4 THE DAILY JOURNAL WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1897. V sshir.gton Oifice— l£tl i ( nnr,> Ivania Avenue t>lephon tails. Business Office 238 ! Editorial Rooms...A 85 TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY BY MtwL. Daily only, one mor.lh $ .70 Il&lly only, three months 2.00 Daily only, one year Daily, including Sunday, one year 10.% Sunday only, one year 2.00 WHEN FURNISHED BY AGENTS. Daily, per week, by carrier 15 cts Sunday, slnade copy 5 cts Daily and Sunday, per week, by carriers....2o cts „ WEEKLY. Per year SI.OO Reduced Kitten to Club*. Subscribe with anv ot our numerous agents or •end subscriptions u> 'itiid INDIANAPOLIS JOURNAL, Indinmi polls, Ind. Persons sending the Journal .hrough the mails In the I nited States snould put on an eight-page paper a ONE-* ENT postage stamp; on a twelve or sixteen-page paper a TWO-GENT postage • lamp. Foreign postage is usually double these rates. All communications intended tor publication in this paper must, in order to receive attention, be Accompanied by the name and address ot the writer, it it i desired that rejected manuscripts returned, postage must in all cases be inclosed tor that purpose. THE INDIANAPOLIS JOURNAL .Can be found at the following places: NEW YORK—Windsor Hotel and Astor House. UHI* ’AGO— Palmer House and P. O. News Cos., 217 Dearborn street. CINCINNATI—J. It. Hawley & Cos., 154 Vine street. LOUISVILLE—C. T. Peering, northwest corner of Third and Jefferson streets, and Louisville Book Cos., 256 Fourth avenue. 6T. LOUlS—Union News Company, Union Depot. Washington, and, c.—Higgs House, Ebbitt House, Willard's Hotel and the Washington News Exchange, Fourteenth street, between Penn, avenue and F street. The Bryanites are forced to admit that prosperity has come, but they comfort themselves with the hope that it will not last long. They will be disappointed in this, also. Many Northern cities are doing a great deal of street paving, but Indianapolis is the only one that seems to be “mashed” on block pavement. Creosote is a very fetching argument with some people under some, circumstances. If the new American Railway League ad heres to the platform of consulting the best interests of employers as well as em ployes in the railroad business there will be no room in it for labor agitators or walking deelgates. A special cable from Spain declares “on the highest private diplomatic authority” that the present Spanish Ministry will go out within two weeks and a Liberal Minis try come in. That will mean a radical change in the Cuban policy. The prompt and vigorous action of the medical authorities of Louisiana and of the United States regarding the supposed out break of yellow fever in that State shows that the public welfare in respect to epi demics is intelligently and vigilantly guarded. If William J. Bryan could read a Demo cratic newspaper he would not go about the country talking about falling prices and that falling prices will affect wages ere long. The papers are full of the story of Improving prices and larger demand upon which prices depend. Real estate is always the last thing to feel the effects of better times, but agents and dealers report increasing inquiry and a general bracing up of the market. Note and bond brokers and investment agents also report a decided increase in invest ments, both permanent and speculative. Confidence Is growing. - ■> ■ ■ ' All the trade centers report more and heavier orders from country merchants than for some, years past. Knowing that the farmers will expend much of their prof its from this year’s crops in farm improve ments and “bettering up” their families, the retail merchants of the agricultural dis tricts are doubling their orders. Interest in the Luetgert trial in Chicago now centers in the prospective testimony of a witness who will swear that he met and had a talk with Mrs. Luetgert in New York after the night when she is supposed to have been murdered. Counsel for the defendant say that this will clear him, while the prosecuting attorney says he will prove the story a fabrication. Mr. Harding’s speech delivered in the First ward last night, and printed in this issue of the Journal, is a ringing key-note for the Republican municipal campaign. It deals exclusively with city affairs and in very vigorous fashion. No one can read the speech without being convinced of Mr. Harding's honesty of purpose, strong con victions and ability to administer the city government on the line of progress and reform. Chicago papers are protesting against the extravagance of the School Board, In its annual report, just issued, the superintend ent sets forth that the city needs forty-one new school buildings, which will cost $2,545,- (XO. To meet this want he proposes that the city shall borrow $2,000,000, and then that an additional tax of $1,500,000 shall be levied for the purchase of sites and for building schoolhouses to provide for the annual in crease of the city's population. The theory of city school boards generally seems to be that the chief end of man is to be taxed for the maintenance of an ever-growing and in creasingly ornamental school system. While Mr. Bryan is traveling about the country trying to revive the free-silver corpse the farmers of Nebraska are re joicing over the best crops they have had for years and are paying oft the mortgages which Bryan said last year never could be paid without free silver. The Nebraska wheat crop this year is estimated at 30,- 000,000 bushels. If the farmers had sold this quantity of wheat on Aug. 19, 1896, at the top quotation for September delivery, they would have received $16,575,000 in gold or its equivalent, with which they could have bought, at that time, 24,562,500 ounces of silver. The same crop sold on Aug. 19, 1897, at the top price for September delivery would have bought $26,962,500 in gold or its equivalent, which would have purchased 50.786.000 ounces of silver. With such facts as these before them the Nebraska farmers will not be fooled again by Mr. Bryan. It is said that I'ostmaster General Gary is strongly in favor of the establishment of the postal savings bank system and will urge it in hie annual report. He has been In correspondence with the postal authori ties of other countries and has accumulated a large amount of matter relative to the operation of postai savings banks elsewhere which he will use as an argument in favor of their establishment in the United States. The conditions in this and other countries are so radically different that ar argument drawn from that source is apt to be mis leading. Almost every country town in th United States has oue or more banks of deposit, besides which there ai*e a great number of savings banks and building as sociations which absorb the savings of the people. It is doubtful if