Newspaper Page Text
T II f: I N I) I S A K i A TK SK. T H 2... i io,it;in( i:, i-i.ii! vi avM IMHWAI'fM.lS. JIM! JI. 1-1'.'. Look at Tili, TaM lVaniiit. Ile".c:, tint thu pip r c! -.. th : vulrnf. All who wish to renew t i " r subscriptions, mu-t i y i mm Int a!i"p.ti-)ti, if iii"y would j rescne unbrok en file?, worth their weight in gold at the cnl of the yi-ir. O ir t ru;t if; a 10 M er. Ueeoilect, n!", l!rt w-'take ,ii pay t.-o d .!! trs, ra-t beef, butter, -a i. 1, rir'-' j'rk, 'e ill- r-, r: I I'-.m. Ii ir. an 1 T)vi-:n-. e ':'. '!' oats, I'. u r an 1 truck f o iif.fillv, t-i-t fir accomur 1 iti-n ; a!.-'), cobb mg, ::..:,h:i r h :. "ri;. -m.t'i' f o i(. ';i:i, ta.Ir 1 ih or ; in r r iie I r t'ie an-! ..!!, . ' . ' . , Y ., (n- h -or i'i im': t,rt Hie.-. mirk t'üs . it . , . , i -it I r . ; i ! - '..;' o ii, to do ii duty, t..ey mist d , . . ' . " . , '.. V':m'i. h ve m oe ''lbo ruers and more ... , . , , ... nioifV. t t of' wish i it live ml :iro:ier. e 3 3 c ,11 lu-j-t renew a. p irliou of our in iter.a's ; and this re- I 'mi .cra:y .No .v a toe ! iv ami ttow piires moti")'. We m i-t pay our d;bt?, mo,t of tliem contracted while p'ibli-hui a paiero i the credit systemthe then subscribers in.ji,tiy witli lioiilin tlvir 'i 0" , itid t do so reu.res money. Wi' rvol ition 7.e the Sta'e. t!,e country, the j whole world, anil tin-i tikes monev. We oil"' it to ' bo paid fjr o ir labor, and so had our workman, and in ney only Will pay t'icm. Help u-, th:n, in earnest; d m't ll nth ; and we will astomsli the winde universe, sorneho'v cr other. This is no IliroR. We have exerted every energy to be enabled to reform the appearance of our paper on the commencement of a row volume, by having cn- j graved a now heading, which we hive had bcauti- ; fully drawn by Dr. Veikel, and by printing the pa- j per on an entire new type. Hut our rucces thus i fir, though ll ittering, is not sutli 'ient t o cnab'e us ' to meet the require 1 expenditure. Our noble bird ' has maintained his station proudly the past )car, ; and now aries a question of some importance, on which we ak the advice of our friends : shall we t ike o it our cck, and adopt a plain heading, until we are on i'de 1 t m ike tin cntem;i! a'ed improve ments, or shall we kee.i him where he n o.v is f lhe a4vioe is expected to be ratit. fi'7"Wo unintentionally neglected to notice that our fellow oti.'n. Dr. Mntits. accompanied .Mr. Van !oi;i: in the btroucho- from Cumberland to and will not be disputed by the federal whigs. Then tins c.ty. In coi.seq icnee of the tremendous crowd , w e may ask, if this is the feast to which we were wo imy hive omitted to notice many others, as de- ; invited !" What have the American people re serving of h viorable mention, who took an active ceived in return for this unprecedented expenditure ! part in the proceeding.. This mu-t not be consid- I Is it wonderful that a certain portion of the whig rred as in tentioiial on our part ; a- the shortness of party should desire war that they might have an time allowed us to make a report in season for our excuse for these things ! Here is an expenditure paper, and the oituitions m w hicli we acted on that " glorious d ly, prevented our giving more than a mere synopsis cf the proceeding. O-Js the Democratic party prepared for the Au- ffiist contest, throughout the State ! Let no pica- yune policy find footing in our ranks. livery man np and do his duty to himself, Ins country, and his Jod. Leave time serving and pocket politicians to them-Ive,. Circulate documents. Tho Ilxtra state senjindwill be sent the balance of its exist - ence lor corns, inck num'jers will he turnished to those w ho wish, and th- piper continued for öo cent.". It contains many s'xndard articles which will be as good years heme as now. LxFivrrri: Bi77771üT-We recently Pub- lishod letter, concerning the above branch, severely censuring the alleged conduct of its manv-rs. Sub- . , - , , , , . fopi.'nt events have induced u- to d.rtcliiui jir- Ik -111 f t : luularly in Hum eise, (as we wish to be understood generally.) that we do not hold our-clves personally responsible for the correctness of the facts stated in those communications. We Lelicvid them to be correct (ami as yet, they have not been contradict ed,) or n should not have published them. This is the influence which w ill govern us in all cases : if in any wc clo injustice, it will be done uninten - tionally. and acknowledgements will be made with ol r'fy- T- ir .,.- a. 1 . 1 . .1 x- - Im ir Mr so! A correspondent of the N. . .1 . Po-t observes, and, as we know by long experience. truly, that "it is the curse of all parties, and"'T, . luu CU1C" Ui """'-' au own among them that the best cause shall be made .1 uorse lor Hie meanest ends. hile the deinocratic party are contending for principles anl precedents, whicli, in their opinion, are essential r - 1.. , ... ... ior me oi our reput.licati m-t.tut.on-, it will happen that the noisiest patriots amongst us an?lt mpt ion. We believe our banks are payin t specie where they have promised to do so in 1 .1.1, , .... . ;or.!a.,ce the law of last winter. 1 his we rut acc are glad of, and hope they will continue to do so. Should they suspend again, wc could not answer! that there would not be a popular outbreak, such as his dis2raccd noma other nlaces. Change i ! o J j getting out of its hiding places, and we can sec nothing in the way to prevent our banks continuing i this honest course. Dkmociutic Ukview. The June number of this excellent magazine was received last week. The contents are of the usual varied and edifying char acter, to Wit: The second article by Cooper, in re- ! latum to the Ldmbur-'h Ueview and th w 0 .. .. ........... j , ( 'I ho song f the (tllant Man, from the Cornnn of I'urger; .an interesting paper on the Firlv Life of Jeremy Benthim : on the new sa-ial vttom nf . - w ...... ( I-'i.ti riir liv I i.r M r I 'n .1. . C ,... I.,-. . Ci.t... f.. iiia-unii Liu ii v ii i :i . e loruses r vn r ' i.r.