Newspaper Page Text
t Jc limit ImmwL Kvansville Exchange and Curerncy . Table. , , - Corrected by the Brandt Baut. . HXCIIAMGE ! New York, Bnying YA Selling New Orleans, " par " Cincinnati, " " " BANKABLE FUNDS, OB CCBBENCT AT TAH. Rtatk Bank op Indiana.!At.leoheni City Bank Bank of the State of In- Monongahela Bank, Pa. DIANA. BALTIMORE. State Bank or Oaio. Except American Banl. Kentucky. Louisiana. Specie fating Fhee Banks of Indiana. Wheexinq City. i'lTTSBUUU. PHILADELPHIA, XEfCept Bank of Peawylrania Mnsoiiti. . STOCK BANKS OF OHIO EXCEPT Union, Sandusky... .6 dis.City,Ciucinua,ti.....30 dis. City Bank,Corunibus,5dis:Camil, Clevlaud,.75 dis. Seneca County 75dis. - NF.W YORK, NEW ESULAND, NEW JERSEY, AND DEI-AWARE, IN GOOD CREDIT. , ' . SPECIE-PAYING FREE BANKS. '. Brookrill Bank, Brook-;Exchange Bank, Green- ville. castle. Bank of Elkhart, Elk hart. Bank of Goshen, Goshen. Bank of Gospert, Gosport. Bank of Indiana, Michi gan City. Bank of Mouticello, Mon ticello. Bauk of Mt. Vernon, Mt. Vernon. Bank of Paoli, Paoli. Fayette Co. Bank,, Cou- nersviile. F armors' B'k, AVestfield. Hoosier B'k, Logansport. Indiana Bank, Madison. Indiana Reserve Bank, "T Kokomo. ' ' Indiana Farmer' Bank, Franklin. Indiana Stock Bank, Im port, Kentucky Stock B'k, Co lumbus, i i Lagrange Bank, Lima. Mir. and Mccluuiics lik, New Albany, . -. New York and Va. State Stock Bank, Evansville. Parke Co. Bank, Kock Yille. Prairie City Bank, Terra Uante. . " Sonthern Bank of Ind., Terre Haute. : , Salem Bank, Goshen. Bank of Rockville, Wa- baghtown. Bank of Syracuse, Syra cuse. Bank of Salem, Salem. Bank of Salem, New Al bany. Bloomington B'k, Bloem- ingtou. Crescent City Bank, Ev ansville. Canal Bank. Evanville. Cambridge Ci ty B' k ,C'am - bridge City. Central Bank, Indianapo lis. UN CURRENT FUNDS. ; if The principal uncnrrent funds in this markot are Illinois, Wisconsin and Tennesse. They may be ? noted about as follows : Hinois :.....l discount. Wisconsin Tennesse Planters and Union blanks.... "A " Bank of Tennesse 21 " Free Banks solvent ,....,..,.11 Places of Worship. The following Register of places of public wor ship, may be of interest to strangers visiting our city: German United Evangelical St. John's Church. On Third street, between Division and Ingle streets. William Schmidt, Pastor. Meetings, every Sun day, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Christian Church Hall of thq. Neptune Engine Ilouse, Second Street, between Main and Locust. J. S. Tibbetts, Pastor. Services every Lord's day at 10 o'clock, A. At., and 7 o'cleck, P. M. Old Presbyterian Church, (N. S.j On Second, be tween Main and Locust streets. Rev. William Mo Caber, Pastor. Services every Sabbath, at 10j.2 'clock, A. m., and 3 o'clock, p. m. Sabbath School at 6 o'clock, A. M. Prayer Meeting every Wed nesday evening, at 8 o'clock. First Presbyterian Church, (0. S. Corner Vino and Second streets. Rev. Alexander Steubktt, Pastor. Services every Sabbath at 10J4 o'clock, a. ji., and 8 o'clock, p. m. Sabbath School at Oo'cluck. a. m. Prayer Meetiug every Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. ' St. Paul's, Episcopalian) Corner First and Cbeht uut streets. Service on Sunday, at 10 o'clock, a. u . und 7 o'clock, p. m. Sabbath School at 2 o - clock, P.M. Prayer meeting every Friday evcuiug ut 7 o'clock, and on .Wednesday, also, at same hour during Advent and Lent. Church of the Assumption, (Roman Catholic) Sec ond street, between Main and Syeainore. Revs. Antony Dedier and Patrick McDf.rmott, Pastors. Services every Sabbath morning at 8 and 10 o'clock. Vespers at 3 oclocK, P. M. Meetings every mom incr rim-ino- the week, at 614 and 8 o'clock, a. m. Trinity Church, (German Roman Catholic) Third street, between Vine and Division. Rev. Francis Kutassi. Pastor. Services every Sabbat hat 8 and 10 o'clock, a. u. Sabbath Schoid at 3 o'clock and meetings ov,ry morning through the week at 8 o'clock. A. If. 1 ' ; . Ingle Street Church, (MetlwJuf)U&o street, be tween Seventh and Eighth. Hei'f J. HiourJ'as- tor. Services every Sunday at o ciock, a. m. and 7 o'clock, p. M. Prayer Meeting every Fri rtuv evnnine at Vi to 8 o'clock. (Jenei Israel Synagogue Keller's Building, third utorv. on Main street, between Third and Fourth streets. Rev. Mr. Welchser, Pastor. - Services ev t,ry Friday evening at 7 o'clock, and Saturday morning at & o clock. .ilsdociufton of Spiritualise Temperance Hall, on Water street. Services every Sabbath at'tornoon, at i o'clock. Locust Street Church, (Methedirt) Locust street, between Second and Third. Rev. Hiram Uii more, Pastor. Services every Sabbath at 10)4 o clock, a. a., and 8 o'clock, r. a. Sabbath School at 9 o' clock, A. M. Weekly Prayer Meeting, every Wed nesday eveninu, at 8 o'clock. ' Zioii'j Evangelical Church On Fifth below Ingle street. Rev. Mr. Minoert, Pastor. Services every Sabbath, at 10 o'clock, a. m., and il o'clock, p. Wednesdav evenine, at 8 o'clock. first BaptUt CawrcA On the corner Second and Clark street. No Pastor. Church Meetings, Sun day morning at 10 o'clock. Prayer Meetings, ever Wednesday evening. Sabbath School at 9 o' clock. A. M. Gertaun MethodiU Church On Vine street, be tween Second and Third. Rev. Mr. Ramier, Pas jor. ireacniug, ouuuuj luvtum, i y tiwh. Also at night. Prayer Meeting, every ednesday uiorht. African Methodist Chnrch On Leet Btreet, bet. Third and Fourth sts. Kev. Mr. Abeam Hill, Cir cuit Rider. Class Meeting, every Suuday morning Prayer Meetiug, every Wednesday night. , German Baptiet Church Corner Second and Clark Btreet. Services every Sabbath, by Rev. Mr. Büsch. Prayer Meetiug, every Wednesday night. Sateni, or Allbrighle Church. (Clermau Corner Eiirhth and Division Streets. Rev. Mr. Iempeuion, Pastor. Services every Sunaay morning, at 11 o'clock. Prayer Meeting, every Wednesday night. German Lutlmran Lhurcn On ntu street, bet. Canal and Sixth, in Laiuasco. Rev. Mr. Saopeut, Pastor. Services uvery Sabbath morning, at 11 o'clock. Old School Baptist Sharp's enlargement. Elder A. D. Mohton, Pastor. Servieesevery Sunday moru inor at 1014 o'clock. Cumberland Frcsbtiterian Church Comer Second and Chestnut sts. Kev. Mr. Borrow, Pastor. Ser- ricea every Sabbath at 11 o'clock, a. m., and at 8 p. Meeting of Secret Societies.. MASONIC. Evatuville Lodae, No. 64. A. J. Oolbvrn, Secre tarv. Reeular meetings first and third Monday's in each month, at Masonic Hall, corner of Main and