Newspaper Page Text
mit aüir Mwwnml 1 Kvansvllle Eichnge and Carerncy - Table. ' Corrected hy the Branch Bant. exchange: New Tork, Buying ü Selling Ii Nsw Orleans, " pur " Z Cincinnati, " " " 4 BAKBABLB IM, Oft CüBHF.CT AT PAK. Krifi Sin nr iOTiAKA-'ALLEQBEirr Crrr Base. BaHBOE ME STATE OTlN-iMONOSGAHELA BAKE, Pa. DIANA. State Bask or Omo. Kentucky. louisiana. Except American Bant. PlTTSBUEQ. Philadelphia. Except Sank of Pennsylvania. MissotJBl. Specie patiho Feee Bakes or Indiana. WHiri.i(j Citt. 8TOCS BANKS OP OniO EXCErT Union, BandnukT....5 dis. City, Cincinnati.....) dis. City Bank,Cclumbns,5dis:Canal, Cloveland 75 dis. Ssnec County 75 dis. EW TOBE, NEW KNGLANB, NEW JERSEY, AND TISLA WABE, III OOO D CBEDIT. SPECIE-PAYING FREE BANKS. Brookville Bank, Brook-'.Exchange Bank, Green - ville. castle. Bank of Elkhart, Elk- Fayette Co. Bank, Con- nersville. Fanners' B'k, Westfield. hart. i Bank of Qoshen, Goshen. Bank of Goepert, Gosport. Bank of Indiana, Michi gan City. Bank of Monticello, Mon ti cello. Bank of Mt. Vernon, Mt. Ternon. Bank of Paoli, Paoli. Bank of Bockville, ff bashtown. - Bank of Syracuse, Syra- Hcosier B'k, Logansport. Indiana Bank, Madison. Indiana Reserve Bank, Kokomo. Indiana Farmers Bank, Franklin. Indiana Stock Bank, La- porte, Kentucky Stock B'k, Co lumbus. Lagrange Bank, Lima. Her. and Mechanics Bk, New Albany. New York and Va. State Stock Bank, Evansville. Parke Co. Bank, Bock Tille. Prairie City Bank, Törre Haute. Southern Bank of Ind., Terre Ilaute. Salem Bank, Goehen. Bank of Salem, Salem Bank of feitlem, New Al bany. Blooming! on B'k, Bloem ington. Crescent City Bank, Ev ansrille. Canal Bank, Eranrille. Cambridge City B'k, Cam- bridge City. Central Bank, Indianapo lis. . UN CURRENT TOKOS. The principal nncurrent funds in this market are Illinois, Wisconsin and Tenneese. They may be minted ahout as follows : Illinois ... 1 discount. 114 ". Wisconsin Tennesse Planters and Bank of Tennesse Free Banks solvent Union "Banks ?i " ZZV.V. igi Places of Worship. The following Register of places of public wor ship, may be of interest to strangers visiting our eity: German United Evangelical St. John' Church. On Third street, between Division and Ingle streets. Williah Schmidt, Pastor. Meetings, every Sun day, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Christian Church Hall of the Neptune Engine House, Second Street, between Main and Locust. J. 8. Tibbetts, Pastor. Services every Lord's day at 10K o'clock, A. M., and 7 o'cleck, P. M. Old Presbyterian Church, (X. Ö.) On Second, be tween Main and Locust streets. Rev. William Mc Caeer, Pastor. Services evory Sabbath, at 10 'clock, A. M., and 3 o'clock. P. u. Sabbath School at a o'clock, A. m. Prayer Meeting every Wed nesday evening, at 8 o'clock. First Presbyterian Clprch, (O. S- Corner Vine and Second Btreett. Kev. Alexander Stkrbett, Pastor. Services every Sabhath at 10 o'clock, a. m., and 8 o'clock, p. sf. Sabbath School at Ü o'clock, A. . Prayer Meeting every Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. ' ' St. Paul's, (Episcopalian) Corner First and Che.t nat streets. Service on Sunday, at 10 o'clock, a. M.,and7 o'clock, p. m. Sabbath School at 2 o' clock, P.M. Prayer meeting evory Friday evening at 7 o'clock, and on Wednesday, also, lit same hour during Advent and Lent. Church of Vie Assumption, Roman Catholic) Sec ond street, between Main and Sycamore. Revs, AwTONT Dedieu and Patrick McDkrmott, Pastors. Services every Sabbath morning at S aud 10 o'clock. Vespers at 3 o'clock, p. m. Mass every morn ing during the week, at C and 8 o'clock, a. m. Trinity Church, (German liomun Catholic) Third street, between Viuo and Division. Bev. Francis Kvtahsi, Pastor, rvices every Sabbath at 8 aud 10 o'clock, A. M. Sabbath School at 3 o'clock, v. it., and meetings eviry morning through the week at 8 o'clock, A. M. Ingle Street Church, (Methodist) Ingle street, be tween Seventh and Eighth. Kev. J. Hioht, Pas Tea. Services every Sunday at 10 o'clock, a. m., and 1 o'clock, P. sc. nyer Meeiiiig every Fri day evening nt to S o'clock. Benei Israel Svuagoyue Keller's Building, third story, on Main street, between Third aud Fourth streets. Kev. Mr. Welohser, Pastor. Services ev ery Friday evening at 7 o'clock, and Saturday morning at S o'clock. ociatioa of Spiritualists Temperance Hall, on Water street. Services every Sabbath afternoon, at S o'cleck. Locust Street Church, (Mcthetlist) Locust street, between Second and Third, llov. Hiram Uilhobe, Paster. Services every Sabbath at 10 o'clock, A. M., and 8 o'clock, p. m. Sabbath School, at a o' clock, A. M. Weekly Prayer Meoting, every Wed nesday evening, at 8 o'clock. Zion's Evangelical Church On Fifth below Ingle street. Kev. Sir. MixaEaT, Pastor. Services every Sabbath, at 10 o'clock, a. si., and 9 o'clock, p. m. Wednesday evening, at 8 o'clock. First Baptist Church On the corner Socond aud Clark street. Henri A. Cook, Pastor. Church Meetings, Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. Prayer Meetings, every Wednesday evening. Sabbath School at 9 o'clock, A. m. German Methodist Church On Vine street, be tween Second and Third. Kev. Mr. Kamier, Pas tor. Preaching, Sunday morning, at 10l o'clock. Also at night. Prayer Meeting, every Wednesday night. African Methodist Church On Leet street, bet. Third and Fourth sts. liev. Mr. Abbau Hill, Cir ttiit Bider. Class Meeting, every Suuday morning. Prayer Meeting, every Wednesday night. German Baptist Church Corner Second and dark street. Services every Sabbath, by Kev. Mr. Buscu. Prayer Meeting, every Wednesday night. Salem, or Allbright's Church. (German) Corner Eighth and Division Streets. Kev. Mr. Temperton, Pastor. Services every Sunday morning, at 11 o'clock. Prayer Meeting, every Wednesday night. German Lutheran Church On Fifth street, bet. Canal and Sixth, iu Lamasco. Kev. Mr. Sai-pekt, Pastor. Services very Sabbath morning, at 11 'clock. Oid Bchool Baptist Sharp's enlargement. Elder A. D. Morton, Pastor. Services every Suuday morn ing at W o'clock. ÖmhiIwi"!' Presbyterian Church Corner Second ami Chestnut sts. itev. Mr. Bi'RHow, Pastor. Ser itaes every Sabath at 11 o'clock, a.m., and at 8 r. m. Meetings of Secret Societies.. MASONIC Sravsrille Loilgt, Ho. t'4. A. J. Colbi rn, Secre tary. Kegular meetings first and third Monday's la each month, at Masonic Hall, corner of Main and First street. EeanseiUe S. A. Chapter, So. Vi. W. E. llot. laoewoRTH, Secretary. Meets first Friday in .