-L- ... , . T .'kl. . " .. . . . - . . ...a in. Hi uii iv n. i'ii iiiu iviioijc isi. inn affair; ami the monthly fmincial ami commercial; articl". Tills number is embellished With a teel cngr i trig of Bulwcr. fine Henry Cl.ay has refuseJ to come to Indiana at present on his electioneering tour. 1'erhaps he t. binksi it i too soon after Mr. Van Hjrfii'd visit; and the longer he wait the fiintcr t!i. impression. Or may Le, having girt n tht ca,!i ig v tjfX!itt the i'mxUt I and II .td, hi- it afraid to haett (iter it viUil j dry fimii. SrTi: Si um. When t ue Scr.p i sent u, we1 cannot alio .v th- roiiiiii.s-i-oi (.ri the paper. That I, five dollars icnp and a one ih llir current b.ll will le itqri.rctl to pay for three subscribers on? year. l'ive d ;iars in Lidnna or current money will !. r eve, ved as herctoforo, for three new sub c r i b - rs uii'! year. WitlKl's Hvrxctt! Has begone to consult' Henry Clay w hether he had better drop that Horn League! Or hive the movers of the wires refused that two dollars a day and roast beef! (!ood Lord, do tell us where Harnett it. Citu .ii.o Demo, mr. John how will you s wap I 11. I riMtnri' - ri'i I r I .1 t 1 II 1 iii o- per ' W ar- in e trnd. M,..iiiiii. n.i .mini; soi.-ly l ,r Hvnpi-ni.y ,p. ,!,., lt ia ,l,vi,lcj bctwr.-n ll.e puiilic TrMsury , 0'" '""' 1 "V" s,;''-'':ll''';aä l'"l(,f federal vvlio-ery to knuw liow u.-eleis wuuiJ lie ji;..,.,,,; .,.,.., .i.,nt.n.-t. mid tlio wi.liMini! interests of Ilm un- tlio (i.ivcrnmcnt officers, and tlio imjiort.n" and (C .j 'uty. an "tide (culTec) wli.cli dues iWcine iiicoin- , Jtuduco a wi.,s s...,ato u. do ju.tico ,-r ,,.',. i,r Hie ,.eo,!e . ,M,.fiJ 1 ...... k.., O.i.,,. I K "l.. I -fr t'Ä i Wb.R traitor. Tli. Democratic Sen:,t.,rs only . ' 7,,,.f .un. Haie., have,,, t0 Ci" V'o'uVi.r'J 0;"" Oie ticll w.; J ISii ! acd . .... $U ' -d ..,.0 federal ,,1,,'" about an oiLce wort i live im.. IrP. n vmr" co cue urnur . i nil cost is sis. ten nunarea ana J .. ...... .1... . i . ii..i .1 1. 1.. ,...,.!. 1'vttMr.i, 1. e.v mi !..;, r :. are yo than ur.. If, then, it be tru, as I have certainly proven it'weeks has not sutMccd the enemy to repair dam- the Cumbeilmd Uoad OT.ce, where the wr.ters and list wccl; he tdds another, a tur.-.eoat dcir.o d r Mr. Van B ure-r- ad vv i-T Ui . ! t? ..e in crd-?r ti g-t ! dollar? of nett r?ve- Ue. Hit h'nt again, fither ; hes all m the wind.' rr.ay call f.-r them if they cho:-e. .erat, now a Tyicr'5 Umurzo or FrrMm uts. '1'hcrc cm Lo scarcely a mm in the I'm it J States who has not PuSC' b" tyilt duties, a tax of two hundred and hermaphrodite hebdomadal, just rccM ved, published .roh in hi. memory the promises cf the feden! ' f" dd"7 "? ""I;"' ui at Ontario. Lagrange co. Ind., by Samuel Kernen- .. , i ., . , , , people, w hat am oua! of tax will it have eich, year . ' ' V11' t0 rccc the expenditures of the (.eneral , c ,,, t,jr,jr dutUt, , orJer j ytr iij'i-r wa-v' Jr lts niechar.;ca! appearance is decidedly (..overnment, should t'-iy succeed in ejecting the Treasure the thrie milium of nett revenue nu.,l neat ; but in matter, the editorial we Democratic Administration. We a-k every man, 'the jlace j 'the three millions annually dutrifjutt 1 '. seriously, Me did not understand their promises to) 1" this important question the answer i-, ,or , mean, that the- rxpens. s should be n-dueej to -mc- ''''''V'' hundred and frtyfour thousand thnc ,,.,, r l ii t tr 'hundred aid thirty thrie Jo.ur and thirtu-thnr abMt A.tecn i,u,.,o,ia ,.f d.lhrs ! If o'renttt ant llftarlioJnm This a Tat,., of ü rurc 3ays h. d,d ti .t p. j ULu-.Tstam! the;r, to him bout hich there cinnut be two opinions, snd a- we have nothing to mv. He is not dieapp - intcd. Hit what will they say, when we show them, by c.e report oi t:,e xsw.r yCrctary oi the Ireasury. an lurcn- administration! I his we shall pro- abovP Mjm , foUr uulins 61X hundred and forty ccrd tod.., and wo.ild here ak th3m if they can fur thnusind three hut.Ored and thirty-three dollars lender support Ine men who have so deceived them T .e national debt of uo vards of thirtv mühon "f r'-'Y and whlCi. the people are ,. io b-j indirectly taxed bv means of a n" h tanii, to , i ' pay principal and interest, is made to pay the , ,, r 13 tnrcc minor., the pneeecs the public lands, to , , , , , ,. be distriüuted amonir tae States, lhey tell vou . ... 3 1 - j the rioridi var is over, wliich cost such immense ums. Here then is one item w hich can be reduced. The tens of thousands of oilice holders we must sup pose lave been inide to let go their hold, and this is a second item. The Cumberland Koad still re- mains i.i $t ttu yu ) ; consequently this third item i does not incre i-e the expenditures. And to Le ; short , we are to suppose that rtf irm and retrench- Mini has coinmeii'. ed as promised, and that certainly the expenditures mutt Le reduced. Is it so! NU ! rn Hie expenditures, According to .Mr. Secretary For- ward'd Keport are to be INCUKASl'D. He esti - . . , .. maes the expenditure, ot l?l- lrld and lS-41 to I be as follows H.'