Newspaper Page Text
TSE EVANSVILLE, IND., FRIDAY. MORNING,; JANUARY 28, 1 859: " ; L VOLUME XI. NUMBER 146. Site 5liulir3)0MmaL ? ';sr? ' . ' ......... PI BLISHF.U V . ' '. T. CARLILE, Editor. T. M. THAYER, Gea'J Bimimw Jfowwryer. JKO. H. McNEELY, SJ)' Mscaairical Department. ' . jftm THI rus or th EVANSVILLE JOURNAL COMPANY. Journal Buildings) Locust IS f., , Btun Firtt mmd Weiter. ' TBBJH8 OF8CBSCBIPTtOJS Dtiwrinr - "o (Mailed) k (payable to Carriers).... I i- , Paper....- ! By the week Tri-Weekly ' Waeklv Pal . " tiQMOi loor more ........ k BTÄTb privilege of yearly advertiser, is limited to thwirown immediate business, iu their own iinniu; aad all advertisement, fr the lament of otlmr arsons, aa well as legal advertisements anil adver tisements of auction antes, anil advertisements with tl.e nam of other person,, seuf in by them, must bo paid for at the usual rate,. ftS.No report, resolutions or proceeding, of any ' eoi eoration, society, association ur public meetiug aad Bv ooamnnlcatkm designed to call attention to tuny niatter of limited of individual lutereet can be r Inserted, unless, paid for a, aa adTertiaemeDt. .lh Contract, lot yearly advertising will not be "' lisofsitinued unless au order to that effect is left at he- office, and when discontinued in less than a "year, the price of the whole year will be charged. 09 Legal advertisements hereafter, will bo pub lish fat the expense of the attorneys ordering, and not iVlayable fur legal proceeding, but collectable at our nual time. jte0ur terms for Job Work and transient adver tisements are CASH. BJTE8 OF JUt"I!BTtSiJ)r. - I " ' - r 04 "... . " a i lla i. ) SO I 75 I 1 UP I 1 85 I I 60 Tlö Zb. f 751 1 IS 1 60 ) 1 90 "( 2 -25 I 2 0 9 H.I.O. I I 00 I 1 60 1 76 I g 25 I 2 75 iMw. 1-181 yW i5W 3 15 I 3 76fr ! S ba. V 1 MO I 2 10 I 2 MO I 3 50 I W 4 M I Ttert. I 1 6Q I 2 25 I 3 00 3 75 5 6 55 ' 8 'W. ki 2 60 3 75 f t , ) j 5 25 , 7 60 76 H n't kt I 3 00 I 4 (X) I DWj tM ( ll I l'60 TMo. I 4 (Kl I 6 Hfl I TfäTfiiMiü f 12iio7 14 t' n 11 60 I l.t 75 I Iti tll j 18 7i. - 3 Jfo V. I 7 60 I 11 25 J 1.-..UD I IS 15 I 22 60 f !M 25 ' . 4 Una.1 I öl) li75 ( 17 IK) I 2l27 j i-j 6o"j Z7 6 M" '- 10 '"' I ' '"' I '-'i)7h7 2ft k) I :w tJ I ; twi 'J.'t iuV. I w yT"ta i -r 011 I : 5" I Tf' '' 12" 'oVTl5 111") tJ ft) 3 l I :i7 ftO I 4r r.a öl i BUSINESS CARDS! fl 8TU.tTTO. Hl'KHW AJS"U V SkIj Stable, Scoud between Main and Lo jn Street, opxwit the Old Presbyterian Church, Jvaaeville. TKe undersigned has a targe and (xuiiiuodiuiis Sink Stable with sheds for carriages, and is pr jurtd to take horses by the day, week ir nurtith. Ill, customers limy bo sure of huviiig their auimals ell aud carefully attended to. lie refers to the .ollowmg gentKiinen w hose hi ses he has bad a long lime under his charge. - - lie has also a uuiuler of good and safw horse, Kä the subtle or harness, with a uumlxtr of new and jomtortnhle ligies, to hire. Orders for saddle i liorses or bugguv, will lie puuotually attended to. 'Refer to C ü. Keets, Gas ollico; C. Ä, Bement; J. 8. Ouvitti Ex hui iff; Cyprian Preston. ocll2-ly , J. STRATTOa. , t Jim PHYSICIAN ANI Hl'ROEON. Otlice on , : Third street, a few tlHors alove the Creeoent City . . ti'ink, where he is prepared to answer professional tulls at all hours of the day ur night. -' N. B. Special attxntiun given to Surgery and diwaaesof the Eye. aug8-dAw-lyr zgy e. foz,M,i.'8 iiujl jwtjitk and INTELLIGENCE WKEICE, Ne. 1 North 1 hird street, Evansville, Ind'ana. The purchase and taleof Ree.l Estate, collection of Rents, and payment if Taxes, Ac, promptly attended to. Persons in waut of any kind of help or employment, can be inforiu ,d by railing at this oltice. Cuaboks Rkasovarlc. anglOMtm Jf J I FjfBTjyjl RH HI . JNO J. CHAN :JLsfI)LERand BLITHE H1NKS hare aMoeiated nam selves togethe aa partners in the practice of ' Lav, aud will attend promptly to 11 bu-nnes con lectod with their profeaaion, whji.h may be entrimt d to them. ' ey0tfice on Locust treet, epp1te the Sherwood I, Kvansvillo, Ind. Mipt2U-ly Ä . torneys at law, Notane, Pnblic and Real r.s- j iite Agonts, Evansville, Indiana; " " ' j Wilt prartire law in the Court of this ''State, " will attend to the iillection of claims in any part of ' "' ;be t'nited States, win buy and sei! real estate In the f fity of Evansville, in Vanderburgh and adj.tiiitrg j' auties anu in tue west generally, ana win periiv-m ' ny othet duties pertaining to Attorneys or Rwil Estate Agents.- Lot, and farm always for sale. ," fiarman spoken by a member of the flna. : ärvirice oit Third street, opposite til Court House, in the rooms formerly occupied by the late , firm of - Lockliart, Parrett k Deuby; : !. CUAELI6 DRSBV .....JACltS I.UKkKN II SIMKS, j . octl.-dly Of, Ul,XKi.Jb CO., UWTKB street, Kvaniville, Indiana, Wholesale Denl- er, in Groceries and all kinds of Produc, Nails, Blass, White Lime, Cement, Cotton Tarn, White Lead, Linseed 011, Ac, Ac. Also, constantly on hand a roll ,Rck of Saab, Panel Doors, tc, of all sixes. ap2C ; rwyHMs ojuit j-Ibm jJyr bCsitssa "JL vAUAIN ALLIS Jt H0WK3, Forwarding aud Coinmimioti Merchants, Rectifiers of the celebrated ' Magnolia Whisky, Dealers in all kinds of Produce, superior OM Boiü-bon and Bys Whiskies, and For eign aud Domestic Liquors, Arc, Water street, See aud door above Yru,, Evansville, Ind. .rjiar . aliis. . lewis now is. a. - feb5-ly , . .... 2frMj6sojVBbTitJi&s, UWAIV- MT. SALE GROCERS, Dealer, in Foreign and I--' mesSic Liquors, corner First, and Sycamore streets, i:.JvRnsvillu, Ind. . ap30-ly , MAGHXB CO., WHOLK- ' . sale Dealers in Dry Goods, Boots aud Shoes, J; First 'street, Evansville, Ind. ap28-ly .! ÖfiJVF. tL,0 VHB, U'jUOLKS-iJLB und Retail Dealer la Pin, Lumber and Shin- gles, Corner of Main and Seventh Streets, Evans ville, Ind. nov21 '. TriocT. jh. mi. KHHjHjtjy", iiojnes- , ' MM PATHIC PHYSICIAN. OlBce on Third St., ,i below Vine. : - - ml-ly "Wt-kkjv . jc fBnmTnjv. uja rTSZ. 