Newspaper Page Text
THURSDAY MORNING -DECIMBEB 23 " See First and Fourth Pagi for (ntrstlug Reading Matt-. Local and Miscellaneous. To tbb Ladiks asd Gextlixes or Ev axsvillb. I am opening on Third stroet, in th room adjoining the Crescent City Bank, a beautiful assortment of jewelry and fancy articles, including rings, bracelets, breast pins, gold chains, gold and silver watches, pearl, lava, and gold stone sets,complete, all of the finest French manufacture, and of the latest and most fashionable styles, se lected with great care and taste. Also, silver tea services, silver knives and forks, silver goblets, silver cream pitchers, silver fruit caskets, silver egg stands, silver castor stands, gold and silver thimbles, gold pens and holders, silver pen holders, opera glasses, spectacles, paper holders, paper cutters, pocket books, port monnies, port folios, card cases, Ac, plain and fancy whalebone and bamboo1 canes, gold and silver mounted revolvers, several patents. Also, collars, uudersleeves, silk stockings, gloves, French embroideries, silk dress patterns, and a great variety of elegant articles suitable for ladies' and gentlemen's wear. All of which I am offering for sale, for cash, at greatly reduced prices, as my object is to close them out at once. To those wishing to provide beauti ful and valuable presents for the holidays, no better opportunity wa3 ever offered. Rohisa Smith. Imperial Spelling' Test. The Emperor of Dominica, Faustin I., says the Paris Chronicle, who imitates France in all things, and has, like her, princes, marshals, dukes, counts, colleges, and .uni versities, recently resolved to establish an Academy of forty members, like the world renowned French Academy. But it was not easy to select the forty ; every inhab itant of the empire who could write his own name, thinking himself qualified. So his majesty decreed that 3,000 of bis subjects, who possessed the reputation of being the most learned of all should, on a given day, assemble at the royal palace, and hi subject ed to a literary tent. When they were col lected, he announced that the test was the writing of the word citron ; and, that those who made no error in the lpt1 ling, should be members of the Academy. Pen, ink, and paper wore brought; each of the 3,000 peo ple wrote the word, and the judges of the land and the bench of bishops were charged to examine the 3,000 papers. They pro claimed that 39 only of the candidates had written the word correctly that is with a C, the remaining 2,961 huving used an S. 'Only thirty-nine," cried tho Emperor, "and we want forty. Well I will be the fortieth member myself." "Sire," cried the judges, your majesty will no doubt, deign to submit to the test?" "Of course," exclaimed Kaus tin, and in a large bold hand, he wrote Xitrou with an X. The judges looked puzzled for a moment, and then, after glancing at each other, proclaimed that his Majesty bad passed triumphantly through the ordeal. The Em peror was thereupon proclaimed, amidst the enthusiasm of the general assemblage mem . ber of the Academy. "And 1 will be Per petual Secretary too," added his Imperial Majesty, with pardonable vanity. CSyOne or two attempts have been made to abstract books from the law Department of the State Library. The window had been raised and the books placed on the sill out s'ds, but were discovered when the Librarian went lo close up at night. This is the second attempt that has beau made to rob the State Library. The rogue is evidently b ent ou gaining some knowledge of law. Decline is Tobacco. The Louisville Journal says 41 hhds of tobacco shipped to New Orleans iu August last was recently sold. The lowest estimate of the value when shipped was $100 per hhd., the nett pro ceeds less than $75 per hhd., making the snug loss of more than $25 per hhd. To bacco has, however, declined here fully as much since August. , 8g The steamer Kate Sarchet brought for EvansviUe houses and re-shipment to New Orleans, 3,000 packages pork, lard and wheat. She will leave for HuUonville and all way places on the Wabash, this evening (Thursday) at 3 o'clock. ßQy We call attention to the advertise ment of Mr. J. H. Baird, Dentist, who has located permanently in our city. lie is a fine workman and warrants his work. His office Is at No. 45, Main street. 8,The Vincennes Gazette says a gay Lothario of that city, was shot for attempt ing to captivate a "black swan" of that place, not by the wooing of a " lovier," but net armie. The Gazette's Latin needs rub bing up. ". , " ' tt-jo-T" Indianapolis National Democrat, which was started last Spring as the State organ of the Douglas Democracy, has been indefinitely suspended. The Weekly Güten, we presume, will take its place. Er3The State Sentinel intimates that if the Legislature fail to provide for the State interest due on the first of January, the Governor, Auditor and Treasurer, under the law which empowers them to make a tern orary loan, will provide for the January" Interest. t&" The second prize, of $50,000, in the Havana Lottery of November 27tb, was drawn by a gentleman connected with the press in Chicago, Ills. B It is proposed to tender Gen. Scott a grand reception in Charlestor , shortly, on the occasion of a brief stay there, while en route from New York to Havana. The Vienna correspondent of the London Timet, alluding to the attempt of Russia to purchase the principality of Mo naco, says that during the late war that principality was ceded to the United States, but the convention never ratified it, because some at the European governments pro tested. . ' ' tSf Dr. Owen's Geological Report ot Arkausas will soon be printed and ready for delivery. The Memphis Enquirer announces ! that Hon. Jerc. Clemens has become perrua ; nently associated with that paper and will , take the chief control of the editorial de- ! partment. Mr. Clemens was formerly U. S. ; Senator f rom Alabama. The