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From the Union, April 8. The Debate in llic cii.tic on the IVtiicii Congratulatory Ulcsoltitions. aiir. II A IV IV EG AX'S SPEECH. "We have not room this morning for the whoi? of the interesting debate in the Senate on Thursday, on the resolution of congratulations to the French peo ple; but we cheerful make space fur the very elo quent speech cf the chairman of the committee on foreign relations, Air. Hannegan, who introduced the resolutions in response to the President' message. We will endeavor at an early day tu give the whole of this interesting debate. Jlr. IIANNEG AN aaid : I will not detain the Sen ate by entering into any detail of the events which we have all read in the newspapers with regard to what has recently transpird in France. It is enough to refer the senator from Connecticut to those details, as furnishing an answer to the objection that nothing , has been done to warrant congratulations from Ame rica to France. Sir. NILES. The senator entirely misunderstood me. I eaid that the resolution cf the senator from Ohio went beyond anything that had been done. Mr. IIANNEG AN. Iam happy to hear the ex planation of the senator, although I still differ with him in hin construction of the resolutiou. The sena tor from New Hampshire expressed the hope that the French people might be enabled to per severe, even unto the shedding' of blood. To that I respond, if it be necessary ! But I fervently trust in God that not one drop of human blood may flow in this great revolution. Mr. HALE. I said that I desired the French peo ple would be faithful unto death. Mr. IIANNEG AN. That, of course, implies the shedding of blood. But I trust no neck will be brought to the block that nr human misery, but that umninglcd human happiness may flow from this great movement. And now, sir, it is due to the honorable senator from Ohio and mjself, that I should make a brief ex planation. When the message of the President was commuuicated to us on Monday last, it was, on my motion, referred to the committee oo foreign relation?; and I then stated to the Senate that i was not my in tention to interfere with his resolution. I will carry out my purpose in that reject: for, although, as the organ of the committee, I reported the resolutions which have been read this morning, and although I prefer them, as they go further in expressing my views, yet I will never place myself in a position in which I can, for an instant, be suspected of public or private treachery. I suggested to the senator from Ohio, in the morning on which he introduced his re solution, that he had better do it at once. I then committed myself to his resolution ; and I shall carry out the committal by any vole which I may be called on to give. The resolutions of the committte on fo reign relations, indeed, express the same sentiments and feelings as the resolution of the Senator from Ohio, and entirely accord with resolutions which have been prepared by other senators amongst them, my mend irom New York, Mr. Dix.l Ihey all em uouy pt duc sentiment, and no more. All convey nothing more than what fell from the lips, and came fresh and warm from the hearts of every day-laborer around your Lapitol grounds, as he exchanged con PTatu atluns and aluvnL-a hnnrta with hi noRiwiHto ni the intelligence of these glorious events. My friend from Ohio. hnu-PVPF. with .r-.-torist;. lvUnMä leadinir. , l, 1,.,. L.a h.n ,K, n.t urincirjles of human lihprt r t ii.lrp.m fnr. ward the moment that the tidinrs reached us, and pave notice of his intnti to intrndnr- ich rpo- lution. As the originator, then, of this Drocedure. to him belongs the credit, let the details be what they may, of the action which the Senate may adopt. And here I may, without impropriety, remark, that to the enator from North r.rnltn. fM, M,nirm1 rhi.r. ly due the credit of the re-olutiuna reoorted from the committee. His valuable euo-irestions in the commit- tee room reduced my share of their preparation to lit- tie more than drafting them. But this is of little consenuence .itt,r t h?m t mwcir TNiikn. r 1 vr iiiti wa J ,a v us seeks the "bubble reputation" which is to be gain- ed at the point of a resolution. Ho. I know, is above it ; and I trust I am. The senator from Connecticut TMr. Baldwin! re marked the other day, that there were no precedents lor this procedure. I think that if he will look back to the period of the first revolution in France, he will there discover a precedent in the conduct of Wash ington himself. When Louis XVI communicated to General Washington, then President of the United btates, the lact that he had signed the constitution dictated to him by the National Assembly, and that lie had given to the French people on extension of the elective franchise and other privileges before un- known, Washington, in a brief message, announced the intelligence to Congress, and it was responded to in separate resolutions by the two houses, which were transmitted by the President to the Kiner of France, When, at a later period, on the establishment of a .ahiiKI.i. .1 " j r ii r r i i ht "tlulu auviiaois 10 issue me annexed additional t-ir-re public before the downfall of Robespierre and Ma- Pir r Tnt.lit;..n. . i .. rat, we retrained from transmitting congratulatory resolutions, the reason, as will be fresh in the recol- lection of senators, was, that we were then in immi- nent danger of collision with France. M T) r TMTrtTVT 1ir-ll . i . it - . I r. BALDWIN. Will the senator allow me to inquire whether there he any precedent of a joint re- solution of the two houses of Congress, in the name joint resolution, hut the separate resolutions to which ot the American people, requesting the President to ru'e wbica nave been reserved for any special pur transmit the rc-olutions t a foreitrti rrovernment 1 fe' 01 ",jr w)uch ,UebjecA Pre-eraP,ion unlcr pecial ATe IUVWrnjM tu . er . - r. laws, or any tbe price of which exceeds the minimum of iUr. XlAiSSSLLiAri. I know of no instance o a . - :u r. . .. 1 hare alluded were of ihe same import. Uut I by the soldier or warrantee, permit ths location of tbs War frankly confess, that I dislike the word "precedent," ,anl uPn ,ne ,rc, If of the tract to located bs when we are en2aged in Wislatin? on such a subject banthe amount of the Warrant.the excess ii to be a this ! Th ran nro,tAant I... h, L. P,d for- ,nd. ""'P ,."u.d. r the Receiver, agreeably to . . j v i eented, is, that the event itself is without precedent ! i nave, maeed, beard objections urged in high quar- ters. Ihe distinguished senator from South Carolina has expressed his opinion that we had better defer ii.,mim ti,..- - i t.:.: ... .1. . ... , . immediate action of the Senate upon these reolu- u ....!,. i iicoo biiu uiiicr uiiictiiuua iiiuuc ij nie tious, I have weighed, as I feel they deserve, with the Uimoet seriousness. At one time I was inclined and so expressed mvFelf to the senator, my friend Irnm llhi.i t rvr,.t,,r.a .,..1 -I. I.ov rr.vllu ..w. v ot the actual meeting of the national assembly; but all my subsequent reflection tends to the conclusion that we should t once, and without hesitation, ten- der to the new rennhlie nf France our conrrratula- . . ' tor the life of me, I cannot see any evil re- Is, I a, I TlT -ii 1 ' a. ! a buh in tue step, io man Will coniena against u ns iu act vi iQicnerence Wim tue aiisirs oi otiiers au act that, in its remotest onseaueiices. can lead to our entanglement m European difficulties been the custom of nations to exch tions upon momentous occasions &UU4. In the history of Man. there has occurred no more sicr- n,l .. ik. t!.. T.