'IMA, SALE DRY GOODS HOt'SK, First street, Ev- Muville, Ind. Merchants will always find a full v stock of Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hau and Caps, at 1" hi. House, which, wlllfto sold on fair terms. sep21 fllCi B LB 8 . WMiLLs, U'HOLU--. JI HALE HARDWARE DEALER, First street, opposite Maghee A Co.), Evansville, Ind. Order, ,' tor Hardware promptly filled as lowest Cincinnati prices. . i .i t... ian-20 :T5 9 BE LEU . ' Bid fi s, nJCO JLB .: . W W . sale dosier in ... Groceries, Produce, Nails, Window Glass,. Glassware, kc-e.r No. 47 Main treet, between First and Second, Kvaasville, Ind. S. . WBEELKK. i --- Vi . -' JAKES . BIOOS. ter riseptHy - n ? ... I li . ?. i- Tf-T 'HX.'VIi, ; U'HOJL2- 'MfJLm sale, and Retail Doaler in American and v Italian Marble, and Manufacturer of Monuments, " Mantels, Head-stones, Vases, Urns, &o. All work , done in a superior style, at the- lowest figures. - g"Mltrt1 H&J1 Building, Evansville, Ind. ocl9 a B SJJVMtBBS, 8IJL V'HRFLJL TUB mm I No. 8, Marble Hall Building, Second Bwry, -Maih street, Evansville, Indiana. Carriage work Plated with neatness and dispatch. Furnish to nr der, Silver, Door, Number and Manufacturer,' uame, '' Plates, Boll Pulls, Hinges, Bailing, Knobs, Locks r with Plated Knobs and Furniture, at CUicinunti c prices, . - ' . , mart, III' t, I.MJK BIR B B O WK B , , : WW WboleaaUaod Retail droggist, Washingtoa 1 uuicB, Main street, Krausvilta, Indiana manao-ly fjMBS M. fiM.1J'BLJJ', JiTtOR- mm ney at Law, Kvansville, Iudiaua. . - - V. JtSrOflic on Third street, in the rear as the Cres- cent City Bank Building. ap:i0-1y WgCBB tt. FOLK, JTTOBJVBV JT MM Law, Votary Public. Heat Kstaite and Collect ing Ageat, will attend to every special of convey- : aacing, take depositions and anldavlta, arkiMMrledg- ' snantsof lls, ami Mortgages, in fact, will nar-' !' 2 ltle I 6 00 I Hi rra faithfully all. business of an Attorney entrust , ed to his care. . ? . k." . " POke over Claries Office, Princeton, Ind. . . - ' ssBtiö-ly BUSINESS CARDS. DR. J. FLEACER'S " DENTAL .OFFIGE, CORNER MAIN AND FIRST STS.. BVAK8VILLE, U- , Also, a line preparation forcleansing the Teeth and fctrilening the gums, can he had of Dr. F. atZäc.a bex ItECKBB, PlJlJVO FOBTX M AN UFACIURER, On venmore street, between Third arid Fourth, . K VANSVILLE, 1ND. - '3AVa.'3k", AAiSp:$i , 'V,1T' " 'V-TJig-feg? .vu-evw-iM rm i ' mihi i...JliA'ft;'cy:'- lfca li I.I I prepared to build superior PIANOS to order, either on the npright style or style. II will warrant all hie work for three years, and should bis Instruments fail in perfect and satisfac torv execution, he will utiike I hem ffood. lie is prepared to frfrin all -etx-ts of work about Piano ; r- r Muir Mfan hi killl fl n i i. In.trnmitntl. ( and nnt them in eomiilete urdec. II will also irive i hiaattnnttm tt Tmiiir Tnxtruntmit.' lfstvimr e- 1 tablisbed a new Branch of hit-unn. In Evansville, he respectfully st.'iicits the patronage of it eitizens, confident thnt he can givo them as good work as they can prcnre abroad. As siwcimens- of it, he refers thow w ho may wish to svo it, to tliree In etramentsin the ioMsion if Mr. fiirisiiau Pecker, i Wagon Maker. 11, n now building an Upright riano, uy wnirit lie inn-nils to prove mat tuai siyie i of Iikitiumeut cau ! nii.lo duiaMn and as per- j. fivt iu tone as tht, lrtst luri7.(,iital Ittsirumciitn. . : septii Hff .!.-. MEJifFH, WHOLH rr MALE AND KKTA1L GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE I No.. 13-4 Poser' Block, EVANSVILLE, INI. . liSSr Oixxli dulivereit to any part of the city, free of charge. deel4-ly f " TORY, 3!) MAIN STREET, ' ' - EvAsvi.(!t Indiana. '. If yoo wisti to get the worth of your money- In. hirts,GenlIcmen's Furnishmg Goods FANCY SHIRTING PRINTS, lMeasu rail at 35 Main Stroet. . .- . t -- ;. All orders tor, Stitching Silk, Cotton aud Linen Ootids, prituiptly atteiided to, and neatly executed. - Orateful tr past putrouage, I respectfully solicit i a cutiiiuauce oi tue same.. - - . ' Shirts made to order, from uieasnrenieiit, and sansnu:iioii warraiiTea. . sepi.j-iy . !KUJiHHifJ. OP HK8H naf W W OOOllS, fancy and staple articles. Just re ceived at the Store of . WILLIAM J. DEUBLER, 41 Maiu St., between First and Second, EVANSVILLE, INDIANA, ' A complete lot of IX3T G-oods ! Fancy aud stUd artkiies, which will Im sold low, for cash. - KeiuouiUr, 4J Mäiu street, between Vlrst aud Becoud. septHJ WM. J. ilEUBLER. !!' mTbhj m k i ."" u uktjil WW BOOK Si STATIONERY STORE. mgT, . Just received and fur sale by. the sub- -Jrig scrilier, a large and splendid assortuieut of Books and Stationery, consisting in part of G00 Reams ot Cap, Letter audSa7 Note Paper ; 50o Quires of Blank Books, from 10c. to $ 1.511 per quire ; 150.IKKI assorted Envelopes ; Memorandum Books of all kinds ; also, a large as sortment of School Books ; Bibles of all kinds ; all kinds of Miscellaneous Works ; Gold Pens of all kinds; Stoel Pens of every brand; Gold aud Silver Penholder, and Peucil, ; Pocket Books and Port monnais of every description ; Musical Instruments cf all kiuds ; Sheet Music and Music Paper ;-Iraw-ing Paper and Picrur ; Slate, and 1'eiu lls ; Ink and Inkstand, ; and many other articles too nu merous t mention, all of which will be sold at the very lowest price for cash. J. HEALYY Foster's Block, corner uf Jlniu and First streets. augl4 , . . - . . WW at Law and General Collecting Agent, Hen- 'ersnn, Ky. mli30tf -rOHJS'hVB&B I Jf C O., 'hEUtBi- ing and Commission Merchants. ?io. 90 Tclioup- iloulas street, New Orleans. JOHN HFBLKT.. eptl5'67-ly ...r. Rrti.ivAw. '.' 1 1A.I XETV ORLEANS CARDS. J. K THE Ij k t o., l oM.nissiojv AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, . No. 64 Pygdraa Street, y'tV- NEW ORLEANS, &. (iffaWiW AprU, 185.) . : Ü . . K ET HCT... .....J ...i.. ...KS. FAT, LS. ' . 1 ' ESrKSBNCCS: ..... -.--.- tt. 6. Howard, Evansville, Indiana; Allis A- Howes, Evaosvile, Indiana; A. M. Fheips A Son, Now burgh, Indiana r Minor A Hsdu, Newburgh, In diana; II. D. Newcomb A Brother, Louisville, Ken tucky ; D. 8. Benedict A Son, Louisville, Kentucky ; Thomas Dnnforth, Secretary, New Albany lusurance Co., New Albany, Indiana; It. Simpson Jt Co.; New Albany, Indiana; W. 11. Catliu, Henderson, Kentucky; Ii. G. Beverly, Henderson, Kentucky; James Montgomery, Preston Bro. Bank, Jefferson -ville, Iudiaua ; Merrett Camplell aud Co., St. Louis, Mo. jy31-ly Bit. JtM, ÄOJ-JJBJfÖ, nm Merchant, No. 7 Lafayette sti C'OMMMS- street. New Or leans, for the sale of butter, cheese, lard, eggs, dried fruits, Floor, Meat and all sorts of Western Pro duce, and for the purchase of Groceries, Sic Cash advances made on consignments. , . .Inal5-ly for many vears chief Clerk in the house .f JOHN HURLEY & Co., begs to offer his service as Commission Merchant, to the friends and patrons of that honse, now that