Newspaper Page Text
DAILY STATE SENTINEL. w I'RINTr.D ANt 1 1 1:JSJ1I I M m I (lf CUIPtIP) AT TIIENEWSCMlNELOFFia: 2 soir-rii arnr.rr. reosrrw Twk mwrvrrtc. ELDER, HARKNESS & BINGHAM, I'ropriftor. Yearly mbwrlVri fi to, itaiaih i.t ADwcr.- r fI.vr4 r tbs mr at 13, em rr wk, pyi' I 5 ppef fcrDt wntaout f r--paymcr.vr contin'iHlorijsr than ptt4 fr. 4f;a of tb Wit-V STt. ran b had at iL offlre h BKni.r.f , and th wkit ?TTrL each VSuts 4y mor&iCK, neatly vtlpi, f' in.Iing. WEEKLY STATE SENTINEL, rUBUMIKU KVF.KT WEDSKSDAT AT m s - T fATAttX HTAliLT 19 AXVACE. ItATliM OF AIVi:iCTI!HI fi. DAILY STATE r in Jo VOLUME X. INSURANCE. nmvi ivcmivn 1,11 I.Ullll.UI IS or iiAirrroiti, cow. n. ltr. 1M.1 j 1 00 1.25 1.50 1 75 2 00 1.50 3wJ 3.00 3w.. Ira.. Im.. 3ia..; Am 4 00 5.00 1.12 1.50 1 7 IK 3 IO 3.73 4.50 .00 i 5 ?:5 5 3 1.5o' 1. 2.2.V 2' 3.00 2.0O.' 2.50 30 3.50 4 00 20 3.1 3.75 4.371 500 3.00 3.75 4.50 5.25 00 3 50 4 27 5 2-i .12; 7.00 4.0O s.oo .oo; 7.oo; 8.00 S.0D, 6.ZS 7 50 8.75 10 00 0 7 50 4 3.75 5.(0 8 20 7.50 3.37 4.59 l.T2 75 7.X7; 8.75 00 10.00 11 25 12 50 .00 10.50 12.00 1.1.50 15.00 S 00 10.00 12 00' 14.00. 16.00 11.00 20.00 T .50 10 00-12.50 15.00 17-M 20.00 22.50 25.00 7.WI 10.25 13.54tlU.7S 2.W 23.25 2..V 29.75 33.00 H V 1.1.75 13 OO' 24.25 M.50 34.75 0.00 43.00 50.00 15 OO 21.25: 27 ) 33 00 40 00 45.00 50 OO 55 00 Tl.. 11.00 KM) 25 00-30.50 37.W 5.50 52 50 67.50 62.50 t o 13 00 20 50 21.5 w 50 43.50 50.00 57.50 65.00 70 00 12m 15.00 23 00 35.00 s" 00 65.00 C.V0075.IK) 8500 MM ADVKRTISIXO IX THE M EEKLY. Ot oturr. nr. IlTti'.n tn " two " 1 WO " f .nr " 2 0 Fr cvli nj!ji'i'fit inr!i'n, nni for fach lusrr- tiim f mcU MiUonal s.jir 33 J Advrtiei.iita r"',h'-, " -n,tL l,a'5y r,1 Wrrkl 5r.Tii. will 1 churned the full lUilj rls, with oiie-bAlf ihr Vrklv rt aiiJ"l. I:uinM Xotic lishe.i in the looal rolamus of ten line a or Hn-l-r, b cliret fur acU iiertioii 1; if rrr te liue. l-n rrtit j-er line. riiAffe will 1." fr i-rrtin the notices r.f tl.e following Or -ler. Si-t ah1 A.oc'A!iun at the rre HAnie.1, to LepaM In aftvAiir Military Companies, Order "f CM l'eliow, Mav.nic Orilers Itevr.iert i-lW aivl Si:)v;n,r Societies. For earh notir-e n t exceiin H lin-s 25 cents for each .irtiiK orr eil.t line at thU rate. AiinuiK-inx rjeath with funeral notice attached, fl; without rw.tir frM Marriage XMire 50 rent. Notire of Fe!t:alM, Picnics and Excursion, gotten np by Individuals' r ax-iatioti, vr bj churvl.e.H, at the regular prk-ea. , Advertiment leaded and placed under the head ol Fpedal Notice., If ten linea or over, will t charged double the usual rate. Adrertiemer.t" le than three linen, Inserted once In the Daily, will charped fifty cent. Yearly ad vertier topav quarterly. Annonncii'K cnii'i'r i-i "u"'i - tol charted at the rate .f 1 50 for each nnnie tn the ...... - t 1 . I A a. In Capital Enlarged Jan'y 1, 1860. CATITAI lv00000 00 r.. niuj, ;ai:er ocaact:n ail llabt:it4) 611,112 SO jETNA building, inDIAKAPOUS. . ".-v'V C) rr., c ! :? ,; w v,f f ? t-s-.- i;TiV5 Tiff ft fr' i-r. ut,-.V: -vJ' h hi tv ill- s:'-bn,p.'ü Iily, and I J in the Daily and Weekly, tl.e iau.e to be, ..... .i i- Ieirt a.irertiMment inserted at the epene of the at torneys ordering, and not delaysMe for the Wal proceed In:, but ci.IlecUe at our u-ual time. Publiker not acconntable for the accunwy cf lepal ad vert foment i be Teud the amount tbarefl for their publication. ELL tU, HAKKXESS A EIXOIIAM, rronrietar Indian State Sentinel. J. M. T1LH)KD, PreMdent Inlianapoli Journal Company. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. II ARKISOXS' n.VXK. X'o. 19 East Washington ftreet opposite the Sentinel ORce. may i,ivi:uv KTAin.r.N LLEN k 1I1XSLEY, IJvery and Sale Stable. In the rear of tl.e Palmer llon.-e. Junt-5-dly roi Mim:s. DAVIS A CO., Tuion Foundrj-, Delaware atreet, op- Union If pot. II ASSELilAX A VINTON", Washington Foundry and Macbin Works eat ed Uni.m Irpot. myZS i:aIa iätati: akems. cKF.RN.Of PIEKTE, Real Ertate Agenta and ill. P-rr-kem, 10, EaM W.-hinKtonatreet. "11 Til. Y. WILEY, Real Estate Afrent and Stock Hro- ker, 10., Eat Wahhijtton atreet. laayli hoot AX D miioi: iki:AM:its. I"l C. MAYHEW ft fO., Wholesale dealer in lv.ts, Sho, ami Rubb P, No. 4 Robert' IUk, opposite eep4 the L'nrn LH-pot, IndianaU, Ind. VPAM KNODLE ft SON, manufacturer and dealer, in all k.nd of BKtA and Shoes, No. 32 Eat Vah osfion atreet. apr27 HOOKS AM STATIOM'UY. BOW EN, STEWART ft CO., wholesale and retail deal er in Ih k atid Stationery, and Printer Material., No. IS Weht WaMiiiitftoii htreet. apr26 iui is a.m "mmZILEY M UnVKY, IRtr,r,IST. Dealer In Uni, Chemie;, Paint. Oil, lyetufT., botanic. Patent and other Mediciwx, Nation and Perfumery No. 49 Ma aachuwtta avenue, Indianapolis. nov3-ly. f rnOMLINSON ft COX. dealer in lrut, l!.dicinea. I Paint. OiN. ;1aj, Perfunvry, 1 ancy CjorxL, 4c, No, ! Eajt Wa.hineron Mrwt, IndianaKlii. may 19 RHROWNIX';, ItucO, ami dealer in Paint, Oils, Varnihe, Ke-tu0 CiUi. (Jlaware, Perfumery, 4c, No. 22, Wei wxLiuxtej rtreeU apr27 IlltV COOPS. UJ ft II. C.LEXS Ct)., New Yrrk Store, pry (;.swh'!ea'.e and Retail, ftienn' Pi.xk, Fast IfV A--liincton htf-et . tua5 vrovi A!vo ti. unci:. (111 1KI.F.S COX. dealer in Stoves, Tin Ware, Ac, No. j 11 Vet Wa-hiiiffton ttreet. . apr27 HOOK IIIMir.ItN. Erected 1859 Owned by the Co. ISPK. IAL A iTF.NTlON GIVEN TO THE INSURANCE i ol tarm property, dwelling and ont-buildänf. In aur - uch lmll;n or cotitents In a very favorable man ner, f r three or five years. I,o I'.quitnbly Aljutf(l nnd l'rnnitt I)' lulil in .'nli ANo, Jnure toref , warehonm-s, l uildinga, or contents and personal projK-rty peuerally, iu town or country, at rate as low a consistent w ith hazard taken, and inland Inaurante agairt the peril? of na iuati'.n. WJl. IIKNDKION, Acent, Indian ipoiis, Indiana. Application can be made to D. W. Grubbs, who is fully authorized to tranact a'l buinohA connected with the Anry. faux 1,'61-dlyl WM ENDERSON NOTICES. u nitrl State of nl 