Newspaper Page Text
lie ,ail journal: KtimtUI Eichau? and Cnrtrutf (hrroctei bo lU Branch, Bmt". " axcHAjtax: Wew Tork. Buy ins X Solling Vnr Orleans, , " , aar " Cincinnati, " " " AXIASLI WV9V, 0 (TIlMfl AT FAS. (brAT Bask or Ixdiasa-'Allsousjit City Bask. MISCELLANEOUS. OPI3U SHJJS'OEES. 50,000 Forlar Shlnela. in Tard and fcrsale by JOUN r. GLOVES, aagll Corner Main and Seventh street. If MONONQAIIELA SA9C, P. Baltimobi. Ererpt Americnn Ban. Pirrsiicaa. PntiADCLraiA, TiTjjeejtf Haiti of Pennsylvania. V) di. .75 du. Bah or the State or ls- DIAKA. tat Baits; or Ohio Kritccst. LoVUIAXA. " Sricii rATiso Tizr. Baku or Isdtaha Tiuuxa City. stock BAXK8 or onto xxT.rT TTnloo, Sandusky. ...5 di.; City, Cincinnati. City Bank,Coluuibnf,5di 'Guial, Cleveland Penece County ....... j dis.j SJSW TQBK, HE EHOLASD, HEW JERSEY, AXD DtLA' villi is oood cbjedit. BPEC1 E-P AYING FREE BASKS. BrookviUe Bank, Brook- Exchange Bank, Green. Uta. i castle. Bank of Elkhart, Elk-jfayette Co. Bank, Con hart. 1 ueraville. Bank of Goshen, Goshen. Farmers' B'k,.Weetfteld. Bank of Goaport, Gnport.: Hoosier B'k, JvYransport. Bank of ludiana, Michi- Indiana Bank, Madison. , ran City. - ilndiaua neserve can, MWUITE JLEJ1J 1:45 MEUS f LUE WW Whit LmO. .: Timothy Saed. a fresh article. A huge lot uf fresh Trais, assorted qualities, and parked. Just received by eptll WHEKLER R1008. nio t oFFLJi.-iQO jtjea prime MM Bio ('-offce. 25 Bag old government Java Coffee. 50 Boxes choice Uaumargh Cheese. 7 J Caddie fine Va. s. Tobacco. 100 Buxe fix. Js. 5. and 8. do. Just received and for sale l.y WHEELER A RIGG3. INSURANCE COMPANIES. W'SCRJJS'CE M . "If IT J."' BVSII. PEJCHEft, W W by ieptU Z- 11. COOK A SON. Bank of Monticello, Mon Ueello. Bank of Ht. Ternon, Mt. Vernon. Bank of Paoli, Paoli. Bank or Rockvillo, Wa bashtown. Bank of Syracuse, Syra cuse, Baak of Salem, Salem. Bank of Salein, New Al bany kokomo. Indiana farmers' Bank, Frauklin. Indiana Murk Bank, La port e, Kentucky Stock B'k, Co lumbus. Lagrange Bank, Lima. - Mcr. and Mecbaaics Bk, New Albany. New Tork and Va. Stale Stock Bank, Evansvilie. -WW HEELER X 74.VS jPJ.II. WW , LT SEWING MACHINE. The beet, simplest aud moet diu able Machine in use. They make a strong lock stitch, the same upon both side of the work, sewing with equal facility the thickest and thinnest fabrics. Any spool öf thread, cotton or silk, used without renew ing. All machine warranted three years, and full instructions given to enable purchasers to use them satisfactorily. ... Aiv The Buckeye Setetngr Machine. Price $30. The lKt singlo Thread Machine in the market. A general assortment of Sewing Machine Silk Thread, " odios, Ac, Ac, constantly on hand. Office V.o. i, Marble Hall. myl -in F. M. SELI.MAJf, Agent. a eXJYCV'JZZ.EJS' UALLOCK. EVASSTIllE, XXD. Uadcrwrttcr sind General Insurance Agent, and APJCSTEE OF AVEBAGES. lie continues to iwue policirs from soveral riltST CLASS and MOST KEL1ABLE IN8UBASCE COMPANIES I rm eororraT, on isuAhD ako riR misns. lie wiH also receive applications fur LIFE INSUKANTE. -He will also attend to the ADJCSTME5T OF LOSSES of every description, under policies from otlier agencies, and attend to the settlement of all matters connected with Insurance, for parties inter ested. His long experience as an Insurance Agent, has made him familiar with all subjects connected with the subject of Insurance. " ap28'j7-ly. STUPUJEJS'S, (BVV Suintlin, Jr.,) Dealers ia all Bloeaiington B'k, Blosm- Park C. Bank, Rock- Inrtr.n I Tille. OresScnt City Bank, Et- PMirio City Bank, Tsrre ansville. Canal Bank, Eranville. Cambridge City B k.Cam- bridn City. Ceutral Bank, Indiauapo- Us.' Ckctbiekt rnrns. Tba priwpal uncurrent funds in this market are Tlliaete, VUoonsin and Tennesee. They may ! qnoted about as tuiiows : rilinois - Wisconsin Tennesse Plauters and l'aion Banks. Bank of Tcnnea Free Banks solveut - Haute. Southern Bank of Ind., Terre Ha Ae. . Salem Baak, Gesben. ...1 discount. kinds of Htovcs, and innnui'iu'tu rersof Tin, Micet Iron and t'ier Ware. AUm, man ufacturers of Fruit Cans of ev ery ttatcnt and di jcription, with which printed directions for put ting up all Kinos or rrmt. will be turnisnen, iree oi charge; all of hirh will be sold very cheap for catdi, at wholesale or rntail. StorMroem at No. 13, Main street, between Water and First streets, (op posite old State Bank), Eransville, Ind. JAS. SCAST1.IX, Jit ItOBEKT E. ST EPH P. 71 B. Places of WoraHlp. The following Agister of places of public wor whlp, may bo of interest to straugors visiting our "merman VnUod Emn.jtlicat Bt. Jom's t'Aarca. On Third street, between Division aud Ingle streets. William Öcumidt, Pastor. Meeting, every bun day, at 10 o'clock, A. M. . ..,., ',r.lInll of the Neptune Engine Tlonse, Second Street, betweeti Main and locuar. J. 8. Tibbetts, Pmtor. Services every Lord's day at 10'si o'clock, A. M., and 7 o'clock, P. M. . Old PrnbijUrmn Chnrch, (S. S.) On Second, be tween Main aud Locust streets. Kev. Willia 51c Cakeb. Pastor. Services every Pabbath, at 10,4 o'clock, A. a., and 3 o'clock, r. M. Sabbath Sliool at c o'slock, A. M. Prayer Meeting every Wed. ncsday evening, at 8 o'clock. fir I'rcthijlrrmn Church, (0. S.) Corner ine and Second streets. Kav. Alexander Steueett, raitor. Sorvices every Sabbath at 10JS o'clock, A. and 8 o'clock, r. u. Sabbath School at 9 o'clock, A. m. Prayer Moetiug every Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. , , SI. i'aui's, (Aiicjioion) Corner First and t. nest nut streets. Kev. Svu.nev Wilbich, Pastor. Servi ces every Sabbath at u o'clock, a.m., and o lock, r- M. Sabbath School at 4 o'clock, P. M. Prayer meeting every Friday evening, at 8 o'clock. Church of the Asviiujition, (llman Callmlic) Sec ond street, between Main and Sycamore, ltevs. Ahto.xt Deoieb and Patbiok McDkbmott, Pastors. Services every Sabbath morning at 8 ami 10 o'clock. Vespers at 3 o'clock, r. M. Meetings every morn ing during the week, at and 8 o'clock, a. m. Trinity Church, (German Uimun Catholic) Third street, between Vino and Division. Kev. Francis Kvtarji, PaHtor. Services every Sahbat h at 8 and 10 o'clock, A M. Sabbath School at 3 o'clock, P. M. , and meetings every lioruing through the week at 8 o'clock, A. M. Inyle Strci Chnnh, (MrthaJist) Ingle street, be tween SeTc-uth and F.ighlh. Kev. J. lliailT, Pas tob. Services every Suiubiy at luVj o'clock, a. m., and "Pi o'clock, P. m. Prayer Mocting every Fri lfv vi-niiiir at to 8 o'cl'K'k. Urnei ltrurl frjnngiyne Keller's Building, third Story, on Main street, between Third aud Fourth streets. Kev. Mr. Welcuäek, Pastor. Services ev ery Friday evening at 7 o'clock, and Saturday mnrniliff at 8 o'clock. Auoeiuiiu of $iirilualul$--Tmernce Hall, on Water street. Services every Sabbath afternoon, at 9 nVlitrk. Lochs Street Church, (irethoilitt) Locnat street, Wtwcen Second and Thinl. Kev. Mikam uilmobe