it has retired from business. ; ' With this end in view I have formed a co-partnership with Ur. E. W. Bwntou, senior of tiieold and well known firm f E. W. Ileu ton A Co., ander the name and style ot BENTON AKIN0, to take place from the 1st of May, prox. ,.. .. - The subscriber relies for support upon the friends of the old house of JOHN III' 11 LEY & Co., who have had epiMrtunities of experiencing the prompt ness and ability with which he attended to their bnsiuees. Very respectfully, IHOMAä KING, Corner of Lnfuvette and New Levee streets. Now Ol leans, April 27, 1858. aug8-y -f rlJi.V, BKJITMtOC8B sT ., WW COMMISSION AND FORWARDING . , - . MERCHANTS, -. - JIo. .18 Poj-dras Street, v. -.' ; ' " - NEW ORLEANS, t-A. ClEJt WIiKIN...W. M. BBEATROVSE-.JOS. OITZISOE. Ws give our personal attention to' the aale of To bacco, Corn, Wheat, Hay, Oats, Flour, Perk, Bacon, Lard, Ac. . augl4 m. bfjSvs'fd 1 co., sion and Forwarding Merchants, No. 3d, Joy- dr&s Street, New Orleans, La. my20-dAwly WiCHECL MtVTC'HBB, COM- mission and Forwarding . MefoiutntB, New Or leans, La. ' "i'..;,". .r dec22-ly Jfm L'TCRKB K TWMClttELl COM-. Mm miania and Forwarding Merchants, St. Louis. Liberal advance, made on' consignments fw either of onr houses., . . ' ..' -.' . 'ft, '".'.BKFEB TO,". K d !. ; -' . Messrs. Allis Howes Bosaent Veile, Heward A Brown Evansville. . i -decii-ly nn e. r wmvubi. t tt ;co., commis-1 jm. m ion and Forwardina Merchants. No. TO. Pot- dras street, New Orleans. " T. C. WlCHLL.A..i..i,.i."B.jL. rAOtCKlLO. wy27-ly . - - v, nn V. JVOBJL, STO VK COJBJIIM88i0JS i ' mu1 f New Orleans, L. -St Merchant and propriutur o Stock Stables, -hui22'57-ly. HOTELS. mHERWOOJJ HOUSE, WtiM,. F. ; J BYK KS, Proprietor. Corner First and Locust 1 streets, Kvaux ville, lud. ! boat landing. One square from steam- - - Myö-lj 1 miVJiBKa Jl.nEBtCJJV HOTBi., WJ Via ell lies, Ind. J M. CLARK., Proprietor. TW house has been refitted and. refurnished, and is tow in ftneorder. uih - ' --- . : , 1 - MtTf HOTEL, t TER HTMEET. w h between Main and Division, Kvatwville, lad. iwtl-tt . ., , WM. H. BOICOURT, Prop. iSw RAlSiNS 400 BOXES AND HALF ' W boxes just received and for sate bv ' 'I sV novit VlCn.. BROTHERS. MISCELLANEOUS. TfZIJtLL STi'LJB liBKSS UJLTS- JL'U Coinurising all the latest American and French fiialiioiui. Our fall etyld Dres Hat u unsurpassed for syntetrical proportions, and is equal, if not su perior in durability and beauty, to any erer made. Our ctiforniator nable, ns to warrant a perfect mid comfortable fit to the wearer, no matter how ir i regular his head may be. Now is the time, gentle ! men, to leave yonr orders. ? . VACTIER A MA RCONNEER, 1: cptll - ir . - 39 Main street. '' jrj..vj kj Li: turns ry.v JL IEC'KEK, Wbeelright, on Third street, near the Court Houne, h Tliree very superior, rich-ton-' ed. and highly finished Piano; built in this city by ! a (ierntan builder, who has worked in some of the liest shops of Eutope, which he offers fur sale low. lie has had these Instruments bnilt to encourage a Ktrnnger to establish himself here, and introduce a . new and important branch of manufacturing. The Pianos are warranted for thkkz ytrs, and will be I ken in tune fur one year, gratis. If the Instm ! muk is fail in any rxirticnlar, tlie builder will be hm to make his work good. He does not beitate to say the Instrument he offers are fully equal to f any that can be brought here, and if our citizens ' will but try them, their superiority will overcome i all prejudice, jgainst home proihictious., Tiiose wiHhing to purchase, and those who deniro to sue what can be done iu our own city, are invited to call and examine them, frteptfil C. DECKER. lj90TIt:ti. All person, indebted to us will m lease call and make navment. ..v?2 . . ee. -: A Jk-ÄKTMOLM A CO. - . . . Wik MSSOMdÜTMOJV JVOTIC'JB MS J- hereby given tiiat the partnership lately ex isting between Joseph G. Jewell and m. J. lien j.tmin, nnder the firm of Jewell & Banjamin, was dissolved on the 15th, by mutual consent. Tho business will Iw continued bv our successors Joseph C. Jewoll, Elizur Newberry and Jonathan H. Clement, nndor the firm of Jewell, Newberry A Co.,' who aro alone authorized to settle the business of the late firm. J.C.JEWELL, WM. J. BENJAMIN. Eransrille. November 10th. 185G. lmdAw j -m-WKAT CVT TU H8 A J'1 8TUJP 9fJl YYAls Just received and for salo at reduced i (Wi Prices. , ... : JACOB STRAUB, ! iiovI72w ' - No. 40 Main et. Bles just received, which whs bought fj cash, for sale cheap, at . SAM EMURICH'S, wpi9 4'J Main stroet. -mjOB Silt H TS, UO TO Jf. JLOOMiff, JT FASHIONABLE SHIRT MANl'FACTl'RER and dealer in Gentlemen's FANCY FURNISHING GOODS, . . .:. No. ot Maiu street, . t (0PP081TK TITK C011BT HOVflF.,) . EVANSVILLE, INDIANA.' . N. B. Shirts made to older, by uieaaiiretueit ' and warranted a fit. au20-lf - nut ina trunk. Just the tiling tor travellers and play gters. eptlU' ' VAL'TIER MARC0NNIER, ; .'- . S'i Maio street. .SLVjiist received and lor sale very cheap. VAL'TIEK & MARC'ONNIER, i ptll . .3D Main street. fkgii'Zjj 150 UM., fljjv- 'FTAriON, Sugar House, and Reboiled Mo lasses. In store and for sale by ept!7 PRESTON BROS. :nfiUBoiTn'j'toj'JK Alt, TuöjiL.tli SCANTL1N,' . . . . v. la Just receiviug by SteamlK.iu.ts aud Railroad, a large and complete assortment of Cooking & Heating Stoves, of the very latest Fall style aud pattern, which I can sell at lower prices than the great panic time, of 1857. And I am fixed to do Huiiso Roofing, Gut tering, Copper and Sheet Iron Work, and all other Job Work in my line, with great care and diiiatcli, which I warrant to lie equal, if not superior, to most work done in this city. Call on the Pioneer. ocLt2 THOMAS fiCANTLl.S. &HO wiii's, sJpjüb's, fo b h. 3 25 dos. Grain Shovels, assorted sizes. 20 " D. Handle Shovels. 10 " Leng " " . 20 " Cast Steel Spadea. - 20 Manure fork,. - supt15 . GEORGE S SONNTAG. BJGH FKFrBB 1 1 Bags Pimento. 6 " Mat', Cloves. 