Newspaper Page Text
5 k 1 '-- ' mm"' i liiiiimi iisam mirnH- Site gnilu 0utuai; FRIDAY MORNING.. MARCH 11 .E-rsmsvtlle 4t CranfordiTllU Rall ' I ' ' ' road.. .'. DEPARTURES. : Accommodation Train....... 6.00 A. M. Mail Trin..... 10.30 Mail Train.........:..: 1.30 P. M. AccotnmcKlation..... 4.20 " Local and Miscellaneous. B" Gen. Ca9s had anotherof his danger ous attacks at Miss Bright' s wedding, a few nights ago. B- The suit of the University of Vin cennes vt. Samuel Judah was tried in Sul livan county this week, but at last accounts the jury had not given a verdict. i .. ; " , . . JgpThe Terre Haut Union says : Mr. vvatson win continue ni3 oaniting Dusiness, ' and bis checks are redeemed in fold and silver. jJÖT'The Secretary f War has appointed a commission of engineers from the U. S. Topographical Corps to examin the bridge over the Mississippi, at Davenport, and re port whetker it be an obstruction to navi gation. " New Orleans Cattle Market. By pri vate dispatch from New Orleans, under date of Monday, the 7th, we learn that the cattle market was dull, with 1,200 head of west ern beeves on the market. Sales of choice were made at 8 cents nett. v certain Doctor Hall is giving ex hibitions in New Orleans, in which he in duces persons to believe all sorts of possible and impossible things : Among orhers, he recently caused a Mr. R. E. Smith to believe he bad made the trip to California, and succeeded in amassing $150,000 ; he allowed the influence to re main upon the gentleman until the follow ing morning, when he presented a check for that amount at the bank. The Teller at first handed him a box which was supposed to contain the money, but afterwards took it back, assuring him that Dr. Hall had overdrawn his account. The still humbug ged individual hurried at once to Concert Hall and pitched into the Doctor with a sword cane. It was with some difficulty that the magician escaped, but Smith hav ing been somewhat quieted, after a terrible recital of his sufferings in California, al lowed the Doctor to come near enough to remove the impression. His mind was still in confusion afterwards; the whole affair appearing like a dream, and explanations were necessary to make known to him the real circumstance. Of course he was de lighted to know that he hadn't gone through the hardships, and didn't have the money. The report doesn't state this, but we presume it was the case. MISCELLANEOUS. THE OLD AND RELIABLE PAPER, EVANSVILLE DAILY JOURNAL -riojv-TAUvus-a, xyjemyiiay full at d accurate reports of the state of thi Markets, and the very latest current new ot th day." ' ALL THE NEWS. ' FarnUhed to the Associated Press ia promptly laiJ before the Readers of the Journal ONE AtfD A HALF DAYS IN ADVANCE of the Cincinnati papers. ' ' . :' : An exciting Session of C ton press is now be ing held, and all anxious to hear elaborate re. ports of the proceedings, should avail themselves this opportunity, and subscribe for The Joukxai.. The terms for the DAILY JOURNAL are 85 0 per year, and 82 50 for six months, iw advamce ; o 10 cents per week, if paid to the Curriers. A careful summary of the doings of the Log islature will be made up for every paper. 1 short, a condensed view of all that is going on in tho Universe, will be furnished our readers every day. deed jmeh irie, manufacturer OF PLOWS AND AGBI- ccltuual Impikmests, south east corner of Division and Eighth streets. Evansville, la. PIowb of all kinds and Cultivators and Farm ing Implements constantly on hand. All orders promptly filled. Will sell at wholesale and retail. Ieti-wm;uim NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. jr.t-i-Vt'J' SOAPS 'iOO BOJLES, M " sorted, in store and for sale by fcbl9 S. A8 E. GILBERT CO. rmLMOJVIlS, BRA XML jvura MM mrM- ENGLISH WALNUTS 30 bushels just re Köy In the discussion relating to the fur nishing of the capitol, Senator Mason, of Va. said he preferred pine-board shelves and 4-1.1 A- iL. l...l.l .1 . 1. lauics (u iud Duauuj Dpcuuut ami uiuvik ' gentility so pievalent throughout the build ing. -j. i. -' i i t tfSf Wa miVilialkM-l nnfarmirih Tio tithur - A A CT A day, stating that among others, a special de posit In specie was made in the Ohio Life and Trust Company, by a man named Bland, more than 16 years ago, which had never been called for. Lust week, an heir of Bland's appeared and sued out an attach ment for the $222, and got the specie, It appears that Bland, who kept a public house of some kind about that time, after having deposited this money, was suddenly killed, and these funds reverted to this lady, who is Baid to be his only surviving heir. 8The Chicago Tribune relates the fol lowing strange story of presentiment of death : A young Scotchman living in Pleasant Valley, four or five miles from tho city, has been for a long time engaged to a young lady in Scotland, at his old home. On the 6th of January be came down at the usual homr to breakfast, looking so serious as to attract the atten tion of the fain uy with w bom he boarded, and in answer to their inquiries he said that his betrothed Jarie, in Scot land, had died that morning. Ridicule nor reason could remove the impression. He called her attention to .the date, and said the news would come to verify what he said. A few days since, a letter was receiv ed, stating that the young lady died on the 6th of January, at 10 o clock, A. M. one was dead at the early hour when he made the announcement, allowing for difference n time. ' To get to Pike's Peak, go to work and save your money till you get three or lour hundred dollars ; then buy a piece of laud and stay at home and mind your own business. ceived, new crop, for sale by febi'J - GILBERT t CO. O I. 11 i'.V S I V UP MOLASSES 35 bbla just received and for sale by feb!9 8. E. GILBERT St CO. A JVM TJUOr CAJVIILE8 8. E. GILBERT CO. w TAR Aj AND BAR SOAP 225 boxes, beet brandfc, for sale by n E II C O R 11 8 MANILLA A.Vtl MM Hemp, in reels and downs, for sale by fcblO S. E. GILBERT CO. Innn ills, a no i. Vit on, care m9 9 " " just received and for sale low by J. C. DLSOUCHET. fehl 7 lEEB A.'II Jt 4HMVU1aTUHJ1j 3 STORE. H. RAMEY, JR.; DF.ALEB