Newspaper Page Text
i-,"--' " - . . -y - . , ", - . . ' .i ! - '- V-- '" ''- .i.j ul UA.' ..:-. .i I..' 7.!s:.. ...-.-v. :.;,, - ' . . rr 0 THE evansville; ind., Monday .'morning, December 6; j85si VOLUME XI. NUMBER 101. "f Ö - , , rci:i.l.slll-:l V . V. CAHLILE, IM, for. ' r AI. TIIAVER, t.7 .'?ie MttHuyrr. JNO. H. MrNF.K.I.Y, Snp't Mechuuinil lynrttrt. VNHK8 TUK KIKM Of TIlK t'VANSVILLE JOURNAL COMPANY. Journal K.iildings, Locust SfM Ilittcrrn Firt ami Water. TKH.tlS OF HUIISCIII FTMOJS. Daily Paps r .'. 5"j 00 ". (Mailed)....-....'. H By the' week (payable to Carriers) 1 Tri-Vook"y Paper 00 AVccUy J apo. - 2 0 - flulut r.f liior more.-.. .. .. 1 Oil K The privilege yearly advertisers is limited to thi-lrowii immediate business, in their own name; and nil advertisements tor the la'nclit of other ...II .... I......1I arlcnrtidi.nirntil im! Illvof. ..,.- ... ......ft,.-... ..l.w o,.l 0nrlij(.niMlttl wifl, t fl BIH IIVII BIHI HJ'l . ......... ...... tli'.' limit; of otlK-r persons, sent in by them, mut bo paid-tor at the usual V3.No report, resolutions or proceed iiitrs of any c poi'aliou, society, association or tmblir mooting ami n .i Communication designed to call attention to any matter of limited of individual interest can be iiiserled, mil' üx paid for us un advertisement. Conti: tu for yeaily advertising w ill uot be liscm'tuuied unless mi order to that met is left at Ju .rticc, and win n di.scontiuu. il in less than n year, the price of the hole year will 1m) rbarg.-d. lttk.Legal advertisements lieieatti r, ill 1 .nh-lnln-.l'iit tlio eX n ol IhonltiHiit yn orjt rint', ainf uot ilelayal.le f.i iio-ilii!jj, hut ColloclaMo Hi our tibial time. M.4ui ti-riiio for Job Work uial transient ailn I -tiDCIIK-lltM aie i 'Af 1 1 . U.1THH OF 4IHF.UTISIJ'ti. ' I r-l I CI I CO I -f I T I Zj. I I ir. i i I i I J . Jt i I "" 7.1 1 "i v. I "i i I a 2 I J .1 I 1 Ho I 1 I 1 7i j Ü j 3 7ft I '5fi riW-7 j far. I 1 !m Jijiii I : u'aih'iir. bliiZ Ym-) :t wt '" rif't. V "l I i I nvnT r t ... a so i :tv " r, m r, ar. Y ! s 7-. iflTeTs I iliio j 4 'niV ""irit I 74 tl 01 j I 1 Äfo. I 4 ini I Ii on I s im I umsi :. (si I I on i iHoT I Wim j "H76 I II "?' I l ' I 1'' '"' I :i i. I 7"'fti I tl v I ir. ist i ix 7ö I IM 1 4w. 4 j" 8 oll V75 II7" 00 I Ä ir, wjiÖ.l 7f. iHW"." I Hi iTi I iri iMi it 00 I :r, im ;in 011 :v. isi t Mi.'s. I l:i 00 p!'T iti no :"ä M j Jl. ' 12 ir..' I ir. im I fs"i j :io im ".7 w 4 ft 00 .so BUSINESS CARDS. g stuJtto.y, i.ivi:n' ..v P Muhle, .Si c. mil bi twn n Main und l.o .iwl titrifts, opimsilo the Old 1'iesl.ytei Liu I'huivh, K'v 111 villi-. 'I'lie nndiTrii; ned has a lni'i'i' and coinneidiniL-i lit 11 k i'table il h sheds lot rai riacies, mid is p uiil to take horses by tlm day, week in' monlli. His customers may Isi sure of haviu their animals eil and careliilly attended to. Ilo rifers Ii. the olloviii erent b'meii whofie Ihhkcs bo has U:m1 loii' timo uuiler his f.haia'. lb; has also a number of n,ood and sale hoi:HS fur Hie s-iddle or harness, with a linindcr ul iwv ml omloilablo hii)r!'iiH, to hire. Orders foi - saddle, horses or hu"i;ics, will he piincliially ntl ended to. Uefer to .'. 1. Keals, (ias ofliee; i'. It. lieinenl; J S. tJuvitt, Kx-Slierill; fvprinn Preston. ..-tl'-ly .1 STKATTON. ifi Iff älZ iitii tJJS Hi 'Mj f ' Tl V M PHYSICIAN ANI mii;(ir:i'N.-4tti on Third street, a tew doois abovo the Crescent Oily K ink, where be js mi-pared t'V?,V4v,'r "rffc' w,i,n 1 nn imtiis.,1 me nay 01 nini. N. lt. SHVial attention' given to urery and'S of tbn Kyo. ailHH-d&w-tyr "jrV iTiot.T ." uF:ijt-:Hvir7t nd I N I l'.l,l,li:KNCl; UI'HI No. I North I bird street, Kvansville, liid'ana. The purebaHe and tale-of Kefl Kst ile, lolln tiioi of llents, and payment olTaxes, Ac, promptly al tended to. Persons in uniit of any kind ol help or eiuplovuient, can be inforin vd by railing at Ih.s otti,-,. Ciiabc:s Kkas.onaülk. aii;lli lim ' fflll.Klt ami Iii, V I II W m N KS have nssociab-d nemstdves toirether :ls partners ill the practice of liftw, and will attend pmmptly to all business rule ii-eted with their protession, which may lc enfrunt 31I to them. Wr"Ofhn' on 4.iK iist street, opposite the Sherwood 1 rIouw, Kvunsvilie, Ind. r septJ0-ly Jttoineys at law, Notsties Public and lieal Ki ilo Agents, Kvansville, Indiana; . Will practice law in the Courts of this State, jrill attend to thcvullection of cliims in anyart of che VnitiKt States, will buy and sell real estate in the tity of Evaiisville, in Vanderburgh and adjoining -ountics and in the West generally, and will rl.rni viy other duties prTtainiio to Attorneys or l al Estate Agrnt;'. Lots and tarms always lor sale. Uernian bpoknit by a metiilH-ri f the firm. tttyohiee 011 'i'liird street, oppn-'ite the Cunt House, in the rimiiH forniei ly uccupii d by the late tirm of Loekhnrt, Parrett & Jlenby;- CIIARLC8 nKNPT .-..jacoi: l.rNliErVIMIR. octl-Wty . BN, ü.Fi7zjii7 ir ioV," iüvi tk a street, Kvansviile, J iniianu, V bul.-salc lii al ers in (Groceries all kiint f Pioduce, ?iails, Glass, White Lime, Cenmit, Cotton Vara, White Lead, Linseed Oil, &c, &r. Also, cuiistantly on bi-.nil a full stock of Sash, Panel JHiors, &c, of all sizes. npsy,'Fili.tT.v üvsij :"ss M AUAIN. ALL1S A. HOW tS, K..rwardhni and 4.uiuiissiii.i Merchants, Keetiiiers of the crlebrated Masrnoli.i Whisky. Healers in all kinds of Produce, anierior Old Bourbon and livo Whi- kie, ajul Kor tiijcn and Domslic Liipiors, Ac., Walor street, Se oud door above Vin, Kvaieville, Jnd. HKNRV n. AI.LIS. I.F.W Is Hull IS; feb5-ly 9 it KS TOJV H It O i'H KMtS, 'it'll O I. SALE ti Kock: KS. Dealers in Kon-icn so'' -iii'Stir Lninora, corner Kirst and Syeaniorft slft1:ls, Evnnsville, Ind. lipui-ly " ' iiTM.iiTnKiririo salo Healers in Hry Oo.h1j, lots and Sbm-s, Kirsl street, Kiausyille, lud. ap.S-ly moms' i: u i.oi'KKs wmn.i's.iii-: and Itelail laler in Pine l.utn(r find Sliin ii f It Strtflw, Kns- i.t Mai immI V.IU-, lit.l. Iß o-t. f. it. i:ii it.Jt.', uo.Hoi. PATH HI PHVSIC1AN." tdlice ,on Third si., b w Vine. -L ml ly M.FFJS' FUFSTOJS-, WHO 1,1.: Mm. SALE IIiV ;io.lS IloUsE, Kirst utrorl Ev Hiisville, Ind. Mi n hauls, w ill ahviiys lind. a-.d'oll tiiH-k of liy C. suis, Ituols, Sh.i-s, Jlal:, itud Cajis, at bis House, which wille si. Id on fair tel las. si-p-JI griiiÄ iti7i-:s s . wfi.i.s, wiioi.k- CVSALE HARHWAliE HE A LEI!, Y st street, (opiaisite Mapln-e A- Co.), Eiiaiirville, Ind. tirb-i for Hardware proitiplly .Illicit at loueat .CiUi-mirtii prices. Jan L'o .mu C IIF Fl, Fit W HttUJS, WIIOI.F- WW sale ih-aleis in tir.n-e! ii s Pi-sluc, Nails, Window Glass, (ilasswaie, Ac. Ac, Sn. 17 Main , treet, between Eirsl and Si-coudEviUisv ijii Hid. K. ' K. whk;i.ku.. . J tMius i. niuos Si js; ly . yjr ll. I.'