-icl, onth, at Masonic Hall. odd fellows. Homing Ptar Lwlge, A'o. 7. J 4 MPS Swankon, Secretary. Kegular meetings every Thursday eve ning, corner of Main and First street. Orescent Lodge, Ho. 122. John Greek, Secretary. Meets every Tuesday cveuing. Bchiller Lodge, (German) No. 138. John Dan kettell. Secretary. Regular meetings every Fri hiy evening. Evansville Encampment, Ho. 20. C. G. Keate, Scribe. Meets second aud fourth Monday 'B iu every month. jf farrows njn.Ti.nonn ofs TKKS. Z. H. Cook & Son, Agents, Have this day received their first shipnu nt, and will continue to receive daily, per Adams & Co. Express, direct from the Packer in Baltimore, a full supply. The Cans are largo size and filled full. All Oysters sold by us will lie warranted in every reepict second to none. We are prepared to furnish Whole sale and Retail, and oner a liberal discount to deal en. Give us a call. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Z. 11. COOK & SON, aeptl8 No. 22, Main sreet. IL -4, 00O I. US. Jß Canvassed Hams. 6,000 lbs. Bacon Sides, bl)0 " Sugar Cured dried Beef, 600 lbs, No. 1 Cheese, 100 " Pure Cream of 50 Sacks extra family flour. 10,000 Xbs, country Bran, 20 Bush. Corn Meal, 20 dozen Shaker and Tartar, other Brooms. Jnst received and for sale by UK31 J. W. V1CKERV & Co. M-OBUL,! K 7c9.VWtV fO.V HJ 12 Just selected from the largest Eastern Houses, a large stock ot Violins, Italian, German, und French. Guitars of va oss prices. Aecordeoni a. iFliitiuas, choice quality. Flutes, Flageolets, Tambourines, Banjoes, And all Musical Instruments aud Instruction Books, which they sell at Lastern prices. Also, a complete assortment ef Envelopes of all kinds. Blank Books. Letter Paper. School Books. Newest Novels, lc, &c. Wholesale and retail, and at the lowest prices in the Uy. Call and see the selection before going else-W-nrr. aug27 c OteJYiHC J-H4JV"XtIS. TJVl Ä.OT ' of imDorted Brandies, formerly advertised to be sold at public auction, will, from this date, be old privately, in quantities to suit purchasers. Call arly. if von want pure Brandv for little money. MgSMtBd DECKER 4 KRAMER . MISCELLANEOUS. SHMJVULB8. - 50.0U0 Poplar Shingles, in yard and for sale by tirm. X. U AJJ All, Corner Main and Seventh streets. augll M-K.-ajHITE LEAU-Viv ME US PURE WW White Lead. Timothy Seed, s fresh article. A large lot of fresh Teas, assorted qualities, and packed. Just received by Reptil WHEELER 4 BIGGS. no coffee-xoq bau a prmme JLhX. BloCoffte. 25 Bags old gOTemment Java Coffee. 60 Boxes choice Hamburgh Cheese. 75 Caddies fine Va. s. Tobacco. 100 Boxes lbs. Vis. 6s. and 8s. do. Just receiTed and for sale by WHEELEB A BIGGS. T WAJVTEH, 500 BU8U.PBACHB8, WW by sept9 Z. H. COOK A SON. " 8TBPHEJV8, (8UC . Scantlin, Jr.,) Dealers in all 9 cessors to Jaa, kinds of Stores, and manufactu rers of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper -Ware. Also, man ufacturers of. Fruit Cans of ev ery patent and di scription, with which printed directions for put ting up all kinds of fruit, will be furnished, free of charge ; all of which will be sold very cheap for cash, at wholesale or retail. Storeroom at No. 13, Main street, between Water and First streets, (op posite old State Bank), Evansville, Ind. JAS. SCANTLtX, J K. ROBERT E. STEPHENS. 2,1 VAJV 8 flLLB PLAJIJU AJVMt J Flooring Mill, Second street, between Chest nut and Cherry, dealers in Lumber and manufactu rers of Doors, Shutters, Blinds, Sash, Door and Window Frames, Mouldings of every size, Flooring, Weather boarding, Shelving, Mantles, Base Pilas ters, Green-house Sash, and Chain Pnmp Tubing. A large assortment of Sash, B inds, Doors, Mouldings and Pump Tubing, constantly on hand. Also, ready worked Flooring of all kinds. Persons about to erect buildings in the Southorn or Western country, considering the lew rate of freight by river, railroad and canal will find it to their Interest to purchase at onr establishment, where they can be supplied with all the carpenter's work, ready-mado, of seasoned lumber, for the fin ish of buildings. Our work Is not made as most factory work, with tenons half way through, bat it is framed in the same manner as if made by hand. Sawing of all kinds done on short notice. Terms cash, unless otherwise agreed upon. my24-tf STEELE k HUNNEL io8H caps, ait HI it AT last, at VAUTIEB MAROON MER'S, sept22 39 Main street. jriROCJBRWS JJVO MOnsiOJVB. JTEVANSVILLE, IND. Wholesale Department, First street, first door from M lin ; Retail Department, Main, street, first deer below the corner. Z. 11. Cook begs to thank his friends in Evans ville' and neighborhood, for their favors so freely be stowed on him since he has been in business among them, and takes this opportunity of introducing to their notice his son, Mr. H. A. Cook, whom he has taken into partnership from this date, and solicits for the new firm of Z. H. Cook & Hon, a continuance of the support so liberally conferred on himself. Z. H. Cook it Son, having taken the business premises and purchased the whole stock of Mr. M. W. Foster, feel confident that they will be enabled to supply the citizens of Evansville with every arti cle they may require in the Grocery and Provision line. Z. II. Cook A Son wish especially to draw the attention of persons in the country having produce of any kind to dispose of, to their increased facility for taking off their stock, and supplying them at their store, with all articles required in tue whole sale department, at prices that mast insure their orders for the future. . feb2-tf WmlJS'H J.VMUÜR f SHIJS UL.E8 Jsl TO BUILDEB AND CARPENTERS. The subscribur has bought out the interest of K. H. Bennett, iu the Lumber Yard, near Kratz & Heill man s Founilery. He now oners hts stock at a cheap price for cash. ilyl-3ro JAS PW ANSON. rgno MIOCTOHH BIMTHWJ ITU' a JL RETROSPECT FOR JCLY. Just received at aug2G DOBELL A CONYNGTON. wvr store and sor sale by aug 20 J. W. VICKERY A Co, rmMiums GOOD Horses i .m. fresh Milch Cow, for sale at aug30 Z H. COOK k SON'S. jrmi.YJi J.L.UUJKR Tli subscriber would Jsl respectfully call the attention of carpenters aud builders to his stock of Pine Lumber, which is one of the largest and best ever yarded in this city. Prices as low us the lowest. Office corner Mam and Seventh streets. JOHN F. GLOVER, jlyl H t t (fk O IJH1LF. 1" H XXTR4 SV GAR C'l'KED HAMS. Received and for sale by july2 H. COOK SON, Sole Agent for Evansville. 