Newspaper Page Text
be g SATURDAY MORNISG. .JAKTART Local and Miscellaneous 8t9-ThO Savings' Bank is prepared to loan monej,buy notes,deftlsin coin exchange, land warrants, sight drafts on England, Ire land, and Scotland. ' Rev. J. Q. White, pastor of the 1st Cumberland Presbjrterian Church, St. Louis, Mo., will preach at the Cumberland Presby terian Church in this city to-night, and to morrow morning at half past ten o'clock. gy"Th"e ReT. Mr. Burrow will preach a sermon " to, , the fireman of the city, on next Sunday evening, at the Cumberland Presbyterian Chnrch. The members of the different companies are respectfully invited to attend. We publish this morning, on our outside, the city delinquent list, which, by the way, is quite a voluminous docauient Our adTertisingPtrons mast excuse the nmiiwion of their advertisements for three or four times. ' fgyTbe shingle mill boat with Me- George's mill, will leave our ci'-y on Thurs day forenoon. Those wishing to close con tracts for rights and mills had better give the matter their immediate attention, and pay the boat a visit to-day. Certainly, some one of our citizens will secure the ripht for vanderbureb ountr. to suck a valuable invention, before the boat leaves, Ram Bargains. In order to close out his stock of Over-coats, Mr. Lyons offers the balance, of those well made, dnrable Over- costs and heavy business at ten per cent less than the regular prices. Lyons' stock is still larisre. and comprises a variety of French, English, and Castor Beaver Over coats, made, trimmed, and gotten up in ele gant style. ' BgTHannah Powers, a little girl of six years, living in Lafayette, was killed on WedaesdAy last by a play-mate a Germaa boy 10 years "old, named Burkhardt. The parents of the children live on the same lot, aud the children were in the habit of play ing together. On the morning mentioned, the Buikhardt children were at Mr. Powers' house. Whihjt the children were in the room together young Powers took down his father's gun from the top of the safe and handed it to Burkhardt, asking him to feel how heavy it was. B. took the gun and pointing it at the girl, told her be was go ing to shoot her. He had scarcely uttered the threat when the gun went off, and dis charged its entire contents through the heart of the child. Aoy- Cincinnati can certainly boast of some of the most complete scoundrels that disgrace our country. A case in point. Mr. Wm. Churchill was stabbed on New Year's day by Richard W. Keff, and finally died of his wuuuds at the Burnet House, on Wed nesday evening. His family were ealled from their resideuce on Eighth street, to at tend to him in his dying condition, it being impossible to move him. A let of villians V - availed themselves of this opportunity to x rob the House. :' They thoroughly ransack ed the premises, and carried off five silk dresses, a cloth cloak, a velvet mantle, two dozen silver spoons, marked " W. W. Churchill," two silver goblets, one dosen silver napkin rings, one dozen silver forks, and a blue enameled bracelet. tSf A correspondent of the Boston Courier tells how Daniel Webster offered himself to the woman of his choice : "Mr. Webster married the woman he loved, and the twenty years that he lived with hrr brought him to tho meridian of his greatness. An anecdote is current on this subject, which is not recorded ia the booki. Mr. "Webster was becoming inti mate with Miss Grace Fletcher, when the skein . of silk getting in a knot, Mr. Web ster succeeded in unraveling the snarl then looking up to Miss Grace, he said: '.We have untied a knot ; don't you think we could tie one?' Grace was a little embar rassed, said not a word, but in the course of a few minutes she tied a knot in a piece of tape aad handed it to Mr. W. This piece of tape, the thread of his domestic joy, was found after the death of Mr. Webster, preserved as one of his most sacred relics." rB$Show us aa inte'ligent family of fcoys and girls, and we shall show you a family where newspapers are plenty. No- tody who has been without these silent pri vate tutors can know their educating power for good or evil. How important then to . secure those which tend only to eood ! Have you never thought of the innumerable topics for discussion which they suggest at the breakust table; the important public measures with which, thus early, our chil dren become familiarly acquainted; great pnitantnropic questions of tbe day, to which unoonscioutly their attention is awakened, and the general spirit of intelligence which is evoked by these quiet visitors ? Apything that makes home pleasant, cheerful and chatty, thms the haunts of vice, and the thousand and one avenues of - temDtaiion. should certainly be regarded, when we con sider its influence on the minds of the young, as a great moral and social blessing. BLAxa-Psoor Dkbssks. The Medical Timti says : u The melancholy accident by which the Ladies Lucy aud Charlotte Bridge- man aad Miss Plankett have been such fearful sufferers teaches a lesson which must not be neglected. The light fabrics manu factured for ladies' dresses must be made blaze-proof. Nothing can be more simple. The most delicate white cambric handker chief, or fleecy gauze, or the finest lace may, by simple soaking in a weak eolation of chloride of line, be so protected from blase that if held in the flame of a candle they may ne reaucea to tinder without blasinr. Dresses so prepared might be burnt by acci dent without the other garuteats wore by the lady being injured, when poor Clara Webster was burnt we incalculated the same moral ; and now the dresses of stage dancers are prepared ta tue way we recommended. tv ny are aaucing laaies oi ran to be ex posed to danger from which their dancing listen by professiou are protected ? The hint toay be put to a profitable use by some enterprising manufacturer. River Iteuaa. ARRIVALS 4MD BXPARTTRR TR 5 'CWCI TMCM- A bat- tm A 'cum BAT ran r. v OO.'I aUDTBB. . Judge Turrence, Nsw Orleans to Cincinnati. Greenville, BowUdk Green and back. Moderator, St. tonic to Pittsburg. - Dunleith, Nashville to Cincinnati. Silver Star, Paducaa