8 Cases Prime Nutmegs. ' 3 Cases Indigo. Just received by '" septll WHEELER RIGGS. Wmli'tB FtJrH W W Those who intend to tMi.yCj,ii8. to cover their new housse with a good article of Pina Shingles, had better call npon tne Subscriber soon, as he has but "a few more left.": r JOHN F. GLOVER. sugll . . Center Main and Seventh streets. JfmF.aU THIH Jit, WHO JBB J'- Mm, FL1CTED. DR. GRAVES FAMILY MEDICINES. We do not desire to interfere with the professional ethics of oar medical schools, nor do we possess any skill in pharmaceutics, but Jr. Grave, has opened to our inspection a mass ot letters from his agents and most rcspe-ftible druggists in all. parts of the country, which commend his family medicines in the highest terms. They meet with a very extended sale, which of itself is an excellent recommemlation. We always feel reluctant to make any endorse, meut of medicines, but there ate so many localities where 110 regular practitioners are within reach, and 0 many diseases which require prompt reme dies, that a supply of the prescriptions prepnrea Ly Dr. Graves, oooimauded as they are for efficiency, would prove almost invaluable. In all cases of sickness, our first advice is to call tue aid of a phy sician, but, if that is impracticable, it seems to us that l'r. Gtaves idlers. remediaV.agents in ague, cholera nioftaisr-Ae-i-w-iiVh'-mMy- 4e safely Usui, a, lie gives aastrrancs -thin TMtiIcnVtrri'iriT comrsnmUn are h4 i tbwi -epiti..ijUe Joaal, "Dr. ISiieves"' inti-FeVet ant? '-A!iio,','tnti-r5nioiis, Purifying, and CWtnarttfr Pills are inaluable to those alllicte"- th aayi f titesa mpiutnts. His Amsrican- Lifiiiueat-is- (raising a high reputation for healing all kiuds uf ailments, Jjolhl ttnian and beast; and parenu slrauld retnembertiiat hi "Golden Vermifuge,", is - a -certain remedy fir ' expellins: worms Ironrthe system,; .-"- . A or sale by Wholesata DrusgistajjenerallyfT v llAia-oos; 8T-niiABQ' lir.ij.EB. WanE, Wm. BiEBsöWEB, and Luitcif tt CaS!Lrfrgrents at Ev ansville, Indiana. -. V.'v-j V""'-0ct2-3md ICmJBjeUjJ WJiltB F18H. B0 barrels and bejf barrrbT.-.', t '- Itefined Sugars 60 barrels Crushed, Powdered, and Refined White. Forsaleby -sepl28-' GILBERT" BOWLES. 440 dos. Painted Buckets, assorted colors. ," - '. 100 dor Fancy do, half aire. .-c:-s-A 100 " Cedar do, brass and iron bound. r 60 . Toy . . do, bright fitnejr. colors,, ? 100 Bests Cubs, painted Cedar and Pine. , 60 dos. Churns, red and white Cedar and striped.' "1,000 gross Mat oh ee, round box, water proof and common, ,. - t ' Oivi " - ::...: .a ' j ..'.-. ' J IUIIHU1VU null COHJUlUIl QO. ' 100 boxes Clothes Pins.""' - ' 200 bales Cotton Batting, Stearns A Foster's extra Ko "l, the best in market. For sale, ait wiiolesaie only, at Cincionati prices. - ' .-i . .. o..tlS-3ni ... " - J. B; RCS8ELL, ' sTi Main street, Louisvile, Ky. " A B ft MtJUD UttBB STOBB, Oj'B s W door below the Branch Bank, where can be found every thing appertaining to the legitimate. Hardware Trade. I respectfully solicit a call from country merchants before pui chasiug, to examine I uiy many new styles ot Uoods, selected with care to t , suit this market. Sly' personal attention will be-f j given to all orders ,. UKORUK S. SONNTAG. . septü '.... - '.. FJFEK WJBEm ; -SUSI uouse. We have now on hand, and offer on uunmieruiB, a wen asaoneu sloes. lor printers ana mTZpT:; .' looo atraw Hoards ; KIUU Tar Uoaras, ' A we" M colored Printing Paper; plain Cap and j --p ; uenty, aieomm, wiute ana coioret -t Cards and C&nt Pa..,!.. .-)... .... ... any sua; Post-ufik-e paper, Manilla Wrapping, Printer,' Ink, kc. - We lm beg leave to call the attention of esaler 4 to' onr stock of 2.csx bundles Wrapping Paper, au) 100 gross of Bonnet Boards. 1 The highest saatfctt niics paid fox Rags... 1 TENNEY 80RENS0N. - . - The Voiceless, s . , j " " Vr OLIVE WENDELL HOLME. We count the broken lyres that rest -- Where the sweet wailing singers slumber But o'er their silent sister's breast The wild flowers who will stoop to norabr f A few can touch the magic string, ..... And noisy iamt is proud to win them ! .. -Alas for those w ho never sing, V But die with all their music in them ! Nay, grieve not for the dcadalono, Whoce song has told I heir heart's sad story Weep for the volcele-s, who have known - ; The cross without the crown of glory ! Not where Leucadian breezes sweep O'er Sappho's memory haunted billow, But whemthe glistening nightdews weep On nameless sorrow's churchyarJ pillow. 0 hearts that break and give no sign Save withering lips and fading tresse, Till Death pours ont his cordial wine Slow-dropped from Misery'scrushing prtssss. If singing breath or echoing chord To every hidden pang were given, What endless melodies were poured. As sad as earth, and gwoet as heaven,. , 4 , . Indiana Memorial to the V. S. Senate concluded. Your honorabl body will at once per ceive that on motion, concurrent or joint res olution, for electing Senators, or other proposition for Jhat purpose, had been pre viously made or attempted. .. The Senate had never been invited by the House, or the House by the Senate, to join, participate in, or consent to, any such election or elections. ,The object, if there was an object, was studi ously concealed ; at least so far as the jour nals'of either ..House show. The 'election thus held, by which the present incumbents claim their seats, was without the knowl edge, consent, or participation, of a quoram of either House of the General Assembly ; and, notwithstanding a majority of the mem bers, per capita, of the Houses may have as sented to aud taken part in the proceedings of said meeting, any election thus had could certainly have no binding force when the meeting itself was void. That there was not a quorum of the Senators present in the above meeting, if additional evidence is wanting, your memorialist would refer your honorable body to the protest of the twenty three Senators who did participate in it, against he action of the majority of the Senators who remained - in session during the absence of the protestants. (See Senate Journal, pages 480-81-82-83)! Again, if the action of the majority, of the Senators, who remained in session after the minority had unceremoniously deserted the Senate Chamber, was illegal and void, as the pro testants allege, your memorialist will leave your honorable body to characterize the acts, ' doings and resolves of the minority out of the Senate Chamber. But the friends of the proceedings against which your memorialist now complains, should hava been estopped . by your own acts, distinctly and deliberate ly pertorraed on two separate occasions : the first was in 1855, as will be seen by re ference to the Senate Journal of that year, page 522, wherein they introduced a resolu tion for the election of United States Sena tor, with the following