.l 'itF.'4 F, t 'HO I. F. mwm. Halo nud Ketail li-iler in Ann-rit an rind Italian Marble, and Maniilad iirer i.t Men, on, nls. Mantels, Head stoie-s, 'ases, I rns, Ac. AH .-ik lime ilia siiielior stvb', at the l.iuisl Iviii.-. MTMarbk Hall Puildiin.', Eyansvill.., Ind. . Jl. Sil. l'JKK FI..IVFK larbli Hall MiiiI.Ih.l ."Vi-, nd ;-li Main street, Evansvilte, Indiana Carrri.:e t,t Plated with nealuess ami dü-ati U,- " Euriii-sh Ut tfi der, Silver, iHs-r, Numis-i- and iVl.oiid';iirtiir,-is nan. Plates, Bell Pulls, lillm'VS, Itaililltt, with Plated Knobs and Enii.ituie, s-f- ' it..'iiiii,i prices. lual f -MW01 I I. 1.1. in i: M ft O !. it . WW ln.lesale an-l lü-lail di nui-t, .liili;tiin Itlm k. Main street, Evansnlle, linliana. niar.fO-ly JjnHS .fl. 8H.1J'HI.IJS', JlTTint- Offlee on Third street, in th. cent City Bank Itmldiii). '. . . - r. nr af tin-- 1 'res V He-I V gVRK H. FOLK. jlTTOItJmFf .IT M-B Law, Notary Public, Ri al Estate and Coll.-rl-iiiK Atrent, will attend to every SKs ies ol convev aiiciu, take dcositioiis ami aiiidavits, ackuowleU;r niunts uf Deeds, and Slortpicvs, in f.u t, ill ).r fnrm faithfully II busiiu's ol an Atiovner entmsi ed to his care. ' Ottice over Clarion Office, Princeton, Ind. o eept26-ly BUSINESS CARDS. T HOOK & STATIONERY STOKK. Just rH-ivecl anil for Bulo by the Biib wTibtr, a lai'K anj fileinliil assortment ol Kooks ami stationery, consisting in part of GOO KentiM ol Cup, Letter and Note I'aier ; fttltt Quires of Blauk Hotiks, from lllr. to 1.Ö0 r quire; 150,1100 axaortcd KnveloneM ; Memorainliiiii lionhs of all kinds ; aUo, a lare an sortmeiit of Hebool Books ; Bibles of all kinds ; ail kinds of Miscellaneous Works; Gold Peua of all kinds ; Steel Pons of eTery brand; (iold and Silver. Penholders and I'encils; Pocket Becks and Port monnai of every description ; Musical Instruments cf all kinds ; Khwt Music and Music Paper; Draw in Paper and Picture ; Slates and Pencils ; Ink and Inkstands ; and many other articles too nu merous to mention, all of which will he sold at tbo Tery lowest price for cash. J. HEALT," Foi-ter's Hloi k, corner of Main and Hirst streets. -W. Jt. KMJWYHY, JTTOHJVKV WW at Law and General CoIhtctinR Agent, Hen derson. Ky mh.'Mltf 'DR. J. FLEACER'S " DENTAL OFFICE, CORNER MAIN AND FIRST STS.. KVAN8VHJ.R, i. Also, a fine preparation forcleansing the Teeth and iiai deiiuoj tlie fuinii, can lie had of L)r. If. at 2,0c. a box MfTIf' HIKT M.9JBMÜV- TOltV, 35 MAIN STREET, LVANSVILLK, 1 NMA MA. If you wish to pet the worth of your money in Shirlsienllemcn's Furnishing Goods FANCY SHIRTING PRINTS, H.-hw viiM Ht 35 Main Ktwt. All urili'iii lor Slitcliiiipr Silk, Cutton ami Iiiii 4mmIm, ji)-4iMtIy atha)Hl('4l to, him neatly execnfcd. linitftul tr italronngts 1 resect I'ully m.liit a continuance of the tmme, SliiiU niaHn to order fioin mtntHuivint-nt, and fiitistiu tiou vrHrrmitt1. ' Bojil.'i-ly 1 (JUlI)S, Ituiry inj etale artn l(kJ-. -Jitt i- WILLIAM J. D EU BLE), 4-'l Main St., between First anil Second, EVAN8VIF4.E, INHIANA, , A coniplelo lot of Dry Groocls ! Kim- muiI staple articles, which will be sold low, for rre;h; " keniember, 1:J Main tdriet, Ndwoen First and i .', (septllj WM. J. liEUBLKK. 1 '' IH4HEII, FIJI JVOFoirTF , . MANUEAOTUliKR, n Sycamore nlieot, between Third and Fourth, . KVANSVILLK, IND. la proKUisi to build susiior PlANvS to order, cither no the upright tity le or horizontal stylo. lie will warrant all Iiis work for thrco .years, and should his Instruments fail in perfect aud salisfac luiy eis iitlon, he will make them !ood. Ho is piopari d to (lerloi in all sorts of work atiout a l'iauo; to repnir and even r-litilil defective f iistrniiieiits, and put them in coniplcti order. He will also Rivo hisnttmition to Tuning Instruments. Having es taldtslwit a inw HiaiN'h of business in Kransvilla, be resHs-liilly solicits tho patronage of its citi'ens, coulldeut hat van ';e.i-a. .Ihem asssl woik as they can' pi isjuro 'abrviail. i Ah siiecjiuens Uf it, ho refers those wln may Wish to see it, lo throe In struments in the Oijwwii.. - '. Christian ;;-. m:M;er. II., is now , blllUlin all I pl ight Piano, by which he intends to prove that that ntyhi of lush iMnent can bo made as ilurablo anil as per fect in lone as the bet borixontnl Iiistiaiuieuts. , eeptii, , , . yon s.i i, f, i.nrovKit f.ih.ji of '-0 acres,: wit bin ii;lit miles-r.f the city. Kinioir at the K. E. & 1. Onuw, No. I, North Third street, f.rillLIMlle, ; n i l C. C. COLLINS. rmo tmf. i,.unt:s.- ji hfi,f'ihii M. as-ualineiit of Inlaut and boy s Hats and dps, latest styles, just received at - . V A 1 ' T f E It' . M A It CAM N T K ff S,' . Septem . .,.:i'l Main sheet, NEW OKLKANS (?AliI8. I'. FTHFl. K '., FOMMI SSIOJV IS AN I EoliW AÜÜ1NG MEKI.HANTS, . . , ä No. i4 I vgdras triet. . i i NEW OKLEANS, LA. y Elhlihed Aitril, lt5li:J . , - . P. ET1JF.I... .....KB. FAM-S. RFFERKNCF.S - - '' Ki fl Howaril., Eransville, Indiana ; Allis.v Howes, Evsnsrilc-,' Indiana; A.'M. Vhi-lps Ar Son, New burh, linliana; Miimr ,v Hade, NcwburiTh, Ii d;ii; H. 1. NewcombA Brother, Loiiisrille, Kt-n-tuckv ; If. Ü. Ib'nudict i Son, Louisville, Kentucky ; Thomas Danffu tli, Secretary, New Albany Iiisuranye Co., New AHiany, Indinna; R Simpson Ar Co.; New Allwrry, Indiana; IV".- it. C-itlin, lleiidonon, Kentucky; S. G:' Beverly, Henderson, Kentucky ; .I.tnies Montgomery, Preston Bro. Bank, .foflersrn viile, Indiana; Merrett Camphrll and Co.,(t. Louis, Mil. ; . . ; 1 jyst-ly JlWill'KIJV, tlRFJTIHUjBF If ., W V JUMM ISSKlN - AM VU It V A It 1) I N G M EUCH A NTS, ; - i ; K. .1S Pylrn4i Street -. ... . . NEW OÜLE-VNS; LA. i xfcii wii.kLN...v. m. uU;AYiiorsi:....los. oiT7..i.k. ' Wopivooui persiuial atteuti.iu lo tho sale of' fo J. a-, .-, I'iSo, Vbilt, HaViOuts, Flour, P.ak, Ii:n'..ii, Lar.I, ' 1 -;. . 1 ' ' amilt " g IHl.