Newspaper Page Text
MOXDAr HORSISO. .MARCH 21 fCvanrrtlle , Crvwfordevlll Rall , . ' road- ( . li.'.Vi DEPARTURES. r-i.'S- Accommodation Train........!..'.............. 6.00 A. M. Mail Train............. ....10.30 ,'. ARRIVALS. Mail Train..,....-.,.,. ...... 1.30 P. M. A ecommodati.-a ...... 4.0 " Local and Miscellaneous BusiKEsa. We are gratified to hear from all classes of our business men except the forwarders, whose profits are reduced by the short cropsthat trade in the citjr was never so active and promising as at the present time. Up to the present date, the sales of groceries have exceeded by 25 to 30 per cent- the transactions of any former spring. Mf e are told that many buyers from Illinois and along the Ohio k Mississippi Railroad, who have been to St. Louis and Cincinnati, have finally come to this market for their principal supplies of groceries. By politic course, the merchants of this city can make it one of the largest grocery mar kets on the river. We have all the facili ties and advantages possessed by St. Louis, Cincinnati, or Louisville, for procuring and distributing goods, while we eBjoy a reduc tion of expenses in rents and costs of living compared with those in the other cities, that will enable the seller here to make an im portant reduc.ion in prico to the purchaser. The policy of small profits and quick re turns would soon bring us a large trade. In dry goods, too, business is active, and the demand for manufactured articles from our workshops is rapidly increasing, and we are told exceeds, by a large per cent., the trade of any former year. We have letters from a practical machinist who is visiting the mills and factories of West Tennessee, and who write that a large number of steam' engine in. the region between the Tennessee and Mississippi, river, are from the foundarica and machine shops of Evans ville, and that they are highly approved. He urges our mechanics to take the proper means to make themselves and their works better known in the Western District and in ArkanaaCT.Our trade is important to our prosperity, but the increase of our work shops and factories must be the chief means of our growth as city. " Hon! John Bel) has declined to ao- cade to the Argent solicitations of his friends to become a candidate for Governor of Ten nesseeVi .His" refusal is a m&tter of deep re gret, as It; is suppod the regeneration of the State depended in some measure upon the influence -of his name in the canvas. But the veteran statesman . desires retire ment, and kis private affairs demand his personal attention. He has been with an interim' of five years, from 1842 to 1847 in Congress, since 1827, a period of 32 years. He and Mr. Crittenden were the last of the members who entered the Hall of the Capital in 1827 to retire from their seats. Mr. Bell, though so old a Statesman, is still in the full vigor of mental and bodily strength. Tbe Eitra Session. The Cabinet are still debating the subject of an extra Session ot Congress. As the measure is an inevitable one, the only ques tion is, when shall it be called ? It lias been very clearly 'shown by a discussion of the subject in the National Intelligencer, that the Postmaster General lias no right to use the accruing revenues of his Department .to pay its current expenses, without an appro priation of law. To do it is shown would be A plain violation of law, an as sumption of poiver that would form a dan gerous precedent. 'It is reported that Post master General Holt dislikes to be the Agent of violating tho law, and is strenu ousty urging the President to issue his pro clamation for an early Session of Congress, and it is said he makes it a condition of his remainine in the Cabinet. The other mem bers of the CabineL Jare opposed to assem bling Congress before September or October, The reasons are that all the Northern States have already elected their members of the present Congress, while in a number of the Southern States no such elections have yet been, held; and the regular time for holding them in some of theStates is too late to secure their representation in an ex tra session, unless Bpecial elections are held, If only .the members now elected were call d together, the control of the House would be entirely in the hands of the Republican party.' ..If the electiona in the Southern Statel terminate,' as is probable from their political complexion, it will be impossible for tue Republicans to have a majority in that body. ' It is very doubtful whether the Republi cans and South Americans combined will have a majority ; but it is probable that t hose elected as anti-Lecompton Democrats, could control the House by uniting thei force -with the other wing of the Democrat ic party. The Administration would be la mentably weak in a house called before the Southern States had an opportunity of being represented iu it. For this reason, as well as for the projter and just one of giving ev ery State of the Union a fair hearing in the councils of the is said that if an extra session is called, it will not be con vened before August next, by which time it i supposed that either the regular or special elections may be held in every State of th Union where the Congressmen are not now chosen. Ivdum Hcktinoto.n. We are pleased to learn that Judge Huntington, whose health has been for several months so feeble as to cause some alarm to his numerous devoted friends, has received great lirnefit from his visit to the Hot Springs of Arkansas. Let ters from him state that 'the waters of those ilebwted Springs had removed his nsural .gic afii-ctions, aud that lie vvm gaining .strength and vigor. - Receipt by Railroad -jj------ - - March. 19, 1869. 