1 ti Ii ami t NX: Amerira, Diitrirt Wnr.KitAa.a libel of information bab-on filed in the District Court of the t uite.l States, within and for the Seventh Circuit and Dirici of Indiana. on the 4th d.iy of December, 161, by John Manns. F.s.j , Attorney of t!ic Cnited Stated of America, for fdid Di.strict of Indiana, against four Iki.c! of nerchan-!ise, three boxes of bts and hoes, and two bundle of jeans. eied at Kvans ville for a vio!ation of the laws of the United S'ates, the .aid jfxxls and merchandise beinsr contrat'.ind of war, and praj ii.i process ajtainst aid kohs, the same may be condemned and sold as articles contraband of war. Now, therefore, in pursuance of the monition under the aeal of said Court to me directed and delivered, I do hereby give public notice to all pert on cl;iim:i sali g'Kxl, or any part thereof, or in any manner interested therein, that they be and appear before the said, the IHstrict Curt of the United States, to be held at the city of Indianapolis, in and fi r the Instrict of Indiana, on the 19th December instant, at 10 o'clock of the forenoon of that day, then and there to interpoe their claims and make their allegations in that behalf. I). G. R0E, U. S. Marshal, Pi r Lewis Jordan iK'puty. Jon II. Pea, Clerk. Dated December 5, ISSl. der6-dl5t XTNITED STATES OF AMERICA, DISTIUCT OF IN 1) DIANA, SS: vVherk as, a litel of Information hath been filed in the District Court of the Uni'ed within and for the Seventh Circuit and District of Indiana, on the 4th day of Ie;em ber, 1461, by John II..tuia. F.sq , Attorney of the UniteJ States for n.iid lhstrict of Indiana, aJ5ain"t three boxes of merchindifP, and two bales cf merchandise, aeized at Evansville, for a violation of the l.twsof the l nited State, the said pmmIs and merchandise beinfr Contraband of war, and praying process atfaiiiht said Ki'"!, and that the tame ma- be condt tuned and aold a articles contraband of w ar. Now, therefore, in pursuance of the monition tinder the aeal of aid Court, to me directed and delivered, I do hereby give public notice to all persons claiming taid good , or any p.irt there.T, or in any manner interested therein, tby be and appear tefnre the !aid District Court of the I'ni.ed States, to be held at the city of In dianapolis, in and fr the Oistrict of Indiana, on the 19th day of Ivcember next, at ten o'clock of the f-.n-noon of hat day, then and titer to interpose their claims, arid to m ike tiieir allegations in that behalf. D. C KOSK, U. S. Ma-sJud, Per Lkwis Jouka.x, ivputy. John II. Re a. Clerk. Date d Ieccmber 5, 161. cVcG-d!5t UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, DISTRICT 0V IN DIANA. SS: Whkkkas, A libel of information has been filed in the District Court of the United States, within and for the Seventh Circuit and District of Indiana, on the 20th day of November, 1HC1, by John Hann. Esq., Attorney for the United states for ai I Ditrict of Indian, azainst four mule, ized at Evansville for a violation of the liwa of the United States, the aid poods and merchandise bein? contraband of war, and praying procc.-a ajrain.-t s.iid gorsis, and that the aatne may be condemned and sold aa articles contraband of air. Now, therefore, in pursuance of the monition under the feal of aid Court, to me directed and delivered, I do hereby pive public notice to a!I pcr-ons cl usuinj said poods, or any part thereof, or In any manner interested therein, that they and apjiear before the aid, the trct Court of the United States, to be hid I at tlie city of Indianapolis, in and for the liistrict of Indiana, on the Orb day 'f leceniber n.t, at 10 o'cbx'k of the forenoon of that day, then nnd th-re to interp .se their cl.iitns and trake their allegations in that leh.lf. D. Ci. ROSE, U. S. Marshal, Per Lewis Jori., I vputy. Jon; II. Re a. Clerk. Dated November 21, lr,l. novC2-dl5l SPECTACLES, &C. ""..mM- rTo Officers of the Army. n INC. HAM ft IKIl'tiHTT, P--k Pnder and WLl7 ' . - P. m k M l!::if.u!urers, Sentit.,1 It i;!, I.vp, l.-n -s rx :, j u vnrci Pit wp w r:,,i..,.M...i. i'...V, t'ir- l Ä l Vjf ft Vw OUiiLS ft PALMER. K-t k r.iudera an! Ma:ik If-oV I JF Manufarfirers. N. .1, La-t asbintoti, er Alfonl, M;il ft Co' Oroier). may27 JUST RECEIVED A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF siamha: .i.m Dot in, i: sri liU-s and Qinetisware, N";-. s.l Eat Washington st ! " Ln iiJi.a;. lis, Indiana. dly I J'r (jcJf pot tubüitv juil power tllf V Mipersde ' " all otupp. .Mi:itrilA.T TAII.01I.H . For Mlehv SEMM0NS. Optician. ( iii , ;i. vss ami m i.i:.svAiti:. I I AWTIIOKN ft BUCHANAN, Importers of China, ' A INDIANAPOLIS, IND., THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 9, 18(52. NUMBER i5,518. MEDICAL. DU. niJU.MIA.ll Cure the mot OMtlnatr nnd Lonjf SUandlnj; Dlieatr hj REAL ESTATE ACENTS. t t n m n :-? '--f ' XsA r- i I1REDFRICK CtF.PPLR, Mervbant Tailor, and deVr in rea - made and furiiih:iig .h1. No. 21 et Wa-hmcton f n-et.opp.i-jie Senttnej ofTice. my29 j SPECTACLES, EYE GLASSES, &C,, ATT01tM:S. Of the preßtest transparent pofr, cf new im 1 pro en:Mit rrojrlv n!justel tu tl: m o. KI1.RY FFK.U'SON," Atrortiev and Cov.n,K.r at Law 0n,crs ,Vo:n, V " CÜUI'fr-V' 'itU l P.i ci-h f-r approved Judjrmer'.ta and tnrtff?vs'' '"''y ;ilte,',!e'1 ' a.s. w - f !.! loan, ntes. Ac. ort:cet Käst w.b-I Kepttirili' HO.itlv lne witii dispatch. ngentree..,!p..:,.rs, secon.1 d.-.or to tber.fc-hthtnd,.p. 1 ' ' SEM MÖNS. Optician. pos.tet.V:,., , ri,k. ; . Jä, S.utll ttil.oi ttTt't. IOSEPII F. M Is 'XaI.D ft ADDISON I.. RO.VCHE, Attorney a-id Co r at I-w. .Ftrta pisuMP.ce C.Mi- any Fia.ULt sec. -.1 ::..r. Pet nst v j: trret. J'1 " dly SALOONS. Astor Saloon, IJ.NNjILVANÜ stklkt. rt Door to tlir .Finn Untitling. fiiMh uNnFnsir.NLD imp orrn the a rove ; X , :.d.l Si'-.n. Lere hey ke. p constants- on ' r xrr' b-t ..'o. r I.!eUor, Ac Lurch eVcry ' .