20 BBl.8 CHOICE J, J Ult OIJ,, bxs. Star Candles, 20 do Assorted German and Palm Soap, just received ny u. cuuii. dt on. WVlIiiMJe 10,000 -MM Lights, 8-10 Sash, 3, C, aud U It. each. 1,000 " 9-12 " 2,600 " 10-12 " . l.OiH) " 10-10 and 10-12 Sash. 100 Pannel Doers, assorted sizes. 2-r,0 Boxes Glass, assorted sizes. Just received and for sale low, bv WHEELER A KIGGl. 100 BlNUKL,H M" RMMMi JVM? I 50 bush, choice Apples, 500 tta. Sugar enred dried Beef, 50 dozen assorted Brooms, . 50 bush. Sweet Potatoes, 10 do Crab Apples, 500 cjnigloy's Hams, ... 1,000 lbs. Bacon Sides, 6 bbls. No. 1 extra Mackerel, 5 " No. 2 Mackerel, 40 boxes extra Herring, 20 kits assorted Mackerel, - 500 Sbs. extra large Codfiah. Received and for sale by octl Z. H. COOK 4 SON. RJMR tfMMJ J M1 House and Lot in N. E. Enlargement of the citv of Evansville. Enquire at the U. K. A I.OtHcj, No. 1, North Third street, Evansville. octl C. C. COLLINS. TVTTM,E8 EJ TEJ'T VROS8-VUT Saws, jnst received and forsale bv nov!7 JACOB STRAUB. No. 40 Main St. filM EE MP 8 JVTOMJTMC ROTAT y ISii HARROW. Patented May 25th, 1868. The attention of manufacturers of agricultural implements, and tho raisers of small grain, isiovit ed to a receut and most valuable improvement iu the construction of the Harrow, invented by .V. M. Chafek, of Grayville, Illiuois. In this new imple ment the teeth are inserted in two seif revolving horizontal wheels, by which the furrow of the teeth ale made to cross the line of the direction of the harrow, and as the teeth go round the circuit of the wheel every time the harrow moves forward the longtb of the diameter of the wheel, each tooth lias just three times the ofleet of a tooth in a straight harrow, consequently it does its work far better, aud more of it. Once assing over the ground with this harrow, leaves it bettor harrowed than by two pnseages with the ordinary harrow. It is much lighter draft upon the team, and what must be a greet consiileratiou wtih every practical farmer, in )Atwing over corn or stubble ground, K keeps itself entirely free of stalks, as by its aetion it scatters them on each side of It. The Inveutor proposes to sell the right to ntauu ncture these Harrows, for any giveu Territory, either Counties or States, at modorate prices. He will also sell single Harrows, and on the receipt of 315 he will ship a good six feet Harrow to any part of the country, the purchaser liaying freight. Ad dress, V. M. CHAFEE, aur8-d3t-wtf " ' Grayville. iyjjiolB GyEMVES. 23 RJtJS JLSpltE 1 A3 , 35 Bags Pepper. 100 Mat's Cinnamon 600 lbs. Cloves. . 400 lbs. Nutmegs . 10 Kegs Ground Ginger. 150 Boxes assorted Grocery Spicee, Mustaid, Pepper Sauce, Baking Powders, Ac. For sale, low, by GEORGE FOSTER Co. septlö Corner Locast street and Canal. TUB E I ii Sam, the little man, has this day ' Been opening GOODS both fresh and gay. He received near every kind That yon in any city can find ; , : And as he purchased by the bale, He is determined to RETAIL For READY PAY, a little lower Than ever has been had before. He with his brethren means to live. But as for CREDIT shall not give, He wouldn't live to rouse your passiou, For CREDIT here is out of fashion ; His friends and buyers one and all. It'll iay you well to give a call, You'll always find him by hissigu, Ou Main street, Number 49. Further more you will bear in miud, Em brich takes funds of ev'ry kind, And broken Banks at higher rates, As can be had in other States ; The city's credit he'll defense, Take their orders at 90 cents, So if bargains you wish to meet, . Go to 49, on Main street. ' ! TfVST MECEM t"EMt, l Wß reserved Cheese, j . Canvassed Hams, - .. 6. C. Soda, German Soaps, Ü-MfST'ER.'r snaaer .Brooms, Fiuo Sweet Tobacco. A i forsale by sept20 A. lot just received and D. REYNOLDS fc Co. MISCELLANEOUS. -ffVtASOK te JEWTOJVS Oil WW COLORS, in patent collajisible Tubes. Ar rangements have been effected with Messrs. Winsoi A Newton, for a constant and full supply of their celebrated Oil Colors. For brilliancy, durability , and entire reliability they are unrivaled. The firs class medal was awarded them at the World's Fair London. CHARLES BABCOCK, eept7 8 Main street. fl OR tUt, MS, A JV Three Year Old Mule. 11.E lyA U tJi Z. H. COOK A SON. BOrOA880 PEA C OCR FBATH VI er Fly Brushes; 3 don. Misses' Brooms, a fancy article; 5 do "'ancy Whisks; 10 o'o Shaker and Lecallon Brooms; 10 do assorted Scrub Brunnes; 5 do Dusting Brushes, fancy and plain; . 5 do Shoe Brushes, do do; HORN BROOK A CO. UjyitRM 8 3000 FOUJMi8 JtS J sorted Wire; - 500 B dis common and charcoal Sheet Iron; 20 do Galvanized and Russia do; 5 casks Sheet Ziuc; Sheet Copiwr and Copper Bottoms, all sizes, in store and for sale by SAML'EL ORK. TIO Cup THE M.OEnS OE J tiOOll Cup of Tea. We are now in receipt of a very choice lot of loose Teas, bought expressly for retail ;rade. Call one and all. Samples given with pleas ure, by ' Z. H.COOK SON. &vT. CHARLES H.lLOOJ wVo. 6, J First street, opposite the Poet Ottice, Evansville, Indiana. The citizens of Evansville and the pub lic gederally are respectfully Informed that thui magnificent saloon (formerly Burk's Exchange) has been entirely refitted and furnished in every depart ment, and is now open for the season, where visitors can always have served up at the shortest notice and in the most superb style all the delicacies of the season, game of all kinds, Venison, Wild Duck, Turkey, Fish, Ac. Shell Oysters received daily, by express, as well as in cans, will bo served in every style to suit the patrons of the St. Charles. Billiard players will find at this saloon a set of the finest marble top Billiard Tables from the well known aud celebrated factory of J. M. Brunswick Co. Slippers served upnt all hours, day or night. A splendid lunch will be served up, in the most appropriate style, every merniug at 10 o'ciock. oct8 J. G. HAfilNGTON. !iOTMCMiltJlVMJSa AJV w V interest in our establishment to Mr. Samuel Vickory, the style aud firm will in fiitt-re be Vickeuy & Brothers, in hope therefore with the acquisition of a now but experienced partner, there will be an lucioase ol trade to the house. Thanks for wist favors. - Reiqiectfiilly, Ac, J. W. VICKERY A Co., oct20 No. 22 Main street. BV8T RECKMVEO JMT TUB -VA' I P HARDWARE ST0RE,one door below the Bonk. 12 extra Cast Steel Mill Saws, ea. 7, ?, 8 feet. 12 Rowland's " " ' " 7, 7, 8 " 12 " Cross Cut " " " " " " 12 Enzlih " " " " " " " 25 dote. Sar A Jackson's Hand, Pannel aud Rip Saws. 25 doz. Cast Steel Wood Saws. 4 ' " . " Circular Saws. froni 8 to 20 in. septlS GEORGE S. SONNTAG. ITV WE CCTM,lRi JL 1 10 Setts fine Ivory Table Knives and Forks. 