1885-current, June 28, 1917, Image 3

Image and text provided by Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, KS

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No Financial Depression, and
None Since the War Began.
A well-known correspondent of an
Important Western daily paper recent
ly made an extended visit to Western
Canada, and In summing up the re
sults, after going thoroughly Into con
ditions there, says there is no financial
depression In Canada, nor has there
been anything of the sort since the
war began. Anyone who has watched
the barometer of trade, and seen the
bank clearings of the different citiea
grow and continue to grow will have
arrived at the same conclusion. The
trade statistics reveal a like situation.
The progress that the farmers are
making Is highly satisfactory. As this
correspondent says: "It is true there
have been adaptations to meet new
conditions, and taxes have been re
vised, and that a very large burden of
added expense in many lines has been
assumed, but it has all been done me
thodically, carefully and with full re
gard for the resources to be called on.
"That this has been done fairly and
wisely is proved by the present com
fortable financial position.
"With the exception of a restricted
area in the east, Canada is not an in
dustrial country. The greater portion
of the Dominion must be classed as
agricultural area, with only an infini
tesimal part of it f ully developed.
"Lacking complete development, the
agricultural portion of Canada has
naturally placed its main dependence
upon fewer resources than would be
the case 'in the States. Even in peace
times, . business would be subject to
more frequent and wider fluctuations,
due to the narrower foundation upon
which it rests.
"Thus, Canada has been able to
come up to the war with efficiency and
sufficiency and to maintain and even
advance its civilian activities.
"Canada's first element of .financial
strength lay In its branch bank sys
tem. This system has two great ad
vantages: it makes the financial re
sources of the Dominion fluid so that
supplies of capital can run quickly
from the high spots to the low spots;
also, it places at the command of each
Individual branch the combined re
sources of the whole Institution so
that there Is an efficient safeguard
against severe strain at any . one
"Here In Winnipeg, the all-Canada
banking houses maintain big, strong
branches and, as elsewhere in the
Dominion, these held to an attitude of
eaneness and solidity that prevented
even the start of any financial dis
turbance. That business generally Is now com
ing strong on an even keel is largely
due to the absolute refusal of the
banks, both branch and independent,
to exhibit the slightest signs of ex
citement or apprehensiveness.
"For all Canada the savings bank
6gures are astonishing. Beginning with
1913, they are, for the fiscal year end
ing March SI :
1913 $622,928,968
1914 663,650.230
1915 683,761,432
1916 738,169.212
1917 888,765,698
"These figures represent what Cana
dians have put away after paying the
Increased living cost, which is about
the same as in the States, all increas
es In taxes and imports of all kinds
made necessary by the war and gen
erous subscriptions to war bond is
sues. "Prohibition has helped greatly In
keeping the -money supplies circulat
ing in the normal, necessary channels.
Tradesmen generally attribute a large
part of the good financial condition to
the fact that the booze bill has bees
eliminated. Canada takes law enforce
ment with true British seriousness.
"Financially, as In every other re
spect, Canada has developed sufficien
cy. She has done it in spite of Initial
conditions which would not look prom
ising in the States and she has done It
in a big, strong way.
"One of the best things we did," said
one of the leading Winnipeg bankers
to me, "was to decide early In the
game that we simply would not borrow
"We started In ignorance of how the
war would develop and without know
ing exactly what our resources were,
and had to find the way.
"And yet Canadians are not overbur
dened with taxes nor are they com
plaining of them. For the common
people there has been but a slight tax
increase. If any. In a direct way. In
direct payments, of coarse, are made
In the shape of higher prices for living
commodities, but the price advance on
such items Is no heavier than in the
States in, the same period." Advertise
ment. A Question of Time.
She Albert, don't you think it Is
about time I had a new hat?
He (absent-mindedly) I really don't
know, my dear; I er seem to have
.allowed my watch to run down.
Shortage Creates Longing.
Knlcker Funny thing about food.
Bocker Yes ; a shortage and a long
ing exist at the same time.
CUE HM THIS tru r les n an an nm s
Bald at Urag and Optical MofM of by Mali, a
i fk Ursa i ty Sanssj to, Quar. tm rats tw j
fvfrJSI Mnt1n ' Tired Eyes.
S waaaawaw. GrMulaaea SyeUaa. H Is
Befreaae.--Beetorea. kvint is m Favorite 5
Treatment for m that teal dry and smart.