IN AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS or All Kinds, Farm' and Garden Seeds, Fruit and Ornamental Trees. Evergreens. Shrubbery. Cement, Lime, 4c, corner First and Vine sts . Evansville, Ind. J3T A comulute variety always on hand, ot the liest manufactures ana most approveu styles. feblO-dim - ' . Halifax, March 10 u The royal mail steamship Arabia arrived this morning, with Liverpool dates to the 26th ultimo, one week later than previous advices. Th English government has agreed to guarantee eight per cent, interest on a cap- tal of 600,000 for the Atlantic Telegraph Company, to secure the construction of a new and superior cable, during the pres ent season. The cotton market at Liverpool was very dull for the week ending on the-25th ult. Prices had slightly receded, but at the hour of the Arabia's departure the declince had been fully recovered and there was increas ed activity in the market. Breadstnfifs were dull but steady. Provisions unchanged. L.ONDOX, ieb. 26. QConsuls closed yesterday at 95J95, but opened to-day at J higher. SECOND DESPATCH. The papers by the 'Arabia, furnish the following as the most important items of news. The steamer Kangaroo arrived at Liver pool on the 25th ult. The latest advices quote the money mar ket decidedly more stringent. Lord Cowley had gone on a Special mis sion of conciliation to Vienna. Tho Ministers announced in Parliament on Friday, that there was reason to hope that the Austrian and French troops would evacuate Rome, the facts leading to strong hopes for the maintenance of peace, not withstanding the cotmuance of war rumors, caused an advance on the Paris Bourse. But this was subsequently lost. The Atlantic Telegraph Company had neia a general meeting, at wnicn it was announced that the British government had offered a guarantee of eight per cent, on 600,000, upon certain conditions, which did not transpire. The Government has o (lured a subsidy of 3,000 per voyage to the uahvay steamship line. Lord Lyons, the Minister to the United States, sailed for hew York, on the 22d ult. gi JlPJH HOOTS. 10,000 CATAWBA Grau Roots, one vear old 20OO lbs Extra Glue. For sale low at PHILIPP DECKER'S, feb8-.! No. 40 Main street. jr a a vis h u a j v M-T type Artists will find Candidates. C. V. Olmutt will rt m 1ly Hmft- noer and Surveyor, if elortral. marll titrttyor. W r mithört I m noniico JAMES D. SAl'NDKRH an a candidate l..r City Surveyor and Engineer, at the coming April election. niarlo Hewi Summary. J An expressman, in California, was chased by eight wolves, on the 20th of T V I , , 1 -. , . January, ne uroppeu ms leuer 'Jag, ran to a pine stump, and set it on fire. The .wolves tore up the mail bag, ate the ex pressman's dinner, then, being frightened by the blaze of the pine wood, ran away. . This is taking the stump to some purpose. JS3f The Indianapolis Citizen thus com- Tplaüii f '"It is strange that police matters ffie .o dull. . Six hundred grog-shops in a tovr-n. of this size ought to render business in tliis line quite flourishing. May be the hardnets of the times operates as a sort of draw-back to their influence. B6?" The Washington fMoasays: "Uti les the Democratic party shall gain nearly all of the districts now represented by Southern Americans, they will lose the next House of Representatives. tQkAs Cardinal Wisemen was returning frm a lecture in Liverpool recently, a mob of some two thousand bovs and vouutr men collected and threw stones "at his car riage. It would seem that the days of ,"No Popery are about to be revived in England. . - ' B.Nine young gentlemen, and an equal number of young Misses, have been expelled . the Groton Academy at Lawrence, Mass "for having attended a dancing school, con trary to the rule of the institution. S" The wife of Conrad Stegman, who .resides in-Cincinnati, presented her liege . lord with two" boys and a girl, night before - last. They are doing well, both mother and children, but we hope the father may never . again meet with such a misfortune. ' ßöjr"A ' man in Orange, Massachusetts, was married on the 9th ultimo, became a father on the 10th, aud advertised his wife . n the 14th, cautioning all persons against toasting her on his account. 6QyA dispute about a hog has been late ly in the Indianapolis Court of Common t- Pleas. -.The value of the article in dispute "; was . probably four or five dollars. The - costs in the case can not have been less than geventy-five dollars. , I The latest news from the Pike's j Peak gold mines is encouraging to the miners. There is certainly some gold that v may b, .'worried out of the ground, and fig. Among the names of the ladies who graduated at the New England Female Med ical College, Boston, on the 2d inst., we find that of Almira Fifield, M. D., Valparaiso, Indiana. , . . . 8g The people of high artistic tastes in i Boston cannot endure Powers' .statute of Webster. It has been proposed to melt it wdown and convert it into eents. v jggj A little boy, four years old, about two ieet high, was the means of obtaining the liberation of his drunken parents from jail, last week, at Baltimore, whither they had been sent for six months. A petition was written for him, and he went round ' and obtained a large number of signatures, and then presented it to the proper author- ities,' who promptly acceded to the request "s " fiSf'Guess nobody pays taxes in Chicago. The Democrat, of Monday, comes to us with a supplement 1 containing fortu-aevtn col umns of closely printed matter, representing .delinquents of that city for the past year. Not less than 13,600 lots aretnus aavertisca for non-payment of taxes ! of the poor child. 8Q The " liquid-fire rifle shell," invent ed by Captain Norton, was experimented on, at Chatham, England, on the 11th ult. The object of the shell is to set on fire any por tion of a vessel on which it may explode. Tho shell if three times the size of an oidi .nary bullet, and is filled with a chemical substance known only to the inventor. 