there is any need of a postal savings bank in this country, and it would certainly prove a costly ex periment. THE NORTH EASTERN PARK. Three or four months ago the citizens of the First and Second wards were stirred up over the discovery that the $350,000 which had been borrowed to construct the park system had been expended before reaching the desirable lands in the northern portions of those two wards. In their indignation tne people of those wards fell upon the Bark Commission, but soon ascertained that un der the Taggart regime the commission had little to do in deciding on the lands which were to be bought. They found that two tracts having no connection with the park system had been purchased to insure Demo cratic votes in the Council to carry the loan through that body, that $50,000 had been set aside for the payment of labor and ma terials to be used in the park, and that the remainder of the money, about. $280,000, had been set apart to purchase some parts of the White river bottoms and land on Fall creek. A committee went to the mayor. It found him enthusiastic for the extension of the system over the proposed territory in the northeast. His smile was never more engaging than on this occasion, and if h'e did not convince every member of the com mittee that he was more enthusiastic for the northeast project than any of them it was not his fault. It would not have been a difficult thing for the mayor to have had the $50,000 which had been diverted from its true purpose by the Council, with his knowledge and probably his consent, placed where it could have been used for the purchase of the lands north of Wards 1 and 2. But he did nothing of the kind. He hoped to have this money to expend for labor before the election in October on a portion of the pro posed system before its limits had been determined. Failing to bring this scheme about, it occurred to Mr. Taggart and his friends to hang up the park enterprise un til the courts should decide upon the con stitutionality of the creation of the Bark Board. There the matter stands. There will be money to purchase the detached lots and the bottoms in which certain Democrats are interested, while the $50,000 is where the mayor and his board can proceed to expend it upon a much-talked-of boulevard. If the people of the First and Second wards propose to have any share in the matter they should, before or at the elec tion, bring Thomas Taggart to terms. Even now he could have his Council rescind its vote appropriating the $50,000 for labor and have it set aside for the purchase of terri tory in the northeast, as money has been set aside for other purchases. If this is not done before the election, the people of those wards will find themselves being laughed at after the election. The better way is to make sure of the defeat of Thomas Tag gart. THE DIIEIBL Nil. It does not take much to set the nicely adjusted scales which preserve the balance of power in Europe moving one way or an other. A few days ago it was the ostenta tious display of friendship between Russia and France, then it was a speech of the German Emperor, and now it is one by King Humbert of Italy. It was to be ex pected that the recent demonstration of friendship between Russia and France would be followed by anew exploitation of the Drelbund or triple alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy. This is not the first time that such a dem onstration has caused the triple alliance powers to show themselves in evidence. Originally formed as a bulwark against the domination of Russia in Europe, it has never failed to assert itself when occasion required. It was formed between Germany and Austria-Hungary in 1879, and Italy joined it in' 1882. This alliance expired in 1887, when anew one was secretly con cluded. It stipulated that if either Austria or Germany, without being the aggressor, were attacked by Russia the combined mili tary forces of the two empires would move against that power; if France should at tack either Germany or Italy she would be opposed by both those powers acting in common; and if France and Russia should combine to assail one or more of the powers in the triple alliance the entire military and naval strength of all three would be called into immediate action. The existence of this alliance has been a con tinual source of irritation to both Russia and France since its terms first became known, and the recent ostentatious demon stration of friendship between them was probably intended as a sort of feeler to ascertain if it was still in full force. Fol lowing immediately after this demonstra tion comes the announcement that Emper or William has congratulated King Hum bert of Italy upon the stability of the Drelbund and that the King had responded in what was thought a rather equivocal tone. The declarations were made in the form of speeches at a banquet given by the Emperor to the King, in Hamburg. The dispatch says: In proposing the toast to King Humbert Emperor William said: “My army thanks your Majesty for the honor of your leading a corps in the re view. but not only my army, but the whole German fatherland greets in your Majesty an exalted prine'e a close friend of my father and a true ally, whose presence again shows us and the world how unshakable and firm stands the Dreibund, which was founded in the. interest of peace, and which, the longer in lasts, will more firmly and more, deeply strike its roots into the minds of the people and bear fruit accordingly. King Humbert in toasting the Emperor replied in French. He said: I am glad of the opportunity to give you fresh testimony of the cordial friendship and alliance between our governments and states. Your Majesty has set your reign a noble task by devoting your constant efforts toward peace, the maintenance of which, by agreements, will end in the unan imous wish of our governments and also in my most ardent desires. 