and back. Toaapeet, Nashville to Louisville. - Mariner, do to Pittsburg. Tin, Teunesuss River to Louisville. . Fanny Bullitt, Louisville to New Orleans. R. M. Pattnn, do to Tenneese River. Scioto No. 2, do to Henderson and back. Yesterday we had a specimen of genuine winter the first of the season. Snow was flying at times through the day, until it be came too cold even to snow. We presume the "cold spell" is general up the river, though the latest reports speak of nothing but rain. The river continues to fall all the way from Pittsburg to Cairo, and the larger class of boats are once more compelled to pass through the canal. The stormy weather yesterday prevented the transaction of much business. But lit tle freight is on hand for shipment. The Tompkins will probably have a good trip out of tho Wabash, She is expected all the time. Freights on the W abash having bcorn very scarce, the regular Wabash packet, Kate Sarchet, has lain over here for a few days in order to give them time to accumu late. We take pleasure in notifying ship pers that she is now receiving freights, nnd will leave for the Wabash tins afternoon at 3 o'clook. She will go up aa far as llut sonville, and higher it' freights offer. The Bowling Gioeu biid steam up yester day, and we presume she put out for Grwn River. The Fanuy Bullitt passed down ycxtcrr day. The Greenville arrived out of Green River with oniy a moderate trip. The Republic left New Orleans on the 3d for Louisville. She intends aban doning the St. Louis trade. Capt. Cotlin's new Bayou Sara packet was launched on Thursday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, from Howard's yard at JefTerson ville. Her machinery is to be furnished from New Albany, while her onttit will le from Louisville. - Ikvalids RioiBB. A new era is taking place in the science of medicine. The time has come when the worst and moat appall ing cases of disease ean be cured. New discoveries are being made in tho medicinal agents employed, as well as in the art of combining and preparing them. Four years' trial has fully established the fact, that Dr. Easterly's Family medicines are the best and most certain curatives known for the diseases for which they are recommend ed. Every family should keep a supply on hand, and thereby save doctor's bills, and mnch suffering. Dr. Easterly's Iodine and Sarsaparilla, Dr. Carter's Cough Balsam, Dr. Easterly's Fever and Ague Killer, Dr. Hooper's Female Cordial and Dr. Baker's Specific are all meeting with a rapid sale and are universally approved. Over One Hundred Thousand Dollars of these popular articles have been sold wUhin the last two years. See the advertisements if our col umns. Special Notices. THE EVANSVILLE WEEKLY JOURNAL. Made up from the Dailt Jocebal, contains 3g Colmmm of wsU-aeieirfeii omd earayStUy j sparad Bead- say Master, affordiag th. best medium for keeping ear friends in th. eonntry fully "posted up," to b. (band la Ui West. . TUB LATEST THLEORAPHIC DISPATCHES, Together with a summary of ths Markets, ar. In serted la sv.ry Weekly paper, and by perusing the JsvtiiL, oar friends la th. Country will not be liable to be "picked up" by speculators, and sei their produee for less than it Is actually worth, as has often been done heretofore. V Remember that the Wesilt Jovekal la made upef READIHQ MATTER, and not altogether of advertia.ments.'CSI Th. Weekly Journal will b. mailed, Mas to reach th. subscribers .f the adjoining cosmties tn good Teems. Single copy, 1 M ; 10 copies, S10. Onr friends shenld make hast, ts renew their subscrip tions, as enr terms are strictly a odvaaes. dec7 Or. Child J!-pelrmml.Ir. Child; of Boston, sustained an enviable repntation for many years. In consequence of his great success in the treatment of diseases of the Throat, Alr-Passagt and Lungs. Ills Expectorant la askilful prepara tioa, designed exclusively for Pulmonary affections. and will. In most iustanees, cur. camrnon Colds, Cenghs, Bronchitis, Pains in th. B reset, and the early stage, of Consumption. Tor sale at F. W. SAWYER'S Drug store, No. 34 Main street, Zvansrille. - lanT jPr JKmyr. WV r mmiherid to aanonnee NATHAN ROWLEY, Esq., as a candi date for Mayor of the City of Kvansville. Mr. Row ley will, in few days, publish an address to his f.llow-citizen.. deelS ar Bw tiling- to Memt. Jt te tm-tttry Briek Hense, an Second street, between Gum and Maple streets, occupying an entire lot. It contains four rooms ea each floor, with a good eellar ; it has convenient ontbnildings and an excellent cistern Possession ean be had lmmadiatluy. Apply to Mrs. O. X. LEWIS. dee!7-tf Or. Hmktr'a Sptein. Thit it m imf and certain Cnr. for vonorrheea. Gleet, Stricture, Semiuat Weakness, (ordre, DImsscs nf th. Kid neys and Bladder, and all Diseases of tho Genital Organs. Reader, have yau a private dieense ? De not lieg laet it. If yon ge to a regular physician with your "ease jen peril yonr reputation. If you go to an adv.rtlsing quack, yen peril tour lumllh for He. Avoid both, nd nt. Dr. Baker's Specific, which has saved thousands upon thonsands from the hands of the Mtrcilrm Quarts, if not from a premature grave." VUth Dr. Baker s Specific yon can cure yourself and prevent exposure, as plain directions or use accompany the medicine. " Price SI AO per bottle. W Prepared by DR. EASTERLY, eoreer Third aud Chesnnt sts., St. Louis, Mo., sole Proprietor. 