-THF FJS'll F II lJ UJS'F Ml , W.J fir .maiiy yeara chu-t Clerk iu thu house'nl JoIlN l.'V'UI.El' A- Co., bcjis to omr bis sjervicis a" Comiiiissii.u Merchant, fo I lie liieiid-i and palrons id that housi, iii.w that it has retiied trom l-usin,vs. ith this i n,! hi view I have fi.riued a co pal tner ship yi ith Mr. E. YV. Ttuntnii, senior of the ol. band well known firm of K. W. Iteiiloii A Co., iindi r the .iuuue.aialal.vUol BENTON AlvINU, to take pbee 11. 'In tile tat of Way, plox. " 'I 'he sidMscriher r.'lies br supiort ufsiu thi fricanls of the old hiaise of JOHN HUULKIT A l.'o., who have had opor; unities if experiencing the pruiupl- and ability with which ho attended to their business. Vei y lesiM-clfully, . ,. ' . ' THOMAS KING, " ''C.trnnr i.f larividte and Ne,v Lvee tjm-Cds N. Oi b ans, April Isv. Hii.-?-y gl h F Ii. ii fi7 Hoj-ti Hiö7i-ÖMn i s- M. sion Merchant, No. 7 Lalayette stivet. New ir- b-alis, for the sale ol but ter, clo-ese, lal'd. eaS, ill li d li nils, Ebilir, Aleat and all srts4" Westoru I'c.,- du, e, and tor tho plirc.tiiLse of Groceries, tc. I'arh ailvulrttes mad .u colisituiileub. . . mal:'. 1 v t- . KFAWFI' Ä" l O., W.W.W.S- siii and 'ot a'ardtiift MeicRaiils, No. 'M, dras Stnsd, New Oi leaas. La. . -myJO-d-fc t w-v Hi' it i. ii l ti:, fo h u :i it il ium and Merchants, N' Tcli..tti itoutusstieef. Mew Orleans. John Mt-kV.ev.. t, si i.i.ivan mvul1.Vr.7-iy igwiiTiiFiii iTtitPi',, . o Ji ff uiissiuii and Eorwaidiiiir Merchants, New Or- Ii'tflld, ai'TUKH er twmiiifi.1. eo.n- M -vmissiiiii and Knvvraidiiic; Mi-ri hanls, St. I.i.nis. Lijis-ral adauces m.ije oa iluiisiriiiH-nts to liber ol inn- h(ilis.-s ,F ..- KM-F.H TO ' " '.' Messr AHis, lliuves, Iteineiit Veile, Howaid A Hiiiimi. t.VTOi-ivilie. decl"1;-1 v ri f.'vwiiiiiiii, tCt-o., voM.nis- . Ä riiwwul l4ii-naiiliiiKMeri-hatils, Ao. 7o, Poy diaselieel, New Orleans. T V. tWIOHKU K. H. FAIKCMH-I' j".'7-ly . . - - ' . ,. rmi u.'okl, stoi l o.n.titsrmiii.s .m lercbalit and pr-u-ri, l..r lock Stables, . j.iu'.NJ'.'Hy. Nu Ork'ans, La. HOTELS. Kit WOOII HOI'SF, Wlhl.. F. s5 IIVKKS, l"roi4.-tor. Cormsr First and Loctibt sti-Nts, Ei.HliSvilte, Ind. One filltr.i from .stCHii,. limit talldillt. luv.1)-! gi.HiiL's jim'f uit:.ijr HlTFi , Vimeiines, Ind. .1. M. CLARK, Proprietor. This house has been refitted aud refurnished, and is now in tiiieonler. , : uih2s glTl" HOTEL, WiMTEM STUFET, W Isjtween Main and Division, Evansville, lud. ottl-tl - ' WM. H. BolCOURT, Prop. 0 "a MISCELLANEOUS. JWgJlCKFUFly JIJS'll WHITE FISH. WIM. CO barrels and half barrels. Picked Moss 25 hales, Keliued Sugars 50 barrels Crushed, Powdered, aud Refined White. For sale by sepl2S , GILBERT A BOWLES. "KW RAISINS 200 BOXES ANDUALE WW boxes just recti red Snd for sale by uovl! VICKEfcY BKOTHEES. 'm,-wK WOOUFJ-WjIKMS8TOKF, W LOUISVILLE, KY. The subscriber has ea tablishad a new Woo,leu and Willow Ware Store, for the sale of Buckets, Tuba, Churns. Brooms, Baskets, Matches, Wooden Bowls, Cotton Batting, Wrapping Paper.ClotbesPins, Wash boards, 4c, at Wholesale only, to which he invites the attention of country merchants. Iiis stock is all fresh, in the best order and appearance, and much superior to similar ar ticles found in other stores where various kinds of Roods are kept, and no particular attention is paid to this branch of business. My arrangements with manufacturers are such, that I can supply every thing in my line as low as tliev can lie purchased in Cincinnati. JOHN B. RUSSELL, K'ptI5-2m 372 Main street, between 7th and 8th. HOVELS, SFJIUES, FOJRKS. 2"i doz. Grain Shovels, assorted sizes. 20 " 1. Handle Shovels. - -10 " Lontr 20 " Cast Steel Sades. 20 " Manuru Forks, septir. GEORGE S SONNTAG. fcf I'ltF.s -zr HJHS FKI'I'KH 1 15 Bags Pimento. 5 " Mat's Cloves. 2 Cases Prime Nutmegs. 3 Cases ludigo. Just received bv septll WHEELEK RIGGS. mlllTF FlJ'E &HIJt4FFi- Those who intend to cover their new housse with a good article of Pino Shingles, had better call iioii the Subscriber soon, as be has but 41 a few more left." JOHN F. GLOVER, atigll Corner Main and Seventh streets. IWtl.ll. IU TS. JVEWSTfLE just nsx-ived and for sale very cheap. VAUTIEK & MARCONNIER, Septll .til Main street. mroishrsZisujTiiL's. f mjijvZ. V TAXATION, Sugar lb. use, aud Kebuiled Mo lasses. In store and for salo by septa PRESTON BROS. rgl HJB 0lJFYol'EERTHOM.fs M SCANTLIN, Th jiiHt voci'ivnig liy St'nniNiIfl Riuhmul, a hii'o mitl cwinpK'tft HKortment of Cooking & Heating Stoves, of the very latest Fall stylo and pattern, which I can si ll at lower prici'S than the preat pmiic tiuins of ISM. And I am fixed to do House Iiiftnj,', Gut tering, Cupper and Sheet Iron Work, ami all other Job Woik in my line, with crent care and dispatch, which I warrant to Inj equal, if not. rnpeiior, to most work done in this city. Call on the Pioneer. ocW TM0MA9 SCANT UN, fi TJI T FM EJM'T OF THE I tKYUI- s "TION OF THE Hartford Fire Insurance Company, TO THE AUDITOR OF THE STATE OF OH IO. , Jnnunrt) 1 1S!8. 1. The iiiimo of the Company is tho HARTFORD INSURANCE COMPANY ; and its location . ) Is at tfrti tti.iu, t'aiiiiccueul. ,: , 2. Ttie i-apital St.s k of the tVnipanv is...8rJKI.lsK :i. The am. unit of Hie Capital stis-k psid up is iJ-jki,ihh) 4. The Assets ol the t 'ouiliny are as follows ; Par Market Value. Value. Ml Shares Hartford Hank Stork SM, IUI JCji,ju8 :I70 " Pho'iiix " " :t7,oo 37,ooo loo SharesCoiiiiecticiit River Itniik- iiiK Company Stork &,IKK li.OOO 2isi Shares Farmers and Mechanics' . Bank Slock 20,(K tl.fioo lift Shares City Bank Stock ll.fiOO l-2,HriO 200 . " Charter Oak Bank Slock, 20,ihio,- 211,000 ;m " Meiiantile Bank Stock, 10,000 Jil.oon IW ." . Bank of il.11 Hold Com pany Slock : l.'MH 7,10 200 " Evchanire Bank Stock....- lO.ISiO ' 9,IKSj 100 Shares Merchants and 11 uiiif.n - tnrer's Bank Stock; :i per cent. paid 3,200 fiO Shares .'Etna Bank Stock, in s?r cent, paid : 5110 2tMi Shares Aiuericaii Exchange U'k Stin k New Yolk 20,000 .100 Shares Bank of America Stock, New York :io,noo joOSharea Bank ol CiuiimcreeStock, New York 20.000 ;t00 Shares Importers and Traders' 3,200 500 1!),200 31, HO 20,200 Hank Stin k, New York :!0,000 2S,r,tiO 2im Shares Manhattan Company li k StiM-k, New York.. 111,000 l-l,frtt loo Shares Mer, bunts' Bank Stock New York....: 6,0n Ö.400 100 Shares Merchants' Bank Stork, New York, ii per cent, paid , -2f. - 1.S30 200 Shares I'niou Bank Stock, New i J" York : 10,00(1 ."HI Shares Ocean Bank Stock, New ; Yoik '. 