1 think I shall al ways remain faithful to my country's mis sion by giving loyal support to the accom plishment of this work—the greatest and most beneficial of all for the welfare of na tions and the progress of civilization. The speeches are worth careful reading as showing how Kings and Emperors fence with words. That of the Emperor is a strong bid for an equally strong declara tion from King Humbert, while that of the latter is somewhat guarded. It ce-rtainly does not place the maintenance of the triple alliance above all other things, and seems to hint that there may be other ends of even greater importance to Italy. It is likely, however, that the Dreibund will con tinue, for it is a natural alliance and has done good work in preserving peace in Europe. The following is from an article by Mat thew Marshall, a well-known financial writer, in the New' York Sun: We have one of the largest cereal eroj>s we ever had. and it is selling for higher prices than it has commanded in years, and yet the money needed to bring it to market has been provided without inflicting upon the commercial world the slightest incon*- THE INDIANAPOLIS JOURNAL, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1897. venlence. Such being the case with this harvest, it is but reasonable to presume that it will be the case in the harvests yet to come, and, therefore, that the evil which it is sought to remove by relaxing the re strictions upon the issue of bank circulation is imaginary. In fact, the agitation in be half of the banks does not proceed from the people, but from bank stockholders and of ficers, who naturally desire to add to the profits of thtir business, and they are backed by a class of would-be borrowers, whose credit is bad, but w : ho hope that w hen the banks are allowed to issue money that costs them nothing they will be more disposed to lend it without exacting secur ity than they are at present. This is the whole extent of the demand for what is called currency reform, and like that for the free and unlimited coinage of silver it should be sternly refused. Mr. Marshall is generally an interesting end instructive writer, but he seems to have very erroneous ideas in regard to the scope and purpose of the currency reform movement. That movement first took prac tical shape in the sound-money conference held in this city in January last and is far from being a movement in favor of wild cat banks or needy borrowers. The confer ence referred to w'as the largest assemblage of representative business men ever con vened in the United Slates, and its pro ceedings evinced the utmost desire to con serve the best business interests of the country. There were comparatively few bankers in the convention and still fewer borrowers, present or prospective. The currency reform movement which they in itiated and which has received the hearty approval of President McKinley and Sec retary Gage, does not contemplate the issue by banks “of money that costs them noth ing” any more than it does the issue of fiat money by the government or the free and unlimited coinage of silver. On the contrary, it aims at. placing the currency system of the country on a basis that will either make these evils impossible or re move the temptation to practice them. In the passage above quoted Mr. Marshall has done great injustice to one of the most commendable movements of the day. Col. W. R. Holloway leaves to-day for Washington to qualify for his office as con sul general to St. Petersburg, and will sail for St. Petersburg next week. Colonel Hol loway’s long residence here has made him widely known in the city and State, and all who know him are his friends. He will be missed on his departure. It is difficult to picture this ardent American in a foreign environment, but being the warm-hearted, genial gentleman that he is he can be de pended on to offer American visitors to St. Petersburg during his term every official and personal attention possible. That he will do his duty by his government goes without saying. The best of wishes go with him. Uncle Sam's annual shooting match, which, by the way, has not been held for three years past, will begin at Fort Sher idan, near Chicago, on Sept. 13 and con tinue two weeks. All the troops in garri son in the Department of the Missouri and the cavalry stationed in the Department of the East will participate, the object be ing to test the merits of the new rifle and the marksmanship of the men. Now that Prince Luigi has ascended the highest mountain on this side of the water, etc.—News. But he hasn’t. Mount St. Elias, as meas ured by him. is 18,120 feet high, while Mount Logan, on the Canada side of the Alaska line, is 19,534 feet high. In South America Cotopaxi and three or four other mountains are hove 19,000 feet, while Chimborazo ex ceeds 20.500. An Eastern expert claims to have dis covered that the average size of the human head is increasing from generation to gen eration. Whether or not this is true of all heads, it doubtless is of some, as witness the complacency with which some persons in recent times have nomina.ted themselves for office. BUBBLES IN THE AIR. Tender. “What! You call old Gotrox tenderheart ed? He is as tough as they make them.” “I still insist that he is tender. Anyway, whenever he is touched he gets sore.” The Counted Philosopher. “When you find out,” says the Cornfed Philosopher, “that a man is really about ten years older than he looks, you cannot help having the feeling that he is deceit ful.” Those Flat Caps. “Johnny, Johnny! What do you mean by hitting your little brother on the head with the hammer?” “I couldn’t help it, maw. That cap you’ve got on him made him look so much like a tack.” Too Numerous to Mention. “You newspaper fellows are great toad ies,” said the cynical visitor. "You fall over one another trying to get stories about succeissful Klondikers, but why don’t you write up the fellows who have failed?” "We haven’t the space.” VIEWS OF INDIANA, EDITORS. Those Democrats who voted for McKinley last fall are pretty well satisfied that tbev acted wisely.—Plymouth News. Why is it that under free trade everybody is scrambling to sell, while under a protec tive tariff everybody is scrambling to buy? —Greensburg Review. It begins to look as if the Popocrats were determined to reaffirm the ChicaJb plat form of 1896 and run Bryan on it in 1900. We hope they will.—Muncie News. If it does our Democratic friends any good to ascribe the better times to “Re publican luck.” let them do so. The Re publicans are in control and the better times are here.—Goshen Times. The farmers are too busy to listen to free silver speeches now. That species of pas time may do for free-trade times like those of the past three years, but not under pro ‘ection.—lxsgansport Journal. Now that wheat and silver have parted company, the Populists refer to the law of supply and demand, which law some of that tribe said they wot 2 repeal as soon as they got into power.—Mt. Vernon Repub lican. Money scarce, is it? Now we’li give a large premium for a sight of the farmer who at any time within the last five months has taken his wheat or anything else to market and failed to sell for lack of money to pay for it.—New Albany Tribune. The free-trade shouters who are now pointing with pride to the fact that the customs receipts under the Dingley law are very light are saying nothing about the fact that this is caused by the enor mous importations of tne months preceding its enactment.—Newton County Enterprise. Last fall the Democratic statesmen were promising the farmers dollar wheat in case Mr. Bryan was elected to the presidency. Now the same people are feeling sorry for the poor laboring man because he has to pay a higher price for flour. We are led to infer that of Mr. Bryan had been elected that wheat would have gone up and flour would have gone down.