139 bids Flour, I. A. Crane : 3 dried Hides, An thony Pels ; 1 bag Feather. Preston Bros. ; I east Spindle, 1 Step Bo, Krati Heilman ; I split bot tom Chair, D. Barr; Beer Barrel, Fred Kramer A Sons: 6 bbls Eggs, 1 1 Butler, George Miller; 3 bbls Eggs, I. O. Veuneiuan ; 1 bo Maps, W. W. Stephen ; 60 bbl Flour, Orr. Palzell A Co. ; 3 bblt Eggs, Owner on board : 224 bushels Whect. Littlea A Erviti ; 2 bxs Mdse., M. Lyons i 7 bxs Hats, A; Lowonthal ; 39 bxs Tin, Koelker, Kinsman A Co. ; 2 bxs Lasts, 2 sacks Pegs, 2 bbls Mdse., 2 boxes Mdse., P. G. O'Biley t'o. ; 1 bo Goods, ShanUlin tjt Baillv ; 1 box Books, Byera ft Clement. Paducab, Ky. ; 6 bales Tobacco, J. G. Sanr A Co.; 2 boxes 8hoea, Archer ft Max-key ; 8 boxe, I bale, W. M. Dnnran ; 3 Stores, 6 Pots, 1 bundle Tin Pans, J. Bcantlin ; m bbls Varnish, 2 hf bb's do., Iobn Iviu on; 1 box Sundries, Brown ft Aikman. A. E. 8HRADE5, Agent. . DicKixa' Visit. The Philadelphia Pret Says it has reason to believe that Mr. Dick ens has finally determined not to revisit the United States. The inducement held out to him is said to have been 10,000, for which he was to have read throughout the Union and in Canada, from September to March traveling expenses also defrayed by the con tractor. Mr. Dickens is said to have com menced a Jnew serial story and to have nearly completed a shorter tale, which he proposes to read in public prior to its ap pearance in print. - Candidates. WV mrt muthorittd to ssmssm Wm. J. PAGE as a candidate lor Councilman in the Sev enth Ward. mai-21 Br. Edttor-Pltmtt to sawsu f As name of SAMUEL OKU a a candidate for Couu cilman of the Third Ward. MAS Y VOTERS. Charit jr. Sullivan it a eondldmtt tor Constable at the ensuing April election m2l WV ore astJkrl4 to mnmmunet Johrn A. HAKET as a cauaidate for Councilman tu the Eighth Ward. marl8 1frt art muthorittd to H. KLV8MAN as a candidal, the Third Ward. mnnounet WYit. for Couucileinn iu maris Dr. John T. Wmlktr it m candidate for Township Trustee, at the ensuing April election. Bracket Mlllt teilt corder and Jnstice of the term, if elected. ttrrt mt City Mt- Peace for the ensuing maris Ed. H. Marti it m candidate Tor City Marshal at the eusuing April election inariti Mr. Editor Pttmtt to announce tht name of GEORGE WOLFLIN as a candidate for Councilman of the Fifth Ward. niarlO MANY VOTERS. Jaunt Mel lard it m emndidmtt for City Marshall at the ensuing April election. C. U. Olmtttd tclll ttrvt mt City Eufl- neer and Surveyor, if elected lnarll Surveyor. We mrt muthorittd to mm Bounce JAMES 1. 8AUNDER9 as a candidate for City Surveyor and Engineer, at the coming April election.. - . , - niarlO ity Clerk. IV mrt mulhorittd tm an nounce the nauisof DANIEL WOOLSEY aeacan- idnte tor City Clerk at the approaching election. Jtr. Editor Btinfc rtauttttd by m food many voters, I will serve if elected, at the ensuing April election, as City Collector, independent of any arty. PHILIP KRAMER. IP are mulhorlitd to mnnoeut Jtttr S HARPE as a cannidate for Mayor of the City of Evansvllla, at the ensuing April election. Jtr. Editor- i'ou will pltmtt my name as a candidate for the office of City Clerk at the. next city election. Jan31 PATRICK BI RKE. V mrt muthmrlttd to munoumet l: SCHMUCK a a candidate for City Collector at the ensuing April election. jan24 Jt tht rtautti ot m lurgt numbtr of the citizens of Evansville, WM. BAKER will be a candidate for Mayor at the ensuing election. Jauzz-U JTIr. Editor ritmf mmuouuet my mmmt as a candidate for City Clerk at the next city elec tion. janlSI MORRIS MIELSCII. for Mayor. If V mrt mulhorittd to announce NATHAN ROWLEY, Esq., as a candi date for Mayor of the City of Kvansville. Special Notices, Ifmnitl Chult Dill ttrtt mt City Mt corder and Justice of the Peace for the ensuing term, if elected. marl!) Cod JLivtr Oil mt m PmlatmbU Jttty. The recent improvement made by E. Qtiern in tlie preparation of a pleasant Jelly retraining eighty- five per cent of tho liest Oil, and approved by the N. Y. Academy of Medicine, adapts this valuable remedy to the most delicate stomach. It is retain ed, digested and assimilated like any lood Pkk- roLn, l'ARKF.a A Mowca, No. 4 Fletcher street, New York, are the General Agents for Quern's Cod Liver Oil Jelly. J" For sale bv all Drnggists. mnrMra Mt it m eommom obttrvattom that thtrt are more sufferers from debility among Americans, than can be found among any other civilized na tion. Tho reason is obvious. We take too little exercise, and forget the wants of the body, in the absorbing pursuits of business. In all such cases, ordinary medicine can do little good. What is re quired is Just such a tonic aud iuvigorator as Dr. Hostetter has given to the world, iu his CELE BRATED BITTERS. The weak and nervous deni zen of the counting-housv, the exhausted toiler upon the shop-board, and the prostrated studeut of the midnight lamp, have found a wonderful regen erator in tbe Bitters, aud prefer it to the more pre tentious, but less efficacious, medicines. But it should not be forgetten that the agent which is so magical in its influence npon a frame which is mere ly debilitated, is equally powerful in amist:ng na ture to expel the most terrible forms of disease. Who w Ul not give it a trial ? " For sale by Druggists aud dealers generally, everywhere. mar!6 lollotcuy't Ointment and Pilltr There is a traitor in the camp; they have beeu counter feited I But a sure "test of genuineness exists in the wulor-niark, "Holloway, New York and London," which is discernible as a water-mark in every leaf of the book of directions accompanying each pot or box. Sold at the manufactory, Ho. SO Maiden Lane, New York, aud by all Druggists, at 25c., 6,'tc., and $1 per put or box. marlB COAL ! Bodiam Mining Coiupauy, Kvansville, Indiana. Office on Water street, between Main and Locust Coal, iu quantities of not less than bushels, de livered to any part of the city, at 10 cents ier bnxh. at the pit, 8 cents. JOHN WY5IOND, oct 9 Secretary and Manager. THK KVANSVILLE" WEEKLY JOURNAL. Made up from the Dailv Jounal, contains g Column of wcll-tcUctetl and earejnlly prepared Hettti ing Mailer, affording the best medium for keeping our friends in the country fully "posted up," to lie fouud in the West. THK LATEST TELKHBAPHIC DISPATCH K3, Together with a summary of the Karkets, are in serted in every Weekly paper, aud by pernsing tlie Joubnal, our friends in the Country will aot lie liable to be "picked up" by speculators, aud sei their produce for teas thau it is actually worth, as has often been done heretofore. . &T Remember thltt the Weekly JouaxAt is made np f BEADING MATTER, and not altogether of advertisenieuts."