Newspaper Page Text
A. H. SANDr.1t, EDITOR. . TERMS OF1ÜBSCRIPTI0X. U any j onrnal, p r y ea r.. ? ... $5 00 y tbe w eek, Trt-Weekly Journal, per year, Weekly Journal, . .. . .. r. . ... . . ..." .. ....... 10 4 00 too E.verett, and äieHnglish 'Minister, and other dignitaries cf that government respecting the Tri-pirite treaty. The inquiries are of coarse all pertinent at this time, and have been freely tranmitted by theTresidenf to the Senate, in a Message . w v.r V. I ..,-... ' rnni mm zy inn T r- I l rrx w 1 1 ( I iidi'ii 11 r I rrtm the proper officers, and also "Mr: Everett re- ply, declining to enter -into the -proposed treaty.' The'Presideni coinesln for a liberal share of abuse and denunciation, frotn several of the unscrupulous, bullying, democratic membera, in consequence of n ajjeged-stu- . . . Iiearu ana minus maj not prove uw.u. ..- -- J?;w aturallv aciive lcnce for years- When trials came, she". r.-tbo.rropo.a ergw la it or .ny oifcer bu.i- SlS prie.,at tb Eraa- ,MONDAYMÖRNING:,:r::.:::JAN.w4on.txtminatioi,a3 and impat mother-a oumretched Zr!T5gä pwibröx Jr. v the woman might betoken. A very-unfav- ired habit8'of disobedience, and a comte&pt the loving and anxious Jooksof, those , je qaddlertaU.pI. stock of H3ra. d th- - - - ' Hatters t Waihntf 6ir. horable introduction to au epistolary intimacy, all authority, which rendered their .future angcL'tces which she saw in her.v.sion, and . J-. Ip .BaMierj. Hardware ua Kaddier'a -TheBenateandHwseof-ÄepresentÄlves.4 confeis7Trüt Martha had AX u wnlV labcock brothers have the. far been amualng themselves, prin-Wntfy billed boat. T cannot, however. ! entered the Ihe Wife of their father J Äd mit eh I ÄÄ d SfÄSSÄ eipally, 'tfpon ' matters connected with our Bpeak further in praise of the Belle Gould at J'Q ese jj orphans. They were pretty "ample, as step ty'Step she led them upward. Uchm- . ... . . . rcceireaby ,.MBiutK bkuih. Foreign relations, in caltfng out the Corres- lhi8 m0ment , as not knowing yet whether my Lnd interegtin(rt aud she thought she could When she looks oh1 them noxv,' the blessings "'" tw for a fan coawe. J ''iahk evas.svjllb bookstore Ha lust rec'Ji J-- LJJ.L.,-, nr. VK.o, M- s.. , r -rrul .s.i. -.lnJl.u;L".5t-.: ..M T,. . iMBnn and ornaments of the society in which they TVroxit;!; is, neroby ?ivenruat toe adJeraiSn?ii!M X r'? wpiJj Rowmrf, kahorsaf . i . . .i 1 1 n inn fTPii'riiii iih a itJii a.ii uc a. ' uuu iuu luci - a w i auiv v .mii .u bu lt v iuaaavi.ftiitL iiuluguiiv aaai'aavmMvaa au ur . . - ...... . .'.pidity on his part, in his action relative'to our TV t . .. Tka i)altla in s. wt.&u .W4uvu biuv'"u; 'the Senate upon 'the Tri-parite correfpdnd ence has not yet come off, which, juding from the zeal manifested in the matter, will, doubt less, der elope to some extent the policy to be adopted by the incoming Administration relative to our Foreign affairs. ' The Clayton and Bulwer treaty, touching 'Central America, also elicited a fierce discus sion in the Senate, in which Mr. Cass and . -others participated, who it appears voxea wr the treaty, laboring under the delusion that E(rland was to be excluded bv its provisions a from claiming any pan oi enirai America. "The parties drawing the treaty, place a dif- ferent construction -upon it, and Mr. Clayton also comes in for a severe castigation, which is probably as unmerited as the Btupia accu . sations against President Fillmore. o fn tSa YTmia; TWr Tr?irshll of fTalifornift. . . a evinces the usual Locofoco longing for Terri- torial acquisition, and censures the present ' Administration' course relative to Hayti and nicarauguain uu wrasurcu wiuw. xic mated to Mr. Venable who opposes the ac- quisition, (fearing that it might not come in as Slave territory,) that the question was set- tied there never ctuld be any more Slave - territory annexed to the Union. Mr. 31. appears aprehensive that there is cause to -fear that' our foreign relations will not long remain undisturbed and gave notice that he would at an early day introduce a bill placing at the disposal of the Presiderit elect 'the sum of five or 810,000,000 to be used ät his will, to meet any emergency "Which may ' arise in ioreign affairs. The Session thtrs Tar, appears tote one of amusement rather than business, the members indulging in ro- . man tic speuculations concerning fureign mat- ters, especially those relating to such ädja- eent territory as the Democratic party have ., . , , . . 