10 " " " " only. 12 pair " " Carvers. . 50 doz. Wostenholiu's Pocket Knives. 25 " Joseph Rogers' Scissors. septl5 GEORGE 8. SONNTAG. "BmALISES AJV11 LEATHER HAT CASES, a first-rate article, for sale at , VAUTIER & MARCONNIER, septll 39 Main street. 9E W It I IE 5 TIE RIB 8 EKLTIE W w now Rice just received and for sale by ' nov2 PRESTON BROS. mj9B' 8COAR.10 HHltS. ER 1.11 E ml W new Sugar just received and tor sale bv nov2 PRESTON BROS. SAMUEL K. QII.HERT WILLIAM R. RAKKR &v E. GILBERT tt CO., 8VCCE8- SO RS to Gilbert & Bowles. WHOLESALE GROCERS, Sycamore street, between Water and First, Evans ville, Indiana. A full assortment ot Groceries al ways on hand, and for sale at the lowest prices. Agents for " Cypress Mills," Cotton Yarns, Ac, at manufacturer s prices (novl rIS80M.UTIOJ THB EIR.n OF JLw Gilbert & Bowles whs dissolved on the2oth instant, by mutual consent. The business will be continued by our successors, Samuel E. Gilbert and William K. Baker, under the firm of S. E. Gilbert A Co., who are alone authorized to settle the business ofthe lato firm. SAML'EL K. Gl MJERT. ' JIEXRY BOWLES. Evansville, Oct. 30, 1S.W. jmm.lRKET RA SHE T 8 O JH VA WiM. RIOU'S sizes and kind", iu store and for sale by VICKERY BROTHERS, nov4 No. 82 Main street. 41 TAR AJ'1 TALLOW tAJVll LB 8. 3 75 boxes for sale by S. E. GILBERT & CO. nov4 Sycamore street, near Water. OSAUB OJX.AJTGE FLAJVTS. WE are agents for the sale of Osage Orange Plants, ef good size and thrifty growth, and can supply any quantity. Orders promptly attemieJ to. novlö "llORNUROOK A CO. A It IE S ECU S A LOT OF THE LATEST JLj styles Cspes, Half Cape, Victorines, Cuff', etc., just received bv Express at VAUTIEii & MARCONNIER'S, ' novl9 39 Main street. 7WrSS SBWBLL'S J"BU- BOOS, wr-H. VH.KSCL.A. Just received st septl DOBELT. A CONYNGTON. v VJS'llR IBS. 5 BAUS JA f A I OE 9 FEE. 1X) Boxes Figs. 6 Casks Zautee Currants. . 1 Cask Primes. . 10 Churns Sultana Raisins. 4 Cases Citron. DO Bags Pimento. 20 Matts Cassia. 250 kegs Bi Curb. Seda. 40 Boxes W. R. Cheese. 40 " Virginia Tobacco. 25 Half Chests Teas. Just received and for sale by septl7 PRESTON B It OS. JR. RA -BR BOORS AJ'It BIULES. A splendid selection Antique, Morocco, aud Velvet Bindings ; also in fancy wood. .Inst re ceived by DOBELL A CONYNGTON. THE BB8T AJYIt MVB&8T MtAJ' DY iu town, at the lowest figure, is at icckvr A Kramer's. Hotel and' keejK'rs, and all others that can appreciate good liquor and wish to buy it cheap, in quantities to suit, call scion its it goes off fast. (octll) DECKEK A KilAMEtf. mmOTB, CAP, A.V LETTER PA- W W per 400 reams assorted, tor side very low by dec2 8. E. GILBERT A CO., Svcamore st. LACHHTERS K HO II OE, (Successors K9 to K. S. Howard,) Receiving, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, No. 4 Water street, neat Slain, Evausville, Indiana. . tT Liberal advances made on consignments to New Orleans. K. C. 8LAUOHTP.R...O. O. 6LAL'UHTKR...WM. HODOE, JR. uov30-lyd nrEA PAPER, VRAFPMJa PA. JL )mr and Bonnet Boards !Vio bundles for sale by 8-E. GILBERT A CO., nov27 Sycamore street, near Water TR11,S AXO CiL. ASS RECEIVED nv W per steamer "Moderator" :W kejrs 3d Nails, 40 do 4d do; 40 do Od do; 75 ihi 8d do; .'Ji do lOd do: '.'0 do 1 2d do; : 15 do IWd do; ' ' ' ' 25 do 20d do; 450 boxes 8x10 Glass; . -50 do 10x12 do; 20 do Ea 10x14, 10x15 and 10x1. ' ' For sale cheap by WHEELER A RIGGS. ' nov23 No. 47, Cor. First aud Sycamore sts. w V0 W A.VO SHOW CASE GLASS Large sizes, from 21x30 to 28x48, with a large assortment of smaller sizes McCnlly's brand, at . STODDARD A THOMPSON'S, . dec6 " 17 Maiu street. ' 9E W RICE- 19 T1BRCES BOB S. E. GILBERT A CO. sale b v tfcTAJrit pno.n ijvhek k w - 9 BERG A CLEMENT have broke down the old Fogie prices of Pine LuLiber, aud will continue to keep them down. They have now on hand over 1,000,000 feet of all kinds, which must be sold by the 1st of April next, to make room for a new stock in the Spring. Our stock now is full and complete and well seasoned, and we can, will, and du sell lower than ever before. Remember the new Lumber Yard, corner of Maiu and Eighth streets, Evans Tille, Indiana. ' nwvllo JT AMPS.' LAMPS! STOBItXRH tt MA THOMPSON have a large assortment of Coal Oil and Burning Fluid Lxnips which they offer for sale at very small prices. Call and look at them. - ni o n A tJi oA.i '11 1 1 CJÄ IIS 1 0 Ö IS A S . JL choioe brands Va. Tobocco; ,. .. 50 boxes fives and eights do; , . . 25 butts Twist (in foil) do; 25 do light pressed Va. do; T " 75 caddies Blue Hen's Chicken do; 25 do Thomas' Twist do; 25 do "4 aees" do do; 1 case 'Silver Roll" do; " 100,000 ass'd German Cifrars; 25,000 Havanna do; - 150,000 Half Spanish do. Iu store and for sale lew by WHEELER t- RIGGS, nov23 No. 17, Cor. First aud Sycamore sts. INSURANCE COMPANIES. jr-VA UMAJ1TCE A OBJVCm- ALLBJV JL C. HALL0CK. EVASS7ILLX, J.VZ. . Underwriter itnrl General Insurance Agent, and ADJUSTER OF AVERAGES. He continues to issue policies from several FIRST CLASS and MOST RELIABLE INSURANCE COMPANIES V THE COUNTRY, SN INLAND AND FIBS RISKS. He will also receive applications for LIFE INSURANCE. teW He will also attend to the ADJUSTMENT OF LOSSES of every description, under policies from other agencies, and attend to the settlement of all matters connected with Insurance, for parties inter ested. His long experience as an Insurance Agent. has made him familiar with all subjects connected with the subject of Insurance. - fap28'57-ly. .1. flEJVC W OP THB PHtBJYMX V. SÜKANCE COMPANY. HARTFORD CONN. 8. la. LOOJ1IS, I II. KELLOGG, President. Secretary. WESTEBX BBASCHÖFFICE, CINCIXSATI, M. MAGILLjöenl Agent . R. II. MAGILL - - H. M. MAGILL, SPECIAL AGENTS AND ADJBBTEBS. . STATEMEN T0 F ASSETS, January 1st, 1858. Examined and approved by the Auditors of OHIO, INDIANA, ILLINOIS, IOWA, TENNESSEE, Ac, jn compliance with the laws of these States. Cash Capital, ... $300,000.00. Cash Asset; - . - - $311,719.39. Cash on hand and in Bank .-.$47,617.63 " in bauds of and due from Agents 42,482.34 Amount loaned on Mortgages of Real Es tate . 17,700.60 Amount Loaned on Pledge of Bank Stocks, 19.0O8.S0 Bills Receivable, for loans on approved col lateral and personal security.. ...........53,773.47 MAEEBT VALUE. Bank Stocks of New York City Banks .'.100,300.25 " " of Hartford and other N. E. Banks .68,818.00 Accumulated interest on Investments.. .. 