r,,nnsmll R. A. Chapter, No. 12. W. E. Hol- inosworth, Secretary. Meets t'n-st Friday in each outh, at Masonic Hall. odd fellows. Mornina Star Lodue, JVo. 7. James Swanson Becretai-y. Regular meetings every Thursday eve niner. coiner ol Main ana f irst street. Cremcent Lodge, No. 122. John Greek, Secretary Meets everv Tuesday evening. Schiller Lodge, (German) No. 138. John Dan nettem., Secretary. Regular meetings every Fri dav evening. EeansviH Encampment, No. 20. C. O. Keatz. Scribe. Meets second and fourth Monday Vin every month. TT J-'Ji BROWN LTI.JlOKJi 0 fS TERM. -Z. H. Cook & Son, Agents, Have this day received thoir first shipnit nt, and will continue to receive daily, per Adams je co. express, direct from the Packer in Baltimore, a full supply. The Cans are large size and filled full. All Oysters sold by us will be warranted in every respect second to none, n e are prepared to furnish hole sale and Retail, and offer a liberal discount to dea! ers. Give us a call. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Z. H. COOK A SO, septl8 No. 22, Main sn et. OME THiV -VJE W. 4,000 XttS. K l Canvassed Hams. 6,000 lbs. Bacon Sides, 600 Sugar Cured dried Beef, 500 lbs, No. 1 Cheese, 100 " Pure Cream of Tartar, 50 Sacks extra family flour. 10,000 lbs, country Bran 20 Bush. Corn Meal, 20 dozen Shaker and other Brooms. Just received and for sale by aug31 J. W. VICKEBY A Co. Wm. OBELI " VON VVe f ON HAVE just selected trom the largest Eastern Houses. a large sioca oi Violins, Italian, German, and French. Guitars of varioss prices. Accordeons ar d Flutinas, choice quality. Flutes, Flagoolets, Tambourines, Banjoes, And all Musical Instruments and Instruction Books, which they sell at Eastern prices. Also, a complete assortment of Envelopes of all kinds. Blank Books. Letter Paper. School Books. ' Newest Novels, Ac, Ac. :( Wholesale and retail, and at the lowest prices in the city. Call and see the selection before going else- ! where. aug27 i glOGNAC EBANCA M H. THE LOT of imported Brandies, formerly adertiscd to i be sold at public auction, will, from this date, lie sold privately, in quantities to suit purchasers. Call ; early, if von want pure Brand v for little monev. ' nsr2IJtod DECJKER A KRAMER. '. MISCELLANEOUS. n OPLAR , SHINULES. 50,000 MT Poplar Shingles, in yard and for gale by .. , - JOHN F. GLOVES, 5 angll - ". Comer Main and Seventh streets. Ms WITH L EAlt 1M5 KEGS PURE WW White Lead. Timothy Seed, a fresh article. A large lt of fresh Teas, assorted qualities, and packed. Just received by ept WHEELER & RIGG8. "W COPPEE-100 MIA US PRIME MM RioCoflVe. ' 25 Bags old government Java Coffee. -; 50 Boxes chuice Hamburgh Cheese. 75 Caddies fiiie Va. s. Tobacco. 100 Boxes lb, s. os. and 8s. do. Just received and for sale by WHEELER &, BIGGS. Jf W. DAJTE ,500 It USH. PEACHES, WW by septa Z. H. COOK SON. STEPHENS, (SUV Scantlm, Jr.,) Dealers in all -J censors to Jas kinds of Stoves, aud manufactu rers of Tin, Sheet 1 ion and Oonper Ware. Also. man- tifacturers - of, Fruit (.'ans of ev ery patent and dtscription, with which printed directions for put ting up all kinds of fruit, will be furnished, free of charge ; all of which will be sold very cheap for cash, at wholesale or retail. Storeroom at No. 13, Main street, between Water and First streets, (op posite old State Bank), Evansville, Ind. JAS. SCANTLTN, JR ....ROBERT E. 8TBPIIKN8. J-J Flooring Mill, Second street, between Chest nut aud Cherry, -dealers in Lumber and manufactu rers of Doors Shutters, Blinds, Sash, Door and Window Frames, Mouldings of every si&n. Flouring, Weatherboarding, Shelving, Mantles, Base Pilas ters, Green-house Sash, and Chain Pump Tubing. A large assortment of Sash, Bliuds, Doors, Mouldings and Pump Tabing, constantly ou hand. aiho, reatly worked i louring ol all kinds. Persons about to erect - buildings in the Southern or Western country, considering the lw rate of freight by river, railroad and canal will fiud it to their interest to purchase at our establishment, wnere tney fan be supplied with all the carpenter s work, ready-made, ot seasoned lumber, for the fin ish of buildings. Our work is not lttada as most factory work, with tenons half way through, but it is framed in the same manner as if made by hand. Sawing of all kinds done on short notice.- Terms cash, unless otlierwine agreed upon. my34-tt TEKLK HUNSiEL rffVUOSE CJtS, .i It tt V Kit AT ML last, at VAUTIKR 4 MARCONNIER'S, sept22 39 Main street. fwacxawns Jjvn provisions, IT EVANSVILLE, IND. Wholesale Dacartment. First street! first door from Zf tin ; Retail Department, Main street, first deer below th corner. : - Z. H. Cook begs to thank his friends In Evans- ville-And neighborhood, for their favors so freely be stowed on bim Bince he has been in business among mem, aim uttietf inis ejiiioriuiiiiy Ol introducing 10 tneir notice Dis son, Mr. 1. A. Cook, whom he has taken into partnership from this date, and solicits for the new firm ot .. H. Cook &Som, a continuance of the support so liberally conferred on himself. A. 11. Cook & od, having taken the business premises and purchased tho whole stock of Mr. M. v. foster, feel confident tliat they will bo enabled to supply the citizens of Evansville with every arti. clethey may require in the Grocery and Provision line. ti. ri. cook sc eon wish especially to draw the attention of parsons in the country having pro-!uee nl . . -. r 1 - i.. A n .4 i ......:. . ..F . 1. . . 1 1 C ior uiK-ing on Tiieir biock, ana supplying inem si their store, with all articles required in the whole sale dejiarement, at prices that must insure their orders for the futuro. , t . ., feb2-tf TO BUILDER.' AND CARPENTERS. The subscriber has bought out the interest of R. 11. iieiinett, in the. Lumlier lard, near Kratz dt Heul mans rounder)-.1- Ho now oners his stock at a cheap price for cash. ' " ilyl-3m JAS SW ANSON, raio itocTous. iiji.iti wjitj-j's M. RETROSPECT FOR JULY Just received at aug2G D0BELL & COM YNGTON. tHEJS WHEKLIJVa JWiliS, 1V store and hot s:ile by aug20 J. W. VICE ERY A Co. rWIHHÜE tVOOl HO RS H S t ONE M tresh Milch Cow, for sflle at aug.'iO V. II. COOK & SON'S. iE miUUR.'niu subscriber would respectfully call the attention of carpenters aud uiuklers to Ins stock ot Pine Lumber, which is one of the largest and pest ever -yarded in this citv rricps as low as tue towtwt. omiu corner Alain and Seventh streets.