Eatjluj in j ; making thU announcement, says of him : ' Mr. Clemens is known to the whole couu- j try as a forcible writer and a profound states man. There is no man in the South there is none in the nation whose opinions would have more weight on political ques tions. Standing upon a great national plat form, he will advocate the Union as it is, and the Constitution as it is, and repel all sectional encroachments. Thb Vote is thb North-west. The Cin cinnati Enquirer gives the following as the popular vote of the North-west, according to the elections of 1856 and 1858: Ohio 390,000 Illinois 252,000 Indiana 235,000 Michigan 120,000 Wisconsin 130,000 Iowa 95,000 Minnesota 35,000 The seven North-western States adds the Enquirer poll a hundred thousand more votes than the fifteen slave States and they cast- nearly one-third of all the votes of the Union ! After the census of 18C0 the North-west will be the governing power of the confederacy. They already cast nearly three times as many popular votes as the New England States, who arrogate to tbemseives so much importance. Canal Receipts. Arrived. Per Red Ron, ISO cords Wood ; per Collior, 400 lbs House Goods, 9,000 Stars ; per Fox, 22,000 lbs Hay, ft cords Wood ; per Reit Rover, 12 Cord Wood; per Jim Cm, fi ford.. Wood; per Princess, 300 bushels Wheat, HIO Flour Barrels, AO lhs Flour; per Mark Diamond, 21, Quo Hoop Poles, 4 tierce Lard; per Washington, 4 tierces Butte , 7 bbls Lard; per Iniperitil, "ö.OUO Shingles, 30O kegc Lard, 15 ti trees du., SH) bushels Wheat; per Rosanna, 60 dressed Hogs ; per Fox, 15 cords Wood. Cleared. Per Prince. 6 bid Molasses. 2 do. Vinegar, 2 do. Tar, l. do. Whisky, 600 lbs Mdae., 4 j vusneis lame, o.z-o to Jiuse. ; per l'rincow, 20 bbls Salt, 1,813 bbls Whisky, 4 sacks Coffee. NATHAN ROWLhY, ('..Hector. Invalids Rljoick. A new era h taking place in the science of medicine. The time has come when the wor3t and most appall ing cases of disease can be cured. New discoveries are beiug made in the medicinal agents employed, as well as in the art of combining aud preparing them. Four years' trial has fully established the fact, that Dr. Easterly's Family medicines are the best and roost certain curatives known for the diseases for which they are recommend ed. Every family should keep a supply on hand, and thereby save doctor's bills, and much suifering. Dr. Easterly's Iodine aud Sarsaparilla, Dr. Carter's Cough Balsam, Dr. Easterly's Fever and Ague Killer, Dr. Hooper's Female Cordial and Dr. Baker's Specific are all meeting with a rapid sale and are universally approved. Over One Hundred Thousand Dollars of these popular articles have beou sold within the last two years. See the advertisements in our col umns. Special Nolices. r-1 i i r Mrnyor. 11 ire mmthortted lo announce NATHAN ROWLEY, Esq., as a candi date for Mayor of the City oi Evausvillo. Mr. Row ley will, in a few days, publish an address to hi foUow-ctlifcen.. declG J Itwelltmg to R nt. f neu ttco-tlory Brick House, ou Second street, between Gum and Maple streets, occupying all ontire lot. It contains four rooms ou each floor, with a good cellar ; it lias convenient outbuilding and an excellent cistern. Possession can lie had immediatlcy. Apply to Mrs. O. E. LEWIS. decl7-tf THE F. V A NS V IL LE WEEKLY JOURNAL Made np from the Dailt Journal, contains 2 8 CoisMSI of icell-tetecttd awl cai efully pi eoared Read ing Matter, affording tho best medium for keeping our friends in the country fully "posted up," to be fouud iu the West. THE LATEST TELEGRAPHIC DISPATCHES, Together w ith a summary of the Markets, are in serted in every Weekly paiier, aud by perusing the Jot' RNA L, our friends in the Country will not he '.iabie to 1 "pi..V.t up" l y eperulntora, end eel their produce for lea than it is actually worth, a? has often keen done heretofore. W Reiuamber that the Weekly Jul una i is made np f READING MATTER, and not altogether of advertisement? ."51 The Weekly Journal will bo .nihil, son to reach tho subscribers of the adjoining comities iu good season. Terms. Single copy, 81 ftO ; 10 copies, 810. Our frieuds should make halte to renew their subscrip tions, as our terms are str ictly in advance. dec7 WINTER STRAINED OIL. A very superior quality of I.Alil' OIL for Burn ing purposes, cau lw found at the Drug Store of F. W. SAWYER, Main street, Kvansville. This Oil is luaiiufaciiircd under Ice, and consequently dous not congeal, only during the coldest of weather. It is also niade of perfectly pure material, which prevents the disagrueahlo odor KVulmi to rancid Oil. dec 1 0-1 n . f 100 Reward. The underelgneH Till pay to any one who will produce a remedy for Dys pepsia equal to Mr. Monday's Headache cure. He will also send a printed recipe to lu.tnufaetiirr the same, with toll directions for n, ou receipt of twenty-five cents iu postage Mmi. N. B. The iiijsrlienl' of vthich the aboxe is tnadd will uot co.t to exceed one dollar j-er vear, and caa he obtained iu tiuy tottn or village Iu the United States. A.ldrem J K AN PIERRE LAKAY ETTE. Cincinnati, Ohio. declo-lm JtMa tJolit .Mm. Jay pro de siring to procure information as to the distance, lo cation, best routes, posts, outfits, and Ksueral in formation In regard to the Gold Mines in Western Kansas, can obtain it by addressing a letter, with afofo dollar, to GEORGE F. PENTECOST Jt CO., General Agents for "Kansas Western Göhl Mi nee Association," at Lecomptoii. Kansas, declft fftiPrineh jPMcdrs. IVi J'otrdir'i area NEVER-FAILING REMEDY in DYSPEP SIA. W Pries $1 per bottlu. With sonlidcuce founded on experience, I offer the Frekch Powders p the afflicted, asking but a fair trial, as a proof of its virtue. Prepared only by J. B. M05KOE, and sold wholesale aud retail by DR. E. EASTERLY, 8. E. corner Third and Chesuut sts., St. Lonis. STODDARD A THOMPSON, , F. W. SAWYER. j-Agent. Evansville, Indiana. dec2u-d( -w3m There mre. feu) thing tchieh itTord we greater pleasure than sitting down to w rite a notice of the CKLEBTtATJED HOSTKTTEK'S STOMACH BITTERS, becausti we iieve usad them, and our heart tell-. 