2,127.90 Total Assots ........;. ..$341,719.59 liabilities: Due or not duo to Banks or other Creditors...none. Losses, adjusted and dne.. ............. ........ none. " " not due 18,814 " " not adjusted aud waiting proofs .23,8) All other claims estimated at.... .....500 Total of all liabilities.. ....34,91 STATE OF CONNECTICUT,! Haetfoed, Cons. Hartford County. "" January 19, 1858. Personally appeared H. Ksllooo, Seeretarr of the Phoenix Insurance Company, and made oath that the foregoing statement by him subscribed, is true and correct in his best knowledge and belief. Be ore me. C. J.. H OA I LEY, Justice ofthe Peace. It is with much pleasure to ourselves aud patrons, that we present the above statement of our flnanaes, to the careful perusal of the public. It exhibits st a glance, the prime and solvent condition the Com pany is in ; and parties who desire Indemnity in a strictly first-class Company, will promote their own interests by patronizing the PHCENIX INSURANCE CO.. Which may be done by application to any of the duly commissioned Agents of the Company, iu the pnuaipai Line ana towns et tne Union. Losses Fairly Adjusted and Promptly Paid. , septl - ALLEN C. HALLOCK, Agent. CK EST RA IT OP THB - 8EJM-AJS mit- mal statement of the aßairs and condition of the HOME IXSUBANCE Company, of the City of New iotk, on tne alst aay of Uecember, lso7. . ASSETS. -. - CaBh Balance In Bank $37,000 56 Bonds and Mortgages (being first lien on Real Estate, worth at least $891,0O0)..4O,CO0 00 Loans on storks, payable on demand, (mar ket value of securities, $253,G67)......1.V),859 85 Bank Stocks, (market value) 77,000 W) ileal Kstate, Io. a Wall street, (the office of the Company)...- 67,oo4 72 intercut due ou the 1st of January, 1858, - . (of which S 12,025 9 3has since been re ceived) 14,375 3 Kutane in nanus ot Agents and in course of transmission from Agents on the 31st Ifeoember 24,084 75 (Of which $7,357 57 has sines been re ceived). . ,i . Premiums due aud uncollected on Policies issued at Office 2,087 53 Total ; $834,213 34 Outstanding Losses on 31st De- ,. cemNier, 18A7, estimated at...$39,410 01 Due Stockholders on account ' of Seventh Dividend 1,700 00 41,110 01 " CHAS. J. MARTIN, Pres't. A. F. WILLMARTH, Vies Pres't. -J. MILTON SMITH, Sec'y. A. C. HALLOCK, Agent, iel4-dCm Evansville, Ind. rgBSTRAVT STATE.1I E.T OP TUB WM. condition of the CITY FI HE IXSUBAifCE COM PA X Y of Hartford, January 1st, 1858. SAKE AND LOCATION. The name of this Company is the Citt Fiee In surance Company or Uabtfobd. Ths Company is located at Hartford Connecticut. CAPITAL. The amount of its Capital Stock is one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. The amount of its Cap iat Stuck paid up is one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. : Cash on band... $10,426 08 Cash in the hands of Agents and othsr persons.... 13,409 19 Bonds owned by ths Company, 10 $1,000 . .. 2d Mortgage Bonds of the Indiana Cen tral Railroad Company, paying semi-an- Biial interest of 10 per cent 10,000 00 Debts due the Company, secured by mort gage on Real Estate 32,910 00 Loans on collateral secured by 391 snares ' of Bank Stock, and other Stocks and - Bonds in possession of the Company.... 57,250 08 All other securities are 668 Shares Bank Stock 61,060 00 Bills receivable 12,353 38 Accrued Interest........... .....:.. 4,043 66 Office furniture , .. , 677 17 Total assets of the Company $192,079 66 ' . liabilities. Losses adjusted and not due. -$3,775 0O Losses unadjusted, and in ss peuse,' waiting for further ' proof 5,470 00 ' All other claims against tho . , ,. Company estimated 4,4z5 00 Total liabilities... : $13,670 00 . . The greatext nimmt insured In any one rixk Is 55,000. The greatest amwint allowed to be insured in any one City, Town or Village, varies according to its Bize ami class of property. The greatest amount allowed to be insured in any one block, varies as in the preceding. No part of its capital or earnings are deposited with any State or State, as security for losses Hierein. C. B BOWERS, Pres't. C. C. WAITE. Secretary. W. B. LOUNSBCBY, General Agent. Applications received ty A. Ü. HALLOCK", Agant, - - Evansville, Ind. Lesses promptly adjusted and paid with fidelity and disuutch. iel4-6mesdsw MEW LA R It 1000 LBS. CHOICB Lard by th bid, i.vr, or lb, at jan20 VICKEUY BROS., 82 Main st. VWOMIJS'r, CRANBERRIES JJY MM. CHEESE new, fresh and nice, at jan20 VICKERY BROS., 82 Main at. . ifg AJV T B tt $3,000 lWb. WW CHANGE for some of our large and ex tensive assortment of Groceries, Provisions, fc, Any sums from $1 up will be received. jau20 VICKERY BROS., 82 Main st. ' jnOASTBlt COEFEE 1 BAU A M. first-rate article, just received and fot sals by , VICKERY BROS., 82 Main at. Jf OÖKIJVU ULA8SB8X00 ItOZEJ? JLdt all sizes, just received and for sale by janl9 GEO. S. SONNTAG, No. 10 Main st. A10R.V SBBLLBRS. SOMB THIJVU S new for home ose, for $5 each, forsale by jaul9 GEO. 8. SONNTAG, No. 10 Main st. UWät 8 A WS! SA WS .' 1 dozen C. Steel Mill Saws, each 7, 7JC8 feet. 1 do Pat. Cross-cut do do 7, 7S, 8 do, do Circular do ass'd from 8 to 24 in. fio do Epa. Hand; Panel and Rip Saws, 25 do Wood Saws. Just received. jaul9 GEO. S. SONNTAG, No. 10 Main St. nAILS.400 REUS, ALL SMXBs". W W Cotton Batting 125 bales No. 1 and 2. Herring 100 Boxes in fine order. Carpet Chain 5o Bags. Forsale by septl8 . GILBRRT A BOWLES. UCKBTS A.V TUBS 90 -ÖOZK.V Buckets, Blue and Red: . 50 dozen Buckets, Red; 35 do. do Blue and Green; . 25 do "do Fancy; 25 do hf do do; 20 do No. 1 Tubs; 25 do do 2 do; W do do 3 do; ' 25(3) Nest . do; : 15 (8) Nest do; -. 