Pastor. Services every Sabbath at lo,1 o'clock, A w and I o'clock. P. m. Sabbath Schod at 9 o' clock, A. M. Weekly Prayer Sleeting, every Wed- . nefsihiv evemnir. at o clock. '.ion't Krawjetiral Church On Fifth below Ingle street. Kv. Mr. Misukbt, Tastor. Services every Sabbath, at 10 o'clock, A. m., and 9 o clock, p. M. Wednesday eveninz, at 8 o'clock. i'int HtipHtt Chttrrh On the rornor Second aud C lark strei-t. o l'astor. nurcii .leennp, miii day morning nt 10' o'clock. Prayer Meetings ever Wednesday evening. Sabbath School at U o' clock. A. JI. German Melhmlitl Church On Vine street, be- twoen Sucond and Third. Kev. Mr. Kauilb, Pas tor. Prencliiii!r, Sunday morning, at 10'i o'clock Also at night. Prayer Meetiug, every W ednewiay ni?ht. Al'riran Melhtlit Church On Leet street, bet. Third and Fourth sts. Kev. Mr. Abbam Hill, Ct euit Kider. Class Mecting. every Sunday morning, Praver Meetinc, every wcum-mmy iiivtii. German fj;iu Churrh Corner Second nd Clark street. Services every SaVbath, by Key. Mr, Ilvscii. prayir Jleeting, every neduesday night Sim, or AtlhriglUt llturcH. i(,eri.H(i orner Eiiihth and Division Streets. Kev. Mr. Tkmpekton Paittor. Services every Suuuay momiuR. at IP, o'clock. Prayer Meeting, every WcdwMbiy niclit Genaait Lutheran t.mrcft on I inn street, bet Canal and Sixth, in Lamasro. Kev. 3lr. Saupebt. Pastor. Services every abbatn mornini, at 11 o'clock. Old SeAoo! BniUitt Sharp's enlargement. Fidel A. D. Morton, Pastor. Services every Sunday morn ineat 10' i o clock. Cumberland Frcsbutcriatt CR'lrcA Collier Second and Chestnut sts. Ile Mr. Bt brow, Pastor. Her- i sices every sahiaiuat 11 o cto-fc, a. mw hi o r. h. Meetiug oT Secret Societies.. MASONIC. EYoN'riM Lo-hje. So. VI. A. J. Col in es. Secre tary, llegular meetings first and third Monday's in each month, at Masouic Hall, corner of Main ami First street. ianiiie K. A. C7mp-. .Vo. 12. W. E. Ilor isosworth. Secretary. Moets tirjt Friday iu each oath, at Miisonic Hall. ' onn rKi.Low. Mornin.j Star Lixlije, So. 7. Jamk Swanson, Secretary. Kegular meetinirs every Thureday eve ning, corner of Main and First street. Crewat Loilyi, So. Itl. John 11 reck, Secretary. Meets every Tuesday evening. SeJuiZer Lothic, ib'ermnw) So. VS. John Ian kettell. Secretary. Kegular meetings every Fri day evening. iVawrii; ITucimn,,, So. 20. C. G. Kfati, Scrilie. Meets second and fourth Monday's in every month. TT IWRROWS l:J LTl.nHBE Oi'S mß 9 TEH.s. Z. H. Cook & Son, Agents, Have this day received their first siilim lit. aud will continue to receive daily, cr Adams . Co. Express, direct from the Tacker in Baltimore, a full supply. The Cans are large size and filled full. All Oysters sold by us will be warranted in every respect second to none. We sre prepared to furnish Whole salo and Ketail, and offer a liberal discount to deal ers. Give its a call. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. '. II. COOK A SON", septlB No. Mainereet. JSLJ Flooring Mill, Secoud street, between Chest nut and Cherry, dealers in Lumtier and manufactu rers of Doors, Shutters, Blinds, Sash, Door aud Window Frames, Mouldings of every size, Fit, ring, Weatherboard! ug. Shelving, Mantles, Base Pilas ters, Green-hoiue Sash, aud Chain Tump Tubing. A large assortment of Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings and Vnutp Tubing, constantly on baud. Also, ready worked Flooriug of all kinds, l'ersohs about to croct buildings iu the Southern or Western country, considering the lsw rate of freight by river, railroad and canal will find it to their interest to purchase nt our establishment, where ihry can be supplied with all the carpenter's work, ready-made, of seasoned lumber, for the fin ish of building. Our work is not nia-le as nioel factory work, with tenons half way through, but it is framed ia the same nu.nn;r as if made by hand. Sawing of all kinds done on short notice. Terms cash, unless otherwise agreod upon. mv24-tf STEELE & IICNN'ET. i-jhs, j a mm it jlt VALTIEBA MAKCONMER'S, 39 Main street. raw o trn JL last, at eptü AfnnvERiKs JiJS'it I'aovisiojyrs. CWhVANSVlLLE, IND. Wb Department. First street, first door frcm; Itciail Department, Slain street, first deer below the corner. '.. H. Cook bess to thank bis friends In Erans- ville and neighborhood, for their fjivors so freely be stowed on him since he has been in hnsuicss among them, and takes this opportunity of introducing to their notice his son, .'lr. II. A. Cook, whom lie has taken into partnership from this date, aud solicits for the new firm of Z. If. Cook & Son, a continuance of the support so lilierally conferred on himself. ii. 11. Cook S on. Having tauen ine nusiiiess premiss and iurchiisei tlio whole stock of Mr. 31. W. ioster, reel conndent that tney will ue enable.! to supply the citizens of Evansvilie with every arti- cle they may require in tho Grocery and Provision line. .. li. Look .v son wnm especially to uraw tue attention of persons in the country having produce of any kind to dispose of, to their inert aed facility for taking off their st -k, and supplying; them at their store, with all articles required in the whole sale department, at prices that must insure their orders for the future. fe''2-tf X HABTF0K, CONNECTICVT. STATEMENT of the Condition of the JETN A INSURANCE C0MPANT on the 1st of January, 18Ö8, a required by the law of the f tat of Indiana: The name of the Corporation is .TNA INSCK ANCE COMPAST, located at Habtpobo, i oS. The Capital Stock is ONE MILLION DOLLARS, sad is paid up. The Assets of the Company are: . Tar. Market Cash in hand and in Bank 87,989 6 Cash ia special deposit tin , Hartford banks, with accrued.... ... int-rwt Sflo.134 00 Cash in hands of Agents, aud... in transit S'fJiJ beal estate unincumbered.. . ,,f3 4j 04 Mortgage Bonds st 8 per cent interest. - 1U0 W.OW 00 K do do 6 per cent, interest.... 1UIHJ 1000 28,000 00 10 Jersey City Water Bonds 6 percent, iuterest 1000 1000 10,"X 00 1 Hartford City Bonds, b per cent, interest low Jöoo ii.issj ou i Milwaukie Bouds 10 per cent, interest 1000 1000 3,000 00 Money due the company se cured by mortgage ,418 04 Bills receivable...- 30,177 IS 300 shares Hartford 4 New Ha ven K. K. Co., stock... 100 112 33,000 00 101 shares Boston Si Worcester Kailrond Co., stock 100 78 8,34 00 hure Connecticut Kirer B, It Co., stock 100 M 12,500 00 & shares Connecticut Kiver Co., stock 100 1,200 GO shares Stafford Bank stock 100 0,000 SO shares Citizen's Bank, Wa- terbury stock 100 100 5,900 3C shares Eagle Bank, Provi dence stock 50 60 1,800 300 shares Phtenix Bank, Hart ford stock lW 100 30,000 400 shares Farm. Mecb. B'k. Hartford stock 100 110 44,000 300 shares Exchange B'k. Hart ford stock . 