&tt The Weekly Journal will b mailed, so as to reach the sutiscribers of tbe ajining counties ia good season. Tu, Single copy, tl -V); 10 copies, JUL Our ftieud should make haste to rouew their u Inscrip tions, as oar teruu are strictly in tdtanet docT MISCELLANEOUS. OOODS ' - v v 'FOR THE . - r, r ; Spring Trade 2 CIRCULAR. ' WE are now prepared to exhibit onr nsnal exten sive nud Taiicd stock of STAPLE AND FANCY JKY GOODii, fur the Spring Trade, asking special attention to our stock of Dress Goods, comprising all that is rich in mbric and new iu stylo. Our stock, embracing, as it does, every department of. tue trade, is unsurpassed by that ot any otuer House in the country, and will he kept full and complete throughout the season. With the sinu-h addition of treight and exchange, wo will duplicate any in voice of Goods bought in Xew York. Wo show in our BASEMENT Brown and Bleached Shirtings and i-heetings, Tickings, Shirting Tweeds and Stripes, Brown and Bleached Drills, C'eraet Jeans, Denims, Blue Dritit, Apron Checks, Flannels, Ta ble Diapers, Towelings, Grain Bags, Paddings, Can vas, Plantation Twills and Stripes, Osnabnrgs, Ac. t FIRST PLOOB Satinets and Union Cassimerea in large variety, Tweeds, Jeans, Cotton Pantalooi: ery. Kreuch, Irish and American Drills and Ducks; Blay und Blouse Lineus, Browr Hollands, Genoa Cords, Beaverteeus, Velveteens, Colered Cambrics, Itoll Jaconets, dc SECOND FLOOB French, Belgian and Domes tic Cloths, Black and Colored Dooskins, Fancy Cas simerea, Drab de Ete, Italian Cloths, Fancy Coat ings, Silk, Satin and Marseilles Vestings, new styles; Velvets, Satin Do Chencs, Serges, Pongee Linings, lllack Grode I: hi nc und Taflet a Silks, best makes; Fancy Silks, very rii-h iu style and quality; Lustrines, Blarceltin and Florence Silks, Foulard's Traveling Dress Goods, Paris and Lyons Flounced Silk Kobes, Printed Berege, and Jaconet. Lawn Robes, Fancy Challis, Beregrs, Grenadines, De Laines, French, English. Scutch and American Lawns, Organdies, Silk Tissues, and Poplins, Print ed Jaconets, Wuiteand Colored Brilliants, Alpacas, Monsliues, De Berges, French, Scotch aud Ameri can Ginghams. SHAWL KOOM La Beine de Antilles, and Chene Mantle Shawls, Black and Colored Silk, Tbibit, Cashmere and Printed Stellado., Whiteand Colored Crape do. Talmas, Mantillas aud Visettes new patterns. , ' WHITE GOODS ROOM Shirtings, TiUow and Sheeting Linens, Table Diapers, Cloths and Nap kins, Jaconets, Cambrics, Tape Checks, Swiss Stulls, Book Muslins, Victoria Lawns. Brocades, Dotted Swiss, Bishop's Lawn, Drapery Muslins, Hooped (skirts, Ac. - THIBD FLOOR Englisn and German Hosiery, Gloves and Mitts; French, Swijs and 8cotch Em broideries and Laces; Linen, Silk and Cotton Hand kerchiefs, Cravats, Tailors' Trimmings, Parasots, Umbrellas, a large stock of Variety and Fancy Goods, etc., ete. KIBBON KOOM A complete assortment of Bon net Kibbenuf latest Spring Styles, Taffetas, Dress Trimmings, Bercg?, Love and Cliiutilla Veils, etc. FOURTH FLOOR A large lino of all well k now 11 brands of French, Kngliek and American Prints, vis: Hoyle'B, Potter's, SchwRbe's, Brooks', Phillip Allen', Pacific, Bay Stute, Washington, American, SprsgneV, Dntinell's, Manchester, Jack son, Cocheco, Couestogn, Union, Atlantic, Ac. DAY & MATLACK, fub'25-lui 80 i'EAUL ST., Ciucinnnti, O. Wood Yard! VrhMSSOLVTIOJV OJF JJt It T.VÄ- JLM 11 IP. Tlie connection heretofore existing betweeu H. Lutz and Samuel StiUwull in the Wood business, has leeu dissolved, II. LUTZ having pur chased toe entire interest of Samuel Stillwell in the concern. Sir. Lutz will settle all outstanding ac counts of the wood yard, aud w ill hereafter conduct it by himself for his own account. He will keep on hand, ut 11 times, a full sti ply of woJ, both sawed ami in cord wood length as may be ordered which lie will deliver at the lowo t market prices to hiii customers in any part of the city. Orders left at his grocery store, or at the wood yard on the Canal, will receive prompt attention. muri iiKJNtcr IjL I,. K O OJt E V H 'JÄA'. TUE tSVU w W scriht-r has just returned from tlie Kant with large and fresh stock of avcrythiiig in his line pnr chaned from the manufacturers, and which will lie sold as low as can be purchased iu Cincinnati, which has heretofore uud tiie bulk of 1 his trade. with the exception of a lew lending :u tides, lie has now in store, and is daily receiving t KMX) dozen Painted Buckets, all colors, 000 nests Painted and Cedar Tubs, all sizes, 200 dozen Brass bound Cedar Bucket?, '200 nests Painted and Cedar Ke lers, 100 dozen Cedar Piggius, in nests, brass aud iron liouud, 100 dozeu Cellar Churns, bras bound, 100 do Red Cedar Churns, irou bound, ' 190 do. AV'ell Buckets, varnished, 3 grades, 300 do Brooms, all grades, from large stable to small hearth, 1000 M Percussion Caps, imported, 300 dozen Baskets, imported, in m y A common, 100 do Washltoards, zinc and bannister, 100 do Hand Whisks, plain aud fiiicy. Broom Makers' Materials Handles, Twine, Tacks, and Wire, Rolling Pius, Potato Mashers, Pastry Boards, Wooden Bowls, Chopping Knives, ('lollies Pius, Nests Measures, Flower Baskets, Barrel Covers, Butter Stamps, Ac, Ac, including too large a va riety for enumeration in an advertisement. Pur-cha-icrs are rerju sted to call and examine for them selves. J. 11. RUSSELL, 500 Mnin street. mar2 Between 31 and 4th, Louisville, Ky. ymjEJ s i te!j.tejs!- im1erT- JL ul, Young Hyson, Guuiiowdcr, and Bl'k Teas, all of the finest chaps and put up in packages to suit customers. For sale! at lowest rates bv jan-7 HORNBROOK A" CO. Town Lots for Sale. nn H E VJfUEH&MUJVEU WJTi I. -ML sell at private sale the fallowing deacrilied UUJLDIXG LOTS, in the Eastern Enlargement of the City of Evans ville : LOT, 12 "IX BLOCK X0. 12. LOT 9 " " " 40. LOT 10 " " 47. LOT 6 " " " 40. And if they are not sold licfore SATURDAY, THE 1'Jth DAY OK MARCH, they will then be offered for sale at TUBLIC AUC TION, at the Court House, at 2 o'clock P. M. Terms Cash, or a short credit. BAKER A FOSTER, Agents, marl-d2Jw Third street, near Main. THE OLD AND BKLIABLK PAl'EU, EYANSVILLE DAILY JOURNAL 1V full und iicrurato lvitorts of tho lato of tin Biarlft.s, and tiie very laU-st currvnt iiows ot tlu ALL THE NEWS Kuruislied to tho Associated Press is promptly laid before the Headers of the Journal ONE AND A HALF DAYS IN ADVANCE of the Cincinnati papers. An exciting? tH'ssion of Cwuress is now bo lug held, aud all anxious .to hear elaborate re. oorts of the proceedings, should avail themselves this opportunity, and subscribe for The Jovksai.. The terms f,,r the DAILY. JOURNAL are So 0 per year, and f 2 30 for six mouths, ix unVAücr.; o 10 cents jier week, if paid to the Carriers. A carelul suuiimiry ot the doings or tlie liCtt islature will bo made up for every paper. I. short, a condensed view of all that is going 011 in tho Universe, will la- fxrnished our readers every dav. decö -frjMlES I It IK. MÄÄ'VE.ICTVREIt 9M tiK PLOWS AND AGK1 ci'ltuhal Implements, south east corner of Division nnd Kighth streets, Kvansville, la. N5" Plows of all kinds and Cultivators and Ftirin iug Implements constantly on hsml All orders promptly filled. Will sell at wholesale und retail. fel.'