10 dozen Common Half Bushels; 15 do Iron Bound - do; 50 do . Wash Boards; 75 do Brooms; 350 reams ass'd Wrapping Paper. Received aud for sale cheap by WHEELER A RIGGS, No. IT, nov23 Corner First aud Sycamore sts. MISCELLANEOUS. "My 9 AJVS VMLLB COMIJV VP ALA THE DEMANDS OF THE TIMES. rt K. d nArx , Agent for the following Mills and Machines, offers n r. vv for sals Tbe Great Eastern Corn Unsker, Wnich will seU from LUOO toäfjijo bushels' per day. Also, The American Elephant. Ths great Novelty of the day. It Is the bast M1U ever invented for the farmer's use. It will mak ten varieties of product. - It will grind the Con and Cob for feeding animals. It makes coarse o fine meal as may be wanted, and it will bolt tk meal as it grinds it, or leave it unbolted at ths op tion of tbe operator. It will grind Spices, Drugs or almost any other substance which requires the ope ration sf grinding. It does all these things, and requires but a little power to drive it. . THE GREAT BENGAL TIGER. Is a Mill designed to make the various grades ot Hominy, and is one of the best Machines ever in vented for the purpose. Bradford's Portable Burr Itlih Is too well known to need a description. It is tbe cheapest, and at the same time, the easiest kept in repair, of any in use. All of the above Mills and Machines can be seen in operation at . HART'S MILL S," Corner of Second and Canal streets, where the pub lic are invited to call and see ths latest improve ments of the age before purchasing elsewhere. AU orders will be promptly tilled. Jan27-dAwtf B.B.HART. RlOME THIJVU 8 ABK WOwVK BUT K9 TER THAN OTHERS. R. B. HART, is new prepared to supply the eity and country trade with the best of corn meal, un boiled, corn grits and hominy, of all grades; wheat grits, unbolted floor, rye flour, extra family flour, crush feed, bran, bhipstuff, corn, oats, chicken feed, And all articles in the feed line. All trade delivered to any part of tbe city. Please send in your orders. My prices will be low, as cheap as ths cheapest, and as good as the best. The nimble sixpence better than the slw shilling is my motto. ' AU may depend on getting all my trade made of none but the best of ground grains, as I will buy ne other. R. B. HART. . jan27-dAwtf r2r it. cook r so., reAjh' pa v mYJ STORE. Agricultural Implements, Seeds and Groceries sold at cash prices for all kinds of Produce and Live Stock, such as Horses, Mules, Cows, Calves, Beef Cattle, Hogs, Chickens, Butter, Lard, Bacon, Eggs, Furs and Skins of every de scription, Ginseng, Beeswax, Feathers, Wheat, Corn, Oats, Barley, Beans, Rye, Brau, Shorts, Dried Apples and Peaches, Potatoes and Vegetables of all sorts. 2. H. COOK A SONS. ieb20-d&w -WMAL CABLE STAJVÜABIt WOB MB. W DOBELL A CONYNGTON, are sole agents for Vanderburg county, for all the subscription Books published by D. Appleton k Co. Abridgement of ths Debates in Congress, Or Public History of tbe United States. New American Encyclopedia, a Dictionary and Journal of Knowledge. Certainly ths first work of the age. American Eloquence, a Collection of Speeches and Addresses of the most Eminent Orators of America. ' Encyclopedia of Wit and Humor, by the celebra ted Comedian Burton, in 25o. Nos. Dictionary of Machine Mechanics and Ei.glne Work. The newest and most improved edition in 25c. Nos. Ure's . Dictionary , of Arts, Manufactures and Mines. DOBELL k CONYNGTON heg to call attention to their important works, and request their kind friends to call and see them; as also, the array ot opinions of eminent men in confirmation of thoir importance and value. Dobell A Con fg ten have samples and specimens of the various bindings in which these works can be procured, froui paper to ths finest morocco. mrl7 ..... fh BV8H.PBMMB SB BO R V?. 8 0 JU bush. Ear Corn, received persuamer J, H. Dose. . Rice Flour. . Corn Starch. Wheaten Gritta. Farina. '' . SpUt Peas. Maccaronf. Vermicella." ' 3 das. qts. Worcestershire Sauce. 6 " pts. " " . 8 "half pts. " " S " " John Bull. " 3 " " Harvey 3 " ' Essence of Shrimps. 3 " " Anchoives. Lemon Syrop. Ginger " Strawberry " Raspberry. ' Pine Apple ' Sarsaparilla " Just received and for sale by sugGly Z. H. COOK A SON. JTWOOP IROJT.1000 BVJ'DLEH MM. Hoop Iron, assorted sizes, on hand and for sale at reduced prices by SAMUEL ORR. JfmlSSOLCTMOjy. THB FABTJVBB- JsLsv'ship heretofore existing between John A. Beits, John A. Haney and W. Carpenter, under the firm and name of Reitx, Haney k Co., has besn this day dissolved by ths retirement of W. Carpen ter, Esq., the interest of said W. Carpenter having been purchased by ths said John A. Beits and John A. Haney. The affairs and business of ths old firm will be settled by tbe new firm of . . REITZ & HANEY, Who will continue tho manufacture of Steam Engines and Steam Boilers, of any size, together with all ths Shafting; Wheels, Pumps, Saw Mill Machinery and Mill Gearing ot any size. Also, Distillery aud Mining Machinery, and iu fact everything in tbe Iron line, at ths old stand corner of Ingle and Canal Streets. apö-1858-tf REITZ A HANEY. ftiwBW LPMBBB Vf . We are now w V offering for sale to ths city and country trado our whole stock of lumber st retail. Having extra facilities for manufacturing and buying plus lum ber in Pennsylvania, we think we can oner huloce ments to parchasers that they cannot find elsewhent in the city. We shall at all rimes be supplied Willi a full assortment. Also, pine shingles and dressed flooring always on hand. Call at the o.flce on the above corner. WATSON, NEWBERRY A CO., Corner Main and Eighth streets. nor lT-ly AiitAL! CO A Li! COAL!!lVfo hare nettt on hand and are daily receiving the best COAL that has ever been introduced into this market, which we are soiling low. Good currency will be received in payment. Orders left at the store of JNO. W. HUGHES, next to the State Bank, will be promptly attended to. " . jan2ti-tf JNO. W. HUGHES. gJtlJVE SHMjyULES 400,000 No. 1 Pins JL Shingles, for sale low. Also, 50,000 Poplar. JOHN F. GLOVER; jlyl ' Corner Main and Seventh streets. mEWM)R a001SARRlVAL! VI At 8. EMBICH'S. NEW-DRY GOODS, For Sals Fob Cash Oblt. . - NEW DRY GOODS ARRIVED At S. EMBICH'S. NEW DRY GOODS, For Sale Fob Cash Obit. NEW DRY GOODS ARRIVED At S. EMBICH'S. NEW DRY GOODS, For Sals Fob Cash Oblt. NEW DRY GOODS ARRIVED At S. EMBICH'S. NEW DRY GOODS, For Sale - Fob Cash Osxt. ap3 I ÜRIUCL TUBAL MMPLBMBJVT8 t dos. Scythes and Snathes, various patterns 2 do Bcythcs ana cracues, ao do; 6 do Manure Forks; 6 do Long Handled Hay Forks; 6 do Short do do; 2 boxes Scythe Stones. For sale at Z. H. COOK k SON'S. TTWOOPS! EORTV UROU8 BAT MM TAN HOOPS ; Thirty Gross Brass Hoops ot extra size and superior quality. Just received and for sals cheap bv -- aug!3 MESSRS. J. H. MAGHEK A Co. 30 BVBH. CORJV MEAL - JPME8H j GROUND. For Sale by 1 niv4 x it rnnw snw ' CWJfcWT COBJYJt CORJV! I 6Ö0 Bushels Jost received and for sals cheap at ; aug-27 A. D. REYNOLDS k Co. I r - v csg" ii(n jit i MISCELLANEOUS. OPBJVMJVU OPB O.V.V TS, 8TBA U Goods, Ribbons aud Flowers, on Friday Trorn ing, October 8th, 1858. Permit me to call your at tention to nry stock of Spring Millinery Goods, . which have been bought uuuVr favorable circum stances, and which for variety and novelty of style will, I trust, be found to surpass anything ever brought to this city. F. B. BARKER, First street, between Mam and Locast, opposite I ths Pest Office. oct6 v CJS'llRIES. 