Newspaper Page Text
I) i in i --. . , j e2?amr.Klm&S'&t<t -ayrar.-yrgwaay '''aasnBap,t3Wt bw.t, irniw i ., . ."- uMWi " EVANSVILLE, IND. r ui u a vn i it s l ä o ..ap aiiiTa The Opposition In Maryland. The American State Council held a meet ing in Baltimore last week, to determine up on the future plans of that party in Mary land, and to consult upon best measures to unite the conservative Opposition masses of the Union in the canvass of 18C0. After discussion, the Council passed resolutions inviting " the wbole. body of conservative Opposition men in all the States of the Uuioa .o co-operate with them in selecting, hereafter, delegates to a national convention, to bi charged wit the sole duty of nomina ting candidates for the offices of President aad Vice President of te United States, to be voted for jn 1860 by the whole : Opposi tion ; ,wmid -they -go forxandidates whose past life," eminent fitness, and unquestionable nationality, sh-11 entitle them to the con servative vote of the whole country.'- i - Tney recommend that the movement be m.ide without a platform of political views involving any doctrines of obsolete parties ur-sectional interests ; that the organization shaH go before the country as the great re form party of the U nioiwthe supporters of the Constitution as it shall bo interpreted by its constitutional expounders, r What they desire to see formed, is a M Federal party," in the highest and most loyal sense of the term ; a patty that will adhere to and defend the Union and Federal Constitution against the machinations and assaults of the sec tional factions both at the', North and the South. .:. -' - : ' The Democratic, Patty. . The Charleston Jcwry, an old, thor ough going Democratic print," commenting upon the present position of its party, says no party-can exist in any vigor and efficien cy without a recognized head and leader ; that leader .ought to be the President of the United States ;. that Buchanan . haying Tbeea repudiated, the party is now completely disr organized. : Of .Mr. Buchanan it saysr -:- r- Tho very first recommendation be ; madö bearing ön the interests of , the two sections of the, Union the admission bf . Kansas into, the Union with the Leccmpton Constitution was opposed i by a large' portion of the Democratic partv from the Norths in Con- f,-re;-'. The opposition was carried into the last tall elections, and- the President s rcc omaieitd.itioii Y.a$. every where in the North repudiated j-'antV those -Trho; supported it were defeated before the1 people by nu auili nMou betwcu t,ue Abolitionists an tht.anti Lecorcptan Democrats- And how have the recommendations of tho Presideut fared at the Into session of Congress? . With a clear innio:ifv of Democrats in both branches of Congress, scarcely otie' of them have been supported.. Now, what do these things eIiow? As by, that the : Democratic party lui3 no party cohesion, and is no party at all It is broken np into little factions. One taction suppörts- the. Pacific Railroad an other a protective tariff- another the Home stead Dill another the purchase or seizure of Cuba another squaiter sovereignty hut nil tending to one general consumation the array ot the t wo sections ot tue Union against each other in deadly hostility. , ... Whether we look to the operations of the party with regard to -the President,-or with regard to measures, there are distraction, dis union and opposition amongst its members. This was never- the case until -sectionalism became the great controlling element in the politics of the. Union. Down to the days of Van Bnrcn, the President was the honored and respected head 'of the party. When he recownaended .the adoption of the inde pendent treasury policy, the Democratic par ty supported it. ' All who opposed it were cut ort' a3 members "of the party. T. When President Polk recommended the Mexican war, the party supported it, äüft all whd'op posed it were out of the party. Sectionalism, lingering always as the great disturbing causa' which would, in due time, rend asun der aU purties and tho Union itself, sprung up into its gigantic proportions from this war. '- ... - The Hercury has no faith in the power of ihe DewjcruUc Convention. to assemble at Charleston to restr harmony to. "the party, v u uuite its distra cted factions in support uue cui4ii;iUte- hotter it may nomi- Miramon appeared beforf Vera ; Crux on the 18th of March, with an advance guard of 3U0 men,", and after reconnoitering the city fell back to his main army encamped ' aboufc ÄineJ miles from the city. A detach- niöntf 1,200 men, whom - he -had sent against Alvaxado, having returned unsuc cessful, he broke. np his camp-on the 27th ult., and .began his retreat from the city of Mexico, pursued by Gen., Ampudia with a strong force. His. tine of jetreat is Inter- copied and his " approach to the city is cut olf by Liberal forces that surrohud it,': ' His downfall is uiedicted to be iueviuble. The Liberals in Ter'Crua hod prepaned, before his an-waf fora" vlgofousdefeneeaii the! women and children having been oa. shipi i luardand the1 most 'iigid ciartiallaw was t'.icn enforced. ' When the steamrhip Quaker CiiyTetVVera Crnz, on the lst'ins, the m bubiSm were ' in 'the midst of great rejoic ings. Mr. McLean, the Arnericah Minister, nil - atrivetf-ut. thls. happy juncture, and wouVI.'.ivns, 'supposed, a.opcn;. Immediate comVuunica'ions with Juarez, the Libewl President, as the head of the legitimate gov ernment of the country.' ' ' For nine months . Miramon has been the y,iuTv; Jieroof t!mt republic. Wherever he ::!ii:"ar-:u, victory seemed to attend him, and in htSTrtJTf?nr ntrpAi0Oie has .exhibited treat tncrry nod aviivitr. When the Ecbea- ...! l.1,,!,!.- TiTfltiifri'.'.fm'nTi. m-ntV..., r.irv a:ici ü otu.M vr(iwnctimeHin ovcrtnrew tli'.' rvhr.iuii'ratiuu of , ,.Zuloag:i, ho was in i!-." X.jvth, ami . relurifd tV-recugniz) the '.:;,!.; ., -.f onm-nmuit. Refitminfj-at once to .-ipi:.ii, !:( li'inbiufcd Presidvni ZuJoaga, n ii '. nir iiit bim r assume - by decree ,!;;', i to Apnoiut Iii" ovfi suffce3sor, he . .iii. ci'-i .1 -hi n 10 i ?3ij.;n "the Presidency to . i.i-A'li This 3':iirrd in January, and he ... :i- . ! rirrii'.t '.'iranizin, his cnmjiaigu i I he .-(in ,1'iu.i : On the ICth of Febru '.tr tiit capital t' tnke rs.mirt.inil in ! hi- f. !.?,' uhich w.-ic already iu "vc.yin.i it t!i.. line ' era t.rur., on tbe a. iii'i Id t!'..- mountain passes down ilti. V. itllKI ll:'.T-e il.lV.f' iriill'.'li l . t iiV ill'l Uni ilj.j fill' ttl'iiiv, .!.f'.4 a t tii-'.i i'i.; .