Newspaper Page Text
"A n.jt, f"t tans t:if mm. nlifj mH t! fc, . .... ö VOLUME ;Xi: EVANSVILLE. IND:, SATURDAY MORNING. JANUARY 8, 1859. if- "'.4 Jit II ;r ! ; :;: NUMBER, c129? 5T,5 J lF7f ; .. TT 7 A ' TN r1" ü "fWVMMHm --2 ' 'H;---J. T.'r AKtrf, Editor. F. M. THAYER, t.Va'l iM.M MttHaiM-r J NO. II. McNEELY, Si't MccJutiurnL Vaf.-huriU. ... .. . tTNIlEit THE FIRM Or TUB , EVANSVILLE JOURNAL COMPANY. . - " , ; ' LOf HSl Mj Water, t . , - - Jonrnal Buildings, Beltcttn IVrtt and TKU-fth 01t &C&kt lfllTt1.- !.!! Vaner j...... ..-a M " " ilaileiL).. ...r.r.J...J -.. By the week (payable to Curri.-rj . Tri-Weekly Taper.......; Weekly .Paper...... . ....,. " .Club of lti or uiory in tu 4 I) I lr 1 INI The privilege of ymirly ad rlifi a is limited to tboirowa immediate tiiwimw, in their own tiani-; and all advertisements Tor the U-iietit of other ertKiia, as well ae Ital advcrtiiwnu MtH and adver tisemonts of auctiou salea, and adverti.-ctinnts with tLe name of othr pcrtoua, si-ui iu by thi'iu, ninst be paid fur at the uhiimI r:itia. IVflNo reia)rl.,tioliiüona -r. prut-eudüin of any corporation, eocitU.V, u-vociiition or public niccliut: aul n cominiuiiciiiioii it;sigiu;d to call attention to ny matter of limited of Individual intercut lam be iu.-rUd, j paid for us an advertisement. Contnicts lor yearly advertising will not be lisci4tiniii nnli-ss an or-4er to that effort i( left .it he ' .11;, lind when discontinued in less than a yiai. t.e pvi. e ijf the w hole year w ill bo charged. ubfSU 4dvertii'eBi..nts hereafter, will bo jmb li.!ie fat the '.-.vpojiew of the attorneys ordering, and not t'elayable fur legal piocoedii.s", but collectable at otir iuu.'J tiiuu. , . KTl,Onr ternji for Job Work and trainient adver liseireuU tire CASH-, . .j bjtxs or jtnrKBTttixjrei. i' 8ai-Sttil)l, Sri'.uW"octww'ti -Main ami I-o-,iui. Stnti, opposite Hie Old I'm l ytorian Clinrch, Kvi.nstvtile '' The TiTiibrienod hna a lirpu and connuodions But k Wahle with fhrda fcr enrriag'-f, aud it pt-e-Jnrtd to take Joirncft by tlie dnv, w-ek or moothT -Illa eustomers may he sure of havhig their nniiotis well aud carefnily atter.del to. He refers to tlio .i 41010 trimm lernen whontvl.oi-sej ho luu bail a .-mg time under bin charge. He has alro a number of pood and ?afo horses for the saddle or harness, with a number of new und jomOrtalde biijrjiis, to hire. Order for ca.idte horses or busbies, evil! be juinctualiy attended to. Refer to t . Kiwt, iaH tiHice; ). ft. Uenieut; J. S. tlavitt, Exheri.'T; ('.iiao Vreston. octi2-iy '-Utk -.-. j. s'n:.'fTtN' i.-ur.j. aiiiit;js VHt.KiTic PHISlitl N AMI HI'UHKiiS. OlHco on Third etreet, a fi'W floor abtve the ('reseeiif City 11 ink, wltere ho i prtipni ed to aiisn-ev )rol'isioial cells at all boms of the day oriiibt. N. U.--tle'la -attention given to Hineiv am ibseaaetof the ilyy. .- . .- ai8-d.Vw lyr. jft -..HC- Tu i. LtrH' Hi:Jt 7üst.9 tk VLiuit1. IN'I 'KIjIiKJKM'K 0'K:K, N. 1 North 1 bird Ktreet, Kvaii.vlllo, liHl'niui. Tlie purchase and .'tie of fleet KHtftt.aIIelion.of UentB, ftiidoayment i.fTaxetii .te.,i.rotai.tWatteuilel to. lVrsnn.a in want of any kinil ot help or employment, can 1 iuforin ?d by iMllinn at this oltlee. t'uMoiKs Keahonabi e. aui,'lil-ian ,, ' . s; , . 1 , ' : ' -. "ir a u pirKustnfTlsTyJ. Fii Ax 4LDI,KK wd ULYTIIE UYKKS- have associated neinaelve-i tijethei as partuera in the practice of Law, and will attend promptly to all bnsijiess con teeted with their prefeexion, which maybe imtruat jd to them.- . - ; - IMTM tfliee on 7ax;iLt street, oppenite Iba Sherwood loud, JCvaiiaytllo, ImU. .. ,,-ne4Jll-ljr i "ifjkißliut i TiuHlKJS'iiKi.yi n tttr- ÄtWnevs at law, Notaries I'nblie and Real Ks- jite AtgantaKvaimTiUe, Indiana; . Wiu. piai;Uco b.w . in the Courts of this State, jrill attend to the collection of claiina in any part of :he L'tiited rttatee, will buy and sell real eatafe 'u the lily bf Kvimsville, in Vanderlrurxh and aTntiiinK joiintiea jiud in the West generally, ami will perform ny other diitlo iK-rtaininj to Attorneys or ileal Estate Agents... Lota and farms always lor hale.-r-(terinaii. eHkeu by u uiemK'r ol the ütitu ""tiltice ,,u Third street, opposite tlie Com I House, in the iinnns formerly occupied by the htte tlrm of Lockhart, Harrett A lit'iiby;- v tHAUI.KS liK.NUl ..)....;.. JCOH LCNKIMlUMm;. octl5-dly ' lilt, jfJUcWAJL '(., uTTjfit street, tivatifville, Indiana, Wboleile. iKtil era in (iroeoriee nntl all kinds of Produce, Nails, Glasa, White Lime, Cement, Cotton Yarn, Whit" Lead, Linseed Oil, Ac.; Ac. Also, constantly on hand a full ttpek of 8ash, I'anel Iheira, tVc, of all sizea.e ' ' ' - ap2ii ' Tmvtu oj' Jhju.ti .v uvsijsjiesii JL AGAIN. .ALLiaa JJOVKd,'orwardinn and Commissi! Mercliuuts, Koctitiers of the celebrated Mafrnolia Whisky, Iealers iu all kinds of, Produce, superivT 4)H Bourbon and Uye Whisiiies, and For eign and Homestic. Litpiors, .ve. Water slreef , Sec ond door above Vines Evansville, Ind. ' - HFKBr : ALtlH. ' ' - W WIS tll'WFS. fcbMy - ' "' - - ' " jKÄJSfTiv jiu'ö Tu7äjiti?ii'i iii.ii- M. 6AlJi CüMt'ÜU-4, liealors uu Foreign and lo Ulst.,". ldquors, ci'ner FUst and Sycamore sir.s'ts, Evaneyille, Ind. , ,. . , apifl-ly I ' sale Hilders in Irv Otwrts, t!.jts and !"hoes, First street, Kvausville, lud. ap'28-ly 99 and Retail liealer in Pine l.uinber ami Shin gins, Corner of jluiu and Suvi nlU Slveels, Kvans ville, Ind. liov2l W vT.k. im. Inn fijnüij h .m y M9 PA'iHi'J JHYÜKIAN. Olrice ou Third st., below A ine. . ml-ly MM. SALE ltllY OrU01-4 IrCSE, First street', Ev uisvillo, lud. Jlrrcbroits will always find a lull I stock of Dry C.a.ds, Hoots, Shoes, Hat.-, and t'aps. at ! His House, which wilin sold on fairterma. stp'jl 1-SALE llAllUWARE LvHALEU, First street, (opposite Miigbea .& Co.). Kransville, Ind. Orders for Hardware promptly fillud at lowest Ciuciuuali prices. jau 20 w t ms is g, lilt k' "itt v wir sale dealers Iu Groceries, Produce, Nails, Window Olaes, tllassware, jcc. Ac., No. 47 Main treeti between Firs and .'SH.-ond, Kvansville. 1ml. B. R.-WHE8LKK. - , '' JAMKK 1. aloe.s. sepiVly ' HIT .J. l-IU'SKAVt;. l!i,'. sale aud iU.tnil D'aler4n Anui'icaii aud Italian -Marble, an4 -Mnuufactirrpr-'-of Imiumetits, Mantels, Head-stoneR, Vases rriis, Ac;. All work done in a superior -stvle, at tlnr lon.iit ngnres. ftMarble Hall lluild'ine. Evansville. Jnfl. (oct9 jr .1. 