114 UuU, by onr notices, many have been induced to take these Bitters, and taten rescued from death ty Dyspepsia, Diarrhcea, etc.. K., ti.r the cure of which it is certain. Tho Bitters have always been known to excel all other preparations in the speedy cure of all the diseanes the stomach is heir to ; and the marked favor with which it is sjio kun of Ly those who have used them, cannot but convince all, that its virtues aro many. Try them. KsJ" For sale by Druggists and dealers generally, everywhere. decI7 Special Notices. COAL ! Bodiam Mining Company, EvansviUe, Indiana. Office on Water 8tret, between Hain and Locust, Coal, in quantities of not less than 20 bushels, de livered to any part of the city, at 10 cents per bnah. at the pit, 8 cents. JOHN WYMOND, oct9 - - . Secretary and Manager. Mtr. Mooper't femmU Cordimil TM medicine rill cure all Female Complaints, auch aa Excessive, Suppressed, or Painful Menstruation, Flour Albus, or Whites, Barrenness, Sallow Com plexion, Headache, Dizziness, Weak Nerves, Fright ful Dreams, and all diseases caused by Colds, Check ed Perspiration, Excesses, Over Exeitoment, etc., of the Sexnal Organs. For all Irregularities of the Monthly reriods, Dr. Hooper's Female Cordial is a speedy and POSITIVK CUBE. It has been amply tested, and the rnojt gratifying reports of CUBES are daily received from every town and city where it is known. BE- Price 81 per bottle, or six bottles for 85. Frepared by DR. EA3TEBLY, CornorThird and Chesnut streets, St- Louis, Mo., sole proprietor. .STODDARD 4 THOMPSOK, 1 . . y. w. sawyer. Aeento- Evankville, Indiana. dec21-d&w3m Mr. Hamtrly, Iodine m& Hrmpm- RILLA. This Medicine will permanently cure all diseases arising from an impure state of the Blood, or other fluids of the system, viz : Scrofula, Obstinate Old Seres, Pimplea on the Face, Blotches, Boils, Chronic Sore Eyes, Riug werin or Tetter, Scald Head, Salt Rheum, Can cers, Goitre, White Swelling, Fever Sores, Piles, Erysipelas, Swelling of the Glands, Pains in the Botics and Joints ; all Chronic Diseases, and Dir. eases arising from the use of Mercury and Calomel. Such powerful curative proieiiiea are combined in V: Etttterly't Iodine and Sanaparilla, that the longest standing and worst cases of disease are tho roughly cubed by it cases that had resisted every known remedy and been given up by the most dis tinguished Physicians, as confirmed and mcarabe. For Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia it is an infal lible remedy. It will cure Chrouic and Inflamma tory Rheumatism, do matter how bad, if faithfully used. It will cure every form of NERVOL'S DIS EASE, and strengthen and restore the system to perfect health and vigor. It is a positive cure for FEMALE COMPLAINTS, such as Irregularities of the Monthly Periods, Barrenness, Ac. For fe males ..preaching that critical period of life the irnft'(iN of the Mentea it is iuvalnable. Ladies w ho admire a clear, beautiful white skin and a rosy cheek, should use Dr. Easterly's Iodine and Sarsaparilla. It will remove Pimples from the Face, Blotches, and all roughness of the skin, and give a fair and beautiful complexion. It will cure Dropsy, Gravel, Diseases of the Kid neys, Bladders and Urinary Organs. It has no equal in these complaints. DK. EASTERLY'S IODIXE AND SARSAPA RILLA is a positive aud radical cure for Mercurial Disease, no matter how deeply it may have eaten into the frame and vital organs. It will eradicate every particle of Mercury from the system, and hftal its bud effe' ts. It will cure Secondary Syphi lis, or Venereal Di-eate, Bo matter how long it may have been in the system, and will thoroughly anni hilate aud expel tho syphilitic virus, nsd all heredi tary taints and poisonous matter from the system, and restore it to a pnrfoct state of HEALTH and PURITY. TO TUE AFFICTED WITH SCROFULA OR OLD SORE3. Perseus who have long been afflict ed with Scrofula, old Soree, Tetter, Ringworm, Scald Head, Blotches, Eruptieus of the Skin, Ac, are advised to procure ORIDLEY'S SALT RHEUM AND TETTER OINTMENT, to apply on the sores or diseased parts, vhen using Dr. Easterly's Iodine and Sarsaparilla. The Iodino and Sarsapa rilla purifies tho BLOOD, aud drives out of the sy.tteRi the iiitjtur und Wciertj matter, aud removes the ., whilo the Ointmout ukals thz souks. When both are uaod, (which we always recommend) a failure of a permanent and radical cure has never been kii'wu. Ihey are tho liest remedied in the world. P. S. The proprietor olrmuly lwlievcs that his Iodine aud Saisaparilla aud Gridley's Ointment wU enn any form of Ulcer or Old Sere, on any part of the system, it med according to directions, for a rMooWe IfH-jlIt of lime. A fiitHful aud honest trial is all I ask I do not fear tuo result. Price of the Iodine and Sarsaparilla el per Imttlrt, or six bottW (or $0. Gridley's Ointment 75 cents per bottle. Prepared by DR. E.VSTJ-'.RLY, southeast cuiuxr of Third aud Chesuut stieets, St. Louis, Mo., side proprietor, to whom all orders muot be addressed. STODDARD J- THOMPSON, I Agents. dec21-dw6ni F. W. SAWYER. Evaxsvii.le, Indiana. Mtr. Jlailerly'M Ver 4 Jig- Miller This Medicine will cure Fever and Ague, Dumb Ague, Chills aud Fever, Intermittent and Remit tent Fever, and every form of Fovor incident to the West. . , Among all tho cklkbbated rrarDirs for Ague and. Fev, Jtrt -.t.