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TEDS FARMER; FEBRUARY 22, 1918 t IV Raroente Gpyernment To Make UNION LEADERS PREDICT STRIKE WILL SPREAD ALL ALONG ATLANTIC COAST PRESIDENT WATCHING SITUATION. ' New York, Feb. 16 An appeal directly to President Wil son to intervene in the strike of ship yard workers engaged on government contracts will be made today by the United Broth erhood.of Carpenters and Joiners, it was announced by officers of the organization hej-e today. . Approximately 50 per cent, of the shipyard workers in the New York district are on strike today, according to claims made by the Brotherhood officials, including T. M. Guerin, mem ber of the executive committee. The strike would spread from New York to other cities along the Atlantic coast they said, unless wage demands were granted. The number of men i out here was ceciarea iu ur i.ciwcw. . 7,000 and 8,000 ' Chairman Hurley of tne hnippms, ; ers saidi an(J tie up th(J &:overnment Board, General Manager Piez of the . shipping program. Emereencv Fleet Corporation, and v. i lmersemy r y v . Despite an appeal last night by Everit Mary, chairman of the Labor . ' u , : . ,T 1 t. a with ' VVll."am L- Hutcheson, president of t rtrZ ' United Brotherhood of Carpen- la;zl"rreasShinStn t0toy n 1 -woXtrurt: Theeftoct of the Shipping Board's j ment to aa-i"st the difficulty, the ex second appeal to striking carpenters in j ecutlve committee of the Marine eastern ship yards to return to worn riin settlement of their grie-an?es by the Wage Adjustment Board was anxiously awaited at Washington to day. The board's renewed request was made by Chairman Hurley last night in a telegram to William Li. Hutcheson, president of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Join ers, virtually demanding that he send the striking ship building employes back to their jobs. Earlier, in the day Hutcheson had answered a previous appeal with a communication declar ing it would be impossible to act un til he had some definite proposition from the Shipping Board as to work ing conditions. Although nothing had come from the Shipping Board early today to in dicate that Hutcheson had replied to Y'hairman Hurley's second telegram, I he union chief was quoted in New P'ork as saying that tho action of the ?ren in going out does not meet with his approval, v What steps the government will take if the situation, which virtually is paralyzing the ship building pro gram, remains unchanged, has not heeit, indicated, but President Wilson is known to be giving the matter his . personal attention and is following every development. " The appeal to the president, Mr. Guerin said, would suggest a com promise similar to that which was effected last October between the gov ernment and navy yard carpenters who were then threatening to strike. At that time the navy yard workers wanted $660 a day, similar to the wage which ship yard workers are re ceiving on the Pacific coast today. Secretary Daniels and Assistant Secre tary Roosevelt called the heads of the carpenters' union into conference in Washington, Mr. Guerin was said, and an agreement was reached fixing an eight hour day, a wage of $4.88, a 5 per cent, bonus under certain condi tions, and two weeks' vacation and all holidays with pay equivalent in all to $5.90 a day. Such a compromise now in favor of the ship yard workers would be ac ceptable, Mr. Guerin declared. The situation at the ship yards in Baltimore and vicinity, where 1,000 carpenters, joiners and caulkers are on trike, was declared to be un changed this morning, with the ex ception that the ranks of the strik ers had been increased by the walk out of 20 carpenters at the yards of the Coastwise Ship Building Co. These men did not 'report for work under orders of their union leaders, -t was said. The caulkers went out yes terday in sympathy with the carpen ters. That the action of the striking ship wojkers was taken because of a de mand for a "closed shop" was denied today by John Morgan, general or ganizer of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America. "Our demands are that the men now oat receive the same working condi tions as those on the Pacific coast," he said. "We are firm in these de mands." With respect to charge of pro-German influencethat were made by one ship building head here, Mr. Morgan declared that "no pro-German senti ment exists in our organization and I ORE COAL NEW TIDEWATER SUPPLIES IN HAMPTON ROADS WILL BE RE , LEASED FOR FACTORIES IN THIS SECTION IIEATLESS MONDAY 0. K.U Washington, Frb. ifl Increased shipments of coal for New England are to be made from the tidewater supply in Hampton roads, the United States fuel The decision was made after con ferrfng with the navy department, which