Newspaper Page Text
tlic il mitt ioutmiL WEDNESDAY MORNING. . ....FEBRUARY 23 Local and Miscellaneous. B&- Hon. Horace Mayuard, of Tennessee, announces he ia a candidate for re-election to Congress. , gsRer. Mr. Denhaua, a minister of forty years' standing, run away from Terra Haute, last Vednesday, taking with him a woman that wasn't his wife. I Col. T. B. Thorpe has purchased an interest in the Xw Tork iWf of the Timet, and will be connected hereafter with its literary and editorial depart uient. . ttiSS We learn by the Henderson Com mercial that a proposition is on foot in that town, to build a hotel which will cost $75, 000. 6oF Tobaeco continues to arrive in wag ons quite freely, and commands remunera tive prices $G7 50 and $8 per 100 11. Hendeion Commercial. The Whigs of Virginia have pre sented Robert Ridgway, Esq., of the Rich mond Whig, with a service ot plate valued at $500. gSaST The rumor gathers strength among the gossips at Washington that old "Buck" is going to take a " doe" to himself in the White House. The Evansville Enquirer . (Dem.) mentions Dr. Daily among other Democrats as likely to succeed Gov. Willard in the gubernatorial chair. He would suit the party admirably. Lafayttlt Journal. 5gjT A Washington letter says that the last card of the President-makers now in that sity i Stephens, of Qeorgia, fur Presi dent, and Gen. Lane, of Oregon, for Vice President. . . Pbkttv Fast Trra Sbttiko. J. C. Hart man, a compositor in the Louisville Courier office, set up, dnring last week, 90,100 cms, for which he was paid $30 03. A big week's work, and a fast eompositor. Baiakd TAVtoa. Those of our citizens who were not so fortnnate as to get a sight ut this distinguished traveler during bis re cent visit to our city, and those who were, will learn with pleasure that there is a fine end correct counterpart of him constantly un exhibition, fret, at Mr. Elliott's City Gal lery, 45 Main street. Laser vs. Cold Watbb. A German, uaine unknown, fell into a well yesterday morning, on First street, and came near being drowned. He was fortunately res cued by some persons near by. The air in the well was so foul as to smother a chicken and extinguish a candle. The nmn Was supposed to have been intoxicated at the time he foil in, but was, from all accounts, pTetty effectually sobered when he got out. Last Night. Kanb's Abctio Voyaq es The beautiful illustration of these voyages, now to be seen at Apollo Hall, are attract ing crowds, nightly, and all who attend seem highly pleased with the delightful views there afforded. The sensation this produc tion of art has created is not surprising wheh we examine it critically as a work of a mas ter, and the subject which created it. Con nected with one of the most extraordinary events in history, combining science with wild ad venu lie and romance, linking to gether a chain of incidents unpnralleled in uueient or modern discoveries, it is uot therefore surprising that it should attract crowded and fashionable audtences. It will be open to-night, and also this afternoon ut 4 o'clock, P. M., for school children, at one dime each. t Some fellow writing from Calhoon, Ky., to an Owensboro paper, makes use of the following remarks in regard to otir wholesale merchants : Our portion of the country has been badly treated by the traveling drummer from Ev ansville, and we would by far rather patron- j ize onr own folks, than to rely upon people who have no sympathy, either politically or sectionally with us, and when we can buy sugar and coffee at such prices as these gents furnish it, yon can rest assured that our purchases will be made in Owensboro in preference to any other point. The " traveling drummers from Evans ville" have the reputation of being generous and liberal when on their travels. If they have failed to " treat" the author of the above, or "badly treated" him, it is not in accordance . with their usual custom. He may rest assured, however, that whtle the Evansville merchants continue to sell goods on better term3 than they can be purchased at Louisville and Cincinnati, and then trans rotted to the Green River country, there is not much probability of the Green River merchants going to Owensboro to buy their supplies. , THt Twsstt-Skooüd. The anniversary of the day that gave birth to the immortal Washington, had no general observance in Evausville; indeed, it would have passed by without recognition had it not been for the patriotism and spirit of the German Ar tillery Company. This company, under command of Capt. Ellis, paraded during the day, and the good discipline, neat uniforms, and soldier-like appearance of the men at tracted much attention and commendation. The fine band of music belonging to the company discoursed most stirring music, and the firing of their heavy artillery mark d the day as an unusual one, and showed to the public that the German citizens of Evansville had enough patriotic pride and spirit to manifest an appreciation of the haractor of the Father of his Country, even if our native citizens were willing that the hallowed day should pass off without the smallest show of a demonstration. At night the company had a grand ball at Crescent City .Hall, which was largely attended, and where everything glided away harmonious ly, pleasantly, and with general satisfaction spurious $10 bill on the Merchants' Bank of Lowell, Mass., is in circulation, and calculated to deceive In the genuine vig nette is a female, eagle, globe and ship, while the spurious, of red tint, has for vig nette a female on a rock with a ship in the distance, and St George and the dragon on the left hand. B3L.Sjriiig is almost with us, and as if in anticipation, the weather for several days past has been almost as warm as May. It is altogether probable, however, that we may be favored with another cold snap be fore winter bids us a final adicn. )?3L The Jeflersou County Court House, at Madison a fine building, thought to be fire proof, costing $4,000 was burned last Sunday night. The records were saved. Büß- Hon. T. A. R. Nelson is the Oppo sition candidate for Congress, iu the Knox ville District, Tennessee. Receipts by Railroad. February 22.1, I8ÜI. I 1I1 Chickens, 1 box Eggs, Thomas Redmond ; 11 boxes Tea, it. M. Jolinoon; 1 box Dry Good, A. Lowenthal; 