Newspaper Page Text
. ill .1JJI.2 ,1 . . 4 i Li r ,V1 H 1 Exchange and Cmrerncy r. Table. . - '" ' ' Corrected bn the Branch Baut, " , - " EXCHANGE t ?-. " - - Kew York, Buying . gelling J New Orleans, ;--.par. J Cincinnati, - - .. . ?:. j . MWB, rUITOS, Oft CVRBENCT AT TAM. ' State Barx or Indiawa. Bank or the State or Is- Alleohiwt CrrT Bawk. MONOMQAMELA BAMS, Pa. BaxTTMORB. Except American Bant. PrrTSBCRO. Philamlphia, Except Bank of Penns tfimiita. ' MAHA. . State Bank or Ohio. : KENTUCKY. ; jlt- IjOTJI&IANA. ' SrKOIX F ATI H Q Fill Banks or Indiana. - Wkkxlimq Citt. I .Missouri. - STOCK BANKS Or OHIO BXCBPT ' Union.' ßandnsky 5 dls.! City, Cincinnati 30 dis. City Bank.CoIumous.ouisiwuiai, ueveuuiu....o um. Beneca Uounty to ais.f . , NIW YORK, MEW ENQLAND, XKW JKRSET, AND DEL. , . ... WARS, IN GOOD CREDIT. ; . SPECIE-PAYING FREK BANKS. Brookville Bank, Brook- Exchange Bank, Green- vuie. I Bank of Elkhart, Elk ;'; hart. " : i ' Bonk of Goshen, Goshen. Bank of Gospert, Goeport. castle. . . Fayette Co. Bank, Con- neravine. - Farmers' B'k, Westfleld. Hooeier B k, Logansport. Indiana Bank, Madison. Indiana Reserve Bank, Kokomo. ' Indiana Fanners' Bank, Franklin. Indiana Stock Bank, La- porte, Kentucky Stack B'k, Co lumbus. ' . Lagrange Bank, Lima. Mer. and Mechanics Bk, New Albany. New York and Va. State Stock Bank, Evansville. Parke Co, Bunk, Kock ville. i Prairie City Bank, Terre Hanta. Bank of Indiana, Michi- - gan City. Bank of Monticello, Mon- ucello. - . Bank of Mt. Ternon, lit. Vernon. Bank of Paoll, Paoll. ' K Bank of Bockville, Wa- bashtown. . . . Bank of Syracuse, Syra - cose. Bank of Salem, Salem. Bank of Salem, New Al bany. Bloomin gton B'k, Bloem- ineton Crescent City Bank, Ev- ansviue. Canal Bank, Evanville. Cambridge City B'k,Cam- bridge City. Central Bank, India napo , lis- Southern Bank of Ind., Terre Haute. . Salem Bank, Goshen. - TJKCnBBBMT rONDS. The nrinciDaT nncnrrent funds In this market are I ; Illinois. Wisconsin and Teanessa. . They may be quoted about as follows : TUinois 1 discount.. Wisconsin ....1)4 " Tennesse Planters and Union ;Bauks.. " Bank of Tenneewe... ................... ......... M " re Banks solvent..... ....l(ul4 Places of "Worship. - ThefoQowlng Register of . places of public wor-;- ship, may ha of interest to strangers visiting our . city: - . - Herman United Evangelical Bt. JohnU Clmrch. On Third street, between Division and Ingle streets. . William Schmidt, Pastor. Meetings, every Sun day, at 10 o'clock, A.M. Chrittian Church 11M of the Neptune Engine - House, Second Street, between Main and Locust, j. a. Tibbbtts, Pastor. Services every Lord's day at 10 o'clock, A. M., and 7 o'clock, P. M. , Old Pretttyterian C'hurth, (AT. .V-On Second, be tween Main and Locust streets. Rev. William Mc Cabeb, Pastor. Services every Sabbath, at 10 'clock, A. M.,ud 3 o'clock, r. m. Sabbath Schot)! at 6 o'clock, A. if.' Prayer Meeting every Wed nesday evening, at 8 o'clock. ' : First l'reabyUTittn Church, (0. 8.) Corner Vine and Second streets. Rev. Alexander Stbbbktt, Pastor. Services every Sabbath at 10 o'clock, A. M., and 8 o'clock, P. Jf. Sabbath School at 9o'clock, , a.m. Prayer Meeting every Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. ..... - Bt. PamC; Episcopalian) Corner First and Chest nut streets. Service on Snnday, at 10 o'elock, A. M., and 7 o'clock, p. m. Sabbath School at 2 o' clock, p.m. Prayer meeting every Friday evening at 7 o'clock, and on Wednesday, also, at same hour ' '. during Advent and Lent. -- ...., Church of the A stump t ion, Roman Catholic) Sec- . ond street, between Main ad Sycamore. Revs. ' Antost Dkoikb and Patrick McDermott, Pastors. - Services every Sabbath morning at 8 and 10 o'clock. . ' Vespers at 3 o'clock, p. m. Mas every morn- the week, at 6 and 8 o'clock, a. m. lYinitM C Aurea. German Honum Catholic) Third -I street, between Vine and Division. : Rev. Francis Kdtassi, Pastor. Hen'iii every Sabbath at 8 and . 10 o'clock. A. M. , Sabbat u school at 8 o'clock, P. w . and meetings evury morning through the week at 8 o'clock, A. M. c Ingle Street Church, (Melhodirt) Ingle street, bo- n . tween seventn ana tifiniu. ih'. j. munr, rw or. Services every Snnday at 10VI o'clock, A. w. and 7 o'clock, p. m. Prayer Meeting every Fri- . ilav venine at M to 8 o clock. . . . Bene Israel bmagogue Keller's Building, third story, on Main street, between Third and Fourth streets. Rev. Mr. Welchheb, Pastor. Services ev- . ery Friday evening at 7 o'clock, and Saturday moruinic at S o'clock, i- Association of Spiritualists Temperance Hall, on , Water street. . Sorvicecry Sabbath afternoon, at , 2 o'clock. a M Locust Street Church, (MtthsdUt) Locust street, . between Second and Third. - Rev. Hiram Uilmobb, ,. Pastor. Services every Sabbath at o'clock, a. m., and 8 o clock, P.M. Sabbath School at a o'. clock, a. M. Weekly Prayer Meeting, every Wed nxulav veuinir. at 8 o'clock ' . .:- Ziou's Evangelical Church On Fifth below Inglo street. Rev. Jar. biikoert, raster, services every ! Sabbath, at 10 o'clock, A. M., and-y o'clock, p. M. Wcdiiesdav even inc. at 8 o'clock. " ' First Bavtist Church On the corner Second and Clark street. Henby A. Cook, Pastor, i Church Meetincs, Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. Prayer Meetings, every Wednesday . evening. Sabbatl School at 9 o'clock, A. M. German Methodist ChurchOo Vine street, be tween Second and Third. Rev. Mr. Ramies, Pas . ii i. . u .. n.i.n;niv -1 l iM,' .a1.. l. ...i- Also at night. Prayer Meeting, every Wednesday night. African Methodist Church On Leet street, liet Third and Fourth sts. Rev. Mr. Abbam Hill, Cir mit Rider. Class Meeting, every Suuday morning. Praver Meeting, every Wednesday night, Herman Buutist Church Corner Second . and Chirk street. Services every Sabbath, by Rev. Mr. Biisch. vraTer Meeting, evtry . Wednesday night. - Salem, or- Allbrialit's Chunk. (German) Corner Cigntn and Division Streets. Rev. Mr. Temperton, Pastor. Services every sutraay morning, at 11 . o'clock.' rrayer mcetiug, every netmestiny nignt. . German Lutheran Church On Fifth street, bet.' : Canal and Sixth, in Lamasco. Rev. Mr. Sahpert, Pastor. . Services every Sabbath, morning, at 11 o clock. - ' - Old School Baptist Sharp's enlargement. - Elder . A. D. Morton, Pastor. Services every Sunday morn. ' im at 10V o clock. " , Cumberland Presbyterian Church Corner Second and Chestnut sts. . Rev. Mr. Bpbbow, Pastor. Ser. " , rices every Sabbath at 11 o'clock, a. m., and at 8 p. m. J, ' " Meetings) of Secret Societies.. "' - masonic Eetmsritle Loige, So: 04. A. J.- Colbcbn, Secre tary. Regular meetings first and third Monday's In each month, at Masonic Hall, corner ef Maiu and First street. ' ' Evansrille It. A. Chapter, JVo. 12. W. E. Hol- , imosworth. Secretary. Meets first Friday In .m-Ii . ; onth, at Masonic Hall. - -. . -. uin rr.LLOWs. - lUrniug fr Lodge, No. 7. James. Swanson, . 