is interested in the work done by many New England factories. The shipments will be in addition to the regular order of 600 cars a day ror New England. It is thought that with improved conditions in trans portation it will be possible to speed MORE BIBLES FOR ARMY CAMPS New York, Feb. 15 Five hundred thousand New Testaments hav JacS been ordered for the soldiers in this country by the supply department of the National War Work Council of the Young Men's Christian association, it This makes rs Reauestins we will not tolerate any." Unless the United States shipping board takes definite action imme diately on the wage demands of the striking ship carpenters at Staten Isl and and other yards in this vicinity, union officials declared today that the walkout, which already has affected 2,000 men, will spread, not only over the New Tork district( but all along tne Atlantic seaboard. This would involve 15,000 men here, union lead- i to voted at a secret mceUng to issue the strike -call. Officials early today would not venture an opinion as to how generally President Hutch eson's appeal would be heeded, but they expressed their belief that "a large number" would respond to the call to strike. President Hutcheson, in a state ment last night, "resented the im pression" that the carpenters were not loyal to the administration in the conduct of the war. The carpenters insist that their demands have been in the hands of the shipping board for months, but have been set aside re peatedly without action. They as sert that they ask only for an investi gation of wage conditions, with a view to an agreement similar to that made on the Pacific coast. Mr. Guerin announced that he had received today a telephone message from a ship building corporation at Edgewa.ter, N. J., saying it had set tled with its men on a basis of $6.60 a day, pending an understanding be tween the government and the ship yard workers generally. Mr. Hutcheson said he had not yet received the second telegram sent to him yesterday by Chairman Hurley of the United States shipping board, re questing him to direct the men to re turn to work. Until Mr. Hurley's message reached him, he declared, he would r.ot comment on Its text. His appeal to the president today, Mr. Hutcheson said, would ask the president to persuade Chairman Hur ley to formulate a memorial, to be presented to shin carpenters through out the country, setting forth a mini mum wage which the government might he willing to pay. Explaining this phase of the situa tion, Mr. Guerin said Chairman Hur ley desired to have the carpenters sign an agreement that they would abide by any wages that the labor ad justment board might fix. The car penters would not sign such a docu ment. Mr. Guerin aserted, at least un til they were given some idea as to the amount of the minimum wage. Brotherhood leaders asserted today that there were about 5,000 carpenters idle here, owing to scarcity of mate rial, in addition to the strikers; and that throughout the country there were 51,000 carpenters idle who had been employed on cantonfnents and who would be turned into ship build ings workers with only a little train ing. These estimates were given out, it was said, to show that there was plenty of labor available for carrying out the government's ship building P'.ogram if higher wages were paid. Contrary to the claims of the broth erhood leaders, information reaching Shipping board officials here at noon indicated that fewer than 1,100 ship a n-oro rn strike tnrlav in yiiiu 1 ' " ' 1 " the New York district. The government has rejected a pro position by the carpenters that the ship workers be allowed to place a representative on the labor adjustment board of the emergency fleet corpora tion to settle the present wage con troversy, it was announced by Mr. Guerin. The ship workers wanted to appoint such a representative with the right to vote and with powers equal to those held by government repre sentatives. administration announced today. up movement of fuel both by rail and by water. The decision to continue heatlcss Mondays in New England was made unanimous when the New Hampshire federal fuel administrator gave notice today of his approval of the action of the other fuel administrators for that territory. 