8 boxe Clocks, 4 boxos Weights, P. ii. O'Riley ; 2." boxos Hont, Grruni, Allen A 0., Paducah, Ky. ; 2 boxua Umbrella. Keen 4t Pres tuu ; 31 boxes Shoes, I. II. Mnglioe A Co. ; I Horse, Keen A Preston ; 2 Horses, Wheeler A Kiggs; 1 Beer Keg, Wingert A Rice ; 111 btishul Wheat, Be uient A Viele; I'M bushel Wheat, fgloheart Bros. ; 1 bbl Egi;s, 1 liox Butter, K. Raleigh ; 1 cut Wheel, Kratz A Uuilmnu ; 3 bx Sega, shron der A Kehe ; 2 ear loads Bulk l'ork, lf tierces M. Gavisk ; 1 bbl Eggs, lluury Gumbert ; J.r barrel Lard, 4 tierce do., Treaton Bros. ; box Mdw., Irfsich Calstedt ; li boxes Muse., Keller A White; 2S sacks Flour, Krutz A Ileilman ; 2 bxs Leather, I. F. Grell. . A. E. SHRADER, Agent. . Ixvalidsj ft";oicie. A new era is taking place in the science of medicine. The time has come when the worst and most appall ing cases of discn.e can be cured. New discoveries arc being made in the medicinal agents employed, 3 well as iu the art of combining nud preparing them. . Four years' trial ha. fully established the fact, that Dr. Easterly's Family medicines are the best and most certain curatives known for the diseases for which they are recommend ed. Every family shonld keep a supply on hand, and thereby save doctor's bills, and much suffering. Dr. Easterly's Iodine and Sarsaparilla, Dr. Carter's Cough Balsam, Dr. Easterly's Fever and Ague KiJler, Dr. Hooper's Female Cordial and Dr. Baker's Specific are all meeting with a rapid sale And are universally approved. Over One Hundred Thousand Dollars of these popular articles have been sold wUhin the last two years. See the advertisements in our col umns. ' ' - - i. 1, Ull1- Candidates. Mr. MiditorUttng requemted by m good many voters, I will serve If elected, at the ensuing April election, a City Collector, independent of any party. PHILIP KRAMER. m are authoriatd to annovne Peter 9HARPE aa a eannidate for Mayor of the City of Evansville, at the encting April election, ffr. Uditor Vom trill pleat announce my Dame as a candidate for tu office of City Clerk at the next city election. janSl PATRICK BURKE. HVV ore authorleed to announce P. SCHMUCK aa a candidate for City Collector at the ensuing April election. jau24 Jit the requeet of a large number of the citizens of Evansville, WM. BAKER will be a candidate for Mayor at the ensuing election. jan22-tt rlr. Uditor Pleaee aseaa my mmme an a candidate for City Clerk at the next city elec tion. janlS MORRIS MIELSCH. For Mayor, IJV art authorised to announce NATHAN ROWLEY, Esq., as a randi date for Mayor of the City of EvuiiMville. M r. Row ley will, iu a few days, puMish an addrtna to hi fullow-cltien. declii Special Notices. Uotlouay' Ointment. The bane of Sarofula, the King's evil of our anceators, lias no foe like this detergent aud eradicating enlve. Its healing iinlitiea are uiie)iutlltd in the cure of Kalt rheum, sore leg, sore breast, und the scald bead. ud ring-worm, the enemies of the nursery. It re moves the coating of the skin, and leaves no trace behind of former disfigurement. Sold at the manu factory, No. 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and by all Druggists, at 25c., G-'Sc, aud SI per pot. feb23 If you are etek, the probability it that the root ol your suffering is iu the stomach. From a weak stomach proceeds Dyapopxia, Ague, Lan- gour, yausea, aud a legion of other tormenting dis eases. Indigestion produces thin blood, and there fore destroys the strength and vigor of the entire. system. To restore the tone of the stomach, awl enable it to throw off and dismiss forerer all these troublesome and dangerous coupla!uts, nothing is necessary but a persevering uso of Ir. J. HOSTET TER'8 CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS. A trial of their power oaunot fail to prove that there Is no failure in their sedative effects. We cheer fully recommend them to the public, knowing, aa we do, their many excellent qualities. 2 For sale by Druggists and dealers generally, everywhere. feb23 JJr. Hooptr'e J'tmmlt Cardial. Ttit medicine will cure all Female Compluints, such as Excessive, Suppressed, or Painful Menstruation, Flour Albus, or Whites, Barrenness, Sallow Com plexion, Headache, Dizziness, Weak Xerves, Fright ful Dreams, and all diseases caused by Colds, Check ad Perspiration, Excesses, Over Excitement, etc., of the ISexual Organa. For all Irregularities of the Monthly Periods, Dr. Hooper's Female Cordial is a spsbdt and POSITIVE Cl'CF.. It ha been amply tested, and the most gratifying reports of CCRK8 are dally received froia ortry town and city where It is known. tsr Price 1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5. Prepared by DR. EASTERLY, Cornet Third and Chesnut streets, St. Lonls, Mo., sole proprietor. STODDARD THOMPSON, 1 kmtm F. W. SAWYER. JAgents. F.V4.XSVILL. Indiana. dec21-dw3m JUatmrie'e tntt-JServon 1-Hr Tobacco, IS AND OCT OF FOIL. Tha only place to pro cure this superior Tobacco la at FENDRICH BROS., No. 25 Main street, on door above First' Tbey ar tha only authorized agents, and alone have the genuine article. jau2-lm JAME3 A. MATXRIE. THK EVANSVILLE WEEKLY .TOTTR1NTAT. Hade up from the Dailt Jovrxal, contains ttg Colmrtme of vieR-eelerUi and cartfitUg prepared Bead ing Hatter, affording the best medium for keeping our frieuds in the country fully "posted up," to be found in the West. '-. THE LATEST TELEGRAPHIC DISPATCHES, Together with a summary of the Ifarketa, are in serted in avery Weekly paper, and by perusing Uta Joi'&XAX, our frieuds in the Country will not b liable to be "picked up" by speculators, and sol tltotr produce for less than it Is actually worth, a baa often been dono heretofore. . Buy- Remember that the Weekly Journal is made up of BEADING MATTER, and not altogether of ad vertisements.Tßa The Weekly Journal will be mailed, so us to reach the subscribers of tha adjoining counties) ia good Tsjui.. Single copy, 81 60; 10 copies, (10. Our friend, should make haste to renew their subscrip tions, as our terms are strictly in aisance dec7 Special Notices. ' COAL! : . Bodiaiu Mining Company, Evansville, Indiana. Office on Water street, between Main and Locust Coal, in quantities of not lees than 20 bushels, de livered to any part of the eity, at 10 cents per bdh. at the pit, 8 cents. " JOHN WTMOND, oct'J - Secretary and Manager. Han erne Hold MieeJlny perton de- siring to procure information as te the distance, lo cation, best routes, posts, outfits, and general in formation iu rejrard to the Gold Mines in Western Kausas, can obtain it by addressing a letter, with afwofoae dollar, to GEORGE F. PENTECOST & CO., General Agents for "Kansas Western Gold Mines Association," at Lecompton. Kansas. decl5 The French foiedtr. Theme Fowdere area NEVER-FAILING REMEDY in DYSPEP SIA. T Price $1 per bottle. : With confidence founded on experience, I oiler the French Powders to the afflicted, asking but a fuir trial, as a proof of its virtue. Prepared only by J. R. MONROE, and sold wholesale and retail by DR. E. EASTERLY, S. E. corner Third and Chesnut stg., St. Louis. KTODDARD A THOMPSON, . , F. W. SAWYER. Ag gents. Evansville, Indiana. dec20-dw3m Mir.. JUnleer' Kptciiic. Thie im a mat and certain Care for tonorrhcea, Gleet, ßtricture, Semiual Weakness, C'hoVdec, Diseases of the Kid neys and Wackier, and all Diseases of the Genital Organs. Reader, have you a private disease ? Do not neg lect it. If you go te a regular physician with your case you peril your reputation. If you go to an advertising quack, you peril yoar health for life. Avoid both, and use Dr. Baker's Specific, which has saved thousands upon thousands from the hands of the Mercilttt Quaclt, if net from a premature grave. ' With- Dr. Baker's Specific yon can cure yourself and prevent exposure, as plain directions or use accompany the medicine. . ar Prieo SI 50 per bottle. - 88" Prepared by' DR. EASTERLY, corner Third aud Chesnut sts., St. Louis, Mo., sole Proprietor. STODDARD THOMPSON, . . F. W. SAWYER. J 6 ents. JCVAM8V1LLK, lnd'SHH. dec21-di'w3m Or, Hamterly,m Jever and Jlfue Killer. This Medietas will eure Fever and Ague, Dumb Ague, (Jhills and Fever, Intermittent and Remit tent Fevers, and every form of Fever incident to the Wast. . - - . -.. f -. ... Among all the esi.EtmiTi:D remedies for Agne and Fever, first and foremost in rank stands DR. EASTERLY'S FEVER AND ACCE KILLER This medicine Is a partU rare, both speedy and permanent. During the last five yean it has cured over (era aaadreo! fluxiMaif euaet, which has estab lished It. efficiency tn all parts of the West as the ONLY RELIABLE REMEDY' for the euro of these distressing ropiplalnts. ' It will also cure En largement of the Spleen, Agon Cake, eta. It is per fectly harmless to the most del lea t constitutions or Under Infant. Try it, y afflicted. 09" Price Si per bonis, or six bottles for S3. W Prepared by B. EASTERLY, corner Third and Chesnut at., St. Louis, Mo., solo Propriotor. ' STODDARD A THOMPSON, F. W. 8AWVEB. j-Agents. EvaMsriua, Indiana. - ' dar21-dAw3u Slop that Cough Mtr v Carter' Cough Balsam will euro Cough., Colds, Asthma, Coo sumption, Bronchitis, Spitting of Blood, Pain In the Side and Breast, Pleurisy, "Whooping Cough, Croup, Liver Complaint, Palpitation of fiie Heart, and all disease, of the Throat, Chest and Lung. Too much care and attention cannot be given tu diseases of the THROAT and LUNQS. Bender, have you a Cough, Cold, or any disease of tha Lungs T Do not neglect it. ,. Delay I dangerous. Millions die annually by aoglocttng a Common Cold. Colds and Coughs lead to CONSUMPTION, and then to an early death. Be advised In time, aud procure at onoe that celebrated rotuedy, DR. CARTER'S COl'GU BALSAM, the greatest and best remedy ia the world. It has cured thousands npon thousands after physician, and every other remedy bad failed, and the patient given up to dlo. Physicians, drug gists, and all who hare used Dr. Carter'. Cough Bttkwm, universally acknowledge it the most prempt. pletuant, and effioadowi remedy known for all diseases of the Throat, Chest and Lungs. Price Trial bottles, 25 cents; largor bottles, SI per bottle, or six bottles for $5. OS- Prepared by DR. EASTERLY, cornor Third and Chesnut streets, St. Louis, Mo., solo proprie tor, aud to whom all orders must be sunt to get tha genuine. 8TOPDA RD THOMPSON, I Agents. t. W. SAW Y Kit. Evaksvillb, Indiana. dec2l-d(-wam Or. Xaeterly'a Iodine, mud Sartapa- HILLA. This Medicine will permanently cure all disease arising from an impure stete of the Bloed, or other fluids of the sy?tew, viz : fy r.ifula. Obstinate Old Solos, I'lliiple ou the Pace, Blotchvs, Bulls, Chronic Kore Eyes, Rlng werut or Tettor, Scald Head, Halt Itheuui, Can cers, Goitre, White Swelling, Fever dorus, Piles, Erysipelas, Swelling of the Glands, Pains in the Bones and Joints ; all Chronic Diseases, ami Di. eases arising from the nee of Mercury and Calomel. .Such powerful curative properties are combined iu Dr. Eaderly'e Iodine end Sartaparilla, that the longest Btandiug and worst cases of disease are tho roughly cubed by it cases that hrd resisted every known remedy and been given up by the most dis tinguished Physicians, as confirmed aud incurable. For Liver Complaint aud Dyspepsia It is an infill lihle remedy. It will cure Chronic aud Inflamma tory Bheumnism, no matterthow bad, if faithfully used. , It will core every form of NERVOUS DIS EASE, and strengthen aud restore the system to perfect health and vigor. It is a punitive cure for FEMALE COMPLAINTS, such as Irregularities of the Monthly Periods, Barrenness, &c For fe males approaching that critical period of life the caiimtioH nthm MtHie it is Invalnable. . . . Ladies who admire a' clear, beautiful white skin aud a rosy cheek, should use Dr. Easterly's Iodino and Bavsaparllla. It will remove Pimples front tho Face, Blotches, and nil roughness of the skin, and give a fair and beautiful complexion. It will cure Dropsy, Gravel, Disease, of the Kid neys, Bladders and Urinary Organs. It has no eoual in these complaints. j Dtt. EASTERLY'S IODINE AXD 8AR3APA- ; KILL A is a positive and radical cure for Kercurtnl j Disease, no matter bow deeply It may hnvo eaten j into the frame and vital organs. It will eradicate 1 every partluls uf Mercury from the system, and heal its bad effects. It will cure Secondary Syphi lis, or Venereal Disease, no matter how long it may have been in the system, and will thoroughly anni hilate aud expel the syphilitic virus, and all heredi tary taint, and poisonous matter from tha system, and restore it to a perfect state of HEALTH and PCBITY. lO THK