Newspaper Page Text
UM EVAMSYILLE IJLiY oIOÜ RNA THE VOLUME XL EVANSVILLE, IND., THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 2, 1858. NUMBER 98. pinLiKHKD ar t. Y. CARLILE, Ed!l.yr. F. M. THAYEK, Gea'l Unsinn Slmogr. JNO. II. McSEKLY, Sup't Mechanical vnpeb Tim rjBM or tub EVANSVILLE JOURNAL COMPANY. Journal Buildings, Loeust St., Between Wrl mm Wmter. - . , . . I. -I . . i, ,1 L H. TERMS OP SUBSCBIPTIOJW Daily Paper - 5 00 (Mailed) 6 00 By tlio week (payable to Carriers) 1 Tii Weekly Paper - Weekly Paper 2 " " Clubs of 1 or more - 1 00 BThe privilege of yearly advertisers is limited to ifiuirown Immediate business, iu their own name; aud all ndverttscmeiit f,r tlie benefit of other ersn, as well ax legal advertisement aud adver tisemmtsof auction sales, and advertisements with tl.e name of other persons, eent in by them, must Ik. paid for at the usual rates. Mj No report, resolutions or proceedings of any corporation, aoeioty, association or public meeting and n-i eoiuimmicatioii designed to call attention to any niattor of limited of iuilividnal Interest can be inserted, unless paid for as an advertisement. cj Contract for yearly advertising will not be lisctitiiiuvd Hillens an order to that etlect is left at .ho t.llice, and when discontinued in less than a year, the price or the whole year w ill be charged. Lngul advertisements hereafter, will be piih-ll-die-fat the expense of the attorneys ordering, and not delayable for legal proceedings, bnt collectable Ht our itHiial time. wOur terms for Job Work and transient adver tiocu.eiiH are CASH. BATES OP AUVEBTISIJYIJ. 60 I 75 I 1 00 I 1 261 1 60 I T75 2 Day. j Jf JfJ5l 50 I l 0J22ä I 2 3I.MjirTTiü jT60 I 1 75 j 2 25 I 8 75 I 3 i 25 4 Dtun. I 1 26 I 1 iMi I 2 6iT 3 15 3 75 4 15 6 IM?. I 1 '. I 10 1 2 801 3 50 420 490 1 Warle. I I 60 I 2 25 I 3 00 3 75 4 50 5 25 2 IrV. 8 60 1 3 75 I 6 00 I 0 25 I 7 60 8 75 iTWf As I 3 00 I 4 50 00 7fc0 i) 00 I 10 60 IJtrZ I 4 00 I 6 00 I 8 00 I lo 00 I 12 00 I 14 00 iIt. I m 8 76 til 6U Ta 76 lo Ul 18 75 ;TMu . I 7 60 I 11 25 I 15 00 I 1 75 I 22 60 1 2b 25 4Af '. I 8 60 I VJ 75 I 17 00 21 25 25 SO 21) 75 TÄf.V I 10 00 I tfTiÖ f 2 00 I 25 00 I 30 00 I 36 00 ) iuVs. I 13 00 I 19 50 I 20 00 I 32 60 311 00 45 60 1 2 Mo't 1 15 M I 22 .vTpio 00 I 37 60 45 00 6,2 fio BUSINESS CARDS. W- STBATTOJ MjMVBBIi AJ'U W Sale Stable, Second lietween Main and Lo amI Streets, opposite the Old Presbyterian Church, Kvansville. - -The nndersi)rned has a large aud commodious Hi it k NtMlilM u-iiii HhttHrt fur eurriaures. Mild is lre- ßired to take horses by the day, week or mouth. is customers may be sure of having their aniiuals well aud carefully attended to. II reters to tue toltowing gentlemen whose horses he has hail a long iiuie under his cUaiva. lie has also a uumtier of good and safe horses for the saddle or harness, with a number ot new ana comfortable bngclos, to hire. Orders for saddle horses or buggies, will be punctually attended to. Krfer to C. U. Keats, Uas uftke; C. R. Buiueut; J. S. Cevitt, Ex -Sheriff; Cyprian Preston. octl2-ly . . J.Tt KATTON. WmB. J. J UBBKJV, KVLF.VTMC -M.W PHYSICIAN ANU SUHUKUN. UIHre on Third street, a lew doors above the Crescent City B mk, where he Is prepared to answer professional calls at all hours of the day or night. N. B.-i-Special attention giveu to Surgery aud diseases of the ang8-d Jtw-lyr ft V. VULLIJS'' BMJtM. ßifiTJlTH Xsm and INTKLLIUENl'E Or ICE, No. 1 North lbird street, Evansrille, lnrtana. The purchase and als of Keel Estate, collection id' Rents, and payment if Taxes, Ac, promptly attended to. Persons in want of any kind ot help or employment, ran uu luliirm td by calling at th;s ollicu. Chaboem Ukakonablk. auglti-ttiu W J U-PJ It T.y'KUHHI f. J SO J.Vll AS -M-JUL.K& and BLYTlliil HVNES have aaatHUited nomselves together as partners in the practice of Law. and will attend promptly to all business con- lected with their profession, which may lie entrnst- M to them. AWOIHce on Locust street, opposite the Sherwood House, Krausville, Ind. sept2b-ly WmBJ'B i'te M. VJ-KBJ'HBi.-nMB,J T- As'torueysat law, Notaries Public aud Keal k jto Agents, Evansville, Indiana; Will practice law in the Courts of this State, rill attend to the collection of claims in any part of :he United States, will buy and sell real estate in the sity of Evansvillo, in Yauderburgh and adjoiuiug counties aud in the West generally, and will ierforui any other duties pertaining to Attorneys or Real Estate Agents. Lots and farms always for sale. German spoken by a member of the firm. 6"ulnc6 on Third street, opiwaite the Court House, in the rooms formerly occupied by the late firm of Lockhart, Parrett A Deuby; CHABLK8 riKNBV .... .JACOB H Xt FNHKIMEE. octlft-dly MM, ItJ 1,1, HI. J, K ., WMTKJI street, Evansville, Indiana, Wholesale Ueal vrs in iroceries aud all kiuds of Proilnce, Nails, Glass, W hite Lime, Cement, Cotton Yarn, White Lead, Lin-wed Oil, Ac, A;c. Also, constantly on tiaud a full stock of Sash, Panel Doors, &c, of all si.ei p20 fwnHK 1.1 HHJft 1JV UISMJEHS M AGAIN. ALLIS & H0WBH, Forwarding and Commissi, Merchants, Rwtiflers of tho celebrated Magnolia Whisky, IValers in all kinds of Proilnce, superior Old Bourbon and Rye Wtiiskios, and For eign and Domestic. Liquors, &c, 'Vater ati-cet, Sec jnd door above Vine, Evansville, Ind. IIF.XBT I. ALLIS. IT WIS HOWES. feb5-ly nUE.ST4tV HKHTHEMS, WHOI.E- M SALE GltoCKK, Dealers in Foreign aud Do mestic Litpiors, corner First and Sycamore streets, Evansville, I ml. ap30-ly M lt. JM 44 It EE it CO., WHUl,E- 9 sale Dealers in Dry Good, Boots und Shoes, Firt street, KvnnsvMn, Ind. p28-ly ft M tJ i,tHEtf, UVMfiM.K 4e and Retail Dealer in I'nia Luinlw aud Chin iclra. Corner of Main and Seventh Streets, Evans ville, Ind. hoy21 MmOCT. E. it. .M.W-wV, HO.nUi- MP PATH 10 PHYSICIAN. OUlce oil Third St., tadow Vine. ml-ly MjEK.y- K r HKbTOjy, UliYl.E- MM. SALE DRV GOODS llol'SE, First street, Kv Hiisville, lud. MerchantH will always hud a full