10 bbls. Alum, in Copiteras. 5 " Sulphur, 5 Ven. re.1, 2 " Gum Camphor, . 250 " Cream Tartar. 50 coil Jute 3 inch rope, ' -65" Manilla inch do, zo neuip naiter rope, 28 " Manilla " " 25 doE. Bedcords, 10 reels cotton inch do, " 60 bales No. 1, Cannolton Batting, 7 boxes Star Candles, 75 boxes Diamond Starch, 20 bags Alspice, 6 Cerecms Carraccas Indigo, -25 bales Candle Wick, 25 bags Peppor, - ' 5 " Cloves, ' . - A small lot of extra family Sour. For salo low to close consignment, by oct8 WHEELER A RIGG8. nUCMWHBAT BLOCR, UB1TS, JLB Homminy, unbolted Wheat Flour. Corn Moal, chicken and horse Feed of every variety to be had at Hart's Mill, on Second Street, below Oak. N. B Orders promptly attended to, and every ar ticle bought wili be delivered at ths dwelling ofthe purchaser. nov4 JSJfACHM'B-MAMIB HOR8B 8HOB8 ml IM. The Troy Iron and Nail Kart or v. mt Trov. is. i., nave cienry uuraou s x v Improved Horse Shoe Machine- ff k. ry now in successful operation, ana are prepared to execute or. ders for Horse and Mule Shoes, of any weiaht and uatturn. at a price but little above the price of Horse Shoe Iron. The quality of the Iron used in these shoes is warranted in every respect. These shoes have been approved of, and are now used by the United StAtes Government exclusively, as also by many of the Srincipal Stage and Omnibus Companies .and Horse boers throughout the country. Those Shoos can no purchased through the principal Hardware and Iron Stores in the United States. Orders addressed to the subscriber, at Troy vil lage, will receive prompt attention. WM. V. BURDEN, Agent, p!6-ly ' Trsy, N. Y. Hfl O THE SCHOLARS Op OCR M SCHOOLS. DOBELL A CONYNGTON have a large gtock of alll the Soliool Books used in the Schools. They thank their young friends for past support, and trust to see them again this season. sep4 TWALTBW8 ERESH OfSTERS mfJL KURTZ, at the Wholesale and 3. Retail Confectionary on First street, (y4 oJ two doors from ths Post Office, has ywj- jr again been appointed sols agent for JSsW Maltby's Baltimore Oysters, In ths City of Evansville, and he will receive dally supplies by Express, directly from ths Packer in Baltimore. He is prepared to offer ths trade such inducements for the edtire season as have never been offered in this market heretofore. A constant dally supply always ou hand, so that dealers and families can obtain at any time during tho season those choice Oysters, in cans and half cans and ia the shell, warranted fresh and sweet, and very superior in flavor and quality. Terms, cash. Andjjnone but bankable money received. A. KURTZ, sopt5-6m Solo Agent for Evansville. Wat- JOJ'BS ÖEEICE AJS'MI BB8I- JLtW DEN0E on First Street, between Walnut aud Chestnut. oct.4 WmBCBBB T Ell AM ER. MAJ'V MJV FACTURERS OF Lard Oil, Soap and Candles, Also, an extra article of ENGINE, CAR AND TALLOW OIL for Machinory, nd a Superior Refined Burning Oil, EOS HEAD LIGHTS, ADAPTED TO 8TEA3I BOATS, HOTELS, AND ALL OTHEB BVHNINO PCBPOSEB, - Vi. 46, JWtrth Sid Matts, mir est, . BETWEEN Fl EST AND SECOND, EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. PBIXIP DECEEB PHILIP EBAMF.B. These Machine and Burning Oils are warranted to stand all climates and seasons. The attention of master mechanics of Railroads, Steamboats, üfllls and Machine Shops,' Is particularly called to ths above card. - -. aug27-lyd. WntBBB EXHI lilTIOJV OF 7' HE ALT largest an omoat beautiful stock of Hats and Caps ever open tiin Evansville. Corns one and all. We will hs pleased at all times to show onr Goods aud sell them cheaper than the cheapest. VAUTIER A MARCONNIER, septll 39 Main street. ' ROItCCE. Pumpkins, " -..--. ' Apples, ' Potatoes, Irish and Sweet, Oranges, Turnips, Whits Beans, Cabbage, Ac. For sals by . oct27 2. H. COOK A SON. TfPST BBCBMfBMI Hf EXPRESS, mit City of the Great King, by Dr. Baralay. Hadji in Syria, by Mrs. Sarah Barslay Johnson At sug2fi J. HEALY'S. I' ELL0W PINE FLOODING. A FEW thousand feet, well seasoned. Lead Pip a full assortment on hand. TIN PLATE. Booflnr Tin. IC and IX do Waster do Ooke, 100 Plats 12 X 12 oct2 do do"' do. On hand and for sale by SAMUEL OSU, JtJST RECEIVElt 'iQ CASES Ot n0 Barrows' tobacco, 50 boxes German water proof matches, for sale by TENNEY A S0ERENS0N, . aug20 No. 31 Water street. mOB BALE, A TWO STORfBBMCB M Mouse and Lot on Fifth street, at a bargain. Enquire at the R. E. A I. Office, No. 1, North Third street, Evansville. ' ' ' octl -' , . C. C. COLLINS... gL MLMH.VU MA T E RIA L. 500 MM Kegs Nails, all sizes. 10,000 Lights Sash all sizes. ' ", 200 Doors, usual sixes. - . -' ' 400 Boxes Window Glass, assorted sizes. 200 Kegs White Lead. 6 Bbls. Linseed Oil. 3 Bbls. Putty in bladdser, Also, White Lime, Grey Lima, Plaster Paris, White Fand, Hydraulic Cement, in any auantlty de sired by purchasers. For sale at reduced rates by septlö " GEORGE FOSTER A Co. ' - kt BL8. ERESH LAMB i FRESH Mifß Cora Meal ; Green Apples, Ac. . . A. D. REYNOLDS k Co. f septA TgyE E It ST O R E. THE CJS'll E R- JL SIGNED will keep constantly on hand. HAY, CORK, . OATS, 8HIP8TUFF, "' ' -- -M .,: , . ... . BBA X. And all other articles needed to feed Horses or Moles. AU of which hs will sell wholesale or re tail, at lowest market rates, giving just weight and measure. ROBERT 8. RU8T0W, Water street, between Main and Locust, Evansville. augS-ly - ' - fcvt WV RIESX5U BAUS CÖFFBBt 0 12O0 kegs assorted Nails; , - -' 100 do Cut Spikes; 60 do Wr't do; - ' ' 400 boxes assorted Glass; 76 do do Tobaccos - ' 60 do do . Starch; . , 60 do do Star Candles 200 keg White Lead; 15 bbls. Linseed Oil; - -6 da Turpentins BO do Rosin; ' 10 do Pitch; - 60 do Vinegar; , . 40 bags fine Salt; , , . 100 bbU. Whits Lima; 100 do Cement, 60 bbls. Grey Lime; . 20 do Plaster Paris. In store and sale by ORR, DALZELL A CO. HO. THORJVHILL, REUS LB A VE to return his thanks to his old customers for their kind patronage, and hopes by strict attention f to business, and good work, w ds aoie to merit a continuation of their favors. Having removed his store to the corner of Second and Main streets, for merly occupied as a Silversmith Shop, hs is now prepared to furnish all who may favor him with call, with all ths articles ia his line. ' - " Repairing dsns with neatness and despatch. Second hand harness always on hand. jly22-6m. 0 ; MISCELLANEOUS. ri mTa! i J. a : . M. assortment of BlKck TEA EU E .9 II and lireen, in U cbests and caddie, for sale in qimfifitirs to suit purchasers at - .