.(-4niAillin CITY FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, HAlUf OltD, CONN. Cash Capital 5 ."s,ti"( 110 Surplus öS,i.;i IS 1 ais LonipHoy ciiuiiMies to isue jKilicie. i n r ire risks at rfa.-M'to;le rates. 1)1 UKi'HIKji : C 11 Bower,.. B niodscit, C W Web mi-, . Pitney Jewell, J V iiiill. II l'r.-m..n, Newton (Vi1, 'I hiii. .l.fle, 1 I'liiilips J Littil.-r, II i-Yikill. b-n'tlloioiiluW -;. I!. B W KB,. JWident. V. C. WAITK, S-Cleti.ry. W. B. Jinrmsim, (ieixTiil Aiient. Applications made to ALLKN C. IIALLOCK, Agent. Office Marble Hall lSildinjr, Mam street, Kvanviile. foblä-ly "ÄS, STEJM, HÜTE It PIPE Pittsburgh Card Rates, by T. J. WH1TK 4 Co., nmri-lm Locust street. 12 I SSO I. V Tl O.V. THE PJ It Ttiii' liecker and Philip Kramer, under the firm of lieck er A Kramer, ha leen dissolved by mutual coiitieiit The old buiiiena will be curried 011 at the old stand by PHILIP DECKER, who wiii continue the manufacture of Lard Oil. Soap nnd CandU-s, a:i( who will also settle the ailairs :ind bndiness of tht late firm. PHILIP DKCKKK. PHILIP Klt.VMKI!. W9 1: n: iim.y u to tue juowe. j jrould beg leave to solicit lor the now firit the same patronage which was liestowcd on the old rm. PHILIP Kli.VMElS. Referring to the above, we request all those who know thenisclves indebted to us fir years, to Come np aud settle, as we are determined t" ckiye ourold books. j;in7 3m Edquirer and Volkbute copy UMMMmmwmmtmtmtlmoUS rMBSjMMiBlHBHMflHH news:bytelegraph, -BY THE BV A -Iff. tISB. ' New York, March 18 if The steamship " Weser," of the Bremen line, which pnt into Cork for repairs, has arrived here, with dates from fciverpool to the 5th inst. being 3 days later than the City of Washington. : Tlie steamship Pacific sailed from Gal way, on Saturday evening, the 5th inst. The Steamer Xew York, hence for Bre men, arrived at Southampton, On the 3d. The Ship David Stewart, chartered to bring the Neapolitan exiles to this country, was spoken by the steamer Weser.on the 6th inst. going int Queenstown. The foreign intelligence by the Weser, 13 more warlike, and there appears to be less confidence . in Lord Cowley's mission to Vienna. The Paris and Vienna journals, nnd even the London journals, are quite beligerent. The Parliamentary proceedings have been more important. Mr, Fitzjerold had stated that the Hanoverian government had been notified of the termination of the Stadt due3 next August. Rumors prevailed of the projected union of the liberal force in Parliament, under Lords Palmerston and Rüssel, in opposition to the government re form bill. Lord Henry Lenix ha3 resigned his post as one of the Lords of the Treasury. There are also reports of other pending cesessessions from the Derby Minister. The Paris Constitutional announces the withdrawal of the French troops from Rome, but the Moniteur pronounces the Statement pre-mature. There are flying rcmors of a visit to Paris, by Count Cavonr. It is reported that Austria has made coun ter proposals to Lord Cowley, and that Austria is supported in the same by Prussia. Lord Cowley continued at Vienna, but was to leave on the 5th inst. . The French government organs are be coming more beligerent, but the warlike preparations, at Marseilles, are slightly re laxed. Tho Paris Bourse continued in a ery sensative and fluctuative "condition" The three per cents, on the 3d inst. were queted at 67f. 45c67f. 50c. The Emperor is said to have become determedly warlike, and much embittered against France. The Vienna journals are also warlike. The Vienna military preparations, in Italy, are continued. The advices contained in the Bombay mail, of Feb. 9th, have reached London, by telegraph from Marseilles. ... ' The rebellion in the province of Oude, is formally declared to be ended. The British troops have entered Nepa, and have com menced measures to reduce tho fugitive re bels to submission. . There are also advices four days Inter from China, but they furnish no news of importance. Latest yy Telegraph from London to Cork. Loxdos, March. 5. Notwithstanding the , suspense in the stock market were firmer; consols advanced J 3-16, and the discount marked, closed active. Consols to-day opened and closed ut 9.r3(;95, both for money ami account. i uasce. On the budget being called up for discussion, on Wednesday, in the Com mittee, it whs declared by a vote of 10 to 4, that they could not examine a peace budget in the presence of war demonstrations on every side ; and that a war budget would he required. They consider it ridiculous to consider the proposed figures, when the ex penses already incurred considerably ex ceeded the amounts demanded. They there fore resolved to await the explanations of the government, and although minority pro posed an amendment, the majority "forth with rejected it and persisted in their orig inal vote. A despatch from Marseilles says that Rus sia has 00,000 troops on the river Prtitli, and has nugmented her army in Georgia. Pahis, Mar. 5. A paciGc article in the Moniteur. ha3 caused a great excitement on the Bonrse, and an advance of Jo. occurred in the rentes which closed firm, at the improvement.- The Mouiteur contradicts the "report of the angry conversation that was said to have occurred between Prince Napoleon and M. Persigny. Ph iLADKLPiif a, March 19 st. . The New York Tribune's Washington correspondent says a new lillibustering ex pedition against Nicaragua, has been or ganizing for sometime, aud General Walk er's departure for California, is directly con nected with it as the enterprise will start from the Pacific side. His recent profes sion of the Catholic faith is believed to be designed as a propitiation to the Nicaraguan sentiment, but it will not succeed, since he is known and detected. General llenningsen's emigration scheme, ostensibly for Arizonia, is supjiosed to be inspired by a similar purpose, with an un derstanding as to a future renpezvous and j 11 net tire of forces. The net balance in the Treasury accoding to the weekly statement is 7,000,000, but a material portion of this is derived from the sale of the recent loan. New Vobk, March 19 p x The steamship Asia arrived this morning with Liverpool dates to the 8th.. Her news has been anticipated by the steamship Weser, arrived last evening. St. Loins, March 1 9 p m. Mr. Allison arrived at Independence yes terday from t ike's Peak. He reports it a humbug. No money there and no probabil ities of being any. Washisoton, March 19 p. m. All the special mail agencies, 17 in num ber, have just been discontinued, and the order granting: extra compensation out of the postages, aftocting about 80 Postmasters lias bcej revoked, owing the failure of Con jiress to make tlie necessary appropriations. It is not true as has been reported, that Mr. Ilolt threatened to resign his office un less there shall bo an extra session of Con gress culled. Xtvv York Market. Xew Yock, March 1 0. p u ""Flour iflvunced; sales 11,000 bbl?. Wheat itiiet. Corn i'.nu ; sales 13,000 bush at 90 fur raised . 