-' -- ' " JOHN . GLOVER. j'yi J - : mVlillfk fffilBI" XI'JU 'SV IWl'U GAR CURED HAMS. Recoived and St sale by Z. II. COOK & SON, Sole Agent for Kvnnnvillo. ff Ml RLS CHOICE . Jj.JRIt Oil., HF 20 bxs. Star Caudles, . 20 do Assorted Gerinau and Palm Soap, just received l.y . , Z. U. COOK & Son. yfI.wV .HJTKRI.1L. 10,000 Lights, 8-10 Sash, 3, li, and 9 It. each. 1,000 9-12 " , 2..VI0" 10-12 " 1,000" 10-16 and 10-12 Sash. 100 Pannel Doors, assorted sizes. 2-'i0 Boxes Glass, assorted sizes. Just received and for sale low, by WHEELER A RIGGS PRI.HE NE W 60 bush, ohoice Apples, 600 lbs. Sugar enred driod Beef, 60 dozen assorted Brooms, 60 bush. Sweet Potatoe s, 10 do Crab Apples, 600 Qniglev's Hams, 1,000 lbs. Bacon Sides, " . 5 bbla. No. 1 extra Mackerel, 6 " No. 2 Mackerel, -40 boxes extra Herring, 20 kits assorted Mackerel, 600 lbs. extra large Codfish. Received and for sale by foctll Z. H COOK A SON. VAOR SALE JJ" J IIJ RliA IJ A M. House aud Lot in N. E. Eulanrenieiitot the citv of Evansville. F.iiquire at the 11. K. A I. Oitlce, No. l, iNortn iiuru street, fcvansvnie. oi-tl C. C. COLLINS rWW'TTLE-H HATIJJXT UttOSS-tVT IB Saws, just received aud for sale bv uovl7 JACOB STKA Uli, No. 40 Main st. W.'KSt AVTOMATiV HO TAT f ING HARROW. Patentod May 25th. 1858. The attention of manufacturers of agricultural uiipiemeuts, ami nie raisersot small gram, is un it ed to a recent and most valuable improvement in the construction of the Harrow, invented by V. M. Chafee, of Gravville, Illinois. In this new imple ment the teeth are inserted in two self revolving horizontal wheels, by which the furrow of the teeih are made to cross the line of the direction of the harrow, and as the teeth go round the circuit of the wheel every lime the harrow moves forward the length ot the diameter of the wheel, each tooth has just three times the effect of a tooth in a straight harrow, consequently it does its work far better, and more of it. Once passing over the ground with this harrow, leaves it I Hitter harrowed than by two passages with tho ordinary harrow. It is much lighter draft upon the team, and what must be greut consideration wtih every practical farmer. passing over com or stubble ground, it keeps itself entirely Iree ox stalks, as Dy its action t scatters them on each side of it. The Inventor proposes to sell the right to mauu acturo tbeso Harrows, for any given Territory either Counties or States, at moderate prices. He will alto sell single Harrows, and on the receipt of 515 no will snip a good six feet Harrow to any part ol tn country, tue purchaser paving freight. Ad dress, V. M. CHAFEE, aug8-d3t-wtf Gravville, Illinois apices. as HAUS AhSPIVE V 35 1 Bags Pepper. - 100 Mat's Cinnamon fS) lbs. Cloves. , i 40u los. Nutmegs 10 Kegs Ground Ginger. - 16(1 Boxes assorted Grocery Apices, Mustaid Pepper Sauce, Baking Powders, Ac. For sale, low by s- GEORGE FOSTER A Co sept!5 Corner Locn?t street and Canal rg0 THE PUBLIC. &im, the little man, has this day Been opening GOODS both fresli and gay, He received near every kind That you in any city can find : And as he purchased by the bale, He is determined to RETAIL For READY PAT, a little lower Than ever has been had before. He with hfs brethren means to live, But as tor CREDIT shall not give, He wouldn't live to rouse your passion. For CREDIT here is out of fashion ; His friends and buyers one and all, It'll pay you well to give a call, Von'll always find him by his sign, On Main street, Number 40. Further more yon will bear in mind, Embrich takes funds of ev'ry kind, And broken Banks at higher rates, ' 1 As can be had in other States ; . - Tho city's credit he'll defense, : . s . Take thoir orders at 90 cents, &o if bargain.' von wish to meet, Go to 40, ou Main street. 'ST It -'.' g i . I'lt HifF t?jb "v i res reserved Cheese Canvassed Hams, . . Ii orai, German Soaps, Shaker Brooms, - Fine Sweet Tobacco, for sale by sept29 A lot just received and j A. D. REYNOLDS & Co. INSURANCE COMPANIES. t fW HNTJt.l i'T Of THE BECM-JJ - WM- uual statement of the ajßaürs end condition of the HUME IXSUXANCE Company; of the City of New York, on Oi 31d day of December, 1357. ASSETS. Cash Balance in Bank. $37,000 56 Bonds end Mortgages (being first lien on Real Estate, worth at least $891,O0U)....46O,GO0 00 Loans on stocks, payable on demand, (mar ket value of securities, '253,607). .150,859 85 Bank Stocks, (market value) 77,000 00 Real Estate, No. 4 Wall street, (the office of the Company). C7.C04 72 Interest due on the 1st of January, 1858, (of whieh $12,625 9 3has since been re ceived) 14,375 93 Balance in hands of Agents and in course of transmission from Agents ou the 31st ' December... 24,684 75 (Of which 87,8f.7 57 has since been re ceived). Premiums dno aud uncollected on Policies issued at Oltice 2,087 53 Total 834,213 34 Outstanding Losses on 31st De- ' cember, 1857, estimated at... 839,4 10 01 Due Stockholders on account of Seventh Dividend 1,700 00 41,110 01 CHAS. J. MARTIN. Pres't. A. F. WILLMARTH, Vice Pres't. J. MILTON SMITH, Sec'y. A. C. HALLOCK, Agent, Jel4-d6m Evansville, lud. WBSTKAVT STATEMENT OP THE WM. condition of the CITY FIUE INSURANCE COMPANY of Hartford, January 1st, 1858. NAME AND LOCATION. The name of this Company is the City Fire In surance Company op Hartford. The Company is located nt 11 art lord Connecticut. capital. The amount of its Capital Stock is one hundred and titty thousand dollars. The amount of its Can. tal stock paid up is one hundred and fifty thousand uouars. Cash on hand jlO,4liO 08 i.'asii in too nands ot Agents and other persons 13,469 1 Bonds ow nod by the Company, 10 $1,000 2d Mortgage Bonds or the Indiana Cen tral Railroad Company , paying semi-an- ' nual interest of 10 per cent 10,000 00 Debts due the Company, secured by mort gage on iteal instate 32.910 00 Lioans on collateral secured ty 391 snares or üauK stock, and other btocks and Bonds in possession of the Company.... 67,250 08 All otner securities are l-os snares Hank Stock 61.050 00 Bins receivable 12,353 38 Accrued Interest 4,043 06 Office furniture .. 577 17 Total assets of the Company 9192,079 66 LIABILITIES. Losses adjusted and not due.. .53,775 90 Losses unadjusted, and in sus pense, waiting for further proof 5,470 00 All other claims against the Company estimated 4,425 00 Total liabilities -.