AFFICTED WITH SCROFULA OK OLD 80BK9. Fersens who have long beenaffiiat ed with Sorufula, old Sores, Tetter, Ringworna, Scald Head, Blotches, Eruption, of tha Skin, o., are advised to procura GBIDLEY'3 SALT RHfiWtf AND TETTER OIXTSTKNT, to apply on tli sores or dise&aea parts, whau using Dr. Easterly'. Iodine and Sarsaparilla. The Iodine and Sarsapa rilla purines tu BLOOD, and drive out of the system the inpve oad ioaute matter, and remove, the cuius, while the Ointment uiu THK soass. When both are used, (which we always reaommend) a failure of a permanent and radioal cure has never been knewo. They; are, the best remedies in the world. t "- i r. S. The proprietor solemnly believe, that his Iodine and Saisapariluvand Gridley's Ointmebttsil ewe any form of Ulcer or Old Sero, on any part of the system, if used according 1 direction, far a reasonable ienytfc of lime. A faithful and honest trial ball I ask I do not fear tha result. " ' ' Price of the Iodine and Sarsaparilla SI per bottla, or six bottles for 85. Oridley's Ointaieut To cents per bottle. Prepared by DR. EASTERLY, southeast corner of Third and Ciiesnut streets, St. Louis, Mo., sole proprietor, to whom all orders must be addressed. STODDARD THOMPSON, . ta F. W. SAWYKB j Agent. Evaksvkle, Indiana. desl-d&w6m NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. ! BY TUE E. W. LIKE. CONGRESSIONAL. Washikgtox, Feb. 22 p. m. . Sexate. The vote being taken on the question of the postponement of the Cuban bill. It whs agreed to. The Senate then resumed the considera tion of the Appropriation bill. House. Mrr Garnett of Va., spoke on the Appropriation bill. . Arrival uf the Africa. New Ycrk, Feb. 22 ii. The London city journals are also specu lating on the war question. - The London Times, in a leading article, says that the torch of war, once lit, no one can tell when it will be quenched. To England there seems to be but one duty, and that, of saying, energetically, that without war or any other disturbance of the general peace of Europe, Italy shall be sustained. In another part of the city article, the Times says it is presumed that the Sardinian loan is to bs raised in Tourin, but if that be impracticable, then at Paris, under her French guarantee. In London it would be scarcely entertained for a moment. The fall in the five per cent, since the lir3t of January, has already been nearly equal to ten per cent. Advices received by telegraph state that fighting had commenced in Montenegro. Tha Russians have been repulsed in an at tempt to take the town of VheIudjik,on the Circassian coast. Sew Orleans, Feb. 22 m. The steamer Magnolia has arrived from Florida, having on board Major Rector and seventy-one Seminole Indians bound west of Arkansas. They are all in fine health and spirits. The Tehuantepec Company's steamship Quaker City, Captain Cbufeldt, from Mina titlan, arrived here to-day with San Fran cisco advices to the 10th inst., and one hun dred and three passongers. , . The Pacific mail steamer Stephens sailed from San Francisco on the 2d inst., with $1,400,000 in treasure, including $1,006,000 for New York, and two hnndred and fifty passengers Tia Panama. Business at San Francisco had recovered and was brisk, whil money is easy. Coffee had advanced, and Rio sold at 2020. Candles were quoted at 31. Domestic liquors wer advancing. Heavy rains bad fallen. Tha miuing pros pects continued favorable. Tha Oregon Indians wer quiet, but tha Indiana in Southern California bad become troublesome. Gen. Clark was about to pro ceed, with fiva hundred men to chastise them. Tba California' Legislature, by a vota of fifty to one, bad adopted a resolution re questing U. S. Senator Broderick to resign. Later advices from Mexico had been re reived at Minatitlan. Qen. lliramon bad reached Orizaba, en rout for Vera Cruz. There was great apprehonsions regarding the tesult. Qold had been discovered on the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, near Cbe-ela. New Yobk, Feb. 22 u. The ' Time Washington correspondent says: "I have learned, upon excellent au thority, that two Commissioners are on thoir way to St. Thomas, by Miramon, to invite Santa Anna back to Mexico to take charge of the Government. This 13 consid ered a European move. Tha statement that H. S. Fitch partici pated in search of Martin and Chandler's rooms here on Saturday, wa3 erroneous. He was present, but refused to participate." Tha IftraWi correspondent says the Post Office Committee of the Senate met this morning, and authorized the chairman to re port bill for the California mail service. The bill provides for a semi-monthly mail from New Vork to San Francisco by way of Panama, and a . semi-monthly service from New Orleans by wsy of Tehuantepec. The service is to be let to the lowest bidders, ut a sum not to exceed $450,000 for the ser vice, including the transit of the Isthmus, and $475,000 tor the Tohuautepec route. The steamers frota Panama are to stop at Puntosa, and take t!ie Tehuantepec mails of the Pacific. Cincinnati, Fei. 22 m. Weather clear and beautiful. The atten tion of the business community is turned to the anniversary celebration. The river has risen twelve inches in the lost twenty-four hours. It rose about six inches last uight. It is still swelling slowly. There is now fifty-nine feet three inches water in the channel. Louibvillk, Feb. 22 u. River rising half an inch per hour. There is now over thirty feet an the falls. The levee is generally submerged. The eastern mail was forwarded by steamboat to-day. PiTTSBCitG, Feb. 22 u River seveuteen feet .ix inches by the pier mark and falling. Weather clear and mild. Arrived Conestoga, and Melrose. Two steamers departed. Ten or twelve pairs of coal boats left to-day. Halifax, Feb. 22 p u The steamship Brenion, from Bremen, with dates to tho 5th inet., arrived this morning short of coal. She encountered strong gales during the entire passage. The warlike rumors continued through out Europe. The Bremen will continue her voyage to New York to-nigtit. Additional toy the Africa. Loxdon, Feb. 4. Funds opened yesterday t a quarter de cline, and closed $ lower ,than Thursday's quotations ; nearly all classes of securities show a decided decline. The Daily Keto argues from remarks of Premier and Chan cellor of