8 At Dubuque, Iowa, a boy named Flynn was dangerously if not fatally pois .oned, a few days ago, by eating the seeds of Stramonium, or what is more frequently known as Thorn Apple or Jauiestowu Weed. The amoant already contributed to the Mount Vernon Fund by Mr. Everett is, .- according ta the Boston Daily Advertiser, $60,$$9 81. About $1,000 more, accruing from the delivery of his " Washington " is . at present outstanding, but will iu a few . days be ' received and paid over by Mr. 4 Evsrett. The same paper publishes a letter from the Salem (Mass.) Cadets, which in closed 4 check of $150 as the donation of . that company. tltp t ltrk. M-V r muthvrttd to nouuee the naiueof DANIEL WOOLSEV as a can didate for City Clerk ut the approaching election. ffr. Jidllor JMting- rtqueited by m food many voters, I w ill serve It elocteu, at tue ensuing April election, as City Collector, independent of any party. PHILIP KRAMER. OH JMBRO. coed assortment of Cameras, Cases and Chemicals at ÄTODDA1JD & THO.Ml'au.VH, ol)K No. IS Main street. CITY FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, IIAUTFOltD, CONN. Casli Capital 2Ö0,""0 00 Surplus..... f)8,2;ll 48 Tins Company continues to issue poin-ies on jure rinks at reasonable rates. DIRECTORS: J W Bull, H Freeman, Newton Case, Thos Steele, D Phillips, Geo J Lindt-r, 11 Perkins, GM Bartholomew V. B. BOWERS, President. C. C. WAITE, Secretary. W. B. Loi'Nsni'tiY, General Aftent. Amplications made to ALLEN C. HALLOCK A iff nt. Office Marble Hall Building, Ma'n street Evansville. ' leöl-ly C B Bower, 1) Ukxlgott, ! W WebsU-r, l'liney Jewell, lV arm authorised to m-nmovmc Ptttsr SHARPE as a cannidato for Mayor of the City of Evansville, at the ensting April election. Mr. Editor You teil I pltmf unmoumc my name as a candidate fur the office of City Clerk at the next city election. Jau31 . PATRICK BUItKE. WEEH I FEE it ! EE Ell . J 100 tons prime Hay, 1000 bush. 200 do 500 do 500 do Ear Corn, Shelled Corn, old Oats, Bran. In store and fur salo low at J. C. DUSOrCHET'8, jan29 Corner Water and Locust streets. U- ort Mlhorid to anuouHC J?. SCHMUCK as a candidate for City Collector at the ensuing April election. jau24 Jt th rtqutMt of law numbtr of the citizens of Evansvillo, WM. BAKER will be a candidate for Mayor at the ensuing election. jnntti-tt - M O TICK .Ml LIPP HE CHE R w V has now on band and is manufacturing daily, a larce stock of German Extra Palm No. 1 and Fam ilv Soans. Mould Candles, aud pure Lara Uli, wnicn he will sell at the lowest market quotations, for cash ohUj, unless otherwise agreed. jan2 PU1L1PP, vi jjiam si. Jtr. Editor Pteatt anmoune tuy nam as a candidate for City Cleik at the next city elec tion. janlS MORRIS MIELSCII. fur Mayor. tl art author tttd to annonnce NATHAN ROVLET, Esq., as a candi date for Mayor of the City of Evansville. Mr. Bow- ley will, in a few dnys, publish an . address to his fellow-citizens. declG Special Notices. Cod JLtvtr Oil at a JPaiatabU Jtlly. The recent improvement made by E. Quern in the preparation of a pleasant Jelly containing cighty fivfl per cent of tho best Oil, and approved by the N. Y. Academy of Medicine, adapts this valuable remedy to the moat delicate stomach. It Is retain ed, digested and assimilated like any food Pen FOl.n, Paukea A Mower, No. 4 Fletcher street, New York, are the General Agents for Quern's Cod Liver Oil Jelly. ar For sale bv all Druggists. maif-6ni THK EVANSVILLR WEEKLY JOURNAL Stade up from the Daii.v Jocbnai, contains 8 CoIhmhi of luell-teln-ted and carefully prepared Read ing Matter, affording the best medium for keeping onr friends in tho couutry fully "posted up," to be found in the Wrst. -. . ; THE LATEST TELEGRAPHIC DISPATCHES, Together with a summary of the Markets, are in serted in every Weekly paper, and by perusing the Joi'bsal, onr friends in the Country will not be liable to be "picked up" by speculators, and sei their produce for less than it is actually worth, as has often been done heretofore. ' Ö" Remember that the Wn:kLV Joi KSAiis luade i lip of READING MATTER, and not altogether of advertisemcnta.&a : " ' ; The Weekly Journal will be mailed, so as to reach the subscribers of the ndjoining counties iu good seasou. Tkbms. Single copy, SI 50; HI copies, tlo. Our friends should make haste to renew their subscrip tions, as our terms are strictly in ajt-aiice dec7 r: coal ! Bodiam Mining Company, EvansviUe, Indiana. Olflce on Water street, between Main and Locust. Coal, in quantities of not less than 20 bushels, de livered to any part of the city, at 10 cents per Imsh. at the pit. 8 cents. JOHN WYMOND, "oct9 - ' Secretary and Manager. Hamtam Hold Miutm.Juy proa dt siriug to procure inmrmation as to the distance, lo cation, lest routes, posts, outfits, and general in formation iu regard tothe Gold Mines in Western Kansas, can obtain it by addressing a letter, with af-ofoN doll.,r, to GEORGE F. PENTECOST A CO., General Agents for "Kansas Western Gold Mines Association," at Lecoinpton. Kansas, declä irO0 WOHK EOH S'CiJiJIE S WW AND WAGONS. A lares lot of well sea soned Hubs and Spokes, Felloes, Shafts, Seat Arms and Seat Sticks, 4c, Ac, in store and tor sale ty feb3 SAMLEb ORK. 4I,E OF JtBY OOOUS AT COST. 9 43 MAIN STREET, BETWEEN FIRST AND SECOND. The undersigned, desirous of closing his business carried on under bis own name hereto fore, offers his entire stock of Drv Goods, consist ing in part of a good variety of Calicoes, Dress Goods. Shawls. Mantillas, Cloths, Cassimeres. Blan kets. Flannels, Muslins, Tickings, Ginghams, Boots Shoes, c.,Jtc, at cast prices and invites the trade of Evansville and environs to call and get goods low for Casu. Country stores will And it to their interest to lay in a stock of Goods at very low prices. Terms cash. jan31 WILLIAM J. DEUBLER BT TBE B. 4 W. LINK. Washington, March 10 k. The Postmaster General's remains lay in state this morning at the East room of the President's house, and crowds thronged thither. 