stock of Dry Goods, Boots, boei4. Hats and Caps, at his House, uhich willow sold on fair terms. tM,p21 griMJuYiES s. iF"iyiv7sri u 'H ö i. e- W-S SALE HARDWARE DEALER, First street, (opposite Maghee & Co ), Evansville, lud. Orders for Hardware promptly fillud at lowest Cincinnati prices. - M -mm,IIEEI,EI K BI4JOH, WHOLE w W sale dealers in Grtcerics, Proiliice, Nails, AVindow Glass, Glassware, Ac. k'. No. 47 Main troet, lietweeu First and Second, Evausville, lud. H. K. WHKELKB. JAHLS l. BlUOH. sepC-ly mr J. J.JWHEJ'CB, WHOLE wFJE9sale and Retail Dealer in American aud Italiau Marble, and Manufactnrer of Monuments, Mantels, Uead-sroues, Vases, Cms, 4x. All work done in a superior style, at the lowest ngures. r.Marbl Hall Building, Kvansviiic, Ind. Oer f Jl. Je, Sil. VBB fL.1T Ell No. S, Marblu Hall Building, Second Story, Main street. Evansville, Indiana. Carriage work Plated with neatness and dispatch. Furnish to or- Wer, SUver, Door, Number aud Manufacturers' name, Plates, Bell Pulls, Hinges, Bailing, Knobs, Locks -with Plated Knot and Furnitur, at Cincinnati prices. mart. TpfJ.H BIXBBO WEB, WW Wholesale and Retail drnggirt, Washington Block, Main street, Evansville, Indiana. mar20-ly "IfJjmEa .W. SHJJS'BM.MJ JTTHH ney at Law, Evansville, Indiana, erofflw on Third street, in the rear af the Cres cent City Bank Building. ap30-ly JTWUMB jr. POLK, JTTOBJTMV JIT MM Law, Notary Public, Real Estate and Collect ing Agent, will attend to every species of convey ancing, take depoeitioni and affidavits, acknowledg ments of Deeds, and Mortgages, in fact, will per form faithfully all business of an Attorney entrust ed to his care. Office over Clarum Office, Princeton, Ind. scpt25-ly BUSINESS CARDS. "1 W O LESALE AJVH RETAIL W W BOOK k STATIONERY STUBE. Just received and for sal by the sub scriber, a large and splendid assortment ol Books and stationery, consisting in port of 600 Reams ot Cap, Letter and' Note Paper : 600 Quires of Blank Books, from 10c to $1.50 per quire ; 150,000 assorted Envelopes ; Memorandum Books of all kinds ; also, a urge as sortment of School Books ; Bibles of all kinds ; all kinds of Miscellaneous Works; Gold Pens of all kinds ; Steel Pens of every brand; Gold and Silver Penholders and Pencils ; Pocket Beoks and Port monnais of every description ; Musical Instruments cf ail kinds ; Sheet Music and Mimic Paper; Draw ing Paper and Pictures ; Slates and Pencils ; Ink and Inkstands ; and many other articles too nu merous to mention, all of which will be sold at the very lowest price for cash. J. HKALY, Footer's Block, corner of Main and First streets. aug!4 W.M. It. HIJWTBm', ATTOBJVEW W w at Law and Ueneral Collecting Agent, Hen derson, Ky. mh3utf DR. J. DENTAL FLEACER'S OFFICE, CORNER MAIN AND FIRST STS., EVANSVILLE, IA. Also, a fine oreraration forcleansinf the Teeth and hardening Die gums, can lie had of Dr. B. M ioo. a hex M tiMMTH'S 8HIBV MJJ'V'JC TORY, 35 MAIN STREET, Evansville, Isdiaäa. If yoo wish to get the worth of your money in ShirLs,Genllemen's Furnishing Goods FANCY SHIRTING PRINTS. Please call at 35 Main Street. All orders tor Stitching Silk, Cotton and Linen Gwods, promptly attended to, and neatly executed. Uratelul lor patrouage, 1 resiiectliiily solicit a continuance of the same. Shirts made to order from measurement, and satisfaction warrauted. aupi3-ly mtJStJt HHMV'JL Of t'BBHU JtBW W V , GOODS, fancy and staple articles. Jut re ceived at the Store of WILLIAM J. DEUBLER, 43 Main at., bet wee u First and Second, EVANSVILLE, INDIANA, A complete lot of Dry G-oodLs ! Fancy aud staple articles, which will be sold low, for cash. Remember, 43 Main street, bet wee First and Second. fseptU) WM. J. DEUBLER. griBCMKB, PiAJS't fO UTE WS MANUFACTURER, On Sycamore street, between Third and Fourth, . EVANSVILLE, IND. Is pretmred to build superior PIANOS to order, it her on the upright style or horizontal style. He will warrant all his work for three years, and should his Instruments fail iu perfect and satisfac tory execution, he will make them good. He is prepared to wi form all sorts of work about a Piano ; to repair and even re-build defective Instruments, and put them iu complete order. He will also give his attention to Tuning Instruments. Having es tablished a new Branch of business in Evansville, he respectfully solicits the patronage of its citizens, confident that he can give thent as good work aa they can procure abroad. As speciuiena of it, he reters those who may wish to see it, to three In struments in the possesion of Mr. Christian Decker, Wagon Maker. He Is now huildiug an Upright Piano, by which he Intends to prove tlutt that style of Instrument can be made a durable aud as per fect in tone aa tho beet horizontal Instruments. aeptS ?OB SJJLK, wfJV MMPOVBti FJBM of 3i0 acres, within eight miles of the city. Enquire at the R. E. A I. Office, No. I, North Third streut, Evansville. octl C.C.COLLINS. npo THE M,Jlttmt.U HP I.E.VIUlt -aa. assorrmeui oi imam ana no s uats ana caps, latest styles, just received at YAUTIEB A MARCOKNIER'S, eept22 39 Main street, LIE - . Jl .... , . NEW ORLEANS CARDS. JB P. ETHEL K Co., COMMISSIVE AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, No. 64 Pygilras Street, NEW ORLEANS, LA. (ErtaUUhrd April, 1856.) B. r. ETHKL . EB. FALLS. BKrKKENrca : - R. S. Howard, Evansville, Indiana ; AUIs A Howes, Ü,vnsvile, Indiana; A. M. Phelps a. Son, Hew bnrgh, Indiana-, Minor ft Hado, Newburgh, In diana; II. D. Newcoinb ft Brother, Louisville, Ken tucky ; D. n. Benedict ft Son, Louisville, Kentucky Thomas Danforth, Secretary, New Alliany Insurance Co., New Albany, Indiana; If. Simpson ft Co.; New Albany, Indiana; W. H. Catlin, Henderson, Kentucky; R. G. Beverly, Henderson, Kentucky; James Montgomery, Preston Bro. Bank, Jefferson- villo, Indiana; Alerrett Campbell and l'o.,9t. Louis, no. jy-ii-iy -WWMLKIJS; WBKJTHOU8K ft Co., WW COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS. No. 18 Poydrai Street, NEW ORLEANS, LA. CLEM WILKIN... W. B. OREATUOi:SK....IoS. OlTZlNliEB. We give our personal attention to the sale of To bacco, Corn, Wheat, Hay, Oats, Flour, Pork, Bacon, Lard, c. angl4 M-X.tRlt.