-I in rank stands DR. EASTERLY'S FEVER AND AGUE KILLER. This medicine is a positive curej both speedy and permanent. During the last five yearsit has cured over tuo hundred thoumod ccm, which has estab lished its-Iticieucy in all parts of the West as the ONLY RELIABLE REMEDY for the cure of these distressing complaints. It will also cure En largement of the Spleen, Ague Caka, otc. It is per fectly harmless to tho most delicate constitutions or tender infaut. Try it, ye afflicted. Itif Price SI per bottle, or six bottles for So. tT Prepared by DR. EASTERLY, corner Third and Chesuut sts., St. Louis, Mo., sole Proprietor. STODDARD & THOMPSON, . F. W.SAWVKK.V I Agent. KvANKViLLB, Indiana. dec2ldw.1ni Stop thetl l ough !Itr. t'mrter't Cough ItalNim will cure Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Con sumption, Bronchitis, Spitting of Blood, Pain in the Sid,? and Breast, Pleurisy, Whooping Cough,. Croup, Liver Complaint, Palpitation of the Haart, und all diseases of the Throat, Cilest and Lung. Too much care and attentfou cannot be given to diseases of the THROAT and LUNGS. Reader, have jouaCc-uah, Cold, or auy decease of the Lungs? Do Hot neglect it. Delav is dangerous. Mii.mons dio annually by iiel.cting a Cmw Cold. Colds and Cs.ighi lead to CONSUMPTION, und then to an eailj death. He advisiMl iu time, and procure at once that celebrated remedy, DR. CARTER'S COUGH BALSAM, the ip-SYire and brjt remedy in ft ich Id. ft lias cured thousands upon thousands after physiciaus and every other remedy had failed, and the patient given dp to die. Physicians, drug gists, and all who have used Dr. Carter's Cough Hiilsam, uuivcrsally acknowledge it the uioat prompt, pTcQ9iH, and ejiruciott remedy Xc'N for all diseases of the Throat. Chest and Lungs. Price Trial bottles, 25 cents ; larger bottles, $1 per bottle, or six buttles for $3. ZV Prepared by DR. EASTERLY, corner Third and Checiiut streets, St. Louis, Mo., sole proprie tor, and to whom all orders uiUft bo sunt to get the genuine. siTiinnitin j- TnnirTnv i K. W. SAWYKR. Kvansville, Indiana. Hr. Bmker'e Specilic.Thle ie m Te anil certain Cure for Gonorrhö, Cleet, Stricture, Seminal Weakness, Chord, Disases nf the Kid neys and Bladder, and all Disease of the Genital Orgaus. lieader, have yon a private disease ? Do not neg lect it. If you go to a regular physician with your .use jou peril your reputation. If yon go to no advertising quack, you peril ionr ealth for life. Avoid 1-oth, and we Dr. Bnker"s SScific which has saved thousands upon thousands from the hands of the 3tercHes3 Qnaclt, if not fluni a premature grave. With Dr. Baker's Specific, you can cure yourself and prevent expo.-uue, as plain directions for use accompany the medicine. Price SI .viper bottle. 1K7- Prepared by DK. EASTERLY, corner Third aud Chesnut sts., St. Louis, Mo., sole Proprietor.' . STrtnillBTi A. Tanvt oav 1 F. W. SAWYER. EvAsavrLif , Iadiana. dec21-dw3m NEWS BY TELEGRAPH.! Y THE E. a W. MITE. OOA'GRESSIONAL.. Washington, Dec. 22 m House. On motion of Phelps, of Mo., the House resolved itself into Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union, on the bill for tho payment of invalid and other pensioners, appropriating $862.000. The House passed the Soldiers Pension bill. Yeas 130. Nays 73. Sexatb. The Senate went into Execu tive session. WA3HiaraT0X, Dec. 22 p. m. Housb. The Military Academy Bill,after several speeches were made, was laid aside t be reported to the House. Phelps, of Mo-, offered a series of resolu tions referring to the various branches of the President's message to the appropriate Standing Committees. Mr. Comins remarked there was much in the message to approve and much to con demn. While the President is anxious to enforce measures against Spain and other countries for the satisfaction of claims even to war, he had nothing to say of the delin quency of our own Government, and tht neglect of Congress to do justice to clainft cf its own citizens, founded on justice. He then explained and advocated a bill for the relief of Xathnniel and Benjamin Goddard, the claim growing out of the sciznre of the ship J. Taylor, during the war of 1812, and reviewed the correspondence on the subject, showing the inconsistency and con tradictory course pursued by England, and exposing her object, which lie believed to be to defeat our policy and secure a firm footing on the Isthmus. He doubted the good faith of England in seeking to avoid a direct issue on the Clayton-Bulwer treaty, by negotiating with the weak States of Central America, and not directly with the U. S. Government. He advocated the ab rogation of the Clayton-Bulwer treaty, and a more decided policy on our part as due the interest aud honor of this country. He reviewed the history of the Monroe doctrine, explained tho circumstances under which it was announced and the necessity of it at the time, as well as its importance now. Mr. Morris, of Ills., explained his bill giv ing the people of organized territories authority to elect their judges, governoif, and all other officers, and poviding for the formation of State Constitutions where they hive sufficient population to elect one mem ber to Congress. He had hoped that the old issue on the Lecompton Constitution would have been allowed, to sleep, but it had been revived by the President in his message. The Democracy of Illinois have always been brave nnd f tithful,T yet a hostile policy has been pursued towards them by the Ad ministration. The guillotine has been at work and the places of good men have been supplied ly miserable scoundrels and syco phants. This he boldly asserted and could prove. Mr. Washburne, of Ills., usked : Do I understand such persons have been appoint ed by the present Administration. Mr. Morris replied that he did not assert that the character of those individuals was known to the heads of departments, hut it is a fact that they were appointed to office. The passage of his bill would quirt 'he slavery agitation in Congress. Mr. Ititchie, of Ponn., characterized the election of judges and governors of terri tories as absurd nnd referred to Utah and its uufovorable operation there. Mr. Morris said Mr. Ritchie could insert an amendment exempting the territory of Utah from the operation of the bill. Davis, of Miss., aked and