$13,670 00 The greatest amoiuit insured iu anv one risk Is 85,000. The greatest amount allowed to be insured in anv one City, Town or Village, varies according to its size and class of property. ltie greatest amount allowed to bo insured in anv one block, varies as in the preceding. iso part 01 its capital or earnings are deposited with any State or States, as security for losses therein. C. B BOWERS, Pres't. C. C. WALTE, Secretary. W. B. LOUNSBCRV, General Agent. Applications received by A. C. HALLOCK, Agant, Evansville, lud. Losses promptly adjusted and paid with fidelity and disriatch. iel4-6mosdw STATEMENT OP TUB VONIßi- J TI0N OF THE Hartford Fire Insurance Company, io inn. Aiuuuii u iiijü 01 a 1 ht O OHIO. January 1 185 8. 1. The name of the Company is tha HARTFORD , INSURANCE COMPANY; and its location. is at Hartford, Connecticut. 2. The Capital Stock of the Company is. ..500,000 3. The amount of the Capital Stock paid up is $500,000 4. The Assets of tho Company are as follows : Par Market Value. Value. 61 1 Shares Hartford Bank Stock $61 ,100 860,298 370. " Phieuix " " 37,000 37,'KsD 100 Shares Connecticut River Bank ing Company Stock 5,tor) 0,000 200 Shares Farmers and Mechanics' Bank Stock 20,00 21,600 115 Shares City Bank Stock 11,5 12,650 200 Charter Oak Bank Stock, 20,000 20,000 loO Mercantile Bank Stock, 10,009 10,000 150 Bank of Hartford Com pany Stock 15,000 7,500 200 " Exchange Bank Stock. ... 10,000 9,000 100 Shaies ilerchauts and Manufac turer's Bauk Stock, 30 per cent. paid 3,200 3,200 60 Shans Altna Bank Stock, 10 per cent. paid... fcoo 500 200 Shares American Exchange B'k Stock New York 20,000 19,200 300 Shares Baak of America Stock, New York 30,000 31,800 200 Shares Bauk of Commerce Stock, New York 20,000 20,200 300 Shares Importers and Traders Bank Stock, New York 30,000 28,500 200 Shares Manhattan Company B'k Stock, New York 10,000 12,500 100 Shares Merchants' Bank Stock New York 6,000 5,400 100 Shares Merchants' Bank Stock, New York, 25 per cent, paid 1,250 1,250 200 Shares Union Bank Stock, Now York 10,000 ll.OOtl 200 Shares Ocean Bank Stock, New York 10,000 1,600 100 Shares Bank of North America Stock, New York 10,000 VO.OOO 267 Shares Metropolitan Bank Stock, New York.. 26,70a. 27,768 100 Shares Merchants' Bank Stuck, Boston 10,000 9,800 100 Shares Bank of Commerce Stock, Boston 10,000 9,800 100 Shares Hartford aud New Haven Railroad Stock , 10,000 11,300 34 Shares Hartford, Providence aud Fishkill Railroad Steck, pre ferred 3,4(10 20 Shares Connecticut River Kail road Stock 2,090 120 Shares Connecticut River Rail road Stock 12,000 1,020 1,000 3,000 $403,750 f398,980 Bills Receivable bearing iuterest, includ ing Spuria! Deposits iu Banks $122,883 72 Balance 11 book, due the Compauy 30,485 71 Cash iu hands of Agents or iu course of trausmissiou 38,127 00 Cash on hand 40,573 67 $037,05 OO Banks or others, 6. No liabilities to due or not due ti. No losses adjusted and due. 7. Amount of losses either unadjusted 1 , d .. 8. or adjusted and not due f 4!,,to! öS GG 9. Losses in suspense waiting further proof, included in the above. 10. All other claims against the Com pauy 7,801 12 11. Tho rule of the Company is not to exceeil $10,00 iu any one riik, subject to loss by a single fire. 12. The amount insured iu a city or village, de pends upon its size generally all the desirable risks to be had ; subject to the rule above named." 13. The amount insured in any one block of build iugs depeuds upon its size and construction, subjx-t to the rule above referred to. 14. No part of the 'apital er earnings of this Compauy have been deposited iu any other State as security for losses thereiu, and no such d. H.wit is required by any Statu except Indiana; from which State the Agencies of the Company were withdrawn, as this Company entertains the opinion that its en tire Capital and resources are pledged for the equal security of all its Policy holders, and should so re maiu. I'ndertheopinion of a lare Attorney (General of the State of Indiana aforesaid, pronouncing the law invalid and void, some of the Agents of this Company have resumed their office and continue to transact the business of Insurance iu that State. And this Company will recognize all its Pwlicies issued to any party or parties in the State of In diana as valid and of binding obligation, and pledges itself to a faithful performance of ail such contracts of Insurance, whether so held by reasou of the pas sage of the law referred to or not. C. B. BOWEKS, Secretary. STATE OF CONNECTICUT, Hartford Countv. J January 6, 1858. Personally appeared C. B. BOWERS, Secretary of tho Hartford Fire Insurance Company, and made oath that the foregoing statement, by him subscrib ed, is a true, full and correct statement of the af fairs of said Company, aud exhibits so far as can lie ascertained at this date, its actual condition on the first day of January, 1858. Before me, H. H. BARBORN, J. P. Applications for Insurance may be made to the undersigned, ALLEN C. HALLOCK, Agent, spt3 Evansville, Indiana. KW mfN.HO R tt NEtVTONS Oil WW COLORS, in patent collapsible Tubes. Ar rangements have been effected with Messrs. Winsoi - Newton, for a constant and full supply of thir j celebrated Oil Colors. or brilliancy, durability and cutire reliability they are unrivaled. The til's : class medul was awarded them at the World's Fair i London. CHARLES BABCOCK, sept7 8 Main street. OR SALE, A PMJ 'tu Ldt tfAi Z. H. COOK & SON. Three Year Old Mnlo. INSURANCE COMPANIES. JNSURANeE AGENCY' ALLEN C. HALLOCK. EVANSVILLE, IND. Underwriter and General Insurance Agent, and ADJUSTER OF AVERAGES. He continues to issue policies from several FIRST CLASS and MOST RELIABLE INSURANCE COMPANIES IS THF. country, on island and fire risks. He will also receive applications for LIFE INSURANCE. BS-He will also attend to the ADJUSTMENT OF LOSSES of evcrv descriotion. under policies from other agencies, and attend to the settlement of all matters connected with Insurance, tor parties inter ested. His long experience as an Insurance Ageut, has made tum familiar with all sunjects conneciea with the subject of Insurance. fap28'57-ly. CMKTNA INSURANCE COMPANV VM. HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT. STATEMENT of the Condition of tho .32TNA INSURANCE COMPANY on the 1st of January, 1858, as required by the law of the State ot Indiana: The name of the Corporations ETNA INSUR ANCE COMPANY, located at Hakteord, Conn. The Capital Stock is ONE MILLION DOLLARS, and is paid up. The Assets of tho Company are: Par. Market Cash in hand and in Bank........;- S 87,989 69 Cash in special deposit tin... , Hartford banks, witti accrued.... interest Cash in hands of Agents, and... in transit .... Real estate unincumbered 64 Mortcaee Bonds at 8 per cent 200,131 00 lf.0.872 05 , 47,053 45 interest 1000 1000 44,000 00. 