- i( 1(1 t. llh of . ,. i.'ii it nd ,i;id on the couimeDced r. tii he his le- treat without, having jade anx,ftttfimpt on the city - i J This result may be looked upon as the first step in the hnal downfall ot the t-Uurcü in the Republic of Mexico, and the others must soon follow. It has endeavored to re store to-power iB"tUe-aiaeteeBth-ntury theories which belong only to the sixteenth century ; and it has failed. All the hopes of the priests and their partisans were cen tered" in JUiramon. His prestige is now bro ken, and victory has deserted his standard in the very attempt ' whose- success he had pronounced necessary for the triumph of the cause he had embraced. This defeat will give the constitutionalists new energy,- and we shall soon Bee them concentrating their movements on the capita!.' - V " There is something more in this event. , It is the first defeat of the newly developed policy of European intervention - in the Spanish republics. The French Minister in Mexico has been the soul of the Church party, and the British - Minister there has. been his subservient tool. "' They have proclaimed a war against the republi can constitutional form of government, and have done all they could to destroy it in Mexico, as they are doing , in Central America. In the defeat of Miramon at Vera Cruz their schemes are thwarted, and the triumph of President Juarez will re-establish in Mexico institutions modelled after ourown. .' ' 4 ' Fbom Nw Obleass.-We are indebted to the steamer Woodford for ew Orleans papers bf Saturday last. The overflow wa3 still doing great damage to the plantations on the Lower Mississippi. j.The water at Vicksburg was ten inches higher than daring the great rise of last year, But at Memphis the water haiinot been so high as last year by eight inches. It is remarked as a turious fact that the largest crevasses;' have bo ap parent effect in reducing the height of wa ter below them. ; For a few bours the wa ter ceases to rise below, but in a short time the river show? the same increase, in the The insurance companies of New Orleans, H Is reported,' are all ' amply '"able 'to .meet their losses of about a ihUlion and a half of dollars, incurred by the recent series of large fires, and are strong enough to stand more such shocks without winch inconvenience. ...a h The Sickle's Trial. - i r '' Jonah P Hoover examined Resides in Washington, and formerly U. S. Marshal.J Mr. Key was my most intimate and cherish ed Jriend for ten years or more. First- be came acquainted with Sickles some time after the inauguration of President Pierce ; became intimate. With him. I4hink I introduced Key to Sickles, either at Willard's or at my own house. The relations which existed between Key and Sickles, were relations of friendship.-. He was examined, tegardiug the correspondence between Key and Sicfles which took place in 1858. Key told wit-.J ness that he had received a note from Sick-: les, telling him that so far as that affair way concerned he was perfectly satisfied, and that -I he hoped ; their relations would continue nS previously.- -..;'. , " Question In yoftr interview with Sickles what expression of kindness towards Key did he use. ".. - -Answer He said he had always liked Key, that taethnught him a. "mftn of honor; that this thing shocked him when He first heard of it, but that, owing to Key's andiuy assurance he-was willing to-meet him-' us formerly.,,.. .. , , ' :.'h"' '-- 't'" ' vRev. Smith Payne exanuned Am a cler-, gymaa of the Episcopal , Church reside in Washington;, know. Sickles and- his wife; made their acquaintance twelve months ago; -saw Sickles on the Saturday preceding' the day of Key's death ; it was about &. o'clock' in the afternoon ; I was coming from the Capitol Tnli carriage with my son. 'As we were passing Lafayette square, my attcn- 4.tion was called by my son to Sickles, who was passing, going eastward, was struck by his appearance, and called my son's at tention to it. , " I doTaot fcnow thatl can very accurately. define it now ; the impression made oil 'me 'Was that bis appearance was Very peculiar; perhaps in attempting to define it I. might mix np my subsequent impressions with those which I had at the time, but it was certainly . very peculiar.;; I 'thought., there was a wilderness like a man who was in some profound, some great trouble of some kind or other. I do not know that I can acr eurately draw a' line between my previous impressions and those which I have now. I said to my son, " How very bad or how very strange he looks." I do not recollect the precise words.- It was enough to show that m v ntfAntinn TO a 3 'rjillpri nnpriifitvattir in 111(3 Ul li 1 1 J ui uia aijcaiuijm luo illl.- pression produced' on my tnind was, that there was a kind of mingled defiant air about him a desolate air. 1 do not know how otherwise to define it. ' ; -- Cross-examined by the Dist.' Attorney I was driving in front of the President's house, homeward. -He. was walking the .opposite way in front of the President's bouse ! We saw him approaching waswalkiog rap idly ; he did not address tne.! i T do not know that he saw me. ., 15 . ; Hon. R.J. Walker, sworn. Either three or twenty minutes after 5 'clock I saw,Mr? Sickles in hi3 own house, on the afternoon of Sunday, February 27th. As he came in bis manner appeared excited; there was something strange about it ;' his voice was Somewhat different from the manner in which I had nsually heard him ;peak ; he advanced and took me by the hand, arid ; I think be then said : ; " A thousand thanks for coming to see m? nnder this oirenm- itance." . T.'. I "V l'1'. "r.:' .! He had scarcely repeated those words when . I saw a great change in his., appear ance. He became very much convulsed, .indeed ; he threw himself on the sofa and covered his face with his hands. He then broke into an agony of unnatural and un earthly sounds', the most remarkable I ever heardsomething like a scream interrupted by violent sobbing.-:. Frutn his convulsed appearance in the act of writhing, his con dition appeared to me very appalliug, so much so that I thought if it lasted much loncrer he must become insane, lie was in 'dulsriri'' fn constant exclamations about dis honor having been . 'brought on "his .house,; wife, and child, - tie set med to dwell par- f tit-utnrly on' the disgrace brought upon his n!.:i.4 . .U ...M 4.Iol- tlli3 rtn 1 1 n C.r tn child; should think thu continued for ten minntea ; . - : - 1 " I endearored Ui pacify him, bnt with wy littl cD'ei;t." ( turned from him to go f-J' a physician, when he seemed to. stopped a little in these violent exclamations at'd finally they broke off; the 'spasms became more violent as they ceaed ; most have been there over half an hour.''