50 CO 12,000 2-10 shares tate Bank, do do... 1'K) 110 26,400 100 shares City Bunk, do do.... 101 110 11, 100 shares County do do do 100 50 5,000 50 150 shares Conn. Kiver Bank, Hartford, stock 00 120 9,000 435 shares Hartford B'k, Hart ford, stock 100 113 49,919 100 shares Charter Oak Bank, Hartford stock 100 100 10,000 100 shares Merch. & Man. B'k. Hartford, stock paid iu.... 1,000 75 shares iEtna Bauk, Hart ford, stock .... 750 200 shares Merch. Ex. Bank, New York, stork 50 85 8,500 200 shares North Kiver Bank. New York, stock 85 85 8,500 1200 shares Merch. Bank Ji. N. stock 26 106 31,800 200 shares N. American H'k, New York, stook 100 100 20,000 200 shares Nassau Bank, New York, stock 300 shares America B'k., K. Y. ! MISCELLANEOUS. : ! TOBACCONISTS. 1 MISCELLANEOUS. . I.OTTEB1BS VMPHANTÜ I ! PATENT MEDICINES.. TBI- SWAN & CO. Conllnnc to Draw as Ciual ivithout Interruption. SWAN & CO.'S LOTTERIES AUF. LEGAL, ASD . . AtTUOEßED BY TUE STATE er GEORGIA!! P. R. HART. Aqfnt fui the following MUis and Machines, lor sale . . . Tbe Great Eastern Corn llusker, SHKL.I.KR AND CLKANKK. Which will shell from. 1,000 to 2,000 bushels per day. Also, The American Elephant. The great Novelty of the day. It is the bast Mill ever invented for the farmer's use. It wHl make tea varieties of product. It will grind the Cory and Cob for feeding animals. It makes coarse o fine meal as may lie wanted, and it will bolt tb meal as ft grinds it: or leave it nnbolted at the op tiou of the operator. It will grind Spices, Drugs or almost any other substance which requires tlio ope- i ration of grindinc It docs all these things, and ' requires but a little power to drive it. THE GREAT BENGAL TIGER, Is a Mill designed to make the various grades ot j Hominy, and is one of the best Machines ever in vented for the purpose. I Bradford's Portable Burr m ! Is too well known to need a description. It is the ! cheapest, and at the same time, the easiest kept in j repair, 01 any in ue. au oi nie aoove iuuis aim Machines can be seen in operation nt HAKT'S MILLS, ' Corner of Second and Canal streets, where the pub lic are invited to call and see the latest improve ments of the age liefore purchasing eise hero. All orders will I promptly filled. jnn27-ilAwtf B. B. TIA TIT. . . -MLtm STOHE. Agricultural Implements, tceus F. FEKDR1CH &. BROTHERS, j Would respectfully inform the citizen .of Evans ' villc and vicinity," that they have a larger. stock of (Tobacco, Segars, Snuff, Pipes, and I German Smokin? Tobacco, than any two establishments of our principal cities. Hotels and ati re-keepers look to your interests. Before purchasing elsewhere, please examine our large assortment, which we pledge ourselves to sell at the lowest Baltimore prices, and cheaper than can be bought in Cincinnati or Louisville. All we ask is, that you shall rait and judge for yourselves. We öfter any of tbe above at wholesale or retail. Our establishment is a branch of the well known extensive Baltimore Tobacco Warehouse of Jos. Fendrich Jt Bros. No. lr" Forest street. F. FENDRICH & BROS., Main St. 1 door above First, jyl. Kvansville, lud. . t iltK S ClTJs'T UTt TÖKJ WO h'JL C- s torv, J. S MiCKACKEX, Proprietor, Main ITie lair attempt to injure our firtn hue aloura that our Lotterie are draim fairly; that our Prise are paid punctually, and Owt our u hemts are more liberal than any other Lottery in the World ! The fpllowing scheme will be drawn by S. SWAX A CO.. Manacers of tbe Sparta Academy Lottery, in ! each of their Single Number Lotteries for NOV., ; 1."8, at AvgcsTA, Ceo., iu public, under the su i pcrintcndencc of Commissioners, i f 'latt 4-0 draws on Saturday Nov. ß, 1808. j i.'tetmw 41 draws on Saturday, Nov. l'.i, 1K58. j IIa 43 draws on Satunniy, Nov. '20, 1R."8. i ('fas 43 draws on Saturday, Nov. 27, 15. ON THE FLAN OF SINGLE NUMBERS. 50,000 Tickets. FIVE TIWISASO FOVH BUS DEED ASÜ EIGHTY-FIVE FRIZES! Nearly One Prize to every Nine Tickets! (VI ACN I Fl CENT SCHEME! TO BE DRAWN Each Saturday in November. and Groceries sold at cash prices for all kinds of Produce and Live Stock, such as Horses, Mules, Cows, Calves, Beef Cattle, Hogs Chickens, Butter, Lard, Bacon, Eggs, Furs and Skins of every de scription. Ginseng, Beeswax, Feathers, Wheat. Corn. Oats. Barley. Beans. Kvo. Bran, Shorts, Dried Apples and Peaches, Potatoes and Vegetables of all J ' sorts. '. H. COOK Jt SONS. feli20-dJtw : T.VOS JRTE BO.VE BET A3 TER THAN OTHERS. R. B. nART, is now prcimrcd to supply the city and country trade wilb the liest of corn meal, un bolted, corn grits and hominy, of all grades; wheat grit?, unlmlted Hour, rye Hour, extra iaimly flour, crush feed, bran, thipstufT, corn, oats, chicken feed, and all articles in the feed line. All trade delivered to any part of the city. Please send in vour orders, my prices w in ne low, as cheap as the cheapest, and as good as the bet. Tbe nimble sixpence better than the s!w shilling is my motto. All may depend on getting all my trade made oi none but the best of ground grains, as I ill buy ue other. . K. B. HART. jau27-d,twtf y I street, lictweeu Third and fourth, Kvansville, Ind. j Having fitted up the nbovo tobacc-o factory, I am I row prepared to till all order for the various styles : of Western Tobacco, such as Fives, Poiinps, Quar I ter and Half Pounds, in all kinds of packres, and. i have now on hainl the following brands, viz: li' boxes Olmstead 5 Lump; 10 do do- Pounds; 10 do Fin (Own); 20 do tin Caddies) lloosier Boy; 20 do do Jordan's: . .. 10 do Low tirade Robinson's. 20 do Montgomery 50 lbs I'aclcagns. The stock will 1 sold 3 per c ot. lower than can be Iniught elsewhere, und ö per cent, off for cash. ATI kinds of currency taken at par. Seveuty-fivc M. large size Cigars on hand iu one 31. boxes at lowest hj;ures tor caMi. leoiu 1 Pri of... 4 M 100 230 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 1 of $11.0 Apj.rox'ing to S70,'"J Prize,. $70,000 .... 311,000 ... 10,000 .... ;.,(K"J .... 4.000 3,000 .... 1,000 .. 1,000 .... " 900 WlO 71C1 two SOU 30O . 120 100 Wl'ST BUCH I VJEJf. LP Fl CJ.A'Ä M,lnttKH et HHICS tiLES. JL TO BriLDEK AND CARPENTERS. The subscribur has ImTiRht out tho interest of R. If. Bennett, in the Lumlicr Yard, near Kratz A Ileill man s foiimicrv. tie now oners nis stocK at s cheap price for cash. llyl-nm JAS v rsws. It HJ TU Uäi TJS 8 Just received at aug2 liOUELL A CONYNGTON. 3y store and nor sale, by roio II it CT O RS.- M KKTKt.SPECT KOK JULY. loo 100 300 " Broadway B'k, " 25 400 " People' B'k. " 25 200 ' Republic B'k. " 100 100 " City Bank " 100 40 " Vuioii Bank " 50 1 Hanover Bank " 100 100 Commonwealth " 1"0 500 " Phoenix Bank " . 2) 55 " Manhattan K'k, " 50 3n0 ' New York Bank " 100 200 Market Bank . " l'W 400 " Ocean Bank " 50 4'i0 " Mct'politau B'k " 100 08 " Butchers' A Drovers Bank, New York stork 25 300 shares Importers & Trade' Bauk, New York, stock.... 100 400 miare American Exchange Bank, New York, stock.-. 