1 he services commenced at noon The funeral address was delivered by the Rev. Mr. Crauberry, of the Southern Metho dist Church. The President, his Cabinet, distinguished centlumen connected with all branches of the government, the relatives of. the deceas ed and others were present, together with the diplomatic corps, who were in lull court dress. The procession was very long, being form ed ot public and private carriages. v lnle the cortege was moving, bells were tolled and minuU guns fired. The pavements were lined with spectators. The corpse was deposited m the Congressional Ceme tery, to bo hreafter removed to Tennessee. Madisox. Wis, Mareh 10 u The Legislative Committee, consisting of three Republicans and two Democrats, ap pointed at the request of ex-Governor Bash 1'crd, to investigate charges of corruption preferred against hima in connection with tbe disposition or the land grants to tne Lacrosse Railroad Company, make a tin animous report, fully exonerating him, and justifying his official conduct as being high ly honorable, and in the opinion of tbe com mittee directed solely to the promotion of the best interests of the State. , . - .foreign News. . .,- 1 The Paris correspondent rtf the London Herald, says that war has Tseen, so far, re solved on, that a corps to commence the campaipd has been designated, and orders ave been given to the minister ot war, to prepare the plan of operations. It is said the representatives ot foreign courts, in Paris, have abandoned all hope of pacific solution of the present difficulties. It is reported that orders to prepare for a campaign in Italy werere given by the Em peror of France, immediately after his re turn from campaign. ' Another circular has been issued by the Minister of the Interior, to the Prefects of the Interior, of the various departments, the purpose of which ia to express the confi dent hope that notwithstanding the Emper ors desire to maintain beace, should he he forced to make wnr, he may count on the patriotism and devotiou of the French people. . A war circular directs that the troops shall be trained to forced marches and night bivouacs. All the military surgeons have been or dered to join their corps. Immense quanti ties of lint had been sent to Lyons. All the regiments of the Imperial guards ave been supplied with rifle cannon on the new plan. A letter from Genoa, says trance has taken up Beven transports, to hold them selves in readiness at that point. The American residents gave a ball at Paris, on the 2 2d of February, in honor of Washington's birth-day. The Paris Bourse advanced 1 per cent. under the news of Lord Cowlev s pacific mission. The London Times' Vienna correspon dent says that Count Bual still believes in peace, but the Emperor being of a different opinion, is preparing for a vigorous defense of the Italian btates. - The Times also says the Austrian army in Italy, will be placed on- a war footing. Italy. It was reported tnat tne emperor Napoleon is about to visit the King of Sar dinia. The Piedmontese volunteers had withdrawn from the frontiers of Modead, and had been ordered to confine themselves to the interior. Their new forts are to be constructed in Vienna in six weeks. Five thousand workmen are to be employed in their construction. Tcekey. More troops have gone to the Danube. The government is arming six frigates and preparing a number of trans ports. Their destination, in case ot war, will be the posts of the Adriatic. Russia. It is said that Russia is nego tiating for a loan of 5,000,000, with the Rothchilds . Liverpool, Feb. Richardson, Spence & Co.'s circular, of Friday evening, reports breadstuffs market generally dull with no quotable change. Wheat dull but prices steady : southern is ouotcd at 10s(3,10s 9d per 100 lbs. Corn dull at 5s 10d.Cs 2d per 100 lbs. for yel low. The circulars report the provision market as generally unchanged. Beef firm and in some cases higher. Bacon steady. Lard quiet at 62s. ougar steady. Conee firm. The bullion in the Bank of England had increased 200,000 during. the month. Washington, March 10 u - The joint resolution which passed Con gress provided that the unexpended balance of appropriations, three hundred and thirty- five thousand dollars for removing obstrnc tions from the msuth of the Mississippi, be applied to said purpose, under the direction ot the President or . otherwise. Ihe Presi dent has informed a Louisiuaian that he withheld his signature on account of con stitutional objections arising out of discre tionary powers herein conferred. tSS Ol UTIOJY.THE PAR TJYER- JLß ship heretofore existing between the under signed, under the firm of Babcock Brothers, is thil day dissolved bv mntual consent. E. S. BABCOCK having purchased tho entire interest in the part nci ship business of II. O. Babcock, will continue the business on bis own account, aud is alone au thorized to adjust the affairs of the late firm, taking all assets and paying all liabilities. Tbe name ot the firm to tie used only in liquidation. E. S. BABCOCK II. O. BABCOCK. Evaksvili.f, Indiana. jan'27 JImMSSOM. VTMOjyr. THH P-J1HT.VEK' MW hip heretofore exiiting between Philip Decker and Philip Kramer, under the firm of Deck er k Kramer, has been dissolved by mutual consent The old business will bs carried on at the old stand bv PHILIP DECKER, who will continue the manufacture of Lard Oil, Soap and Candles, am' who will also settle the affairs and bnoiness of tin late flrtii. PHILIP DECKER, PHILIP KRAMKH. Savannah, March 10 m Many rumors are afloat in relation to the capture of a portion of the Africans landed by the slaver Wanderer, by the United States omcers. It is suid that they were taken from the custody of the officers, and subsequently re-arrested. It is feared that the contest will result in bloodshed. . The Markets. Evaimvllle Wholesale Market. Bacon sides 16.- 8 Shoulders, lb 7 hams, ug. cnred.-.12M Hams, plain, Tb. 10 " canvassed...- 13 COFFEE ! POTATOES...,..! 001 20'n, .1212VI PLASTERS ; prime, id iff jeraent, o. ?z J, 's BUTTER, W n..,15i25! BEANS, white 1 00 BEESWAX, lb 2Ü' CORN HEAL, bus. 85t CHEESE, lb 12(ai3: Java, Bi 1C; i,agnvTa !m CANDLES . Star 18(221 Oral...'. ä 'SALT- Summer pressed 12j Lake, bbl... 2 75 EGGS, dozen 151 Kanawha.