10,0011 7.C00 UK) Shares Bank of North America Stock, New York 10,000 10,000 7 shares M..tropt.litnu Bank Stock, - New York 2i;,7(l S7,7l.S IUI Shares Meiehants' Bank StiK-k, .- Breton ... Iiiinhi 1,800 lii Shares Batik of Coumu'rcc Stock, B.istcn 111,000 1,800 lnO Shares and New Haven Railroad Stock lOiKm ll,:aK) 14 Shares tl ii ll.u.l, l'r..vult nieioid Fisbkill Railroad Stock, pre ferred j a, 4oo 1,020 20 Shares Connecticut River Rail road Sil k 2,000 l,ooo 12u Shares Ciainecticut River Rail-- . -1 road Stuck I2,oon .'i .000 ' ' f h::',7fi'38,'i:-C Rills Ris'eivalde iK-ariiii; inb-rest, iuclti.l- ' ilio ; Special IVposils in Ranks ;.,..l22,Wj3 72 Ratance on lsok, due th Company 30,45 71 Cash iu bands ot Aleuts or ill Colli s.j of .- transmission ... .'W,127 On Cash on hiilid 4ti,:'-n f.7 ?i;:i7,o.r.o iHi r.. Mo liabililies to Hanks or othi-is, doe or iii't ilue o. No lo.ssi-s adjusted and duo. Aliiolllll of losses eilb.-r iluadjusti-d H. or adjusted and uot due " u. I, oeses in aii.sieiise vvaitilisf ftnther priHil, On Iinli'd in the alsive. 10. All other claims :u.-ailist Ihc t'oiil- p.iny T.sill 12 11. The rule ol the tU.iuj-aiiy is not lo . yV.-i-.I :iii."i in iiiv one risk, ul.j.-ct to loss l.y sin; b hie. 12. 'fbe amount insured in a city or villa:.-,., de li, nd.. upon its !-i,e--r.i-ncially all the le lisks lo u- had ; Slll.j. . I to Hie rule almve 11:1111. .1 " 1'.. Theaniouut in nr.-. 1 111 nv one blo. k ol I.10T.I lliirs depends upon its size all. I collStl IK lion, s.ll.jei t to Ibe nile above r.-tV-i r.-d lo. 14. No put ol the Capital or eunint- of this Company have bceu di-piKillod in :.!) otli. 1 Sl.,t,-as si eiiiify lol Iosm-s thi'iciii, and no su.-h d.-posit le. pined by any Slatv t-xe,-pt Indiana ; fl.-m wtni h State the Agencies of the Company vi.-ie w illidiau u, a-s ibis tjoinpultv entei t.olis the opujiiil that ta en tire Capital and n sonn cs are pkdKoi f -i lln- equal s. . iirjly ol all Us folu y bold, is, au. I .-honld so 11 111:011 I uil. r He. opllii.'.u ol a I ite Attorney ol tie State of Indian. a!..le.s.,id, pi ouolno no.- the I laiA kuvslid and void, some of file Ayvm.s of this Company have resumed Ih.-ir otlice and cotitinii.- i.. tiail.sacl the business ol I u.ui .ne'e in that St lie J And this Cöiiipuuy will 1 ec.i ni'e II ila Pole I issis d lo any pall) or p ule - in the State ol I11 j lll.o.a as v-.iid .111. lot I Oeling .a. h,. Ii. ..11, .Oi.l plell-.S llselt to a t.dllilill . o, -muu-ai of all Ol. I. coil! la. I , of J Insuralfi'e wlolhei .0 In I.I l.y n.,s..ii .1 the pa. . saiie ot the iaw retel ieil t.. i.l not ' : I' . B. BOWK oS. S-- t. tary. .UAir. 1 ' r c 1.1-v ,V..L JRII, 1 i,.T, ...... 1 ... -sc. r ..hi, .Ol'.- I f. 1 January I Peisuially appear, d C. Ii. oWr:R, Ser M..I) of iloi iuade the al as ean Irf- the Half told l lie u. Ul. IIUV I'..Iii.OV r.alh tli.-it the fi.ivir.iin.. -.tar. i.i.-lil, l. lit ed, is a tine, full and correct slateiucnt 1 fall's of said Company, and cNhihils so fir ascertained at this date, its a.-rual comliti. first day of Jannary, lViji. Beiore me, H. H. KARBORN 1 on the .1. P. Applications for- Insurance limv le mftde to tiie undersigned, ALLEN C. HaLLOCK, Apeiit, lt3 Evansville, ludiaiia. .Tho Game of Chen.. The deep interest that ha9 been recently, excited . throughout the country by tho achievements of our countryman Morphy in the ancient game of chess, will make the following historical sketch from the Cincin nati Time, interesting lo th reader, r- The game is a Tery ancient one, and it i now quite uncertain from whence it was primitively ' deriTed. The most favorable opinion is, that it was the gradual growth of centuries ; that it began in some very simple moves, of a few leading pieces, and was brought to its present state of perfec tion by successive additions and improve ments ; the handiwork, or the head work, rather of the many cunning players through whose hands it passed in the course of sev eral hundred years, Certain it is that the game is known to all but the really barbar ous nations of the globe ; and even some of these are in possession ot analogous games, whose moves indicate a relation to those pe culiar to chess. Commodore Perry found the Japanese playing a game very much re öembling it, aud evidently, derived from the same beginning. The celebrated Greek Princess, of Con stantinople, Anna Comncna, makes men tion of the game, and saj's that it was de rived by the early Greeks from the Baby lonians. She also relates that her father, the Emperor Alexius, who was a skillful and accustomed player, obtained information of a conspiracy against him from a friend with whom, late one night, he sat playing chess. ' It is very easy to comprehend how from the Persians and Greeks, the game may have readily and rapidly spread among the nations with whom these enter prising people were in so frequent communi cation. The Spaniards are able to show an early national acquaintance with the game, and it is. from them probably that it spread into France and Italy, aud then European countries. That the game is of eastern origin is indicated by the fact that the Per sians show that they hare known it from a very ancient period, and by the further fact that the words check, check-mate, rook, and some others connected with the play are evi dently of Persian origin. It does not follow from this, however, that tho Persians in vented the game It is not at all probable that they did so. Indeed their writers do not claim to have originated it; but distinctly admit that tltey received it from the Hindoos, somewhere alajut the year A. D. 000. There is then corroborative testimony that the game may be more directly ami clearly traced to the Hindoos than to any other nation. The earliest recotilod allusion to the game is toil ml in the Koran; where it is stated that Ntishiran, a Persian Prince, , obtained it from a Hindoo priest, who communicated it to the Prince's physician. Tho Chinese date its introduction into that empire In the reign of Nouti, which began A. I). 