9 m Nc SXVÄÄ.V, Si ht"H H P li.t Tfi'tt ' No. a, Marble Hall Bnibline. Pecoml twrv.. Maiu strcot, Evanrrille, Indiana. Carriage work Plated with nuatiieMi and d spat' h; Furnish to or- der, 8ilver, Dvor, Nnml-er ami fanneeti;i'ei's name, Plates, Bell PniL, Hinges. Barling,, Kr.ulu, Locks with Piated. Knobs anil Furniture, at Cineinnaii prices. -y " ".. ; aiar4. KMr& i -i.ritt ij-i iTiiltnMrKZ- ww Vholesale and Retail dKugist Wttsiiington Block, Main street, Evansvilln, Imlisua.' Biai2il-ly -. ;. . . " WJtMKfT.tÜ . f . J TTO It- 99 ney at Law, Evansville, 1 o'liai:. HS0fficeon Third in the mar i.f the- ses- rent City Bank Bnildrng; ap.';o Iv WfVBB tl.POJjK. jrT .7" JtLaw,lotary Public, Beat Estate and Collect-" ing Agent. ill nttond to eaVrv speed of convey ineing, takt dejwiitions and alti.Uviis, acknowleiii; muirts of Dee. is-,. and. .jHortgares. in t':vt, will per form faithfully all buslneof an Attorney enn nst- 1 to his care. . : . N? othee ester' CM Ortloe,' PriiiCeb.n. In.!. ' . ;' 1 spt'5-ly , I ;s I I -1 -i -t f ! ' ;i -r . a rba-t. I it tTt 75 1 l"i I 25 ) ÜHI 1 75 2 IM: ' 73 I 1 15 1 50 1 mi72 '25 j "- '" 3 Iw.. I 1 00 . 1 60 I 1 75 I 2 25 I 2 75 j 3 25 4 tii. 1 25 I 1 no I 2 SO 3 15 3 75 4 g 5 H(r; I 4 IM) 2 10 I 2 ooj .-".L..: I 1 n-v. f W'- 25 i 3 wj"ir.; 'T r: 2 ; ä mH V' I ü Ht t o25 h5 3 BV I j ,3 W t, 4 H j""!. j'7 j WJ . I 4 4 mi ! r. uo fc 1" ' i i'- " M"l 23f- ' ' i'iT"n "75'fir"1 I iV 'oVj lr !'" J 1S75 iT5ro . ' 1 7 .50 1 1 nT 25 ! 15 00 1 in 75 -r2 50 j 20 ,-, 4 .w,.T,"7:5if'ri-"vo fir w I 21 25J ir. .vj ! 2. J5 iTsi'.. j ly'.w I v i i ii "" t - i" I ' ij"' ' TV'j i3 öil l'J j iüjxt j 32 50 I : 0" j i50 y büsThess cards. " " I.- unite- I WOLFLIN. Col- hw tor of I he city of Evausvill, will, bet ' '"'"'" f 1'" ,H"1 twelve o'clock A. M., between the t and two i ml rive o'clock IV 1., on the 3Ut dav of Janna- j ry, 1S59, eil at Public Auction, at tkeConrt House in the Oily cf Evansville. Indiana, the following ! lolt, parts of lot, pieces of real estate ami improro I iueiiU in said city, taxed ta Tarions peraoiis, for th j liaymoHt of taxe for the year 1858 due from the ti"Ä ""u sale, lid that such b1i-will lie routiuned fiout t" day at the aft.rpfaid hoiir aud place, until all the lot mentioned buruiu are told or ottered lot slt; ... . Dmrriptitm tf Ttvxt le thener. I'rnperly. civile of evil. A 1 It'll William, lot 11 block 26 jilt Do bowlce Ed want, -)x& ft lot 1:) bl 2) WAl?l VI tot. ! Ill A ' ' " " ' ' '29Vx8U of lot 15 bl 2 10 DO 27 25 liofaudick J II, lot Irfai.d 1J bl I. lionn Jacob, lot 2 bl II : 81 3 81 1B00 3 no A 00 ' 4:s 2 72 5 m 3 If. 4 :n; y 8t o 14 72 5 45 3 8t 1 4 9 81 23 98 7 19 1 64 5 45 lot 3 bl 11..... , lot 4 w u : lot 18 bl 40....... lot l'J bl 4Ü 4-41 feet of lot Ii MD.. lot 2d bl f... 2x1441 t ol lot 24 I.I ..-. Bi llany Oreen, Urown H'iilii.ui t a and ' ., I of Id 2(i liurlmnk John tie iiN D. lot 1 bl 27 Iloiut llejry, lot In I.I :l linnhaid Jeremiah, bit Id 24... Ponn Itanifl, b.i 1 1 hi in Uaker llenoaii. lot :t id SO , r.alH-o':k II t, ..- 1 1 nr. I Bullen treorpo, in '., lot !) 1.1 54 lot bU .14...... Cott les Wiiot mono, l'.ts ,1 and l Id 3... Cpple Joph, lot : l.l U Cafwt'lh- ,y iKtac, i-K bl 2-i , ( lark l.dvi ri, lot Id ;!x Cole id .lact'. 4k teet ot low lit, 14 4 15 14 72 iit pent er A 1$, lot 2 l.l 14 3 27 lot 4 bl 15 -. I lot 10 1.1 20.. 21S 1 o4 2 72 5 W 10 90 14 71 43f 7 TO 1 4 , 3 27 3 27 3 81 4 36 2 18 1 4 1 09 2 72 .165 68 2 72 15 2 . 3 27 , 7W . 4 3G . 23 4 09 . 8 17 , ft 99 . 3 27 2 18 . 8 81 . 8 17 lot 5 bl 24 lot Id bl 4'..; lot 17 1.155 . lot 1513 31 lot 1 bl 37 alley K, of lot 1 bl 33 P.'tiui Jacob, jj dl.el Louis, I.iiiiH Jfime. K.liott Win H Kiib-r Geiic, Kvaita Camilis (heirs of) lot 13 bl 1 lot I Id 24 J lot 3bl31 - ; - lot 1 M 14 ..... lot 17 bl lot 12 Id 42 lot 12 bl 44 ............... lot 10 Id 4i.. ! i ; i lot 151.148... ...; . ni of Kviii.s' honiusleod ; lot 19 M 40 Fali cbi'i.l J J, 37x 144 of lot d bl SI6 K.. IjubelKlsn Joseph, lot 4 bl 32...;. . ! . lot 10 bl 14 ( John K, lot 10 bl 40 . .. let lObl.T. Goelr Leonard, lot Iii bl 6.1 , , - of lot 2 bl ?? Cr eh Philipp, lot 14 Id 9 Granx'er Ira P, Tot 8 bl 6 lot 10 bl 45 ... llanselman Joo, Yi of I Is bl 64 Hoilintrswortb Win E, lot 8 bl 11 Hart Hannah (heirs of,) lot 13 bl 53.......... llallock Allen C, lots 8 and 9 bl 1.. Hutchinson Isaao I)r, lot 17 bl 1 Utiteheson Gerard, lot 3 bl 3 . 13 B2 .201 . 1(136 . 3 81 ... 8 72 . 3 27 . 17 44 uull Itobert J, lot 1 bl 22.. rt...lrl..a .'. TT 1 I 1.1 R opkiiis Wm H, lot 14 hi 61 .... " oi.bard L W, of lot 2 b 1 37 H;iccs Adam, lot 1 bl 41 4 81 1 09 J acobs Margaret, improve, on lot 12 bl 41 , .IJewitt J V, lots ö and 6 bl 38..... . Johnson Pat, " lot 1 bl 46 .... Jours Jaiucs O, lot 10 bl In Kciiimerlin Bernhard, of lot 19 bl 54 Krnmmerba H A, of lot 7 bl 32 , . Kapplor Encene, lot 17 bl 60 Lewis Ely i)r, !o. 1 bl 38 , Miller Melchior, lot 8 bl 50 Mclhtnald James, lot 1 bl 16. ......; Mntaler ! Hcbiuitt, improv; on lot 10 bl Jtl Jliuudi Engel, lot 24 bl 44... 14 17 1 3tj 0 51 4 33 3 81 2 72 IB 90 5 90 3 27 4 36 .1 37 3 27 27 7i 10 90 10 90 7 09 T63 2 18 2 18 2 18 S45 3 26 3 81 817 4 36 3 27 12 53 5 99 709 Moliineruey Matthew, lot 19 bl 32...... , . bit 20 b!32 , Ke&i Philipp,.' lot 10bl32 , Noola Hinrv, lot 10 1.126 - lot 26 bl 9 Norton 0 1, lot 11 bl 11 O'ßilev P(, lot 13 bl 15 ,. - . , i Itl4bll5 ,,'. - bit 16 Id 15.... Rai b .Filed!- (heirs of,) lot 16 bl 38.. lUalgivra Uhoiles, lot 6 bl 39 Keamoui! Tlios, lot 10 bl 64...... - - 4 lot 9 M 54...'..:- ... llebmaii Henry, lot 10 bl 39..... ; RlesJobn, lot 11 bl 25......1....... 8anson B ft 8, lot 1 bl 48 ; tichrant Conrad, lot 19 bl 48 Simpson T V, , lot 3 bl 14-.. Stophel. Jnlia and Kraucis nndv. 37)4x75 of lot 4 bl 37... 7 63 Smith John, let 1 bl 33 ......... 2 18 lot 2 bl,33 . . 2 18 Saadurlin Wm, lot 8 bl 25 .. 699 Mchlamp Cassimir, lot 12 bl 25 3 27 Stephen Silas G, frac lots 13 aud 14 bl 45 27 Straight Line K 11 Co, lo 9 bl 8... . 2 45 , .', lot 6 bl 20 1 36 ! ... lot 8 bl 20 136 I lot 3 bl 42 .. 1 64 lot 6 block 41...w. 136 ,. ; ; ." lot 7 bl .....,...... 1 36 1 ; " . lot 8 bl 44 136 lot 9 bl 44........ 1 3i lot 15 bl 44 1 09 , ' . . lot 18 bl 44 1 09 let 20 bl 44 1 0!) , " , lot 21 bl 44 .;........ 109 - lot 22 bl 44 .. II lot 23 Id 41 109 lot 6 bl 45... , 1 09 i . - 4 . lot 8 bl 4A.. 1 09 I . . ; rf - lot i bl 45 , 1 09 j . . , lot 17 bl 45 109 v lot.19 bl 45 1 09 lot 20 bl 45. ... 