(bnsh.)30i333 Calc. riaster...... a- L'd Plaster, 400. $3 50 Utica Lime 0 vt nite band, bbl. (3 COMMISSION MERCHANTS Old Boat FLOUR, bbl...5 7öG 50 FISH Mackerel- No. 2, bbl. ...813 00al3 50 No. 2, bbl 87 uo No. 3, bbl...ll0012 00 No. 3 bbl ; o u SUGAR, N. O : 78 " Crns'd.llK12 " Pnlv...ll(a,l2 " Loaf...ll,Sl2i SEEDS Clover 6 50 Kits Ex....... 3 OOl Timothy, b. 82 50Q2 75 White Fish 5 005 50 " M bbl....;..-. a FRUITS Dried Applosl 75g2 OT " Peaches, 2 6OV33 uo FEATHERS, lb 38(340 GRAIN Corn, bush. ...... ..65(370 Wheat, bush 1 101 20 Rye, bush Oats, bn. (331bs.)6080 HAY, ton. ...10 0014 00 HIDES, (dry) ...1314 Green o pressed, cwt -(360 MOLASSES N. Orleans, gal...3740 Sugar House 45 Golden Syrup Q PROVISIONS Bacon (hog r'd,) 8 BlueGra-'s, bn 1 00 Flax bnsh 1 25 SOAP German 6h Extra Palm 62 Family i TOBACCO - Kentucky, 8 2023 Virginia, lb 3OQ40 LARD OIL,gal..90aU 00 TALLOW Rendered......:.... (ct 9 Rough WOOL Tub washed....... Pulled (a Fleece ,. g Ex. Fleece (t$ Unwashed . WHISKY- 252G Lard K(äU ..50 RETAILMARKET. " CORRECTED DAILY BT Z. H. COOK SON. BUTTER, lb 1G25;LARD, lb 14 BEAMS, quart r:fliULAtst3 CORN MEAL, bush..l 00 New Orleans, gal.. CHEES E, tt 15 ! Sugar House, gal.. COFFEE Golden syrup. so Rio, common 14 PROVISIONS "Ground 20; Bacon sides, lb 10 Java, m 18 t Shoulders 9 Laeuyra, ground, ' Hams, sug. cured, 13 EGGS, dozen 12K' " plain, lb... 12 FLOUR, bbl $1 00: ' canvassed, lb.-14 Sack. 98 lbs S3 Ot) Dried Beef, per lb 14 FISH I POTATOES, bush...Sl 20 Whit Fish, 81SALT, sack, lb....1015 Mackerel, No. 1, 12 c.! SUGAR " No. 2, B.... I New Orleans, 810 Cod, lb 8 Clarified 14 FRUITS I Loaf 15 Green Apples 1 Crushed .15 Dried " bus....2 50iWOOD,cord 8250 Mi- have removed to Water street, three doors above Main. 9 Established Wharf EVANSVILLE, IND. F. G. O'RILE Y & Co tojijoe, eo w vf a n rsra, fvi " -MMISSION MERCHANTS.: General Railroar, Steamboat, and Express Agenta Special Anents for the PENN. CENTRAL RAILROAD. I and connections over which we are anthorited give through receipts at the lowest possible rate. uaTiog & mHimiwm nuariDoai as tne lanuingf the largest on the Ohio River, capable of storirc and protecting all merchandize liable to daraaga from exposure, we are prepared to facilitate the d a patch of all consignments, forwarded to our ca' oy either , i RIVER, RAILROAD OR CANAL. Particular attention paid to Receiving, Storir and Forwarding, alto, to the- - -, . . Sale 01 any Froduce, or other property, consigued to as forssJe, and sat: f faction guaranteed. , . Office and extensiv Warehouse on Water streej, adjoining the Telegraph, and on the Wharf boal where we are to be found, attending to th interests of onr patrons at all hours, day and night. .-.- -r - With our superior facilities; long standing; un tiring energy; and knowledge of our business, we feel confident of giving ' general satisfaction, and hope to merit a continuance of the extensive patron age we are now enjoying. Liberal cash advances will be made on all consign ments to either ourselves or correspondents in any of the principal markets, North, East or South. P. C. O'RILEY & CO. JR. U. kitOBT Co., XKTf.n-f5S.flKV MERCHANTS. -t 94 Camp Street, NEW ORLEANS, LA. H. short. . oot22-6md1 Howard. WßHOlfW IF 1 Jt JO JtJ', HJECJBMY- MM ING, FORWARDING AND GENERAL A COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Agents for Kanawha Salt Company, Evansville, In diana. . We have formed a co-partnership under tu style of Brown & Aikmax, and offer our services ia the capacity as set forth in onr card above. We are fully prepared to extend every facility ta shippers, either by CANAL, RIVER, or RAIL ROAD, and assure them that their interests shall be faithfully represented, should they be pleased to favor us with theirpatrenage. Office and Warehouse on the corner of Main st. and the Canal. WM. BROWN, W. M. AIRMAN, Late of Howard A Brown. Late of FOSTER, Co . Jan22-tf t'U.l'K, EUR UWHIiiJY'i - AND 0 Washington, March 10 p n Lesa than a quorum of Senators answer ed to their names, when the Senate wa called to order. Rice, of Maine, from the Committee ajg pointed to wait on the President, reported the performance of that duty, that the Pres ident had ne further communications to make.'' " r- The Senate then adjourned, sine die. Baltimore Market. Baltimore, March 10 it Flour firm at 6 30 for Howard street ; 6 35 for Ohio. Wheat firm at 1 4G1 85 for white; 1 351 56 for red. Corn buoy ant at 7881 for white; 8586 for yellow. Provisions quiet. Bacon sides sell at 9f . Mess pork quoted at 18 50. Whisky dull at 29. Washington, March 10 p ai Congress having appropriated $100,000 to enable Lieut. Mullen to continue the estab lishment of a military road from Fort Walla Walla on the Columbia river to tort Ben ton on the Missouri river, he will leave this city next week for the scene of his labors. Tbe road will pass through a wild and hitherto, unexplored region, and when com pleted will prove of great advantage to the immigration into Oregon and Washington. The Senate to-day confirmed the nomi nation of Murray Whaley as Collector at Erie, Pa.; J. S. Vancleave as Attorney for the District of Washington Territory ; A.J. Thayer as District Attorney for Oregon ; Judge Holt had not to-day resigned the of fice of Commissioner of Patents, had he done so while the Senate was . in session there would have been a legal necessits for the immediate appointment of his successor, for which the President is not yet prepared. A number of Senators left this evening for their homes. Senator Bigler and family proceed to morrow to Harrisburg. - . WE are now manufacturing Wells' Tatent Fold ing Spring Bed, the best and most convenient now in use, ai it can be moved or handled without any trouble. Call and examiue them. jan25 m90TJCE OE IIISSOJLVTIOJWTJIJB mW conartnershiD heretofore existing between the subscribers uuder tho name, style and hrm ot McCrackcn 4 Bingham, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. SIMON McC RACKEN being au thorized to settle the business of suid firm. S1JIGJN ictjKAi;r..j, , S. J. BINGHAM. . Evansville, Ind., January 21, 1859. PAVILION HOTEL. SIMOX McCRACKEN ....Proprietor. TIHK VJS'llER Si G.VEI1, . I -minir the management of the above well-known pauihl aliment, bcirs leave to return his cratcful ac knowledgements tor tne liDerai patronage uemoneu nn tho said firm, and bv Dersonal and prompt at tention on the part of myself and assistants, hope to merit a continuauce of th extended favors here tofore bestowed. Respectfully, S. jan2G McCRACKEN. fcv VP E RIO R i CO A I). Til K 8VB- nrlher is nowreceiviue bv the Canal a supply of Coal, wliich is mined in a good manner aud ahip- ped in clean oraer, tree irom impurities or i it m recnmmenaoa 10 ine nuuiiu a u uuiio in tended to give satisfaction to the consumer, and a trial of its quality is solicited. George W. Amory willattendto the sffllingand delivery of Coal, and receive orders at tho warehouse of Jus. Laughlin, Jr., on Main street, near the Canal. Lots ot 2U bushels at iu cents. - Lots of 100 bushels and upwards at a deduction. feb4-3md FRANCIS AMOHY. 