-THE -V E It S 1 4 .'E It , "C for many years chief Cleik m the house JOHN HVRLKY & Co., lgs to oUer his services as i "omniisüiion Mendiant, to the friends olid patrons of that house, now that it lias retired from hiteiueiss. With this end in view I have formed a co-partuer- shiH with Mr. E. W. Huntou, senior or tlieolil and well firm of E. W. Bentmi ft Co., under the name and stylo of BENTON &KING, to take place from the 1st of May, pros. The siilmcrilier relies for support iion the friends of the old hoMii of JOHN Hl'RLKY ft Vm., who have had iiMMrtunitiea of experiencing the prompt- lies aud ability with which he attended to tlioir budiuefs. Very respectfully, THOMAS KING, Corner of Lafayette and New Levee streets New Ol leans, April 27, 1S58. anga-y fJUElt. ttEL B OJS'll Ul4t, V4MMIS- C sion Merchant, No. 7 Lafayette street, New Or leans, for the sale of butter, cheese, iard. eggs, ill lt d fruits. Flour, Meat and all s.irts of Western Pro duce, and for the purchase of Groceries, tie. Cash advauces made on consignments. mal5-ly 4 Ml. H EJWVEII I" tt CO., COMMIS J Siou und Forwarding Merchants, No. 2!, Poy- dras Street, New Ol leaas. La. m20-dftwly WOHJ'HtlitLHl' 4 4., t-ttU W-J Hit- 0J ing aud CimmisHtou Merchants, Ne. HO Tchoup itoulas street, New Orleans. JOHN HURLEY T. Kl LI.1VAN septlä'57-ly rwnwuHELO K hutch eu, com. JL mission aud Furwardiug Merchants, New Or leans. La. dec22-ly b IIT'He A- U-K'1KJ.. fAM J-J msitu and Forwardiug Merchants, St.. Louis. Liberal adTauces made oa consiguraents to either of our houses. . BF.FF.B TO Messrs. Allis ft Howes, Bemeiit ft Veile, Howard ft Brown, Evansville. dec22-ly 7icTT wicHBLi. "e co., commis- JL sion and Forwarding Merchants, No. 70, Poy dras street. New Orleans. T. C. TWICHELL E. H. FAIBCB1LD. my27-ly Tl 4bl.J-OEL, STOCK COMMISSION Merchant and proprietor o Stock Stables, New Orleans, La. jan22'57-ly. HOTELS. 1 Ml E R WOO It HOUSE, WILL,. P. 3 BYERS, Proprietor. Corner First and Locust streets, Evansville, Ind. One square from steam boat landing. my5-lj MiIMBW8 JMBBICJJS' HOTEL, y ViDCennes, Ind. J. M. CLARK, Proprietor. This boose has been refitted and refurnished, and is now in flneorder. mh28 elTl HOTEL, WJ TEH STREET, between Main and Division, Evansville, Ind. octl-tf WM. H. B0IO0CBT, Prop. ra MISCELLANEOUS. JfWJCBEBEZ, JiJVIl WHITE WISH. W 'M- b0 barrels and half barrels. Picked Mosa 25 bales. Refined Sugars 60 barrels Crashed, Powdered. snd Kenned White. For sale by eepl28 UJ.LH.BJRT ft BOWLES. - 1 EW RAISINS 200 BOXES AND HALF boxes just received and for sale by novt9 VICKEltY BROTHERS. mwEW wottitEjyr-wuE htobe, I LOUISVILLE, KY. The subseriber has es tablished a new Wooden and Willow Ware Store, for the sale of Buckets, Tubs, Churns, Brooms, Baskets, Matches, Wooden Bowls, Cotton Batting, Wrapping Paper.C lothes Pins, Wash boards, Ac, at Wholesale only, to which he invites the attention of country merchants. His stock is all fresh. In the best order and appearance, and much superior to similar ar ticles lonud in other stores where, various kinds of goods are kept, and no particular attention is paid to this branch of business. My arrangements with manufacturers are stich, that I can supply every thing in my line as low as they can be purchased in Cincinnati. JOHN B. RUSSELL, eptl5-3in 372 Main street, between 7th and 8th. Si HO P-EM.S, HPAMtEM, EOHHH 25 doz. Grain Shovels, aworted sizes. 20 D. Handle Shovels. . 10 " Long " "": . : - ' -20 " Cast Steel Spades.- - . 20 Manure Forks. . septlS GE0RQE 8 SONNTAG. PlCES'ii BJG8 PEPPEH I 19 9 Bags Pimento. 6 " Mat's Cloves. 2 Cases Prime Nutmegs. 3 Cases Indigo. Just received by septll WHEELER ft RIGGS. V,mHiTE JIJE SltUYOLES. W V Those who intend to cover their new housse with a good article of Pine Shingles, had better call open the Subscriber soon, as he has but "a few more left." JOHN F. GLOVER. augll Center Main and Seventh streets. mpEJ'iJ L HJ TS J J'E W&TfLE JLsvjust received and for sale very cheap. VAUTIKR ft MAROON NIER, septll 39 Main street. 7f WOLJA K 8 1 5 O JIB LS. yJ-V-WUTATION, Sngar House, and Reboiled Mo lasses. Iu store aud for sale by septl7 rKKslvN BROS. T MX OL II PI4KVEEK, THOMAS SCANTL1N, Is just receiving by Steamboats and Railroad, a large and complete assortment of Cooking & Heating Stoves. of tho very latest Fall style and Pattern, which I can sell at ! ,wer prices than the great panic times or ISi7. And I am fixed to do House Rooting, Gut tering, Copper and Sheet Iron Work, and all other Job Work in my line, with great care and dispatch, wiikn 1 warraut to Lie equal, II not superior, to most wurk done in this city. Cull on the Pioneer. oct2 THOMAS SCANTLIX. v TVf TEMEJT Of THE COJX'UI- 3 TION OF THE Hartford Fire Insurance Company, TO THE AUDITOR OF THE STATE OF OHIO. Jsaasry 1 18SS. 1. The name of the Company is the HARTFORD INSURANCE COMPANY; and its location is at Hartford, Connecticut. 2. The Capital Stock of the Company Is. ..$500,000 3. The amount of the Capital Stock paid up is J500,000 4. The Assets ot the Company are aa follows : Par Market Value. Value. 611 Shares Hartford Bank Stock 951,100 $,298 S1H " Pbueuix " 37,ttW 37,000 Iuo Shares Connecticut River Bank ing Company Stock 5,000 C,000 200 Shares Farmers and Mechanics' Bank Stock 20,00 21,600 115 Shares City Bank Stock 11,500 12,650 200 Charter Oak Rank Stock, 20,000 20,000 IUO " Mercantile Bank Stock, u,000 10,00 150 " Bank of Hartford Com pany Stock 15,000 7,500 200 " Exchange Bank Stock.... 