-1 ''accom panied Uim from his house In the iuit ;Avas. alarmed at his condition, not knowing hei the convuläiuiu would reciir. " '; Cro-ss-i x.miinfl At liM T d ii'ut'tlüu tfiat any one va prc-ieut l.ut Kutfeiwui tli ; was verv much excited niv.-elf, l.til. will not e .ertaiti. ! 1 tlmis lht" Btitirr-vorrti (i.i l l.uJ y.inie. in when .lho.-"" tei'i'ib!c nk.t ull- vu!?i.'ii.-i iji'ciurotl ; I think llmt Hki.t n.s no one present but my.-elf ; I remained tulk- ing witu lJutterwortli four or hvo minutes, when Sickles came in alone and slaved With us some little time. I was, from a variety of causes, much excited ; I never was more so than when; thie convulsions came on ; I thought I would go for a physician. . At. this points-Mr. Staun ton,vbo , Mm near the prisoner, asked that the cross-ex amination might be discontinued tor- the present, in order that Uie prisoner might re- Jireorjijr,tninutes, During the statement of the wItnessMr. Sickles was violently affected, breaking out into sobs frequently, and profusely shedding t"u:s. . : '-. - E. and Isaac Bell on each side arv' r.,,,;.tuer accompanied him from the co t- .. . . .' ... - ,..-', .'. itces3 particularly,, ani many: of th- itors were moved to tears, following is Mrs. Sickles' confession, wo' . - was ofFered in evidence : , '.' I bare been in a house in Fifteenth street with Mr. Key; how many times, I don'U know. I believe the house belongs to a colored man ; the house is unoccupied. I commenced going there in the latter part of January. I have been ia it alone and with Mr. Key; usually 6taid an hour or more. There is a bed in it in the second story, and I did what is usual, for a wicked woman to do.!' The intimacy commenced, this winter, when I came from New York, in that house; an intimacy of an improper kind. ;; I have met him half a dozen times or more at different- hours of the day, on Monday of this week and Wednesday . also. . The meeting was arranged when we met in the street and at parties. ; I never would speak to him when Mr. Sickles was at home, - because I knew be did not like for me to speak to him. I did not see Mr. Key for some days after I got here. ; He then ; told me he , had hired the house as a place where he and I : could meet. I agreed to it. There was nothing in the houäe to eat or drink ; the, room is warmed by, a wood fire... Mr. Key generally goes thero first. .. .' .... ... .. We bave, walked there together, say four times ; I do not think any more , than that I was there on Wednesday las,t between two and three o'clock. ., I was there alone. , ', ;.-, ;: Laura (ber daughter), was at Mrs.. Hoov er's ; Mr. Key took her and left her there at my request. 4 From there I went to Fifteenth street; 1 went in at the back gate;, went into the room, and there ah improper in terview was had.. I undressed myself and Mr. Key undressed also.. This occurred on Wednesday, the 23d of February, 1856. He has kissed me-ia-this- house a on m ber of times. t I do-not deny tnat we bad a con nection in this house last spring, a year ago, in the parlor on the sofa. Mr. Sickles was 1 sometimes out of town, and sometimes at the Capitol. I think the intimacy commenced' in Aprilor May; 1858:1.1 did not think it safe, to meet him in this house, because there were servants who might suspect something!1 As a general thing I bave worn a black and white woolen plaid 1 dres3, ' and beaver " bat trimmed with black velvet. I have worn a black silk dress thero also. Also a. plaid silli dress, a black velvet, cloak, trimmed with lace, and a black velvet shawl, trimmed with fringe.- ' J'; ' i '' !Qn Wednesday t either had on my brown .dress or black and white woolen dress, bea ver hat and velvet shawl. ' 5 ' . ; I arranged with Mr. Key to go in the back way after leaving Laura at Mrs. Hoover s.- L He met me at Douglas' ; the arrangement to go in at the back way was cither made iiilhe street or at Doogkia', as we would likely be seen: The house-ia in Fifreenth streetk'between K and L streets, on the left hand side -of the way. We arranged the interview for Wednesday in the street, I be lieve on Monday.; I, went; in at the front door ; it- was peu ' We occupied the same room, undressed and went to" bed together. Mr. Key has ridden in Mr. Sickles' carriage,:! and has called at his house without Miv ! Sickles' knowledge, "after being told not to invite him to. do so, and against Mr. Sickles repeated reqat-it.:-. (Signed.) . ... , . . " THDRESA liAOlOLl. '' This is a true statement, tvritlcj by my self, without any inducement held out. by Mr. !?: kles of forgiveness, or . reward ; and wituout m-nice from him. This . I hav writtei' mail' halt-p: Ridfre1 . my bed-roon!oor open,' my . jhild in. the adjoining room, at ight o'clock ia the evening. . .Miss in the house within call. : d.) TF1EJRESA BÄG10LI..". . Lafayette Square, Washington, t: C, Feb. -27, iC.r.9. Mr. and: Mia. Pendleton dined hers two weeks ago last Thursday, with a large party. Mr. Key, her brother, was also here, and at my suggestion he was invited, because he had invited Mr. Sickles to dine with him, and Mr. Sickles wished to invite aU of those from whom he had received invitation, and Mr. Sickles said,t"do as yon choose.'" - Stoned J .. THERESA. BAGIOLI.M Written and signed in the presence of M. Ridgley and Bridget Duffy, Feb, 2Ü. . . Bridget Duffy,-nurse and lady's maid in Mr. Sickles' house, sworn: "I remember the Saturday before Mr. Key's decease, ,..Mr. Sickles came home in the evening between i 5 and 6 o clock. Mrs. Sickles was at borne jA that afternoon. . I did . not see- him at the . dinner table; he went down stairs to dinner, j At night my attention was called to Mr. j Sickles ;. there was. some' unhappy. feeling ! , between Mr. and Mrs. Sickles; Mr. Sickles went down stairs;, did not cat tret returned to his bed room. ;He asked me to fetch him up something to ea wbicn I did. Iiis man - ner and appearance seemed troubled.' " I saw him half jor three-quarters of au hour 1 Ä j. r u .i after I left the dinner for him subsequently I heard loud talking between Mr, and Mrs. Sickles; their-door. was partly open ; this was aftet six o'clock.- . - . : : -. , ,Mr. Brady here handed a paper to the wit ness, which änc looked at. j , . ' Witness resumed I wrote my nume to that paper iu the presence of Ir. and Mrs. Sickles; (sensatiorvrlhroughout the, court room) ; 1 signed my name to - it at the re- quest 'of Mrs. Sickles Miss Ridgcly also siencd that paper;;. that is Mrs... Sickles' , Signatare ; I sawf her write, her name to , tbat paper, and she asked me to sign. 11 ,-.