-'J.'JöS 00 Il'J,l"),i3 !" I)"J,Vfo"J,0ö.i SJ 1-11 7:) Add tiie expenditures of the first year of l'ederal whig rule.l? 11, amount ing t ;?,'J.ho;o Issue of Treasury notes 7.0'Jl ,(J.'1G Authorized loan 17,ooo,000 :b91 1,7 of. 00 Total expenditure of four years of fed eral whig rule, (should they suc ceed in borrowing the amount au- thoi ized) Clöö,lS1.0.VJ 7. Ti. . r,, , . , , . , , i f ,i , v ii i.j 1 hose tacts ire compiled trom tlie " Aew nooks, ' oi upwards of u.M. IIL .MJKI.IJ A.M i Ir 1 l - I I I .MILLIONS OF DÖLKAUS by an admin 1 . ii ij,'. j I'wiiii.iiio v y uii u vi 1 1 1 i 1 1 istration that promised to reduce the expenditures from about eighty or ninety millions to some fifty or bixty Iniil10ns ! Is tins UI'TUI'NCIIMEN 1' ! I, ii,ij l!l'l-'l)IMI 1 Vow how mnt thi-4 increase.! expenditure be met ! It the Government expends 1 u mm, -. Mlrt. ,ia people must pay the difference ; for the j f,.jcral whl i themselves will not contend that our I ROV,rn!UCI,t is supported except by the people, j 1 (J.V j , thCy propose to raise the money then! . ,uj w;n it COst nothing to collect it ! They w ill not iy a rcci tax, for that would be against their avowed policy, and they would soon find'themselves j called to a frrof account. How then! We have l,0arJ tf but üne Wa : anJ lhlt a H!h Tarij? ' TaT' That l!uS W,U UK ÜlC P0,lc lndirccll'J for lhc deljciency, but fur enough to pay per ccntaire to capitalists and fee- to collectors, brin"- " 3 1. - . 1 . . i 1 1 . . .? . . r. 11 ... U1 uv: m'H" ÜUl OI "lcir ,,,tKC a-"' wu w,n proceed to show ; and this we find ready prepared to our hand, extracted from a speech of the llon. W. Allem, in the II. S. Senate. It needs no com- tnent, its propositions being self-evident: The duty is called an indirect tax. It is called so, because it is taken out of the pockets of the people by such a roundabout and sejrcl process, ' ihn ih.w .r, ii,MW and ,,v ,r ,,. pressive as it often is, without even noticing the fact that they pay any tax at ail. For this reason, I ...... .1 I ,1 . . v , have at'empted to trace this sly and shpperv tax, ,.i 1 1 r 1 1 . I which is ecry where felt, but no where seen, .1 . 1 . . .1 1 1 c 1 : throug.i its circuitous parage from the hands of the 1.. ... .ij..r.i... . 1 .i. AnJ hlvi M aswcV , coulJJon the other, to replace the sum distnhuteJ. the having show n that tlie firmer has a sixth higher for the coffee than he Would have paid, u'dt tor this tax, it is important next to show, first, r ti:it ia tin finil ? mr roififn rificn 1 1 ri-ii'd h:iftiillr , " . ' - .7 '-' " ' 3l ivuav is 11 e 01 e sixiii i u 1 01 1 at ai'irreaie : ami r- c ' "Ilows : r'r1 original cost of the coffee to the 1 importer, where purchased Second. The tariff dot v of t w,n t v ner cent. 1 1 non' ' I 1 paid on the above, by the importer to the (overnment Third. The interest at six per cent, on the ?bove two sums, calculate for one year 21)0 from the time the duty is paid, and enters into the price of the coffee, until the coffee :s sold to the farmer Fourth. The joint profit of the importer and retailer, estimated on the Cl.'Jittl which the coffee cost theui at the rate of thirty-three and one-third per cent. v h:ch is less than the average profit on mer chandise, and whicli in this instance amounts to 400 These four items added together, show the tin3l aggregate cost of the coffee to the firmer, to be as before stated i I'-.a 1 uruiv. wlpiro tliat eixlti nirt roca. in wait pro- ll .1 1 . J frrnt,i.t,r., ..llira m.H i inndn ..nnff.,,.. itn,nJ n& , COUipCtlllOIl Willi OUT OWI1 111 llllioieiuis, hit. iu Willi! JUlli'C UWII onifldl JdUtuii t.iuu.u u, iUu- .... J - " - "I" .wi.. I J : T f ,., PÄÄÄir ,.,U iee. aiid Cil.,,: ins coat I a 'jregatc the part which the farmer pays . . ? . ,, No candidate was ever successful who wore no tin 1 .I.IO - I 1 . L I. . ..w 'I IIII..I . ... ,Trrt,,n,n fl.j n.rl .11.. . . 1 .v 1..... t ' .sequence o, u.i3 tariu uUly : 1 ne answer .0 vu And lastly, where does the sixth part go, and in w inU propon ions to u ,.su . .u reeeiv. ,i .- . ,. , ...!.. . ..i-.-.i. - : :. i Ti. . wer is, into the public Treasury in part, and in pm into trie pockt-l oi t.overnu.e.i om.ers, anu ( , . - . . 1 .1 . . . t 1. .... I ...... I. I . . i c i-ifier n.ari ntu ine nanus ui me i uercnaiiLS. nd th-s it doe., in the fil'ow n nrvKirtion . ... ' " . ... First. The public Treasury receives ilü 00 Second. The (tovcrnment officers and agents (and here it is t b- remembered th it there are, of these officers and agents, no l-'ss thin between three and four hun dred in, and connected v ith. the single custom-house at the city of New York) get, for and in the process of collecting this duty, as is shown by official esti mates hitherto made, upm an average, 10 per cent, on the gross sum of revenue roll cted, and whicli, on this gross sum of JvM. paid, as a duty on the coffee, amounts to Third. The importing and retail merchants receive, in interest and profit, out of the two hundred and seventy-eight dollars and sixty-six cents, all the balance, which is The two lat nimed sums receiveJ by the (lovernmcnt officers and the merchants, 'JO 00 1 00 ' amount, together, to fj hb AnJ thus, sir, it 1 manifest, mil ine govern- merit, in order to get ilMt of nett revenue into the I . l l... .1 . iT .1 !.. r. V. r. . - im;os upon the firmer a tix of -f'gT? 0'3. of which '. (V, is a dead lo? to him without a:i equivalent cr an excuse. n'JO into the Treisury, the (Jovcrnmcnt his to im - the people cf America are generally pretty well niued in arithmetic. .almost every one can test the ........... , Thc same process of calculation whicli I haveap- J and thirty -t.irce cents, there g cs riret tlio treasury, as nctt . rcvc1nu; . ' Second I o the ofiiccrs and agents ; , . . ., 1 ' Government, as their coii:pe;: i Riim'i l'r r .ll-rt mi 6ino.i mr coiieci.on , Th.rd To the im:, ortin ' and retail , . . . lor their interest and r ,00,OOH ( i:ri,oi.o oo prohts The two sums last named bein ad ded together, will show an a re gate of j 1,0 11. :'.:!: :r, every dollar of which is a tax thus p;nJ by the