exchequer that the position of for eign affairs is most critical. The ministers are unable to furnish au thoritative explanations respecting inten tions of the French Emperor, and it is felt more clearly than ever that the preservation of peace depends on the will of that indi vidual. Tha Simes? city article says that the con viction is that war is intended to be pro voked. The discussions in Parliament have had a very discouraging effect which was greatly aggravated by the announcement that Sardinia was to make a loan, and the Imperial pamphlet on Italy. CiKOiNitATl, Feb. 22 p.m. River rising very slowly not over one quarter of an inch per hour. St. Lotns,Feb. 22 River stationary, with 10 feet Cairo. Nothing new from upper "Weather cloudy and mild. Cincinnati Market. Cinciskati, Feb. 21 ?. u. Whisky 500 bbls. Bold at 25J. Provi sions dull tinder the news from New Orr leans, and prices closed nominal ; the onjy sale was 50 hhds. bacon at 93. Bulk meat was offered at 5 1 8 J. Lard" 11J12 in Dbl. and keg. Sugar and molasses firmer rjut not higher. Money matters unchanged. Slew York Market. ' New Yokkt Feb. 21 p. u. . Flour firm and buoyant ; sales of. 15,000 I bbls. at 5 30,5 50 for super. State ; 5 90 C 10 for extra State ; 5 405 60 for super. estern ; C 036 30 for common to me dium extra Western ; 6 406 50 for ship ping brands extra round hoop Ohio, closing firm, -i Rye flou 3 7f4 25. Wheat held firmly for good brands ; cemraon and infe rior rule dull ; sales of 25,000 bush, at 1 40 for red Western ; 1 75 for white Kentuck-. Rye quiet at 84,05. Barley dnll at 80 85. Corn unchanged ; sales .. of." 21,000 bush, at 84,8C for mixed Western ; 8084 f r new white. Whisky unchanged sales of 350 bbls. at 26$. Pork firmer; sales of 1800 bbls. at 17 5017 75 for old mess ; IS 12)18 25 for new; 13 75 for prime. Beef steady at 6 507 00 for . country prime; 7 759 00 for-mess. Cut meats firm. Sugar heavy and declined c. ; sales at 6J8. Coffee firm but quiet at!0J,12. Mohtsses heavy. River Items. AHE1VALS ANUDKPAETrnrs rBOM 5 O'CLOCK MOITOAT TILI 5 O'C OCK TUESDAY. W. I.Maclay, St. Louis to Pittsburg. " ' Couewago, Nashville to do. , J. S. Pringle, N. Orleans to do. . . : - Gtendale, .Kashrille to - do. Fairy Queeu, Cin-jnuati to Nashville. Prairie Rose, do to St. Louis. 8 jutherner, j'onphis to Louisville., ir. Kane, St. Louis to Pittsburg. Mows McLellao, Louisville to Memphis. . Charley Bowen, Evansville to Cairo. Scioto, Louisville to Henderson. : Business on the wharf was very active all day yesterday. Freight was shipped to New Orleans at the followiug rates : For pork, 35c. ; tobacco, $3 50 ; lard 35c. ; corn 18c25c. Plenty of freight still remains for shipment. 1 - The Scioto is dno from Henderson this morning. She .came down last evening having on board a goodly number of fair ladies and aalliant young gentlemen, wbo were out on a pleasure excursion. - They were joined by st considerable! number of Evansville folks, and proceeded to Hender son, where they were to enjoy a grand ter pischorean effort gotten up expressly for the occasion by Capt. Ballard and tho gay and fascinating Duncan. A band , of music ac companied the excursion. As tho packet trade is somewhat dull, this must prove a God-send to the Scioto. Her cargo being preeious, it is hoped s' e will not blow vp this trip, anyhow. The river at this point rose about 18 in ches yesterday, and was continuing to rise at a late hour last night. Dispatches of yesterday state ' that the rivr above is still swelling slowly. Business is entirely suspended on -the levee at Louisville as the water is in all the stores. - : , The Cincinnati Gate tie of Monday says: The banks of the river, for a distance of two or three miles, presented throughout the entire day, yesterday, one of the most ani mated scenes which has been witnessed in many a year. Thousands upon thousands of men, women and children were constant ly upon the banks, or covered the floats and coal and wood boats along the levee. The streets leading to the river presented a con tinned throng of people, on their way to take a look at the Ohio " on a swell.", , The appearance was more like that of a gala day than a Sabbath, and notwithstanding the wind was strong and piercing, the crowd was not lessened in numbers from morning till night. . The Wabash, at our last accounts, was rising with unexampled rapidity. ; The people along its banks are fearing a destruc tive freshet. .'" ' . The f.tmous High Flyer resumes her place in the Sr. Louis trade on the 1st of March, on Tuesday, her regular day. Ihv Nashville papers give the particulars of the loss of the Quaker City by fire at that port. She was burned to the hull, together with 1 4 bales of cotton. It is supposed that the bout took fire from the deck stove pipe, which extends through the washroom, next the ladies' cabin. ' ' S- The Silver StAr is the Paducah packet to day at 1 2 o'clock. ' The J. H. Done is due to-day from St. Louis. efW Mj it M HT -fJVX MOST XXTK V SIV E MAUflLE DEALER OX THK OHIO RIVER. ISO. A. LAWRENCE. Wholesalo aud iUtail Dealer iu American aud Itl ian Marble, Head Wenes, Cottage and large Mouu ments, Vases, MantJ, Furniture Macble, Ac; now on band, over Vt ,U of Statuary, white and fine Variegated .Mrtt ; hecan furnish dealer, a great, r variety of Cue Marble than can be found in any. of the Western or Southern States. His stock con sists of Slabs of all sizes, from 1 1 lt inches thick, aud Monuments of ail sizes, at prices that cannot fall tj please. ". Those wishing to purchase beautiful and lasting mementoes, will find in hi. large wareroom an as sortment not to ho surpassed for beauty, originality of desigu, carving, and execution, in any of theeui c rn cities. He constantly eniplcy. a large numbi'i of first-class workmen ami carvers, that enable), him to givo better satisfaction than can be had lit any otiier establishment. Hi. .gents, in soliciting orders, are authorized to sell at the same price that the purchaser would have to pay if he selected the marble in person, fits customers can always reiy upon fasviug their orders filled to the letter, as tati1aion it hit aim, and promptnett hit motto. MARBLE HALL BUILDING, . der'22 KvanBville. Indiana. ml.UJJitlTMjlTOiete A OTIC K. mJL Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has