9 ceived per John Raine, for sale by jB3l PRESTON BROS. I. Commission 1 Merchant, No. 2 SorTH Wateb Stueet, Evansville ct21-ly lTOHJIttJS UUTAfl We are prepared 9 to store in our Fire Proof Warehouse, any quantity of Grain, Produce, or Merchandize, on the most liberal terms. Having large and airy roome up stairs, particular care will be taken of Household Furniture, Agri cultural Implements and all kinds of Goods or wares liable to damage from damp or rust. Insuranca effected at the lowest fire proof rates, by the month, or longer when desired. Warehouse located on corner of Locust street and W. and E. Canal, and most convenient for shipping by River or Railroad. Apply to ap28 tittl. J USTKH VO. -WTOH.y 8. MITCHELL f Co., RB-. tCElVING, FORWARDING AND COMM- . SION MERCHANTS, Water street, between Mala and Locust, EVANSVILLE, INDIAN . Particular attention Riven to the forwardintr of general Merchandise aud Produce, by River, Canal. or Railroad. augl4-6m CXMJWIL HT01ti iJE I have a large dou - ble Warehouse at the Canal Basin, capable of storing any amount of produce, which will be re ceived, stored, taken ca,r of and held subject to the owners orders on most reasonable terms. . . P. ii. O'RILEY. mh26-tf - - - RAILROADS AND EXPRESS. 66 MP CHANT TAILOR, Blitchetl's Block, UJS'li E R HOJ-, .ni'.R- nlain street, Evansville, Ind. Headquarters for elegant Clothing made toordcr. Gents' Fnrnishing Goods, such as Blurts, sonars, ravais, muuurmiir, t-c. Also, a variety of Piece Goods, made up to or der in the very best style and manner, at quick. terifc, small pronts ana extensive saies. iiey EUfJfJJVTS' HEBPATCM." FAST FREIGUT LINE. AMERICAS EXPRESS COMPANY PBOPKIETORft. TO THE WEST AND SOUTH-WEST. VIA ALBANY AND BUFFALO. The Merchants Despatch continues bringing Goods from New York and Boston, at as low rates aa -any Despatch or Rail Road Express, and in as good or better time, having nnequaled facilities for safe and speedy transportation. No Despatch or Fast Freight Line has any con nection with us. .- Arrangements wore made by us early last Spring, by which we are enabled to forward not only the lighter portion of shippers' freight, but wa can car ry both light and I. navy with the runs promptness which has always characterized the "Merchants' Despatch." Bringing our freights in our own cars, with passenger trains, and having onr own agents at points of transhipment, we have advantages in point of speed and safety, which render it impos sible for other companies to compote with us This Despatch is owned and managed by the American Express Compvny, which ia a sufficient guarantee that all Juit claims will besettled withou. delay, as has been the case for Die past three years, and to the satisfaction of those by whom they ma bo presented. . JOHN G. WASSON, euptl-om . 3 . 1 Agent Terre Haute. rmnJM's EjtptESsTtKürJjyrYr- VM. NEW ARRANGEMENT. The Apaä'b Express Company respectfully an nounce to their friends and patrons, the pnbllc of Evansville and vicinitv, that, with increased facili ties tor the transportation 01 money and Valuables. Thev solicit a continuance of former favors. Es pecial coro taken in the collection of Bills, Drafts, NoteB, and the transportation of small and valuable packages. . ' All persons wishing to avail themselves of the fa cilities of the Express, can obtain any desired infor mation m reterence to tne routes ana aeiaus 01 tne business, nt thoir OfBco on First street, between Main and Locust, opposite the Post Office, del? G. II. FiSH, Agent. nEEKHKIJ O TO THK JBO YE, 1 Mm; would beg leave to solicit for tho new tirn. the same patronage which was bestowed on tho old firm. PHILIP KRAMER. Referring to the above, we request all thoee who know themselves Indebted to us for years, to co mo up and settle, as we an- determined to close our old books. (jaii'J7- 3m Edqnirer and Volksbole copy. TmvBJs! tos; tej sl-i.n PERt- M ai, Young Hyson, Gunpowder, and Bl'k Tea, all of the finest chaiw and put up in packages t suit customers. For sale at lowest rate by jaii27 HORN BROOK & CO. WTSE TEMPLE'S COMPOV.VH SYHTJP O F HOPS AND BONESE ; IT is the safest, surest, cheapest, aud most relia- j ble remedy for the jiormanent euro of ! I COLDS, cordis, I j HOARSEN ESt, ASTHMA, j j CROUP, WHOOPING COUGH, j ! And all HtlixXiuiis of the Throat and Lungs. Itle- i j iiig prepared upon Siiuiitißc prim iples, and fiom I ai tides that are entirely vegetable. The ". j COMPOUND SYRt'l OF HOI'S AND BON ES ET j : Is iii.niiitiu tilled by I C. ROTUEXUUSil & SQJf, i Hamilton, Butler tVuutv, Ohio, to whom all r- i New York Market. Nkv York, March 10. p m Flour heavy and 510c lower; sales of 13,000 bbla. at 5 505 75 for super State; 6 60 for extra ditto ; 5 605 95 for extra western; C 60G 75 for common to fair extra round hoop Ohio ; closing quiet. Rye flour quiet. Wheat dull and drooping, at 1 48 for red western winter ; 1 58 for white Michigan. Itye is a shade easier; sales of 900 bush, at 86(S dO. Barley 70, 85. Curu opened quiet but closed a shade firmer ; sales of 24,000 bush, at 8G(?88 for mixed western ; 85(;89 for yellow. Oats dull at 61G3 for western. Whisky Grmer; sales of 5,000 bbls at 28J29. Pork firm er; sales of 2,700 bbls at 1818 12J for new mess; 17 3717 50 for old ditto; 115012 00 for half barrels; 15 621G for prime mess ; 13 1 2(3 13 25 for prime in cluding 