— Cannelton En quirer. For a couple of months the Indianapolis Sentinel, in mentioning the Governor of the State, designated him as “the goober.” It is a very vulgar and low-bred way of designating the chief executive, and it is to their credit that no other Democratic paper in the State has taken up the oppro brious name.— Anderson Bulletin. The Sen tinel is the most contemptibly partisan sheet in the State.—Laporte Herald. Strikes come most frequently under Re publican administration, when there is something to strike for. Under Demo cratic rule, with half the labor of the coun try idle and nothing better in sight, there is no use for strikes. Republican laws make the conditions to justify higher and better wages, and the laborers of the country get the benefits thereof by forcing up the wages to the proper scale.—Nobles v file ledger. There are enough miners in the United States if steadily employed to produce coal for the world. There are enough miners, if working one day in six,* to mine sufficient coal for the United States and then some to spare. And this condition can never be altered or bettered by a strike, no matter if every mine worker in America would enter enthusiastically into the effort. There are too many mines and too many miners. Several thousand miners should seek other and more remunerative fields. They cannot hope to earn a fair living pursuing a busi ness that is as precarious as the coal busi ness has become. Strikes will not benefit, cannot benefit them-—Washington Gazette. THE TWO-MINUTE MARK HOUSEMEN WILL TURN THEIR EYES TO INDIANAPOLIS NEXT WEEK. The Star Pointer-Joe Patehen Race— Chicago Men's Opinion of the Great Stallion. The prospect of the two-minute mark be ing lowered in a harness race this season is being commented on* very widely in horse circles all over the country, and much attention has been turned to the In dianapolis track, where the two great pacers will make a supreme.effort to shat ter the mark a week from next Friday. Star Pointer clipped a fraction off the mark at Readville a short time ago, but it was under most favorable conditions and not in a race. If he is able to again accomplish the feat in the race in this city with Joe Patehen it will be the greatest event in the harness race world. Star Pointer is a magnificent animal. He is called the San dow of horses by his owner, James A. Murphy. His noble chest is almost unex celled in the horse world. Recently a number of Chicago men, well known admirers of horse flesh, were inter viewed on the Star Pointer performance. W. H. Knight, of the Union Pacific Rail road, is an ardent horseman. Star Pointer's feat surprised him, he says, not because he did not think the two*minute mark would never be reached, but because some years ago at Cleveland he saw the now undoubted cnampion harness horse and did not like him. "Ed Geers,” said he, “was at that time sure the son of Brown Hal was the great pacer of the future, and tried to get the Hamlins to buy him. He then had a mark somewhere about 2:08. Now that tie lias accomplished what he has, I am bound to fall in line and become an admirer, and it seems to me that there is a chance for even a faster mark to be hung up by him. "O yes, I am still a firm believer that a trotter will beat the two-minute mark. Some think Maud S. was the highest type of trotter, and, as she couldn't oeat to high wheels (which mark places her a dead tie with Alix with bike sulky), that no other horse will trot much faster. 'Yell, to my notion, Maud S. was not the highest type of trotter. It is true she had size and action and thoroughbred blood, but remem ber she wore six-ounce toe weights. Now, I claim that the two-minute trotter is go ing to be as clean as a whistle of toe weights, heavy shoes and boots. The horse most free from all these things was Jay Eye See, who held for one day only tue trotting record (2:10), and was dethroned by Maud S. He wore the lightest of shoes. Then Mr. Knight branched off upon the merits of the Dictator family, which pro duced Director, Jay Eye See and Phallas, and once more coming to the point contin ued: “Col. John W. Conley is the best judge of trotting horse matters in America. When he said that Star Pointer is the su perior on class of all horses 1 must believe him. Once I heard him and the late ‘Counselor’ W. H. Crawford discussing Dexter, and both agreed that if at any time since his day due cOaid get a horse like him he would be the most valuable trotter in the world, and that Dexter was the host individual ever known. Mind you. Colonel Conley owned an interest in the phenom enal Axtell. Now, Dexter's dam, Clara, was by Seely’s American Star and this horse was close to a thoroughbred, s o I say again the two-minute mark must be shot at by the infusion of more thorough bred blood into the trotter, a horse nat urally phlegmatic, and so needing tne nervous organization of the high-class race horse to correct bis '.sluggishness and make him game to the core, lvlaybe if ©tar Pointer’s pedigree is looked into thoroughly he will be found to have large quantities ot thoroughbred blood.” . F S Gorton seemed to take it as a mat ter'of course that Star Pointer would do the trick. "1 suggested to Mr Murphy, said he, “that he try pacing his horse a trial heat with a pacing horse turned loose at him at every quarter. We could have furnished four horses, each to pace a Quar ter in thirty seconds, and make a iela> race on our part. Just in the line of novel ty, you know, as the runner behind a trot ter or pacer has got old. But when Mur phy came back to Chicago again his horse had been beaten at Columbus, so I held my tongue. George West, my driver, was glad that Star Pointer had made good all his (West’s) talk to the boys out on the lowa circuit, for he said he had been blow ing all Vf ,„ r that Star Pointer would beat tne record, and possibly pace a mile better than t 'conceTnffig Star Pointer, the general ex pression of Norsemen is that.the ute champion is for money making race o horses ny Chartes' <1 Kamrill, who, in mark would be Und that the bike Sped FUchball wonderfully. a he>wa.a little fellow and ceuWkt pull a load we t only weighing 770 pounds, said tne Dig Texan. . MANY FIRMS WILL CLOSE. Indianapolis Day aTllie State Fair to Be Popular. Indianapolis day at the state fair prom ises a greater attendance than even the most sanguine dared hope for two weeks ago, wh'en negotiations were completed for the great Star Pointer-Joe Patehen race and the $3,000 was offered for their effort to beat two minutes. The city will witness the closing of most of the business houses on this day. The special committee having this work in charge has received answers from over2.