1 09 lots 8 aud 12 bl 46 2 45 -' lot 9 bl 21 1 f,4 lot 77 bl 22 .. 1 4 ' i j . , lot 12 Id 19 1 3 i lots 6 and 10 bl 16 3 27 Specker Georis, imp. 011 lot 7 bl SO ' I ( 9 Schmidt Chas, lot 14 bl 53 11 44 Schulte Fred, lot 14 hi 36 5 45 Spaulding M A V. J. 50x80 of lots2'2,23 J24 bl 1 22 34 Tileeton & Stautleld, lot 18 Id 52 3 82 ' " lot 191.152......' 3 82 Waiter Francis, j i lot 1 and J .j lot 2 Id 9.., 6 54 M bitehcad .lohn. Tot 21 Id 53 .. . ' 3 27 Wesley Wm,. I d JO bl 53 .327 Zekot Anton (heirs of,) imp. ou lot 6 bl 55 1 63 0LJ PLAN'. ; - A.p John M, improvements on jot 107 lei , . '- - . iiurrovemeuts on lot 185... ... 6 54 Aikmuu Wm M,5i,x75 feet of lot 32 66 49 Andrews Romeo, 2uxf0 of lot 39.. 30 52 Roiandick J II, 17Vüx.l5iof lot 85 47 96 fbihcuok Chi, 20x40of lot 13 .. 13 08 Bi-eniifcke Christopher; K xOoof lot 79 8ov 5 99 Brown William. Jöxläifof lot 6 20 44 Carter .bum s, imp. en lot 21 O P, A ou lots 17, 18 and 19 Hornby En 0 00 Cooler Eaclmel. lfSx75 of lot 3 , 29 43 Capellwre Isnac, halt lot 8. 78 29 Clai kLevi Ö, 4oxl5i'of lot 70.. .... 284 impivv. ou lot 109 l aiponter A K, f.)x75 of lot 28 85 84 Kiirmann E J Dr, 11 4-lSi75 of lot 84 19 81 Eiiensi hist John, 17x15 of lot 18.. .. 28 07 Foster Matthew, 5xloj of let 35, lot 36 283 40 37x75 inside A 37)x70 corner of lot 38 , 62 22 Uiecn Roliert, half of lot 71 .:. 14 17 Greer John, ball ..Tint 51.. 35 42 Groon M rs Francis P, ilxloojiunide of lot 78... 8 99 Hiiler Chas F, lot 3t.:... 88 29. liewson John, 81x75of lot 12fl . 20 16 Nos. 5 and 6 sub ol lot bl 15 80 .. - lot 121 aud 9x150 of 122...... 23 98 lot 118 25 07 V9 4;; 645 29 43 98 10 38 15 27 25 13 40 Hogv Gcoree, 18 5-12x79 ol lot 53....... j Hedcirich Gustav, improv. on lot 21 Jones MP, . K E ha If of lot 45 1 . . lotM la U,.H 47 I I Jones .Tames G, lot 139 .b.linson X II, t et' lot 10 .. middle of lot 91 Jarvis Rich rd, imorov. od lot 181 ; 1 09 t Kopier Francis, undiv. bf ofN E hf ot tot SO... 15 2 ! 1 ! i j J ! I i i ' i Kaifh Jobu, ' 174x150 of tot 18 30 25 Jones A Elytbe,14;3x56 feet or Pub. Square... 14 71 L ingnlin Jas, Jr, lot 44 and 10x150 of tot 43... 77 3U Long biiaeoD, . 185x150 of Pub. Sqiuiro........ 2126 Morris John 8, 3oxl50 ol' let 70 28 88 Mills Brrckot, improv. on lot 181.-. ; 45 MuehlhauseuMatthew,coruerhf 75x75 lot I04 39 24 McGiil .1 Jl, lrtxlSO of Pub. Square 26 29 - lajixW of Public Squaia T 52 Morrison W, improvements en lot 107...... 2 .Morrisnmuel theirs of.) mid. 69x75 of tot 29 27 25 Matthew. Kavier, Improvements no lot 21... 109 Nogl Philipp, 20x75 of lot 29 8 72 Norton John, 184x15001 tot 60 ;.. 23 98 O'itiley P G, 28xl50ortot ....- 38 69 of lots 7 and 8 74 57 ' imorov. on lot 7 O P 54 1 Rowley Nathan, No. 2, 3, 4, sub. of lot 61 ......1 In "9 i Koss Moses, i of lots 7 and 8 ; ; 37 39 Kobarts Goiues U, 184xl50 of Pub. Square... 2 43 Schreiber Heury, of 8x150 of lot 71 '. 16 26 lot 72 09 76 Sauer Bios., improvements ou lot 20 3 27 Si uger Charles N, 18x19 ef lots 125 and 126.;. i 3 81 Stinson H Clay, 30x75 of front part of lot 77... 6 54 t - JU - ' - I J L-1-- Stuart f. w, lotna.. ... 27 25 i Ö 77 8 72 ( Stewart V (heirs of.V50x75 alley end of lot Schroeder Adolph, corner lXk7uof lot las. 4 90 Iv-hwart Wm. iuside 18x70of lot 128... .3 81 Saudura Ueoree. Ibsido IS-., x.70 of lot 128... 3 81; ÖetctiMll Joseph, aller end I8x70 of lot 128... 4 3 N W half of lot 74 ...; 18 6 " ' aMev .bf oil DtvisiOB of lot 73 13 62 r InKi le ys of lot 423 .... .... 10 0 1 S W end 50x75 of lot 117 1145 I Thompson John (b'ra of,) S W46xl50oflot22 39 24 Wado Charlus, 27x75of lot 104..i ..... 9 7 Wiecliet A Stromberg, 25x100 ou 1st et of lot . 69i '20x25on Viuest oflotG'J. 2152. Ualwock H O, AK68 of lot 13 27 25 DONATION ENLAKGEMENT. ; Burtis Edward, alley end 34x150 of lot 202... 18 54 Cbutv James M, improvements on lot 16 2 18 Dcgarmo Edward, 46x150 of lot 183.. .... 28 84 60x76 alley end of tot 231 8 17 Dunham Horace, 75x120 of lot 197 27 2. 76x125 of lot 198 . 25417 75xl2tof tot 199. .......... 25 07 75x142 of ut 234 16 80 75x142 of lot 235 In 35 75x142 of lot 236..,. 5. 4M 80 ' lot 18ii .V................. 31 Gl Fi Mows Win, undiv. half of loi 181 82 7(t nndiv. half or lot 154.... J 18 35 Fix Jacob, 46' .jxVM of lot 192 ,' 30 52 Foster M W aud George, lot '200.......... ..'...: 35 42 lot 233 4k2, Gregg John, 8 E half of lot 146 18 53 Jialloch A Stoddard, lotl9 30 62 150 on Market by 92i4 tu Wal- . . nut of lots 17 and 18S... t 52 33 Huunell Jacob (heirs of,) aU hut 27 U ol lot 152 18 53 Hutchinson Isaac Ir. 81x75 of lot 120. 20 07 Johnson Wm N, 25x75 of alley end of lot 161... 10 90 Jones M V, lot 213 ... 22 lot2:2 .. 2 18 of lot 217 , 2 18 Jenkins Elizabeth, Mo. 5 sub. of lot 141 ft 142 11 99 Jaquess ft Read, 25x72 of lot 168...... 20 71 Kuppler Eugene, 18x150 of lot 203 17 89 Lot an Stun, 50x100 of lot 148 15 2. idnii Win (heirs of,) 25x7 of bit 240...-.., 3 72 Laughliu Jas, Jr, iniprov: on lot 228 , 8 72 Marlin John S, lot 221 4 36 Marlett John J. 40k,xI4t of lot 229 J-4- Mainert John. jiixUrf vt tot PK.:.-." 22 07 Mitchell .1 MA Co, lot 237 .. 21 80 O' Riley V G, 70 on Div. st by 75 on canal or lot 216 3 27 Parvin James, of N W ft S E hf of lot 194. 5 99 1 osev F, lot 206 .-. 94 (1 ' Rowley Nathan, alley cud 105x75 of lot 189... 20 71 30x75 of lot l'.O , 10 79 Rick John, 16x150 of bit 151 5 23 Robbe John, Jr, corner 25x75 of lot 189 13 07 Smith t'atherino, lot 207... .....;.,... 25 63 Singer Chas N, 25x72 of lot 168.;......i. 19 62 Stephen Silas, lot 228 61 32 Straight Line R B Co, lot 214 ........ 1 05 lot215... . 164 ot lot 217.; 2 73 ...... Uit218 73 lot 219 7 63 Schulte Fred, Trafton Win, Wallace J H, Wise John, 20x150 of lot 203., 23 34 lot 238 ..:;...':....::..........;. 10 90 nndiv. half ef lot 149..... 12 53 lot 185 29 98 " , UPPER ENLARGE3IENT. Brown Wm, fract. lot 4.... 23 98 Babcock H O, lot 9 67 2" Dyson Bennett, N W of lot 62 16 44 Farroll John, lot 24..- m 28 34 FairchildEH, lot 10 20 44 Gavitt John S, half of lot 23 , 8 72 - 'lot 4 bl 40......!.. : ; 3 27 lot 11 bl 42.... 1 64 McOill, lot 66 .....; ..' 28 34 McDonald Jas, No. 5 sub. 25x93 of bits 71 A 72. ft No. 6 sub. 25x93 of lots 71 and 72 14 71 AtcFarlan Hobt (heirs of,) 18x75 of lot '21 2 72 Nelson Hiram, corner hf and alley end 28x75 of lot 64 17 44 O'Biley P G, lot 11 .....; 36 79 Rowley Nathan, 34J$xl50 .niddle pt ef lot 50. 