8ei.retary.' Regular meetings overy Thursday eve- nine, corner ot Main anil irst street. Crescent Lodge, A'o. 122. John Greek, Secretary. Meets every Tuesday evening. Schiller Lodge, (German) So. 138. John Dan- NBTTEXL. 8ecrtaiy. Regular meetings every Fri day evening. ' - Evanseills Eneammnent, No. 20. C. 6. Kkatx, Scribe. Meets second and fourth Monday' every . month. i 1 )' l' . . .Z. II. Cook & Son. Agents, , , Have this day received their first shipait ut, and will ... v continue to receive uaiiy, per auaina w. express, . - dim from the Pasker in Haiti more, a lull Bin. ply. The Cans are large-size and filled full. All Oysters sold by us, will b warranted in every respect . second to none.-. V e are prepared to furnish W uole- .1a and Retail, and oner a liberal oisoouuc to aeai- . i era. (iive us. a call. Satisfaction guaranteed or manev refunded, m 1 56, H. COOK & bOM, V, . septl8 . ; .. - No. 22, Mam sreet.'-- a.nKTH . v 'a jvjst t. 4,ooo ins. .. .. -; A3l Canvassed Hams. , iii -it 6,000. Bacon Sides, i, . ; ölOu Sugar Cured dried Beef ' 600 Bis,' No. 1 Cheese, (S1 " Pure Cream of Tartars 60 Sacks extra family flonr' 10,000 lbs, country Bran, 20 Bush. -Corn Meal,' 20 duzen Kliaker and other Brooms. . . . . . .Jost received and for sale by -' r . , ' , .' aiig3l i J. W. V1CKKRY Co. seu.UHK Lis " VOJ'Wli t'tJS' UJ fj t- m ; :-:Mß Jost selected, from the largest Eastern lloinws, - -. i i 4 - a largestocK oi - .- ' 2 . i . Violins, Italift, Gorman, and French. t Guitars of vaioss prices. ' , - - : v. - Aceovdeonsai i Fl utiuas, choice quality. . -. . ... k'l..,.. k lo-..U-tK. Taiiibouriites, Uaoioes, T. AniiiiMui!alJiistrunienUandliistnK:tionBookr, .' , ' . . .which tlwv sell at Kastern prwvs. Alsov a cottiete t) BSSTT'r"" W ; ,. , tutn Kuvelopsa oC all kiuds. . . h .v. Blank Booka- , . .. Letter Paper. 1 . , ; I School UookS.. i r - . - U' i .1 ' .nrl retail, and at the lowest prices In the i citv. Call and see tue aeieciion ueiore goiug where. i . - . ' ; - . At HA JVC A A IU TH E AeOT my of imported BrIUMleBfonertyadvtBrtise lo tto sold at publio auction, wiu, ., - , -old prrrataly,innsjititietOBUitpieliae. . Call rlv if von want pure BrandV for little money. DECKER A KRAMER. MISCELLANEOUS. mmOPLAR SHIJVOLE8. 5 O . O O O Poplar Shingles, in yard and fur sale by x -rr,YTr n sit ntrwti augll' ' Corner Main and Seventh streets. -ttMHMTM LEAI-15 ACE OS AVHM3 -WW WhiteLead. ... . ! g . Timothy Seed, a fresh article." '" "' A large lot ef fresh Teas, assorted qualities, and packed. Just received by :-- . - . .- . . sepUl .. - - WHEELER & BIGGS. wpio co jwem;. loo j&&s raun je JLlks Bio Coffee. . 25 Bags old government Java Coffee.' 1 60 Boxes choice Hamborgh Cheese. . ,;:' 75 Caddies fine Va, Mn. Tobacco. . ,iw .coxes eds. 4s. ös. and Ks. do. Just received and for sale by WHEELER RIGGS. jrnu,30o a U8ii. p kji che , by - . sept9 - Z. H. COOK SON. Jf STJSfUJBJVS, (SVC Scautlin, Jr.,) Dealers in all 3 cessors to Jas, kinds of Stoves, , and manufactia- rors of Tin, Sheet Iron and ConDer Ware. Also, man ufacturers . . of, Fruit Clus of ev ery patent and description, with which printed directions for put ting np all kinds of fruit, will be furnished, free of charge ; all of which will be sold very cheap for cash, at wholesale or retail. " Storeroom at No. 13, Main street, between Water and First streets, (op posite old State Bank), Evansville, Ind. JAS. 8CANTLIN, JR ROBERT E. STEPHENS. JT1 VJJV SVILLE PLJJ-IJUi JJVJJ JLa Flooring Mill, Second street, between Chest nut and Cherry, dealers In Lumber and manufactu rers of Doors, Shutters, Blinds, Sash, Door and Window Frames, Mouldings of every size, Flooring, Weatherboarding, Shelving, Mantles, Base Pilas ters, Green-house Sash, and Chain Pump Tubing. A large assortment of Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings and Pump Tubing, constantly on hand. Also, ready worked Flooring of all kinds. Persons about to erect buildings in the Southern or Western country, considering the low rate of freight by r.-ver, railroad and caual.will find it to their interest to purchase at our establishment, where they can be supplied with all the carpenter's work, ready-made, of seasoned lumber, for the fin ish of buildings.- Our work is not made as most factory work, with tenons half way through, but it is iraniea in the same manner as it made by hand. Sawing of all kinds done on short notice. Terms cash, unless otherwise agreed upon. myzi-tr ' . STJSJ&LR1 hujnmi&u JL last, at VAlITiER A MARCONNIER'S, sept22 , , . 39 Slain street. AT1KOCKRIKH UVJJ J'BO VlSIOJS. fjf EVANSVILLE, LSD. Wboi.esalb Department. First street, first door from IXain ; Retail Department, Main street, first aeer holow the corner. , . . . . - Z. H. Cook begs to thank his friends in Evans ville and neighborhood, for their favors so freely be stowed on him since he has been , in business among them, and takes this iiportnnity of introducing to their notice his son, Mr. H. A. Cook, whom he has taken into partnership from this date, and solicits for the new firm of Z. H. Cook A Son, a continuance of the support so liberally conferred on himself. ' " It. 11. .UooK a hon, having taken the business premises and purchased the whole stock of Mr. M. W. Hosier, ieel confident that they will be enabled to supply the citizens of Evansville with every arti cle they may require in the Grocery and Provision line. Z. 11. Cook it son wish especially to draw the attention of persons in the country having produce of any kind to dispose of, to their increased facility tor taking on their stock, ana supplying tnem at their store, with all articles required in the whole sale department, at prices that must insure their orders for the future. feb2-tf 'JPl TO BUILDERS AND CARPENTERS. The subscriber has bought out the interest of R. H. Bennett, in the Lumber Yard, near Kratz A Heill man's Foundery. He now offer his stock at a cheap price for cash. .--n: , K ; - i - s jryl-3n - JAS. EWANSON. , T If O CTO HS It HJi TH WJiTJH'S RETROSPECT FOR JULY. Just received at ang26 DOBELL A C0NTNGT0N. M-T store and sor sale by - aug 20 ; J. W. VICKERY A Co.. rmwtuKti uoou houses t ojvh At- fresh Milch Cow, for sale at ugaO ... .. , Z H. COOK A SON'S. W&fJVJS A. CJttHf;R.7he. subscriber would JL respectfully call the attention of carpenters and milliters to his stock of Pine Lumber, which u one of the largest and best ever yarded in this city. 1'nces as low as the lowest. Olhce corner Alain aud Seventh streets. - '- JOHN F. GLOVER. 1AAA titHJLH 1'H EXTRA 8V- 1UUÜ OAR CUREIHAMS. Received and for sale by , ,. ... Z. Ii. COOK A SON, july'J - i --4 ole Agent for Evansville. ABAS CHOICE ,IIR1 OIA,, sum M-P 20 bxs. star Candles, 20 do Assorted German and Palm Soan, just received tiy-- Z. U. CtWJK A Son, SrptfILIHJVJ ,H.ITf.'Ji. 10,000 mjv Lights, s-hi easn, 3, u, and 'J it. each. 1,(KH" 9-12 2,600 "-. 10-12 " . . 1,000 " 10-10 and 10-12 Sash. " " 100 Pannel Dors, assorted sizes. 2.r0 Boxes-Glass, assorted sizes. Just recoived and for sale low, by WHEELER A RIGGS. Jt CSltK LS PRIME JVEW Oats, 60 bush, choice Apples, 500 lbs. Sugar enred dried Beef, SO dozen assorted Brooms, ,- -60 bush. Sweet Potatoes, : .. -10 lo Crab Apples,. ., . . 