peo- ! pie, in the ftrm of t in;I" duties, not into the puiihc I reasury, but into the pockets of (overnm'-nt odi ci-rs an l merchants, and is of course a dead loss to the people. .Now it must be borne in mind that the people are to bear th.s loss every year in the pmeess of coiUettiiz into the treasury the three mi . ns o j '-tt revenue, to take the p'ace of that sum di?tnb- ; utcJ- tin loss great us it is, is nut all tor. ; Irom experience in the ciac ot the t jrplus revenue, lt was bUnwn lhat lhtf s of llts!ri!jllllli:r rilo;iov ; irom die nat.onai to me rnuie i reasuries, costs in the charges of public olüecrs and agents, at least 1 five per cent, of the sum distributed. Tins cost on ; the distrihution of the land revenue of three mil I i ...i ...'f lions, will therefore, at five per cent. a amount to This is also a loss to the people, as it has to be subtracted from the sum distributed, and of course leaves for distribution but Hi re, then, the last named loss of sustained in the process of distri bution added to the sum of sustained in the process of collect inz the three millions of net t rev- I-jO.UOO 00 "io -too Oy) löü.f'OU 00 1,G.1,:?:J3 :m cnue, will show the aggregate lot? thus fir to be l,7fll,oo Dil Vet, even this is not all the loss sustained by the peo ue in tins operation, r or, u is 10 ue ooserveu, ; . 1 , .. . , , ; Itli'jttTK-Bnli.-ki-i-kv-iirr-wiil I ill IIIIII - h i.mi ihi r -i L mi n t . - .1. . i . I i luai liiT uu'ii, li line u m V.' ' ,1.'! i viaivis 13 4. a r v 1 1 vtik id the 0,0011,000 distributed, does not go into the Treasury, and therefore does not diminish the amount cf taxes necessary to rep ace the three mil lions. Tins o.''C hundred and fifty thousand dolhirs is, Iber f'-re, in ell'eCt, a loss to double that amount, and being added as such !o the aggregate lo-s above stated, will make that aggregate one million nuio hundred and forty-tour thousand three hundred and - j tlurtv-three dullurs and thiitv-three cents. ituse j - j facts I have stated as briefly and as plainly as I j .viö s iitii. cvi.tvu u ....t. - j cuuM i: this form. Hut as they are facts of buch vital importance to the people, and as it is my de sire that lhtv t-hoiild hu fiiüv understood . bv evi-rv citizen. I w ill, with a view of m iking them vet ! .o . .. i ... I...- h... I i.i j. ii.liiii: 1 in. 11 iii an iLiit. I 101 111 iii l 11. m in the ; ! form of an account between the people and the Cov- eminent as thus ,,,he ;V,vcrnmcnt tu l!lC pc?f,k, I!r' 1 TrcltvTo "u-k ffc nlwe that distributed" $ V00 ,000 00: Second. To amount paid to fSovern ineiit otiicers and agents for col leeting the above revenue Third. To interest and profits paid to merchants in the process of col lecting the above revenue Fourth. Tu the amount paid public oilicers and agents for and in the process of distributing three mil lions to the States, and which is to be subtracted from lhat sum Coo, 00 (0 l,:n!,3:j; :w iro,ooo 00 j Total The people to the (Jovemrnent, Dr. 1 Tu money distributed from the pub- ' ,1C 'c"ury to the States, for the use of rcoi' 1,7 01 ,:.., :vj 00,000 00 : Accounts balanced by subtracting ! l',c ,:'fct ,Vuin tllC preceding sum. jIt . f " 1 ' , fV i Here, then, is the great aggregate loss which the . . , , , : ncO't C sustain in :!ns operation, and for whic.i 1 ', , .1 - . . in neither they" nor their ( overnment get one dollar in . . . . ,..,,,,7 ,,,,, ,,. ,,. .... TLiurn. Illrltlw,'-'v-"'- - j of attribution on the or.e hand and that of taxation public 1 reasury is 10 ue ien wuu ex:ieujr "-"v t-.i.--amount of money in it which it would have Con- tained had neither the distribution been made nor the tax or duty imposed. ,ri .ir ,t will I.o observed that in e.tima'inr r. the loss sustained by the people in consequence of. to the great body of the people will, au I shall show be yet greater by far. '''0 ,n;ikc this plain, I will take a single article as before. I w ill suppose a farmer to buy for his own use six vards of broad cloth a year of the same quality and at the same price I will suppose that ! price to be, at this time, live dollars per yard, the six yards costing him, therefore, thirty dollars. I ' CoIlsldcrtfd Lthe democrats as a direct insult to will suppose one yard ot tins cloth to be of foreign' ' .. ., . , . c 3 1 . .1 , . j ,7 . (Ien. Jackson, l hey did so consider it, and with manufacture, imported into tins country, and tue 3 other five to be manufac-ured in the United States J a few whig members retuted to give it their sanc '",1 will suppose that the (overnment, in order to tion. ! raise revenue, imposes, for the future, a tariff duty I ''nc course of the whij mnjority in this mstter of one dollar on the yard of foreign ch t!,, which d-d- lar now entering into and making one sixth part ot the price ofthat yard of cl th, mikes that price, of course, s-ix dollars. Now, sir, one of the-e two things must certainly happen: either this yard of cloth will sell, at this increased price of six dollars because tlie necessities of the farmer will compel him to buy it, or it will not pell, because the farm- . .v 1 . 1 : . ii o ...;ii .. .. 1 1 ., . . 1. : . er c.auuoi auoru 10 uuy 11. 11 il v. in noi rv.i av. mis of cloth tri sell at six doll rs, so will the utht r Jive yards f., being of the same quality, sell at six dollars yard, for the 6ame reason; and for the simej . . i- i- . l . i per American man if acturer of the five J Li I II ,3 ..III II.'.. .1. ........ . ... ...... ' . . . l-o , ... . ! ..1- o... .1.. . r j nur t if IT nil. I 1 If ... i., fiTmCTa 4Ve u, pay ,!)at for it tli it is to say, the ....V. I l j f ... .... i . 