16 89 Roilly Mrs Mary Ann, half of lot 69 25 07 Reed 0, "lot 7 sub. ofonilot3 5 9!) 'Shear Adam, . lots 26aud27 Lister's sub. of, . . out lot 2... ...... 4 2 1 Tracer Mich'l, 14 A 15 Lister's sub. of out lot 2 5 43 White Thos J, corner 22x150 of lot 60... 11 7.1 LOWER ENLARGEMENT. Bennett Bayles, lot 9.... -.. 38 15 let 10 35 97 Carpeutcr A B, E half of lot 7 19 82 60x144 inside of lot 11 17 99 nndiv. half of lot 14 14 72 alley half of lots 15 and 1)... 31 Gl lot 22 27 25 T?wing G G W, N W half f lot 4... 28 34 Hartman George, half of lots 25 and 26 .. 22 89 Jones A Onriienter, 397 feet of frac. lot 3 129 82 Parviu J II, 2x144 of lot 21.. 10 90 Rodgers Samuel, fract. lot 2 87 20 Sauers George, improvements on lot 20 ' 109 Seater Joseph (heirs of,) S E lit of bit 3 35 10 Stiiison Lewis C, 40x76 of lot 6 1144 BAKER'S AUDITION.. Ciirnick Thos, lots 2 and 3 bl 2 - 4 36 Gosling James, lot 18 bl 4 82 HiUlMariaJ, lots 12 and 13 bl 1 409 Habich Counul, lots 7 and 8 bl 2 .,... 3 81 Hiuzpeter Ludwig, lot 6 bl 1 . 2 45 Reeres George, lot 3 hi 3 2 18 Ries CI, . lot 1 and 4 6-12 ft of bl 4 6 27 Reed E O, lot 24 bl 4 , 81 Slattevy Mrs Margareth, lot 10 bl 4 , ' 2 72 FOURTH ENLARGEMENT. ' ' ' Briukmau Geo, lets 11 and 12 bl 11 4 12 Bow Us Jos, (koirs of,) fract. lots 1 ami 2 bl 4. 3 00 Bauer Peter, lot 3 bl 1-., - 3 66 Bui-bank Mrs Eliza, lot 6 bl 18..., 4 50 Bull Robert, lot 14 1.1 17 ,... 3 00 Colssly Gustav us, lot 10 bl 1 1 60 lot 11 bl 1 2 25 tot 12 bl 1 2 26 tot 13 bl 1., . 2 0 Caiouau-h Owen, lot 1 bl 2 2 44 lot 2 bl 2 3 38 Chambers Mary, lot 6 bl 20 1 50 lot 6 hi 20 .... 3 38 Carpenter Helen R, hf lot 12 bl 13'. . ' .18 Coilcn Sarah Mariah, lot 4 bl 17 2 03 Carpenter A B, lot 9 bl 15..... 2 25 lot 10 hi 15 338 lot 11 bl 16 2 6.1 Dreher Henry (heirs of,) lot 7 bl 9... - ' lot 8 bl 9 3 38 D'u kerson Mever, fract. lot 1 Id 1: Straight Line R R Co, lot 7 bl Al lot 8 1.1 20 6 lot 7 W 18- ....... 131 lot 8 bl IS 1 :;i Fi-llowes W 111 A Co, half of lot 1 1 Id 9 1 12 - - half of lot 15 bl 9.... 94 half of lot 16 1.1!... 94 ' ' half of lot 17 bl 9 ' 94 Fuchs Peter, F116S Adam, lot 6 bl 11 4 8' M lot 1 bl 12 1 I K lot 2 bl 12 VL lot 3 bl 12 Gavitt John S, lots 3 and 4 bl 2 lot 13 bT 11.: lots 14 and 15 bill Hornby Henry, lot 3 bl 14 lot 4 bl 14 lot 5 bl 14 , b.t 6 bl 14 . lot 7 bl 14. lots bill.- lot 3 bl 14 tot 4 bl 14 ...... lots bill ' lot U bi 14 lot 7 1.1 14 . tot 8 bl 14... ... lot 9 bl 14 . lot 10 bl 14 lot 11 bl 14 tot 12 bl 14 lot 13 bl 14 lot 14 bl 14 :. 12 00 . 2 25 3 75 1 50 I 50 1 50 1 08 1 (.8 1 87 2 25 . 2 25 . 2 25 . 2 25 2 o 4 95 , 4 95 4 95 . 4 95 . 4 95 . 12 00 , 6 611 . 6 60 lot 17 bl 14 lot 18 bt 14 , lot 19 bl 14 - - " whiirf property Haag George K, lot 1 bl 15 .. lot 2 bl 15 Iukenbrandt Philipp, tot 7 bl II......... Jarvis John, (heirs ot,) hit 16 bl 17 Jones James G, lot 7 bl lo ..... ' lot 16 bl 1 lot 17 bl 10.. lot 18 bl 10 : lot 19 bl 10 . lot 20 Id 10.,,"... ......... ' lot 21 bl 10..... lot 22 bi 10 .::., Kiger Clara Mrs, lot l bl 11; , lot2bl 11.:.. Kollenberg August, lot 4 bl 7....1. . lot 5 bl 7 Kunta Peter, dot 2 bl 7 Kennedy John, lot 6 bl 7.. Kuata Lewis, tot 1 bt 17 ........ Keats O G, tot 1 bl 13.. . lot 2 bl 13 v. ' lot 3 bl 13...... lot 4 bl 13 lotöbt 13 lot6bl 13 lot 7 bl 13 : tot8 bl 14....:. Link Elizabeth (heirs of,) lot 29 bl 13... Mason Thomas, half lot 8 bl 3 lot 9 bl 3....... Heirs Richard, tot 5 bl 10 , lot 6 bl 10........ Mc Kinney Esther E, lot 30 bl 13...- , Morse Mary Z, lot 22 bl 9..... j-eier Emst, 16 feet of lot 12 bl 3.. Miller Henrv, tot 1 bl 16 lot 2 bl 16..... . 6 60 15 11 ii ! 63 f : . 25 1 ?-. ' . 2 63 , 5 25 3 . 4 50 , . I 31 I 31 I . 1 31 1 31 1 . 1 31 ' . 131.1 . 1 50 -.131 f " . 2 06 r .. 3 75 1. , 8 25 f - 30o I ' .- 2 25 U; . 300 ; . 1 50 v . 75 I v ZH ;H 73 I 75 75 ' 75 ! 75 2 51 -I 12 ' 6 75 ! 1 15 1 15 4 50 1 87 4 12 .75 . ' 75 4 87 2 62 ' 3 37 3 38 4 50 338 4 87 160 187 2 25 1 87 2 25 3 38 1 50 2 25 38 187 5 25 300 3 00 1 87 1 87 2 25 2 25 2 25 2 63 56 30 3 00 15 no 2 81 6 25 3 71, 4 50 4 50 4 87 5 62 94 94 1 87 3 37 1 12 3 75 9 45 2 63 li 25 1 68 Ostemian Francis, lot 21 bl 9 ;. Pbelpa Tlwodore, lot 14 bl 14...'... Rowley Natlura, lots 1 and 2 bl 6........... , lot 3 bl 6 - '-'.-. toti 4 and. bl 6... ; , ; lot 6. bl 6........ .... .' '. I-' , lot 1 bl 10...-. Bchercr Jacob, lot 14 bl 10... lot 15 bl 10.... Smith Elizabeth, lot 17 Id 16...., ...... . ., lot 18 bl 16 ....... Bpillman John, lot 2 bl 18............! ... SetchollJoseph, tot 5 bl 3.......;........... Heavens Silas G, 1-6 of lot 9 bl VinconnesFM, lot 25bl 9. Wade Charles, , tot 6 bl 2 . Weal Sohn,' tot 4 Id l...s Zweitkll Henry, lot 24 bl 9 .- Zwollen Chrtstian, lot 21 bl 11. ....- tot 22 bill LA MASCO. Albertsoii Nathaniel, lot 5 Id 105............ lot 20 bl 104.-;..... Bullen George, lot 6 bl 155 " lot 7 bl 155.. .....I... .. - ' -. bit 8 bl 20 - ' l-.t 17 bl 20....... Bus.;h Anthony, (heirs of,) lot 3 bl 133... Brooklocker George, bj 25....... BauerCohstaut, lot 3 bl 174.: .i....... Bremricke Christoplier, lot 4 bl 76......... Bmndeiiburg M A J, tot 10, bl 81...... ...... Bailev Lucius, lots 2 and 3 bl 82 Brier Jaco, heirsof,) lot 7 bl 82 Bippns Gottlieb, lot y bl 2... ......... ... lot 10 bl 82 Bennett Bayles, lot 21 W 101 . ... .lot 22 bl HU...., . ' . lot 16 bl 105 Baker Jacob lot 10 bl 131 Butts Henry,' lot 6 bl 86 Baleslcy 43eorge, lot 12 bl IXi Bonis John, - undiv. of bl 65 .... Conant Mary Ann, Jot 7 bl 170 J . ' lot8bl 170. :., Carlsted Fred, (heirs of,) half lot 3 bl 77... Chamberlain K 11, lot 1.1 M -t-ter lot IU Lit 74.... lot 11 bl 74.. 1 60 56 16 87 187 5 85 ' 1 50 Carpenter A B, block 67 ....... i ' lotl bl 74.. 17. feet of tot 6 bl 74 . lot 12 bl 1.10.... hf of bl 3 Carpenter's place... 18 70 hf of bl 4 Carpenter's place 3 73 hf ot bl 1 liattelie s place. 22 50 tract, ot bl 2 Carpenter's meadow, between Sharpe's En, ast avenue, and Ann st, coutain'e6tc7aures. 7 50 250 2 00 112 112 Diffel Henry, ' half of tot 15 bl 78... K 1 ft V It L Railroad Co, lot 10 tl 28 lot 11 bl 28...... ... lot 12 bl 28 , ' b.t 13 bl 28 ... lot 14 bl 28 ;.... J - - lot 15 bl 28... - - - lot 10 bl 28......... -- ': ' lot 1 bl 29: :;....;.:.. 