-,.i t t-.!s nVi.w-L ripe oVJ.srk. "is n-n FEY A KE1NMN. JOOK BINDERS. TOM C VMI r.PM . COMMISSION MERCHANTS. JOHNSON, General Commission Merchant. AM Dealer ill Flour, i rain, and nil kind of Country I'rodur; Vln- and l.lq mr, ClKr Tobacco, Ac, OFFICE AND W AnLUUl"lF, ZZ" 0UTH Si COM. ST . imi.Aiii:i.riiiA. Advnnrr made on Consignment. TONDERFCL RESULTS IN THIS CITY AND VI- V f CINITY. Miaa II sbour, diea of femals iy tern, with NeuraJjda, 21st physician in attendance; Mr. Brewster, Rror.cLial Consumption; Mra. Runnion, ilr. Spinn, Mra.Tod'l and otberi. complicated female di.eae, evral yeara tandieg Air. Brady, Hancock county, dm ea of the Llad 1er and kidneys, etc., etc. Ar yua af flicted? "A word to the wise. i bo-Tcteut." Peron desirou of knonin? more of Ir. Burnham and bU xki'l are referred to the following well known ritifen: I"Tof. a. K. H.e.hoor, lr. S. C. Fni.k; A. D. Streunt, Emj.; Rev. il. (J.Clark; Ja. C-Yohn.Efj., A. R. Hyde, Eq.; L. W. Mose; W. M. Wheat lev, Eo. Offke Yohr't Hlock, North Meridian street. Lettera will receive proiapt attention. Addr-na DR. N. G. RURN1IAU, fehl A Indianapolis Indiana Ayer's Sarsaparilla A cotnrMjtunl rcnioh', i!e.sinel to le the mot eilectail Alterative cm be mudc. It is a concMitr iCcl extract of P.ira S.irs.ip:iril!a, so rotiiLitietl with other substances of etill greater alterative power a to afford nu effective antidote fur tlie (li.-e:"ies;ip;trilla ieputcl to cure. It is believed tint suih a remedy is wanted by those who sutler from Strumous cotnphtints, and tliiit one which will acconl'lih their cure mu?t prove ofininitfisc service to this lareclass ofour afllicted fellow citizens. How completely this compound w ill do it hr9 been proven by exrcii ment on mnny of the worst cd;es to be found of the following complaints: Scrofula and ScROKt Loi .i Complaints, Erup tions AND EbPPTIVL Dl-KASLS, Ul.CLR-?, PlMTLIf , I?LfTCI!f:H, TfMORS, S.LT UlIKUM, SCALI HEAP, Syphilis and Sypihilitic Akff.ctions, Meu cluial Disease. Dropsy, Niibal(;ia oe Tic Doi LOt REAvx, Debility, DysrirsiA ani Indi gestion, Ekysifleas, ItosE or .St. Anthony's Fire, and indeed the whole d iss of complaints arising from Imi'IRity of the Hlood. This comjH)ui.d will be found a preit promoter of health, when taken in the spring, to expel the foul humors which tester in the blood at that sea son of the ye:ir. y the timely expul-in r.f them many rankling disorders are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of the remedy, spare themselves from tl.e endurance of foul eruptions nnd ulcerous sores, through which the system will strive to rid it.elf of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural channels of the body by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the sdiin in pimples, eruptions or sores; cleanse it w hen vou find it is obstructed and sluggish in the veins: cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is we 1; but with this pabulum of life disordered, there can be no lasting health. Sooner or later something must go wrong, and the great ma chinery of life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla has, and deserves, rauch the repu tation of accomplishing these ends. Hut the world has been eregiously deceived by prepara tions of it, partly because the drug ilonc has not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more be cause many preparations, pretending to be con centrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of S irsaparilla, or anything else. D'iring late years the public have been misled bv large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extractor Sarsaparilla fo. one dollar. Most of these ha e been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sarsaparilla, but often no curative properties whatever. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the various extractsof Sarsaparilla which Good the market, until the name itself is justly despised, and has become synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such a remedv as shall res cue the name from the load of obloquy which le.-ts upon it. And we think we have ground for belicung it has virtues w hich are irresistible by the ordinary run of the diseases it is intended to cure. In order to secure their complete eradica tion from the system, the remedy hhould be judiciously taken according to directions on the bottle. ) rRPrARED BY DR. .1. C. AYI2K fc CO. loavi:ll, 3i ass. Price i per IXoillr', Six Itotile for .". Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has won lor itself such a renown for the cure of every variety of Throat nnd Lung Complaints; that it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of in virtue, wherever it has been employed. As it ha? long been in constant u.-e throughout this t-ection, we need not do more than assure the pople iLs quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be re lied on to do for their relief all it has ever been found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR THE CtKE OF Costirtnets, Jaundice, Dypepia, Iitfli'jretion Dysentery. Foul Stomach, Erysipelas, Ihailnche, liie$, lVuumatm, Uruptmtts ami Skin l)t$ra(s. I,irer Oimplaiut, JJropty, Tttttr, Tumnrt and Salt Rh um, W'ormt, (int, Xenrnl;?ia. as a Din nr I'ill and fur purifying the Iilvod. They are su'ar coated, so that the most petisi live can Luke them pleasant!, and they are the bet aperient in the world for all the pursues of a family phytic. Trice 2." cents per Iox; Five Hoxes for $1.00 (treat numbers cf Clergymen, Physician. Statesmen J.r.d eminent personaces, have lent their names, to certify the unparalleled usefulness of tl.r-e remedie. but our pare here will rot permit the in-er'.:on of them. The Agents below named furnish gratis our Amumoan Almanac in which they are ixen; with also full docriptions cd' the alove complaints, and the treatment that hould be followed tur their cure. Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make more profit on. Demand Ayfr's, and take no others. The sick w ant the best aid there is for then, and they should have it. in:. J. ( . AY Pit A. CO., Loivrll, .Mufta. AM or.r remed;e.