28 do do ti per cent, interest.... 1000 1000 28,000 00 10 Jersey City Water Bonds ü per cent, interest 1000 1000 10,000 00 1 Hartford City Bonds, 6 per cent, interest... 1000 6 Milwaukie Bonds 10 per cent, interest.........'. 1000 Money due the company se- ' cured by mortgage... Bills receivable 1000 15,000 00 1000 5,000 00 5,418 04 35,177 18 300 shares Hartford A New Ha ven B. R. Co., stock., 100 112 33,000 00 . 8,3iC 00 12,500 00 1,250 ' 5,000 104 shares Boston & Worcester Railroad Co., stock 100 78 250 shares Connecticut River It R Co., stock 100 60 5 shares Connecticut River Co., stock 100 50 shares Stafford Bank stock loo 50 shares Citizen's Bank, Wa- terbury stock 100 100 6,000 36 shares Eagle Bank, Provi dence stock 50 60 1,800 300 shares Phuenix Bank, Hart- - - ford stock . 100 100 30,000 400 shares Farm. & Mech. B'k. Hartford stock 100 110 44,000 300 shares Exchange B k. Hart- ford stock 50 240 shares State Bank, do do... loo 100 shares City Bank, do do...-. 11 100 shares Comity do do do 10 150 shares Conn. River Bunk, to 110 110 50 12,000 26,400 II, 6,000 50 Hartford, stock 50 120 9,000 435 shares Hartford B'k, Hart ford, stock , 100 100 shares Charter Oak Bank, Hartford stock 100 100 shares Merch. A Man. B'k. Hartford, stock paid in.... 75 shares Etna Bank, Hart ford, stock 115 4!),ül0 100 10,000 1,000 750 200 shares Merch. Ex. Bank, New York, stock 200 shares North River Bank, Now York, stock... ; 1200 shares Merch. Bank N. N. stork 2o0 shaves N. American B'k, 50 85 8,5M 85 SHJO 85 lnü 31,80 New York, stock. WW 100 20,000 200 shares Nassau Bank, New York, stock 300 shares America B'k., N. Y 10O loo 25 25 100 lilt) 50 lim lllO :' 50 loo 100 50 100 85 85 115 l.KI 100 106 108 7 80 2.5,509 25,500 23,000 0,01 Kl 21,200 10,01 SI 21, el 10 8, (Kl 8.00O 10,5oi 22,81: -31,500 lfl.iKHI L,0 HI 42,001 300 " Broadway B'k, " 400 " People's B'k. ' 200 " Republje B'k, " 10O " - City Bank 4o " Union Bunk " 1 ' Hanover Bnnk " 100 ' Commonwealth " 600 " liiu nix Bunk " 6C5 ." Manhattan R k, " 300 New York Rmk ' 20i " Market Bank " . 400 " cieean Bank " 40O , Met'pulitun B'k 80 ' Butchers' it lu-overs Bauk, New Y"orksl"H:k.... 300idtares ImpiutersÄ Traders' Bauk, New York, stock.... 400 shares American Exchange Bank, New York, stock.... 820 shares Merchants' Bank, '. Y. stock...- . .... 15 shares Mechanics A Tra ders' Bank, Jersey City stock 100 shares U. 5. Trust Co. New York, stock 150 shares N. Y. Lite Ins. & Trust Co., N. Y. stock 105 125 105 or. 75 10. 110 22,000 28,000 38,000 43,ow) . 1,1-jr- 10,000 22,5011 loo 95 100 5 50 J05 im 5 loO 100 Iis ion t -,50tv'!S7 80 LIABILITIES. The amount of Liabilities due or not duo to banks or other creditors nothing. Losses adjusted and due none. Losses adjusted and not due $ 12 030 90 Losses adjusted, iu suspense, waiting further proof or contested 101 8S! 85 All ether claiuts against the Company are small, tor printing Ac. ' Agents Instructed to take uo risks exceeding ? 10, 000 without special permission. The greatest aruouut iusttrud in any one city, town or vilhie varies. The- greatest amount allowed to be insured in any one block also varies. The Charter or Act of Incorporation and amend ment is herewith presented. TU0S. K. BRACE, Jr., Hartford, Jan. 1st, 1858. Secretary. STATE OF CONNECTICUT, 1 Hartford County. Bs- Hartford, .Tan. 1st, 1S5S. Personally appeared before me, a Justice of the Peace, duly xualilied to administer oaths, Thomas K. BRU'K, Jr., Secretary, and made solemn oath that the foregoing statement of the assets and condi tion of tlie .Etna 1 nsirranc Company is true. HENRY FOWLER, Justice of the Peace. THE STATE OF INDIANA, Auditor of State's o rii'E, Indianapolis, Jan. 12, 1858 J Whkreas, the Etna Insurance Company of Hart ford has filed in this Office, a statement of its con dition on the 1st of January, 1858, the act of its in corporation and amendments properly certified to, and its written instrument, nominating its Agents aud authorizing them fully aud unreservedly to acknowledge service of process in the event of suits. Now, therefore, in pursuance of the requirements of " An Act to amend an Act entitled an Act for the Incorporation of Insurance Companies, defining their iowers,and prescribing their duties, "approved March 2, 1855, having presented satisfcictory evi dence to me of full compliance to the requirement and specifications of that Act, 1, John W. Xhidd, Auditor of the State of Indiana, do hereby certify A1.1.ES C. Hai.i.eck, of Evansville, as tho Agent of said Compauy, is authorized to transact the business of Insurance as the Agent of said .ACtna Insuranc-e Company in this State, up to July 1st, 1858, to tho extent that he may be commissioned and appointed by the said Company. In witness whereof, I have hereunto subscrtlied my name aud caused the seal of my office to be af fixed, this 12th day of January, 1858. JOHN W. WOOD, Audit ,r of State. ALLEN C. HALLECIC, Aoest, Evausville, lud. feli6 1 orif.VH-2ü PEACOCK PMATH- er Fly Brushes; 3 doz. Misses' Brooms, a faucy article; 0 do ""ancy Whisks; 10 Co Shakrr and Lecnllon Brooms; 10 do assorted Scrub Brushes; 5 do Dusting Bm?hes, famy aud plai; 5 do Shoe Brushes, do do; - nORNBROQK A CO. UNIIRI E S3 0 0 O P O UNJ&S A S- sorted Wire; 500 B'dls common and charcoal Shest Iron; 2i) do Galvanized and Russia d 5 casks Sheet Zinc; Sheet Copper and Copper Bottoms, aä sizes, iu. store and for sale by . SAMUEL ORR. jly8 ' ' ' r ' - 0 TH E LOVERS OP A tiOOL Cup of Tea. We are iov in receipt of very choice lot of loose Teas, bought expressly for retail ;rade. Call one and all. Samples give with pleas ure, by 'i. H. COOK SON. MISCELLANEOUS. JE TO "J mnn ...... . . - . . . r. ... . . . . . . . j. an AJiju as vs or xnr. xiaits. R. B. HART, ..-. Agent for the following Mills, and Machiuesoffers for sale t- Tbe Great Eastern Corn Hnsker, SHEiiLKB AND CLEANF.K, Which will bhell from 1,000 to 2,500 bushels per dar. Also, '..-..