71 lor yellow. Pork 17 87 for new mess; 17 45 for' old, and 13 12 for prime. Ieef firmer at C 507 00 for country prime : 8 00(5i9 50 foro mess. Beef hams firm at 12 30(TT,17 75! Bacon ccan":o in' provisions. Nothing of imjior-tadi-e done. Buyers refuse to pay the prides asked by holders ; 50.000 very heavy sides avenging 48 lbs'sold at 8$. Mess pork is Totalling at 18 00. Money market is firm. Dcm.tnil root But not pressing;. Exchange firn at J premium. The bankers are Inly ing at 2-5ih prom. Pittsburg, March 19 p si River 11 fret by the pier mark and rising 1 inch per hoilr. TVeathor stormy. ßt5"John G. S:ixe, tha Poet, hiis an engagement to dianapulis, tJiis evening. Ilttuiorist and lecture in In- V Itivrev- Item. ;-v-:- -v isRITALS AND BEPABTTKES F103C S O'CLOCK tWnAT TlX 5 O'CLOC ATUEDAT. - H. Bridg?s, Louisville to Bowling Green. , . t? Lady Waldon, Ark. Biver to Cincinnat i. -1 ; Union, Evansville to Bowling Green. . , .. . . Tempest, Nashville to Lcnisville. Jas. Montgomery, New Orleans to Louisville. Sir Wb, Wallace, St. Louis to Pittsburg. . , -Bracelet, Bowling Green to Louisville. . Memphis, Memphis to Cincinnti. Glendale, Cincinnati to Memphis. John Ganlt, Louisville to Nashville. - - . . . Moses McLellan. do to Memphis. . . - ' , Gulnare, New Orleans to Cincinnati". . Charley Bowen, Evansville to Cairo. -' : The Bowen put out for Cairo on Satur day with colors flying. We fear her old friends down the river will hardly recognize her in her new dres3 of paint. Everything about the boat is now in a thorough state of repair, and we predict f r the Bowen a suc cessful and money-making season. Scarcely a year has elapsed sine econtribntions had 'e1 made in order to sustain one beat in this trade, and now we have two both doing well with a prospect for a third. Should the Paducah Branch road be finished, one of the finest packet trades on theOhio will be between here and that point. ' ' We noticed that they were favored with the same kind of weather-that we experi enced on Friday last at most all the points above. 1 ' w The weather, on Saturday, was in pleas ing contrast with that of the day before. It was mild and pleasant. . Notwithstanding the vast amount ; of freight on the landing very few shipments were made. Most of the boats ' coming down are deeply loaded, and unable to take on additional freight at this port. : The Bracelet was at the wharf having a good trip. We were favored with a mani fest through the politeness of her gentleman ly Clerk, Mr. Edwards. The Bracelet is a nice little packet. . ., The Greenville got on a good load and put out for Green river Saturday evening. The Silver Star arrived and put out again on Saturday night. As she is a fast boat we have no doubt she will be able to make her trip and be on hand to-day. Travelers are always pleased with the Star, and well they may be, for a nicer little packet is not to be found on our Western rivers. Tbe Commercial says : A storm of rain, snow, and high winds prevailed during the day and night, prevent ing shipments and the departure of boats. The copious rain during the night previous and yesterday, caused the river to rise two feet during the twenty-four hours ending at dusk. Our dispatches (if we are fortunate enough to make the telegraph connection) will show the" state of the weather' and water below. Very little merchandise was drayed to tbe boats, owing to the inclement weather. The St. Louis Republican of the 8tli says: ... : . The river fell three inches in the twenty four hours euding at dark last evening. The Missouri river is falling, with six feet in the channel from St. Joseph to the möuthT The Upper Mississippi is rising at Dubuque and Rock Island, an I swelling very slowly at Keuknk. The Illinois river is rising from LnSiil'e dows, and is nearly bank fulL Yesterday was - fiue day for- business, and matters weie very active on thd .land ing. It commenced mining, and bids fair to continue all night. " - : . . '.' - Hardware JtOM TUB WIIOZEHJLE MP K IJYIi M TRAUE K 1S50. CHARLES S. WELLS, NO. 13 HUM STREUT, EVAN&Y1LLE, IND., (opposite i. Ii. Mag bee a Co. 's.) My leading principle: Veby Small Pbofits to Cash ob Close Pbompt Time Bbveh. MY LARUE SALES IN' 1858 Having reduced my Stock previous to January 1, 1SÖU, 1 am now enabled to offer my customers and friends uiaott um entire Xew Mock, purchased in Entbind, (werm.iny, and tbe New England Manu facturing lHstricts during a depressed state of the markets, aud I feel fu'.ly justified in saying, I now have (and to arrive) the fine!, best helecteil ami beM Umijht stock of HARDWARE AND CUTLERY ever exhibited in Evansville." .. . . Twenty years' exierimco in my business, a large acquaintance with Manufacturers, New Facilities and direct Importations, give too advantages for furnishing the best quality of HARDWARE made, and us cheap as any house in tiie Union (adding freights to this point), and my aim shall be, to sell the bet standard breads of all leading manufactures at a feinail commission on the actual cost of same. Now com ng in from Manufacturers (first brands) at reduced prues : HARVEST TOOLS U PHI dozen Blood's, Darling'saud Wuldrou's Scythes, 10 do do Briar do, 40 do Grain Cradles (bow and Wire Brace), 100 do Scythe Sucaths (assorted), HI do 1 lay, Straw aud Manure Forks. 2."i do Mcklcsantl Reap Hooks ' 60 boxes Svythe Stones, 50 dozen II:ty Rakes, 20 doz Garden Rakes. In Harvest Tools, none but the best kept. AXES. IPO dozen WelU' (Hunt's pattern), Lippincott's and Collins' Axes. CHAINS AND HAM ES. 10 casks Truce Chains, (best quality), 3 do Log do. (assorted), 50 dozen Oak Root llauies, do, 6 casks Coil Chain, do, 50 dozen Horse Collars, do. HOES. 100 dozen American HoeCo.'a Planters Hoes, 60 do Handled do. SHOVELS AND SPADES. 