600Ciuiglc's Hams," 1,000 lbs. Bacon Sides, 6 bbls. No. 1 extra Mackerel, -,-5 No. 2 Mackerel, ,40 boxes extra Herring, . -' 20 kits assorted Mackerel, 600 tt. extra large Codfish. deceived aud for sale by octl Z. II. COOK A SON. JPSo OR SAJLE AT A AtAROAAJV A louse and !t in N. E. Enlargement of the city ot Evansville. enquire at the Ii. K. X I. Umce, Ho. 1, North Third street, Evansville. octl.--'- C. C. COLLINS. nriVTTI,ES PATEJYT CROSS-CVT Jl Saws, just received and for sale by . - novl7 ' JACOB STRAUB. No. 40 Main st. t4T1t1APEE,S AUTOMATIC ROTAT 9 ING HARROW. Patented May 25th, IS58. The attention -of manufacturers of agricultural implemvnts, and the wHsersof small grain, isinvit ed to a recent and most valuable improvement it the construction of the Harrow, invented by V. m Chafee, of Grayville, Illinois. In this "new imple ment the teeth are Inserted in two self revolving bonzontal wheels, by which the turrow of the teeth are made to cross the line of the direction of the harrow, aud as the teeth go round the circuit of the wheel every time the harrow moves forward tue length ol the diameter ot the wheel, each tooth has just three times the effect of a tooth in a straight harrow, consequently it does its work far better, and more .of it. Once passing over the ground witb this harrow, leaves it better harrowed than by two passages with the ordinary narrow it is much lighter Uralt upon the team, and what must be great consideration wtih every practical farmer, in passing over coi n or stubble ground, it keeps itself eulirely frae of stalks, as by its action It scatters tnem on each sale of 11. . ... The inventor propwses to sell the right to manu acturo tlieso Harrows, for any given Territory either Counties or States, atuioilerato prices. He will also seli-euigle 11 arrows, aud on the- receipt of i: he wilt ship a good six levt narrow to any part ol the country, tue pnrcnaser paying ireight. Ad dress, - : V. M. CHAFEE, ang8-d3t-w tf . . . Grayville, Illinois V PACES. 5 RAUS ,AAjSPICK A3 f S5 Bags Pepper, i HKVMat's Cinnamon--- ' ' '- vn StWttia. Cloves. ,-' - 400 lbs. Nutmegs - ' --.--. - 10 Kegs Ground Ginger. .-.--. 150 Boxes assorted Grocery" Spices, Must aid Pepper Sauce, Bakiug Powders, Ac. For sale, low, oy .u4.ouu UBiiut A Co. sept 15.; . , ; . Corner Locust street and Canal rjp THE PHULIV. Sam, the little man, has this day - ' '."i ' IttHtn opening GOODS both fresh and gay, He received near every kind -. v -- v" That yio in any city can mm ; '. Aud a he pirrchiLSeor by tue bale, -- ' lie is determined to RETAIL For READY PAY", at little lower t ns Than ever has been hail before. - lie with bis brethreu means to lire. f Butairforl'ltEUtTshall not give, . , , He wouldn't liva lo rouse your passiou,.n . . Fi CREDIT here is out of fashion ; , ( .7" His friends and buyers one and all," t , . It'll y yen well to give a call, ; -You'll always find liiui by hisfign, f , s i;4 . .Ou Bluiu stretriumber 49., ' . , - " j, j- ; Further more you will bear in mind. Km brich take fiuids-of ev'ry kirnt, ? "t And broken Banks at hiirher rates, -.- vi As ran lie bad in other States t - t Tliecily's oreilit he'll defense, sp$ Take their onlers at ?0 cents," ? ä. - So if Imrgains yon wfeh to mecf. j. Go to 49, on Main street. --, ;, , 1 1? J 1 ' T VST RECEIVE B. WE8TEBJV mMr reserved Cheese,- " ' ' I' "-'i : ," Vb Hcn,' - a , - wt. mi t msnhes sm n Shaker Broomsj ' Fine Sweet Tobacco. A lot just received and for sale by sept29 A. D. REYNOLDS A Co. MISCELLANEOUS. KTßZrJVSOIl sY JVElVTOjyS OIL WW- COLORS, in patent collapsible Tubes. Ar rangements have been effected with Messrs. Winsoi & Newton, for a constant and full supply of tliuir celebrated Oil Colors. For brilliancy, durability and entire reliability they are unrivaled. The firs ' class medal was awarded them at the World's Fair Louden. CHARLES BABCOCK, sept7 . 8 Main street. wy on h&lu, -f '1J-Ji ANKUMS JkV Three Tear Old Mule. Z. H. COOK A SON. O TI OJSZ 0 1 HA CO CK J TU- W V er Fly Brushes;- 3 doE. Misses' Brooms, a fancy article; . 6 do Vwxcy Whisks; ' ! 10 do Shaker and Lecallon Brooms; ,10 do assorted Scrub Brushes; - 5 do Dusting Brushes, fancy aud plui:., ' 5 d Shoe Brushes, do do; , i HORN BROOK A CO. cv.viiitr us 3000 roujvns js- 3 sorted Wire; . . - - " - 600 B'dls commoa and charcoal Sheet Iron; 20 do Galvanized and Russia do; - 6 casks Sheet Zinc; ) Sheet Copper and Copper Bottoms, all sizes, in Store and for sale by SAMUEL ORR. . J'y TJfJJ A.O VJiHS OA? J. HO OH Cun of Tea. We are now in receipt of a very choice lot of loose Teas, bought expressly for retail ;rade. Call one and all. Samples given with pleas ure, by , Z. H. COOK SON. vT. C HAUL. US ftf00JV( J. 6, 3I First street, opposite the Post Office, Evansville, Indiana. The citizeus of Evansville and the pub' lie generally are respectfully Informed that this magnificent saloon (formerly Bark's Exchange) has been entirely refitted and furnished in every depart ment, and Is sew open- for the season, where visitors can always have served up at the shortest notice and in the most superb style all the delicacies of the reason, gamo of all kinds, Venison, Wild Duck, j Turkey, Fish, Ac. Shell Oysters received daily, ty express, as well in cans, will be served in every style to suit the patrons-of the St. Charles. , siUiard players will And at this saloon a set or the finest marble top Billiard Tables from the well nown and celebrated factory of J. M. Brunswick Co. Suppers served upat all hours, day or night. A splendid lunch wilr be terved up, in the most appropriate style, every morning at 10 o'clock. , : OCt w J. If. UAKidKUTUa. M.9 OTICK .HjA f.YYV SO Lit JUS WW interest in our establishment to Mr. Samuel Vickery, the style and firm will in future be Vickebt -A Brothers, in hope therefore with the acquisition of a new but experienced partner, there will lie an increase of trade to the house. Thanks for past favors. Respectfully, Ac, - ... J. W,. VICKERY A Co., oct20 . ' No. 22 Main street. MV ST RECEl fEO AT THE JYEU mß HARDWARE door below the Bank, 12 extra Most Steel Mill Saws, ea. 7, 7, 8 feet. 12 Rowland's " " " , " .7,7)4,8 " 12 .' " Cross Cut " ' ' ' .". 12English " " " " "" ' 25 doz. Spear A Jackson's Hand, Pannel and Rip Saws. ' ,,... 25 doz. Cast Steel Wood Saws. 4 . . .. . u . Circular Saws, from 8 to 20 in. septl5 i ,. GEORGE S. SONNTAG. IJS'K CV TL1S, R W 10 Setts fine Ivory Table Knives and Forks. 