-. The American Elephant. The great Novelty of tlbä day. It is the1 vwt Mill ever inveuted for the former's use. It will make ten varieties of product. It will grind the Cori aud Cob for feeding animals. It makes coarse (v fine nieal as may bo wanted, and it will bolt the meal as it grinds it. or leave it unbolted ut the op tion of the operator. It will grind Spices, Drugs or almost any other substance w hich requires the ope ration ef grinding. It does nil thes things, and requires but a littie power to drive it.. - THE GREAT BENGAL TIGER, r. Is a Mill designed to make the various grades of Hominy, and is one of the best Machines ever in veuted for the purpose. Bradford's Portable Burr Mil. Is too well known to need a" description. It is the cheapest, and at the same time, the- easiest kept in repair, of any iu use. All of the above Mills and Machines cau be soon in operation at . ., HAßT'S MILLS," . Corner of Second and Canal streets, w here the pub lic are invited to call and see the latest improve ments of the age before purchasing elsewliere.. t All orders will bo promptly tilled. , jaiV27-d.SWtt K. 15. 11 A KT. - "ToMETHtNS ARF flfVKifET 3 TElt THAN OTHERS. R. B. HART, is now prepared to Bniiplv the city and country trade with the bestofeom meal, un bolted, coru grits and hominy, ot all grades; wheat grits, unbolted flour, rye flour, extra family flourj crush feed, bran, shipsriitT, corn, oats, chicken fed, and all articles in the teed line. All trade delivered. to any part of the citv. Please send in vour orders. My prices will lx low, as cheap as tho chcaiiest, and ns good as the best. The nimble sixpenco better than the sl-w.- shilling is my motto. All may depend on gettiug all my lrade made of uono but the liest ot ground grains, as 1 will buy no other. ' K. if. n Art 1. jan27-dwtf j - J far h. coo is te son, REAity pa v Jtfjm STOKE. Agricultural Implements,' Seeds and Groceries sold at cash prices for all kinds of Produce and Live Stock, such as Horses,- Mule C-ows, Calves, Beef Cattle, Hogs, Cliickeus, Butter, Lard, Bacon, Eggs, f urs and Miins of evi-rv do- scrintion, Gitvteuir, Beeswax. Feathers. ' Wheat, Corn, Oats, Barley, Beans, Rye, Bran, Short Dried Apples and Peaches, Potatoes and Vegetables of all sorts. 11. CtMfii. & JJUAS. fcb20-dAw " ' '.' t . : , .-n; nt-'.W - WmA LVAULE STANiARI tt'ORHS. W UOBELL & CoNYNUTON, are sole, agnits ior vamierourg countv, ior au ine suoscripTii Books published by I. Appleton &'o. 44 Abridgement of the Debates in Cougresa, Or Public II istory of tbe United States. New American Encyclopedia, a Iii fioinirv and Journal of Knowledge Certainly tbe first work of the age. AhiericuB Eloquence, a Collection of Speeches and Addresses of the most r.niinent Orators America. ' ' ' '- - Encyclopedia of Wit and Humor, by tiie celebra ted ( oniodian lilirton. lu 2,c. Iietionary of Machino Mechanic-swaud Engine WorK. The u.-west aim most unproved edition 25c. Nos. " ' " - 1 ' - - Ire's Dictionary of Arts,, Manufactures and: Mines. , UOBELL rONYNGTON leg to call attention to ttieir important works, and reoiicst thfir kind friends to cull and see thoui; its also, the array of opinions if eminent men 111 coiitirmatiou of their importance mid vaiue. ljohcll & t;onti,n have samples and sp.-cmiens of the various bindings in -which These- work can Ik procured, Iroui paper to the finest mittco; mrl7 rX.i BUSH. PRIME SEE R'E.-H0 9w bush. Ear Corn, received per st. ainer .1. If, 1V". . ' ' . ' . ' 1 " Kice Floor. ' - ' . - Cora Starch. Wheateii Gritt. - - 3 a:. ' I- anna. . , t -:..-- ': Split Peas. : - . Maccaroui. . eriiiicetla. 3 doz. uls. Vor-e"tei.bire Ssnce 5 - pt-s. ' ' t " half ).ti. " " 3 " .' , John Bull. . , , . 3 ". ... " Harvey i ," , .; 3 o ' Essence of Shriinp-.-3 " ' Anchoives, : . . Lemon Syrnji. -t ' Ginger " " ' ', '" " Strawlterry " ct ' Kariplierrv. " ' , Pine Applo K-ii-sapai-illa ' angOIy Just received and for sale by ' H. COOK & SON. mgOOP IRON .IOOO HUNIiLES JtM. Hoop Iron, assorted sr,es, ou hand and tor ile at reduced prices by - SAM UEL Oli K. JT ISSOL V T ION. THE PA RTNEtt JBLPshni heretofore existing ftetwecu John A Reitz, John A. Ilaney and W. Car;eiiter, under the firm aud name of Keitz, llaney Je t o., lias tieen this day dissolved bv the retirement of W. Cariien tr, Efij., the interest of said W. Carpenter having Iteeu purchased by the suid John A. ' R(dt. and Jolin A . Huney.' The affairs and business of the old tirm will ite settled by tho new firm of -, : EEITZ & HANEY, '? Who will continue Ihe iiianiifacture of Sleam Engines and Sleam Boilers, of any ai, together w ith all the Shafting, Wheels, Pumps, HiM Machinery and Mill G.-urilig of aii3" size. Also, I'istillery and Mining Machinery,' and iu fact everything in the Iron line, utility old stand corner ot" fujde and Caiinl Streets. apO-1858-tt REITZ & IIASEY. mkEi,VLimiEH i'ARIf. We are now WW ottering for sjd to the city and conntry trado our whole stock of lumber at retail. Having extra fai-ilities for ni:uiiifatnring and bnying pine lum ber iu Pennsylvania, wo think wo can offer induce-' inenls to piirclutsers that they cannot find elsewhere in the city. We shnll at all times lie supplied with a full assortment. - Also, pine tdiinglas and dressed floormg always on lis.iid. ;all at the ottiee on the above corner. WATSOS, NEWBERRY & Co., . Coi uer Main and Eighth stre-ts. nov 17-ly ' jTOAL! COALSf COALfffZ.yx(, Tt-Zw, Tiow KS on baud ami are daily rece ing the lst C IA L that has ever tieeii intnsiiM-ed into this market, which we are selling low. 4iod currency will bo received in p:iymlit. Orders l.-ft nt the sto-H of JN'O. W. HUGHES, next to the SfjOe Bank, will I promptlv attended l,. .ian2i:-tf JXt. V,. IiruiIES. grINE mlilNULEI.4t,M Nw.lPiiie JS Miingles, lor sale low. Also, oO.'km) Poplar. JOHN '. ULtlVKIt. jlyl Corner Main and Seventh stri-eis mmew noons arrival: VI At S EMBRIVS. NEW "lUY GtM-'DS, For Sale For Cash O.vlt,' NEW DRY GOODS ARRIVED At S. EMBTCH'S ; NEW DRY GOODS, For Sjle .- -v .V l ok Cash only, v it NEW IillY' GOODS ARRIVED At S. EMBICH'S. NEW DRY iOODS, For Sale Foe Cash 1m v NEW DRY GiXS ARRIVED At R. EMfllCH'S NEW DRY GOODS, For Sale Fol! (.'ash Osi.v. ap3 " ' g UltlfJ UlTi- U RA L IM PL EMENT S WM. 0 doz Scythe and Snathos, various pattern 2 do Scythes and Cradles, do do: ü do Manure rorks; 5 do Lone Handled Hay Forks: . . l do Short da do; 2 buses Scvtlie stones. For sale at '.. II. COOK k S N"S. Ww7fifPS ! PORT V tJRÖlsSIcA T-' JiM. TAN HOOrS : Thirty Grof s Brass Hoops of etra sie and superior quality. Jnt received and for sale cheap bv augl3 MESSRS. J. H. MAGHEB A Co. MUSH. CORNMEAL PRESH t39 GliOUIi D.