9 9 A manifested such an insatiate disposition to acquire. ' fatal Railroad Accident. Jy reference to ctir telegraphic column it will be seen that Gen. Pierce and family have ? Je E that the statute of Illinois con- , , i Dieted with the law of Congress and the Con exDcrienced a severe domestic affliction In . u?... j j. the loss of their only son and child, besides delinquent liable to a double punishment. . " iustaining dangerous personal injuries them- The opinion of the court (Judge McLean selves. The son, a boy of twelve years of dissenting) was given a few days ago, pro- ' age, was crushed to death Instantly, and 'the ounciny ho - atnto of ilHnote constitu - ' , . , . .. tional, on the ground that the object of the -escape of Gen. P. and wifetnth their lives state was to prevent the immigration of . appears to have been almost miraculous. slaves, and not to aid or impede their owners ' in their recapture. The fine imposed goes - -OirMr. Sutherland, the watchman of the not to the claimant, but to the State. Ou Kentucky No. 2 who eh'jt Kelly, had another lhe ,9ther hand, the law ef Congress is in- on TM W .ndw .cuiued br S"' C0Utem?ll,e5 .thejTiry.' We presume that the jury in arnv- . ing at this conclusion recognized the right in r-jt will bo seen by Ihd following ces a man to act in self defence when he was patch which wo find in the Baltimore Sun of about getting hia brains knocked out. The Monday last, that the cars are making good first jury did not agree. m time between that city and Baltimore: .. . . ' Weelwg, Jan. 1 Lewis M. Cole, Esq., Tj7The people of Massachusetts haVe de- the well known and efficient superintendent tUded, by a vote of 66,416 to 59,111, to call of transportation of the BaWmore and Ohio a Convention for the revision of their State "'VrSJf?1?' "-7? ol . . A . the first Jram with the United States insi! from Constitution. Delegates to said Convention Baltimore. . This train left Baltimore at 7 axe therefore to be chosen on the first Mon- o'clock on Friday morning and arrived here day of March next, who will assemble on the t 15 minutes past 10 o'clock, making the en- first Monday in-May following. J " A CmcXASAr ' NEWS?APra. We leatn from the Fort Smith Herald that an Associa- tion of Chickasaw Indians intend to publish a reekly newspaper at Po3t Oak Grove, Chick asaw Nation. The prospectus is well writ- ten- ' CirDr. Bethune, in a recent lecture, says: 'There are passages in the messages of Andrew Jackson that for lofty' and noble pathos, are not surpassed by any writings not sacred, on record." 03"Tbe mammoth steamer John Simonds Collapsed two flues on Friday evening as she waa It avlog Portland.' No lives lost. The boat sustained "considerable injury but not auch as to detain her long. - ivj-The Fashion touched at our wharf: . . I ou lou.ncu ub vul ""i.riv -iov . higher reoutation than anv other Saturday evening heavily laden for New Or ew Or-1 i leans. The clerk has our thanka for river favors. - (QrThe river is gradually receding all the way up, and shows sad bavoc on the river bottoms. - ' , . ' ' aa. fJ3An English nobleman has purchased Horn letter to George ThCQftt i, for two undred.and fixtyguineaa, StTAMEK BlLLX GoVU),) Jan.' 6th, 1853. i n-- r,iAr- .Yonr amiable and interest- WUI V ta-srw 11 ...i.ät. m ingöeniorin.vaü8.wCjrC.Wu.jru...b, for Louisville, on this steamer. rATl ! vanr aAnrttifnl htt In-liP intpnnr uuulu,w " ,vv --... well as exterior, which is' more than can ! 1...!4 f AM f ti XM W Vl "I O UC CalU VI DUiU Ut UUl UUlUaU UbitCSi mww my editorial conscience, by praiiing a boat whose officers are not conversant with that ; - (courtesy, the especial expectant property of ... a- a w MMAMaaal AeiNArant naAnavftr r aVo'iDg editors, Thus far, we have been traveling through "waste of waters" the most dreadful a- -r ii.i . ;t : -1 . . ! .kvh kth ail n . i in N I ri mi rviii'niini I nnvi. gation, and so repulsive to the palates of some .0f my friendsI ever witnessed. We have passed fields of forsaken houses, lifting their .Qg&ds drearily from seas of waters, as if searching for the farms and gardens now buried beneith the flood. And here and there, the smoke curling from the chimney of a water-surrounded homestead, and dis hevelvetf hay stacks of hair thrust through upper windows, betoken that families are'yet clinging to their lonely homes, notwithstand ing the waters arc within as well as without. 'It ought to be a happy reflection to them, that while we tn the cities have often to pay so high for water, they have it right at hand, or et foot, actually begging their attention. But here we tfrc Ip nipent up stream, the hiIIj on both sides effectually saying to the floodslhu3 far anj no farther. A little iaa -r- Jx.:. r u caut ifc Dcruia iiiucvut unci tiut "iwi: iiuiu the lak bcIow. Yöc can tlmost imagine yourseif expecting a bump -froft btfrs, aud a dü, 8tanJ 8lill aa a cdnseduence. 'But far, far bei0WiU9, are all euch impediments sto - - navigation. The tiver is falling at every point our boat touches, and very fast too. ' There are but two representatives from Evamville on board about the largest and least individuals in our city. Of course I Bnude io Cardinal V., the Admiial's partner, and to myselt. By comparing njte3, 1 find ke weighsjust as much as two Add Sanders, an j a coupiö pounds added thereon. In -jus ticet0 hitnr fee, bound t0 ßay be u behaving himself well as could be expected which is a great ded better than wif be expected of representatives generally from bur city, We will not be in Louisville till late this afterncon. I may write you from there. In the mean time I hope you and the Journal readers will have a good time of it together, ADD. : 0OTheXJnitcd States Supreme Cotrt has "just made an important decision in