10 ' " " " Hily. 12 pair ' Carvers. ' '"" V: "' 60 doz. Wostenholni's Pocket Knives. ' ' 25 " Joseph Rogers' Scissors. septlS ; GEORGE S. SONNTAG. -WWAIjASES AJV1A LEATHER HAT r c CASES, a first-rate article, for sale at VAUTIER A MARC0NNIER,' septll i - - - 39 Main street. mmEW RICE-& TIERCES PRIME ml W new Rice just received and for sale by nov2 PRESTON BROS. mm e w SMAR.1 o if nits, prime W W new Sugar just received and for sale by nov2 PRESTON BROS. SAMUEL E. HILBERT WILLIAM R. BARER. AY E. HILBERT K CO., SVCCES- SORS to Gilbert A Bowles, - - WHOLESALE GROCERS, sycamore street, between Water and t irst, Evans- ville, Indiana. A full assortment of Groceries al ways on hand, and for sale at the lowest prices. Agents for " Cypress Mills, Cotton Yarns, etc., at manufacturer's prices. (novl ATtISSOI.VTAOJ THE E1RM OP JtAr Gilbert A Bowles was dissolved on the 20th Instant, by mutual consent.' - The business will be continued by our successors, Samuel E. Gilbert and William R. Baker, under the firm of 8. E. Gilbert A Co., who-are alone Authorized to settle the business of the lats firm. SAMUEL E. GILBERT. ' HENRY BOWLES. . Evansville, Oct. 30, 185S. Jf BARRET RA S ME T SO P V'A yfJL RIuUS sizes and kinds, iu store and for sale by VICKERY BROTHERS, nov4 i : . No. 82 Main street. -75 boxes for sale by 8. E. Glf-BERT A CO, hov4 ' Sycamore street, near Water. dTWSAOB ORAJ-E PJLAJYTS. WE are agents for the sale of Osage Orange Plants ef good size and Ibrifty growth, and can supply any quantity. Orders promptly attended 4o. , novlo - iiuUAlSJ.iiun. vi '. 2T A III ES IlK-A LOT OK TUK LATIiST JBLji Btvles Capes, Half Capes, Vicloriues, Cuds, etc., just received by Express at ... V Aull Stlv MAKUISMMIS, . novl9 ,,' 39 Main strict. 19WISS SEIDELL'S I"EV BOOK. OJfJL VERSULA. Just received nt - , septl DOBKLf. A C0NXNGT0N. 4& VJV1IRIES.Ü3 RA US JA fA '. v FEE. , 100 lioxes Figs, r '' '"' " 6 Casks Zan lee Currants. 1 Cask Prunes. : 10 Churns Sultana Raisins. 4 Cases Citron. 50 Bags Pimento. -, 200 Matts Cassia. , 250 kegs Bi Carb. Soda. . 40 Boxes W. R. Cheese. ' " 40 " Virginia Tobacco. -25 Half Chests Teas. Just received aud foi sale by septl7 PRESTON BROS. TTBRA I'Et BOOHS AJVIA BIBLES JL A splendid selection in. Antique, Morocco, aud Velvet Bindings ; also in fancy wood. Just re ceived by DOBELL A CONYNGTON. THE BESTAJVI PVRE ST BRAJV DY in town, at the lowest figure, is at lccker A Kramer's. Hotel and Coffee-house keepers, and all others that can appreciate good liqnor and wish to buy it cheap, ia quantities to Wiit, call soon as it goes ofl fast, (octll) . DECKER A KAMEtf. mmOTE, CAP, AJ'J LETTER PA- W W . per--400 roams assorted, for sale very low by dec2 - S E. GILBERT A CO., Sycamore et. (j tEfLAVtJHTERS ' HO HOE, (Successors or to R. S. Howard,) Receiving, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, No. 4 Water street, neai fctain, Evansville, Indiana. i IHf Libera advances made ou consignments to New Orleans. R. o. SLAUUHTEB...O. S. SLAUUUTER...WM. HODOE, t. nov30-1yd - - rWJEA PAPER, "W'RAPPIJVt PA- JL ver aud ISounet Boards TSKI bundles for sale by 8. E. GILBERT A CO., - novzi . sycamore street, near w ater aniTöiTass RKc3faiVKU w W per steamer "Moderator" . 3d kegs 3d Nails, 40 do 4d do; , '' 40 do 64 do; . 75 do 8d do; 60 do lOd do; ' ' - " ' 20 da 12d do; 15 do lOd do; s. v.. ' 26 do 20d do; , "1 ' 450 boxes 8x10 Glass; 1 60 do 10x12 do; ' 20 do Ea 10x14, 10x15 and 10x1. For sale cheap by WHEELER A RIGGS, novit - No. 47, Cor. First and Sycamore sts. IF a.V0 A.V SHOW CASE GLASS Large sizs, trom to zsxs, with a large asortinnt of smaller sizes McCully's brand, at STODDARD A THOMPSON'S, decfi 17 Maiu street. E W RICE lO my sale by - - S. TIERCES POR E. GILBERT A CO. SlTA .VI PROM VJ'1IER.J'EW A9 BERG A CLEMENT have broke down the old Fogie prices of Pine Lumber, and will continue to keep them down. They have now ou hand over 1,000,0110 feet of all kinds, which must be sold by the 1st ef April next, to make room for a new stock iu the Spring. Our stock now is full aud eoiupletv and well seasoned, and wo can, will, aud do sell lower thau ever before. Remember the new Lumber Yard, corner of Main and Eighth streets, Evans ville, Indiana.', ntv3 R- KMPS!M.h.MPm!STOBHRB T JLA TIIOMPHON have a Urge assortment of Coal Oil and Burning Fluid Lamps which they offer for sale at very small prices. C'all and look at mom. ranoRKcco ajs'h aars-ioo has. JE choice brands V. ToIkiccw; ... r - 60 boxes fives and tights do; 25 butts Twist (in foil) do; 25 do light pressed Va. do; - ystiuldiin lilue Hen's Chicken 4 "i 25 do ' Thomas' Twwt do; -25 do "4 aces" do v' do; 4.. . ..- f M Kilver Roll" do; . lOOiOMHaes'd Oeruuui Cigars; ,,tiix "' 25,si Havanna , do; , , . ... i 1.KK000 Half Spanish do. '; tn store and for sale t luw by WHEELER X- RIGGS, nov23 No. 17, Cor. First and Sycamore sts. i INSURANCE COMPANIES, WVrSVRAJVCE AGEJYCi'- ILLEJV JL C. HALLOCK. -EVANSVILLE, IND. Underwriter and General Insurance i - Agent and ,,.. .- ADJUSTER OF AVERAGES. He continues to issue policies from several FIRST CLASS and MOST RELIABLE ... .r ,. INSURANCE COMPANIES IN THE COUNTRY, ON LAS AND HB E1SK6. Ho will also receive applications lor .-.LIFE INSURANCE. BPS He will also attend to the ADJUSTMENT OF LOSSES of everv description, under policies from other agencies, and attend to the settlement of all matters connected with Insurance, for parties interested- His long experience as an Insurance Agent, has made him familiar with all subjects connected with the subject of Insurance. lap28'57-ly. tWGEJrcr op the puusjyrix. ijv- WjL SURANCE COMPANY. HARTFORD CONN. Ü. L.. L003IIS, 11. KClliLUGG, President.! Secretary. WESTERN BBANC1IÖFFICE, CINCINNATI, M. MAGILLGenl Asent. ., It. K. MAGILL - - H. M. MAGILL,, SPECIAL AGENTS AHB ADJUSTERS. . ST AT EMENJOF ASSETS, - . JajioarT 1st, 1858. Examined and approved by the Auditors of OHIO. INDIANA, ILLINOIS, IOWA, TENNESSEE, Ac., m compliance with the laws of these States. Caan Asel; - - - - $341,71939. " Cash on hand and in Bank .-....$47,517.63 " in bands of and due from Agents.. 42,482.34 Ameunt loaned on Mortgages of Real Es tate 17.700.00 Amount Loaned on Pledge of Bank Stocks, 19,000.00 Uilla Iteceivaole, for loans on approved col- , lateral and personal security.. ...... .......63,773.47 ' MARKET VALUE. Bank Stocks of New Tork City Banks 100,300.25 " " of Hartford and other N. E. . Banks ..68.S18.00 Accumulated interest on InvestmenU.. ...... .2,127.00 Total Assets...... ...8341,719.59 '," '- '- liabilities: Due or not dne to Banks or other Creditors none. Lossvs, adjusted and due.... ....none. " " , not due..-. ..... 810,61 " " ' not adjusted aud waiting proofs.......- .... .... ...23,800 All other claims estimated at ., Total of all liabilities ..500 ....834,911 STATE OF CONNECTICUT, 1 Habtford, Conn. Hartford County. ""-January 15, 1858. Personally appeared H. Kelloog, Seeretaijr of the Phoenix Insurance Company, and made oath that the foregoing statement by him subscribed, is true and correct in his best knowledge and belief. Bo ore me. ' Cfc J. H0ADLEY, Justice of the Peace. It is with much pleasure to ourselves and patrons, that we present the above statement ot our hnanoes, to the careful perusal of the public. It exhibits at a glance, the prime and solvent condition the Com pany is in ; and parties who desire -Indemnity in a strictly first-class Company, will promote their own interests by patronizflig the PHOENIX INSURANCE CO., Which may be done by application to any of tho duly comiiiinaioued Agents of the Company, in the prineipal Cities and Towns of tha Union. Losses Fairly Adjusted and Promptly Paid. septl ALLEN C. HALLOCK, Agent. (R B ST RA CT OP THE 8EMI-AJ-VAt. nual statement of the o jßairs and condition of the HOME INSURANCE Cotnpatuf, of the Vitg of New York, oh til Zt dag of December, 1S57. .... assets. Cash Balance in Bank.... 37,000 60 Bonds and Mortgages (lining first lien on Real Estate, worth at least 8891,000) 400,000 CO Loans on stocks, payable on demand, (mar ket value of securities, 825;i,007).....150,8.r9 85 Bank Slocks, (market value).. 