breu appointed Administrator with the will annexed, of theestatj of JOHN" B. POKLUL'ER, lato of Vaudirl'iugh county, deceased. Said estate is supposed t be solvent. KREDERICn CNXOLD, r fel8-3tw ' Administrator with will annexed. tryxJ3CPTOMPS jyro tjch-jvo tick Aid Isl lterebr civen that the undersigned Exec utor of MARY SEALE, deceased, will sell at piib lio auction, on SATCRDAT, the 2Gtii day of Fcb runry, 1859, at the residence of said deceased, ia L'nion Towuship, Vanderburgh county, Indluuu, all the personal property of the said deceased, con sisting of the following articles: fir bead of cart Id, twelve head of hogs, one buggy, one lot of hay, a ud household and kiuaea furniture, beside, other ar ticles Sale to commence at IS o'clock A. M. Tebms All .urns of three dollar, and und. i , cash in hand ; and on all sums over three dollar', a credit of Bine month, will bo given, the purehaifi'r giving not bearing Interest with approved skc.i rity, and wsivlng all benefit of valuation or ap praisement law.. , S. 11. K BALi., feba-3ww Executor. mmo. i covtoj' mu r iy-vsw 1 o o ev Bales Just received, which was bought foi cash, for sale cheap, at septa SAM EMB RICH'S, 4 Main street. THE ETE TUM E'Mi!'.OP ALL TUB OH GANS which beneficent natura has endowed man with, tha Ers i. the most important, most complex, and most delicate in organization. From tu exposed situation. It is constantly Viable to dis ease which assumes varied forms, and which, wl.p-n neglected or maltreated, too frequently terminnta Inblindness. It becomes, therefore, necessary- tba the practitioner shall be thoroughly eonversnnt not only with the structure of tho eye ball and it appendages, but that ho shall have a moat accural and perfect knowledge of all disease, to which that organ is liable. In presenting this card for public consideration, I would observe that after an experience of over ten year, in the principal opthalmic hospital, of Eu rope, together with the advantage of a large private practice, I am prepared to treat all diseases of the Eye with that certainty of success which can only be accomplished by years of experience. Consultation hours from 8 A. M. to 12 P. M., and 4 to 6 P.M. JOHN MAGENNLS, M. D. Office, corner Locust and Second streets, Evans ville, Indiana. jy28-lj-w The Markets. Evansville Wholesale Market. BUTTER, .;....15(B25 BEANS, whij...v.....l 00, BEESWAX, lb ..; SK CORN JIEAL, bus. gW' Bacon .ides; Ibi (ii S Shoulders, :..... 7 Hauls, sug. curwl.lz Hams, plain, B il " canvassed..'.--S13 C'HKESK, ro lu cur r t. POTATOES 7580 Bio-eom'n. tt. 12rä 12Vi PLASTERS " prime, lb (3 i Cement, b.S2122225 Java, It' lo'-. t'alc. Plaster 8- Laeruvra L'd Plaster, 4001b. $3 50 Utica Liine.;..i;-'-(!? - CANDLES- i Star lSrl21 White Saud, bbl y Opal Ä SALT- Summer pressed .-.I2i Lake, bbl .; 2 75 EGGS, dozeu 15: Kanawha-(bush.)a0(3: FLOUR, bbl. ..5 25G 00 SLOAlt, N. ..... 7(88 FISH Mackerel No. 2, bbl..S13 00(213 50 " Crus'd.lH(ai2S " . Pnlv.llköil214 " - Loaf...llJ12J SEEDS - " Clover. ........G M Timothy, K S2 50f2 75 No. 2, bbl ......S7 0O Mo. 3, bbl. 1000 S..-.1M bbl....;.i...S6 60 Kits'Ex (3 00 White r istu So l)U(lö ou " K bbL, FRUITS ttiueiirass, ou I uu Flax bush 90al 00 SOAP German Dried Applesl 75(B2 0 ' Peaches, 2 603 00 FEATHERS, lb. 3840 Extra Palm. Family TOBACCO Kentucky, Ib.. Virgiuia," lb.... ... , 4s ..20(323 Corn, bush...v.r..t!570 ...30-10 W, biwü 1 W(i,l lu Bye, bush . a LARD OIL,gal..SK0 00 TALLOW Oats, bu. (331bs.)C0aS0 Rendered.. 3 9 HAI, IOU....1U lX)jil4 DO HIDES, (dry) 1213 Rough.. WOOL .-5 ureeu . pressed. cwt... MOLASSES N. Orleans, gal - Silicur Ho.... , Tub washed .... -r- Pulled .!. (i Fleece . Ex. Fleece..,....., SJ Unwashed WHISKY ..2tla2o Lard............ VtiH .---60 ...374 to UoUtau ttvrup PROVISIONS . . Baton (hug r'Lj 8 : KKTAIii MAliKEx- . .sxtaascTJED axHti ar z. h. cook so. BUTTER, lb... 1625 LARD, Tb. BEANS, oaart.. MO LASSES : CORN MEAL, bush.. I ooi . New Orleans, gal......50 CHEESB, m .151 Sugar House, gill COFFEE .. .. . I -Golden 6yrup., 80 it 3, coinmon..... n ; fKU v xalUN S Ground. .... ... Bacon sides, lb .10 Java, lb- IS Laguyra, ground,.tb EGOS, doien.. 20 FLOUR, lbl........30 00 Sack, 98 Sm. $3 0t Shoulders... ...... ....,..9 Hains, aug cured, 12 " pl;üu,tt... 10 canvassed, lb12 Dried Beef, per tb. 15 Flrsil POTATOES, bush... St 00 Wuitü .'....." SALT, auck. Ib lÜÄlö Mackwel, No. 1.12a e.SUGAK " No. 2, Ib.... j New Orteane,n 810 Cvd. t ... ....8 Clarified ...14 FRUITS I Ioaf. ......w.15 Green Appb 1 25. Crushed. ........,.15 Dried . " bu....2 50.W00D.cord ...:.$250 JLr ship heretofore existing under the' firm of Tenney A Sorenson has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. S. SORENSfc'N settle, the busi ness, and is authorized to use the name of the firm in liquidation. : K; 8. TENNEY, Evansville, Feb. 1, 1853. S. SORENSON. COPJl M TJVXMt BHIM T B n' 7 .V dersigned have this dsy formed a partnership, under the nam of SORENSON, LEilCKE A CO., and will continue tho wholesale grocery business of Tenney A 8orenson, at tha old stand, corner Vine and Water streets, where they iuvite the custom er, of tho old firm and the public generally to give them a call. 8. SORENSON. - - A.: LEMCKE. i febl '" V. SORENSON. - MTil Ml P H T ftMBP WB COTTOX Ls' YARN 150 bag. for sale by , v S. E. GILBERT A CO., - .jfebä iii ; Agents "Cypress Factory AfJ8MI MOJVMSl'r .' 8 MAIN STREET. mL CHEAP GROCERIES S2 Maw 8t. More lndaeement. to Prompt Cm . , comer. ' ' In consequence of the large increase of trade which wa have been recently receiving, . wo are now ena bled to eil good, cheaper tha ever. We have a bet tor Stock of groceries than we have ever had, and art constantly receiving. We work ourselves, and thereby save to onr customer, the expense of book keeping and high-priced clerk.. - Call and see Tekms As heretofore,' cash at the end of every month. y VIC K ERY BROTHER, 82 Main st. E. a SMITH, CHA.R MANUFACTURER, imfl Market street, Jvananlle, Ind., w keep on hand and make to order every variety of Cane aud Wood Seat (J HA IKS. Tne Trade supplied at lowest rate.. Hotels, Steamboats and Hails fur nished promptly to order. All work warranted, janl-ly ; mWVBlCr-MB, J. V. CROSS 'WIJLJL wfJL give Lessons on the Violin, Violincello und Guitar. Room, at No. 72 Main street, up stairs. JTV, O IT ffJXIJIB.