S CHe your Byes a much of your loving an 3
r as your thu and wit Itw ame rearulariu. 2
A Daughter of Mars.
Liberty now had two weapons, the
guard's rifle and the revolver she had
found under the blanket. ' The sight of
Lopes and Manuel laughing as they
talked beside the cases of ammunition
gave her an idea.
Slowly she raised the rifle between
the bars of the cell window and pulled
the trigger.
A tremendous explosion followed as
the bullet struck a case of dynamite.
Lopez and Manuel were buried beneath
a mountain of sand. Attracted by the
mysterious explosion, a hundred sol
diers came running to their aid.
They helped carry Lopez Into the
hut which he made his quarters.
"A few bad cuts, but otherwise neith
er of them are seriously injured," re
marked the surgeon after a cursory
A half mile from the explosion Pedro
and Rutledge lay .snuggled behind a
sand mound.
"That's strange," remarked But-
ledge. "I was just drawing a bead on
that pile of cases when up she went."
Bob and Pedro had tethered their
horses to a sturdy cactus not far from
where they lay hidden.
T guess we had better get back to
the horses," remarked Rutledge.' "They
will be Investigating soon, and we don't
want to be caught without our
Upon reaching the top of the next
sand knoll Rutledge made a disheart
ening discovery. Their horses were
gone I
"Now we are up against it," declared
Rutledge savagely.
The Mexicans, never suspecting that
Liberty had fired the shot which blew
up their ammunition, had now sepa
rated Into bands and were scouring
the surrounding desert for the Ameri
cans whom they suspected of being
In the vicinity. Two of Lopez' horse
men topped the rise a hundred feet
from Rutledge and Pedro,
Pedro and Bob hurriedly scurried
across the sand and without waiting
a moment Jumped to the backs of the
horses. The two Mexicans cried out In
fright as the Americans sprang up be
hind them. Pedro, with his superior
strength, was able to grasp his man
with a strangle hold which prevented
the latter from putting up a fight, but
Rutledge had his hands full. His man
turned upon him savagely, whipping
out his knife at the same moment.
A terrific struggle followed. The
Mexican succeeded In reaching his re
volver after Rutledge had wrenched
his knife from him. Before Rutledge
could prevent him the Mexica had
fired a warning shot, which attracted
the attention of the Mexicans in the
Some miles farther on Pedro's Mex
ican also began to show fight. The wiry
young scout made short .work of him,
Bob now realized that It was his life
against the Mexican's, and when the
latter, after firing a shot to attract
his fellow bandits, turned the barrel
on him, Rutledge shot without hesita
tion and ducked as the Mexican's bul
let whizzed by his head. The Mexi
can dropped dead.
Using the bandit's body as a shelter.
Bob now turned his attention to the
Mexicans who were drawing in upon
"This is the finish," thought Rut
ledge, "unless Pedro gets back in time
with Winston and the boys.
Liberty, waking from her afternoon
siesta, walked to the window of her
cell t6 gaze upon the havoc created by
the explosion of the ammunition and
dynamite. Across the sands she saw a
body of Mexicans leading a familiar
figure toward the hut. which Lopez
made his headquarters.
"Bob Rutledge !" she gasped, as the
figures drew closer.
The bandits halted In front of Lo
pez's cabin where Liberty- could see
and hear everything that passed.
"Well, my gallant American cap
tain," sneered Lopez, "I suppose you
.are after Liberty over there in the
hut?" Lopez pointed to the white
xaced girl who peered out from behind
That In us which more distinctively
than anything else we can call Ameri
canism our faith in humanity, our
love of equality. One cannot claim that
Americans of English origin are alone
the depositaries of this belief, this pas
sion. ... The ideal America,
which is the only real America. Is not
in the keeping of any one race; her
destinies are too large for . that cus
tody ; the English race is only one of
many races with which her future
j rests. William Dean Uowells.
the bars of her prison. "Well, ten me
what I want to know and I will let yoa
go. If yon tell me enough, maybe I
will let her go with yott. That would
be nice, wouldn't it?"
"Save your wind," replied Rutledge.
"Take him out," ordered Lopez.
"Give him a little Mexican inquisition.