8TODARP THOMFSON, F. W. SAWYER. J Agents. Evansvillk, Ind!ana. lec21-dfw3ra Th Jrmeh Pdrt-Th Iovdr area NEVER-FAILING REMEDY in DYSPEP SIA. aMF Pric. SI per bettle. With sonRdenoe funnded on experience, -I offer th. Feeko Powdebs to the afflicted, asking but lair trial, as a proof of its virtue. Ptspand only by J. R. MONROE, aad sold wholeael. and retail by DR. X. EASTERLY, a. X. eerasr Third and Chesnut sts., St. Lents. STODDARD Jt THOMPSON, . F. W. SAWYER. JAe-eato. Xvamvillb, Indiana. deeao-dtrwSm JfatMf Ihm, raeaMaW. krr Ihm pnhll. for th. enr. of Dyspepsia, Dysentery, Fiat leaeu, Onnstipattea, LivSr Cemplaiat, er any other eiset, arising frosn weakness in th. head er atom k, DOCT. J."KOSTKTTK&'8 CXLXBKAYED STOMACH BITTERS ar. far the most certain In Its efeeta. . Yea, who are suBeriug th. most tor- tsuiag pains, rsaaeatbsr that a f.w bottle uf this pew.rfal, yet pleasant oumpaund, will afford great relisf. Thousands frf th. most trying ease, hava been eared, and mads known to th. public by those whet have experienced its power A trial ia all that is desired to bring as many saure witnesses into th. Seid aa th. public may desire. XW Far sals by Braggtsto and dealer generally, faegwhar.. decSt Special:, Notices. OOAIi! t Bod lain Mining Company, Evansville, Indiana. Oflloe on "Wator street, between Main and Locust Goal, in quantities of not less than 20 bushels, de livered to any part of the city, at 10 cents per bash, at the pit, 8 cents. JOHN WYMOND, ecr Secretary and Manager. Brnntme Gold JBHf-Jiy perton. ale siring to procure information as to the distauce, lo cation, best routes, posts, outfits, and general in formation in regard to the Gold Mines in Western Kansas, cau obtain it by addressing a letter, with a fw of one dollar, to GEORGE Kv PES TECOST CO., General Agents for "Kansas Western Gold Minos Association," at Leoompton. Kansas. . declS- f lOO BetcardrThe undereigned teilt pay to any oue who will produce a "remedy for Dys pepsia equal to Mrs. Monday's Headache core. - lie will also send a printed recipe to manufacture the same, with full directions for use, on receipt of twenty-five cents in postage stamps. ' N. B. The ingredieuts of which the above Is mad will not cost to exceed oue dollar per year, aud can he obtained in any town or village in the railed States. Address JEAN PIERRE LAFAY ETTE, Cincinnati. Ohio. -r.. ... declO-lm Or. Hooper' FemaU Cordimil TM medicine will cure all Female Complaints, such as Excessive, Kuppreesed, or Paiuful Meustrnation, Flour Albus, or Whites, Barrenness, Sallow Com plexion, Headache, Dizziness, Weak Nerves, Fright ful Dreams, and all diseases caused by Cold, Check ed Perspiration, Excesses, Over Excitement, etc., cf tho Sexual Organs. For all Irregularities of the "Monthly Periods, Dr. Hooper's Female Cordial is a SrEKDTand POSITIVE CL'RE. It ha been amply tented, aud the most gratify iug reports "of CURES are daily received from every town and city where it is known. .- i - "" 6S Price Si per bottle, or six bottles for 85. Prepared by DR. EASTERLY, Corner Third and Chesnut streets, St. Lotus, Mo., sole proprietor. STODDARD THOMPSON, I . , ' F. W. SAWYER. JAgeuu,. EvaK-sville Indiana. ' dac'M-dAwSui Htop thot Cough! -Mr. Carter' Cough Balsam will care Conchs, Colds. Amhn, ' sumption. Bronchitis, Spitting of Blood, Tain in the Side and Breast, Plenrisy, Whooping Cough, Cronp, Liver Complaint, Palpitation of the Heart, and all diseases of the Throat, Chest and Lungs. - Too much aar and attention cannot be given to diseases of the THROAT and LUNGS. Reader, have yon a Cough, Cold, or any disease of the Langs ? Do not neglect it. Delay is dangerous. Millions die annually by neglecting a Common Coltl. Colds and Coughs lead to CONSUMPTION, and then to an early death. Be advised in time, and procure at once that celebrated remedy, DR. CARTER'S COUGH BALSAM, the greatett and best rtrmethj in the world. ' It has cured thousand upon thousands after physicians aud every other remedy had tailed, and the patient given up to die. - Physicians, drug gists, and all who have used Dr. Carter's Cough Balsam, universally acknowledge it the niestprempt, plemant, and ejlcadout remedy l-noim for all diseuscs of the Throat, Chost nnd Lnngs. Price Trial bottles, 26 eents ; hu-gor bottles, SI per bettle, or six bottles fur $.r. W Prepared by DR. EASTERLY, corner Third and Chesnut streets, St. Louis, Mo., sole proprie tor, and to whom all orders must be aont to get the genuine. . 8TODDARD THOMPSON, 1 . F. W. SAWYER. JAgouts. Kvahsville, Indiana. Y dec'21-dVw3ni Or. Emtltrly't Mdimt and Smrmmpm- RILLA. This Medicine will permanently cure all diseases arising from an impure state of the Blood, or other flnids of the system, viz : " - Scrofula, Obstinate Old Seres, Pimples on the Face, Blotches, Boils, Chronio Sore Eyes, Riug werm or Tetter, Scald Head, Salt Rheum, Can cers, Goitre, White Swelling, Fever Sores, Piles, Erysipelas, Swelling of the Glands, Paius In the Bones and Joints ; all Chronic Diseases, and Dis eases arising from the use of Horcury and Galoiuel. Suoh powerful curative properties are combined ia Dr. Eaiierlg'i IbdtM. ami Surnaparilla, that the longest standing and worst cases of disease are tho roughly CCS D by it ases that had resisted every known remedy and been given np by the most dis tinguished Physicians, as confirmed and iucurubl. For Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia it is an inal- UbU remedy. It will cure Chronic and Inflamma tory Rheumatism, no matter how bad, if faithfully nsed. It will cure every form of NERVOUS DI8- KASE, and strengthen aud restore the system to perfect health and vigor. It ia a poeltive cure fur FEMALE COMPLAINTS, such aa Irregularities of the Monthly Periods, Barrenness, Ac. For fe male approaching that critical period of life the oeMaHm of the Jtferue It Is Invaluable. - " Ladies who admire a clear, beautiful white akin aud a rosy cherk, should use Dr. Eueterly'a Iodine and Sarsaparilla. It will remove PimpUw from the Face, Blotches, and all ruughuces of the skin, aud give a fair aud beautiful complexion. It will cure Dropsy, Gravel, Diseases of tho Kid neys, Bladders and u riuary Organs. t It has no equal In these complaints. DR. EASTERLY'S IODINE AND SAIS9APA- KILLA is a positive and radical cure for Mercurial Disease, no matter how deeply it may have eaten Into the frame and vital organs. ' It will oradicato every particle of Mercury from the system, and heal its bad effects. It will cure Secondary Syphi lis, or Yeuereal Disease, no matter how long it may have been In the system, and will thoroughly anni hilate and oxpel the syphilitic virus, au J all heredi tary taints and poisonous matter from the system, and restore it to a perfect state of HEALTH mid PURITY. tO THE AFFICTED WITH SCROFULA OR OLD SORES. Perseus who havo long btmu nftiict- ed with