10,000 9,000 100 Shares Merchants aud Manufac turer's Bank Stock, 30 per rent. paid 3,200 3,200 60 Shares tna Bank Stock, 10 per cent, paid 600 COO 200 Shares American Exchange B'k Stock New York 20,000 19,200 300 Shares Baak ot America Stock, New York 30,000 31,800 2tKi Shares Bank ot Commerce Stock, New York 20,000 20,200 300 Shares Importers and Traders' Batik 8tock, N?w York 30,000 28,500 Ztw snares Manhattan Company B'k Stack, New York 10,000 12,500 108 Shares Merchants' Bank Steck . New York 6,000 6,400 Ii f snares Mercnauta- Bank Stock, New York, 25 per eent. paid 1,230 1,250 200 Shares Union Bank Stock, New York 10,000 11,00s 200 Shares Ocean Bank Stock, New lork 10,000 7,000 Ii i0 Htiares Bank ot North America Stock, New York 10,000 10,600 2ii7 Shares Metropolitan. Bank Stock, New York- 26,700 27,768 im) Miarcs. JMurcnants Bank Mock, Boston 10,000 9,800 in Miurcs Bank ot Commerce Stock, Boston .. 10,000 9,800 100 Shares Hartford and New Haven Railroad Stock 10,000 11,300 :t4 Shares Hartford, I'rovidenceand Fishkill Railmid Stock, pre ferred 3,400 1,020 20 Miares Connecticut River Rail road Stock . 2,000 .1,000 120 Shares Connecticut River Rail road Stock 12,000 S.00O $403,750 J:i!tj,;i86 Kills kcceivabla liearing interest, luclnd- ing Special Deiosita in Banks 8122,883 72 Balance on boot, due the Gompany 3o,4.S;j 71 Cash in hands of Agents or in course of transmission 3S.127 00 Cash on hand 46,573 67 3637,056 00 5. No liabilities to Banks or others, due or uot due 6. No losses adjusted snd due. 7. Amount of losses either unadjusted 1 . or adjusted and uot due v" ,,b w. Losses in susfieuse waiting further proof, included in the aliove. 10. All other claims against the Com pany 7,8l 12 11. The rule uf the Comyauv is not to exceed ilO.'im iu any una rLk, subject to loss by a single nie. 12. The aitiount insured in a city or village, de lHunla nMn its sif.e generally all the desirable risks to la had ; subject to the rule above named" 11. Th amount insured iu any one block ot build iugs dt-ieiids upou its size aud construction, subject lo me rule above reierred to. 14. No part ol tlie Capital or earnings cd' this Louipauy nave Keen deposited in any other State as security for losses therein, and no such deposit is reoiiireu ny any Main except ludtaua ; troui winch State the Ageucies of the Company were withdrawn, as mis uiupaiiy entertains tUe opiuiou that its en ure uipiiai anu r,vsHices are pledged tor the e.jiial security of all its Policy holders, aud should so re main. Under the opiuiou of a late Attorney General of the State of Indiana aforesaid, tironounciag the law invalid aud void, some of the Ageuts of this Company have resutued their office aud continue to transact the business of Insurance iu that State. . Aud this Company will recognize all its Policies issued to any party or parties in the State of In diana as valid and of binding obliir.nion.aiid pledges itself to a tail bfiil peiibrniauce of all snch contracts of insurance, whether so held by reason of the t,s- saire oi me law renrred to or not. C. B. B0WEKS, Secretary. STATE OF CONNECTICUT, 1 HABTFOB Coi-HTT. j8- January 0, 1858. Personally appeared C. B. BOWERS, Secretary of the Hartford Fire Insurance Company, and made oath that the foregoing statement, by him subscrib ed, is a trnn, full and correct statement of the af fairs of said Company, and exhibits so far as can be ascertained at this data, its actual condition on the first day of January, 1858. Bafbre me, H. H. BARBORN, J. P. Applications for Insurance may be made to the undersigned, ALLEN C. H ALL0CK, Agent, sept3 - . Evansville, Indiana. American Skill In Euglsnd. A friend has sent us a copy of ihe London. Daily News, which contains a minute ac count of the English Armory at Enfield Lock, near London, which has recently bea put in operation by the English Govern ment, under American Superintendence and . with American machinery. The account is a genuine tribute to Yankee skill and genius. Mr. Benton, nnder whose superinten dence the Armory has been established, is a near relative of our townsman Dr. Keller, by whose advice he was induced to go to England. The New says: It will be remembered that on the open ingof the American Exhibition at New York some four or fi ve years since, a self-constitu ted deputation ot English gentlemen, inter ested in the progress of arts and inventions, amongst whom were Mr. Wentworth Dike and Mr. Whitworth, the eminent machinist of Manchester went over to that city, with the praiseworthy object of thoroughly ex amining carefully through the whole of the long catalogue of American inventions and "notions," and, where valuable, of recom mending their introductions into this coun try. Like the alcbymist of the middle ages, or Columbus seeking the kingdom of Pres ter John, they did not find what they went in search of, as the Exhibition turned out to be, in as far as American products were con cerned, comparatively worthless; but having m order that their voyage might not be per fectly barren, extended their researches somewhat further into the country, they came, as it were by accident, on a discovery which promises to lead to very important resnlts"indeed, ,as regards certain branches of the productive power of this country. Having been furnished with every necessary facility by the United States authorities, they made a pilgrimage to the government small-arms manufactories at Springfield, Massachusetts, and at Harper's Ferry, Vir ginia, and so astonished at once and delight ed were they with what they saw in both places, that on their return they published an elaborate report, and, for a wonder, see ing that the matter deeply involved the pub lic interest, this report attracted the notice of the government of the day, and was re ferred to Mr. Anderson, the chief engiueer at Woolwich Arsenal, to say whether the wonders stated to be achieved at Springfield and Harper's Ferry were at all within tha bounds of probability, and whether the sys tem of manufacturing siuall-arms practiced at these factories could with advantage be introduced into the government establish ments iu this country. i The report fell fortunately into "good bands. The practiced and skilled eye of Mr. Anderson saw at once that the system was a real and immediate