-,.;, o.l IWl that nio l.t ?f1u-.nt 1 n pl.. l- When I left tbe room, Mr.' and Mrs. Sicklej Tt-ere "both there. I do not think ttmt cither of them went to bed all night; he staid aU ' night in the bedroom, and she in an adjoin- Mpg room, lying on the-noor. lnc next! morning he came in aad found her silting-f on the floor, -dressed and -vrith her hend j resting on a chair. '-.This- was al'ont- 8 ! o'clock ; Mr. Sickles had, left the bedroom ; j she lay on the floor during the whole ot ; Sunday.' '"During the previous night I of'tiAi "! "htard Mr. Sickles ry and Mrs. Sickles too. ; In the morning-when -1 met him ow the j stairs, he cried and sobbed "violently, btiry-' ing his face in hij hands and uttering .vari-'i oils e.c-lamalions tf grief. -.. 1 cried sl?o my- t self, for he:"apreared to be-in great trouble... Mr Ri-adv liaiidd the -oaiwr iinlaininir. t the confession of Mrs. Sickles to the coun . - - - - . - i i - - 1 1 ) sei for the prosecution',' and requested thhl U'! j be admitted as evidence. . s . : , i I Mr. trtlid objoi-teit to il t-iug leeeiveil, ( I as no woman can Wit vHitft3 ti.t or against ! 1 ln-r liiwbiind.3 I'aail that it did not iolat.5. tv tlie )Urtti.ll; Ol Ulf, pt-ISOIIf f j nsiinile,- u:u,u,? ..u , rhe.v niiiil show that the lusanity existed to and let ths cauic alone. Mr. Graham said that the common law allowed "them' to prove causes , testcaIof presuming it. " They wanted to show that the prisoner had become intoxicated by the "maddening bowl that had been banded him by her confession of her guilt anuThisdis- grace, He had a right to belie veroofl coming from his wile. ) f - 1! Tns U. S. AitMT FtLt.--In pursuances of orders from the War Department, the recruit- ing service throughout tnc u nueu oiaies was discontinued the 26th ulC " The ranks of the army are now uot only full for the first time iq twenty yeara, but there is a considerable surplus of recruits from which to fill future vacancies. The unusual prosperity of . the recruiting business may be attributed part ly to the depressing effect of the financial re vulsion, but mainly to the increase ; of the soldier's pay abont four years ago, up to the decently-renumerative standard of $11 per month for foot, and $12 for" cavalry service. Renovation of thk Peach Tbee. The editor of the New England Farmer says that a gentleman residing in Cambridge informs him that charcoal placed around the roots of tho diseased peach stock, was serviceable. He immediately removed 1 the stock from around the trunk of a sickly tree in his gar den ; supplied its place with charcoal, and was surprised at its sudden renovation and subsequent rapidity of its growth, and the tenacity with which the' fruit held on 'the branch, and the unusual richness of its flavor when matured... ,-. ..." - 'L B The TJ,S, of,; Michigan,' who last sumtter followed a vessel from Detroit into the waters of Canada and shot the captain, killing him instantly, .for resisting the service of a process upon his vessel, has been tried in Detroit and sentenced to 30 days' imprisonment only. ..The , court de cided that though .the act was. in foreign waters, it being on board an American ves Bel and under the Ü. S. flag, it was within the civil jurisdiction of a V. S. Court. . '. BgPreparations have already been made by the brickmakers in Memphis to produce this season'44,500,000 brick,' all of wbich will be needed for the buildings In contem plation the coming summer. .14 .: . NEW J ADVERTISEMENTS. ZUxon'f JrsnsHc . Blmekbtrry Cr- Mllf ATITE I?EVtR Ksows to Fail 1 la coring the most protracted and aggravaed eases of Dysen tery, Diarrhoea, Flux,. Cholera Morbus, Summer Complaint, and for children teething attended with irritation of the bowels. . Price 23c per bottle r. 1 FOB COUGHS, COIDS, c. Monroe's Cough Balaam is a simple and effect aal remedy in all the above complaints upeoially In Asthma. Price 25 cents per bottle. . . MONROE'S TOOTH-ACHE SPECIFIC ' Oivci immediate relief, and proves valuable for Sore Gums. -. Price 2? cents per bottle., i ;r I a-.i'-'f - Prejjared only by J. ,B. MOiTROK, and sold wholesale and retail by I)R. E. EASTEBtT; . K. corner Third and Chesnut sts., St. Leuis. . STODDARD 4 THOMPSON, ) . " '' - F. W. SAWYEIt. . .., ... , j A8ente Evassville, Indiana. dec20-ditw3m VHKH8 i'LJLl-il&S IV OV ML wat want to learn the cam to nerfection. von will ao wen to wear one 01 tne jhorpht Hats, just re. ceived by VAUTIKll ic MARCONNIER, -. uptft . . U9 Main street. Vlr ST UP SA ALK o doren fresh Eces, ' '' 200 lbs fresh Ohio Butter. ? apl.5 E. H. SABIN k CO., 47 Main t. fcEWBOOK8.-JUST REVKl fHU WW :BV EXPRESS; .s;,.i- The Pillar of Fire. Adam Bede. . . . Kuuknt ll. Three Visits to MadaKascart " j Picture from Country Life,., -, Letters from Spaiu. . ' Sixty Years' CileauiiiKS. ." " . ((':' Vt Forsale by . JOHN HEALY , apl5 Cor. Maili.t First sts., Kvansville, lnd. -DM- tne Old Plan of Kvansville. will be sold at pnhlic um Hon at the Court House door, on TUES- l'A 1 , May .i. This Lot is beautifully aitnated on ater street, between Walnut and Locust sts. Hnd would nnsaer aclmiratily fur a business lucu. tion, or fur a private residence. It is 75 feet in front on Water street, and runs back 150 feet to an alley This is the only full Lot ,0. Water street, in this part of the city, now in the market, aud presents a rare opportunity to thosedesiring to make a protita- investment. . s ....... ' TERBs-One-third rash ;' balance in 9 and 18 months, with interest. For further information, enquire of t'ONRAD BAKER, or 1. ü .i THOS. E. OARVIN. J - ap7-deoiltt Third street. , M.ML want to sell lots No. 3 and 4, in Klock 152, in Lamaaco, corner Clark and Market sts, There is a frame dwelling housn ou the premises, consint ing et two tenements ; one tenement having three rooms and the other five, and so constructed as to lo convenient for one or twe famtller. There is also a large cellar under the house, and ou one corner of tue premises a brick 10 uoiue, with a room ever It intended for a meat shop, and fitted up for that nur- loi e. ... Terms will be made easv." For particulars, call 011 the uudersigned, or, II. Q. Whteler, Esq., or jones x uiyine. JUHH LUSAWa ap!4-lw .. . (Volksbete'eopy.J - . I i äfat JtOXBS Ji J.VJi IX. TJVW A " PLATE, received per steamers Landis and Uuiverae, and for aale 1 .y opl.l SA311EL ORB. 3 l- Huseia Shea Iron,1'5 Block Tin, . . -' Sheet and Slab Zinc, 1' ! Coke Tuiplate, t . 1 a .