100 820 shares Merchants' Bank, N. Y. tork 50 15 shares Mechanics A Tra ders' Bank, Jersey City stock 100 100 shares V. S. Trust Co. New York, stock 100 150 shares X. Y. Lite Ins. A Trust Co., N. Y. tock 100 85 85 115 1(10 106 106 108 78 80 105 125 105 95 75 103 110 J. W. VICKERY A Co. arg 20 rffiHUEj-r'tiooii ubkiEKt ML trenn .Much Mv, for sale at UKÖ0 7. 1. COOK A SON'S. WJfljy'E .f '..'.--i'l.c subscriber would JL re.peeifully cull the attention of carenters and bniMen to his !tock of Pine Lumlicr, which is one of the large?! and best ever yarded in this city. Prii-es as low as the lovvcist. Office corner Main aud Seventh ntre-ts. JOHN F. G LOVER, j'vl EXTRJ SV- Reccived and for sale by Z. 11. COOK SON, juU2 Sole Agent for Evansvilie. uii.s choice Jdiin oiL, ii bxs. Star Candles, 20 do Aborted German and Palm Soap, just rec-ived by Z. H. COOK A Son. .mVt GAR f.'l'KKI) HAMS. for sale juU2 20 95 95 105 95 100 150 25,50 2vV10 23,000 0,(1110 21,200 10,WK) 21 .WW 8,tSHJ S,000 1II,00 22,81 60 31,500 19,000 10,000 42,("J0 22,000 28,000 38,000 43,050 1,425 10,000 . 22,500 $1,500,387 80 LIABILITIES. The amount of Liabilities due or uot due to banks or other creditors nothing. Losses adjusted and duenone. Losses adjusted and nut due $ 12 036 99 Losses adjusted, in susiensc, waiting further proof or contested 1C1 889 85 All ether claims SKainst the Company are small, for printing i.e. Agent instructed to take no risks exceeding $10, 000 without special jiermission. The greatest amount insured in any one city, town or village varies. . The greatest amount allowed to be insured in any one block also varies. The Charter or Act of Incorporation and amend ment is herewith presented. TH0S. K. BRACE, Jb., Hartford, Jan. 1st, 1S58. Secretary. KMJ kVJt BI.E STJ.VHJBIt WO HKS. W DOBELL A CONYNGTON, are side azents fur Vauderburg county, for all the subscription Books published by I. Appleton A Co. Abridgement of the Debates in Congress, Or Public History ot the tinted States. New American EncvcloiKdia. a Dictionary and Journal of Know ledge. Certainly the first work of the age. American Eloquence, a Collection of Speeches and Addresses of the most Eminent Orator of America Encyclopedia of Wit and Humor, by the celebra ted Comedian Burton, iu 2.V. Nos. Dictionary of Machine Mechanics and Engine Work. Tho ucjvest and most improved edition in 20c. Nos. t're's Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures aud Mines. DOBELL A CONYNGTON !-g to call attention to their important works, and request their kind friends to call ami sec them; as also, the array of opinions of eminent men iu conlirmation of their imortanee and value. Doliell A Oonyfrfon have samples and specimens , of the various bindings in which these works can be procured, from paper to the iiuest morocco. mrl7 . Z lll'SH. M'BIME SEE II Bl'E.-öO 'J V bush. Ear Corn, received per st:amcr J. 11. Dune. - Rice Flour. Corn Starch. Wheaten Gritts. Farina. Split Peas. Maccaroni. Vermirclla. 3 doz. qts. Worcestershire Sauce. 5 " pts. " 6 " half pt. " " 3 " " John Bull. ' 3 " " Jlatvsy " 3 " " Ijscnce of Shrimps. 3 44 Auchoives. Lemon Syrup. Ginger " Strawberry " Rasplwrry. " Pine Apple " Sarsaporilla " Just rei-eired anl for sale by aiurtilv Z. II. COOK A SON. JJIK.V .fI.1TKHI.ll,. 10,000 MJ9 Lights, 8-10 Sash, 3, G, and 9 It. each. l.OOL " 9-12 " 2.VK) " 10-12 " 1.IMI 10-ld and 10-12 Snsh. lioPaiiuel Ooors, assortwl sizes. 2.""0 Box. Glas, assorted size. Just received and for sale low. by WIIKKI.KR A RIOGs. ee I-:' s Ji iToij tic ho tjt ILy INU HARROW. Patented May 20th, IMOS. The attention of Rianufaetiirers of agricultural implements, mid the raiscrsof small grain, isinvit ed to a rw:ent and most vuliiaole improvement m the construction of the Harrow, invented by V. M. Cjiakkp. of Gray villc, Illinois. In this new imple ment the teeth are inserted in two self revtdving horizontal wheel., by which the furrow of the teeth are made to cns the line of the direction of the harrow, and as tho toeth go round the circuit of the wh'fd every time the harrow moves forward the length of the liiiiraeter of the wheel, each tooth has Just Ihre,; time the effect of a tooth in a straight harrow, consequently it diH its work far lictter, ami more of it. luce passing over the ground with this harrow, leaves it better harrowed than by two p.-üutagi'S Ith tho ordinary harrow. It is much lighter draft upon the team, and what must be a great consideration wtih every practical farmer, in passing jver corn c stubble ground, it k-teps itself irniirely free of stalks, as by it a-'tion it scatters tbem on each side of it. The Inventor proiroses to sell the right to inanu acture lliesc Harrows, for any given TerriJory, either Couutins or States, at moderate priros. He will also sell single Harrows, and on the receipt of $15 he will ship a good six feet Harrow to any part of the country, the purchaser paving freight. Ad dress, " V. M. CII.VFEK, iiu.'S-dr.t-wtf Grayville, Illinois STATU OF CONNECTICUT, 1 Hartford County. j Uabttobd, Jan. 1st, 1808. Personally appeared before me, a Justice of the Peace, duly xualifled to administer oaths, Tuumas K. Brace, Jr., Secretary ,and made solemn eath that the foregoing statement of the assets and -condition of the A'.tna Insurance Company is true. U EN KY F0W LER, Justice of the Peace. THE STATE OF INDIANA, ") Ai'niToa or State's Orricz. f Indianapolis, Jan. 12, 1808. ) Whereas, the -fcma Insurance Company f Hart ford has filed in this Oflice, a statement of its n dition on the 1st of January, 180$, the act of its in corporation and amendments properly certified to, aud its written instrument, nominating its Agents and authorizing them fully and unreservedly to acknowledge service of process in the orent of suits. Now, therefore, in pursuance of tiie requirements of An Act to amend an Act entitled an Act for the Incorporation of Insurance Companies, defining their (lowers, and prescribing their duties," approved March 2, 1855, having presented satisfactory evi dence to me of full compliance to the reipiirenieiils and specifications of thnt Act, I, Jons W. Dunn, Anditor of the State of Indiana, do hervby certify Alien C. llAl.l.r.cs, of Evansvilie, as the Agent id said Company, it authorized to trnusnct the business of Insurance as the Agent of said .Etna Insurance Comtiany in this State, up to July 1st, 108, to tti OOI MKOJ'.XQQO Hl'jrill.ES ilo'p Iron, assorted sizes, on lucud and for sale at redured prices by SAMl'F.L ORR, WlSSOLVTlO.VrTHE EJBTVER- -SRshlp heretofore existing between John A. Reitz, John A. llaney and W. Carpenter, under the firm aud name of Reitz, Ilancv A Io., bos been this day dissolved by the retirement of W. Carprii ter, Eso., the interest of said W. Carpenter hatin? lieen purchased by the said John A. Reitr. and John A. Haney. i'he affairs and business of the old firm will be settled by the new firm of REITZ & HANEY, .IT" 1 i Iß i I -tA. .U I J I EV I 4;i cS-i-ij IJwjfetj Vv (O'aa 0 3.08 8MB 8.6S 9.0. 