Scrofula, old Sores, Tetter, Ringworm, Scald Head, Blotches, Eruptions of the Skin, Ac, are advised to procure GRIDLEV'S SALT RIIKUM AND TETTER OINTMENT, to apply ou,the sores or diseased parte, hen using Dr. F.esteriy's Iodine aud Sarsaparilla. The Iodiue aud Sarsapa rilla purifies the BLOOD, and drives out of the system the impure and ck-ioh matter, aud removes tue eaHte, while the Umtuinut heals tue. soer.s. When both are used, ( hich wc always recommend) a failure of a permanent and radical cure lias never been knewn. They are the best remedies in the world. ' " 1 - P. S. Tue proprietor soleniuly believes that hü Iodine and Saisaparilia and Gridley's Ointmen' tri cure any form of Ulcer or Old Sere, ou any part of the system, if used according to directions, for reatcmalle length of time. A fiithful aud honest trial is all I ask I do not fear th result, 89F Price of the Iodine and Sarsaparilla 21 per bottle, or six bottles for $j. Gridley's Ointment 75 cents por.boule. Prepared by Ttt. EASTERLY", southeaKt corner of Third aud Chesnut stieets, St. Lonis, Mo., sole proprietor, to whom all orders must lie addressed. STODDARD THOMPSON, . F. W. SAWYER. j Ag' gents. EVAXBVH.LE, lmliana. de-2l-d&w0in Or. JBmtttrlp't J-'ietr mnd Jg-m Hiller, This Medicine will cure Fever aud Ague, Dumb Ague, Chills aad Fever, Intermittent and Remit tont Fevers, and every form of Fever incident to the West. - .. . Among all the celmbbated ekubdibs for Ague and Fever, first and foremost in rank stands DR EASTERLY'S FEVER A KD AGUE KILLKB. This medicine I. a pmiliie ears, both speedy aud permanent. During the last five years it has cured ever awe hundred Aeutaud cavern, which has estab lished its efficiency iu all parts of the West a-i the ONLY RELIABLE REMEDY for the cure of these distressing complaints. It will also cure En largement of the Spleeu, Ague Cake, etc. It 'is per foctiy harmless to th most delicate constitutions or tender infant. Try it, ye afflicted. Price SI per fauttte, or six bottles fur $5. Prepared by DR." EASTERLY, corner Third aad Cbesnat sts., St. Louis, Mo., sole Proprietor. STODDARD THOMPSON. .Mlf : -F. W. 8AVYVCB. '..,'. f AÖ0U- . hrA.H8YU.LS, Indiana.: . :. decl-d&w3m NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. BT TBS CAW. LINE. THE VERY , LATEST. CONGRESSIONAL,. . - Washington, Jan. G p. u. House Eleven private bills were passed. - The Speaker laid before theHouse amssage from the President giving the reasons why on the last day of the former session he did not sign the joint resolution for lessening the time for carrying the mail from St. Joseph to California. The message states that the Postmaster General already has a dtscretionary power in the premises. ' The contractors themselves had proposed . to shorten the time, and on a subsequent ex amination it was found that proposition was pending to carry the said mail and for 47, 000 less than was authorized by the resolu tion. . . House odjourned. - c . . Senatb. Mr. Shields of Minn., spoke in favor of a Northern route to Puget Sound, setting forth its advantages over all others. Mr.. Doolittle moved an amendment pro viding that a board of three engineers be ap pointed to survey each of the proposed routes through the northern, central and southern, and report the capabilities and es timate of expenses of each to the President, before the next meeting of Congress. A new feature in his amendment is, that it al s provides that the alternate sections of land along the route shall be open, under the homestead law, to actual settlers. Mr. Trumbu'.1, of 111., in speaking nomin ally on the Pacific Railroad question, re plied to the speech of Mr. Iverson, made yesterday: He noted Mr. Iverson's allu lusion to the Illinois election. He denied the claim of the modern Democracy to that honored title, considering them the mere survivors of prostrate whiggery.. He went into a history of the Republican party, an 1 agreed with th Senator from Georgia that it would go on progressing until it obtained power, and it would adrninyUec-i. witfr the time-honored principles of the consdtution, with taking nctiou ou the bill. On motion of Mr. Slidell, of La, the Senate adjourned over till Monday, in com memoration of the hattle of New Orleans. WAsnrsGTox, Jan. 7 p. m. The Secretary of War, in response to the inquiry of the Senate, has enclosed a letter from tho Topographical Engineer's Bureau, stating that there is no land in the imme diate vicinity of the city of New York which can be appropriated for the use of the Re venue Department, but the extent of the public domain at Sandy Hook might, per haps, admit of a portion of the South end of the neck for such purposes. The correspondence -betwen the British Government and Mr. Dallas to-day, called for by Mr. Seward's resolution in the Senate will, it is said, if furnished, exhibit startling facts in regard to the continued abuse of the American llag to cover the slave trade, and to show that the yacht Wanderer played a prominent part in tbut traffic on the African coast. Mr. Douglas has accepted the invitation to partake of a public dinner in Baltimore, at which every county in the State will be represented. It will take place at such time as will suit his convenience. The Senate has re-elected Bache, and ex Senator Badge regents of the Smithsonian Institute. The nomination of Charles L. Weiler as Postmaster at San Francisco ha been laid before the Senate for confirmation for the second term. A pamphlet has been circulated amongst Senators charging him with violations of the law arising out of his controversy with the Penny Post Company ofthat city. The Post Office Comuiitte has the matter under consideration. S. J. Graham, the delegate appointed to urge the organization ot a Territorial Gov ernment for Colona has arrived here. Senator Davis, of Mississippi, is laboring from indisposition, and was obliged to retire f l'om the Senate Chamber to-day. Savannah, Jan. 7 p. u. The Mobile papers of Wcduesday have been received. The Mercury of Monday con tains a long account of tho wreck of the Susan. All the passengers have returned ' Locisvillk, Jan. 