112 112 1 12 112 150 1 68 let 2 bl 29 ' v -u tot 3 bl 29. ;........,.... -:- lot 4 W29 ........... " - ' !Vi tot ft bl2! - lot bl 29....; :.......:. s - lot-7 bl'29 lot 8 bl 29 i lot bl 29 tot 10 bl 29 lot 11 bl 29 lot 12 bl 29 - lot 13 bl 20 ..: ......... - - lot 4 bl 29 -, tot 15. bl '29.i lot 16 bl 29 ..... , lot 1 bl 58...., ! lot 2bl 68 ,. tot 3 bl 58 ; J " lot 4 bl 68 - lot ö bl 58 tot 6 bl 58 , ' - lot 7 bl 58.... :.,. ' , : ' :- - lot 8 Id 58 - lot 9 bl 58 lot 10 bl 68 ' lot 12 bl 58 . , . , lot 13 bl 68 , . . lot 16 bl 58 .... - i lot 4 bl 59 . ' loto bl 9 :.. . lot 9 1.169 lot 10 bl 59 ,... " tot 2 bl 71 tot 12 bl 74 lot 13 1.1 74 . lot 6 bl 75 .. lot 7 bl75 - ' : lot 12 bl 75 . , . ; i lot 13 bl 76 . lot I t bl 75 lot 15 bl 75 -, . ". ,, tot 16 bl 75 .half of tot 2 bl 76 lot 6 bl 76 tot 10 bl 76 ' 1st 2 bl 77 ... ' lot 12 bl 77 lot 1 bl 78 1 lot 2 bl 78 ' lot 3 bl 78 balfoflot 4 bl 78- lot 14 bl 83........ lot ten bl eighty four, lot 0110 bl eighty-five, 1. lot two bl eighty-are, ' lot throe bl eighty-live, .'..-- "l.tnine 14 eighty-five, i ., lot ten bl eighty-ftve, . ' lot twelve bl eighty-five, -lot thirteen bl eighty-five, lot fourteen bl eighty-five, lot liiteen Id eighty-five, . - . lot sixteen bl eighty-live, .... lot one, bl eighty-six, . V " ' lot two bl eighty-six," ' " . lot three bl eighty -six, lot six bl eighty-six, .7 ' b.t nine bl eighty-six, . ' . lot ten bl eighty-six, lot threo bl one hundred, ., tot six bl one hundred, . , '- '' 'lot thirteen bl oue lntndaed, lot fourteen bl one hundred, lot fifteen bl one hnndred, ' lot Sixteen bl one hnndred, i tot twenty-two bl 100, ' ' lot. twenty-thri'o bl 100, .- . I"t twenty.fiiuE bl 100, -... " . lot tweuty-ttve bl 100, " ' lot twenty-six bl 100, lot 6 bl 0110 hundred and one, lot 7 bl one hundred aud one. 1 50 1 50 1 50 -1 68 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 87 1 60 1 50 1 60 1 68 1 50 1 31 1 31 1 68 1 50 1 60 1 50 1 87 1 50 . ' 75 75 1 r.o 1 31 1 31 1 60 75 75 1 50 . 75 75 1 31 131 75 - 75 ' 75 1 68 1 87 75 . 75 75 1 31 2 2") 2 25 1 87 2 06 2 25 1 87 1 87 94 2 25 2 25 2 25 1 87 1 87 1 87 1 68 1 68 1 87 1 60 1 .10 1 m . 1 87 1 68 ICS 1 12 1 50 1 3a 94 1 12 1 12 1 12 1 12 I 12 94 94 91 : 91 94 1 60 1 50 lot 14 bl ...ue hundred aud one, 1 12 lot 12 bl one hundred and 0110 112 lot 23 bl one hundred and one, 94 ' lot 24 bl one hundred aud one, 1 12 lot 25 bl one hundred aud one, 94 lot 2o bl oue hundred and one, 94 i lot 27 bl onehiuidred and one, 91 iot 5 bl one huudred and two, 1 50 lot 6 Id one hundred and two, 1 12 lot 7 bl one hundred and two, 1 12 lot 8 pi one hundred ami two, 1 31 lot 1 1 bl one hundred and two, 2 06 h.i 1 ui one iiiiaurtxi anu two, . is. lot 13 1.1 one hundred aud two, 2 06 lot 0 bl one hundred and three, 1 87 lot 7 blonehundoedand three, 1 87 lot 8 Id one hundred and three, 1 87 tot 9 bl sue huudred and three, 1 7 iutaOblonehandrcdand three, 1 87 lot 8 bl one hundred and four, 1 87 lot 9 bi oue hundred and tour, 1 87 lot lo bl one hundred and four, 1 7 lot 14 bl oueaiindrod and four, 1 87 loc 15 bl one huudred and loer, 1 7 lot 16 bl one hundred and four, 1 87 li t 17blono hvudrcdaud four, 1 87 tot "21 blone hundred and four, 1 08 b.t 22 bl oiie hundrtrd and four, I 5u lot 2 bt one hundred and live, 1 lot 3 bl 0110 hundred and live, 1 b.t 4 bl one hundred and fiv, 1 lot 8 bl one hundred and ti.e, 1 lot 9 bl one huudred aud hve, 1 lot lo blone hundred aud five, 1 lot 11 bl one hundred aud five, 1 . tot 12 bl one hnndred and Hve, 1 lot 13 bl one huudred and five, 1 lot 14 blone hundred and five, 1 lot 12 bl one hundred and five, 1 tot 22 bl one hundred aud live, 1 lot 23 bl one hnndred and five, 1 lot 24 bl one hundred and live, 1 tot 25 bl one hundred and five, 1 lot 261.1 one hundred and five, 1 tot 27 bl one hundred and five, 1 lot 28 bl one hundred and five, 1 block twenty-six,- 15 lot 12 bl one hundred'A eight, 2 Iot 13 bl oue hnndred A eight, lot 3 bl one hundred and nine, lot five block 131, tot tweuty-four bi 136, 2 25 ' 3 I". lot twunty-tlve bl 1..6, bl one hundred and sixty-two, 9 00 Ernsbach Elizabeth, half of lot seveu bl 77 1 88 EvsnsviNwtVMC), lot five bl 129, . , . i ,. lot six, bt 129,. .. i . - lot seven bl 129, t . tot eight bl 129, ! . . ' tot niue bl 129, ; . lot twenty-two bl 12.), - - lot twenty-three bl 129, lot twenty-four bt 129, . lot twenty-five bl 129, " lot twenty-six bl 129, Espensbied John, fract. lot 10x11 bl fifty," Everett Altred T, North half of lot 8 bl 7U, Fritx Charles, lot twenty-nine bl 23, 1 31 1 31 1 31 13 Bl 1 31 .131 1 31 ' 1 31 131 4 12 1 31 56 Neil David, lot 7 bl 17-.. .. lotRbl 17.....; Fritz Charles, . lot 30 bl twenty-three, , ( 56 Fisher George, tot eight bl thirty-two, - .- 75 Friele Grace, tot 4 bl one hundred aud nine, 2 25 lot obi one hundred aud nine, 2 Fisher V A Bro, lot one M 131, ' ' 4 31 Fincholer Fred Andrew, lots 1, 2 and 3 hl 32, , Foster, O'liiloy t Kropp, lot eight b,T75. 2 44.1 :;oo lot nine in 101, , , ,j tot 10 block 175, 300 6 00 112 3 38 94 3 25 ' 75 Greek John, uie-half of lot 1 bl 153, . - lot two bl lo,!. Gulielman Joseph E, lot ninsteen Id 47, t Guth Peter, lot six bl fifty,. , ... Greer Capt W C, tot six bl 132, "" Henderson J P, lot seventeen bl lot., Uewsuu John- tot eleven bl eitlitv-aix. !; 4 96 '2 06 block ouc hnndred and sixty, 8 2. Ilorseb. Philipp, tot sixteen bl twenty-four, -.' 60 Hosnier Bröselt, bl thirty-three, . .w.n 1875 Hurley John, lot seven bl ei6hty-lx, .' ; 213 Howard Marshall, lot fourteen bl 134, " "412 lot 18 blone hnndred and eight,! 13 Hollingsworth A Hughes, lot seven bl 100, ; . 1 13 . . . lot eight bl oue hundred, , 1 13 lot niue bl one hundred, - 113 - lot 19 bl one hundred aud one 113 lot, 20 bl one hnndred and one, 1 60 lot one block 113, " ; . , 2 25 . ." '"' . lot two block 113,' ; ' " "150 ' tot 8 bl oue hundred and thirty 1 50 , . , lot 9 bl oue hundred and thirty, 160 lot 10 bl oue hundred & thirty, 1 50 : ' lot OBe block 174, - '150 lot two block 174, : : 131 -lot ono block ;176,J ,; , 167 ., lot two block 17ii, 1 SO Hafner John, ; lot eighteen bl forty Seven, ' 94 Huler Philipp ft Jas. tot '24 and imp, ou led 2:i' block 135. . , 2 31 Haub Henry, .laut'. Alfred, Joy John, lots 25 and 26 block 32, - 75 half of lot thirteeu bl 78, " 1 12 tot 6 bl one hundred and five, I 87 lot 7 blone hundred and ive 187 lot five block 132, -, - ; 75 lot two block 135, . 19 lot twenty-three bl 171,' 75 lot live block 128, - 1 31 lot twenty-foiw JUL Xsl, t St Jones Jas G, n.T twenty-seven, bt 129, :; " 150 lot twenty-nine, bl 129, . 