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late li stori ca i Ec c IffiH WML Prints All Official County News W A-KEENEY, KANS., JULY 12, 1917 39th Year Number 20 WES i Titan Tractors The Titan, is one of the best farm tractors on the market. It will pull a three bottom 14-inch gang as deep as you want your ground plowed and as long as you will want it to run. Burns Kerosene Exclusively 10-20 Horse Power Sample Now on Hand FARMER'S ELEVATOR Wa-Keeney, - - Kansas I still have several of these servants who would like places on farms in either Ellis or Trego counties. All that I have placed are giving the best of satisfaction and never complain that the work is too hard. They will work cheaper than any other servants you have ever had on the farm, require very crude quarters, will do, the washing, ironing, churning, milk the cows, sep: arate the cream, fan the biby to sleep, pump the water, sweep the" floors with- . out injuring the carpets and rugs, keep the incubator at the right temperature, make the toast and coffee for the hurry breakfast,; keep the ice box cool and make sufficient ice for the family use and many other little services so neces sary for your comfort. Never complain, " require only a little to eat and are not very particular about what it is, so long as it is clean. A small outlay is re quired at the time they go to work, but after that the wages are almost noth ing. Never get cranky and are on the job all the time, night and day. Make inquirj of RAY C. HALL Ellis, Kansas 4tf. IT'S SPRING! PAINT UP! Use tine Best Mound City Paint It lasts the longest and goes the farthest and is the cheapest paint you dan buy. Any color, any quantity and at any time. You Can Get It From The Verbeck Lumber & Supply Co. Wa Keeney, Kansas a LUMBER COAL GRAIN Estimates Cheerfully Furnished GOOD WEIGHTS AND GOOD PRICES GIVEN FOR YOUR GRAIN ThsHardman Lumber Co. Poultry cap early next week. - Master Joe Richeson returned to h!a home in Salina, after a two weeks visit at the home of his uncle, J. E. Pritts. W. D. Austin was down from Voda Monday forenoon and reports a. fine rain in that vicinity Sunday night. About an inch of water': felL - Leo. Myerly was called to Denver Sunday night by a message stating that he was needed to join his com pany of the Colorado National Guards. Several - of the boys from ". this county who went east to harvest have returned home after having put Tn aoout ten days in. the harvest news The Niquette Land Co., of Salina, have closed their land office here for the present. W. E. Basnett who had charge of the office expects to remain Here indefinitely. - J. W. Phares came down from Cres cent, Colo., last Saturday night and is looking after business matters this week. He says the weather has been a little not in Colorado. It takes water to raise Sudan grass in this country the same as anything else. It is recommended as a dry weather plant but this year seems toj be a little. too dry for it. .. ... L. A. McFarland." of Lincoln. Kan sas, but who is now in the officers training camp at Ft. Riley, was a guest at the home of F. D. Hastings and daughter, Anna, in this city over Sunday. Miss Flossie Kern, of Phillipsburg, who is spending: several weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jake H,oover wno live north of town, went down to Ellis Tuesday where she will visit friends for a couple of weeks. Dan McKnight was up from Ban ner Wednesday. He was accompan ied by Frank McKnight, his nephew, from Guyman, Okla. Frank will -be remembered by many of the Worlds old readers as he was one of the live wires in the boom days of Wa-Keeney. Chas. Sellers and sons, Joe Mack and Eddie, and Mrs. Milt Warner and children, left Saturday morning by auto route for the mountains of Colo rado where all of them but Charley expect to spend the next several weeks. The World is full of advertising and commissioners proceedings this week and it is impossible to give our readers the usual amount of local and news matter. It is just one of those weeks when the newspaper man has his innnig. Mrs. F" E. Nattier, who has spent the last - several weeks 1 here at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Acre, left for her home at Concor-' dia last Saturday morning. She was accompanied by her cousin, Miss Mar garet Acre. If you are planning on offering1 any thing in the special premium line for the coming Trego County Fair, just report it to the secretary at once. The list must be closed up very soon in or der that the annual catalogue can. be issued.. Uo it now. J. H. Poffenberger received a postal card this morning from his son. Minor, who has been with the United States regular army in the Philippine Islands for the last several years. He says he is now on his way home and in a few days is expected to land on home soil again. We are pleased to note that G. C. Mangold trotting mare, came out with flying colors and the first money in the races at the celebration at Hays. July 4th. She was entered in the 2:30 but her competition was not close enough to give her a fair trail. O. L. Cook's colt did not race as there was no other entry in the 2-year old class. Word has been received from Ben Rogers that he and his wife ar.d lit tle son have arrived safely in "Port land, Oregon, and that the health of Mrs. Rogers is gradually improving. They have rented a house and will do light housekeeping. Wa-Keeney friends are glad to know that she is improving. At the coming Trego county fair there will be a premium offered on the best display of vegetables from each township in the county and it is hoped that there will be several com petitors -from each township. . This feature can be found under the head of the vegetable department in the catalogue which is soon to be issued. The Wa-Keeney Chautauqua begins Sunday, July 29th and last five days. Some interesting matter is being sent out and It promises those who attend that the entertainment will be fine. The numbers on the program are all first class people in their line and all who possible can should take in every number. For full information get a copy of .the Wa-Keeney Chautauqua Herald. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Caron, Mr. Hobbs, Mrs. Tennell and Mrs. H. D. Moore, went up ko Quinter Sunday evening and attended church. The rainy weather prevented them return ing tltat evening and they remained over until Monday. On their return trip they were accompanied by the Rev. Woodward, who visited with his friends here until the west bound jitney came along. The silo special meeting in this county which are scheduled for this week and concerning which a notice appears in this issue, may be of decid ed interest to the farmers and they may not mean anything. If there is no crop of feed they will mean noth ing, but If there is even a light crop they will be of importance. In years past the farmers who canned their feed in a silo did not worry over cat tle feed like the farmer who had no silo. It will be the -same thing over this year and -other years to come. Better attend these meetings r and learn something about how to con- struct a silo.. Look up the other notice f.or places nu mc u memiigi. . James Season who is with a bridge gang on the U. P., spent Sunday at the home of his mother, Mrs. Selby, northeast of this city. ' Wanted Second hand autos, any make, in exchange for mine homines and oil stock. - Inquire Poffenberger Oarage or phone 104. Adv. 20; " W. F. .King was up f rom -, Glencoe township Tuesday on . business and made arrangements tor entering his horses at the coming Trego County f air. , Mr. King has some fine animals and it is a pleasure to. look at them in action on the race track. - Jake Hoover arrived home last Sun day morning from a trip to Phillips burg where he had been for about a week visiting at the home of his fath er and mother. Jake says there are some pretty good fields of wheat be tween here and Phillipsburg. : Mrs. Gean BeasonNand little daugh ter left Monday morning for Brook ville and from there will go to Galves ton, Texas, for a visit at the home of her parents. She had been visiting at the home of Mr. Beason's mother, Mrs. Selby, northeast of this city. - Miss Myrtle Noll, of Abilene, was her . the, first, pf the week looking aj.ter tne interests oi ner real estate south of this city a few miles where she owns two half sections of land. The prospects for a crop on her land this year are decidely poor. She re turned home Wednesday morning. In this issue appears the advertise ment ,of W. W. Gibson's Rexall store one cent sale. ' This is the second sale of this kind that Mr. Gibson has put on and it is hoped to make this sale an even greater success than the other was. 'Be sure to read the advertise ment i and make a check after the name ;of the article you wish to pur chase, and take it to the store. The North Bros, tent theater is at Ellis .this week where the company is playing their shows. If they are giving as good satisfaction at Ellis as they did here there big tent is certainly filled to overflowing. The North Bros, have a strong company of players and present? attractions which please the people and on their next visit to this city will likely be greeted with larger audiences than they had last week. - . Otis E. Doane, of near Edson, Kan sas, was here tie first of the week loading up the remainder of his farm machinery and getting them ready to ship to his new home in the west. When he left here last spring he was hoping t lere would be some wheat for him to rat. -from the crop he had sown heuCii lv so left his harvest tools. But? alas: The. dry weather cleaned op all' but about twenty-five acres of his crop, and that is not worth much more than the cutting. The contributions to the Red Cross fund from this county -continues to grow. At the close of the work last Monday evening the total receipts were $1,127.27. Of this amount the city of Wa-Keeney contributed $707.57. Considerable more money is yet to be raised before the quota for this county is raised. The proportion according to the $1,000,000 asked for from this state, will run the amount to nearly $1 per- head for each man, woman and child in the couiity. Those who are soliciting for the Red Cross fund are freouently asked how much money this county is sup- nosed to contribute to the cause. W e have been informed that no apportionment- has ever been mcie to this county excepting that Governor Cap per has sent word that to raise the sum designated for the state it will be necessary for each county to con tribute $1 per head for each man, woman and child in it. At that rate nd according to the census returned bj the assessors this spring, Trego County should contribute $6,240. In accord with the request from President Wilson that all the churches over the land should observe a pat riotic day with prayer for our country in this its hour of need, the Presby terian church held a pleasing and im pressive service last Sabbath. A good choir sang appropriate anthems and led , the congregation in enthusiastic i singing of national hymns. The read me of the Presidents W ar Message to congress was followed by a strong address from the pastor. Some very ' effective ' decorations of large and small flags and two large bouquets sent in by the absent members of the church, all which tended to make a j very impressive and helpful service, j The collection which was taken' was i devoted to the Red Cross work. I First published in the Western Kan - sas World, July 12, 1917.) ROAD NOTICE State of Kansas, Trego County, ss. To Whom It May Concern: Take Notice, that a legal petition siemed bv Rav McCurdy and other householders of Riverside Township, in said County, has been presented to the Board of County Commissioners, praying for the location of a section line road as follows, vz: Beginning at the southeast corner of section 15, township 15, range 22, thence run ning south 3 miles and there termin ating. Said road to be 40 feet wide. And that said beard has appointed A. H. Hamm. S. A. Newcomer and John McNaughton viewers, who will meet at the point of beginning of said road, as petitioned for, on the 14th day of August 1917, and proceed to view said road, as the law directs, at which , time and place all persons in terested may attend and have a hear ing. In case said viewers fail to meet cn the day designated, they may meet on the following day, as provided by law,, without further aotice. Witness my hand and the official seal of said County, this 7th day of July 1917. ' ' .' C. H." Benson, . County Cleric MARGARET SWIGGETT Bondfed Abstracter Insurance Farm Loans Wa-Keeney, Kansas (Register of Deeds of Trego County Eight Consecutive Years) WHAT A WEDDING PRESEN" ar you going to give t the bride? Thar ar thing that ar nic bat not lasting, and thr ar thing that ar lasting but not nic. But A NICE CLOCK OR SILVERWARE ar both nic and lasting. Pric Sl.OO and up Engagement King, Wedding Ring, Diamond Rings. Come in and look them over. ' A. S. TREGER, Wa-Keeney, Kanaa H. J. Hille. Pres. W. G. Baker. Vice-Pres. A. H. Blair. Cashier - W. J. Skelton. Second Vice Pres. C. R Hille. Ass t. Cashier Capital $25,000.00 TREGO COUNTY STATE BANK DiBKOToafi Bl. J. Hille General Banking WA-KEENEY, KANSAS W. J. Skelton ' F. S. Diebold W G. Baker A. Fi. Blair SOUTH TREGO This locality was visited by several local showers this week. J M. Perry, the Baker medicine man, was through this burg Monday. Geo. Lohman haa returned from Russell after four days in the harvest field. i Mr. and Mrs. Pete Mai and- family visited with Mr. and Mrsv -.Ha.ranJ acnneiuer. Soloman Deines and family moved this week onto his own farm which he is improving. - ' - Mr. and Mrs. A. ' R. . McKinley and family called pa Mrs. Julius Sitz Sun day afternoon. John Hixson was gathering up tne cattle- in this burg Monday which he bought dast week. Mrs. Fred Eichman jr and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lohman and family. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Schoppel of Kan- som called on Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ben- isch Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ryce and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Weideman jr and family. Mr; and Mrs. Jas. Beniseh motored to Ransom, Brownell and Ness City last Thursday. They report crops a little better down there. - Mr. and Mrs. Herman Heitman left overland last Thursday for Wichita and other places in the east where they will visit relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Kraus of Wa Keeney and Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Zuit zisr and Mrs. Joe Gorsky and son spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Benisch. OGALLAH What little wheat we have is about all harvested. Wedding bells were ringing south east of Ogallah Wednesday. Miss Lrladys Dean, of balina, is vis iting with Bertha Marquand. Rev. Parish, Christian minister, will preach every Sunday at 11:00 a. m. and 8:30 p. m. Notning stirring here as nearly everybody who can get away has gone to the mountains. Who says Ogallahs dead " e vot ed $5,000 bonds for a new school house. - The vote was about 2 to 1. Rev. W. L. Cannon preached a splendid sermon last Sunday and rais ed a large sum of money for the Kan sas Children's Home Society. As Rev. Sutton is away there will be no services next Sunday afternoon and the M. E. Sunday school will meet with the Christian Sunday school at 10:00 a. m. Misses Lucretia and Katheleen Dot- son gave a Cinderella party to about fifty of their young friends last Sat urday mgnt. lne admission was one Denny for every year, of their ages and they raised $3.10 which they gave to the Red Cross b ana. VODA Voda was visited by a nice rain Sun day night. ' W. M. Mcvey was m voda last Thursday on business. - We are sorry to note that Jonn Kristoff is worse again. W. D. Austin was heipmg Dick Owens build his garage last week. Philip Krhut and mother spent Friday evening with Mrs. Geo. Kris- tof. : John Bordovsky is the only one to start his header going this harvest in Voda. - R Owens, W. D. Austin and Chas. Kristof made a business trip to Ogal lah, Monday. Ralph Kristof and O. Knudson each shipped out a carload of cattle on Sunday morning. Grant Marshall was putting in the furnace apparatus for the new hall at Voda the fore part of the week... Misses Grace and Myrtle Schwan beck returned home from Denver where they were visiting their broth er, Otis and also other relative. BIG RED CROSS MEETING There will be a meeting of the Trego County Red Cros chapter at the court room in this city Tuesday f.fternoon, July 17, at 4 p. m. All offic ers and members and all interested in Red Cross work are requested to be present at this meeting. . There will iik-cly be a big attendance at this meeting.. It will be the place to come to to learn something about tho "Red Cross and its work. '- r.j- : For- the general '" Information : of those throughout thsc county who de-. sire-tq know, we 'publish'' herewith a" list of "names of those who have been appointed by the county chapter to carry on the Work of r soliciting-" in Trego county.- " Wa-Keeney township :W J". - Wil liams, vice-chairman, with Mrs. A. H. Blair, Mrs. J. C. Cortright, Mrs. W. R. Walker, Mrs. A. J. Atherton, Tim Rhoades, Daniel Pershing, Walter Parks and H. J. McNair as solicitors. Ogallah township C. C. Yetter, vice chairman. Glencoe Will Clark. Riverside E. W. Allman. Willcox Charles Marcy. . Franklin P. W. O'Toole. ' Collyer L. E. Steigeiman, vice chairman and Mrs. Steigeiman and . Mrs. Newcomb, solicitors. Voda Mrs. A. G. Schwanbeck. Banner W. J. Harvey. No restrictions are made as to whom a contribution may be given but it is advisable- that residents of the townships give their money to the solicitors for that township. Do not delay about handing in your contri bution but do so at once so that the final round-up can be made at once and the funds all be sent in to head quarters. WA-KEENEY CHAUTAUQUA 1917 The 1917 Chautauqua convenes in Wa-Keeney on Sunday, July 29 and continues for five days. The follow ing officers and committees have been elected and apointed. L. S. Myerly, president; J. H. Niesley, secretary and treasurer; committee on tickets, W. J. Williams, J. H. Heckman, J. R. Parsons, F. B. Acre, H. F. Kline, E. A. Courtney, J. C. Kirkner, G. P. Hin shaw; committee on grounds, S. J. Straw, R. I. Pickering and A. S. Ker aus; committe on advertising, Max G. Garrison, J. W. Bingham, A. S. Pea cock, C. L." Hard man, C. R. Hille and R. R. Ufford. The program promises to be interesting and instructive and all should make it a point to purchase season tickets and try -to be present at each number. NOTICE Any land owner having sand pits; gravel pits, rocks suitable for con crete work, or rock for crushing fit for roads, clays and shales of a nature ; to spread on sandy roads, either as binding or surfacing material close enough to be available for use, on any road, will confer a favor by giving me its location, nature and quanity. I am. required to gather this information not only for our use in this county but for the state highway commission as well. All such is to the owners in terest as well as that of the public. The sooner this is gathered the sooner it can be made of service. t Hudson Harlan, -" County Engineer. BANNER PICNIC Our Banner friends are organizing a bill for an all-day picnic and bas ket dinner for Wednesday, July 25th, at the Purinton grove near Castle Rock. While they expect the largest part of tneir crowd will De irora me south, Utica, Arnold and Ransom, yet they say they would greatly apprec iate the attendance of Wa-Keeney and all Trego county. Watch for complete program next issue.