'total of 1,700,000 New Testaments bought by the association for army men during the last few months. "New Testaments are greatly in de mas4 !I ttwvr the country for our men," a Y. M. C. A. leader said. "They are not ornaments. They are water proofed, for use in all kinds of weath er. They are for serious men, en gaged in preparation for serious busi- a I xiess.' SENATOR WEEKS SAYS WILSON IS PLAYING POLITICS Washington, Feb. 15. President Wil son was charged with deliberately in jecting politics into the controversy over war efficiency by Senator Weeks, a Republican member of the military committee, in a speech today vigor ously criticising the war department and other branches of the govern ment, i Supporting the military committee's war cabinet and munition director bills as a constructive, non-partisan effort to aid and not embarrass Presi dent Wilson- in unifying America's war force, Senator Weeks detailed de lays and difficulties of the govern ment's military preparations. He de clared that lack of a central body to make and direct all of the govern ments' war plans is largely responsi ble for present and past troubles. In his charge against President Wil son the senator said: "Not a question indicating partisan ship was raised until the president de liberately injected politics into the sit uation by an, attack on the chairman of the committee (Senator Chamber aim (Democrat), and the committee itself and by calling to the White House manv Democratic party lead ers, not for consultation purposes, but" to insist that a discussion oi tnis question on the floor of the senate be prevented if possible. Have we come to a pass that the action of the most important committee in congress at this time is to be forbidden by the president ?" Referring to Secretary Baker, Sen ator Weeks said after praising many army achievements: "Neither do I wish to unjustly or unreservedly criticise the head of the war department. He has had to deal with a multitude of questions, tne ais posal of many of which meet my ap proval. It would require too much time to enumerate. The secretary has cone that effectively in his speech to the committee Janj. 28 "If I were to criticise the secretary personally it would be that he has undertaken to do too many things himself, some of which might have been left to subordinates. If I were to make a further criticism it would relate to his temperamental relation ship to the war. Doubtless he him self would admit that he is a pacifist by nature. For example, even now he is opposed to universal military training and I cannot divorce myself from the conclusion, based on his cwn testimony, that he has been in clined to plan for prosecution of the war and this condition has to some degree permeated the department on the basis that we're 3,000 miles away from the front, instead of has tening preparation with all the vigor we would exercise if our borders were the battle front." Referring to Mr. Baker's reply when asked by the committee whether oth er men could not have done things better, that he did not know all the men in the world and could not judge their capabilities Senator Weekj said the answer was "somewhat flip pant' 'and that it is impossible to ex pect a department whose head makes such a statement to make many changes which an outside investiga tion has shown .to be necessary. "One of the notable features of the present situation," Senator Weeks contended, "is the virulence used in attacking those who favor the com mittee's plan of centralization." They are referred to as plotters, mischiev ous meddlers and even as servitors of the enemy. Every means of false suggestion has been used to discredit a sincere and loyal attempt to make a change which will materially increase the efficiency of our war administra tion." Asserting that it is "physically im possible" for the president to indi vidually co-ordinate and direct all the government's functions, Senator Weeks added: "Can it be possible that the presi dent will be embarrassed by such a cabinet? It would seem as if he would be embarrassed to a greater extent by a perpetuation of the dis jointed situation that now exists, a situation that failed to produce ships, notwithstanding the shipping plans; which has failed to deliver coal, not withstanding the unbounded coal sup ply we have; which has been respon sible for a failure to protect our sol- diers against sickness and furnish ! ..Htr. snitnrild flnt riinfr. them with suitable clothing. "We are the inventors and leaders In aeroplanes and yet we have no aeroplanes. We have the greatest steel works in the world, and yet we have few guns. We lead the worlS in automobile manufacture, and yet we are just commencing to obtain motor trucks; and worst of all, the system we have is responsible for camp hospitals not having heat, water or sewerage." Furnishing of food to the army, Senator Weeks said, has been "a tre mendous success, due to Gen. Sharpc." He also praised Gen. Cro zier, chief of ordnance, saying he had often asked congress for more ord nance appropriations but that senti ment in the country prevented ap propriations. Gen. Crozier, however, he declared, was partly responsible for deficiencies in machine guns and light ordnance. Reliance