And do it so that tiger cat over there
can see it." Lopez pointed to Liberty,
who stood white faced with her brow
pressed against the bars of her cell. v
Meanwhile Pedro rode madly across
the desert. Toward three o'clock he
raced down the last sand hill which
separated him from the American en
campment. . Breathlessly he rode up to
Major Winston's tent.
"They've got Rutledge. major," he
panted. -
Without an instant's hesitation Ma
jor Winstcn seized a bogle that lay on
a camp chair and shrilled out a blast
that brought the entire camp to its
feet. Throwing the bugle to the
ground Winston , leaped to his horse
and was oft before his own men had
thrown saddles on their mounts.
Lopez stood to one side as his ban
dits led Bob out to the wall of a white
washed adobe hut.
Some of you fellows that are bandy
with your knives show us what you can
do at long-distance throwing," com
manded Lopez.' "See how thick the
American's hide Is."
"Stop It!"
Lopez wheeled around to find him
self looking Into the barrel of Liberty's
Pancho Lopez," shouted Liberty,
her voice hoarse with determination,
the first knife that is flung at Rut
ledge means a bullet through your mis
erable head."
That night there went forth from
Washington the definite order for the
withdrawal of American troops.
Alone of all the American officers.
Major Winston, leader of the most ad
vanced outpost, disobeyed orders. With
a hundred-odd bronzed cavalrymen fol
lowing close behind, the late afternoon
of the day Pancho Lopez stood Bob
Rutledge up against a whitewashed
'dobe wall, found the grizzled old ma
jor and his troopers still fighting their
way through the desert sand.
"We may be too late to get Rut
ledge alive," declared the Major, "but,
by God, well get Lopez and his skunk-
colored gang."
Lopez stood irresolute, his hands
raised high in the air while Liberty
continued to point her short-barreled
shotgun at him.
"Now, order one of your men to open
the door of this hut," shouted Liberty,
"or I'll blow the few brains you have
out on the sand."
Lopez, knowing well that the Amer
ican girl meant every word, reluctant
ly gave the order. Liberty stepped
forth from the hut.
"Take these ropes off , Rutledge,"
Liberty then commanded, "and remem
ber, Lopez, if you or any of your men
make the slightest suspicious move I
will let you have the contents of this
Lopez sullenly unbound Rutledge
and then, upon Liberty's orders, pushed
on ahead, while Rutledge and Liberty
followed, Rutledge covering the Mexi
can bandits with his rifle and Liberty
with the barrel of her shotgun close
against Lopez' ribs.
Immediately after Rutledge, Liberty
and Lopez had disappeared, over the
sand dunes on horseback Lopez' fol
lowers held a council of war to decide
how to rescue their leader. Finally
Manuel mounted a horse and, taking a
circuitous route, rode oft with the in
tention of waylaying Rutledge and Lib
erty at a bend in the desert trail.
Rutledge anticipated some such
move on the part of the insurrectos
and whispered his suspicions to Lib
erty. "You had better ride on ahead,
my dear," he said. "I will take my
chances with Lopez. Try to pick up
Pedro. I am sure he escaped, and If
he did he will be on the way back by
now with some of the boys.'
Two miles down the trail Liberty
thought she heard a shot. Rutledge
and Lopez were Invisible in the long
sandy hollow behind her.
Liberty had heard a shot. Rutledge,
jogging along with Lopez a few feet
In front of him suddenly felt a burn
ing sensation in his right arm
"Winged 17 Rutledge hastily shifted
his revolver to his left hand.' Several
hundred yards to the left a crumbling
'dobe shelter gave him an idea. Realiz
ing that his profusely bleeding wound
might put him at Lopez's mercy in a
few minutes, Rutledge seized the bridle
of the latter's horse.
"Beat It !" he ordered. "And beat it
Lopez, glad to escape under any con
ditions, rowel ed his mount and slid to
the opposite side In Indian fashion,
fearing that Rutledge would give him
a parting shot. The American, how
ever, cantered slowly to a 'dobe-hut,
binding his wound on the way with a
bandanna handkerchief. Another shot,
and then a score sputted on the walls
of the hut as Rutledge clanged the
metal door shut behind him, leaving his
horse outside.
He knew thn' either Liberty or
Idea of Ancient Origin.
All peoples in all times have seen
an Intimate connection between the
moon and fruitfulness, both animal
and vegetable. "Even now," says the
New York Medical Journal, "the on
ions which come to our city market
owe their excellence to the farmer's
careful conjunction of planting'' time
with, the phases of the moon." Such
ideas have been" so universal that
man's unconscious mind still preserves
them, though his judgment may' scorn
tbent as.absurd. ' ' ' '
Pedro Would be alone with help soon.
and in this he was not disappointed.