77,000 00 Real Eetate, No. 4 Wall street, (the office of tue Company) .. , 67,004 72 Interest due on the 1st of January, 1858, (of w hirh 812,625 9 3has since btwn re ceived)...; 11,375 03 Balance in hands of Agents and in course of tranxmission from Agents on the 31at December 24,084 75 (Of which '87,857 67 has since been re ceived). , : Premiums dne and uncollected on Policies issued at Office . . 2,087 53 Total : .....S34,213 34 Outstanding Losses on 31at De cember, 1857, estimated at...839,410 01 Due Stockholders on account of Seventh Dividend 1,700 00 - . 811,110 01 CHAS. j. MARTIN, Pres't. A. F. WILLMARTH, Vice Pres't. J. MILTON SMITH, Sec'y. - , . ! A. C. HALLOCK, Agent, , .iel4-d6m Evansville, Ind." Lg R ST RA CT STATEMEÖAt1Tk VM comlitiou of the CITY FIRE INSURANCE COM PA N Y of Hartford, January 1st, 1858. NAME' AMU LOCATION. The name of this Company is the City Fire In surance Company of Hartford, 'l'lio Company is located at Hartford Connecticut. - - : ; capital. The amount of its Capital Stock is one hnudred and til'ty thousand dollars. The amount of its Cap- tal Stock paid up is one hundred aud fifty thonsafid dollars. . Cash on hand ...S10,-126 08 Cash in the hands of Agents and othvr persons 13,4(W 19 Bonds owned by the Couipauy, 10 81,000 , 2d Mortgage Bonds of the Indiana Cen- , tral Ruiiroad Company, paying semi-au- nual interestof 10 per cent 10,000 00 Debts due the Company, secured by niort- . gage ou Real Estate..:......;....: 32,910 00 Loans on collateral secured by 391 si lares of Bank Stock, and other Stocks and Bonds in possession of the Company.... 57.250 08 All other securities are W8 Shares Bank Stock .-. 51,050 00 Bills receivable 12,353 38 Accrued Interest 4,043 00 Office furuiture . 577 17 Total assets of the Company liabilities. Losses adjusted and not due. ..83,775 00 Losses unadjusted, and in sas peime, waiting for further proof. -. ..5,470 00 All other claims against the Company estimated ...4,4i5 00 JlfJ,079 50 Total liabilities... 813,070 00 ; Th&reatest amouut insured in any oue risk Is 85,000. The greateat amount allowed to be insured in any one City, Town or Village, varies according to its size and class of property. The greatest amount allowed to be insured iu any one block, varies as in the preceding. No part of its capital or earnings are deposited with any State or States, as security for losses therein. C. B BOWERS, Pres't. C. C. WATTE, Secretary. W. B. LOUNSBURY, General Agent. Applications received by A.C. HALLOCK, Agant, ' ; ' ' ; Evansville, Ind. . - Losses promptly adjusted aud paid with fidelity and distiatch. iel4-timosdw WMEAI THIS ALI, WHO ARE AP JL, FLICTED. DR. GRAVES FAMILY MEDICINES. We do not desire to interfere with the professional ethics of ur medical schools, nor do we possess any skill in pharmaceutics, but Dr. Graves has opened to our inspection- mass of letters from his agents and most respectable drnggists iu all parts of the country, which commend his family medicines iu the highest terms. They meet with a very exreudtd sale, which of itself is an excellent recommendation. We always teel r.luctant to make any endorse ment of medicines, but there are so many localities where uo regular practitioners are within reach, and so many diseases which require prompt reme dies, that a supply of the prescriptions preparea by Dr. G raves, commended as they are for efficiency, would prove almost invaluable. In all cases of sickness, our first advice is to call-the aid of a phy siciau, but, if that is impracticable, it seems to us that Dr. Graves öfters remedial agents in ague, cholera morbus, Ac, which may be safely used, as he gives assurance that no deleterious compouuds. are used in their preparation. Louisville Journal. Dr. Graves' anti-Fever and Ague, anti-Bilions, Purifying, and Cathartic Pills are iualuablu to those aftiicted with any of these complaiuts. His Amei icau Liniment is gaining a high reputation for bvaliug all kinds of ailments, both of man and beast; aud parents should remember that his 'Hlolden Verniifngo," is a certain remedy lor . expelling worms from the system, For sale by Wholesale Druggists generally. Hallook A S-ronnAan, Kkllkr A Whii Wm. Bierbower, and Lekch A Carslbtt, Agents at Ev ansville, Indiana. oct2-aiud 'IfJRESH ntEJ" WARE. UU dos. Painted Buckets, aswirted colors. 100 doa. Fancy do, half size. - loo . " 4,'dar do, braiw and iron Iwnnd. 1 - 50 " Toy - do, bright fancy colors. , , H 100 nests TuiM, painbul U-dar and Pine. ' ' 50 dor.. Churns, red and white Cedar aud striied. 1,000 gross Match., round box, water proof aud common. ' ' ... ; , , t ... . llKldoK- Shaker Brouius. Jil " imitation, fancy and common do. - 100 boxes Clothes Pius. '' . 200 bales Cottou Batting, Stearns A Foster'sextra No. 1, the best in market. For sale, at wuoluaale oulv. at Cincinnati isricea. .... . iM epU5-am ,i n i J.B.RUSSELL, 3T2 Slum street, Laiiusvite, ivy. imimAI A.Slb kda assorted Nails for sale br H. COOK. A SON. MISCELLANEOUS. Itna Iiisurance Company. - . OF HARTFORD, .CONN. , , Cash Capital (securely invested)..........'.?l,tk)0,000 With a surplus of....; ...s........ 867,920 Incorporated 1819 Charter Perpetual; : Insures against Fire and Inland Navigation risks. - , UlBKU-fUltS : - . v s 8 Tudor, - '- 3 ChKrch- J -t W F Tuttle; L. E A Brickley. C II Branar.l... T K Tti-nc. BY Ripley, ! RBuell, R Mather, ' 8 8 Ward " G F Davis, ' j n Z Pratt. 7 . . A DunhamJ' "i D HUljeri I" W Kewey, J V T A Alexanders i.-J ,,., '..,.,( T. K. Brace., Sec'y. 1 E. G- Ripley....rreident. J. B.Bennett, Gen. Agt. J T. A. Alexander, Vice do. Applications for Insurance, Inland or Fin, made to ALLEN C. HALLOCK, Agent, will be prompt ly attended to at the Agency Office Marble Hall Building, Main street, Evansville. ' ' "; febl5-ly ' (JKLMOjyritS, BRAZIL JVT8 AJS'lt WM. ENGLISH WALNUTS 30 bushels just re ceived, new crop, for sale by - f ,- i , .. : febi9 . 8. E. GILBERT tt CO. RTRAVEIH PROM THE SVBSCRI- A9 ber in Evansville, about the 10th of November inst, a DARK BROWN, MARE, with a white stor in her face, trim made,' in good order, aud about fifteen hands high, about eight yeats old, very wild, and difficult to bridle. -Any one returning lier to us or'giving information as to her whereabouts will be suitably rewarded by ' jan24-tf - " - . ' J. 3. JAQTJES3 A 0. ! fmEMOVAL.A.jr. COLBVkJVsi CO. MAX' have removed to Water street, three doors above Main. ; . WE are now manufacturing Wells' Patent Fold iug Spring Bed, the best and most convenient now in use, ai it can be moved or handled without any trouble. Call and examine them. jan26 Phoenix Insurance CompYi OF HARTFORD, CONN. ja Capital (paid up) ..?200,000 Of) Surplus..... 