537. One thing is well estal lislied, that earlier than this period there' is no historical record of the game in 'any country? 'It'is 'written id the BrtiTiriiin tra ditionary chronicles tliat 4lia -game was in vented by -UsBft, or Nassir, a priest, for the amusement of King Behram. ' It is very properly thought, however, as we have al ready suggested, that it had quite an indif ferent beginning, being subsequently im proved, first by the Hindoos, and then by the Persians, and still later by the ingenious expert of Europe. The Hindoos accepted the Persian modi fications, mid indeed all with which they after wards became acquainted, and they have for a long time played the game about as we play, it ourselves. Lieut. Moore, of the British army in India, related in 17U4, that he played chess with some high Brahmins, and that they used the Persau words Shuh nidi, and roe, with their usual European signification. The Holländers have a game called Malay draughts, said to have beeu im ported from the East India Islands, which much resembles chess, aud which doubtless had the same origin.' In this Malay game the pawns move ' diagoually and take straight for want. The crowned pieces take backward and forward.' This game seems to be interraedia.te betweeu draughts and chess as we now play it. It certainly, indi cates the progressive developement of the game, so evidently suggested by its history. Cliess has been the favorite amusement and study, for it certainly is entitled to be considered an Intellectual sludy, of crowned heads, and the learned and distiuguished of sill civilized nations for over a thousand years;' aud it has not yet attained its celeb rity and glory. . The early metricul iomaucca ascribe jrreat proficiency in the practice of the oaiiie to the knights of King Arthur, and the paladin's And "chevaliers of Charlemagne. According to Mr. Tuias, liook on chess is uot auuVicutly known, the, first writer of modern tims, who describes this game was Pe Casnliä, a Ooniinicac Friar, ho wrote in the. yea.r'-I'JiKl') and composed1 a treatise of twenty-four chapters in relation to the ori gin and nr 'att rio of the game. - This work was written iu Latin, and was translated into French in 13:10, by John De Vagnay, a monk of the same order ; aud this version was afterwards translated into English; und is lUtiious tor being the first book published iu melal types by the Caitoos in 1474. The first author who wrote analytically of the game, with a view to facilitate its acquire ments, and to promote its study, was a Por tuguese physician by the name of Damina. lie wrote the work iu Spanish and Italian, and it was printed at Barcelona aud at Venice.! He was followed tl I5C1 by, ltuy Lope., a Spanish., Priest . uf (.'alia, whose iume: is attached to a peculiar 'opvniug of some reptile in chess literature.'.; Both of thesu writers were interior in their knowl edge )( the game to iSalvio, a .Neapolitan, j vi ho published an i. ul :iuf 'anecdotlal account of the aaiu in 1604. - Sadvio w as a perfect M01 phv of his period, and traveled about to exhibit his skill and challenge com petition. , He visited Rome in 1 574, ;iid, euaoing with liny-Lope, and Leonardo, a leading 1 Kornau player, l?tt them both.' Leonardo, j however, subsequently beat Salvio in it ( match game played iu presence of Phillip i II. of Spain, who made the conqueror a ; handsome present. - Since the period of Sal- j vio, works upon Chess, historical and prac- ' tical, have, rapidly succeeded each other. ' Among the most valuable an.l celebrated of -them is the book of ' Chess Problems," pub lished by King, at Strasburg, in 18f2. The work, of Pbuidtr, published some sixty years since, is well known, and is held in . high and well-deserved reputation. , . It is rdated of Philidor, who excelled . all the London players, that on the 20th nf June, 1795, he waited by appointment on the Turkish. Ambassador, played six games against him, aud lost them all. The Turk had maJe the condition that bis queen, as is usual at Constantinople, should have the knight's move, and tins' put Philidor but of his combinations. , . ', . . ' ;' s ; Chess, as a game or' recreation, '"has the sanction of the wisest and liest nieu ''of the world's intellectual history. ": As a mental discipline it is an exercise' of .the most in 8tructive and efficient 'character. It giveä play to the finest aifu most usetul faculties of the miudi ' It teaches caution and circum spection, ctiltivates the memory, strengthens the "reflection and proves the exceeding great advantage of coolness, deliberation, aud that rare and ' indispensable virtue of patience ; patience unuer ,uu circumstances, even the most embarrassing and", vexatious. MISCELLANEOUS. TmgjCHrjVE-JnjJIB HORSE SHOES mfM The Trov- Iron and Nail Factory, at Trov. N.-., hare Henry Burden a Improved Horse Shoe Machine ry now in successful operation, and are prepared to execute or ders for Horse and Mule Shoes, of anv weiuhtand uattern. at a price but little above the price of Horse Shoe Iron. The quality of the Iron used in these shoes is warraa Usi in every respect. - These shoes have been approved of, and aie now used by the United States Government exclusively, as also by many tf the principal Stage and Omnibus Companies and Horse Shoers throughout the country. . These Shoe can bo purchased through the principal Hardware aud Iron Stores in the United States. " 1 Orders addressed to the subscriber, at Troy- Vil lage, will receive prompt attention. , ; . WM. K. BCRDEN, Agent, - aplo-ly 7- - " Tray, N.Y. ' rwno' the' svHoLaus of our M SCHOOLS. POBELL & fOTNGT0N have a lare;e gtock of alll the . ti ; - Scliool Boolijs used in tho Schools. They thank their young triends for past support, and trust to sue thenr again this season. . aeptl If JT- LTH" .V FH F SIIO Y'S TF It Ul KL K'l ., at the Wholesale audis Retail Confectionary on First Btreet,tfevi two doors lrom the Post Omce, has again been appointed sole agent for Maltby's Baltimore Oysters, In the City of Evansville, and be will receive daily supplies by Express, directly from the Packer in Baltimore. He is prepared to otter the trade such inducements for tho edtire season as have never licen ottered in this market heretolore. A constant daily supply always on hand, so that dealers aud families call