on France for ordnance and other materials he said was "very doubtful wisdom" and the powder situation was described as acute, "with half of American production under contract to the Allies and our total capacity not half of our needs." Aviation work, the senator conced ed, has been carried out intelligently and systematically. "While the actual number of ma chines constructed," he said, "does not compare favorably with impres sions given to the public, it is repre sented that production will be very rapid." Although praising efforts of the wa:' department toward reorganization Senator Weeks said Edward R. Stet tinus, the civilian surveyor of pur chases, is in an "impossible position" and that the administration is "throw ing away an opportunity to make an effective organization" by rejecting the plan for a munition director." HTXG FROM SAME GIEBETT. Chicago, Feb. 16 Edward Wheed, who killed two persons in a payroll robbery here last summer, and Harry Lindrum, convicted of the murder of a policeman, were hanged yesterday iirom the same scaffold. 19,000 BRITISH SUBJECTS JOIN FIGHTING FORCES With Coming Draft Figures Will Take Big ' Jump. CANADIANS CAN'T ESCAPE SERVICE American Four Minute Men Will Assist to Obtain Voluntary Enlistments Chicago, Feb. 16 More than 19,000 British subjects resident in the United States have enlisted in the fighting forces of Great Britain and Canada, with the probability that the recipro cal draft agreement which has just been reached between the United States, England and Canada will cause these figures to leap upward rapidly, according to a statement 30,000 citizens of the British Empire made here by the British-Canadian Recruiting Mission. These figures, however, are considered low by mem bers of the Chicago division head quarters of tie mission .hich an nounces that there are no less than 20.000 citizens of the British Empire in the United States eligible for ser vice. British and Canadian subjects in this country cannot possibly escape liability for service, according to Gen eral W. A. White, head of the British-Canadian Recruiting Mission. As soon as Congress acts favorably on the reciprocal draft agreement, he stated in a despatch to the Chicago division, the British subject will be come "much more liable for service than the American." With the announcement that the reciprocal draft agreement had been reached, the energies of the recruit ing mission were redoubled in an ef fort to get as many men as possible to enlist without awaiting the draft The commission hopes to double the number of British enlistments in this country before the draft becomes ef fective. Under the new reciprocal arrange ment Chicago officials of the commis sion point out that "British subjects, for the first time, are placed on an equal footing the world over." The same age limits and other conditions affecting British and Canadian sub jects in their home countries, will be applied to those in the United States. making all natives of the United Kingdom who are between the ages of 20 and 40 years eligible, but sub jects to the same exemption rights as men living in England or Canada. "This is a perfectly fair arrange ment," said General White in his tele graphic instructions, "for it compels every man who claims British citi zenship to place himself on practically the same footing as his fellow country men at home." According to General White, Brit ish subjects will be given 60 days after enactment of the reciprocal draft measure to join the English forces voluntarily. It is during' this period that the mission plans to launch a nation-wide campaign. To aid in this work an effort is be ing made to obtain the services of the American "Four-Minute-Men" who are expected to join in a "British Brothers' week." giving the mission the services of 25,000 speakers. In addition patriotic moving pictures will be flashed before 13,000,000 per sons daily and members of the mis sion, aided in many cases by friendly action by State Councils of Defense, will increase their efforts. In urging the speeding up of Brit ish and Canadian enlistments Genera! White said: "What we need at present is man power. If the Britisher enlists with us he can get to Europe quickly and be made effective much sooner than if he waits a few weeks longer for the draft." Branch depots of the mission have been established in every principal center of the United States, each de pot being in charge of an officer who has seen active service. Most of these officers, according to a statement given out at the Chicago office, wear on their sleeves "that badge of suffer ing, the 'wounded stripes,' " an many of them are doing recruiting duty while on sick leave from the battle lines. MAIL SECRET LED TO ARREST