advance ou our own slow and antiquated method ; and that gentleman sent in his unqalified approval of all that wasstated to be practiced in the American factories. A. royal commission, , consisting of Mr. Anderson himself and two artillery officers, was at once- appointed, with instructions to proceed to tho United States, to inspect carefully, the State sys tem of manufacturing small arms, and if they approved, to employ qualified persons and purchase machinery with a view to its introduction into this country. Like their amateur predecessors, they were afforded every facility by the Government at Wash ington, and also like them they saw every thing to approve of the American method, of which it will be necessary to say a word or two here, in order that the details which follow may be the more easily understood. So far back as the year 1818, an indi vidual named BlancharJ, whose ingenuity, like that of every other American inventor, was stimulated to the discovery of fresh ap plications of machinery by the scarcity of human labor, submitted to his government a plan for the manufacture of shiall arms, the two great principles of which were the minute subdivision of parts (of the gnn), aud the application of steam power, with the aid of what are technically known as copying-machines, or directors to the pro duction of each part. Those who know the way in which Sihouctte likenesses are taken, or who have had the advantage of seeing Mr. Henry Bradbury's beautiful machinery for engraving bank-notes,will understand at onoe what Mr. Blanchard's system was, namely, the application simultaneously of two corresponding movements, the one that of a blunt stile over a steel model of the form to be producud, the other of a sharp cutter spinning at a high verocity over the softer material, and producing with the ac curacy of mathematics, and the rapidity al most of magic, the exact shape of the part required. Uf the value of the minute sulj-division of parts in increasing the rate of production, and ensuring the superiority of execution, we had already a familiar example in the manufacture of pins, it lieing a fact that it takes forty distinct operations to make a single pin, but that the collective result is that forty workers produce forty thousand pins a day; whereas if each of the forty took a pin entirely to himself they would not be able to got out more than a score or two apiece. The American gover n ment at once saw the value of the pliyi mid adopted it, and having liberally rewarded the inventor, put it into active operation in the two establishments before mentioned, where it has been in ofieratiou up to the present day ; every year and every fresh engineer of course adding improvement in detail until the system at last reached the perte tiou which astouislied the amateur in spihtoi'S of 1Ö53, aud subsequently made con veils ami disciples of the government commission. That commission having fin ished its inspection, at once secured the ser vices of Mr. J. H. Burton, one of the princi pal eugiueers of the Springfield factory, aud of Mr. U. Clark, who had graduated in the slock department, and immediately entered iuto coutracts with Ames' manufacturing company of Chicojiee Falls, Massachusetts, for the production of the ueeessary machin ery. Mr. Burton accompanied the commis sion to England, while Mr. Clark remained behind to superintend the construction of the ingenious assortment of circular saws, eccentric wheels, stiles, and cutters which ; the new mode of manufacture required. It was then uecessary to go to Parliament for funds, and there the plan met with so muvh opposition, part!y from the economists and partly from the representatives of existing interests, that government was obliged to content itself with making a beginning at the old gun-finishing factory at Enfield lock, than which there could hardly have been selected a more inconvenient or unsuitable locality, and whose only recommendation was that it had an old-fashioned water-wheel already on the premises, which, it was urged, might be made useful in the new manufacture. The factory is situated on the bank of a branch or "&p" of the river Lea, and being in the lowest part of the Essex marshes, is surrounded with water for three or four months in wet winters. It is ap proached from tho railway station by a wooden causway half a mile ia length, and elevated about six feet from the ground,and so remote is it from human habitation, that many of the workmen have to walk four miles twice a day in going and returning from their work. But the factory was al ready there, and it had a water-wheel, and for these two very sapient and sufficient reasons, it was determined that at Enfield lock the great revolution In our military gun-making should be inaugurated- : The official bead of the establishment is Colonel Dickson, of . the Artillery ; but the chief engineer and general, manager of the work is Mr. J. H. Burton, whose dominions we now enter, and who is ably assisted in departments by Mr. O. Clark, and, we be lieve, three other compatriots, who were brought, over from America by the commis tion, and appointed to their present posts at a by no means extravagant rate of remu neration. In the two smithies, in which from seventy to a hundred forges are con stantly at work, upwards of two hundred and fifty tons of the best iron and steel, sup plied from Wedncsbnry and Sheffield, are being constantly forged into the rough sim ilitude of gun barrels, gun locks, gun ham mers, gun everything. The tough metal is heie melted into the consistence of soup, and being then cooled to the yielding soft ness of cheese, is run and twisted, and knocked about, and dragged through im mense rollers, and plfxed under enormous hammers, the noise cf which is almost equal to the salutes at Cherbourg, and finally is thrown into heaps of ashes to cooL so as to be ready for the subsequent operation of the finishing room. In another, of what we shall call