- For Sale by -;' ulvi Z. H. COOK- f'OlN- : jsTVi ISBushels just received and for sale cheap at -aug-27 A. D. REYN6LDS A Co. TOBACCONISTS. rmH K -LARGEST TOBACCO ES- JL .. TABLDsHMENT IN THE STATE, . '-F. FKNDR1CII & BROTHERS, Would respectfully inform the citizens of Evans ville and vicinity, that they have a. larger" stock ot Tobacco, Segars, Snuff, Pipes, and 3 tier 111 an Smoking Tobacco, than any two establishments of our principal cities. Hotels aud store-keepers look to yonr interests. Before purchasiug elsewhere, please examine our large assortment, which we pledge ourselves to sell at the lowest Baltimore prices, and cheaper than an be bought iu Cincinnati or Louisville. All we ask is, that you shall call and judge for yourselves. We offer any of the above at w holesale or retail. Our establishment is branch of the well known extensive Baltimore Tolmcco Warehouse ot Jos. Feudrii-h & Bros. No. 155 Forest street. i - . . F. FENDRICH A BROS., . , 1 . r Main st. 1 door above First, ;j"yl5 ; Evansville, lud. ACHINE-MAItE HORSE SHOES The Troy Iron and Nail Factory, at Troy, . 1 ., nave- iienry imrilen 3 Imprrived Horse Shoe Machine ry uow in successful operatiou, and are prepared to execute or ders for Horse and Mule Shoes, of any weight aud pattern, at a price but little above the price of Horse Shoe Iron. The quality of the Iron used Jn these shoes is warranted iu every respect. These shoes have been approved of, and are now used by the United States Government exclusively, as also by many of tho principal Stage and Omnibus Companies and Horse Shoers throughout the country. Those Shoes can du purchased tnrongn tne principal Hardware ana Iron Stores in the United States. Orders addressed to the Subscriber, at Troy vil lage, will receive prompt attention. -..' : V aj. x. l C K Of. JV , Agent, aptü-ly ' ' Trey, N. Y. O THE SCHOLARS OP OUR SCHOOLS. DOBELL CONY'NGTON have alargo gtock of all! the SCllOOl J300K.S used in the schools- They thank their young friends for post support, and trust to see them again this season. . .. ' : . ; S 'i - 8ept4 TatrALTuis pre sir ovsters. TM. KURTZ, at the Wholesale and Retail Confectionary on n-st street, WsSNi I two doors from the Poet Ooice, has vst, again been appointed side agent for Maltby's Baltimore Oysters, hi the Citv of Evansville, and he will receive daily supplies by Express, directly from the Packer 111 Baltimore, lie is prepared to oner tne traue su.rn inducements for the edtiro season as have never lieen offered in this market heretofore. A constant daily supply always on baud, so that dealers aud families can obtain at any time during tho season those choice Oysters, in cans and half cans and in the shell, warranted fresh and sweet, and very superior in flavor aud quality. Terms, rash. AndJJnone but bankable money received;. A, KURTZ, sept5-0m Sole Ageut for Evansville, WkR. JONES' OPI'ICE ANIt RESI- HENCE on-First Street, between Walnut aud C'hestant,. -.m...,,. . - - - oct.4 ECJUER it KRAMER. NU-MA .. FACTURERS OF Lard Oil, Soap and Candles, -Also an extra rtieki vt ENGINE, CAR AND TALLOW OIL ...,., lor Machinery, and a Superior Refined Burning Oil, j Will HEAD LIOHTS, ADAtTTP.DTO BTÜAMBOATSjllOTr! S, AND ALL OTHER UI'llNLNO PURlOV, ' No. 4 6, North Side Malis Is ert, l-.TWF.KN FIRST ANO RKOOXO, . f : - EVANSVILLE, 1 KIIA :4 A. PHILIP lltCKKR... PHILie Sk:J.d H. These Slacliine and Buruiug Oils are warranted to stand all climates and seasons. The attention of master - mechanics of Railroads, Steamlsiats, Aitis and Machine SUopa, is-particularly called to the aliovo card. aug27-lyd 7giiREH exhIbTtiIin optJTe Jl largest mi xnost beautif ul stock ot Hats and Caps ever open c ;in Evansville.. Come oue and all. We will he pleased at. all times to show our Goods and sell them cheaper t han the cheapest. VAUTIEU & MARCONMER, eepfll 39 Main street. MWROlll i hi. a v unipkins, - ' - Appb1, ' - ' J'otatocs, Irish and Sweet, Oranges, , ; Turnips," - " ' ' -,-. White . Beans, Cabbage, e. For Bale by OL-t27 , . . , - Z. H. COOK & SON, KUST RECEI VElt B I EXPRESS, 9Jf Citv of tho Great King by Dr. Barslay. Hadji iu Syria, by Mrs. Sarah Barslay Johnson At ang20 - J. HEALY'S. I KLLOW PINE FLOO.'ING. thonsand feet, well seasoned. Load V'uhs a full assortment 011 hnnd. TIN PLATE. 7oofing Tin; ' ICand IX do FEW Waster Ou hand and for sale by ' SAMUEL off, gJST RECEIVEIL'iO CA SEM Ol Burrows' tobacco, 50 boxes tiermun water proof matches, forsnlaby TENNEY Ji SoKUüN.SON, - aug'20 v . - . . . .-. Ha. 31 Watox street. - ÖRSALEÄtiSTÖR V BRICK M. House aud Lot ou Fifth street, at a bargain. Enquire at the R. E. Si I. OOWe, No. 1, North Third stre-t, Evunsvillo. " octl ,0 - ' t, C. C. COLLINS. TnUILOINO MA TE R I A I. 50O 'JEM Kegs Nails, nil sixes. . 10,00(1 Lights Sash all sizes. , 2n0 Doors, usual sizes. . 400 Boxes Window Glass, assorted sizes. ül Kegs White Lead. 5 libls. Linseed Oil. 3 Bbls. Putty iu bladdser, Also, White Lime, Grey Lime, Plaster Paris, White Sand, Hydraulic Cement, in any quantity de sired bv purchasers. For sale at reduced rates by sept 15. ...... GEORGE FOSTER & Co. 1 i "I-1- PRE SB LA RIß l PRESH Corn Meal ; Green Apples, &c. septd A. D. KfcYNOLDM Co. MJEEto STORE. THE lNIIEH- B? SIGNED will keep constantly ou hand, H A Y, COlt'i, OATS, SUIPSTVFF, BRAN. And all other articles needed to feed Horses or Mules. All of which he will sell wholesale or re tail, at lowest market rates, giving just weight and measure. ROBERT 8. RUSTON, Water street, between Main and Ijocust, Evansville. ,..,aug3-Iy f V 'h UM ES 3 5Ö HA Sits COPPEEi v 12110 kers assorted Nails; liio do Cut Spikes; "- 50 do Wr't do; , 40O boxes assorted Class; 75 do do Tobacco; '-- so do - ' do 1 Starch; " ' -. 5o do do Star Candles; . t . 4 200 kogs White Lead; 15 bbls. Linseed Oil; 'Jl 5 do Turpentin; : 50 d Rosin; ... 10 do Pitch; 50 do Vinegar; 11 40 bags hue Salt; ' loo bbls. White Lime; 1"0 do Ceuieut, - - 50 bbls. Grey Lime.; zo do Pliistur Paris. Iu store and sale by" OUR. DALZELL A Co. glEÖ. THOMtNHILL, UES LEA VE 9W tn return histhanks to his old customer? for their kind patronage, and hopes by strict attention to I. urines.