- are for n!e by RODERT ET.0WNINT.. In.iur.apo!. apr23-wlr ALLF.N A CO. C"nri:.nn. 4P Real Estate Agents, South-w-f t cvnir WajUiirrton an i 5!ridian ta.t INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. IjOK TRADE. We have several tracts vf Improved and urumroved lamia In Decatar and Ripley coun ties Indiana, for exchange U'T ejty property. Also, a well Improved and productive tract Iu Sullivan county, Jnd an, for eicbanpe f r city property or other good trade. A o, 115 ac e.40 under f-ijce, with fraro bcua-, Ac, 1,' miles frto Kect, Sft'ai county. Ind. FOH SA Lt. Several good lnipn?ed farms In Harlon couuty, Lidlara. AI, ome choice b'iilJiDjt lots In the N'r:b part of the ciiy, at very lw prices. Among tbem, the beautiful let t i. XV. Yarnles, corner of I'eimsvlvai.ia and Vermont tret.. KOIl KFTT. SeTeral pl room fronting on Wasb Intrt'.n treet. In atrond, third, and fourth stork-a in good buildint;', ad tri ptood locatioim. 8me of the rooms are In ihn B!ake CuilJiiijr rents very l-.w. The f'.unL story point root: ja very well cal culated for any light manu Tat turii:ft business Apply to M'ANN A I)VK, Kal Kstate A genta. RENOVATERS, Paris Dyc-Housc. The Oldest i;tal.iliiiieiit ftlHE UNDERSIGNED KEC MOST KESPFCTFULLT to inform tl.e citizens of Indianapolis and the sur rounding country, that he is to be found at Lis old stand. No. 19 South Meridian stre. t, a few doors aouth of the Tost Cilice. Thankful to the ladies and ejits for the U-eral Mtpport he has received f . r tLe last live year?, hoping for a con tinuance ff the same to inciease hi luvne.s., having more accommodations in his new premises, with the hrpe to pive satisfaction a h has always tried to do. Heins well experienced in all the tranches of his business, he feels confident that all work entrusted to bi care will be done by experienced workmen from Paris. Work done cheap and warranted. Ladies' satin and woolen dreses and hawU cleaned and dyed in all fancy ahades. Crape shawls dyed a beautiful searM orcriiHson. and bleached. Cier.t.s' soiled clothing cl-ai.ed, dyed, re paired and pressed, to look as well as nrw, on siii n tice. Gree, tar or paint taken out, without Injury to the cloth. Second-hand clothes bought and old. Country orders promptly attended to. N. 15. I"n't make a mistake; no connection with any other houe of the same kind or name In the city. octl8 6m E. HARRIS. TOSFril HARRIS WOULD RFSPPXTrTLLT AN N0UNCF. to Ids frknds that he may Kill be fuuud at his old Maud, No. 3S South Illinois stree'., Indianapolis, Indiana, whre he is prepared to renovate old clothing to look as well a new, at abort notice and on reasonable terms. Alo, particular attention paid to fine Drawing and Dyeinp. New and Second-hanl Clothing bought and old. F.illiard-taMe cloths fl ne drawn. J. R. Tbi is the old.'st establishment In the city, hav ing been established bince Order from the coun try promptly attended to. '60 dly AMERICAN CEMENT CLUE. So met hi n lor the Times. A NECESSITY INJVERY HOUSEHOLD! Johns &'CrosleyJs AMEUICAX CEMENT GLUE, THE STRONGEST ÜLUE IN THE WORLD For Cementing W ood Leather fla Ivor) ) Cfiitittf .TIurllef lnrrlnlii Alulaterf Itone, CoraIf Ac. THE ONLY ARTICLE OK THE KIND EVER PRODUCED WHICH WILL WITHSTAND WATER. liXTICACTS: "Every housekeeper should have a supply of Johns & Crosley'a American Cement filue." .V. 1. 7we. "It Is s convenient to have In the houe." ..c York "It Is always ready; this commends it to tverj'oody." V. I". 1'idejffuJi'nt. "We have trid it, and find it as useful in our houa as water." WtJJre't j irrt of the Time. Price 25 ct. per Rot tie. VERY LIBERAL REDUCTIONS TO WHOLESALE DEALERS. 11C B r M U tV. f 31 K . fvy- For sal.- by all tnip"P'ists and Store kreperb ccn erai:y throughout the country. JOII.VS X CRO.SLKV, (soi.r. m M'FacTT'r.Rs.) ? William MrrM, Corner of Ijberty street, N. Y. Julyi-dly 'öl TEA DEALERS. T E -A. S ! 300 FRfiSII ARRIVAL OF SITERIOR NEW CROP TEAS, 4 .l.o. Uyllaie HoiiH'f Illiunlt-M., INDIANA I'O LIS, IND. mW -mm M EC R ft . mW r.KS PEARL LEAVED GUN POWDER; 50 Chft Superior Imp-rial, !A " Yovntr Ilvson, new crop; 75 " P.Iack and Fancy Mack Teas. We are now prepm-dand will sll the be-t (naMtiea Te at wholesale and retail, loer 30 per w t. than any othr h-.isr in th. cur LUDDFN 1 EE derlO'GU-dly. MEDICAL .VOTE CK TO THE TMIES. D R. DAC1RRVS FEMALE MONTHLY PILLS. o article ox meiici:ie tor i-ij r the exclusive ue if l".-m sirs, that has JltSf ever made Ii apr-iri:ice, has met with .... such universal ?ucce as tLee fi .s ( e ebrnled 1111. MUSIC. FIAXOS! I1 1 A IV OS ! M. W. pYLF.S. ! - RAILROADS. CAMPBELL & DOYLES, tu.i..vr Campbell A Uro.) Book Bi nder s ti? m. ' a- . C CHEAPER AND BETTER IN- No disease is so little urdrrtcod. and consequently to badly treated, as Female d.seav t.. These Iil' are the re sult of much study and careful eipenruc" in all varieties ot f-rnale complaints; and in cats of Suppressions LeueLurrea r Whi'e inSaromt:n rf t'ae bladder, ki lney and wemb, and los f nervous encrjry, their u.-e Is bce all praise. CAUTION- -Married Ladirs, In certain:tutio. buld ret o.-e tbem. For rea:on, see dircc'jon with each box. Price. One per box. Stxt by ma;! to aypartof the w.rid. Prepared and sold cluively by DK. L WING, No.l Virspiia Aren-.e, apr-dAwly '1 lndiar.apolir.laliana. UNDERTAKERS. BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS. ! Ni. 37 F.AT WAMUNiJToX .x. ! oile Ft f;'M-i.ii'lIU-a, I' It !.,., ,.;: ' - 3 o.rN '.j I VI.L PFRN 1TKCHSIN T1CKTS FOR T. JOSEPH ai.d other pmt tn Northern Missouri, the State of Karisa., r the Terrttwr.e, shuld on luv it. luktts that real ly li e Mill I II .t SO I HI KAII.IKI 1v P..e onl ra.1 rute fn m Iri to S:. Jise; h. It the !.crte-t a'.d cu:i-ket I;::e, by thirteen fcour. to tie re motest p...i,t rea. h-d hy ra;I. aaJ I aJa? chejp . ar.y other. Puyj. ur TU ket t Kan-s.. an I all p ia Nthern iliv.KTthy th North Mi-s..i.n Ra Ir-'sd. l.W.VC II. Tl"UiKOX, Prrs'f arnl ien'l -pt. NTla Vis..uri K. R HK.NKY II. MMXJ'iNS. Ag' i.t . pti:-.llv i STKUMFNTS thxa were ev.r -f- ..T-r-1 in tl.i market. U ir.lrr:-JL 1 .i "-- J it I warrant them Co'g Jewelry otic rmjrenier.ti with Eastern Piano matiufaeturrra .re aurb that I can f'.irn;h atl order 55 per cer, cheaper than ar.y dealer m the West, it.i iu:n.T !nirunt fur eah. Cll and ee at Mesr- W H. f alSott A re. No. 24 Wa-hit.ton street. riAXO!. yEU)DE()NS,OR.;AN's. tiUITARS. VIOLINS. AlVOKDEONS, Ac, TUN ED AND REPAIRED. HavtLg bad over twenty yeara expenet the public fa te -sured that they tow Lave a Leiter c-pponui.tty tfcn they cer.