1,000 bbls new mess, deliverable first of April at 18 25. Beef firm and buoy ant at 9 507 00 for country prime ; 8 00 j 9 00 ditto mesj; 9 O0fAlo 00 for repack ed Chicago; 12 50;g)l3 00 for extra ditto; prime mess firm at 1 7 Ü0(S 20 00. Beef hams dull at 14 0027 50. " Biieou quiet; gales of 100 hhds clear smoked sides for Cincinnati, March 19 m. Flour dull, nominal,-and unchanged. Whisky 24 J and in fair demand. Nöchange in provisions whatever. Nothing done so far; holders continue firm, and buyers hold ing off. The river ftll eight inches during the last twenty-four hours. Weather clear, mild and spring-like, . . . Louisville, March 10 m. River falling very slowly, about G inches in twenty-four hours at the bead ot tbe talis, with eight and a half feet in the canal and six and a half in the pass over the falls. Pittsbcho, March 10 m. River twelve feet three inches by the pier mark and falling. eat her clear and pleas ant. Arrived, Commerce. No departures. INSURANCE AGENCY. ALLEN c7HALLOCK,' ; Evansville. UNDERWRITER AND GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, AOJCSTF.R OF AVEBAÜJfS, AND NOTABV PUBLIC. He continues to issue Policies from several First Class and most reliable ISSURAXCE COMPANIES In the Couutry, on Inland and Fire til. lie will also receive applications for Lit K inauiiAKur.. He will attend to the Adjustment of Losses nt vrv descrmtion under policies irom oiner agencies, and attend to the settlement ot all mat "ters connected with INSURANCE, for parties in terested. His lone experience as an lxsrsAKCE Afent. has made him fumiliar with all mmjects counected with Insurance. Office, Marble HhII Building. No. 'J Main t. .Tift. J. tJ. CROSS MILL Violincello and Rooms at No. 72 Main street, up stairs. -mwvaic. I fJL give Lessons on the Violin fifft A " Ragged Newsboys' School " has l;n in successful operation in Pittsburg for some months past. mi Guitar, -rm,tBSÖLIITlOJ'-THE PjHT.VEH mß shiu heretofore existing uuder the firm of Tenney & Sorenson has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. B. SORENSFN settles the busi ness, and is authorized to use the name ot tne tirrn in liquidation. R. f. TKN.M1.!, KVAXSVILLK, f ei. I, IKo'J. J. 5USr.J3U,.l. Hollouray't Pill cltHHte the blood of all degenerating particles, aud render it a pure au-l healthy fluid. Its action is gentle, but sure aud reliable. Fever aud ague aud the periodical dis- eases most prevsleut on this continent are prevent- ed by a timely use of this marvelous remedy, and cored by a course of the same according to the di rections that accompany each box. Sold ut the uiauu- j factory, No. 80 Maiden Lane, New York, aud by all Druggists, at 25c., C3c., and $1 per hox. mars j Hr. Hottttr,t Stommch ' The Mac of Jers must I- addressed ; and sold by KELLER & WHITE, Drut&isla Kviiliaville, Indiana, aud by Drugging and Mer chants throughout the country. jair2C-ly KÖNAU! HS11KR THOMAS BOI.USO, JB. FISHER & BOLUSS, W9HJSS EOI'JSWEHS, EITISHEHS, MM Stetim l-ipr and Gus Fitters, corner of Pine and First Mi-eets, Evansville, Imliaun. Koiectfiilly assure the public that any orders elltrntcd to their charge in the alove brauche-t of business, will be executed with promptness, and in the first style of woi-kniau.liip. . A varietv of Brass work constantly on baud and muiufactiired toonk-r. Strict attentieo paid to Lo- i California, aud 100 tierces brined hams on j private terms. Cut meats firm ; sales of ' 255 nackaifis nt GAfi7 71, and 8jft9i. Lard dull ; sales of 470 bbls at 1112. Sugar steady nt C7J. Dressed hogf quiet at. 88i. Freights drooping. BITTERS, fur Dysiiensia, Flatulence, Heaviness of comotive and Iistillery work. Steam Gauges, Gas -i. . u. .....AtUflil., nv,ti..ii Ik eonil and SleBin Piis always ready. the Stomach, or unv other like aflectiou, is second to none in Amei -kit or abroad. To lie able to state confidently that the "Hittra". are certaiu cure for the Dyspepsia nd lik to. the pro prieton a source of unalloyed pleasure. lt removes all morbid matter from the stomach, purities the i blood, imparts renewed vitality to tne nervous ss- tem, giving it that tone ami" energy Indispensable for the .restoration of health! The numerous ac knowledgements of it superior excellence and be ueflceut results, have assured the proprietors that it cannot but prove a great cure to the .afnicted, and impart vitality to the thorough system. ' IKy For sale by Drnggista and dealers generally everywhere. mart Hecelpts by Railroad. March 10, 18.5'J. 1 box of Eirgs, 1 package of Poultry, Thomas Redmond : 9 keas of Lard. I barrel of Eirgs, Fred Kron: 2 bbls Eecs, Geo. Miller; 11 bushels of Wlieai. J. R Mills Jt Co. : 40 bushels Wheat, Igle heart Bröl. ; 14 bbls Flour, Brown A Aikman ; 3 Plows, Geo. Fostur Si Co. ; 1 Beer IWrel, Cook & Rice : 7 boxes Shoes, 1 box Mdse., 1 bale Rattan, Arclur A Matkey : boxes of Hats, Slaughters Sc 1 1, i.l. -e i 11 boxes Shoes. W. M. Duncan ; 3 bxs S. MatUinervi J. E. Browning, Bowling Green, Ky.; 1 lwT Goods. Keen Presfon :. 1 Chest, Jerry Col lins : 11 boxes and 1 bale Mdse., A. Lowenthal Sc Co. A. E. S1IRADER, Agent. REGULAR E YAJVS- -VILLE Sc '.VABASH PACKET. The steamer JOHN TOMPKINS, Sutton, master, will run In the Evansville and Wabash trade during the season. For freight or passage, apply on board. jap.7-2nid STEAMER MA TE 8AR- CHET. The steamer Kate Sab cm et will run regularly during the Winter, iu the Wabash trade proceeding on each trip as far up the river as -the water and business will juntify her in' going. The strictest attention will lie paid to the wishes and interests of shippers. Her days of departure frera Evansville will be regu larly anuounced in the papers. :. docI&-3m X-pm. R E it 17 1, A R LOUIS-taffet-ville, Evansville and Henderson SUlfeJ&afr Packet SCIOTO No. 2, Bai.labd, Master, leaves Evansville for Iionisville and all in termediate points, every Wednlay at 7 P. M., and every Saturday at 11 A. M. . thf2 It. I Highest market price, in cash, paid for old Coli i pei. Brass aud Zinc. declJ-lyd ! Mh EJYTM8 TRY. J. II. HAIR II, M. i Jt-T respectfully: iufurnm the citiwiis oi r.vansviiic anil vicinity tnat