UN AGENTS Philadelphia, Feb. 16. Switzerland is the channel through which Adal bert K. Fischer, said to be an import ant agent of the German government in this country, communicated with friends in Germany. Fischer, head of the firm of Schutte & Koerting Co., valve makers, Phila delphia, now is interned in the Federal prison camp at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., as a dangerous enemy alien. Secret service agents made this known today when they referred to mall sent by representatives of Fisch er abroad. The mail was first ad dressed to persons in Zurich under the seal of the Swiss government Other mail sent from here to Ger man agents was mailed under the seal of the Colombian governmtnt Teu ton propagandists here believed their information was secret, but the United States opened the letters, learned the contents and permittted them to pro ced on their way. With the mail, however, and in fact on the same boat, was a government secret agent. What he learned when the mail was delivered resulted in the arrest m this country oi many German spies, whose names have not been published. REGISTER 1760 SHIP WORKERS. Hartford, Feb. 16 Registration of applications for positions for ship building number about I,i60 to date Of this number, 700 applications were received at the state headquarters at zhe canitol. about 1,000 in various larts of' the state, and between 50 and L60 at the Hartford bureau. EIRLOOMS GO AS GREENWICH HOUSE IS BURNE Greenwich, Feb. 10 Heirlooms of much value intrinsically were lost when the home of Mrs. E. W. Russell, in North street, three miles from the borough centre, was burned during last night The house was built a tew years ago at a cost of more than $100,000. It was of English design and of stone and brick. The furnish ings included many paintings, etch ings, tapestries, rugs, china and sil verware which with jewelry and per sonal belongings, all of which were lost, had an estimated value of more than $100,000. The heirlooms were of the Russell family. Mrs. Russell had closed her home, as Mr. Russell is in Washington, and recently she leased it to H. L. Stod dard of New York city, "who had not taken up otcupancy. There was no fire to heat the house and precaution had been taken to protect tie elec tric wire system. The origin of the fire cannot be determined. This is the third fire of large loss in tho town in recent months. Mrs. Russell and her son, John R. Johnson, have been at a hotel here. There were employes on the estate, which is 85 acres in .extent, but they knew nothing of the fire until the Greenwich firemen arrived. The fire, men saved outlying buildings and th garage. The Sre turned for threa hours. The loss on the house and on much of the contents is covered by insur ance. TROTZKY MOVE PUTS GERMANY IN DIFFICULTY Washington,Feb,16. Official Wash ington's opinion of Bolshevik Foreign Minister Trotzkys decision for no war and still no peace with Germany is that Trotzky has placed- Germany in a military and diplomatic predica ment. Movements of German troops from the Russian front have been stopped and it is believed by military men here that no further withdrawal of forces can be made until Berlin decides on a policy toward the Bolsheviki. Such official reports as have been received do not say clearly whether the de mobilization of Russian troops has been continued, but they do indicate a reorganization of the Red Guard. Germany by repudiating the no-an- nexation policy, officials here think, has widened the breach with the So cialists who cry for peace. They al so think Germany will be forced to go to the aid of the Ukrainians if the Bolsheviki attack them. RADICAL TEUTON SOCIALISTS GAIN GREATER GROUND New Tork, Feb. 16. The Radical Socialist movement in Germany, the grwing strength "of which was shown by the persistence of the political strike in January and February, also is gaining decided ground among the political leaders of German Social eDmocracy. This information was ob tained by the Associated Press from German newspapers received here. The little group of Radical Socialists in the reichstag under the leadership of Haase, Dadebour and Bernstein, who split off from the caucus organ ization of the regular or Scheidemann Socialists on the issue of voting funds for the war and formed an indepent ent organization, has now grown by continued defections from the moder ate wing to a strength entitling it to a second; member on the principal reichstag committees. The additional representation is gained at the expense of the regular Socialist organization, which at the beginning of the war was the largest party in the reichstag, but which has now fatten to second rank, behind the Catholic center. Four Socialist mem bers