- decU - -VICKEUY. BROS. O M M V 1 A.'ft CHEESE' CUV- cinnuti HoMiitiv and Chee?e iivt received at declS VICK3RY BROrl. frtfffiM'M JWI1LS! W W 2'J0 k.-s assorted, 50 do Brads. Finishing Nails, Casinjr Nails. Spikes anil Wrought Nails. Just received by del8 ' CHAHI.rS 9. WELLf , 13 First st- 'I JVC W.l Sit 11 OR ItS 50 It Of. EJ forsale by S. E. GILBERT A CO.. declö Sycamore srreet, near Water. WCRE8H ARRIilL OF BOOTS AJIß SSL HiKS. We jt?t received, of onrsecond purchase, 2 X cases oi lk-UTS SSD SHOES of va rious qualities. " We have o i band naxf the best stocks of Boots and Shoes evor bronilit to the city, embracing ths We have all kimls of Kip Bool?, with kip lactt, tide stitched traced, and oul tanned leather bottoms, and would mention the liest tnnmifactnrers names, whose makes we offer for sale, if it were not for posting up the Dealers whereto get tho best goods. The trade will nnd onr stock vp stairs, on second floor, with no connection with the Dry Goods floor below except by a dight of etairx. We have no rent to -pay, and can sell just as eh cup as though we bad tbem in another douse. We have now a fresh stock of desirable gonils, and cordially invite tho lrado who want cotds. to call and examine our slock before purchasing elsewhere. declO KKEN A PRESTON; T&IJYEUAR. 33 BARRELS A. B. Hallock's Illinois Cider Viuegar forsale.' ' This Quaker Vinegar is so sour, it will rooks pig squeal to scratch against the barrel. Forsale by KEEN PRESTON.' . 1VJ'1IRMES lo bbls Coppera", to do - Alum, - " , 5 do .Snipbur, 5 do Ewu!n Salts, - '. -1 cask Dutch MuiMer, . . ;. 2 cases prime Iudigo, ': 25 boxes Ext. Lcgwood, ' - ' 1 cafik Gum Camphor, NUTS To bbls II. 11. Almonds, - - 5 do S. S. i:o. . 1(1 do Brazil Nut-. Junt received and for sale verv low bv dec21 -WHKELER Ä RIGGS. WW&FELI.VU JVAILSlOO REUS JACOB STBAUB, Nc. 40 Main street. W W jus just received by dec20 RE 88 HOOPS AJ11 COAL SHO - ets just received bv JACOB STRAUB. dec20 No. 40 Main street. C CH WIME A T El. O I! R1 as .. gj . P Pure for salo low bv dec TENNEY & S0EENS0N. JLMUS3 CASES , YE W CROP, FOR JL sale by TENNEY & SORENSON. rWXEAi TEA! TEA! Ji. 10 chests Imperial, M lb packages 10 do Y. Hyson. lb do, 10 do Blac k. For sale low hy dee20 TENNEY & S0RENS0N. -TiHRMSTMAS MS COMI.VU. CITR- Cy rants, Raisins, Citron and Cranberries, just received at Vickery Bros., where-they keep a full assortment of all the luxuries as well as the necessa ries of life. Call at No. 32 Main street, aud exam ine for yourselves. VICKERY RR0S. 1LORUHVM. 1 BARREL SORGHUM 3 of a superior Qnnlity, for de at dec22 Z. U. COOK fj SON'S. g1 VJfJVf IIA U 8 FOR SALB. 3,00 O WOa my Bags for sulo ut II1RA31 NELSON'S Auction Room, corner Main and Third streets. dec22-lw T9RESEJT8 ßÖRLlTTLBMBO- AL PLE. We have just received a beautiful as sortment of Books for t'hiklron. There is nj gift so useful as a good Book. dec21 DOBELL A CONYNGTON. C JT O B 8 FORCHILliRBJS CALL S at HUGHES' Dry Goods store aud purchase a pair of these excellent !hoes which he has on hand for Children: If you like good Shoes, always get your Shoes from him. These Shoes will bo much appreciated as Holiday Gifts. dec21-lwd Jf ffOLlMtA 4 Ull i s A .X'lCE AS- MM. sortmeiit of Notion, suitable for Holiday present.), for sale cheap nt Ilt'üIlES' Dry Goods store. Call soon. dec2l-lwd CUAltT 30 Tili US. FAIB TO choice N. O. Susarlust received bv " dec21 WHEELER A RIGGS. 4iICARLES BABCOCH, IMPORTER vLy aud Dealer in C'uatih aud tsaciJitiy Hat d ware, Main street, near Water. Having com- pleted my ar range me nts with Europe an and Amer lcau manu facturer! for a dm ;t Bupply of a 1 goods in Vr Omy lin6err.m '$sy" cnibledtoof rMijP vV fvT inducements,' that Jj 'j cnnnBt a'' to be to the interest of ail en gaged In the business to give me a trial. I name in part: axles, springs made of the best steel; bands, enameled aud of all kiuds of leather; cloths, linings for carriages, varnishes, castings ct all kinds, saddle trees, Engli-ah bridle leathers, bits, stirrups, spurs, hames, tine silver hames of all kinds, Jenny Lind Gig Trees, self-adjusting pads, Taylor's patent hames, fly nets, shoe threads, horse blankets, London Girth " '. Wo'js, American Girth and Rein Webs, both cotton and worsted; London Welt Skins, a superior article; ivory, gutta percha and brass lined inartengal rings; superior kerssys for horse covers, tiie best quality of carriage bolts, patent gig trees, Ac, Ac, .. ; . I keep in fact everything appertaining to either branch of the business, and understanding both branches thoroughly, we would respectfully invite your attention before purchasing elsewhere. I am also agent for Ward's Patent Spring Saddle. ap20-dAw . lWLLMS If HOWB9, WATBB 8Ti,X mM door above Vine, sole Manufacturers of the Celebrated Magnolia Whisky OF FVAXSVILLE, IXD. "ALSO All kinds of Domestic Liquors, and con stantly a large supply of Old and Choice Bourbon, Rye, and Monongahela Whisky. ' angl-dAwly. jmWIAMM RIFLE POWllBRitOO wf-BL kegs Miami Riäle Powder; 300 kegs Blasting Powder; 25 cases Rifle ' do; 60 half kegs Rifle Powder. For sale by Z; H. COOK A SON, Agents. wJ mEW MUSIC, JUST RECEIVE It J. HEALY'S. by Express, at AILSlö kegs assorted Noils for sale by II. UOOK. A SON. MmOOB MATS! MIO OB MATS! 7 S MM doz. assorted, from common Grass to Worsted Rugs. Vor sale by Z. H. COOK k SON. MUST BECBIVEMt. 95 BAUS COP FEB. - . , . . 100 boxes tea, 160 bales American Navy oaknm, , 6 oases liquorice, . , . . 10 cases 1 -mon syrup, 10 do brandy cherries, 6doabsynth, . t , - 20 boxes pickles, " 6 do peccalilli, ' 6 do nasturtions, 5 do curacoa in jugs, ' ' ' 6 bbls flour sulphur, 10 kegs refined saltpetre, 6 bbls alum, .. . , ; . 5 do chalk, 6 docoperas, 15 do almonds, , ; 6 do filberts, ' 6 do almonds (soft shell), . . 5 do Brazil nuts, '' 6 do English walnuts, 10 boxes shelled Almonds, .;: ;. ' ;iJ 6 bblB currents, 10 boxes citron, . 100 do fire crackers, . . 10 cases cards,' ' ' ' ' ' ' 109 doz tar buckets, for sale low by ... TENSiY A S0RREN30N, sug30 . . No. 31 Water street. M WALL'S PATEJVT COJS'CRBTB MM SAFES. We are ageuu for the celebrated Hall's Patent Fire Troof and Thief Preof Safes, manufactured by Hall, Carroll A Co. Cincinnati. A constant supply will be kept ou hend, and sold at manufacturer's prices. PREPTON BROS - IAIL S 10O HEUS ASSORTE It VW Nails, received and forsale ;bi-ap trcaib by JACUBMRAUB, jl y24-3w No, 40 M.ain streeL f fi4fe" III i