Pedro,, with four daring riders, in fact
already was on his way. Intent upon.
rescuing Bob .Rutledge. Meanwhile
the rest of the cavalrymen were riding
ahead to round up the band of insur
rectos at their desert retreat.
Pedro and his men had gone only
few miles along the trail when they
came upon Liberty, who quickly gasped
out her story to them. In the distance,
even .as she talked, they could hear
faint reports. .
Topping the last rise which lay between-
thflh and the hollow which
marked the bed of a "lost" river, they
saw faint puffs of smoke coming from
the 'dobe hut . in which Rutledge had
taken refuge. ; On the crest of the op
posite hill came answering puffs.
"Let's make for the hut" advixed
Pedro. "That's Bob down there."
Bob threw open wide the door of Ms
"I'm glad you came," he whispeted
faintly. "My wound has made me a
bit sickish."
Liberty rushed to Bob's side and.
tearing her skirt into strips, quickly
bound up her sweetheart's bleeding
arm. '
The cavalrymen had tethered their
horses and Bob's, which had been
roaming about near the hut. on the side
i uie caoin wmen was proiecrea iron.
the Mexican Mullets. Now the en
circling movement of the bandits
threatened the horses.
"Pedro and I will make a break,"
said Liberty. "Stick it out and we'll
have the cavalry back here in an hour."
A moment later, with bullets flick
ing the sand on all" sides of them,
Pedro and Liberty rode madly away.
Liberty's - horse whinnied once - in
pain, and a moment later she felt him
stagger under a second shot.
"He's done for," cried Liberty. "And
we're done for, too !"
Pedro leaped from his pony, seized
Liberty by the arm and almost threw
her into the saddle of his own mount.
I ll use the dead pony foira breast
works," shouted Pedro. "Ride for your
life. Liberty." ' ,
Pedro put the point of his bayonet
into the flanks of Liberty's mount and
the frothing beast fairly leaped out of
sight with Liberty clinging desperately
to its mane.
Question Caused Colored Boy to Re
consider Request for Employ
ment in Munition Works.
George Ade says that a friend of his
in Bridgeport, Conn., had a negro boj
working for him as janitor. One morn
ing the darky announced that he was
about to quit.
"I laks you, boss," he explained to
Ade's friend, "and I ain't got no fault
to flnd'wld dls heah job. - But dey tells
me dat over heah at dese munitions
works de's payin' fo' dollahs a day.
And I lows to git some of dat easy
' Being paid off, he departed. Twc
days later he came back and applied
for his former place.
"Didn't you care for the new job?"
asked Mr. Blank.
"I quit befo' I got dat far," stated
the negro. "Yistiddy mornln I goes
over to dem munitions works and 1
tells de man in de little office at dc
gate in de big high wall outside dal
I'se done come to get one of dem fo'-dollar-a-day
jobs of hls'n. He says 'all
right, and den he gits out a book anc
be axes me wnut is my name. I tellf
him whut is my name, and den he say:
'Whar do you want de remains sent?
And I look him in de eye and I sayl
'Boss, don't you pester yo'se'f Tout d
remains, c'se I'se gwine take 'em witt
me right now.' " Saturday Evening
Warning to Kickers.
A sad-eyed mule stood in the rain,
tired was he and sick, but proffered
sympathy gave him pain, and against
it he did kick. A cat came up to share
his woes, with mew and gentle purr.
She was transformed from head to
toes into fiddle strings and f nr. A
yellow ' dog next offered up himself
these woes to share. Soon sausage
meat, a la pup, was flying through the
air. Then little Jack, the farmer's
son, attempted, to his sorrow, under
shelter the mule to run. His funeral
is tomorrow. An awf uproar, a blind
ing flash; he hadn't time to duck it.
so the mule so rude and rash finally
kicked the bucket. Indianapolis Star.
Value of Breathing Rightly.
' Thomas Kane, a Chicago business
man, tells how he regained his health
after a nervous breakdown when he
was forty-eight. - He says :
"Just three things are absolute ne
cessities for the smooth running and
longevity of these human machines of
ours: They are pure air, pure water
and plain food. Food alone has a
price. Both air and water are God's
free gifts. And yet not one person in
10,000 breathes enough pure dry ir;
not one In a thousand drinks enough
pare water.. and nearly all of us eat too
much." American Magazine.