-ra::y taeet with to Lave tbeir ir.s'racienf ' p it in perfect orter. H. SCHON ACKER. j ilyai.dly ! e . yr - s. ,M S r;; VTO. SOUTH MERIDIAN STREET. INDIANAP OLIS, ia prepare.! to furnish Jletalx Caw .r.d CseUof every nze, and ta len Fy the. Board f Co'iiity C'fnmii.nrr to furnh f.r the ""T. ro10-.1Aw tn ITTERS, '1 mm v.- sSOs,- USK THE Old SACHEM BITTERS IT IS THE FIXEST AND BEST spring :?-i;iiei:vE JX IST O 3 . IT IS AH I .M:(UtA I.I.I'D Purifier and Regulator of (he Blood is a nrlizhtntl Tonic Try it and it will do you Good. FOB sat.t: jbst ICI SC IIIIAI'IT X IIAO, And by Orocers, Wine Merchant and Dnujrist generally. W m. GOODRICH, New Haven, Ct., Proprietor. Principal Depot, U Water street, N. Y. dec.lO-'CO-dlwlv MEDICAL BOOKS, &C. GALEN'S HEAD DISPENSARY, en n f i:m:n. BT THE LFdlSLATURF. OF KENTUCKY FOR THE TREATMF.NT OF ALL THE DISEASES OF TUK URINARY AND GENITAL ORGANS. A Jlrclical Rt'port, TRICE ONLY TEN CENTS. G'tit'tininj 1'irtv Fin I'ltfr ata Vnjraeht'jtof Ihe Anatomy and frhy'uJjy of tht tJciml Organ in a täte cf "''A and lüteaite. ON A NEW METHOD OF treating Vetienal Dieaef, itiflu-di- k Sypliilis in all its Majres; Gonorrhea. (Jleet, Stricture, Varl CfKile, and Ilydrm"-le, Disease .f t!ie Kidney, Dladder Ac, with out mercury! containing a val uable treatise on that wide-epread malady of youth, Seminal Weak new, Nocturnal Emissions, Sexual Debility, linpotenry, Ac, the e-cn-t intirmities of youth and ma turity arising from the baneful habit of sflf-al'UM. T which ia added observations on Female Diseases, and other interestinjr tnat'rr f.f the ut most importance to the married an1 those contemplating marris?", who entertain doubts of their physical ab lity to enK-r that ptate. Snt to any adira in a Mealed wrap per, on receipt of ten cents or four stamp. We devote our entire time and attention to the treat ment of the variou.1 private diseases treated of iu our pri vate report. Our Dirx-uary ithe only Institution of the kind in America which ha been e tabfishwl by a ppe-cial charter, an 4 this f;ct should frive it a preference over the various quarks of doubtful character to be found in all arge cities. Important to Females! One department of our Dispensary if specially devoted i s the treatment of the Diseases of Female, Mich as Lu Ci.rrhea, or Whires," Irrejnilar, Painful and Suppressed Menstruation. Nervoua and General Debility, Dieaes of the. Wonib, lUm-imes-s, Ac. Con'-ultations and examinatlor free of charpe. Also, for sale. DK.DEWEES'.s REGULATOR PILLS for Female Obstrmtions, Irreicularitiea Ac. Married la dies in certain situations hou!d nut us them, as they would caus.' micarTia:c. Wice fl per box and may be pent bv nail. DIL GALEN'S PREVENTIVE An invaluath- article for those wif-hing to limit the iiumher of their offspring, or the barren who desiro children: warranted not to injure the health, and will last f r a lifetime, ent to any address under seal, on receipt of the pnee TWO DOLLARS. PATIENT'S AT A DISTANCE By sending a brief stac mei.t of their fymptom, will receive a Blank ("hurt cetita:n a li-t of questions, our t rins f-r the curse of treatment Ac. Medicine sent to any of the country to cure any Ci-- at liume, free from danscr or curiosity. All traii'-actiuiis private ud couhdemial. Uemeinbei the tiane and inimU-r. Direct all Setters to GALEN'S HEAD DISPENSARY, OCtl.VdAw l,niltVtll Kv. BOOTS AND SHOES. Lnri'cr tlie Ituitif Lower I lie Cost. JOHN KI X5 ETERS, llootniid Shot .Unnufnctiircrf 3 Weet Founh street Cincitnati. THAVE JUST OPENED MY SPRING STOCK, WHICH comprises the newest and choicest styles of Men', B'.y'j. Youths' and Children's wear, and having rraMy increased my facilities f.r maaufacturrg, I am enabled to offer great inducements to csh buyers. I have marked ny icccdowii to a ry figure, oi;!y i::(r a -mall prof 1 My mo'to is larse sales an.! small profits. Under standing the i:w"-i!y of keejiinir up with tlie times, I will use every endeavor to atisfv my customer! in every re-p-ct. apri; dly'l JOHN 11. DETERS. EXPRESS COMPANIES. American Express Company, ASP THE UNITED STATES EXPRESS COMPANY. OFFICE ON THE CORNER t) WASHINGTON AND Meridian streets. Indianapolis. Three daily Expresse to New Y"rk: Two dnily to Cit'cinati, and Two Expresses to Chicago and St.Loui; The above Cotnp-mie. are th only privileged Eipreson the follow :ntf roads, viz: INDIANA CENTRA 1 LAKAUnt A CLMC.Vr.O: INIi:AN.MtI.lS A PERU; TERRE HAUTE A RICHMOND: BELLFFON TAINE Jc INDIANAPOLIS. Money, parkres( valuable and freitrht carried wtth safety and dispatch, and In charge if jeal and efüciert me.serjf'.r. Ntes, Bills a lid Draft v ill be promptly col'.'.-cted and reaJy return made. J. BUTTERHELD, A?nt. ALE. CLARK'S TIPPECANOE, OHIO, a.y sTm .m;. JAC0BPRF.T7.:NGFR,2.