>o business firms stating that they will close for the half day Friday, Sept. 17. The unanimity of feeling is unusual, and many of the people state that their places of business will be closed for the whole day, thus giving more than the committees re quest. The following is an additional list to the one already published of those who will clos'e: Advance Thresher Company, Indiana Bermudez Asphalt Company. Horace Mc- Kay, A. Metzger Agency. Peter F. Bryce, Smith, Day & Cos., tne Keyless Lock Com pany. Railway Officials’ and Employes’ Accident Association. Robert Zeen’er & Cos., J. R. Budd & Cos., Evans linseed oil works, Henry Russe, Huntington & Page, C. W. Oakes, Gregory & Appel, Michigan Lumber Company. John S. Spann & Cos., the Bradstreet Company, Climax Baking Powder Company, Thomas Madden, Son & Company, W. B. Holton Manufacturing Company, J. S. Cruse, Union Fruit Com pany, Townsend Bros., Indianapolis Paint and Color Company, Richardson & McCrea, Welch &. Ward. W. A. Rhodes & Cos., G. F. Wittmer Lumber Company, H. C. Adams, Greer-Wilkinson Company, Parry Manufac turing Company, Eli Lilly & Cos., C. F. Sayles. Interstate Life Insurance Company, Mutual Life Insurance Company of New Y'ork, the John Hilt Lake lee Company, Capitol Paper Company. J. C. McCain, Humes & Lewis, the Miller Oil Company, Schrader’s china stem, Hoosier Manufac turing Company, Indianapolis. Harness Company, United States Encaustic tile works, Coe & Roaehe. F. P. Smith & Cos., Schnull A Cos.. Colum bus Butter Company, A. J. Mayer & Cos., James C. Dickson, Nutz & Grosskopf, In dianapolis Lounge Company. Carlon & Hol lenbeck, Island Coal Company, Standard Rope and Twine Company, George C. Beck, Indiana Millers’ Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Foster Lumber Company. Henry Coburn Lumber Company, Crescent Oil Company, William Eaglefie Id Company, the Gordon-Kurtz Company, tile McElwaine- Riehards Company, McCoy-Howe Company, Indianapolis Manufacturers’ Carpet Union, Williams & Hunt, Joseph Allerdice A Cos., Clark A- Roberts. George YV. Pangborn. T. J. Christian, Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, Huber Manufacturing Company, the C. F. Hunt Company, Ew’uld Over. H. C Smithers, F. T. McWmrter, C. S. War burton, Polk’s Best Jersey Milk Company, American Brewing Company, A. M. Fitch & Cos., the Grocers' Manufacturing Com pany, George Pfau A- Son. H. C. Long, Rohm A Von Deinse, Globe Life and Ac cident Insurance Company, Noblesville Mill ing Company, Indianapolis Mercantile and Trust Company. Batty & Cos.. Severin. Os termeyer A- Cos., National Electric Com pany, Empey & Loftin. Schofield, Shurmer A- Teaglo. Newark Machine Company. J. A. Isgrigg. J- G. Voss, James R. Ross & Cos., J. L. Keaoh. O. B. Ensey. Standard Dry Kiln Company, Hanover Fire In- surance Company, Deering Harvester Company, William H. Armstrong & Cos., Milwaukee Harvester Company, Shinn, Fletcher & Cos., Wilcox & Judd, Daniel Stewart Company, Capitol Lumber Company, H. C. Newcomb, E. C. Andrews, Sullivan & Mahan. Freaney Bros., Dalton & Merrifield. Heaton, Sims & Cos., Joseph F. Haslinger, the Home Brewing Coni' pany, Francko & Schindler, Indianapolis Water Cdmpany, West Side Planing Mill Company, the W. G. Wasson Company, Castor Bros., Terre Haute Brewing Com pany. Paragon Safety Oil Company. F. E. Engle & Son, Henry H. Fay, A. Minter, Shellhouse & Cos.. Glens Falls Insurance Company, H. M. Hadley, Indiana Rubber Company, Brown Extract Company, John Guedelhoefer. Snow-Church Company, Siilz & Miller, National Cash Register Company, Holliday & Wyon, Parke, Davis & Cos.. Dean Bros, pump works, John W. Neu mann & Cos., Vail Seed Company, Indian apolis Light and Power Company, Robert Martindale & Cos., M. Arbuekle & Son, Equitable Life Insurance Company of lowa, Holt Ice and Cold Storage Company. W. E. Frick & Cos., J*. W. Buchanan, Central Cycle Manufacturing Company, H. H. Symmes & Cos., J. S. Farrell & Cos., H. Plummer. Christian Off & Cos.. Moffat & Cos., P. M. Pursel!, Taylor & Smith. Clemens Vonnegut, Indiana Oil Tank line. James E. Shover. John M. & Newton Todd. D. F. Fleener, George Merritt & Cos.. B. M. Rals ton, Brooks Oil Company, Indianapolis Ex celsior Manufacturing Company, C. Zim merman ,5c Sons. Klee, Coleman & Cos.. John C. Dunn, Indianapolis desk, tile and paper box factory. Eberhardt Tent and Awning Company, Clark, Wysong & Voris, George Hitz & Cos.. Indianapolis Tent and Awning Company. Haugh-Noelke iron works, Dag gett & Cos., Joseph Ratti, the Herancourt Brewing Company, Indianapolis bolt and machine works, G. H. Shover. J. A. Ever itt, Ballweg & Cos., Smith & Skinner. M. L. Brown. Arrangements have been made to have Meridian street sprinkled from the city lim its to Thirteenth street and the last-named street to the grounds. The Citizens’ Street railroad Company will sprinkle the streets over which its lines of cars run to the fair grounds, thus making the ride to the grounds a comfortable one. The new sta tion of the street-car company within the inclosure at the grounds is about com pleted. People will be carried to within 150 feet of the grand stand and within easy walking distance of all the department buildings. ELWOOD FAKE WRITER ORIGINATED STORY OF UPRISING AGAINST NEGROES. Governor Mount Investigates the llnt ter—Mayor Fineli Compels the Cor respondent to Retract. Some sensational reports from Elwood. published in the Cincinnati Enquirer, to the effect that there was an effort to drive out of Elwood a colony of colored laborers, has caused some official correspondence This correspondence has resulted in show ing the utter groundlessness of the reports. A few days ago the Governor received a letter from the secretary of the National Anti-mob and Lynch-law Association, with headquarters at Springfield, O. The letter said: "The above association has been formed for the purpose of discouraging mobs aaid lynching within, the United States, and to agitate in favor of suen laws as win sup press such practices in tnis country, we see by the morning papers that an effort is being made in Indiana, to drive out ne groes irom the city of Elwood, and that trouble is expected. We hope you will dis courage any such movement. We believe that tne negro has as much right to live in Indiana as any other class of people; there fore, they should be protected lrom the lawless persons who threaten to drive them out. "Our association has appealed to a great many of the Governor to discourage and suppress the lawless elements within their jurisdiction, and all of them say they will do their best to stop it. If you read tne ut terances of one Eugene V. Debs you can readily see where wo are drifting this country.” Acting upon this letter, Governor Mount wrote the following letter to the mayor of Elwood: "Reports have