3. f'l.!ta$-"-g Who y.ill continue the mnnnfacture of Sleam Engines and Steam Boilers, oianv size, together with all the Mmfrinff, v hee Pumps, Saw 31 ill Machinery and Mill Gearing of any size. Also, jiistillery and iuimng lachinery, and iu fact everything in the Iron line, at the old stand corner of Ingle aud Canal Srreets. apii-l.xOS-tf REITZ A nANEY. -193 ll.HJS cor- : FEE. loo Ihixcs tea, luy bah-s Americau Navy oakum, 5 cases li-piorice. 10 cases h-inon syrup, 10 do brandy churries, 5 do absynth, " 20 boxes pickles, " 5 do pcccalilii, 5 do nasturtions, 5 do curacoa in jug", 5 bl'is Hour sulphur, 10 kegs refined saltpetre, 5 bbls alum, 5 do chalk, 0 do ciieras, 15 do almonds, 5 do filberts, 5 do aimoiids (soft shell), 5 do Brazil nuts, 5 do English walnuts, 10 Istxes shelled Almonds, 5 bids currents, lMloxcs citron, I'M) do fire crackers, 11 cases cards, loo doz tar bucket. fi.r sale low by . TENNEY A SORRENSON, aug.Jii o. v. arer srreet. inn II I, S. J-RKSH l,.iUllf ERESH SI 9f J Co 'orn Meal : sept. i Green Ajiples, A. D. REYNOLDS A Co. XEEJJ STORE. TIIE I .VA - S1GNED will keep constantly on hand, IIA Y, cohy. OAT?, snirsTCFr, HR AS. And all other articles needed to feed Horses or Mnlcs. All of which be will sell vi holcsalo or re tail, at lowest market rates, uiviug just weight aud measure. ROBERT S. KI STON, Water stret, between Main and Locust, Evansvilie. niiK3-ly g11MREES HJIICOCK, IMPORTER S and Dealer in Coach and Saddlery Hardware, Main street, near Water. Having com pleted my ar range ni cuts with Europe an and Amer ican manu facturers for a direct supply of all gcsslsin my line, I am enabled to of- Sl.ROO I 4 " 300 " " 30,(0 " 1,200 4 " auo " " 1K,IK!0 " 800 4 il 120 " " ö,' " POO 4 " 1"0 " " 4,in " ...... 40 4 75 " " 3.OO0 " . 300 4 " 50 " ,; 2IK) 5,000 " 20 are lw.roo 5,485 Prizes amounting to..". ,.$320,000 Whole Tickets $ in; Halves SO; (Juartcis &2'4. B-S"A Circular showing the plan of the Lotteries will be sent to any one desirous of receiving it. Certificates of Packages will be sold at the fol lowing rates, which isths risk: Certificate of Package of 10 Whole Tickets SS0 " 10 Half " 40 ! " " 10 Quarter " ' 20 , " " 10 Eighth " 10 j In ordering Tickets or Certificates, enclose the , uioury to t,ur address for the Tickets ordered, on re ' ceipt of which they will I forwarded by first mail. ! Purchasers can have tickets ending ill any figure ' they may designate. . The List of Drawn iiumlicrs and will be sent to purchasers iniwietliately after tbe drawing. rl'urchaers will pleasj write their signatures plain, and give their Post otlice, County and Mate. fing'Rcmi mber that every Prize is drawn mid payable in full without leduetion. ft3'Al! prizes of $l,imti and under, paid immedi ately alter the drawing other prizes at the usual tini's of thirty days. .All communications strictly confidential. Address orders for Tickets cr ' Vrtilicatcs to S. SWAN A CO., Augusta, Georgia. ' tTSTersona residing near Montgomery, Ala., or Atlanta, (Ja., can have their orders filled, and save time, by addressing S. Swan & Co., at ciUier of those cities. MSA list of the numliers that are drawn from the wheel, with the amount of the prize that each oi is entitled to, will be published after over drawing, in the following papers: Augusta (Geo.) Const itulioimlist, New Orleans Delta, Mobile Reg ister, Charleston Standard, Nashville Gazette, At lanta Intelligencer, New York Weekly lay lM,k, Savannah Oeorgian, Richmond Dispatch, New Ywrk Dispatch anil Paulding (Miss.) Clarion, and Little Risk (Ark.) Democrat. Aug. 18. laiS JZJr Cnre in the World for Pain! Prof. Cha. Do- . Gratb, Original Inventor and Manufacturer of the - ELECTSIC OIL! v Tins Oil is the only sure remedy in the world for 5 the cure of rheumati-:-;. deafness, gout, neuralgia, lumbago, sciatica, spiral and bronchial complaints, ticdolureuxr headache, cramps, troup, piles, felons, sprains and bruises, cuts and wounds, swelled glands, stiff joints, scrofula, crysijelas, sore nipples, swell ed breast, womb ilisorders, salt rlniini, eankor ia the mouth and sUunach. palpitation, eruptions. . j caked breast, quinsy, sore throat, palsy, pleurisy. ulcers, locK-jaw, iirarx-nnrn, room ana car-arae. . nervousness, costiveness, burns, sore gums of teeO ing infants, lu-morrhage, abscess, stiff neck, broke . breast, chilblains, tetter, shingles, frosted feet, fuver and ague, chapisfj hands, or any diseases that are ' sore and painful, is the only article ever brought before the public that will do Its work perfectly ia from three to twenty- minutes has been used by thousands and pronounced the best remedy ever discovered. . - - ... This Oil acts on the sy.tem with electricity is of ( pure vegetable preparation. Kot the slightest dan ger of applying it outwardly and inwardly. It at once gives a permanent cure iu most cases from- . ten lo twenty minutes. The liest p'hysiologists of Europe have discovered that all organic derangement of the animal ystsn is the effect of an olwtruction of the phys-.oo-elec-tric fluid in the organic disease. A skilful ippli- cant of this Oil puts in immediate motion the nerve fluid and the cure i at onto accomplished. So ' bleedings, no vomiting, purging or blistering Is re- gorrcii to. None genuine without the signature of Prof. CV De Cirnth. l abels signed in writing. Principal lepot. No. 39 South- Eighth street three doors below Chestnut, Philadelphia. Country dealers and druggists can be supplied wholesale and retail. Frice 25 cents, 50 cents and SI per bottle. Try every thing else, and give this one simple trial. ' " Cactios. Be careful to ask for, and get DeGrath's Electric Oil, as worthless imitations abound. . There are numerous imitations sprung np OB the eputation that my article ka acquired. The pub-1 c must beware ;hey are worthless. AFFLICTED. READ TniS. Miraculous cure made on one of the citizens of Macon: Maco, April 8, 1857. Pbos. DeGbath Dear Sin This is to certify thafp I l ad a full, sprained my shoulder and was alllicted' foi eighteen days, end lost the use of my arm, and . could not raise my hani to my head, and hearing of the wonderful cures effected by DeGraths Elect! it Oil, and by one application of it I was enabled to r;i ise my hand to my head and take off my hat. -Thank God, I am well, and I cheerfully recommen1 it to all the alllicted. The application was niaa ls:fore a hundri-d persons. i oors truly. T.A.ILJerrdJ C. 11. Rogers, G. T. Franklin, A. B. Ross, B. 1". Freeman, Witness A. JORDAN. John W. Brsntly, Lew is Y oung, J. W. Aderhold, E. G. Jeflcrs, E. Price. W1 mr iiiiiurrinpiiisi, iiiai cumu-t fail to le to the intf-nt if all on pigcd in the biMiwfsd to irive nt; a I rtfinie in part: axlos, spriitt;.