of the reichstag, Brandes, Dr. Erdmann, Heuttmann and Jaeckel, went over to the radicals at the be ginning of the year. Recent elections at Leipzig brought IS Radical Socialists into the city council. The regular Socitlists got only six places. The Radical Social ists, who thus formed the third strongest party in the council, de manded! the second vice presidency as their quota of the presiding officers, but the non-Socialist aldermen, to whom the Radical Socialists are anathema, united with the regular Socialists to give this office of the six moderate Socialist Democrats, whereupon the Radical Socialists refused to partici pate in the organization of the coun cil. Leipzig is one -of the strongholds of the Radical Socialists, their principal newspaper organ, the Leipzig Voiks Zeitung, being published there. CH WILL EQUISITION ALL ERCHANT SHIPS Paris, Feb. IS. A decree published in the Journal Officiel today provides for the requisitioning of the entire merchant marine of France on March PORTER SCHOOL STUDENT DIES OF PERITONITIS. Hartford, Feb. 16 Miss Helen Haight of Ballston Spa., N. Y., a stu dent at the Porter school in Farm ington, died at the Hartford hospita" this morning of peritonitis. She hai' been at the hospital since Feb. 5, an underwent several days ago an oper ation for appendicitis. She was 1 years old, a daughter of Theodore .-' Haight ' Four Child ren An Voman Victims In Attacl SHORE BATTERIES DRIVE OFF ENEMY SUBMA- RENE IN MIDNIGHT BATTLE FIRE FROM . CHANNEL LASTS FIVE MINUTES, BUT LITTLE DAMAGE IS DONE TO TOWN BY TEUTON GUNS. London, Feb. 16 An enemy early this morning, it is officially announced. The submarine was fired on from the shore and ceased the bombardment after some 30 rounds had been fired. There were less than a dozen casualties and only slight damage, The official statement reads: , . "Fire was opened on Dover by an enemy submarine about 12:10 o'clock this morning, the firing continuing three or four- minutes. The shore batteries firing after discharging about 30 rounds. "The casualties were: Killed, one child; injured, three men -one woman and three children. house property." Cases have not been infrequent of German submarines bobbing up oft he British coast and shelling shore points. Yarmouth, for instance, was thus bombarded on Jan. 14. It is not often, however, that the submarines have cared to take chances with such a well defended town as 5a Dover, the most important in southeastern Eng lich Bridgeport Woman Offers Bail For Youth After He Swindled HER HEART WON BY DASHING $15-A-WEEK TELEPHONE CLERK, MISS JOSEPHINE . MAYHER PARTS WITH HER CASH. How Edmond Rousselot, the $15 dollar a week clerk won the heart of Miss Josephine C. Mayher, formerly of Bridgeport and incidentally got $10,000 from her, as part of the story which makes New York dispatches today seem like excerpts from the Arabian Nights. Negotiations with the firm of J. P. Morgan & Co. for a loan of J50.000.000 for the King of Spain, bilking of W. E. D. Stokes, the proprietor of the Hotel Ansonia in New York out of $500 for entertainment of the French ambassador are all part of the tale which has amazed the police and populace of the metropolis. When Miss Mayher heard that the pseudo Marquis, chum of crowned heads, diplomat and ambassador and plenipotentiary extraordinary, had be come entangled in the meshes of the law through alleged viclation of the espionage act and using the mails to defraud, she hurried to the Tombs in New York and offered to bail the young man out. She expressed great fondness for the accused "Marquis" and even though his bonds were set at $15,000 she would sacrifice anything to get him out of trouble. It will be remembered that when Miss Mayher lived in Bridgeport she resided with the family of William H. Perry, at the Perry mansion at the corner of Noble and East Washington avenues. Mrs. Perry was Miss May her's aunt and showered great atten tion upon her favorite neice. When William H. Perry died, he left Josephine Mayher $100,000 be side considerable property among which is the block of yellow brick houses located between Harriet , and William streets. Justice George W. Wheeler of th Supreme Court and Judge Morris B. Beardsley were the executors of the Perry estate and after they had set tled the affairs of the deceased capi talist and had handed over $100,000 to Josephine Mayher she took her de parture from Bridgeport and became a resident of Manhattan. At the time of her uncle's death Judge Carl Fos ter, of 1115 Main street, was Miss Mayher's attorney but beyond her receiving rentals from her property here, she did not keep up much 'In tercourse with the large number of friends which she had in this city. When she met Edmond Rousselot, the alleged