the elementary' departments, are fitted up rough semblances of gun-stocks, in the black walnut of Belgium, and here are also some beautiful American circular saws and other machinery, j means of which the first shaping is given to the stocks pre vious to their being put into the unerring copying machine. From the smithy on one side, and the stock depot on the other, we come now to the great finishing room, two hundred feet square, and with an area of over an English acre. It would be impos sible to conceive a more wondrous or sug gestive sight than this vast interior presents during working hours, especially in the evening, when the whole is brilliautly illu minated with gas. The whole ceiling is covered with the gearing of the steam power, and the wheels, over which it rolls incessantly, like a whole army of immense serpents winding sinu ously in and out and over and under the framework. Below, the floor is thickly studded with the copying machines, each adapted to .some minute part of the gun, and at these from six to seven hundred men and boys work from morning until nigbtat a pace which would lie perfectly astoundipg to the spectator, especially if he bad ever watched the work in a royal dock yard, if he did not know that the whole of the work in the Enfield factory is piece work, and that each man and boy gets as much wages (at certain fixed rates) as he can earn, no more and no less. We have before stated that the two great principles of the Ameri can system were the minute subdivision of labor, and the use, wherever possible, of ma chinery ; and here the two come into full operation. The whole of the metal portions of the gun are divided into about seventy parts, and to each copying machine the " finishing " of one of these parts is allotted. The attending workman is supplied with a matrix (or templete), into which his finished work must fit with mathematical exactness, but this causes him little or no trouble, as the steel model turns round side by side with the rough piece of metal before him, and as the one revolves nnder the still, the other rapidly becomes identical in shape, under the fierce cutter whose powers of in cision are stopped by no obstacle. It will be understood that the steel model fits exactly into the templete ; that the article produced is the fac-simile of the steel model; and so that if the separate parte of ten thousand rifles were made and thrown into classified heaps, the gunsmith could take a lock from one, a barerl from another, a stock from a third, and so on, satisfied that they would all fit with mathematical exactness; and the result of all this is that a man is able to put a gun completely together, and fit it for immediate use, in two minutes and a half, a feat which we saw actually performed dur ing our very gratifying visit to Enfield fac tory. It would be quite beyond the compass of a newspaper article to enumerate in detail tho various beautiful application of the method. The boring and rilling of the bar rel, the three groves being made to wind round the interior in obedience to a fixed jaw ; the exquisite precision with which each portion of the lock is finished ; the miraculous accuracy with which every hole is drilled ; so as to correspond exactly with aiole in the part to which it is to be at tached, are only a few of the instances of a perfection which runs through every opera tion in the factory, and which would take many days only to inspect, putting sulwe quent description out of the question. And, as with the metal, so with the wood, whose coarser and more elastic fibre is made to submit lo the same process. This depart ment, the stock-makiug, is nnder the exclu sive direction of Mr. Clarke, and to that geutleiuau we are indebted for facilities which nn Med us to see the entire myste ries. The rou;h embryo of a gun stock as it comes from the inner depot, is laid firmly in a vice, along side of the steel model, and the cutters, acting across the grain, speedily reduce nil corners and produce the form re quired. One machine gives form to Jhe " butt," a second shaves away the grove for the barrel, a third and this is the most extraordinary operation scoops out the in tricate bed for the lock, defining each min ute subdivision, and leaving edges every where as sharp as if they were of steel ; while a fourth removes the corrugations left by the previous cutters, and makes the stock all ready to receive the lock and bar rel. There is one more operation necessary to complete the work, but here the great Spirit of the boiling water stops, and no ingenuity, no persuasion will induce him to budge an inch further. His mission is the useful, and with the ornamental he will have nothing to do; he will not polish the 6tock, no ma' ter what delicate or ingenious machinery you provide for him to do it with. Num berless experiments have been tried, in order to effect the polishing of the stock in the same way as the rest of the operations, br.t all to no purpose; the Spirit remains obdu rate, and so stock polishing is still one of the very few operations which must be per formed by manual labor. From the time when the raw material is put into the hands of the workman until the noment when the finished weapon stands in the rack, averages about three minutes, during which seven hundred and nineteen distinct operations are simultaneously per formed,, and the far-farmed Enfield rifle ia produced at a cost varying from 21. 5s. to 2L 10s. per gun. The rate of production has gradually risen from 600 to 1,200 rifles per week, and it might be increased by 200, without any increase of plant, and with a proportionate decrease in the cost of each separate gun. - " 1 - - The New pays the highestcomplimentto the administrative talent, as well as me chanical skill of Mr. Burton, as displayed in the' admirable and system ' that prevails in the whole establishment. INSURANCE COMPANIES. PICES. 25 BJtftS J LS PICE A3 35 Bags Pepper. " 100 Mat's Cinnamon 6W8. Cloves. 