reference to fugitive slaves and the law of Illinois. Richard Eilis, of Illinois, was some months g convicted under a statute of the State, wjchde secetiög a fugitive slave, or in any wise hin- drmg the ,awfu, owm; retaking rush fu- gitive, shall be subject to a fine not exceeding 500, and an imprisonment of not more than six months. Subsequently the case was taken 'to the United States Supreme Court, tire. Passage, including stoppages, 15 hours and 15 minutes thus verifying the prediction of President Swan, made at tbe Fairmont opening, that, by the 1st day of January, 1853, the traveler would be able to eat his breakfast in Baltimore and take an early supper at wnecnng A Bio Establishment rBaltimore-boast of the most extensive establishment in the Union for the manufacture of the rolling machinery of railroads. The American of that city, says': This assertion is proved by the fact that at this time Mr. Ross Winans is filnishin?. complete for service, a locomotive engine every four days, or three engiues every two weeksthe value of each engine being about 810,000. - We may add that his preparations are so extensive that if required he cau com plete two engines per week. The first loco motive adapted for burning mineral coal in the generation of steam was built in the shops of Mr. Winans. - His engines, adapted to 1 aL . s 1.! J a4T fitAl. vVkS KkB t4 rsan aasewsB MartiMtl ia " " .. . ...... ... K . - in Jh5s country His working force employ- ed in this m j -w - Q I description of machinery alone at the present time, seVen hundred men Thpm r nnw. hnddlno' and under contract.' at the various establishments in thia city, w w w mm -- f about two thousana burthen can: tE3A man had his Je? torn off and was otherwise dreadfully mangled at Newport, Ky, I m 1 . t l . I 1 on luesuay last, iy oecommg cniangieu iu line whilst attempting to check a'flatboat He dted in a few minutes. THE-STEPOIOTHER'S DREA3L J Martha HoVett had succeeded, after' much ojiai ku iivMci n cuvvhucui iuci fcuuv-n - n.,MA rA .nnr..t;,in i. AMn VU VIV AUW VVMIU91V1I II KViVIili: UU V-i .-,1 fhJl ..,Airn.,.AfUm V"- "fJu'Jr. their metier She hd diPd torn P.,r before. . . . - . . and lor eijftteen months these children naa Kön lft to thf rar nf mirh norann n thß r.ll.n ....T.l' nai " Irasn l!a (.nff.o Tl?ir!nlT lakllCI l.wuiu t &u nccp Jlio liuviov -'u task to train tte It jvuns aiidifiocile spirits in ; Ynn.IMm ' Rut Khaliad w bfie twk on which she "J Pa' : "nntion .1 P I had entered. She was tmacouainted with tire . . a . a children, and knew :ittle oftlie line upon line and precept upon precept," which is necessary in training them; and when sho found them disobedient, seT-willed, and tit grateful, she felt like giving up in despair. She had. succeeded, I said, in retting the children ftarted for rchool. . William, the oldest, had refused to eo. prelerrins to join a party of boys who were going a-fishing; and it jßö was not ished Tt was i tnld her she waa like all sten.mothers. H tv- rant, and he meant to run away when he should be a little older. This remark had wounded her most deeply, She seated herself in a large armed chair cov- ered her face with ner hands, and wept , tne bitterest tears which ever had beöh wrung till after he had been severely pun- mucn n a naing 10 eacn ouier, auu repeaieu aioreia. t. . . k . I I ...I :..! . I. M..k:T. .rtinf tho latter ulrch Air WahetaF OAnci-.W"' lWl malus uau uuiiiih-lu iw uiuwii;. vwa ftxlen1in n c!urinr thia inrrinnffr that the" bo v had cered altogether undiplomatic, induced In m to , will be sola from her heart. ' Gradually she grew calm, nwation can be received from hib as Nicara and then she resolved to examine.heielf guan "Envoy! . , . ... - I til .! t w a closely. Che looked back over a few months' all htr conduct towards them. Had she diown a mother's forbearance towards their fault?, and (he waTui and overflowing tender ness 'by which a mother controls and con quers the heart of her child! Her heart ac cused her of many things. Not of an inten tion to do wrong; but she had neglected, in prayerful confidence, to seek help of God in this great .Work. She had. not guarded her own spirit, but had "suffered the .impatience she felt to manifest itself in her actions. She felt afraid that she h d especially failed in re gard to the oldest. lie was a -warm-hearted, but impatient arit and highspiritcd child, and gave her more treebfe than all the rest. She! sometimes felt something like aversion to-j wards, him in her heart, and she acknowI - edged to herselfthat this might "hrfve often shown itself in her manner and tdne,'if riot in words. With .bitter - self-nbasement. she! knelt and prayed for strength and u'isdom frcm above. Shb rose up with a new rurpo-jc, to devote her life to the work before hor, but with many misgivings, lest when she had done all, her labor, would be in vain. Exhausted by the intensity of her emoiidn, she threw herself dn a bed, and sodh'wentto sleep. Sho seemed to belstanding at the foot of a a high and rugged mountain, whose tbp, above the cloud, was bathed in perpetual sunshine, and glorious with