His Ambition.
Til be glad when I get big enough
to wash my . own face," said little
Bobby, as his mother finished the oper
ation. "Why so, dear?" she asked,
" 'Cause then I won't wash it." he re
plied. '
. Indian Red Dye.
Dogwood was. the source of the "In
dian Ted" with which the warriors at
one period dyed their eagle feathers
and buckskin clothes. .They procured
the dye from the roots of the tree.
Millions of good housewives use Red
Cross Ball Blue. Each year Its sales
Increase. The old friends use It and
tell others. Red Cross Ball Bin will
make your old clothes look like new.
Ask your grocer. Adv.
Would Have Doctors Exempted.
Many members of the medical pro
fession are indignant at the fact that
medical students have not been ex
empted from military service under the
compulsory-service bill, although theo
logical students have been exempted.
The need for a supply of physicians, of
course, will be Increased by the war,
which will take many of them to the
front. Keeping enough doctors at home
to take care of the civil population Is
one of the perplexing questions faced
by the council of national defense.
Also, the number of students In this
country has been reduced In recent
years by the strict standards Imposed
upon schools, which has put many of
them out of business and Increased the
length of time required for a physi
cian to qualify for practice.
With the Fingers!
Says Corns Lift Out
Without Any Pain
Sore corns, hard corns, soft corns or
any kind of a corn can shortly be
lifted right out with the fingers if you
will apply on the corn a few drops of
freezone, says a Cincinnati authority.
At little cost one can get a small bot
tle of freezone at any drug store, which
will' positively rid one's feet of every
corn or callus without pain or sore
ness or the danger of Infection.
This new drug Is an ether compound,
and dries the moment It Is applied and
does not Inflame or even. Irritate the
surrounding skin. Just think I You
can lift off your corns and calluses
now without a bit of pain or soreness.
If your druggist hasn't freezone he can
easily get a small bottle for yon from
his wholesale drug house. adv. .
A Foe to Gardening.
"How's your garden getting along?"
Tm having a hard fight of it. I
planted a lot of vegetable seeds, but
my neighbors own chickens, and, con
found it, I believe every one of those
hens is working for the kaiser."
Twenty-Five Years
Experience With This
Kidney Medicine
It is a quarter of a century since I in
troduced Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root to
my trade and they all apeak very favor
ably regarding it, and some friends aaid
it is the beet medicine they have ever
used. The sale we have enjoyed on the
preparation' and the splendid reputation
that it feels is a positive proof that it is
one of the most meritorious remedies oh
the market. Very truly yours,
F. E. BRITTON, Druggist.
Nov. 28th, 1918. Jonesboro, Tenn.
Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For You
Send ten cents to Dr.' Kilmer & Co.,
Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample size bot
tle. - It will convince anyone. You will
also receive a booklet of valuable infor
mation, telling about the kidneys and blad
der. When writing, be sura and mention
this paper. Regular fifty-cent and one
dollar size bottles for sale at all drug
stores. Adv.
Will Have to Dig.
They are talking in Washington
about putting a heavy tax on idle
lands. In other words, the landholders
will have to dig one way or another.
Houston Post.
Important t Mothers)
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTORIA, that famous old remedy
for infants and children, and see that it
Signtursfot Cl&$fZ&fe
In Use for Over SO Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria
. Half a loaf is better than none, but
a whole loafer Is twice as bad as nothing.
Cairasidlnaira Fsnrmmeirs
Pirofffiu- Froinm WDneail:
Ysj can cat a Hamestead at ISO acres FREE
and other lands at tanarkabtr low prices. During many
years Canadian wheat fields have averaged 20 boaheis to
the acre mar yields as high as 4S bushels to the acre.
Wonderful crops also of Oats, Barley mmt Flax.
aVxeal faWaSflBBX as profitable txB industry as grain nda.
Die The e-rt-rlUrit gi ia.i . full of nutrition are the only
food laquiietl for beef or dairy purposes. Good "-'t.
i linn In . merfca,.i.i.iiinr1 ..p.!Ut
There t. en am i.aisail for hn lafcor to rephvae tbe
Baar yonag mb who hare Tolunteered for-tae war. The
QoTalBajent 1. urging farmer, to put exua rial.. Into
grmla. Write for literature and particular, as to redaeed
e ao vufe. ox
2012 Mala SC. Kaasaa City, Mo.
Canadian Government Agent
Ml dO ltl tO door.
awa-e jea wm
Too to Walk Upright. Operation
Advised. Sired by Lydia E .