1 farmer will have to give for t:ie six , aru, mstea i ; I. . . i .i i ... i or tairty uollars, as neiore tne tariii nuty posed, thirty-six dollars, together with the mer-, . . j - ... ...... chant s interest and profit upon the six dollars winch has been by the operation of this tariff duty added i to the cost of the cloth to him before he fells it to 1 I the firmer This interest and profit .-111)0111118 t - I gether, as I have show n in the case of the coffee, I fii it l.nct 1 1. 1 rl v -n i r . in.t n tli'r.l n.r cmi! the ill. U Ufc 1 U. V II. . I 1 lllill. Ulli L .11.1.1 t terest being six, anJ the profit thirty-three and a third per cent. And these added to thy six dollars will make eight dollars and thirty-six cents the amount the firmer is compelled to nay for the six vards of cloth over and above what he did nay for , the same quality and quantity of cloth, before the tax cr duty was imposed. Of this e g'.it dollars and tnirty-six cents, the uovernmeni gets out tue one 1 1, . , , 1 . .1 .. 1 r dollar which it imposed as a duty on the yard of foreign, and out of that dollar, as was shown in the case of the coffee, ten cents goes to its offcers and agents for collection, leaving in the Treisury but ninety cents of nett revenue. If then to get ninety cents cf nett revenue the Government has to impose burthens on the people to the amount of eight dol- iars and thirty six cents, what burdens must it mi- ,)0se to get three millions of nett revenue ! frVFather Stout, of the Vin:ennes S in t!rown on? cf his deliberate piixhms into the (a- 1'hrce zette, anJ the execution is astonishing. , Laorasc-.e I'uEEMis. This is the title of an is something like a double and twisted left-handed corkscrew, endangering nothing in this world but the cd, tor's purse ai J the remains of Lind ley 3 ,, , . ' ed.Mr Says he ,et, out ,n h.s career wah Srce of diffidence and "is aware of his ir .Murray. "a de- nability to do that justice, as editor of a public journal. which may be reaanxlly ex;tctidfrom such a turcc.' That is, he can't do because he is unable to do. what . ,. .... ., may be reatonaUy expected that he i-hould do. llut he says, as he has consented to become the con- ...... . . . . . . ductor ot tno I reeman, "I shall, independent cf the r..ipnf r mnn r-,r im i .i,i ,i ;,n ,.f .. rU . . c j ... .... iii nil r.i ..vi1 ru . v. inn .'I men, or any political party, stand forth, and t) the best of my ability, defend the true interests of our licpuM.c anj u-'puL-l.can lrist:tut:ons. Here tie is to be independent cf party. In another place, lie says, "Its political character will be whig ;" and notwithstanding he cor.fesses his inability to clo . .. . , , , iii hat j i-tice to h.s sh:et which might reasonably be J t xpected from sucli a source, he says, "the Free- tli ex man will be devoted to the general interests of the rising country not confined to the geographical lines of the county, or of the Sftte but will spread her bioad wingt. over th' mighty West." Here the editor has made his Frianm of the ftminiue gender, (for which we culled it hermaphrodite), and j wo Cannot but be amused to think of this modest man ; who, confessing his inability to meet rea sonable expectations, cannot confine his expansive ! mind to his county or State, but is to take ur.der y j his charge the mighty West ! He thinks the farmer is not only the tiller of the soil, but is the life and sinew of every country ; and this we do not find fault with. Mut he says, "It is equally true that the manufacturer, the mechan ic, the artisan, the man of science," fcc. "are quite desirable, if not necessary, to the perfecting our j great Uepublican pyramid; yet, each and all of j these several locations are f thf insdvcs of no ac- count!' It strikes us that such language as this is indicative of no very profound knowledge of the so cial relations, and we no longer wonder .hat the writer is a Whig. Tlie following, copied verbatim, is rather dim ; but perhaps we ought not to be so unreasonable as to expect any thing different 'from such a source "To the neglect of the producing class, and the sick ly condition of our manufacturing establishments on T.' "7 - " which they need bent? withdraw from them, may ,, . , , , readily be tracol much of the national pecuniary 3 Qni'itu lit r iT 1 li n rrktinr inrtntirq irniitli'it qlwl iirntprhiii distress and embarrassment at the present time." Here are half a dozen mistakes at least. We have not noticed these matters in an unkind spirit ; but these tew glittering among such a gal- 1 1. . j viiis, p.1 iii; ipiiii uaiiuiii:, au'i if intuit lb j ul c have thrown away some live mm- axy of gems, set the quill dancing, and to blunt its utes precious time. We conclude by wishing Mr. ' "emeu way pecuniary success but as he is an old it.o,r " ho Lnowc l ow .I m rn the f.r 1 clo v a aiw 11 tiu ii u taw viiiti v w iwvu -i it. Mkanntss of the Wihos towakhs ( I r n e u l Jac kson. The Law renceburgh Beacon of June I?, contained tlie following in relation to the refusal of, the Whigu in Congress to refund the fine imposed! ui.oM (ien Jarkon for his defence ff New Orleans, upo.i itu. oachsou, lor 111s oeicio.- . 1 .1 , by the federal whig judge Hall. The paragraph re- fL mrtienti.l. L , f r own -Why did he not tell his readers that the democratic members all voted against the cause the Whig Senators chose to couple with it n provision disclaiming any inention of censuring ', . ,, ,, , , .. 11.1 . Jlid"e Hall I hih they rere willing to do an net of justice to (ieneral Jacken in refunding him his 1000 with interest, thev were unwilling to do an act of to the Judge who assessed the tine . 1 . 