7 p. u. A fire is ragiug on Main street ; Kilder- man 8. lineman ana walker & .blanks liquor stores are consumed. D. SpauMing, now ou fire will probably be checked thore. St. Louis, Jan. 7 p. m. River stationary, with a cood deal of floating ice. Weather clear; coldest day of the season . Indianapolis, Jan. 7 p. m. Gov. illard delivered his message tu the Legislature at 2 o'clock, P. M. to-day. The message contains the reiieal of a loan passed March, 1852, authorizing the per- misioii of companies for the detection of horse thieves and other felons is under this law associations havo been formed that have arrested and punished individuals without bringing them before the proper tribunal for trial. Ho recommends tho erection of suitable buildings for tho use of the State Officials, Judsre Supreme Court, and de pository for public records. Says revenues ofthe Wabash aud Krie Canal have greatly diminished, and it is feared will prove wholly inadequate to keep tne canal in re pair, and bv them alone it cannot be main tained J und that the bond-holders are nn willing to sustain the work by any other means than those derived from the revenues, having already invested one-lialt ot the en tire debt of the State in the ,work itself, besides 8800,000 in its completion. They have informed the Board, in the most formal manner, tneir determination to close the canal and abandon the work whenever its tolls and revenues shall be inadequate to its support. Washisotok, Jan. 7 p. a. The Patent Office has Uaucd a patent, of David E. Hughes, of New York, assignor, to the American Telegraph Company, tor an improvement in electric magnetic tele graphing. : " Prominent jcitizeii3 of Washington, and other persous occupying high public posi tions, from different sections of the country, have determined to offer the British Minis ter and Lady Napier a grand complimentary ball in February. , , s . x St. Loots, Jan-. 7 p. it. ,A fire occurred this morning in S. Wag bery's hat store, Broadway, doing consider able damage to three adjoining 'buildings. Loss $25,000. Fully insured. Pittsburg, Jan. 5 p. u. River 5 feet 10 inches by pir mark and falling. Weather suddenly changed this afternoon, with high winds ; is now cloudy and cold. Mercury 30 Louisvillb, Jan. 7 p. m. - River stationary ; 6 J' feet on the falls. Weather clear. Mercury 24. " " New York Market.. ? y-r :-New YoRK Jan'. 7 P.J(. Flour a shade firmer, with a moderate dev mand for Eastern and local trade, and also some inquiry for the West . Indie3 ; "sales of 10.400 bbls at 4 254 45 for super. State, 5 055 35 for extra do, 4 404 70, for super. Western, 5 105 15 for common to medium extra Western, and 5 35,5 65 for shipping "brands extra round hoop Ohio.? "Wheat continues steady; Chicago spring nominal at 7090; Milwaukie club 75 1 05; white Michigan 1 30; white Ken tucky 1 55. Rye firm at 77,80. Barley quiet at 7090. Barley malt 901 00. Corn dull ; Western mixed 78 ; sales of 5,500 bush, new Southern at 76 for white, and 77 for yellow. Oats are very firm at 52,50 for State, 4060 for Western. Whisky firm ; sales of 350 bbls at 2525 J. Pork dull and heavy ; sales of 7 50 bbls at 17 50 for ntw mess, 17"12 Jor old do., and 13 50 for new prime, licef quiet; sales of 300 bbls at 6 507 00 for county prime ; 7 75900 for county mess; 8 50,10 50 for repacked mess; 10 7511 40 for extra mes3. Hams quiet at 1315. .Prime mess beef nominal. Cut meats quiet ; small sales at 6JCJ for shoulders, and 99J for hams; Dressed hogs quiet at 78 ' for heavy corn fed. Lard firm ; sales of 1,800 bbls at llfll, 500 bbls for March de livery at 1 1 J. Butter 12,20 for Ohio, and 15,25 for State. Cheese verysteady at 89. Clucinnall Market. Cincinnati, Jan. 7 p M. Flour unchanged, with moderate demand at 4 754 85 super ; receipts fair. Whisky firm ; 2323$.. Oats 6465. Hogs dull and lower ; 6 00(0 37 for lots averaging 205 to 240 pounds ; receipts about 1,000 head in the last 24 hours More doing in provisions; 1,000 ,bbl3 mess porn sola at 16 0016 75. Lard Urm at 11, not uiucli done ; bulk sides sold at 7 J; and shoulders at 5i packed. - . - Money market unclmnpinnJrrorjricsA.fc. gg" John H. Warland, a popu lar editor, at Claremont, ' Mass.,"! afterwards editor of the Lowell Journal, then editor in Boston, and author of some good poetry, is now in the Insane Hospital at South Bos ton, the victim of intemperance. A party of hunters out in the Red river valley, in three weeks'7 time," killed 600 buffaloes, and sent the meat into feel kirk fjr fall use. Another party of eight, in the same length of time, killed 2,200, the meat being dried for future use, and skins selling for $2 each. . . f,.,-, f , tlTm HOTEL, JI1 TEH STREET, 9s between Maiu are! Division, Kvansville, lnd. ootl-tf " WIW; H. BOICOUBT, Prop: v SALE, OVEO f'JS.B of 3liO acres, within eiirht miles ot .the city. Enquire at the lt. E. & I. Otlieo, No. I, North Third street, Evaiidvillc. octl C.C.COLLINS. OEtKER, J'tJJS'O FORTE SI AN L'FACTI KKR, " On STannrH street, between Third aud Fourtli, EVANiSllLbK, 1.111. Is prepared to build superior PIANOS to order, either on the upright style or horizontal stylo. He will warrant all his work for three years, and should his Instruments fail in perfect and satisfac tory execution, ho will make them good. Ho is prepared to perform all sorts of work about a Piano ; to repair and even re build defective Instruments, and put them in complete order. Ho will also (tivo tils attention to Tuning Instruments. Having es tablished a now Branch of business in Evansville, he respectfully solicits tho patronnireof its citizens, confident that he enn Rive them as good work as they can procure abroad. As specimens of it, he refors those vvbo-mny wish to see it, to throe In struments in the possesion of Mr. Christian Decker, Wagon Maker. He is now bnilding an . Upright Piano, by which he intends to prove that that style of Instrument cau bo made as durablo aud as per fect iu tone as the best horizontal Instruments, septü ,8,l-n ilEEl'EH, U'JIVLE- IV SALE AND RETAIL GROCERY AND PROVISION ST0REI No. 13Ü Posey's Block, EVANSA'ILLE, IN. Goods delivered to any part ef the city, free of charge. decl4-ly KW RAISINS 200 UU-ViS AND HALF W uoxes just received and for sale by uovlU VICKEKY BliüTIIERß-r VU Kli AND Blank Book Manufacturer First st.. hot. Main and Locns'i .'VKr . . EVANSVILLE, IND, Blank Books ruled, paged and made to order of the best paer, from Memorandum to the largest Ledger. Music and Magazines bound iu any style. oct27-Gimhw ...... 