preamble : " Where as, there is no law on the statnte book pro viding for the election of United States Sen ator, and In the absence of any statutory provision it is competent for the Legislature to pre&cribe by resolution the manner of ap pointment, and the person to be appoint ed ; therefore, the House of Representatives concurring therein,- resolved," &c. ; for which preamble and resolution they gave an undivided vote.. .Again, in 1857, (see Senate Journal, pages 296 aud 197), they distinctly averred that an election of United States Senators by each House in their sep arate and independent capacity, was a legal and constitutional manner of electing, and that at the proper-time they would so pro ceed to elect United States Seuators. This resolution was passed ' by their uudivided 'i vote, on the 29th of January, 1857, after I the second adjournment of the unauthorized meeting to which reference has hereinbefore been made, and but six days before its last session, when tho present incumbents claim to have been chosen Senators. The above are substantially tho facts and the circumstances accompanying and sur rounding the pretended election of the sitting members, and the chief reliance which they had and have in support of their right, is a choice of a majority of the two Houses in joint convention. Your memoralist would earnestly invite the serious consideration of your honorable body to the two main points : First, doe3 the Constitution of Indiana . provide for a joint convention for the election of United States Senators? Second, if so, was this meeting at which the sitting members were chosen such a constitutional joint conven tion ? The answer to these questions your memoralist will cheerfully leave with your honorable body, under the light of the facts and circumstances herein detailed. . But, aside from the facts herein embodied, your memoralist would further advert to the position assumed by those who contend for the righr of the sitting members, on the ground that your honorable body has al ready acted in the premises and decided the issue in favor of. the incumbents. Your memoralist would not question the right of your honorable body to decide any and all Questions of this character upon the facts adduced at the time of such decision, for such is "the authority conferred upon your honorable body, by the organic law of the nation: That you so decided the present question is obvious; but your memoralist would respectfully suggest that the Legisla tive power of Indiana, was at the time you so decided, as fairly and fully before your honorable body, protesting against the right Of the present sitting members to admis sion as her Senators, as that Legislative power was then demanding such admission. . A majority of the Representatives, but sot a quorum, and a minority of the Senators of Indiana send to your honorable body two persons whom they call Senators, while a minority of the House of Representatives nl a majority of the Senate, follow up this with a solemn protest, declaring the action of the- former, -outside of, and in conflict with, the Constitution of this State.' This fact, when taken in connection .'with the provision ";:of the;. Constitution, .which requires fwo-thirdä of teach house to constitute a quonruand in view. of the ad ditional fact that no Resolution for 90 elect- ine- i Senators, was - ever " agreed uoon " or ' fadoptedby both or either of the Houses, ap- ' pears to ia minu et jour memorialist: con- i elusive, that "the sitting members were not ; commissioners . j accordance witn the re- Jq - irementoof the; Constitution of the Cni- ' leu oiuiea, ur. niu vi ws uciaiaiure ui In diana. other claimants contesting the seats awarded the incumbents, your memorialist regard as a matter of no vital motnenl j .but.that such decision, found ed only npon whatmay be regarded as prima facie evidence, should be held as conclusive, 4 and a bar to the admission of evidence of a i higher character in support of the right of J a sovereign State of the Union to an equity j able and Constitutional representation in j the Senate ot the United states, is a conse quence to which your memorialist cannot assent. At that time, it wa3 a question whether the applicants for admission should be allowed the benefits of the evideice pre sumed from the possession of credentials at tested by the seal of the State, withaut in quiry as to the validity and regularity of such authentication, or whether such authentication, if indeed it appeared regu lar, was even essential. - Now. however, the issue is one of broader and. deeper signifi cance. For, oue of the competent, indepen dent sovereignties, of the Union declares that which has been claimed a3 her act never to have been done by her and respectfully submits the question whether , she will be permitted herself to select, among her own citizens,' the persons whom she chooses to represent ber in your branch of the Federal Legislature, of whether unauthorized parties, acting ia a revolutionary manner, and in conflict With the organic law, but assuming the act for her, in her name, and in her be- I halt, shall be permuted to choose ner repre sentative." ..', " ; . ' " " '.j , Your memorialist would here express" an entire and undiminished confidence in the! disposition of your Tiouorable body to carry out and exemplify in all your decisions af fecting the rights of States, as well as indi viduals, the spirit contained in the words of the preamble to the Constitution of the Uni ted States. In the full assurance that the spirit will predominate in this, ' as in all other important issues, your memorialist ap-1 prehends no conflict between the national and State sovereignty, but will cherish, to the end, the assurances that justice and equality will prevail throughout, and emi nently characterize the result of the appli cation herein made. With the view of the matter, your memorialist cannot regard, a3 any serious obstacle to an equitable adjust ment of her right, the decision already made in behalf of the iucumbents. That decision was made upon "prima facie " evidence of an inferior order, while now your memori alist comes in her own proper person with the unquestioned and unquestionable au thority of an act of her Legislature. Your memorialist full v appreciates the fact that your bouorable body is the . only tribunal i before which such questions