-Eat Washintrion t., Ager.t for ln.iiaiupoli. PURE FAMILY ViNFGAR, PURE CI I 'ER VINEGAR, PI" RE WTXE VINEGAR. PUKE EM INDIA BITTERS, PURE RYE ANDImjUKBON WHISKY, ie. By JAC B PRE! LINGER. East Washington rt., no-I5.Tl Os'eraiaye'' Bu.ldiLC. WANTED. - J AN TED CITY ORDERS At the bifbe-i tnarkrt r'eby WM. T. WILET, octl2-d3m Nowl' E. Wahint:?on rreet. Ur ANTED COUNTY ORDERS At the hirht mar ket rt, by WJl. T. WILEY. No. 10.' , E. Washington Leet. FOR RENT. I "VIR LENT. A lare, desirable r"m, uital'e f jr 1 lavrer'.or Ileal Ksti'e o5k. cn tl e .cid fi xx of Odd Fellow j Hail. pptt City- Treasurer'. offMre. In mre' f F. rhurc!;niu, at Hetcüer'a Unk, or of E. H. lrry in said lu:l l;r. JjnT-dt STOLEN. fARE sjTX'LrN. A S.rrel Mare, I, hand high, a ifl cunll ur in her fjtefcead, a nick out cf the nfc-ht ear, r M yra- old, a Cia.l collar mark, a c.od trt'ttr, was Molen 'rum the mhscril Tin CrawforJsvjJ'.e, lud'act, on Thursday. Ja ury ?. A reward of t2S will 1-e paid f the return of the mr, or fr IbfunuaUo that will lea l to Ler recovery. Ad Ires the 0iidrMid at Craw!le. Lid:ana. JlMFS B. SClTT. Ji7-'lw DAILY SENTINEL INDIANAPOLIS RAILROAD TIME TABLE. Train Arri. .Xaii iiSP.U. A.M. iixiroytiix. aa.iut0A Traina Leave 7:: A. M 8-isr.x iumj t. ja. IkMajia caaTAL kxilwat. TraloaLeare. Train. Artse. 6.Ü A. M.. 40 P. M. 11:44 P. M Mall tt5 P M. 7:1S P. M I(r40 A. M. ixt lAxaroLn ajp ctH-iwan ittiiT uc, via arrtts. Train Leave. Traiui Arrive. 6s IS A. M. - &4d I'. 34. ll:4i A. M J5 P. M. 7:1S P. M 10:40 A. M. I!niaaarru8 AkO cortxaari aaiLBoan. Train. Leave. Traina A rriv 5 ox) A.M H OC A. M. Y2i A. M M5 P. V. 7:ia P. II 45 P. M. TCVaa KilTt KAilAOAP. TrajnLeave. TraTn Arrive. 1 1 1 & A. M.m , fo A. M. 510 P.M 11:33 A.M. 10:15 P. M 7A0 P. X. t-ararrrre KAn. u. Train Leave. Tram Arrive. 7 15 A.M 4 45 A.M. 11:13 A.M 10:10 A.M. MP.M tlx! P.M. rxv aaDtirTHArAruutLkiuiOAi. Trit ' l . w . . Tra!ra Arie 1 I . m iiail ll:.f0Ä.Ji. Iftlrt P. M Clieao Expre. 3:17 P. M. MADISON AI IXMAHarOIJaKAJUtOAl. Trains Leave. Train Arrive 7:(K) A. M Mail ltr 45 a. M 12 M P. M 5 ü P. M. ;irrrw!i'.vn ui aaiiaoai. Train?. Ixave. Trains Arrie Sc A I M Aal i.(H) A M 8:50 P. M 8 20 P. M. Arrival nnd Iiartnr, or Closing of MitiU. AkklVAU. Madihonmail Cincinnati and way tnil ...... .. Jeffersonville and Louisville.. .... . Term Haute way mail Peru majl. Central way mail Terre Haute through mail... Lafayette and Chicago .... Rellef.M.taint' way mil B 11. foiitaine through mail Central through mail Cincinnui ithrouch uiail. . . . pnngiield,lRluoU.. ..11:C5 ..11 (K) .. ?:1U ..lino .110 ..1040 ..10:1.i .. 6.10 ,. K00 .. 00 .. Jf5 ..10 00 r. ..11 V0 A. pr.rARTl KES. JLf.rtVa CVe. Jeffeionville and iouisville mail 600 a.m. Terre Haute through mail, M. Louis, Cairo.... 7.30 r. m. Lafayette andClitcaRo 1C:!0 a. m. Lafayette City and Springfield, Illinois r. m. Madison mall 11:20 a.m. Central way mail 10 W a. m. Central through mail and Washinfrton City. . . . 6:.'0 r. m. Cincinnati and way mail 10.30 a. m. Through mail C .' O r. m. Terre Haute way, Evamville and Vinct-nne.... 1:10 f. m. Peru 12(H) m. Rellefotitafiie wav atl through I.'M r. m. Iiilopry 011 Meplien A Oouirlnw by Hon Joseph A Wrlchl Drlivrrcd In the Ilotiitc of ICcprt'fccnlallve, InIn ctinnnpoli, Intliunnt on llir 8II1 of January, I (- Fkllow-Cituens: It has been mM tint no man lilc !loul'I t.c written tJutinp: lli.sLr upin earth. The reasons for this opinion neeJ not l stiteil. They apply to another proposition, vari ously entertained, whether thebiopraphy of h nrn hould be written during the feneration in which he lives. If thus wi itjen.we h ive ail the patsions and prejudices of enemies to mijude his deed, mid the love ami warmth of affection to palliate and excuse them. Biographies and historiei are only valuable as they are true; and truth, it is claimed, will he huppreed when either friendship or animoeity guide? the pen. Another reason lor waiting is, that the practical results of the principle avow ed by the gul.ject, can only be develjpel by time; and yet an answer to this U found iu the fact that, if the remits are favorable, praie follow? if un favorable condemnation. iSo prone is this world to jude of an act by its results. On theothei hand, if history is written cotemporaneous with tho?e making it, there is no time to f-ee the de velopments of the principles enunciated, and to judge them by their practical workings. The principles may work well or ill, for a time, and will be approved or condemned accordingly; whereas time, the great arbiter, only can demon strate, ultimately, their correctness or incorrect ness. The people of every nation naturally deire to study the character of their public men, and to form an intimate acquaintance with the hintory, acts, and the deeds of all persons who have ri-en to distinction in any of the walk? of life. This desire manifests itself more ftrongly among us, as a j.op!e, than among the people of any other nation; nnd it is one of the legitimate fruits of our free institutions. The individuality principle may justly be called the distinguishing character isticsot the age, and, of all the histories of iu dividual, those are the most interesting til in structive, which exhibit men nuking their way through society, from the humblest walks of lite to the highest points of distinction those which make us acquainted with the lives of men who. by perseverance, real, energy and industry, have made themselves known an i- felt in their day and generation. The world is always improved by every triumph of the hum in intellect, and e-pr-cially, by the examples of men who, by self culture, moral worth, and energy, hive overcome the great est obstacles breaking thiough all the barriers of wedth and herelitary honors in their path and forcing their wav up to positions of eminence and usefulness. Yhe hi-tory of tlie lives of such men excites the young and ardent mind to the improt ement of its highest nnd mo-t valuable faculties, and gives society er-rtidencein human resources and progress. Noble eximple like the-e are the ordernd instruu-eiitalities by which the character of the world is improved. The career of no man Eords a mote appropriate and beautiful illustration of the fostering ten lcu cy of our democratic institutions, than is to be found in the life and character of him whose memory we hive, this evening, met to honor. "He hit's solved, in his own hi-tory, the problem of celf-government." For several year, the great principles of poj.u I-ir sovereignty, us