150 Jerar J William, 25x100 iu Carpenter's Fild, i 4 50 Ktppell Charles, lot twenty bl thirty, '' 75 lot twenty-one bl thirty, ' V3 0Q Gollenberg A Bisch, tot 18 bl one hnndred, ! . . -, 94 lot 19 bl one huudred, lot twenty bl one hundred, "' 94 . tot 21 bl one hnndred, - 6 62 Keats C G, , tot twenty bl 129, ., ... 1 31 lot twenty-ono bl 129,. 3 56 Law Wm H, lot eight fil seventy-seven, -3 75 Lauer Henry (heirs of,) of blocks 164 165, 8 4 Lockwood Edwin, lots 7 ana 8 bl hlty. i5 Lutz Michael, half of lot 4 bl seventy-eight, , 3 19 Lowell A Heyd.lot three bl 175, - , " 3 00 Mold John H, tots 13 and 14 bl tweney-four, 1 13 Maidlow Edmund, 111 fifty -one, J 28 50 Miller Conrad, tot twenty-five bl 1'28, ,, 1 31 lot twenty six bl 128, ?' r. 1 31 Morton Wm, lot four bl thirty,: ' ' "' 2 89 Negley Wm P, block fifty -four, . " , 28 50 Nightingale Kobert,. 25x100 in Carpenter's field on First Avenno, t 2 62 New Daniel, lot five bl forty-seven, ' ; 75 lot six bl forty-seven, - - ' 75 0'Bilcy P G. lot six bl twenty-four, . .; . 56 f lot seven bl twenty-four "" 65 bl oua hundred and fifty-one, 6 00 bl one hundred and seven, 1125 Phelps A M, . lot one block. 173, ... .. 900 Eeitz Clements, lot three bl seventy-four, , 1 68 lot four bl serenty-fonr, ' M :' . lot five bl seventy-four. f.r. . " Richerich Martin, tot 29 bl tkirty-tv-o, Räber Phil, lit nine bl oighty-one. lot ten bl eighty -three; J" . 75 4 87 3 00 3 0 lot eleven bl eighty-three, ! Eeis Jacob, (heirs of,) hf of lots 6 and 7 bl 84, 4 31 Koessler.lohn, lot. ft) 01 one hnndred and five, 2 63 ßowlev Nathan, lot fourteen bl thirty', " 4 ; -5ff Richards Chas, lot four bl seventy-live, -; ReilzJohnA, lot twenty-eight block 74, Smitn George, ' lots 27 aud 28 block 24, Schilling Fred, lottlvebl seventy-five, '" Singer Charles, tot seven bl eighty-three, lot eight b eighty-throe, Lauer Jacoli,, lot thiee b seventy-five, Sweeney Patrick, tots ono ami two bl03, lots three and four b 103. 1.13 . 19 1 13 1 13 2 25 ."fi 25 2 6:5 3 38 ' 3 00 lots one, two and thresh 111, 2 63 Euipler Adam, 2rixl00 in Cariientoris field on Flint Avenue, - -2 25 Scott Lucius H, lot seven b 175, , -. ,. 3 00 Smith John, (heirs of,) lots 3 aud 4 b 152, 7 87 Sliutiecker Wm R, lots oue and two b 134,' ' 142 lot five b 1;, er Schaufler Chas, 50x85 of tot five b 77, ..- ' : 3 75 Setchell t Bowles, tot tweuty-uiira b 24, 56 Sachs Alexander, 3"x1O0of of lots45 b '83 2 63 Stevens Silas G, of lot five b 105, 101 Trute Henry, 44 of blocks 164 aud 165, ; ' 3 76 Unku iwn owner, fot fifteen b fifty-eight, 75 Weist Andrew, . hf of lot 12 b eighty-one, . , 2 25 Weaver J R, "lot thirty-ono b twenty, " ' 15 lot thirty -two b twenty. 15 Wolf Adam, tot five b eighty, , . . ,160 Znls-r Lorenz, lot five b twenty.eigbt, 3 00 Zwallen John, 'lot twelTe b eighty-two, 2 25 . . lot thirteen b eighty-two, : ; - 2 63 GR EEKTILLE. A Armstrong UW, lot ono b flvo,. ; " 2 63 , lot two b 6, ; .. .' ... 1 31 lot threo b five,' , ' .131 lot frnr, b five, " ' ' "14 06 lot five b five, ..'::....' r: 50 . . lot aix b five, . .- 1 31- lot seven b five, . 1 31 ' " lot eight b five, ' '. 1 P.l 1- - ' tot ninu b five, ; 131 . , lot ten b five, ; .. ; ; ... ; -J 31 lot eleven b five, ' , , 1 31 - tot six b six, " " ' "' "75 lot seven b six, .. - . -. ;: 75 lot eight U six, .-, .: - , 75 lot niue b Six, .",' , ' . 94 Gi-eek John, ' lot lot Bix b four, ':' .V' 1 31 - lot seven b four, : i" '131 lot eight bl four, : r ' :. 1 31 lot nine b four, . 1 31 bitten 1) four,' ' ' 131 tot eleven b four, ' i . U Ott lot twelve b four, . ; t , ; 9-1 lot thirteen b four, 94 lotfourtoon b four, ; 94 ; lot fifteen b four, . 94 lot sixteen b lour, . ,. . 94 lot seventoeu, b four, ', 1 12 lot eighteen b tonr, ' ' ' 7.1 lot nineteen, b four, r '. ft ;"74 lot twenty b four, ,.. , . .. 75 lot twenty, one r four, . ; 75 lot twenty-two b four, ": " 75 lot twenty-three b four . 75 lot twenty -four b four, . , t : , 75 lot lwenty-five, b lour, 75 lot twenty -six b four, ' ' 75 lot tweuty-soveii b four, . , -.1.94 lot thirteen b oue, 75 lot fourteen b one, , 56 lot tlfteeu b one, ' 56 lo; sixteen b one, '- - -- 66 lot seventecu b one, ; . 56 lot eighteen . b one, r. 56 lot one b two, " 56 lot two b two, - . i . 56 lot threo b lwo, 4 66 lot four b two, .. 56 lot live b two, : ' ' ' 56 lot six h two, ' , "- .' 1 ' 75 iot eight b two, ; . :, , , Tai lot nine b two, : , r . 56 lot ten b two, " - 56 tot ono b three, ' : ' - 1 73 j ; j f I : !' ; i J I t ' lots two aud toi'eu b up-cc, : 1 12 lots loar and live b three, ; 1 12 tots siqand seven b three, 1 12 lots ei,,bt and nine b three, 1 12 tots ten mid eleven b three, 1 31 lots twelve aud thirteen 0 3, , 1 12 lots fourteen and fifteen b 3, 1 12 tots sixteen and seventeen b 3, 1 12 . lotse.gnteen and iiuioieou b3,, 1 12 Green R. lot lifteeu b live, .;. ... 75 oil 50 1 87 ' 87 I 87 $7 ' 87 i 87 j 87 i 68 : 50 j 50 ' 87 I 68 ' 50 j 50 50 i 00 1 25' lot sixteen b live, 5IcTeeley Jas, li t twelve b live, . let tliirtet.u b five, ; lot fourteen b live, Pickharatt Wm and F M Eder, lot one b six, tot two b six, 1 - tot three b six, . , . lot four b six, lot five bl six, ''"'.' " SHARPE'S ENLARGEMENT. 1 Babcock H O, block three, - . , lot oue b eight,. . , , 1 12 75 1 50 - 75 75 75 94 '15 00 94 lot two b eiht, .t 75 lot three b eight, ; " - . 75 . ' tot four bi eight, .. 75 , ... iot five b eigbr, - ... ., r K., : 75 lot six b eight, , , i f" 75 ; " ' lot seven b eiebt, 1 ' ' " 75 B.okede Henry, tot one b thirteen, '..' 2 63 2 2.V- Jones Joshua, lot eighteen b htteen, ; -.: 38 lot mueteen Ii ntteen,. 1 50 '"' '! lot twenty b fifteen, ' 38 lot twonty-ono b fifteen,?-- "-' 3 lot twenty-two b fifteen, . 38 Lamb Wm S, J of tenacreson First Av., 5 62 Ko'lenberg John, Lot two b thirteen. 56 19 19 1 31 J Little Joiiu, Lot five b thirteen, ! ' - 56 t- Lot six b thirteenn, .. Stif'necker Win R, Lots one and tivo b 12, 1 ,t.i Lota 3, 4, and a, b twelve, , 1 t Lots six aud seven b twelve, . 1 '" ' Lets eight and nine b 12, 1 , Lots ten aud eleven b 12, 1 12 ' " Lots twelve aud thirteen bl2, 150 Lots fourteen and fifteen b 12, I 12 ! Lots sixeeen and seventeen b 12 1 12 j Lots eighteen A nineteen b 12, 1 12 j Lou 20 and 21 b twelve, ... .. ,112 Steinecker B, Lot twenty-two b twelve, '.'",' 1 31 m i. . .. jjot thirteen b seven, ' I -' '54 ' . -, Lot fifteen h seven,- . , . 