the beauties of an unfading spring. She saw on theide Of the mountain, a straight and narrow path, "which a a . during which bhe had the care of these young specs oi irouvie, were not tne efcd oi me prc immurtals, and inquired if she had always j 6et administration so near at hand. -But a mingled firmness, wisdom, and tenderness in new President, and aftew Secretary of State, led directly to tho top, but entering it, orf13 "nfon growing ut of-mifcis trivial J crossing it In a thcu-:and directions, were other paths, winder and less precipitous, and"lca , 11 "v- wusBirur. on me neaowun seemingly more pleasant; but a she traced 1 CüIt' bI0Re Frede: ickLemaire, and knocked their courses on the mountain side, she ob served that not on of them led to the top; some terminated in dark and gloomy valleys, where the rays of the sun never seemed to fall; others c n the verge of precipices, which overhung chasms, whose fearful dep'th the eye could not measure. ' ... She litted her eyes towards the top of the mountain, and raw amid the groves of eyer- greeu, trees loaded , with delicate and fragant now gazing strange spectacle befo're her, when she felt a soft hand touch her own, and looking down she saw her four children standing beside uer.-Again sne raised ner eyes to the summit ofthe mountain, and saw amid the shining throng .one whom she "knew to be the mother of the little ones at her side. She fixed on them a look of melting tenderness, mfngled with anxiety and sorrow; and then she heard her name, and bid her lead them up to her. . Immediately sne resolved to commence the ascent. - Calling the children-, she pointed out to them the narrow way in which they t i . i . were to want; out tney could not see it. She directed their eyes to the ton of the mountain, and told them of all its glories, but they saw nothing. Then she entered the path and bade them follow her. She pro ceeded a short distance, and looking back tK.,tWt InstP.nH Wi W ,ua ...a j-ü .. ' were wandering cn the side of the moun tain-, chasing the butterflies over slippery steeps, and gathering flowers on the brinks of frightful precipices. -A feeling, of discouragement came over her, and she was . about to sit down in despair, when she raised a glance to th? top of the mountain, and beheld the mother leaning forward with outstretched arms, and all the host of shining ones regarded he with' -0t nn-rlofv. ho fa1f Äm t-A..! and bribing back the little wanderer, from their dangerous paths, with gentle care, she placed their feet again in & narrow way. sometimes leading them by the hand, some L-.iA k.. iL . i i times carryiug ihem in her arms up the steepest accents. If for a momdnt she relaxed her vigilance, they were sure to turn aside into the forbidden paths. Sometimes ."a moment's indiflerenrö cost her . hour of sorrow; for the wanderer was not easily reclaimed. Those paths were wide and flow ery, and easy to the traveller, because they led downward, and those who had become accustomed to them found the narrow way disagreeably and found no Strength tor the S3 O toilsome upward progress. Sometimes when she was merry, and ready to faidt; she looked UDward and caught a dunnse of the swept srfrl 'Tinrii.ii, farp tnrnpd an Invinfrlu- towards her:-and when she had overcome j ' isJsome obstacle, or escaped some danger, she beard strains of triumphant music tloatmg down the . mountain side. Thus she was ' encouraged and Etrenathened. i B As fche proceeded onward, she discovered ,. iL A'li . , with joy, that the children grew stronger and stronger that they began to discern the right path, and to catch glimpses of the top of the ' TKar. Itiab . . n 11. A 1 vl. kn'ho . Then they talked firmly by"her receded her in the path. The path iCd to gTOW less and less Steep and, 9 ." side, or prec 1 also seemed ers, beinfrcf angelic beautv. and heart una. win nave ms mal mis rains of soft, enchanting music. She stood . Jjinoon. A reward has been offered for .with wonder and admiration on the ,,"' auu "- iou iuo difficult, "and the . temptations to turn aside J from it less fre"quett and dangerous. . At last "IVTR--i ... .t .... i . j t.,..-j . u -v-- B . . , , . , , l she stood on the mountain top, and heard me . . t . 1 J songs ohoyous welcome; and is she stretched out her hand to receive a Altera nrr Crown. Ae awoke. The children had returned frdm coKnnl ShP hpard their shoi'iU tiKlhawVarM 7,?n'c msn Can thfro wlj P obtni,K m praetieal . tshe heard their shouta Inthe jaru, nowMg9 ofthe Te nserul75eace of lou tie Entry ng Up With a Smile She Weilt forth tO,Book-Vecplmrlaa fuw.eka eqa.l u ,em.- -- 1 experience. In a counUn-; bouse by aUenJi? a .u3 anansi IHP6t til ß 171. move PS leeis tnat tne neat years ot her lite "ere nobly and profitaoly spent. .And when they .half meet on the top of Ihe mo ho kvlll she rejoice that strength and wisdom were I . I T i r i 1 given ner to iram in em ior me Kies. Morning Slar. Dismissal of the NIcara;nan lainlat'er. Nicaragua, it seems, has refused to recall Mr. Marcoleta, its Envoy Extraordinary to the United States, notwithstanding the expli cit request of Mr. Webster that it slrould do Mr. VV. and S- nor Marcoleta never took request the President to ask his recall. 