1 1 .1. .. ' . . ' upon mm. 1 ney tnose rainer 10 express no opinion whatever, as to the legality of the proceedings. On' the other hand, the democrats preferred defeating the lull entirely, unless accompanied with a direct j or implied censure upon the Judicial functionary, before whom the deneral was brought and by whom he was fined 10O0. Such are the plain facts of the case, and we leave it to the candid reader to de cide upon which party rests the responsibility of de feating the measure." Now we charge that in making the aboc state- ments the Beacon is guilty of multiplied misrepre- sentation, and we cannot but believe wilfully o The Democratic Senators d d not ask. as the Bea- .. ....i... .lint n 1 piin.nrn wlinlllil do 'ilwPil COIl ll j'U PVlll.- lll'U illlj V- iL "iv. i 1 y. 1 v. j...... upon Judge Hall. However much he might have de- served such a penalty, by his endeavors to thro w obsta- clcs in the way td' (ie:ier:tlJacks"n at New Orleans, they are sutliciently well acquainted with the spirit ed unconditionally: but the wh g mnjority nfusul to do this net of justice, and would only vote for a f 10 0- f.r charcoal, ha- be- n fully reioutt.-d. 1 h .s bill containing a virtual justification of Judge Hdll, amounts were pud per hundr.d hush-ls. and the and by consequence an imputation ag.nnst (ieneral Jackson. Such a proposition, as I're.-toii a whig Senator who voted for it admitted, could rnly be ag cntemi)tible as it is uniu.-t : but it is in charac- ! tcr, and we have no right to expect any thing better. Suoc KiNi Bvi Tasii:. Martm Van Buren, says a I'hil idt lphia piper, is travelling in the South in a pair of" striped breeches and a roundabout coat." A Lex in Tlon editor tlireat'Ois that unless he leaved off the roundabout he will not support him for the next President. Matty will have to keep up the to his coat, l.iih-ss he changes tue cut ot his coat, jUH( jl( 'I I... a I his friends wnl have to cut htm. Indiana Journal, I'he above appeared on the day before .Mr. Van it. i -i 'fi -. ..!.:...! I . lirpMS .1 T 1 1 V A 1 in III'! IOWI1. lll'J 1 1 11 1 I 1 1 I U U a HU - - - - --- - ,avv h;in can decide for themselves if there was any t fr,lnj ,-jr the charge. They know there is ... ,,..,,.. ilh:..r, . .;,.'.!.. thosn J . i. .. i .i . i ..,... ,i iii,.i ..,..,, .. wuou.u nui iuk : a.. iVl.oim:.njr . rt,su..a,7 ...a...- ing the falsehood of the imposition. As for Matty's c!iifi'Tin h:s coat," we should think the fate of Clay, if not his own wisdom, would read him suffi- cient lessons, and make the advice of the Journal altoiret her suneril'jous. . 4 0 ' ..... . "The specie is going out of the country," say the federal whigs, (and truly since March 1-11.) So is White liiver. Hurra boys! Who knows but we ,nay have a great tire and no water! Let's hnVt; a H0,nc League to stop this. The river is , . , ...,, ... , running down all the time, and where are we to i"' 0 1 . ir ' get water to rep.emsh ! Hurra t.ien lor a 11 j::io League dam. "Chapman's roast beef will be brought into requs- sition." Jlushvillc Whig. That miy be ; but the people would like to have ci,ance l0 .,.,, ;nt0 ron-j'sition" those ooi 3 . times, two dollars a day and roast beef promised by the whigs before election. Where are tiie y ! CCrAnonymous communications are deposited in ' ' How Tickle is Fortune When the U.S. Hank was in full tide cf prosperity, cipitalifts were all caer to prasp its stock. No other stock was dtcin-d cq'iilly safe or profitable. A man who had f'J',(K.O of its ft'.ck was deemed rich. Amonj those who were e;z.,d with the stock mania, was a wealthy Mnlishman livii.rj near Ili.ladelp!iia. He bad 40,l(Hl cf Iüs own winch he invested. His wifeliad yd'1,000 in her own nht. Th:s was also .nvested. She also had a legacy h'ft her of 10. (H0. 'l'hi the de:osite witn the IJank. Hat they hue !os; every farthir.; cf th,s t-u'ii. an 1 this firm- y i few ears a ' w rth nearly f lOOHH, are n w xc?ie',y p or. The wfe Ukit it stwi-t? 7-' 'ej.imuy. .Nor is tins a S' l.tarv case. lUn lrcus anouio!- , j ' , occurred. Two eh.I- dren, a bov an J l irl v!wo father died in 1-.T7. . o . ' were lett a fortune of j' Ihcir guiniinis invested the entire s un in the stock cl the I . S. Ii UIK. Thoie cliiltrn arc now stip'irted by a tf.artlit itnl.a u- ! ,vu-i,c ft ri I n r" . 1 Si'fiN of !'tltl IM O;iio, a(i'hves in a lo- l,oue. In th.s instance, the loss of th- childreti may be th"ir gain : for m- stead of l.eiiig broii;'it u; in fllVvn.nate luxury, tlie j i" tioiding tlie ploj'ii, and the girl is one of the sweet-t l.ltle milk muds in the i west. J:ut f!ie cuntrst in tl j i, , ,. . , toe less striking, am. the m t phatic. i.o' i it! i-.iiiirni in t' r ciiii.i i l .011 is nn c !..!-. . .t - J. : ral none the less cm- One oth'T case. A venerable old bachelor, w ho had , peril fifty years of his 1 to on the ocean, retired I w ith a tortune of .o,(ioo. 1 n,s he invested ml.:. i, , Ti ii. ! i . Itank Iock. He is now in a m id house. The above is from the Uochcster N. V. Demo crat, a whig paper; and it shows that the whip pi pers are beginning to tell the truth about the late object cf their zealous worship, though at rather a late time of day. The y are indeed morally respon sible for most of the crimes of the Hank ; ar.d it is through them that many unsuspecting persons were induced to trust the r whole fortunes to the ink's custody. Hut our principal o'ject in copying :he above was to introduce the following commentary upon it I ro n the livening Journal of A lb any , N . V., by Tiiurlow Weed, who, wh.le the Hank was able to pay him, was one of its principal champions. The Hank ghost is no longer in his opinion, a "good enough .Morgan ;" but he thinks the question should be dodi d as in 110, ar.d Clay run on personal grounds eked out by tinll arid other humbugs. Hear this quondam defender of the Hank : Such .are n