applied to the Territories, in C'tt neciion with the repeal of wh it was called the Missouri compromise, engrossel the earnest and fiithiu! attention cf ien:itor Douglas. His. u bot s in maintaining and expounding the-e pritiei pies may be regarded as among the marked events of his laborious life; and time, the great arbiter, has already settled these inciples ipon an en during basii, which will per;etiiile tnc memory of the? wisdom and the patriotism ot their eminent expounder. The public mind is most wisely undergoing a great change upn thee subjects. It ia now man ifest tint the removal -f the restriction was abso lutely necessary fjr the free exercise of Territo rial legislation on a'jfjct.s of domestic policy, in clud:ug Atrican slavery. Men are now fully com ptehending and realizing tlie truths proclaimed by Judge Douglas in his unanswerable and prophet ic speech ot" March 3, IN 4. Subsequent event have tended to demonstrate that the compromise m eures of 1 in their jut interrretaLon, re pealed, in spirit and fu'tance, the ML'Souri com promise line. The almost uuinimous rote of the 8outh for the extension of this" line, h 1 ?43 and 150, V) the Pacific, with tlie violent opposition it met with in the North, bringing about its defeat in correction with the ruisre;.rcentition and io lence with which these subjects were discus, produced a condition ol popthr feeling which culminate! in the election of 1 660 bringing in to the national Congress a lr:e majority of Northern 5ecticral men. Yel the prompt, prac tical application, even by thi Cougres, of the doctrine which Mr. Douglat proclaimed, war rants us iu aatintr that he lived to ee the. greit principles which he bad ao l jng AjrovatCAl. fiually adopt e-i by his country. Hi tptech of 11 was prophetic proving the truth of the eutimeut Gre:l men are, in a certain ?en.-e, irohtu. T'-ey prcceiJe tlieir ag to illume its rth." It was; my fortune to enter u punter tn of personal aciju lii.Uncc with Stephen A. Douglas at ihcconi tnencement of the f.rst tension of the Jrth Con ress, and to er.jov Lis friend-shi: from tliat tiui uatil hi fe-itli. Well do I reroetnUr his first ef fort iu tl.e House of Representatives, on the sub ject of refunding to G-neral Jack son tlie fine a eessed against hia, br Ju.lge Hall, at New Or leans. That Tenerable man. Johu Quiucy Ad- m, ut in his Mrat, his look and motion al- . i waya indicatir of the ever.u of th pwirf hour. In the n'd-t of the ai L-rs, tl.e e l i mm t. Ctei.i n aeea Uraishi eyrs w ill !eJy at.d Lit 1 aUnUon -w ttthing every action, an 1 listening to Tcry yrl cf the four cetera tr ator atd exc!aia:C, aa l!r. "bocglaa took LU aeat, "That younj ran wiU U fe.t la thU ta It will be reraeuiSerwd that th j. tsa trat imL in CorgTsn, wi fovzi among the pa pert cf Gtscral Jac'aw-a. w'.Ui an biareer.t. In U own hand writing, la thes tnerooraU'e worda: "ThU rprech constitute cit defense. I Jj it aslie ai an ishchU&: for iny crxut chiMren. The treat atrergth of Mr. iLuUa cnvate-J in hia keen, nice and intu.tiTe prrteption cf the leading cardinal rricciplew ur.drrlyiig our whole ay stem of poTerxmer.t. No man waamorw fa miliär with our colorful Litnry. Iii ill male and thorough knoalede of the h.tcry and ftructure tf the tot oigu.ii4tion of ocr fatlerrs, up to the aduptiou of our Constitution, euublr-l him to L-are clearly our wLo! Territoh,! jjollcy. Ieriving his principles frvci U;a eource, aol casting a;Je all adTcntilioua circumtai:cea and preculating achemes. he tock into Lis very being the essential t!emet.ta govertir.g our institutiocs. With Liai, true pstriotisra, or lote of couttrr, was the result of an Intelligent cont it tiou of tie ability and capacity of U.e itoteniuent to ct.n tribute the most certainly and eiSc.'eatly to the well being and ecurily ol its citie:. K!u ir g and connecting ith this a keeu. lull, and ecthu siastic appreciation of the beauty ot ita tnatit., and their adaptednc.v to the more Jtfert development of rnan'a menul, moral and poiiti cal nature. A met love of country, which ii the rrsuU alone of a judgment convinced that it is well conceited and well uited to cueet the want of iu citizens, mar be tafe enough, but is teier ef fective: and, wliile resting on this basis alone, is not apt to develop ieif by positive acta an l tne.uuiea. If, however, you add to this a warm and effective zeal I r the welfare of the country fouudtnl upon the spirit of th'.se ho laid its iaundationa -a jeiuu jiJ fMionate f.n.trs for its fame, its growth, its inl.tutio:i. it 1 , the Cjnstitutii n, and the permancy of tlie Union, you, have a patriotism which is warm and not cold: Hit i nt and net indifferent; l.opciul ik1 ?;ot de.-pnding; and ready at all timet to delex d the country from foes within ani without. How striking aie the contract which ate forced utn our niindi in the ptoence t-f d.lfeient n.en! Oiten we Hud fome in tlie highest fitit.s, at times I ke the present, when the hole elements are convul-ed, and Mciety is upheaving, and as you enter their presence, mingle iu their conver sation, he.r tht.r vie?, and closely examine their bearing, vou are im;ccs.-ed with their entire indifTetenve t.j the stirring events of the lay, and on leaving the'r pre-ence, you ;ire temptri to ex cl iim " i men act s if tlure were n.e Ihs fighting r jUarreling in the street." II" diiVerent ui-ui leaving the pjestnte of JuJge D iuf;las! Sinceiity an I de;4h of feeling ra ttkel all his actions, conver-sitioni, and atguuieots. You had before you a man whose words, look, manner, powers ol reasoning and argument, im pressed you, not only with the of the man, but the purity of his motives; ani you tell his rroeuce exclaiming "I want time to think. This man comprehends, and duly apprec iates, the condition of things around ns." He seldom iudulged in anecdotes or ap;ea!ed to the passiuiis of his audience. His ntcuces were sententious, und forcibly expressed re routed Ic than those of any public speaker of hiH age; and, iu his ttvle, he was the most origi n il nun, in the ue ol language, time the day a of Daniel W cbtr. As a akerhc wasctncise rather than diffuse using illuraticus lutuial a lile itself. His e.irnesti:w, eye.countenaiKe, at titule ami manner, convincing all that he under stood, believed and felt what he nil. It was thought which moved his auditory ; not his words. His great joers of rea jh were more apparent in a controvcrfial debate than in a :ct ;cx'h;atd iu ofl passages at arms, he was particularly distinguished, and ttood without a riral. He was a man of action, energy, resources, with a commanding intellect, of original impiessions, exhibiting tu every portion in w hich he w as placed, abilities of the highest order, and moet uriking qualities. He sj.