can be trtjed, and that from its decision there is no ap peal, there being alxive and beyond it no higher or even equal power. But your me morialist would seek no other- tribunal, or question the right to the exercise of the power in the decision that has been made, but relying 01. that sense of justice which underlies all of our iustitutions, but demands in the tribunal of your honorable body a re view or re-heariug, such as the meanest suitor would not be denied in the highest judicial court known to the laws of the land. It may not be inappropriate for yoftr memo rialist to suggest that any other course on the part of your honorable body might lie productive of the most alarming . conse quences ; for if any member of the States of the Union should be so unfortunate as your memorialist, as to have conferred on indi viduals whom they had not chosen creden tials of election as United States Senators, as your honorable body,' npon such creden tials, would admit them as ' members, ' it would not be a sufficient answer to such States, when applying for redress and de manding their rights, that the Senate of the United States had once passed npon the ques tion, and that her power was already ex hausted on the subject. ' Your memorialist holds to the doctrine that tho power lodged in your honorable body to do justice to and deal equitably with those who delegated to you that pow er, can never be exhausted, however often it may have been exercised, until such jus tice has been done in the most complete and ample manner. - Any other view of that power would make it an irresponsible, in dependent authority, fully armed for ven geance and wrong, but powerless for the ac complishment of those wise and beneficent purposes for which it was established. Re cognizing in the economy of both State and federal government the principle that every thing salutary depends upon the consent of the governed, your memorialist cannot re gard the argument of a want of power in your honorable body to review and revise its decisions, s at all in harmony with the spirit of our institutions, or consonant with the almost unlimited power delegated to the National Legislature.. Such a concession, on the part of the several States, would be equivalent to a surrender of those rights, without which tbey would cease to be sov ereign powers and descend to the condition of colonies, wherein they would be com pelled to the support of a. Government in which they would be without representa tion. With that uufeigned devotion to the Union of these States which has hitherto marked her ready and willing acquiescence in the expressed will of the "National Sover eignty, and which, she cherishes the assu rance, will ever characterize her attachment for its undivided dignity and , honor, your memorialist confidently presents and asks for admission as her legally elected and constitutionally choseu beuators tue per sons herein named, whose title to the honor and claim to the position is thus solemnly authenticated by the highest and moat au gust tribunal known to the constitution of the State of Indiana. Resolved by the Senate, the House of Representatives concurring therein ; That the foregoing memorial, certified by tha President and Secretary of the Senate, and by the Speaker and Clerk of the House, of Representatives, be and is hereby ' directed to be forwarded- to the Vice President of the United States, to be by him laid before the Senate of the United States. . ' ; .t V-i W H .1 8JIJLT. 500 BBL.S. Salt, fn good cooperage, for sale at Agents' prices. -mr nnn Ft be Bit ich of tub 1 If a ß Uvbest quality, on hand and for sale by Jdec22 SAMUEL ORK. m jmMh ?AIR Plow 4t m WM and for sale by HANDLES ia store dec7 SAMUEL ORR. Evansville Commercial College. mwO. 7, JVOBTH FIBST STBEBT, mvw EVANSVILLE, IND. This Institution pre sents every inducement to young men wishing to acquire a thorough practical knowledge of Double Entry Book Keeping, as well as a general Business Education. i This institution has been in successful operation j for over five years. For Catalogues or other par- ticulsrs, call at the Rooms, or address ! dec!3-ly JEREMIAH BEHM, PrincjpaL r mo.' 1 JJriOwV, ,m 1 JnacK- j SV W erel, No. 1 Pickled. Herring, No. 1 Scaled and Magdalen Herring. For sale by j decl5 Z.- H. COOK A SON. I 7 BBZ.S. JUOZaSSBSl jmt WJT 2 hhds Sugar, 25 boxe, Raisins, - ' : ..; ..Almonds, Dates, Prunes, Ac. OLMSTED SABIN. dec25 MISCELLANEOUS. CHRISTIAN KBATZ - KS. HEILXAN. KRATZ & HEILMAN. CITY F0UXDRY1 MAKUFACTURERS AND BT.1LDER8 OF STEAM . ENGINES ASD BOILERS, Saw and Grist Mill Machinery, Tobacco Screws, Gumming Machines, Chinese Sugar Cane Mills. Thratlng Machines, EVANSVILLE, IND. rgVIE PROPRIETORS OF THE CITY FOVK Jl dry beg leave to Inform their friends and the public in general, that they are prepared to do all kinds of MACHINE AKD FINISHING WORK, : and everything appertaining to ths Foundry busi ness. They are manufacturing Steak Engines ani Boilers of any size and power required. Saw Mill Machinery and Mill Gearing of any size; Distil lery and Mining Machinery, Tobacco Screws, Gum ming Machines, Thrashing Machines, Malt Mills, Horsepowers, Corn-sbellers, Machinery of all kiuds made and repaired. Iron and Brass Castiugs of every description. Iron Honsefrouts, Cellar Grates, tc. Cooking aud Heating Stoves of the latest im proved patterns; Hollow Ware, Dog Irons, Ac. BREWERS, DISTILLERS, RECTIFIERS, 4c, . Supplied with every description of Copper and Sheet Iron Work, Brewing Kettlos, Refrigerators, Attemporators, Sparges, bullheads and Worms on an improved principle, Columns for Alcohol Stills, Yeast Jugs, Caus, 8yphons, &c; Copper, Lead and Iron I'ipe; Copper, Brass and Iron rumps of every variety, for beer, spirits, oil, ah;.: Brass Cocks and Valves, Steam Whistles, tc. - Workmen sent to all parts to fit up work and do repairs on Steam Boilers, Copper and Sheet Iron Work, dc. OLD META1S BOUGHT. They are dealing in and selling Allen's Improved Steam Gauge, Wrought Iron welded Pipes and Tu bing, Hiram Hopkins' Improved Smut Machine, Stephen Hughes' Flour Separators, German Bolt ing Cloth, Gum Elastic Belting, Packing, Hose, tc., of the best kind; Tinplate, Sheet Iron, Block Tin, Pig Iron, Babit Metal, Spelter, Fire Brick. '- They have every facility of the best Machinery and workmen, and will give all work entrusted to them, their individual