-: i. :. Uxll do, ' " ltta do, 'I-- 1 Hx'20 X do. On hand and for lehv pl3 SAMUEL ORK. " i. 8SWJ'EB8 HJLE OE W4TVUB8 j wM and Jewelry at Auction, at oar Auction rooms, ' corner Main and Third atreeu, commencing on 1 lrrnsjivi. v . ;i .. -j.. j ,. feYening during the week. f ' This is, without exception, the largest and finest ku"n,e.nt elrj - ever I brougtMo thU marked 1 ho stock consists of Fine Gold and Silver English, l ever, Dnplex, Anchor an . - . . .... 1 CYLINDER WATCHES. f '-old Guard, Fob, and Vest Chains ; fine Gold Setts, m.vli as Cameo, Gold Stone, Mosaic, Lava, Floren- ! tine, Jut, Paintings, C'ahturnia Diamouua, and all I flolil, Skve buttons, Stada, Caff Pine, Gold Thiol- WW: lungs, Gold Peucu and Peua, 1, 2, 4, 6, and 7, Glasa Lockets. ' Also a tine assortment of Plated and Fancy ar ticles, such as Silver Plated Tea, Table, aud Dessert Forks and .Spoons, Castors, Cnps and Goblets, both bilver aud Piatvd ; Silver Fruit Knives, Pon monies and Card Costs, Clocks, Fancy Boxes, 4c. . Together with an entire adaortnibnt of such goods sw are usually kept in a lirst-chus Jewelry store, a lie must le sold . . V IU I'LOSK Bl'SlUKMr sf UJ rcio..iis in want of any ot the above goods . would du eli tu atteud lUa sale. ... - i ? lieseiited or the ni..liev n 'funded. , l ne Liailien are reeicttully iuvitoa to call aua ex amine the ih oUj durius; the dv. Sale poaitive. ! apl'l - II. NELSON " CO., Anctiomer."8 B tttA.VTEII.A gt ütleuiiiu and UU wilo j WW wishea boarilins iu a i.rivato family, any one i lesiroua of accommodaiiiiK them can-iearn lrtic-, wars iy auuimg a note to "w.HUi, or calling, at tlua olnce, immediately. aprU. R 9 I TTER. -500 XS. W. R. lil'I- twr. i liLla A . No. Kiitfer. Keceived tliw day at. . Jx. H.WK ft N'S.' 4 M BAP EAR II, AJS'll TBB PA JR It, If MA -uppties at 47 MAIN B'l'UEEf . MB BAJ", COU.', A. VII OA T8 -MJ, 5,ma bnsheb Bran, 2iKl Corn, H vi do Oats. In store and fur ele t.y " apll z. li. - I'uuh. tt non.i ftOTICE THE AJWIAL- EIEC- W tiou of eleven Iirectirs lor the Kvnuaviile, I liiiitiuipoiia ar i.ieveiaiii oii.iigix i.iuo, iuuiroai Company, will bo held at the otike nf the f.mps,iiy lit litdinnaioli, on Hie '.tli itay or Mny, Ift'n, at z ' .. ci.k'j. r . M. :.,,-, ..j.iai.nirj,Bfc. . ..,,11 r-i, v ' ''llU ., 1 . . ' . . .. : -evrelai .. fT A-W SPRI,tI. SUA U'i.8. 1017 ' V will fi:..l a l-autiiul :.s.-..ituient ol ni.cS-inn.' I Siimiii.-r silh :in.l tine wk.I M.-i:.l II I'tlll ' .ju., vllini: rb.- i't.v rhenp. apll. fftvBR! 8UOES! SHOES I-VALl , Hl'UilE and bnv vonr Slwc. it xou want u good article al very luw prices. apll NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, TO TUB J If JBUV. T11K SUBSCRIBER deairea to call the attention of the public to hia improved C'bair, Lathe Mid Tenoning Machine, which fur aurjMtMw-ft mny mm-liine hitherto invented in the quantity uiul quality of the work it ilT i-r-fortn. - l'hia ataebin u cnlvulated . furtontioc; Chuir-i- tun, urouni ilanuk-s, or any other uescniitiou ot parrablo wood work.- It will: taper the vuds of Chair raiU, round ott' the endit, aud cut the tenon with the moat eutiru accuracy, and u fully compe tent to turn M dozen of chair rails per hour, and furnish smoothly alt'The work that paiWMithroiign" it. The only preparation nccctaary fur the work to be done, ia to Bplit the stuff from the lox, und um it through the machine, aud the various sized man drils are adapted far turning any diameter from a quarter of au inch upwards. - ... . Vne of these machinee la in operation at the Fill ton Foundry an. I Machine Shop, corner of Second and Carr streets, where it can be aeen, and where a number bave been manufactured. ALKX. EDMONDS, St. Louis, Mo. ' ' Pavilion Hotel, Water at FctTOH Iuon Works, St. Louis, Mo. ; This ia to certify that I have wttneaaed the oo ra tions of M r. Alexander Kdmtnda' machines for turning Chair Stuff, Bake Teeth and Bows, Broom Handles, Umbrella Staffs, and all work that requires to be smooth aud parallel, and I cheer fully recommend it to all who may require ma chinery for similar purposes, as being the simplest, cheapest, and moot expeditious working machines that I know of. For the chair uiako, it ia almost indispensable, as it turns the post and stretchers neatly. It rounds the tops and tapers the bottoms of the posts, aud tenuous the stretchers as fast as a man can handle the separate pieces. ' - . Ma. K. Edmonds has 011s of Lis improved Chair, Lathe, and Tenoning Machines in operation at our maehiue shop, and we take uleasur in testifying to iit superior qualities for executing work, both iu speed ami nnun. , - . , " 8t. Lot is, March 14, 1S5&. --'- - apli . TBMSU C'PJPS 73 MiVSH. 0 V TU IS HE JL celebrated Potatoes, for eatitiit or aeed. just re ceived and for sale by CHAS. McJOHA'SrON, , mpli ,, , . .. Main at."eet, neur the IJauaL WMTJi- ;.,:t .... WW WASH BKUbUEi - 10 dos Whitewash Brushca, . öO bbls Utile Lime. ' Just received and for sale by " , . " . CIlAa. McJOHNSTON, Posey's Block;-' , ap!2 Main street, near the Canal. ' TFEEU I IE Ell ! I' EE It !COHJ JtL Oats, and Bran, in store and for aale by . . i: CHAS. McJOHNSTON. apl2 Main street, near tlis Canal. CEESEXO UOXES MM. extra good, just received and for sale y sCHAS. McJOHKSTON, Posey's Block, apl2 Main street, near the Canal.' BOXES JBJMB IHEE&E, 10(1 lbs Chocolate, -100 lbs Cocca, - . - y , " . 800 lbs Pearl Barley, -500 lbs Split Peas. For sale by Z. II. COOK 4 SOS. apll 93 9 25 bbls prime Apples. , 2 bbls Golden Syrup. . " For sale by Z. II. COOK 4s &0X. rWXMB! JL barrsli TAB! IS JUKBGBST SIZE barrels, in fine order, for sale at reduced price, by - 8. E. GILBERT & CO., ,p i. 4 sycamore street. WmJiTKS6 EUjIIJLH JVBttT CBM, MM forsalobv- , a. E GIL BE BT It CO.. op8 Ho. t Sycamore street. K10 8-ÜO 300 IIB VM S EOR BJLM.B " S. E. GILBEBT A CO., No. 4 Sycamore street. ''. - Mk 1HSOIVTI J THE rJLBTJVBB MM ship heretofore existing between the under signed, nuder name of Olmsted k. Sabin, is dissolved by mutual consent. - Said Sabin collects and re ceives all debts of the firm and pays all its liabili ties, aud nses nrei name only in liquidation. V. U. OLMSTED. . n K. H. SABIN, i - Bär Keferring to the above, I take pleasure in recommending my successor. - - - Bps ' ' - KJ. . ULaJIOII-U. mEXV GOO0S! JYBUTCI9nS ! 