he nas ' located here permauently for the pur pose ot practicing uentistry in all its manches. " Plata work from a siugle tooth to full sett, at Eastern prices. Teeth filled iu a superior mauuer. ALL WORK WARRANTED. , -f, Oflic No. 45 Main street, under City Gallery. ' acci ' . . - . - . - ' YWyVIEELER JX.IG08, WHOLE W w ale Dealers in Groceries, Produce-, Nails, Window Glass, Glassware, tec, Ne. 17 North First street, corner Sycamore, Evansville, Ind. ' - I. K. WHSELIB... JAMES D. BIQGg. nov23 Cincinnati Market. Cin'cixsati, March 10 p Flour dull aud prices nominal; no de mand ; super is ottered at 5 8 ft.' Good de mand for whisky ; sales of 1200 bbls at 24, closing firm, under advices from New York.' No change in mess pork ; 1 00 bbls sold at 17 50. Nothing done in bacon or bulk meats,' but holders continue firm. Good demand for lard and prices are high er: 1500 bbls sold at 11 J, chieflv to manu facturers. Sugar dull at 77i, not nnich Joins, except iu regular way. Molasses I lower, and may be quoted at 353G. Cof fee unchanged. Exchange on New York and Eastern cities scarce, and selling at 1 premium; supply is not equal to demand. ' ' Pittsburg, March 1Ö7 p. it. River 12 feet and falling. The Neptune departed. River Items. ABBIVAU AM nF.PABTUBKg MO 5 OVUX II Wtlrt t-1- . l.AV Tl J. U CLOCK THCESBAV. Moses McLellan, Memphis to Lonisville. Prairie Rose, St. Louis to Cincinnati. ' Tishomingo, Louisville to Henderson. Interchange, Evansville to Cincinnati. Altamgnt, Wheeling to St. Louis. . .- . . r I'rogre.w, Cincinnati to Wabash River., Gen. Pike, do to St. Louis. II. Bridges, LouUville to Bowlidg Green... . Bracelet, St. Louis to Pittsbnrg -. Nalb Holmes, do to '' do. - - 3 : " John Bell, Louisville to St. Louis. Woodfoni, New Orhans tc Louisville. John Raine, do - 'do.' Persia, do to Cincinnati. ' Southerner, Louisville to Memphis. gm rows Amiß whItei stoAR, M3 Cheap Coffee Ria or Java, -Do TeaGree or Black, Do Meal Corn or Oa, ' " - ... 4 ... - Do Candles Star, Opal or Talrow, Do s Rice, Hominy, ic, Ac. ' ' For sale at . t Z. H. COOK St SON1 8. "TT 3 CASES JVEW CROP, EOH M sale by TENNET SORENSON. miOPART.yERSHIP. THE V V y dersigoed have this day formed a partnership, under the name of SORENSON, LEMCKE St CO., and will continue the wholesale grocery business of Tenney St Sorenson, at the old stand, corner Vine and Water streets, whore they invite the custom ers of the old firm and tho public generally to givo them a call. S. MIKliSSOa. A. LEMCKE. febl - V. SORENSON. ATiARPET WASP A'S B COTTON YARN 150 bogs for sale by 8. E. GILBERT A CO., febS Agents "Cypress Factory." ilff .WO.VEr.' 8 MAlN.STJtEET. S CHEAP GROCERIES S2 Mais St. More Inducements to Prompt Cus tomers. In consequence of the large increase of trade which we have been recently receiving, we are now ena bled to seil goods cheaper Hum erer. We have a bet ter stock of groceries than wo have ever bad, and are constantly receiving. We work ourselves, and thereby save to our customers the expenneof book keeping and high-priced clerks. Call and see. TEBMit .S heretolnre, cin nt me ri oj every ... VICE ERY BKOTHEltS, K Main st. E. Q. SMITH, CHAIR .MANUFACTURER 1 Market street, Evansville, Ind.. will keep on haud aud make to order every variety of Cane aud Wood S-at CHAIRS. The Trade supplied at lowest rates. Hotels, Steamlxiats and Halls fur nished promptly to order. All work warranted. janl-ly,, . .-y, r-. , -.. 7mT l.. JOH.VSO.A, hook BI.VII- WIM-m EÄ AND ' I Blank Book Manufacturer, First at., bet. Main and Loeni . ; u , ,v EVANSVILLE, IND. Blank Books ruled, paced and made to order of the best paper, from a Memorandum to the largest Ledger. Music and Magazines bound in any style. 0CtZ7-Gmd&w will5 MM Villi aiiiUi rnr YAJ'S YIL LE, PA Ott All, AJ'1I Id CAIRO REGULAR PASSENGER PACKET, CHARLEY BOWEN, Dexteb, Master, leaves Evansville Tues- idav and Friday, at 12 o'clock. M., arriving at Padncah at 6 o clock, A. SI., Cairo at 12 o'clock, M., Weduesday and Satnrday. Re turning, leaves Cairo every Wednesday an Satnr day, at 7 o'clock, P. M-, and Padncah every Thurs day and Sunday, at 9 o'clock, A. M., connecting at Evansville with the Evansville and Crawfordsville R. It., and Packets for Green River. Also, con necting at Smitbland with Cumberland River Pack, eta ; at Cairo, with Memphis, New Orleans snd St. Louis Packets. - .. .. Tickets can be obtained on board the boat for all Eastern Cties. i .. . sept23 Sail and Awning Maker and Rigger. jr WOULD RESPECTFULLY IJ'- M form the public that I have opened a Sail and Rigging loft, In the 3rd story of J. G. Vonneman's Rope store, and will pnueMially attend to all or ders in mv line. " I keep Tarpaulins constantly on hand for sale, and will manufacture Sails, Awnings, Wagon Cov ers, rc., at the shortest notice. . ; Orders respectfully solicited to be left at J. G. Vonneman's Ropo store, or at my room, third story , Ropes neatly spliced. nov27-3md CHARLES EVERT. 7rOLAS8E8, SUÜ AR AJII COE 1JL FEE 50 hhds ohoies N. 0. Sugar, z 100 bags Coffee, ; ; 75 bbls choice new Molasses. - - On hand and for sale at 18Ö9 prices. ' jan4 BABCOCK BROTHERS. AiORPOUATIOJV JS- O TI C B OR- t dered that the owners of lots 1, 2, S, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, II, 12, in block 4, fronting on Ninth street, and lots 12 aud 13 in block 1, fronting on Syca more street, all in the Crescent Enlargement of tha city of Evansville cause the sidewalks in front ot said lots to be brought to the city grade, and laid with a good plank sidewalk on same, within 30 days from and after the publication of this notice, and in default thereof the Common Council will proceed to perform aid work", and the costs and expenses ac cruing thereby, will be assessed and collected Ay sale of said property, or so much thereof aa will sat isfy said lien ana costs.' - " - - - ' By order of Commsn Council. ' i v'i niar2-10d: a A. LEMCKE, City Clerk. . ( .- . ...r . . i Volksbote copy. - r W7IRESft COR.V. MEAL, JV. t AR- Mr TICLE 10 bushels from selected white flint corn. Just received and for sale by CHAS. McJOHNSTON, New Block, feb28 Main street, near th Canal,