11,13 has been refused ify tlip Nicjiraguan Minister: for Foreign Affairs. Arid how Mr. - Everett, who has also heen a little nettled by some of Mr. Marcoleta's acts, renews the request for w rccsmBHiuiurm uiui,ia büiu uaieu 30th December last, that no (crther comrcu- mis migni amount 10 sometning HKe a can easwy overlook the indiscretions of Mr. Marcoleta, and will probably be 'strongly in clined to da so. Meantime, he 'has the satis faction of being'ö, dismissed functionary, and will bo continue 'unless re-appClritcd l-y the NicaraguaVGovernCTehf.Lott. Coar. Miocklng 'fragedy in New Jersey. New York, Jan. 12. An Irishman named William Caton, about ÖS-eafs of age, living with a distant relative named O'Brien,' in Washington township", Begeu county', N. J., perpetrated the most brutal outrage "upon the bodies of two of O'Brien's children, daring the absense of their father and mother. The girl, aged eleven years, who had been vio iatCd,"was found in the house in a pool of.her ow'u blood, with her head nearly savored from her body, while the boy, aged, about nine years, was found on the hill-side amonir some shrubbery uear the house, his head entirely cutdli by an axe, and his body horribly muti lated by 'six or seven different gashes made by the same instrument. A coroner's jury was impannelied, ahd, a verdict rendered that the children met their death by blows from an in strument in the hands of AVilliain Caton. The murderer is still at large. IIoRRrD MuRbfii 15 . CorisGTox. Last 'h!ht about 12 o'clock an tltercatioh took place. among a party of me'n in the Jenny Lind Echange,' on Scott street, near Fi th, . lirr'. "U1C l,1C4ee oeo iu Priy namea down. In attempting to'risc, h vofcng man named Thomas Creightoh Jr., drew a pistol and fired at him, the xontcnts lodging in hi? throat, killing him almost instantly. Creighton was indicted by iTie 'Grand Jury of Kenton county a few months since" on charge of arson he made his escape, for fttrng ,hia bail and only returned -home again a few dys since. After Daniels was shot, the two murderers fled. Lern aire has lookout. C. Atlas 4th. (XrEmma Snodgrass was again arrested in Boston" on Friday, together with a com panion whose name finally resolves itself into nirriet 'xrenctr, alter, naving passed through a variety of rorna'ntic , male sobri quets Harriet was arrayed in man's rig. I She sported a Kossuth hat, tshiny gkiters, model cane, black pants, coat, find all that. Emma was sent to New York to her father, in custody of an officer; and Aarnet was sen tenced to the House of Reformation for six months. This was afterwards so qualified as to permit her twenty-four hours to leave the city which she promised to do. Award of Lours Natoleo is thePoktu- guese Difficulty. The New York Herald : learua uy a private icue iuai wum a apoie- f I ? . f . . t . W T. I on. to whom was TeFprrpd. aa an arbiter. thA. claim made by our government against Portu gal, for indemnification for the loss of the V .. . . . . J I I I 1 .- . .1. i i . - i - i . j . j Any other decision could scarcely have been - . .. expected Irom such an arbiter. , ' u . . 1 fe.OOL ""-f0," ,m"5 1 be f"toffa ,nAhe ,aI Lh,s Jr "Pw. sf T -The most remarks tory ot tne, id and the u, ; vcur arc nie vcsi uroouuiions OI EolU J?P'd Prorefss of l?!1 ay Pvemeftt ,n the Unf Sf lhe product of Ca norma, I lftnm I - ' isaaaaaaeyaMaBMaasBi rr- EVANSVILLE TEMPLE OF HONOR Tbe regular meetings of this Temple are held every riiursda Evening over the Insurance office. Water et. Ufflcers for Um present tenii h. , Meyers, W, C. T. J. C. Henson, P, P. W. C. I .: V, . W. Tiles lestou. W. V.T.; W. l. Wright, XV. R.; T. FlctVlier, V. A. R.; F. Kassler, W. F. R.; J.T. Walker, W.Tr ; D.W. For rest. W. U.; O. Gosilng, W. D. U.; B. T. Hord, W; U.; W. Helden, W. S. Bv order of W. C. T. D0V27 WM. D. WKIGßT, W. R. jrNEWS! NEWS!! OLORIOt'S NEWSM-li ar rlvUg front all parts of the country of the triumphant success of McLEAN'S VOLCANIC OIL LINIMENT; Hundreds of confirmed cripples have been wade to walk, the most lothsome sores are permanently healed by tho us of a few amll bottles of this invaluable Uwun. Eaaisis, Sraws, RHacMarisM, Paeamms, . Pi".TcjoRa, Toothache or Ea4che, Bvin ,bcatiM, BO ms, i. ,aDueDCv . ... ,wu uo', . . . 1-.. a-l.J.t--. mm.. Knl rvKtls t Tk ft KAMV Mr. W . W - w it B lh hI anaa m r 9 J" ovc ör inflLnml" for tbe cureef local pains, aores. swellings or I nfiamma- M B ntin no misttK. fcboui iU lItu . cureIM5edy and,!. For sale by Ue Proprietor at the Principal offlce. under the Walton House, on Third street, between Olive and ifft..'