219,084 66 Insures against Loss or Damage by Fire. v , DIRECTORS: SLLoomis, ' N M Waterman, Geo W Moore," "' D P Crosby, L Stock bridge, M Beach, C Adams. ' Edwin T Pear. . E White, N Y, K Saiith, ... t, :i. J Merriman, D H Arnold, NY J JA Butler, W D Shipman, ET Smith, Nil Morgan, M Jewctt. '" ' '" SIMEON L. L00MIS, President. . . HENBY KELLOGG, Secretary. M. Magill, General Agent, Cincinnati, O. Applications for Insurance made to ALLEN C. HALLOCK, Agent for the Company at this place, will be-promptly attended to. S" Office, 2d Story Marblo null Building, Ev ansville. " . ! febl5-ly JliLAT BOXT FOR SALE.- WE have an A No. 1 Wood Boat for sale cheap-: 70 feet lon;, in prime order, with or without skiff. . jan4 ; BABCOCK BROTHERS. JTMALVABLE STAJVIIAR WO BKS. W DOBELL A CONYNGTON, are sole agents fur- Vanderbnrg county, for all the subscription Books published by D. Appleton A Co. . - Abridgement of tho Debates iu Congress, Or Public History of the United States. New American Encyclopedia, a Dictionary and L Journal of Know lodge. Certainly the first work oi the age. - : -, American Eloqnence, ' a Collection of Speeches and Addresses of the most Eminent Orators of America. ' ' ' ' Encyclopedia of Wit and Humor, by the celebra ted Comedian Burton, in 25c. Nos. Dictionary of Machine Mechanics and Engine Work. The newest and most ifnproved edition, in 25c. Nob. , Ure's Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures and Mines. DOBELL A CONYNGTON leg to call attention to their important works, and request their kind friends to call ami see them; as also, the. array oi opinions of eminent men in confirmation of their iluKrtanco and value-. Dobell A Conygton have samples and specimens of the various bindings in which these works can be procured from paper to the finest niorocco. , mrl7 - v JjmiJVE SHIJy'tfLES 100,000 No. 1 Pine JL Shingles, tor sale low. Also, w.oiki ropiar. JOHN F. GLOVER, jlyl a. . Corner Main and Seventh streets. AfV ROCERXES K 100 boxes assorted Tobacco, 6K do . do, . Wiudow Glass, , ;f . '-M00 kegs do Wildling Nails, , 10 tierces new Rice, 1 .-. 500 pkgs assorted Tens, ! : . ' ' 50,000 Lights, iiss'd Window Sash, 150 assorted Panel Doors. - t : 500 kegs White Lead, .., 100 dofc Painted Buckets, 23 dos assorted Tubs, . . 25 doz Wash Boards. - .- -.---s-i ' With a full stock of goods usually kept by gro cers, on hand aud for sule by jan4 . BABCOCK BROTHERS. moon, Etmv k coss iaela- WARE STATE LOTTERIES! CAPITAL PRIZE $35,000!! Tickets: .-..1 810 NOTICE. This is to inform the public that we have disposed of our entire interest iu the Lottery Grants held by us, chartered by the states ol Uelaware, Georgia, Kentucky, anil Missouri, to the firm of WOOD, EDDY A CO. to lake ellevt on the list day ol We ceuiber, 13ÖS. And we mot cordially recommend our successors to our former friends and patrons, feeling assured that the bnsiiiesi will be continued with the same integrity and promptitude which has characterized it as conducted by ourselves ana pre decessors for the last thirtv-nve years. " - - GREGORY A MAURY. Wilmington, Did., Nov. 15th, 1858. WOOD, EDDY & CO.. MAN ACERS. (SU-t KSäOltS TO UUEOORY A MaIRV.) The underdigned having liecome owners of the ABOVE LOTTERY CHARTER IN DELAWARE, otter to the public Ihe following scheme, to be drawn each Wednesday in April, 1!S69, in Wil niintrton. Delaware, in public, under the superin tendence of sworn commissioners appointed by the Governor. Class ii 1 8 draw a on Wednesday, April 2, 1859. Class 30 draws on Wednesday, April 13, 1S59. Cimmn 4 draws on Wednesday, April 20, 185. ' 34 draws t o Wednesday, April 27, 1859. THIRTY-TOUR THOUSAND TOUR BCNDRED AND TWELVE PRIZES' Nearly Que Prize to every Two Ttek- eisi - 7 8 Numbers 14 Drawn Ballots. MAGNIFICENT SCHEME! Til HE DRAW N . .. . "Each Wednesday m April 1 lri7.e of ... ,.S:t5,Ooois. 35,000 ...12,000.. ...12,0110 ., .... 5,00O... .... 3,000. , ... 2,589 ; ... 2,0HI .... 1,000 are. 500 , . 300 ... . 200 .... .. 100 7U 40 '..1.12. 000 ....12,000 .... 6,0lPO .... 3,000 1 30 Prizes of 30 " .... 2.5S9 u.. 2,000 ..30.000 15,000 12,000 51,400 40 257 04 64 128 8,&M 28,224 6,41X1 :.. 4,480 5,120 ....,.,..111,300 1 282,240 ... ' 20 ... 10 . 34,412 Prizes amounting to.........'....-i.;.858S,689 Whole Tickets JKi; Halves t5; Quarters ilYt - Certiticates of Packages will be sold at tlie fol lowing rates, whk:h4s the risk: - ; - -. r v Oertilitaitesof Package of 2 Whole Tlckets...J149 50 .1...,,. .. . 26 Half .'- . i 75 7 " " 28 Quarter .-. 37 87 In Ordering Thketa or Certificates, enclose the anion nt ot money to our adilress, for what -you vMi to purchase; name the Lottery in which yon wish ojit inveslefrd whether yon wish W holes, Halves eil.j'Quarte and receipt of which, wo send what 1 rde by first on mail, together with Ihe scheme. Immediately after the drawing, the drawn T!nm- hers will be Kent with a written explanation. f in Bfca-PniThawrs will please wrtt their signatnresl plain, and give the name of their P,t effloe, Conntr and Stale. 1 - "" .-j .... ,4 NOTICE TO (X)RRESPt)NDENTS. ' Those who prefer not sending money by mail, can as -' .--f-- ' - ' m .- ... : TUB ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY."- m in-,, .ij w..'u. i. ,..0, iMsuiim ui 1 1 II VUHHIW, luid upwanis, can be seut ns ... ...1. r.. T;..t-..t i......,- ..-rn..- . AT (U K RISK. AND KXl'KXKK,,- I from any city or town where they have au offlee. i ,.. ... . . .. ... .. .i i . , . , , . . mi) BHinrj nmitntiui mom IHt eiH.loswaill a U" I f v E It N M K N T POST OKt'lC'E b'l'AUPELt KNVKL. - ! OPE,'" or the Uxpress Co. cannot reocivs tlieia.'. , ; (.t;, Address Order to? TickeU or Certiticates to w I WOOD, EU Ii V & CO, dcc'2'.l Wiimiuirtoii, Delaware. MISCELLANEOUS f 5i Uf "AftH ARLES BAJSCOCAf, IMPORTER and Dealer in Coach and Saddlery ' Hardware, BTavlnVnf plcted my ar."( range me n t f with EHrepe an and AmerJ tcan' manu facturers Ibra direct, supply of all goods in my line, I am enabled to of- Inducements, that cannot fail to be to the interest of all en gaged in the business til triväk mA Inal : I name in parti axles, springs made of the best steel; bauds, enameled and of all kinds f leather; cloths, linings for carriages, varnishes, castings ot all kinds, saddle trees, English bridle leathers, bits, stirrups, spurs, ham es, fine silver names of all kinds, Jenny Lind Gig Trees, self-adjusting ada, Taylor's patent ham es, fly nets, shoo threads, boras blankets, London Girth Webs,, American .Girth and Rein Webs, both cotton and worsted; Loudon and brass lined martenanl liiHs-mnui, I - superior arncier ivory, gutta perch for horse covers, the best quality of carriage bolts, patent gig trees. Ac.. Ac. I keep in fact everything appertaining to either branch -of tha business., and uiuiini.nriin i-.,i. branches thoroughly, we would respectfully invite 1 . .