7mwCiJ,'iE M O t, Ul 88 E M tMJm BE wU made from Maple Sugar, which can" lc had cheap at tho storo uf VICKEKY BROTHERS, nov4 No. 82 Main street. IBM V BEH E MS PMJS-i JS'ECESSi MM TIES 200 lbs choice Cream Tartar ; K lbs Sup. Carb. Soda ; , 6K) II Washing or Sal Soda ; 10 Boxes pure Com Starch, Ac, Ac, fr falo cheap by VICKERY BROTHERS, . . nov4 No. 82 Main street. y ö jpTC n i: Jt r.i.yit si . i VVplota of over l.J,iHi acres nf l;tud in Southern Missouri, subject to entry at 12 Vi cents per acre. (?all and examine tliein at ihe It. . ii I. Office, No. 1, North Third street, Evansville; .tl C. C. COLLINS. V'J tC.VMEHS.r IM lE BEE.y o iipK,iuted Agent for Dole, Silver s Fekli's patent S;iw Guiumer. wbirh hit? taken tlie preuiium. at the Mechanical i'uiis of almost every uXa in tiie Union, and pronounced superior to anything made fur gumtniui: upright nud circular saws.- Ausort meut aiva6 uu hiuid. - ' .-- sept- GEO. S. SO NT AGG. ""SflTör-uxxi'A jt ttfsi ft' w yet, but selling off at an advance oq cct, chickens, eggs, bulter, cheese, codnah. Hour, bacon lard, cuflee, sugar, rice, laackerel, pepper, spice unimegs, cluve.-i, giuger, witii a variety of etiler nr ticles too ntmu-foi: to mentiou. Call and exumir. or yunrselves, at No: l2 Main strt-et. S. W. VICKERY A CO. TSTi:JLl. BUCKETS. UOIE.S W Yarninlied Well Buckets, stout a'-il weil maiie in all respects. The quality .luid priue afe sucli as caijuot fail to suit the tra'.le. , . septal J. B. RUSSELL, 372 Main St., bet. Seventh uu.l Eightli, Luuisville.Ky. (WJVOTMEH JYEWi'EEll STORMS. j9l The su!wcrilr has ..(wned a ne.w feed store, in the Shanklin building, at the curuer of Water ami Locust streets, where he will keep a full supply ol all kinds of the best feed, w hich he- will sell at the very lowest market prices. He has on hand corn, bay, oats, meal, bran aud sbipstnff, Ac, .c. sepcii J !. DESOUCHETv ME JM CROIX, MREJ"CB DYER AND SCOURER, Corner of Vine and First streets,. EVANSYILLE, INDIANA, . Wuidd respectfully üifisraa tlto ladies and gontle men of this city and vicinity, that he has opened A DYEING, CLEANING AND REPAIRING. ESTABLISHMENT, - ' Where he will clean and dye all kinds of ?ilk and WiHjIlen Gooiis. Will remove grease, paints,- Ac, without the slightest iujnry to the goods. " " All work doue at this establishment' will- be war ranted to give entire satisfaction, aepfü-lini ,O J P JJ'B CJJS'BIESKfi BOXES Cm incinuati Simp, assorted ; !ir IhiXps assorted sues Star Candles, just received and fur sale by , VICKERY BROTHERS," nov4 No. iri Maiu street. TfjSJTCUES! M J TCBMS .' 5 f m Gross tine superior Mulches, unsurj-aseed iu quality, cheapness, or neatness of packages, in store and for sale very low bv - VICKERY BROTHERS, novi , ., Hi. 82 Maiu street .. The Markets. fr Krangviiie Wholesale Market. . BOTTER, B) .1525 BEANS, white.. .1 00 BEESWAX, ft . 22 CORN MEAL, bus. 70 CHEESE, tb . 10 COFFEE i Bacon sides, ra..: 3 8 Shoulders, tt a 7 Hams, sug. cured ...12 t Hams, plain, tb.- 1U " canvassed... Äl3 POTATOES , 75S0 PLASTERS Cement, b. 82 12X2 25 Calc. Plaster L'd Plaster, 4UOlb. $3 00 "' TTtica Lime White Sand, bbl. SALT'n, Q.1212 " primo, tt Java, t- ! l.agnyra ....v. 6 CANDLES tar 1821 0al .. $ Summer pressed 12 Lake, bbl 2 75 Kanawha.(bush.yi0(ff33 EGGS, doxen 15' FLOUB, bbl...5 r)05 50; FIS H Mackerel I No. 2, bhl.-.13 00I3 50 No. 2, bbl 7 DO No. 3, bid..,. (St 10 00 No. 3 bbl.... j..6 50 ; Kits Ex (33 00 White Fish. S5 00d 60 " tlH...-..i..r-! FRUITS . - - ' Dried Applesl 75(22 00 SUGAR, N. Ö... B7 1 Cm8'd.11)-i(5Sl-A4 ' Pulv-,.llV4(a,12i ' Loaf...ll(Uil2V2 SEEDS - Clover....'.-'. 50(35 00 Timothy, b. S2 !($i 75 Blue Grass, bn.... ...1 00 Flax bush 001 00 SOAP German..-. G - Extra Palm-...... b Family..'. .. 4 TOBACCO Kentucky, 223 Virginia, lb.....3U$44lt LAUD OIL,gal..9O0 0O TALLOW j Iteudered--...-.. 9 Rough ......-tj5 WOOL . -. Tub washed. .... (Si Pulled (ä Fleece. ...... Ex. Fleece.. . V a wash ed 1 WHISKY 22(323 Lard 10 - " Peaches, 2 60(A3 00 FKATHKRS, lo.....40 GRAIN ".- " - Corn, "''" ,'. sgta Wheat, bush... 90(Ä1 00 . Rye, bush (a nts, Uu. (33 ll.)tJSi IIAY, tou..10 00asl4 OU HIDES, (dry) 1012 Green 5 . pressed, cwt , -cjW MOljASBfcS N. Orleans, sul...34(83'; Silver House .45 Golden Syrup..... (cf riiiivistUJis Bacon (hog r'd,) 8 RETAIL MABKET COKKFXTKI PA1I.T BV I. H. COOK 4 SOU. BUTTER, lb ;...1f.a30!LARD, lb....'. ...12i BEANS, quart.. 10 MOLASSES CORN MEAL, bush 80! New Orleans, gal..: ...55 CHEESE, lb 15! Snpr House, gal.;.. COI-FEE ' I Golden Symp.,. SO Rio, common.... l.vrKOYlSHiJiS , " Ground. 20! Bacon ides, lb'... ..'....10 Java, B ....22W Shoulders........;......... InguTa, ground, ...11! Hams, snt; cured, lb 13 EGGS, dosten. .. ... 20! " " plain, th ....10 FLOl'R, bid SW enuvassed, lb. ..12 Sack, 1..;.....'..2?5!' Dri.d licitiiurU, 1 Frtt -;r r;- . " potatoes, bn.h... St Wliite Finh, lb. Jj ! SA hT, sack, lb Jordtl j Mackerel, No. 1, 1 -1 c. SVG A Ii ' No. 2, ft..... i New Orleans, lb 8'M0 Cod, ft ..;....w.8; 4 Clarified .-; J.14 FRC1TS 1 Lnaf .lü . Green Apple...