9 W We have j st received by Express a-fine and durable stock of Dry Goods. Our Intention is to sell tor cask, and give our customers rood bargains. Our stork and style of Dry Goods, consists in part Ol Silk (. bailee, Uerages, Organdies, Lawns, Prints, Ac. Also, a good variety of extensive Hoop Skirts. and a splendid lot of Crape, Cashmere, and Merino Snawls. T bs sold cheap; In prices or quality, for beauty ana Taste, it cannot be beat nowhere in the city. We Vi. keep constantly on Land a full and complete assortment of Dry Goods thronen the Spring and Summer season, wbich will br. sold low ftlll.LKK NIEHAIS, - ap7 , Ho. 43 Main street, Kvansville, Ind. JJCÄ 30O EE ET . EBOJST -skV on Fourth street, between Mulberry and Uum streets, (.vansville, will be sold Jn quantities to accommodate buyers. Also, 37Vxlfiu feet of Lot 23, Upper Enlargement, adjoining residence of Mr. John rarrell, on xirst street with the dwelling nouse ana improvements, tiusx.' occupied by Dr. Thompson, Apply to np7 eod2w w. . '. , f 'S TH"0S:"E.?GAVIX (flEItE-UYTEMEST. itt rTHB JHJMJY v SrtCI JeU' O MUMATi -AtrntiN -sludging from the crowds of customers that daily throng the Grocery Store of No. 2 Main street it seems t tiers must be some inducement. Jield. -forth there. Call and see if such is not the case, r - ' ' NEW ARRIVALS. ---' 20 bxs N. Y. (oese (choice artiUrV )t doz 2 ft cans Fresh Cove Oysters,' , us aoz i id cans ao v. io. 6 doz 1 lb cans do ' do, 1X) choice Beef Tongues,; "i Ä Bs Dried Beef, ", 1 KSK plain and canvassed Hui, ; 1U busliola Dried Apples, KM do . do Peaches, 5 boxes Lemon?, -' 500 assorted boxen Sardines. At 5 "V . , - - . - r- -VICKEBx" BROS. j$V.MB IB H-IMjyc ' BJ8UBT8, v Market Bankets, Feeding Basketa, Tubs, Buck ets, Waabboarda, - Well Buckets, Cedar Churns, Pine Churns, Cotton Hops, Brooms, Brushes, Dus ters, Door Mala, Clothes Pins, (Jlothea Baskets, Clotbea Lines, Cut rope, manilla rope, hemp rope, sash cord, bed cords, powder, nails, glass, window sasb, cement, white lime, plaster parts, com, oats, and various other articles too numerous to tneu tiou, all wbich yon can find at ".... ap7,. , . VICKEBY BEOS., 82 Main street. " f?M E 8 II URRI VJI. OE EJ.Ml, I" -at- Suppliea at 4? Main street. Goads delivered free I a any part of the city - : . -- -' öO dos cans Lobsters, - - - , 10 dos cans Oysters, '- ' ' 'i ' 2tdor jars Pickles (plain 1 mixed), i - 1 bbl German Plumbs, . . '.., ,r. 1 bil Zante Currsute, ; -.- .:-! - - : u-J ' '1 box Lemons, 1 boxOrauges," -- -i '' - , , 1 bbl Eggs," - -' - .- : --r ; "'1 tierce country Hams, ' .-U I ' Extra white wheat Flonr, ""Do Superfine . dts ' w .',.- .-.., '! ' Vo Bios - o, ---.--':...-:-... , Potatoes, Corn Heal, c, ite.; " ' apT ' Ti JOS. W. DOUGHERTY, Forwarding ' and Commission ' NEW ORLEANS, Loüisiasa. (.l BefiTS to Mesars. ALLId & HOWES, -.t 'k ap6-ly . . vstnsTlIlct lud. 1 rfkrWa EO V.Vit 8 ERI.nn I.K JE M.fX9ß Lard. 10OU pounds plain Hams, extra. 100t do- sugar -cured Hams, extra. x 5J do do BriedBeef. ,.j IUÜO do ähonlders. For sale at a nit apG Z. II. COUK ft SON ii. WJU'RE CI II ER fMjyTB OA B IS -T Ä M. ranted, for sale cheap at ap6 -. X. H.COOK ft SON'S. JTPA C O.V BAM 8 AJVII SBOVllIB B8. MJt 250 canvassed Hania, , .... . 100 r do- sngar-enred Hams, UK) plain Hams. 250 Shoulders. All A No. I article, and forl , f sale by CHAS. MCJOJ1N8TON, Main street, near the Canal. f BETTER AJ"B CHEAPER AR- ' i-Ka .,' Pin. Vl.u..i,.m Ili.n , n ii h. t. I i tne market, . couätautlv on hand. Also Dressed i Oeiliiig, Weatherlwardins:, c. c. j Äp2- NEWBKKBY ft CLEMENT. l ! ' M' HUVd toon. Family Flonr . Beef Tonauea, Bacon Hams, Baby Wann, .. Potatoes, I German Erasive Soap, 1. t-,r. - . i Brnshes-acrnb and BläV Kinr;- I X i. apl , OLMSTED k SABIN. S.Pili.1 O ST. 'IE BRB88 BAT -9 Now rraily. It apeaks tor Itself. DRESS CASSIME.UI; HATS. Which cannot tail to please. 1 SOFT HATH.'." yt auv kind, coior, atmpe, and price. , j' " , SCOTCH CAPS. lor the Rp, iug, just received. - - is S.1E. 1 , BTOKM I 1PH ' 1 - '. - v - .1-, . i .. .1 T, , i ihe. rain.. Setter than an t'mbrDlla. ' r '. M " ' -."J . ' " " nllBKE a-äL HAIS Kir Hprina and Suiiiukt. ij VulTU'S ELT A N It STBA W HATS, :An eudlesa v.trietY. ' 1 1 VAl'llEB MABfONNIEB, apl No. ui) Main atreet. MISCELUNEOUS .Sc. TKB AN'l) Jul S KU, ia prepareil ro Amny thine; apertaiuiiit; to either ot" I lw ?ive fcrsin Particular attention paid t - hi npVof ftor Rooms; also to the building ofB;!;'!!. Mill". r"iTe--" tories, and bwelliiiK llunmn, iu l..n or roiuilry. Hill Bind nptooydcr trhew.rwuiwJw'TI wä-it ing work done will pleaee k'iyv ne a call, as I will alwaya be read;; at shoitent notice. Tenn eafy. Miop on Tliir I tn-t, lteeu Cheatnut aud t'!lrr . " " ' " JZ ill TV BIS KEfEKKNViv-r- 1i-t,w heve not failed yet, or 0I1L Hal ou JSü i.-s-uil t:leciel stock of lh-y i'ine Limit r, imr tire selling t peiwa that defy all louijH-ntH'U. ami rc.w a. seH- iiisr so low thai a certain vtiir .l.'.itvu' btt iidal, the idea. that., we ulnvt tu tuil. fy t.-h we Utk the liberty to say, he Hh'hc i :tl tliv t'ai t.(altUoiu;li wetuuat say- hat we areimi h ol I.imI. neiltlor. Hope yon wifl' kip m', li-r-rf w 'mit;ng us a "neap" ef custom). Weare .-II -i-stare limt onr presont prices would Indh-sfe re-nlti- .N-triux iitut to our pecuniary intereiMs. ' Huwev.; .nr rnnxiiners will please hear In mind, irt-it Wt.-" M Coiriiinio to sell at present prices,' and lnwvi", ; fw-hü-b t from 10 to la per cent, lower lüm can M- na.ifjrlit iu this market) until further uotice. We will aliMy all that call on ns, that this is no hiuiitMie:. aud can convlDce them of the follovWitK-fWets. Kirt tht we have brought down the prtcent Lumber iroiu 2. to 3U per centi Second--hat cre llinci htfr than can In bonebt in this market.- Miird itiat present prices alj'ord a fair compeuSHtiou. Fourth and last that oaiug tn aupetior advantage .in buying, (for the edification ot our friend we pay when we bl'y, we are 'therefore "enih'pil to sell at a small advancer o os JorBali.v or to prompt-pnying, short-time buyers. "- " - 1 muikiul tor past tavors. we nope to nveni a con tinuance of the same. Hoping that idl who wUli to buy good seasoned Lumber will give n. scnll. , .,. t ... SEWBEBBT CLEMENT, , ap2 Cor. Main fc Eighth sts-.opp. K. B. Iepot. W fJL 3 years old, and 1 young Horses, for: sale a .. u. i-uutv dt aoji o stouK laro, . - ap4 . , j . 22 Main street and 2 irnt street. If. P. BJIB li, M. v., HO. TUB o- pathic Physician and Surgeon, rospect- fully tenders his professional M-rvin a to the citi aeua of Evansville aud vicinity.' ; ' "' For the satisfaction of those whom it may con cern, Br. Baird would state that, to addition to a seien ti tie education in Homoeopathy, be gradnotrd with tliH honors at one of the beat AUiqiathic medi cal colleges in the country- f, i, i-- i I j J ! " Having devoted sieciiil attention u Surry, and naving a compl t act ot fptiutx, n l- oreparea to render satixfact'ory aid ra t hone requiring surgi cal treatment. . .. 