Pinkham Vegetable Compound.
This woman now raises chickens and
does manual labor. Read her story:
Richmond, Ind. "For two years 1
so nek and weak: with troubles-
from my ago that
when going: up
stairs I bad to go
very slowly with)
my hands on the
stops, thensitdowra
at the top to rest.
The doctor said he
thought I should
have an operation,
and my friends
thought I would not.
live to move into
our new house. My
daughter asked me
to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
.Compound as she had taken it with good
results. I did so, my weakness dis
appeared, I gained in strength, moved
into oar new home, did all kinds at
garden work, shoveled dirt, did build
ing and cement work, and raised hun
dreds of chickens and ducks. I can
not say enough in praise of Lydia E.
Pinkhama Vegetable Compound and
if these facts are useful you may pub
lish them for the benefit of other
women." Mrs. M. O. J o hn STON, Rout
D, Box 190, Richmond, Ind.
She Knew.
' Sailor Yes, ma'am, them's men-
Girl How interesting. And what
are the little ones in front?
Sailor Oh, them's Just tugs.
Girl Oh, yes, of course; tugs
war. I've heard of them.
Now Is the Time to Get Bid at Thes
Ugly Spats.
There, no longer the slightest need
feeling Mhained of your freckles, aa the
prescription othlne double strength le
guaranteed to remove these homely spots.
Simply get an ounce of othlne double
strength from your druggist, and apply
little of It night and morning and y.a
should Boon see that even the worst freckle
have begun to disappear, while the lighter
one. nave Tinunra enure i y. n kiuuiw
that more than one ounce is needed to com
pletely clear the skin and gala a beau Ufa
clear complexion.
Be sure to ask for the double strengths
othlne. as this Is sold under guarantee of
money back If it falls to remove freckles.
Adv. .
Cynical Descendant.
"Remember it was one of your fore
fathers who pledged his sacred honor
"Yes, and how much did he raise
on It?"
Money back without question
If HUNT'S CURB falls la the
treatment of ITCH, ECZEMA,
itching; skin diseases. Price
60e at druggist, or direct from
a. I. licatnte aids. Cs. , tlwnsss.Tei.
la the reenH of man yean of vtn-6
auu upviieuvaiu miobsb-cii Tbr-e-mir-
men. of dlfteaaea of tbe lnnn anitf
tbro&t by the l&to Dr. J. ILuiiiltsL.
Kduavte of New York Medical OoTT
e svnd New York Chemical Lab
oratory' a practitioner In Bellem
and New York Charity Hospitals
and an eminent physician, toe anz
1-00 at druggists. Fr ! and
practical treatise on jaathma. Its
causes, treatment, etc Sent on
request. J. H. GulJd Go., Buiert,Ya
DAISY FLY KILLER ' anywhere.
-Jt.iv attracts and kills-
aiiniea. ,
ei" !. enmeteat,
aha.. I all i me.
e at ia,l. eaa-taajlk.
r tip ever; will m
or tajar aeythla.. fleaa
mvUm atTarttve. Sale
lulm, er east ay ea
anal fmnH far SLOS,
Wntaon .Coloman.WssB-
lngton.D.C Book. free. Hiss
est reierenoes. Beat results.
W. N. U.. KANSAS CITY, NO. 25-1917.
I 4
, i
Mus treatment
The war's devastation of
European crops has caused
an unusual demand for grain
from the American Conti
nent. The people of the world must
be fed and wheat near $2 a bushel
offers great profits to the farmer.
Canada's invitation is therefore
especially attractive. She wants
settlers to make money and happy.
i homes for themselves by
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inwigrauon, tmawa, ansrts.os
UfB-ttee ProtecflM From TWeres for $2 WI TT
- cxpa AiArm
Or Window. Wlurilu., iMn n. ' JL.
rrarneo. faeaua , " - -
abut, ansbuwt dlmrbmaee warns yos Immedl- O 1
ejlv. Saw, aa an n- w4.A - - . VT
taka aa aaaaa j iaa I Wane

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