$2 00, Crushed ;..16 - Dried lta....t 50j WOOD, cord ...350 rg TTJVH.ME.'VT .VOTIVE. Üst Wm. Wright vs. Before Julius S. Catlett, J. L. Fruit. J Justice. Notice is hereby given that a writ of attachment issued on the 13th day of December, 1S5S, and by virtue of said writ the Constable attached one yoke of oxen as the property of said defendant, aud summons against the defendant was returned not found, and the time set for .hearing this cause is January 18, 1859, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at my office in I'nion Township, Vander burgh county, where all interested mav attend if they think proper. JCL1US S. CATLETT, , decKt-at Justice. TTUtEtilf CO tVS TWO CO JJS'O JL' . Calves for sale low by dec2d KEEN & PRESTON. W.l L, .1 JVrfV" E L S.H BJ1.ES JJS'I Jtr cases of plain and twilled red, do. white, plain vullow, and figured Flannels, jnst received and for sale low by - , KEEN & PRESTON. R 1 T H15 tUHES f.lRHHS branJä new style Prints just received and lor sale low by KEEN A PRESTON. ll il1R, .noiMS9ES V RICE Roceived direct fiom the coaat, for sale cheap to cloeie cousigumcut, by ueCds-liu ALLIS A HOWES. ' fBKRIt'JIL OE ERE Sit 4JOOOS We Jt have just received :i75 packages of our second purchase of I'all and Winter Dry Goods Boots, Shoes and Hats. We respectfully invito the Trade to call aud examine our stock and prices. declti KEEN & PRESTON. JTES-H EH.HM.S, BEST QV4V1- tv, for sale low to close lot. dec!5 S. E. GILBERT & CO. rwjEi i tejj teaT- T. Ar ü hf chests coniinon to extra choice Y. H., S hf do do ' do do ii. P., f hf do do do do Imp., 20 hf do . do do do Bk. Ool'g. Tho above comprise all grades of each kind. We have the best retail lot of Tea in the city, aud only ask a call tocouvince our friends of the fact. Sam ples given with pleasuro, by dcl& --. Zi H. COOK SON. ? miE 'CU .ni'STJRO, E.WL1&H JL Mustard, Choice Olive Oil, Curry Powder, Sweet Majoram, Summer Savory, 4 - Cocoa. Chocolate, .. ; Broma, . . Ac, fc. K..r sale by Z. H. COOK & SON. SCJ L,ES. We have ou JS. hand a supply of 1- We cau also furnish TRACK SCALES of any ca pacity. These Niales are from t lie mauulactory ot E. T. FAIKUANKS t CO., St. Johnsburg, Yer luont. Every Scale is tested aud sealed, and war runted correct. For testimonials wo reler to the thousands of perst.u.-. using them, -. , , . LIOKNBKf.tOK Jt CO., Agents, . no'2I Water street, Evausville. W.tTE8ir, ERJiis best qr.iLT- MJr y, for sale low by S. E. DI LKEUT .. . mv27 Svcnmore street, near Water. ' Sail and Awnins; Maker and Kijrger. ff WOLM.It RESPECTiVM.1.1 -f.V- JL furiii the public rh..tX h.fcve opcucd a Sail and Riggiug loft, iu the 3rdstoi y of J. G. -Veuueiuan a ito). tturt, und will pui-ctaAlly aueud to all order-, iu my Hue. - : - . . . . . I ksep i'arpanlius coustautly on iujul fur sale, and will uianiilaiuie t.itlK. Awnings, Wagun Cov ers, -c, at tht.. shuract notice. Onlers reeMrctiuliy s..-licited to be left at J. G. Veuueinaifs ll.vpe store, erat mj room, third story Rope neativ spliced. nuv27-.imd CHARLES EVERT. m w new Supir jiint received bv iiov-23 .. . .. . VHEELER Je RIGGS. '"BSTJ ti JM ZM.VE S X.XM TJM.V 9ifJL New York price. Don't folget that ! bell r Couyngton put all tho S3 Siagazines at Si öi l.y tho yeiir. .v . - , "Jiou24 . a1 tASSK'AH.-35 BOXES flJT Flanks; - - - ... M i boxes Pint Flasks; , j' J If. do Quart do; . - I HO do assorted Glass Jars; - . r - SO do do jjlo lumblers. " Just received per Bteame Cambridge Citv, and for sale by novil WHEELER A RIGGS. . fJJ.VIi s-otih THU .f MJf meeting of the stockholders in the Branch at Evansville of the Bank of the State of Indiana, wtil he held at the Banking House in Evansville, on Tuesday, January 4th, between the hours of 10 o'clock a. M. and 3 o'ch-ck P. is., when a statementof the condition of the Brandl wilt ls submitted, and an election will be held -for-Ave Directors to serve the ensuing year. By order of the Board of Diivrt ors. - SAMl'EL BAYARD, uov27-diwte .... - .. Casliier. JlB !TkMEEMZEVLKvLMV WBtTlTE. WW sale Dealers in Grrcerics, Produce Nails, "W indov; Glass, Glassware, Ac, No. 17 North First street corner Sycamore, Evansville, lud. E. F.. WHI-EI-EK J A MKS O. KtCG. novit ' 1 ' m.9 E W CROP RJMSM'S OO whole V half aud quarter boxes, for sale by dec2 S. E. GILBERT A CO. 9M.JSTER OE E.1RMS.3 BR IS. .- mmE ! V sale by FIG SSO 8. S. ORVJIIS FOR GILBERT A CO. . Wi M Xt- 'l l-rt pig- Ig P 5 ... Wfffifc-" - m S COMMISSION MERCHANTS. - Öld EstawSeä Wharf BoaE ' - EVANSYILLE; IND. -: .Ton.iaE, fo r ä n r., jj"m, 3 M 31 ISSION MERCHANTS. General Railrir), Steamboat, and Bxpress Agents Special Agents for the K " -'' ' PENN. CENTRAL RAILROAD," ; and connections over which, we are authorized -give through receipts at ths lowest possible rate r Having a la-v-imoth Wharf boat at the landing-. the largest or the Ohio Biver, capable of storinf" and protecting all merchandize liable to damage from exposure, we are prepared ta facilitate the dis patch of all consignments, forwarded to onr ca" ; hyeithor . - . 1 1 1. ! . RIVER, RAILROAD OR CANAL Particular attention paid to Receiving, Storing and Forwarding, also, to the : . , i: A .. Sale of any. Produce, or other property, consigned to us for sole, and sati- ' faction guaranteed. - Office and extensive Warehouse on Water street, adjoining the Telegraph, and on the Wharf ban. where we are to be found, attending to ths Interacts of our patrons at all hours, day and night. With our superior facilities; longstanding; nr tiring energy ; and knowledge of our business, we ' feel confident of giving general satisfaction, and : hope to merit a continuance of the extensive patron-' age we are now enjoying. ' Liberal cash advances will he made on all consign ments to either ourselves or correspondents in any . of the principal markets, North, East or South. P. C. O'RILEY & CO. I. CJ.YE, - MXiR UMRlil.VU AND - Commission Merchant, ' No. 2 South Watek Street, Evansville. ct21-ly W OH.' S. MITCHELL X Co., RE CFCEIVING, FORWARDING AND COMMIS SION MERCHANTS, . ? Water street, between Main and Locust, HVANSVILLE, INDIANA. Particular attention given to the forward! ug of ; general Merchandise and Produce, by River, Canair or Railr.wid. nt- i .n - ,i angl4Wim -ü TTBROUW K JtIKJIJJ MECEIV- JL9 ING, FORWARDING-AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Agculs lor Kaimt hu Salt Company, KvitnsVilie, In diana. We have formed a co-partnership under ths style of Buown Jt Airman, aud offer our services iir Wie capacity as set furth in our card above. . i Woaro fully prepared to extend every facility to shippers, either by CANAL, RIVER, or RAIL ROAD, and asstae them that their interests hall . Iw, faithfully reprviiwd, sltoultl they be plrwsrd to fiivor us with their patrenage. Office and Warehouse ou th corner of Main st. and the Canal. . . . " WM. BROWN, W. M. AIRMAN,. , Late of Howard Js trown. Late of FOSTER, & Co. jan22-tf. rf"(..V.I I. 8TORJCIE.1 have a large doa' bio Warehouse at the Canal Basin, capable of storing any amount of produce, which will be re ceived, stored, taken care of and held subject to the owners orders on most reasonable terms. T. G. O'RILET. ninü-ti it '! THJU hiH I W.V Tjy M. We are prepared C to store iu our Fire Proof Warehouse, an jr. qnantity of Grain, Produce, or Merchandize, on th -most liberal terms. -; . ..