obtained per mission to print his speech. Its subject was not mentioned. Mr. Millson, of Va., gave some reasons why he was opposed to the duties. The Committee then rose. The invalid pension and West Point ap propriation bills were passed. Mr. Morris, of Pa, gave notice of his in tention to introduce a bill providing for specific duties on a certain class of imports, aud so amendatory of the present tariff as to furnish an increase of revenue to the treasury, and a proper protection to the labor and industry of the country. Mr. Davis of Miss., asked leave ( butob jetions were made) to offer a resolution in structing the Committe on Foreign Affairs to offer a bill authorizing the President to take possession of Cuba until satisfaction was given for insults offered on persons aud property of our citizens. The House then adjourned. Skxatk. Mr. Seward, of Now York, in troduced a bill which was read twice by title, authorizing the renewal of offices be longing the United States, and occupied by collectors of revenue in connection with the quarantine station in the port of New York. Mr. Seward also presented a memorial of the gold and silver leaf manufacturers of New York and elsewhere ; alse, three peti tions of citizens of Onedia and Jefferson counties of New York, praying for the erect tion of a breakwater at the port o Cape Vincent. All these petitions were referred to the proper committees. Mr. Clay of Ala, submitted a resolution which was adopted, calling on the President for copies of the correspondence between the Mexican Government, Mr. Forsythe,and the State Department, and such other infor mation as will elucidate the complications which resulted in the suspension of diplo macy between the two governments. Mr. Hunter of Va., submitted a resolution which was adopted, requiring the Postmas ter Oeneral to inform the Senate what changes in postal loans are necessary to j render tho Department self-sustaining. On motion of Mr. Mallorv, a joint resolu tion wa3 adopted permitting certain officers of the navy to accept from the British Gov ernment certain medals and snuff boxes. Mr. Wilson, of Massachusetts, introduced a bill which was referred to the Committee ou the District of Columbia to appropriate 1,000,000 acres of public land for the bene fit of free public schools in the District. Mr. Davis, of Miss., reported from the Committee on Military Affairs a substitute for the bill relating .to military offices. Sevtral messages, the contents Of which arc unkuown, were read from the President. Whcreupou the Senate went into Executive session for several hours, after which they adjourned. . - - - ." ' Washington Item, v Wabhihqtom, Dec." 22 p. 11. Secretary Cass, m a letter to CaDt. Levi of this city, ? dated Monday last, while gir itig his reasons for withholding an authors- tive censure by this Government of the pro ceedings at Cologne, in tue case of the seiz ure of the Jewish boy Mortara, snys tftat as an individual he has no hesitation in ex pressing his surprise at the deplorable oc- currencs m the Papal states and that it is difficult to conceive how such an act of in justice could take place in the middle of the 19th century, and in the heart of Europe. 1 he judgment or the world will condem it. PirTSBcac, Dec. 22 p. it. River 10 feet C inches by the pier mark, ana rising slowly. eather clear and cool. The Moderator left for St. Louis; the Empire City and Mariner are loading for Nashville with railroad iron, and will leave to-day. : St. Lor is, Dec. 22 ph. The Overland mail of the 25th nit. ha arrived. News unimportant. Three pas sengers came through. The Overland mail from Kansas City reached Stockton, Nov. 24th, 51 days out. Markets are generally inactive. Passengers say they encountered snow 15 inches deep, in Apacha Cation, beyond El Psso, and ice floating iu the Rio Grande. STEAMER TELLOS SINK. 9fo Lives Loit Locistili e, Dec. 22 p. u. The steamer Peter Tellon, from Louis ville to New Orleans, sunk at Greenville in the Mississippi. It is believed no lives are lost. New York, Dec. 22 p. m. The Washington correspondent of the Evening Post says he has reason to believe that two more vessels have left or are about leaving the country with fillibusters, aud that the President has taken measures to stop them. Gov. King expresses himself decidedly in favor of quarantine to the Orchard Shoals b.'low the Narrows. The Government en gineer has also reported in favor of this lo cality. Cincinnati Market. Cixcinnati, Dec. 22 p sr. Flour firm aud unchanged at 4 755 10 for superfine to fair extra. Whisky un changed at 22. Not much done in hogs aud the market rather weak, though prices are uot quotably lower. Receipts 3,500 head. No essential change in provisions as regards prices, but the turn of the market was in favor of buyers. Couni.ry mess pork was offered at 17 8G without leading to much business. City brands were held at 18 00. Bulk meats were offered more free ly at 6 i.8i with salea of 400,000 lbs to be delivered iu February. Nothing done in Lard. New York JUnrket. Nbw York, Dec. 23 p. u. Flour market unchanged, demand mod erate for Eastern and local trade ; there is some speculative inquiry for Western ac count; sales of 10,000 bbls at 4 254 40 super. State, 4 454 50 for choice do ; 5 00 5 25 for extra State; 4 40()4 80 for super. Western, 5 005 25 common to medium, extra Western 5 355 50 for shipping brands round hoop Ohio. Market closmg quiet. Small sales of rye flour at 3 25 4 10. Wheat market quiet and unchanged ; sales of 4,300 bushels premium winter red Ohio 1 30; 2,000 bushels unbound mixed Illinois at 108; 140 for white. Rye is scarcer and nominal at 78(5; 80. Barley is quiet at 70(7,95. Corn in better demand; chiefly speculation for western account; sales of 49,000 bushels mixed Western at 76g;78. . Oats very iirm at 50,51 for State, 53(,55 for western. Whisky lower; salas o'" 300 bbjsat 2425. Pork