400 ft. Nutmeg9 10- Kegs Ground Ginger. " 150 Boxes assorted Grocery Spices, Mustaid, Pepper Sauce, Baking Powders, Ac. For sale, tew, by GEORGE FOSTER & Co. septl5 Corner Loe Hat street and Canal. "fi B S TBJ CT OP THE SEMI-JJS- jsL mal MulmtHt of the afflain and condition the HOME INäVBASCBCmnpamt, of the CUf of Kew York, on the 31st dag of December, l.T.7. Cash Balance in Bank $37,000 66 Bonds aud Mortgages (being first lien on Real Estate, Worth at least g891,Uuu)....400,600 00 Loans on stocks, payable on demand, (mar ket value of securities, S2ä3,Go7) ..l.rn,8.r9 85 Bank Stocks, (market value). ...... 77,000 00 Real Estate, f.d. WaU street, (the office of the Company) C7.CM 72 Interest due on the 1st of January, 1S58, (of which tl2,625 9 3has since been re ceivea) 14,375 93 Balance in hands of Agents and in course of transmission from Agents on the 31st December 24,684 75 (Of which 17,857 57 has since been re ceived). Premiums dne and uncollected on Policies -issued at Office 2,087 63 Total .' 834,213 34 Outstanding Lösaus on 31st De- camber, 1847, estimated at. ..139,410 01 Due Stockholders on account of Heventh Dividend 1,700 00 41,110 01 CHA9. J. MARTIN, Pree't. A. V. WILLMARTH, Vice Pres't. J. MILTON SMITH, Bec y. A. C. HALL0CK, Agent, U14-d6m Evansville, Ind. (WBBTBJCT S TJ TEM EJYT OP THE X condukm of the CITY FI HE IKSUBAUCE COMPANY of Hartford, Januar g lrf, 1858. NASI AMD LOCATION. The name of this Company is the Citt Flax Iti UB.ANCE Company or HAvrroaD. Tha Company is located at Hartford Connectlcut- CAFITAL. Theamennt of Its Capital Stock Is one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. The amount of its Cap tal Stock paid np is one hundred aud fifty thousand dollars. Cash on hand $10,426 08 Cash in the hands of Ageuts and other persona .. I3,4T,0 19 Bonds owned by the Company, 10 ftl.OUO VU1 Mortgage Bonds of the Indiana Ceu ttral Railroad Compaay, paying semi-an- nital interest or 10 per cent 10,000 00 Deute due the Company, secured by mort gage on Real Estate 32,910 00 Loans on collateral secured by 3t!l shares of Bank Stock, and other Stocks and - Bonds In possession of the Company.... 67,250 08 All other securities are 668 Shares Bank Stock 61,050 00 Bills receivable 12,353 8 Accrued Interest 4,043 66 Office furniture ... 677 17 Total assets of ths Company f 192,07 66 LIABILITIES. Losses adjnsted and not due. ..$3,77 5 00 Losses unadjusted, and in sits- -pense, waiting for further proof . ...5.4J0 00 All other claims against the Company estimated 4,425 00 Total liabilities. 813,670 00 The greatest amount insured in any one risk is $5,000. Thesgreatest amount allowed to be Insured In any one City, Town or Village, varies according to iu size and class of property. The greatest amount allowed to be Insured In any one block, varies as in the preceding. No part of its capital or earnings are deposited with any State or States, aa security for losses therein. - C. B BOWERS, Pres't. C. C. WAITE, Secretary. W. B. LOUNSBURT, General Agent. Applications received by A. C. HALLOCK, Agant, Evansville, Ind. Losses promptly adjusted and paid with fidelity and dispatch. iel4-tmosdw MEjl It THIS JJL1, WHO JIBE JIP- JKV FLICTED. DR. GRAVES' FAMILY MEDICINES. We do not desire to interfere with ths professional ethics of our medical schools, nor do we possess any skill in pharmaceutics, but Dr. Graves has opened to our inspection a mass of letters from his agents and most respectable druggists in all parts of the eountry, which commend his family medicines in the highest terms. They meet with a very extended sale, which of itself is an excellent recommendation. We alwayB feel reluctant to make any endorse ment of medicines, hut there are so many localities where no regular practitioners are within reach, and so many diseases which require prompt reme dies, that a supply of the prescriptions prepared by Dr. Graves, commended as they are for efficiency, would prove almost invaluable. In all cases of sickness, onr first advice is to call the aid of a phy sician, but, if that is impracticable, it seems to us that Dr. Graves offers remedial agents in ague, cholera morbus, dc, which may be safely used, as he gives assurance that no deleterious compounds are used in their prejwratinu. Louisville Journal. Dr. Graves anti-Fever and Ague, anti-Bilious, Purifying, and Cathartic Pills are inaluable to those afflicted with any of these complaints. His Aniarican Liniment ia gaining a" high reputation for healing all kinds of ailments, both of man and beast; aud parents should remember that his "Uolden Vermifnge," is a certain remedy lor expelling worms from the system, For sale by Wholesale Druggists generally. II ALLOC K it SroDDAKf), K ELLES Jt WHILE, Wm. Bikrboweb, and Lkbch & Cajcslett, Agents at Ev ansville, ludiana. oct2-3md -m, LIS ES MJVU X.EJTHEB HAT W CASES, a first-rate article, lor sale at VAUTIKR MARCONNIER, septll 39 Main street. TfilHESM WOOUEJV WARE. 400 JO doe. Painted Buckets, assorted colors. 101 doz. Fancy do, half size. . 100 " Cedar do, brass and iron bound. ' 50 ' Toy do, bright fancy colors. 100 nests Tube, painted Cedar aud Pine. 50 duz. Chorus, red and white Cedar and striped. 1,000 gross Matches, round box, water proof and common. 100 doz. Shaker Brooms. 200 imitation, fancy and common do. 100 boxes Clothe Pins. 200 bale Cotton Batting, Stearns A Foster's extra Ho. 1, the best in market. For sale, at wholes I only, at Cincinnati prices. septlö-3m J. B. RUSSELL, 372 Main street, Lonisvile, Ky. , E W HJRIt WJME STORE, OJVE W W door below the Branch Bank, where can be found every thing appertaining to ths legitimate Hardware Trade. I respectfully solicit a call from country merchants before purchasing, to examine my many new styles of Goods, selected with cars to suit this market. My personal attention will be given to all orders. GEORGE . SONNTAG. septa . jtV -.V tlLEE PAPER WARE- -aO house Ws have now on hand, and oner on liberal terms, well assorted stock for printers and bookbinders, among which wa name 600 bundles Printing Paper, assorted sizes : 1000 Straw Boards; 1000 Tar Boards, As well as colored printing Paper ; plain Cap and Hose flat Cap ; Demy, Medium, white and colored Cardsand Card Boards, which we Can have cut to any sixe; Post-office paper, Manilla Wrapping, Printers' Ink, Ac. We also beg leave to call the attention of dealers to our stock of 2500 bundles) Wrapping Paper, and 100 gross of Bonnet Boards. Ths highest market pries paid for Bags. til TX3T5XT S0BXSS0K. PRINTING. P fOlT WAJVT A HO Ol PAPES, SÜBSCRIBB FOR TI1K JOUHNAL. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE JOCRNAL SUBSCRIBE FOB THE JoUUNAI.! SUBSCRIBR FOR THE JOURNAL. THE EVANSVILLE JOURNAL, THE EVANSVILLE JOURNAL, THE EVANSVILLE JOURNAL, THE EVANSVILLE JOURNAL, THE DAILY JOURNAL, THE DAILY JOUKNAL, THE DAILY JOURNAL, THE DAILY JOURNAL, THE TRI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. THE TRI-WEEKLY JOURNAL, THE TRI-WEKKLY JOURNAL, i THE TRI-WEKKLY JOURNAL, THE WEEKLY JOURNAL. THE WEEKLY JOURNAL. THE WEEKLY JOURNAL, THE WEEKLY JOUHNM-, THE BEST DAILY PAPER, THE BEST DAILY PAPER, ' THE BEST DAILY PAPER, i1 THE BEST DAILY PAPER, THE BEST TRI WEEKLY PAPER THE BEST TRI-WEEKLY PAPER, THE BEST TRI WEEKLY PAPER, THE BEST TRI-WEEKLY PAPER, THE BEST WEEKLY PAPER, THE BE8T WEEKLY PAPER, THE BEST WEEKLY PAPER, THE BEST WEEKLY PAPER, PUBLISHED IN THE WEST, PUBLISHED IN THE WEST, PUBLISHED IN THE WEST. PUBLISHED IN THE WEST. CONTAINING ALL THE LATE NEWS, CONTAINING ALL THE LATE NEWS, CONTAINING ALL THE LATE NEWS, CONTAINING ALL THE LATE NEWS, BY MAIL AND BY TELEGRAPH. BY MAIL AND BY TELEGRAPH, BY MAIL AND BY TELEGRAPH, BY MAIL AND BY TELEGRAPH. AND A GOOD SELECTION AND A GOOD SELECTION AND A GOOD SELECTION AND A GOOD SELECTION OF MISCELLANEOUS MATT P. ft OF MISCELLANEOUS MATTER OF MISCELLANEOUS MATTER. OF MISCELLANEOUS MATTER JP WOP WAJS-T A JOB no."E; if you want posters, if you want posters, if you want posters, if you want posters, if you want handbills, if you want handuills, if yot want handbills, if you want handbills, i if you want programmes if you want programmes if you want programmes, if you want programmes if you want pamphlets, if you want pamphlets, if you want pamphlets, ' if you want pamphlets, if you want cards, IF YOU WANT CARDS, IF YOU WANT CARDS. IF YOU WANT CARDS, IF YOU WANT BILLS OF LADING, IF YOU WANT BILLS OF LADING, IF YOU WANT BILLS OF LADING, IF YOU WANT BILLS OF LADING, IF YOU WANT BILL HEADS, IF YOU WANT BILL HEADS. IF YOU WANT BILL IIEAI'rt IF YOU WANT BILL HEADsl IF YOU WANT SHOW CARDS, VU, v..t, ,1' i uih t,i..,ir ....... . ii" ii'U yiahi nnuw UAnin, IF YOU WANT SHOW CARDS, IF YOU WANT SHOW CARDS, IF YOU WANT SHOW BILLS, IF YOU WANT SHOW BILLS, IF YOU WANT SHOW BILLS, IF YOU WANT SHOW BILLS, IF YOU WANT RAILROAD WORK, IF YOU WANT RAILROAD WORK, IF YOU WANT RAILROAD WORK, IF YOU WANT RAILROAD WORK, IF YOU WANT STEAMBOAT WORK. IF YOU WANT STEAMBOAT WORK. IF YOU WANT STEAMBOAT WORK. IF YOU WANT STEAMBOAT WORK. IF YOU WANT COLORED WORK, IF YOU WANT COLORED WORK, IF YOU WANT COLORED WORK, IF YOU WANT COLORED WORK. IF YOU WANT DRAY TICKETS, IF YOU WANT DRAY TICKETS, IF YOU WANT DRAY TICKET! IF YOU WANT DRAY TICKETS IF YOU WANT BALL TICKETS, IF YOU WANT BALL TICKETS, IF YOU WANT BALL TICKETS, IF YOU WANT BALL TICKETS. IF YOU WANT INVITATION CARDS, IF YOU WANT INVITATION CARDS, IF YOU WANT INVITATION CARDS' -lir IUU WABI 18V1TA7ION CARDS,. OR ANYTHING ELSE, OR ANYTHING ELSE, OR ANYTHING ELSE, OR ANYTHING ELSE, - IN THE PRINTING LINE, IN THE PRINTING LINE. IN THE PRINTING LINE, IN THE PRINTING LINE, GET THEM AT THE J0URS.VL OFFICE, GET THEM AT THE JOURNAL OFFICE, GET THEM AT THE JOURNAL OFFICE, GET THEM AT THE JOURNAL OFFICE, WHERE THE Y HAVE NEW TYPE, WHERE THEY HAVE NEW TYPE. WHERE THEY HAVE NEW TYPE WHERE THEY HAVE NEW T1TE, WHERE THEY HAVE NEW PRESSES, WHERE THEY HAVE NEW PRESSES, WHERE THEY HAVE NEW PRESSES, WHERE THEY HAVE NEW PRESSES, ANI EVERYTHING ELSE NEW, AND EVERYTHING KLSK NEW, AND EVERYTHING ELSE NEW, AND EVERYTHING ELSE NEW. AND OF THE BEST QUALITY, AND OF THE BEST QUALITY, AND OF THE BEST QUALITY, AND OF THE BEST QUALITY, AND MOST FASHIONABLE STYLES, AND MOST FASHIONABLE STYLES AND MOiT FASHIONABLE STYLES. AND MOST FASHIONABLE STVLES AND DO WORK CHEAPLY, AND DO WORK CHEAPLY, AND DO WORK CHEAPLY, AND DO WORK CHEAPLY, AND DO IT NEATLY, AND DO IT NEATLY AND DO IT NEATLY AND DO IT NEATLY. AND IN THE BEST STYLE, AND IN THE BEST STYLE, AND IN THE BEST STYLE, AND IN THE BEST STYLE, GIVE IS A CALL, GIVE US A CALL, GIVE US A CALL, CIVK US A CALL, AT OUR NEW OFFICE, ' AT OUR NEW OFFICE, AT OUR NEW OFFICE, " AT OUR NEW OFFICE, AND SEE OI'R SPKCIME'KM AND SEE OUR SPECIMENS, AND SEE OCR SPECIMENS, AND SEE OCR SPECIMENS,. AND LEARN OUR PRICES. AND LEARN OUR PRICES. AND LEARN OUR PRICES. u AND LEARN UR PRICES. WE DEFY COMPETITION, WE DEFY COMPETITION, WE DEFY COMPETITION, WE DEFY COMPETITION, EITHER fN WORKMANSHIP, EITHER IS WORKMANSHIP, EITHER IN WORKMANSHIP, EITHER IN WORKMANSHIP, OR IN PRICES. 4IU 1 Kl lblji.4j OU IN PRICES. OR IN PRICES W JOURNAL BUILDINGS. L. ... tween First and Water, Evansville, Indiana. ' fciaaatiLLt, JWUKNAL COMPANY. MfiHOICE BACO.y AJ-II BEEP. S 2 Casks Wises' Sugar Cured Hams. 1 Quigley's A " Jacob a " Beef. For tale, HORNBROOK A Co. low, by septlO TptMEJ'CH tiAJS-Ea-A SMALlTlOT -R- lor sale very cheap at VAUTIER AMARC0NN1ER, epM 3 Blain street. OPERA HATS, WHICH CAJV BE put in a trunk. Just the thing tor travellers and playgoers. VAUTIER A MAKCONNIER, eptlls 3 Main street. rwy WO IlOOIt HOR8ESA.IIA Et.YE JL Young Mare, for Sale, for cash or good notes. oct4 A. D. RERNOLDS CO. TEtOB SHIRTS, 09 TO H. LOOM IS, FASHION' A RI.F. SHIRT M A Krrr i ptoi J and dealer in Gentlemen's FANCY FURNISHING GOODS, No. 87 Main street, (orrosiTE the cotrtT lomt,) EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. A. B-aaKiTtm TnttHa tn nnir iO nianaiiFamanr and warranted a fit. 0220-17