--v-y r,.iug ciw.11,1,, I am also agent for Ward' Patent Spring Saddle, - ap20-dAw - , -a-rf j , AflOAJ,' COAL! I COALJJi-mW htm, now on band and are dailv receiving tha beat COA T. that has ever been introduced into this market, which we are selling low. Good currency will be received iv payment, t Orders left at tho store of JNO. W. HUGHES, next to the State Bank, will be promptly anenaeo la. i Jan20-tf . f L '- jyo. W. HUGHES, ' r BR LS. EUE Sit iJROVSII ' CE mstW mout, received and for sale by - - . - feb7 1 - J 4 - A. JI McGRTTF-. g-PEJVIJVV OPBOJVWETS, STRA U- Vtioods. Ribbons and Flowers, on M Inn, October 8th, 1858, Permit me to call your at. wtuiiou iu my aioca oi epnng Millinery Goods, which have been bought under favorahlA rimmi. stances, and which for variety and novelty of style will, I trust, be fonnd to surpass anything- ever brought to this city.- ; F. B. BARKER, - First street, between Main and Locust, opposite tho Post Office. . t j.- i , ; j oetä FJVORIE8, t . A3 10 bbls. Alum, j " 10 " . ( Vpperas,' t . 5 . Sidphur, 5 r yen. red. '. '" 3 It .-; .V..1 . 2 " Gum Camphor, 250 " .Cream Tartar. . " . 50coil Jute inoh rope, tn.!..j ' "' 65 Manilla inch do, , . 25 hemp halter rope, ' ' " ". ""SS ""Manilla " i .,t ,'w : 25 dos. Bedcords, ' ' 10 reels cotton Inch da, : :- '.u -. .' 60 bales No. 1, Cannelton Batting, 75 boxe Star Candles, ;? 75 boxes Diamond Starch, .,ri.i,.J- -s.;, gs- 20 bags Alspice, , " - ' 5 Ceroons Carraccas Indigo, "y f 25 bales Candle Wick, . , . 25 bags Pepper, s ' ' " k. 6 " Cloves, ; . .:. ! -: '""A small lot of extra family flour. . Fo sale low to close consignment, by ' ' i oct8 -. . WHEELER A RIGGS. WgVCHWHEAT PLOVR, URITS, MA Homminy, unbolted Wheat Flour, Corn Meal, chicken and horse Feed of every variety to be had at ILirt's Miil, on Second Street, below Oak. f. B Orders promptly attended to, and every ar ticle bought wili be delivered at the dwelling of the purchaser. nov4 TfVACHlJVE-MAnE HORSE SHOES WlJL The Troy Iron and Nail Factorr. at Trov. n . i ., nave üenry Kurilen s Improved-Horse Shoe Machine ry now in successful operation, and are prepared to execute or ders for Horse and Mule Shoes. of any weight and uattern. at a price but little above the price of Horse Shoo Iron. The quality of the Iron nsed in these shoes is warranted in every respect. These shoes have been approved of, and are now used by the United States Government exclusively, as also by many ef tha principal Stage and Omnibus Companies and Horse Shocrs throughout the country; These Shoes can Do purchased through the principal Hardware and Iron Stores in the United States. Orders addressed to the subscriber, at Troy vil lage, will receive prompt attention. V WM. F. BURDEN, Agent," aplG-ly ... , Trey, N. Y. nriO THE SCHOLARS OP OCR JL SCHOOLS. DOBELL A C0NTNGT0N have a large gtoek of alll the -i - - - - , s- - , Scliool DL3oocjs used in the Schools. They thank their young friends for past support, aud trust to see them again this season. septl JltW-tLTBins ' FRESH OfSTERS. mi fJM. KURTZ, at the Wholesale and Retail Confectionary on First street, two doors from the Post Office, has again been appoin led sole agent for ' Maltby's Baltimore Oysters, In the City of Evansville, and be will receive daily supplies by Express, directly from the Packer in Baltimore. He is prepared to offer the trade such inducements for the edtire season as have never been offered in this market heretofore. A constant daily supply always on hand, so that dealers and families can obtain at any time during the season those choice Oysters, iu cans and half cans and, hi the shell, warranted fresh and sweet, and very superior in flavor and quality. ' Terms, cash. Andjnone but bankable money received. A. KURTZ, 5 sept5-6m t Sole Agent for Evansville. TfhR- JOJVE8, OFFICE AJVJI RE SI MP DENCE on First Street, between. Walnut and Chestnut. ; oct.4 JfaECIiER 9tr. KRAMER. MA3VV- JtP - FACTURERSOF - Lard Oil, Soap and Candles, ' Also, an extra article of - -.- ENCINE, CAR AND TALLOW OIL s for Machinery, nd a Superior Refined Burning Oil, POR HEA0 LIGHTS, ADAPTEO TO 8TKAV BOATS, HOTELS, AKD ALL OTHER BURNINO PURPOSES, .Vo. 46, JVterf A Stda Mmim ttreet, BETWEElf riRST ANB RKCOOT), ' EYANSVILLE, INDIANA. PHILIP- BECKES. ......PHILIP KRAMER. - These Machine and Burning Oils are warranted to stand all climates and seasons. The attention of master mechanics of Railroads, Steamboats, Mills and Machine Shops, is particularly called to the above card. - aug 27-1 jd WZREE EXHIBITION OF THE JA largest an jmost beautiful stock of Hats and Caps ever open edin Evansville. Come one and all. We will he pleased at all times to show our Goods and sell them cheaper than the cheapest. - - , VAUTIER A MAKCONNIEB, aeptTT fc t, 39 Main street ' RAB E It STORE. THE UJVIt E R- Jt SIGNED will keep coBetactly on hand, HAY, : -i COSH, 1 1 i '' '." '.-' ': 4 . ' SBIPSTUFF, ' " -j -)ü : ,:: ' ; : . , BRAS. -And all other articles noeded to feed Horses or Mnles. All of which he will sell wholesale or re tail, at loweeT market rates, giving just weight and measnre. Mttm. .. r -is 1 ROBERT S. EC8T0K", Water street, between Main and Locnst, Evansville. augü-ly ; ..i i . , . iVJriaiEsaao bass coffeei 1 2110 kegs assorted Nails; . 1UO do Cut Spikes; , , " ' 6) do Wr't do; -. ' 4O0 boxes assorted Glass; . . i 75 do do Tobacco; ,, r 60 do V1 do ' Starch; -fiin it tCC .. i 60 do . do, Sur Candles; ., . 200 kegs White Lead; . 15 bbls. Linseed Oil; n S 6 dos. Turpentine; I m. w mo swam, 0 "10 do Pitch; i. 60 do V'nega1' 40 bags fine Salt; " MO bbU. White Lime; vur. i X i'i - iuu aa ' uement, " ISO bbls. rey Lime; : ni X'' Mi&a, do, piaater Paris.' - In store and sale by - -- j , , ORR, DALZELL A CO, . AJEO. THORATHILL, BEOS LEA VE wv . to ..return his tliauks to his old customers for t,;t fi"-i their kind patronageMaud hopes by strict attention to busiuessand good work, ( be able to . merit a auBtiimationof their favors. -i Having removed his ! atom Ui tha cornet of Second and , Main streets, for- ,.. . . . . u : t 1. . ... h.. u m. , ,u i JlusriJ iwijiiwi 4. ,-iiiciouumj ui...,,, .... m ! ureuared to forulab all who may favor him with a t caU, v. ith all tho articiee In Iii line.'"" ' ' ', ' ' -Repairiug done with Buatm and , deepatoh. j Secondhand harness always ou hand. ! jly22-6m. - ''PRINTING Steam I Steam I! Steam!!! Steam!!! THt ONXt'SnrAM PRINTING ESTABLISH MENT IN SOUTHERN INDIANA. rWVIE EVAJVSVILLE J OUJ"AL AX. COMPANY are now under full headray. Ml their new building,' on Locust Stbbet, between Fibst and Wateb, which has been fitted up purpose ly for the Printing business, and are prepared to do all kinds of BOOK and JOB PRINTING, at the shortest notice and ia the neatest manner. Our material is-ll kew, and was selected by practical printers, with great care and judgement, s. Our. stock of Papers are purchased direct of the manufacturers, aud we have availed ourselves f everything that tends towards enabling us to de work well and cheap. u We have the largcM Steam Press in Indiana one of Hoe's Mammoth Cylinders, which prints 1000 im pressions per hour, and does it well. For fancy printing, we have Görden 'a Franklin Press, one of which took the Silver Medal at the Mechanics' Institute, Cincinnati, and is conceded by all Printers to be the liest press in use for print ing Cards, Circulars, Bill Heads and Blabks of very description. 