-50O 'PJJMiS MT assorted Plow Handles for sale by feb2 SAMUEL ORR WW 100 good, prompt mouthly paying cnstom ers large fciuiilbis preferred to buy groceries at rednred ratoe. Tho place, 82 Main street, at' ' feb3 VICKERY BROTHERS. gHHHM-:j-n l o o "Fmjvms i'OLWtJ mL Chickens, dressed, for sale at Z. H. COOK 4 SON'S, jan20 i . No. 22 Main street and 2 First st. JfJB Mi T Mi H S' J'0'-MlXPM,OHIVMi, -ML Self-Generating Gas- Lumps have now- been thoroughly tested, and certainly give the most clear, bright, and pleasant light of any Lamps in use. For sale by STODDARD t THOMPSON, febl , Druggists, 17 Maiu street. -grjmFottMATiojv u-jjtm;m. tm:j -BL DOLLARS will be paid for such information as will be legal proof of tin-death or JAMES JOHN WARD, a Cauadinn, who was last board from some eight years ago, "sick at farm-house near Evans ville ;" or auy other iuformation of him will be gratefully received by his widow, a smull .nm of tuouoy being depeudent upon such information. He was ef very intemperate habits at that time bo tweon thirty and thirty -ouo years of age ; abont 6 feet ton inches high ; hair a dark brown, with a tiuge of rod in the whiskers; largo sleepy blue eyes, large nose, straight or very little curved; small mouth, with a scar up towards the cheek, on the right side. Address BAKER A FOSTER, jan22-lmdiltw Evansville, lud. "jrlJVT. aÖ MllilE8jrsSÖRTK JL latost stylo. DELAINES, ' 3 Cases assorted Manchester, Hamilton ami Pat ' fic, rich handsome patterns. . 250 Bales Brown Sheetings and Shirtings. FLANNELS, , 20 Bales Red, White and Yellow. LININGS, 5 Case, assorted large and small Plaid. CANTON FLANNELS, 6 Case. Brown and Bleached. 1 " fancy, for linings. . CHECKS AND STRIPES. 8 Case, and Bales assorted. BOOTS AND SHOES, 300 Oases assorted. . ; . HATS AND CAPS, 60 Cases. Just received and for sale at reduced prices, by septlBl KEENE A PRESTON. JT MOHT ! M.IU1MT !TtlM! VJVMMER jLd signed beg loave to effer to the citizens of Ev ausville a superior Burning Fluid at the very lowe price. We manufacture our Fluid fresh every da. by an eutire new process, and warrant it not K smoke or explode. Persons usinz Fluid for light are respectfully invited to call and give it atrial. We feel cou&ilent our Fluid is superior to any ever offered for sale iu this city. dec2 STODDARD THOMPSON, Druggists.' JJf V JVMM MM US JMsJlUJMli, PiJL- AOT BERTS, Brazil Nut., English Walnuts, Figs, Dates, Raisins, Currants, Rock Candy, Oysters, Lolwters, Sardines, Alum, Epsom Salts, Sulphur, Roll Brimstone, Copperas, Madder, Ext. Logwood, Indigo, Cream Tartar, Soda, Bed cords, Blacking, Batting, Cloves, Cement, Cigsr. of all kinds, Nut megs, Gingor of all kinds, Glas. Jars, Tumblers, Lanterns and Flasks, Lemon Syrup, Mustard, Matches, Pepper Sauce, Spanish Moss, Stone Pipes, Powder, Safety Fuse, Tobacco f all kinds, Fancy Soaps, Starch, Vinegar, Cordnge, Letter, Note, Cap and Writing Paper, Teas, Hour, Camphor, Envel ope., Saltpetre, BritUh Lustre, etc., etc. A supply of the above kept eunstantly on hand, and for sale low, by 8. E. GILBERT A CO., - Uc22 Sveamore street, near Water. Wb, J nJJ' . AJVMMMSMSOJV, MUtt JLP CHANT TAILOR, Mitchell'. Block, Main street, Evansville, Ind. Headquarters for elegant Cloth! ug made to order. Gents' Furnishing Goods, such as Shirts, Collars, Cravats, Handkerchiefs, rc. Also, a variety of Piece Goods, made up to or der in the very best style and manner, at quick terms, .mall profits and extensive sales. dt22 'ujy'jtBxifs 3 30 boxes Papered Soda, 1 t, 50 bales No. 1 Batting, 50 boxes Sur Candles. 25 do Llpct Axes, 20 do Cream Tarter, 60 do Ground Spice, 20 do assorted Tacks, ' 6 do Carpet do, 60 bbl. Vinegar, 40 do Cement. Tor sale bv dec3l OBR, DALiELL A C"." "jrp O TJ T OU Sl POTATOES! 3ÖÖ M. bushel, prime Potatoes, in fine order, for sale at SI per bushel, by Z. H. COOK SON. .fl. JtJVJO SPMMUS 1200 kegs assorted Nos. Nails. 100 do do Cut Spikes, 60 do do Wrt. do, 60 do Fin. Blue Lathing Nails, 25 do 81 Barrel Nails. For sale by dee31 ORR, DALZELL A CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS" Old - Elisiiejil Wharf Boat - -EVANSVILLE, IND. - V.G.O'BlIntrsr&Ca f&TOBJGU, FORWMCIHJ"f, JV'i- J . IMMISSION MERCHANTS. General Railn.1, Steamboat, and Express Agents Special Agents for the PENN. CENTRAL' RAILftOAt), and connections over which, we are authorized give through receipt, at the lowest possible rate. Having a- mammoth Wharf boat at the landing the largest on, the Ohio River, capable of storiaf and protecting all merchandize- liable to damsg from exposure, wo are prepared to facilitate tho d patch of all consignments, forwarded to our ca' by either , '.. ' " ' RIVER, RAILROAD OR CANAL. Particular attention paid to Beceiving, Sterin, and Forwarding, also, to the Sale of any Produce, -. or other property, consigned to as for sale, and satis faction guaranteed. -,H -- ' " Office and extensive Warehouse on Water street, adjoining the Telegraph, and on the Wharf boat, whero we are to be found, attending to the interest, of our patrons at all hours, day and night. With our superior facilities; longstanding; un tiring energy; and knowledge of our business, we feel confident of giving general satisfaction, and hope to merit a continuance of the extensive patron -ape we are nojv enjoying. - . Liberal cash advances will be made on all consign -mi nts to either ourselves or correspondent, ia any of tho principal markets, North, East or South. P. C. O'RILEY & CO. Jf U. SUOMtT if Co., COMMITS MO J' JtX . MERCHANTS, ., ., 4 ' 94 Camp Street, . .. -. - . ; NEW OBLEAXB, ZA: r. B. siioKT. oct22-Cmd a. .. Howard. kfP B U W'VV T A t KJrMJV, HMiVMlMV- -Mb ING, FORWARDING AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Agcuts for Kanawha Salt Company, Evansville, In diana. We have formed a co-partuersUip under the style of Buown A Airman, and offer our service, it the capacity as set forth in our card above. We are fully prepared to extend every facility t' shippers, either by CANAL, RIVER, or RAIL ROAD, and assure them that tbeir interests shaH be faithfully represented, should they be pleased to favor us with their patreuage. ' Office and Warehouse on the corner of Main t. and the Canal. WM. BROWN,' AIRMAN, Lnt. of