- : . Having large and airy rooms up stairs, particular , earn will be taken -of Household Furniture, Agri- . cultural Implements and all kinds of grods or wares liable to damage from damp or rust. -, ' Insurance effected at the lowest fire proof rates, by the month, or longer when desired. -. - Warehouse located on corner of Locust street and W. and E. Canal, and most convenient for shipping by Kivt-r or Railroad. -. Apply to .npss .. -V GEO. F0STER4C0. RAILROADS AND EXPRESS. OF TM.nEr-E r"Vf.Y-s- CVJLLE AND CRAW- nTT j rSHÜ-Obm funlsvile Railroad, CjW y" On and after Monday, Nov. Z'Jlii, iB., the trains on this road will run as follows: - The up mail will leave Evansville at 10.30 A. M.; Yiucennea 1. 3ä P. M., and arrive at Terre Haute at4 .55 P. M. . . The down mail will leave Terre Hauto at 7.30 A.M.; Vincennee 11.40 A. M., and arrive at Ev ansville at 1.30 P. M. ACCOMMODATION TRAINS DAILY ' Will leave Evansville at 6.00 A. M. and arrive at Vincennes at 10.37 A.M. . .; Will leave Vincennes at 11.27 A. M. and arrive at Evansville at 4.10 P. M. Will leave Terre Haute at ö.ijA. M., and arrive at Viuceniiua at 10. .10 P. M. Will leave yineennes at HJiO A. 31. t and arrive at Terre Hauto at 4.20 P. M. r JOHN INGLE, JR. Pres't and Sup't. . nov29 Enquirer ropy. . in 7f Wl.BCHJJTS OE8FJTCH." VIM. FAST FREIGHT LINE. AMKRICAK EXPRESS COMPANY PR'OPKIBTOBS. TO THE WEST AND SOUTH-WEST. VIA ALBANY AND BUFFALO. The More bants Despatch continues bringing Goods from New York and Boston, at as low rates as any Despatch or Rail Road Express, and in as good or better time, having unequaled facilities for safe and speedy transportation. No Despatch or Fust Freight Line has any coo nection with us. 1 Arrangements were made by ns early last Spring, by which we are enabled to forward not only ths lighter portion of shippers' freight, but we can car ry both light and heavy with the some promptness which has always characterized tlie "Merchants' Despatch." Bringing our freights in our own cars, with passenger trains, and own agents at points of transhipment, we have advantages in point of speed and safety, which render it impoe- -Bible for other companies to compete with ns. This Despatch is owned and managed by the American Express Company, which is a snflicient guarantee that all just claims will be settled without delay, as has been tlie case for the past three years, and to the satisfaction of thoee bv whom they may bo presented.. JOHN G. WASSON, sptl-6m v- ;i - Agent, Terre Haute. SMOJM'S EXPRESS CO.H FJJVW nYM. NEW ARRANGEMENT. The ApajTs Expkess Compaxv respectfully an nounce to their friends and patrons, the public of Evansville and vicinity, that, with increased facili ties for the transportation of , FllEIG 11 T, PA CK A GEB, ? MONET AND VALUABLES. They Solicit a continuance of former favors. Es pecial care Ulken in the collection of Bills, Drafts, Nutes, and tue transportation of small and valuable pack:iges. All persons wishing to avail themselves of the fa cilities of the Express, cau obtain any desired infor mation iu refereuce to the routes and details of the business, at thvir Office on First street, between Main and Locust, opposite the Post Office. de 18 O. H. FISH, Agent. ttxrjnw- STEJ.11EH XJTE SJR- 1 -UisK .rCHET. The steamer, Kats Sar ufSSijÜr?irrn BT will ruu regularly during tho Winter, in the Wabx'fh trade proceeding on each trip as far up the river as 'he water aud busiuesa will justify her in goiug. Tho strictest attention w ill i e puiii to the wishes and interests of shippers. Her days of departure from Evansville will bereeu larly iiuouuced in the papers. , iieel5-Bm M E G CLJ R LOl'IS- vitie, Evansville and Heuderson Packet SI.IOTO No. st, BalIarh, Master, leaves Evausville for Louisville aud all in tenaediate points, everv Wednesday at 7 P. Si., and' every SaturdJiitTI XrMT-" " '-' " tier? ' CAIRO KLt.tL.Ui I'AaE'GEI PACKET, ; cr-rn . CHARLEY BOW EN, Dextkb, MP,ri'!t ( Master, leaves Evansville Tues- . 'JTffT'Ma-1 -i T and Friday, at 13 o'clock, 31., arriving at Padncah at 6 o'clock,' A. M., Cairo at VI o'clock. M., Welfieilay and Satunlay. Re turning, leaves Cairo everv Wednesday and Satur day, at 7 o'clock, P. M., and Padneah every Thurs day and Sundav, at 9 o'clock. A. M., connecting at Evai.svillo with the Evausville and Crawfordsville it. lt., and Packets tor Green River. Also, con necting at Smithland with Cumberland River Pack ets ; at Ouixo, with Memphis, Nw Ocleaas aud 6U. Packets. . Tickets can be obuinul oo board. the boat for all Eat.Tn Cties . . sept '23 TfMflHT .'LIGHT .'THE I.YMtER- JLl signed beg leave to offer to the citizens of Ev unsville a superior Burning Fluid at the enrjt lowest price. We manufacture our Fluid fresh every day by an entire new process, and warrant it not to smoke or explode. Persons using Fluid for light are respectfully invited to call and give it a triaJL We feel conli'leut our Fluid is superior to any ever . ottered for sale in this citv. -" dee- STODDARD t THOMPSON, Druggists. ffBäWrs. ao u -ices ji ssor teo, JR. latest style. ' "" " DELAINES, ' 3 Caws assorted Manchester, Hamilton and Pac! fie, rich handsome patterns. ....- A'iO Bales Brown Sheetings and Shirtings.- FLANNELS, 20 Bales Red, White aud Yellow. LININGS, . 5 Cases assorted large and small Plaid. CANTON FLANNELS, ' 5 Cases Brown and Bleached. - ; . 1 " fanev, for lininp. ' ' ' 4 t "HECKS AND STRIPES, 8 Cases and Bales assorted. - . : . BOOTS AND SHOES, ;i Cases assorted. HATS AND CAPS, , , 50 Cases. Just received aud for sale at reduced prk-es, byu septlol KEENE i PRKSIOM.