-r,. T? l. ..ii:r. Ti i.morl. .t s-eUr frv, Um, t.ct from tl,P .. . . J .'vr"' '- i iiiic3 w uv iiuiuuivbi. actur, uy a uiurai gianucui that finds its only prototype in the conduct of our own ft. , K Acff 1. k..mWI .. I I w am m . I ill s ss Ijeaven-ffuidid ancestors. When revolts occur in kingdoms when man. lashed to ohrensv by all the - we9 of oDaression rises to strike a single blow, and woes oi oppression, rises 10 triKe a single mow, ana there was anything in these resolution contrary the usages of nations any principle at war with the proprieties of international communication, I should feel bound, ftom this high place, tn hesitate and weigh every contingent result. But I am unable to discover the rule or the reason against a national salutation from the matron government of republican America to the infant government of republican France. It is in the name of our people that we send the greeting. It is in obedience to the hih behests of the ever active, the hundred-eyed genius of our insti tutions. We aend to a recognised government re cognised by all the foreign otliciala of France, so far as I can learn. Our own minister led the way. I trembled when the first newf came, lest he should hanj back waiting an example. Bull am happy to think he has discharged his duty ; he went foremost ; and, jf he had not better ft:r him, far beUer, that he should never again put his fool upon his native land. Whv hall we nt, as representatives of our coun try and her itistitu'.i ns. iilute thosu w'r. areatrti. glin; to imitate us 1 Monarch can salute monarch, grave when Uie chain ol the oppreasor are tlius n- 5th. The affidavit required of the locator of a Warrant, tance. Our labors for years past will all be nothing;, u rened from the clerk-, office ;m th icircuu court of the urn- ?"'trivat indiansnoii. conditional .ub.criPtion. and a umueror enterpr-m an o. acien 1 "" f"1 " Netted tighter and tighter-when humanity and liber- wJjjt h. 'rSVr "at tnesJn lYil uuw in sustaining those measure, which .tl & ÄrSr.rrÄ IT VÄatf tj have been laid together in a common grave P'rt h mseir or by sdj duinterestrd credible witness, Who , n . Madison county, Indiana, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 4 p! r alJ rond " that pl"uB,5n,1 , T. I L dre. the .ul-criber by mail.r- paid. H. MANSFIELD, t'en monarch, have often exchanCed congratulations. " '" - have bo prospered the State the part five rears. Once J, re .ft , j of ,u fo,owi,,gT -Äy t' At thi. hour, when emancipated Fr.n'ce-emanci- ft mbe- of er wtTigeery. and -- 1 WAB WITHOUT nLOOUSIIi:o: paled without a crime, without a atain-extendi her ow hght, may b. modified to show the fact. hack wo return to our former deyrnded puoition as a eqr'.ection 20. 1 22n.r 8 ...t, snj upon failure to realise a sulfi- V'Ä II. D. SMITH & WAI. iMANU, liew-born hand, and from her cradle lifti her amilinj 6th. Jht date of fetation entered on the should frec, wverciÄn and independent State! And a. ÄhVf"S ,h" C'ÄtciüÄ t' t bS'sj' ,,AVf ?FEN" front,ga2ing at u, shall we pause coldly pause K'W"h that of tbe location mads by ibe party. ..ptprnnl vigilance is the urice of liberty " let U3 all th property of the defendants at the suit of Daniel L. Miller and MT.Bno TonSlirlXlllff KstalllUllinCIt, and give back the look with marble feature ! or shall 1 'ra' ".pwifull, 7 bnt .erv.ot eternal vigilance is the price or liberty, let iu i all Jq iiBft Thomft Le0ft! rf , edjau a ,jO .'ti Sj ' Under th. east end of fi askilcn lali we return the smile, and. with our heartfelt Iota. RICIIARD VoÄner re6Nc by Democratic doe- u...MEffi5fe.,,Biu... "".' W&Ä'TO ..nn. .k... Ur . iu .),.. n,U. h.r.Mt I If commissioner. trilieB .to ctMltlQUO those measures which none will March. 1843. fPr.fee2K) Bv Gko. McOosr. sccon.pany ng i inote of th time sna place at wnica saia pro- T V in gooa sw . fa tj ,,,, d Jn . .. . 1 - - . ...... . lue- ' 1 . : . Hf m ...... F.Br.,11,.1 lis is ana jiuki in it . mnrrii. n- i - - .. . . . siuiiD v sjv- s st s v sv0 a jviivi ötnmmM a I i : - . : ' . l . c i i i ii s .' ill it rBmTFU. i suave aa Bias w. ii rvn tpnn lb birth nf rn infant heir Xn unlimited dt-pt4iiii. 'V -Ii e in u sttlu'.olii'.i t ire j rc- sence of rational liberty J I know the doubt, tue fearful doubt, that exists in many of the greatest minds even in some of the most honored fathers that surround me ; and I know, too, from converstion on all sides, as well as I can learn, that doubts can only be expressed by the word solicitude the deep, deep solicitude with which maternal lote watches the first steps of the idolized boy. Will ho stumble! will he fall ? The fine-turned limb, the Hashing eye, forbid the thought. He will walk, and walk to noble and vigorous manhood ! France will walk, and walk to noble and vigorous manhood! This feeling inspires some misgivings, not in the purity of intention which discloses ihis great struggle, but in tie detail which is to seal the result. Her national assembly is, per- haps, too numerous one-hrih the number would have represented all the departments, all the interest of the French people, and avoided the dangers of fac tion and tumult. But I can feel no doubt of the issue. The descendants of the consecrated Gironde, united with the schools poly technique, supported by the press and the intelligence of France, will avoid the terrible obstacle of the Mountain and the Jacobin on their way to regulated, constitutional liberty. I trust with abiding confidence in the moderation, the wisdom, the public virtue, the intellect of France. I rest r seated on a rock, upon the steady patriotism of the French people, in sustaining those great intel lects who lead the way, pointing tu the high destiny of France with all the sublimity of faith, all the fer vor of the seer. I dreod no rising cloud which my friend from Alabama Mr. Bagbyl pictured the other day ; I will not fear the baleful cloud of anarchy, lighted from every verge by concentric fires, and sweeping on the tempest wings to blast with its thun derbolts the new-sprung hopes of freedom and man kind, remit the thought ! the prospect shall be lighted only by the lambent fire of exultant hope! At this hour the spirit of freedom is on foot in lands and amongst people, where its faintest sighs have keen unheard for centuries. Italy, the school boy's theme, the land of his golden visions and bis dreams of Cesar and of Tacitus and of old liberty- loving Germany, are again warned by the celestial Same. Europe is rocked by a moral earthquake. Every successive throe discloses some new breathing place for the subterranean fire, whic!i, long suppress ed, is bursting with more than volcanic power into the light and the approving presence of God. Sir, our example has done all this. The oppressed and famine-stricken of the Old World have annually flocked by thousands for refuge to us, the only resting-place for over-tasked humanity. They have drunk of the cup which never exhausts they have fed at the board whose necromantic supplies are spread with more than "Bacchanal profusion." They have bowed at the altar of their own God unques tioned, and listened to the ministrations of his priest undisturbed. They have walked by day, and slept by night, in security the rude latch their only guard and no proud emissary of oppression t: wither by his tread the green sward before their humble door. They have found a home Where pods might love to dwell And wander with delight, or tit amid Its iicted shade ! All this they have written, ship load after ship load, to those they have leu behind ; and thus the ei lcnt and nvsib!e power of the Almighty has brought the masses to the aid of the master spirits that from their closets have so long invoked the blessings of freedom. Dut perhaps I wander. I will only add, that my vote "ha!l 1)0 Siven with heartfelt pleasure at once for t,,e " Bry miliar resolutions: and 1 trust Ü,at the Vüte mny be taken this äJ' 80 that tl,e intc1' "S?"5 mny he conveyed to France in the Cambria, whlch 6ails on Saturday next. I am not prepared, novever, to stop at this. When the National Assem- bly which is to convene on the 20th of April shall bav-i closed its deliberations by giving to France a S0"8tl!"t,ori rtar .our own mode, 1 would E ""er ; 1 wou,d 8e"d a 60iemn embassage ; its members com P01 f lLe snow-crowned and most honored ser ant u" republic; those who have given the en 11 14 1 " TSf of onS llfe , llbrty and their country, and whos mellow but all-radiant light still rests upon the theatre of action. I would eend euch an embaspy in the name and with the spirit of our people, to frater nise with the descendants of those who shed their blood on the battle-fields of our own revolution. Military I.uikI Warrants. For the information of the holders Bounty Land Warrants, we publish Circular of the Commissioner of tha General Land Office to Registers and Receivers cf the United States . , cur UUiCes' Geittlemei The locition of Bountv Land" Warrant. issued under the 9th section ofths act of 11th February, 1847, has become the subject of so many inquiries from the o10" cf hcal land office, ami from private individ- .i,ln!,, T- f. ! Dece",of further correspondence. inquiry t 1st. The Warrant Certificates issued ander the 9th section ' ,h ct of ,,th 'buary, 1S47, by the decision of the l"!7 f ,he Tr"u,Jr; ma7 b ated by the soldier mtij il.lli vi lauu wuKil IUCJ III T UI IUI- .d fo .,. th; ,mnA nm, Amr emption law. whether the same has or ha not been offered at public ale. This decision does not embrace anv of tha of a pie-emption, under ihe act of 4th of September, 1841. itne insirucitoi 1S47. 2d. An assignee of a Warrant can make his location only "Pn na wmca is "subject to private entry " The ptov ,n "2 IB" ?.w"rtnl ,,,,u Pn u"d t0 n'ch hall be a pre-emption n-ht. or upon i .i. ;u .i .k.ii . . .. u i tt u,.n iuuc iu.ii ut hi aciuai ituif mtoi ana cutivatiun. ' The construction nven bv thi office t.. ihi. t. that its intent was to prevent inieifereuce with tbe rights of "a person, ana mat it was not intended to apply loan 'nni'i'lu holding a Warrant as assignee, who might hive a " - """"""i vuiinsiiuu, wiitcn w0uId entil e h m to a ore-emotion, unnn a trart of Und U'subject to private entry" Yon will, therefore, wben aa assignee of a Warrant makes application lo locate the same "P00 " o: land "subject lo private entry" to which he b" ' Pr-mption, for wbich he has hied a declaiatory state- I menl. or noun which hm haa a trlm,it n4 oiiltiTiiii..n .mi!l him- . . . If ,. , . - ' I iUUltlUI MU VTCI ihe Wanant, the Circular of 1st October. 1847. rives you i lunmcimui. 3J- When the holder of a Warrant shall insist upon can rossibly result from this Course, if the declaration should prove to be that of a bona fide pre-emotor. notwtth stanuiog saia amjvit. the pre-emptor will, udoo duly estab 'h,n ' el-im, obt.ia his entry, and the locatiou by ths Warrant must yield. In such cases, the papers mir be re- 1 . .. " ' " umea in your oiiics uutil ths eipiiation of tho yeai allowed tbe pre-cmptor to pnvs up, and the case noted on the ab- il I at . . a 1 I a .mm. ?n iri sBooivision may oe located oy a warrant. i ' ?ae or a,Hern wtions snd townships, provided ,be geverl lric1 fcre MjD h . . con.-UOfl. or 9 m . to ry- Sympathy for Louis FhiUippe. When the neWs of Louis PliilliDne'a fl;rht fY.,m arrival jn ßüst0n, on Monday nitrht. a brillant Dartv was comiiif oU in a Isshionnble Quarter. The kind's fall from greatnese became the subject of cunversa- tion, and one superlative specimen of tall society a real topsawyer among them remarked "I'm really orry for Lewee Fjleepe. I think he is to be pitied. He is an accomplished gentleman, and there ought to be a meeting cf the gentlemen of Boston, qualified by their wealth, position and influence, to represent the public opinion of the city, to prepare an address of sympathy with him in his misfortunes, and send it over to him by some delegate of acknowledged re- spectabilitj and standing in tho community." Bos Ion I' n tt. The majority in Illinois in favor of the new const!- immii win oe oeiween iu.huu aim ou.ui'u ; in lavor of the clause prohibiting the entrance of frei nefrrm's into the Sluts, about UO.OO'J ; in favor of the two-mill tax, to meet th Slate debt, from 10.0ÜO to 12,000. I V " I . IHTItlVIV, vivu IIB c9iauiuiiiE It has ever I ""-" ujmu a tract lor wuicn a declaration oas i austain the chensnea principles or llie ureal uenio- ",,u ""-j- mh Mmnereu s wv ounuewn , m ug snr i. f, . . . ,:ii :. a.. l r ' I nat tilat of the town of Inilianarwilis. and all the follovrinir describ- ane COnralula- 1h. .ffi!,Bi, ,. . . . .. I cratic Dart? of the Union. ed tuece or parcel of l.nd. to-wit: commencing eighty nine feet and fortunate ri ,.7,. i V V " '. r . . . . r and two inche. south of the northea corner of bock or out lot ana ionunaie re- ibe bare statement of the alleged pi e-smptor. snd no evil The lmoortanco of peneral ana correct information ..h,i - hHr-.i . ..-t-i..i. . o..... k.,n. The Congressional news is as usual, unimportant as "proceedings." President making by the Whig House, leaves the Senate matter unfinished, and con equently but little is done in the way of legitimate business. A portion of the whig majority arc travel ling and making speeches in States about holding elections. TISE flIAUKETS. Bf Telegraph tepied frmm tha Cincinnati Exfuirer and OauOtu Cincinnati, April 15, 6 P. M. Flour The transactions indicated no change in the market. The snles were 100 brN. from store, at $4:45 delivered; 100 do. from store, 57 and C3 do. from ca nal, 80 and 1(H) do. from rail-road, all at 4:40. There was a good deal of willingness to sell at the latter rate. Provisions Barrel Pork is still inactive, and the only sale reported was a small lot thin Mess at $7. Molasses Sales of 70 brl. N. 0. at 2Gc.: ', do. at 2G1. Sugar A sole of 8 hhd. N. O. at 4ie.: 5 boxes common White Havana on private terms. Coffee Sales of 3U8 bags good fair Rio, at 7c. Linseed Oil A sale of 10 brls. from store, at 53ic: 23 do. at 53c. . Lumber A sale of 10 M. tight Brl. Staves at ft6: 10 M. extra do. at ft-j. Cheese A sale of 150 boxes new, unselected, for shipment, at oic. DOMESTIC MARKETS. New Vosk, April 15,7, P.M. There is a moderate demand for Flour for the East and home consumption. Tbe sale comprise 2000 brls at $6:20 a 6:37 for Genesee, and $0.00 for VVeMern. l he mailt et rr Cora and 0U is dull. Wheat ii alio heavy and has a dowoward tendency. There U more move ment in Purk, and prices art a shade better. The raaikrt closes at 37 J 8:50 for Prime, aod $10-.OOilO:12J for Mess 1-or Lard there is a good demaud, with sales of Western at ?ibjc. Of otber articles the sales ait only for the supply Hit tegular trade demand. Philadelphia, April 15, S P. M. Moderate tales of Flour at $5:93a6:00. There bve been no sales ef Wheat worthy of report. Lorn is heavy. Baltimore, April 15, 8, P. M. Small sales of Howard Street Floor at $5:81. and of City Mills at $6:00, maiket dull, but holders ait stiff. Corumeal range from $2:25 to 2:43?. 2alet ol 1'iline white Wheat at 1:40a 1:43 and of red at l:3Zal:3d. Pittibcbgh, April 15,8 P.M. Tha market for Flour is active and dim at $&32J. Sales of 50,000 lbs Baron at 3 for Uog rouud and 5e for Ham. Lard brings 5Aa5j. Siles of Sugar at 4 ja5c. Mohsies 27a2Se, and Rio Coffee 7aSc. The river is falling with 5 feet water in tbt channel. tyCl" The New York city election for mayor has resulted in the election of llavermayer, the dem ocratic candidate, by a majority of several thousand. A Horeiele Atfaik. The steamer Majjnolia, which arrived last night, reports the following horri ble circumstance, wnich occured upon that boat on her lust upward trip: When nennng Natchez, on Wednesday night, the barber of the boat, whose name is Briscoe, violated the person of a German emigrant girl, and then, in order to conceal his crime, threw her overboard. Both act were seen by a lady in the cabin, who unfortunately, cave the alarm too late, The scoundrel was immediately arrested, and lodged in jail at Natchez. N. O. Com. Did., March27. Mr. Henley, in a late speech on the Mexican war, eaid : "The paper wrapper of a Mexican cartridge, a missile of death fired at us at Buena Vista, and picked up by one of his constituents, was a part of Webster's Philadelphia speech. His authority for this was Ma jor Cravin, Capt. Davis, and Lieut. Shank, of the In diana volunteers. The paper was still in possession of one of these gentleman." 07-GeneraiB Twiggs and Kearnf.t were tendered a public diuner by the citizens of N. Orleans, on the public diuner by the citizens of 31st ultimo, which they declined. rp C f llie lormer lelt on ine ist instant lor ins notne in ueorgia, irom which be lias been absent for five years; and the lat- ter left on tbe 2J for Vera Cruz. t r.. e - ti -vr n i n , ILLNESS OF UEV. SCOTT. The New Orleans Delta position and physical debility." We trust that they ...:ii LÄ p i . . v. tu yi uvc tu uc ui uu oui iuuj tuai abivr or pcrinaiieiii duration. ft7- The Btore of Mr, Seatox, of Ceutreville, In diana, was set on fire a few days since. The injury to the building was "Iightt but goods were destroyed to tbe amount f $itJ0Ü. The beautiful Seminary buihliu'TS at Cambrid re city, Indiana, were entirely destroyed by fire on - . . w. ' vi e a jiibiani. Tuo T icv.c Hfrii-rivu , Vo.. Tt, fT v n c iiivLooc ulsiiu.i i tvnjuu.ti. iuq Vlil cial majority for "License" in the Slate of Vermont ia thirteen I A pretty close contest 34,541 votes were cast. PROSPECTUS FOR chap. coon sriir Published at Indianapolis, Ind. TIIE CHEAPEST PAPER IN TIIE WEST! The Undersigned Will Commence the publication of the 5th volume of their celebrated COON SKINNER, commencing about the 2üth of May, and published till the Presidential election, making 2o numbers ore- rious, and one subsequent, the last number of which will contain the full official vote of the United States, and which of itself will be fully worth the subecrip- tion price. Their facilities for rapidly publishing a larger edl tion have never equalled the present ; and they confi dently look for a larger circulation than heretofore. The character of the Coonskinner heretofore, is an earnest of what may be expected in future. No ex ertion shall be spnred to improve its contents, embel lUhed and Otherwise. It aim Will be tO give tt full . euppon to me nominees oi tne miurnore Jemocrauc r .,: . , . f- -,i ,,,,ui- .. Convention, and in every fair and honorable way, to I me OUin Uli., BpeaKini; Ol Ureil. DCOIl ill connection almost entirely new anil oi aireci imponauons.i ui luiiiLaiy I .i .1 " ... . .- , I confined rxrlusivelv to rood PrUitee. J tl, follMtvinrr , "- ' vuui t iiiaiuai, chaM for rea(jT money, I only say toone and all, mo luuuwiiijj gave, that he "has exhibited the Blrns of BeriOUS indlg me for vourselve. as I am determined to sell ai rlnrinrr t!ii comiiitr contest when a hifher than a "re'1 a'1 eiShx7 'eBt t thrnce south tiehty-nlne reet and two inch OUrinj Uie comillj; contest, wneu a iniicr tuuu ma thence east one hundred and eitrhty feet t thence north eichtv- Kino-lv Office is to be filled by the tuibouzht votes of a IfCe Rlld mighty people, SUOUld be apparent tO all. mm . rr, .1 , 1 . i I i i 1 1 ..j That Truth may be disseminated, and Falsehood and Error detected and exposed, we ihall endeavor tO ex- ..' ... ... erci-e more than ordinary vigilance, cringing to our aid experience and every facility within our reach. Nor is our State election iu August of less impor deny have been so bcnehcial to us as a Mate and . .nl ClllZCnS. - - . r. -li 1 1 , To this end, the Uoon OKinner Will also De oevotca, not doubting that the lieniocracy Will tnailtully BUS- taiu themselves in the coming contest. Ttrnit Single copy, Tell Copies l.iXJ ' ' i-.Qfwt Twenty Copies, ,3,00 I .ii !,. nnmhora in nrnrwirt inn nd all larger numbers in proportion. ftCasll always tn advance. t- ' ' bfT" Our Agents would save US a very large . mnnn. f lalmr hv hai in-r some oerson in their vicini " ----- -j a r ty who will direct the psprs, leaving it f us to ;n- velope them to oi.e addrens only. In packages of 20, where this is done, we will add numbers enough to make it on object, and so larger numbers. CHAPMAN'S it SPAN& (gj- WM our brother editors p!cae nutice ? August Election. Tiie iV.i.ntin uiiavioiiceiiicuia uie iuade, subject to the decision of the Democratic county convention : For Representatives. Gen. JAMES P. DRAKE, GEORGE A. CHAI'AIAN, DANIEL MOORE. For &hrrijjr. ELI IIAVEUSTICK, JACOB VANDEÜRIFF. For Recorder. CHARLES STEPHENS, ZENAS LAKE. JOHN S. ALLEN. Married. On the 13th inst. by Tnomas Ilorro'f, E?q., Mr. William N. Gladden, to Mi?s Maky Lorbai.T. daughter of Mr. Jeremiah and Jane Cor baljr, both of this county. Married. On Ihe 12th inft., at the residence of Col. P. F. Tulev. at New Albanv. bv Rev. Seth Woodruff, Capt. Allen E. Taylor, formerly of Ball- storr Spa, Saratoga county. New York, to Miäs Julia L. Tuley, of Louisville, Ky. Married On Thursday evening, the 13th inst. by Rev. Mr. Gurley, Mr. Gilmore Jordan to Miss Hah- riet McLaughlin, all of thin city. JIST UECCltT.D, DIieCCT FU031 fPf HPS Prime N.O. Sugar 2 brl No. 3 Mackerel, lid brls Crushed do. doi o.j oo , S i brie No. 1 do.. Sbrta N. U. Mulasaes, 8 1 brU Co. 6 brls Sugar House Moloeses, 9 t bdi No. 9 So . 8 kttts No. 1 do., 6 kilts Salmon, 1 brl Madder, Seerooua Indigo, 8 bag t'ofTee, 3J brl Florida Tar, S boxes bar Tobacco , 4 i brls Golden bynip, 30 baiirs I di. a ii d U. P. Teas, a hoie aaaoted Candle, 8 ha gi Spice, 49 bags ipper, 12 boxes Haistn, 44 1 anil 1 bnie Raisin. All (tin above good nave been aeieciea wim care ojr one or in firm, and will be riod lobe of superior quality. Merchants and othets are invited to call and examine our stock, with the as sura ace that we will sell them goodiaa low a thrv can be bought at Cincin nati or Madiao, adding freights. ULYTIIE At HOM.AU, aprl7 Railroad UepU Eat Hide. PEACOCK snd Diamond Plough tnxa the manufactory of tticb ardsoa fc Taylor, Madison, Indiana, asunnr article. 11LYTIIK fc HOLLAND, apr!7 Hnllmad Ueiot ( eida. XEW BIOOILS! MOaRISON & TALROTT are openinp a fine addition to their present stock of books, llavint nnde their purchases at tbs Spring Trade Salu ,tltey are enabled to offer snusual inducements to buyer. They keep a larre supply of MEDICAL AJU LAW BOOKS, Which will be sold at the lowest prices. They do sir to call special attention tn an extensive and beautiful assortment of Children's Books cf every crade aad price. sprl7 One door west ot rowning's. JUDGE llaliburtmi's Yankee Stories, Travels over the Rocky Mountains, by Joel Palmer, Sketches of the early settlements ol the West, Salaihielc.-c. MORIUSO.N &. TAL30TT, aprI7 One door west of Browning's. Re r.lOVEN'8 Collection of Sacred Music an arransement bxj Irom the Composition of uethoven. Havdn and Mozart MORRISON it TALBOTT, On door west of browning's. aprl7 DlAItlt TUR M )lI)Ui;i. R. JOHN J. DKUMMOND, of Nohlesville. 1 ndiana, seduced my wile, a few days since, and departed to raits unknown to me. This inlamnu scoundrel na Meeeeded in sedicing one ni toe beat of wiva and broken up my family, consisting of my wife and five children, ami rendered myself the most miserable of mortals. For twelve long years my wife and I hid lived in the enjoyment of the vrr-atest domestic banninea. I considered in r self tha hai-piest of men, being in the ptMeashtn of a wife whom I deemed a paragon of domestic ridel it y and female purity. Itut alas, the wicked spoiler cams. I desire thai you, Mr. Editor, will publish this brief nutk-e ol this robber or female virtue, tnil tie may be properly estimated in thoae parts where he ha fled to, and that he may raceiveannia punish ment In hi wicked conduct, and aeora of the holy saying, Those whomGodhaih Joined together let not man pot asunder." AUdTl.N TURNER. Will th editors throughout the Stale copy. I0l-3mo. WASTED. 7a 4 4 DOZEN Hens and 100 dozen Tnrkeys, delivered at Zm W w Smith's Tavern, south of tiie Court Hnuae, Indianapo lis, by the 1st of May,l4ri. For which 1 per per dozen will be paid tor liens, and JJ per dozen ft 1 urkey. 101 list May. ABXER SMITH. lROCL. 41.11 TO TIIK I'KOPIE: The (Had Tidings that small Outlays hate ltc:ilizf'4l l'riiicely Fortunes. AT DU!VLOE"S FAK-FANCU STOKE. THE present is an are of Revolution. While the people of Eu rope have been overturning thrones at the point of the bayo net, a mighty revolution has been going on in our own land a revolution which has swept away the high prices of last year, and its predecessor. A reduction of more than twenty per cent, on mJ preent beavy stock of Dry Goods, has been among the happy I l.UUafJ1UCUJca VI III g I cat lru,uijvu aa inoi avv.jsauH iiaasj aCrgg 1 frni.u for the nrodurtion of wVrwaarfßeatUiii SnJe. all of Which wiiibeiouna m my preent neavy stock 01 . Tine and Fancy Dry oods, 71. r'e VUMmr' WC1 p "v'ou' "n,' I can and am determined to offs,- greater inducements to pur chasers than any other establishment in the city, as my stock ia na my sales are I o you who pur- , corns and exam i cheap, or a little f 7er ". "nd "M on the buyer of ninepenny " iy """"T 1 "v ciotli. It is unnecessary and imiosiöie to enumerate our well se lected stock of ecoils for tbe LADIES, such as Lawns. Balzorine. Ginghams, Prints, Haids, A c ; n our large stock of Clo.hi, Cassi- meres, Cassinets, fcc., for iLfcMlM. juh. s. uului', jr.. At Ihe Diagonal Corner, tart of ta Indianapoüt Brtauk Bank. April 35, 1818. IUI y A n4lttT:AII.---,rO l'ltliVrEIlK. TIIE nndersl-ned. being desirous of relinquishing the Printing .Jä. IfnamASS tYhs- tha mirnASd AI Ulf T I 111 11 n nil A 1 1 f art n A v ew a. I 1 coanU which have been eight years accumulating, will dioe I " r"r.. I -- "r-. I s-iff l ii l..i,rict I r i.. es nnn. ha 1 nr IflR rrral. I TTiM b'ivrnra I 1 iTUUBCnpilun Ulki. R uu rvou Tili- ui io Establishment. The materials are ia eool order, and embrace as greet (if not greater) variety of Fancy Letter, as any other office in this section or the Bute. The esuninment na a lair fuo scription List, a goo 1 amount of advertising and job work, and Leun the county seat of 'Old fruyne tne most populous and wealthv countv in the State, havini near Oa Thiad Whir Mar jority, givrs the establishment advautare for a Whig paper which are not to be found in any other town in tue state. . lo a srood niv iana none outers one-nau me omce win oe soia J on very accommodating terms. Any further information will be ireely given, ir application re made,eitn:r personalty or py let ter, mil maid. Possession riven immediately. JO"lf the purchaser desires It the other half of the office will be sold on fail terms. ir S-Flitnrt ami mi 1,1 ichor Tiv ennuino the above, or nntlrlnir it in their paper, will confer a favor on an old Typo, which will be ci-ntreviiie. April 10. isi8. SAMuilL C. MEREDITH klale of Intliann, Hamilton county, b8. PaoaaTs toturor HMrLroi.cooir-nr,F.Tsan,iai. On Complaint of Inoolvtnen. Estate of Jesse Pickett, deceased. "fVTOW comes Elilm fickett, sdiniiiMtratorof said estate, by Wil- Inm Gatver hi, attorney, and aiuong other tbinrs It was order- r.V'T ur "ri.Jr. InmimT'j..u.t1.J'. "I uvriwiai m w iro nmw vnm, it. a uiciciuro aufiiufjicu uj iuj vissjia äiia a the creditors of said deceased be notified of the pendency nf thiseom- pia in. oy piiniicitiion in tne iiwinns oiiua senunei, a wceaiv iitjww pajwr printed and published al Indianapolis, Marion county. In this state, notify UigsucD creditors tiiat unless their claims are presented against mid estate for allowance within three months from tbe publi cation of Uiia order, they will not be entitled to payment. By lbs court. 1U1-3WIS JOHN ti. KIlKNs, Clerk. lliUSSIAL'S .SALE. ") Y virtue of a writ of execution (Fi Ka) to me directed front J4J the clerk's office of the circuit court of the United States for the district of Indiana. I will o Ter for sale at the Court House dootln the city of Indianapolis, Marion county, Indiana, on the piith day of April next between the hours of 10 A M. and 4 P. M-, the rent ana profits for seven years of all the following real e- täte, to-wit : imi numucrea i, square numoerea ec, a miu out .corded ,n ,ne RerorJer's otli;e of Marion countv by Elder renty-eili' nine feet and two inches to Ihe place of beginning, all of saw! and nnon failure to realize a sufficient sum to satisfy the daaiDd, I will at me Kni time and place orrer lor sale tbe fc I ,jllipie tna above described real estate. Taken a the property f defendant at the suit of Richard Psxson et al. against Abra-ti :lird. A. C. FKPI-tK, U. S. Marshal District of Indiana. (Pr.fae $1 75) By Un. McOuat, Deputy. Marrh.lSlft. as A.nil .STIMTOU'S SAL.C. I lJOTI'"E i hereby given, that at the February term of tbe Mi- Sk rinn nrnhat Muri A. f). W.iH tha nn.lrrsiirnmt wsa annnintnl ,1 . . . . . ... . . 1 '. administrator ueuonis nonoithegoods,cbaueis,ngnts,crUiti,mo- I of Marion county, deceased, which remain .administered, with S , .ccord' with lhe directiont of iaid wiI1 of MiJ d-. ceate.1, he will on Saturday, th 12J day of April A. D. 1813, nt 10 I Alolnrlt A. M . nf saU ila v. ainota ta aula at bahlie antinii. An th uu premises, the farm of said dec-ased, situate In the township of Franklin in said county, heme; rorty acres on the north ei.d of the I west half of tbe north west quarter of section nineteen, township fourteen, ran five.t. I Itrms of Sola One-tbird or the purchase money to l paid in s moBlh one4h,rd , lwelve nnUli ,nJ the ;fmaini ' one third in eighteen months from the day of sals. The purchaser I will be required to sncuie the payment of tha purchase money r-y I giving his promissory note pnya'il without any relief from valu- - lion .r. ,P?.f,.i,en'eat ,UwV with JÄ" bfl f I proved uy tue nnaerii 'nca. jur.rn . rit,Kiu.v. 1)5-4 vr AdraV with tlie will annexed. An.lIiMSTItATOStSIXOTICIJ. Stau of (ndiiitia, Marion County, . A T tha Fohrnary term of the Marlon rro -ala :nirt, A. I. I'M, 'a. said court declare I the est?4 of f.iHitt Kralar, rieeeael, to t probalily mi itveut Creditor areihrrefore renired lo 111 their claims um.! llier.l f ir anosno In tli til. I Trubats Court, wiihin tea mom hi mini His date herasir, or they will nut be minted to pi msnl. Ib.iit, lew. f.-jo. uti.'x. r.y is.t.w, Asmiaisuaior. 1 unneiiiitfi Girr "1 ... . . . .. - . ,.. , . . ,. I -nous ltaiiroa 1 tompanv, iuh irnrrc wv cwuimiuc, wi wv, i- - . I BIT V virtue nf a writ of evecution fvenditoni errionasl tn me ah-1 inom w , . . , in I iiam s.aa r ms tr.-mi.ui 1 lly the President of flic United Slates. Vi .', s N r.-.f .; t, K r.'.-t.K 1'ir-: t of. the afa United blalrof Aiiifrica, .1 Iwwbjf dt-ture and i.i. fce known Hurt public rale will be held I Ihe ndeinieniioned Land Of dc la Uie Suta of Indiana, al the period hereinaftrr designated, for the sale of the following described lands siluted in U late 41ia cessions, la said State to wh : . At the Land Offlceat i NDIANAPO LIS, commencing on Moodny. the fourtli day of September next, tor the dipoal of tha public lead within 11 ndermeittutttd township and fractional lowuahip, lc was JVVd 0u hut lis rnn d east tht tecni priacipl meridian. Fractional township twentjr-ooe, twenty two, and tweuty Ihree.ln the former "Great Mmml Brrve,,,of rangeone. Fi actional township twenty-one, and townships twenty-two awl twenty three In the furnier "Great Miami Reserve," or mips two, tbrre, four, five, and six. Fractional townhiM twenty two and twenty4hrei in the furmet Great Miami Rewrve," ef ranee ervm. township twenty three In the lormer reserve of two Diileriare on ihe fnlamnnie river," of ranee thirteen and fiKirteen. At th Und Office at tVRT VVAVNK, commencing on Mooday the eiclHeenth day of September next, ft the dispnaal ol the public binds within the undermentioned townships and fractional towiHhip to wit: Arfa of tkt kul tint mmd east af tht tnmrni primcipml meridian.. Township t wenty-tiur, and twenty-live, and twenty aix, and frnf tioiial biwn4iip twenty seven in the (uruier "G'eat Miami Reserve,' of ran rr five and six. FmciMMial township twenty-fonr, twenty Ave twenty-!, twenty, i-ven, in the formrr" Great Miami Reserve," and fractional low, ahips thirty-three and Uiirty fout in the former reservs at "Flat Belly's Villaee," of ranee erven. Fracliofinl township twenty-aeven and twenty-eieht. In the former rme of "Six mites .uare al the fork of Ihe Wtli river aad fractional townsbips lliirty-three and thirty four, in the former reserve at' Flat Belly's Village ,n of range eight. Fractional toarnxhipa twantyevea and twenty eicht, la the former reserve of "Six mile square at the fork of tbe Wabash river,' and fractional township thirty-one, In the former reserve at Seek' vill age," of ranee nine. Frnrtmnal township twenty-seven, in the former reserve at "Flat Rnck ;' fcactiunal townahip twenty-eicht. twenty-nine, and thirty, ia ihe former reserve at the " Aiotitb ol the Abnite river," a nd the " Ra coon Village." and fractional township the former reserve at " trek's VUlaee," of ranre tea. Fracliuual tnwaabipa tweuiy-eevea, twenty-eight, twenty-nine, and thirty, in tbe former reserves at "Flat Rock," tbe "Mouth of tbe Aboil tiver," and lbs "Kacnon Villagn." of range eleven. Fractional township twenty-eight and twenty-nine. In tbe former reserve at the "Minaih f tbe Ahoite river," of ranxe twelve. At the Land times at VVI NAM AC, ennimencinf, Monday, the twenty fifth diy of äeptemlier next, fur tbe diponl of public rands within tlis umlemieittiiMied townbip tni frartijnal townships to wit; Aorta of ta ease lias mnd Mat mf ta sceaaf principal meridian. FractkMwl township twenty fcwr, twenty-five and twenty six, in the former "Great Miami ""trarrve,'"' of run? one. Townships twenty-four, twenty-five, and Iweniy-six.and fractional township twenty seven, in tbe former "Great Miami Reserve," of ranges two and three. Townships twenty four, twenty-five, and twenty six, and fractional townships twenty seven and twenty-eight, in Ute former "Great M ami Reserve," and tbe Reserve between Kel and Wabash rivers," of range four. Fiactinnal townships twenty seven and twenty eight. In the former reserve "between the Wabash and Eel rivers," of ranee five. Ind appropriated by law fur tbe use of ebo:, military, or other purpose, and alternate section eranted to the State ot Indiana, "lor the purpose of aiding mid Stale in opening a tanal tt connect the wa ter of the Wahasb river with those ol Lake Erie," by the act ap proved Jd March, 1817, togethrr with the tracts which have been se lected and appioved under the act of the S9lb August, 1842, in lien of the portion of said alternate section covered by individual Indian reserves under the treaties, will be excluded Irora tbe sales. The lands will oU be sold for a less price than two dollars per acts, as provided by the first section of tbe act enlhiled '-An Act to grant Ute rieht of nre-emnCkMi to actual aelller on lue land acquired bv treaty from tbe Miami Indian, in Indiana," approved on Uie 3d of Augus,I846. And th? offering of the same will be commenced o I the dai appointed, and proceed in the aante order in which theyar. advertised, with all convenient dispatch, until the whole shall have been offered, and the nie thus closed. But no sale ahull be kept open longer than two weeks, and no private entry of any of tbs tends will be admitted until after the expiration of Ihe two week. Oiven ander my band, at the city of Washington, this twenty fifth day of May, anno domini, one thousand eight hundred an J forty-seven. Bythe President: JAMES K. TOLE RICHARD M. TOUNO, Commissioner of the General Land Office. NOTICE TO PRE-EMPTION CLAIMANTS. Every person entitled to the right of pre-emption to any lands within the townships and fractional townships above enumerated, is required to establish the fame to the satisfaction of the Ueeis .sr and Receiver of tbe proper Land Olüce.and make payment the- s for at the rats of two dollars per acre, tbe price fixed by the act .if third ni August. 1340, as mm a practicable after seeing this no tice, and before the day appointed for the commencement of the public sals of tiie embracing the tract claimed, otherwise such claim shall be forfeited. RICHARD M. YOUXO, Commissioner of tbe General Land Office March 4. 63-t II May lOwia. roSTFOXEMEKT Of the nd Salts in the INDIANAPOLIS, FORT WAYXE, and WIXAMAC District, in the Slate of INDIANA. NOTICE is hereby given, thntthe sales of the lands in the Mi ami cessions, in Indiana, ordered by proclamation of tbe Pre sident of the United Stntes, dated the 25th day of May, 1847, to bs l eid at the Land Ottice at Indianapolis, on the lith day of September, 1847 ; at the Land Oili-e at Fort Wayne on the 2oth Hvpteml er, 1A47 ; and at the Laad Ottice at Winamac on tbe 97th September, 1847, and which sales were, by a public notice, dated the 2d daj of Julv, 1847, declared to be postponed until, and to commence, on the'üOtli December, 1817, are heredy declared to be still further p. -at poned nntil, and to commence, at the Land Otiireat Indianapolis on Monday, the 1st dav of May. 1848; at the Land Office at Fart Wayne on Monday, the 8th day or May , 1848 : and at the Land Ol (ice at Winamac on Monday, the 15'h day of May, 1618. Given under my hand, at the City of Washington, this tour teenth day of July, anno domini 1847. lly order of the President, RICIIAKD M. YOUNO, 88 Commissioner of the Gc.nnral Land Office. J. II. WELL COMBE'S PATCKT IXDIA DIAMOND CE-HEHST. THE Proprietor would respectfully inform the public that he lias now the satisfaction to oiler them a Cement which will weld, beautifully and durably, all articles of CHI.SA. EJiRTHEX- AXD GLASS-WARE, SHADES, ORKS- MEXTS, MARBLE, IVORY, ., without disfiguring them in the least ; rendering them at once as useful for any purpose whatever as they were before broken, and not alle ted by heat, water, or air. This Cement is not weakened in the least when subjected to a ft rung dry beat, or when immersed in hot water. The pub ic have loni? since felt the necessity of such an article, and in this titeir ex pectation will be fully realized, as it render any article ready for us in a snon ume. This preparation is used in India In making tbe finish of china, is applied without neat, ana c in oe useu oy a cniio. V B. Families will see at once tbe importance of becoming ac- onainted with the best and only article for du, ably repairing. when tl.a cost is sotritline. 100 Snis ffiThe agent will remain at trazter's Uotel for on week A Jm . Iii. M nv a 1W.....asb - a m Ill IIIU IHUIIUII Vlll-Ull VVUII. In Chancer. Adotphus H. Smith, vs. Aaron AUrWse eC al. JAMES Oivan and Rhoda Givan hi wile, and David Long ana Hrster Lone his wife, who are defendant iu the above cause. and are not resiJcnts of the Slate of Indiana, are hereby notified that on the 6th day of April, 1Ö47, said plainufT did file his cross bill in the above cause sgainst tbem snd others, and it is now pending in eaid court, and unless they appear and plead to, or an swer the same on or before the caUiut of tho cause at tbe next term of said court, the same and the matters and things therein contained as set forth, will be taken as confessed snd held ss trus azaiust tbem. By order or the court. Attest. lly J. G. .Vices, Deputy. William Qnarie, Sellcitor. 93-3wT State of Indiana, Marion county, ss. Is ths Msaios CibccitCocbt. In Chancery Thomas Little . Willi Brown, John Graflurt and other. 'PIIE said defendants, John GnüTurt, George (.ratlbrt, Amy Morias and Nelson Morgan bet husband, Samuel Oldbnm, Richard Pin dall. Ilednman UralTort and liaszard UraSort,are hereby notified, that on the 15th day of February, ISsd, the complainant, Thomas Little, filed his bill of complaint in tlie court aloreaaid in the above entitled ease, against tbem and tbe otber defendants above named ; that said bill i now Pentling in aaid eourt.aod that unless they appearand plead to, ix answer the same on or brfiire ibe calling nf said cause at Uie neit term ot said court, to ne neiu a las ciain riouvein uiecuy m In dianapolis, aid bill, and ths mailer and tilings therein contained as et forth, will b" taken aa confessed and held as true araiust tbem, and decies will be rendered Uierein accordingly. Altect, K. II. DUMCAM, Clerk. Smith St Sullivan, sols, for coin;). By J. G. Was, Deputy. Feb. tt, leta. 87 3 w IV Allien AKI KKIEi 'AAL, INDIANA. CANAL LETTINOTh undersigned will receive.! sealed nronosals at Terre Haute. Indiana, on tbe 24th day of May next, for the construction of forty miles of the Wabash and trie Canal, extending from Terre Haut lo Point Commerce, on tbe ... ...... - i i : : 1 1 L J : : 1 j . . . : west lorlt ol tvniie river. iociiii.wiiiiiciiiui miv .vriivui aliout hall a utile in length, and will embrace the vahety of work usually presented on a similar division of canal ; amongst wbich is one reservoir, a number of lilt-dorks, culverts, kc . together wi h the rebuil.tinc of a portion of the Eel river dam and tbs guard lock connected therewith. PavinenU will b made as the work aJvances in par funds. The line to be let will be ready for inspection by tbe lata of May, and by the SOth of that month, the plana, speritications, esti mate of quantities, fcc, will be exhibited at the Engineer's office in Terre Haute. D ited Terre Haute, l.ta warm, ie,. CHARLES BUTLEH, THO. H. Bl AKE. AUSTIN M. FUETT, Trustees of tbe Wabash and Erie Canal. March 30. 96BtvtäOth May. I'CKÜ UAIL,UOAI COITIl'AXY. tnfo of Intliaiiii. 'I'iitton Connly, s. C tRDERED, by the Bo.rd of Directors of the Peru aad Indian- .,.c.i;.,,i. will he rerei I, Newton J. Jackson, Secretary, certify the foreeoinj to be a true copy. t... .... v.j .j .--.... In Witness wnereoi i ui6 11 ri cuu'w -w. m. -ii tiiiiatu iuo seal of said company at Tipton, this Slit day of March A. D. 148. NtWIUiV I. I.ILKAU., oecrctary r. a. i. it. it.t;. t- ,..nnrt ta the above notice, the undersigned romraissioa- ers far that purpose, will receive subscription and donations for lbs ligation of the Indianapolis Depot lor tho Pew Itailroad, at the Palmer House, on Monuay lhe fclh day ol May next, between th hour of 9 o'clock, A.M. and 3 o'clock, P. M. A W. MORRIS, Commissioners. 08 CwtPthmay (Journal Copy.) NOIICE TO COX'I'UACrOltS. Ilailro.ul LcMMsS: 4EALD proposals will be received althe ciy of New Albany, In- diana, until Monday the 2-lh day of ApiH, at 0 ocloek, P. M. foe the prad' bridr'"S. mmoniy sad woodea upeirtractur of th iVew Albany and Salem Kailmad. The work will be divided into about IVtv sectlons.and will embrace every variety of eieavatioa, including I true, stone, lata and Mind rnrk,cut, hammered and rubble nvtannry, embankment of earth, eight of ten In Id pes of various plan, te. ic. The whole lo be com nlrted by the firnt day of October, .849. Bidders who ere utiknawa to the umlerl:nrd will be MquUed lo fmnifh alirrtory refereaca. 1'aymrnt will be made a e work proprese In tb ven,per rent, bonds of the city of Kvr Ar!y,tr raU as Ibe panic may acice. Plans and tiwcihcalions will beeihibited tm llts rth tt.t. fc K. O. HARNEY, Engineer for Conl'r. New Allmuy, ApiU3. leiS. oa-h Ap. 4. lCI.!a ;a- Of Um I:i Va.l aineitni used ir inoiitli The iiumcroMS and Wonder ful Cure it elfter Its Magical Ileet upon ililious Fevers, and Fever i;nd Auc CJreat Excitement nmoe the Uociois! 'BUE In du a Qu Ttorristt 9csa CsTS Pins are Ja. now admitted, on all bans, t be tire raoatea'raordinary and valuable medicine ia general use ft nor only acts as a specific upon Itiiiousand Typhus fevers, Chiws ani Fever, and Fever and Ague of the west and south, but in all disease of debility, weak, stomach, indigestion, loscef appetite, impurity of the blood, and all . diseases prevalent in a western ant ouibern climate. Their great power consists in their peculiar elfet upon all the ofeans of the system, and the rapid formation of new aad etc a hlooi, wbich they proJuce. In this lies tbs great secret of their snrccss. Tl-y are mild and pleasant in titeir artion, but searching and permanent ia their etlert; penetrating the remotest recesses of the system by thir ready absorption into tbe blood, thereby infusing a new sup ply of vitality and nervous power into all tile machinery of 111. The extensiv popularity they have acquired allover them est end south, ensures sales of at least 50,000 IloxcK per Month, And we find it difficult, whh our large force of annas, and thalats improvements in machinery which we hare adopted, to manufac ture them fast enough to supply the demand in thiruen western and southern States I One large manufactory is constantly en gHged in preparing the various concentrated extracts of which, tncy are composed. From the best information wecan obtain from our 6,000 selling agents, and hosts of attentive correspondents in all part of the country, our medicine cares, per month, not less than 10,000 case of Fever and Ague, one thousand of hieb bav resisted all other treatment; 4.500 cases ot Bilious Fever ; 5,300 do ot weakness and general debility ; 9.600 do of various chronic disease ; S.OOO do of weak, stomach and loss of appetite cXW do of Dyspepsia ; 1,200 do of K heu mat ism: 1,000 do of Female complaints; 1.3UO do of Aue Cake, or Enlarged Spleen ; 1,5(10 do of Liver Complaint; 500 do of Scarlet Fever; 480 do of Typhus Fever; 310 do of Tuti id Sore Threat. Thi must appear almost incredible, but tbe numerous letters from physicians, agents, and those who use the ffiediclre, from ill the western snd southern State, satisfy us that this is a wtoderot estimate, and that our medicine is rapidly taking tbe place ef ths various (vgar-coated counterfeit! v, hirh are afloat, and ihe numer ous feme mixtures, made v. holly of quinine, which are imposed upon the public by manufacturers who live, nokodg knr rer I Dr. Uragg's famous ugar Coated Indian Queen Veeetut le Pill are of two hind tbe Cathartic and Tonic. Tbe Tonic pills are peculiarly adnpted to the quick and permanent core of Fever and Ague, torimr of tbe Liver, and general debility. It is in Fever and Ague, Chill Fever, &e., that they achieve their greatest triumphs. It rarely requires over twelve hours; or more than half a bos of the tonic pills, to break tbe chills and effect a permanent rure which is rarely th case with the tonic mixtures of quinine, hawk ed about the country by ignorant pretenders. Those who take the tonic pills will never forsake them. Who can wonder, then, that a medicine of such extensive popu larity, and extraordinary viiturs should cause Great excitemmt among the Doctors.' The prejudire of physicians against their use in at last giving way to tbe play ol reason, snd tbe conviction of every -day experience which they derive from their patients and friends who nse them. Doctors ar now almost every day sending order from every part of the country for a supply of these pills to use in their prac tice. Here is one all the way from the State of Mississippi, just receiv er!. Let doctor and the sick look to it, and hasten to procure a supply of this wonderlul Tonic : 6ucB Caove, Tirran Co., Mm , ( July 19th, mi. i To Dr. Bragg, St. Louie, Mietouri : Dear Sir I have to infirm you that I have used all one Tonic Pills, and therefore pray you to send me another supply immediate-, as there i much fever and ajrue within the bounds of my practice, and I hardly know bow to satisfy and cure my patients without them. I have thorousjhly tested yourTonir Tills in my this country, not only in chills and fever, but in real tyj-koidftrtr and have met with such success from their use, that I now find mysell at a great loss to get along without tbem. I consider them a creat blessing to the people of tbe west and south, anJ I am sat isfied that they are important in the cure ol more diseases than you recommend them for. Dont fail to forward ma a supply by mail, as quickly as possi ble, directed as above. Very respectlully, your. JAMES HODGES, M. D. fJT-For sale, wholesale snd retsi! by S. J. WADH and TOM LINSON BROTHERS, Indianapolis: H- E.GREEN. Browne burg; JOHN W. VAUGHAN, Pituborough ; CAVE J. CAR TER. Jamestown; B. SWEENEY, Rojlton; DAVID WOOD. FORD, Thorntown; LANE k SIOX. Lebanon ; PITZER fc WELSH. Esffte Village ; GRAFTON JOHNSON. Greenwood; MANVVAHINO It ADAMS, Franklin; N.D.ROBINS. Edin. barf ; EDWARD P. DAY. Slielbyville; LUDLOW It KENE DY. Marion; IRA BAYLEY, Freeport; H. PIERSON," Green field ; WM. SILVER. Pendleton; WILLIS G. ATHERTON, An.lersontown; J. HOCKET, Plain field; J. V. WALTON, Bridgeport ; W. J. UNCLES, Belleville. May S5th, 1847. epW&.SWlyC27is et i.e. vr ixcoisixexcy:: Physicians prescribe DR. ROGERS' LIVERWORT AXD TAR in the lart stares and the most hopeless cases of CONSUMPTION, after all other ircdicines have failed, as It has proved itself to be the most extraor linary medical aid in curing that disease. Now this medicine is as valuable ia th incipient sta-es, such as COUGH, COLDS, Itc, tiz-, when the Luns are not too far cone before ul ceration takes place. It is seldom or ever known to fail in break ing up the most distress n: Cou;h or Cold in a few hours time, if the directions are strictly followed. TheGEXUINEDR. ROGERS' LIVERWORT AND TAR, wb'ch makes so many wonderful cures, is ior sale at YVm. Hannsmiu's Drug store, in thi city. wholesale or retail. One Thing it Certain, that Wistar's Bals-ra of Wild Cherry is Tar the best remedy now used for all distressing conr,hand disease of the Lung. The cure being performed are rvaliy sstonisnmg the world. Dr. WisUr's eelebratrd preparation is wholly an - cent remedy being composed principally of ihe Wild Cherry, and extract of Pine ; coinbiurd by a (tew medical process, with tbe genuine Iceland Moss, another of Salute's great curatives for pul monary diseases. Beside its astonishing emeae) in the disrates above menlxme we also find it a very effectual remedy in Asthma, tbs complaint in which it has been extensively used with decided success, even ia ease of year standing. It not only emanate Iroin a regular physician but has beem well tested in all tbe complaints tor which it Is recommended. fjj See advertisement. 96 t. th. I,Ali:tt STILL! AT MATH E. W 'a may be round a line assortment oi staple an Fanev Drv Goods, choice Family Groceries, ltr which they are determined to sell at the lowest possible price lor cah bar- I ing purchased lor cash at low rate, they will not te undersold. 1 heir stoca coi'Sisis in pari 01 iu iulwio; tui;,iii; Dress Goods, tVr. French. Scotch, English, and American Cinghams ; Irish Poplin. Linen Uinchams ; Oregon Checks, Granadine ; Fancy Plaid and MoJs Berages ; Foolhari and Princess Plaid Silks ; Changable 'cLaines and Oxford PlaiJs ; Farcy Plaid and Figured Lawns, ate: Gingham, Lawna, and Chambray Ginghams ; Ham and Plaid Jaconets, Swiss Mull ; Vtctoiia India Book Muslins ; French, Enslith, and American Print ; Bro. French Linens : Black, Blue and Brown Holland ; 11-4 and 10 4 brown and bleached Sheetings ; 4-4 super. unblea-hed Muslins ; Fancy, Mode, Thibet and DrLaine Shawls; Fine Uerageand Cleopatra Shawls j 8emiiaMe Bonnet and Cap Trimmings : Linen Cambric, and Linen Handkerchiefs ; Cotton and Linen Bobin Thread, Jaconet, fcc.; SwiH Edsjingsand Inserting; Silk. Ingrain. Black oil dressed, bleached, mixed and trowa Hose, ssaortt-d Mises, do. ; Sup-r Kid and Kmoroiderea buk uioves ; Drees Button and Gimp ; Linen Tape, Braid and and Coronation Cord ; Parasol aud Ladies' Umbrellas ; Nankeens and Satin, Jeans ; French and Knglish bro. an.l check Linen. General varietv of aeasouable goods tor Gents, and Youths wear, and a complete assortment of fine Family Qrosaries, fcc. fcc. April 15. tr4H. too .'.mos wsw Instate f Jolm 3IcCrcaly, leroased. To U Heirs and Ural Representative! ef J OILS' McCREADT, lat of Bart Township , Lancaster CeiuUf, decerned. I ii f lie Sale. ?N pursnsneeof as order of tbe Orphans' Court of sa'd county, i.lL,i,ih.r mil mi ni rati rvf aaid deceased, will seH.oa Satur day the 27Ü. of May, Ii, at i o'clock, P. M.,at the public boua of Hannah timet. In Ihe village of Geirgetow n. In said township of Bart, for the ptyment 01 tne oeuts ot trie aecsasvn, a ma oi touw, in said iownhipcoutainingauouiveuiy sere, vim a LOG DWELL.1AC. snd a log barn thereon erected, wherrxif about fifleen arres are uh1 land and the remainder cleared, adjoining lands of Francis Valen tine. Win. Pickel, Cbriatiaa äherta and Samuel Banehmaa. JOHN HEIDKLBAUGII, Administrator of said deeeaasd. Lancaster. Pa., March S3, 1848. 99-3 wv I Lancaster Union. MEXICAN IVA IS. THE uSseriber basin rre and will shortly putilisn s "liters of the Mexican War." compnsing a complete history of all th operations ol lira Americnn army i Mrxico. v un tHocrapntral sketches ana snecoiae uie uium oiMinxuiKiieu uui vi .1 icf. hr arm vend the volunteer fores. Illustrated wild numerous o- . West. . , , . . . ti?-Ladie can have their iany cnris an.uf. wiu m.i elcgance.and to order. Whtn her hair r-oth curl Man rich and c banning; looks bar facv Than the Diamond set in Pearl. 100-y llegular Packel Un MADISOX TO CIXCIXNATI. In conn'clinn vilh the M. ti" . llatfrfiftä. rnHE new and i.lendid steamer TTISCONStN. T.T. Wrifbt, ii Master, will leav Madison every Monday. Wxlneslav. ad Friday, on the srrirnf of the cars at half past one o'clock, P. M and will leave Cucinaati every t'itesdy, Thursday and Saturday i at 12 o'clock, M. MADISON BELLE will leave MaJIson ererv Tueadsr, Thurs day, snd Saturday at Ii o'clock, '. MM ,nt will leave Citiriiissti every Monday. WeJnesdsy, atid Friday, at U o'clock, M. fassenger cowiar " v . i tt 1 1 uua ii gfr..i, w vantsge to tnk thi liaa of boafs, a they can alwaya be luroish it with a rood sia' room. Alio, in tominj from Cincinnati, and all intermediate ports, to take the tars, they will fnd tltis linn the cheapest, a ifcey cen remain on board r.U night fr of elargt A few more of Hie same sort left.' STtLF-fiANT Nee lie-worked Cait, tud deep loriep.d Csunbi U UdWf. lust received st A. K. DAVIDON.