f ic of the looses and evils growing out of the insolvency of the I'mted States Hunk. The list might be extended indefinitely. There are cases of distress and suffering which "harrow no the 6oul." Wo have seen and heard enough of the injuries and frauds ofthat bloated monster to make us loathe the thought f a "United States Hank." i , i v v n ,,,,,, V keen and indignant recollection nfits mMirns ifol Ii .1 , rottenness win remain until an injured generation passes away. 1 . . r n c.i- 1 And yet, in view of all of this rum and misery 11 .1 ... . J garoiess oi u.cse multiplied, aggravated ami una- verged frauds and vill inies, some seek to make the question of "an old fashioned Cnitcd States Hank," 'Yes, experienced, enlightened and patriotic States- an element, in uio approaciniiii i resioeniiai canvas men are deliberately proposing to go down to the ...i... . " - n v .v.vvi, 'i.".in iu jf i.ii t. 1 uv. Hallot Boxes in favor of the incorporation of a Na- tional Bank, while a plundered people and a lishoii- ored country, bleeding and bruised, reeoil with .1 .... .1. 1 I " ll III 1 l llllll 'I I . II" ft I III I'll I .1 I I 11 I 1 I ......... i i. . i . .. ....... .... .1. ifl'kii iri 1 no 1 iii' 1 k i iiit-ir r.insr ,10 1 i' r 1 1 r 1 ri .More Who Ui ioum. Some modest l.ttle whig- gy, who probably sung, or assisted in singing, 1510, gome of the hard cider ditties, such as "Oh pray Mit?r farmer, jut walk up this way, We hardly expected to sie vou this day ; Sa,v .'v.-.-' su'rgpr. ay l,n-r at this time, . ,. voll-il r,nd it if orime " ! I here but one Imu.c iv ., but And who undoubtedly promised tleume firmer. that confidence would be restored, and every bo- get two dollars a day and roast becf.has got quite net- tied at our paper, and sends us the following, in the , f ; , f . 1, . , ., npes til twuiulmg us tu g.i cents, hut " I cr too 1 0 ,,,,, kncw t!iat ,f wu had lo I,a' ll "p -h"u'd annilolate the whole party in our fiery wrath ; and so he wrote to our 1. M. to "hand us back that guinea.' Now fur jj : "Pittsburgh, Jany IT, 10t. Cents. Vou are both of you Damned Ignorant Liars And Insolent Puppys Hetp. clfull v WHIC." See '"Spilt of 7(i,"i.f Miy l'i. 1 - i' 1 . for I In- oltlos moral, 1 lii"U, nlimi i.t il, p'nlos ph i :i!, ;il'irin iil;it,i' dittv, mid k heaven "u a;e an ht;ist n ..n .ml no fv.l- i . ... 1 -J " J( Lli: N am, 1 1). Tiie Uu lnii .nd Wh'.g rei.riltv , i,ar.vl that an enormous and now arrant abc J)nce n.j fe n p-rt;! for 1 one, by some army , -0st. und-r Nan It iron. The .t. man irnoi.caieu exposeii tiie mi 1 1.1 . iood IP. a lot tT but and we would copy h, and if the Louisvii'e t.'ity (laz-'tte, lid not " ackruw Ie!'Q tlie corn" as arped up :i air unt Cart. Sword- that he had pa, d fg-'t per bushel f..r I. me a:. 1 error was inauu 111 ji 1 ui" lii i ,i'mi, .11m nan re mained unobserved ami uncorrected tor four year.-. Of course the whig papers generally will reit rate the charge as thev do that about tiie wood m I'lorola ; but they mav as well repeat these lies as to f rge new ones, and they are certain to do one or both. Fi:i)riiL Wim; Ui iokm. If I'oindexter is to be beheved, the Wing Collector of the New York Custom House is as bad, or a little worse than his brother Wing Swartwout. But it seems the "change" has not bettered matters much. A Mr. Anthony L. Frosch has been arrested fr frauds cn the N. V. Cu-tom House. The whig, if thy have rope enough, will manage to expose them selves pretty effectually before long, l'rosch wa held to bail in C10,(mi. wlncii will s:mo idea 1 of th' extent of his pickings. O ! We'll go for Tyler therefore, Without a why or wherefore! ! W hv, how is it, Tom ; when ynu was elation- . l . . ... i.. .t .- i Cllll'' ll I 1 f . VLu lOl'l 11 Llllt. 111 llllfl'M va- n . . little, fctlff. four feet, starched u: dan !v : and hero he is taller than yourself by three inches and twice as I.eavv." . ii. i ii ,.. l. ............ , .. i v.... ..ML ri.o.. su,,...- it ineues since that." "(.'rown, eh I a man over 0t years old, -ro-w 1 - inches in a year '. That beats roast beef promise? to" .... " . "What are you going to teed the little Dutch- man on, when you g.jt him here I" inquired a clever whig. "1 wo dollars a day and roat beef," was the re- p.y. That whig hasn't been seen s;r;cc. There is as much reason in scolding the whigs as there was honest Jim, who done the be.-t arid hon estest he could. .S. Itend Tres Prist. The arguments of the Free I'rcss arc about as correct as its grammar, of w hich the above ;s a rj-We should to know Iij-.v pe":Ie I ever served in the Ii.d.ani Lf-gislature wit.h o , 1 friend D-iwl.i.g, If tr Memory serves, he has tcl J his readers cf a great miny , Correspondence f I,1C t" Hrnliiirl. 4 1 v finer: Castle. Jtsr l.ltli, lrH:. .Irrtr xl of .Mr. fan IJ'trcn Gre il turn out- To the Kdi!or$ of the S.ntmtl : This has been a lively day f'r Democracy in I'utnarn county. The nv-I'res dent Van Hire, called at Putnamville , in this county, and td.ojk by the hand about two thousand ol the fovereins of the lar,d, to'k dinner 1 and then pai-sed on westward. Hit reception by the citizens i f I'utr.arn, was warm aiid hoppitable, . 0f party. He was welcomed on behalf of the a..-embled multitude, by Delana K. r.ckels, in a short and p. thy addre?-, Ui which he Te;!.ed in a and appropriate mann r, ex- pressive of h h sensations upon witnessing euch an exhibition f cnthuiastic leelmg upon the part of thse present. I commenced by saying this had becnal.tely day for Democracy. So it has, for this reason : anion the n.any cliarges which were ,nade against Mr. Van llurcn in the year 1"I0, in t!i,s t o- t.L, state, none were more often rnter- atcd, than those which alluded to his personal ap- pearancc as.ai4Jindy liiskered little 1'rc sident. land a man filled with "self sufhc.ency." Now it is only nec-s irv, as you well know, for a person to see Mf Van ,iir,.n , be ih,r,Uy cvi,.ced that he . , s not riily i t hi.e personal appearance, but of u:i- - 1 41 ,... i as.