25 dozen Ames' Shovels aud Spades, 20 do Stis-1 do tlo, 10 do Irou do do, 10 do Round Point Shovels, 10 do Grain do. CUTLKKY, (New Patterns). ItsiO dozen Pocket Kuives, direct from gheltield, Kng SKHl do Table do. do do do do do, do, do. 200 do Shears ond Scissors, 50 do Razors, do FILES. . v 1000 dozen Butcher's unequated Filesi Ö0O do So. 1 Files, (other brands). SAWS. 3 cases Mill Saws, ' . . . 3 do Patent Hook Tooth Cross Cut Saws, I.jO dozin Hand and Panr.el, Tenon Saws, Wood Saws, Compass and Web Saws, of Spear and Jackson's aud otber brands. GUNS. Rifles, Shot Guus ami Pistols, in variety. Large assortment of Gun Triuimiiigs. too Guu Barrels always on band, assorted. . . tA P A N D WARE. Full asniirtmcut of Japaud and Stamped Tinware. Wire, Rivets, Kettle .Ears, Brass Wire Cloth, Ac. GL' 51 BELTING. . Agency for tlie Premium Belting aud Packing, (tiiiolu by the New Vork Bcltiug Company), sold at Factory prices for Cali. SCALES. : Platform Scales, Counter and Tea Scales full as sortment constantly on hand, at factory prices. CHAIS PUMPS. 5 casks Chain (turned button), 3 do do Pump Gearing, KJ feet du do Tubing (split nnd bored). Also a very large assortment of Hardware No tions aud Fuucv Good-. MERCHANTS AND TRADERS -iu Indiana, Illinois, and Kentrn ky, who lik to buy yoiitl and cheap Goods can : el on being fur nislied tiu person or by orders) promptly, r A d " I intend doing a nafe busiuess withgoodand nruuipt men, and rek r selling to suck customers at ou.;-liall the profit, to dijii.g a loug-wiuded busi ness, which is.aitvays aiteuded with gri;at risk and -- - CASH MEN, - or lare and prompt buyers who. meet their obli gations when due, wilt ml me fully s , A .. 1'KKPAUKD ; to meet them iu prices as low as the s,aue goods can be purchased Eist aud laid down in Evuiisviile, j my liiisiness being almost exclusively at iihuli- Al.r.. lllAUIibS. tx.41J3, 111.1:1 ign 01 tue m tu i&aw, u r irsi iireet. . ft VE H H EtM V OH J.UItRO- tvue Artisis wül lind a gumi assortment of Cnmi r,is, Cases and ' bemieais at m TOl'iAJ!D A 1 IIOMTSON S, eblö ' ... .... . No. 14 Main street. . . ? 1 N.1PI-J ROOTS. 1 0,000 CATAWBA i WIM Grate lioots, one year ohl. i -Jfw lbs Extra Glue. For sale l-ne at j . . PHILIPP lEOKER'ö, I fcbj-3mdrw Ko. Iii Maiu street. : gHJRl.ES McJOK.V8TO., WHOLE-. sale and Retail GUOOKlt AND PROVISION MEKCHANT, denier in Cordago, Nails Glas, Ce-nu-ut, Powder, Plaster Paris, Ac, No. 12t Main street, near the Caunl, Evansville, Ind. fetiS g1I T i- OR HE KS. -I IT 1 OBOERS for sale in quantities to suit purchasers. UOKNBROOK CO., feb26 . Water street, Eransvills. TfceMarkets. EvanivtU AVholesal Marken BTJTTEK, jR SiU..15fVl5acotkTWes, ( BEANS, white.......!" 00 Sboolder, Ibw. a7 BEESWAX. th-.-i- 1 iU riains. sue. cured...l2K COEN MEAL,bus.--gK5i flams, plain, tb. lö CHEESE, ft..12Sl3j " canvassed... 13 POTATOES 1 00($.l iw Bio, com'n, Tb 11312 " prime, lb....... fa- PLASTERS . Cement, h. $212(32 25 ' Calc. Plaster - L'd Plaster, 4001b. $3 50 T Utica Lime........ Q ' - White Sand, bid. j SALT .'. I Java, Bv.............;..I6J: Laguyra a I V. A i I' .. Star. ..i;..i..l821 I Opal . 0 Summer pressed .12 Lake, bbl...v..i.w 2 75 KanawhMbnah.l3üy33 EGGS, doxen 15 FLOCK, bbl...5 75(G 6 FISn Mackerel No. 2, bbl.. ..$13 0013 60 No. 2, y, bbl.. $7 00 No. 3, bbl12 004!13 00 No. 3 bbl J. S77 50 -,. Kits Ex.... 00 White Fish. 85 00(45 50 " Kbbl 3 FRUITS - - - SUGAR, N. O. 7S8 i CrusM.UHrtiläU " l'ulv...HV,(5!12 , " Loaf...llVl'a!l2V2 SEEDS ' . - Clover ,,,, 5 50 , Timothy, b. 4 50ft3 7ö " lilueCrass, bn.l.'.l 00 Flax biish....l 25 SOAP German.. 6 - Extra Palm 5J Family........., 4V TOBACCO . Kentucky, B...2P(a23 Dried Apples! 75gia 00 - Peaches, 2 50c3 00 FEATHF.BS, tb....JS40 tiAl.l-r Corti,i)Ush...iR57(y Virginia, U 30(g;40 LAKD OIL,gal..900 00 . v neat, onsn i lufgt )SU Rye, busii..'."... mtts, bu. (Ö.S ibs.)(K)8() HAY, ton. ...10 00U 00 HIDES, (dry) (14 Green .. 5 pressed, cwt (SG0 Molasses Bendered.....'.. 9 Rough ...5 WOOL , Tub washed. (3 , Tulled . tJ Fleece Ex. Fleece... - Unwashed,,.....' a WHISKY, ...ü428 Lard 1U 11 . .. i -. . N. Orleans, gal...37338 Sugar House. ......16 Golden Syrup...., Bacou (hog r'd,) ' S : RETAIL MARKET.- . , !. COkBtCTKD DAILY BT Z. U. COOK c SUM. - ' BETTER, lb -..10(g30 LARD, Jbll.J. .. 14 BEANS, quart. 5 MOLASSES .. CORN MEAL, bush.,1 00, New Orleans, gal. ...50 CHEESE, Bj ..15j Sugar House, gal COFFEE ! Golden Syrup.,...i...80 Rio,common....M...n;PROVISIONS .-.. " Ground.. ........20 Bacon sides, lb . .10 Java, lb ......IS - Shoulder....... -10 Laguyra, ground, tb Haras, aug. cured, 13 EGOS, dozen 10 , - " . plain, lb .12 FLOUR, bbl J6 25 , " canvassed, lb 14 - Sack, 98 lbs J3 15 Dried Beef, per lb 14 FISH . - ! . POTATOES, bush... St 20 White Fish, lb 8 SALT, sack. B lUrtrlö Mackerel, No. l,12c. SÜGAR -. L - " No. 2, tt.... New Orkans tb 810 ' Cod, B 8 Clarified ....14 FRUITS L Loaf. 15 Green Apples " r Crushed.... 15 Dried i' bus .2 50lW0OD.cord f250 w,wv uiaiueis xiran. , n or sale at marl . Z. H. COoK & SON'S. mEEU JLJTU A ti tl I C U JLT V HJL Kf STOKE. H. RAMEY, JR ., "- RAI.EK 1ft k AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS - Of All Kinds, - Farm and Garden Seeds, Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Evergreens, Shrubbery, Cement, Lime, Ac, cornor Firt aud Vine sts , Evausville, Ind. . B-V A complete variety always on hand, of the best manufactures aud most approved stylos., , fsbl0-d4in - ; . " ' , MP HE TEMPLE'S COMPOCJVJI H O PS Al-TD B ONESE V. . IT is the safest, sureet, . cheapest, and most relia ble remedy for the permnneut cure of ' ' "COLDS, COUGHS,' ''";-' HOARSENESS, r ASTHMA, CROTJP WKOOPrXG C0TJGHT And all affcctiujis tf tlie Throat and Lungs. Itbu ing prepared upon Scientific principles, and from articles that ure entitely vegetable.