marktt lirmer; sales of 2,000 bbls at 17 5017 CO for old mess, 18 15IS 25 for new mess, 13 C013 75 for prime, including 1,000 bbls new mess, delivemble the 15th of Jan uary at 18 25 ; 500 bbls new mess 18 13 on the spot, aud 1,000 bbls new moss lor May and June at 18 50. Beef steady; sales of 1,500 bbls at 6 507 00 for prime, 10 75 1 1 50 for extra mess; prime mess firm. Beef hams heavy ; sales of 200 bbls at 13 15. Cut meats dull ; wiles of 50 buds at 6GJ for shoulders, 09 for hams. Bacon quiet, and prices nominally the same. Dressed hogs firm at 7J8 for good and choice corn led ; sales of 500, averaging 220 lbs, at 7 60. ' ard firmer ; sales of 2,000 bbls at 11J(W,1U, including ,000 bbls for April and May, ät 11. Butter 12(19 for Ohio, and G(ft24 for State. New York, Dec. 22 m. The steamship Persia, sailed at 9 o'clock this moruin, with sixty passengers and ?6 75,000. Osma, the Peruvian Minister, and his family, and ex-President Been, of Dominica, are among the p.issengcrs. . Albany, N. Y., Dec. 22 m. The .tate Cauvassers at their meeting last night, decided to refuse certificates to the six Congressmen elected from New Vork city, on the ground that the returns read for " members of Congress" instead of " Representatives to Congross." Thimty Bay, Dec. 21 m. Well marked currents have been received from Valentia to-day, but nothing intelli gible since Saturday. Signed De Santy. New Youk, Dec. 22 u. The steamship Edinburgh, from Glasgow, is below. Her dates are to the 22d inst but has been anticipated. Kew York Market. New York, Dec. 22 M. Flour heaw: sales 700 bbls Ohio at 5 35,3 50. Wheat firm ; 8,000 bushels sold; red 1 20. Corn firm; sales of 20 000 btwhels; mixed 76(J 78c. Pork firm; megs 17 75 for old, and 18 25 fer new, and prime 14 75. Lard firm at lljlljc. Whisky dull at 25J2Cc. Cincinnati Market Cixcinnati, Dec. 22 if. Flour firm, unchanged ; receipts large 3044 bbls in the last twenty-four hours. Whisky unchanged. Hogs firm. Provis ions firm. 3,500 hogs received in the last twenty-four hours. Jew Orleans Market. New Orleans, Dec. 20. Cotton is declining; sales 3,500 bales. Flour active and steadv at $5 25. Cincisxati, Dec. 22 11. Weather clear. Light frost last night. The river fell two feet ten inches in the last 24 hours. PiTTSBi-BG, Dec. 22 if. River ten feet by the pier mark and ris ing. Weather clear. Mercury 40. ' Theatre. Let it be remembered by all the lovers of the Drama that Jesso MeFar 1 aud takes her benefit to-night. By refer ring to advertisement it will be seen that the bill is attractive. ' Mr. McFarland has brought the best company to the city that has ever given performances here ; let him not go away unrewarded. g3. The tota' expenditures of the Brit ish Government for the year ending 31 of March last, ia round numbers, . was $305,000,000, or a million dollars a day. The array expenditure was about $04,000, 000, and tliat of the navy $52.000,000 ; miscellaneous civil services, including the dowry of $1,000,000 to the Princes Roval, $35,000,000. For the Persian . expedition there was paid to the East India Companv, nearly $4,000,000 ; and also to the East In dia Company, for the war with China, nearly $3,000,000. Mr. Perman, an accomplished schol ar and gentleman who has had charge of Delany Academy, at Xewburg, for the last three sessions, we learn, goes to one of the interior towns of Wisconsin, where he has accepted . Professorship of Mathematics.- .Hirer Items. ' ARRIVALS AM Rr.VB.Tt; RES fKOM ti O'CLOCR tVES- bav nit 5 o'clock widnrsoav raost l. o. O'KILEY A CO.' JiEliLSTEB. Sc-oto, Louisville to Henderson. ' Cambridge, Pittsburg to St. Louis. Jchn Haina, New Orleans to Pittsburg Argonaut, Pittsburg to Nashville, Kate Sarchet, Wabash and back. Hastings, Nashville to Pittsburg. Silver Star, Pndticah and back, Harmonia, Nashville to Cincinnati. Lacrosse, Pittsburg to Nashville. We had delightful weather yesterday warm and pleasant as spring. It only needed the songs of the birds and the bud ding of trees to give ns a veritable spring, just before Christmas. The weather at Cin cinnati was unusually rainy during the day Thursday but cleared off cc Id at night. On Monday svening a steady rain set iu at St. Louis with every indication of continuing for some time. . . , The river here is about stationary and nearly bank full. Our friends ia the bayou need feel no more uneasiness, unless we have a good deal more rain. We confess, liowever, that this "warm spell " portends more falling weather of some kind. We never saw business so dull, for so fine a day as it was yesterday. Few boats passed and no freight of any consequence is on the wharf for shipment. The Silver Star left with a light trip, but iu high spirits. The wreck of the steamer R. W. Adams, recently sunk on the falls in Red river, has complently blocked navigation at that point until another rise. The river at Cincinnati was steadily re ceding on Tuesday evening, at the rate of from 25 to 30 inches every 24 hours. At St. Louis the river is reported to be sta tionary. The ice has all disappeared from the neighborhood of that city. The Kate Sarchet came in night before last with a good trip. 7ha following is her manifest: 1. A. Crane, 840 sacks wheat; Bemcnt & Viele, 301 sacks wheat ; Preston Bros., 321 sacks wheat; P.