-esed, in an eminent degree, tlie qualities ol decision and brrm.c.s; but, aljve all, he was blest-ed with an xndtvntable viil an iron nrrreaa unbendiug integrity, whi:h ad versity could not move, nor mirlortune conquer. His public lile ia full ol instances of courage ous action and fearless independence. Having investigate! a suljet, and foinied bis opinion, Le had the will to carry it out, ia Heady defiance of all opposition. Arraigned by an Ad mini tra lion coming into power in the full tide of prosperity charged with a want of fealty to his party tur rounded by a host of hostile officeholders, ex claiming He has gone over to the 1'epublicans; he is a traitor! alJurr! an Arnold !" decrted by false men whom he had nursed into political distinction and high public Station aasaile by the Parthian arrows of a host of enemies de prived of the confidence and sympathy of the powerful political arty with whom, ujH.n a sin gle question only, he agreed daily receiving the anathemas ot a subsidized and corrupt j rela xet, threatened, maligned, dcseited, betrayed, alone, he "Kpun.ed I'xecutive mnes, when those smiles were invitations to crime; and with riant atTn he struck to tlie diut the s-aves who ?ought to hind him with chains of Executive des(stim. St.mding almost alone iu the Senate House, he met the storm, and tiistained the hM k unmovei; and never laid down hii arms until tl.e foul mon ster, Locompton, Ijy dead and prostrate beneath his feet." A charnctori'-ti? compliment was pai l to Lim, alKjut the time of the contest for the office of Speaker on the opening of Congress, in Decem ber, 1-39. It seems that a well known editor had commented, with some severity, on the course of a distinguished member of Congress, and charged him with making speeches, (some of which were to defend himself iron the accu sation of ciixulattn the llcljcr Hook, 1 instead of proceeding with tlie buiiusa of electing a Sjakcr. Tho M. C. retorted upon the editor, and, among other things, intimated that I.e. Lad connived at tlie election of Judge Douplaa to the Scnato, from Illinois in l5S. To tLis charge, the editor replied, in substance: " I never agreed wi:h Mr. I)!as npon anj oce subject but Ixromnton. Hat, he has one thing a!mt him, which I wish yon, and manv more of the Republican partvt Lad. I call it i'lmL, If he Lad tnij that Torn Tainc's Age of Ilcascn was a purer and Kttcr dotnratnt than tlie Ser mon of the Saviour on Lhe Mount, he would ncrei have risen in his place to apologia for it; but said make the most of it." Public opinion La condemned the practice cf candidates for the llrst cöicc in tl.e Union en gaging in political discussions. Hut this prac tice is certainly as commendable as the coWom of writing letters to yarious portions of tl.e couttry, or as a refusal to answer new and im portant quetion touching tlu; national integrity and subiliiy. Who docs not admire the inde pendence and firraneM of tl.e man who, when Le w as a-Led, under a Virginia sun, on the eve cf the contest of l!rG. what Lis course would Le, if Mr. Lincoln was elected, and a Southern State should secede! prorantly replied "I pr for the cnoncuicnt of the laws of the Union. Who ever is President is bound by Us oath to carry the Laws into faithful execution; and it is the duty of every law-abiding man I care not what may be hi -litis to aid in tlie execution of the law." Noble and patriotic sentiment! For tunate it would Lave liti-n for the country, if an other aspirant could have bnn prevailed u;ju to give the ame rvsone to a similar inquiry. Them-st n-mai table features in Lis public ad dreM apjear in the practical views, Lhe statis tical facts, and tl.e LLtorical information which they embody. If yon Lcard Lim ad .Ire a tlie tliou'andi of Fanners, at the State Fair at Jioci;etcr, New York, or the young rvn of tlie cocntrv, at tlie Lyceum, or the masses of Li fcl low-ciize n at the hnstinz, or the once digtär.ed 8?naie- Ie the subject what it might practical views, an 1 not theories, formed the leading foints in his discourse. He was not a man of theories. It gave him pleaure to deal with facts. His pub lic ai jresses will raike, at lcat, fifem rolumts. The future student of our history and times, w ill consult them with tl.e same anlitr as the joli tician of his dar; and te will find th aebject w as ehantM In the hands of this master. In his private intercourse urbanity ani kirnl rtes marked all Lis actions; and much of Lis succe is attributable to bis pleasant raarin'rs and ad Jit sa. Ani-ltt tie beat and ardor cf tie bate, assailed by the most reck!- and narrwrtu loas men of the day, led on sometimes by a pow. crful and united opi-ition, at others bv tLe fall weight of an Administration jut placed in pow. er and distributing its favors lavuhly wiih tl.e view of crashing Liiu down yet. Low seldom w as Le led to the utterance of unkind personali ties. Those of ui Tvho LaTe enjoyed much cf his personal society, can call to mind Lis uniform courtesy when speaking of those who made Lira, alraoit" constantly, the objict of their tror.! attacks. As you Irani over tbf lovely plain and prairies of hi own Illinois, and hear th