- Tta - -COMPOUND SYRUP OF HOPS AND BONESET Is manufRctttrcd by ' '-" " . C. ROT HEN BCSII &"S0n7 . ; . ; " Hamilton, Butler County, Ohio, to whom all or ders must be addressed ; and sold by - . KELLER WHITE, Druggists ' " Evansville, Indiana, aud by Druggists and Mer chants throughout the irountry. ' jnn2&ly BONAi.n risiira tiiokas boluso, ja. FISHER & BOLUSS, TWPRJSS EOVjyjIEMS, JPMJVI8IIER 8, JL9 Steam Pipe nnd Gas Fitters, corner of Pine and First streets, Evansville, Indiana, Respectfully assure the public that any orders entrusted to their charge iu the aliove branches of business, -will, be executed v.ith promptness, and in ffwllrst .sfyle- of Workmanship. . : v. A variety of Brass work constantly on hand and mauufactn'red to order. ! Strict attentien paid to Lo comotive and Distillery work Steam Gauges, Gas ami Steam Pipes always ready. - Highest market price, in cash, paid for old Cop per, Brass aud Zinc. dec!3-lyd a Ejyrisrit i J. n. uJi it it, m. it. respectfully informs the citizens B , of Evansville aud vicinity that ha u"Mö5j' located here permanently for the mir-AZfT TV r pose of practicing Dentistry iu all its branches. .- ft" Prices as follow s : Gold plate $.1 per toothy silver plate Sl.o0 jer tooth. Plugging 7ö cts. tu $1. Extracting 20 cts. ALL WORK WARRANTED. Office No. 45 Main street, under City Gallery. doc23 g w. 911 EE i.i:i jt wiuas, wiole- 9 W sale Dt-alers in Groceries, Produce, Nails, Window Glass, Glassware, Ac, No. 17 North First street, corner Sycamore, Evansville, Ind. E. E. WHEKI.Ett .JAMES D. BIOGS. nov2.'l i a o o n s jurn cj up et STORE. John Skillito & Co., Nos. 101, 103, and 1U3 West Fourth street, . CINCINNATI. OHIO, ' Importers of DRY GOODS AND CARPETING, Rcspcctfnllyjinform their cnstoniers and purchasers generally, that they tra now opening an extensive ' and complete assortment of DRV GOODS, CARPETING, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, &c, &c. 1 Families, Hotel Keepers, Steamboat owners, and others, may deend npon finding the best claxs of Gooils, at prices as low as they can be purchased In the Eastern cities. Thev have also added to their business an extensive JOBBING DEPARTMENT, to which they invite the special attention of cash and short time buyers. mar2-lm .i9Ö1i 18 TUE TIME to PMVJS'E. 9 w . Hedge Shears, Grass Shears, . v Rose Bush do. Pruning Saws, ,! Pruning Knives, Budding Knives, . Ladies' (sets) Garden Tools, Gardeu lines (in variety). Do : Rakes do, . , - . - .. Do Spades do. .. . Just ojiened and for s.ile l,y C. SWELLS, -. mai-2 Sign of tlwGoldeu Mill Saw. fTJU JJYB TJIyLOll' tIJ'IILES AS AND BAR SOAP 2Z't boxes, best brands, for sale by . . S. K. GILBERT A CO.. no Jisn white i Cheap Coflijc Iii or Java, : a .... . Do , Tea Green or Black, ., SVdJR : !; ". Do Do - Do For sale -at Meal Corn or Oat. Candles Star, Opal or Tallow, Rice, Honuiiv, Ac, Ac. ... Z. H. COOK SON'S. EU.Vt'I SOJPS ZOO BOXES, JiS- -Ä sorted, in store and for sale by -, f bl9 S. E. GILBERT i CO. EEMI! EE Ell ! EE Ell ! 100 tons prime Ilav, " ltxiobush. do Ear Corn,"'" 2iK) do do ' aholled Corn. ; . , ' 5K do do old Oats, ' Ä d'l Idft' Bian. ' . , , , ' Iu store aud for sale low at . . ... ; w J. C. DUSOUCHET S, j.in20 Corner Water and Locust s erects .- kf VP E H I O B CO.tL THE - tiVB- 9 scriber is nowreceiviug by the Canal a -supply 3 ofCoal, which is mined in u good manner and sliip- pca :a clean oraer, tree from impurities or siiu-K. It is recommended to the public as an article ia I euded to give satisfaction to the consumer, aud a i triai of its quality is solicited. Geuriru Y. Aniory 4 will attend to tha soiling and delivery of Coal, and receive orders at the warehouse of Jus. Laugh I in, Jr.. on Main street, near the Gtnaf. ' Lots of iu l.ii-iiels at lttcents. ' - . Lots of loo bushels andupwnrd.- at deduction-. ' fet4-3md FRANCIS AMOUY. QP.IJi'Itslf MOSSZ5 HJIsES Iti:- ceived per Jbn Raine, for ;tie by PRESTON" BROS. ' 7 arc ST C. .TIA, J. . CROSS -. iVIEZ, & fäL irive Lessoni on the Violin. Violiiui.ll., I Guitar. . Rooms at No. Tl Main street, up stairs. 79 W L- JO.vso.i-, 1100 it it i.'tt- Ek AND erTpI&f&i T?lank Rnnk lInnnfaplnrpr JTdLWM First st.i bet. Main änd Locns'i CiSöSiöi EVANSVILLE. IX Blank Books ruled, paged and made to order of he best pa;ier, from a Memorandum to be largest aim jiiuaziiius of ma in any styie oct27-Cnul4w r COMMISSION MERCHANTS Old 4EstaIlisIied- Wüarf iJJoat tT"- . EVANSVILLE. IU. P. GO'HIIiBlT' 8l Co esTOBJGE, FORtV.IBIIIJG, JJk. OP I .MSIISSION MERCHANTS. ... General Railr -, Steamboat, and Express' Agent special Agents tor tne . - PENN. CENTRAL rTAILROAD, I ' and connections over which: we are authorized . give through receipts at the lowest possible rate..: Having a mammoth Wharf boat at tha landinft,. the lanrest on the Ohio Kiver. caoabla of storitgt . .-. and" protecting U merchandize liable to dams ,, from Exposure, we are to taciutate the d a. , paten of all eonaigcmenu, lor warnt a to onr ca i; by either - ' r-i RIVER, RAILROAD OR CANAl.; Particnlar attention paid to Eecciving, Storing ? j and Forwarding, also, to the i", ' 4 Sale of any Produce, ' , ... t other property, consigned to us for sale, and satj-!' -.-' faction guaranteed. " 1 '" , Ofliee and extensive Warehouse on Water BtTeeb,r,;, J adjoining the Telegraph, and on the Wharf bosj ' where we are to be found, attending to tha of our patrons at all hours, day aud night. With our superior facilities longstanding; on- . r tiring energy; and knowledga of our business, w . ' ' ieei connusnt 01 giving general satisfaction, and nope to niorit a continuance 01 tne extensive patron- . Liberal cash advances will ) i .made en all consign 7." menta to either ourselves or u rcspondonts in any ' " 01 me principal mariceis, jr,r .1, rjistor eoutn. i P. C. O'PIUEY & CC. -grm a. short te Co., commission MERCHAJS'lS, v . , . .. , ,i U4 CAMP BTEBEI, , - ' .,; .. . , , XSW ORLEANS, lAs- o i'orlT a. n. short. ' oct22-bmd ",- a. a. nowAntti i. til f0W JIKMJJV, JiEtKll- "-S M3 ING, FORWARDING AND GENERAL j ii-i 3 COMMISSION MERCHANTS, , " V3 Agents for R.anawha bait Company, Evansville, In- : r diaua. We have formed a co-partnership under the '',lt style of Bkowh & Aikxas, and offer our service ir ; " . the capacity as set forth in our card above. ' ' We are fully prepared to extend every facility tc shippers, either by CANAL, BIVER, or RAIL ROAD, and assure them that their interests shall ' bs faithfully represented, should they be pleased to ' . favor us with their patronage. ' OtDce and Warehouse on the corner of Main tt. and the-Canal. WM. BROWN, W. M. AIRMAN, Late of Howard A Brown. Late of FOSTER, A Co . - " -, , jan22-tf fjt. cRjjyn, jfou ajRijij-j . ' . ... AND r Commission Merchant, äo. South Watee Stbeet, EvANäVinf ;ct21-ly .! QTORJUE -JSrE We are prepared Aj to store in our . Fire Proof -Warehouse, v qnantity of Grain, Produce, or Merchandize, on the most liberal terms. ' ; . - u, . . ; j Hating large and airy rooms up stairs, particular care win ie taüea 01 uousebold t urniture, Agri cultural Implements and all kinds of Goxis or wares liable to damage from damp or just. . . -' . Insurance effected at the lowest " fire, prool rater, by the month, or longer when desiredV .