attention, filling' orders promptly, wan-anting their work, and nre satisfied with reasonable pricus. . Office and Sale Rooms, No. GO Main street; Foundry, Boiler Yard and Machine Shop on Pine street, between First and Second streets, Evans ville, Indiana. . - . ' dee7 . URBJI.VHK1 Sf.tI.ES. We have hund a supply of We can also furnish TRACK SCALES of any ca pacity. ' These 8cales are from the manufactory of E. T. FAIRBANKS A CO., St. Johnsburg, Ver mont. Every Scale is tested and sealed, and war ranted correct. For testimonials we refer So the thousands of persons using them. HORNBROOK A CO., Agents, uov24 Water street, Evansville. gOUGHt COUGH! COVOU !WB wish to call the attention of persons afflicted with Coughs and Colds, to the fact that Dr. Jack son's Cough Syrup is superior to any and all the quack nostrums that are offered for sale. It Is made from a prescription furnished by Dr. Jackson, of Philadelphia, oue of the best physicians iu this country. This Syrup has been used by thousands with the greatest benefit. Try one bettle, and yon will always use it afterwards. For sale by . STODDARD THOMPSON, . deelo Druggists, No. 17 Main St. JP LATFOU31 &CA LKS. Scale Beams, Counter and Tea Scale,, Steelyards, patent Balances, at ec7 C. 5. WELLS. HITS SA WS!.' lease Rowland's Mill Saws, 1 case Cast Steel - do do,. 1 do Rowland's C. S. Cross Cut do, ?5 dozen Hand. Panel and Rip do, 25 do Wood Saws (framed.) Also, Tenon, Compass and Web Saws, at dec7 C. 8. WELLS, No. 13 First street. GjEfOJ'J 8TBBBT JHEJT 8HOF. K3 JEREMIAH BONN has opened a Meat Shoe 011 Second street, near Main, and opposite Rev. Mi. McCarer s Church for the accommodation of Ins customers during the winter. He will keep on haud at all boars, from the close of the morning market tili evening, a supply of the choicest Meats, winch be will cut to suit the purses and tastes of every class of buyers. By leaving thsir orders at the shop. tamilies will have tnoir xueata selected ior tnem and sent to their houses. lie will keep s supply of superior Lard for family use, and he puts up Sau sage Meat, which tie will warrant to ue maae in a manner not to offend the most fastidious bouse wite. nov:io-tf far j.yb covjytv o hue as . WANTED Until the first day of January, 1859, I will take City Orders at 95 rents, and until the first day of March, 18ÖU, will take County Or ders at par for Dry Goods or old debts. decO SAM. EMBICH, 49 Main street. Jfjk E TEB.M.VEMt TO CLE J it THE Mm Books, as no one has now any reason to com plain of not having had enough time for eettling their accounts I will on the first day of April, 1859, oiler and sell to the highest bidder all Book accounts made previous to January. 1858, if they are not paid or satisfactorily settled by that time, dec!) SAM EMBICH, 49 Main 8trect ' rw0ja O T H B M 8.MF VOV WILL M cousult your family physician you will learn from him that Dewees' Carminative is much better and safer to give infants than Batsman's Drops Godfrey's Cordial or Paragoric. It will give in stant relief from cholic or pain in the Stomach. We have the genuine article for sale. STODDARD & THOMPSON, declO . . Druggists, No. 17 Main St. ff SAW GÜMMERS ON HAUD, WAB 4se Je ranted to give satisfaction or no sale the best in the market, at GEO. S. SONNTAG'S. 5fm Mi RLS. CHOICE BOLL MtVT- WM WM ter, II sks Buckwheat Flour, 20 bxs W. B. Cheese, 10 bxs Nutmeg do, 15 bxs EDglish Dairy do. For sate at - " Z. H. COOK SON'S, - janlK No. 22 Main street and 2 First st. roBB TBOFICJIL FBÜiTS 10 bbls Oranges, 1 cask Cocoanuts, " . . 10 bunches Banannas, 1 bbl Pine Apples, 5 bbls Pecans. Per R. I. Ward. For sale at Z. H. COOK & SON'S, janl8 ' No. 22 Main street and 2 First st. VTflAR T THOJaFSOJV, SL'C- ceseors to Hallock Stoddard, wholesale deal ers in Drags, Chemicals, Oils, Paints, Glass, Glass ware, dc. have just received large additions to their stock, and are now prepared to furnish Physicians ana storekeepers witn every article in rneir line, at reduced prieee. - Having made purchases exclu sively Sur cash, and by the package, can offer in ducements to buyers greater than ever before. Also, a larire and varied assortment of DA GUERREOTYPE AND AMBROTYPE STOCK, consisting of Cameras, Chemicals, Cases, and ever'' article required by artists. We also manufacture an improved kind of no.i explosive Burning Fluid, for sale by the barrel or at retail. Coal Oil constantly on hand, with a large assort ment of Fluid and Oil Lamps. Orders from Artists and Storekeepers promptly attended to, at the same prices as though they at tended perscnally. " Particular attention paid to packing and for warding promptly. STODDARD t THOMPSON, ' dcc4 ' No. 17 Main street. mmjiLs.- 8OO HEUS JhSORTEii w si Bizes. r ..... ' TIMOTHY SEED, : . 100 bush, prime new. - For sale by . sept23 , ORR, DAZKLL k Co. MM M n b'k-.x.v wta ?s w 0 MISCELLANEOUS. Jfh'' Vfr-J" U CItotX' FBEJVCJt yrMi DYER AND SCOURER, .. . Ä "Corner of Vine and First streets, ' " KVANSVIXLE, INDIANA", Wonld respectfully inform ths ladies and gentle men of this city and vicinity, that he has opened a , DYEING, CLEANING AND REPAIRING ESTABLISHMENT, ,...;.! where he will clean and dye all kicds of 8ilk and Woollen Goods. Will remove grease, paints, Ac, without the slightest injury to ths goods. . - - All work done at this establishment will ba wr ranted to give entire satisfaction. - sepf23.6m lf?IBJ, . -MJIMJUVS MJS'SI ' ,K AX0K HOME COMPANIES. The undersigned having been appointed Agent for Evansville and vicinity, of the ' INDIANAPOLIS INSURANCE CO. 8. F. COVINGTON, Seo'y. T. A. MORRIS, Pretff r .. AND THE RISING SUN INSURANCE CO. B. J. HATHAWAY, Sec'y. 8. HATHAWAY, Pres't are prepared to underwrite upon the baiter dsns of Fire and Marina Risks, at as low -rates of pre mium as are consistent with permanency and re nihility. ., . ; , ' . These Companies conhne their business exclusive ly to the State of Indiana. ' - ' 1 - ' . - WAll losses speedily adjusted and prompt paid without any abatement or -diminution what evor, : References: Every man, without exception, who ha sustained loss in either Compartysv list 0 whom all citizens of our own State may be sosn at our office. A. D. REYNOLDS & CO. Evansville, July 8, 1856-Iy Whujr: BVJ't! BCjJjiAjiA'ifn -sXsVBUY I BUY I The undersigned respectfully announces to the citizens of Evansville that he has opened a feed store on the corner