- nialc of tlic lMst stei-l; ImiiuU, fiiumelcl ami of all kio-U of leather: clot hi, linings for caiTi.ijrea, varniitica, castings o! all kiinlö, kittle tno, Kitli-sh liill L-athrn, liit?. .Rtirrtim, spurs, lmms, hue ilver liitips uf u.11 kunls, JrTiny l.iim Olfr lreos, frcJI-aitjustu: -ai.s, Taylor's jwiti tit liann. fly n-ftK, b)um tiin'ml, Iioi.-m blaitkots, London Ürth Wcl, Anirriraii (.'irtli ami Hi'in Wel:, both cotton ami worHtrrl; Loiiilon Welt tSkin a superior artiuJf1; ivory, pntia jwrcha ami br.'tüä lim! inartriipal ri.i.; .itpfrior knys ftr lnrse covers, the Itcat ulity of cairiuge Ik. Its, patent gi: tires, X'C, JLo. 1 keop in fact evcrythinf; apprrtainfng to either hranrti of the business, aim und -rstamling both branches thoroughly, we vrouhl rtiMrtfiilly invite your nttentioii lH-f're pur hftifns-rlsirwherc. " I am also agent for Waiil'B Vatcnt Spring Saddle. jb isjLis ion:, uiTF;n sti wjSL (hr abovo Vine. Manufacturers of the Celebrated Magnolia "Whisky Or EVANSVILLE, INK. - Macos, April 8, 1857. Pkof. IitOBATH Dear Sir: 1, Capt. B. B. Smith, hereby certify that I have been afflicted with rheu matism fur four years and at times conld not sleep. By hearing of the wonderful cures by DeGrath's Electric Oil, I was induced to try it, and by the first application of ths Electric Oil I was at onee relieved, and now have the use of my arm. The ipplicution was uiadu before fifty person. B. B. SMITH, Twiggs Co. We, the undersigned, were present:- ' J. J. Riley, J. li. Brnutly, H. J. Cooper. liulcvjh (A'. C.) Standort, CERTIFICATE. ' Windsboho, S. C, March 9, 1857. I, David Elkiu, do hereby certify that I hay been badly afllicted lbr two mouths with inflamma tory rheum? tism, one of my h-ga being much swoll en stilt and ,virc so that I found it exceedingly difficult to walk that the stiff joint has been twice rublied with Prof. DeGrath' celebrated Electrie Oil within thirty hours; and I now have the perfect use of the alllii ted limb. I was also troubled with partial deafness in my left ear, and by a single ap plication of the Electric Oil my bearing ha been greatly Improved. DAVID ELKIN". Avcvsta, Ga., March 38, 1857. Paor. DeGrath Dear Sir: This is to certify tin 1 I have been nrllicted with headache and corn on my feet from which I have suffered very much and by tho application of DeGrath's Electric Oil 1 have lioeu cured of my headache and corns, sud therefore recommend it to all. F. McC'VE. r: u- j. i .n n i: it -jrii we aro now y V offering for sale to the city and country trade our whole stock of lumber at retail. Having extra extent that he may 1 commissioned and appointed I facilities for manufacturing and buying pine lum ber in lVnrisvivaiua, we think we can otter inauce- bv the said Comiianv. In witness whereof, I have hereunto nbscrilicd my name and caused the seal of my office to be af fixed, this 12th lav of January, 1808. JOHN W. WO"!, Auditsr of State. Ky OME THIJS'U J i VA" 4,000 A. IIS. Lanvassed Hams. C.OOOlb. Bacon Sides, 600 "Sugar Cared dried Beef, 600 lt,s, No. 1 CTieese, 100 " Pure Cream of Tartar. Just received and for sale by aug3l J. W. VICKERY & DO Sacks extra family flour. 10.000 tt.5, country Bran, 20 Bush. Cm Meal, 20 dozon Shaker and other Broom. Co. EYE! jrhOHEi.1. .o.v roj" iu i MJr just selected from the largest Eastern Houses, a large stock of iolins, Italian, German, and French. Guitar of v.vcis prices, i Accordeons ai Flut iuaa, choice quality. Flutes, Fbigeolets, Tambourines, Uanjües. And all Musical Instruments and Instruction books, which they soli at Eastern prices. Also, a complete assortment of Envelope of all kind. Blank Books. - Letter 1'apcr. School BHks. New-st NoA-els, Ac i.e. Wholesale and retail, and at the lowest prices in the city. Call and see the selection before going else where, augzi THE El'EHOEJZI. THE OR GANS whim bciieriamt nature bus endowed fman with, the Eve is the most important, most complex, aud most delicate in organization. From its exjioecd situation, it is cousf-.mtly liable to dis ease which assumes varied forms, and which, when neeloctcd or maltreated, too freijuently terminate in blinrtmws. It becomes, therefore, necessary tha the pructitioner shall be thoroughly rouverean not only with the striu-tnre of the eye ball Aid it appendages, hut that he shall have a most accurst and tierfect know ledge of all disease to which that organ is liable. In presenting this card for pnbllc consideration, I w ould olieerve I hat after an experience of over ten years in tile principal opthalmic hospitals ef Eu rope, togeiher with the advantage of a large private prarth-e, I am prepare! to treat all diseases of the Eye with that certainty of success which can only be accomplished by year of experience. Consultation hour from 8 A. M. to 12 P. M.t and 4 to 0 P. M. JOHN .MAG EN NIS. M. D. Office, corner Locust and Second streets. Evans vlile. Indiana. y2S-lyw 4 CIl O O I. S. ff ISS RE Ell RE-0P- ! A3ENED hsr SchtK)! for Young Ladies, at No. 20, j West Sixteenth Street, near Fifth Avenue, Cinciu J natl.O., on Monday, thelMh of tteptcmbcr, 1808. Hsvlng n few vacancie for boarding pupils, Miss REED would be pleased to make arrangements with j families from tbe South, ami from the country gva i erally, who roay desire to place their daughters or I wards imune a select few, w here they will receive j the espe inl care of the principal, j Y'oung ladies, after the close of the school-year. I can remain in the establishment during ihesunimer ! vacation, if desirable. j It is the desire of the principal and teachers, te f make school a home, and study a pleasure, and . every facility will le offered for acquiring a thor- uiiii accompiislieu education ALLEN C, 1IALLECK, Acbnt, Kvansville, ImU ments to purchasers that they cannot find elsewhere iv the city. We sliall at all times be supplieil with a full assortment. Also, pine shingles and dressed flooring always on hand. Call at the office on the above coruir. WATSON, NEWBERRY 1c CO., Coiner Main and Eighth streets. nov 17-ly ALSO All kinds of Domestic Liquoi-s, nud con stant ly a large supply of Old and Choice Bourbon, Rye, and Monongahela AVhisky. imgl-dÄ w ly. filöTrHiTitJ'HiY.i REVS i.v.t vi; Jf to return his thanks to his old customers for CO.! I.'.'.'. Wc have now iving the l est COAL that has ever beeu introduced into this market, which we are selling low. Oood currency will be received in pavmeut. Orders left at tho store of JNO. W. HIGH ES, nxt to the State Bank, will be promptly atteude! to. jaii2!i-tf JNO. W. HUGHES. 1 Pine Also, OO.nOO Poplar. JOHN r . (il-'H Jill, Corner Main and Seventh streets. sTI O GJWa V ERJJCJII9. THE ' of imported Brandies, fivrmerly advertised to . x ill; l'1-aiioil IS nnexeent.onnblo. lis Uf, in tlie vi. EOT t cinity ( the finest parks and avenues in the city. to ! vircniars may i eubtained of AnmVton A Co.. 34 be sold at public auction, will, from this date, be ' snd 348 Broadway : also of Ivison A Phinnev. 