-uriiing mariners and prepossessing in his conver sation. .Many men w ill imme Jiately s c that tbi matter has been misrepresented, and in many in stances by those who ought to have known letter; tins will of course lead the thinking part if the community to enquire whether other charges anJ allegations which were urged against Mr. Van He ren and his administration, W'th as great zeal as the one above alluded to, may n t be an groundless as it was. And as it is ama!ui of the Democratic par ty that an enquiry alter fids, w.ll in the end en able the principles of eqjil.ty to trmmph; so we expect it to be in this instance. Vonrs, iVc. ir. Tin: Iii. ii i (Ji;ir. In accordance with a tug. gestiori thro w n t tit weeks since, several of our friends have got us an extra mbsenber. This m the way to revolutionize the wor.M, and reform the present barbarism of the age. It is the? right way t o, to bring s a iii llers, rogues, rascals, corrupt poli ticians a:.d rum way husbands and wives to their bearii gs. Just let every present subscriber renew his subscription and get one or two new one?, and we shall go on sw immingly, conquering and to con- quer all the wicked homeleaguers, pipe layers, and , , . . ., ... ,. , federal whigs generally. e will live on roast i..r ...i 1 1 ii, .i . .. ... 1 1 j ) " y "jr r..oe mu gimcracks for our young barefooted crowcrs. Ue lne,ber us m your pockets first, and your prayers whcn )'0" '.fi- .... ... . - .. . ffll lC l'ry "gs say tint t ie .ate a tempts olthc fulfrsge men in Uio de I.-Iand to substitute a Ue- publican ':.stitut.o:i fur Kin Chailcs's Charter, a .. ... ,nrc S' were the fueo-sstul attempts of the Patriots 1 f the Ucvolution to secure our na tional independence. Suppnso tie' Whigs of thi State should pvs" 1 1 w, like tint of Ul.. de Is!.i,,d, de-lar.i g that n i.e but freeh-d l 'r- in 1 their oldest sons should be per initted to vo!e : If the : 'oo!e resisted it. thev would , ,,. , act uniauf I, Ju.-t ;.s the Ulode Irlander have -" 'y wn,,g , U so? No. .yyyysy,. , r.u.nv , ev cn mougu a c.'o'.he ltO.l v.itn -he .omscriiw. ... ., ... 77 . . 1 " UM: Hi" HagcrsfrAfl Ma:IFiV: A .-o. ,,- i. ,. ,. .,, ...i, ,, .i.,. ff o . - ; u ',l """- th-- ot !..r .., which liPVMiPM - ft. f in. in h ngth. It v. a tak - en from a f:-M n the f irm f Mr. S.nnuel D u-. tnar B ) onsh iro ! W ho can beat it .' finriuont . r ----- Bt Ti n ! ()'tio auai-ist the l'ni.-u. Our frieml .Mr. I. oi-i tur, of M ril :i township, m thi co iu tv. resents a st alk i f Uye, measiirnig i tl. m. beat ing yo i ti inches ! O. S. H julu -an. Tin: Biivmic Hrniv (In Sunday, the -Ith in stant, char.ty called us by a fie Id f Uye, f;wm-d by (.'"n. Blake of tins place. We merely reached over tli" ( no', and th' first stalk we pull, d n asut d ( feet I me!.--.. The wh'!.j i..-l,l will ever age 0 ll-et r loss. Try again t it the lt oumcts. lie- toi'oAitig is i;.l to e an approved rnclh' f killing is : I'iiee tl,C .'i r ; rj vfr., ot,', L,U.I at, J pr, ,,,;, :n wilh 1 nr.iiitr hv.-'ge :-f s ii' ,,. I j-,, UqX ; then as .-.on , a.- be i i ..i.i i( ii - !, com tue r, -e r .,, ,;- ,, him the doings f ( '.i gre-n 'crifig the p-sen c-o.ii. Mud m five in i not--". .; will oortt w.tii i i.ii i nation. . ,lru. Anohu ii. l'lae. him a a' re.-:d, ar.d rc-i I;it an account ot the Wi-e ii: Stanley doe!, r.i.d l,c wi 11 laugh hi ms elf to death, which is much rrr-re pleatai.t. Fa.-s it r und. l.tdnnu State c'.fo.c.'- 0'Have the Wh g pipers, so bus ly engaged i:i si ii. .b ring Mr. Van Huron, forgotten that (Jeneral Ilirr.sou travelled rotiinl elfet.oi.ecring hiter he was formally a candidate ! Or that Henry Cl'iy has i!o!ie, and is d ,r,g the same thing ' It they to be considered consistent by the pe -pb", ev :i admitting their slanderous imputation- t, he ;riief we do not, they should at least curb their unruly mem be r? e::e-;gh to maintain ;lt nee. V"l'oliteiie.-s co-ts nothing. A s'.uck-up ign r ran. lis injures iio one but inm-elt by auunn a c. g iiity he d e.- not naturally p .s.-t.---. A b! i h is as g l as u muh ilier ; a s!ioei:,-tker ss .a farmer ; and all .are co ial, '.n some u.statices utiovej t..,... u..i. ,ttt .....v I .'r.r vt.;i. .i.i .''ii.o,' to the common stoch. (ot.ii Si-oos. I- that little Mutfy," ,r. ; a two-listed tarn. er cl ct.e cf the b esU:.dv! Siturdny, the ll'.'i. r . ! c l "Well; not so Lttle arter all. IM be d d:f i - ........ i . . . . .ci . .... I .. l in ll 1. HO 1 I. .1 1 Ons Ü3 I i'J was L I l.Ii ...1 gold f'l-iy Cities are' ewrv wh.f as ,;, . -fi needed wj.v as u.oe " Tip; e.'-.r.oo ' 'iub-" in I- 1", to cirry out the pr. i.e. pier, tli' ii s' uht. et'.. 'i S.'o.'r Tell u- what were " the pr.i.r.p.'--s then ught, Mr. " IVeso.'.i.t. 11 i.'o.riii l.lioli'j inor.tjis after date." Were thev ' r.jast beef and two dollars a : a v Ti.e Wl. g F g'Torally are cliucklirg over tlie ile feat '-t the ulVra je inen of K'ooi.e I-.ind. I'ii.s ;s, ar.d thU the.r pr.a c.ple are yet essent .a'.ly s.tnoar to t:.o-e of the.r grand 1 ;ther.-. the of ti.e Uevoiütioii. No Joki:. We bg.a to f.ei seriously alirmc-J about Birue'.t. Where is he ! Where is tint con f:;.'e:, -e, two dollars a dav aiid roast beef! August will Le here s .ori. The la:. d w ill certainly Le repealed by Co tire.-s lhc :' r St i.'i.c. H d grant t f r the honor of the Country. I i. j v. a y "cajjages ..yiT.r .ate io 1 taute. w;, o wonders f. y D.d Mr. D igli-s see Mr Van H tren"'s Bar:.ett '