Howard & Brown. Late of FOSTER, A Co. - " ' - 1 - - ' jan22-tf W t?f.VK, M)Ji U'HUM.y'U AND Commission Merchant, No. 2 SofTH Water Striet, Evakrvilx oct21-ly - ' OTOMJUU MJVrUMß-Xi are prepared AJ to store in our . Fire Proof Warehouse, in jr quantity of Grain, Produce, or Merchandize, pn the most liberal terms. Haling large and airy rooms up stair ticulat cars will be taken of Housahol d Fura Agri- . cultural Implement, aud all kinds o da or ware, liable to damage from damp or rust. Insurance effected at tha lowest ore proof rates, by the month, or louger when desired. ' Warehouse located on corner of Locust street and W. and E., and most convenient for shipping by River or Railroad. , Apply to p2S - -GEO. FOSTER A CO. JfOHJy B. MITCUB LMi It Co., HH ACEIVING, FORWARDING AND C0MM1S SION MERCHANTS, Water street, between Main and Locnst, EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. ' Particular attention given to the forwarding or general Merchandise and Produce, by River, Canal, or Railroad. r augl4-0m' UJWMM, H TO MUM G Ml I have a Large dou- JLy ble Warehouse at the Canal Basin, capable of storing any amount -of produce, which will bo re ceived, stored, taken care of and held .abject to the owners order, on moat reasonable terms. . . .. . . , . P. G. O'RILEY. mh20-tf .. . ' . ..r. .. . ,, RAILROADS AND EXPRESS. ' ' jTIUJlJVtoB OP TM.HMl Ml VJJVS- tVJLLE AND CRAW-fTTTj-M fordsvile Railroad, , ti&At$ On and after Monday, Nov. 2uth, loos, the train. on this road will run as follows: The tip mail will leave Evansville at 10.30 A. M.; Vincennc. I. 38 P. M., and arrive at Torre Haute at4 .55 P. M. The down mail will leave Terre Hants at 7.30 A. M. ; Vincenne. 10.40 A. M., and arrive at Ev ansville nt 1.30 P.M. - AOCOMMODATTOH TRAINS DAILY Will leave Evansville at 6.00 A. M. and arrive at Vincennes at 10.37 A. M. Will leave Vincenne. at 11.27 A. M. and arrive at Evansville at 4.10 P. M. Will loave Terre Haute at 6.40'A. M , and arrive at Vincenne. at 10.30 P. M. Will leave VincenDes at ', "0 A. M.; and arrtre at Torre Hjinte st 4.20 P. JOHN INGLE, Pres't and Sup't. nov29 Enquirer copy. Iu Mt CUJtJYTS' JMK SPA T Ml." FAST FREIGHT LINE. . ., 'AMERICAK EXrREsa COMPANY PROraiaTOU. ' TO THE WEST AND SOUTH-WEST. VIA ALBANY AND BUFFALO. The Merchants Despatch continues bringing Goods from New York and Boston, at as low rates aa any Despatch or Rail Road Exnress, and in as good or better time, having unequulrd facilities for safe and speedy transportation. No Despatch or Fast Freight" Line has any ecu -nectioB with us. Arrangements were made by us early last Spring, by which we are enabled to forward not only the lighter portion of shippers' freight, but we can car ry both light and heavy with the same promptness whicli has always characterised the Merchants' -Despatch " Bringing our freight, in our own cars, with passonger trains, and having our own agenteat points of transhipment, we have advantage, iu point of speed and safety, which render it Impos sible for other companies to compete with us.' This Despatch is owned and managed by the American Express Compnny, which is a sufficient uaranree that all just claims will bo settled withoir clay, as has tiern the case forthe past three year and to the satisfaction of those bv whom they ma) be presented. JOHN G. WASSON, wptl-Cm Agent, Terre Haute. ' CM DAM'S UXPMIUSS COMPJJW. Jt NEW ARRANGEMENT. The Adam's Express Company respectfully an nounce to their friends and patrons, the public of Evansville and vicinity, that, with increased facili ties for the transportation of F HEIGHT, PA CK A O BS. . MONEY AND VALUABLS8. They solicit a continuance of former favors. Es pecial care taken in the collect Km of Bills, Drafts, Notes, and the transportation of small and valuable packages. ' All person, wishing to avail themselves of the fa cilities of tho Express, can obtain any desired infor mation in reference to the routes aud details of the business, at their Office on First street, between Main and Lociwt, opposite the Post Office. de 18 Q. H. FISH, Agent. tZXstu MtU V CM. A Mt Mi VAJTS- .-flJiSaf-VILLE A WABASH PACKET. WeäSä&SS&The steamer JOHN TOMPKINS, Suttou, master, will run iu the Evausville and Walavth trade during the season. For freight or p&ingv, apply ou board. jan7-2md -T STBAMUMt MCA TU SA Aim l:jr-S,-yJ(JUK'. Tua steamer Kate Sar KT will run regularly during tho Win ik. , la kö Wabash trade proceeding on each trip as far-up the river as tho water and business will justify her in going.. The strictest attentioa will be paid to the wishes aud interests of shippers. Her days of departure from Evansville will be regu larly announced in tr.e paper. ' - - decl&-3m " MtU O Vt.AU IbOVMb vllle, Evansville and Uendorson Packet SCIOTO No. 2, Ballard, Mut,,r. iw Evausville for Louisville aud al! in termediate points, every Wednesday at 7 P. M., and every Saturday at 1 1 A. M. dec2 jfl VAjyrat VIM. I, Mi, PAMMVCAU, AJS'Mt JCd CAIRO REGULAR PASSENGER PACKET, l'UAKL,f BU DEXTER, Vunr. lun.Kcann'll.Ti,. Vi-Ti 'jrTT-i-ir and Friday, at 12 o'clock. M., arriving at Paducah at 6 o'clock, A. Caire at 12 o'clock, M., Wednesday and Saturday. Re turning, leaves Cairo every Wednesday and Satur day, at 7 o'clock, P. M., and Paducah every Thurs day and Sunday, at 0 o'clock, A. M., connecting at Evansville with tha Evansville and Crawfordsrilla R. R., and Packet, for Green Bivr. Also, con necting at Smithland with Cumberland River Pack ets ; at Cairo, with Memphis, New Orleans and St. Lnui. Packet. Ticket, can be obtained on board the boat for .11 Eastern Cties. sept23 Sail and Awning Maker and Rigger. jr wo via buspuctpvzlvmjvi' M. form the public that I have opened a Sail and Rigging loft, in the 3rd story of J. G. Vonneraaa'a Rope store, and will punctually attend tu all or ders in my line. I keep Tarpaulin, constantly on hand for .ale, and will manufacture Sails, Awnings, Wagou Cov ers, Ac, at the shortest notice. Order, respectfully solicited to be left at 3. G. Venneman'. Rope .tore, orat my room, third story Rones neatly spliced. ! noviT-imd CHARLES EYEBTT iftror.xssus, svokm j.v WfJL FEE 60 hhd. choice N. 0. Sugar, COP' J 100 bag. (Josee, 75 bbls choice new Molasses. Oa hand and for aal at 1859 prices. Jaai ; ,. . j BABCOCK BBOTHEBJ.