obtain at any time diu'ing the season those choice- Oysters, in cans and half cans and in the shell, warranted fresh and sweet, and very superior iu flavor and quality. Ter ins, cash. Andfnone but bankable money received. A. KURTZ, ' hcptS-rau Solo Agent for Evansville. Mm It. JOJS'El-P OFFICE RESM- M F HENCE on First Street, between Walnut and Chestnut. oct.4 gaEtrH ER It KRJMER. JS'VMJ MP... EACTURERS0E ! . ; i. . Lard Oil, Soap and Candles, AIm, rtn extra article of ENGINE, CAR AND TALLOW OIL tor Machinery, ni a ' Superi ior Kc lined Burning Oil. t'OK HFAI1 T.IOItTS-, AtVAPTEDTO STKABf ROATS,HOTFT.S, 1KII ALL OTHl tt D1IBNIN PUKPOSKS, 1 - .V 4 0, JYiurth Slü Main Urft, . MKTWKKJIS n KST AN1 KKCOND, j KVANSV1LLK, INDIANA: j rHiLir DiCKr.B . ..i'Hilip kiakkk ; . , - .... lU ..... I These Jlac hinii and Biirniug Oils Ri o Wal ranted to staud all climates ami seasons. Tb attentioa of master ; mi-chanicg of Railroads,' Steamboats, ills aud Machine Shops, is particularly called to the above card.. - - aug'7-lyd ! RFE FX.HI UIVIOJV OF THE largest an Unlust. Iieautiful slock of Hats and Caps vor oiii r Jiu KvaDSvttle. 'Come one and all. We will he pleased-at all times to show our Gowda and sell f belli cheaper than the cheaiesl. ' ' ,; . VAUTIKR ; MARCONNIKR, r-. eptll r :w Main street. 1 Wk öificB.. ' f "" TTrr "" " : 't M , Pumpkins, ; rfi.i.;.i ...i -.dji.i iul ta j Afl'lcs, . I ' - PotitoM, Triak äiWI Aiönt',-'' ! j . Oranges,. ... , Tini.ii.s .' ( White Purins, CäbbayV, .ti:,'. Vo iidläv:, Vor. a'e t'y i . ,2. H. COOK &SON. - j 'lia, lhm. strhaRMw iimv mmtJW b., just received aniM'or salei by J - .1. W. V ICKER V A CO, rVKLLUW.' PINK FLOODING A FEW thousand foct, well sestsoned. - Lead Pijie a4ull assortment tai hand". f 'j ..1 TIN i'i.A'l K. - O iHtiUK Tin, -.: r : -'-..m ICaud IX do I . . . :.. .'.nr.- l-t Waster do I - loo Mate ' do ' ' "' - " . S i, 4 1 VlKtt- .do On baml and f..r sale l.y j o. Ii '' ; , SA Ml'KL OJ.'fc, j f JST .REVEH-Ell 0 4USES Hal rows' tobao:o, ? . k , ., . ..... i - aO boxes' Germv.n" water proof niatciies" i ! forsaleby J- .' TKNNEV SORRENSON, , aug-20 ' ; ' No. al Water street. , 'mT.PfiT JWIEIVEB HV EXPRESS. mF City ot the Great Kmc;, by Pr. Barslay. ; Hadji in Syria, by-Mrs: Sarah Barslay Johnson! At ' . ai(ril : i t ' - '1. HKALY'S. I J-jlOR S.ILF, .1 TWO STORY BRICK -House and Lot on Fift lr street, at a bargain. Knquira at the 11. E. A I. OIHce, No. 1,- North Third stret, Rvamiville. . - j octt- . . - . , ' ' CO. COLLINS. ; grpl.lJOS FOR Sl L E. CH RMSTUJV m lit.t kS.K,, W huliigbl, ou Third street, near the Court Hoiiae, has Throe very superior, l icU-ton-ed, and highly lini bed Piauos, built iu this city by a Gei lnau builder, ho worked iu sohie ol the liest shops of Luii.pc, which be oilers for sale, low, He. has had thc-:;-e 1 iistruiueiits built. to encourage Htraiier to establish himself here, ami introduce A new and important launch uf manufacturing. The Pianos aie warranted f.u- THarr years, aud will! kep' in time 'for one y oar, gratis. If tho Instrii III. o ts tail la any particular, the biiihler will la) here to make his work good. Ha due uot hesitate to say the Instruments he otters are fully equal to any that can bu brought here, aud it ur citi wan will but try them, their . sup-ii.,iity ,will overcome all prejudices against home productions. . Those H isbiuij; to purchase, and those who desire to see what caii done in oui ii city, are invited to call slid i-xaiiiiu., them. ' spcii ' . C. ItECKKtt, IILlllJWi .n T E it 1.1 l'J 5 u J Keirs Nails, all sis. 1 . .i: . HS0O0 JjightH Jiaali all sirve,: I f W-l 'Jts), usual sizes. . 4iki Boxes Window tilass, assorted b(h. " Keg White Lrad.- j ' 5 Bid-. Linseed Oil. ' ,:',-- :i Rbls. Putty in Idad.lser; " "r ' V;;' Also, White Lime, Grey Lime,' Pfaster Pal is, White Sand, Hydraulic Cement, in any quantity de sired by purchasers. For sale at reduced rates by j aeptl'r, - : ' ' GKORGK FtSTER & Co.r ir j'EWTojsoii WW CO l.o 1,'S, in patent collaisible Tulies. Ar raiiements haVobeen eftiirteil with Messrs: Wrins.u Jt Newton, for a constant aud full supply of their cv.kdatel Oil Cidore. For" brilliancy, durability, iiii.lclilire reliability they are unrivaled. The firs lass meilal was awarded them at the World's Fair Loudon. , t, ... , CHARLES BAHCOCK, j " , !Wpt7 .' '..-' . ..'. . - ; ,,- 8 Main slioel- m'WOTIIi-F. Ail persons indebted to ns will f W please call -and make payment. " ' J uov- A. D; REYNOLDS A Co. .,-TftrST RFIFII"F1I. WFSTF.RJV reserved Cheese, - . . . . , Canvassed Uauu,, - S. C. Soda, , i ; j . -'- .Ii ... t ... . . (rl-rUlilS SiMt)S, :.. ; . . Shaker Bi-ia.niis, i Fine Sweet Tobai cci." A forsale by - (Vpf-Mll A-. Kit jirsf recojyed and I R KYTS'oLDS A Co. " glk M S S Ö L V T I O .V .VÖ TICE MS JiF hereby civeii that tlie partnership lately x israiff betw.sen Joseph C Jewidt aud Win. J. Ben jamin, under the tirm of JeWetl A- Benjamin, was dissolved oikthel.ith inst., hy inirrual consent.1 The business will be coaiiiiued br our successors, Joseph C. -leweli, Klim- Nevvli..rry and Jonathan II. Clement, uaderthe firm of Jewell, Newberry A; Co., who "ar.. aloo a.ithi.rized to settle the husiuess of the late hm.. J. C. JEWELL, ' ' WM. J. BEXJAMTN. Evansvill... N.u. uilier ii;tli.lS;. limiiw lwiyirWfy jfJi'i s'tcf- & VJ3L FERS Just received and for sale at reduced Cash Prices.. JACOB Si' KAI B, - .i.ovtT-'a- ; ' No. 40 Slain St. O. 1 - I OTT O.y JtJl T T.Vr-loO w1 w . Bali's just re. reived, which was: bomrht fot caoli, for kale cheap, at SAX. EMBSICH'S, ntpia 49 aiain street. INSURANCE COMPANIES. FICES.iÜS j 35 Bags Pepper. BJOS JLSPICE t 100 Mat's Cinnamon " 500 lt: Cloves. 400 tbs. Nutmegs ; J0 Kegs Ground Ginger. "'"150 Boxes assorted Grocery Spices, Mustatd, . . .,h-i oauce, oar, in g rowuers, sc. T or sale, low, by . - GEORGS FOSTER A Co. - septld . , , Corner Locust street and Canal. fWB STRICT OF THE SEJHI-tJ WfM. nual MatrmnU of the aßairt aud conditio of the a urn a ins vttA a LA C'ompaaji, of the CVy qf Hem m or, ok um cut aay oj ueeemoer, i07. .' ' Assrra. Cash Balance in Bank 437,000 60 Donas ana Diortgngea (Oeing first lien on Beat Estate, wonh at least JSUl.OOO)... .460,600 00 ijovia on atocKa, payable on demand, (mar ket value of securities, 263, 667) 150,859 85 Bank Stocks, (market value) ..