-G. O'Riley A Co., 8 sacks wool; Orr, Dalzell & Co., 3 bbls. tallow. She leaves to-day for the Wabash at 3 o'clock, and wishes our shippers to bear this in mind, and have their freight ready. The Kate is emphatically one of our own boats and deserving of our patronage. The Tigress left Cincinnati light on last evening, intending to run a flying trip to New Orleans. She will probably be at our landing to-day. SCJiJB9.y? have haud a supply of Wo can also furnish TRACK SCALES of any ca pacity. Thesa Scales aro from tin. manufactory of K. X. FAIRBANKS r CO., 8t. Johusburg, Var laont. Evary Seals it tasted and soalnl, and war ranted comet. For testimonials wu to thm thousands of persons using them. HOKN1SRÜUK Jt CO., Agonta, nov2l Water street, KvausviU. JT1M1B VRJII.H RKHT qVAJLI- ty, for sale low by S. E. Ul LUCHT A O.. nov-27 Sycamore street, near Water. JSLm nieetiug of the Btockhidders in the Branch at Kvansville ot the Bank of the State of Indiana, will be held at the Ilankiuy; House iu Evantville, on Tuesday, January 4th, between the hours of IU o'clock A. M. and 3 o'clock p. when astatemont of the condition of the Brauch ill he submitted, and au election will be held for tive Iii lectors to sxrve the ensuing year. By order of the Board of Direct ors. SAMl'EL BAYARD, nov27-d.twto Cashier. Sail and Awning Maker and Rigger. M. form the public that I have ojieucd a Sail and hi'Kginp: loft. In the 3rd story of J. G. Venneman'a Rope store, and will punctually attend to all or ders iu my line. I keep Tarpaulins constantly on haud for sale, and will manufacture Sails, Awnings, Wagon Cov ers, f c, at the shortest notice. Orders respectfully solicited to be left at J. Q. Yenuemau's Rope store, 01 at nij room, third story ' Rope neatly spliced. nov27-3md CHARLES EVERT. - Jl yv SVOAK-1U HHDS. new Sugar lust received by nov23 WHEELER A RIGOS. WW GLASS Largo Bisses, from 24x30 to !Mx4a, with a large assortment of smaller sires McC'ully's brand, at STODDARD THOMPSON'S, decs 17 Main street. -JfW- -m x wjyrx jrr jLesh tmjjv fJL New York prices. Iion't forget that Dobell A Cooyngton put all the $3 Magazine at 82 60 by tba year. - nou24 A A SS WAR iY. 2 5 B0XJ3S PIJVT VT Flasks; 23 boxes V, Pint Flasks; I 15 do Quart do: AO do assorted Glass Jars; 60 do do do Tumblers. Just received per steamer Cambridge C'itv, and for sale by nov23 WHEELER KIGGS. VCKMSTS AJS'Mt TUBS SO JJOZKJT Buckets, Blue and Red; 50 dozen Buckets, Red; 35 do do Rlue and Green; 25 do do Fancy; 25 do hf do do; 20 do No. 1 Tubs; 25 do do 2 do; 10 do do 3 do; 25 (3) Nest do; 15 (S) Nest do; 10 dozen Common Half Bushels; 15 do Iron Bound do; 50 do Wash Boards; 75 do KnaiHts; - " 8-"i0 reams ass'd Wrapping Paper. : Received aud fur sale cheap bv WHEELER A RIGG8, No. 17, I nov'i't Corner First and Sycamore sts. j I "B -SO ltt;'SIIKI'fl PMJS'K JiWB ro- ; -sLA" tatocs, luruips. White Beans, licrrinjc 1 dried aud pickled: , , . 42 caddie Tea; I - ii chest do. For sale bv j hot27 OLMSTED A SABIN. I TT OOK MIMlMtMl MtMiJMt TMtMS. i JL4f you want to jret good Mxf, i If yon want t pet good Corn, I If you want to get good Oats, 1 If yon want to get good Bran, j If you want to get good Crushed Feed, ' I: you want io get r,' -A Chicken Feed, j If yon want to get good Corn Meal, i if you want to cet irood TiniothvSeed. If you want to ret eood Grass Sued of any aud every kind, call at HUSTON'S Feed and Seed Store, under the Telegraph Office, when you ean be ac commodated as cheap a the cheapest, and as good as the best, delivered in anr part of the city free of drayane. Recollect, at RUS'I ON'S. on Water street. Just received, my first shipment by Canal, 1') tons of first-rate nvw Timothy Hav, and for sale rh-n. rnt-2S " . U. S. R. U.VIßMIMStJCST MH CHI PlLM öo boxes W. R. Cheese. j 50 do choice Hamburg do; j 75 dozen Hemp Redcords; I 23 gross Bonnet Boards; i 500,000 G. D. Gun Caps; 500,0003.B. do; - . ,, i SO bales Cannelton No. 1 Batting; j 75 coils M in. manllla Rope; - M do ido do do; - 2-5 do y. do Jute do:' SO do do do do, ' 20 do do Hemp do. ' ' In store and for sale by aov23 WHEELER BIGGS. EU in liiilP I-55 0 '"m CQMM SS.ON MERCHANT Old; Established Vharf Boa!? EVANS VI LLE, IND. "' " P. G. O'RILB'Sr & Co eLTOMJflK, Js,OÄ,.fÄF.V, .fwVl. 3 COMMISSION MERCHANTS. General Railroad, Steamboat, and Express Agents, oecial Agents for the fENN. CENTRAL RAILROAD, and con.ctious over w hich we are autliorixcd give thron raeeipt at tho lowest possible. rnt. Having a taainwth Wharf boat t the la;;dint . tba largest on Ohio River, capable of storin; 1 nnd protecting aU -prchüiidi7e liable to rtarante from exposure, we are H3rJ to facilitate thp (V- patch ot all consignments', jV'rwwIed to our ca bvJHther ItiTER, RAILROAD OR CANAL Particular attention paid to R'VMvirg, Storing and Forwarding, also, to the -.-. Sale of any Produce, ' or other property, consigned to ns for sale, aud srtii- faction guaranteed. . . -. Office and cxtonsiva Warehotisa on Water stroe. adjoining the Telegraph, and on the Wharf bo:u where we are to bo found, attending to fha interests of our patrons at all hours, day and uight. With our superior facilities; standing; nr.. tiring energy; and kuowlodgu of onr bniness, 0 feel confident of giving genei-il satisfaction, and hope to merit a continuance of the extensive patron age we are now enjoying. ; Liberal cash advances will be made on allcruufcn merits to either ourselves or correspondents irrany of the principal markets, North, East or South. : . P. C O'RILEY & CO. ... AND Commission- Merchant, No. 2 Sor-TH Watkr SrnEET, Kvaxä ct21-Iy ' TTOHJV 8. MMTVMEM.I. 4T Co., -.-CKIYING, FORWAKI.IN AX1 COM Mit. SION MKRCHANTS, Wator strata, betweeH Main aud Locum,. . , KVANSVILLK, INDIANA. Particular attention giron to the forwarding- of general Merchandise said Produce, bv River. Canal. or Railroad. nnirH-tim JLMP IXG, FOKWAKDIM; AMMiKNKKAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Agtiit tor Kauawhn Salt Company, Kvansville, In diana. We have formed a co-pni tnersliip under tlie style of liuoWN A Airman, and oiler uur services lr the capacity as set furth in our card above. Wear fully prepared to extend every facility to shippers, either by CANAL, RIVER, or RAIL ROAD, and assura them that their iu türmte shall be faitlifully represented, should they be ple., to favor us with theirp itrwnage. Office and Warehouse ou thu corner of Main st and the Canal. WM. BROWN, W. M. AIRMAN, Lato of Howard Jfc Brown. Late of FOSTER, JL Co. .j.iii.' ef.Vi STOlUtJK I J,ve a large dou ble Warehouse at the Canal r.asin, capable of storing any amount of produce, which will be re ceived, stored, taken care of luid held subject to the owners orders on most reasonable terms 1. O. O'RILEY. mh2G-tf "TOJtt,J MVIATM We are prepared ... - - - -V" . r hi 111 '!i . H 11 T quantity ot (irain, Produoe, or Merchandize, on th" innal Ii I -.. 