-4 Kl"" FA"Ät"' V yrjReadtiio advenbenrent in another tolu ma. House, on Third street, between Olive and 1 . .wK . - er, . "IniTYMTu, Flonr la ,m7w .lling.t $4 50 wholesale, against the claim, and hi favor of Portugal. ; I, ani ;j reuil. t'll further notice. We pay 75 BOOK KEEPING. - BE H 31 'S THIRD CLASS IN DOUBLE ENTRY duua ivr.tri4 commenced o nine. uie 4ih Inst . at Mr. sanor-'a r wt BOOK KEEPING commenced am Tuesday cve- J 1 a. " ' w - Mf'UbaenckiBK Bufk-keepiBKintkiacttrfor reotn the last lour months,-with eutire ealfefacfion to Uioao school. Kr. -plan or teu'ehing t. aitogeiiier practical I course of instruction in Mr. B.'s cUnol. aIL t ,1am M wkr. late of vand.rbnich county, de ;Kit estate is suppoa-d to be solvent . i J.nio- 2w James t. walker, AdmlnUi deceased. Administrator. t - NOTICE OF SALE. . ;, TVTOTICE 4 hereby rWenthst 1 will sell at pubMe aaclion, on Tuesday the flrrtday of February. A 13. ! JS53. at-'h office .f William M. Walker, docoased, latj , or KvauTilb. Indiana, all his ternal nröDertT. con slstlns of Books, Maps, Offlce Furniture. Horse, Burty. and Harness. Beds and Bedding. A ered it of tweWe months will bo t:ren on all sums orer three dollars, the (turchaser (rlTicg his note with approved security, wuiv uz valuaUon and appraisement jaws all sums under threedollar enh. ""- - There will also be sold at the same Urne, all the Interest .of said decedent on the South east half of Lot No. twenty s?ren (-' in utoonginai plan ri me city or transvuie. topeuier wim me nuiiuinps on saJd premises; be itiff a leasehold Interest on seid half lot til the 16th day .f Aujrnrt. A. 1). iS09. and on a crsdit of three months, the purchaser ?vntr note with anpröved security, wairlnxrellf from Tai an lion onu npprancinrui laws, rata icneuoia preni' Ises can be old at priratfl sale If application be made within ten daja rromJsnnarvFth, 153. ' Janl0-3vr - JAM KS T. WALKER, Adm'r. FOII NKW nilliF.ANS. The new and sphrrwTd steamer . MARY HUXT. Onarrir. Mastftr. will leave here for the SunnT SouUi." TO-MORROW. (Tucsdry.) at 4oMoclct P.M. JaulO T . ANOTHER GCfTJD MINE FOUND. XXoots." Siloes Hat Ui and Carpet " " Itnq-s, nt Cost. T PROPOSE t sell ont rcr entire stocV of poods at Ji cost, rorrAet, and for casn niy, w boiosa'e or ve-ttil-. My stock 1 of the best manufacture, and of the latest stiles All who wish tAgct Boots, Shoes, Ac, nt their own price will do well io.glve me a cnll at Ho. 14 Main street, Krausrille, nearly opposite the bans. JanlO JAM KS R. PAGE, Jr. - . . i . . . r 7; ' T i "TJURE SPIQE tIz; Pepper, Ginrer, ployes. Mus XT tsrd.Picx.cnto, Cassia, Just recejvegl from Ljnn, Mass, put up expressly Jordan) iy use,ia Ün packages and war ra?ttd pure, ttrsale-at J-iiilO COOK'S FAMILY GROCERV. IEED Tiz: Corn, Oats. Barley, Bnn, Fhortsand Bar . ley Meal, on hand "and for sale at JanlU ' COOK'S FAMILY GROCERY. " PURS 3 LOST. A LEAD COLORED -THEEA1) PURSE, knitted with learls. contaiuiuc, about 12 in bank bills one doilur note ili c. Luukenheiuier on the back, one '3 dollar note witü Gebhardt written on the back., lhe finder will jleasi grive iuforjiatirn at this oflice and bo suitably rewarded. , . . : NARROySILK.VELVXT RiBBOX.-?K)0 fiecetjust received by Express and for aale by v , JIM KS, LOW A "CO.. Jan8 I7 Male street, LouisTillo. IT-ID GLOVE. 50 doz gen't'.emens'saper black Kid v. Gloverf, received and lor sulo by . , - JAStL6V&Co:, J;tn8 417 Main street LouisviHo Ky. BLACK.. ITA LI A .CRAVATS. 100 doz. received lr Expreee and or sale by JAS. LOW or CP JanH Ci Main street, Louisville. , i m ' ; BAREGE 100 pieces Black; 100 do Biue: 200 do Greeu; 50 "Uo Brown; received per Express and for sale by JAMES LOW (t CO., ' t v . . Jnn8 417 Main street, L'ooisTille, Ky. THE EVaXSVILLE BOOKSTORE has Jnrtreceived Harper's Maj-azine, for January. SubscrU;irtis so licited, by fjau8j SAMVEL LIsTEK. . A FINE FARM FOR SÄLE, m Uu.itfd two and a hlf miles south west or PrncetOD. Gibson county, Ia.,aW and ono mil west ofthe Evansvillt. iaa. and Illinois Ridlroad, and ou the routa leadiiie from 1 . 4- . . I . - m m .a . ... rnucvon o now narciony, consisun? i jj acres, co acres under cultivaüon. the balance well tunberml a grKvl Fr me House, in aoo.1 order - Two good WclU and two Living Spricps en the premises. For Terms apjl on tho premUes or, at the Eaglo RKUurat, Evautvitlc, Indiana. Juu7 , , ZILLAII FRAZIER. r A AnfS PRt-tE NEW;GUXXY BAGS, and IfiOO Ov.vUU lbs FuckinsTwie. Jnst received rnd far aula by FOSTE't & BROWN. tf i ROXF.S Extra Kf. 1 Boston Bar Soap Families ÜU it waul of siiueUiiiis: Jilre in thawsy of soap can fladitat . fJanTJ FOSTER & BROWÄ'a'. EXGLlSH MUSTARD. Toier & Brown have, a lot of tbe cuuino Pare Eugliah Muitard, wrru4. Jaw7 . C" ORDAGE. 23 coils Boston MannfacUred Manilla Cordage, tor eheck lilies, Inst received and for sale by fjau; - . FO&TER or KKOWX. aF.APrT.K tfRSTATTRATiS. fri iNext lor to iot iiic. sTÜTHK PROPRIETOR would rospw.tfulW V M 9mY W 9- WmmM -J A m. A, X. mW W SV 9 mWk. W inform the citizens of Evans villo and strangers generally, that I e lias made arrangements for Game and Ovsters In tliu fhtll. and .will endeavor to have them on Isn't at all Uines. nnd harluRS superior cook, wfll be enabled to a-wve them up In fine order for epi cures on the shortest notice. The bar will be supplied with the choicest Wfncrs and Liquors, and the Larder wilU lb "Delicacies of the scrsom. Tallin. . )au5- lf J. A. FRAZIER, Proprietor. NOTICE. The person who fonnd a GOLD CUFF PIN, on the nt ht of the Firemen's