221 . sold privately, in quantities to suit purchasers. Call . Broadway. wrlT Jf yon went pnr Bnendv for little money,- i . AU letter directed to Mise JL. a the above - 1 iiisjsPfurt PF t ttm. dft, m rfrft ffcrt attW. tr OT10JS-ZO PEJiCOCK. EEJVU- er Fly Brushes; 3 doz. lisses lsroonn, a iancy article; S do Fancy Whisks; 10 do Shaker and Lecallon Broom; 10 do - assorted Scrub Brushes; - 5 do Dusting Brushes, famy aud plain; 5 do Shoe Brushes, do do; II0BN BROOK Jt CO. polwus as- svrted Wire; 500 B dls common and ecarcord Sheet iron; 20 do Galvanized and Kussia do; 5 casks Sheet Zinc; Sheet Copper and Copper Bottoms, all sizes, in tore aud for sale by SAMUEL ORR. Jly8 - - rm the EOVERS oe no on JL Cup of Tea, We are now in receipt of a very choice lot of loose Teas, sought expressly for retail ;rde CeH east sad sfl. Sample given with plees ove, ty a I 6K it !W. tfrlWIIBI ES-3000 K9 i aTIOJL! COJI.! IV on hand and arc daily reo SMI.y'l-: ÄW.WrfAA''. loo,OK No, JL Shingles, for sale low. iiyt "S.: U-IUI ' HO OlIS JR HI l.l I. ! W At S. EMMICH S. NEW DRY GOODS, For Salo For Cvsh Onlt. NEW DRY" GOODS ARRIVED At S. EMBICH'S. NEW DRY GOODS, For Sale Fort Cash Oyi.r. NEW DRY GOODS ARRIVED AtS. EM BIC H S. NEW DRY GOODS, For Sale For Cask Onlt. NEW DRY GOODS ARRIVED - At . EMBICH'S. XEW DRY GOODS, For Pale, For Curt Onlt. ap3 df URIU IE TV I 1.1 L. IMPEEME.y'-rs jB- 6 dot. Scythes and Snathes, vnriou patterns 2 do Scythes and Cradles, do do; 6 do Manure Forks; 5 do Long Handled Hay Forks; do Short do do; 2 boxes Scvthe Stones. For sale at ' Z. H. COOK A SON'S. WWOOPS .' EORTi GROSS RJT JTM. TAN HOOPS; Thirty Gross Brass of ! extra size and superior quality. Just received and ' for sale cheap by " angl3 MESSRS. J. H. MAG II EE A- Co. IIIS II. CWifwV ME JE ERESH G RO U N D. For Sale by Z. H. COOK A SON. their kind patronage, aul ho- by strict attention to business, and good work. t lie "able to merit a continuation of their favors. Havirifc removed his store to the corner of Second and Main streets, for merly occupied as a Silversmith Shop, he is now prepared to f.-rrii)i all who may favor him with a tall, with all the articles in his line. &"Repairing dune w ith neatness and despatch. Second hand harness always on hand. jly22-im. Il.l.OCH K STOIIIl.tltll, MM- !30 nlvi glORJV! CORJY!! CORJV! ! ! 600 Inst received and for sile cheap at swg-27 A. D. REYNOLDS ft ?. l'dBlfcKS Aall Jih.ALLltS IN Domestic and Foreign Drugs, MEDICALS. CHEMICALS, Paints, Oils,Varnlslies, Brnhes,GInt . A SD GLASS H".4 BE, PA TEST MEATUSES, i PERFUWIERY, BIRD CAGES, &.C., i ' Evansvilie, Inihana. i ! Having made large additions to our stock, we are j j now ready to fill all ord-rs with such quality of i Goods ai w e feel assured will f,ive entire satisfaction. ' I As we make our purchases by the packages, we i i are enabled to offer them at the lowest possible j I prices, thereby givivp the purchasers the same ad- j vantages as those who buy East.! We also dtvl ex- j teusivelv in j DA G LEI! i'.EOT YPE A SD A MB HOT YI'E UTOCK ; And keep constantly on hand a large and varied as j sortmeut of Cases, Chemicals, L'aiuecals, and every j article connected w ith the art. 1 Operators that choose to order, and enclosing re 1 mittance, the same care and prices will be observed I as if they attend personally. i When goods out of our line are wanted.fwe will 1 procure thcra with pleasure, at the lowest prices. We shall, as heretofore, give particular attention ' to hare all orders carelully packed and promptly ! forwarded. jnlyS HAtLOCK A STODDARD. It. MORSE'S y.V..V BOOT PI LL CAUTION. Merehai.ts and Tra- ,l..r -!! Iu, .. .!.ir r,l n,.,l t ..... ... .... ...... ,rr- ,,,,1.... j upon by a Counterfeit if Morse's Indian Root l'ills, signed A. B. MOORE. All genuine Root Pills have the name and signature of A. J. I. Ii I I r, A . i., im ca ii u.ia. DR. MoKsK, the inventor of Morte t Indian Hoot Pill', has spent the greater part of his lile iu tra; clütig, having visited Europe, Asia, and Afrn-a, as well as North America, and has spent three years among the Indians of our Western .'ouutrv, unil it was in this way that the Indian Hoot Pills were first discovered. Dr. Morse was the first man to etnhli-h tbe fact that nil dis eases arise from IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD that our strength, health and life deluded uo this vital fluid. A. J. WHITE CO. , 50 Leonard Street, N"W York. DR. MORSE, the inventor of Moire's Indian Root Pills, has spent the greater part of hi life iu trav eling, having visited Europe, Asia and Africa as well as .'oi'!h America has sjient three years among tho Indians of our Western country it was in this way that the Indian Root Pills were firs! discovered. Dr. Morse was the first man to estab lish the fact tlmt all diseases arise from IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD that our slmigth, health ami life depended upon this vital fluid. When the various jsages liecom dogged, and do not act in erfi-ct harmony with tbe ilifferent fiuietb.ns of the body, the blood loes its action, In comes thick, corrupt'.d and diseased, thus causing all pnins, sickness anil distress of every inline; ooi strength is exhausted, nur health we aro deprived o:, and if nature is not assisted in throwing off tie stagnant humors, the blind w ill become choked and cease to act, and thus our light of life will ho for ever blown out. , How important then, that v.e should keep the various passnges of the I o ly fret and open. And how pleasant to us that we have it in our power to put a medicine in yunr ler o!i, name ly, Morse's Indian Root Pills, manufactured from plants ad root which grow around the mountain ous cliffs in nature's garden, for the health und re covery of diseased ninii. One of the roots from which these pills are made is a sodnritic, which ens the jnircs of the skin, and'flssists nature in throw ing out the finer parts ol tho corruption with in. The second is a plant which is an expectorant, that opens and unclogs the humors from the lung by copious spitting. The third is a diuretic, which gives ease nwd double strength to the kidneys; thus encouraged Ihy draw large amounts of iinpiirity from the blood, which is then thrown out bountiful'-' ly by the urinary water passage, aud which could not havo Itcen discharged iu vny other way. The fi'orth is a cathartic, anil lu-coinpanies ths ther j r, i .