been brought to my atten tion, through the public prints and by let ter, to the effect that there is a disposition on the part of certain citizens of Elwood to prohibit negroes from taking residence there. I sincerely trust that you will put me in possession of information that will tend to refute these reports, or, at least, show that they have been grossly exag gerated; otherwise I desire to be furnished with full particulars "In any event, the impression must not be permitted to prevail that therfe exists anywhere In Indiana a spirit of unjust dis crimination that amounts to intolerance, and those in authority should immediately take such steps as may be deemed most ex pedient to counteract the baleful influence of current comment concerning the situa tion in your city. In order that we may proceed with a perfectly clear understand ing, I respectfully urge you to investigate the matter and advise me at your earliest convenience of the result of your investi gation. As long as these sensa-tional re ports are allowed to go uncontradicted your community will suffer, and it is to the interest of every w'ell-meanlng citizen of Elwood to co-operate, to the end that your city may be relieved of the stigma of har boring any ill-feeling against a class of people who are entitled to all the rights and privileges of American sovereigns. "I desire it to be distinctly understood that, while I occupy the office of Governor, it shall be my constant purpose to protect, as far as possible, the inalienable rights of every citizen, ’regardless of race, color and previous condition of servitqde.’ and in the performance of that duty I shall invoke the co-operation of all law-abiding citizens and support the effort with all the power at my command. If you will kindly make report of the situation as It actually exists and advise me at your earliest opportunity I shall be greatly obliged to you.” In reply to the letter of the Governor, in a communication dated Monday last, W. A. Finch, mayor of Elwood. says: “I have made a careful investigation of the mat ter, and find that the whole story origin ated in the brain of a correspondent of the metropolitan dailies, who, for the sake of a paltry sum, sent out a report detrimental to the good name of this city. 1 very much regret this. I have received a large num ber of letters in regard to it from the South. Our people in, general knew' noth ing about this until they read the article, but no one gave any credence to it, as it is not the first time these correspondents have sent out sensational articles with no truth at the back of them. We have, I believe, fourteen colored people living here. I have seen or heard from ten of them, and they have received no intimidating threats from any source. I wish to assure you that our people are law-abiding, industrious and happy, looking forward to a season of prosperity and ready to welcome to their midst all good citizens of whatever nation ality or creed.” In a postscript the mayor says; "I have just read in to-day's Enquirer an article stating that I had placed extra officers in colored districts in anticipation of trouble. The whole article is false. No extra offi cers are used and none were needed. We have no negro districts The colored people here are employed in families in different parts of the city ” In a subsequent letter to the Governor Mayor Finch says' "Since mailing a letter to you on this date in regard to the reports of the metropolitan dailies that the colored people were being driven out of this city, the. correspondent has been to see me and begs that I do not take the matter up with his paper, but let him make the retraction. I have agreed to this, with the understand ing that he submit the article to me before sending it to the paper. The correction must be full and eoniplete.” DECEMBER AND MAY. General Longstreet ami Mis# Ellen Dortch to Wed This Afternoon. ATLANTA. Ga., Sept. 7.—AH arrange ments have been completed for the mar riage of Gen. James Longstreet, the fa mous Confederate commander, and Miss Ellen Dortch, assistant state librarian, w hich is to occur here to-morrow. The ceremony will be performed at 3:30 o’clock at the Governor’s mansion, by the Rev. Father Schadewell, of the CathYdic Church, a special dispensation having been secured frem the Ibshop of the diocese to permit its solemnization in private. The State house officials and a few other distinguished guests will be present. Immediately after the marriage General and Mrs. Longstreet will leave for Porter Springs, a north Geor gia resort, where they will spend the honey moon. Grip Filled with Valuable*. SAN ANTONIO. Tex., Sept. 7.—Customs inspectors at Laredo have found an un claimed grip on a train aggregating 1200.000 worth of diamonds, jewelry and other val uables. HEARD A HUMAN CRY PROSECUTION SCORES TWO STRONG POINTS AGAINST LI ETGERT. Charles Hengst Snys that While Pass ing the Sausage Maker's Factory Somebody Cried u if in Pain. . LUETGERT AND HIS WIFE SEEN ENTERING THE PLACE OX THE FATEFUL NIGHT OF .MAY 1. Testimony of Nicholas Faber, the Prisoner's Es-Flremnn—Love Let ters Written to Mrs. Feldt. CHICAGO, Sept. 7. Two strong points were scored by the prosecution in the Luet gert trial to-day, and unless the defense Is able to impeach the testimony of the wit nesses their evidence is likely to have con siderable weight with the jury. The two witnesses were Nicholas Faber, who testi fied that on the night of M#iy 1 he saw Luetgert and his wife enter the sausage factory, and Charles Hengst, who swore that on the night of May 1 he passed the factory and heard a cry from within as though someone was in pain. At the hear ing before the police justice by whom Luet gert was held to await the action of the grand jury Hengst said thut he could not tell whether the cry was that of a human being or of an animal. To-day he said, however, that he was confident that tht cry came from a human being. The defense relies greatly on the statement he made before the trial to impeach his testimony. Faber grew confused somewhat on cross examination and could not tell whether the moon shone or whether it was a cloudy night when he saw Luetgert and his wite enter the factory on the night of May 1. but he stuck stoutly to his story that he had seen the two people enter the factory shortly afer 10 o’clock on the night of May 1. The reading*of the love letters which hdu been written by Luetgert to Mrs. Feidt was great fun for the crowd in the courtroom, and it was very embarrassing for the de fendant, as in several of them he hue spoken in a slighting manner of the lawyers who are now conducting his defense, say ing that they were "greedy” and "not able to handle a trial of such importance.” He laid particular stress on the incompetence of Judge Vincent, who is now the leading