- T7.O0O 00 neai r.siate, no. wall street, (tbo office of the Company)..... . 67,604 72 interest one on tne in oi January, leas, (of whieh $12,625 3haa lino been re. ceived) , 14,375 93 naiance in. ua&da of Agent and in coursav -of transmission from Ageuts on th 31st - December 24,684 78 toi wnicn y,hö7 67 baa since been re- ' ceived). - - , - Premiums due aud uncollected on Policies issued at Office 8,087 63 Total . . .... ... $834,213 34 Outstanding Losses on 31st De - ceniber, 1847, estimated at... 8:19,410 01 Sue Stockholders on account ' of Seventh Dividend.- 1,700 00 ' : ' $41,110 01 ' CH AS. J. MARTIN, Pres't. A. F. WILLMARTH, Vico Prea't. J. MILTON SMITH, Sec'y. A. 0. HALLOCK, Agent, Jel4-dCm ' . Evansville, Ind. (WBSTRJCT STJ TEMEJYT OF THE WM eoudUion of the CITY FlhB INSUBANVS COMPANY of Hartford, JimHory 1st, 18M. NAME AND LOCATION. - The name of this Company is the ClTr Fihk In svbanck Company op Habtfokd. Tho Company to located at Hartford Connecticut. ' CAPITAL. The amount of its Capital Stock is one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. The amount of its Cap tal Stock paid up is one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Cash on hand ... .-.$10,426 08 Cash in the hands of Agents and other persons 13,469 19 Bonds owned by tha Company, 10 $1,000 2d Mortgage Bonds of the Indiana Cen tral Railroad Company, paying semi-annual interest of 10 per cent- 10,000 00 Dvdita due the Company, secured by mort- gage on Real Estate - 32,910 00 Loaus on collateral secured by 301 shares -. or Bank Stock, and other Stocks and Bonds in possession of the Company.... 67,250 08 All other securities are 668 Shares Bank 8tock 61,050 00 Bills receivable , 12,353 38 Accrued Interest.. 4,043 66 Office furniture , 677 17 Total assets of the Company $192,079 66 LIABILITIES. Losses adjusted and not due. ..$3,775 00 Losses unadjusted, and in sus pense, waiting for further : proof ... 5,470 00 All other claims against the Company estimated .....4,415 00 Tutal liabilities.- $13,670 00 The greatest amount insured in any one risk Is $5,000. The greatest amount allowed to be insured in any one City, Town or Village, varies according to its size and Claas of property.. . . The greatest anioiiut allowed to bo insured in any one block, varies as in the preceding. , No part of its capital or earnings are deposited with any State or States, as security for losses thereiu. CJ. B BOWERS, Pres't. , O. C. WAITE, Secretary. , o. w B. LOUNSBURT, General Agent. Appli. received by ... A. C. HALLOCK, Agant, M? ,.. ft' ' ' 1 ' ' '- Evanaville,' lud. ..laieses promptly adjusted and paid with fidelity and dispatch. ' . iel4-Gnios(Uw OB SJLE. Jt FIJVE LJIRUE f.. II. COOK A SON. Three Year Old Mrile: T O THE FVJUJLIV. Sam, the little man, has this dav Been opening GOODS both fresh and gay, He received near every kind That yon in any city can find; ' And as he purchased by the bale, -? Ha is determined to RETAIL -' ' ' r, For READY PAY, a little lower , i Than ver has beeu had before. '- Ho with his brethren means lo live,' : , But as for CR EDIT shall uot give,. - - , ' He Wouldn't live to rouse your passion, For CREDIT hare is out of fashion ; . . . His friends and buyers one aud all, ' It'll pay yon well to give a call, ' . You'll always tihd him by bis sign, On Main street, Number 49. ' '"Further more you will bear in mind, Em li ich takes funds of ev'ry kind, " And broken Bauks at higher rates, .; ; As can be had in other States . Tliecity's credit he'll defense, ' ' Take their orders at 90 cents, So if bargains you wish to meet, Go to 40, on Main street. -tPEJtn THIS JLL WHO JJtE JF- jM.m-' FLICTED. DR. GRAVES' FAMILY MEDICINES. . We do not desire to interlere with tha prolesaional ethics of our medical schools, nor do we possess any skill in pharmaceutics, but Dr. Graves has opened to our inspection a mass of letters from his agents aud most respectable druggists in all parts of the country, which commend his family medicines in the highest terms. They meet with a very extended sale, whjch of itself is an excellent recommendation. We always leet reluctant to make any endorse ment of medicines, hut there are so many localities where no regnlar practitioners are within reach, and so many diseases which, require prompt reme dies, that a supply of the prescriptions prepared by Dr. Graves, commended ns they are for efficiency, would prove almost invaluable. In all cases of sickness, our first advice is to call tha aid of a phy sician, but, if that is impracticable, it seems to us that Dr. Graves otters remedial agents in ague, cholera morbus, Ac, which may he safely used, as be gives assurance that no deleterious compounds are used iu their preparation. LumitntiM Journal. Dr. Graves' auti-Fever and Ague, anti-Bilious, Purifying, and Gatliartio Pills are Inaluable to those iiitii. ti-d with any of these complaints. His Americau Liniment is gaining a" high reputation for healing all kinds nf ailments, both of mau and beast; and parents should remeniuer(that his "Golden Vermifuge," is a certain remedy tor expelling worms from the system, I For sale by Wholesale Druggists generally. Hauahjk A Stoiu.abd, Kellkb A While, Wm. Bickkoweu, and Lkixh A CABsLt.Tr, Agents at Ev ansville, Indians;. oct2-3md "mym jlises JS'ii lejther lUT W CASES, a first-rate article, for sale at VAUT1EU A MARCONNIER, septll in Main street. RESH WOOUEJV WJ RE. 4 DO dor- Painted Buckets, assorted colors. 100 do-.. Fancy do, half size. ' 100 Cedar do, brass and iron hound. ' SO . Toy do, bright fancy colors. 