'J ' '"All kind of fiuicy colored nrintinir is done In a Lway that challenges the admiration of all who' have examined our specimens, which tcok the premium Vanderburgh County Fair and at the- Vin- 'j(! STEAMBOAT PRINTING Done promptly, and in a style warranted to give satisfaction.. We have a choice selection of "Cuts" all electrotyped, which makes them print clearer and we have 'every facility for doing this kind of work promptly.,). , ; ,We have a choice Card and Paper Cutter, by which we can turn out oni" Jobs "ship shape" and ready for use, without compelling the person getting the work dene, to haggle them up with a pen-knife. i . . i BANKS Wanting Checks, Drafts, Bills of Exchange, Bank Notes, Certificates-, Notices of Protests, Bank No tices, and all kinds of Blanks, will get them cheap by leaving their orders at the Journal Building. MERCHANTS AND MECHANICS Wanting Bill Heads, Cards, Circulars, Bills of la ding. Blank Notes, Posters, Handbills, Ac, should remember that they can get them done quicker and better at the Journal Office than anywhere else. RAILROADS Wanting Route Bills, Posters, Handbills, Conduct ors iieporta, uianks or all descriptions, Checks, Cards, Tickets, Coupons, Ac, can obtain them at the Journal Office, eu short notice. -' ' ' SHOWMEN Will find the Journal Office to be the best place in the city to get Posters, Programmes, and Tickets. SOCIETIES AND ASSOCIATIONS Wanting Pamphlets; Books, Programmes, Tickets, Circulars, or whatever else they may need, should not order until they have called and examined the Journal Company's specimens and prices. Remember the plaice Locorr Street, be tween First and WATEK.eR decS rWIE A ! TEA! TEA I A FRESH ' ML assortment of Black and Green, in chests and caddies, for sale in quantities to an it purchasers ai dec.18 VICKERY BROS. ffWO MIJV V AJVU CHEESE. CIJV MM. cianati Hominy and Cheese just received at decl3 - VICKERY BROS. -WWmHEELM'ti JVAILS! WW 2X) kegs assorted, - 50 do Brads, Finishing Nails, Casing Nails, Spikes and Wrought Nails. Just received by decl8 j CHARLES S. WELLS, 13 Firstst. . VMI JVC MVASUBORnS50 IIOVEJS AVA fur sale by S. E. GILBERT A CO., Sycamore street, near M ater. decl5 . m-RESHARRAfAL OF BOOTS AJVAA JL SHOES. We have just received, of our second purchase, 250 case of BOOTS AND SHOES ot va rious qualities. . ; ' We have oa hand One of the best stocks of Boots and Shoes ever brought to the city, embracing tha best makes of New England manufactories. . We have all kinds of Kip Boots, with kip backs, side stitched braced, and oak tanned leather bottomsi and would mention the best manufacturers' names', whose makes wa offer for sale, if it were not for posting up the Dealers where to get the best goods.- The trade will find our stock up afai'rt, en second v floor, with no connection with the Dry Goods floor below except by a flight of stairs. We have no rent to pan, and can sell just as ebeap as though we had them in another House. We have now a fresh stock of desirable goods, and cordially invite tho trade who want goods, to call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. decio -'- K.t. FBESTO. -mymIJS"'EGA'R.5 BARRELS A. B W . Hallock's Illinois Cider Viuegar for sale. This Quaker Vinegar is so sour, it will make a pig squeal to scratch against the barrel. For sale by KEEN A PRESTON. & v '. Wi RIES Aj . ,..! 10 bbls Copperas, 10 do Alum, S do Sulphur, i r !,-..; j 6 do Epsom Salts, 1 cask Dutch Madder, .';'- 2casea prime Iudigo, 25 boxes Ext. Logwood, I cask Gum Camphor, NUTS 1 II. G. Almonds, . S do S.S. do. - It 10 do Brazil Nuts. Just received and for sale very low by ' dec21 WHEELER ds RIGGS. tWLLIS K HOWES, WATER ST., 1 m J door above Vine, sole Manufacturers of the Celebrated Magnolia Whisky ; .. - 0 EVANSVILLE, IKD. TALSO AH kinds of Domestic Liquors, and con stantly a large supply of Old and Choice Bourbon, Bye, and Monongahela Whisky. augl-dAwly. Jg. I GS 3 CASES JVEW CROP, POM JÜ sale by . TENNEY 4 S0REN30N. VWUtESS HOOPS AJVIi COAL SHOV- AW. els just received by JACOB STRAUB, dec20 No. 40 Main street. l CK WHEAT FLOVBX3S BAOt ATM Pure for sale low by by TENNEY SORENSON. dec rWXEAl TEA I TEA ! JL - 10 chests Imperial, i lb package. 10 10 do do Y. Hyson, U lb do, ,lb Black. For sale low by TENNEY ft 80RENSGN. dec20 AiHRISTMAS IS COMIJVa. CVR- WS rants, Raiains, Citron and Cranberries. Inst received at Vickery Bros., where they keep a full assortment of all the luxuries as well as the immun riesoi life. Call at No. 32 Main street, and exam ine for yourselves. VICKERY BROS. S-ORGHVM.- BARREL SORGHUM 3 of a superior Quality, for sale at dec22 Z. H. COOK t SON'S. WMRESEJVTS FOR LITTLE PEO- JL PLE. We have just received a beautiful as sortment of Books for Children. There is no gift so useful as a good Book. dec2l DOBELL t CONTNQTON. H O E S FOR CIIILIßREJV.CA LL A9 at HUGHES' Dry Goods store and purchase a pair of these excellent Shoes which he has on hand lor Children. . If you like good Shoes, always get your Shoes from him. These Shoes will be much appreciated as Holiday Gifts. dec21-lwd - RIiHT RECEI VEIi 195 BASS COF mW FEE. 100 boxes tea;: ; 160 bales American Navy oakum, 6 cases liquorice, ' 10 eases lemon syrup, 10 do brandy cherries, 6 do abeynth, 20 boxes pickles, . do pecealilli, 6 do nart unions, ' b do curacoa in jngs, i 6 bbls flour sulphur, " 10 kegs refined saltpetre,1 -' S bbb alrrm, do chalk i .i 5 docoperas, , 15 do almomls, . : ' -6 Ho filberts,' . j 6 do almonds (soft shell), ,6 do Brasil nuts, 5 do English walnuts, U 1 boxes shelled Almouds, j.,- 6 bbla currents, 10 boxes citrou, 100 do Are crackers, --10 eases cards, ' ; ,10U do tar buckets, for sale lov by TENNEY & SORRENSON, ' ansi.TO ' ','' No. 31 Water street. -WW-ALSJS ' PATEJVT COJVCRETM MM S. AUW'-W are airents for the celebrated Hall's iPattsit- Fire Proof and Thief Preof Safes, manufactuied by Hall, Carroll ft Co. Cincinnati. A constant supply will be kept on hand, and sold at aanufKCtnrof's prices. . -,1 PRESTON BROS- mmAAM.tiOi MRUS ASSORTEI .Nails, received and for sale cheap for cash by ji;y24-3w JAUVII MHAUBi No .40 Main street. eti'Tj ; f -1 -u, ,,4 -. . Jtl.i, -.fs t; at - I nm;2. i .-j ,u4 -d..i I hat - w t-i: j, 3 -- -i, ;i -. I --!, 4 f - - I 51 i-4 ' ' -At aJ lif-.rt F ! b-vit J j r. iff ...I, - ,t' J-ii'C' 1 " " i J -.1!.. 4 it t4ll s . 1 ).,( 'it ii t 1 1 ! f ' -I t -T If tv 4 liC 1