of Water and Lo cust streets, where Le keeps constantly on hand a supply of all kinds of Feecf which he will sell at the very lowest cash prices and deliver to any part of the city free of charge. Please give him a call. '. t20 J. C. DUSOBCHETj stg Prompt attention given to all orders. ' Jf OOM HERE BE Ji MM THMS. MJlt you want to get good Hay,. . ; t 1. If you want te get good Corn, . If you want to get good Oats, ' ; ' i v If you want to get good Bran, . " ' If you want to get good Crushed Feed, " ; It you want to get good Chicken Feed, i . c J If yon want to get good Corn Meal, If you want to get good Timothy Seed, - ' If you want to get good Grass Seeds of any and every kiud, call at RUSTON'S Feed and Seed Store, under the Telegraph- Office, where you can be ac commodated as cheap as the cheapest, and as good as the best, delivered in any part of the city free- of drayage. Recollect, at RUSION'8, on Water street. Just received, my flrst shipment by Canal, 10o tons of first-rate new Timothy Hay, and for sale cheap. sept28 R. 8. R. LB.-aVHEB JVEW FEE MM STOBE. - The subscriber has opened a new feed store, in ' the Shanklin bnilding, at the corner of Water and Locust streets, where be will keep a full supply ot all kiuds of the best feed, which he will sell at the very lowest market prices. He hss on hand corn, hay, oats, meal, bran and sbipstnff,. Ac, Ac. , "ept22 J. C. DESOUCHKT. fBBSH CBttJtB ITVf BB, Kc, O -B dozen Cedar Pails, wnite, red and striped, brass bound, . , . 10 nests Cedar Keelers, plain and striped, brass bouud, . 5 dozen covered Cedar Cans, brass bouud, 3 sizes, 6 " Cedar Churns, brass bound, ... 5 " plain white Cedar Pails, iron bound, 2 and . . 3 hoops, - ' - - 6 " stout iron bound Stablo Pails, . 5 " Steamboat Pails, stout iron bound, ' ' 20 nests stout Cedar Tubs, iron bound, 4 aud 11 In each nest, 6 dozen largest Horse Buckets, ' ' ' '--' : 10 " common iron bound Buckets, This day received, and now openiug in the finest coudition, at the new Wooden Ware store of , w sept24 J. B. RUSSELL, 272 Mai St. bet Seventh and Eighth, Louisville, Ky. WBI.VE L l.n B K H THE FBOFLB MT are just beginning to lind out that Watson, Newbury i Co., can, and do, sell lumber cheaper than any other dealers in town ; consequently, they go tbere and bny, and are so well satisfied that they go twice and three times ever.. Now, as we calculate to stay here and sell boards, we say to all who are in want of plank, come and see us, at the corner of Main and Eighth streets, and we will satisfy you, tha what we say is true. WATSON, NEWBÜfiY k Co OCtU .. T tftaKil f BBOTHRBS, WHOLK- W SALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN FAMILY GROCERIES, . CLASS, NAILS. FLOUR, Oram, Seeds, Bacon, Lard, Tubs, Buckets, Churcs, and Woodware generally. No. 82 Main street, Ev ansville, Ind. Goods delivered in any part of the city free of chorge. oct2l JAS. W. VICSEBT JOHN VICKEKT......SAM,t VICLIBT. TTXBESH JBB1VJL OF HJtTS AJYB Mr CAPS 75 cases just received of onr second purchase for Fall and Winter trade, from the best manufacturers of New York. We now have on hand a good assortment of all kinds and qualities of Fur Soft Hats ; Wool Hats and Caps for men and boys, of various kinds, in cluding Kossuth, Hungarian, Buena Vista, Wide Awake, Young America, Claret Empire, Mount Vernon, Smoke, Artist, Excelsior, Bengal Plaid, Smoke Csssimer, Havelock, Lucknow, Moro Castle and Mud Sill styles, and Silk brown and black, Pe tersham, Cloth and black Velvet Caps and Turbans of various shape,, which make, our stock complete again for the fourth time, 1&58, and we -cordially iuvite the Trade to call and examine before making their purchases. N. B. This stock is imparted, not from ths athor side of ths Atlantic but from this side, that j from Ktw York to Evannillt, Ind. dec2S KIES4 PRESTON. O B BFOB TSJBBJS'. JÜBT "Btf ceived 3 dozen superior Rifles, : 2 do double-barreled Shot Guns, . 3 do. tingle do do, - 1 do Revolvers, ass'd makers, t 2 do Pistols, do d, 2 gross Gun Wads, ass'd, . 250,000 Percussion Caps. Shot Belts, Ponchos, Powder Flasks. EcsiildS) large variety of Gun Trimmings, deel G0. 8. BONNTAG. lVJBUS OJS'J BUB LVXURMEHTEJyT- 9 derloins, Sausage Meat, Spare Ribs, Pigs' Feet, Ac, fresh every day, for sale at our Pork House, corner Locust street and Upper Market. t dec3 GEORGE FOSTER A CO. mUlL CHAiSA casks Coil Ciiaiu, aseortedTtoi Wj Saw Mill and other purposes. For salo con stantly by C. 8. WELLS, aec7 no. 10 lrsi streer. WmATEST HOOK TOOTH CROSS CVT 6IWI. M always on band and for sale by dec7 C. 8. WELL8, No. 13 First street. 10PYIXG PRESSES Letter Copying Books, T ' I. 1 jlu uu jorusntjs. Good assortment constantly on hand and for sale by 8. WELLS, No. 13 First street. UOVEl Ahl) TONGB STANDS (Beautiful J pattern.',) Steel Fire Setts Stands, beautiful patterns. A w more left and more expected. Also Brass bead Shovels and Tongs, - - t i Iron do. Cn do. Pokers. Cinder Shovels, cro., Ac. For sale by C, 8. WELLS, No. 13 First street. jTvAPS I 5ÄP! : CAPS 1 FOR CHSI3T WJ MAS A iarge and splendid assortment Caps, for men and boyd, latest stylos, Just received per Express by VAUTIER A MARCONNIER, dec7 No. 39 Main street. WBLBJCHBO S HI R TIJS'O 6 CASES MM of various qualities Bleached Shirtings just received and for sale low by . . dec28 KEEN A PRESTON. SDR I ES American Slates, . " 3 Oval School do new articles, " - Slate and Cedar Pencils, . .. Purcussion Caps (5 kinds,) ' " ' " Butcher Knives and Steels. :-. t Carving do, Blacking, (Butler's brand,) ; . Locks aud Latches, (Eastern prices,) Butts and Screws, 1 ' Tacks and Sparables, . ' ; !, Curry Combs and Horse Cards, - Angers and Gimblets. - '' Pocket Books and Portmonaies, t -Needles, (Sew'g, Knit'g, Darn'g A Sack'g) - Porket Combs and Thimbles, .. German and French Harps,. ' Japanned Tinware, full assortment.'- i In short, everything usually kept by Hardware men, at Cincinnati prices. C. 8. WELLS, ' dec7 No. 13 First street. rmVS PLATS, SHEET IRON, dc , M 50 box s Coke Tin, 100 do Charcoal Tin, ' . -'' ) 60 do Roofing Tin, 100 bundles assorted Sheet Iron, ' ' I 10 pigs Block Tin, - . i 60 bundles assorted Wire. Ala Copper Bottoms and Sheet and Bar Copper oand and for sale by SAMUEL ORR. mmOTICB OF IMFOBTJJCCBSJwt. i w W received, a now stock of Dry Geods, and for , sale cheap for cash, at WM. J. DEUBLKB'd,. 1 declO No. 43 Maiu street. 1 .. .1