12 10 1 Skimriiernia'n Henrv. Lot oiirbteerib eleven.' 131 Tasittle' F J, Lots fiveand sixb thirteen, 'tl2 1 r ' sTOCKWEtL'S enlargement:" ' '-'' ' Babenck Brothors, nndiv. of lots 7, 8 & 9 b 15, '3 00 Brinkmeir Fred Win of Lot I8and of Lot '' i nineteen bl nineteen, - .' ! : 1 CA Burgcmer Teter, Lots eleven and twelve b 16, 3 09 Brown A Loiincrd, Lots seven and eight b 11, . 2 63 Cuinpbell Jaa, Lot tewb five, ' 1 - " 1 87 Lot eleven b fivei ' - : i r.!l Clark Samuel, hf of Lots 4 and 5 b thirteen, 160 CarpetitiTA U, snlidiv. of Lot threo bone, ,4 12 1 ; ..I,:- .;iof Lot thirteen b nine, 22 Lot fourteen b nine, Lot fifteen b nine, . , . 1 Lot sixteen b nine, ", ' 1 ' Lot seventeen b nine, !' Lot eighteen bniue, Lot nineteen b nine, Lot twenty b nine; r ." ' Lot twenty-one bnine,- Lot twenty-two b nine, n Lot twenty-threo. I. nine,) Lot twenty-four b tiine,, ' . Lot twenty-five b nine, Lot twoBty-ix bnine,; Lot twenty-seven b nine,, ( Lot twenty-eight b nine, Lot twenty-nine b nine, i .Lot thirty b nine,.- :. Ufof Lot thirty-oueb nine,. Lot ouc h twenly-ono, Lot one b six, ' " ' Lot one b two,; ..... r Lid two b two, , i . . ' lots 3 & 4 l.l 2 ."" lots 5 and. C bl 2 , , ' : lot 7 bl 2 Tot 8W 2 lot 0 til 2 - ;; '.2 "lot TO" Til 1 . 2 lot U 'bl 2" " " ' 2 lot 12 bt 2; ' y- v; '"J lot 13 bl 2 ' " . ''" v. 2 lotli'bl 2 ! '-' ' 2 lot 16 bl 2 ' 2 lot 17bl 2 .' ' 2 fract lot 3 bl 13 ' 3 fract lot 2 bl 13 1 Duncan Wm lot 11 bl 15 ' . . . "1 lot 12 bl 15 " , , 1 E..I. & C. S. JL.. Railroad Co. lot,2 bl 4 1 lot 3 bl 4 ' ' ' 1 lot 4 b; 4 . ' " "' 1 lo; 5 bl 4 . ' ; " 1 lot 12 bl 4'- . , '1 50 lot 13 bl 4 , 1 50 lot 14 bl 4 " ' 1. 50 lot 6 bl 4 ' " ' 7- 1 12 lot 7 bl 4 ' ' 1 50 lot Ibl 4 ' . . .1 68 bill " 35 87 lot5.bl6 " ' ; 1 87 lot 6bl 6 - ' 187 1-1Ö of lot 7 bl 6 ' 7 19 lot 5 bi 57 , 7 ;7 :i 50 lot 6 bl 5 7 " 1 87 lot 7 bl 5 7 7" (- ' 1 87 lot8bl 5 . : '. I 87 lot 9 M 5 ' . '.' 1 87 Fleagar John Clot, 27 & of 28 bl 14 .2" 25 Green John. AV, J 'of lot 19 bl .19 30 31 31 31 25 75 12 i . - . lot 20 bl 19 , , . , Gavitt John S., lot 31 bl 17 '7 ,7 lot 32 bl 17 ; : ' lots 3&4bl 19' " Gavisk Matthew, lots 11 & 12 bl 1 Y Green ATm., ' lots 13 & 14 bl 13 .'4 . 1 1 2 3 7 Gnbelman Joseph E., lots 21 & 22 bl 15 4,12 GiffordThos., of lot 6 & lot 7-bl.16.j6 75 Hotman John,' (heirs'of) Iot 3 1 bl 3 ' 2 '33 Holmes Stephen (hcira of) lot 9 bl 14 2 OG Tfob.W'nlri.l Tlonrv 1 r,f lot "Jl .tint. 1 i '. bi 14 ; . . . : . ; , ITelmrieh Conrad, lot 10 bl 15 Hiller James lota 13 & 31 bl 15 ; , lot 5 & 1 of 6 bl 16 '' ' lots 14 & 15 bl 17 ' ,, Lamb Wm. L lot 20 bl 20 7, i ' lot 21 bl 20 ' I , . lot 22 bl 20 ... " ' 7 ; lot 23 bl 24 . 7 " ,7. , : ' 7". 7. lot 24 bl 23 .' . ,. 4 50 4 12 3.75 2 '25 3 5 19 12 12 12 12 63 25 Lohr Wni Lohr Jacob, McAvoy Jas lot 27 bl 19 77 7 I lot 26bi19 7.. ". ; lot 1 bl 137 " 7 7 1 O 1.1TO 5 62 50 1.50 2. 25 Maser David, lot 12 bl 13 Mkker Wm., lot 23 bl 14 " ' - - half of lot 24 bl 14 Mason Wandoll,' lot 27 bl 15 ; ,7 .half of lot 28 bl 15 ' 50 75 87 19 Meni Jacob,' . half of fract. lot 7 bl 20 12 31 51 50 McKeever Jas. lot 3 bl 17 . ' . , .half of lot 2 bl 17 McDevitt Jmxlot 28 bl 19 . Make Henry,, of lot S and of lot 9 T : .7; v ; . bi i7 ;, 7 .. ... . s Jtoreross Allen ( heirs of) lot 14 bl 2 . 3 96 19 50 50 50 50 38 Uvan Cornelius lot 35 bl 14 lot 37 bl 14 ' ' ' ' lot 38 bl 14 ' V ' " i Ruaike Peter (heirs of)' lot 16 bl 15 Kkinner Robt. lot 10 bl 13 . : r " ' lot 12 bii3 " :" i fract. lot 4 bl 13 55 20 600 " - ! ' ' 1 '25 feet cörucr of Anii aiul : - ' ' 1st' street, 7 ' ' 1 50 63 50 Storking Thos, (heirs of) lot 24 bl. 1C lot 25 and 26 bl 1C "" 10 Setchell k Bowles, lot 32 bl 19 ' " " " ' I ' V, ".'.i-. . lot 33 bl 19 ':'' 1 Vickery Samuel 14 10-12 feet of bit 3, : and lOftfetof lot 4 bl 14 1 CRESCENT ENLARGEMENT. EaVjcoek Henry 0, undiv. J of lot 4 bl 2, . i : undiv. of-lot 21 bl 4 ' - - . - undiv. I of lot 22 bl 4 ' . .r: 'uiidm A of lot 1 bl 6 ' .- " undiv. I of lot 2 bl 6 - : undiv. 4 of lot 3 bl 6 undrv. I of lot 4 bl 6' : . " ; undiv. of lot 5 bl 6'' -. . -"-i :. undiv. -V of lot 6 bl 6 53 5ff 65 52 38 38 '53 38 38 38 f 38 33 Kronson Oretes, lot 11 bl 6 - Lobeustine AtikonyJ lot 5 bl 3' ' lot 6vbI 3 : Xeusmaier, Win. lot 13 bt 6 Prewitt Wm., lot 13 bl 3 : lot 14 .bl 3 ..,:,'.; ;,. Prewitt John lot 19 bi 6 : - r . . lot 20 bl G . . Pittnutn Jas. E. lot 1 bl 5 ... - ; . . lot 2 bl 5 . Plugstart Steubeier lot 9 bl 3 - . lot 10 bi 3 .- . .. lot 11 bl 3 , , . ... lot 12 bl 3 , . Reed.E. U. - lots 13 and 14 bl 1, ; ' , ,,, lots 15 und lö bl 2, ; ! riots 7 aud 8 bl 3, ;. , . lots 15 and 16 bl 3, . ' J . lots 21 and 22 bl 3, i lots 23 and 241)1 3, lots 7 and 8 bl 6, : 50 50 äö 19 30 12 12 50 5U 12 50 50; 50 63- 19 00 00 25 25 2 63 2 25 -75 Snhreinvich H & Wm. lot 12 bl 6, Stanton Mrs. lot 10 bl 6, - 1 Weylaud Herman, lot 13 bl 2, , 1 7 ..,..;:., lot 14 bl 2, , ; --f 3 ' NORTHERN ENLARGEMENT. 50 63 .7.5. Dausman Henry, lot 3 bl 1,; ; . . 1 lot 4 bl 1, j i , . : .l0t 5 bl l, .. . .. E. I. & G. S. L. R. R. C04 lot 6 bl 2, : . lot 7 bl 2, ,- , ... ' . ..; lot 8 bl 2, , , - ' , . -..lot 9 bl 2, ..... . .. ; Everett Alfred T lot 5 1.1 8, . Hollingsworth & Hughes, lot 1 bl 8, 31 31 31 31 .16 i 31 ' 12 31 ' 12 J 2 44 1.31 1 31 . 67 . 73 Hirsch Anna Jtfariß, loL 1 U 7, t'ii 42 Ilachcl Christian, lots 12 13 14 and 15, ' '.'"- " ' 'bl77!'- '- -a-'--'-' 225 HonirighnrsJ Fred, lot "5 bl f,i v. j12i, ; i , lot 6 bl 4, .i- John Albert, lot 7 bl 5;: fi 5: i;-.i i 12: w .. -.4 C9 6.37',., t.e-: ' 94Tj'f tionea josnua, tot i bl G, - "lot'2bl6: ' :: ; - - llot3bl6, ; . lot4,bl6,. j , ,.f., ,;, .,- lot 5 bl 6fJ. lot C bl 6,7 : ' ' ' "lot ltfbl 8, v:.i.:-D ' '. ";I ;r r-'.n u-s .:l John Jones (heirs' of ); I of lot 17 bl 3, I' I Kennedy J. S' lot.ll hi fi .!'iusH. ;! 'iiJ.".; . . lot 18 bl 6, ,.,,,.... 54 I. tvnier r ertynanu, toi ü lil . . 6iJ Mier Conrad, lot' 18 bl 7, a t-;s!'. -5J McRonalds, Dr.,"!ot 8 M K .tloa.-iilvri 50 rafistol Fred, kt4 hi ,U bi:n. h 81adT Rowley Kathan,:Jpts l and .Jbl 4, . 2 44 .flB Sullivan P. J. lot 2 .bl 2. ' 7, .7 " ,L 31" " '! '-' lot 3bl id '3i0L Salmon CbitS-v lot Tbl Sfs '53.'mf tey-'T Sehierholz Chas., lot 16 bl 6, .-, r;7 l;3 .'lL5v7it Steiler Tredrick, lot 1 bl 1, ,..t;.,J7 JL,l. Stevens Silas Gl, J of lot 4 bl 5, 33" . ' ' lot 8 bf V 3 " 1 SO' Ul Tilesfon Wm.,' lot 1 bl 2r " ' I ' " ' "l -'- r 3 .75 -:' Warren George M, lot 18 bl 2.1: L-3l( 1j Ztvollen Christian, lot 4 bl 8, . 