-,, and cood work, 1 Isa able to merit a continuation of their favors. Having removed bis stora to the corner of Second and Main streets, for merly occupied as a Silversmith Shop, be is now prepared to furnish all who may favor him with a call, with ell the articles in his line. SPRepairhis; done w ith neatness and despatch. Second hand harness always on hand. ily22-fim. O ' do , Coke, - - do" loo Plate do ' 12 X 12 do. wt2ft MISCELLANEOUS. GfU'AN sV CO.'S LOTTERIES TRI- 9 UMPHANTÜ SWAIT& CO. Continue to Draw at Usual wttliom , ; i . . Interruption. SWAN & CO.'S ' LOTTERIES ARE LEGAL, AND A VTIIORIZED BY THE STATE OF GEORGIA!.' The late attempt to injure ovr ßrm has shown that onr L.ttteries are drawn fairly; that our Prizes are paid jMHctuaMy; and that our st'hetue are wore wm than any other LiMcry in the HVrd .' The following scheme will be drawn by S. SWAN & CO., Managers of the Sparta Academy Lottery, in each of their Single Numlier Lotteries for NOV., 1858, at Aiwsta, G:o., in public, under the sn liei iuteiideuce of Commissioners. flan 4 0 draws on Saturday Nov. C, 1858. Clns 4 1 draws ou Satnrd.ty, Nov. 13, 1858. Cta km 4'i draws on Saturday, Nov. 20, 1858. Clamm 43; draws on Saturday, Nov. 27, 1S68. ON THE PLAN OF SINGLE NUMBERS. 50,000 Tickets. FIVE THOlS.tSLi FOVR HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-FIVE PRIZESt Nearly Oue irize to every Nine Tick ets! MAGNIFICENT SCHEME! TO BE DRAWN Each Saturday in November 1 Prize of....... '. 70,000 1 " 30,1100 1 " ' 10,000 1 " ' 5,000 1 " " 4,000 ' 1 " 3,000 . 1 " 1,500 4 " " , 1,000 4 " " 900 4 " " 800 4 700 4 " ' 600 50 " 600 50 " 300 100 " ". . 125 230 " " 100 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 of f tot! Approx'ing to 70,000 Prize 51,000 4 " 300 " 30,000 " 1,200 4 " 2011 " " 10,000 ' ...... 8i0 4 " 125 ' ' 6,000 ' 600 4. : 100 " 4,000 ...... 400 4 ' 75. 3,000 . 300 4 " " 50 ' "'" " ' 1,500 " 200 5,000 " :i 20 are .. 100,000 5,485 Prizes amoiintiug to... $3:40,000 Whole Tickets 10; Halves $ Quarters 82. 1 ftB" A Circular showing the plan of the Lotteries will be sent to any one desirous of receiving it. Certificates of 'Packages will lie sold at the fol lowing rates, which is the risk; Certificate of Package f 10 Whole Tickets ?80 " 10 Half " 40 , , " ;,. ! " 10 Quarter" 20 " 10 Eighth " 10 In ordering Tickers rir Certificates, enclose tho mouey to our address for ths Tickets ordered, on re ceipt of which they will be forwarded by first mail Purchasers can have tickets ending in any figure they may designale. The List of Draw a numbers and Prizes will be Sent to puichiisers immediately after the drawing. WU-Purclittiers will please write their signatures plain, and give their Post otlice. County -ad State AWS'liem. -mltcr that every Prize is drawn and psyahle in full n ithoiit deduction. itöAI! prizes of 41,000 and under, paid immedi ately after the drawing other priKes at the usual time of thirty days. All communications strictly confidential. Address orders for Tickets or Certificates to S. SWAN i CO., Augusta, Georgia. ffer-Pers-oux residing near Montgomery, Ala., or Atlanta, Ga., can have their orders tilled, and save time, by addressing S. Swan & Co., at either of those cities. &3"A list of the iiumlM-rs (hat are drawn fiom the wheel, with th amount of tbe prize that each 0110 is entitled lo, will bo published lifter evory drawing, in the following papers: Augusta (Geo.) Constitutionalist, New- Orleans Delta, Mobile Reg ister, Charleston Standard, Nashville Gazette, At lanta Intelligencer, New York Weekly Day Book, Savanuah .Georgian, Ricbmoud Dispatch, New Y'erk Dispatch and Paulding (Miss.) Clariou, and Little Rock (Ark.) Democrat. Aug. 18. g iHARI.ES BABCOCK, IMPORTER and Dealer in Coach and Saddlery Hardware, Main street, near Water. Having com pleted my ar range me n ta with Europe an and Amer ican manu facturers for a direct supply of all goods in my line, I am enabled to of fer Inducements, that cannot fail to be to the interest of all en gaged in the business to give me a trial. I name in part: axles, springs made of tho best steel; bauds, enameled and of all kinds of leather; cloths, linings for carriages, varnishes, castings ot ail kinds, saddle tires, English bridle leathers, bits, stirrups, spurs, hiiuies, tine silver liames of all kiuds, Jenny Liud Gig Trees, sell'-ad.iusting pads, Taylor's patent hames, fly nets, shoe threads, horse blankets, London Girth Webs, American Girth and Rein Webs, both cotton and worsted; London Welt Skins, a superior article; ivory, gutta percha and brass lined martengal rings; superior kerseys for horse covers, t he liest quality of carriage bolts, patent gig trees, &c, Jtc. I keep in tict everything appertaining to either brunch of the business, and understanding both I anches thoroughly, wa would respectfully invite your attention before purchasing elsewhere. 1 am also agent Tor Ward's Patent Spring Saddle. ap2u-d&w L LIS HOWES, WATER ST.,1 WM- door above Vine, sole Manufacturers of the Celebrated Magnolia "Whisky fir EVANHVILLR, ISO. JALSO AT kinds of Domestic Liquors, and con stantly a large supply of Old and Choice Bourbon, Rye, and Monougahe'la Whisky. augl-d&wly. JI LS 75 kegs assorted Nails for sale by j. n. t oon a. 00. TB-HOOR MATS! HOOK MATS! 15 HP doz. assorted, from common Grass to WorsteC Bugs. For sale by 7.. H. COOK & SON. jwiami rTple PIWBER OÖ Fl kegs Miami Rifllo Powder; 00 kegs Blasting Powder; 25 cafes Bille do; 60 half kegs Riila Powder. For Kile by Z; fLCOOK & SON, Agents. mE W MUSIC, JUST RECEIVE!! W by Express, at J. HEALY'S. lm-ST RECEI f pjKi95BAsVMÖP M FEE. 100 boxes tea, IÖ0 bales American Navy oakum, 5 cases liquorire, 10 cases lemon syrup, 10 do brandy cherries, 5 do absynth. 20 boxes pickles, 5 do peccalilli, 5 donasturtious, 5 do curacoa in jugs, 5 bbls flour sulphur. 10 kegs refined saltpetre, 5 bbls alum, 6 do chalk, 5 do coperas 15 do almonds, 5 do filberts, 5 do almonds isoft shell), 5 do Brazil nuts, 5 do English walnuts, 10 boxes shelled Almorels, 5 bbls currents, lOlioxes citron, 100 do fire crackers, 10 cases cards, 100 doz tr buckets, fur sale low by TENS EY A S0RRENS0N, aug30 No. 31 Water street. TfWAirMJs PATENT CONCRETE MM SAFES. We are agents for the celebrated Hall's Patent Fire Proof aud Thief Prof Safes, manufactured bv Hall, Carroll A Co. Cincinnati. A constant supply will be kept on hand, and sold at manufacturer's prices. PRESTON BROS .--inO KEHS A SSORTEIt WW Nails, received and for sale cheap for cath by JACOB STRAUB, jl y24-3w No. 40 Main street.