Newspaper Page Text
V DAILY STATE SENTINEL. riinrrcD asp rvwxtyxo hew crmsEL craE. t oiTii Nir.niniAX tiiei:t. nrmmnm rmm rtrvcerw ElCin, HARxläsS ti HKGHAM, Proprietor. OA VOLUME X. Yearly sinerirr 1 00, rsvAauatf I apt er 4'livervdby the carrier at US fu?f week, payable wu-tocniUly. on.l. copie. ti cei.La. So ppr arbl witaout pre-pay atent,. eor.tiuedong f than pid for. Cpia f Um Dant lirmttris U ad at tbe Sic wh nortttr.f, nod tu WaaaLT ml. erh Wednes day aMrnirig, aeatly o.luped, f.-r mailing. VEESXY STATE SENTINEL, rUBUSHKD KYEKY WEDNESDAY AT INSURANCE. iBTXl INSIIRIXCB COMPAXY rATALS ISTASIABLV ATACB. KATF. OF ADVEHTI! a 2 I s i 3 4 ' 4 M I M u 2 idj .tj 41... lwj lod.i Jw, aw, 1 n.J lm Sin. na- 0. 50 1.00 1. M M 1.71 2.00 - 3.04 4 00 8 no 7. no H.CA TO. 11. BO :n- 1300 12m 13.00 Ml l-'0 2 no i.7 i 2.25 a.oo 1.82 3.A0 100 4 CO 3.75 5.0 4M 00 00 0j, 10.00 I M 10 Btv 12.ÄO 10.21 13jyj 16.75 U 75 19 00 24 25 15.00 51.15' 7.0 18.00 30 M) 20.(0 2M .50' 35.50 25 X 35.00:42.00 4 , I 3 ! 5 ST 7 i.m 1.2.V J.Cfle i 3.11 1.73- j 3.75 .MJ. 1 4.37 ! S.OO I S.25 7 50 3 a 4 or hauti cm i, ( (n.n. Capital Enlarged JaiVy 1, 18G0. CAITTA! - ....!. 00,000 OO i NET K i:n.US, (after deducting all liabilities) 511 112 30 ÄTNA BUILDING, INDIANAPOLIS. m 9 5.25, 7 AO in 3 00 3V 4.00 4..TT; 5 OO 5 25 00 1.12) 7.00 7.00 MOO .75 10 OO 0.00 1050 12.00 12.00 14.00 100 IS oo 17.Ä 20 no 20.00 2.1.25 21 5 50 34.75 40 00 3.1 00 40 00 45.00 37 AO 45 AO 52.50 43 50 50.00 57.50 55.00 5.00 75.00 3.73 5.00 20 7.50 M.75 337 4 50 s.ei .75 7.K7 ft. -JO 10 00 11.25 12 AO 13.60 15.00 H.00 20 00 M W 21.00 2 . 75 33 00 45.00 M 00 50.00 55.00 57 .AO Vi AO 5.00 70.00 85.00 5.00 ADTERTIMNO IX THt WEEK LT. On on are, one insertion two " 1 2 rur M 00 For each Mihaeqietit lnertl.n, and for ach Ufer- llo of ech Miliorwt Fttr.-. A'lYtrtitnfn puMI-hH In b.(h ti TUtTy nl tle Wk! ütimHi. will rbrn4 tho full lily rt-, with t.-balf the W erkt rat- mAri. B3flnM Notice pMi.lihl In tb 11 column, or trn llrr on.Ir,w;II be cU-rJ for ewh Invrtion 1; if ovrr it-n liiiff, tm rrni jt l..v. CVtr.willbciu! fr nrtlPC tb notice of the following Order, S irktie and Aoci'ious at tbe rate nm-i1, lo b paid In advance: ...... u - Mlliury C.'mpnle., Order of Odd telWi. Ma.onlc Order, lW-ieolcnt 8irif tlei arxl'nf JM-cteuea. For earh notic not xceedin 8 liiiva 2i ce ut- for each Insertion; over eluhlllnea at thlT?te. Announcing de.tha with funeral; wlthoot notice free. Marriage 5oti-e, 50 ren. Notire of Ftlrl, IVnica and Exmnrfon, gotten op by InditWoal of av-ition, or by eburrhr, at the regular rrAdertlemeiit. leaded and placed under the bead of Ppedml .Notice. If ten 1 or rr, will b charged double the uul ratea. . AdTertlroent waltirg Wnthan three line, lnertfd once tn the iWlly. will be rbarged fifty cent. Tearly advertUen topa iurierly. Announcing candidate for ottWof eTery description to charged At lie rate offl M for each nme In th lily. and 2 In tko IXUly and Weekly, Üe am to be, In all caee, paid la advance. Inegal adertlemenUlnerted atthfipene of the at tomey ordering, and not delayaMe for the legal nroceed IfRSbut collectable at our unual time. Iubllber not accountable for the accurcycf legal advertment be Tmd the amount charged for their publication. ELLKK. HAKKNf.SS k UINGUAV. Itoprietora Indiana State Sentinel. J. M. TIUOKD, Preident Ii.lIanpoll Journal Company. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. HAMir.llH. II AKklONS TtAXK. No. 1 Kaat Washington Mrtet oj posite the .ti-ntinel Oft'.ce. tnay4 I,IVi:ilY TAIILKe LLEIf k HINSI.KT, IJery and Sale Stables In the rear or tu raitner nou.e. juu-o-i I If DAVIS A CO.. Union Fouudry, Iwlaware treet.op- , po4te L'lon lMfjnU ASAEIJIAN k VLMÜS, Washington Foundry and Macbin Wofäa, eai ena tnion in pou tujiw Aßi-7 k it n ij tj n , 7,. '".ijfj 9 Erected 1859 Owned by the Co. 1ALA .1 KXTION ilYHNTOTHK INSLUANCK of !rm property, dwelling and out-buildi'tit!. In-kiir- urh b'iiMiiiir or content Iri a very favorable man ner, for three or tiv year. I,owr I'.qiiltabljr Adjitatrd and I'roinpllr luld in 'ali. ANo, lnure tre, warehotie, builditiff, or contents aiid personal prjrty getwrally, In twn r coutitry, at rate a low aa cnt?te?)t with hazard takrn, and inland Inaurance aainnt the peril "f na liratin. WM. II F. N I F. KSt N, A pent , I txliAn !, Indiana. Application can be made to I. W. tiruhh, who 1 fully authohxrd to tranact ail buitie connected with the Agcnry. fang 1,'61-dli WM F.NDKKS0N NOTICES. Ünllr! Mntri off Anirrirn, District ol Indiuna SS: WHRRgAa.ali'oel of lnformtin halbem fildin thelitrkt (!ourt of the I Hi fed States within and for the Seventh Orcuit aod IHtrk t of Indian, on the 4th diy of lTe!tilrr, lfll, by John Hanna, l"iq , Attorney of the I'tiited State of America, for nid Ihvtrlct of Indiana, aint four lioxe of nicnlt.n'il.-e, three Imixi of boot and ho-, and two bundle of Jean, eizd at J'van ville for a violation of the law of the United State, the .i pMxi mi merchandise heitii; contraband of war, ami prayintc proce ajiainct id goid, and that the atne may be coiidemtied and .old a article contraband if war. Now, therefore. In ptirunce of tJie monltiou under the eal of oaid Court tome directed and delivered, I do hereby give public notice to all peroti claiming aid good, or any p.irt thereof, or In any manner interested therein, that they be and appear before the naid, the I ti-t rU-t Court f the United State, to be held at the city of Indianapolis tn and for the Ihrtrict of Indiana, on the l!lh December iutant, at 10 o'cIK-k of the forenoon of that dy, then an I there to ltiterpe their clainw and make their allegation hi that behalf. 1). 0 110F.. U.S. Marlil, Per Ijci JoapA Iieputy. Joj II. Hka, Clerk.' d December 5, 11. HT.A1 FAT AT K AMITN. cKKRNAN k PIEItTR. Ileal EOate AgenU and I'.roker, 10, Eafi w auingiontreet. J M.T. WIMCT, Real Ratat Agent aid Mk Uro- er, 10 n aningtou ireeu oiaj I noo r xn niiot: di:ai.i'h. C. MATHF.W k Ct., Wholesale dealer In lVot, j hoea. ami Rubber. No. 4 Roberta Wock, opposite Oie Volon Iepa, Indianapolis Ind. ep VDAM KNODLF. k BON, manufacturer and dealer in all kind of IUk.u and Shoe, No. 32 Eat Wah nt on trees apr27 II4MIKN Al M ATIOM.UV. 10WFN, MTK.W AUT A CO., wholenale and retail deal. ra in Il.k aivl PtatloiM r . and lrinter' Materials 1A Wt Wa.-hnirfton treei. aprt iim ;n am ii in . -m yil.KT M. lnKT, DHUCIST. Dealer in Drug, W Chemical, Taint; (hl., lKeturT, IV. I ante, Tntent and other Me.bvtue, Nation aiel Terfumery No. 4 Ma a huet avenue, IrHtianapoli. nov.HI-ly. filOMUNSON k COX, dealer In lrug, Metitlnea, I Taint. OIjim., Terfumery, Fancy tiooda, Ac, So. 1 Ft Washington irret, Indianapolis. Dayl9 RROWNINH, Irurglt, and dealer In Taint. Oil. ( Vanibl e, Ihe-tuflstiNlaeare, Ttrfumery, Ac, No. 22, Wc t Wahtngton treC apr27 DICY OOU.H. m m 7 k II. tll.ENN k CO . New Trk tore, Iry t tilholeale ami Retail, C.lenn' lUock, F..t t alitnxto Mrvet. OiajS NTOYI'A .11) t'l WAIli:. (1II KI.RS COX, dealer In StovrsTln Ware, 4c, No. j 11 W et Wa.h;t.gton treet. apri7 TT'l'rr:,, STATUS OF AMERICA, DISTRICT OK IN- j DIANA, SS: Hrr.AS a It 11 .f information hath been filed In the Ittl let Court of the United itbln and for the Seventh Circuit and District of Indiana, on the 4th day of Decem ber, 1;1, by John llanna, V.t , Attorney of the United State for aaid Di-trlct of In lln. airaint three boxe of nierchatidi-e, and two bale of iiiercharxli, elted at l;vaiivi!le, for a violation of the law of the United State, the paid irooda and merrh!idie being contraband of war, and pra Im; proce aealnt natd ol, and that the atne may be condt tuned ant aold a articles roiitraband of war. Mow, therefore, in pursuance of the monition under the eal of aid Court, to me directed and delivered, I do hereby give ptiblir notier to all person claiming aaid poods or any part thereof, or in any manner IniereMed therein, thai they be Hitd appear belore the raid Ihirk't Court of the Utiit-d State, to be held at the city ef In ditiapoli, In and for the District of Indiana, on the lUih day of hreniler next, at ten o'clock of the forenoon of hat day, then and there to tntcrpo. their cUtuts and to make thir allegation in that behalf. D. . ROSK, U. H. Mawhal, Per 1 .a viia Jounvx, I'puty. JoitN II. Kr.A, Clerk. Datetl iK ceiiiber 5, 11. decfl-dl.M HOOK. III.4 ilXiillAM A Il't;ilTT. IWk Tinder and I'.lank Hook Manufacturer. Sentinel Building, Indianapolis VOUil-AS A TALMFR. Hook T.inlera an.) Mank liook I Manufacturer. No. Jt l, Wahiugton street, ever Al'ord, Mill A C' llrocery. may 27 m a, i; A.'Tji4i r, AWTHURN 4 UCCHANAN, Im-rter of China, ;;. an.t Queen are. No. .Si F-aet WahinKton t., napoli. ItKtiana. dly .Tll'ltCll A.T XA 1 1. OILS. ÜN1TFD STATF.J OK A MF. RICA, DISTRICT OK IN DIANA, SS: VYhe as A Iie of Information ha been Med In the lHtrict t ourt of the United State, within and for the evrtith Circuit and DiMrict of liuliana, oil the 2th dy of Xovetnler, 161, by Jdin lUtitia, Kimj., Attorney for the Unitett Mate for aid Dt'rk t of Indiana, ;iiht four mule, M'lxed at Fvanville for a violation of the law of the United States t Ut aid good and merchandise bein contraband of war, and praying proce aciii"t ald frMw1s and that the fame may be condemned and oM a article contraband of war. Now, therefore, in p'iruance of the monition under the eal of aaid Court, to me directed and delivered, I lo hereby give public notice to all pcron clciming aid goN., or any pirt thereof, or In any manner lnter'ed tli, rein. tlvt they be and appear lelore tlie aid, the IH trict Court f th" Tinted Mater, to be hrl l at the city of Indianapoli, in and ft r the District of Itidiutia, on the Vh dr of lieccmher lixt, at 10 o'cbk of the forenoon of that day, then and there to inierpo. their cl.i tn and make their allegation in that beh.lf. D. ii. IvONF., U. S. MarOial, Ter Ijc i Joruas, Ieputy. Joit H. Rka, Clerk. D.i ted November 21, 1-41. iio22-dl5t SPECTACLES, To Officers of the Army, II Delia 1"1RFDFRICK GtKTTF.R, Merchant Tailor, and dealer in ready made clothing and furnishing rood, No. 21 e-t Vaalungte.n treet, opptwlt. Sentinel ofllce. my 29 ATTOHM.Y. KII.RY FEKCiUSOX, Attorney aod tnnelor at U, r cash for approved Jndriieni ai4 morteare; aio net.ttaira o.n., not . Ac Oü.ce, 24 KastWah tt.ctotj strrrt, up-a;rs ecoid tbor to the rifc'ht harel, op posite ilefin Nock. octl OS F. Til E. Mtl)NUJ A ADDISON U ROACH K, Altornrj and Counselors at Law, .Ktna Iunuranc. Company Ruilding, erood floor, TenusyUanla afreet. j' dly SALOONS. Astor Saloon, TE N S S V L V A N I A STKE KT, rt Door to (be .Hin lliilldlny. F f IMF UNrFRSÜ.NFD II VF OTTNED THE AT4JVK I .".'.t'.i.l 5'ir., where they keep cot.a:itlv on b;e. t.. vr b.t ine Aii Iu..r,., Ac l.uoch e'verv m n i i rit.e o'clock. F.T A KFINMVN BOOK BINDERS. TfM S CAMTPEIJ. j(. VT. BOTLES. CAMPBELL & B0YLES, to Campbell t pro) B o ok Bi nder s AND- BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS, NO 37 1T WASHIMrrOX ST., wod.K.r at f r.lenn'.HIjrk, Up-.tatr, lM.tiaiiapl. 1 ItHllttt rfff JUST RFCF.1VF.D A STI.FNDID ASS(UTM F.NT OP si.rtiLi: of ;,: sit rr fielil, portability ainl xwer they aupoile all idl ers. For nil by SKMMONS, 0-icin. SPECTACLES, EYEGLASSES, SsC, Of the jrrfatest trAn.'rwrtT.t powt", cf new im prtivemoiit pnvrrly a'ljiistwl to tbe c:n e. OrNr4 lVin the country, with, prt'mj lly attotifiel to. Kepuuiiij; ncatlv hin witit i!5vtcli. S KM MÖNS. Optivian. cCJl o. Soutli Illlnoi trect. COMMISS ION M ERC HA NTS. .II0SSK JOIISON, General Commission Merchant, AND lien Irr In t'lntir t.rnln, and all kind of'ountr- I'rodiirr; Wlnt iiml l,lqiiorClgarTohnrro Vc. omck and wakehorsk, 237 south sfcondst, piiii.a ii:i.imi a. Ad nnce-w made on ronlgntnetit. anrt2dly J V ATE SEN r 1 1 JO INDIANAPOLIS, IND., TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 7, 1802. XUMBER ii,510. riEwopAPcno. MEDICAL. nit. nut MI. A .11 Citrra Iii moat Obatlnale and Eeng Xlaiidinar I)irar by r t A U a. - . Abb ' rr- t'rt-H- SIV. vir, - ' - VJ ?s. f. : n REAL ESTATE ACENTS. SF-AJrcST 55 LOVE, Real Estate Agents, Soth-wet comer Washington and Meridian it., INDIANATOUS. INDIANA. "mf rONDERFUL RESULTS IN THIS CITT AND VI W CIN ITT .Mis irvhotir, diea'f of female vs tem, with Neuralgia, llt phyk:ian in attendance; Mr. Brewvter, Itronrlnal Ciiii:npttn; Mr. Kunmon, Mr. Sp.nn, Mr. Todd and other, complicated fTnale disease, evral yiar tndinif: Mr. Trady, Hant-otk county, di- ea. of the )ladl'r arid kidney, etc., etc Are you af fiRteU? "A word to the wise 1 auflicb'r.t." I'eron riesirou f knowing more of Ir. Rurnham and hi Kkill are referred to the following w ell known cit'en: lrof. S. K. Hoshonr; lr. S. C. Frlna; A. Ü. SireUht, F-j..; Rev. M. i. Clark; i t. C. Thn, Y-- A. R. Hde, Eq ; L. W. M"e; W. M. Wheatley, Kq. Office Yohn'rt Tlock, North Meridian treet. Letter will receis. prompt attention. Adilre DR. N 0. TURNIIAM, fehlt InJianaxMjlU Itidiana . "bitters. TJ S T II E Old SACHEM BITTERS IT IS THK FINKST AND I1EST S I It I x a n K DICE IV K Kisro"W2sr. IT IS A IM (U AIJ.i:i) Piirifirrand Regulator oftho Dlood it is a if light fill Tonic, Try it and it will do you Good. FOR. SALT! B"5T IHM IUI AMT cV IIA I.N. Ami by Orocera, Wine Merchant and Drutff(lt generally. Vi. (iOODKICII, New llavm. Ct., Troprletor. Trincipal Depot, 14 Water treet, N. Y. decW-'Bft-dAwlv PIANOS. PIANO FORTES- JV. II AVK ON HAND A NUMBER OF FIRSA CUf a IManwe, w inch we will eil at cwt fur cash WILLIARD A STOWH.L, octl No. 4 Rate one. MUSIC riAios: ri..os! IllKATF.U AND RK.TTKK IN- X J l Ii . r.. I l iian were e er TT a.' .i nil.. . I.. l.i. i,..fL..l M.. . " tL.Ai i'ii i it.. ,i, , ip. in. i. . i . m i . .- t ' . ratiifetneni with K.ttrn Tuno vh 7 -- rl J manufacturer are auch that I cm f lr .;- -f II furnish all order 25 per crn. ?- " cheaper than any dealer In the West, and I warrant them upertor Itihtrunietits. Oulv for c.t-h. Call and ae at Mer W II. Talhott k Co' Jewelry ?tore. No. 24 Washington treet. riANOS. MFUlDFONS.OUiiANS, GUITARS. VIOLINS, ACOOKDK.ONS, Ac, TUNED AND REPAIRED. H ivitn had over twenty year' experience the public can he aMired tlirtt they now have a better opportututy than they (fen. rallv meet with to have th-lr instrument e put in peVfect order. H. SCHON ACKER. lulySl-dlv "ßl SEWING MACHINES. IJOR TRADE. We have everal tract of Improved ' and unimprtived 1st' in I-atur and R.pley coun tiea, Indiaoa, for exchange for city property. Aleo, a Ind.ana, for exchanite fr city property it other rock! I tra-le. A o, Io ac c,ao un.jer icnce, wun iraise nouae, Ac, IS rnile from Kent, Newton county, Ind. IJR SALE. Several good lniprved'fanua In Marlon County, Indiana. Also, enie choice t'UlMinc loti la the N rth part of the cliy, at very low prk a. Amnj them, the beautiful lota j of J. W. Yandes, corner of Tcnnlvnia and Vermont i treet. j FOR RENT. Several eKr T xr. frontiof on Wash- i lngton treet. in econd, third, and fourth ttorica in goJ builtiinirs and In (tool locations. Sne of these rwniw are in the Blake Building rent very lw. The fourth tory point room is very well cal culated for any liht manufacturing l.usn Apply to SPANN A IjOVE, Real Ette Age. tj. gp' Paris Dye-House. The OltlrMt INI:il)liIiiiiciit ir 'Iva a. : x-vr ji:4rjr. fllHE UNDERSIGNED KEGS MOST RF.SPF.CTITT.LY I to ltifonn the citizen of Indianapolis and the Mir roundinir country, that he I to be f-.tjnd at hi old Und, No. 1 South ile rid. a n trtet, a few doom outh of the Tost OfT.ce. Thankful to the ladie and pent for the liberal atipport he ka .-eceiveil for the lat live year, hopin for a con tinuance of the ante to increase hi buMne, having more in hl new premlht , with the hope to eive aatifdctiu a h. ha alw ay tried to do. Being well experienced In all the brauche of hi business he feel confident that all work entrusted to his care will be done hy experienced workmen from Taris Work dime cheap and warranted. Ladie atin and wo. i-n 1 reuse and shawl cleaned and dyed in all fancy ha leu. Crape hawl dyed a beautiful scarMorcrinon. and bh .iched. Clonts' oiled clothing cleaned, dyed, re paired ami pressed, to look a well a new, on bort no tice. (Jtvase, tar or paint taken out, without Injury to the cloth. Second-hand clothe bought and aold. Country order promptly attended to. N. T.. Imi make a mistake; no connection with any other house of the ame kind or name in the city. octl 8m E. H ARRIS. BSTiBLlSHMBftT Tili: ( CLI IIKA run FRANKLIN AND KEYSTONE STATE SEWING MACHINES. Kv(T) Machine Fully Warranted. i Ak3 lilUUI T 05 ETII HARRIS WOULD RESTF.CTFT'LLT AN N0UNCK to hi friend that he may tili he found at hi old Ktaod, No. 33 South Illinois treet, Indianapolis Indiana, where he is prepared to renovate,old clolhin? to look a well a new, at ahort notice and on reaonable term. Al.o, particular attention paid to fine Drawing and Dyeing. New and Second-hand Clothing bought and old. Billiard-tablecloth line drairn. '. B. Thi I the oldest establishment In the city, hav ing been established ince'J. Orders from the coun try promptly attended to. Jan22'60dly AMERICAN CEME NT C L U E. Something for the Time. A NECESSITY IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD! Johns & Crosley's AMKI1ICAX CKMKNT TiLUE, THE STRtfNCF.ST LUE IN THE WOULD For C mm tin p; Wood l,rallitr(!a Ivory f'hinuy ."larblc lorr'lalii Alulutrr Hour Coral. Ar ti1k only articijc ok the kind ever produced which will withstand water. i.xtuact: "Every housekeeper should have a upplJ of John k CroMey'a American C-ment Cilue." .V. . Tin. "It I o convenient to have In the house. ,'tw York A;fe. "It I alway ready; thl cominend it to everybody." A". ) '. dj -eo ic at. "We have tried It, and find it a useful In our houe water." H We'i tyirit of tht V.iea. Price 25 vis. per Ilotlle. MIIKRAL REDUCTIONS TO W HOL KS A L i: I) K A LEKS. VERY rH" HC BC m 1? M.. IH H . Jflrjy For !e by all Dnigiflt and Storekeepers gen erally throughout the cottony. JOII.VS iV CKOSIJIY, (HOI.K Mkh fACTt tlltBS) TS William Mrflfl, ('omer of Uberty treet, N. Y. JulyS-dly '1 IT 1 now decM.S by th' bet Machine? and the public generally, that tlies M.u'hine embrace the latest und Iiiost iniptrtatit improvement ever attached ! Sewing Machine: tli.- I in p ro r d . v r rlu i 1 lny: l.oopcr. and Itete rM hrrl. The Franklin atid Keystone State ate the only Machine that have these important Improvement, winch now give the m the preference over all t!ier. Every rne hould examine and thoroiinhly test them before rti.iktnc thetre lectn n, a they are rapidly taViior the jd,.- t-f all other. In these Machine we do aw ay with all Die complicated Smcw, Vtars Shittm;, Tor mm,, CarMiKitp an I Circv la a Nkkim.ii, of other machitie, which render them at once (treatly Mijx-rj.'r to any heretofore offered the pub lie, for the .n.ttiy dliTereut kind of family and matiufac tunng purpose. Tliese Mahine mVe th- double-Iork, ft tich a titch that will nt rip or ravel, tlnxif'h every fourth on be rut. Thl titch 1 tronger and more elastic than tha mode by hand. It I decided by competent judge to be no -re than tw jce a M ron as the tit h made with hultle and bobbin. The great rc ni utider the arm render them deirible for large work, and variou kind of quilting purpose. These Machine make the only titch with w hich yoa Can embroider. (Vi tliesr Machine you can ue any kin 1 of pool silk, cotton or linen thread. T!iee Marian' are almost noiMle in operation. lie irj to s,-. thini before piircrsin a they aregtv. Ing a satisfaction heretofore unptrnilf led. They ew fr'm two pool without rewiiHling. Thev will uaTMaa, mi, Tvca. r i l. and vi' nr. on heavy or litht fabric. A liberal discount to the Clergy, Aa-etit and charitable bject. Send for a circular and arr.nle of work. We are iNo Awnt-f-.r BLAKE A JOHNSOVS AD JUSTABLE II EMM KK the only one that make the Hem on the ruht 'de of Ce work. .XtiFNIS WANTED in every County, Town and State In the Sorth-weM. lraft, w'th onler for Machine, may be forwarded by Expre or Mail. TEA DEALERS. T E J. S ! I FRESH ARRIVAL OP SITKRIOR NEW CROT TEAS, I A I !o. 1 1 llutr lloimr, I llinol -! INDIANAIDLIS, IND. mW mm M T t T, m- T 9 OjWj BOXES TEARL LEAVED OUN TOWDER; J f fin Chet Superior Imperial: Ml " Youtijr Hyon, new crop; 75 " Black and Fancy BUck Tea. We are now prepare.lan! will 11 the bet qualitie i Tea at wholesale and retaii,liwer 30 per cent, than any i other houe in the city LI' DDK N A LEE declo'tMt-dly. MEDICAL mm RAILROADS. - 41 VLL 'rK5S TUKCHASlNft TICKETS ICR ST. JOSr I'll and other po;nt in Norihern Misurl, the s a e of Kansas or the Territories, should init oil hav ti.g tukft that read by the xmni Tiisoriii int Tlie only ra.l route from St. Ixn! to St. Joejh, It i the iortet aiel (jux Weit line, by thirteen hours to the re. motet point r"acl.e by rail, and la alway. a cheap a. aoy other. Buy our Ticivei to Kana and all po.t.t in Northern MiMourt ly tL North Mi.s-uri Kadroad. ISAAC II. STURGEON, lTr't aod Oen'l Supt. Nvrtfc Misun K. R. HENRY II. SIMMONS, Ag-ti. "ptl' .Oy E- RICHARDS Ss OO-, I'rimij-il Ajrnt or .'UtoU.,$ JLfirAitn, fi, t'Mn, Mi Ji'ieao.i, Miacoa.ft tful Ji'Urt. Otnrr, 13.1 I'Nkf SHrrrl wtrrrt Floor, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. ToT Orrn Boa, Ji JylsdAw6m REAL ESTATE. tVOTiVE TO THE LMIES. DR. DACIKICS FEMALE MONTHLY TILLS. No article of medicine Intended for the exclusive ue f Female, that ha ever made it appearance, h met with such universal uere a the C cbratrd 1111. I No dUea.s I w little understood, and consequently o bad!v treated, a Female dieae. Thee 1112 are the re- : suit of much attidy and careful eipericnce in all varieties ' I of female complaint; and In cae of j Suppression, Ieuehorrea or Whites inflammation of the Malufr, kidney and womb, and Ios of nervou energy, their ue la - hove all praiae. CAUTION- -Married Ladi r, in certain Situation, shoal J not u.tLem. For reasor.., trt direcuon with each boj. Trice. One IVdlar per boi. Seut by mall to any part of the world. Trepared and sold exclusively by DR. E INU, No.lA Virginia Avenue, - J a . . m . . apra-c.Awiy ei inuia:.a i.,inaiana. i UNDERTAKERS. R. J. OATLINCPS REAL ESTATE AGENCY, 0. 3 lllaAC KF mD lllTLDIX;, W;awtars. DRUMS. KilhoiirueN Drum, AT NO.4 BATES HOUSE, ajs trtiniin A STOWFI L. 'Mxe aT SC Xk' no; UTTDERTAKER, V0. 2 SOUTH MERIDUN STREET. INDIAN AP V ULIS, U prepared to furnl.h Metaic Cae nd Caets of every .ie, nd ba. been appointed by the B ar l of Coumy C i-j furuin cofT'.n fr the DAILY SENTINEL INDIANAPOLIS RAILROAD TIME TABLE. stixa-rorrAi! kauaoa. Tra'n leave. Tralna Arrive. 7:20 A. Mail ft 5 1. M. M T. M & A.M. 1:30 T. M nwiti rtmu aaiLwar. Train. Leave. Train. Arrive. KM A. M 40 P. M. 11:45 T. M Mail 2 tS P M. T:l& T. M l(r.40 A. M mnx .roua akd roLrwava anoirr un, m parrot. Tralna Leave. Train Arrive. &1S A. M 40 P. M. 11 45 A. M 2:05 T. M. T:15 T. M Ifr-.O A. M. ixntaaaroua akd nucixaari aiijiod. Train Leave. Train Arrive 6O0 A. M H OT A. M. 11:35 A. M- M5 T. M. 7:10 P. M 9 45 P. M. Tiaax narra baiuoaa. Train Leave. Tram Arrive. IMS A.M... 5T-0A.M. 2-10 V. M 1153 A. M. 10.15 P. M 7:J0 P. M. LArATClTK lAJUKUD. Train Leave. Tram Arrive. M5 A. M 4 45 A. M. 11:15 A.M 10:10 A.M. .r5 P. M 6.00 P. M. rear AVDixDiAwarousaAiLaoAP. Train Ieave. Train Arrive 12 :J T. M Mail IU0 A.M. 10:10 P. 31 Ch'caKo Expre 117 P. M. lAPISON INOIASArOLIS RAILAOAJV. Train Leave. Trains Arrive. 7:00 A. M Mail KT 4. A. M 1X30 P. M P. M. jcrrKKHoKViuJC bailaoad. Train Leave. Tralna Arrive. 8 4.1 A. M Mail COO A. M. 8.50 T. M 8:20 T. M. Arrival and I par iure, or Cloalng of .null. ARRITAU. Madiaon mail Cincinnati and wav mall...... .. Jeflersnville and Loui.sville Terr H.tute way mail Teru mail Central way mail Ter re Haute through mall Iafayette and Chicago Iwdlefontaine way mail Bellefontaiite through mall Central through mill Cincinnatithrousfh mail Springfield, Illinois . . . . . i. ... . . . . i . ... . .. . . . . i ... . .. . . . . . . .. ...11:05 A. at. ...ll oo a. at. ... 10 r. M. ...11:0 A. at. ...11:3t A. M. I...KM0 A. K. ...10:15 A. at. ... 6:30 r. M. ... 9:00 p. m. . .. H1 a. M. ... 105 r. at. ....10:00 r. M. ...11:00 A. m. tt PAKTiatl. Jeffersonville and IouUville mall 6W a.m. Terre Haute through mail, St. l)0l, Cairo.... 70 r. u. Iafayette and Chicago.. 10:V a. m. I jifavette City and Springfield, Illinois 1:'M r. m. MadiVon mall 11:20 A. tt. Central way mall 10:110 a. m. Central through mail and Washington City.... A:.10 p. m. Cincinnati and way mail 10:39 a. m. Through mail 6:30 p. m. Terre Haute way, Evansville and Vincenne.... 1:10 r. m. Peru 12IM) I. Bellefontaine war and through 7:30 p. at. jiH-r . i-ovjfl.ttlw Ini Indiana Ilereiments. Tlie following w a lit ot the regiments now in the field ami in course of formation in this Sute: Sixth Regiment Thomas T. Crittwnden, Col onel, NoHnville, Kentucky. Seventh Regiuient Colonel Gavin, Spring field, Virginia. Eighth Regiment William P. Rcnton, Col onel, Miouii. Ninth Regiment Colonel Moody, Hutton ville, Va. Tenth Regiment Muhlon D. Manson, Colonel, New Haven, Ky. Eleventh Regiment George F. Maginnis, Colonel, Padncah, Ky. Twelfth Regiment Wiu. II. Linck, Colonel, Sh.irjvhurg, Md. Tliirtcvnth Regiment Jeremuh Sullivan, Colonel, Romney, Vn. Fourteenth Regiment Nathan Kimball, Col onel, Romney, Va. Fifteenth Regiment George D. Wagner, Col onel. New Haven. Ky. Sixteenth Regiment Pleasant A. Hacklciuan, Colonel, FreJerickstown, Md. SeventeMith Regiment Milo S. Haacall Colo nel, New Haven Ky. Eighteenth Regiment, Tho. Patterson Colo nel, Missouri Nineteenth Regiment Solomon Meredith Colonel, Washington, I). C. Twentieth Regiment William L. Brown Colonel, Fortre Monroe, Va. Twenty-firt Regiment Ja nves W. McMillan Colonel, Riltini'ire, Md. Twenty -second Regiment Hendricks, Colonel, Miouri. Twenty thin! Regiment Wm. Ü. Sanderson Colonel, Patluenh, Ky. Twenty fourth Regiment Alvin P. Hover Colonel, Mi.iouti. Twenty-fifth Regiment James C. Veach Colo nel, Missouri. Twenty-filth Regiment Whcatley, Colonel, Mi"jouri. Twenty seventh Regiment Silas Colgrove Colon I, Dunstown, Md. Twenty eight Regiment Cavalry, Conrad Ra kel, 1 ronton. Mo. Twenty-ninth Regiment John F. Miller, Colonel, Nolinville, Ky. Thirtieth Regiment Sion S. Bass Colonel, Nolinville, Kv. Thirty-first 'Regiment Charles Cruft Colonel, Calhoun, Ky. Thirty-second Refri men t First German Regi ment Augu.-dus Willich Colonel, Green River, Kentucky. Thirty-third Regiment John Coburn, Colonel, Crab Orchul, Kentucky. Thirty fourth Regiment Asbury Steele, Col onel, Louis i ille, Ky. Thirty hlth Regiment Irish John C.Walker, Colonel, Louisville, Ky. Thirty-sixth Regiment William Grose, Col onel, New Havrn, Kentucky. 1 hirty-seventh Regiment leorge . Hazard. Colotiel, Elixabethtown. Ky. Thirty eighth Regiment IJenj. F. Scribner, Colonel, Nolinville, Ky. Thirty-ninth Regiment Thoma J. Harrison, Colonel, Nolinville, Ky. Fortieth Regiment Wm. C. Wilson, Colonel, Iouijvillf, Ky. Forty first Regiment (cavalry) John A. Biiilgland. Colonel. Louisville, Ky. Fortv-econd Regiment James G. Jones, Col onel, Henderson, Ky. Forty-third Regiment George K.Steele, Col onel, Evans ville. Foitv lburth Regiment Hugh B Reed, Col onel, Fort Wsvne, Ind. Forty filth Regiment (cavalry) Sctt Carter, Colonel, Washington City. D. C. Forty-sixth Regiment Graham N. Fitch, Col cnel, Bardtotan, Ky. Forty-seventh Regiment Jas. R. Slack, Col onel, Indiitiiatioli. Forty eighth Regiment Col. Eddy, Gohn, Indiana. Forty ninth Regiment JefTersonirille, Colonel nt yet appointed. Fiftieth Regiment Cyru L. Dunham, Col onel, Bedford. Fifty first Regiment Mechanics A. D. Streicht, Colonel. Brdtown, Ky. Fifty-second Regiment Wm. C. Reynolds, Colonel, Euihville. Fiftr thirl Regiment Indianapolis, Colonel W. (i Greaham. Fill fourth Regiment Rer. J. L. Smith, Col onel, Lafayette. Fifty-fifth Regiment. (Svor.d German) Colonel John A. Mntield, Eransville. Fifty sixth Regiment Railroad, Indianapolis, Colonel Ja me) M. Smith. Fiftr seventh Regiment Richmond, Colonel McMullen. Fifty eighth Regiment Princeton, Colonel Crr. Fifty ninth Regiment (eoport, Jesse J. Alex ader, Colonel. Sixtieth Reciment Dr. Richard Owen, Col onel. Etrannrille. Sixty-fin-t Regiment 2nd Irish Colonel Mullen. hdion. Si xty second Regirnaut Rockport Colonel not yet appointed. CATAL1T. Captain Bracken's Company Western Vir g;nia Post(fHce address, Beverley. Captain Siew art's Company Westen Vir ginia 1'ostofhce address. Weaton. Ca tain Graham's Company Weet Point, Kentuikv. Captain Moreau's Company New Haven Ky. 2ih Regiment Col. Baker 1st cavalry Ironton, Missouri. Forty fifth Regiment Colonel Carter 3d caTalrr Washington City. Ira Harris's four compauies uf Indiana caralry are at Munaon'a Hill, Virginia Poatoflke ad dress, WaahingWo City. AKTItLKIT. Ctin Raib'a Battery, Missouri. Captain Fnbargej's Battery, Missouri. Captain Klaus's Battery, Missouri. Captain Sturm's Battery Henderson. Ky. Captain Buh's Battery Ixu:aville, Ky. Captain Sitnonson'a Battery. Iuiville, Ky. Captain Behr's Battery, Calhoun, Ky. CapLiiti Harris ' Battery, Louisville, Ky. m m Army Pay IColl. The following sutccieut, taken from official Murcc, will show the army pay roll. Iu the first column will be found the nett aalary per mouth and in the second tlie total salary per month, which includes rations, tenant hire, fonge, Ac. CE.NESAL orrirra. Ptr month. Total. Lieutenant General $'270 $778 IH) Aids-de-CampaMd Militarr Secreta- Utry to Lieutenant General, ench Major General Senior Akl-de-Camp to Geueral-in- Chief Ahl de Camp, in addition to pay, etc., ol Lieutenant Brigadier General Aul de Camp, in addition to par, etc., of Lieutenant .". Ü0 I'J 00 AlUVTANT GI.NLRAL'S Dl PATIKT. Adjutant General Colonel 110 237(H) Assistant AtljuUnt General Lieut. Colonel 95 213 00 ArsfetAiit Adjutant General Major bO It'J UÜ Capt'n 70 13a iO Judge Adrocats Major H lb'J 00 Isri-CTOR (IKMKAL'h I) PAtTMEM. 110 237 00 M) 220 19d 00 477 00 H) IK) 00 2 124 32 00 32'J 00 124 110 d: K) 70 Ü5 Inspector General Colonel.... SIGNAL LkTAfcTVI LNT. Signal ofiicer Major K) QtART RM Abri aV IiLfASTlfKNT. Quartermaster (leueral Btigtdier (tetieral. ... Assistant Quartermaster General Colonel Deputy Quartermaster General Lieutenant Colonel Quartermaster Major Assistant Quartermaster Captain SUBSISTENCE Dl.pARTMr.NT. Commissary General of Subsistence Colonc'l 110 Assistant Commissary General of Subsistence Lieutenant Colonel Commissary of Subsistence Major Assistant Commissary of Subsist ence Captain Assistant Commissary of Subsist ence, iu addition to pay, etc., of Lieutenant MEDICAL TrrARTMENT. Surgeon General $2,740 per an num Surgeons often years' service Surgeons of less than ten years' service Assistant Surgeons often years' ser vice Assistant Surgeons of five years' service Assistant Surgeons of less than five years' service 5333 PAT DEPARTMENT. Paymastor General $2,740 per an Deputy Paymaster General Paymaster ItO 00 329 51 237 00 213 00 lh9 00 138 50 237 00 213 00 ltrU 00 70 13$ 50 20 11 00 fcO 70 70 70 K) 22 33 225 00 174 50 174 50 139 50 121 83 223 83 213 (Ml lfe 9 00 110 J5 HO 70 officers or thk corps or tNoiNrr.Rs, conn or TOPOGRAPHICAL ENUINEFK AND ORDNANCE DE PARTMENT. Colonel Lieutenant Colonel Major Captain First Lieutenant 5333 Second Lieutenant 5333 Brevet Second Lieutenant 5333 orricLKs or mol nt i draooo.xs, catalry, rifle Ut.y AND LIGHT AÜTII.LIRT. Colonel Lieutenant Colonel Major... Captain '. First Lieutenant Second Lieutenant Brevet Second Lieutenant Adjutant, and Regimental Quarter 237 00 213 00 It'J 00 13 50 121 83 121 83 121 83 110 237 00 J5 213 00 80 b'J 00 70 146 50 53 120 83- 53 12'J Kl 53 12'J 83 Lieutenant 10 10 Oil orrtciKs or artillery and inpantrt. Colonel i5 222 00 Lieutenant Cohmel M) 19H 00 Major 70 17!) (Ml Captain CO 120 50 First Lieutenant 50 110 50 Second Lieutenant 45 105 50 Brevet Second Lieutenant 15 105 50 Adjutant, in Mition t jmy, etc., of Lieutenant ". JO 10 50 Recimental Quartermaster, in ad- lition to pay, etc.. of Lieutenant 10 2b' 00 In the above we hao not inserted the frac tional parts of dollars, for convenience sake, in this matter of but little importance. below the grade ok lihtenant. The first column denotes the pay per month of artillery and infantry, and of dragoons ami riflemen when ferving on foot The second od uinn denotes the pay jt month of light artillery and of dragoons and riiletnen when mounted: Sergeant Major, Quartermaster Sergeant, Principal Musician, and Chief Bugler, each 21 21 DO First Sergeant of a Company 20 2) 00 Onlnsnce Sergeants ". 22 , 0 Hospital Stewards '2 (H All other Sergeants, each 17 17 On Cirpo:nls 13 14 Oil Buglers 12 13 0D Musician 12 00 Farriers and Blacksmiths 15 15 O'l Artificers 15 17 00 Privates 13 00 Matron 6 00 Female nurses 40 cents per day and one ra tion. Paymaster's Clerks $700 per annum, and 75 cents per dar when actually on duty. Chaplain in volunteers $146 50. In addition to the pay as above stated, one ra tion rT day and an abunaant supply of good clothing is allowed to every sldier. Quarters, fuel and medical attendance are always provided by the Government without deduction trom the soldier's pay. If a soldier should become disabled in the line of his duties, the law pro i!es for h ra a pension, or he may, if lie prefer it, obtain ad mission into th Military Asylum, which will afford hint a comfortable home so long as he may wi-h to receive its benefits. To the alove pay for prirate soldiers mut Le added the additioaal $2 a month tobe paid da ring service, the $100 bounty at tha end of the war, which lias already been provided f jt, and the quarter section of" land that Congress will provide for at its coming sevion. The bounty ami land apply to officers and privates alike. DOOTS AND SHOES. larger lbs Rulnea. Lower tbe .'( nealn(, fatC34. JOHN h7D E T E I B , Boot and Sh 7Iannfactnrr U West Fourth treet Cincinnati. I HATE JUST 0PK5F.D MT SPRX50 rTOCK, WHICH Conuinaea the tewet and choiceet atylca of Men's, Loy', Tooth' and Ch.ldren'a we.r, aod having greatly inrreaaed my facllltie for manafacturing, I am euaided u offer great Inducement to cah huyer. I har. marked my kedown to a rery low f gure. eaily a-klng a null profit My i&vUoii targe Jea and mall prof.ta. Under tandinjr tbe iniceaaJty of keening p with ih ttmrt, I will e every endeavor to atlfy my cuttomari lo evrry re .rt fapll'l dlyl JHN H. DrTTn.. ivnn litlll CPVTIVPI I I ' 1 I a I f i aj aa Dailf nnd VTcclily in i ii 1 1 1 1 ol j i .aitia i i ii i u uuti a ii Here lt tie jr.. th popl. rltu saair.'w, l'oaatj t y (near oc arsl Rahotirit y giia. Tw Dmr a Wtitir STira Savrtstv are tha reg ste4 rgaw f the l-mrrrj t4 texturi, A n lula tft Fi th. wOi oetma to advnrate ttw jrtst-lp' and tueaturet which art tt calcuUted U ad varx the har-pme., the rornty and the frsedo eT the peopla frwa ail c-dcat ar4 mnn.mmrj peatraiiif. Hhila cbeerfny tatftog the O-rrrrwaent a Wyl ritiient tould. tha 5imiL m ill valiantly waich all a rroActtroenL. upon popular rghta aoJ l I rv. M-tw-'r of eon'titu' w-ifiil liberty. Th freed.ra tf reh and the freed ti of the re are 6erary Uireaerva and aeewrs free institution. tea th arc .traca. Uwru, nt AtJ. trt what mar be the apology thervW, frcra ttal day datea the decVr tf Araencaa Lherty. la oraer t fona m more perfect anion, etaMlb Jate. ausure 4ovatie tranquility, prot!e for tbe oonio. defer,, (itmmso tb general vllare and er t;r the t !ettn rf .brty to twr evf and rterlty, tLe amCL will -m-tlciit and approve or condemn, a it behrte tbe juMic good require, all tue. tare, of the Late and ÜaOocÄl Ad nifrl'f rauona. It will ever keep in view the d tlorti between upporting the G-rrernwent and the art of thoe who represent the Government. Aud arpeal far the npport of all who der. re to maintain a per. Ovttj IJoTiaUtoverTitneijt, atdciiine r r rtirelve ar.d eair pos terity the gloriou herltag of free !ntrtution, won by th valor and fraaet Ky the wiJoro and tntecrlty of Ii pw who j!eigsd their Uvea, their fortune arol their tacred honors for liberty anJ Independence. Ke th Hrtss of tent:n( tbe irewlt1oi f tb Da ly and Weekly !nt aa fJAtn Mimiit, tt propnetora solicit every In mocrat. every friend of otand and tonaerr at:v. Nattitial principle, to aid lb en m that cd-eet. It la neellea. to inr the tmpcf-lanr of the per, a. aa agency in utalr:g a rrty orranitaiiorj and the uc cea of St Trirmple., and Lpteen!aüve Men. The Rap. tivklwiU take for Ita puliiiral arwt th Sattenal aivd Mai. IV murr .lie Platforni. and earoeMly advocate tha prlriciple and polwy the? taair tain. The Mffim w iil. ai-o, te a general eewppr. It will eoiitain U Utt TKLKoaaew frooi alt r-.rt. of tbe world; a full atet correct report of the l a-'tem Cam MitKiT and the (it.vraiL Makiit of all the al clrie .f the I hkni; J"oreign and ihbmk lotelligMirs.; ConirreiLsiuM! lT.-rsdlTps; fy! Krpoet of li l1U tire IrHeeding d our ow n Slate; I;iteretrr:g Tale v iJt erary an l K-iu'ioo Mtrellai.yj Invent i n and Isatov. er es; I- i-in In the Suprt nve CVurt of tbe Hrat. and tbe ledrial, Cir.-nit aixt iSstnrt CMrt, wuU l 'Ore t4 tbelr arguno-fiU and iroredinr.; the K-l nrw of the vnov count ie T il.e Mate, wliirh ill t of genet al totere; the Commen ial and r'tuat. ia Intelligetier; article on Anicul:ure atl Sieie; eliti rul reviews and cotbBtert lipo the ci.rr nt toj.rif the day, and full rep.ri of th protfrea uf tl t'tt il V' Aa from our n rorr-epotslent and other ource. With a view of obtaining accurate ttiformatlnq frota every m lion if the 5tate, we olh-lt our fneixU to gt uili imiurtant fart frru their lMigLUrhwl at tbey o.y deem worthy of trati:iitw1on. Th Daily" an l Meekly 8ttt. Sontn. are tlie bet iriediut-.i for deruer in tbe Mate, tbrir ciirulatlow tendini( to every part flt. THK SNTtL STX A M PaHTtV F T UHf ST t fh mst complete in the Rate, Wing amply upled with every variety of plain and ortiamr rt al type frinti the beat fouuder in the country, and with res. eipre.Jy de clined atnl purthaM-d for eiecuting all tbe different cla.e of Rne lx.k arsl Job IVlutu g. VTe rerectfwly oolidt order from wir friend tbrougliot the Htate, and will guar&t.teethat all work entruted te rj !.!! )e d'-ce with protnptnes and a-curacy, on tha frt quality of pa per, with the tet of Ink, and In Heb a 3 te aa anu.t trive entire satiafaction. The low term op on which we tdTrr to futrdfb the Daily aki M uut hniriiii, will not permit a to em ploy agenta, ant we therefore iulicH nr frtend tn every uei;htorbood to exert tbetnarlve to .end 0 .bereit r. pcciulrn copies ill be sent henerer require!. TDIlJls: Daily Sentinel, one year.... ia month.. ' " one month .. te tw ... 3 (0 10 00 Weekly Sentinel, one cony one year $ 1 Ten copie to ooe addre, and oue to the maker of the club 10 Twenty ropie. to one adreta, and two to the ma ker of the club 2f Thirty C'if.iei to one addrtsa, and one copy of tha M eekly one atxl of the Daily, lo Ui maker of the club SO 00 Fifty copie to one addre, and twocoj.iea of the Weekly and to of the Daily St 00 Addition can It made to eluM at any time at the above rate, w here the paper I e1dreaaed to ca.h ul-acrlber separately, the extra copies ill Bot he acLt, No paper sent without pr payment, or continued longer thau pa d for. Addre: i:i.i)i:itt iiaiikm:. v iiimc.iiai, Indlanapolia, Indiana' tSay Taper copying the above, and railing attenü to It, will be entitled to a Daily Tat hange. BOOTS AND SHOES. fiTNTZ, laiiiilaclurrr nnd Dealer, IN rMMrTS AM) snoF.s, o 3 W cat Vlilngton irret One door eat of tba 1'almer llouae. VIX KINDS OF LA DIEM AND CENTS IWatT AND thoe, made to ord. dertHlltn MEDICAL DOOKS. GALEN'S HEAD DISPENSARY, ciiAit rr.iti:i I1Y THK l.Fr.lSLATCUf OF KFNTtVKT fOlt THK TKF.ATMF.NT fF AIJ. TIIF. DlsFAM OK TIIK L'Hl.N AKT AND CK.MTAL ORGANS. A Jleilical Ifpnrl, w at en w ji aai a Wv aaa Ssa aiB . IK1CK ON LT TEN CUNTS. 0toilg 7irty F ltttr 0 In g of iXt An,iton,y nnd fjiyMnffy ofAa .Wnui i a ON A NFVT METHOD OF treating Venenal lHaea.., Ineltt di r Svpl ili In all It. .tare.; (ooorrtea. C.leet, StrVinre, Varl corlJe, a ltd Hydrore., Inaae of the Kidney a, Hladdef Ac With ont mernirj! cwtamhig val 0r, trratiaeon that tJe-.prfail malady of youth, S-rn (rial Wak new, Nortunial F.mtMlona, biaal iH hil'ty, ImpoieiM-y, Ac, the . cret InP.rrnitie. of youth aiel ma turity ar1n from tha baneful habit of 1I. bae. To nhuh I a ided oer ati.-ti v.i Female Iseae, ainl other tnteremlnr Matter of the t mot tinportartr tu the married ail t!e eitmj)i.f niarrla, whoentertnin donbtanf ibetr phy.ical a lily lo enter that Mate, rvrnt to any addre. n a wiM wrap I er. on receipt of fen tei l r four tamp. Wa devot onr entire time artd attention to the treat, tnent of the various private ilisrast trea'rd of In cor Ri vale report. Our Ih.pensary I the In-itutl4 f the kind in America which ha en e tabfi.hed ry a chaetrr, ..4 thi f wt hoWM give Jt a preference over the varlou quack of doubtfi.1 character to be found In ail arpe citie. Import nut to Fem nie! )tje dep.nrnetit of tnr Dlepenary I pe1aI1y deeded t the tre'.Tert f the Dei'eof 1 1 n.aa, urh aa lu Corrliea, or Wtire.' Irrer'ar, Falnful aod Suppreed Menstruation, Ntvou and reoer.l IMllty, Itwaawa of Ujc Womb, riarrerine., Ar. Onsnltat'oti ar.d exawnarWn f of chr. A.o, f.irle. DK. DtWKIJCP JiKliULATOü MLIJl For FemaV 0'trnrt'.ii, Irrem:!ari:e Ac Married la dte In certain aituariona boid n s them, a they would caue tuiscarr.a-e. Itk f 1 per tnii and may K. aenf t v mail- DK' tiAl-KN'S ntEVrNTlVK An InvaloabU artjr for th wishing to!;m t the number of their ffpnrg. or the barren ho de.ire rb fid rer; warranted h" to mjare the health, and will Iat for a hletime, et lo arv addreM nnaer e.l. on receipt of tb. price TWll I;LLAhS. PATIKNTS AT A 1TANCK Fy verjd.Tig a brief etate tuetit of their symptom, will receive a F'.i.r.k Chart contain ing a lit of oie.trons, ourterm ffrihefoure of treatment Ac. Medirine sent to any part of tbe country to cure any case at home, free frsn danger or ruio.ity. All tranarti-'ni iTivatc and cor.ßleritial. the name arel number. Ihrect all letter. t OALF.N'S HEAD DtSltNeART, nrtl.'.-daw Int. ville Hr. VATER GOVERNORS. SAVE YOUR LIVES AND PROPERTY lit AlTLYINii SK Of SANDERSON & STANTON'S NEW frJILF.R rEEDF.ÜA OR WATER OOTEENOR. flHlS MACHINE IS SIWI LE IN ITS D)NfTBrCT10N, w not lial-i lo get cat of ordei, keep, tba wtr al- iti at on tight in tje hoitrr be the evaporation wavh or l;tt e ta a ar wtT gage and l"W water Artec. w tn ca ef an ohtrac4ioa In toe pump r watnr ptp. Ono of the machine haaperntbwrovhly lrtatd nth botVr attached to the machinery of the :dtaa Sut 9eeUna4 ofitc. The public are invited t fail e;e1 oiamltiO It fee thetoKlTea. For farther particular luusro of 1. LEWIS, Spocrr Hn, Indtarraftulia, Ind'.ar. rrorn the trial ef the .boe mac Lin. m the br In our Cx, we era aatlTed It will perform ail itat t. claimed Jr it, and that It will be 1 ittly pelted by any who a It. BlNuIl AM. DOUUHTT A CO.. iTofirvrtoe. Sute Jtenruwl. We, the nrtder4gTel, erapiyed in the tUnci afSce, having thoroughly teted a.jrTr new imier Feeder, or Water Usage, are entirely :tAeI with It opeatto, and would recoausend all pen Co llr. to pt. diMSirvnj'i. J. t AFt LKTON. r !tas rreaa-twsia, aa.vt dAf TRUMAN n.Tr rfeer. n