- - j . Warehouse located on corner of Locust street and W. and K. Canal, and most convenient for shipping by Kiver er Railroad. ; Apply to A ap2 - - .' . GEO. . FOSTER A CO. JfOIUy 8. MITCHBII, te Co., BE-' FCEIVISO, FORWARDING AND COMM1S. SIO.N MERCHANTS, Water street, between Main and Locust, '' ... -r - EYANSVILLE, INDIANA. Particular attention given to the forwarding o' general Merchaudise and Produce, by River, Canal, . or Railroad. . aug!4-r,m g UtJVJI. i. TORJ eVA'.I have a lai.-je oi a . t ble W.irehrue at the Cauul Basin, capable ot storing any smi:unt of produce, which will be re ceivud, stored, token care of und held subject to ihs owneit eiders on most seasonable terms. - . . - , - , . -.,:.-,;- P. G. ti'Hl t.l.Y. mhiti-tf ' -v - :,. . . RAILtlOADS AND tXPltLbf). 76 TtfKiftäJ.VT' e)K.8PJT'Ji."- fJL , . FAST FRlilGHT LI St.. , AMEEICAX EJlPKESB CuMPANV FtlllPPIVOF. TO THE WEST AUD SOUTH-WEST. VIA ALBANY AND BUFFALO. Tbe Merchants Despatch continues bringing Goods " from New York and Boston, at as low rates as any Despatch or Rail Road Express, and In as (rood or better time, havicg uneiiualed facilities for safe and speedy transportation. . , ' - - No Despatch or Fast Freight Line lias euyecir' section with us. - -' - - - Arrangements were mads by us early last Spring, by which we are enabled to forward not only tbe lighter portion of shippers' freight, but we can car ry both light and heavy with the same promptness which lias always characterized tho "Merchants' DetjMitch." Bringing our freights in onr own cars, with passenger trains, and having our own agents at points of transhipment, we have advantages in point of siend and safety, which render it Impos sible for other companies to compete with us. . This Desmtch is owned and managed by the American Express Compnny, which is a sufficient guarantee that all just claims will be settled without delay, as has lieen the case for the past three years, and to the satisfaction of those by whom they ma) be presented. - JOHN G. WAS30N, sepll-Um Agent, Terre Haute. mi e: ip uEssco.ftpj.yi mR NEW ARRANGKMKNT. The Adam's ExrREKS Compant rjpectfully an- , nöunce to their friends and patrons, the public of Evansville aud vicinity, -that, with iucreased facili ties for the transjiortation of Fit L IU HT, PA OKA O ES. MOXETAKJU VALUABLES'.... They solicit a continuance of former favors. Es pecial care taken in the collection of Bills, Drafts, Notes, and the transportation of small and valuable. packages. i All persons wishing to avail themselves of the fa cilities of the Express, cau obtain any desired infer-, ' mation in reference to the route aud detail of the business, at thuir Office on First street, L-etwecn Main and Locust,' opposite the Post Office. del8 , , . . . , , C U. FlhH, Agent. ,'. REdUEJRE V1LLE WABASH PACKET. The steamer JOHN TOMPKINS. Sutton, master, will rtn iu the Evausville and Wabash trade during the season. For freight or ptistsge apply on board. - ,. jaii7-ünid .. 2&mm 8TEJMEB KJTE8JH- Jt5gfeCHET- Tne steamer Kate Sab. fiSScSSS-cnET will rnn regularly during tbe ' Winter, in the Wabash trado proceeding on each trip as far np the river as the water and business will justify her in going. The strictest attention will be paid td the wishes and interests of shippers. " .Her days of departure from Evansville will be regu larly announced in the papers. - ' decl5-3m -,' , jfmTB E U VI JIM EOUI8- '-liyitvillo, Evansville and Henderson ' 5kS-Packet SCIOTO No. 2, Bailabd-. Master, leaves Evausville for Eouisville aud all iu-'. termed iate points, every Wednesday at 7 P. M-, and ., every Saturday at 11 A. M. , decä ETJ I "J . 'S V'11,L E, PJOVCJH, J.VII Mil CAIRO REGULAR PASSENGER PACKET, CHARLEY BOWEN, DEXTEK, Master, leaves Evausville Tues day and Friday, at 12 o'elock, M.- arriving at Paducah at 6 o'cloefc, A. 81., Cnire at 12w'clock, M., Wednesday and Saturday. Re turning, leaves Cairo every Wednesday and' Satnr- day, at 7 o'clock, P. M., and Paducah every Thurs day and Sunday, at 9 o'clock, A. M., connecting at Evansville with the Evansvillo and Crawfordsville ' R. R.t and Packets for Green River. Also, con- - nectiug at Smithland with Cumlierland River Pack ets ; at Csiro, with Memphis, Few Orleans end St, Louis Packets. . ' Tickets can be obtained on board the boat for all Eastern Cties. , r - - -, - ' sent23 IS SO LIT I O.V TU E PJHT.VEM- efcio heretofore eiistine under tbe firm et Tcnney A Sirenson has this dav been dissolved by ' mutual consent.- S. SORENSr N settle the busi ness, and is authorized to use tlieviame of the tlrm in li.inidation. ' " It.-8. TENNE Y, . EVA.vsvn.LE, Feb. 1,1859. S. SOREXbON. -. g-IOPJRTJVERSHlPrTHE f'.V- 2s dcrsiirned have this d.iv fjrmed a part'- rslifn, ' nder the Ttiime ot SOESNSON, LEMCKJ CO..TTT ana will continue toe wuoicsaie grocoiy u:ness ox Teuue.v A orenion, at tlie ulu stand, coruer V ine and Water streets. wUere they invif the 0U4tonw ers of the o1!1 Uriu and tilo xuuiiü generally to give. thera a call. , , . -S. SORENSON. . .k . . , ,." . A. LEMCKK. ' febl , ,. JL, . V. SORKNSON. , r ' &1J RPE T WJRP AW II COTT0S - X Ls YARN 15d-bas for siilc by s "J-jT E GILBERT" CO;rT:-w felw 'X-. ,' A;;nts -Cvpress Fact.irv." 3 -.. ffJSH MOVEt-l '.'82 31A1N -iiiLii. . X- CHKAP GitO'jEIUEo 31aist. More Inducement to Promjii: Cue ' ' -.;.-- loner. In conseqoenceof the larg iucrease.of traips wiiich we hare Ueii reeently recviviug, we are now. ena.- ' bleil Hi seil goods cheaper titan eoer. . Weh:iVo a bet-.. . ter stock of groceries tiian we have ever had, and . s are constantly reo-iving. We work ourselves. ud 1 thereby save to our customers tbe expeajeot book-i keeping and high-priced clerks. Call and see.-. : Tkkms As hereb fore, cah at the enl vf ecery month. VI. K ERY BROTIIKRS.tiMaineU, -Em J PI 8.' .tJVItERSOJV, MEM- z .Mß CHANT TAILOR, Mitchell's Block," Main . street, Evansville, Ind. Headquarters for elegant "M w Clothing made toorder. . Uonte' J unib-liiug Uod r such as Shirts, Collars, Cravats, Uandkeruiiteia, jf d-c. Also, variety of Piece Goods, made up to or- c der in tlie very best style aud manner, at quick terms, small prottta end extensive ealea. . dec23 v . . . imfT's. ." ;S'-!T : Ä - J .1 'I i. . 'r"-t . :-t, .V -1 i -