counsel for the defense. When these por tions of the letters were read the lawyers laughed and nobody enjoyed them more than Judge Vincent, but it was not pleas ant for Luetgert, who twisted around in his chair, mopped his face with his handker chief and seemed to be uncomfortable gen erally. The defense made a strong tight against the introduction of the letters, and when the court decided that they were proper evidence the defense asked that they be read in German, as they might lose some of their original meaning by being read in English. This the court also overruled, ana the letters went before the jury as tile translator made them out, he, however, swearing that the translation was enth ly correct. POINTS FROM THE LETTERS. When Luetgert entered Judge Tuthill s courtroom this morning he smiled and nod ded at the jury, but failed to extend the sweep of his smile to the crowd. The first business taken up was the reading of trans lations of the letters written by the de fendant to Mrs. Christine Feldt. The read ing of the fond missives sefit by Luetgert to the widow occupied much time, several being very lengthy. While Assistant State’s Attorney McEwan read the epistles the jury listened carefully. The reader was careful to place due emphasis on each endearing word or phrase and to fully emphasize all reference to the fact that the big sausage manufacturer was anxious for the time to come when he would be free to wed the object of his affections. When those por tions of the letters containing reference to Luetgert’s trouble in engaging an attorney were read aloud It evidently embarrassed the prisoner. Luetgert’s leading attorney, ex-Judge Vincent, smiled and the prisoner visibly winced when the sentence was heard In which Attorney Vincent was termed "greedy.” The letter continued to state that Luetgert intended to release Attorney Vincent, as he did not consider him able to handle so important a case. In another letter Luetgert wrote that on the first day of the trial there was to be a great surprise for the police and state. An attorney of world-wide fame was to be engaged, and when "the dogs of the police” saw who it was they would quail with fear. This, as yet unknown lawyer, Luetgert con tinued, was to supersede Attorney Vincent, and then the care would be properly con ducted. Attorney Vincent shook with si lent laughter several times during the above and similar references. He seemed to regard the matter as a huge joke. Luet gert, whose chances for life were so con siderably reduced by the introduction of the letters as evidence, rocked to and fro in his chair, and occasionally forced a sickly smile during the endearing passages of the letters. He evidently did not enjoy the public exposition of his amatory corre spondence. After the letters were all read the re cipient, Mrs. Christine Feldt, a middle-aged woman, was called to the witness chair for the purpose of finishing her testimony for the state. As she came forward her former lover, to whose case she had done so much damage, refused to glance in her direction. He twisted uneasily in his chair, and then leaned over to Attorney Vincent, and a consultation was held. Meanwhile. Assistant State’s Attorney McEwan pro ceeded with the direct examination, which dealt largely with the financial relations between Luetgert and Mrs. Feldt. The lat ter admitted having received funds from Luetgert prior to and said she had withdrawn the money at his demand from a safety deposit vault for his use. The sums she had withdrawn at different times footed up $4,000, the entire amount which she had received. She asserted her ignorance of how this money "was used by the prisoner, but admitted that portions of it had been retained by her on order for the care of his children. She also testified as to the substance of the letters, and as serted that she had refused to lend Luet gert her money on the requests which she had received from him in the letters. She testified to having received in all eight let ters from the big sausage manufacturer. The state regards Mrs. Feldt as one of its me st important witnesses, as through her testimony it expects to establish the fact of Luetgert's motive in the alleged murder of his wife. NICHOLAS FABER’S TESTIMONY. Nicholas Faber, an ex-employe of Luet gert, was next put on the stand. He testi fied to having seen Leutgert and his wife enter the factory on the evening of May 1. Under cross examination Faber was forced to admit that he did not know anything that happened on any other particular date near May. He was also unable to lell whether it was a moonlight night or cloudy. He simply stuck to the fact that he haa seen the woman and heard the two talk. The defense expects to controvert many minor points of Faber’s testimony. An Incident occurred during Faber's tes timony that showed that Luetgert was pos sessed of a high temper when aroused. Bailiff Reid, the colored officer In whose custody the prisoner is placed, attempted to restrain his charge from crossing to the witness stand with his attorneys for the purpose of watching Faber designate on the map the location where he asserted he saw Mrs. Luetgert enter the factory. Luet gert would not brook the restraint and turned on the bailiff with his face flushed with anger and denounced the attempt to deprive him of what he considered his rights in the trial. Attorney Vincent appealed to the court and Judge Tuthill permitted the big defendant to examine the maps in com pany with the attorneys. After Faber left the stand the court took a recess. Charles Hengst, who was the first wit ness at the afternoon seraion, is an honest appearing German and one of the few wit nesses who rendered his testimony In En glish. He told about having hoard the cry of a person, but was considerably confused when cross examined by Attorney Phalen as to his testimony at the preliminary hear ing. It was shown from the record of tho hearing before the Justice that Hengst had admitted his ignorance as to whether the cry was that of a human being or an ani mal. To-day he said he was quite positive it was tho crly of a human being. Fritz Figel, who worked for Luetgert May 4, told how he had emptied a barrel of ashes in the alley, and Officer James Smith testified as to having found particles of hone and two corset steels in the pile of debris where the ashes were emptied. Frederick Augustus Schuetz testified as to the former quarrels between Luetgert and his wife, in which Luetgert had threat ened to take her life. The witness is seven ty-one years old and feeble. He is so deaf that Interpreter Liebig was compelled to stand close to his side in order to repeat tho questions of the attorneys. The defense felt that they had undermined testimony to a large extent when they gained an an mtssion from the witness that he was on hundred feet away from Luetgert at tha time of the quarrel. How so deaf a man could hear low tones one hundred feet con siderably mystified the defense, and they felt exultant over securing the evidence. AT HIS BROTHER’S HOME President Is Spending the Lnst Week of His Vacation in Somerset, I*a. SOMERSET, Pa., Sept. 7.—President anti Mrs. McKinley and party arrived here from Canton in a special car at S o'clock this morning, and will pass the week at tho summer residence of the President a brother, .Abner McKinley. A reception committee of twenty prominent citizens in carriages met the distinguished visitors at the station and escorted them over tha principal streets of the town to the Mc- Kinley home. Abner McKinley thinks h can prevail op tho President and Mrs. Mc- Kinley to remain over Sunday, and it ia probabie a public demonstration will be ar ranged for by the citizens of the town, but nothing in this direction will be done until the President has been consulted. A great number of people called on Pres ident McKinley during the day. including George VV. Pullman, the Chicago million aire, and Senator Thurston, of Nebraska. It is thought that Attorney General Mc- Kenna will be here to-morrow, and many otheT distinguished visitors arc expected during the week. Among them is Governor Lowndes, of Maryland. This afternoon th President and Mrs. McKinley took a short drive to tho country In a carriage drawn by a team of pontes owned by their niece. Miss Mabel McKinley. ANDERSON POSTOFFICE RESULT OF CIVIL-SERVICE COMMIS SION'S INVESTIGATION. —4 ( barge of Sales of Position* on tlnl Eligible List Contirined—A IHs eharged Employe's Revenge. Special to the Indianapolis Journal. WASHINGTON. Sept. 7.-The report of the Civil-service Commission on the Ander son, Ind., postofflee was submitted to First Assistant PostYnaster General Heath to day and the charges against the office were forwarded to Postmaster Small. Tha finding of the inspector confirms tha charges of the sale of positions on tha eligible list of the Anderson office to appli cants lower down. Postmaster Small is not accused of a guilty participation in this violation of civil-service rules, but he wdll be expected to purge his office. It turns out that the instigator of the Anderson postofflee row was a discharged employe. He may not be able to seriously injure Mr. Small, but ha£ managed to raise quite a disturbance. * * * Postmaster General Gary and Fifst As sistant Heath are doing a great deal in a quiet way to check the tendency which haa been growing up to hedge in the general delivery windows at postofflees throughout the country. In a great many offices de livery elefks had built up harriers, which made it almost as difficult for strangers to obtain their mail as it would he to get drafts or checks cashed at a bank. Rigid rules of identification were enforced, great ly to the inconvenience and embarrassment of those to whom letters and package* were sent. Postofflee clerks will be edu cated to understand that the object for which the poßtal service was created was to carry mall and deliver it to the parties to whom It is addressed, and not to devisa ways and means to prevent its delivery. The order which was Issued some days ago for the benefit of transients will be sup plemented by other orders along the same line, and by quiet instructions equally ef fective. * * * Frank Morrison, of Indiana, was to-day appointed to a position as binder in the Government Printing Office at a salary of $1,200. * * * The contract for carrying the mails be tween Sharon and Rensselaer was to-day awarded to Gardner Combes, of Washing ton. * * * Delegate Rumford, of Indianapolis, haa been appointed a member of the credential# committee of the National Convention of Postal Clerks at Baltimore. * * * The controller of the currency has In structed Bank Inspector Packard to ascer tain if the affairs of the Greensburg Bank cannot he settled without a receiver, tha plan suggested being for another bank to take the assets and pay off the indebted ness. * * * The Postofflee Department is informed that Postmaster Stull, at Mount Pleasant, la., and Postmaster Hamilton, at Warren. Ind.,. who declined to surrender their of fices when removed, on the ground that the recent civil-service order covered the cases, have both surrendered their offices to tha inspectors. (uiuing Male of the Union Pacific. WASHINGTON, Sept. 7.-Senator J. B. Foraker, of Ohio, arrived in Washington to-day. He is chairman of a subcommittee of the Senate committee on Pacific rail roads, which is charged with the investiga tion of several matters connected with the Pacific roads, among them being the condi tion of the sinking fund held in the treas ury on account of the Union Pacific road and the alleged fraudulent patenting of lands to this company. This is under a, resolution introduced by Senator Pettigrew, which was passed by the Senate at the last session. The other members of the sub committee are Senator Harris of Kansa# and Senator Stewart of Nevada. Senator Stewart Is in Washington and called on Senator Foraker this evening. Senator Harris is expected to arrive to-morrow. The meeting may be wholly informal. Tha subcommittee will confer with the attorney general regarding the sale of the Union Pacific, which has already been ordered by the Circuit Court of the Eighth circuit. Senator Foraker says that the sale will in clude the government’s interest, which also means the sinking fund, and if the sub committee mukes any investigation of tha sinking fund it must be done before the sale takes place. Promotions In the Navy. WASHINGTON, Sept. 7.-The following appointments have been announced from the White House: Commander Royal B. Bradford, to be chief of the Bureau of Equipment, In the Department of the Navy, with the relative rank of commodore: Na val Constructor Philip Htehborn. to bo chief constructor and chief of the Bureau, of Construction and Repair, In the Depart ment of the Navy, with the relative rank of commodore; Albert Martensen, to ha vice and deputy consul at Bordeaux, France. General Notes. WASHINGTON. Sept. 7.—To-day’s state ment of the condition of the treasury shows: Available cash balance, $215,46i'.!54; gold reserve, $144,446.5*67. The controller of the currency has author- Ized the Mendotu National Bank, of Mendo ta, 111., to begin business with it capital ot $50,000. > Commissioner of Pensions Evans has de cided to piwitpone his trip to Chattanooga, as he is rapidly recovering from his recent indisposition. The State Department has been notified by Minister Bewail, at Honolulu, that Pres ident Dole has issued a call for a session of the Hawaiian Senate on Sept. 8. The object of the session is not stated, but it ia supposed to bear on the proposed annexa tion treaty with the United States.