1 tum - Ilai ing largo and airy rooms up stairs, iartii:ular care III be taken oi Household Furniture, Agri. cultural Implement and II kinds ot g.-xis , r wares liable to damao from uamp or rust. Insurance effected at the lowest lim proof rau-a, by the month, or longer when Uesii ud. Warehouse located on corner of Locust street and W. and E. Canal, and most convenient for shipping by River or Railroad. Apply to . P- (JKo. FOSTER CO. RAILROADS AXD EXPRESS. OP TM.1IM1. K -iv- -VJLLK AN I CRAW- TT. rar fordsvilv Railroar1, gif- fe&jäa 4 On and after Monday, Nov. 'uili,' lsö, the trams on this road will mn as follows: ' The up mail will leave Evaiksvillo at 1(1.3(1 A. M ; Vincennes 1. 33 P. J!., and arrive at Torre Il.mte lit .65 1'. M. Tho down mail will leave Torre Haute at 7.:;0 A M. ; Vincennes HMO A. M., and arrive at Kv ansville at 1.30 I. M ACCOMMODATION TRAINS lUIr.Y Will leave EvansviUe at U.IAI A. M. and arrive at Vincenuos at 10.37 A. M. Will leave Vincennea at 11.27 A. M. and arrive at EvansviUe at 4.KI P. M. - Will leave Terr Haute at 5.4'A. M., and arrive at Vincennes at 10.3U F. M. Will leave VinceniiM at 11.20 A. M., a"d arrive at Terr Haute at 4.20 I. M. JOHN INÖLK, JR. Pres'f and ip't, ' nov20 Entiirer copy. - i4 WE (IfJ.rtf MMESPJTt'W ttfJL FAST FREIGHT LINE. ; -' ixrmcnH r.xrarss companv Fnorsirwa TO THE WEST AND SOUTH-WES I. VIA A Lli ANY AND DL'FFALO. The Merchants Despatch continues bringing Good from New York and Boston, at as low rates as an ' Despatch or Rail Road Fxpri-ss, ami iu as good ci better time, having uiiecjualed facilities for safo and speedy transportation. No Despatch or Fast Freight Line has at, v - r. nectioR with us. Arraugemeuts were made by ns early l.wt Spring, by which we are enabled to forward not only Li? lighter portion uf shippera1 freight, but we can car ry both light and heavy with the same, promptness which has always characterized the " Merchants Despatch " Bringing our freights in our own cars, with passenger trains, aud having our own agents at points of transhipment, wo have adiautagea . iu point of speed and safety, which render it impos sible for other companies to compete with us. This Despatch is owned and managed fcy the American Express Company, which is a sulficietil guarantee that all just claims will be settled wi.uoul delay, as has beim tho case for the past three years, and to tho satisfaction of those by whom they juay be presented. JOHN G. WAS.SON,. , soptl-Cm Agent, Terrc Haute. (WitJ.itK xXM'Kxss'o.npj,v-. mra. new arrangement. Tho Anist's Expkess Company resiwctfnlly an nounce to their friends end patrons, the public of EvansviUe and vicinity, that, with Increased facili ties for the transportation of FREIGHT, PACKAGES. MOSEY A X I VALUABLES. They solicit a continuance of former favors. JU pecial care taken in the colloctiou of Bills, Drafts, Notes, and the transportation of small and valuable packages. AU persons wishing to avail themselves of the fa cilities of the Express, can obtain anv desired infor mation in reference to the routes and details of the business, at their Office on First street, between Mam and Locust, opposite the Tost Office del ' " G- FISH, Agent.; STH..VKR jhf TMS SjIR. CII KT. Tho steamer Kate fcAB- t'HBI Will mil rcir-llnrlv dnri,, .1. Winter, in the Wabash trade proceeding on each tr.p a far np the river as tho water and business will justify her in going. The strictest attention will be paid to t he wishes and interests of shippers Her days of departure from EvansviUe will be regu retro - larly auuouuceu in ire papers. .oeclö-rfni R MS G U M Jl It M.OVIH- ville, Evansvillo and Henderson Packet SCIOTO Kn o n. ....... Master, leaves EvansviUe for Louisville and nil In termediate points, every Wednesday at 7 i m . .,i every Saturday at 11 A. M. ' " -' ""d'e-2 Jfy FU.V VILM, M-JMItUCJH, AJVMM JO CAIRO REGULAR 1'ASsEXftkK Jci;i:t 37n s CHARLEY HOWE V, Dkxthh, 3l --Master, leaves kvansville Tun. aSB0id.iv aud Friday, at M., arriving at Fadncab at fl o'clock. A. M., Cairo at Vi o'clock, bl., Wednesday and Saturdays' Re turning, leaves Cairo orcrv Wednesday and' Satur day, at 7 o'clock, P. M , and i'adueah every Thurs day and Sunday, at 9 o'clock. A. M.. oniu'i-tinp at EvansviUe with the EvansviUe ml Cr .wfbrdsville R. R., aud Packets for Greeu Rieer. Also, con necting at Smiihland with Cumberland River Pack et ; at Cairo, with Memphis, New Orleans aud Sf Louis Packets. '..- .... Tickets can be obtained on board tho boat for all Eastern Ctiea. ept3 W IOHT l-M.MUUT!-TMm r.vöjB: JS signed beg leaned vffcr to rbe citizens of Ev ansviUe a superior Biuliig Fluid at thorer;; fw W e feel confident our Fluid is mu,.n. offered for sale in this city ?.!-.. dec2 STODDARD- THOMPSON', Druggists. ' BK.T.-20 JSSRTElt, Jl. latest style. . . .. ' DELAINEf,' :" 1 i l 3 Cases assorted Manchester, Hamilton and PacV fie, rich handsome patterns. - r. Urf 250 Bales 11 row o Sheetings and Shirtings. r ' r- ; w FLANNELS, 20 Bales Red, Whits and Yellow. LININGS, :-.i 5 Cases assorted large and small Plaid. ' CANTON FLANNELS, -' ' 5 Cases Brown and Bleached. I-i.'?T 1 " faucr, for linings. ---.. .V "--n CHECKS AND STRIPES, jntZw - 8 Cases and Bales assorted. ' - V BOOTS AND SHOES', ' Ts v5 300 Cases assorted. . j , a - j HATS A.ND CAPS, , i CO Case. Just received and for sal at reduced Pi byjr tiftj -j KIENE t PAJESKjoV, ,.ruUUBln: our r aim tresh overv day by au entire new process, and warrant if ,ot to smoke or eiplmlo.. Persons tisine Fluid for light are resnectfullvJnvited to i-&n ,.",t u,- . i?.r