lea Party, will please returu the srme to this offlce. janG GENTLEMAN AND LADY desire to obtain toird J In a prieatt familf within ten minutes walk orthe Post office. A larjre front room require!. If the nccoui modatlons so it, a liberal price Will be paid. Address "BOARDER," at this offlce. jani DRY GOOD? , &C", &C.r OHfi Pf5tge rj Goods, Boots, hhocs. Hat, Caps, UU &c.,iabt received, which we offer t the i low rates. I Ian.. AltKKlTT, FIELD & CO. CITY JULIS FLOUR. t tire lf bushel for wheat. J. rf . ROSS, Agent. X"l OT I CK. The undersigned has Ukea the Books, IN Notes, and-alt Recounts in his possesion, of tho 1 . . A .t. . VV.. - Ar fr mnA m-ill nil debu due to said Arm. He therefore notifies his debtors tocall and settle.. He Can be found at all times In tho publishment of S. JSabn & Wile, whernlie or f is clers will attend to all settlements. ISAAC WILE. dec3l 6 DIFFERENT SIZES OF DIARIES for 1853, for sae by ru1 EATilbONE & WHEELER. -r OST.-Tbe person who left a Bank Bill cn the ' I 4 counter of our sloro, Christmas Day', can hate Uie ' game by culling for It. Jaut RATH BONE & WHEELER- - Ü.ÖCTOR E. J. EHRMANN, , HOMEPPATHIC PHVSICIAN AND SURGEON, Otcfi V?hird stmt, near the New German Calliolic Church, dac3I-3m EVANSVILLE, IND. TAXES FOR A. D. 1852. Tn A 1.1. PKRSONS OWIXSl TAIF.S FOK 1cj2. rpilE LAfT IS, THAT, "The County Auditor ana - - " - . " . f 1 Treasurer f attend at tho offlce of said Auditor, on the third Monday of March anuually; the ire-surer then an4 tfiere inke solilement, &o wsn t-S? .rest opon the whole urttitl pi l. . . Jhew a my SlIUMW I'l Luhtere aiondavtn t. hir uie laxes im- .v,. cr v, I - .... .l t. 1 I Posed on Dim. the Cdun'.y Treasurer , 1,11, micr iuo lim- a -1. .. a m onaav in waren, ievj me samf, :T Will cthl carnages, ana uie costs auu ,hl M.niaM. n.1 lh nilU .ud Charges IIB U1BJ V - may .... jani -aw-jtw . . irrT: vn prince bay i BOCKAJ AY ANDPRBCE-BAY SVlx Just received at the Eagle i KesUarat. " i,n7 . j. a. r ivai.a. XJr I jpANDLBW 'Vly loct WICKINGi 30 Bales of the above for f le PRESTON BROTHERS- locUS I lira THE PLACE FOR Cheap Wall Paper IlanglnjtSf ; IS AT JOHNC.DBVERETJXJT?.. . , - vVfi'j street int .ri laarf Seetrmd. JEtiuU,.I. I HrrHEKB ah kinds of Wall Paper from TEN CENTS Y to three dollar apiece, may b found, with a l" 'JfJÄt fii embruting Partors, alstin Ohamt-;rf DiniB?rooo and Hall paiwa. Those Mug in pnrcUa.a wo?14 -.,wc,lto11 kUtl examine, av 1 am wUiBStTery lw . raK- - - " V,W,C,', immm lb Mimmwr keev consult on LaadaaaaaortsMOtot wa a aj t m.jw a ,aJ I oi -VMl- i-oony wors: nox ani w nunc iTKs.aio supply oi noagrcr ferasors. fl flu L Ura. roo rouoa dec. for aula by .... dccSJJ . SAMX LIMER. 'coal canon and paklob STOVES nt 1! cd need Prices. - . TTTE AY ILL SELL oor Parlor ad Heattns Stoveta V rery low. JLo reduce our heavy stek. . W, ha is all kinds snd a great variety of styles. Com all who want thoan Moves.' .A clioica.Lot of. Mantel Oruaraented Parlor Grates, and a Cne assortment of Cook; Mores. dec3J ,.r , J.P.FCHWIXGACÖ.- 50,000 J 40 sides CARRIAGE BOLT?, asiorted sizes; w aides K0-raiea unuer; sides Patent Leather: 60 ptwres assorted Oil Cloths; io no ruamiied do; ' I" 9 do Coacb Laces, assorted. " J50 setts Bras, and Plated Carriage Bands; Lace,TneUflTuft3, Linie? Nail j, Bool Hooks. Ac, sod Carrhsje Hr Jware g cserallr, fof sale at kw rates hj dec3i BABCOCK. BBOTHEKS. - JUST RECETVIi) a chests OtKers. Families can -be furnished at Sents for half cans, and $1 50 for whole cans, by appllicg to -, ALLL & HOWES, dec22f : ; ? ' : COAL PCR SALB. A FIRST-RATE ARTICLE of Hawsvilla Coal is for f. aale at the - wharf, deliverable lu any part of in city at l?t cents per bushel. Hi of excellent quality and will recommend iuelf. G. VV. GLOV Eli. . . si- FtUltl AND TA.N-YAUD FOII SALE. tPr T"E 0ÄUKKSIG5ISD offer at privat -s.. tir'f sal hia Farm, situated cn the Prim-e- I " V" . J f 1 .asa h t- 1 lon u,re" D,Ue! J.r.-r". . and atout a iui!e froi .... T. Ues troin ivansvUle.-. irom tue Kaiiroad , Tjiisfarm comprises about sixty acres, with a good frame lipuaä and barn on W-aud about twelve acres ander cat. tivuiosjt it to rn Tery particular a desirable location. I will also sell tbe Ten Yard on the above farm, having thirty lay-away vats, houses, bark, and eventhlna; iiecesry for immediate work. The Farm at d Tan-yard, will be sold separata or together, to aiit purchasers.