swindler, has not been re vealed, but from her actions since his arrest it is evident that she became infatuated with the "Marquis.'' Friends say that she became ac quainted with him when he sold her some oil stock for $10,000, and from subsequent events it appears as if this is th case. When he sold the stock to the Bridgeport woman, he apparently had some fear of detection for to further assure her he gave her a written claim on the "ancestral relics of the de Castillo family" in case the oil stock was not satisfactory. Apparently Rousselot followed up the sale of the oil stock with a per sistent love suit for, although Miss Mayher discovered that the stock was valueless she still continued to cher ish a feeling which, although it could r.ot be described as the "grande pas sion," yet was bordering on the edge of romance." Miss Mayhtr is in the neighborhood of 50 years of age. while the object of her infatuation gives his age as 30, although he does not look more than 25. When living in Bridgeport, Miss Mayher was one of the roost popular of all the smart set and counted her friends by the score. Since leaving here she has entertained in a lavish manner in New York and her social activities have the substance of many lolumns of news from the metropo 's. She hps figured prominentbr lso in the social life of the European apitals. d One Hun Port 9 I ritisn submarine bombarded Dover replied and the enemv ceased" Slight damage was caused tr land, opposite Calais, on the straits ot ' Dover, across which flows a constant ' stream cf war traffic between Rng lan(i and France. It was only yesterday that a power ful squadron of German destroyers made a sudden raid In the straits ot Dover and sank eight British email ' craft out on a submarine chase. '" t Three indictments were returned yesterday Iby the Federal grand jury against Rousselot, who admits posing along Broadway as a "Marquis." The first indictment charges Rousselot with having posed as a member of the French War Commission to the United States. It also charges him with posing as a Spanish diplomat and of using the mails to defraud W. E. . Stokes, the millionaire hotel proprietor. The second indictment charges the bogus marquis with forging a United States Customs waterfront war zone pass which served to admit him to piers where important war activities were in progress. The third indict ment charges him, with the theft ot United States Treasury Department stationery. One of the persons questioned by Assistant United States Attorney Law rence Axman, in his effort to ferret out the details of the young man's Broadway activities, was Marjorie Rambean, the motion pietutre actress, . who said she had been deceived by ; the military uniform which the man. wore. The foreman of the granidi jury that returned the indictments was Wil liam Pierson Hamilton, Jr., of the i Arm of J. P. Morgan and Company. Mr. Hamilton gained a personal in sight into Rousselot's methods through the young man's efforts to negotiate a loan of $50,000,000 which he repre sented was for the King of Spain. Morgan & Co. communicated with, the State Department in Washington and Secretary Lansing frowned upott the project insisting that all negotiiM tions for loans should come through the State Department and be directly between the United States and Spain. This latter stand was taken upon tlr contents of a fake letter supposed to come from the King of Spain to Rousselot, guaranteeing the entrance of Spain into the world war on tho side of the Allies if the loan of $50, 600,000 could be negotiated to re plenish the depleted privy purse of the king. Rousselot extracted $500 from tho pocketbook of W. B. D. Stokes by, showing him a communication sup posedly from the French ambassadoi whom he was to meet in New York.; He was agitated and apparently !a great distress as he had no fund handy with which to entertain tho representative of the French nation Stokes let him have Sve crisp netl century notes without hesitation just to tide him over a little Iuntiieon party. GERMAN AIRMEN BOMBVARNEY Paris, Feb. 16 The French last, .night made a successful raid near Vauquois and repulsed German recon noitering parties in the Champagne and in upper Alsace, the war office reports. German aviators again dropped bombs in the vicinity ot . Kancjr. ARREST WHEAT HOARD KR. Hartford. Feb. IS Dwight M. Jl wood, a farmer of Middlebury, was arrested today under a federal war rant which charged him with "wil fully hoarding . a - necessary food stuff," to wit: wheat flour. A TJriitedJ, States food inspector found five bar- ; rels of flour in Atwood's haase, all t purchased, it is alleged, sines wheat ' flour became a scarce articlfe im th lairket. Her was announced today. mui notnk teri: