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PERSONAL AND SOCIETY. Concluded from Fifth Pace. and ?avtd Ilostetter are now oa the way through, And one or two new petitions coming In each lodge juht. Tho new officers are doing excellent work. Marlon Jr. J. L.Lord is visiting at RuBhville....Wfllard Hall and P. M. Bean, of liogansport, shot with the Marion Gun Club on Thursday Charles L. Ratiiff has moved to St. Lawrence, D. T., where he will en gage in the practice of law.... Hon. S. P. Sherrin, of Indianapolis, was in town on Monday.... Dug Sallz- faber, of Chicago, is visiting Marion friends.... lisses Ada Berryman and Ida Roebuck, of Dolphos, O., were guests of O. D. McLeod on Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Flynn left on Thursday for Hot Springs. Ark., to be absent several months.... Rev. W. D. Weaver nreached at Bluffton last Sunday W. II. Adsit. of Washing ton. 111.. spent last Sunday with Tom Nottingham.. ..Mrs. Blanche Ilockcl has re turned from Kansas, after an absence of eight months Hon. J. P. Elliott, of Koko- mo, was in town Wednesday Mrs. Kittie Ward Leonard, the recent guest of Mrs. Samuel Wood, has returned to her home at Piqua, O.... Miss Grace Gold Ing entertained a company of friends on A ednesday evening in honor oi! her sixteenth anniversary... .Mrs. William Neal returned Thursday from an extended visit at Anderson Mrs. Belle Bryant, of Valparaiso, is visiting her brother, Dr. William Lomax Mrs. Lizrie Acker and daughter, of Michigan, are visiting- 'the family of Leo Beshore Miss Jennie Hunter has returned from a two weeks' visit at North Manches ter W. R. McMullen, of Anderson, and Ed Harter, of Wabash, were in Marion over Sunday!... Miss De 'ierht Sweetser spent Sunday in Wabash Misses Ktoblesville. Miss Pearl Goldthwaite. of Indianapolis, visited Miss .Sophia Levinson during the week. ...Dr. O. G. Pfaff and wife, of Indianapolis, spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Pfaff....S. G. Detcheon, of Craw fordsville. is visiting his sister, Mrs. Dr. Gernor.... Mrs. A. B Brown, of Richmond, returned to her borne on Thursday, efter a two-weeks' visit to her sis ter. Mrs. P. B. Pfaff Mrs. Kate Davis and Mrs. P. S. Wheelnr were at Indianapolis on Thursday Miss AddT3urii left for a California trip on Thursday--.. .The announcement in the early part of the week of the marriage, of Mr. Oat Underwood and 'Miss Lizzie Joseph was quite a surprise to many, but nil join in wishinsr them a pleasant voyage on the matrimonial sea.... The invitation concert, under the auspices of the Odd-fellows, was a pleasant occasion and a musical treat. Wm. Raymond is enjoying an extended trip thrcugh the Southern States Miss Anna Wey returned on Wednesday from a visit among friends at Logansport. ....Miss Vicie Graham, daughter of Hon. John A. Gra ham, city Mayor, was quietly married Wednesday evening to Frank M. Dozier, traveling auditor of the, Wabash, at the parochial residence, by the Rev. Pather Meisner. They left for St. Louis on a brief wedding trip. Only the immediate relatives were resent. ...Mrs. W. F. Daly is entertaining Mrs. Will Scott, of Chicago Miss Hattie Hackly : returned from New York Thursday Miss Bessie LaBonta and Anna O'Brion were in Fort Wayne this week Lynk Smith and "wife and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kissell attended the Brouse-Harvey welding at Kokomo. on Thursday Miss Rose Wil son entertained the parents of her scholars, on Wednes day evening, with a musical sociable. The entertain ment consisted of instrumental music by her class, singing by Morgan Harvey and reading by Miss Ahem. It was held at the residence of Mrs. Hen rietta Kartholl, on West tixth street.... A pleasant surprise party was had on Mrs. James Swift, on West Fifth street, on Friday evening. Ladies to the num ber of twenty participated. Kockville. Miss Lota Rice, dauchter of Dr. H. J. Rice, is very kick. ...Mrs. Ovorpeck, who lived with hor son ' Thomas, five miles south of Rockville, died at an ad vanced age Thursday afternoon. The deceased was the mother of George V. Overpeck. . . .Ralph Spraeue, who for many j-ears was the owner and conductor of the Bridget on flouring mill, died at his residence, eight miles east ' of here, Thursday evening. Ills deuth is mourned by. many.... Ol M. Batman and wife visited their relatives and friends near Bainbridge. last Sunday.... Mrs. Sarah Lambert was called to Tuscola, IU., Monday, on ao- count of the illness of her brother. . . .8. B. Maxley, of rShelbyville, Ky., returned home on Tuesday, after a leasant visit with his sister, Mrs. Dr. H. J. Rice.... Liss Millie Moore, who left here several years ago ind went West, was married to a Wichita, Kan., gen ileman on Wednesday. . ..Mrs. Susan N. Dooley, wife ef Rufus Dooley, died of consumption, at the family residence, on High street, Thursday night Frank M. Bryant and Miss Gertie Musser, daughter of ex , Sheriff J. R. Musser, were married on Thurs day afternoon, at half past 2 o'clock.... ' The newly elected officers of the Presbyterian Church .are: Deacons W. J. Boyd, E. 0. McMurtry, W. W. McCune; elders T. N. Rice, W. H. Hargrave: trustees John Ott. A. K. Stark, T. N. Rice, W. J. Boyd, J. B. Connelly, J. A. Allen. The members of this church are endeavoring to raise money with which to buy a parsonage, and think success is sure, as their efforts so far have been encouraged Samuel and Grace Farrow, of Greencastle, visited friends here this week. ....Rev. Kearns, of the Presbyterian Church, has been sick for several days with rheumatism Frank and Lena Darnall, of Putnam county, visited friends ''in Rockville this week Mrs. Charlie Hunnioutt and children are visiting relatives at Richmond, Ind.... 'The wife and children of David Strouse left Wednesday for a visit with Indianapolis friends E. C. McMurtry and wife paid Frankfort- friends a visit this week.... " Mike Pickard, who passed the examination for West Point, in this district, six months ago, over twenty applicants, came home Monday. He failed in his ex amination two weeks ago. In bis class were forty--tix who failed, among them a nephew of General Bragg. His failure was astronomy, which he bad never studied. He has made application for reap -pointraert.... Charles H. Tate, one of Rockville's wideawake young men, started Wednesday, for Omaha, Neb. He has secured a clerkship in the Commercial National Bank, of that city.... Capt. Gus Ford, of Terre Haute, was here Wednesday. He wa captain of Company A. Thirty -first Volunteers, and las a host of friends in Rockville. ...John V. Phillips, - agent of the Vandalia at this point, was united in mar riage with Miss Laura F. Overman, of Judson, Thurs day evening. They will reside in Rockville Mrs. fiarah A. Lambert is in Tuscola, 111., called there by the dangerous illness of an aged brother. . . .The Rev. Kerns, of the Presbyterian Church, is housed up on account of inflammatory rheumatism The Rock- -ille LigUt Artillery will give a ball and banquet on Washington's birthday, Feb. 22. It promises to be a pleasant rjfair The progressive eucnre club was en tertained at the residence of Samuel D. Puett, Mon day evening. The club will have its next contest at the home of James W. Dinwiddie, deputy treasurer. ....Lee Frybager left for Greenville. O., Saturday, to tarry two weeks with his parents. Harry Fickner has just returned borne from the same place where he has 'ueea visiting his father and mother. ' IlnahviUe. Miss Corinne Thrasher, of Irvington, is the guest f friends here". . . .Miss Edith Gordon, of Metamora, is th guest of Miss Cora Smith, on Harrison street. . L.. Miss Ella (rallager, of Madison, is visiting Mrs. John Scanlan. . . .Claude Cainborn will start this week on a tour cf the South for pleasure. ...Byron Mauzy . )lis returned from New York, and will soon depart for .bis home in San Francisco.... John Plough is enter tuining Dr. C. D. Moore, of Iowa.... Hon. J. J. Spann 'has been dangerously sick for several days, but ne is , slowly revring.. ..Hon. W. A. Cullen is on a pleas- r re trip in Arkansas Miss Lillie Lemons, of Rich. rnoTid. is tkeguebtof H. G.Hilligoss... .Wood Camp bell and wife are visiting friends in New York. Shelby villa. Miss Blanche Miller, of Indianapolis, spent last Sunday with Mixs Viotoria Hoop. . . Miss Blanche Rob itm left for Chicago on Monday last to permanently reside with her brother, Mr. Harry Robertson, for . Ttiarly of this place.... The Matinee Musicale (third division) rendered an interesting programme on Wmluesday aftemoon in the parlors ot the Presby terian Church The Ladies' Aid Society of the Presbyterian Church met with Mrs. Samuel Hamilton n Tuesday afternoon..... Mrs. George Girard enter tained Mrs. Joseph Earnshaw. of Indianapolis, last week Misses Stella and Lottie Green are visiting friends in Greencastle Miss Sara Levinson was tne guest of Mis Flo Hoover, cf St. Paul, last week. . . .Miss Hightower, who visited friends here last week, returned to her home in "Greensburg, Ind.. wsAVednesday evening . . . .OrviUe libihop and wife vi.iwft friends in North Vernon last week Misses Emma Senour and Laura Robins, who -were visiting Miss Knobe. of Franklin, Qturned home Tuesday last Miss Addie Dobie entertained a few firientis last Wednesday evoniner at-her home on West Washington street.... Dr. J. W.Matthews andwite, f Louisville, Ky., are the guests of Mr. and .Mrs. Will Major.... Mrs. M. 1L Goodrich and chil dren, of Detroit, Mich., formerly ot this city, vis ited relatives and friunds here the past week.... - Mrs. George Senour visited friends in Greensburg last week Miss Flo Hoover, of t. Paul, was here visit- ng relatives last week The Ladies' Foreign Mis sionary Society of the Presbyterian Church met at the residence of Mrs. F. C. bheldon, Friday afternoon. ....Miss Emma Ludiow entertained quite a number f her young friend at her home on "Zion's Hill," Thursday evening The members of the Kensineton Club formally received their friends, Thursday even ing, at the residence of Mrs. Will Major, on West Eroadway. Miniature toboggan cards were used as souvenirs of the entertainment. Among those from abroad were Dr. J. N. Matthews and wife, of Louis ville: Mr. Allen Mnchmore, of St. Louis, and Mr. John Toinlinson, of Indianapolis. ...Miss Vic Dennis (May Howard), the talented actress of this city, sailed last week from New York for London The German Club, of this city, will dance on Tuesday next in Sind- " lUiger's HalL . Terra Haute. Dr. Louis R. Warren has returned from Jackson fills. Fla., where he has been spendiug the winter on Kinmn iiamloy and Jennie uoggsnan nave remrnea to fountain City. ...Miss Lou Baldwin gave a taffy-pull- i . j r i- lug tO nur youug laujr incuus i: tiny otcuiuj. bis orange plantation.... Mrs. W. L. Kidder has crone to Hot Springs, Ark.... Harvey Huston, a promising younglawyer of Terre Haute, has removed to Nash ville, Tens., where he will engage in the real estate business. ...Miss Emma Boland is visiting frienc's in Dayton, O Edward Patterson has returned from a visit to his old home, Des Moines, la..... Martin Hol linger, of Las Vegas, N. M., is here visiting his family. Mist Laura Richardson left, this week, for Pitts burg, to make an extended visit with relatives.... Sen ator Voorhees and daughter and Miss Key left, Satur day, for Washington Mrs. Bayless W. Hanna came down from Crawfordsville Tuesday, to attend the funeral of Mrs. Voorhees... .C. W. Mitchell is vis iting his old home in Pennsylvania, and before return ing will visit the principal cities in the South. Wabash. N The Chautauquan Round Table met on Tuesday evening with Miss Ella McIIenry. . . .The Woman s Christian Temperance Union met on Tuesday after noon with Mrs. Bossier Walter Mrs. Felix Fon- geres entertained a number of lady friends at dinner on Thursday Mrs. H. J. Shirk, of Tern, visited friends here on Monday.... Mrs. Gardner, of Kalama zoo, Mich., is visiting her son, Morland Gardner, of this city Will Ford, of Kansas City, who has been spending a week with relatives here, returns home to morrow.... Miss Delight Sweetzer, of Marion, spent last Sunday with relatives in this city.... Mrs. T. L. Smith, of Huntington, visited her daughtet, Mrs. C. W. Davis, .several days the past week Miss Lou Weesncr, of Peru, visited friends in this city on Friday and Saturday Mrs. C. W. Stephenson entertained the Chautauqua Circle on Tuesday .evening, Feb. 1 Mr. W. K. Thurston, one of the oldest merchants of this city, will shortly remove to Marion, where he will engage in business.... The local lodge. Knights of Pythias, will give a reception at the Opera-house Rink on Washington's birthday.... Joe. S. Finney is visiting friends in Mansfield, O. . . .Will K. Snavelly, deputy county clerk, is visiting his mother and sister in Aichers, Fla. He will return about ieb. ISO An effort is being made to organize a branch Young Woman's Christian Tamoerance Union in this eity, with fair prospect of success Mrs. D. W. Lumaree is in Union City visiting friends Mrs. Ghas. C. Lumaree has xetumed from a pleasant visit to her parents in Fort Scott, Kan..... Mrs. Louis Hyman is visiting relatives in Dakota. ... Rev. Chas. Little, of tho Presbyterian Church, occupied the pulpit of the Presbyterian Church at Warsaw last Sunday Mrs J ohn A. Bruner entertained a party of lady friends at dinner on Saturday. Indiana University News. Rev. S. R. Lyons will deliver the address Sunday afternoon on the subject of "The Problem of Life." ... .It is stated that a professor iu rhetorio and elocu tion is soon to be added to the university. .. .Dr. Jor day has made arrangements for the following Sunday afternoon lectures next month: W. D. Hooper, city librarian, Indianapolis. "Books and Beliefs;" Rev. M. L. Haynes, pastor First Presbyterian Church, Indian apolis. "Darwinism and Christianity:" Prof. LaFol- lette, State Superintendent, on "Bribery in Politics;" Prof, W. A. Bell, editor Indiana School Journal, "Horace Mann" The W. C. T. U. has offered two prizes for the best essay on any of the following sub jects: "What Form of Temperance Legislation will be Most Effective in Indiana?" "HowCanlJe Best Attack the Saloon Interest in Indiana?" "What Shall We Do with the Drug Store in Indiana?" "The Relation of Temperance to the Political Situation of To-day?" The first prize will be books to the amount of $20; second, books to the amount of $10. to be selected by the successful contestants The Woman's Suffrage contest has been postponed for two weeks, owing to some misunderstanding. Under tho old judges D. K. Goss was given first place. In the future neither the judges nor the decision are to be known until the close 'of the contest. ...Dr. Jordan is now at Indian apolis, before the legislative committee having in charge the affairs of the university. He is much pleased with the prospects of the institution before that body Prof. Spanlar is already arranging to take a company of students to Europe to spend the summer.... Prof. Bryan, of the institution, is now in Berlin, Germany, taking a course in special work. THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. Areola. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Enos, of Hayes, HI., were guests of Areola friends last Sunday.... Miss Cornie iSylvester has returned from Peoria Mrs. Norm Moore, of Havana. 111., was a guest in this city this week.... Everett Trout is at Fontainette, Ind Ed Lowery, of Peoria. I1L, was a guest of Charles Kagey and wife last Sunday.... James Boone and Miss Anna Carter, of Hayes. 111., were guests of J. D. Louthan this week... .William O'Hare and son, of Bush ton, visited friends in this city this week . Miss Blanche Louthan. of Arthur, visited Mrs. J. D. Louthan and family this week. ...Misses Carrie and Cora Lindauer, Jacob Stein. D. M. Lindauer, all of Chicago, are guests of S. Stein, of Areola. ...Mrs. Stella Jones was a guest of her parents this week, in this city T. E. Wright, Misses Mattie and Mollie Keiley attended a party given by Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Dickson, of Mattoon, last week.... Mrs. W. W. Louthan, of Arthur, was called to Areola this week by sickness of her mother, Mrs. J. D. Louthan Miss Mattie Jones is in Charleston, the guest of Thomas Threlkeld and family. Champaign. Orville Davis was called to " Leesville, O., to attend the funeral of his grandmother last week Ed Locke, for many years a conductor on the Illinois Central, and who is now running on the A., T. & S. F. road, was married last week to a young lady in New Hamp shire.... George Galvin has assumed charge of the Illinois Central train-dispatcher's office in this city, and his family will arrive soon from Water Valley, Miss. ... Frank G. Henning. of Bement. visited his father. Professor Henning, Sunday.... Miss Eva Price, of Wapella, is a guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Bogardus Miss Nellie Nye has re turned from a visit near Leverett....Mrs. E. 0. Pat terson, of California, will speak on woman's labor question, at the opera-house, on Sunday afternoon. ... Miss Mary and Master Artie Howard departed, this week, for .Florida. Miss Porter, who has been visit ing in Cincinnati, will join them there.... J F. Grove, of Fisher, and Miss Mary A. Reed were married in this city on Tuesday.... Dr. W. H. MeGranaghan, of Peoria, is visiting his son. Dr. T. G. MeGranaghan, in this city.... A. P. Cunningham is in Washington, D. C. Charleston. Mrs. Evaline O'Hair, of Edgar county, is a guest of Mrs. A. N. Swango....Ben Straley and wife, of St. Louis, are guests of A. H. Hobbs and family.... Miss Mattie Jones, of Bourbon, is a guest of Mrs. Thomas Threlkeld Mrs. Will Randolph, of Mattoon. visited her mother, Mrs. Hutchason, Sunday. . ..Mrs. Sam Cooper is home from Ifloomington, III.... Jesse Lee and fam ily will soon visit Prof. T. J. Lee and wife, at Loxa. ....Mrs. Susan Spenee, of Pleasant Grove, la., is visiting Charleston friends.... A. H. Prevo and John Shoot and wife left for Birmingham, Ala., Monday. . . . .Mrs. John Woods, who is sick at the home of her mother, in Peekskill, N. Y., is reported better Felix Blankenbaker, D. L. Wing, of Springfield. was in the city Tuesday.... Francis Popham has returned from a visit to his pari ents in Knox county. Ohio The C. L. S. 0. met with Mrs. William Stoddert on Saturday evening..., George Sef ton and wife were called to Ohio, on Sun day last, to attend the funeral of Mrs. S.'s father. ... George Lee has returned from Texas Mayor Patton visited in Crawtord county last week Mrs. K. S. Hodgen is a guest of Mrs. George Parker, in St. Louis. Effingham. Miss Lillie Habing. of Indianapolis, is visiting friends in this city.. "..Mrs. Jennie Baldwin, of Au gusta, Kan., is a guest of O. C. Barber B. B. Will iams, of Mason, passed the Sabbath in this city . ... Miss Pink Messer. of Mattoon. was a sruest of Mr. Joe Haselton. on Sunday Mrs. Harry Heao. of Mattoon, attended the ball. Friday evening, and was a guest of Mrs. Joe Partridge Miss Stella Loy has gone to Oldenburg, Ind., to attend school... TMiss Mamie Denton, one of the belles of Paris, attended the ball in this city, Friday evening J. C. White who left this city two weeks ago for California, is stopping at the residence of his brother, in New Mex ico, in feeble health.... Mr. and Mrs. George Sliger will receive their friends Feb. 5, 2 to 10 P. M., on the occasion of their fiftieth wedding anniversary. Green np. Mrs. J. W. Michaels is now postmistress at Johns town. ...Miss Minnie Meeker visited in Terre Haute last week Miss Lou Couzet visited in Toledo last week Charles Yargo will soon ko West to prospect. Miss Miller, of Neoga, has been a guest of Mis. D. Humphrey the past week.... Mrs. Dr. Roberts, of southern Kansas, is a visitor in Greenup Sam Kingan and Miss Bee Tucker were married at the home of the bride's parents, in this city, last Thursday evening. Marshall. . Ben Legore went to Paris on Thursday, and. with Dick Payne, of that city, started West on a surveying trip, under the charge of H. A. Schanecke Miss Mattie Manley, of Terre Haute, spent Thursday and Friday with Marshall friends. ...Miss Lizzie Dulaney has been spending the last few days in Frankfort, Ind., with relatives.... Miss May Emerson went, to Terrs Haute on Friday to spend a few days with Miss Mattie Manley and other friends. . ..Valentine King visited friends in Decatur last week Miss Fannie Robinson went to Decatur last Tuesday.. ..William Miller and Mrs. Mary Young, of Neoga, were here hist week the guests of John IL Miller and wife. ...Mrs. Samuel Schmachtenberger, of Terre Haute, is spending a few days with her many friends in Marshall Mrs. Delance Cole was in Martinsville sevc ral days of last week, the guest of her sister, Mrs. Dr. Burner Mrs. E. J. Hughes, her son Charlie, and Miss Eila Hennessee went to Evansville, Friday, to attend tho funeral of William Hughes John Miller and wife spent a part of last week in Martinsville, with relatives.... Miss Flora Mslone, of Fairfield, has been spending several day with the family of C. W. Wright. ...Miss Laura Arbuckle was home from Robinson to spend last Sat urday and Sunday with her parents Miss Annie Mitchell, of Terre Haute, has been in Marshall for a week past, the guest of her brother, Dr. O. Mitchell. Mattoon. ' Mrs. Bowyer, of Paris, 111., is a guest of her son, in this city.... Miss Hattie Brown, of Flora, III., is the gnest of her sister, Mrs. Dr. Anderson Mrs. Mary Fallon celebrated her seventy-ninth birthday Friday. . . . .Mrs. R. A. Trader and son Robbie are home from Washington, D. 0 . . . .T. A. Allen and wife are visiting in Evansviile, Ind..... J. Snow and wife have gone to Kansas.... Mrs. S. F. Wright has returned from Milwaukee. . . -M. Budwig and wife attended the wedding of Gussie Woolner. in Peoria, this week; also, the wedding of another friend in Chi cago.... Mrs. Ira Powell is visiting at Minneapolis, Minn.... Rev. O. S. Thompson made a business visit to Duluth the past week.... Rev. Peter Wallace, o Saybrook, 111., preached in the M. E. Church, on Wednesday evening Dan Sayer, of Chicago, was in Mattoon Thursday..... Chas. Alshuler, of Racine, Wis., and Harry Alshuler, of Aurora, I1L, are visiting their uncle, M. Alshuler. ....Mrs. M. Alshuler and nephews are visiting in Terre Haute.... Mrs. J. W. Hanna and daughter Clara visited in Neoga this week.... Miss A. Doman, of Areola, visited Mrs. Geo. Currens on Wednesday. ....A pleasant M. E. Church social was held at the residence of Rev. J. B. Wolfe on Friday evening.... Mrs. May," Steele, of Terre Haute, was the guest of Mrs. Jesse Sumerlinthe past week Capt. A. D. Keller, a State-house policeman, at Springfield, vis ited friends in Mattoon and Indianapolis the past week. . . .H. E. Holmes has returned from Birming ham, Ala.... Misses Lou Francis, Jennie Mulford, May Weaver and Minnie Granger, and Messrs. New ton, Coddington, Horn, Francis Copen, Fulchen, Len hart, Scott, Moore and Kean attend a pleasant social dance at Charleston Thursday evening J. O. McClellan was cajied to Ohio by the serious ill ness of his mother.... Mrs. T. R. Clegg accompanied L N. Gibbs and wife on their visit to Natchez, Miss. Miss Edna Snelson, of St. Louis, after a pleasant visit in Mattoon, has gone to Indiana to visit friends. Miss kmma Wardell, of Tuscola. 111., is a guest ot Miss Birdie Kern Miss Daisy Clark, of Indianapo lis, is a guest of Miss A. E. Keiley Major W. B. Dunlap called upon Paris friends Thursday.... Tom Kendall is home from Ohio. . Fans. Mrs. William Rosa attended the wedding of her cousin. Miss Lula Anderson, and Richard Owincs at Owaneco, this week Miss Jennie McKoy is in Chi cago, receiving music and elocution instructions.... Rev. J. B. Wolf, of Mattoon, conducted revival serv ices at the M. E. Church in this city this week.... Miss Nora Foltz, of St. Paul, Minn., was a guest of friends in this city this week.... Mrs. Denton. of Millersville, is visiting Miss Mary Perry in this city.... Charles Eichelberger, of Danville, is visiting in Pana Wm. Ketchem and Miss Emma Scheer were married at the residence of the bride's parents, Jan. 25, by Rev. N. A. Auld Mrs. Ed Armold is visiting her parents, Dr. McShea and wife, in Owaneco.... Miss Nellie Murry has returned from an extended visit in Ohio. Mr. R. Shoemaker and Miss Lena Sprague were married at Areenta on the 19th. . . .Mrs. G. H. Sallee is visiting in this city.... J. A. Race ac companied bis daughter, Miss Love, to Jacksonville, this week, where Miss Love will attend college.... Rev. H. S. Black conducted the funeral services of Miss Carrie Burrus, at the residence of Wm. Barnett, Sunday afternoon Mrs. Robert Ben nett has returned to her home, in Kalamazoo, Mich. Miss Dode Fairbrother, of Terre Haute, is a guest of Mrs. Frank Brown Mrs. Dr. Patton entertained a number of friends Tuesday evening. Paris. A. L. Walker, of Louisville, TIL, was in the city last week C. W. Levings. of Olmstead, 111., was in the city last week Mrs. Henry Van Sellar starts for Washington, D. C, next week, to make a visit with friends.... Mesdames Arnold and Her z, of Terre Haute, visited Mr. and Mrs. Hamburger last week. ... Jack Lawrence. Commissioner Black's private secreta ry at Washington, was in Paris on Saturday.... Mrs. C. P. Hitch and daughter Lucy have gone to Austin. Tex., to visit friends and relatives. ...Misses Nora and Bessie Russell, accompanied by their guests. .Misses fcrnma .taton and Anna Mcuowell, were in Terre Haute on Wednesday Mr. Morton and fami ly, of Assumption, 111., are visiting Captain Swisher and f ami ly....W. II. Levings and wife, of Minneapo lis, are in the city, called here by the death of Mrs. Levings's father. Rev. R. D. Van Deur sen.... Miss Nellie Pearson, who has been visiting Professor Wil son's family, has returned to her home in Hamilton, O....Mr. and Mrs. Charles Allen, of Greencastle, vis ited relatives here last week. Shelbyvillfl. Miss Ida Marks is teaching in public school-room No. 5, in the place of Miss Alice Andes, who is sick. .Misses Maggie Furguson and Sophia Pitts, of Alton, 111., are guests of N. F. Brown and family.... Mr. Morrell and wife, of Mat toon, spent Sunday with Shelby ville friends.... H. J. Hainlin left on Monday for Pottsdam, N. Y., to attend the funeral of his mother.... Mrs. N. B. Couch fell and broke a limb, on Monday.... Dr. Floyd Jones, who visited Mrs. Jackson and son. has returned to Springfield, III.... A. Wortheimer, of Pana, visited with Max Kle;.man and family on Sunday.... Dr. and Mrs. Aldridge, of Windsor, were guests of Shelbyville friends Sunday. ...Mrs. J. S. Stewart is visiting in Taylorville Miss Laura York is in the city, a guest of her sister, Mrs. T. E. Ames.... Mrs. B. M. Hopkins has gone to Oxford, O., to visit her daughter, Georgie, who is sick.... Miss Jennie Trower is 6ick at Glendale, O., where she is attending school Morris Cattlow and wife, as sisted by friends, celebrated the seventeenth" anni versary of their marriage Tuesday Charles Raesslor and wife, have departed for Newton, Kan., to reside ... .Mrs. Chauncey Stetson, of Terre Haute, is tie gnest of Mrs. M. Bivins Miss Nellie Cook will re main in Texarkana, Tex., till April. Sullivan. Miss Ella Rush has returned to her home, at Fern Creek, Ky., after visiting her uncle, J. M. Cummins, and other friends for several weeks.... Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Lowe, of Lake City, visited Sullivan friends this week.... Miss Aussie Roanne entertained a party of young folks Wednesday evening. . . . W. G. Patterson, of East St. Louis, is visiting Sullivan friends.... Miss Agnes Fleming, of Forest, is visiting her father in this city Misses Addie and Birdie Bobbins, of Windsor, were guests of the Misses Frazer over Sun day. ...Mr. and Mrs. N. O. Smyser visited Decatur friends this week.... Harry Thompson, of Carlinville, ca'led on Sullivan friends last week. . . Mat Taylor visited friends at Williamsburg this week"... Miss Olie Hall, of Mattoon, spent Sunday at home. . . . C. W. Everett, of Weldon. and Mrs. Ida Everett, of this city, were married on Wednesday at the residence of C. -L. Everett by Rev. W. F. Gillmore Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Malloy, of Paris, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Jenkins.... Mr. Hanks and daughter, of Peoria, who have been guests of Mr. Thunemaim and family, have returned to Peoria. Toledo. Tip Connor visited in Mattoon on Friday.... Bud Norveil has gone to Missouri Miss Osborn, of Ler- na, was in the city the past week, assisting in the re vival work at the churches Elder Black expects to start on a visit to California soon.... Judge Wilshim er, of Neoga, was a visitor in the city the past week. . Attorney J. W. Humphreys, forme. !y a resident of Toledo, is now prospering at Wichita, Kan. Tuscola. A. B. Flickenger, of Hardin county, Ohio, was a guest of bis brother-in-law, J. J. Knox, this week. . Henrv Martin has returned from an extended visit with bis parents in Muneie, Ind Mrs. Sarah Lam bert is a guest of her brother, Caleb Richards J. P. Hill visited at Blue Mound Thursday. . . .Miss Lizzie Carroway was in Cbrisman Tuesday Harry Reeves, of Garrett, called on Tuscola friends this week Mrs. Carrie Russell has returned from a month's visit with her mother at Hannibal, Mq A. A. MeKee and wife attended the Sloan-Blackwell wedding at Crawfordsville. Ind., Tuesday.... Miss Helen Richards, of Decatur, spent Sunday with her parents in this eity Mrs. J. G. Lumpscom has returned from Decatur P. 0. Sloan, well known in Douglass county, was married at Craw fordsville, Ind., to Mrs. Jennie Blackwell, sister of Mrs. G. W. Smith, of this city. Urban a. Mrs. J. C. Denton was called to Indianapolis by the serious illness of her daughter, Mrs. Josie Nichols. ... Mrs. D. C. Robinson, of Albion, N. Y., is visiting her daughter, Mrs. M. A. Corey ... .C. L. Burpee has re turned from a tour of the West Miss Kittie Sherer, of Havana lib, is dsi ting Mrs. J. Caldwell.... Mrs. Mollie Anderson and Lou Williams are in Indianapolis. Windsor. A birthday surprise was given Hon. T. N. Henry last Saturday. He was fifty years of age Miss Hattie Riggs, well known to Windsor people, is seri ously ill at her home in Decatur. . . .Mrs. A. A. Rick- etts visited in Charleston last week Mrs. L. A. Gould gave a pleasant euchre party Saturday evening. Mrs. J. H. Potter was the guest of Sullivan friends Wednesday Miss Amanda Rider has returned home to Fairfield. Ill T. W. Jones, of Princeton. Ind., is a guest of his brothers in this city.... A. O. Harrison has gone to Indiana to visit friends RevI Barber assisted in the C. P. revival meeting, at Mattoon, this week. Escape of Convict Kelly. Jkffeksonyille, Ind., Jan. 29. Harry Kelly, aged twenty-seven, the 6lickest convict incarcer ated in the Prison South, escaped yesterday after noon. Kelly decided upon his plan of escape, and quietly began working his way into the gar rett of the old cell-house. Here he lowered the top sash of a window, pulled himself out and on the roof, where he crawled to the window of one of the guard's rooms. After reaching that point Kelly divested himself of the stripes and donned a new suit of clothing belonging to a guard. Dressed thus, Kelly boldly walked to the main door leading from the prison, where he ap proached the captain of the watch, who turned the latch and permitted him to walk out, think ing he was an employe. Relly bad served two terms in the Indiana northern penitentiary, and is a tough case. Ha is still at large. George Dteb, the watch-maker and en graver, will be pleased to see his friends at Alarcy, "The" Jeweler's, FACTORY OR HOUSEHOLD BY THE CAE OR CART-LOAD, A.B.M JACKSON. PITTSBURG. WINIFREDE, PEACOCK, PIEDMONT, BLOCK, CRUSHED AND GAS COKE, LEAVE 11 North Pennsylvania street, 2 East Washington street, 201 South Delaware street. A. B. MEYER & CO Tree Oat-Door Exhibition at the Casino. Professor Weitzman, the noted Russian wire walker, will give a free exhibition in front of the Casino at 12 o'clock noon, Monday, Jan. 31, and every day thereafter during the week. BasHnBaBBSMBasHsnaaaMBnaaBH DljED. CLARKE Friday morning, at 6:10 o'clock, Alfred D. Clark, aged forty-eight years and nine months. Funeral from residence, 121 North Mississippi street, on Monday, Jan. 31, at 2 p. m. Friends in vited. JEFFERSON Anna Theresa Jefferson, aged twen ty-seven years, three months and twenty-two days, at the residence of her uncle, Thomas F. Quill, 360 East Morris street. Funeral on Sunday, at 2 o'clock p. m., from St. Patrick's Church. Friends invited. OTTT? "DTPCirn Advertising in the country KjIJlJIiJA. L JCjO L is among the Wants, For Bales, etc, of the INDIANAPOLIS DAILY JOUR NAL, at only FIVE CENTS PER LINE each inser tion. If you have any fSrms or property to disposa of this will ailord you a very easy and cheap agency. ' Iry it. Winter Exposure Causes Coughs, Colds, Pleurisy, Rheumatism. Pneumonia, Neuralgia, Sciatica. Lumbago, Backache and other ailments, for which Benson's Capcine Plasters are admitted to be the best remedy known. They relieve and cure in a few hours when no other application is of the least benefit. Indorsed by 5,000 Physicians and Druggists. Beware of imitations under similar sounding names, such as "Capsicum," "Capucin," or "Cansicine." ASK FOB Bexson's akd tazk KO OTHKBS. Examine care fully when von buy. All druggists. SEABURY & JOHNSON, Proprietors, New York. FOR THE YOUR CHURCH SERVICES. United Brethren. UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH ON OAK ST., between Cherry and Vine streets. Services ev ery Sabbath at 10:30 a. m. and 7;30p. m. Sabbath school at 2:30 p. m. Class-meetnig at 9 a. m. and 6 p. m. Weekly services Class-meeting on Tuesday evening at 7:30; general prayer-meeting on Wednes day evening at 7:30. Services conducted to-morrow, morning and evening, by evangelist. A. C Rice, pas tor. JLNNOUNCEMENTS. MRS. THOMAS'S DANCING ACADEMY, WHEN Block. Hall to rent for dances. "VTADAME BYRAN, FORTUNE-TELLER, 116 jJJl. Massachusetts avenue (second floor). Room 9. DR. J. J. GAR VER .OFFICE 126 NORTH ME ridian street; residence, 824 North Pennsylvania street. ROCKY MOUNTAIN SALVE THE ONLY CURE that positively restores loss of smell and hear ing, as well as weak and distorted eyes. A positive cure for Catarrh, or money refunded! Price, $ 1 per box. Office, 32 Circle street, Indianapolis, Ind. MUSICAL AND LITERARY ENTERTAIN ment will be given by Mrs. Lucia Jnlia Martin, the elocutionist, and the Mendelssohn Trio, composed of Miss Lee Tiramons, Miss Georgia Timmons and Mr. Edwin S. Timmons, at the Sixth Presbyterian Curch. corner of Union and MeCarty streets, on Feb. 1, 1887. Admission Adults, 20c; children, 10c THE ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL (STEWART Place) Under the new management the St. Nicholas Hotel, in the Stewart Place, will be formally opened with a grand dinner, to-day. The' menu will be elegant and substantial, and includes venison, tur key, and all the best the market affords. The bouse has been remodeled, and the rooms will be ready for occupancy in a few days. This hotel will be run on both the European and American plans, and promises to be one of the most successful in the eity. - jSTRAYED. STRAYED FROM LEWARK'S STABLES BAY mare, bliad in left eye; had on saddle, but no bridle. Information wanted at Lewark's stables, Pearl street, roc- of Occidental hotel. EYER c o A A &C0 RAYMOND, SUNDAY CREEK, HIGHLAND, ANTHRACITE, STEAM SLACK, STEAM NUT, ORDER 298 Christian avenue, 450 Forth Mississippi street, 2 Indiana avenue. TYPE-WRITER. Manufactured by STANDARD TYPE -WRITER M'F'G CO.. Iliox N. Y. Successors to E. Remington & Sons. TJnequaled for simplicity, durability, speed and ease of manipulation. t WYCKOFF, SEAMANS & BENEDICT, 84 East Market St., Indianapolis, Ind. THEO. DIETZ, COURT-HOUSE MAT MEET, 147 Esist Washington St., Keeps only the choicest quality of fresh and salt meats constantly on hand. Beef, veal, pork, lamb, mutton, bologna sausage, Wienerwurst sausage Frankfort sausage, Holstein sausage, summer sausage, fresh pork sausage, liver sausage, blood sausage, bead cheese sausage, pressed oorn beef, bud, hams, shoal ders, bacon. rmsTADono's hats PI E In the best; acts instan. taneonsly, troduclnjr the most natural shades of Blaalc, or Brown; does not stala the kin aud is easily applied. Price, tl. 0BI3TATprtO'S n A T PRKSKRVATIVB AMD BEAUTlf IEft Is theses? d ressing for tue hair. Try it. Price. SI. J. Caisrasoao. 95 William treet, N. Y. Interesting pamphlet sent free. DRUNKENNESS XxoLMto-xxtly Ourod. Dr.IIaines' GOLDEN SPECIFIC ittmtttntly destroys all appetite for alcoholic liquors. It can be eereffv administered la coffee, tea or any article of food, even in liquor itself, with never failing results. Thousands have been cured, who to-day believe they quit drinking of their own free will. Endorsed by everybody but saloon keepers. Address la confidence, GOLDEN SPECIFIC CO., 135 Race St, Cincinnati, 0. TYPE WRITERS, miki: bought, sold or exchanged on most liberal terms. Good machines for sale at half flrstcoett XaUoaal Tjp-WrHr Kxehaaf, 149 LaSall BlCUeaf AUCTION SALE. YALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION On Thursday, Feb. 3, at 2 o'clock p. m., on the premises, we will sell at public auction a two-story brick house, No. 233 College avenue, ten rooms, gas, slate roof, stone foundation, cellar cistern, well, wood-house and stable, lot 42x135. This property is in good condition. Parties wanting to purchase a first-class home will have no better opportunity. Terms very easy. Title perfect. W. E. MICK St CO. AUCTION SALE, TO THE TRADE. OF No tions. I will sell, rt my rooms, 74 East Court street, on Wednesday morning, February 2. at 10 o'clock, a nice, clean, fresh stock, consisting of thirty . dozen whalebone and other whips, stockings and socks, table linen looking-glasses, base-balU, millinery guods, buttons, handkerchiefs, lines and cotton tow els and toweling, thread and silk, suspenders, laces, ribbons, jewelry, scarf-pins, common piua pocket books, seventy-five doien striped cotton stockings, aud, many other articles, too numerous to mention. A. L. HUNT, Auctioneer.