-lies (if the pills while engaged fn purifying ihe Mud: the courser particles which cannot pass by the other outlets, are thus taken up and con veyed off in great quantities by the bowels. From fb. alwjve, it is shown that Dr. Morse's In dian Root l'ills not only enter the stomach, but be come miitid witii the blood, for they find way to ev ery part, and completely rout out and cleanse the ystem f.vm all impurity, mid the life of the body which is the Mood, becomes perfectly healthy; con sequently sickness and pain are driven from the system, ibr they cannot remain when the body be comes so pure and clear. The reason why people arc so distressed when sick, and wby so many die, is tecause they do not get a medicim, which will luiss to the afflicted parts, and which will open the natural pasbicges for the disease to be cast out, hence a large quantify o food and other matter is lodged, end the stem; rh and intestines ore literally overflowing with the corrupted mass, thus undergoing disagreeable fer mentations, -tnstantly mixing with the blood, which throws the cornrptcd matter through every veili and artery, until lite is taken from the laxly by disease. Dr. Morse's Piiis have added to them selves victory upon victory, by restoring millions o the sick to hlioining health and happiness. Yes, thousands who havo lieen racked or tornienttMl with sickness, pain and anguish, and whoso feeble frames have lieen scorched by the burning elements of ra ffing fever, and who have leeii brought as it were, within a step of the siient jrrave, now stand redy to testify that they would have been numbered with t is dead, had it not been for this great and won derful medicine, Dr. Morse's Indian Root rills. After ttno-or two doses had been taken, the' were astonished and alisolutely surprised, in .itnesaitig their surprising effects. Not only do they give im mediate ease and strength, and take away all sick ness, pain and anguish, but they at once go to work at the foundation of the disease, which is the blood. Therefore, it will be shown, eiecially by those who use these Pills, that they will so cleanse and purify that disease that deadly enemy will take its flight, and the flush of youth and beauty will again return, and the prospect of a long and liappv lifo will cherish and brighten your days. CaI'tios. Beware of a counterfeit' signed A. B. Moore. All genuine have the name of A. J. White .t Co.on each box. Also the signature of A. White Ä Co. Ail others are spurious. I A. J. WHITE at CO., Sole Proprietors, j 50 Leonard street, N. Y, ! Dr. Morse". Indian Root Pills are sold by I dealers in Medicines. : Agent wanted iu every town, village aud ham let in the land. Parties desiring the agency will address as above for the terms. Price 25 cents per box, five boxes will be sent on receipt of gl, potage paid. janll-dw-1y br !9l9JIES 75 kegs assorted Nails for sale I 7.. H. COOK SON OOR MJTS! MIO OR MJI TS! 1 5 doz. assorted, from common Grass to Worstei . Fcr fale W ' Z. H. COOK 4 S0f. l'Ror. Dr Gratii'r Ei.f.ctric Oil S25 Rewasb. I will give $25 for the apprehension of a low scamp, w ho printed some dirty handbill and called bis stuff by the name of Electric Oil. C'aition. lie ware of low pedlar snd picayune druggists wlie put up a stuff composed of camphene and lard oil, culling it Electric Oil. No peddlars sell the genuine Electric Oil in the United States it is sold only by respectable druggists and country iieivhaiiia. Be siirn aud get DeGrath'8 Elec trie Oil, or you will le cheated. AFFLICTED, READ THIS. . OLKTIFICATE. Avci'sta, ;. March 28, 185T.' Prop. DeGkatu Dear Sir: This is to certify that my boy Sloses has been afflicted with rheumatism for seventeen y,urs, anil by one application of your 0il,3ie was entirely cured, and I cheerfully commend it to all similarly affected. Yours respectfully, " J. IIEUBIB. For sale by SMITH A EZZARD, sole agents at Atlanta, Georgia. PROF. CHAS. DkGRATH, 0 South Eighth street, Philadelphia. KELLER A WHITE, sole agents. Also, for sale at Dr. Pennington's Drug Store, and llall -ck A- Sloddurd'a. i . oct20 JäWUMI VfJL kegs Mia HIE EE P O M'HER 0 tt iami Ritlie Powder; 30,1 kegs Blasting Powder; ' 20 cases Rifle . do; -50 half kegs Rifle Towder. For sale by 7.; II. COOK 1c SON, Agents. (JI PRIZE EOB E WER i"B OD JF JL ys ho subscrilws for the NEW YORK WEEKLY TRESS, A Beautifully Illustrated Family Newspaper. The New Y'ork V eekly Press is one of the largest and best literary papers of the day. A large Quarto. containing Twenty Pages, or Sixty Columns, of en tertaining matter; and Elegantly Illustrated every week. A Gift worth from 50 cents to 100 will be sent to each subscriber on receipt of tho subscription, money. ' . . Trans : One copy for one year, and 1 gift...............j2 0O Three copies one year, and 3 gilts... 5 00 Five copies one year, and 6 gift 8 00 Ten ciq.ies one year.aud 10 gifts..... .15 00 Twenty-one copies one year, and 12 gills. .....30 00 Canadian subscribvrs must send 20 cents each la addition to the nbovo rates, to pay the Americaa postage, which must lie pre-paid. . - The articles to be distributed are comprised is the following list: 1 V. S. Treasury Note......ü.-....$1000 00 2 do do do 500 00 each.. 5 do -, , do do 2110 00 each. 10 do do do 100 00 each. Patent Lever Hunting Cased Watches S100 00 20 Geld Watches .. . 75 00 50 do - go 00 loo do 40 00 :j(K) Ladies Gold Watches 35 0O. 2110 Silver limiting Cased Watches.. ' 35 00 500 Silver Watches ............410 00 to 20 00 , lono Gold Guard, Vest and Fob Chains.. 10 00 to 30 00 1000 Gold Pens and Pencils 5 00 to 15 Gold Lock , Bracelets, Brooches, Ear Drops, Breast Pins. Cuffl'inH. Sleeve Buttons, Kinirs, Shirt Studs, Watch Keys. Oold and Silver Thimbles, and a variety of other articles worth from 60 cents to $15 00 each. 4 On receipt of the subscription money, the sub scriber's name will lie entered Uhu our books oppo site a nunilier, and the gift corresponding with that number will be forwarded within one week to him,, by mail or express, post-jioid. There is neither humbug nor lottery sbont the above, as every subscriber is sure of a Prize of val ue. We prefer to make this liberal distribution among them instead of giving a largo commission to Agents, giving to the subscriber the amount that would go to the Agent, and in many case a hun dred fold sure. DANIEL A DEE, Publisher. npl2-Gm 211 Centre street. New York. "C Vjfc " .rivSIt-,l STRlil filfKl V W by Express, at J. HEALY'S. VyV EStläO HJitiS COEEBEt J 12i kegs assorted Nails; . i(X do Cut Spikes; 50 jo Wr't do; 400 boxcsla-orted Glass; 75 do do Tobacco; 50 do - do Starch; 50 do do Star Candle; . 200 kegs White Lead; . 15 bbls. Linseed Oil; 5 do Turpentins; 50 do Rosin; ..: , 10 do Pitch; . 80 do Viuegar; 40 bags fine Salt; " - ... . . . . 10 bbls. White Lime; - loO do Cement, 50 bbls. Grey Lime; - 20 do Plaster Paris, sale by - , ORK, In store and fo DALZELL CA. WTJEE'S i"-f I&'.V T COJVCBETE MM. SAFES. We are agents for tbe celebrated Hall's Patent Fire Proof and Thief Preof Safes, manufactured by Hall, Carroll k Co. Cincinnati. A constant supply will be kept on hand, and sold at manufacturer's prices. PRESTON BRO' S Rucr- AILS-Ü0 MEtiS JIBSOBTEO W Nails, received and for sale cheap for cash by JACOB STKACB, j1y-24-3w . 40 Main street. w . - ' ' : . J ' I