8JB" Office, H-4flf Main etreef. -'fltHce lioura-' from 1 to 3 P. i . api jr u h v v n e o , 9M IMPOKTEB. "Smtf Profits and Quick Sales" is the motto at J." W. HUGHES' Wholesale Qneensware Store, No. 18 Main street, Kvans ville, Indiana." - ' 130 crates English Queens- ware just received from the English Put toriea.for suis low. 47U pkgs Glassware, a little below the market price. For sale by H LÖHES. - 172 boxes Looking Glasses, warranted te reflect a Pretty Picture.. For sale by VW. HUGHES. Cash and prompt customers only desirable. ... . ap2 J. W. HUGUE3 18 Main street. JT MJSTE R S BOBS, ClfJI.VS, . -as. , 36 dos C a. l'lauters lloea, -2odoAxes.- .! , . 3 cases Trace Chains. Just received and. vtr sale at low cash prices, by , - ap2 ; , JACOB 8TBAPB A SON, 40 Main sf IfWJ CK ESEJL. lO HE. BBA.&. m WfM 15 kitts Nos. 2 and 3 Mackerel just receiv ed and lor sale by i . . JHAS. McJOHNSTilN, ' ap2 - Main street, near the Canal If UMBER t Z. UJHB ERt-r TBE VW JLM dersigued has, now in his yard and. for sale Four Hundred Thousand feet thoroughly seasoned riKS LL JuBEB. Tnis Is an A Xo. 1 lot, manu factured out of large, lull-grown timber, and not of .uog cennei sapiuis. - . Thankful for the very liberal patronaire be stowed on him the past year, ha would respectfully asK lor a continuance ot tne same. V..',-' JOHN F. GL0VFB,' , apt ' ;" '. Corner Main and Seventh sts n BESSEII fljVB fJ,OOBMJVM large and constant supply for sals by r apl , : JOHN Ti GLOVER. RAMVKL EMBICH BKKNAltD HCH AeKt'S. M10PJBTJVBB8UI- THE VJVIIER t signed have formed a partnership under the name of 8. EMBICH A CO., and will continue the Iry Goods business at the old stand. No. 49 Main street. SAMUEL EMBICH. , BERNARD SCHAPKER. N. B. Feeling thankful for the past liberal pa trouage, we will promise to do all in our - power t deserve a continuance of the same, luanl m-JBEBH JBRIVJI, JIT S. E.TIB ICH MZ A CO. No..aMAIü.äIKKKT. Having just. returned with a splendid stock ot Dry UoimIs, -l-t-ed with special care to Mutet the wants of unr i ii.i tomers, which will besohl at unusual Inw prices for Cash. " - - - - : - - All goods warranted as represented ; If contrary, they may be returned at our expense, and we will refund the money. 8. EMBICH t CO., 4nar31 ' No. 49 Main street QFBI.W BJIBB ntBE J ÖÜ dozen C. S. Planters' Hoes. 2 'do Root Hanies .Zj- do - Horse Collars, - H casks Traces, - i , ... 3 do , Log Cliain, i 50 doaen Bteel Shovels. i. . s 25 do v do Spades. - For sale by - mar30 . GEO. 8. SONNTAG, No. 10 Main at. W KOMB 8, noon .noH.YiJsu Mm Good morning, Mr. Rasch.' When did von get borne 1 I got home a -. jw days ago, atid have brought the finest assortment of Heel Gaiters, Plain and Fancy Kin Heels, Kid aud Morocco Boot a and Buskins, and a great variety of Misses' said CUiU area's uaiters, Mioes, lippers and Ties. Also, a great variety or Youth's and Buys shoes. Ties aud Slippers. Call and examin my stock before buy ing elsewhere, as I am determined to sell at very small prouts, cneap tor casu. Come while tne bar. trains are in the market. - JOHN BÄSCH. . mar31-lm - No. Second St.. Evansville. Ind. fMB8. .M EE W .TtOUE JLEET OE those nice Cabs are selling so cheap. , . 'CIIA8. MeJOHXSTON, Poaey'a Block, ap3 ... Main street, near the Canal U.TII.VI 8 Tli-M TOR ' H ,V T I V E.--wM Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed Administrator of the estate of David Aiken, Jr., late of Vanderburgh comity, de ceased. : Said estate i solvent. ' . uiar28-awd DANIEL AIKEN, Adm'r. tryRESM EEJCBE8. EE W BOX. JL left of fine, fresh close consignment, by Peaches, for sale cheap to PRESTON BBOH. 1ZVJ'BRMES " -. .i ... .- 3 60 boxes Oranges, , - ,,-'-i ; , Si. do , Lemon yrup, ,. ,,. . . - , 25 do Prime W. B. Cheese, " ' . " 6 bbbi Spirits Turpentine. . . . lo bbl. Linseed OiU : ' S bbls WilmiugUn Tar. ' 25bblA)e ' ' " n ' - ii- : 24 boxes Turner's Ginger Wins, ... . ,10 do 8chidam Schnapps. ' " ' Ia store and for sale by PBESTOS BB08. "' fWTTEJTIOJ-,JlJLl,:(iOQ MIOXBJV wM EGGS Ju.1t recuived at mar20 OLMSTED ft SABINAS. 1 mARROVB TOB A CCO CO i -MB dies Barrow's Tobacco for sale by " mar28 PBESTUN BBOS VI aTäilT V V rsflT.T.W I fHwilV X in a area Formerlvof W. J. Deublcr I Furmurlv of S: Fml.ii h &' . Miller & Niehaüs',"-''.''':' l CHEAP CASH DKY GOODS STORE, i w. f. 0. is MAIN bTnzET, . -. uuu-2:; EVANSVILLE. IND., Evansville -Property for Sale ! giREAT BARGAINS' OEEB REO for aale at very low prices 22 LOTS iu Smith'. addition, opposite the Depot, and 44 ACBEb US' j An is opposite me fair brouuas, being the prop- - w t, g-,. r .. Jjvn ttTH ertv divided in imrtitlnn of th .t.. JSr fkZ. l rr M9C CO I, O.TII.y I CAEBtAJTMf V M H- D.?T Smith, deceased, rWlABB JVOTMCB, E VE R I'B OD V . c uniD vu unuu, U1U RI V UIHIlll Ul( 111 Tltl H IO t order, all kinds of Fringes, Buttons, Cprd Tanaels, 'J. Ladies wfcihlns; the- above named articles, -R- We bave on hand, and are mannfkctnrina- to . : - to r'""i - ,"J". " .1. . TT, """T"" T, I" w J?ro m ,tb,rt Bu oUj'c foT ..,.'e" L ?ir? ? thu,t """- rueia acut us win u nnen witn seat- . i wiu uujmu;.., ... . ,. ... -. , . ., . .. " " alao keev an aaaortment of atwiKO Macminfs . tuiuiiuiiij on fiauu. nueeier ac iibob a. at. - . Minicer C'o.'a. and Ave diile.roiit fclnrts ot sinirie . Thread MachilUM. We have an adjiiatahle Binder aud Hemmer. All persons having Mariiin.-s wil do wen 10 ftuiu us au uitier -for mewe m i--r., art. a great aving of labor. Price of each 85. marl, t &fiMJLrtZiAimA.., t tk n...... fiir r. Biukina. aud Mliiiners: : Miawa' do. do.. Children's Shoes . all ' jizes ami ' , :., ..'..., -. I Mism-t' do. Uo., I'liiiareii a .--uiea oi um-5 ami V MZz. 1ZLZ'! .,1Li,..ji.a.,..,.. ; itialiriea, Aoau-tae araa ,Jlue- l.r tafeatv- ceents- 0 the asawt articia SMHiaby Welmtaw.. wll-ud see ? ..,1 v,.u miil tx. aonvmeni tiiar HI li It KM .b. t hi, ta-ai tck car Sli in the eity. ..wl?, - iVUJR C A. X E 1E K13.--14. UlSH-4 eUtJbiaa, Sugar tami)ed for nie by (,.,., uiail'J Corner Tint and Vine Strei ts, MISCELLANEOUS. THEIECONOinSTi ' COOKING-:STDyE FOE "WOOD 0B COAL, - ? - A, üW IT H A SAND OVE När This la the most valuable improvement that hai --'1 been made in Cooking Stoves during the past twenty " -;rl a . .THE SAND OVES--i Equalizes the heat oik the some principle tB the B&IG , t i, An fit avrtAiAnl rnnwn. ühhv uviui. ; "tTXiT Retains the heat long after the fire has gone out .i ' THE ECONOMIST, ZZL. Witbout the Band Oven, is ahead of all eompctitare ' THE ECONOMIST; v ' Wot the Band Oven,' is out of reach of them., ,,'-. t.' r PHK T!f!n"WmiTTRT - "" Is the most economical and durable Stov in ths 4 - - ''world.. . , ... THE EROKOMIST , l ' . . ! Has a moat perfect arrangement for Breillng. ' ''.! THE ECONOMIST ;: If " ' Heats water for the Bathing Room, Ac, as quickly aj - any itange, ana at nati i the cost for fuel. - -)THE ECONOMIST ! ? ? Will do uore Baking, Boiling and Broiling, with gtrae ' ' qaantity ef fuel, than any other Btovu or Bang. -s.J k I THE ECONOMIST r' ' . ,-r Urn ScoTtv ' : '.'