67 7 r, .. GEORGE WOLFLIN, '.' ! " ' 7 V '""-";I"Cilj Collector. ' '' BOSINESS CARDS 7 n JL 11 S J I. J V RETAIL, . WW BOOK & STATIONER Y S-TÜUK. '. 'agaf!'' j'wi rewiveu anu xor saie : ny : rn aof'e5'. Bcriber, a large and splendid assortment. of Books and Stattonery, 'ceneistuig. ingi-fi part of 600 Roams ot Cap, Letter and üü Sote Paper : 500 Ouires of Blaak Books, from 10c. to 31.30 per qiiii-e; 150,001 .assorted -..Envelopes 4V JHeiuoniiiduni B.s.kt of nil kinds j also, a large as-,,::, sortineut of School Hooks ; Bibles of all kinds ; all kind of Miscellaneous Werks"; Sola- Pens of all ;il kinds; Steol Pons ef every brand; Gold and Stiver . Penholders and Pencils; Pocket Books and Port- ' monnais of every description J Musical Instruments jjj cf all kinds ; Sheet JIusic and Music Paper; Draw ing "Paper and Pictures ; Slates, and Pencils; Inltool and Inkstands ; and many other articles too nu merous to mention, ail ot wuicli will tws sold at the ' Very lowest price for cash. . J.. HE ALT, ti i-eter g Block, corner ot Main and First streets. angl4 - . r - : .: ... ,.'...'; IF QM. B. S.V.VJJ F, JTTOBJVJBV i t 4 T nn4 iLinanl 1 .w A TJ i auu vatvic-i a vuucvtiu:, atiuit uua-. r dersnn, Ky. mh.lOtf DR. J. FLEACER'S ' ' DENTAI OFFICE," CORNER MAIN AND FIRST, STS., i EVANSVILLE, U. Also.afine nretiaration foreleansinff the Teeth and hardening the gums, can be had otllr. F.atSüe.abex , Jf ' SMITH'S SHIBT JIMJViK4C-i fii 99 m TORY, 35 SIAIN STREET, . ,; 1 EVASSVILLB, VSTflSXtK. t,J If you wish, to get the Wrth. of jour money in Shirts.Gentlcmen's Furnishing" Goods m " FANCY SHIRTING PRINTS ,J rieafe call at 35 Main Street. All orders tor Stitching Silk, Cotton and Itinett si 5 Gwxls, promptly attended to, and neatly executed. (iratefnl for past patronage, I respectfully solicit a continuance of the same.: t 4 ,:.... "! ur, ' Shirts made to order t from measurement, and . , satisfaction warranted. L'f --' i ' eptS-ly - ' mtiWiJIBBIV'JlC Of JSBB8U JBt- 1 9V V . GOODS, fancy and staple article. Jost re . ceived at the Store of ' " WILLIAM J. DEUBLER, : 43 Slain st., between First and Second, f -. i " EVANSVILLE, INDIAHA; " , " A completa lot of . ;; : ;- 1, -.i'b l ' Xiry Goods ! Fiiuey and staple articles, which will be sold low, , for cash. ' " ' - " Remember, 43 Main street, between First and ; Stiond. septl4 . WM. J. DEUBLER. -4 i , i i '1 1 1 ..t, ' T0 TUE I.J It IKS Jl SPLIl.VIIHi . JL assortment of infant and boy's Hats and Caps,' ''' latest styles, juat received at . , .....', I VAUT1EU A MABCOH'SIER'S', ' , ßept22 i.i ,5 .- tri Ut . -39 Main street, :o . J. KT HIS l, K to, COJnjtllSSIOV Ahl) FORWARDING MERCHANTS, J I ' - Xd. 64 Pygdras Street, r - ' i-.l-'l . . .. , , .. NEW ORLEANS, LA.,...-,. I (EdallUhed April, 1&&Ö.) ''' c. p. truiit,........ ..fii, ruu,: t,it 1 It. S. Howard, Etausville, Indiana; AUis ft Howes,, -Evansvile, Indiana; A. M. Phelps ft Son, New- -1 burgh, Indiana ; Minor ft Ilade, Newburgh, la-. ,; diana; II. D. Newcomb ft Brother, Louisville, Ken tucky ; I. 8. Benedict ft Son, Louisville, Kentucky ; . ') Thomas Danforth, Secretary, New Albany Insurance . , 0., New Albany, - Indiana ; K. Simpson ft Co. ;' New AUny, Indiana; W. H. Catlin, Henderson,' Kentucky; Ii. G. Beverly, Henderson, Kentucky . , James Montgomery, Preston Bro. Bank, Jefferson- ' ville, Indiana; Merrett Campbell and Co., St. Louis', ' Mo.- .1.. -.;:'..-,:. -jy3l-ly:-.w -WlJrJCfA7V,, UKKJITIIOl SR K Co.,"' WW. COMMISSION.-' AND FORWARDING:" ' . .... -.. MKRCUANTH, ,- , t,. : i " Jo. 18 Poydras Street, i NEW ORLEANS, LAr " I'i.nt vvn,Kix...w. a. ORETiioi'sx...Jo6. oiTtiNor.a. : i Se give tiur jiersoiial attention to the sale of To-i ' e bss-cei, Vim; T.V .eat, Hay,tiatsi Ftoiir; Pork; Pacoir, "" Lartl, e.r i v .0 . ' j.-t 'ijf f. J- .1 :. angU rt CCtBIt-TBE I Wt I! It SI ii .VIJ It ,' 1 ' for vniniv vears chief t'leirk: in tha house of :" JOHN. HURLEY A Co., begs (.e ofier his services as Commission Merchant, to the friends and patrons of that houso, now that It has retired from business. " ' With this end tn view I have formed a co-partner .-: J ship with Mr. E. W. Benton, senior of the old and ,-, weil known firm of E. W. Iknton ft Co., undor tho name and stylo of BENTON iKIXG, to take place '' from tho 1st of May, prox. 'I '- ": : . -v s , 4 o.. The subscriber relies ft.r support upon the friends ; ', of the old hons.i of JOHN HURLEY ft Co., w ho , have had opporti nities of experiencing the prompt- ' ness aud ability with w hich he attended, to their 'U business. Very respectfully, . ti t,.- THOMAS KIXG " " Corner Lafhyette and New Levee streets. New Oi leans, April 27, WfjS. .-. , , - angS-y TFXBiHi. itMi. mt.wjtio, cojomis- St sion Merchant, No. 7 Lafayette street, New Or leans, for the Male of butter, cheese, lard, eggs, dried f i fruits, Flour, Meat and all sorts of Weeteru Pro- du. e, and for the purchase of Groceries; ftc. Cash ' n advjtnoes made tm consignments. ;nia!5-ly " . r sion and t'urwaruiiig Merchants, No. 29, Poy rtras Street, New Orleens.- La. - my2i-dftwjy :' iug and Couuuissittu Myrciiiuaä, Na. öo Tchoupr. : las street, New Orleans. ' ' ' " - it ot lias JOHN Hl'Hl.Kl'. --..4 8eptl5'57-Jy . eUU.IVA3tV '".l ran wmcmjkm.l k itVTCnEB, com- JEL mission and Forwajfdiu(r Merchants, New Or"'"''; leans, La. , , . ... dec22-ly fib VTCIIIiB 'if T WIVIIH LI, COM- Jemission and Forwarding Merchants, Bt. Louis, Liberal advances made on consignments to either .r of our houses. . --.. - MTTti TO Messrs. Allis ft Ilg, Bement ft Teile, Howard - I ... X- : ! 1 . - ' ' j .1 , . - ft Brown , Evansville. uecü-iy rmt C. THr'ICHKLL K CO., COMMIS--J - JL sion and Forwardiug Merchants, No, 70,ioy' dras street. New Orleans. I. Cj TWIOIIEII. !..,.. ;.....".;.;..J..I. It, rARCHTLD'. il my27-ly , .. .. ... y rri &.joni,, stock commission. ' 9L Merchant and proprietor o - Stock Stables, - xaew Orleans, La. , .. .,.', jan2ao7-ly. HOTELS. It it Kit WIM It II til' HI' tVWM.W. ETE RS, Proprietor. Corner First aud Locnst streets, r.vaiwvilje, lua. One senare .trotn aeai boat landing. . , . . ( roy5-lj . 1t,.l U t-S J.ff.'( J.V HO TU . Vinoennes, I od.' J M. CLARK," Proprietors-'' This house baa been refitted, and ccfurnisbed, and Is Ä now iu rineorder. - - - " mh28 ' 57 rfT t.i n r if Iii'. '.i. t )