- j For terms aiid further articulars inquire at the farm of . MARSHAL McMURRAX. Refer to Johw Iolk. Jr., ) p.,,..,. RAILROAD NOTICII BOOKS WILL BE Ol'EIfED for ite,.receptioB of nete subscrfpt'ojis lo the ctpftil slock .of the Altos-, MocntCakmel and, New Albakt iUiuiOAP CoMrairr. on tbe first Moi..ay ju, February re t, at the following places, to witt the uteres, gf Jsjaf s Laughlin and Craw ford. Bdtl, in tto city of Kvansviile; at the store of Joocph Devin, in Princeiou, Ia.;attUe stores of K. de V Park inson ami Jaoucss A Turner. la Mount Canne.. Illinoiic and at lhe s'jnres pi iluraco A. Wodw. ri aid William Powinan, lathe town Albion, Illinois. By order of Board of Directors, F. B. THOMPSON, President; VICTOR B. BELL, Secretary. Mockt Cxnuth, 111., Dec. 27, 18i2. dot3d 7w ADATV73 & CO.'S II ASTIIRrWCSraHI . ANI FU11K1G EXPUISS. THE repectfully JnormuJ üiat we are sow prepared to give iucreaisel facility and dUpalt h for trat sporting to and from the East merchandise, packst ges, parcels, bank notes, and ?fete, arid can assure all who patronise us quick dispatch .throughout the year, having railroad co:ntnunicaUon from - Cincinnati U lh EuL Each express la in charge of trusty messengers accompanied with an iron salt for belter security of valu ables. r. . . . -. . We collect I ills, notes, or drafts fill orders for icods, or pay bitla in places where jre Jiave offices. , . .Ex resses'Jor.St. Louis.. Ä!adLson. lniiafiatoli. Cin- cinuaf, Clevcarid. Pittsburg, and all paru of the East, leave daily at 10 A. w.. - - For Lexi gton and Tr nk for at 2 P. M . For California bv each mall steamer from 5ew York. AIM MR A CO. S. A. JOXES, Agent, dec31 dtf OCico 54 Main tt, Louisville, MEN'S PRIME KI? BOOTS A rresh aopply Jost re celved at tho Boot and fchoe House of d;c2t V. K. HEXDKICB.S&CO. IUILL'SELL CfO acres ofthe best Land tn thVcouixty, lyii.g on the Uunal two and a half or three tulles irom .be tiiy. , Also, 57 Lots in the Jfjrth-eastern enlarge ment ofthe city of Evansville, fire lots on the corner of Vine and Third street In the city, fronting S levt on Vine street and extending: batk parallel wivhllilrd at. V0 feet t an alley, and 22 lots in Itmasce citr,0of them fronting Fulton avenue ' lliose 57 lots in the North eastern enlargement, and the SH lots in iLaruasco If not sold at private sale itefore Uie ihirdMozday In April, will on. that day be sold at public auctiau at the Court house in the city.- For particulars enquire of the subscriber at Ms ottfee on FourtU street, Lamaco, a few doors esst of the Market Sign of Notary Public and Real ;Etate Agency. . tdodS-lmdw NATHAN ROWLEY. - LAND . WABRAK T FRAUD. ' -pvUPLICATK Ijtnd Warrant No. 537:0 for 160 teres I of land Iuvd on the ?th April 16-19, to Richard s. Vorresl (uow deceasod) late a private In Cant. Bethils Company. ICth Infantry has gone into circulation with a. fraudleiit assignment thereon procured from the under signed by one William D. Phelps, of W'rrrick e., Iitd" and other persons confederated wiih him, while tho undersigned was -!n a stale of IntoxicaUon. .The as signment is dated 2Uh November Ifc52. and 1 a gross fraud as can bo fulty proven by numbers of persons. A tareat bus been filed. I the General Land Oflice at' Washington 1). C, to prevent! Patent from being Usued otue fraudulent holder. OLIVtR BUZZINGllAM, Administrator., of the i state of Kkbard S. Forrest, dce'd. December 31st 11Ö2. Jau6-4tw VTreadvade CLOTIIIIVG,' fti f uu.MSiuxi boons, izat&, r-J, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL;' I'nder Jaurnal OHicc. THE UN EKiSlGNED have Just been receiving et the above eslablUbtneiit, a h.rge slock of KEADX! MADE CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, dee., which tliry offer for sale to obi and new customers, at whnbv. sole or retail, at th very lowest prices. 1 hey are ofthe. best manufacture i nd made in the mtn tasinonabi ttJi, at,le I . s Havinr been purchased at auch fates as will cn-. them to sell at the verr lowest nrice. Those want- g Clothing of any description, or Gentlemen's Furn . hing Goods generally, would And it to their advantage J t tail at this esUblishment before purcha ing elsewbere. 1 1 this stock will be found Overcoats, Cloaks, Dress; Frock and ack Coats, SbJru, Hats aud Caps, tc, &e" which are now o;o lor Inspection, i joan. to pet poods cheap. , . - - 1 Ibey have also on hand a large nssortnent or raojitx. sltx-bj jsi-ssL CompisInT all ordinary varieUes, which we offer for sale at rsduced price. . , ' ITrTali and examine these goods, as tliey are i wortt y or attention. Idee. 3d. 1 .. . KAHX St WILE. PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE; On Water atrcei, Kvauaville. mHE HOUSE ADJOINING THE TELEGRAPH J. OFFICE Is now kept by Mrs. Pemecost. It has lutelv endertooe repairs aad Improvements, making it airreeable to herders .and lodgers. - It U -sonvenient for Ihoso who wishto Uke a boat; being oppoiite the uarf. All persons who fell di-poatd to cull wiU be treated with respect and atlenüon. ;a deci3-tf mUIE EVANILLETlWltVTÖR La Jost received X a variety of Paper Mache, P?.rte Folios, Mahogany, Rosewood and Ebonv PorUble Desks, od Mahogany and Rosewood Ladies Work Boxes. Also, an assort- ; inontof Alabaskr Ornaments; for sale by ' SAMUiL LISTER." ueps Zl GOLD PENS Just reared, in addition I oai j K Tt'ST HKr.KlVF.n An juiortmeBt of pocKet mane .1 for I8ä3. Also, Annuals. Portfolios, ladies Ai&uma - Pearl and Ivorv Po.temonies &c.. ore. I . . ... . .rVV dec's) 'T.CONYNGTOXöiCO. COTTON YARN 125 bars 400. 5CO. C00 acd 700. tn store- .5CO.CC0atd700.ln Pulton, for sale at - V J and IiiaI tiwIkA rr '.... it 1 1 l l i; r a ri K. Al. I ractory prices, by - 1 deci5 AgentoCy press Factory.-; PULVERIZED FODA SALERATUS (0 krg abesi quality, ju received gfÄftlW ' decS5 " Fycamore et., near Water;