--'-';-:- Do not fail to examine It I It ia manutactared by ' . W. k J. TREAD WELL, PEE&T k KCEM3t' ? 4ii ALBANT.N. T, L'fLl Fob Sal pvt. r st ' ,: ' -. it StJ.VTVI.V K'8TEEIIEJS8i r;-- r. ' 0-13. Mtin St., JSvmurilU, Jwf. " .. . j; jtirass 8BBB8. - ' ' .' : f ' WW . &0 bushels Timothy Seeds, 8i do . -Orcliard Grass Seeds,. ; ,V V , "1 i - oft do Hungarian . do, - t " 21 - do - Ky BlueGrass do. " j . ,i for salo by . , . -. H. BAMET, Jb., ,-r- niar!9 rner First and Vine streets. .;." ',' Mils O 'E H SEEB-r- HP Sil Ei 8 w Clover Seed for sale by H ' BAMEY, Ja., : marl 9 , Ccr.ier Firat and Vine atreet;"""' gi O R II A E aJS"B jnJTCBBtJSO Ky reels and coils Cotton faemp' and Manilla Konc, aSRorrea sizes 4 ju gross uaxes niatcnea. v r Just received trom the ractorr and lor sale cneaa -t. by tiiAo. auiuanoiva, i-ji ; mar9 .7 Slain street, near the Canal.. m wbjbt eotjit He a a a it visit- els Street Potatoes, for seed or eating, lust re ceived and for sale by ' '- " 1 CHAS. McJOHUSTOX, Posey'e Block, t marl 7 . Main street, near ths Canal. respectruuy in tortus toe puoue tuax nana this day sold out his entire sf?ck of Pry Goods te Messrs. Henry i . wilier and Mcnry aionans, wnc will carry on the business ander the firm of MIL LER 4 MKHAl S, al the same old stand, 43 Mai , , street. The stock will be replenished and com pleted in a few days, when they will be glad to re . , ceive tha calls of 1 heir friends and the old custom ,, .:i er of the house. I recommend my successors tc ;, the tuvor of the public, and .have .only to remark that my personal attendance will beglvontoall un settled affairs of ihe late firm. " - '"5 - marl8 WM. J. DETJBLEB. WW E FEB B .Vß TO THE JIB O VM aTsV notice of Mr. W. J. Peubler, an would res-'" pect fully solicit a share of the public patronage,' which, will be tliaiiKiiillV acknowledged by tna yeiig beginners. MILIEU &. K1EHAC8. Jl''- EVANA4JL1.E, Inillsna. - r ' mar!8 V&.IItJIII,E E.IR.TI FOB 8J1E, "8 W UN FAVORABLE TEI11HS. Oue of the very -Lest firms, situated In Scott Township, in Vander- f burgh county, the hometiti'ad of Edmund Maidlow, E., is offaicd for sale on account of the death of f the late owner." There will lie sold either 125 acres f ' or 245 ncres ; SO acres are dear . and In tbe highest ', state of cultivation. Balance good timber land.-. ' at) acres of the clearing are in grass or clover, and - ; about 4 cms' tit' wheat. The clearing ia divideir "" into seven frelds. There is a god orchard, a flue gardcu, a poixl well and rUtern, a good house with about 7 rooins, a good bain;" stable. Sc. - .. . This is a model firm, and the soil has nwr been exhausted; tho Princton road runs through tha '" land, aud the buildings are within a mile of Ingle's . 8tatiou, a regular Rtoiiping place on the Evansville -.1'' It Crawfordsvillo Baitroad, . within nine- miles of Kvansvillo.' ' ' r , ' " ' "' . : P.-ice moderate and terms very easy",, "Fof fur-the-' particulars enquire of ' ' "' : , ml7-3mdA w D EN B Y ft LraKESTTEIMEB. ' "ii ; PfirSalAon nnTisifm'mfi'nt.-'' MJeXi ji jiiai, m mt m bw .1 mm n . m , nn st w mm r bev ar fmrn ma m ml- ma rmm, - - - from the celebrated Poplar Grove Planta-. lion, Louisiana, 160 hhds CHOICE fiUGAB and; ' 213 y bbls of sujierior MOLASSES, In good pack., 7 , ages. Also, from New Orleans , ' , , . lO TIERCES BICE, ... 'T' .'' XAit.. orsaie iwiociim ras , signmeut. maritim ..-ALLIS ft HOWES. GxOIM WATER J PEA R-3 T 18 EOMt AS BALE. Nichols patent, by which, wUhou I the use of wbeelB, force pumps, or any complicated. ' aud expensive apjxiratus prime Mineral Water ia ! -made in thirty minutes, much superior to tbat pre- duced by any other method. .Syrup Apparatn au - uralt xubes an in complete oruor. Voold be aom .'! low if application is made immediately. STODDABD ft THÖMP80K, Druggists, IT Main street." msr9 BmBS. PBJVJVIJVUTOJV JJVD BE- r:f MM BHULEK, havina formed a cojartnerahlp lot i -..i the practice of Medicine, offer their services to tbe - , citizens of Evannilie and vicinity, i- -. .- -..-... . - Office on Third atreet, in the first, building above. , the Crescent City Bank, wer Jones ft lily toe's Law . i Office. i.. :. .... . .- - ..-' .. if Dr. Pennington's residence, on Chestnut strset. -opposite tha Episcopal Church. t ' . Dr. De Bruler's resideuce, corner of Cherry and n Second street. - mr8 ini;, jr. It. ERICH, ARCHITECT JjVIt HCPEBINTENDENT, CBESCENT CITt . BANET.BIT1LDII"G8, Evakkville, Ikd. : : il Public and Private Buildings, stores, - anu uiiuiches, will be corefully preparaa ana saas- tlie citizens of Evansville and viciulty. Diartx: If U-EVBAjy-ICS, ATTE.VTIOTi . w ua. .Hatcher's uneuualiea ilea, an sizes. ,Siar ft Jackson's Cast Steel Hand Saws, , , ; ...Do . . do, .. fpricgdo. o,v?rilr These Sp. ing Steel Hand Saws are something Dew, in this market, and aro tbe finest goods made in the . world, and cheap. ; ' CHAS. 8. WELLS, marö - Sign of the Mill Saw, 13 First ifl , a i BS1 I1IA.II lilt HA T8-JiJy JEJT -.-MM tirely new Mtle Jurt received. " A . ' ' VAC1IEB ft MABCONNIIB, ; : nuir4 1 No. 39 Main street; er fasbioual le' st vie? refefved per Express. Ä v-AVttlB MABCONMEB. VAX Crxcra.vATi, March 1, 1859. F. G. BINOUULI j V.. In nr. l...nH on. I o,n rwntvinff. mir DRTial "V" ' ' '"" a- ! u'l mipleto stock of Spbino aw Swnrra . BoOtS HUÖ. SllOGS 4,1 seiecteal witb tnc care ana inasmeni 01 a ions aa- .. . - perience. , , -i We desire especially local! yenr attention to tha work of 0CB OWN MANCFACTUBK, .which for. - mf1t, tn( quality is unsui passed. " ... - -: tli. Feelinar connnont that we can oner arreat induce- meuts, we solicit a call. Beepectfnll v, " " ' , - '.mar4 E. O. WEBSTER CO. . - . - - MR' -B PACKING at Factory Prices A large stock 1 - - -- - .- .- . --- timea, at M asitai ti Rtas 1'KtrF.s. Warranted sn-..? y Mign of the Mill Saw, 13 First sTreef " l.t;mphor 1 IMrtiHna wi""" -n r. t. j o-i.- ..... , V ... .-..n- nn, 1,-.,...,.,", if.i Hl,,l,i,.v , . A mats üish a. W Keceived and fur M:!e by ' , leb i " : VU.KS Mf JOHNSTOH.' u. ' mAii.8.--XOO Ik KU 8 ASSOBTBW mmi .' -. - Tl.HOiii 1 s.u, septü ORR. DAZtLL A Co. JU i! 1 I - Sä