100 nests Tubs, painted Cedar and Pine. öo doz. Churne, red and white Cedar and striped. ' ' 1,000 gross Matches, round box, water proof and eouimon. --' -. floo doz. Shaker Brooms. - i 211 I iuiitatiou, fancy and common do. ' ' 100 boxes Clothes Pins. 200 bales Cotton Batthig, Steams A Foster's extra No. L, the best jn market. For salts at wholesale only, at Ciiicinuati prices. ., septlj -Mm ' J. B. RUSSELL, - i ' 372 Main street, Louurvile, Ky. W EWHJ1RHW4RB STORE, OJS'E W door below the Branch Bank, where can be found every thing appertaining to the legitimate Hardware Trade. I respectfully solicit a call from country merchants before purchasing, to examine my many new styles ot Goods, selected with care to suit this market. My personal attention will be given toallordors. . : , GEORGE S. SONNTAG. septü JTV .V V1LLF FMFER WJUF JLI tioiiso. We have now ou hand, and offer on liberal terms, a well assorted stock for printers and bookbinders, among which, we name 600 buudlcs Printing Paper, asaortcd sizes; looo Straw Boards; JOtsi Tar Boards, As well aa colored Printing Paper; plain Cap and Hose flat Cap; Demy, Medium, white and colore! Cards and Card Hoards, which we call have cut to any siw; Post-olhce lwper, Manilla Wrapping, Printers' Jnk, Ac. We -dso beg leave t ,.ai tue attention of dealers to our stock of 2-Vm bundles Wrapping Paper, and 100 gross of Bonnet Boards. The highest market price paid for Bags. jyl TENNEY It 80BEX80N. PRINTING. jf iroir wjijvtj noon fji rem, SUBSCRIBE FOR THE JOtTSNAL, SUBSCRIBE FOR THE JOURNAL. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE JOURNAL! SUBSCRIBE FOR THE JOURNAL THE EVANSVILLE JOURNAL,. . THE EVANSVILLE JOURNAL, THE EVANSVILLE JOURNAL, ' THE EVANSVILLE JOURNAL, . . THE DAILY JOURNAL, THE DAILY JOURNAL, THE DAILY JOURNAL. THE DAILY JOURNAL, THE TRI-WEEKLY JOURNAL, - , -. THE TRI-WEEKLY JOURNAL, ' THE TRI-WEEKLY JOURNAL, ' THE TRI-WEEKLY JOURNAL, . THE WEEKLY JOURNAL, THE WEEKLY JOURNAL, THE WEEKLY JOURNAL, . THE WEEKIiY JOURNAL, THE BEST DAILY PAPER, ' THE BEST DAILY PAPER, ' THE BEST DAILY PAPER, THE BEST DAILY PAPER, . . THE BEST TRI-WEEKLY PAPER, THE BEST TRI-WEEKLY PAPER - THE BEST TRI-WEEKLY PAPER, THE BEST TRI-WEEKLY PAPER THE BEST WEEKLY PAPER, THE BEST WEEKLY PAPER, THE BEST WEEKLY PAPER, THE BEST WEEKLY PAPER, . PUBLISHED IN THE W EST PUBLISHED IN TUE W EST PUBLISHED IN THE WEST PUBLISHED IN THE WEST CONTAINING ALL THE LATE NEWS, CONTAINING ALL THE LATE NEWS CONTAINING ALL THE LATB NEWS, - ' CONTAINING ALL THE LATE NEWS ! BY MAIL AND BY TELEGRAPH BY MAIL AND BY TXLF.GRAPII BY MAIL AND BY TELEGRA Pll BY MAIL AND BY TELEGRAPH AND A GOOD SELECTION AND A GOOD SELECTION J AND A GOOD SELECTION , AND A GOOD SELECTION OF MISCELLANEOUS MATTEk OF MISCELLANEOUS MATTER OF MISCELLANEOUS MATTER Of MISCELLANEOUS MATTER. JF 1TOU WJJYT J JOB nojVE. IF YOO WANT POSTERS IF YOU AVANT POSTERS IF YOU WANT POSTERS IF YOU WANT POSTERS. IF YOU WANT HANDBILLS, IF YOU WANT HANDBILLS, " IF YOT WANT HANDBILLS, IF YOU WANT HANDBILLS, IF YOU WANT PROGRAMMES. IF YOU WANT PROGRAMMES. IF YOU WANT PROGRAM MKS IF YOU WANT PROGRAMMES IF YOU WANT PAMPHLETS, IF YOU WANT PAMPHLETS, IF YOU WANT PAMPHLETS, IF YOU WANT PAMPHLETS, ' IF YolJ WANT CARDS IF YOU WANT CARDS. IF YOU WANT CAR US. IF YOU WANT CARDS. IF YOU WANT BILLS OF LADING - IF YOU WANT BILLS OF LADING, IF YOU WANT BILLS OF LADING, IF YOU WANT BILLS OF LADING, IF YOU WANT BILL HEADS IF YOU WANT BILL HEADS IF YOU WANT BILL IIEADrt' IF YOU AVANT BILL HEADS IF YOU WANT SH0AV CARDS, IF YOU AVANT SH0AV CARDS, IF YOU AVANT SHOW CARDS, IF YOU AVANT SHOW CARDS, IF YOU AVANT SIIOAV TIIf.LS IF YOU AVANT SHOW BILLS IF YOU AVANT SHOW BILLS IF YU WANT SHOW BILLS, IF YOU WANT RAILROAD WORK, IF YOU WANT RAILROAD WORK, IF YOU AVANT RAILROAD AVORK, IF YOU WANT RAILROAD WORK, IF YOU WANT STEAMBOAT AV0RK. IF YOU AVANT STEAMBOAT AVOKh, IF YOU AVANT STEAMBOAT AVORK. - ' If YOU WANT STEAMBOAT AVORK. IF YOU WANT COLORED AVORK, IF YOU WANT COLORED WORK, "' IF YOU WANT COLORED AVORK, , ,. ,i , IF YOU AVANT COLORED WORK. IF YOU WANT BALL TICKETS, IF YOU WANT ALL TICKETS. IF YOU WANT b.LL TICKETS, , IF YOU WAFT BA.'.L TICKETS. ' IF YOU WANT INVITATION cards, IF YOU WANT INVITATION CARDS IF YOU W iNT INVITATION CARDS' IF YOU V ANT INVITATION OA k lis! OR ANYTHING EV.SE, OR ANYTHING E'SE, , .1, OR ANYTHING J2LSE, ' IN THE PRINTING LINE, IN THE PRINTING LINE, IN THE PRINTING LINE, IN TIIE PRINTING I.I nil- GET THEM AT THE JOURNAL OFFICE GET THEM AT THE JOURNAL OFFICE. GET THEM AT THE JOURNAL OFFICE GET THEM AT THE JOURNAL OFFICE ; . WHERE THEY HAVE NEW TYPE WHERE THEY HAVE NEW TYPE WHERE THEY HAVE NEW TYP1'! ' WHERE THEY HAVE NEWT TYI'F.' WHERE THEY HAVE NEW PRESSES, I n i' WHERE THEY HAVE NEW PRESSES, WHERE THEY HAVE NEW PRESSES, ' WHERE THEY HAVE NEW PRESSES, . , AND EVERYTHING ELSE NEAV AND EVERYTHING ELSE NEAV AND EVERYTHING ELSE NEW AND EVERYTHING ELSE NEAV AND OF THE BEST QUALITY, . AND OF THE BEST QUALITY, '" AND OF THE BEST QUALITY, ' 1 AND OF THE BEST QUALITY, , AND MOST FASHIONABLE STYLES AND MOST FASHIONABLE STYLES AND MOST FASHIONABLE STYLES' AND MOST FASHIONABLE STYLES AND DO AVORK CHEAPLY, AND DO WORK CHEAPLY, ' ' ' -AND DO WORK CHEAPLY, - ' AND DO WORK CHEAPLY. AND DO IT NEATLY. AND DO IT NEATLY AND DO IT NEATLY, AND DO IT NEATLY. AND IN THE BEST STYLE, -AND IN THE BEST STYLE, AND IN THE BEST STYLE, ; AND IN THE BEST STYLE, I GIVE US A. CALL, GIVE US A CALL, GIVE IS A CALL, GIVE US A CALL AT OUR NEW OFFICE, .,.." AT OUR NEW OFFICE, AT OUR NEW OFFICE, 1 ' AT OUR NEW OFFICE, AND SEE OUR SPECIMENS, AND SEK OUR SPECIMENS, AND SEU OUR SPECIMENS! AND SEE OUR SPECIMEN" AND LEARN OUR PRICES. AND LEARN OUR PRICES. AND LEARN OUR PRICES, i : . AND LEARN OUR PRICES. WE DEFY COMPETITION .: WE DEFY COMPETITION WE DEFY COM PETITION, AVE DEFY COMPETITION EITHER IN AVORKMANSHIP, ' EITHER IN WORKMANSHIP, , , i EITHER IN WORKMANSHIP. EITHER IN WORKMANSHIP, ' ""' " OR IN PRTCFS OK IN rirh'KS. OR IN PRICKS. JOURNAL BUILDINGS. lnJ! JtizH": tween First and AA'ater. ETansvilln.Ia.ii.,. ..'. EVANSVILLE JOURNAL COMPANY"! gAHOICE BJjCO.V J)JD HEEF. S 2 Casks Wises' Sugar Cured Hams 1 " Qnigley'B .. 1 " Jacob's " " nlr .-..- . low, by septlO H0RNBKOOK A Co. TfJRF.yiH .VA I SJUILJL LOT -. forsale very chean at VAUTIER A MARC0SNIER, gptll 30 Main street. gmPERJ HJTS, WHICH V.V BE I'M iu m iruiiiv- inn tin lik "r nvtii(rs niiu I play goers. VAUTIER A MARCONNIER, ! spills 30 Main street. Tl WO BOOIIHORSESJjrOJlFMJS'E Young Mare, lor Sale, for cash or god noies. ! oct4 A. D. RERNOLDS A CO. RJIOR SHIRTS, tJO To H. LOnjnis, Jsv FASHIONABLE SHIRT MAM'Fi 'J IVhER and dialer in Gentlemen's FANCY FURBISHING GOODS, No. 7 Main street, (OPPOSITE ' Ti K COURT HOCH,) EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. N. B.Shiits made to order, by nieasureiu4 and warranted fit. sagai-lj IF YOU WANT DRAY TICKETS IF YOU AVANT DRAY TICK E'I's' IF YOU AVANT DRAY TICKET! IF YOU WANT DRAY TICK -i J